#i guess its a remake not a port actually
snowflop · 1 year
Honestly off the top of my head the only think I REALLY want from this direct is a Fashion Dreamer release date.
Edit: alright nevermind. Pretty decent direct, but nothing I'm personally super hype for
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relativelyfvcked · 8 months
"basim isnt a warrior so be careful" is a funny way of saying "we didnt give a fuck about the combat so all of your controls feel unresponsive"
#parrying in all of the other games in this era were fine. what happened?#also this is basically an extended dlc and you can feel it in the writing. its such a nothingburger#its a stealth game where if you try to nudge your character they take 5 extra movements forward and get spotted immediately. very cool.#the parkour sucks and is now more restricted#what origins and odyssey did that felt so good was being able to pick your spot and go from there#ppl complain that there werent Any stealth elements but thats just how You decide to play it babey#i miss the Actual freeclimbing ability as in i'm not railroaded into using fucking handholds on long climbs. the parkour is simply not good#enough to do that nor is it interactive enough for me to want to be forced to do that#i'd like the setting more if the freerunning and climbing felt better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯#its next to impossible to get into a good grove. even to get one clean line without randomly jumping off or getting pulled to an unrelated#wall/object. it probably felt better in origins/odyssey because it was so much more open but still closed when in fortresses and such#also? the chain assassination suck. not nearly as fun as being able to chain your own actions#but all of this makes sense when you know that 1. this was originally a valhalla dlc and 2. it was made with the intention of being#ported to ipad. of all fucking things.#whatever i guess im just waiting for the next era cuz thats when the games end up being good again#pretty bummed. especially bc i played thru all of valhalla and didnt like it and am now going through basically an ac1 remake pasted onto#valhalla assets.#and tbh there isnt enough to do in a map this large even though its smaller. ik other people dont like fetch quests but it at least gives me#a reason to go to other areas where like. i havent even been outside the city bc it hasnt set me there. i dont want to just aimlessly wander#i have a lot of issues w this game but i'll shut up now
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meadowmusing · 4 months
my thoughts before the PJO finale
overall? A good fun show but with some definite stumbling. Faithful in a "remake" sense, but as much as a "port" would be. Still a genuinely good time with a likeable cast, gorgeous visuals, and an engaging (mostly) interesting plot.
Beware spoilers for ep1-7!
My biggest gripes
Pacing. the first episode was horribly paced. Somehow both rushed, not well condensed, and yet also failed to effectively deliver tension in important scenes it was needed in. Scenes like the minotaur felt dragged out and lacked the urgency it deserved, and the fight/victory fell kind of flat. Pacing got better in later episodes thankfully.
Sally Jackson. Yeah I know, not a hot take. She's a more realistic depiction of a mother in that kind of situation but I didn't find her likeable outside of her first scene talking about the name Perseus. She's not necessarily a "Bad Character" per se, but she is not the Sally Jackson from the books. Frankly, I didn't find book Sally all that important, but seeing this version has definitely wised me up to importance of her kindness and patience. Sure she might have seemed like a "doormat" at the beginning, but the more u learnt about her, the more her inner strength and self sacrificial love for Percy was apparent. TV Sally just doesn't have that, it doesn't feel like she has that much affection for Percy, she seems more distant and less loving. TV Sally has far too many scenes of her raising her voice at Percy and being frustrated with him, it makes it seem more like she was randomly stuck with this child and while she loves him, she knows deep down she would have been happier without him. Again, understandable but not book Sally. I feel they've sort of played up Percy's fierce love for his mum (or maybe it just feels more so because its more present in his spoken lines), but it doesn't feel as justified. If anything, id believe a more messy wrought relationship between the two. Its not a bad thing she's not the exact same as her book counterpart, but I do think it was a bad decision when they went so hard on Percy being ride or die for her, when most of her longer scenes are her being just frustrated with Percy being a child.
Gabe. ok more of a hot take I guess but I seriously disagree with his re-characterization. I don't mean to downplay anyone's experiences with toxic or abusive partners, but Gabe is far too bland and inoffensive. At worst, he's kind of annoying and maybe lazy. But he is nothing like the human sht stain that was book Gabe. Book Gabe deserved petrification and a lot worse, TV Gabe does not. The guy deserves a break up, not murder. Me and my friend actually laughed at him, because he didn't give "beats his wife and emotionally abuses her and her child", he gave "dead beat crypto boyfriend". Maybe it was the casting as well, the actor was funny and just seemed more goofy than actively horrid. "what makes u think he hasn't hit sally?" have u met TV Sally?? are u kidding me? she would have that man arrested.
Hades. I don't actually dislike making Hades friendly and more sassy. Sure its not book accurate, but you could argue its a little more mythologically accurate (maybe). My real problem is that he lacks PRESCENCE. Yes he can be nicer ect in this, but he is still the GOD OF THE UNDERWORLD. He should still be able to command a room! His words, even if they're not malicious or intimidating, should hold a certain kind of weight. I don't blame the actor here, I think he does well with what he's given but pretty much everyone else dropped the ball here. If they had supported him, we could have had a friendly Hades that was still a fitting lord of the underworld. Writers, directors, lighting, sound, ect let him down.
Persassy. Percy was great in the beginning but I felt like he started to lose that as the show went on, to give more of his lines/sassy moments to the other members of the trio. Which wasn't a terrible idea, I just think they did it too much, especially with the Ares scenes. Percy is meant to have an epic beef with Ares so much it transcends magic amnesia, but I could not believe that with the current lack of sass. Even the upcoming battle doesn't feel as weighty or deserved as it should. Again, don't hate the idea of sharing the sass around, just don't think it should come at the cost of Percy being toned down so much.
Getting into the underworld / mattress scene WHAT WAS THAT. I can accept that Percy knows more about Greek mythology because of his mom and i feel generally from just current cultural zeitgeist, but WHY THE HELL WOULD HE KNOW WHO CRUSTY IS?? and why was it so quick? there was no quick desperate clever thinking, it was like bro had read the scene from the book and then SPEED RAN IT. Also the Charon scene was far more interesting imo and I don't like that they cut it in favour for Crusty, without even doing that scene well. God that was so poorly executed.
