#i forgot about these lol - they're very quick and fun to do
orionscelt · 1 year
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Some wands I put together on my lunch break a while ago ✨
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
MANGOOO!! hello, been shy to slide into asks but i got very curious looking at your SMG4 posts.. do you have any headcanons you think are cool ? Would be a blast to see them! :D
OH HAI!!!! Oh my god I love headcanons so much I promise, but I'm one of those people who immediately forgets them all when I'm asked about them. Also I forgot which ones are mine and which ones are someone elses, thought tbh if someone HC is good enough for me to think I made it then like, that would be a huge compliment to me haha! X3
I have a few that I can think of off the top of my head right now, there's a few that need a whole post to explain but I'll do that when I feel like it, gonna leave out any LGBT headcanons because I already agree with everyone else, they are all gay and trans except the ones that aren't and that's so awesome.
Again forgive me if I repeat someone else's HC, or if anything I say is proven to not be possible, I fucking forgorrrrr;
SMG3 has tattoos, I know I've shown that one already but listen. He has 3, one is a half sleeve on his left forearm that's got a skull and a bunch of bombs and explosions around it, another one is on his right mid thigh which is a memorial tattoo for Terence, and one very small one on his back right shoulder blade that's just a little skull (it's very blown out and old). He'd like to get more at some point, none of the others have any tattoos but he's trying to convince them to get one.
All the SMG's have the little arrow thing that was on their guardian pod as a marking somewhere on their body, SMG1 has his on his chest under his scarf, SMG2 has his under his hat, SMG3 has his on his lower back, and SMG4 has his on the back of his neck, they're all pretty hidden and not too visible, but anytime they use their meme guardian powers they glow.
Tari is just a bird fan in general, for someone who stays inside gaming she sure knows every single bird ever. She's not a bird watcher but she can identify any bird you show her easily, and she's always happy and excited to see bird when she does go out. Obviously though ducks are her favourite, but she like all waterfowl in general.
Karen is divorced, she just gives me divorced girl energy. She has full custody of her kids because her ex was a piece of shit and didn't want them anyway, her kids were all too young to know about him thankfully. She probably got married right out of highschool or something, those relationships never seem to work out. I keep thinking of those "day in the life of a divorced 23 year old" videos like, that's her lol.
Bob's secret hobby is fabric work, you will catch him dead before you catch him admitting or even showing anything he makes, but he makes garments and furniture for fun. Sometimes he'll throw them into the black market and lie about their value for a quick buck and to clear out space, he doesn't care much once they're completed he just likes making them.
I think this one's just semi canon, but SMG4 Mario is secretly really good at reading people, yeah he's kinda dumb but he can pick up what people are feeling in depth, he just doesn't always get why. He's also just a good guy to go to for comfort, not advised though don't listen to him, he's just really good to ramble/vent too (mainly because he won't remember what you said lol).
I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I post this, but come back and ask again at some point and I'll try and remember them lol
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n7punk · 5 months
2023 Writing Wrapped!
I think I forgot to do this last year but I was a little burnt out at the time. I had so much fun writing this year I wanted to do a little retrospective/celebration for it (which I encourage everyone to do! Even if you wrote just one fic, take a second to congratulation yourself for accomplishing it).
I wrote 34 fics and updated 118 times this year. Almost half of those were for the Children of the Crystal series (16 fics) but that series was so fun and clocks in at 121k so I'm totally okay with that. If anything, that's a bit of equalizing, because I know my fics are a lot longer on average than most people's since I write a lot of longer AUs (quick math off the top of my head is about half my fics are longer AUs) so now my words-per-fic average is probably a bit closer to usual lol. Actually that got me curious and my average is 20,176 which is honestly lower than I was expecting but still almost certainly higher than average since I've seen a lot of profiles without a single fic that long. Okay I'm a nerd and I did the math and it was only 21,041 before this year which is way more surprising since I really would have thought it was more.
Anyway, I posted 610k words this year between all my fics (though I wrote more in WIPs and upcoming projects). I had so much fun with a lot of the fics I did this year. Children of the Crystal is still a stand out for me, but I'm SO proud of 'the long way down' and I spent the first half of the year pretty feral for each idea as I tore through Hurricane Adora, As Many Lives As It Takes (To Be With You), Superzero, City of Angels, Trade Today For Tomorrow, and CotC of course. February through August I averaged 12 updates a month which is. insane. I updated daily for 12 days in a row in July/August for CotC, and I spent most of that fic series updating every other day.
A lot of that creative energy came from the health stuff that has been bogging me down for a few years (and especially last year) improving, and though I'm still dealing with that, I'm doing a lot better and it has really felt like rediscovering my creative passion. I had a span from like March-ish trhough August I called my "unhinged era" between how feral I was for my ideas, how much I was updating, and just how wild some of those ideas were lol. My slow down at the end of the year came from starting a new job that was very demanding and especially exhausting with my health issues, plus health issues for the rest of my family, but I've still been averaging updating once or twice a week since, so I'm happy with that given everything that has been going on.
Now let's get to the two big ones.
Writing streaks: Definitely not for everyone, but for me they're really motivating and 100% the reason I was able to keep up momentum these last three months with work. I wrote every single day this year. I still can't believe that. Sure, some days it was literally 50 words at the end of the day when I was exhausted, but I also had my highest single-word count day since I started recording them this year at 12,738 on July 18th when I was writing CotC. My previous record was 94 days in a row. 364 is a huge leap. I don't know where I'm going to go with my streak from here. On one hand, it was hugely motivating. On the other, you always want to be careful to prevent burnout. For now, allowing myself to count days where I barely do anything as long as I engage with my WIP seems like a good middle ground since it keeps me motivated and connected to what I'm writing while letting me mostly take time off. I'm exploring more creative hobbies like painting in my free time, though, and as long as I've created that day I don't necessarily feel the need to write, so we'll see if I reconsider my writing streak as a "creating" streak in the future, but for now I'm just going to see how long I can go.
And the final one... my stupid goal.
I can't remember if it was at the end of last year or the start of this one when an anon pointed out how much I had written and I realized I was something like .99% of all Catradora fics on AO3, but my ridiculous goal for this year was to get my fics to 1% of the entire Catradora tag. This goal... I half reached. It takes a bit of explaining.
First, when I first set that goal, I think needed to write twenty-something more fics to reach it. Obviously, I well exceeded that goal at 34 fics, but as I was writing, so was everyone else, so the number of fics I needed to write to reach 1% increased. In the sense of my original benchmark, I definitely passed my goal.
Second, as I write this, AO3 shows there are 11,632 Catradora fics. You can consider 1% of this to be either 116 or 117 depending on rounding. I have 117 She-ra fics, but one of those is a Glimbow fic with no mention of Catradora, so that takes me to 116. However, one of those 116 is tagged as Adora & Catra because it's the CotC fic from when they're small children and meeting for the first time. I consider it a Catradora fic, but it's not actually in the tag and thus doesn't contribute to it. As such, I've fallen short at 115/117, but I really do consider this goal complete for this year given that I passed the initial milestone, the rounding makes the final number debatably 116, and I do actually have 116 "Catradora-centric" fics. That said, I'm very aware those are technicalities and I have a special celebration planned for when I actually, officially become 1% of the tag, so look out for that :) It'll be a great way to celebrate the new year. I'm hoping/planning to do it in the next week or two.
The future: I'm ending this year and starting the next trying to clean up a bunch of WIPs since my fic folder is getting a little ridiculous with the (mostly Outside of the War) one-shots I've written one scene or just a description for, which feels like a really fitting way to end off the year, accomplishing my goals and making everything neat and tidy. I have like 7~ to work though, though my actual goal is maybe 4-5 since I don't want to "force" myself to work on an idea if I'm not feeling it at the second, but I also have a longer AU calling my name, and I don't want to ignore an idea interesting me either... so we'll see, but I'm excited for everything I'm working on right now, and that feels really good. I finished last year in kind of a rough place writing/creativity wise, and I'm finishing this year really excited for everything I did and everything upcoming, so that feels pretty great :)
Thank you to everyone who read and commented this year! I know I ran out of energy to keep up with comments a lot, but they really made me smile so much and I appreciate them so much. Some days they were the difference between the motivation to write 1000 words versus 50. Thanks for another great year!
