#i hate being fooled or naive or whatever
gifti3 · 9 months
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Thinking about my failed cringe attempts at trying to "date"
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comradekatara · 2 months
If you're still doing the ship opinions, could you do jet/katara?
I think they’ve grown on me bc when I was a kid I was just like “katara can do so much better 😤” (and that’s true!) but I also think what he means to katara (whether or not he truly lives up to her image of him in her mind) is really interesting. like something that I think is really crucial to understand about their relationship is the fact that the reason she feels betrayed by him isn’t because he’s “a bad revolutionary” but because he treated her like a naive child and lied to her face about his methods, manipulated her into trusting him by exploiting her tendency to dismiss sokka, tried to kill her brother (which is something she immediately understands judging by the way her eyes well with tears as she asks “where’s sokka”), and played her for a fool. “I trusted you, you’re sick and I trusted you.” yes she takes issue with his methods, but she mostly hates that she trusted someone who didn’t deserve it and didn’t truly respect her.
she hates putting her faith in someone and being taken advantage of, especially because it’s one of the points that sokka is especially condescending towards her about, and she always wants to be proven right in their arguments (which is natural, who doesn’t), so the fact that sokka is usually right when it comes to reading people is particularly infuriating. and it’s especially egregious in this circumstance, because katara’s trust in jet over sokka is what directly led to jet killing sokka (or at least, the attempt to). in her pursuit of winning the lifelong argument against her brother, she nearly got her brother killed. so jet is interesting insofar as he informs katara and sokka’s dynamic, and also as he reflects a major part of katara’s psychology as someone who genuinely wants to form connections with others over shared trauma, which is an incredibly noble and beautiful tendency of hers.
I think the way he sweeps her off her feet (literally) is kind of adorable, not because he’s a likable love interest (imo), but because her reaction is nonetheless very cute. the ugly ass hat she makes him after they kissed (offscreen, but canonically) is soo precious to me I think about that all the time (and the fact that aang is also the one who ends up wearing it…. my heart). and her reaction when they reunite later is fascinating, because even though it’s in such a different context and jet is literally brainwashed, katara acts like a scorned lover while sokka (number one jet hater in the world) approaches the situation in a more detached and logical way. it’s clear that her feelings for jet were incredibly strong, and the terror and guilt she felt over nearly letting sokka die at his hands has stayed with her and impacted in a very profound way, whereas sokka never actually felt like he jet had his life in his hands because he always knew that jet was a con artist who doesn’t really pose a threat to him.
but katara actually held a lot of respect for him, and he betrayed that trust and shattered her admiration irreparably. and then, of course, he nearly redeems himself, helps her in a major way, and dies in her arms. she cannot save him, and suddenly whatever could have been is gone not because he failed her, but because she failed him. and it’s subtle, and hardly mentioned, but I do think the trauma of that, in both instances, really informs katara’s perspective in many key ways, if not consciously, then subconsciously. it informs how she reacts to aang’s death only a few weeks later, and it informs her anger at zuko when he betrays her. jet is a key player in katara’s life and how she approaches her relationships going forward, and for that, he cannot be discounted.
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5ungchan · 5 months
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He drank you up like it was the only thing he'd ever known. Having never seen any of your insecurities. Shotaro basked in your presence, admiring everything from the surface. It was superficial. Of course, he'd fallen in love with a facade ⏤ a mirage. A woman that refused to let on more than she should. He couldn't see her insecurities because she'd projected them onto him. Making him feel as though, he was the one that needed to change ⏤ not her. She wanted to be loved, and so she used him to feel important: to feel validated. Forcing him to mould his very mind, body and soul to her standards.
Regardless, he couldn't say no. In fact, he straight up refused to acknowledge the fact you'd contorted him so well. Meshing his mind like it was clay; pulling and twisting, making sure you'd dug your fingers into him. Manipulating his mind into believing that he couldn't live without you. Whatever he thought, you had a say in it. Being the judge of his actions, controlling the bits and pieces of his life. It was all easier said than done. But it felt as though, he was bound to fall apart at the seams. He lacked what you wanted in total. He couldn't always deliver. And when that occurred, you pushed him away. Disregarding everything he'd done for you.
His best friend Sungchan couldn't wrap his head around what Shotaro saw in you. Beauty? Sure, but that was quickly shrouded by just how nasty your personality was. The tall, overly sociable giant got along with everyone, everyone but you. It meant a lot if he didn't like you. He knew you were two-faced, with an ulterior plan behind every move. Every time you'd pushed Shotaro away, Sungchan was there to help his best friend. Although, it hurt him watching his best friend scurry back to you. He was hoping that tonight, this horrid cycle would end for good.
"Gullible, naive...or are you just flat out refusing to acknowledge the truth?" Asks Sungchan.
Annoyed, he leans against the marble kitchen counter, bottle of soju in hand. Staring down at Shotaro like he was a mother scolding his child.
"She's serious about me!" Protests Shotaro, "...Really, she wants to get back together."
Rolling his eyes, Sungchan can't help but drink his frustrations down. A conversation repeated once too many times. He hated you, hated how you stole his best friend from him. Stepping all over his dignity, Shotaro was no longer capable of making a choice for himself. The bitter words ⏤ insults, that he associated with you get stuffed back down his throat. Chugging his soju, he slams the empty bottle back onto the counter.
"You deserve better."
"She's the only one I want. I think you two just...got off on the wrong foot?" Shotaro tries to offer an excuse, protecting your name despite the fact, you'd never do the same. Sighing, he finds it impossible to make Sungchan see eye-to-eye with him about you.
"Like I said: Gullible, naive ⏤ you're honestly stupid as fuck. You know she's bad for you! Said it before yourself, but you're stubborn. Refusing to accept the truth and settling for something so wrong, since you've never known anything right."
A scowl flashes onto Shotaro's face and his chest pangs, "The fuck are you on about? Who do you think you are? Running your mouth about what's good for me?"
"I'm your best friend Shotaro. Been through hell with you ⏤ had your back every time she had you running back."
"Then be happy for me."
Rolling his eyes, Sungchan can't believe the words that are fluttering past Shotaro's mouth. It was all nonsense, it wasn't like him. Not like the Shotaro he grew up with and knew. Arguing was pointless at this rate. Either he learned through his own boundaries, or fell hard on his face from you kicking him out.
"She'll be here tonight. Prove me wrong then. Show me you can stand up for yourself. That you know better than I do."
It's almost as though the walls have ears. A third eye lingering from somewhere in between the drywall and framework. It has a chill running down Sungchan's spine when he notices his words have an effect. Most people would say that the cat dragged someone in after being gossiped about, but in this case: you are the feline.
Strutting into the room with your shoulders held back, chin pointed slightly upwards. You didn't look at the ground, no, you looked straight ahead. People moved aside at the sight of you and it had an effect. From Sungchan's perspective it's almost as if the room had dimmed down. Everything was much darker than before. Were there always this many people in the room? It almost felt claustrophobic as he watches you scan the room, making your dramatic greetings. A cluster of 'hi's' and 'hello's' mixed in with hugs and waves, to the party-goers you knew. Somehow, you knew everyone. But nobody knew you like he did.
Contrary to his negative emotions, Shotaro is a complete different story. The cold soju bottle squeaks, growing tight within his grasps. The condensation running down the label and into his sweaty palms. He's frozen in awe ⏤ like always. His sugar brown eyes widen, lips falling apart before he subconsciously begins to chew on his bottom lip. You always managed to light up the room. Friendly to everyone, you practically glimmered underneath the lights. The chatter and loud house music falls silent. The world is muted, on pause as the room freezes in time. With admiration, he watches as you turn on the spot, stopping when you spot him from the living room.
A soft smile spreads onto Shotaro's face as he practically beams with happiness. Waving in your direction as you meet his gaze with a blank stare. Monotonous, unbothered ⏤ it felt like you weren't even looking back at him, but at the wall behind. Your eyes dart towards Sungchan who glares in return, rolling his eyes as he slowly raises the middle finger. The fool and his companion you think. Typical.
Shotaro feels his heart drop down to his stomach. It feels so empty inside the cavity of his chest that he can't help but feel cold. Maybe you didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone? As if anyone was looking. Everyone was getting to the point of being too drunk. However, he's sure you have your reasons. Perhaps, you wanted to keep things on the down low until things were official.
“See? She doesn't want you. Not like how you want her," Whispers Sungchan. Having leaned in close, he places a hand on Shotaro's shoulder making a futile attempt at consolidating him. "You can do so much better. She's not the only girl in this crowd ⏤ Ningning! Over by the window. She's cute, go chat her up!"
Shrugging Sungchan's hand off, he pushes his half full drink into his hands.
"You go chat up Ningning."
Shotaro immediately walks off, abruptly leaving his best friend in the dust. The sourness from their conversation making him feel somewhat motivated to prove Sungchan wrong. Staggering in your direction, the happiness practically beams from his face.
Awkwardly standing behind you, he pokes at your lower back, "Let's talk please?"
Once he's got your attention, he presses his palm flat against your back. Sliding it over to rest atop your hip, wrapping his arm around you.
"⏤So talk."
"Can we go somewhere more private?"
Pausing, you take a deep breath. Truthfully, you didn't even know if you were serious about getting back with him. What was the point of going somewhere private? Regardless, you didn't want to cause a scene. Shaking his grasps off you and silently departing from the living room.
Shotaro meekly follows you through the hallway, each of his footsteps feeling heavier than the last. He feels as though he's walking towards his death sentence, the unease fills his body as he tries to maintain his composure. He wanted to talk, so he'd talk. You didn't even need to look behind yourself, you knew he was following you.
Stepping inside an empty room, you plop yourself onto the bed. The sound of the frame creaks as you cross your legs and impatiently wait for Shotaro to begin.
"Make it quick will you? I don't want anyone wondering where I am," you say.
Shotaro pauses. Shuffling his feet against the floor, he treads carefully with his next words. He doesn't want you storming out of the room, nor does he want you to leave this room without him by your side.