Anyway thanks for reading my rant. Its long so it may seem like I didn't like the series but im being truthful when I say I did. I pretty much liked the rest of it, even some of the changes. I thinks a good show and adaption with some flaws, thats all. Im excited to finish up the season and im so pumped for season 2 and hopefully the rest of the series :D
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micecakes · 5 months
Alright here we go, I haven't done this in years but decided to do it this year as a kinda roundup of some of the best games I've played this year and why I picked them, my kinda criteria for picking them is they have to be games I've actually finished, and actually came out this year, I don't usually include ports but remakes do make it in for me, and there will be a section near the bottom for games I did like a lot but didn't actually come out this year, so uhh let's get started i guess gonna get the Triple A junk out of the way first I think, so first off:
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Spider-Man 2, rly liked the first one and the Miles Morales games and this one just continued on the story and whatever, it improved on a lot of things over the first game and I think it ended up just being more enjoyable overall, plus like, 19 inches of Venom and whatever, villains maybe weren't as good as the previous game but there was some rly good gameplay sections with some of them, tho once again i felt like the sidequests fell a bit short but they did at least have boss fights and more villain stuff in them so that was good, good game 👍
okey, game 2 is
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Pikmin 4, and no i'm not editing this picture thank u, pretty much the best one in the series? just good overall and even tho i didn't 100% it i'm pretty sure the bonus mode you get is just a mini remake of the original game so that's cool, overall really good, definitely dragged near the end tho and kinda felt like it was going on too long, but still good, this was also like the only major Nintendo release of this year i played for more than like, an hour lol, outside of one dlc game 3 be:
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Final Fantasy 16, this one is weird because I both loved and hated it at the same time, not rly much to say about it other than its the worst 10/10 video game i've ever played, it has some of the highest highs in anything i've ever played and its offset by some of the most boring shit in the world that made me want to eat my own head at times, it's good but it's also shit, it also runs like absolute ass for no reason and square enix were convinced it was totally 100% fine and didn't need to be patched and even when they did it still didn't fix it, there's literally no way I can sell anyone on this game, play Asura's Wrath instead 👍 okey i guess 4&5 are kinda gonna be rolled into one so:
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Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 Remakes, both really good remakes of really good video games, but at the same time don't really replace the original versions? there's both no reason to play these over the OG releases but they're also different enough that it's fine for both original and remakes to exist, so worth playing if you like the original releases, i guess the only complaint i have is they cut out operation Ada and seperate ways from RE4 remake and then sold it back to us as dlc, but its actually more complete than the original version and worth the price i think, still annoying but hey, modern videos games babey
ok i guess next is like "non triple A games" and weird games that I enjoyed, not all of these are indie games but they're not triple A stuff so? 🤷
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Robocop: Rouge City, its basically Robocop 2.5 the movie the video game, it's kinda jank, it's kinda slow to be expected but it's pretty fun and funny just seeing Robocop interact with people and then like, grab people off their motorcycles and throw them into exploding barrels, it's dumb it's good it rly captures the 80s jank of Robocop pretty well 👍 next is technically a game that didn't come out this year but it did because literally no one uses apple arcade so
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Air Twister, this is probably the fucking weirdest game i've played in a very long time, i went in expecting to play a modern Space Harrier instead i got a lock on style shooter with a soundtrack that is just some band emulating Queen songs, no joke, i was just blown away the whole time at what was happening, it wasn't until i died and ran out of credits that i ended up in the games main menu which had so much stuff i was just clicking menus for about 20 mins and kept discovering more and more video game nonsense to play and unlock, SUPER weird, pretty fun, Yu Suzuki why did you release this on apple arcade originally and WHAT were you on when you made this sir, good job next i guess is
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Graze Counter GM, an updated/sequel to Graze Counter, one of the first Shmups i've gotten in to and it's just really fun, loads of characters, about 8? stages to play, good basic gameplay mechanics, bunch of different difficulties and options to play with and it's just a lot of fun for a 20 min ish run through the game, def inspired me to play more shmups and get better at them, good game next we finally got some FPS games
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Warhammer 40k Boltgun, classic boomer shooter style game, very stompy and heavy feeling but also really fast and fun, really enjoyed how colourful the game is and the fact there's a dedicated taunt button that does nothing by make you crack your knickles and yell things, only major complaint i had was there wasn't enough boss variety and one of the is kinda straight bs some of the time, but for the most part it was a lot of fun, also corvus helmet best helmet 👍 more FPS gamign which was a semi recent release?
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Sprawl, it's currently on sale but its cheap anyways, from the banner art alone you can tell the dev is a MGS and Ghost in the Shell fan, and playing the game you can tell that too somewhat, really fun really gritty and pretty fast paced, has controllable slomo bullet time which is now something I love in games?? soundtrack is good and yeah, it's just good, really cool aesthetically has that very gritty industrial kowloon walled city cyberpunk look and feel to it and very satisfying to play, really good. last thing for games this year is a DLC
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I really like the Xenoblade Chronicles series, and the XB3 dlc is a really good final wrap up of the game, lots of fanservice in the good way and just plays well and is fun, ties up a lot of story junk you'd want to know, I still think the XBC2 dlc is the best playing XBC thing but this is very good and just very fun, can't say too much without spoiling anything in the series lol but I enjoyed it a lot after finishing off XBC3 ok halfway there (joke) :^) next is games that didn't come out this year but I did play and really liked sooo
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I got into racing games i guess around this time last year, I picked up Gran Turismo 7 in maybe January or February and played it a lot since, not the most exciting game or best or feature full but it has stuff that I like, and as a result has gotten me more into cars, car games and just made me better at it, had a lot of fun and the big update they did semi recently has just made the game better yehaw time??