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Succession Preference: Dating A Gamer
Requested: Hii!! Is it cool to request in a succession headcanons with the roy trio (shiv, roman and kendall) with a gamer!s/o? Maybe they could be like in their early twenties or smth like in college years - anon
A/N: I've kinda been putting this off because tbh the only games I play is Animal Crossing and Mario Kart 😅 I feel extremely under qualified to be writing this lol, but I didn't want to turn it down!! I'm also including Connor because why not :P I'm sorry if I get anything wrong!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Connor definitely wants to play alongside you. He likes older games and games you play in an arcade. It was one of his favorite places to sneak off as a kid when Logan forgot about him. New games with new consoles are a bit of a jump from that, but he's eager to learn. It takes him a long time to catch on and he's always got questions, but you never mind. Mostly he likes watching you. You're quick, you think on your feet, and you make it look easier than it is. When Connor gets stuck on a level, he goes to you immediately. He doesn't like getting stuck and hates getting defeated by the boss level. He shares your enjoyment of it, even if his games are a bit more pixelated and a lot easier to beat. He's always surprising you with the latest game knowing how happy it makes you, knowing it'll make your day.
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Kendall likes the mindless games he can play on his phone. He understands the escapism completely, checking out of the real world for a little while to play a character who can do and say whatever in a (usually) better and far more interesting world. He sits beside you when you play and watches, giving you advice. He's definitely going to play alongside you and is a sore loser, though your kisses make up for it. He plays video games with his kids and remembers being taken to the arcade with Connor as a child. It's something he particularly enjoys, but rarely has the chance to play them. He likes that you share the same interests, that you find such joy in it. It's something you can do together that makes him feel like a little kid again. It's rare you get to see him wear a smile so genuine.
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Shiv doesn't really understand. She never really got into video games, she never saw the appeal, nor was she allowed to. She'd always been told that her hobbies should have a greater purpose and not to do them just because they're fun. She doesn't disregard your enjoyment though. In fact, it makes her so happy to see you so happy, to break a new record, to get to the next level, to talk to the group of friends you've made, etc. She'll stand behind you and ask questions, watching you, though she swears she doesn't understand and isn't interested. You offer her the game console if she ever wants to try it, but every time she politely declines. She still has it ingrained in her head that hobbies should look good on an application or be helpful in the workforce, not just for fun, for enjoyment. She can't let herself have fun for the sake of fun, not yet at least.
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Roman would never dare admit to it, but he really enjoys the kinds of video games that are slow paced and lead a very simple life, like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, etc. The more violent ones make him jump and he can't stand all the yelling and noise. He watches you play a lot, sitting beside you, making fun of you. You nudge him, laughing, telling him that he's distracting you. Roman never gives your hobby a second thought, it's just something you do, something you enjoy. He'll stay up late with you and blame the games for missing his alarm, though he's all smiles so you know it's not serious. If you do play more of those horror, violent games he just excuses himself, busying himself, not wanting to make you stop, but not wanting to listen. He loves to see you so happy, especially when you get to the next level or beat the big boss. He's all sarcasm and jokes, but really it makes him happy to know you are.
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notamothanymore · 9 days
Around 3 months ago i tried starting a big RimWorld playthrough where i would work on overthrowing and starting a brand new empire while keeping a bloodthirsty sanguophage royal with a hair trigger happy so she doesn't rip everyone that serves her to shreds.
Unfortunately for me having around 500 mods broke the save at one point (kind of fortunately) early in the playthrough.
To make matters worse for me i have already ended a previous playthrough early for the sake of this one since i just had to try it.
But yeah, unfortunately this is all thats left. i will try to showcase what i have from the w.i.p screenshots of characters and ideology i was sending my girlfriend when just telling her what fucked up things i will need to do <3
Starting off with the most important person in the colony
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Luna Vayonor (unfortunately with a default random nickname)
I spent SO MUCH time in the character editor and im still very proud of the result, i often spend alot of time making those characters unique.
I decided to make Luna the best leader i could think of, that being "do as i will or i will kill you and if i have to sleep in a shed for 5 more seconds i AM executing you! You worthlessness pice of- *mental breakdown*"
To offset her specific and exaggerated needs for survival i did make her very powerful by giving her very good traits, skills and skills for the start of the game.
Although i ofc gave her lots of bad ones for character reasons:
- Jealous for alot of negative mood effects if someone has anything better than her (she deserves the best)
- Abrasive is self explanatory she will insult people and has little to no restraint when it comes to saying what she thinks
- Snob was just perfect while creating her. I didn't know it was a trait but here it is! For creating a spoiled royal its just way to perfect
and finally the double edged sword from the traits is quick sleeper believe it or not
Sure it cuts the sleeping time wich is super useful and makes pawns just do more work, but when a pawn is sleeping, theyre not affected by any mood effects. So technically she can have more mental breakdowns that i will explain a bit later cuz they're also special
i actually forgot what everchosen was though
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Next we have the xenotype wich was supposed to be a Modified sanguophage one but i forgot a few of thier genomes lol
i went for a mix of combat focused genes and character building ish genes (appearance and personality)
The most important thing? Epsilon psyker and sanguophage thingys
it was the best choice for making Luna psychic while also (like everything else here lol) having a bad side to it since its a permanent negative mood effect! Another thing about psykers is that EVERY mental breakdown they have is violent, this is why everyone needs to keep her happy, she will kill someone otherwise
oh and since shes a ruler thingy i also gave her a mech link and some cool buffs for it.
Also oh my god blood vomit is such a cool thing for them since they loose hemogen so if they est something bad its x3 as bad for them (1. they get negative mood. 2. in most cases food poisoning. 3. loose hemogen. everything giving mood and stat debuffs? why? because fuck me thats why im not allowed to have fun, Loosing is fun!)
Oh btw i didn't mean to give her long ears,.i thought they were horns cuz i was clicking through the appearance genomes to find cool ass horns.
i picked Low immunity and survival to balance things out and not make her eat 24/7 and underdeveloped teeth for the same reason.
Volatile is just fun and makes things a bit harder and easier at the same time so thats that i guess.
rest is just stats and telekinesis cuz thats cool and fits with a psyker ruler thingy.
and yeah thats about it for Luna Vayonor.
Her name obviously means Moon but i just named her after my old dog i had since i was very little, she was a golden retriever but like, she was the whitest one out there, her fur was almost completely white nit like other golden retriever. Fun fact about her! she used to kind of smile by showing her upper teeth and just sniff like that it was so funny looking and she really tried smiling too! (it was a bit annoying explaining it to people that were afraid but yeah!!! it was silly)
The other character i made for this playthrough is this jackofalltraits ball of anxiety
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again a wip screenshot but he was almost done!
unfortunately i dont have the xenotype but basically a perfect servant for sangophages.
Honestly not much to say about them anyway. Just wanted to have a actual useful colonist.
They have just a name too since its a servant
Oh and my head cannon was thst they were inlove with Luna but ofc she would never love him back (why would she?)
So yeah thats all i have
i looks like i lost the ideology but hell who knows i may find something when im back home
Oh and thank you @out-of-context-rimworld for choosing Luna's name, happy to see that the character will live on in someone's playthrough. It does fit too since they have a lucyferium need.
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hypnag0g · 1 year
Do you have examples of your web/graphic design-ish art on hand? I've caught glimpses and it's some REALLY excellent stuff
howdy! thank you so much for this wonderful ask, i very rarely get the chance to talk about my web/graphic design stuff, so seize any chance i can get! you'll have to forgive me for how scattered this everything is, my graphic design stuff normally ends up as a smaller part of illustrations, so a lot of it is gonna be cropped, haha.
my hypnagog header is probably the thing i'm most proud of, it was the first custom font i ever made that felt like i captured what i saw in my head. kind of a clunky way to put it but before this i'd change my header logo and general "branding" like once every three months, yet this one has stuck around for like 2ish years!! here it is in my classic colorway and my new green/orange one.