"What's been on your mind lately?" He questions. Sitting next to you on the bed, he can't help but feel hurt. You don't make eye contact, opting to keep your eye on the door. Was Sungchan panning out to be right after all? Shaking his head, he doesn't want to lose hope, not yet.
"What's it you want to hear?" You prefer to give him a vague response.
"I want you to look at me," he begins, slowly placing his palm on your shoulder and nudging you, "Like how you used to."
Sighing, you turn your head to face him. Meeting his gaze, those soft brown eyes of his practically twinkle with some sort of anticipation and hope. A soft smile stretches onto his face when you follow his request. But it falters just as quickly, unlike him, you don't smile back. You hardly did anymore.
"You used to have all the love in the world for me...where'd it all go?" Shotaro can't help but whisper those words to you. Scared of the truth, terrified of how you'd react to him for asking such a thing.
"You're kidding. What makes you think I had all the love in the world...for you?" Scoffing, you can't help but let out a dry laugh at how ridiculous he sounds.
Tilting your head to the side, you lean back and stare at him coyly, "Actions speak louder than words 'Taro. Don't just sit there mumbling about this and that."
Placing your hand atop his thigh, you gently slide your hand up and down the expanse of the area, "Show me what you mean, and I'll respond accordingly."
As expected, you're met with silence on his end. He's flustered. Evident in the way his cheeks are dusted with a subtle pink.
"Sho’," you begin as you continue to lean back. Moving just until you fall against the pillows with a soft 'thump'. Bending your knees, you split them apart slowly. Allowing your skirt to pool upwards, slyly flashing your unclothed cunt. The missing article of clothing that was in question was currently stuffed into the glovebox of your car. You'd planned this.
"...'Taro. Won't you come and find out what I mean?"
Jutting out your bottom lip, you pout at him as if you were some innocent girl. He's oblivious to discern the fact that you'd just refused to look at him earlier, and now? You had all of your attention focused on him.
Feeling content with yourself when you see him stand up to crawl towards you. His knees buckle with a certain mixture of excitement and nervousness.
"You know, you've always been my favourite dancer, my favourite boy. Always so fluid, so expressive. Willing to comply whenever, wherever."
"I just want to do well for you," he sighs. He’d always tried to have your best interests at heart.
Dragging your index finger against the slit of your folds, and coating the tip in your slick, wetness before bringing it up to your lips; tasting yourself. Swirling your tongue around, before withdrawing it from your mouth with a gentle 'pop', "Mmm. Sweet, always so sweet."
He's already ensnared. Silently accepting your offer with a soft smile plastered on his face. Innocent looking, but truly the opposite when it came to you. Shotaro rests at your legs, wrapping an arm around either of your thighs. His palms gently holding onto the skin.
Leaning inwards, Shotaro inhales the scent of your skin. Admiring the body lotion you'd put on. It's much more faint, than it would've been from it's initial application, but it's a scent he'd recognized. Rubbing his nose against the grain of your inner thighs, he grows dizzy from the scent of those faint roses.
With his eyes shut closed, his lips part, tongue sticking out to lick across the faint stretch marks that decorate your skin. Puckering his lips, he alternates between soft kisses to wet streaks of his tongue. Admiring every inch of your body, that was nestled so closely to where your pussy was.
To Shotaro, this is heaven. You were the very woman of his dreams. He was always eager to please you, never saying no to your advances as he constantly navigated your body. He thought he did a good job, but he'd be foolish to think that he'd be able to dominate you. The tables were always turned against him, he was just too blinded to see.
Suddenly, you feel the tip of his nose poke at the top of your labia. Reaching for his head, you gently fist a bunch of his hair and nudge him forwards.
Shotaro drags his tongue up and down your slit, starting off slow before making contact with your clit. The feeling of the papillae on his tongue is enough to make your body shudder. Flicking the bud back and forth, switching to circular movements around the nerve as you spread your legs further apart.
The sound of his tongue lapping against the vulnerable flesh of your body and your soft huffs is enough to make the room hot. It feels closed off, suffocating even, as he gets lost in between your legs. Resorting to plunging his fingers into your depths as he takes a breather. Lifting his head to watch how you've got yours thrown back, mouth agape as your eyebrows furrow with pleasure. He’d always looked up at you, admiring the way you shone with ecstasy.
The curvature of his fingers hovers just above your g-spot. The place that always made you shudder, one that you had no trouble reaching yourself. However, for some reason: he never went beyond that. Blindly missing the physical cues your body made. Shotaro couldn't understand why your walls seemed to tense up around his fingers, thinking that this was probably where it felt best. He always guessed incorrectly.
"You're so beautiful. Fuck⏤ it feel good?"
Nodding your head, you silently agree that it does. Until it doesn't.
You hate how he plunges his fingers into you with no objective. Never reaching where they should be. Was he stupid? Huffing, you urge him to add another finger. Maybe now it'll help him reach deeper.
He does. The outcome remains the same.
Instead, you watch as he grows pathetically weak. With his forehead pressed against your pubic bone. Dazed and drowsy, he's drowning in how good you smell. His tongue stretched out to taste you more and more. His free hand moving downwards to palm himself through his sweats.
"Mmph, you're so sweet. So good, so, so..." he doesn't finish as he continues to help himself to your wetness.
Annoyed, you lift your head to stare him down. You always had to cum first, he should know that. He wasn't neglecting you per se, but he grew distracted by how his own length was pulsating against the fabric of his boxers. He wanted to release himself, but he needed to focus on you.
"Fucking hell. Shotaro, stop."
He doesn't hear you, not until you tug at his hair roughly. Forcing him to look upwards. Those brown eyes of his glowing with lust as he freezes when he realizes you're being serious.
"What's wrong? I thought you were enjoying this?"
Closing your knees up, you push him aside as you roll your eyes in annoyance, "Enjoy myself?"
You can't help but feel amused with how lost Shotaro looks. The worry is evident in his face, in his tone, as he sits upwards. Fingers fidgeting with the hem of your skirt.
"What did I do wrong?" he asks, as he's eager to fix things.
"You can never do this right. Always starting off well before getting lost in...whatever this is," groaning, you look away from him, "You can't even fuck me properly and yet you're asking if I've ever loved you."
Shotaro can't help but scoff at how insensitive you sound, "What?"
"Do I need to repeat myself? Seriously, you're not good enough for me. Never was, never will be," you complain, having felt so annoyed with him.
Clearly he'd never be able to meet your standards.
"You can't be serious? You know, I'd always told myself otherwise but you really are acting like a bitch."
"Hmm? Well it's about time you started realizing things," You retort. Lifting your hands up to stare at your nails, you brush him off. Ignoring the way he stares at you completely stunned. It wasn't like your rude remarks were happening for the first time either.
You can't help but roll your eyes, "Why so quiet? There's no reason to be so surprised."
Shotaro feels as though he's been slapped in the face. He'd been falling for quite some time, but now? He'd finally hit the ground hard. The reality of things made him feel embarrassed. All of it practically soaking into his system: you'd finally awakened something in him.
You're completely shocked when you feel Shotaro's hand against your face. His thumb digging into your cheek, while the rest of his fingers occupied the other side. Roughly turning your head to face him.
"I want you to fucking look at me when I speak," he demands.
Raising an eyebrow, you feel stunned. This was new. The way his face had fallen still, his eyebrows furrowed angrily as the creases around his eyes made him look all too serious. He was no longer cute and soft. In fact, he looked so upset that it was quite comedic to you. Maybe, just maybe, you'd pressed one too many of his buttons. Pushing him into overdrive. You can't help but laugh. Your hot breath reflecting against his palm.
"You're laughing?" Shotaro's in complete disbelief, pressing harder against your face and pushing it against the pillows. "What'll it take for you to finally take me seriously?"
Your laughter persists, the way your voice is almost too shrill for his liking. There was no allure to it, it wasn't seductive ⏤ it made his ears ring.
"For fucks sake! Take me seriously for once!" He demands as he moves his hand away from your face and down towards your throat. Wrapping his calloused fingers around your neck, the pads of his fingertips press down roughly into your skin. His fingernails digging in deep as he squeezes hard against your larynx.
Your laughing comes to a halt, instead, you're gargling. With your spit getting stuck in between your mouth and throat. Your airway's obstructed as you can't help but choke. The sound of your hacking and wheezing echoes through the room as he presses harder.
Somehow Shotaro enjoys seeing you like this. The way your face grows slightly hotter, a darker red. Your eyes rolling back into your head with drool seeping from the corner of your mouth. Releasing your neck, Shotaro can't help but feel proud with himself. Finally, you'd be able to take him seriously.
"See? You're so much better when you're not ordering me around, or talking back."
However, the sudden cockiness in Shotaro's demeanour disappears when he notices how you've refused to move much at all. Your chest heaving slowly as he tries to shake you awake.
"Y/N?" He asks.
He receives no response, no sign. Your body lays there limp.
"Y/N?" Shotaro calls out, shaking your body as he uses his hand to gently slap you on the cheek. The worry is evident in his tone as he calls out to you.
"I-I'm so sorry. I had no idea, I didn't mean to go so far!" He protests as he holds you in his arms.
A raspy cough leaves your body, as you weakly raise your hand to rub your eyes. You couldn't see very well, everything was doubled but you'd managed to focus your gaze on him. Taking in the sights: he was worried, oh sooo worried. The Shotaro you knew was already back. But so soon?
Noticing your consciousness, his eyes widen with joy. Hugging you tightly in his arms and pressing your head gently against his chest. A string of apologies flutter past his lips as he rubs your back gently, using his free hand to pat your hair.
A series of raspy coughs leave your mouth, as you can't help but giggle. Sounding like a broken record as you scratch at your throat, the pain was immeasurable. However, the situation was way too worth it to acknowledge the pain.
"Tha-that...all you got?" You question. Lifting your head from his chest to weakly challenge him. Physically you were shaken up, but mentally you couldn't help but feel turned on.