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not really much to say about Evil West other than it's what a new xbox 360/PS3 era action game would be like, just without the jank and with more convenience, not afraid to be cheesy and dumb its just a standard level based action game where you're a techno cowboy kinda guy fighting vampires, it's good it's fun and it's not that hard 🤠 nya:
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one of the first games I played this year was Stray cuz i got it in an early sale, I had no real idea what to expect and I enjoyed every moment of it, really good aesthetics and design and an interesting post apocalypse style world you get to explore, you really end up caring about all the robot people and the cat and everything, also you get a meow button so its good 😺 more FPS game
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I'd always seen this game just never picked it up, I think Severed Steel is one of my favourite FPS games ever now, the main story/campaign is only about 3 hours long, i beat it in one sitting and i think my face hurt when i was done because i was just grinning and laughing like an idiot the whole time because of how fun it was, there's also a bunch of extra modes to keep playing, the music is good and just everything about the game is fun which was my main takeaway from it, i didn't care that it was short I cared because of how much fun i had, highly recommend if you like sliding into guys, stealing their weapons and blasting them with it before they hit the ground, and with controllable bullet time if you want that too 👍👍 in a similar vein to the above, i guess the oldest game on this list is:
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Outrun 2006: coast 2 coast, its the home port of Outrun 2, which includes Outrun 2 and a bunch of extra stuff, similar to Severed Steel this is just the most fun I've had with a racing/car game, it doesn't matter that i'm not super into Ferraris or that it's not realistic or whatever, it's just pure fun, and I don't have to spend a million dollars at the arcade to keep playing, so that's good woa you made it to the end!!!!!!! but wait!!! I played a lot of games this year, and even tho what I said about the previous ones was true, it was kinda hard for me to pick an actual game of the year, i did enjoy a lot of stuff but it didnt feel like anything stood out to me SO much that it deserved a "best game of the year" position for me, so the closest thing to that was:
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Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, hit a lot of plus points for me, I liked that I had to play the game 3 different times for different endings and a true end type thing, i did get frustrated early on but i kept coming back to play more, it def felt more of an action game than a mech game but customizing and messing with builds to get through fights was fun, tank legs thank u, it was also a similar situation to when elden ring came out, and everyone was playing it at the same time and sharing tips and builds and stuff which felt rly cool and nice and added to the whole experience, my only complaint is i wish it just had an option to start a second save file and do it all again, but oh well. and that's it! there's a bunch of stuff I didn't include in this, but i think this list is good enough for now, maybe next year this'll be a youtube video instead? I hope next years games are just as good, if not better, but even if they're not there's still a lot to play and explore 🐁🐁
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gavinners-soundbox · 1 year
Unused tracks from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Justice for All + Trials and Tribulations)
This is a continuation post from my brief mention of unused tracks in the original Phoenix Wright game, plus the RFTA extra case, so if you are looking for things about that specific game, maybe it's worth checking out. JUSTICE FOR ALL:
JFA has a lot of tracks that are still left over in the game due to the fact that it's basically a port from the AA1 that got tweaked to actually be turned into the AA2 that we know today. Those tracks are:
Maya Fey ~ Turnabout Sisters 2001
Ace Attorney ~ End (Credits Theme)
Unknown Track BGM009 (The unused Track from AA1)
Jingle ~ It Can't End Here (Save Jingle)
Ace Attorney ~ Prologue (AA1 Case 1 Intro)
Investigation ~ Opening 2001
Marvin Grossberg ~ Age, Regret, Retribution
Reminiscence ~ Heartbroken Maya
Maya's theme, Investigation, and Jingle got ditched for their 2002 remakes, while the rest of the tracks are... Just there for the sake of being there, I guess. Funny how they kept the Unused track from the other game, though. However, JFA DOES have an unused track of its own!
It's basically a twist on the Justice for All ~ End, which I assume would maybe be a continuation, or alternative take- I frankly have NO idea nor could I find an answer to my questions. I'll also take a moment to talk about BGM093, which is basically the beginning of JFA - End but it's actually never featured in any of the OST releases of the game? Not in the AA1-2 Combo Disks, Not in the Trilogy Steam release, Not in the Sound BOX- Genuinely no clue what happened to this track, maybe they considered it a sound effect transition from the scene to the actual JFA- End track.
Same with JFA, more ported music from other games:
Pursuit ~ Cornered 2001
Pursuit ~ Cornered (Variation) 2001
Reminiscence ~ Case DL-6
"Alright, Mx. Soundbox, but didn't pursuit get used in that one scene yada yada..." Yes and no. What was used was a rearrangement, Pursuit - Cornered 2004, not the actual track itself. Same goes for the Variation. DL-6 is just there I guess! Maybe they wanted to use it for the final case stuff but didn't! Shrug! There's also two instances of the Franziska theme (Triumphant Return) for literally no reason. BGM082, which they don't use, and BGM087, which they do use. Again, literally the same track. It's just doubled.
As for unused original tracks, the GBA Japanese Demo of T&T had a slightly different intro for the first case (click the link). It's honestly hard to tell but it's there, I promise!! (Honestly the GBAJP Demo ver has so much cool stuff in there to see in general, it's really cool to see the differences between the finished game and this release)
Well, that's that for those two games. The only other games that have unused tracks that I remember on top of my head are AAI and Apollo Justice, so I'm not sure I'll make a post about those, but it's always worth checking out or googling it if you're curious!
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captainkupo · 4 months
Jrpgs are largely made by/for consoles and the pc isnt as big as consoles in the jp market and its only just recently that alot of backlog titles have started to show up there and even then alot of jp studios dont port the entire back catalog (atlus) or do really shit port jobs (square enix) so youve got bit series with huge swathes of their best works missing entirely
Oh yeah wow persona on steam except its missing 3 of them and one of the ones you got is the worst version (p3p) it literally is "go emulate/buy the ps2 version that never got ported to modern hardware" (or i guess play reload but they botched the soundtrack and recast everyone for no fucking reason?)
Oh wow final fantasy on steam i hope you like weird ass frankenstein remakes that fuck with the visuals and are horribly overpriced! I guess 3dhd opera in ff6 is kind of awesome though actually. Better than the mobile ports were dear god
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heat--end · 10 months
Pokemon hot take?🔥
BDSP was like, fine. it's not a good game, but it's not dogshit awful either. it's fine
this is probably not even a hot take and just depends on who you ask, but i think as a game, as a remake, it's like, whatever
BDSP itself is built off a game that is already like, Fine (vanilla D/P), and is essentially just a switch port with new moves, QoL shit, and i guess now the pokemon amie system from gens 6/7 built in automatically, which honestly, some people see as ruining the game's difficulty, but i gotta be honest vanilla gen 4 was not that hard. (i think the only hard part is cynthia and its solely because she's like, leveled up past the rest of the game, which makes SENSE but it does make the fight difficult)
is it a lame remake? abso fucking lutely yeah. it does barely anything with being a remake, didn't add all that much, and is based off diamond/pearl as opposed to the Actually Really Good Gen 4 Game (i love vanilla d/p but platinum blows it out of the water). BDSP as a remake fails to really do anything interesting
but i think as a GAME, people are incredibly harsh on BDSP for various reasons, all of them being very fair. and i don't even mean that to be like it's undeserved, BDSP is an absolute mess. but i feel like people absolutely trashing on it as if it's the worst thing to ever happen is a bit extensive, but its in the same vein as something like sonic forces, which i feel similarly about (that it's fine, but gets trashed on as if it's the worst thing to grace the series).
i think it just kinda boils down to various things, such as one's response to the lack of real remake-level updates we've seen from FRLG, HGSS, or even ORAS, that cause it to get slammed as the worst pokemon game. and in a sense, i suppose it is, but at the same time i don't think it's this utterly unredeemable game that it's made out to be sometimes. it is still BAD, mind you, but it is kind of just inoffensively bad. like it just exists, and i don't know why some people still dog on it as hard as they do cause like. its just *whatever*
(and if i'm being 100% completely honest id rather play vanilla d/p over kanto any day lmao)
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chemicalbrew · 11 months
12 + 18 (for whatever fandoms come to mind ...)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
i really do not like this question, because i always have trouble gauging what characters are actually popular and not, help!!!
