#i forgot to upload over the weekend
royalarchivist · 1 year
Anonymous Viewer: I once ate cardboard to impress a boy
Niki: A BOY??? A BOY??? Come on, get some standards!
Aimsey: You won’t ever see me doin’ that, you won’t ever see me doin’ that. For more reasons than one, but still.
Niki: That’s why we love Aimsey, ‘cuz Aimsey has standards.
Aimsey: I have standards, women <3
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kaitlynpcallmebeepme · 2 months
Sea Sickness
Sea Sickness
Luke Hughes x fem!reader (established relationship, but still new)
Idea: Reader gets nauseous from being on the boat at the Hughes’s Lake House and snuggles up to Luke.
Requested: Nope. 
Author’s Note:  I know I’m bouncing around who I’m writing for, but I’m on a NHL spree right now. I also get nauseated if I'm on a boat or in the ocean for too long. Fun Fact: I wrote the beginning part of this on a note card while working by myself in the OR today. We had a really long case where I just had to check up on people during the middle of it (hence why I wrote this on a card because I don’t like going on my phone when I’m in the OR. It's unprofessional). I don’t know any of these people personally. The closest I’ve gotten to the team (that wasn’t just playing in the band at the games or when they were walking past us down the 2023 red carpet in tampa) was a tuba was talking to some of them in his plane row on the ride back from that trip (he ended up being the tuba you see in the senior picture from 2024) and one of the coaches had to share our bus on the way back from the 2023 frozen four game with his wife and two young daughters (I kept trying to get the younger one to smile at me unsuccessfully).  Someone from my hotel room also shared the elevator ride up with the entire Fantilli family the night they lost that game in 2023 (I think Adam also won the Hobey Baker award that same night). I’ve also been playing my lego lord of the rings game. Anyway, enjoy this little blurb.
Tagging some of my favorite Hughes/NHL writers, love y’all.
@wineauntie @thedevilrisen @winterbarnesblog @sc0tters 
I forgot to mention that this is kinda based on the cute stuff @bedsyandco writes
I'm now sad when I'm uploading this because a friend from college drumline has an incurable brain cancer. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers (he's only 19 or 20).
Requests are still open.  Feedback is always appreciated.  Also, tell me if you want to be part of a Tag List and I’ll tag you when I upload something new. If you want to only be tagged when I upload something for a certain character or shows, let me know as well.  
Warning: None, just general fluff. Feeling sick on a boat. 
Word Count: 488
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Being on a boat wasn’t your most favorite thing in the world, mainly because the last time you were on a boat, it got stuck in the middle of the laek and had to be towed back to shore (true story), but when your boyfriend Luke invited you to spend the weekend at the lakehouse with ihs brothers and friends, you weren't going to say no. The weekend had been filled with lots of eating, playing outside, and the boys being competitive at every game they pick up (even the old board game you brought to teach them how to play).  Just trying to keep up with them all was exhausting, so that’s how you ended up on the back of the boat enjoying the warm air instead of diving into the water again.  The boys had been going back and forth between wakeboarding and chatting on the boat deck. With them supplying the lake with plenty of waves, the constand up and down was starting to make your stomach sick.  You scooched over and made yourself comfortable laying your head on Luke’s shoulder.  He then opened his arms and wrapped you in his warm embrace so you could crawl on his lap and snuggle closer to his chest. 
“You feeling ok?” 
“Yeah, just want to stop the constant movement.” It was getting to a point were you just wanted to stop the constant movement.  It being really hot out didn’t help either. 
“We’ll head to shore soon. Then we can cool off inside.” 
Being wrapped up in Luke’s embrace with his fingers gently carding through your hair or down your shoulder leaving goosebumps in their wake and shading you with his fit body definitely helped keep your mind off of your stomach and the boat’s ever shifting movements.  Luke wasn’t much of a pda person, but you always encouraged him to show little bits of it at least in front of his family or close friends.  
Little did you know, that’s exactly who was eyeing the interaction.  Jack, Quinn, Trevor, Cole, and Dylan all had stopped what they were talking about in favor of watching the interaction between you two.  Eventhough they were not all related, they felt like proud older brothers seeing Luke be so considerate and affectionate in front of them.  Of couse they’re all going to tease him relentlessly later about this, but they were gentlemen in regards to respecting the timing and the moment.
“Just lay down and close your eyes. We’ll be on shore soon.”  You snuggled deeper into Luke’s neck keeping your eyes closed and focused on his soft skin, his natural scent, and the way his warm body curled around yours. He even tugged on your legs to pull you fully into his lap as his large frame wrapped around your body fully encasing you in his warmth and comfort. 
Nothing better than enjoying the summer with those you love.
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moralesmilesanhour · 10 months
teamwork (makes the dream work...?) pt. 5 [RE-UPLOAD]
summary: presentation day!
wc: ~300+
A/N: hiiii so I'm re-uploading because the original version of this post wasn't letting me link to the next part lmao. I promise the epilogue exists I just couldn't edit the post my bad
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You released a shaky breath as the group just before you wrapped up their presentation. Miles gave you a sidelong glance, noticing the way you clutched your lab report in both hands. You felt him elbow you softly before the two of you took your places at the front of the classroom. Before pulling up your slideshow, he gave you a quick thumbs up and a lopsided smile from behind the laptop. You smiled back at him, and began reciting the results of your lab report.
Miles watched you slowly get comfortable talking as the presentation progressed. The strength and clarity he had heard the other day slipped back into your voice and made it solid. Something clicked when he realized the grin hadn’t left his face for the duration of your part.
The presentation didn’t drag itself out, and was over as soon as he got done working through your chosen problem on the whiteboard. It was the trajectory of a rocket being launched into orbit, nothing crazy. To him.
In a rare show of leniency, Ms. Jones ended class right before the bell.
“Excellent work, everyone. Enjoy your weekend!”
A cluster of backpacks all but swarmed the back door and filtered out into the hallway, excluding you and Miles.
He was doing the neck scratching thing again when you turned to him.
“Thanks for working with me, I think we did a pretty good job,” you said.
The boy nodded wordlessly, and you raised an eyebrow. “You good?”
“Y-yeah, I just…” 
Miles shook his head.
“Do you still need to study? For English, I mean.”
You shrugged and answered, “I’m almost done with the book, but I could come over tomorrow if you want.”
If you want. 
Miles sniffed. He didn’t “want” anything.
“I mean, we gotta essay coming up, so…”
“Ah, shit, I forgot about that. My final draft’s not even finished,” you winced, throwing your book bag over your shoulder. “Alright, tomorrow, then. Same time?”
Miles fought back another smile, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Yup. Don’t eat up all my momma’s food while you’re there, though.”
“No promises.”
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jjhyn · 3 months
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“pink carnations”
pairing: riize song eunseok x reader “y/n”
genre: strangers to lovers
plot: every year, for the last 4 years, you’ve always visited your mom’s grave, each year it gets harder and harder. this year, you weren’t able to visit your mom’s grave on her death anniversary, but when you visit the day after you see a bouquet of flowers that you didn’t bring. 
warning: aside from mentions of death, i don’t think so but please let me know if there are
notes: obsessed with riize TT so i’m going to be writing a couple of riize au/fics and uploading them - italics are dialogue but they will also be in quotations i just like to differentiate them from regular text sometimes lol also slight sungchan mention - also this isn't proofread lol
word count: 3902
“hey, are you going to visit mom today?” your older sister asks you through the phone. you ponder for a moment before responding. “i don’t think so. i’ve got that deadline at work that i need to finish but i’ll probably visit her later tonight or tomorrow.” you respond, a small amount of guilt hitting your chest for the lie. truth is, your mother’s passing has only gotten harder on you the last few years. you’ve lived out your dreams but what was it worth when your mom wasn’t there to see you reach your successes? or even say she was proud of you… 
“you know…” your sister breaks you out of deep thought, “you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself. i know ever since mom died you’ve kinda thrown yourself into your work and it’s nice to see it pay off but you need to find happiness again. i know it’s easier said than done but…” your sister stops her sentence there. you think about what she just said, almost as if she knew you were lying about your work situation and that she read you like a book. “we’ll grab dinner this weekend okay? i haven’t seen you in a while and i’m not taking a no; its the weekend i don’t wanna hear and work bullshit.” and the line cuts off. you sit at your dining table for a moment, looking out the window and taking in what your sister said when your phone gets a notification. 
5 Years - Mom’s Anniversary March 14 2024
you forgot that you had set a yearly reminder onto your phone, you swiftly swipe away the notification. it felt a little stupid to have that reminder, only because how could you ever forget when your mom’s death anniversary was? you only kept the reminders because in some way it made you feel more accountable, but this year you weren’t going to visit her. you would eventually, probably tomorrow, but not today; you had too much on your mind and you’d probably break down more than the last few years if you went to go see your mom. 
thursday evening
you had finished work early today, which was almost never but you knew today would be somewhat easy going as you just closed out a deal the day before leaving the rest of the week with almost no work to be done. “wanna grab a drink with us after work?” your coworker sungchan from IT asks you, his head popping into your office. he was cute but a relationship wasn’t something you needed right now. you softly smile at him, “not tonight, you guys have fun.” you politely decline and he dramatically acts like you just stabbed him in the heart, clutching the left side of his chest and letting out a fake painful groan. the two of you share a laugh as he slowly enters your office and stands next to your desk. he leans over and softly places his hand over yours, “i know today is hard for you, but just know i’m here for you if you need anything.” sungchan says looking deeply into your eyes. a warm feeling makes its way across your face and before the tears start to pool at your eyes you take your hand back and just smile and nod. sungchan takes this as a sign you’d like to be left alone so he does just that, exiting your office but not before he takes one last look at you, to which he sees you’re now chewing on your bottom lip and looking out the window. 
it was around 7:30pm when you left the office. you could’ve gotten home a lot earlier before the sun had set but you made yourself busy at work. finding anything to do just to avoid having to go home. your drive home didn’t feel real, almost as if you were in limbo, for a while it felt like you weren’t moving on the road but everything else was moving around you. it wasn’t until you turned onto your neighborhood did you snap out of this weird feeling. you had no thoughts in your head but upon entering your home you instinctively went to your kitchen to grab a glass of wine and made your way into your bedroom. changing out of your work clothes and into pajamas, you climbed out onto your roof. something you really enjoyed about your home, a balcony that led to the roof with a ladder. whenever you were up there it felt like nothing else in the world existed. like you were on top of the highest mountain, the only person for miles, and it was just you, the sky, and the never ending thoughts of perrill as you finish your glass of wine. 
*beep* 9:56am *beep* friday morning *beep*
you're awoken by your alarm and the cold air pinching your cheeks. you had accidentally fallen asleep on your roof. your lips were chapped and hair frizzy from all of the morning wind. thankfully it didn’t rain. you grab your phone to turn off your alarm when you realize the time, your’re almost 2 hours late to work, getting ready now would only make you even more late. you quickly dial sungchans work phone but he doesn’t answer so you try his cell but nothing either. you leave him a voice, asking him to cover for you in case something at work comes up. even though you’re in different departments, he’s always had your back; the two of you were in the same group of new hires when you both joined the company. 
you made your way inside, getting out of the cold and plopping down onto your bed. you let out a groan as you do a full body stretch, regretting falling asleep on the roof as your back slightly aches but now grateful for the comfort of your mattress. you get a text, assuming it’s from sungchan to which it was, “don’t worry, got you! *winky face*” you smile, mentally thanking him when you get another text. “oh… was that winky face weird..? sorry!” he says with 3 wide smile face emojis. you can’t help but laugh and find his actions cute. you text him a thank you and saying you owe him one to which he says you’ll have to grab drinks with him sometime. 
it’s almost noon when you finally decide to get out of bed to get ready to visit your mom’s grave. every year it not only got a lot harder on you without having your mom but going to see her grave got harder because it was just a constant reminder of how close she was but so far away at the same time. 