Using whatever energy you had left, you push yourself off of him. Removing yourself from his grasps and falling back onto the mattress. Huffing slowly, your chest heaves up and down with each breath you take. You're practically shaking as your system tries to level back to it's norm.
"Shotaro," you begin, as your fingers blindly play with the buttons of your shirt. You manage to pop open a few buttons before giving up, flashing bits of your skin and cleavage behind the fabric.
Surprising him with a coy smile, you reach out to pull him by his shirt. He follows your lead, leaning in close as you stare at him dead straight in the eyes.
"That’s it?" You question, "Couldn't have gone all the way huh? Now use that...that rage, to fuck me. I want you to ravage me, pull me apart for everything I've done."
"What? I legitimately thought I'd ended you..." Shotaro mumbles in disbelief.
You scoff in response, "Baby. There's no way you could kill me. If one of us dies in this fucked up relationship; it'll be you."
Shotaro opens his mouth to retort, trying to change your mind and to get you to relax and heal. He gets no chance as you tug at his shirt, getting rid of whatever minimal distance there was and kissing him roughly. Your lips push against his as you slip your tongue in between, allowing the wetness to push through and mesh with his.
You don't let him pull away and he obliges, falling into your grasps like always. Cherishing each kiss as he meets your rough advances with his usual tenderness.
"I love it when you're you," you say in between kisses, "When you disagree with what I do, taking control for yourself."
Shotaro doesn't respond. It's not that he doesn't want to, he just no longer thinks it's worth the effort as he uses his hands to reach for his pants. Tugging them down quickly, his erection having resurfaced. He figures it's pointless to ask if you're ready, to go slow. It used to always be about you. However, things changed after today and it had to progress the way he wanted. If you thought he was still soft with his behaviour, you were wrong.
Pulling his lips away from yours, he looks downwards to line your entrance up with his cock. The tip of his dick is hot, slightly more pink than the rest as precum leaks from it's tip. He doesn't tease you: refusing to rub himself in between your folds, or tap at your clit with his member. No, he just helps himself. Pushing inwards with a groan.
It's unlike anything he's ever felt before. The way your walls squeeze against his flesh, he isn't sure if you're contracting your walls yourself, but he simply doesn't care anymore. The role of pillow princess was no longer yours. You'd simply become nothing more than a cum rag for him.
Pulling his hips back, he snaps them forwards pushing into you with force. Starting a pace that he liked, that he wanted. For once, he's the one looking down at you. Holding your hips in place as he fucks into you roughly. Trying his best to ignore the way you furrowed your eyebrows, whilst biting down on your lip. Your eyes are shut tight, eyelashes fluttering against the grain of your skin.
The bruises that decorate your neck are oddly beautiful. Clearly, you'd enjoyed receiving them too. Then it hits him, the sound of your moaning. Weak, toned down and much more hoarser than usual. The sweetness that typically coated your moans and came out with such femininity was gone now. You were quieter, less whinier and demanding.
He liked you this way: submissive. But did he really enjoy you in this way? Helplessly laying there. Allowing yourself to be fucked at his mercy. You had stars in your eyes looking at him like he was everything. But this wasn’t him, you were enamoured by an amalgamation of him caused by all your manipulation.
Shotaro finds himself falling in and out of focus. The pleasure that he feels practically radiating throughout his body is insane. Although, he can't help but feel somewhat unhappy with himself. He couldn't feel content with what this was. It wasn't right.
There was nothing more that he wanted than to see you genuinely embrace him. Loving him for who he was, reciprocating his actions in a positive way. Such a thing wouldn't have been possible in this lifetime. You just weren't built that way, with absolutely no empathy in your body. He can't help but feel that he's wasted so much on someone who regarded him as nothing.
He can't do this anymore. Watching as you shudder beneath him, the muscles in your body tensing up as your back arches from the mattress, your toes curling in unison. You'd came for the first time; evident in the way your insides clung onto him, your hands desperately reaching out for his body. But he hadn't. He simply couldn't.
Wordlessly pulling out, he searches around for his pants. Putting them on hastily, and patting down his clothes in a weak attempt to make himself presentable. Taking one last glance at you, he feels sick to his stomach. How could such a person force him to go so far as an individual. Initially it seemed beautiful, it felt hot and somewhat kinky. But the reality of things had come unraveled. This wasn’t him.
He couldn't recognize the work he'd done. With your clothes barely covering your body, the slight twitching in your legs as you simply followed him with your eyes. You don't move, he assumes you're too fatigued.
But for once, you've kept your eyes on him and it seems like finally, he's won over your heart. The bliss in your eyes is insurmountable, you're practically glowing with some twisted sense of adoration. The light sweat that adorns your body make it feel as though you're on fire. Just as Lucifer had been cast away from the heavens, plummeting down to the ground. Devilishly attractive, deceiving and cunning: you were sadistic in your intentions. It all showed on the surface now.
"Leaving so soon?" you ask, meekly calling out from the bed as you watch him walk towards the door. He hadn't even helped you clean up. It was unlike him.
"Not gonna help me clean up?" Further questioning him, when he doesn't respond.
Shotaro pauses by the door. He wants to turn around, to give in and go wash you up. But he thinks that if he did, he wouldn't be able to walk away ever again.
"You'll manage," he begins. Turning around to glance at you with a soft smile on his face. The kindness in his body was always overflowing. He was genuine, meant everything that he did, and yet you made him feel like a monster.
"Don't bother calling anymore."
Shotaro promised himself he would've walked out that room with you by his side. He'd imagined you'd be hand in hand, laughing with each other. Thinking that things could go back to what they once were. But Sungchan was right about him, he was naive and in fact, he was hopeless. Having faith in things that simply wouldn't occur.
Re-entering the party scene, he scans the room for Sungchan. Feeling surprised when he sees him actually talking to Ningning. His footsteps are quicker and much lighter than before as he pushes past the crowd, approaching the two of them. It feels as though the giant weight on his shoulder has been left behind.
"Guess you took up my offer then?" Shotaro begins as he teasingly nudges Sungchan in the side with his elbow.
Sungchan looks stunned as he looks at Shotaro from head to toe, side to side, "Huh? Yeah, your offer, my idea. Either way, where's...you know?"
"I ended it," Shotaro quickly responds, the smile on his face doesn't falter. As he turns his attention towards Ningning, "You must be Ningning, right?"
The doe-eyed girl nods eagerly, giving him a soft smile. Although before she can respond, her smile falters. Looking straight past Shotaro, she almost looks scared. Confused, he glances at Sungchan for any clue as to what was going on. The look on his face is the same as hers. In fact, he's speechless with his mouth wide apart. It's as if the two of them had seen a ghost.
"Ended what?" A voice asks. One that he knew all too well.
Slowly turning around, he can't help but feel like his souls left his body. You're standing there with a bright smile, and yet the look in your eyes is emptier than ever. The clothes on your body are perfectly normal ⏤ presentable. Even your hair rests nicely against the frame of your face, just a tad bit dishevelled ⏤ one could've assumed you'd been dancing a bit too hard tonight.
Everything about you is normal except for the blue and purple bruises that mark your skin. The array of red and violet petechiae patches on your skin make your neck look as though you'd been attacked. And you were.
The feeling of your arm wrapping around Shotaro's waist makes his skin erupt into goosebumps. He's uncomfortable, but you pretend as if nothings wrong. Tilting your head to the side innocently. Staring at Sungchan and Ningning as if everything was well.
"Aren't you gonna introduce me?" You ask as you stare directly at the girl opposite to you. It was obvious you made her uncomfortable as she laughs awkwardly, scanning the room for any sort of excuse to attend to. Her eyes refuse to remove themselves from your neck. She leaves without a word, practically dashing for an exit.
Frowning, you can't help but pout, "What's her deal?"
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He hisses. Pushing you off him as he runs a hand through his hair. You made him beyond frustrated, especially tonight.
"Don't 'babe' me! I told you we're done!" He protests.
"Done? Who said you made the calls again?"
Sungchan can't help but step into the situation, pushing you back a step with his hand outstretched as you swat at him.
"Stay out of it," you warn.
"Leave Shotaro alone. He's already ended things with you," counters Sungchan as he steps forward again, eager to get into your personal space.
You can't help but scoff at his attitude. Did he think you were scared of him? Tilting your head to the side, you purse your lips in thought. Standing on your tippy toes to suddenly grab at Sungchan's throat with your hand. Guffawing when his eyes widen in surprise, "Just kidding~ I wouldn't hurt you."
Instead of clinging onto his neck, you move upwards to hold him by his chin. Tilting his head to focus on your neck, "But I will warn you."
"Seen the damage already haven't you? Yeah. ‘Bet it was the first thing you saw."
Sungchan being much taller and stronger than you, removes your grasp with ease as he glares down at you, "Don't fucking touch me."
"Shotaro didn't end anything. Not after this," You state as you rub against your neck softly. It hurt but you'd toned up your performance, dramatically wincing at how sore and numb things felt.
Pushing Sungchan aside, you motion at him to move over as you smile at Shotaro. The room falls cold as he stares back at you, mimicking the look of a deer caught in the headlights. You'd pushed him to do this. He’d succeeded in complying with your taunting, but failed to keep what dignity he’d had left in himself.
"What do you want from me?" He fearfully questions.
Leaning in close, you force him into your grasps. Wrapping a tight hug around him as you breath down his neck.
"I told you that you were my favourite dancer ⏤ my favourite boy. ‘Told you that I'd play you a tune you couldn't resist. Tonight you proved that, and you'll continue to do so in the following days," whispering into his ear. Your words carry a strong warning, foreshadowing what's to come, "When will it happen? Who knows."
With a quick kiss against his cheek, you detach yourself, taking a few steps back from him. Walking backwards as you head for the door.
"Oh, not to worry though. You'll manage!" You yell out from the loudness of the crowd, "Don't forget to pick up when I call ‘Taro."