whatever, here's the easy answer: Schala (and the reasons why are deep inside her blorbo tag)
I guess Haze (Xenoblade 2) also counts, but honestly, I really understand why people don't pay her much attention. It's me who has an unreasonable tendency to get attached to nice girls who exist to get killed off\fridged to make a point, but god, her design was awesome. gender goals lowkey even to this day
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
these answers feel almost like obligations, especially given it's you who's asking (you already know my deal hahaha). oops
more people should consider how funny (and interesting!) Zero KZ and the receptionist are (I probably won't shut up about it for a while help)
most Russian gamers (at least the ones that used to be vocal when I gave a shit) need to get their head out their ass and expand their horizons, and I have been saying this for years
at this rate I think more Zelda fans actually need to learn emulation and play 2D Zelda. people in general should learn to emulate stuff instead of waiting for remakes\ports\rereleases, because this shit is exhausting
Falcom fans need to play Falcom games that a) are neither Ys nor Trails and b) were originally released before 2014
Hades fans need to play Supergiant's older games
Dual Destinies\Spirit of Justice are far from perfect games and it's admittedly fair to hate them, but they had a fair amount of interesting ideas that should not be slept on (i.e. I daresay I think the idea of Apollo living abroad is interesting and just was executed like dogshit)
this isn't exactly 'sleeping on' and more blatant ignorance, but canon non-binary characters (i.e. the Undertale\Deltarune kids and A Xenoblade) having their identity ignored is awful
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
Doom 3 could use a proper release and not a "remake"
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(Image here is someone's YT thumbnail, the channel being AkajiCZ)
Ever since the Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 remakes, some people expect Doom 3 to also get a remake, but i feel like saying some things:
Doom 3 should have a proper re-release first and some of its features could be:
Restoring/not cutting the content that later releases removed (There was some lightning tech that was only cut because John Carmack borrowed it from somewhere but still).
Better sounds/music settings (Like how in the intro music, there's a E1M1 reference that you can barely hear, so imagine settings to change that).
Or even a "music jukebox/playlist" for the few existing music tracks and maybe some sound effects.
Subtitle settings/options.
Art gallery, specially for concept art (I know the OG Xbox version had a video showcasing concept art but still).
Model viewer since D3 is when Doom first had detailed 3D models and the art style gives some demons a lot of details that can be overlooked.
Photo mode.
Options for alternate sounds (Specially the beta/alpha D3 sounds composed by Trent Reznor but also because BFG edition had some differences in the sound effects).
Maybe actual options for game changing stuff like the lantern being carried or whether or not people do care about the shotgun that much.
Farfetched but make the OG Xbox version a bonus feature like how Nightdive's Quake remaster has the 64 port as an addon.
There's still good ideas worth including here.
A new expansion could be cool
Like one that tries to have more new content than Lost Mission.
A cool idea is if the weapon roster itself is different from that of main D3 to spice up variety.
Or maybe introduction of new mechanics to explore the D3 "format" a bit more.
Maybe one that even tries to explore cut content, since Kenneth Scott once remade the Birdman.
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Also make actual use of the power ups that were in multiplayer only because they look cool.
What's wrong with BFG edition and later versions
These two links showcase some examples:
Resurrection of Evil has cut content like minigames and levels/areas.
I think in original RoE, the player had a lantern attached to the pistol.
Some effects were removed.
Some characters had visual changes for some reason.
The shoulder attached lantern.
Lots more ammo pickups.
Somehow more lights.
Enemy placement was changed in various places.
Maledect doesn't spawn Forgotten Ones.
CANNOT skip cutscenes.
I think even the intro with the UAC text was changed and downgraded a bit.
Maybe there were positive changes like the crying lady now having tears on her eyes or how the Martian Buddy website doesn't exist anymore, so they had to create a different way of getting a locker code.
Still, it's bizarre that some of this even happened because you'd think they'd look more into some issues people have with D3.
Instead, they created new problems and didn't fix much.
Lost Mission wasn't bad, even if it didn't have a lot of new content and reused some areas (But there's story reasons for it, i guess).
But even its ports of D1 and 2 had weird changes, even if most people use the original IWAD versions anyway and the new Unity ports ended up better than the PSN/BFG editions.
At least learn something from modders
Mostly because even the Unity Doom ports improved with help from fans and how D64's official new release has the collaboration of Kaiser, who worked behind D64 EX.
But also because D3 has its own fair share of mods that improve/fix things or at least tweak them in ways to satisfy some fans.
Even for a new expansion with new content, it'd be great.
I'm sure most people already know of the D3 Phobos mod that recreates the unused Arachnotron design.
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Depending on how different a D3 remake is, it might as well be another reboot/its own thing
And this is a series that already changed directions and most of its games are different.
A "D3 remake" might as well be a sequel/follow up that D3 never had (Specially if RoE is not enough and the cancelled D4 wasn't supposed to be a D3 follow up in the first place).
Could be a way to explore this part of the series and give it justice, while also fixing some flaws.
Because the 2016/Eternal formula is almost an "opposite wing" to D3: It'd be weird trying to connect these 2 sides of the series in a canonical way.
D3 was always its own timeline and there's a lot about gameplay/tone/direction/aesthetics etc that makes these games seperate, even if still Doom.
At least a D3 follow up could be the sequel it never got before and be to D3 what Eternal is to 2016.
A lot of these games already look "modern-ish" enough
Lot of games that already felt "realistic" enough are getting "remasters" or "remakes" when "updated ports" make more sense.
Specially with an arguement for older games being abstract, unless they benefit from the varied interpretations or later remakes end up misinterpretating something (Which also makes videogame remakes in general a double edge sword for both new and old).
I also wonder if people even "want" this or are just accustomed to an idea that was considered absurd at some point.
Almost the equivalent to putting a frog in water, then slowly turn up the temperature and the frog doesn't mind.
I also did a thread about "remastering" the older Doom games and some things to be considered.
One day, people will think Doom 2016 needs a remaster/remake (Unless the only purpose is to improve the engine, since Eternal got rid of megatextures).
About Doom 3 itself
It's a flawed game and i can see how fans had to put up with it being the "latest game" in the series for a long time until D2016 came out.
But i also think most of its flaws are more on execution than the actual concept.
Partially because of the saying "not a bad game, just not a GOOD DOOM game either".