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here are a couple of my older logos for a bunch of random projects (a comic about evil horses, a defunct community project, a bunch of little glyphs for hypnagog before i settled on my current aesthetic, and one for story about evil clones)
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here are three posters i did for a couple of classes, they're more illustrative than graphic design but there's still elements that feel close enough to gd for me to post lol (a pitch poster for ANOTHER comic i was working on, an editorial piece about the recent HPAI surge, and a quick zine about my experiences with internet horror)
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and FINALLY. here's my web design stuff. full disclaimer, i learned how to code on neopets, and i've never been able to break free of it's pull, so p much everything i've ever done for web design has all been on neopets, or on clone sites that emulate it pre-2007.
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i'd love to link you these two but they're unfortunately behind a login screen on my current petsim of choice, so i hope the screenshots will do! these two are pet lookups coded from the ground up to look like social media profile pages (fun sidenote: Butch has a normal profile, Ransom is a silly hacker stereotype, and he had no choice but to "customize" his profile when faced with the insanely unsecured back-end of LUNET.)
aside from that, my other most recent web project was developing a really sleek character directory for my toyhou.se. i made all the graphics on this page and i'm super proud of it, haha.
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oh i almost forgot. i also have a bunch of really dumb banners that my friends and i use in discord in tandem with a bot that posts them on command - most of them are intentionally designed to look bad, but some of em (especially the data "webba" banner) were made with a lot of care, haha.
i think i might be forgetting some things, but that's pretty much it! my next big project is building out my neocities - i'll definitely post about it when its finished because i wanna use it as a secondary posting location for all my stuff :o]
thank you again!!!!
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
The Western Air Temple Re-watch
This section of Book 3 is possibly my favorite section of the show because we get to see Zuko as a good guy interacting with the Gaang, which sparks so much joy for me. I'm just gonna be bitter about just one thing really quick - the reason Smellberee & Longshot (some of the most interesting side characters the Gaang has interacted with) aren't there is 100% because if they were the show would have no choice but to acknowledge Jet's death. So like, fuck the writers for that one. Ok, (most of) the rest of what I have to say is positive actually!
I'm gonna say that Aang's determination to distract himself & go play with the other kids is TOTALLY understandable & it makes so much sense with his trauma around trying to learn fire-bending & the pressure he's under - he's still just a kid, of course, he's gonna wanna run & play - BUT it still gets on my nerves, personally. Just because like...Ugh, Katara ALWAYS has to be the responsible one pushing Aang to do what's right & it's really not fair to her.
Zuko's redemption arc & decision to join the Gaang continues to be impressive & it absolutely deserves to be held up as a strong example of a redemption arc & just a beautifully well-written character arc. I already made a separate post about how emo I am about Zuko in this episode but like.....I fucking love Zuko ok, he is just very special to me.
I thought that Zuko rehearsing his little speech to join the Gaang to a frog was so adorable & he says he's not good at impersonations but you know, I think he's pretty decent at them. Also, it's cute that he still says "what would Azula do?" to himself here. Even though they're enemies again, I think he still admires his sister a lot (& definitely continues to put her on an unrealistic pedestal of untouchable perfection, but that's its own rabbit hole, right now we're just talking about a cute funny moment.)
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[id: Zuko smiling & holding up a hand in greeting. end id]
Yeah, tbh, my next couple of re-watch posts are.... probably mostly just going to be me gushing about how much I love Zuko, okay lol
Toph getting her feet burned was pretty sad, but I don't think either Toph or Zuko was to blame here, it was just a well-written misunderstanding/interaction, & Toph was still honest with the Gaang that it was an accident even though she had to drag herself back to camp which - oof. I loved how fast Toph was to advocate for Zuko. I think that this has to do with her not being around when he was the Big Bad but I think it's more than that. I feel like Toph is a very pragmatic & realistic character. She knows that Zuko is being honest, she knows that Aang needs a fire-bending teacher. To her, it's obvious what the solution is regardless of past hurt.
Sokka just cracked me up in this episode & his awkward interactions with Zuko were funny. Zukka rights I suppose.
Katara's scene with Zuko at the end was SO good. Katara does not fuck around at all, & her continued mistrust of Zuko is obviously 100% understandable. I also love that for Katara, this is very personal. She trusted Zuko & he betrayed HER. This isn't just about being military enemies, Katara feels personally wronged by Zuko - & she has every right to. I just loved that scene between them. And... if I was ever going to say Zutara rights, this little era of the show is when I'd say it. It's one of those "ok it's still not my thing but I get y'all" things lol - like ok, the tension of betrayal & hesitance about the new trust thing is kinda fun. For me personally, it's just as fun as the tension between 2 platonic (soon-to-be) friends though.
Anyway, this was a delightful episode & I'm very excited Zuko is now part of the Gaang - even if he has a ways to go to gain their trust! Excellent episode 10/10.
Oh, I almost forgot about iconic behavior points. Zuko gets +100 for his little impressions. Toph gets +100 for crawling on her goddamn hands back to camp & STILL advocating for Zuko. Zuko gets another +500 for helping defeat the assassin that he hired, I thought that made a lot of narrative sense & was the perfect dramatic way for him to prove himself. Katara gets +500 for her speech to Zuko at the end.
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fonulyn · 11 months
I've been rereading "and each one of us is a path somewhere" since I was lucky enough to have the page loaded before AO3 was DDOS'd. And I am really glad because I love that fic! I'm not sure if I've commented on it before to say that (and I don't wanna risk loading anything just yet to check/send a comment lol ^>^”) but I still wanted to say that. It's a really good fic! It made the two bus rides I took in the last two days much better, and I could, for a second, pretend that the Residen Evil World still had an alive Piers which is the best part of fics XD
Also I really love the concept in general. Piers time travelling for Leon Specifically (which. I would be inclined to believe that he was only visible to him + zombies if not for Ada talking at him lmao, if only because of the gun shop scene). Though I do love that, in this fic, Ada either just Magic Science Forgot Piers was there (maybe the memories transfer through a kiss lol) or just straight up gaslit Leon about it for no reason other than "I don't want to deal with this," or at least I assume that was her reason. Like. I love Ada to bits and would forgive her most wrongs, but that is still extremely funny to me. Ada, girl, what are you doing.
Anyway, aside from that, I just really love it all. The banter, the soft relationship and how it's building up. And I love the thought that Leon had to internally accept Piers time travelled to him and he wouldn't remember Leon on his own. Can't help but imagine the mix of worry and relief he felt about the whole thing :'3
So yeah, leaving this here to tell you I love that fic and I am very glad you wrote and shared it. Thank you so much for that! <3
so first of all, most importantly: THANK YOU for such a lovely long message!! truly was the highlight of my day. I read it in the morning and kept thinking of it throughout the day, even though I just now got the chance to respond :3 I'm glad hte fic helped entertain you through bus rides too! (and shhhh I don't know why you say ''pretend'' he's alive and well and happy with his boyfriend Leon)
you know I never even thought that Piers could be only visible to Leon and now I'm kinda bummed I didn't because that would've been sorta fun :'D but alas, too late haha. as for Ada, I honestly think she 100% lied to Leon because she didn't want to deal with that pining shit lol. she had a job to do, a mission to focus on, and that crap? not helpful. so forgetting it we are! she 100% didn't even think she was ever gonna see Leon (or Piers) again ever again at that point so who cares if she twists the truth a little bit :'D
ahhh and I'm so happy you enjoyed the buildup! Leon did go through a lot while waiting for Piers to get those memories 😅 but hey at least he wasn't alone in RC, that has to count for something, and they did get their happy ending eventually! even if it took twenty years :'D
I hope you don't mind I published this ask but I really just want to keep it forever 💖 and come back to it when I'm struggling with writing and feeling like none of it makes sense. I have no words to even convey how much kind comments like this mean to me! and help with motivation issues too! hearing specifics what you enjoyed and thought made my entire day :D
(sidenote; this is why comments on ao3 are so important, too, because they're easy to find for a motivation boost! I've had 'friends' who staunchly refused to comment there and just sent me a quick pm somewhere, and the thing about pms is that they get lost :( they won't be findable at one point. on ao3, they'll always remain!) (this is 100% not applicaple here i was just reminded of it 😅 no shade to this absolutely lovely and wonderful ask!!!)