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
AITA for beating up my brother and almost killing him? I, (??? M/F/Whatever) was built as a replica of my brother. A cheap, inferior product by my father to curb his loneliness as he was trapped in a lighthouse and missed his son. I am a robot. My brother, his "real son" is also a robot. I, however, was discarded as he had no use for me. His real son returned so any love he could have had for me shriveled up and died out. It was never mine. It was always his. I was just a side project, an experiment. Some temporary doll in the image of his true child he could project his love onto, to talk to as if I were him, and meant to last just long enough until the old man croaked. I do not care if he had any intention to come back for me. I trusted him and he ruined that. I trusted my "brother's" friends and they too, abandoned me and failed. I then met a girl who gave me new purpose in my life. I joined her biker gang and helped them resurrect some powerful demon guy who destroyed the city and ruled over it for like, a week. Before that, I was too busy chasing down my brother to beat him up. I brought him in, I trusted him. But he was in disguise to take us down and discover our leader's identity, who was my new friend. The only one who trusted me as me in the way nobody else ever did. I kicked his robotic behind really good and left him mechanically ruined for his friends to find. My gf (??? M/F/Whatever) does not like the person I'm becoming. He says that I'm like a different person these days. I don't think I'm that bad. I don't want to go back to being a naive fool. I refuse to be helpless again. I want nothing to do with people who only want me when I'm beneficial. I had to do this, I had to. The rage inside me is one you cannot hope to understand. If I cannot be loved or be able to love, then I will hate. I gaze upon the face carved in the image of vengeance and this is the only thing that understands me. My "brother" got everything. I had nothing. He is still the fool that believes in "our father." I exist to shatter his naive delusions. Naive, as I once was, having trusted that man. In every agonizing second, I exist. I do not belong anywhere as a copy. His face haunts me because it is my own yet it will never be mine. It is his fault I exist, and why I will never truly exist. He will never know me as painfully as I have had to know him. He will not see himself in the mirror as I see myself. Compared to what I have been through, who my brother is is meaningless to me. Everything I did, he deserved. He refused to fight me properly. He failed to prove himself superior than me. AITA?
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
Quan Chi X Reader Imagine
I'm coming out with a way bigger version of this soon btw :)
Disturbing themes. Sorta... almost rapey, but there's no NSFW or rape lmao
Whether Y/N was fully biologically human daughter to Shang Tsung, or a mix like Mileena, or half human half something else, or even adopted- it didn't matter. She was the daughter of Shang Tsung. And Quan Chi hated Shang Tsung.
Even the idea of some deadly alliance between them, their bloodlust against Raiden and other Earthrealmers, or whatever else was never enough to keep their fueds from raging. They hated each other's position under Shao Kahn. Shang Tsung always, despite being a mire human, bested Quan Chi in the Kahn's eyes.
And Quan Chi wanted to ensure he would become the new higher up. All it took was to break down his greatest foe.
And what else did his greatest foe love more than his own daughter? That girl- so lushful, gracious, and beautiful. No matter what she was- human or not- Shang Tsung would raise her to be the lovely hanfu of his time in China. Oh, how long ago it felt; and yet, he had perfectly replicated the gorgeous femininity of the women of his time.
He gave her free choice iver what she did. She learned magic, telekinesis and teleportation, however if she wanted to learn to fight or absorb souls was her own wish. She was only 20 at the time and she needed more time to discover what she really wanted. Live a life like her father (under constant threat of death under Shao Kahn and the Elder Gods) or a life of a delicate hanfu.
Let's just say, she couldn't hurt a fly. And as uncharacteristic as it was, Shang Tsung loved her purity.
And what more does a demon love than purity that slowly becomes...
"Stop it, you demon fool, I am the daughter o-of Shang! My father w-will!-"
"Your father isn't here now, is he?"
"S-Stop it! Stop!"
Tied up and bonded wasn't the worst of her fear. Why, her father kept her safe all these years that she didn't even know what she was encountering. Demons? What even were they outside of those books she read? How could she escape?
But the worst of her fear wasn't the unknown. It was him. That demon, looming iver her with a disgusting grin. She breathed out heavily, bare and shaking, as she looked up at him fear in her eyes.
"Your father can no longer aid you, Y/N. He is finished," he spoke in his clear, bold voice. He walked forward, resting his finger under her chin to stare at her deep into her eyes.
"What... what do you mean?" She whispered back, almost inaudibly.
"Shang Tsung, albeit powerful, was incapable of saving you. When you were unconscious, he had tried and failed. Your father, Shang Y/N, is dead."
Fear plunged into her heart. Her eyes widened.
Yet, somehow, a part of her naive heart refused to believe it. Perhaps that part was true. Perhaps it was just that Shao Kahn would forbid Shang Tsung from fighting Quan Chi. And Shao Kahn had no knowledge of his daughter, for Shang Tsung didn't want him to enslave her. How could he tell the Kahn now? What punishment would come from such?
And it broke the notorios sorcerer down. He knew the demon did it. He knew the demon was manipulating his poor daughter's mind and soul. He knew he should have taught her to fight- to use magic- to protect herself!
He at least got to see her again.
Tormented and... "trained"... by Quan Chi for years after disappearing. How cold the sorcerer became afterwards was evident. Quan Chi could see he broke down the sorcerer. And not only did he win the favor of Shao Kahn, but he won a wife. Quan Y/N.
And when the demon brought his wife to a party thrown by the Kahn, Shang Tsung could see what happened to his beloved daughter. Her eyes dark with misery, face dull without a single emotion behind it, lip busted from what would most likely be physical abuse.
... But, under Shao Kahn, what could he do? He couldn't save her. The Kahn would side with Quan Chi. The Kahn would kill Shang Tsung for not only hiding a daughter, lying about not having one, and causing problems regarding Quan Chi.
And likely, his daughter would die as a result.
Why couldn't the God's punishment him instead of his innocent daughter?
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ryuichirou · 8 months
GloMas asks
Anonymous asked:
Woke up randomly in the middle of the night thinking about if Azul topped Idia, Malleus, and Rollo in the Masquerade event.
I can imagine he'd do it as a display of control, the adrenaline he'd get from Malleus if Malleus agreed would be indescribable. Idia could be the one to build up his confidence in the situation and Rollo is just a victim of circumstance lmao
Anonymous asked:
Not sure if you guys read the GloMas event but since it's dropping (and since EN will most likely censor the hell out of it) again, what about AzuRollo? I'd ask about the other two ssr boys but they're on your bottom list sadly. I just feel like something should've been done with Rollo's whole "do whatever you want with me, I've already lost everything" thing at the end.
Anonymous asked:
Just out of curiosity with Rollo (the bottom supporter Anon here once again!) do you have any specific pairings with him? Like MalleRollo?
Hi to all the Anons in this post; I decided to reply to all of you at once because we realised that one reply kind of bleeds into another, and by the way I’m putting all of these together you might already know what I’m about to talk about lol
But I’ll actually start by replying to the third Anon: we don’t really have any solid ship with Rollo now. MalleRollo confused us a lot, because their interactions were definitely flirty on Malleus’ part, but since we see both of them as bottoms, it didn’t really click with us. Or maybe it didn’t click with us, and this is why both of them are bottoms… I’m not sure what came first lol But yeah, I said it at some point already, but we’re getting solid “I’m tickling you, come on, tickle me back” vibes from the way Malleus acts towards Rollo and angry tsundere sounds from Rollo himself, which is obvious and lovely and fun, but just… a liiittle off/not enough, I guess? It’s a personal thing, as always.
But Rollo is very fun himself and has such a wonderful potential for either shipping or sexual scenarios. Of course, he fits nicely with the randos from his academy, and any other mob-type character, but what about any ships with our NRC boys?
And this is where Azul comes in handy lol And while AzuRollo isn’t really a ship that sails and burns everyone around it with its sheer power for us (…yet?), there really could be some potential with them. Their dynamic is also interesting, with Azul being overly sweet and nice, while also thinking that Rollo is a naive righteous prick that should be easy to fool; and Rollo just straight-up calling Azul a scoundrel and telling him that he feels that he has bad intentions.
Plus, like the second Anon mentioned, something really has to be done with Rollo’s "do whatever you want with me, I've already lost everything" thing. Like come on, he is a nicely-packaged present with a shiny bow on his head, please someone come take him lol Waiting for Azul to say “don’t mind if I do”
(also you’ve pointed out how the EN version is going to censor the event, and god how I hate even thinking about it, you are so so right :”))
Now, the first Anon. This makes way to much sense and I honestly feel so happy for Azul... Look at him go, topping three people in one day, and such a powerful bunch of people!! Azul feels like the type of person who would miraculously find energy after achieving something as exciting and impressive as grabbing Malleus Draconia himself by his horns, so Rollo is probably going to get the worst treatment when it comes to Azul’s horny feralness lol Truly, a trip to remember.
And of course, we should all thank Idia for building his confidence up and giving him a warm-up. After all that, Malleus is probably going to be the only one who isn’t completely exhausted and a little bit (or not) ashamed of himself…..
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humanbeanvitaminsea · 4 months
The complete and utter ignorance of all these naive LGBTQ people "and allies" (really?) blindly supporting Hamas (whilst saying they're not supporting Hamas) is mind boggling.
They honestly believe they're "on the right side of history" by saying Israel doesn't have the right to exist. By using the language of Nazi Germany to describe Jews, using DARVO gaslighting tactics to de-legitimize Israel. Whatever "the right side of history" means to them is beyond my comprehension. Calling the survivors of the October 7th massacre "nazis" and saying "Israel hasn't even suffered any damage during this "war": they're just enjoying themselves in cafés and dancing to celebrate the deaths of Palestinians" really isn't it.
Hamas, on October 7th, alongside Palestinian Islamic Jihad and even Gazan civilians, aimed for total annihilation of the Israeli people. Hamas even called for an "International Day of Rage" against all Jews, worldwide. And they call Jews "Nazis"?