Either from arguements like what elements it carries/expands on from Doom (Or the same about the new games) or even how old Doom "never left" because of the fanbase and modding scenes.
Maybe D3 should have been a spin-off with a subtle instead of a "3" in the name.
But D3 being in a weird spot as a divisive game is also why i think it deserves a proper release and not what it ended up with.
Anyway, besides my rant about classic Doom remasters and the links to later D3 release differences, i got some other links worth checking:
D3 concept art.
A thread where someone suggests how BFG Edition could improve and part of why i made this post.
This post in itself could have been better like what else a proper D3 re-release could have etc.
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monasticmaestoso · 1 year
I am curious. What r your top five video games
WHOOPS I only just saw this now lmfao sorry
I'll stick to one game per franchise but u can assume im recommending the whole series
5. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
One of my two biggest childhood influences. Ps1/PC puzzle/platformer/adventure game about a funny blue guy escaping from slavery when he discovers his whole race is about to get butchered and sold as food products. Gets back in touch with his native roots and gets granted spiritual powers to help him free his fellow captives and topple capitalism while killing hundreds of cops along the way. There's no guns but there are grenades occasionally. Or you can possess the cops and make them use their guns to kill other cops. And then blow themselves up. Has a ton of sequels and a couple remakes, ports and remasters on PC and just about every other console. Cannot recommend enough. Also you can fart on command this game has a dedicated Fart button you use it for communicating (and then in the sequel you can possess farts too)
4. Myst
The other childhood influence. This game and whole series made me a huge wanderlust slut. Point and click adventure, puzzle solving, world exploring, journal reading. Some puzzles will definitely have you Stumped (but feel free to hmu bc I still have the first game memorised like the back of my hand and am happy to offer guidance ^^) my fave is actually the third game Exile, but I gotta pay respect to the OG. It's full of images and sound effects that remain engraved in my brain in vivid detail 20+ years later
3. Bloodborne
I'm actually not talking abt the whole "series" here I dont rly care much for dark souls etc. It's just this one lmao. Love the tone, love the gameplay, love the level design, love all the horrid monster designs. Love the Rally mechanic discouraging you from hiding and playing safe when you should be going full throttle wailing on everything as fast as possible. I love learning to party attacks with a firearm instead of a shield. I love the blood vials system. I love the doll I love Eileen the crow I love lady Maria I love all the funny little creachurs and most of all I love dying and being dead
2. Final Fantasy V
This ones kinda personal and maybe a bias I guess but idk this was my first FF and even now when I go back to it it just Hits Different somehow. Maybe it's nostalgia/bias but even comparing it to the other pre-ps1 FFs it's just got this vibe of its own. The music helps ofc the music is so fuckin good esp the new pixel remaster arramgements. Anyway it's a nice fun story about Four Complete Randos And Their Grandpa And Pet Chicken And Pet Dragon And Pet Sea Serpent And A Gay Pirate Gang And A Furry And Also A Tortoise At One Point who fight against a Giant Evil Tree that spent like a hundred years absorbing all of the most Evil souls in the world and now he wears a big blue suit of armour and calls himself Exdeath. He wants to conquer and kill and maim and destroy and eventually suck the entire world into The Void for no other reason than he's evil and loves being evil and badass. Not a whole ton of complex plot depth but that's why it's so approachable as a FF game. Also this game is where Gilgamesh and Battle on the Big Bridge came from, plus Omega and Shinryu, so if you like those then you're obligated to play this one. Also one of the main characters is a genderfluid twink with a thing for silver foxes and another is a non-binary/transmasc pirate
1. Kingdom Hearts
I couldn't not lmao. The entire series Of Course but also in this case I specifically mean the first one. Again it might be nostalgia bias but the first KH just has this unique charm to it, this warm atmosphere that none of the others have been able to replicate. Traverse town feels like a second home to me
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hgf-the-fairy · 2 years
Remakes. Less of them for the big stuff, please. More ports, please. More remakes of bad or flawed games, please.
I know I'm not alone on this, but we really need more remakes of games that had potential but failed to live up to them or which like, actually have *really* big problems in properly porting them or whatever instead of remakes of games that were already good and could feasibly be ported already.
More remakes of stuff like Mega Man X7, which could have been a good game but needed some more fine tuning with the movement and a few other large overhauls here and there, and stuff like System Shock (which actually is getting one btw!), wherein the control scheme of the original kind of is actually a problem when it comes to the thought of even considering porting it to consoles!
Less remakes of stuff like Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (no really why did those games get remakes, like they didn't even at least remake Platinum they remade those ones instead???), The Last Of Us, Advance Wars, Luigi's Mansion, Pac-Man World, Link's Awakening etc.!
Good ports help preserve a game's legacy. Remakes try to change it. And often, they do so in ways that hurt the game's legacy. Sonic Adventure DX is kind of uh... both, iirc? It's re-using some code from the original, redoing a lot of the assets, and uh, it's kind of really bad what it did to the original game honestly, and forever has hurt Sonic Adventure 1's reputation.
Also take Metroid: Samus Returns. Technically plays better than Metroid 2 in a lot of ways, but in many ways missed the point, of the atmosphere, of the seemingly-intended messages that a lot of people miss because they think a Gameboy game surely couldn't *intentionally* be doing environmental storytelling when it has less enemies later on despite having far too many enemy types for it to be a mistake because goodness me you can't really easily fit that many large sprites in a Gameboy game and tell me that they simply ran out of enemy types to use for later areas, etc., but whoops, that's the version most people are gonna remember now!
...at least that was on a system that already had Metroid 2 available in its original form though, so I guess I can only complain so much. But I'm telling ya, if Nintendo ports Samus Returns to Switch some day, they'd *better* include the original with it too, or I will be mad. But, ah, they didn't do that for Link's Awakening from what I recall, so I somehow doubt they would do it here either.
...I feel like there'd been some other game I'd wanted to talk about earlier today but I honestly forget what it was, so I decided to talk about this instead.
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weirdunclegamer · 9 months
I feel like doing A Thing. I'm gonna rewatch the N Direct (watched it at work originally) and comment on... I dunno, everything? For funsies.
Y'know I totally forgot it opened wit the Sploon3 DLC thing. I don't play splat myself but absolutely lovin the aesthetics here, that octoling in the elevator is dressed saucy I must say. The whole thing looks delightfully cartoon creepy, the clear overuse of flat white had me guessing at something to do with color right at the point "put this color chip in" was said. Gonna hafta paint that blank canvas.