2:28pm friday
you’re driving to the cemetery, trying to compose yourself; getting ready to leave wasn’t so hard but the closer you got to leaving the house and getting into your car made your anxiety rise. you’re not necessarily an anxious person, but right now everything seems to be causing you to panic. you sat in your for half an hour, catching your breath, before you could even start the car. you’re driving with the windows down, needing the extra air to breathe as it feels like the air in your lungs are being funneled out of your body the closer you get to your destination. 
when you see the familiar stone fixture at the front of the cemetery you let out a huge breath. almost as if you had been holding your breath the whole drive there. you quickly find parking when you realize you didn’t bring flowers or anything to offer your mother. you shut your eyes and almost fall to your knees. a ringing in your ears causes you to wince, making you regret coming all the way here. you question whether to just leave and quickly grab flowers, or stay, or just leave altogether and maybe come back during the weekend with your sister. 
a sudden burst of wind envelopes you, almost like a hug. taking it as a sign from the earth to stay, you release one more deep breath before making your way to your mother’s grave. as you pass the other tombstones, adorned with candles and colorful flowers, you almost want to turn around and just run back to your car but something keeps telling you that you shouldn’t and before you know it you’re standing over your mother’s grave. 
a bouquet of pink carnations rests to the left of her tombstone, adjacent to the bouquet your sister brought during her birthday at the beginning of the year. “i wonder why she got pink carnations this time?” you think to yourself, questioning your sister’s decision of flower choice. you spend the next few hours just sitting there, catching up with your mom, telling her the new stuff in your life, mentioning sungchan but only briefly because you know her response to any boy in your life would be to automatically bring him to meet her so she can feed and investigate him. 
your phone rings so you reach for it inside your bag. pulling it out to see that it was your sister, you quickly answer. “hey, what are you up to?” she asks after you answer. “i’m actually at mom’s grave right now. probably going to head home soon i’ve been here for like 3 hours now.” you respond, as you pick yourself up from the ground and dusting off the dirt from your clothes. “that’s nice, i’m glad you got to visit her.” she says, “yeah, i’m glad i did too. hey why’d you choose pink carnations this time?” you ask her. theres a slight pause before your sister responds. “pink carnations?” she says like she has no idea what you’re talking about. “yeah, the bouquet you left at mom’s grave? don’t we usually bring her roses or sunflowers?” you explain. “i wasn’t able to visit her yesterday, that’s why i called you; i was going to ask if you wanted to go together today.” you make a confused face, now unsure who the bouquet is from. 
you bend over to pick up the flowers, “someone probably left it on accident or maybe it was one of my mom’s friends. you know she was popular at the market we used to go to as kids.” your sister explains but you remain silent, observing the flowers. “look, let’s catch up this weekend, maybe saturday?” and you just respond with a short “mhmm” before ending the call. 
with the bouquet in hand, you turn around when a voice startles you. “they’re for remembrance.” a boy says behind you as you slightly jump from the sudden voice. “sorry…” he shyly chuckles, “didn’t mean to scare you.” you’re looking at him, blinking rapidly. “remembrance?” you ask. “yeah…” he walks closer and grabs the flowers from your hands and places it back where they were when you had arrived. “pink carnations are for remembrance. they’re also a symbol for gratitude and heartache for someone you love” he explains. you’re now staring at his back as he places the flowers down, he turns around and you’ve come to your senses when you realize you’re staring. 
“sorry this is probably weird. uhhh. i’m eunseok” he extends his hand to shake yours. you shake his hand, “y/n” you tell him as you shake hands. “nice to meet you” eunseok smiles and you feel your heart beat faster. “were you the one that left these?” you ask him, pointing at the carnations. “uh, yeah i did. hope that’s okay, i noticed no one stopped by yesterday so i thought i’d leave some flowers.” he tells you while wiping his hands on his pants. “wait, what do you mean? why would you leave flowers for my mom?” you question him, unable to read if you were getting a red or green flag from the random boy. “i see you every year, my mom’s grave is just that way.” he points to a tombstone a few feet away. “i always see you whenever you bring your mom flowers, i spend the whole day at my mom’s grave on her anniversary and when i didn’t see you yesterday i thought i’d leave some for her so she didn’t feel forgotten.” this boy, who you didn’t even know, remembered to bring your mother flowers on her death anniversary when it was so hard for you. 
it made you think about how the hardships you were facing were all in your head. that the turmoil of facing the truth that your mother’s passing is real and was something you were eventually going to have to come to terms with. you realized you needed to get out of your head and that your mother passing wasn’t the thing stopping you from finding happiness, it was yourself. a stranger’s kindness felt like the comfort you’d feel from your mother’s embrace after a long day. 
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to upset you.” eunseok says in a panicked voice. you realize that you’re crying and he offers you a small towel. you wipe your tears with your hands and eunseok retracts his hand with the towel and places it into his pocket. “no, i’m not upset. that’s very kind of you eunseok. sorry i don’t know why i’m crying.” you explain trying to stop the tears. “that’s okay.” he smiles. “sometimes we just need to cry. it may not seem like it but i spent most of yesterday crying, i’m kind of glad you weren’t here so you didn’t see me crying” he chuckles and his small joke also makes you laugh. 
“it was nice meeting you, i should head out it’s getting late.” you say and his smile forms into a straight line. “yeah, i was just heading out too when i saw you and overheard your conversation.” the two of you begin to walk together to the parking lot. “how come you came back today?” you ask him. wondering if yesterday was his mom’s death anniversary like yours; why did he come back today. “i’m not sure. i just felt like it, like something in the air was telling me i should go see her.” he says with a shrug and it makes you think about how upon arriving here the air seemed to comfort you and let you know you were in the right place. 
the two of you arrive at your cars, which coincidentally, are parked next to each other. you enter your car with a big sigh as you lean your head back onto your headrest. as you’re about to start your car you notice something from the corner of your eye, making you turn your head. you see eunseok somewhat leaning outside of his car, waving his hands; trying to get your attention. you roll your windows down, your heart beating faster, like it was going to explode. “your tail light is out by the way.” eunseok says and you briefly look to the back as if you would see it. you smile softly at him and thank him before he retreats back into his car. 
you back out of your parking spot, almost wishing he had asked you out. sure he was just a stranger but his kindness alone was enough to make you swoon. let alone his kindness to your mom, he was also attractive. as you’re exiting the parking lot, you think about all the times your mom asks you if you have a boyfriend or when are you going to get a boyfriend, only for you to respond with a groan or rolling your eyes at her. maybe this was a sign from your mom, bringing eunseok and his kindness through pink carnations to your mom’s grave. your mom truly bringing him to you. 
you’ve been stopped at the exit of the parking lot for a few minutes now when you realize eunseok has just been behind you, probably growing tired and confused waiting behind you. you close your eyes and let out a breath before putting the car in park and exiting. you walk towards eunseok’s car and see that he’s rolling the window down. “do you wanna go out sometime?” you ask him as you look into his eyes. you could almost see the sunset in his eyes the way they reflected light. “as a thank you… for the flowers you left my mom.” and to what seemed like eternity waiting for a response from eunseok, you felt disheartened. maybe you thought too much into it. what were you even thinking taking this as a sign that you may have found love. before you turn around and walk away, eunseok stutter’s out a response. saying sure, prompting the two of you to exchange phones to add each other’s contacts.
you grab your phone from eunseok and return his phone. after you’ve entered your car again and exited the parking lot you let out a squeal. just like you would when you were younger whenever you’d tell your mom about the boy you had a crush on in middle school and how he looked so cute during lunch time. 
eunseok sighs and slightly hits his head, “idiot! why didn’t you ask her out?” he says. when he’s getting ready to leave he notices you’ve already driven off and are about to exit the parking lot, he pulls up behind you, waiting for you to make your turn onto the road. thinking about how he’s going to have to wait a whole nother year before being able to see you again. his little crush he’s developed over the years while visiting his mom.
eunseok realizes he’s been waiting for a while behind your car when he stops thinking about regretting not asking you out. he sees you put your car in park and he watches you exit the car and make your way to his window to which he rolls down. 
“do you wanna go out sometime?” you ask as eunseok pops his head out his car through the window. “as a thank you… for the flowers you left my mom.” you explain further. eunseok is shocked you just asked him that he’s a bit speechless. the silence is so deafening you take it as a no, but before you walk away he stutters out. “s- sure.” you hand him your phone and so does he, adding one another into each other’s phones. you make your way back to your and exit the parking lot. once you’ve left eunseok can’t stop smiling, cheeks flush; almost as pink as the carnations. he even double checks his phone to make sure you really did put in your number, you even texted yourself through his phone. 
next year
“ready?” eunseok asks. it’s been a whole year since you met eunseok. the day after both of your mother’s death anniversary. your relationship has grown a lot within that one year. growing closer each day, getting to know one another, and eventually dating. he’s parked outside of your job, standing next to his car. 
today marks another year, the day of both your mother’s death anniversaries. he’s come to pick you up after work so the two of you can visit your mothers. you walk out the office building towards him with a smile and nod. he extends his hand out to you and you grab; the two of you quickly share a kiss. you enter the car and he closes the door behind you and makes his way to the driver’s seat. before he drives off you groan, “what’s wrong?” he asks placing his hand over yours and slightly rubbing it. “i forgot to grab the flowers, i’ve been so busy with work and-” you start to ramble, feeling your anxiety start to build in your chest. “hey… everything is okay. i’ve got it” he says. soothing your nerves. you look at him endearingly and he shares a smile. 
he reaches in the back seat and presents you with a bouquet of flowers, specifically pink carnations. “you got them?” you ask. “of course, i’d never forget.” he responds. your heart was now beating a lot faster, not because you were anxious or that you were beginning to feel like the world was crumbling beneath you; but because eunseok has started to make you feel happy. replacing your anxiety with joy and allowing you to grow out of your habits of suffering alone. that we would gladly suffer with you if it meant at the end, there was no pain but just love. 
the two of you arrive at the cemetery, deciding to visit your mom first since eunseok’s mom was a bit further down; you’d visit her after. you introduce eunseok to your mom and vice versa. tell her about the year you’ve had and how happy and grateful you are to have eunseok in your life. he holds you tight, an arm around your shoulder; slightly rubbing your arm to further your soothe and provide comfort. 
you pull out some photos from your bag, childhood photos you wanted to share with eunseok and your mom. a few of you and your sister during your birthdays, photos of you beginning the first day of school, but one in particular caught eunseok’s eye. a photo of you and your mom at han river, she's bent down to your small height helping you blow bubbles. it wasn’t the image of you and your mom that caught his eye but something in the back of the photo. a mother is holding her small son up on her shoulders. she’s wearing a bright yellow sundress while the son is fitted into a red shirt and denim blue shorts with a cap that has a propeller on top. 