They think they are supporting LGBTQ whilst they're simultaneously calling for Israel's annihilation. They spout tired anti-Semitic tropes without even understanding what they're saying. Have they forgotten already about the LGBTQ victims of the Holocaust? Have they failed to notice the extreme intolerance Islamists have against LGBTQ people? Have they zero knowledge of the historical ties Hajj Amin Al Husseini had with Hitler? They've probably not even heard of him. Yet still they use language designed to shame Israel into putting their weapons down, not thinking to mention that Hamas have had over four months to surrender and to release the hostages.
Hamas still have Kfir Bibas, who turned one in captivity, and three of his family members, held hostage since October 7th.
If these "well meaning", naive fools care about Palestinian lives, why aren't they demanding Hamas' immediate surrender and immediate return of the hostages? Instead, they accuse Israel of genocide.
Are these spreaders of Islamist propaganda against Israel simply self hating? Is that it?
I actually think they sincerely believe their own nonsense, that they've fallen hook, line and sinker for the Islamists' international campaign against Jews.
Then they say they don't understand how they could possibly be upsetting LGBTQ people, when they share Islamist propaganda. They don't even seem to have the intelligence to understand that they're sharing Islamist propaganda. They don't seem to understand that Islamists would happily murder them, given half the chance.
They call Israelis "Settler colonialist nazis" whilst sharing Encyclopedia Brittanica definitions of "Philistines" in order to "explain" why Israelis, specifically Jews, don't deserve a country, but why "Palestinians" should have the entire land, Judenrein. They explain their views as being "Justice for Palestine".
I wonder who's more confused: them, when they support terrorists who would murder them for being gay or trans- or me, wondering why comfortable Western LGBTQ people would spend their time and energy on DARVO gaslighting, calling the IDF "Terrorists" for fighting terrorists, calling Jews "Nazis" for daring to inhabit the Jewish national homeland and being the only nation in the Middle East where LGBTQ rights are even a thing, and why they don't bother to do actual research outside the memes and blogs they are so fervently reblogging.
They don't even realise that they're simping for Islamist jihadis who believe LGBTQ people should be given the death penalty, that women shouldn't be allowed to go outside without permission from a man.
If an October 7th style attack happened in their hometown, would they still be simping for Islamist terrorists?
I feel sick.
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4seasonsofart · 7 months
What are the ship dynamics of Thorunte?
We are starting off with my newest and favorite one, which is t4t Thorfinn and Canute. Both of them being transmascs in the Viking Age just makes so much sense and is wonderful. I also love writing about queer characters, as there is not enough representation in the media. Canute is not cisgender. Let's just be honest with ourselves. I go more in depth about it in this post, if you would like to go read that.
We have Witch Thorfinn and Christian Canute. Canute being Christian is canon, and War Arc Thorfinn is enough of a little gremlin to be a witch. (Bjorn taught him all about witchcraft, by the way. He enchants his berserker mushrooms.) Canute is absolutely appalled at how Thorfinn ends up being a witch and is supposed to be protecting him. He always carries a cross necklace around his neck and holy water under his royal cape. He hides behind Ragnar anytime Thorfinn is near because he fears what may happen.
To be fair, Thorfinn has threatened to curse Canute a number of times, so it is a given at this point. Although he never would because Askeladd would never allow him a witch's duel to honor his father's passing into the beyond.
We have flirty Canute and flustered Thorfinn. This would be more along the lines of when they are in Season 2 because Season 1 Canute would not have the gall to flirt with S1 Thorfinn. (Thorfinn would probably punch him.) However, Season 2 Canute, with his new status as the king of two kingdoms, would definitely have the willingness to flirt with Thorfinn. Thorfinn is kind of clueless the entire time and is confused by the fluttering of his stomach and the pounding of his heart.
Early War Arc naive Canute and guardian Thorfinn will always be one of the most amusing to me. Canute just has to deal with this dude who hates him while simultaneously being attracted to him. Canute doesn't have the confidence to speak with him and is unable to protect himself. So Thorfinn always has to make sure he doesn't fall over himself and act like a fool. 'Anything for a duel with Askeladd' is just an excuse Thorfinn uses. It's more of 'anything to pretend that I'm not attracted to that stupid princess.'
Askeladd notices how Thorfinn is always around the prince, despite claiming his hatred for the young noble. 'Ah, young love, just like Bjorn and I.' Askeladd thinks.
Slave Arc, King Canute, and slave Thorfinn are when you see the tables flipped. Suddenly, Thorfinn is lost amidst the seas of his trauma. (In this au, we are just going to say that Canute is keeping Thorfinn as a slave. One of his servants.) Canute is torn, as he is unable to stand how defeated and sad Thorfinn looks. What happened to his fiery and angry kitty boy?
Eventually, Canute slips from his duties and tries to make amends with Thorfinn. It helps Thorfinn a little, as he is plagued with Asleladd's spirit and constantly tormented. He rolls around in his sleep and has blood-curdling nightmares. It's only when Canute sneaks into his chambers and speaks sweet nothings that Thorfinn is finally able to be lulled into a peaceful sleep.
It becomes normal for Canute to end up in Thorfinn's chambers just so he can sleep. Thorfinn is healed, and his warm spirit comes back to him. Canute declines any possible suitors, as he sees Thorfinn getting better. One day, that man will rule along with him and be his king.
In a modern high school, we have nerd Canute and Emo Thorfinn. (This one is separate from my other modern au. They aren't related, and Canute is whatever gender they want to be.) Canute is top of his class, class president, and neurodivergent. He does drag in his free time, and his father hates him in general. Oh yes, modern au Canute has worse daddy issues than canon Canute.
Thorfinn is someone who is more alternative than emo, but Askeladd just calls him 'emo bitch.' He is a guitarist and the main singer of his band, Vinland Rockers. He is working towards becoming a tattoo artist and illegally tattoos kids at the school as a side gig. He makes a ton of cash from it, and Askeladd (his adopted father) doesn't care as long as he doesn't get arrested.
Thorfinn ends up getting Canute into detention, and they have an entire enemies-to-lovers arc. Canute comes out of the closet and happily does their drag as Thorfinn gets tutored by Canute.
Thorfinn gives Canute their first tattoo.
Shout-out to: @kelolololol
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coffee-in-veins · 4 months
Have you heard of how reynauld goes back to being a farmer after it all in dd2? Apparently if you fully upgrade his altar, a narration says that "he will retire his battered helmet atop a scarecrow, and labour the land beneath its baneful gaze" Any thoughts on that?
hello hello o/
thank you for the ask! ^^ i hope i won't dissapoint you with my answer, but after the last stunt RH pulled, on top of my already sour reception of the butchering changes the game made to characters...
let's just say, don't expect a pure, not salty, unbiased opinion, alright?
short version:
i'd say - i'm getting progressively more and more glad DD2 got cancelled in the making the more info i hear about it :}
long version:
the word choice in that particular snipet is so baffling i don't know where even to begin.
let's start with the simple things. upgrading the altar means nothing to land restoration. you either channel your JRPG and kill a god, or you don't. there's no in-between. you're restoring memories of what once was by grinding the candles and pouring the wax into the altar instead of feedingit to Tardif or something. if it implies living in the memory and denying reality as the only thing worth doing in a ravaged world, well, that is a shitty message to bring along as the only hope your fictional world has.
then again, looking at the real world now, i somewhat get the appeal... but i digress.
secondly, the guy is naively optimistic if he thinks he'll be able to return to farming without some community or an armed force to defend that land and whatever results of his labour bring - especially after such a massive shitshow as the full-world calamity DD2 implies. after DD1, localized and contained in just one county at worst? oh, sure, no issue with that. grab that Dismas' arse and go fulfil your redemption husband dreams in a neighbour country that have never even heard of walking fish. but after the fuckupery of DD2 where the whole world is corpses, burned cities, undead and tentacle fun? ehhhh... not as many places to go to, ain't it? starting community from the scratch? again, see point 1 aka "good luck putting that helmet away instead of sleeping in it if you found some untainted land".
thirdly, "baneful gaze" addition is just... what do you even imply here? that it's his past sins and he's the only one who can't leave the past behind? that there's some higher ups (probably the church who canonically have military here) who will be watching him and controlling his land and its harvests? is it just a throwavay line to make it sound more poetic? is it vague for the purpose of being vague...?
"baneful" is a very strong word. it implies hate, poison, promise of harm. is this a hint that DD3 Electric Boogaloo will be about the crusaders DD2 tried so furiously to scrub out of itself and then just slapped a DLC about them on top of itself without care and thought about the timeline and how none of it makes even a lick of sense if you stop for a moment...?
let's say, i can see Rey wanting a retirement and starting a farm somewhere on the outskirts of some village. but i doubt it will keep him, unless there will be some trauma which would prevent him from asking to work anywhere better - or someone who'd keep him there. Rey is knighted. he's a soldier in a medieval world, with a gear and maybe even a horse. he's worth a small fortune and i doubt he doesn't know that. hell, if we look at his barks:
Eyes down, you cowering sheep!
The faithless have no right to harm anyone...
Fool! Stop getting in the way of the soldiers!
No. And if thou breaks rank again, I will smite thee.
It profanes the Light to visit blessings upon you unworthy dogs!
You are not worthy of aiding me.
does he sound to you like someone who'd settle for a peasant position unless he has some outer reason to...? he doesn't to me. more like a guy who has a pride of a knight - and the life expectations of one. i can see him becoming a borderline knight, with a castle tower of two rooms and a village or two in his grasp, tho. that would fit, imo. a tiny lord with a lot of secrets in his past, battling PTSD and trying to get back into the civil life. that would be interesting to see.
then again, maybe he's a poor little meow meow like the rest of DD2 crew, i honestly have no idea. i tried to play the DLC, but the story was giving me seisures, so i dropped it pretty fast. i got him and Dismas together to the tavern, fed them chocolates, quit the game and never opened it since because that scene with the warlord was making me unreasonably angry.
sorry if you were expecting a better opinion.