Mario vs DK. Another series I never really played, but I know lots of people love it. One of those beloved side games. A friend commented on being glad it was going back to the original style rather then the psuedo lemmings thing where you just had the toy Marios. I hadn't thought of that myself but there you go. I love how when DK gets hit with the... box, pipe, whatever, that Mario throws at him, it really does feel like just a cartoon clonk on the donk, absolutely non-violent.
Ooooooooh here we go. I'm not a Prince of Persia fan specifically, did love the... 2006? 2009? That one stand alone entry with the prince with the orange and purple head wrap. But THIS PoP game looks fuuuuuuun, this is exactly my kind of 2D platformer, with a good combat system baked in too. Also you're not actually the prince this time! Or maybe that'll be the twist later. The prince was inside you all along.
Okay so I never even knew there was a Horizon Chase 1? So no clue as far as sequels go, but I have always enjoyed a good arcade racer on the side. This one gives me "slightly less wacky Cruisn' game" vibes. Also I like the little random dialogues you see coming from the cars a few times. Adds flavor.
Super Crazy Rhythm Castle... I uh... I dunno, I got nothing. It's a musical party game! When they said well known songs from other Konami games but it was a Beatmania track I'm not familiar with that landed like a wet sock. Sorry. Hope its fun!
Okay I haven't read/watched SPYxFAMILY but holy MOLY Anya is just pure distilled weaponized CUTE AS HECK. How do you be so cute like that? And now she's gonna have a game that's just about making memories with her family? I have diabetes now.
Woo, man, I have feelings about an SMRPG remake. But if I'm being blunt... any concern I have is just for shitty bad faith fandom deciding to shit all over the game after it comes out for not being some BS they made up in their heads. The game looks super cute and I appreciate how they kept the funny proportions of the characters from the SNES game. While everyone else is analyzing the changes to the battle system (or that train attack from Boomer that did max damage woah there), I noticed they snuck in a shot of the party seemingly opening the door to... will it be Culex again? Or will there be a new secret boss there? Boggles the mind it does.
Oh geez this one. Some people I follow have been flooding my dash with love for the Another Code game announcement(s) here. It makes me remember how much I have NOT played my copy of the DS game XD crud. I don't have the Wii sequel at all so I may get this just to cover my bases. I HAVE however, played Hotel Dusk, and would love to see some kind of port of that to the Switch. But more then anything I'm just glad to see this series not be forgotten.
HHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NEW PEACH GAME. I loooooved Super Princess Peach on the DS, and I admit, I was... concerned, after the original announcement of a Peach game from the last general direct, that a new game would be... plain, flat even. But OH HOWDY I was assuaged of my concern! Also YES, give her LOTS OF OUTFITS PLEASE. I am def getting this.
Man the SaGa series... that's one I always see and like... want to go play, then I just never get around to it. I think I have the SaGa game on PS2? I almost got the super beloved PS1 entry not too long ago but it was like... over a hundred dollars. I gotta say though... I am actually LOVING the characters in this one. Like, the guy who would be the default sword warrior in any other RPG of this ilk is some kind of puppet master? We got robots? Magical girl witch? A... cowgirl and hijab wearing lady duo with guns? I AM SOLD ALREADY. WHAT EVEN IS THIS SETTING.
HD remake of Lara Croft games. ...that is all. (I don't really care one way or the other, hopefully they do right by the originals)
Detective Pikachu 2. I didn't play the first game, and despite how much you'd think I'd have a connection to pokemon given the original Blue was the first game I ever bought with my own money as a kid, and I legitimately caught all 151 mons... I don't actually have any strong connections to pokemon. Sorrynotsorry.
Trombone Champ... cough... that was a meme from last year I think? I dunno. I think people only care because it was a meme, if it had been some random Wii game it would've been called shovelware and nobody'd give a shit. Shrug.
Battle Crush looks serviceable, but I'm actually just surprised something that feels generic as of like... two or three years ago, is just showing up now. Seems like its riding an outdated wave.
Wartales feels like something that is gonna become the obsession of a tiny cult fanbase.
Remake of Contra 1... hm... okay so like, I actually am a Contra fan. Like... half the reason I would ever care about having a partner irl is someone to play Contra with. But the only thing in this trailer that really made me sit up was hearing that Wayforward was making it. It otherwise looks... just... plain. I guess. Nothing about it really leaping out at me from this trailer. The graphics feel too "clean", Contra should always look kinda grungy you know?
It is actually hard for me to express how HAPPY I am to see a new Vanillaware game (god I needta go finish 13 Sentinels...), but HOLY CRAP the title of the game... UNICORN OVERLORD. Is such a funny goddamn name. I want to tell you how pretty the game trailer is, how interested I am in the gameplay, or maybe how its giving me vibes to a Vanillaware game on the PSP that never got released in the US... but all I can imagine is someone's Megaman X OC Maverick. UNICORN OVERLORD! At half health they jump into the background on a throne and you evade attacks from a legion of lesser unicorn soldier bots. I am so getting this game though. (ALSO THE GAMEPLAY LOOKS LIKE OGRE BATTLE SO I AM QUADRUPALLY INVESTED no not TACTICS OGRE, OGRE BATTLE you peasant)
...wasn't the game called Luigi's Mansion DARK MOON? Was that only in the US maybe? Oh well. I suppose it was time enough for this. I've only played 3, but it was def a lot of fun. Also POLTERPUP, that is all.
Okay so... gotta be totally up front about F-Zero 99... I think its a hilariously fun idea to "99" up the original F-Zero, the way they 99'd up tetris and mario 1. But also, I am right there with all the fans who are grumbling about not getting an actual new F-Zero game, like a proper one not just a gimmick. Still, the game is gonna be a chaotic silly mess. Not bad, but not quite enough either.
Okay Bandle Tale and Nunu or whatever; what is it with everything related to LoL being better then the actual LoL game?
New Wario Ware! ...I don't play Wario Ware games! GIVE ME A NEW WARIO LAND GAME YOU COWARDS. (this is not meant as a sleight against WW games or the people who love them, they're legit cool, funny, colorful, have a ton of great characters, and I just don't personally play them so new ones go solidly into "tell that one friend of mine a new WW was announced" category)(also inb4 all the people complaining about "motion controls" or something, I dunno, I hope the fandom is better then that but I dont trust the internet)
Eiyuden Chronicles! This is one of those things where the original games this is a successor to (which I cant remember the name of off the top of my head because my brain hates me) isn't something I ever had, but I've spent more then enough time immersed in that old PS1 culture and the people therein that I totally get it, and I hope nearly as much as any fan that the final product of this game is everything they want it to be.