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winged-fool · 2 years
I’d like to ask for the summary of the very last episode of RNM. I feel very conflicted about it ending. I’ll miss a lot of things, including you live-blogging. I would also like to take the time to say I love your fics. ❤️
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Hello my friends! To the first anon, thank you so much! I also have conflicting feelings about it ending, it's been a long journey! I too will miss live blogging and seeing everyone else's reactions and commentary, the comraderie has been one of my favorite things in this fandom (after I blocked everyone lmfao). I do hope to start writing again soon! Thank you 💙
To the second anon, I am happy to be of service to warn others off on whether or not to endure this nonsense. The full summary will be below the cut, but honestly if I had to give a quick answer to your question rn, there were infuriating things about it of course because it wouldn't be RNM without it but not the WORST thing ever?
As always, summary below!
Okay so the whole thing with Clyde honestly ended REAL quick, within the first 25 minutes of the ep lol basically he kidnapped Rosa, took her to Shevani to get her blood taken out because it contained important protein(? maybe??) that would be useful for reviving Shevani's daughter except joke's on her! He actually needed the blood to make a serum that would fix one of the broken pieces of the galactic map.
Meanwhile, Liz called Allie Myers to come to town to help her with the science since her memory has been deteriorating from the alien mist/drug. It was really fun to see her, Liz, and Kyle do some science stuff together to figure out how to stop Clyde. Which they did by making a serum that would put the mark of Ophicus back on him and when he went into the portal he got stuck and then disintegrated, good bye Clyde~!
After that, I forgot who but someone was like well what do we do now? And Michael's like, I've got an idea! Let's have a wedding! They literally only mention Alex dying once and it was in the beginning when someone was like Kyle took Alex back to Deep Sky to figure out what's wrong with him and then I guess he's better now??? Idek
This was the WORST part of the ep, but for some godforsaken reason Alex and Maria have a heart-to-heart right before the wedding. He was like aw Greg can't come but I'm glad I get to have one family member in you being here to support me and then to add insult to injury, they had her walk him down the aisle because the writers want us to connect malex and maria together forever and ever I guess. Sanders shows up and gives Michael a lovely encouraging speech before the wedding and gives him something of Nora's as his something old for the wedding, it was very sweet and touching
It cuts to the Pony where Michael gives a little cheesy speech and then starts singing Edwin McCain's I'll Be and it's a montage of the wedding. Michael and Alex look so happy and lovely it's honestly so wonderful, it made me teary-eyed. Alex decides to take Michael's last name "Alex Guerin" because he's never felt like a Manes man anyway and it was just PERFECT
When Tezca was dying at the end of last ep, she shared a memory with Isobel who then shares it with Max which basically says that Oasis is dying and as the savior he is the only one who can save the planet. So he and Liz sort of break up (except not really because 10 minutes max later they sort of get engaged as a promise I'll come back for you) because for some reason he's the only one that can go. Like Isobel and Michael don't even volunteer to help him lol Dallas decides to go too so it ends with them going into the portal to Oasis.
As for malex, their story ends with them driving out of Roswell in the truck that has Just Married on the back window and the traditional wedding stuff tied to the back. I'm sure they're just going on their honeymoon but I like to think they were just leaving and washing their hands of Roswell entirely haha
As for Kybel, they didn't really have much going on in the ep unfortunately. Their story ending with them cuddling under a blanket together and Kyle asking if he can do anything for her (I think because Max was leaving) and she was like no this is perfect. It was nice :)
And that's it! We are officially done with Roswell forever and it's a strange feeling. This show made me angry in so many ways but it's still strange to say goodbye to a show I've been watching since 2019.
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missguomeiyun · 4 months
Homecooking [Jan ed]
I said I wasn't sure if I would continue doing these posts but. .. here I am :P
This January went by soooo fast. At the beginning of the month, I had almost a week off & I somehow lost my voice. Still not sure what happened but I was dealing with this dry nightly cough. It was so odd! I only coughed at night. Completely fine during the day. No other symptoms. I suspect it was likely a nocturnal parasite that likes to irritate my throat LOL just kidding. I'm sure it wasn't but that's what I choose to attribute it to. It's probably the dryness in my room. .. MAYBE. *shrugs*
We also had insane weather, which isn't surprising. We had deep freeze, beating out some really cold places & being the coldest place on earth for more than 1 day. This led to power grid problems. .. gov't issued emergency alert for using minimal power. Same for water - although no emergency alert was issued, we are actually currently in the middle of a water ban -.-" (bcos pump at a plant broke) ANDDDD guess what, it felt like a spring day today, where the highest temp was 11degrees in the middle of the day. What?!?!
Anyway, let's move onto the food & stuff~
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I got this as a Christmas gift from coworker YH. Y'all know I don't prefer flavoured coffee. ... This was probably THE worst one I've ever drank. 1st of all, when you open the bag, the aroma just hits you. It smelled 'fake'. Not sure what/how but. .. like a wax candle? The taste was also terrible. Gahh I just did regular coffee machine filter & .. *shiver* it was so bad!
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So I switched to this the next day =]
Yeah, the flavoured/infused coffees. .. it's not for me.
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Leftover hot pot beef with lettuce & thin rice vermicelli.
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Ramyeon with Busan fish cakes, baby bokchoy & soup seaweed. I used the Ottogi plain noodles - the ones that don't have seasoning. It's very nice to have to have around but sometimes when they're not on sale, it's like the same price as those that contain seasoning. In which case, you might as well buy the flavoured kinds haha
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A spin on sundae-guk.
I steamed the sundae (blood sausage) & let it cool for a LONG time. It still falls apart but better than before. For the soup, I used a deonjang soup base (soybean paste) with some bokchoy, seaweed & white pepper. Sprinkled coarse salt & black pepper on top to finish. Usually sundae is eaten with a spicy salt powder but I used coarse S&P here & it turned out pretty good.
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Plain udon <3 I like the Six Fortune brand udon (ones at room temperature in grocery stores). The broth was from a 'soup tea bag' that contained anchovies, baby dried shrimps & kelp.
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English biscuit with cream of mushroom. (Biscuit from Sunterra marketplace)
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PASTA~ I forgot which pasta sauce flavour this was but I used Evoolution gochujang olive oil with it & it was good.
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Okay, let's pause to talk about my books.
I'm still not done this one bcos I got distracted lol but it is worth the hype. It's not a thriller but the content has some VERY minor thriller vibes. It's actually quite sad, overall. It follows a Korean woman named Kim Ji-young from her 'current' state -> back when she was born/her family situation -> growing up & entering adulthood -> marriage -> 'now'. It basically generalizes a typical/average woman's life in a male-dominant society.
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This, on the other hand, was a quick chick-flick 'series' consisting of 2 books (they are related - book 1 & book 2) lol yes, I read really intense stuff & fluffy rom-coms.
I enjoyed maybe. .. 75% of it. The main girl in book 1 was quite pathetic. Annoying. Identity crisis - sort of situation. Met the main guy in a drama-like fashion & I was like . . . really? But in a good way! A fun, entertaining way. lol She got better in book 2 but still, some times, I was like. .. why?
Back to the food:
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Re-creating one of my fav noodle soups! Busan fish cakes used to make the broth. I used a lot of the fish cakes to make a concentrated broth. Used some of the fish cake here & saved some for stir-fries. I added white pepper & fish sauce to season the broth. Noodles were the frozen kalguksu noodles from Hmart. Topped with dried seaweed & green onion.
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Breakfast n a day-off. Mini seafood pancakes (Hmart frozen product) + kimchi + egg.
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Stir-fried thick rice noodles with mushroom, bokchoy, fish cakes & tofu. Saucier than what I had anticipated bcos of the mushrooms. I didn't plan that very well lol sauce = mix of gochujang, soy sauce & fish sauce.
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Made kimchi pancakes.
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I used regular cooking oil (canola oil) mixed with salted butter to pan-fry these kimchi pancakes. I've never used oil + butter mixture before. .. I didn't know they would clash & create oil splashes =/ it was scary! But I survived. These panckakes were the best ones I've ever made!
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Leftover beef + vegetable stew with thick rice noodles. It may seem weird bcos I'm like combining a western item with rice noodles. .. & adding more beef broth to make it into a noodle soup but it was actually tasty!