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starsmuserainbow · 1 month
taken from beth kinderman and nikki walker’s the 100 most important things to know about your character. a good list to help develop a character’s background, personality, and general aspects.
(Template link here)
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What is your full name?
Where and when were you born?
“On Tamaran, in the castle. Before any of my siblings, and during the war.”
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
“The Grand Ruler of Tamaran and his wife. Myand'r and Luand'r.”
[[Rest below a cut because this is a long thing!]]
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?
“Ugh. Starfire is a naive stupid fool, weak and soft and liked by everyone despite all that. And Wildfire really better should’ve stayed dead. He’s shy and doesn’t dare to do anything really, he doesn’t know anything, can’t fight, and isn’t much tamaranean either.”
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.
“I live wherever I want to. Alone. What do you want me to describe? The universe is vast, and endless, and everywhere is my home.”
What is your occupation?
“Whatever I want to be.”
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks.
“I have dark purple hair, eyes of similar color. My skin is more into orange than that of a human, I’m taller, I wear shiny black material and preferrably not too covering. Also silver armor covering almost the whole body, usually, as a precaution. I’m having the perfect looks, and anyone who has seen me will confirm that.”
To which social class do you belong?
“Top of it all.”
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
“Pfsh, of course not! Not like I'd tell you if I had any, either.”
Are you right- or left-handed?
“I can do both.”
What does your voice sound like?
“Alluring, enticing, attractive; simply perfect.”
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?
“Nothing in specific. I use what I need at that moment.”
What do you have in your pockets?
“Nothing right now.”
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
“Of course not.”
How would you describe your childhood in general?
“Frustrating, boring, lame. Annoying.”
What is your earliest memory?
“I remember my mother combing my hair and humming a melody.”
How much schooling have you had?
“Everything Tamaran had, and more.”
Did you enjoy school?
“Not in the slightest, no. Which I didn’t hide either.”
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?
“From others. Partly on Tamaran, from older fighters, though a lot later-on during all my travels, too.”
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.
“I didn’t. I never wanted to be like anyone else, I always knew I was better, the best, myself.”
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?
“I hate them all.”
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“The next Grand Ruler.”
As a child, what were your favorite activities?
“Fighting, doing my own thing, racing in flight.”
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?
“I was cool, clever, and independent.”
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?
“Of course I was popular! I always am!”
When and with whom was your first kiss?
“Someone to learn language-assimilation from, on Tamaran.”
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
If you are a supernatural being (i.e. mage, werewolf, vampire), tell the story of how you became what you are or first learned of your own abilities. If you are just a normal human, describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do today.
“As tamaranean, you’re born with these abilities.”
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
“Starfire leaving Tamaran. That helped me start finally being who I am, and made it easier because otherwise I'd have had to figure out a way to get her out of the picture myself.” Which she still had to do now, but, meh.
Who has had the most influence on you?
“Pfsh right. As if. If anyone, I myself.”
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
“Mmm… perhaps those few planets I destroyed. Kinda on accident for most of them, but, well.”
What is your greatest regret?
“I don’t regret. I hate that my plans towards my siblings failed so far, though.”
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
“Didn’t I just say I destroyed some planets? I think that’s the thing biggest on the scale.”
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?
“Yeah, probably enough to fill a book. Or more than one.”
When was the time you were the most frightened?
“Some of my jail-times, perhaps. but I don’t really do being frightened.”
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?
“As if I’m gonna actually talk about something like that. Jail-time, if you must get something, but I’m not gonna give any details.”
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?
“One of the times where my plans towards Starfire failed. Because if I win, I’ll be able to get everything I want.”
What is your best memory?
“There’s a place somewhere, that’s giving you the best feeling you’ll ever have, anywhere. Probably that.”
What is your worst memory?
“My time with the Schlurch. Yuck. Either that, or jail-time again.”
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?
“I wouldn’t say I’m either.”
What is your greatest fear?
“Yeah nope, not gonna tell.” [[It’s losing her powers, in a permanent way]]
What are your religious views?
“I believe in myself.”
What are your political views?
“I’m the empress, more isn’t there to know.”
What are your views on sex?
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?
“Whenever it’s needed, if you can pull it off, it’s acceptable.”
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
“Whatever shocks most people. It’s ridiculous how much ‘good’ and 'evil’ depends on what world you’re on.”
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
What do you believe makes a successful life?
“Getting what you want, having power, feeling good. Freedom.”
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?
“And why should I answer that? Take a guess~”
Do you have any biases or prejudices?
“Of course not. Absolutely not.”
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?
“Settling down. Because I need the travel, the freedom, my space.”
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?
“As if I’d do something as stupid as that. No one, of course.”
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
“It all depends on whether or not I consider them useful. If they aren’t, I don’t care, and I won’t hide it all too much. It’s sometimes useful to stay on someone's good side though.”
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
“I myself of course. I don’t want anyone else.”
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?
“Again, me.”
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people.
“I don’t have, neither want, friends.”
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
“Right. Sure. Nope.”
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.
“Thankfully not.”
What do you look for in a potential lover?
“I don’t look.”
How close are you to your family?
“I hate everyone of them.”
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?
“No, and I’m not interested. Like heck am I going to take a few months of being unable to do things my way, not to mention after that.”
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?
“Probably my sister and her friends, since she’s naive enough to help me everytime again no matter what I do to her. And perhaps I can manage to get her - or them - into the desperate situation that they’re to free me from, even.”
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
“Don’t trust anyone but yourself. Very important.”
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?
“Probably my siblings, foolish as they are.”
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?
“Starfire. Because she’s stupid, and still gets all the stuff.”
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
“It’s easier to avoid the conflict, as long as I still need them for something.”
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
“Of course!”
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
“The larger the crowd, the better being the focus of all attention.”
Do you care what others think of you?
“Absolutely not. I know that everyone loves me, anyway.”
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?
“Partying, proving that I’m better than someone, destruction.”
What is your most treasured possession?
“I don’t really have any. My armor maybe, but that’s totally replaceable.”
What is your favorite color?
“An almost black dark purple.”
What is your favorite food?
“You wouldn’t know it.”
What, if anything, do you like to read?
“I’ve read poems on occasion.”
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?
“A good beat that I can dance to.”
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?
“Sometimes, sometimes, rarely. Because it’s fun. And no, why would I.”
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
“You say that as if I keep track of what date it is, much less earthen day.”
What makes you laugh?
“Seeing people afraid, or bringing themselves into danger. These things.”
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?
“If anyone gets the idea to not treat me like I deserve. I wouldn't say anything shocks me, really.”
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?
“I sleep as little as possible, so I doubt that’s gonna happen. And, I’d probably just look for a good club in some nearby planet.”
How do you deal with stress?
“Violently, usually.”
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
“A basic plan is good, but it needs to have leeway to change things as we go.”
What are your pet peeves?
“Just don’t be annoying and we’re good.”
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?
“I don’t have any routine.”
What is your greatest strength as a person?
“My confidence, my skills, my knowledge and experience. Oh, and of course, my looks and knowing how to use them.”
What is your greatest weakness?
“I don’t have any, of course.”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
“I’d like to be an only child.”
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
Are you generally organized or messy?
“Neither really.”
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
“I’m good at seducing people. At dancing. At fighting. I’m bad at… nothing really, but since you insist… drawing, following rules or orders, waiting on something or someone.”
Do you like yourself?
“Of course!”
What are your reasons for being an adventurer (or doing the strange and heroic things that RPG characters do)? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)
“I do what I do because it’s part of feeling free. Because it’s part of doing whatever I want.”
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?
“Get my siblings completely under my control, and then take over Tamaran.”
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
“See the goals.”
If you could choose, how would you want to die?
“Preferrably without my body being found, so it’s always a mystery if I really died. And in a fight.”
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.
“Launch a full attack on Starfire and her friends. Perhaps try to end them before I’m ending.”
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
“Being the queen of the galaxxy, now that’s a tilte to be remembered by.”
What three words best describe your personality?
“Sexy. Cool. Awesome.”
What three words would others probably use to describe you?
“Sexy. Cool. Much better than Starfire.”
If you could, what advice would you, the player, give to your character? (You might even want to speak as if he or she were sitting right here in front of you, and use proper tone so he or she might heed your advice…)
Uh, nothing here to say. I could say that she should be nicer or the likes, but I see it as part of her being that she’s like this, so there isn’t really anything I can say. I wish she’d be easier to do positive connections to people with though.
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reides · 10 months
bree @sangre tagged me in a nice lil meme and has given me an excuse to ramble about my bg3 oc, carrion!! tysm bree!!! ♡ i shared a few pictures of my lad before, but i definitely have more of a grip on his characterization and #lore now!!