“wait…” eunseok says causing you to pause your trip down memory lane of childhood photos. “everything okay?” you ask him as you turn your head to face eunseok. he brings his arm from around your shoulder to grab something from his bag. he takes out a small tin box, one an assortment of cookies used to reside in. “cookies? eunseok are you hungry?” you ask him with a slight chuckle. “no… look.” he says after opening the tin box and flipping through some photos. he hands you a photo, one that looks familiar but you can’t tell why. the photo is of eunseok as a baby, sitting on top of his mom’s shoulders. “aww, you’re so cute! look at your little hat.” you say pinching his cheek. “nooo, not that. look at this.” he grabs the photo of you and your mom blowing bubbles and puts them next to each other. there you realize that in the back of your photo with your mother at han river, there was a boy with his mother as well; and in the back of eunseoks photo with his mom, stood a mother bent over to help her daughter blow bubbles. 
the two of you make eye contact, realizing that at this moment. you’re both sat at the cemetery your mother’s are buried in together, in which another instance in both your lives, where the two of you alongside your mother’s were near at hand. sharing the memory of a joyful time with not only your mother’s but now with one another. 
copyright 2024 - present © jjhyn all rights reserved
all writing here is fiction & not in any association with characters mentioned.
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7grandmel · 18 days
Todays rip: 17/05/2024
Athletic Doctor
Season 1 Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume 1 Also on: SiIvaGunner: Starter Kit & Essentials
Ripped by Psynwav
I haven't slept in so long...I forgot what dreams were like.
Honestly - what better way could there be for me to celebrate the 365th main post on the blog, than to be fashionably late by a whole weekend? It's unfortunate, but...oddly befitting, really. Back when I was first starting out with the blog, I actually forgot about posting daily for a solid two weeks - and so, some old-ass posts like Chillin’ Like A Villain and (YTPMV) Bob​-​Omb Battlesources were made in quite a hurry retroactively. Nevertheless, it was on May 17th 2023, over on my main blog @melblur, that I suddenly decided that I wanted to write about one SiIvaGunner rip a day just for fun. After File Select Fusion Collab, I realized that it made more sense just to put these on their own blog, and with Snowball Park - Super Mario 3D World I moved everything onto here. It's all been a bit of a bumpy ride, is my point. But today, I've reached the big milestone that I was originally aiming for all the way back with Running Through Cookie Country - a year's worth of almost-always-daily posts on the weird and wonderful world of SiIvaGunner. And what better rip to discuss alongside this milestone than the channel's biggest hit, the milestone rip to stand above all others: Season 1's Athletic Doctor.
Now, I've been following SiIvaGunner since some of the earliest moments of Season 1, following along with the initial GiIvaSunner termination, the entire Reboot saga discussed in I Saw a Brainwasher Today, the Mashup Crusaders arc of Mr. Rental [B Side] ~ Out of Options, the channel ending of Epic Flintstones... Basically, I was there for just about the entire initial 9-month run, and have with but one Season's worth of an exception (Season 5) been following the channel damn near obsessively since. The point is that, through this, I have been able to follow the channel's most popular videos chart up and down with each passing month: I recall, for instance, how Nintendo GameCube Startup - Console/BIOS Music soared past all other rips back in the day and stayed on top for five month's time. That was, of course, before finally being surpassed by we are number one but with outdated memes over it and subsequently helping kickstart the entire We Are Number One meme trend (funny enough - you can actually find a youtube comment left by me on the rip in late December 2016/early 2017 expressing mild annoyance over the rip's popularity...). Athletic Doctor in comparison was of course always popular, but it took a while to truly climb its way up there - it was in the top ten, then top five, always rising, bubbling in the background. Eventually, starting with Season 3's premiere, the team decided to just make the rip the trailer for the channel for new viewers - where it still sits today, now as the far-and-away most popular rip on the channel.
I feel like the reason the rip became used as the defacto channel trailer, the reason it keeps being referenced in videos demonstrating what SiIvaGunner is all about, is pretty obvious. I've talked a lot in posts like Live and Ooooooooooooooh about how outright *effective* many of Season 1's rips were, and Athletic Doctor is the most prime example of that imaginable - it is a damn near pitch perfect joke executed shockingly well for the time of its upload in the channel's history. EVERYONE knows the music to Super Mario World, either through its usage in the game itself in the 90s, its appearances in games like Super Smash Bros. Melee in the 2000s and Super Mario Galaxy 2 in the 2010s - or just through sheer overexposure to it in just about any era of gaming YouTube. The game's soundtrack is the perfect blend of being immediately recognizable and incredibly easy to hum along to given the entire game basically only has three or so melodies, relying on its central leitmotif to a degree bordering on parody. Likewise as well, EVERYBODY knows Witch Doctor, either through excessive radio play, being a big hit with Alvin & the Chipmunks...or the 2007 Live Action Alvin & the Chipmunks movie that I myself grew up with, it's the kind of vaguely obnoxious (also arguably quite racist) nonsense novelty music that's incredibly appealing to young kids, the same way something like Crazy Frog or its ilk was in the 2000s as well.
Put simply, Athletic Doctor was a match made in heaven - and the joke is pulled off so expertly that it feels redundant to put into words. The Athletic Theme intro is iconic enough to where you're led into a false sense of security right off the bat, the melody swap is subtle enough as to not immediately be noticeable, making the moment you notice it even more noteworthy - only for the track's second loop to become a full-on mashup with the Witch Doctor track. Absolutely perfect escalation, just the right amount of buildup - but most importantly, it ends up actually sounding really good! The joke's great to be sure, very much like Live and Ooooooooooooooh - but I feel like the core reason why Athletic Doctor has continued to endure for so long on the channel, why it keeps getting remixed and referenced and paid tribute to on so many instances, is because it's just a genuinely good listen once the joke sets in. In other words, it is the purest distillation of SiIvaGunner's appeal - a joke so simple, yet pulled off with a magical appeal that remains even all these years later.
Through running this blog, it's that very specific appeal that I've wanted to try and encapsulate with the rips I cover, with what I write about them, to uncover that elusive magic of this dumb shitpost channel. Joel's big Grand Dad reaction that kicked the channel off is a good bit, to be sure, but its not a bit that could've lasted eight years and counting: In its earliest days, its easy to see how the channel could've just become naught but a novelty and fallen off the face off the earth once interest in it died. Yet through each year of the channel's life, with every Season that passes, it's evolved and adapted. Be it the spontaneous chaos of Season 1, the building storyline of Season 2, the mystery and nostalgia of Season 3, the sheer talent on display in the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 and the sheer joy of celebration found in Season 4 Episode 2, the whimsical experimentation of Season 5, the sudden introspection and moodiness of Season 6, the pure adoration and love for everything the channel stands for in Season 7, and the ongoing pure silliness of Season 8 - each period of this channel feels as if it's growing in a new direction, never content sitting in one place for too long - and yet the appeal of a rip like Athletic Doctor remains oh so core to the entire SiIvaGunner experience. The experience of which I've made my best effort to cover across all 365 posts on this blog. To show everyone the layers in which this channel goes in.
That's what I've been wanting to show you... but now, before I end this post, I want to briefly talk about what you've shown *me*. I know its a cliché thing to say, but really - it warms my heart EVERY time I receive messages about the blog. This all began as just a way for me to practice my writing ability, but suddenly I was having the actual rippers - the names that I'd admire from my MP3 player but hardly ever considered able to actually interact with - messaging me in private to express how happy my posts made them...not to mention the people in SiIvaCord discussing rips with me, digging into my writing, sharing anecdotes I'd never heard of, and everyone who requested rips genuinely eager to see what I had to write about them...like, again, its the biggest cliché on the planet, and I know this blog really isn't all *that* big in the grand scheme of things - but I never expected to even get more than five people actually engaging with what I post? To everyone, and ESPECIALLY to the silent majority reading my posts without a Tumblr account, the ones engaging from a distance - thank you SO much for validating all that I've done on here.
Now, there's still plenty of posts I have left in me, plenty of ones already in the drafts and unfulfilled requests well in the dozens. But like...tons has happened since when this all started 12 months ago. I got a summer job! I'm wrapping up what's hopefully my final three school courses! I've started listening to so much new music, expanding my music tastes, in huge part thanks to all the digging this blog has made me do! And, of course, getting to be this open about what's likely my absolute weirdest special interest has honestly made me feel more confident in myself as a person, made me a more outgoing individual in general. And so, to get all of my ducks in a row, to help straighten things out for a bit...I'm going to take a break from regular posting on here. I'm aiming for it to be no longer than a month's time - again, I have much I still wish to write about!! - but you'll of course still see me reblogging fanart and other such things on here just from using Tumblr casually. And hey - if you haven't already, I recommend you take the time to go scavenging through The Archive for daily posts that you might have missed! Having a blog with so much writing on it, so many posts, so much to discover for readers old and new...In a way, I've basically made it so that navigating the blog feels just like navigating the vast seas of the SiIvaGunner channel itself. And isn't that just the most fitting way to leave it all on - an ocean of posts, waiting for you to uncover them?
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amive2567 · 1 year
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Ingredients: Shoto Todoroki x fem!reader
Contains: hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, pregnancy, no read on, Todoroki went missing, a really bad hospitalxizuku pun
Words: 3188
A/n: Well I actualy wanted to upload this earlier, but my tablet tumblr app said no. But now I am home and can finally upload it :)
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The door of the pub opened with an inviting chime and the atmosphere almost made you feel at home. Brown wood lined the room and comfortable warm light made the pub look like a winter hut in the wilderness, even though the pub was in the middle of Musutafu. Saturday Night was the usual hero night, all heroes would get drinks for half of the price, so there is no wonder all heroes would gather here to celebrate the weekend. Crime never sleeps, but the heroes here just wanted to commemorate. "Over here, Y/n." shouted the deep voice of Natsuo Todoroki. He waved like a madman so you could see him in the crowd, even though his white hair and his height made him already really visible. You waved back at him. The little room was filled with chatter as if no one in there was fighting for their lives to protect the country. You sometimes wondered how they could always be so cheery and kind. Never in your whole life had you imagined becoming a hero. That's why sticking to your "normal" job was just as right. "Hey guys." you greeted them shyly. "We missed you. How have you been? It must have been a handful, planning the Christmas get-together and also caring for your grandmother."Natsuo's wife Akemi greeted you. "It's alright. We could finally manage to develop a good care system for her. She is doing great now, and she finally eats and drinks enough." You remember your grandmother finally being able to return to her home. "It was hard for her after grandpa died, but now she is doing better. We could finally let her live on her own." Akemi clapped in her hands and cheered. "That is lovely. Where is Shoto by the way?" "Kachan, Ochako and he got sent on a mission on I-Island. Some villains stole the security terminal and they needed to keep the people safe until the system was repaired," explained Izuku, who hasn't spoken a word to you until now.  "How have your holidays been?" you asked the green-haired hero. "It was wonderful. Ochako always wanted to go to Hawaii. Since it was a surprise, she cried as we landed in Hawaii." He illustrated with a huge grin. You returned his smile. "She must have told everyone by now, don't you think? The holiday has done her well." "Yeah, so well she is throwing herself into danger again, but she is still a hero at heart so I can't complain," Izuku mumbled and shook his head. Natsuo laughed. "You're a hero too, Deku. A sometimes reckless one I have to say." "And? I am perfectly capable of keeping myself safe." Now Natsuo had to laugh so hard he almost cried. His head was red by now. "Shoto told me if you hadn't married Ochako you would have married a hospital bed." By now no one could stop laughing and even Izuku had to laugh out loud. After everyone calmed down Akemi asked you a question."Do you know when Shoto comes home? It's almost Christmas and since we could finally manage Rei coming home and Endeavour moving out, we wanted to celebrate a huge Christmas party together." "He should be home by tomorrow morning. He said they are leaving tonight. Even if he had to stay there he would come home just for Rei." you smiled. "When are you going to celebrate on Christmas eve or the day after?" "On Christmas Eve, but when he comes home later we will wait for him of course," stated Natsuo as he hugged his wife. There was a comfortable silence until Izuku noticed something in shock. "Oh no, I am so so sorry." Izuku started to bow frantically and everyone wondered what was up. "Izuku stop it. What is the problem?" you said with panic lingering in your voice. "I forgot to ask you what you want to drink."  "You don't need to worry.Everything is alright. I will just take some water." Izuku stopped bowing and apologized for it and went off to get some water for you. "Have you already bought Christmas gifts? We only have three days left and slowly I am getting stressed.