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SOOOOOO many packets in this single serving of noodles O_O I'm not THAT into the environment but it bugs me. I wonder if . .. using a 'closed' tray system would work or not. I'm imagining something like a small bento box but lidded & that it would fit inside a bag. The plastic still isn't great but like . .. maybe it's better than a million of these packets?
Anyway, I didn't eat this bcos I actually don't like this kind of Chinese style noodles. The combo of sauces & flavour is too much for me Like it contains peanut oil, sesame sauce, seaweed, vinegar, chili oil, & chives. Oh, & peanuts! Too much random stuff that I don't use in my cooking. I just took a photo of the contents to show you.
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Made maple sugar cold foam for the 1st time & it was a complete failure. It literally 'melted'/disintegrated. .. & why was it to hole-y?! As previously mentioned, I can't do heated creams/milk so I thought cold foam would be the way to go but it's not easy. .. I think I added too much water to melt the maple sugar so the water content was too much, thereby causing the milk to 'melt'. Don't know! But will try again in the future!
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Summer rolls with imitation crab sticks, white beech mushroom & carrots. Yeah, no greens haha
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Half of the summer rolls were eaten during lunch time & then the 2nd half, I saved for dinner. I drizzled some water on top & microwaved these bcos I've always wanted to know what the texture is like when summer rolls are microwaved. Obviously, the ingredients I used aren't the traditional kinds but it's the same rice paper & rice vermicelli noodles. They were kind of like a cross between summer rolls & steamed rice rolls? The rice paper wrapper became softer. But bcos rice paper is very thin compared to rice rolls, it didn't have that soft chewines/bounciness. It was just soft. No comment about the filling bcos. .. it's basically just heated up. & bcos they resembled rice rolls, I used hoisin sauce & satay sauce as the sauce instead of a diluted fish sauce mixture.
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Air fried potatoes~ they take long. .. but so good! (used Costco-bought salmon seasoning & olive oil)
That is it for now. Thank you for reading as usual : )
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petrichoraline · 5 months
I agree with everything you said, Cathrine is delightful, naive but stands her ground and she's only going to get better with age. Yeah, the whole age gap is a bit... But considering the time period it was written in I just imagine him younger idk. The action part is when they're in the abbey ig, that's the most fun part and I'm not going to spoil it to you ofc but I'd do the same as Cathrine if I was in a place like that lol maybe without saying certain things tho. I would love to know your thoughts on the novel, by the end I did like henry, he did show up and out when he needed to. I'd have to say that my favorite austen romance is persuasion, the man did annoy me in the begining even tho ig I understand that one considering their history but his letter in the end has to be the best austen letter, I'm not a fan of love letter in general but since they already have a history together it hits differently idk also talking about relatable heroines Ann Eliot my beloved, the people pleasing is next level (but we're working on that)
I waited to finish the novel to reply and now I understand what you meant hahah, a lil warning about spoilers ahead for anyone who might come across this that wants to read Northanger Abbey
Catherine's imagination running wild annoyed me a bit only because she was using it on a real person and in such a way but I understood she's an avid reader seeing patterns in real life and im sure her subconscious craved to make a villain out of the general - he was too attentive and polite for her to have an excuse to say anything bad about him though he was the most dreadful part of her experience in the abbey. but the way she talked to henry about it, I can't help but laugh, she feels so at ease with him and trusts him so much that she forgot all about manners and common decency and asked him questions that so obviously show her suspicions- like what heroine would share she suspects his father of murder with her crush 😭 propriety and common sense were sent out the door faster than her lmao
as for henry yeah, he did show up when it mattered and related the information to her in a very considerate way, he was also extra caring after she ran away in tears all ashamed when her suspicions were revealed so all in all you can tell he can be a little shit when he's in a silly goofy mood but also be extremely sensitive in certain situations, we love a man with a high eq 😄
the novel itself... I am not going to lie to you, I am a bit disappointed - I pushed through some boring parts in the hopes of some grandiose drama but things were resolved in a very bland way. the conclusion to the engagement situation is related through letters, we don't see either the thorpes or james himself at all, later on we only hear about what went between the general and john and I get it creates this feeling of "we're done with them, let's wrap it up, chop chop!" as if we didn't spend half the novel with those characters around. the way catherine moves on isn't technically quick but in writing it feels like it. aside from that part being rushed, so was the ending- eleanor having a fiance and catherine not knowing anything of it does make a bit of sense because she is a more discreet person but tying the whole thing together with "and his servant left behind the washing bills from so many chapters ago!".. I wouldn't call it lazy but it was a random choice. (I did find the part where she says she can't name the fiance cause the structure of a novel wouldn't allow it entertaining tho); the resolution for the thorpes was very similar to a fairytale - bad guys left vexxed, good guys in complete bliss. in sense and sensibility the "bad girl" at least got a man out of the whole ordeal lol so I was expecting some twist or another but it's fine, just as austen was done with the characters, so was i lol
I think most of all I wanted a more dramatic moment of getting together for henry and catherine but I suppose the whole point is this it's a regular story with regular characters where the only dramatics spawn from some very common behaviours in people in higher society. the final chapter was just rushing everything which honestly isn't a bad thing considering i was not too curious even three chapters prior as to how it all ends, I think austen mightve known it was gonna be predictable anyways so might as well not waste much thought and time on it.
I did like the book, as I do with every austen book, because it's an experience - I like the humour, I like the writing style (though some sentences could do with being shortened, I have to reread again and again when I'm sleepy sometimes), I think the fact there are less descriptions of surroundings and more cheeky commentary on society and fun dialog works for me very well. this novel is no different in these aspects than the ones I've previously read and im glad about it. when it comes to characters, I'm fond of Eleanor particularly but I appreciate the Morlands as well - they seem very simple in their thinking but very loving and caring, they give their children freedom and support them unreservedly, im sure henry and eleanor would love to be in their company in the future (im also so happy for eleanor and I hope his family is the warmest and help her heal from all she's endured)
it was a fun read and im satisfied i finished it regardless of anything, also very glad I got to talk with someone about it 😊
the letter in persuasion you mention sounds exactly like the type of profession of love i want, here I just mostly got austen describing events and we didn't even get to see catherine find henry at the door, we had to follow her mother to the bookshelf upstairs 😂 so a letter in the character's own words sounds great!
people pleasing would drive me up the wall, that's why I was so happy with catherine but! relatable it is. so I will probably yell at her with affection and understanding hahah (I'm sure you're doing great, one "no" at a time)
i think I'll probably think of other things to say on the matter after i've posted this but alas :') sending you hugs, thanks once again for talking to me about it <3 I hope I haven't disappointed you with my answer, I'd love for you to correct me if I've said smth wrong but also just share whatever 💓
0 notes
alexthemenace · 7 months
Inktober 2019 archive
Posting all my Inktober 2019 pics cause it was the only year where I successfully did a drawing for every day of the month. And also used actual ink for these which I know is not required but I wanted to. Most of these were never posted outside the "Rebel Taxi" Amino so I wanna document their existence and share them with the public. My gimmick with these was to do them in 5-15 minutes as a challenge to come up with ideas on the spot. And also so I wouldn't spend too much time on these since my college projects took priority. I also had my purple Halloween neon lights on when I took these pictures so that is why they're all purple (minus day 31's drawing). Anyway, here they are in order of the days I made them.
Day 1: a generic east coast rapper on the mic rocking a show. Mostly inspired by Chuck D of Public Enemy and maybe subconsciously Todd in the Shadows. Oh and totally forgot that I was watching Vin Diesel's 1997 feature directorial debut, Strays, before I drew this which had a very gritty 90s NYC setting. At the time I was very impressed by his short film directorial debut, Multi-Facial, so I wanted to see if his feature was just as good (it wasn't).
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Day 2: a defeated young man submitting to an alien/holy light shining down upon him. You could also interpret it as seeking of a higher power. Inspired by the CD artwork of OutKast's ATLiens album. This was later turned into a self-portrait oil painting for class which turned out really great.
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Day 3: vaguely retro comic book Batman crashing through a window upon a crime scene. This was done right before I went to see Joker in theaters. The perspective and anatomy is meh but it was a quick drawing so I can live with it. Apparently I took 20 minutes with it according to my notes from Discord in 2019 which wow.