Ah, here's one that's virtually impossible for me to comment on because I know nothing of Eastward other then that art style. It looks nice! And I don't know how this is similar or different or fits in at all with the original game! I would 100% become immortal somehow despite the ramifications just to play every game, but alas, I am a mere mortal, and have a limited amount of time, lots of which I lose to depression, so I have not played Eastward. Sorry.
Wargroove 2! Well that's not something I was expecting. I def liked Advanced Wars back in the yonder time, but never stuck with the genre going forward (also I suck at it!). When the original Wagroove became a thing (I actually played a prelease demo of it at PAX one year) I was def excited for fans of the genre (pretty much how I feel about Eiyuden Chronicles even). But I also remember hearing that people fell off the first game kinda fast? Here's hoping 2 does all the good sequel things and really ups its game then.
I admit I'm not much for the huge plethora of (usually cooking focused) crafting-one-side-selling-on-the-other style games. But I do like seeing a game randomly have a POC player character. Just, in general. Doesn't even seem to be a factor of the story either, just is a thing. Glad to see it. (Love the mantis shrimp with the boxing gloves, gotta get that out there)
I haven't played MK8 since it was on the WiiU! Moving on!
I have never played Among Us. I'm not gonna be playing it. ...was there only ever one map in that game? Trailer's cute. Is it mushroom themed because they're basically wanting to hand people a "fungus among us" joke?
Let see... quick reel of already announced stuff... and... oh right...
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake. I uh... I never got into TTYD. Oh I played it. A little. Something about it just didn't feel quite right to me? I dunno. I know people fucking LOVE it. And, sweet deal then. But this is another one I'm just kinda shrugging at. I will not be getting it. Oh well.
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videostak · 1 year
learned something interesting today that they have 2 space invaders ports on the pc engine :O one is the same as the sfc port like the og game but might be more of a better purchase than getting the sfc port since i think space invaders feels more comfy on pc engine than on sfc and then the second port is actually a lot like the heiankyo alien sfc port where it has the og arcade game and then also this like remake mode that looks meh. tho its kinda interesting cause both space invaders ports have the og arcade game but they seem to be like different ports with the standalone version from 95 being more straight up arcade perfect and then the 1990 one that also has the remake type game to be like a lil less arcade perfect in sound. tho i think the 1990 port looks a lil more interesting since it has more pc engine sounding sound. may want to pick up both or atleast the 1990 one in the future tho not anytime soon :( like i guess once i get another job whenever that may be.... but def something to keep in mind to check out if i rly become like a huge invaders head the way i love pac man and stuff
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atelophobicity · 2 years
2021 as the year of kpop albums that don't look like kpop albums
aka i want them all please give me some they're all so pretty albums
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nct dream's hot sauce jewel case version that looks like a chips packet (i guess jewel cases can't be rectangular that's why they can't make it look like a hot sauce packet?)
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aespa's savage p.o.s. (port of soul version) that's not like any other jewel case versions of sm with it rounded, bulkier packaging and a cd design doubling as an AR that when scannned opens up the port of soul to kwangya. So. Cool.
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heize's happen with its outbox that looks like a typical package box used in deliveries. (it might pale in comparison to the other albums in here but it still is a creative idea for me!)
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sejeong's i'm has a diy feel to it, because it's up to the fan if they want to assemble her photobook in here or not.
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soyeon's beam beam leans on to the diner concept of the mv, with its outbox looking like an actual takeout box and its inclusions designed with food you can order on diner menus!
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all versions of pentagon's love or take look like manhwa novels, from its illustrations to its book spine that, when completed, will spell out their album name on it. truly a novel (heh) idea!
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joy's hello consists of the singer's remakes of songs from the 1990s and 2000s. and the creative team really knocked the packaging concepts out of the park by releasing a casette tape version and a photobook version that is akin to a spiral notebook complete with the collage design that was widely popular during the early 2000s!
# # #
p.s. special shoutout to these jewel case versions of red velvet's releases this year! it isn't the most creative album versions out there, but there's a sense of uniformity from the album layout that it's really hard to resist collecting them all~
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sonicasura · 3 years
Top 5 Game Series That Need The N.Sane Treatment
Crash Bandicoot was a series that hadn't been seen for years until the Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy was revealed to the world. Thanks to this trilogy, not only was the franchise revitalized but we also got a sequel for Crash Warped in the form of Crash 4: It's About Time.
This is a recipe that could potentially bring games lost in obscurity back into the limelight but even a chance for new games to come. Here are some of my picks!
1. Jak and Daxter
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One of the games that seriously needs the N.Sane Trilogy treatment. Jak and Daxter was a game series made by Naughty Dog that would inspire many platforms after. It stars the Demolition Duo, Jak and his partner ottsel, Daxter, on incredible adventures that change in tone over each game. You begin with a goofy island adventure to a dark futuristic playground as new mechanics get introduced.
Out of the main trio which consists of Jak, Sly, and Ratchet, Jak was actually the first game I played amongst them. A series that needs a comeback especially with the Easter Eggs often seen in Ratchet and Clank games throughout the years.
Touch up the graphics into a different style depending on the game, the Precursor Legacy be a bit more cartoony in appearance like Crash 4, and then switch to a style similar to the N.Sane Trilogy for the darker games like Jak 2 and 3.
Adjust the controls to run smoother, change difficulty of certain games like lower the difficulty of Jak 2 a smidge and place an optional mode to play with the original difficulty.
This would lay down the groundwork for an actual proper sequel, Jak X feels more like a side game while Lost Frontier is a snore fest.
If Naughty Dog doesn't take this route and continues pushing out flavorless games, I suggest any decent company that can do should buy the rights to Jak and Daxter. This is a gold mine covered in dust that needs to come back!
2. Sly Cooper
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Yep! We're going to the other member of this once legendary trio, Sly Cooper. Sly Cooper was the second game series from Sucker Punch that I played, the first being Infamous series.
This game revolves around a group of thieves who steal from criminals and tend to get wrapped up in saving the world a few times or battling enemies out to end the bloodline of the main character, Sly Cooper, who comes from a legendary family of thieves.
Before the series disappeared into discontinuity, we had a total of 3 main games alongside one made by Sanzaru. Sanzaru's Thieves of Time was decent but midway World 3, the quality seriously declined and left fans with a very unsatisfied ending. Perfect for crossovers but terrible for the franchise.
Giving this game the N.Sane Trilogy treatment would not only give a more successful chance than attempts to make a movie, but it could to more proper sequel than Sanzaru's version. Use a design similar to Sanzaru's or go for a more rounded one like N.Sane Trilogy.
Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart even had an Easter Egg with Sly in it too! Insomniac acknowledges that these game series still exist by dropping these little nuggets of nostalgia, take the hint and bring back the Legendary Playstation Trio!