Shoto said he just wanted to spend some time with his family. We can arrange that right?" you started a conversation again. "Of course. Mom would be over the moon if he visited us more. We only got him a pair of new ties since he only got one or so." Natsuo chuckled.
You talked for hours and since the others drank alcohol, which aided in keeping the conversation going. But the conversation soon came to an end when Natsuo's phone started to ring. "It's Fuyumi," he said and turned away from your group. Akemi and Izuku continued talking, but something inside you told you something happened. You watched the expression on Natsuo's face change from cheery and bright to worried and nervous. He shortly ended the call and almost sprinted back to you. The knot inside of your stomach twisted. "We need to come home. Fuyumi said the jet of the heroes crashed. Shoto is still missing. The heroes went already searching for him." You didn't know how to feel or what to think. Blood started orbiting inside of your ears, it was so loud you couldn't hear the talking of the other guests, neither the clinking of the glass nor the bombardment of questions from Akemi. Your body was frozen and all you wanted was to cry. You experienced a chill as though a bucket of ice had been dumped over your head. Your mind replayed every horrible scenario imaginably. The image of Akemi, who was attempting to calm you down, was hazy. She talked with the other two and Natsuo carried you out of the pub. 
Everyone was probably sober after the horrific news. He was the son of the former number one hero and since Dabis revealed everyone knew about him and his family, maybe some crazy villain captured him to gain the attention of the nowadays number one hero. Akemi held your hand the whole ride, but you couldn't feel the touch. Everything felt so surreal. The panic attack was coming closer and closer. Your stomach felt twisted and you started gagging. "Hold the car," screamed Akemi, it almost sounded like you were underwater.  Natsuo parked erratically. Automatically you opened the door and puked on the parking lot. Your eyes were filled with tears, and you were already trembling. You've already lost control of your head as well as your body. Akemi closed the door and Natsuo continued driving.  "It's all right. Shoto is going to be saved. He most likely went off to find the villain who attacked the plane. He'll be fine; you know him; he goes to great lengths to save people. Perhaps he is saving a child or a cat." Akemi hugged you tightly, but nothing helped. You were still trapped inside your mind. Your body is trembling, and breathing is difficult. The whole drive to the Todoroki Abode was a blur. Your vision was clouded by tears and worry. The ringing in your ears continued. "We are there," whispered Akemi in your ear. The car came to an abrupt stop with a loud screech, and everyone got out except for you. Natsuo carried you inside after opening the door next to you. 
The entrance was dark, and it appeared that Rei was not present, but she quickly ran towards you after you entered. "There you are." she almost shouted. "Have you heard anything recently? Nothing has been reported in the news." her voice was shaking, but her complexion was unreadable. Natsuo set you back on the ground as Izuku got rid of your shoes. Your knees were weak, and you were proud of yourself for being able to stand on your own. Rei immediately hugged you and helped you into the living room. "How long has she been like this?" she whispered as if she was afraid that you could hear her. "Since Fuyumi called. Where is Fuyumi ?" Natsuo asked and looked around. "She is in the kitchen. Stress baking like always." 
"Oh damn no no no…." As if Fuyumi was summoned, her desperate screams echoed in the huge house. You sat on the ground staring into the black screen of the TV. "He is not dead is he?" you whispered still in shock and as if a switch got turned everyone went quiet. Even Fuyumi stopped her baking and went back into the living room. "Of course not, he will come home. Safe and sound my dear." guaranteed Rei. "I will call him and the other heroes, maybe someone knows something," said Izuku, weirdly calm. "Maybe we should watch the news to keep track of things," suggested Akemi. Fuyumi put it on the news channel in mere seconds. Meanwhile, Rei hugged you tightly and mumbled comforting words to you, even though you weren't sure if they were for you or herself. But to be honest, you couldn't care less, everyone was on edge and anxious. You as his wife should be able to know that he will be safe, he always was, but something today didn't feel right. You were used to him being gone for days, weeks, or even months saving people, but the prospect of him being kidnapped by villains out to harm him made your anxious brain go crazy. 
"The heroes of the safety mission on I-Island should be coming home today, but since a villain attacked the Embraer Legacy 600. Because of this, the plane crashed into the woodlands of Aokigahara. Luckily almost every hero on board survived. Gravity, Dynamight, and Scanner. Sad news occurred shortly after the crash. Shoto Todoroki, the son of the former number 1 hero, is not to be found. The search party is on their way, but nobody has seen him for 5 hours. We hope for the best and update you after the advertisement." The lady in the news pronounced every word with such boredom you wanted to rip her throat out.  "Washing machines live longer with Calgon…" the jingle of the ad was already far away from your mind to notice. "I can't reach anyone. No one is answering," said Izuku frantically and tried to dial the number of Uraraka again. "Of course, no one is answering they are searching. Let them search for him." Rei's posture was tense, and you could see her trembling even though she was acting. Tears were now running down your cheeks. "Will he make it?" you asked anxiously. Your trembling got worse and you couldn't sit still for the love of God. Fuyumi laid a blanket over your shivering body, but it couldn't ease the anxiety and worry inside of your chest. The ads were over and the news lady continued her talk. "Shoto Todoroki is known for his volunteering at multiple honorary posts. He raised more than 14 billion yen for charity with his wife Y/N Todoroki…." the talking of mundane facts calmed you down. "Here have some tea Y/n." Fuyumi put down a cup in front of you, but you were only focused on the Tv. "Could someone please turn off this nonsense? These strange facts are well-known to us all. Why are they talking about him like that, he's not even dead for fucks sake!" exclaimed Natsuo. You flinched a bit. Fuyumi grabbed the control but Rei stopped her. ". Simply turn down the volume. It makes her feel a bit better." She still hugged you. Tears were still running down your cheeks, but you still felt like you were swimming inside an ice bucket. You put your head on your knees and rocked back and forth. "They will find him soon," said Akemi loudly, so everyone would believe her. Meanwhile, images of the work on I-Island were displayed. Shoto looked into the camera while holding a small child over his head, who was brightly smiling. Your eyes were filling up with more tears. He was so kind to everyone. 
Natsuo moved back and forth in the background, almost walking through the Tatami mat, Izuku still tried to call some heroes to get some updates and Akemi helped Fuyumi to clean the kitchen. Everyone was tense and on edge. "He can't possibly be dead. We needed more time; we didn't have any." you cried desperately. "He is not dead and you will have plenty of time when he returns. You will see, everything will be alright." Rei hugged you even tighter, but also spoke calmly. "I am so happy that Shoto found true love. He deserved the world since his father failed at that, but you made that possible. Since he met you he has been so much happier. Thank you, honey. He stopped being so cold and smiled more often. I am sure he is safe and sound." insured Rei. Never in your life had you felt so much anxiety, not even when he was fighting the high-end Nomu in Hosu. Your tears dried on your cheeks and there was nothing left inside of you but despair. "We can only wait. Ochako said there is still no trace of him," said Izuku, worry written all over his face.  Everyone was just so focused on the news that nobody noticed the opening of the front door. 
It was Izuku who first noticed it. He activated his Quirk and walked slowly into the hallway. "There is an intruder," he whispered. Everyone stopped moving. Natsuo got his wife behind his back and balled his hands into fists as if he was ready to fight some professional villain with his bare hands. Slowly approaching footsteps resonated against the hallway wall. Rei's anxiety only increased. She was on edge by now you could tell. With every step, the culprit made your anxiety thrive. The atmosphere in the room was tense. Shoto entered the room through the shoji sliding door, filthy and battered. His jacket in hand and some dirt stains on his face and shirt.  He has dried blood on his temple, but he is still alive. Everyone got up and greeted him immediately. The tension instantly disappeared. Your eyes widened in disbelief. He truly is alive. You couldn't move an inch, everything inside of you screamed and wanted to jump onto him, scream at him for making you worried sick or just finally kiss him again. "Welcome back bro." greeted Natsuo nonchalantly as if he hadn't just walked a hole into the floor. "We were worried sick. What happened ?" asked Fuyumi as she hugged him tightly. "You gave us a good scare." Izuku patted him on his back. "what are you all doing here ?" Shoto asked confused. Your eyes were still glued onto him. "Hey why haven't you called ?" asked Rei as she finally got up and hugged him. "My phone died" he mumbled overwhelmed.  His eyes finally focused on your shocked ones. "I will tell you everything later, but now I need to see my wife." Rei smiled understandingly and let him go. He moved closer to you with short, wide steps. He gently picked you up and placed you on the ground, as if you were made of glass. "Have you missed my darling?" he asked raspily. You were only able to nod. Tears were now spilling out of your eyes and you clung desperately to his dirty shirt. You wailed like a baby but you didn't care, he was finally back. He gently stroked your back while holding you in his arms. "I am here now. Everything is alright," he whispered, so only you were able to hear his words. You continued crying and it took a while until you calmed down. "I…I…I thought you were dead." you mumbled against his torso. Shoto took your face in his hands and stared deeply into your eyes. "Love." he paused and smiled gently. "I am alive, I am well and nothing happened to me. I could flee before they got me. I am a hero anyway." his grin grew sly and you almost needed to chuckle. Of course, he would be safe, he always was. "I was just so afraid I couldn't breathe. Don't you ever dare to do something like that again or I will kill you." you began to sob once again. "You will never lose me. Ever." He kissed you deeply. Your hands are buried inside his locks. The both of you parted to take a breath and kissed again. 
"An attack caused the plane to crash. With the help of my ice, I could protect myself. As a result, I became separated from the others and ended up in the area where the villains were hiding. I was able to capture them all and attempted to locate the others, but no one was near the jet, so I assumed they had been rescued. I started walking back home." he told you about his 'trip'. Like nothing big just happened he slurped his soba noodles. "Everyone was searching for you. Dumb of them to leave the plane." Izuku complained. "I am happy that you are back buddy, but I have to go now. Ochako must be home by now." Izuku got up and bowed deeply. "Thank you for the Food Fuyumi." "You're welcome." she smiled and waved him goodbye. Everyone saw him off and the chatter continued. After everyone had eaten up, the group dissolved. 
As both of you finally lay down in bed, bundled up you, remembered your gift for Christmas. The clock stroke midnight and you got up. "Where are you going, love?" he asked, surprised. A bright smile spread across your face. "I know it's not Christmas yet, but I got you a present." You got the little box from the shell. A tiny bit of anxiety flooded your mind. You talked about this topic and he would never leave you. "Open it." you stretched out your arms and he took the package from your hands. Suspicion lingered in his eyes. He slowly opened the box and revealed the small blue shoes. "What's up with these small shoes?" he asked confused. "I am pregnant Shoto. The blue shoes represent the sex of our baby. It's a boy." you cheered. His eyes widened and he looked back and forth between the shoes and you. "We are getting a son." You nodded wildly. Todoroki got up and hugged you tightly. He swirled you around. "I am so happy. Thank you so much." he smiled brightly and kissed you deeply.