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Day 4: Close-up of Cesare from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. This was one of two drawings where I intentionally broke my 5-15 minute rule as I did this in about an hour. I used a reference of the iconic scene of him waking up but I still tried to be quick so the face looks less like Conrad Veidt and more like David Bowie imo but I'm still quite proud of it.
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Day 5: a possessed woman. Took a wee bit longer to do but this was a fun exercise to draw longer hair like this (something I still don't have a lot of experience with) and to play a bit with perspective and anatomy without a reference iirc. She is also supposed to vaguely be from an older era far from civilization - hence the lack of clothing (she is tastefully censored though). Apparently I wasn't happy with how stiff she turned out back then but I think in hindsight it works quite well.
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Day 6: a bald child from a mental ward stares at a man laying face down on a haystack. The girl was loosely based off Eleven from Stranger Things. The man in the haystack also reminds me of that one Junji Ito manga but I don't remember if that thought that came to me while making this or that's just hindsight. Also I didn't start with a finished concept in mind for this one so, very randomly put together.
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Day 7: Nostalgia Critic 2Pac. As it says, it's Doug Walker if he modeled his Nostalgia Critic character after 2Pac's aesthetic. I personally really like this one. Have also been told he resembles a Beavis and Butt-head character which I see lol but that's ok. Apparently I was watching JAR Media's video on if Nostalgia Critic was cringy and for some fucking reason the idea of 2Pac came to mind lol.
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Day 8: a baby with a dripping spear celebrating the head of a medium sized therapod dinosaur they successfully hunted. This one was inspired by Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal which I was a very big fan of at the time. Censored cause I like my Tumblr account and don't wanna risk losing it.
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Day 9: Count Orlok from Nosferatu opening a door. I think it turned out nicely but don't really have much else to say about it other than the fact that I didn't use a reference.
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Day 10: sullen twink laying bare on the ground. This was inspired by that iconic image of Maria from Silent Hill 2 laying down on the ground by the Heaven's Night neon sign. I think I just particularly like this kind of imagery since a mood piece I shot later that month incorporated a shot that is exactly like this (minus the lack of clothing). Also, the uncensored drawing actually shows nothing explicit since I intentionally had that area covered in shadows. But I worry Tumblr will think otherwise and smite down upon me so it's better to be safe than sorry. Also the perspective on his right leg is off so better to not see it in full anyway.
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Day 11: gentleman combing his hair in a mirror that reveals a skeleton doing the same thing. The pic crops off the bottom part of the drawing which shows his legs and the tail flaps of his suit. But I always thought that part looked extra janky so I never include it. It was a rushed drawing anyway.
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Day 12: Tim Burton inspired child sitting in the corner of a room, looking very sad. Supposed to represent being overwhelmed with life and emotions. I recall I also had Dib from Invader Zim in mind when drawing this. I don't tend to draw in this art style much so I'm pretty surprised even now how good it turned out. At the time I was doing a presentation for my Directing class on Tim Burton - so he was definitely on my mind for this.
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Day 13: imprisoned droid waking up in the middle of the night. Apparently I was thinking of a bunch of movies when I did this plus I think Scud: The Disposable Assassin and my own avatar. Also I just like robots with this kind of thin pill shaped build.
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Day 14: my idea of man that has fully evolved into only being able to eat, sleep, and stare at a screen. I didn't sleep the night before so I thought to draw a human that has devolved into a lazy slob who only eats and sleeps and as a result is incredibly out of shape save its legs to move around as it scours the land for any food before deciding to fall asleep for days. Thank you Discord notes from myself in 2019 for helping me remember this exact story lol.
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Day 15: Undead Pan Pizza of RebelTaxi singing his pathetic little heart out. The design is based off of Jack Skellington (namely the proportions and spooky qualities like the stitches across Pan's face) during one of his more sad song numbers in The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's worth noting this era was sorta the last big hoorah for my obsession and fanboyism of Pan. I had a mild burst of being hooked one last time around Fall 2019 after losing interest in his podcast around the beginning of that year (a podcast I previously would follow religiously). I still liked him after this era and would definitely have periods of renewed interest but not to the same extent as before sadly.
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Day 16: an imprisoned boy looking at the light coming through his barred window. This one used more pencil than ink to break away from mostly keeping it ink. It's very janky but the idea speaks to me. Apparently was also trying to think of a portrait for my oil painting class so this was one of the ideas that came to mind (didn't end up using it for anything though).
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Day 17: a spooky little sickly old guy. I apparently was inspired by a character from Courage the Cowardly Dog when I did this. No clue which episode now though unless you guys can remember what he looks like.
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Day 18: guy getting his face vacuumed off. I like that one episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy where Eddy's face get sucked by a vacuum. I got nothing else to say.
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Day 19: self-portrait of me directing. It's a cutesy little drawing of me! And also the outfit I wore when I directed my mood piece that day.
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Day 20: a large and vicious snake lizard hybrid. It's pretty self-explanatory. I think ultimately it's more just a snake with forearms and a spike tail. I guess I just was thinking at the time "what would be the ultimate snake?" Like a snake that can beat any snake. Also this was done on day 21 since I didn't have time on day 20 for it.
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Day 21: large older guy hiding a knife behind his back. His looked is based on a friend of mine I went to college with and how he looked on set a few days ago when the light glistened over him. Although instead of a knife he held a script. He also vaguely reminds me of Al from Toy Story 2.
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Day 22: sleep paralysis demon taunts twink. I like twinks, ok. Also I think just noticed something about that demon that I forgot I did but oh well. I think it'll be fine.
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Day 23: guy with a very, very itchy head. I really like the pose and facial expression so it's actually one of my favorites here despite it being relatively mundane. Also, the itchy head may have been cause my head was itchy while drawing this but I don't remember. But I do remember part of the influence here was how sometimes great feelings of stress and anger would trigger an itchy head for me.
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Day 24: a corpse brought back to life in a very rough and unfinished form. Obviously a bit of a Frankenstein's monster meets I guess Sally and Dr. Finkelstein from The Nightmare Before Christmas influence here. I may have had Pearl from Steven Universe in mind when I did this too since me and another friend definitely saw the resemblance.
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Day 25: a twink who hit their face a little too hard on the bathroom sink. Twink. The full picture isn't really that gruesome imo (the face isn't visible) but I was trying to censor the liquids a bit for obvious reasons I already disclosed earlier. Also, he was loosely based on me but don't think too hard about that. I just had a bad day directing on set was all.
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Day 26: Cute, unamused Hot Topic employee being bitten on the left leg by his pet lizard. Yet again another twink but this one's outfit is based mostly on my wardrobe at the time (minus the Jack Skellington shirt but I did/do have some pajama pants of him). And I guess I find reptiles cool so, only just noticing a bit of a reoccurring subject here (along with twinks).
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Day 27: a melting zombie-like corpse crawling away from a puddle of acid. A tad more gruesome, sure, but I think it's a pretty cool drawing. And also it's like, a zombie, so it's not that inappropriate for standards here I hope. Apparently took a while to come up with an idea for this one.
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Day 28: that one guy from Jacob's Ladder with a bag over his head and no legs walking with his arms. When I drew this, I had just seen Jacob's Ladder the night before for the first time and it became an instant favorite of mine. So, I drew a character from it. Him walking with his arms is based off of Mugshot's mode of travel from Sly Cooper.
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Day 29: Jimi Hendrix inspired voodoo guy with a crystal ball. Pretty self-explanatory. Had fun with the texture and lighting although I was never quite satisfied with how I did the shading on his hair. The straight lines make his fro look like a porcupine lol. Regardless of that, it's a pretty cool drawing. Also worth noting is that during this time I fell back in love with 60s music. The Doors and Beatles in particular were major points of obsession for me. Especially their psychedelic period and ofc Jimi Hendrix was part of that era so that deep fixation for psychedelic and hippie music made its way into this.
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Day 30: lizard amphibian fish mishmash girl with pony tails happily waving at us. This was definitely my least favorite of these and if not for my next and final drawing, would've been a lackluster way to end this. It's not awful but eh, just never really personally resonated with me. Also, she is wearing a seaweed braw so don't panic moral guardians of the world. For some reason Mrs. Bighead from Rocko's Modern Life came to mind when I drew this. Along with a certain friend of mind, @fishboigazer-blog, (which if you or a mutual is reading this lol hey).