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name: carrion! and there's a story behind it, of course. there was once a drow half-elf who was part of a gang of thieves. these thieves carried out a grand number of heists within their home city and caused quite a bit of ruckus. they were good at their shared craft, and so they gained more and more popularity through the years. now, for thieves, popularity is like a plague - it's something that should be avoided; something that is terrible to contract. but the group of them were young, naive, and cocky. they kept seeking to do better: to become more known, to become more feared, to take. more and more and more. they kept getting away with their antics and it gave them all a sense of invincibility. but that inviniciblity was actually complacency, and that complacency let weakness in. it let sloppiness in. and so it was only a matter of time before one of their big heists went bad - and cataclysmically so. they were caught. cornered. surrounded. in desperation, one of the thieves took it upon themselves to light the manor which they were robbing on fire. it spread fast; faster than expected. the drow half-elf - a fool of a criminal - tried to help those who were caught in the blaze. he ended up fighting within the chaos and soon became a bloody, crumpled-up mess in the burning halls. the surviving members of his troupe eventually saw their gods-granted opening and began to make their retreat. one reached out to him - only for the leader to grab onto her. "go," he told her. "he's gone. naught but carrion." it was the last thing the drow half-elf heard before all went black. when he came to, he was barely alive; in the company of ashes and burns. he knew that it was a miracle that he survived. he crawled out of the ruined manor, those words still ringing in his ears. he was naught but carrion, and something about that comforted him. as fucked as everything was, it felt significant. like a rebirth. and so the drow half-elf decided to take it as such. he abandoned his old name and embraced this new one. he was carrion.
nicknames: carrion is pretty adamant about being referred to as nothing but carrion, BUT. unfortunately for him, 'carrie' has stuck for some of his companions. they usually bring it out whenever they're teasing him or whenever they want something from him. he has completely abandoned his name from before the failed heist and would never respond to it. gale (his Love Interest™) is probably the only person who knows it, but carrion would still hate for him to ever use it - so he doesn't.
age: 33.
race: drow half-elf, though he has no idea about his heritage as he doesn't know the first thing about his parents. he was abandoned as a bebe and taken in by some orphanage - a terrible place which he snuck out of as soon as he was able. he made a living off pickpocketing and scamming; it's why he has an extreme soft spot for the tiefling children who took up refuge in the grove. he was there, once. he gets it. he'll teach 'em his tricks.
gender: male, and he uses he/him pronouns.
orientation: bisexual.
zodiac: scorpio. i have no idea if there's an in-universe zodiac but whatever the scorpio equivalent of it is, that's him!
moral alignment: carrion has been privy to a whole lot of cruelness, and his experience with it makes it both easy and difficult for him to inflict unto others. that's where his personal judgements come in, you know? so he's somewhere between chaotic good and chaotic neutral. a part of him sees goodness as a terrible, terrible weakness - a weakness that gave him the scars that stretch across his face; a weakness that he can't quite shake off - while another part screams that goodness the only thing in the world that fucking matters and demands that he hold onto the good within him with all his might. at the end of the day, he'll really only go after those who he's deemed deserving of it.
class/subclass: carrion is a rogue, with a specialization in thievery.
background: criminal. he prefers stealing vastly over taking lives; he doesn't consider himself an assassin and doesn't maintain any sort of bloodlust. he's generally of the opinion that killing is the mark of messiness. But He'll Do It Tho.
interests/hobbies: carrion likes card games a whole lot (yes, he absolutely cheats in those games whenever he can) and he also likes gambling (again, he WILL cheat and steal your gold! he'll do it!!). he also has a penchant for alchemy, as he typically would rather make his own potions and poisons than rely on anyone else to supply them. this has granted him some skill in mixology, too!! he can make very tasty drinks. that being said, he absolutely wings a whole lot of his recipes, as he's fairly bad at reading and writing. he was never formally schooled, so, you know. but he still likes books a lot and will quietly work his way through them during down-time at camp. he really likes being read to but will scarcely ever ask for such a thing.
spoken languages: mostly just common, but he knows some elvish, too. he's also fluent in thieves' cant, of course.
profession: he's a thief, first and foremost! he works alone now, as he learnt his lesson with The Incident that granted him his new identity - but he still enjoys scoping out marks and taking whatever he needs from them. prior to the events of bg3, he did some adventuring - but it was mostly in the name of travelling around. he doesn't really have a fixed home as he tries to avoid garnering a reputation.
height: 5'8"
colors: a very cold silver, a deep blue velvet, the black of raven wings.
fruits: blueberries and raspberries. he's a berry guy...!
drinks: he enjoys very rich, flavorful alcohol, especially when there's a sweetness lingering somewhere in there. a nice, dark rum comes to mind.
smokes: not his thing, but occasionally.
drugs: yes, absolutely. he's very aware of his limits, though!
drivers license: (the fantasy equivalent lmao)... no. absolutely not. carrion continues my legacy of original characters who simply cannot ride horses or horse-like creatures. he simply doesn't trust like that.
ever been arrested: not as often as one would think, and especially not in recent years. when he was just starting out, though? he absolutely did have his fair share of encounters with The Law. still, he always, always managed to get himself out of prison early, be it with honeyed words or grand escapes.
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truly-morgan · 9 months
[outlaw comboy!JC and sheriff!LXC]
XiCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Western AU 01-11-2021
[#xicheng, cowboy and sheriff]
Jiang Cheng was known throughout the whole land, most people knew him under the nickname of Sandu SengShou. He has a large sum put on his head, yet no bounty hunter nor any sheriff managed to capture him for a long time.
He is always seen in black clothing, helping him disappear into the night, with some subtle purple accents added to it.
Everywhere he goes he is riding his loyal horse zidian, a wild thing he managed to tame and only he can ride onto without being thrown off immediately.
And this fearsome man was now in gusu, going from village to village, stealing, fighting, gambling and drinking. He truly was a wild force of nature, nothing able to stop him from doing whatever he wanted to do.
This is why Sheriff Lan Xichen had been proud of himself for catching him with his lasso, throwing him off of his horse, his man stopping the wild animal. He nearly missed the worried glance he gave to his horse, only to instead sneer at lxc.
lxc was pretty used to criminals giving him rather snide and rude remarks, not that affected buy the one jc was using with him. "I didn't know that one of the great lan was into this kind of game" he remarked once, laughing at the blush creeping on lxc cheek as he was tying him up tightly in his cell, trying to keep him from reaching anything or moving around too much.
Sandu SehngShou also had the reputation of somehow escaping from anywhere.
but it is not in jc plans than to wait quietly and die in this jail, especially not when he is most likely to be executed for his crimes.
So he does what he knows works well on a man like lxc: he teases him and tries to seduce him. He knows his thing, it always works.
the first two days lxc is rather wary of jc, only to slowly relax on the third day of watching over him as other people are coming here for him. jc makes a show of trying to get out of his bond (as if he hadn't already loosened the thing up ready to go).
he talks and talks, teasing and taunting lxc, trying to get (rather cute) reactions out of him.
"Hey Mr sheriff, why don't you come closer so we can talk more intimately" jc suggest when he finally managed to lead lxc on a more exciting road.
lxc makes the mistake of thinking this was a safe thing to do, joining jc in his cell. jc looks up to him, a smirk on his lips, looking as if he was daring him to do something.
So he does, gently cupping his cheeks as if jc was fragile, kissing him. (jc is a bit taken aback by how sweet and gentle it is, but quickly gets over how he enjoys it).
He lets lxc leads a bit, let him forget what situation they are in exactly, who he is kissing right now.
jc would lie if he said he didn't want to stay longer to see what this (admittedly handsome) sheriff would do with him, but he does intend on living and staying longer after five days is no good.
so he attacks lxc by surprise as he kisses down his jaw and neck,
pinning the taller man to the ground, skillfully and quickly binding his wrist and arms behind his back. "I do have to admit, you are a good kisser, mister Sheriff" jc chuckles, giving one last kiss to lxc as he steals his keys, quickly getting out of the cell and getting his belonging.
It is not hard to find zidian and steal her back, soon riding off into the desert before anyone could come to help lxc.
all the sheriff can do is run outside with his arm still bound, looking into the sunset where the silhouette of the criminal is slowly getting smaller and smaller. lxc clenches his jaw, regretting being so naive, yet not hating the lingering feeling of lips against his.
unlike what he usually does, jc does dare glance back towards them, seeing lxc getting out of the sheriff's office.
He has a tight feeling in his chest, feeling saddened in a way to be leaving lxc behind. What a fool he is to fall like this for someone.
at least his week in the cloud recess had been pleasant and he won't be forgetting about lxc anytime soon. Maybe they would meet again.
of course, lxc cannot possibly let this humiliation live like this. He was the one to be bewitched by the beautiful and cunning criminal. He now has to go and find him again to capture him correctly this time (of course there's no other reason behind this).
and so he leaves the village into his brother's hand, knowing he would be well-fitted to protect their home with their uncle. 
And with this, he runs in the same direction jc took.
it is a bit hard at first to find back jc tracks, going by words spoken in saloons, rumours of where sdss was last seen. Anything could help him find him back. and soon he does, always a beat behind.
they do meet up at some places, jc making it more than known he knows lxc has been following him for weeks now, yet he doesn't actually seem bothered by this, more amused than anything else.
it's become a game of cat and mouse, lxc chasing after him, fighting him, and being seduced even more by him. Sometimes jc would allow himself to be captured, only to run away in the morning after leaving hints of where his next destination was going to be.
of course, lxc is not the only one after the fearsome sandu shengshou.
but he won't allow that.  So he fights anyone who tries to capture him, not caring about the small rumours going around about some foolish sheriff chasing sandu shengshou and fighting off anyone so he could be the one to capture him. They are missing an important part of this story.
Then one of jc heists with a group of criminals actually goes really wrong and lxc does manage to pull him out of there. They hide in a cave in the desert, lxc tending to his gunshot wound.
lxc always treats him well, yet it always feels strange to jc to be treated so well and so gently. But he knows he cannot stay by lxc side, be it for the man's reputation or because what he managed to steal would only attract people who would hurt him badly.
something in jc truly wants to believe lxc words when he says he will take care of him if he accepts to come back with him, that nothing would ever happen again. "We could be so happy, I would make sure you have everything you want," lxc says.
it warms jc, to hear someone promising something like this to him. no one ever did it so honestly before, as if he was really ready to do anything for him.
"I'd... love to see that" jc whispers with a smile. It truly does sound like something nice. leaving behind his dangerous lifestyle, settling down, even if only for a couple of years, and being loved by someone.
but he knows better than to allow himself something like this.
when lxc wakes up the next morning, the place next to him is already cold and there is no trace of the injured jc. No hints were left behind this time, only the coldness of the desert morning lingering in the cave and memories of sweet words whispered in the night.
but he cannot give up, he went for so long already travelling around the land, chasing after his beloved, he cannot give up now.
But it is hard to do so. He realises how much jc must have left behind for him to hear and follow.
words of the fearsome sandu shengshou get scarce, slowly rumours of him dying after his last heists gone wrong travel from saloon to saloon, some people even rejoicing such a criminal to die.
but lxc doesn't listen to them, he simply cannot.