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haleyhunwritess · 1 year
Hiii!!! Could you write a 🤍 fic or drabble with dad!bucky and steve is seeing reader but bucky doesn’t know and they have an argument about something and bucky says something really hurtful so then steve goes to comfort her🥺🥺🥺🥺
🤍 drabble for dad!bucky and reader having an argument then steve comforting her because they're secretly dating
a/n: WAIT I LOVE THIS, also i'm sorry i've been trying to upload more for the celebration but i've been a bit busy with school :(( i'm gonna try to answer more this weekend hopefully (btw i love the ideas you guys send in) also i'm so sorry i keep making these longer than they need to be, you're all probably so sick of my writing at this point😭😭
𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐲’𝐬 𝟏𝐤 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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"You couldn’t behave just this once? You had to embarrass me infront of my colleagues," Bucky mumbled, as slumping down on the couch.
You recently started working with your father, as an intern of course. You were still in college but it was summer, and unfortunately your summer plans got cancelled. As a birthday present, your mum had bought a trip to Paris. Just for the two of you.
Unfortunately, before the end of the semester, she got into a car accident. When you got to the hospital, she was in surgery. You and Bucky waited there for hours. Steve came by to try to get you both to go home but neither of you moved. Finally, the doctor walked over to you guys. The pitiful look on his face already making you queasy as he said the words that changed your life in an instant. She passed away, she didn’t make it.
Bucky thought that maybe working with him this summer could help you take your mind off of things. At first, it was actually nice to have work as a distraction. But lately, the workload has been more than usual. It’s been tiring and hard but you’ve been trying your best. Today, however, someone else made a mistake and you got blamed for it. You tried to stand up for yourself but no one would listen to you. You looked to your dad for help but Bucky just shook his head and apologized on your behalf.
“I didn't even do anything! Why do you always have to argue with me" You yelled once again, as you threw your bag on the couch.
"I don’t want to argue with you, but you messed up and you need to learn how to take accountability for your actions!" Bucky yelled back, no longer caring about keeping his voice down.
You scoffed in response, "I wish Mom was still here, she wouldn't do this to me. She would stand up for me, she wouldn't believe some other kid over me."
"Fuck I wish she was here so she could see you right now, she'd be nothing but disappointed in you. Thank fucking god she's not here to see you like this, she'd be so fucking ashamed." Bucky instantly regretted what he said, but it was too late. The harsh words already left his mouth, and there was no taking them back now.
You both stood there like that until the sound of the front door pulled you out of your thoughts. You noticed Steve had walked in with takeout in his hand. You completely forgot he was coming over for dinner tonight. You looked back at Bucky before running upstairs to your room.
"Wait sweethear-" Bucky got cut off as you slammed your bedroom door shut. He quickly got up to follow you but Steve stopped him.
"Just let me go talk to her first.” Steve said, knowing you’d be too upset to see Bucky right now.
“I didn’t mean to say that… I just felt guilty when she said what she said…I didn’t mean to h-hurt her, fuck please just go check on her.” Bucky quickly wiped the tears away, knowing there was a chance you wouldn’t be able to forgive him for what he said.
Steve patted his back, before making his way upstairs to your room. His heart broke listening to the quiet sobs coming from your room. He lightly knocked on the door, “Angel, are you in here?”
“Go ‘way, don’t wanna talk…” You mumbled, putting the covers over your head.
“Come on, angel, you don’t have to talk it’s okay, I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” Steve waited for a few minutes, hoping you’ll let him in soon. He sighed before turning the doorknob, surprised to find it unlocked, and walking in.
He walked over to you, and sat down on the bed before carefully moving the blankets down. You looked up at him, with your tear-stained face, still sobbing quietly as you kept thinking about what Bucky said.
“Oh baby, look at you. All these tears don’t look good on my angel, come on let’s dry these up.” Steve carefully wiped away all your tears with his sleeve before pulling you closer to him to let you lay your head on his lap.
“H-he said that…” You couldn’t even finish the sentence. You wanted to tell Steve the harsh words you’d heard earlier. You didn't know that he already heard them as soon as he walked in. It took everything in him to not beat the shit out of Bucky at the time but he knew you needed him more though.
“Shh shh, it’s okay, he didn’t mean it. You know how much he loves you. He didn’t mean what he said, I promise. And I know for a fact that she’d be nothing but proud of you if she was still here.” He quickly shushed you, not wanting you to cry again. He tried his best to soothe you with his sweet words. It helped a little but you couldn’t help but wonder if Bucky was right. Would she be disappointed?
“Do you think she’d be disappointed in me? If she ever found out about us? Actually, do you think he’ll be disappointed in me if I ever told him about us?” You mumbled.
Steve thought about it for a second before replying, “Maybe at first, but I’m sure he'll come around. He'll will have to come around, angel, because I’m never letting you go.” He mumbled, burying his face in your neck, making you giggle a bit.
“I miss her alot…” You mumbled, as you could already feel the tears making their way back.
“I know, angel, I know. We all do…” Steve laid there with you until you fell asleep. Stroking your hair, and rubbing your back every now and then. All he wanted to do was take your pain away. You didn’t deserve to feel this way. You were his angel, all he wanted to do was protect you.
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smagumph · 1 year
The Egg
*no audio, sorry I just didn’t have time & needed to move onto other work. I do plan on doing an audio version when I can*
A short video comic I shit out in a few days when my class was canceled. I wanted to do a style test w/ this idea rattling around in my head from Friendlocke (A week late bc then I got busy over the weekend & barely had time to upload on Twitter then just forgot lol)
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lustfangs · 4 months
Treble clef anon here (𝄞)!
I hope this new piece lives up to my previous standards. Of course, as per your suggestion, we'll be taking a deep dive into the wonderful world of dumbification.
Afterall, what need have you of thoughts - when you're so wet and horny and needy and dumb that all you can think about is how bad you want to be ruined right now?
It began at work.
It's been a pretty busy month - with calls coming in one way, emails the other, and your boss constantly nagging you about some shit you sent to the wrong person last week, it's astonishing you're even able to keep up. Well... you haven't really been able to keep up that well. Every night you get home so tired you can barely blink without falling asleep, yet the moment you roll laboriously into bed, you're kept awake by the persistent low-level stress of knowing you've got to go to work again tomorrow.
You've thought of getting a therapist, but who has the time for that? Rubbing at your clit at night, awash with the hot flood of an orgasm or three, is all the reprieve you really get from this damn job. And even then, it's so short you barely notice.
So it's another morose, upsettingly boring day when you sit down at your desk, getting a final stretch in before switching on the shitty little company computer and opening the first few emails. They're the normal stuff: finances, shipping, some idiot lost their keys again, etc.
Except, there's one new message. Unknown sender, but you can't be bothered to run up the name. It's probably some newbie who forgot to switch to their work email. Inside, you see some garbled-looking text, obviously photocopied from somewhere, and a file attachment.
Fuck it, might as well, you think, double-clicking your way through. It's some kind of webcam app - your beleaguered old in-built cam blips to life, a dim light in its corner to show it's somehow still shambling on. On your screen, you just see your face. Haggard, strained, and shadowed with eye bags darker than your eyeliner, you look about as miserable as you feel. Across this dour screen flashes a message. Quick, subtle, but you catch it.
"Blink twice"
Hell, why not. You blink twice.
"Good girl."
Your cheeks flush, that light red startlingly noticeable in the slightly grainy camera footage. Oh, so that's what this is. One of those call-and-response porn bots? You'd heard of them before - hell, you'd been sent them before, whenever some dumbass let their email get hacked - but this one is surprisingly well put-together. Usually, big compilations of these pop up either on youtube or on porn sites, depending on what they ask people to do. Long compilations of tired workers being a little goofy, or a little slutty, into a camera that scrambles their identity when the recording's over.
It's funny, you never thought you'd get caught up in one of these. Maybe you'll be able to get off to it later, when it's inevitably uploaded to the hornier channels of the internet. No new emails. So for now, you keep watching.
"Blink again"
You blink, a damp little spot between your legs.
"Good girl." "You love doing what you're told."
Your breath hitches, the look on your own face enough to send a thrill of lust through your body.
"Nod for me."
Your head bobs once
"You love doing what you're told." "Nod again."
Thank god you're in a cubicle with a door, even if it's just a flimsy bit of cardboard. You nod, mouth slightly agape, and keep staring.
"Good girl." "Show me your tits."
You glance around, making sure nobody's around. Getting up a little, you can see there's even fewer people in than usual. Just you, your boss, and a cleaner. Guess everyone else took the weekend off. Or they're just working from home; you live too close to work not to bother coming in and keeping home separate.
Dropping back down into your seat, you flash your tits - short, sweet, and just long enough that you get an eyeful of yourself, before tucking them back under your shirt.
"Good girl."
The look on your own face is something else. Mouth a little open, tongue just by your lips, you barely manage to restrain yourself from groping at your tits, just dying to see how hot you'd look doing it.
They're out in the air before you even realise, and with the click of the far door, you know the janitor's gone for the day. Just you, and your boss in her closed office.
"Touch them."
Your repressed need for some release takes over; groping needily at yourself, you do everything to look as slutty as you can in your reflection - kneading, pinching, pressing them together until your nips are nice and puffy, and you're aching to have them sucked.
"Good girl." "You hate thinking, don't you."
You keep staring, transfixed.
"Nod if you don't want to think"
You've nodded already, and it takes a second for you to realise you actually need to stop. Breath shaky, you drop your hands from your chest, just moving your arms to squish your breasts together and jiggle them a little, chair creaking beneath you.
"Good girl." "Don't think, just nod."
Your head bobs on its own, following the words.
"Don't think." "Take off your shirt."
The cotton lands in a heap on the floor, barely able to contain the instinctual nodding, as you get to see your smooth skin for the first time today. A drop of drool lands on your leg. Where'd that come from?
"Don't think." "Good girls don't think."
Another wet drop on your legs.
"You're a good girl, aren't you?"
You nod vigorously, staring at the image of your own tits.
"Say it."
You stop, suddenly unsure. It feels so good, but... say it? Your mouth forms the words, your head fills with their tune. Will your boss hear you? Surely not, she's behind a closed door afterall?
"Say it."
You raise your head a little over your cubicle wall, just enough to see. She's busy behind her desk with something, barely visible through the slats of her covered office windows. The door is firmly shut.
"I'm a good girl."
"Good girls don't think."
"G- good girls don't think~"
"Good girl." "What are you?"
"I'm a good girl."
"That's right. You're a good girl. And good girls don't think." "Good girls are dumb."
You shift your legs, and feel your own fingers already there, rubbing away at your clit like there's no tomorrow. It's so, so, wet down there, and you can't help yourself now, can you?
"Say it."
"Good girls... are dumb."
"Good girl." "What's your name?"
You can't... remember? Your own name? Where was it again - oh, yeah. It's on the floor, on your discarded shirt. You fingers slip inside for a second, and the blind, gasping lust that seizes you refuses to let go, wetly plapping your own hand against your plumply pretty labia, every thought vanishing like smoke.
"What are you?"
"I'm a good girl~"
You whine, eyes rolling over how good you're making yourself feel.
"Your name is slut."
"My name is Slut?"
"Remember, good girls don't think."
You bite your lip, unable to block the low moan sliding out of your throat, your new name locking into place. You should have that put on your... cube ickle? That's a long word.
"Long words are funny." "Good girls are dumb. Long words aren't dumb." "You don't need long words. You're dumb." "What's your name?"
"And what are you, slut?"
"A good girl~"
"And what are good girls?"