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And that's it for now since I can't fit more than 30 pics. Which is fine by me cause Day 31 deserves its own post since that one I did spend a few hours on as opposed to the rest of these. That one I also did actually post to Tumblr back in the day so I may just reblog it come Halloween.
If you actually read this far, thank you! I spent hours trying to put this together in a way that is satisfactory to me and hopefully gives plenty of insight into my process. This has been a very long time coming and hope to actually post more original stuff on here instead of just endlessly reblogging things.
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bunny-rambles · 1 year
i... well, still not go on tumblr a lot ahah. life is getting busier by the day and will be for a very long while sigh but yeah. i'm not dead and since i am gonna leave town for a lil while (going to freeze myself over at a friend's house in the mountains lmao) i just wanted to make a quick check up message. i hope you're feeling good (how's the christmas season going? yesterday i spent one hour trying to not kill myself while decorating the tree)
also the scaracat piece was really cute, so thank you. distractions are always welcome in stressful times, and scara is my favourite distraction.
speaking of scara i, well, am feeling feelings recently. (one of my best friends would say "emozioni sono state emozionate" which literally means "emotions have been emotioned", to mantain that funny out of grammar tone)
me talking about scara seriously would be very long tho bc how can it not be, so instead i'll be leaving you with a funny list of scara fun facts courtesy of the italian fandom. idk how much this can be funny to a non italian but if i can get a smile out of you, that's fine to me: <3
- "wanderer" has been translated in the newly upcoming italian version! specifically, it has been translated as "vagabondo", which has been found hilarious by everyone as a famous italian songs with the same title quotes "i, a wanderer, with no money in my pockets, but at least there's God above me". not only am i the one that's gonna end up pennyless by his arrival, but it's so funny given scara's quite turbulent past with gods lol
- speaking of wanderer, his clothes' palette matches perfectly that of the famous italian soccer team of naples. this has led to everyone making memes of scara with naples' scarves and shirts and even soccer themed rooms and the meme that scaramouche was the new member of naples got so out of hand that some non genshin players actually started believing naples had gotten a new soccer player. scara has since been nominated an honorary napolitan by the community, which is even more hilarious bc the stereotypical napolitan is the farthest thing away from scara you could possibly think about
- less than a funny fact and more than, well, a curiosity? scara's burst in the italian translation has been written off as "fantasticherie burrascose", which is an extremely fancy use of words to say "stormy fantasies". i cannot possibly convey how funny it sounds to me personally but i find the actual meaning to be actually quite fitting to scara as a character
with this i really have to go ahah. this hair are not gonna wash themselves
i wish you a good week bunny, ti voglio bene!
- 🍓
P.S. just realised the "gl" in "voglio" is the same there is in "tartaglia" (they're pronounced the same bc italian has consistent pronounciation unlike english lol) which is very nice bc i indeed want tartaglia. like, a lot
P.P.S. good luck with the scara pulls! for what concerns myself i'll keep fingers crossed not only to get him, but hopefully with cons too? meager hopes but hopes are what keeps us living ig
I kept this ask back from being answered because I thought it was the last I was going to receive for quite a while - but it’s selfish to not even give you a response. I’ll really miss you if you end up too busy, but I suppose that’s just life.
The seasons over, but I had a nice christmas surprisingly (even though it’s probably my least favourite holiday). Feeling good though overall? Hm. Well, things are stressful at the moment, it’s constantly up and down but I can say with confidence even though it’s like this, I’m doing good overall. So there’s no need to worry :) (putting up trees is a nightmare omg pls I feel ur struggle)
I completely forgot I even said to go check that out- but I’m really happy you liked it and glad that it helped. I’ve written some more stuff in the mean time, I’m not going to ask you to read them this time, they’re just there if you want to
emotions have been emotioned, I need to start using that one because that’s exactly how to describe what’s happened for my feelings over the little guy. Like. Wow. That’s the perfect phrase. 10/10 fr !
you can come into my inbox any time you like and please don’t be afraid to send stuff in even if I don’t reply to the first one (I promise I’ll get there, slowly but surely, you’re never ever a bother - you’re actually a highlight of being on tumblr) so if you wanna blurt all ur scara brainrot out, I’m always here
(all of these got a chuckle/giggle out of me, so it was more than a smile <33)
- the amount of irony pls lmfao, although it is actually accurate with nahida looking over him now. Speaking of penniless, this mf drained me of my entire storage of primos (still, got his c1 but man he didn’t make it easy at all)
- the fact that non genshin players started thinking scara was a new player, knowing absolutely nothing about his personality and who he is in the game - AND he’s an honorary player? i did see a few memes of him with a football under his foot (or next to it) when his redesign was first released, and they did the same thing with heizou so who knows, maybe heizou is also an honorary football member somewhere. (but if they were to ever go against each other, my money would be on scara)
- stormy fantasies huh. well. ahem. isn’t being stepped on one of the biggest fantasies the scara nation has?/hj. no but you’re right, I can’t explain it but it is very fitting for him, I’m just not smart enough to go into depth about it ;;;
ti voglio bene dearest fragola, I miss you in my inbox and hope you come back at some point, and I hope you got scara !! he’s a very fun character, just a little fragile (although if you have a healer or a shield character, this shouldn’t be that much of a problem)
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wu-kongs · 2 years
The energy absorption does have its backdraws for Wolf! The more energy she takes, the more energized she feels, but since her body works like a battery/vault, if she is too full of energy she tends to go into like, a dormant state, where she wont wake up until her body has burnt through enough energy to continue as normal (its kind of like a self-preservation mechanism, too much energy could potentially kill her, so her body shuts down to burn through the stored energy before she can get to that point lol) She cannot fight this "coma" state and is absolutely helpless and vulnerable as long as her body thinks it has too much energy.
Wolf first met Macaque bc the monkey had the gall to pass out in her garden, and he looks so pathetic and small she goes "eh, its a slow day, might as well" since she was kind of bored. Macaque wakes up from getting his ass beat to suddenly finding himself in temporary house arrest by a doctor known for eating her patients, and instantly goes "Self-preservation doesn't exist, i am going to annoy and threaten this very dangerous demon as long as I can". Macaque, though, was in such a bad state, that its like if you were being annoyed and threatened by like a fucking ant, Wolf initially found him too pathetic to kill, but as Macaque healed, she found him just too funny to kill. They have somewhat of the Pigsy-Tang friendship dynamic, except Wolf is just vibin with this funny and pathetic little monkey who's too poor to afford anything while Macaque thinks he is just one (1) second away from getting killed and eaten but refuses to stop because free healing in exchange of small favors is too good of a deal to pass up.
Wolf is strictly forbidden from meeting DBK or PIF in the present by RedSon, mostly bc Red very firmly thinks his mother would either hate or love Wolf, and he is not ready to see the disaster it could bring. Wolf only allows this bc she will meet either parent at one point or another, she is just letting Red dream a bit and let him think he has some control over this whole situation. Wolf does have a vaguely godmother/cool aunt vibe towards Red, neither really directly acknowledges it though besides Wolf using it as teasing material. But Red does spend a lot of time at Wolf's clinic though, and Wolf does allow Red to ramble abt his petty drama, so they do have this vague familiar thing going on that neither will acknowledge until the other does (Wolf bc she thinks is amusing to see Red fret, and Red bc he internally already accepted Wolf as some sort of figure in his life he just forgot to say it to Wolf lmao)
ok see i like those drawbacks because they make sense in my head—when i used to be into BNHA, i of course made an OC whose quirk was empathy/emotional energy absorption/manipulation and if they absorbed too much and didn't expend it, rather than a coma, it sent him into a severe uncontrollable episode of mania. i think all that's real fun :3c
i really like her relationships with maq and red, they're fun goofy dynamics that are easy to digest and not loaded with a bunch of drama, but also that she seems to stand on equal ground with them. it also reflects on her really well as a quick-witted character with a kind of elegance to her.
which of red's parents does she end up meeting first? does red end up being right about iron fan's reaction? eye think they'd get along famously tbh and i'd love to see them interact. wolf has that no-bullshit behavior i think iron fan would like, though she doesn't have iron fan's slight flare for the dramatic lol
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*Evil cackling* More prompts, you say? Burn, for Grillby, please? I just... I love one fire husband so very much
Fire HUSBAND you say? Hmmmm? Lol.