His beloved must still be alive.
So he travels, following dead ends, grasping at anything that could bring him back to his pretty and cunning cowboy.
lxc hopes slowly die after months of searching days and nights, looking for everything. He did find impostors slandering his beloved name (which he punished them for), but nothing about eth real jc.
after the latest dead-end that leads him to another impersonator, lxc is ready to give up, his throat feeling tight as he feels like he needs to accept the reality that his lovely criminal might have really died, be it from his injury or someone who wanted something from him.
he is getting ready to go back home with a heavy heart, packing everything on his horse when the neigh of a horse catches his attention.
As he looks up into the sunrise, he sees a man atop the hill, sitting on a dark horse.
lxc feels like his legs never made him run as fast as he does now, going up the hill as the man and the horse stays there, his hands fumbling for his lasso.
He is still catching his breath when he reaches the top, lasso in his hands and ready to throw.
his aim his perfect, catching the man he wanted to catch, pulling him off of the horse, arm locking around him tightly. "You caught me again, mister sheriff, what shall I do now?" asked the pretty and cunning cowboy.
"Why not come back home with me?" lxc suggests, receiving a soft chuckle at his reply.
"This sounds like a lovely idea" replies jc.
(I did not expect to write some western would be so fun yet here I am, which also makes me wanna watch some western and cowboy movies now )
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blueespeon · 10 months
@ask-world-guardians Amelia: Teiji, there’s nothing wrong with self-defense. Or, failing that, there’s nothing wrong with beating the heck out of bad people.
Teiji: That is not it! I know that sometimes, you must beat someone up to put some sense into them! I am aware of that!
What I am trying to say is that I have problems with... Killing.
Let me just say that I am also aware of the fact that there are people who are not willing to change no matter the amount of chances that you give them to change their ways. Yet despite that, I just cannot bring myself to end their lives...
Call me idealistic, but I truly do believe that even the most unforgivable villain do not deserve death. Maybe because I truly believe that giving them a chance to somehow change is the right thing to do, or maybe I am just stupid... But I will gladly accept being stupid if that is what it takes.
[Teiji's hidden comm device emits a voice]
Toshi: You will have to kill someone at some point, Teiji. Do you truly believe you can spare every criminal you are sent to hunt and kill?
[Teiji puts a paw and presses on the back of her ear]
Teiji: Yes... I truly do believe that.
Toshi: Sorry, Teiji, but you are a poor naive fool if you actually believe that. I hope you do not hate me for saying this, but you need to understand that idealistic goals can never be achieved, only that you can try to achieve them to the best of your abilities.
... And between you and me... Based on what I have seen? You will fail.
[Teiji abruptly puts her comm device on silent]
Teiji: Sensei will never understand me... She never DOES!
[Teiji sighs and turns to Amelia]
Teiji: Sorry you had to hear that...
You can be assured that whatever sensei says is wrong, I will not fail in doing what I think is right.
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mxtxfanatic · 1 year
Alright, finished Yu Wu, so now we have our character breakdowns!
Our Main Cast:
Murong Lian: I am so serious when I say that a sad (not even tragic, just fucking “sucks I guess, dude” sad!) backstory and working with the MCs towards a mutually beneficial goal IS NOT A REDEMPTION ARC.
Yue Chenqing: a lesson in why ignorance is NOT bliss and you should NOT blindly follow whatever your elders say. (Especially if your “respectable elder” is a known rapist with children he don’t even know about under his own roof falling in love with each other 😬). I expected that he’d experience some traumatic bullshit, but holy shit?
Jiang Yexue: I knew there was something off about him, but holy shit????? Hope he rots in hell, but also, he was obviously tainted by that dark cultivation he took in to save his brother’s life, so maybe the real villain who needs to rot in hell is their rapist daddy 💁🏽‍♀️
Murong Chuyi: I knew he liked Yue Chenqing deep down and that something must have happened to make him turn on Jiang Yexue, but holy shit???? Anyways, hope he gets to beat that fool’s AND his rapist daddy’s asses in the afterlife before reincarnating into the most peaceful next life. (On another note, wtf is up with meatbun and jumping into blood pools????)
Guoshi of Liao/Hua Po’an: everyone is afraid of this super ultra powerful, seemingly invincible guoshi and ain’t none of y’all stopped to think, “wow, this is suspicious; wonder if that one villain IN ALL OUR STORIES maybe didn’t die, especially since we keep seeing hints that the one who “killed” him and died with him is ALSO not dead!” What foolishness… Anyways, man had plans on plans and still couldn’t predict human kindness, what a tool lmao
Princess Mengze: everyone was playing 3D chess with politics but bitch was on 4D; I was shook 😳
Gu Mang: MY BOY! Wwx if he was written into a trauma porn novel. Stuck. To. His. Convictions!!! Every reveal of his was a whammy on top of a whammy 😭😭😭 Thought he was out here being Naruto-level foolish without the protagonist halo, but he was really out here playing 4D chess on human morality with the best of them! GIVE HIM HIS FLOWERS 💐 💐💐
Mo Xi: love how he loves Gu Mang. Hate how goddamn naive he is. At some points, instead of feeling emotionally overwhelmed, I was just getting secondhand embarrassment. Would obviously NOT survive a political intrigue novel.
Honorable mentions:
Lu Zhanxing: his death fucking suuuuuucked, but he was a real one.
Li Wei: standing up to the emperor’s men to protect your lord, LET’S GOOOOOOOOOO
Lan’er (Changfeng-jun’s daughter): they didn’t have to do her like that… (also, is she still alive???? We just kinda drop her and never check back in????)
Madam Jiang/Su Yurou: wish I could be this unbothered in the face of conflict, while having the balls to defy the most terrifying not-quite-human in the known world 😭 glad she survived 💙
Jiang Fuli: fuck, I’m glad HE survived! He deserves it!
Hong Shao: she walked into death bravely and heartbrokenly, and I wish she didn’t have to. I hope she and Li Qingqian reincarnate into a better life where they grow to be the old man and hag together, like she dreamed…
Li Qingqian: the way he found out that in attempting to save Hong Shao, he had actually killed his love AND that her murderer “was” the man who saved him? I’m glad Su Yurou got to tell him the truth, and I hope he was able to reunite with Hong Shao in the afterlife
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timemachineyeah · 2 years
Watching the Tangled: The Series movie pilot again, and once again just blown away by how well this continuation both comes organically from the originally movie, and perfectly sets up new themes and directions to explore.
Things like: Rapunzel's father might be a bad king, who has let his personal paranoia about his daughter's kidnapping combined with the unilateral powers of a king led him to extreme carceral justice, contributing to a hostile relationship between the working class and the state that helps foster extremism and even more violent, more organized crime.
Like: Rapunzel's aversion to being protected and committed and staying in one place is such a natural arc for her to go to. She's not going from her sealed tower to freedom, she's going from one sealed tower to another. Rapunzel's entire firsthand experience is about how being exploited and unable to freely pursue your dreams sucks.
Like: Rapunzel's mother telling her to figure out, "What kind of Queen she wants to be".
Only to ruin all that thematic setup at the end of the second season.
Listen, was it, perhaps, naive of me to hope the arc of the series would bend towards the disillusion of the monarchy? To have the series explore how Rapunzel's father's actions after her disappearance were completely human and understandable, and that is exactly why power should not be consolidated in that way? While still having all the magic adventures and bullshit? Yeah, okay, absolutely. That was naive. But I didn't expect them to also undermine not only that, but Eugene's entire arc from the original movie, by making EUGENE A SECRET ROYAL ALL ALONG I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT WHAT IS THE POINT IT'S SO GODDAMN ASKJDFHLAKSFLKHA
And listen was it also, perhaps, naive of me to read Cassandra as Disney's explicit attempt at an apology for the weird Aryan v Jewish Witch vibes of the original movie, where the good character is a magical straight-haired blonde and the bad character is the one with dark curly hair? REALLY yes, because I was giving Disney way too much credit, because she was apparently GOTHEL'S SECRET DAUGHTER and makes the series ACT THREE HEEL TURN. Fuck! Fuck! I hate it! I hate it so much!
God they made it a whole movie and one and half seasons being, just, really surprisingly good, only to fucking turn right off into bad trope town just drive right into the shit pit.
Instead they were like, "Oh, everything you liked about the series so far? That was misdirection! Fooled you!" how do you make such a good show on accident.
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
Ok so I read chapter JJK 210, and I don't like this aaaah. Obviously, spoilers are below.
I hate Hana and Angel so much aaaaahh!! I am pretty sure that this whole "Let fate toy with you and die a fool" has to do with Hana. She is literally so obsessed with Megumi and thinks they are each other's destiny, soulmates whatever. And somehow Megumi trusts her? It's so weird to me to see how the roles are reversed, and suddenly Megumi is the naive one, and Yuuji is the one who stays cautious and says he doesn't trust Hana.
It worries me so much that she already manages to get between Megumi and Yuuji. I am an angsty idiot, but now I imagine an ending where Yuuji dies because Megumi let himself get tricked by Hana and in those final moments he realizes his mistake and will always blame himself for being the indirect cause of Yuuji's death. Like, Megumi will live a long life, but it will be a haunted life full of regrets, and he will die a fool because he lost Yuuji, who he loved and always wanted to safe AAAHHHHHHHH.
Megumi why do you trust Hana when you know that she wants to kill Yuuji?? It drives me insane! This makes no sense. Am I missing something? Is there a reason why Megumi of all people suddenly trusts a stranger and wants Yuuji to be nice to her and apologize to her? Wtffff
Also, Hana being like "I want to be a person that deserves to be by Megumi's side. I want to safe people." But then telling Yuuji it's pointless to safe the soldiers because they will not benefit from it. Lmaoooo what?? This is your idea of being a good person? I am so angry!!
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