You strain your mind to think, absently licking the sweet slick off your own fingers. Humping your hand, creaking the chair, you desperately try to grasp what you were thinking about - was it your wet, aching pussy? No, that's not it. What about this hot feeling between your legs? And how about those cute tits on the screen in front of you? Yeah, that makes sense!
"Good girls are dumb." "My, you really are a good girl."
"So what are you, slut?"
"Uhm... I'm..."
"You're a dumb slut. That's what."
Your whole body trembles as the pleasure suddenly washes over you, hips rolling your sloppy pussy onto your fingers, helplessly riding them as you stare at the pretty slut on the screen.
"Stand up"
You shoot to your feet, tits bouncing as you try to keep fingering yourself, even standing up. Oh look, you're boss' door is open. Wow, has she always been this hot? You shoot a look back down at the screen.
"Cum in my office." "Edge until you reach me. Kneel every time you get close."
You follow the pretty instructions, dumb brain shorting out every time you get so, so close, and dropping to your knees, dripping wet juice all over the floor each time. By the fifth time, you're right by her door, and fat tears are rolling down your face as you grope desperately at your tits instead of your puffy pussy. Finally, you step inside. The office is decorated all in black, as is your boss, her chest and thick cock both straining against her clothes. Standing there, you fingerfuck yourself for her pleasure, squealing with need as the floor soaks in your juices, the smell of sex wafting through the room.
She just watches, clicking a pen.
Why is it so hard now? you think, mashing your clit so hard you're crying all over again. Let me cum for her! I want to cum for her! I'm a good girl! Good girls are dumb! I'm dumb slut! Dumb slut want cum! Just those words flash through your mind, and soon enough you're saying them out loud.
"I'm a good girl! Good girls are dumb!"
"Yes, my dear. Good girls are dumb. And you're such a perfect, pretty, dumb little girl for me, aren't you~?"
The orgasm comes with a scream, dropping you to your knees, then onto your face, as wet cum squirts against the glass of her office, thumping dully in the heart-pounding quiet. Your breaths are nothing but moans and whines, your poor mind gone completely. Just a fuzzy haze left, mumbling something into the wet carpet as trembles wrack your body, showing off your pretty back, and your pretty cheeks, to your new master. Wasn't she your boss already~?
tadaa! I can do a part two if you like Something tells me your boss won't be satisfied with just watching you lose your mind in front of her.
I get the feeling she wants to keep you.
But who am I, the author, to decide such things?
P.S. I hope you feel a little better now, and hopefully you'll have an easier time of it than before.
Treble clef anon you are my savior!!!! I’ve missed you <33 please send that second part over I’ve been so busy lately :((
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melshome · 1 year
paint splattered teardrops - chapter 3
cw negative thoughts about body, angst, fluff, body shaming, bullying, slowburn??, harassment, abuse characters scaramouche, other characters mentioned a/n im not sure how many chapters there will be of this fanfic series!! i'll probably just end it when i would like to ;) i hope you all enjoy your weekend!! i am sorry about uploading chapter 3 quite late!!! i didnt have motivation to work on it for a bit. (●'◡'●)
EDIT: HOLY I FORGOT ABOUT TAGS SORRY SORRY @local-mr-frog @moonbyunniee
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"Bye bye big sister!!" Teucer waves. She gives an awkward smile, before quickly walking away from the house. Childe and Teucer goes back inside. Teucer goes off to his room, and Childe goes back to Kunikuzushi.
"God dammit, I know I know! Relax, let me explain you stupid ginger," he sits up from laying down on the bed. "BIG BROTHER IS KISSING BIG SISTER!" Teucer shouts. Kunikuzushi looks at Teucer, and back at Y/N, who was thankfully still sleeping.
"Teucer, what the hell," Kunikuzushi stands up, storming up to Teucer, who's giggling.
"You like big sister, don't you? She's a good person, I like her too!" Teucer says, heading down the stairs.
Kunikuzushi stands there, staring angrily at Teucer, who's heading down the stairs.
"Don't worry, you can have her. I'm not selfish!!" Teucer shouts. "I wasn't even kissing her, so why don't you stop cackling down on the ground?" Kunikuzushi stands up, kicking Childe. It's been about 2 months. Kunikuzushi and Childe sometimes has seen Y/N around the school. Childe either walks up to Y/N and strikes a conversation with her. Kunikuzushi has no choice but to make sure Childe isn't saying weird stuff that makes Y/N uncomfortable. He's noticed Y/N is a bit wary around Kunikuzushi. But he's used to it.
Childe has asked Y/N if she wants to come over, but she said she'll "think about it". Childe knows it's a no if she says that. But.. Childe had an idea, from Teucer talking about her most of the time.
"Teucer would love to see you again. He's been non-stop talking about you.." Childe sighs.
"Oh.. Alright then."
"Oh so, you'll say yes if it's about Teucer?" Kunikuzushi mutters.
Y/N smirks, opening her bento box. "Maybe~"
Childe places his hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt. "Y/N.. I am.. greatly.. hurt.." He acts like he's in pain, slowly falling to the ground. Kunikuzushi grins, placing his foot on Childe.
"Hey, get your foot off me, Scara-" Childe struggles to get up.
Y/N frowns, glancing from Kunikuzushi and Childe. She bursts out laughing, covering her mouth with her free hand. Kunikuzushi and Childe both stare at her, and then makes eye contact with each other. They continue this, until Kunikuzushi takes off his foot off Childe.
"I need to eat my lunch," Kunikuzushi takes out a packed onigiri.
"Is that all your lunch?" Y/N asks, having a small frown on her face.
"Yeah I guess?" Kunikuzushi unwraps it, and takes a bite. He looks up, and sees Y/N staring at her lunchbox. She seems to be hesitating.
"What's up Y/N?" Childe rests on the tree behind them. Using her chopsticks, grabs a piece of sticky sesame chicken, and offers it to Kunikuzushi.
He stares at it, and back at her, with a confused look on his face.
"Eat it. Eating an onigiri, isn't enough for lunch.." She tries to have eye contact with him, and she loses, and ends up staring at her hand, holding the chopsticks. Kunikuzushi notices this, and takes the chicken, trying not to let his mouth touch the chopsticks. (Not because of Y/N, he just doesn't want any germs on her chopsticks)
She goes back to eating her lunch, with Kunikuzushi secretly enjoying her chicken, and Childe assessing the situation. Wow.. If this isn't love.. then what is? "BIG SISSTERR!" Teucer runs up to you, jumping onto you. You catch him, hugging him.
"Teucer! Are you that excited to me?" you smile, glad that someone is happy to see you.
He giggles, still clinging onto you. "You're a good big sister! Big bro mouchie lov-" Kunikuzushi arrives just in time, covering Teucer's mouth.
"Teucer, why don't you go to your room, and play with the robot big sister bought you!" Childe claps his hands, gently getting Teucer off you. You chuckle as you watch him jump up the stairs, talking about the gift you bought him.
You decided to get him the latest robot collection from the same brand that he loves. His room is decorated with robots, but specifically "xxx", quite the popular robot brand.
"Haha, sorry about him, Y/N. He was too excited when I told him you're coming tonight.." Childe smiles. You give him a smile back, saying, "don't worry about it. I'm happy to see him that excited to see me."
You notice Kunikuzushi staring at you. "Hi Kunikuzushi. I totally didn't forgot you were going to be here today.." you scratch your cheek, awkwardly smiling. He scoffs, but you know it's a sarcastic one.
The three of you stay in the living room, asking each other some things, to get to know each other more. First it was just simple questions, such as, "what are your hobbies?" or "favourite food?"
Then it started to get a bit more.. not exactly personal, but questions close friends would know. Suddenly, Childe asked a question.. well, one were you were hoping neither of them would ask.
"Why do you paint?"
Kunikuzushi looks up from his nintendo for a second, glancing at you, before slowly going back to his game. Childe has no clue. But you have no choice but to lie. I don't.. I can't tell them. At least.. not yet..
"I enjoy painting," you smile.
What a lie.. Kunikuzushi stretches, placing his nintendo on his lap.
"Can we eat now or something?"
"Oh yeah sure," Childe says, not even saying anything about your response. Kunikuzushi grabs his nintendo back in his hands, as Childe leaves the living room. You fiddles with your fingers, pushing a nail into the palm of your finger. Ugh.. Why did he even ask?
You don't know, but Kunikuzushi notices this. He shoves his nintendo switch onto your lap. You look up quickly, staring in confusion at Kunikuzushi.
"What? I'm bored of the game. Do whatever you want with it," Kunikuzushi stands up and leaves the room, leaving you to be confused. The dinner Childe and Teucer has prepared was quite good, Kunikuzushi had to admit. He kept on eye on Y/N through the dinner, glancing at her a few times, but sometimes he'd even get lost into her eyes, as she talked with Childe, laughed with Teucer. She notices his stares, but says nothing about it, just carries on.
"Are you going to apply for the xxxx art competition?" Childe asks, bringing in a plate of chocolate mousse.
Kunikuzushi serves some of the mousse to Teucer first, before serving himself. He waits for Y/n answer.
"You don't sound that excited?" Childe sits down, and serves.
"Oh haha, I don't? Well, I am excited, don't worry," she takes the bowl Childe gives her. He nods his head, digging into his bowl.
The rest of the dinner is silent, except for Teucer and Y/N conversation. After the dinner, the four of them play a board game, something easy for Teucer. Kunikuzushi notices that Y/N is much more louder than she usually is, such as her laughs, and commands.
"You.. Teucer...NOW GO TO JAIL!" She cackles, placing his token into the jail area. Teucer rolls around on the floor, screaming and giggling in frustration.
"Big brother Kuni, save me pleasee!" Teucer lunges at Kunikuzushi, hugging him. He struggles to get Teucer off, shouting at him to get off. Y/N can't help but burst out laughing, trying to calm herself down. Childe chuckles at Kunikuzushi and Teucer, who seem to be wrestling. "Thank you so much for inviting me today, Childe.." you give a small bow. Teucer is holding onto Childe's pants, yawning.
"Haha, you should go before it starts raining," Childe winks at you. You smile, before turning and leaving. You open the gate, and close it again after you're through. Teucer says goodbye to you, and Childe waves at you. You start walking, your pace getting quicker and quicker.
Stop stop stop.. You cover your eyes, pressing your palm into your eyes, still walking. Childe's question kept on replaying into your head, and you were afraid you were going to let it all out while you were there.
Drip... Drip drip drip..
You look up to the sky, and feels the cool rain drops fall onto your face. You chuckle in relief, and you let your eyes drown yourself, with the rain. The rain is cooling down the burning feeling of the tears streaming down your face, so it's fine. Everything is fine.
"Everything is fine Y/N.. Just.. stay strong!" You smile, trying not to wipe your eyes, as you found out, by wiping or itching your eyes while crying, will make them red.
You do not want your sister to find out.
You continue walking, taking out your phone. Oh shoot, 5%. You go onto phone, and calls your sister.
"Y/N? Where the hell are you? I thought you said you'd come back by 11. It's literally 1am??" her voice is raised, and she's screaming at you.
You chuckle nervously, trying to explain it to your sister. "Aimee, I'm sorry about that. We were just playing some board games, and I lost track of time," you pray that she doesn't think of anything else. You really did just lose track of time.
You hear her sigh. "Fine, but quickly come back. Niwa is here, and he won't be happy if you interrupt our movie time," Aimee cuts the call. You put your phone away after staring at the black screen.
"Dammit.." You sigh, shaking your head. What on earth am I thinking? Why would Childe or Kunikuzushi find out anyways? You continue walking, staring a few steps away at the ground, before bumping into something. Or someone.