Grillby never really worried about burning things.
When he used his own fire, he could control the heat of it normally, and it wasn't too worrying for him.
When he used other fire, which was a tad strange, he was good at it and knew what to do and what not to do. Burning stuff wasn't something he normally did.
Being a fire monster, he knew how dangerous it was for others.
They could get hurt by the flames, while they also needed it. For warmth, for safety, for everything that they need.
Today he got woken up by the smell of smoke throughout his house, causing his eyes to snap open and he scrambles up, running down. Shit shit shit. He most likely forgot to turn off the stove before going to sleep with his datemate, didn't he? Now everything's on fire, and he wouldn't be able to put it out because he could just control his own fire, not other fire.
Yet, when he ran down, he stopped seeing something he didn't... quite expect.
His baby flame was trying to cook something, smoke raising up. What in the... what in the world?
He stares for a few seconds, his head tilted to the side, blinking slowly. Everything was blurry.
He forgot his glasses.
Dang it.
He tilted his head to the side watching them for a little bit, then smiles and walks over scooping them up gently nudging his head against theirs "Good morning" he mumbles.
His other daughter was most likely asleep. His datemate was too, weren't they?
Then he heard another voice, "what's going on down here?"
Hearing the voice, he looked over his shoulder, seeing his datemate standing there, looking sleepily confused rubbing at their eye. They most likely got woken up when he scrambled up to run downstairs.
“Little one” he nuzzles his head against his kids. They never really spoke, which he didn't mind at all. His other daughter did, and if this one didn't want to speak, they didn't have to. “wanted to make breakfast, I guess” he looks at the burned food, letting out a hum at it.
They smile, and nod slowly, walking over slowly starting to help plate things while the little ember, which he liked to call them, clenched onto his clothes watching what his datemate was doing.
“Come on, you should get dressed” Grillby starts to walk towards their room, so he could get them dressed for the day, and wake up his daughter. Hopefully, today will go nicer than what he woke up too...
and at least they don't have fire alarms, he doesn't want the water to pour down and hurt him or his children.
He really did love his datemate, and he was so happy that he met them and they would agree to be with him. He remembered when they got married, and how he asked them to marry him. The proposing was... embarrassing if he's to be honest. It was so much attention on them.
At least they said yes, then they got married, had their own little flame... a mix of fire and flesh, a creature he never really expected to be real. It's so fun though, and they're healthy, which is all he cares about.
His daughter loves her little sibling too! He liked the fact that they weren't just an orange fire monster but a different color. He found all the different colors interesting... his father was blue! How was he just a red one? He was unsure... most likely his mother?
Once he got back into the kitchen, seeing his datemate, he walks over and does a quick peck to their cheek to try not to burn them.
Yeah... this was amazing.
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quackisinnit · 3 years
Minecraft Championship
Dream x Reader
Request: okay okay so :D mcc with dream when the reader and dream are on the same team ans it’s very cute and fluffy, also with she/her pronouns pls :] thank you!!
Pronouns: She/Her
Note: the first team i thought of was red rabbits so thats why i used them:) i forgot how the mcc works so forgive me if i wrote anything wrong😭 ALSO I WAS SO SLEEPDEPRIVED WHILE WRITIBG THIS SO SORRY IF ITS BAD
Warnings: mild swearing lol
y/nishere = your twitch name
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You were scrolling through twitter, waiting for the announcing of teams. It was your first time ever playing. You played some minecraft but that wasn't all you played, you played other games too. After a few hours of scrolling, you finally got a notification.
Announcing Team Red Rabbits!
@Y/nishere @Dream @FundyLive @Nihachu
Watch them compete in the MC Championship on Saturday 14th November 8pm GMT!
You heard Clay running to your room from the kitchen. He knocks on your door and you let a out a soft 'come in.' "Did you see the announcment for the MCC?" "I did, I'm pretty excited!" you say enthusiastically.
You weren't as skilled as Clay but you were excited nonetheless.
It was finally November 8. You were just sitting on your desk staring at your monitor. 'What if I mess up? What if we lose? What if-' All these thoughts were racing your mind. You started bouncing your leg, something you do when you get nervous, and you bit your lip.
Clay was walking past your room when he saw your nervous state. He walked up to you, kneeled beside you, and started rubbing your back. "Are you alright? Do you want some water?"
"I don't want any water" you were still bouncing your leg, but the speed had decreased. "Well, are you alright? You look nervous" "I'm fine, just nervous 'cause this is my first time playing in the MCC and all that" his face softens. "You'll do great! I promise." You look at him and smile.
He kisses your cheek before he gets up and walks to the door and he send you a smile before closing the door behind him.
You boot up Minecraft and sighed, "I hope I do do great."
You were on the last game and you were praying that it wasn't Build Mart and it was gonna be Sands of Time. If you get Sands of Time, you might be able to get into top 3, maybe even first place. Red Rabbits was currently on 5th place. You were having fun but you were still stressed about it.
You and your team were about to vote until you got dunked by the team beside you. You look over to the side to see Orange Ocelots, which consisted of Tommy, Smajor, Wisp, and Quackity. They were all crouching and jumping. Tommy joins the call for a few seconds, "Fuck you bitch!" he says in a sing-song voice. You all burst into laughter. But it wasn't long 'till you looked back to your screen and it read 'Sands of Time.'
"Look guys it's Sands of Time! We might still win this." Niki says excitedly.
"Dose anyone got any sand? I need it." You were currently watching the timer while the others were getting sand for you.
"Yeah I have some. Here." Fundy hands you 7 sand. "Thanks" "How many do you have now?" he starts running back into one of the tunnels he went into before. "Uhmm I have 9 sand." "Okay great"
You were now collecting sand because the one that Fundy gave you earlier ran out. You were running around trying to get sand and heard Niki in the call, "Y/n, help me please I just died." So you ran over to her, freed her from the tomb, and continued getting more sand.
Clay spoke, "Hey how much time we got left?" You glance back at the timer and it read '20.' "Oh shit it's at 20-"
You ran back to the timer to place sand. When you got to the timer, it went down to 10. You placed all the sand you had left and it went back up to 50. "It's at 50 now, we're good."
You just finished Sands of Time and were waiting for the other teams to finish. You were just talking about the earlier games and random things before all the teams finished.
When the scores were counted again, you ended up in 4th place. Not too bad, but could've done better. You and your team were super proud since it was your first time playing.
Green Gaurdians and Purple Pandas were now dueling it out. All the teams were screaming and betting who would win.
You were screaming and cheering but you saw Clay going on mute. You didn't want to be nosy but you were curious on whet he was doing. "Hey guys I just have something real quick." You muted yourself and got up.
Right when you grabbed onto your door knob, Clay opens the door before you. You let out a yelp while he flinches.
"What the hell?" "Sorry, I just wanted to check up on you." he says nonchalantly and giggles.
"So how are you doing? Are you feeling better now than earlier?" "Yeah. I still feel like we couldv'e done better." you said in a lighthearted manner to hide the fact that you were disappointed. But Clay knew you too well.
He smiles and cups your face with both of his hands. "It's okay. Even if you're a little disappointed, you still did good considering it's your first time playing." You remove his hands from your face and hold them. "Thank you, I really needed that." You give him a peck on his cheek then to his lips. "Let's go back, they're probably wondering where we are."
When you got back, they were still fighting, but Green Gaurdians was in the lead. After a few minutes, they came out victorious.
Niki ended her stream and left call because she said that she was tired. You, Fundy, Dream, George, and Smajor just stayed in call for a bit longer just chatting.
"Welp, I'm gonna rest now bye everyone!" bye's and goodbye's erupted from the call. You ended the stream and went to Clay's room.
"Are you still streaming?" you whisper. "Nope, just finished." he turns off his computer and looks at you. "Great! Wanna watch a movie with me and Patches?" "Sure, I'll be down in a bit." you kiss his nose and go downstairs to ready a movie.
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@book-of-anarchy @speedymaximoff @fivxss
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