3. Spectrobes
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Nintendo's alternate version of Pokemon. Spectrobes is a trilogy game series that debuted on the DS and last game was made for the Wii.
This series revolves around Rallen and Jeena, two members of the Nanairo Patrol, as they search for the fossils of creatures of light known as Spectrobes to find the planet devouring darkness known as Krawl.
You travel through various planets to uncover different kinds of fossils and some very interesting or whacky but loveable characters. It has elements similar to Fossil Fighters where you have to dig up fossils before awakening them. Care for your Spectrobes to battle the Krawl.
The evolving battle system, new mechanics, various locales and the unique design of each Spectrobe were something I loved but pretty sure many would like too. It even had a book and a mini series on YouTube! The game's graphics could take a route similar to Rayman Legends or Dragonball FighterZ.
Don't go for Jump Force please. We need actual expression than stiff faces and aggravating screams.
This is game series worth bringing back even if it just gets a remake.
4. Golden Sun
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Another Nintendo franchise that needs return from obscurity. Golden Sun was a JRPG that came along systems like the Gameboy Advance during a severe lack of games for it. It revolves around different groups of people who use Psynergy, their version of alchemy, to battle evil as they travel the realm of Weyward.
A great game series enriched by its many characters, lore, growing battle system such as Djnn and Summons to turn the tide in battles, unique story and all sorts of areas to explore.
The biggest dent to the franchise was Dark Dawn because of its questionable ending that left many players confused or dissatisfied despite the incredible graphics, plot and character interactions. After that no one has heard a single word about any sequel.
The N.Sane Treatment would not only bring the franchise back for fans both new and old but can actually fix the questionable ending for Dark Dawn. Graphic style, um, I guess something similar to Dragon Quest or maybe Persona. Persona would be the better option considering how you choose how the main character responds to certain situations.
This series has been done dirty and deserves a second chance like this.
5. Kid Icarus
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A Nintendo franchise that shows bringing back old games can revitalize a lost series.
This game series is at the bottom for a decent reason actually. Masahiro Sakurai has been hearing requests about porting one of the games, Uprising, to the Switch. Something that he sounds like he wants to do but there is a problem as he admits it would be difficult.
How Uprising is made for the 3DS such as the dual screens, and specific use of the touch screen for combat. Something that can't easily be translated to something like the Switch without decent changes.
The game revolves around the angel Pit, who fights the evil forces of the Underworld with assistance from his Goddess Palutena. Each game changes the rules of battle with the greatest being Uprising as you combat various creatures and even bosses revolve mostly around Greek mythology.
I think the N. Sane Trilogy can work with this. The first Kid Icarus and the second Of Myth and Monsters might be what could provide the missing pieces for the Uprising Switch Port Situation.
Both games could be completely restyled in a format that could be similar to Zelda since in these games, your options of weapons are limited and you have to think smart for particular puzzles.
They can be used to lay down a format that can built on for an Uprising Remake since Land Battles are one half of the essential gameplay. The graphics can be Uprising since it's already a perfect that just needs to be brushed up a bit.
When it comes to Super Smash Brothers, Sakurai worked hard to make characters like Minecraft Steve or Fighting Game fighters such as Ryu and Kazuya fit into the gameplay even if it meant changing about every hitbox and aspect of the stages. A little help can go a long way.
That's what I've got for now. If I find anymore games that need the N. Sane Trilogy then I'll put em in a new list. Until next time folks!
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venfx · 3 years
i’ve. i’ve had a thought
this is going to be a bit of a ramble, bear with me. spoilers past s5, i guess?
We know now that Jonah’s whole plan hinges on the notion that human fears are inextricably tethered to one another, that it’s impossible to manifest just one. His idea is to bring them all into the world at once, all under the purview of the Watcher, and to do so before the emergence of a new power– in this case, Extinction.
Now, the first time we hear about Extinction is in MAG134. Addelard Dekker’s letter to Gertrude discusses Garland Hillier’s 1867 publication of “L’Avenier”. Something that caught my eye (hah) in this statement is Hillier’s last journal entry, a single line repeated over and over that reads: “La porte est la porte.”— the door is the door. 
In literature, doors are typically symbolic of transition. They represent change, metamorphosis, and they crop up a lot in TMA. There’s the Distortion, obviously, and the door that Jon’s nameless bully opens to meet Mr. Spider. There’s the door that Martin locks when he’s burning statements to distract Elias, the door that separates Carter Chilcott from the rest of the crew on board the Daedalus. 
As an aside: the rhetorical significance of doors lies in the fact that they are not static things. Think Janus, the two-faced god of beginnings and endings. Doors represent comings and goings, change predicated on action. In a show that’s all about intent, this feels like an important distinction to make.
Anyways. Those are just a few examples that come to mind. The most important door is, arguably, the one that Jon opens in MAG160. 
Jon is the lynchpin of this Mass Ritual. With a single incantation, he tears the fabric of reality at its seams and remakes the world anew. The domains that we’ve encountered are living embodiments of humanity’s deepest fears. They reflect our fear of pain and isolation and death; they reflect our fear of the things we’re capable of doing to one another when given the right incentive. 
My question is this: if the Mass Ritual successfully circumvented any true manifestation of Extinction, then why is its existence confirmed in MAG175? If the Watcher truly rules over this new ruined world, then why does it seem just as reliant on the fear generated by other Entities? If the purpose of the Mass Ritual was to untangle the Eye from the knotted mess of the other thirteen, then why does Jon still have to make statements?
You can probably see where this is going.
Dekker hypothesises that Extinction is the fear of the world ending at human hands. This whole show has been about Jon and his fight to keep his humanity, his autonomy. How human is Jon, at the end of everything? My answer to that would be human enough. Human enough to love, human enough to fear. Jon is human enough for remorse, for anger, and Jon is the one who opens the door.
Yes, Extinction is the fear of inevitable catastrophe, of the blink-and-you’ll-miss-it wasting away of civilisation, but it’s also the fear of being left behind in a world you know is completely outside of your control. The Extinction thrives on the very human fear of helplessness, feeds on our primal aversion to meaningless destruction and senseless violence and gore. These are all things we see again and again on Jon’s journey to the Panopticon.
My point is that Extinction is the culmination of Smirke’s original fourteen, and Jonah Magnus deeply underestimated its significance. 
My point is that the Mass Ritual wasn’t just the harbinger of a new world, it was a catalyst for the complete emergence of Extinction.
My point isn’t that the world is always ending, but rather that it’s already ended. 
tldr; the ritual in MAG160 was actually the emergence of Extinction. jon and martin can’t save the world because there’s nothing left to save.
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