You look up, and sees their familiar purple hair. "Kunikuzushi? I thought you left to go home?" You say, taking a step back.
He turns around, and is a bit surprised when he sees you. "What are you doing here?-" You look at your house, and back at him.
"I live here."
He's clearly surprised. "You do?"
"Then.. do you know.. someone called.. Niwa?"
"Niwa? Yeah, he's my sister's boyfriend."
He sighs, tightening his grip on the umbrella handle. "Do you.. know Niwa?"
"He's my..." Kunikuzushi turns to the side, flustered. "He's my.."
"NO! He's my brother, you idiot!" Kunikuzushi turns back to you, before covering his mouth when he realizes what he said.
"Wow, Niwa is your brother..?" You think of Niwa's sweet, and talk active personality, compared to Kunikuzushi cold one. You nod slowly, processing this.
"He's not my real brother. Just letting you know," Kunikuzushi looks up and down at you, realizing you're soaked. "Why don't you have an umbrella?"
"I forgot one.. haha," you walk to your gate, and unlocks it. "You could've asked for one from Childe," Kunikuzushi follows you to the front door.
"I didn't want to be a bother," you turn your bag around, and search through it to find the keys. Kunikuzushi grabs your shoulders, and turns you, so you're facing him. He has a look on his face, which reminds you of someone..
"Y/N, don't say that. You won't be bother, never. So if you need anything, just ask Childe or me," Kunikuzushi says, the look on his face not changing once. You feel your eyes watering again, but you're glad you're soaking wet. The front door opens, and standing there is Niwa, smiling and about to say something, but he sees Kunikuzushi and you, having this special moment.
"Ooh-" He slowly closes the front door.
Kunikuzushi lets go of your shoulders, groaning. "Ugh. Now that stupid idiot is going to tease us about this, for the rest of the week.." He closes his umbrella.
You smile, chuckling. "I don't mind at all."
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andromebaa · 5 months
My 2023 Writing Wrap Up
Stole this idea from Lovova lmao. Let’s see if I can figure out what I’ve been writing this year. I mean, we all know what I’ve been writing but let’s just see it in words:
Starting the year strong by not really doing much. Might have been dabbling with some OCs but nothing too notable.
Uploaded the start of a fic version of my play-by-post Danganronpa AU Despair’s Legacy to my brand new AO3 account before promptly leaving it to rot. Also uploaded the first chapter of a silly little Oumota fic that I wrote for funsies. This is the start of the Just the Two of Us brainrot. To prove it, I then proceeded to write and upload five more chapters.
Addendum: Completely forgot that the first fic I ever uploaded to my AO3 this month was my Ishimaru/reader smut I wrote like six years ago lmaoooo gotta remember your roots
Went cazy and uploaded six more chapters of Just the Two of Us. I was officially obsessed.
Also started doing some initial planning for my other two danganhorror fics.
Brain started exploding so I only uploaded three Just the Two of Us chapters this month. Also wrote the side smut story for it, Defragmentation, over the Easter weekend.
Started the far more sustainable action of writing only one chapter of Just the Two of Us a month. Also started planning the Moulin Rouge Oumota au that I never finished - sad!
Began planning for Oumota Week 2023. Wrote a small sci-fi/horror fic called Facsimile for a Kaito/Maki writing week. Published another two chapters of Just the Two of Us.
Through some unholy will I published seven seperate short fics for Oumota week ranging from a mermaid au to a silly family au and a short Haiku poem based on the origin of the Tanabata festival. Somehow published another chapter of Just the Two of Us as well.
Wrote my official oneshot smut for Oumota as part of the package deal which I’m doing for each of my main danganhorror fics. Also managed to complete another chapter of the Just the Two of Us. Also started writing REDACTED.
Another chapter of Just the Two of Us successfully uploaded!
The final chapter of Just the Two of Us is uploaded and I finally allowed myself to rest for like a week or two before going back to the grind.
Ceremoniously failed to work on an original junior/YA story for NaNoWriMo and just like start working on my next Danganhorror fic Every Day is Exactly the Same.
Uploaded the first chapter of my next Danganhorror fic aka the one where Yasuhiro ends up in a time loop. Got nasty bad Togakure brainrot and proceeded to spend most of the month jumping between the main fic and the smut one shot.
Aaaaand that’s a wrap up! It’s been a very very productive year and although it’s almost all been fic stuff I’ve never been more proud of myself. I started and finished a 140,000 word fic and also wrote almost a dozen short fics on the side too.
I can’t wait to see what this new year will bring! I’m definitely not going to go too hard and burn out but I hope I’ll still be productive! My biggest goal will be to finish Every Day is Exactly the Same and hopefully start a new non-fic project too.
Let’s see how it goes!
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sagejin · 2 years
<- previous next->
Suggestive language, sexual implications, cheating, angst
Authors Note:
Hahaha, sorry for being gone for so long! A lot of things have been going on in my personal life, with school on top of it! I hope you guys are doing okay, too. In all honesty, I wasn't going to finish this chapter, much less upload it, but I got a message @wonderpals02 and said I'd upload over the weekend. So here we are! Also, thank you for 119 followers! I'll try to come up with a special for it.
I really hope you guys enjoy this part!❤️
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“Kira Mizuki,” the nurse called out, looking around for the girl. “Yes,” Kira stood up, softly smiling at the nurse. “Please follow me.” Wednesday, the day of her appointment, she’ll find out the gender of her baby. Hikaru or Kanako. She’ll give her everything to her baby. “Come on Gojo,” she motions for the man behind her to follow.
As the nurse spreads the cold gel across her belly, she shivers, however, it’s not from fear or its temperature but from excitement. Together, they’ll take on the world, with Gojo beside her. “Are you ready,” the nurse smiles softly. As she turns to the small screen, her heart stops, “That’s our baby.” Tears well up in her eyes as she turns to Gojo, who’s just as mesmerized as she is. “Would you like to find out the gender?” “Can we,” Gojo asks softly. “Yes.”
“Alright then,” the nurse chuckled softly, moving the device to get a better angle. “If you look right here,” she points to the screen, “you can see your baby’s tiny toes and face.” She angles it a bit more, “And you can also see your son's little hands.” “It’s a boy,” Kira whispers, her soft eyes shining brighter. Gojo brings his hands to her face, gently wiping her tears, “It’s our boy.”
And for a moment, he forgot all about you.
“Kento Nanami,” you spoke sternly, standing next to his bed. He groaned and turned away from you, “How did you get in here?” You sat next to him and leaned over, hand on his arm. You leaned close to his ear and whispered, “That’s a secret I don't think you wanna know.” Nanami jolted up, eyes wide as he stared at you. Your hand grazed over his chest as you leaned in closer. “Nanami,” you whispered softly, your face a few centimeters away from his.
a little closer
He leans in, lips grazing yours, “Y/n,” he groans slightly as you straddle him, “you're getting married.” Your lips crash on his, his hands finding their way to your waist, gripping slightly. “Nanami,” you pull back, looking into his eyes sternly, “you're late.”
Nanami’s eyes shot open, chest heaving as he looked around. ‘Time’ he thinks, completely disregarding the dream he just had. 9:30pm. “Shit,” he grumbles, running a hand over his face. He’s supposed to meet you for dinner at 10, but it looks like he’ll be a little late, seeing as how he has to recuperate. Nanami sits at the edge of his bed, his head in his hands, dinner with you and your fiance.
Of course there’ll be other people there, friends, family, coworkers, however, that doesn’t excuse the fact that you’ll be there. He daydreams about how stunning you’ll look in whatever outfit you choose, from your shoes to your accessories. Suddenly, his daydream is spoiled by the image of the ring on your finger, of how your arm wouldn’t be looped around his, but anothers.
With a sigh Nanami rises from the bed, “too fast,” he winces. Maybe drinking all day wasn’t a good idea, but at least he wasn’t drunk.
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“Toru,” you giggle as Gojo wraps his arms around you from behind, nibbling at your neck. “I don’t want to be late,” you can barely hold it together from how much he’s tickling you. “I’m sure they won’t mind,” a sly grin forms on his face as he turns you around. You place your hands on his chest and push him away, looking in the opposite direction, “I mind, now finish getting ready.” “So demanding,” he smiles, falling back onto your bed.
“Where’d you go earlier this morning?”
“I was with Shoko and Getou, we had some party planning to do.”
He watched as you frowned. You turned to face him, disappointment written all over your face, “I was with Shoko. When i went to meet Shoko you were already gone, no text, no call, no notification about where you went.” “Do i have to report every move I make to you,” Gojo scoffs, he knows he has no right to, but he still does, “I’m a man who has his own free will, i can go anywhere i want. Yes, it would’ve been nice if I'd told you where I was going, but I'm not obligated to.” You stared at him, eyes wide, brows furrowed, he did have some points, you weren’t entitled to know his every move, he has his right to privacy, but that bubbling insecurity inside of you won't let this go.
“Well talk about this later,” Gojo stands up and leaves the room, leaving you all alone.
To suffer.
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The car ride to the venue was silent. Not a word uttered between the two of you. Upon arrival, Gojo softly grabbed your hand, “I’m sorry for getting mad,” he smiled that charming smile and looked at you, “let’s go out there and have some fun, okay.” You smile in return, though you still feel the same, and exit the car. Hand in hand you and Gojo walk towards the entrance, him in his clean tuxedo, and you in your dazzling dress. Cameras flashing all around you, yelling out your names, you smile as much as you can, waving to whoever you can, then enter the building.
Strangely, Getou is the first person to greet you, you were hoping it’d be Shoko, but you were still happy. “Miss L/n,” Getou jokes, extending his arm out to lead you away, “this way please.” Somewhere along the way Gojo wandered away, of course he didn’t take you along or tell you where he was going, but you wouldn't let that ruin your night. So, like always, with your chin held high you walked with Getou.
“Congratulations,” Shoko sheers in an obviously fake tone, “I’m so glad you're getting married and leaving me forever.” You giggle and give her a hug. Your eyes scan the room, looking for a certain man, then freeze once they meet their mark. Your heart stops for a moment, and your breath gets caught in your throat, Nanami. Nanami’s here, he made it. “Who are you looking for,” Getou whispers into your ear. You jump back and he chuckles, such a silly sight. Out of the corner of your eye you spot Nanami walking towards you, you face him, letting him know you see him, that you know he’s here. “Na--” An arm slithers around your waist, pulling you close, “Darling~” Gojo sings in your ear, “did you miss me?”
He laughs then cradles your face in his hands, “You're so silly.” He’s drunk already. Barely an hour into your party and he’s already drunk. As Gojo throws his body into your arms you lock eyes with Nanami, then watch as he walks away. You sigh then turn your attention back to Gojo.
It was going to be a long night.
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Now, you're well into the party, everybody’s tipsy or drunk. Gojo’s disappeared again, leaving you to sit alone at the bar. “You’re so pretty,” Nanami places his head on the cold par counter, looking into your eyes, “being someone's fiance really suits you.” You smile at his words. Sometimes, when you're with Nanami, you like to think of what could’ve been, what could’ve happened. Wou he had proposed to you by now, would you’ve already been married to him? You know it’s bad, but it’s a guilty pleasure of yours.
To look at what could’ve been yours.
But, that isn’t your reality. It could never be.
But as usual, time seems to fly by as you talk with Nanami, drink after drink, smile after smile, laugh after laugh, longing after longing. An aching emptiness in both your souls as you regret your timing, your past, as you regret the future that would '’’ve belonged to you. You stare into his eyes, you stare at his lips, the lips that look so soft as a boyish grin spreads across them. “I’m going to the bathroom, now,” you chuckle, leaving your seat, “I’ll be here.” Nanami smiles as you walk away.
You feel giddy as you head towards the bathroom. You pass by Getou and Shoko, who are having the time of their lives on the dance floor. You sigh, the giddiness fading away, leaving a pit of loneliness in its wake.
As you continue your melancholic walk towards the bathroom you pass by many people, some you know, some you don’t, some you noticed, and some you should’ve. You pass by many doors, some of which were actively pounding against the doorframes, others that were extremely loud. You sigh as you arrive at the bathroom, the storage room behind you abruptly opening, on instinct you sneak a peek.
But you wish you hadn’t.
“C’mon ‘Toru,” the seemingly familiar woman calls out. Then, out follows your fiance, who wraps an arm around the woman, your fiance who doesn't acknowledge your presence at all, walks away.
And never looks back.
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Nanami, Shoko, Getou, you just want someone to be here with you, to tell you you didn’t see what you just saw. You open the bathroom door and slump down onto the floor, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. ‘A waste of time’ you try to assure yourself, if what you saw was true then Gojo was nothing but a waste of time. A piece of trash who you wasted years of your life on. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to hold it in the best you can.
“Excuse me, I think you guys have been in there long enough,” you hear Shoko slur outside the door, “I really need to take a piss.” You stand up and check your face in the mirror, later, you’ll deal with this mess later. The nights are about to end. You can hang on long enough. You open the door and rush past Shoko, only to bump into someone's chest. You mumble “Sorry.” and try to walk by, “Y/n,” you freeze and slowly look up, tears now freely falling down your cheeks.
Shoko exits the bathroom, eyes wide at the scene in front of her, “Y/n,” you look back at her,
You fall to the floor and wail, Nanami on his knees, cradling you into his warm chest, rubbing your back, assuring you that everythings okay. Shoko, who runs to your side, trying to figure out what had you so distressed.
“Gojo,” you sniffle, looking at the woman beside you, “I saw him with another woman.”
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@kiwifujin @soda-rin @roseycottage @shuxjodie @aeanya @reapersimps @shaylove418 @voldimir @brumous11 @stillintheupsidedown @onyxvoid @littlemochi @hiqhkey @emiliangnl @pyschopotatomeme @kiwibao @wonderpals02
Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow 🙂
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evilpenguinrika · 2 months
It's April. Meaning my hiatus is over.
We're Reckless And In Danger will return on APRIL 8TH, 2024 with Chapter 19.
Uploads for WRAID will continue to be twice a month because it's the most manageable for me to do that doesn't end up with me hating everything and quitting. I won't upload during any holidays or long weekends, but I'll try to remember to write in the author's comment if there won't be an update during an upcoming holiday or not. If I don't, just ask me about it because it's likely I forgot.
Feel free to check out my Hosie series So I Swear That I'll Protect It if you're curious. This series is basically born out of a "what-if" moment of a Hosie fankid coming back to the past to help his parents defeat Malivore.
The series is intended to be three seasons (installments) with some mini-fics/intermission stories sprinkled in between each installment to better manage my creative burnout and just a way to explore more of the story with other characters or plot points that didn't fit in the main story.
(of course, I've also begun detailing and writing a SISTIPI Next Gen story all while I was still working on the first installment of this series lol, but I won't give out too many spoilers about that.)
If you already know who I am and have read my stories/follow my stories, I made a Hosie fic priority update list for my on-going Hosie fics. Feel free to check that out to see which story of mine you like is being worked on.
Anyways. That's it.
Bye *waves*
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stressedlawsecretary · 8 months
Today's Focus
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10.10.23 - It's Marina's birthday so despite the fact that it is cold and gloomy I have Bubblegum Bitch stuck in my head and that's the mood for today.
Work - I have two physical case files to finish making, and one more new claims case to deal with both physically and in NYMatters. Other than that it's whatever lands on my desk today.
Background Noise - I have one Philip DeFranco news roundup, pretty much everything Charlie did over the weekend, the weekly uploads of Dark Asia with Megan, and my bestie sent me a medical true crime story to put on the list. Downside: forgot my Raycons at home. -_-
Study - Provided I get around to it, today is case law day, in addition to continuing my deep dives. So the goals are:
George Smith's testimony from the Emmett Till murder trial
Finish the study on Concepts of Offshore Financial Centers
At least two (2) other articles related to the Panama Papers
The decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop on Justia
Continue studying the Inflation Reduction Act
Read the Michael Skolnik Medical Transparency Act of 2010
Finish the investigation into a civilian death
I did read like a dozen or so Wikipedia articles on Friday and over the weekend so that counts as finished study lol.
Extras - I absolutely have to bring the Halloween decorations up from the basement so I can put them out tomorrow. Hopefully on lunch I can find the one thing at the market I forgot to get for dinner (how I looked at the recipe for ground beef & cauliflower casserole, then didn't add the cauliflower to the list I'll never know.)
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chaotictarlos · 2 years
With love, your soulmate
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos| read on ao3
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Warnings: Alternative Universe, Tarlos AU, Brooklyn Love Stories AU, Alternate Timelines, long-distance relationship, fluff, soulmate au, pen pal au, mentions of police cruelty 
Author's Note: As always, thank you to @noxsoulmate for being a wonderful beta. Thank you to everyone who keeps reading this! We're getting closer to the end! Comments are wonderful and I love them.
Nobody has permission to save, translate, repost, upload, or do anything with my fics. My fics are only posted on AO3, if you see them on any other site such as wattpad please let me know.  This story was written for an adult audience and is intended for adult consumption. If you are under the age of 18, you should not be reading this story.
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I have to head out - I convinced a couple of my friends to go with me. It’s going to be a good weekend! 
I include a newspaper article that mentions me - it’s not big or anything but I figured you would enjoy reading it. Also, I almost forgot to tell you but while we’re at the beach, we’re going to be camping there - as in we won’t be staying in a cabin but in tents and there won’t be a mailbox for me to get my letters in where I’ll be at this weekend. Please still write me letters though, I will read them all when I get home and reply to them. :)
TK finishes reading Carlos’ letter with a soft but sad smile on his face. He scans the letter one more time before he lays it on his desk and reaches for a piece of paper, laying it in front of him and grabbing his favorite pen.
He’s happy that Carlos is taking a much-needed weekend away from everything to go and relax on the beach, but it makes him a bit sad that Carlos would have no way to get his letters until he went back home. And, maybe more so, that he wouldn’t be able to send any. TK knows that it’s probably a little selfish to want Carlos to find a way to talk to him over the weekend, but he tells himself that it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. Plus, TK just likes talking to Carlos.
He was a generally nice person to talk to and someone that TK had quickly started to like more and more each day and it scared him. When he first started to write his soulmate, he told himself that he wasn’t going to fall for him because he knew that it was complicated and if they never caught up with each other it would hurt to always be so far apart.
Continue reading on AO3
tags: @strangefurychaos @ronensass @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @angeltk @noxsoulmate @sivan325 @beautifulhigh @welcometololaland @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @tarlos-spain @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee
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lilacrespite · 1 year
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cha eunwoo. he/him. cis man. ›spotted at the met steps , arlo nam , most likely listening to feather by sabrina carpenter with their airpods pro . the twenty-eight gained quite a reputation , known to be reckless yet funny to anyone who knows them . you'll easily spot them when you hear about glow of a computer screen in a dark room, the sound of someone feverishly typing on a keyboard, and screams of delight followed by hours old monster energy and axe body spray . latest nepoupdates article talks about him stealing content from smaller creators without giving credit ( false ) , but i guess any reputation is good reputation .
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full name: arlo haneul nam
nickname(s): hannie ( by his mother ) , lolo, lo
age: twenty - eight .
ethnicity: korean american .
gender: cis man .
pronouns: he / him .
orientation: heteroromantic / heterosexual .
occupation: youtube gamer / streamer .
language(s) spoken: english , spanish , learning korean .
career claims: lazerbeam fortnite content, markipliers fnaf content, and quinbobins youtube channel .
━━━━━━━━━ 👾  P  E  R  S  O  N  A  I  L  I  T  Y  :
absolutely unhinged . speaks without thinking . impulsive . he’s comfortable in his skin, career, and outlook on life which makes him confident beyond belief. easily gets hyper fixated on his interests and will talk about them nonstop. he’s not exactly dumb, but the knowledge he does have is all very irrelevant and useless on the grand scheme of things like he couldn’t tell you the right way to use a comma but if you have a few hours for to go over five nights at freddy’s lore he’s excited to share . very kind . always has a joke on his tongue that it’s okay not to laugh at because he’ll laugh enough for everyone .
━━━━━━━━━ 👾  B  A  C  K  G  R  O  U  N  D  :
arlo grew up in a extremely loving family . as the only child with a stay at home mother he was constantly showered him with affection . he wasn’t necessarily spoiled, there were a lot of guidelines he was expected to follow and his mouth often got him in trouble in school, but his parents were always very gentle with him .
his love of video games came from his parents. as a way to get him to settle down and focus on something, and also spend time as a family, they would go out and purchase a variety of consoles and games to have family game nights. what started as a weekend thing quickly turned into a nearly every night of the week thing and something he looked forward to the most.
as he got older his parents interest in the games dwindled but they had already created a monster. he tried to connect with his classmates, joined gaming clubs, and online spaces available, but the thing is he’s not very good??? at playing games??? easily confused, has a hard time figuring out controls, and panics at any sudden music change which makes him forgot how to play the game completely because he thinks he’s about to die anyway. his game play style didn’t really mesh well with the people who are very good at games and they figured why let him play if he was only going to die or bring his team down.
like all us lonely, ostracized folks who wanna share a space with people who share like interests, he turned to the internet ! at first, he started uploading on youtube and streaming to get better. he was looking for tips, and hoping others would reach out to help him out but what he found was actual a community of people who liked that he just enjoyed the game for what it was without worrying about being the best. he had created a space for players of any level to just have fun and not have to worry about the pretentious ridicule from others in the community.
after having that realization he completely embraced the brand he unintentionally created and the upward success. his parents are super proud of him and brag about his career all the time. of course, he’s insanely active on social media always posting but he’s especially active in his discord servers and in the comments of his posts because he really does love engaging with his community. he loves collaborating with smaller creators and pushing the notion that gaming should be fun and relaxing. and never cruel.
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he absolutely ADORES music. could be the adhd but he often has to have it on in the background when he’s playing games no matter what. during his streams he’ll have a 15 minute dance party with viewers to hype himself up before playing. also enjoys learning gg dances and tiktok dances on stream.
sza’s number one fan. if he could uproot his life to become her groupie he’d do it without hesitation.
the gaming chair he has is really just for show, because he stands almost immediately whenever he’s playing games bc he panics. spends a lot of time walking in laps around his room whenever he does something more stupid than usual in game. 
he doesn’t really have “gaming rage” he finds it more funny if anything. that doesn’t mean there’s no shouting, there’s a lot of shouting, it’s just not angry and vile.
absolutely hates horror games, he has a gentle heart, so he’s pretty disappointed that his fnaf videos are what propelled his career so fast. but he’s very grateful so he still plays them for his audience.
does not pull at ALL. he simply does not know how, and does not know when anyone is interested in him so he really is just out here spinning like a ballerina with his steam deck in one hand and his switch in the other.
dani described him as more crack than man and i think that’s the most accurate description to ever be given to him, yeah <3
━━━━━━━━━ 👾 connections coming at some point .
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