#i feel kinda like korra when she admitted to mako that she really liked him and thought that they were meant for each other
Linumi Hc
An incomplete and not in order list Because my brain is running a hundred different directionssssss
He is 10 years older than her but nothing starts with them until after the Linzin breakup so Lin’s like 33 ish he’s 43, long after she’s established in the RCPD and Toph and Su are gone.
Bumi wasn’t a violent man towards family and friends but the next time Bumi was in port after he heard what Tenzin did to Lin. Dropping her for Pema. (And expecting a kid within a year of breaking up with Lin) he decked Tenzin in front of Pema and the other air acolytes on ATI. Dropping Tenzin like a sack of bricks to the stone. “That’s for Linny.” He all but spat at the dazed Tenzin.
They write a lot. A LOT a lot. Lin receives several letters at the same time because Bumi has to mail them all at the same port after a while at sea. She saves every one of them but she would never admit it and Bumi assumes she tosses them but they’re hidden under a stone in her house. Lin doesn’t write as often to him as it usually ends up at the wrong port for him to be able to collect it.
They’re actually married but NO ONE KNOWS because Lin won’t wear a ring when she’s at work and no one can catch her when she’s not at work and Bumi doesn’t feel the need to tell anyone if they haven’t figured it out yet (*cough* Tenzin being oblivious)
One time Korra catches Bumi kissing Lin while they think no one was around at ATI and she was shoook
Bumi didn’t get any updates on what happened after Amon until it was weeks after everyone was at Katara’s house and as soon as he heard about it he couldn’t get there fast enough and no one dared tell Commander Bumi II that he couldn’t leave his assignment to get to his wife after what they heard happened.
Lin was in such bad state omg all the other hc injuries and nightmares but she was so pale and sickly thin when he got to her. He pulled her close to him and Lin just breaks down crying and apologizing over and over. (The night terror / comfort ficsssss please I beg)
When Bumi gets his airbending Lin grows distant a bit not really a huge fan of the new development but not discouraging him from his excitement. They do eventually talk it out but that’s kinda post series.
Bumi frantically digging through the wreckage of Kuvira’s mech to find Lin. (A Fog Au where Lin and Su are thrown into the spirit world by the explosion and Lin gets lost in the fog of lost souls- I think I have a few of those posts somewhere still)
Bumi joking that Mako/Rina(oc) or Bolin/Opal need to give him and Lin grankids soon because he’s retired and his niblings are growing up and finding other things to spend their time on than joking around with uncle Bumi.
Bumi loves making Lin smile and always manages to get a smirk at least as he’s goofing off in company. Sometimes he gets a chuckle and his week is made. Nothing can beat his Linny smiling and laughing.
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don’t get me wrong i love bi mako but stay with me, gay mako
him and bolin growing up on the streets of the earth kingdom and mako not having time to worry about romance at all
them coming to republic city and getting caught up in work and competition so that he doesn’t really think about it
until asami along comes asks him out and she’s pretty and funny and mako really likes her
so they started dating and mako likes her but something just feels off but considering it’s his first real relationship he just kinda shrugs it off and with the equalists and everything going on it isn’t a main concern
but then korra comes along and admits she has feelings for mako and he’s confused and has no idea what to feel and for who and kind of just stands there not knowing what to do because he really likes them both and doesn’t want to lose either of them
but then he starts dating korra but something still feels off and it’s unexplicable because he really cares about them both but he just feels like there’s something missing from their relationship
but then they break up and mako just thinks that he’ll pull a lin and repress all his emotions and be single forever
little does he know that pulling a lin also means being a secret homosexual but moving on
during book three romances really the least of his concern and he tries to focus more on work and then obviously the red Lotus becomes a major problem so romantic relationships are thoroughly pushed to the side
and afterwards team avatar kind of goes their separate ways so he continues to avoid romance focusing on his work
but then he has to work as wu’s body guard and he start seeing his friends again and it feels kind of like old times and bolin asks if he’s seeing any girls but he’s just kind of not caring about that anymore and it’s been a really really long time since he’s even found a girl attractive so he’s kind of just chilling being single and all
until one night sometime before wu’s Coronation they’re at some fancy party and obviously he’s there as wu’s bodyguard and someone tells a joke and wu just laughs but for the first time mako realises he’s actually really pretty
The way his eyes light up whenever he speaks and how he has soft crinkles around his eyes whenever he laughs or smiles and how he has soft pink cheeks and kissable lips and-
and then he just kinda freezes like “oh fuck”
and when he goes back to his room that night he just kind of lies on his bed staring up at the ceiling realising that all throughout his life he was completely oblivious to the attraction he felt towards men like this one friend he had while he was living in the Earth kingdom who would help him steal food every so often and could make him laugh so hard even if his joke was unbelievably unfunny
or how he would sometimes think about how attractive his rivals would be in pro-bending matches and realising how the reason his relationships with women always felt weird was because he wasn’t actually attracted to them
it was basically a slap on the face telling him he’s gay
but because he hasn’t really grown up around any queer people he just decides to pull a real lin and repress all of his feelings and just pretend to be a heterosexual male
and this is pretty effective until korra and asami come back from their holiday in the spirit world and end upconfessing that they’re actually in a relationship and mako realises that him liking men is actually okay and that his friends will still accept him for it
so he takes all the confidence he has and one evening while team avatar are out just eating dinner and catching up and he decides that this is a safe environment and there is no one better he could tell so he just tells them “i’m gay”
but he panics and starts rambling about how he only recently realised that he was and he is sorry if it makes things uncomfortable because he also knows that he did used to date two of them and that he didn’t mean to lead them on or heart them in anyway and he just completely gets verbal diarrhoea and spews out a bunch of nonsense that they only half understand
and at the end of it he’s kind of just sitting there awkwardly waiting for their response and they’re all sitting there silently and he’s starting to majorly regret his decision before they all just leap on him and give him a huge hug and tell him that it’s completely okay and they still love him
and mako slowly comes out to people around him and seeing how they’re also supportive makes and finally actually feel confident in himself and maybe over the next few months he begins to develop a romantic relationship with wu and all of his friends support him no matter what
anyways yeah I just thought about this concept and thought it be kind of cool yanno gay mako having to come to terms with his attraction and realising that it’s actually not a bad thing as his friends support him
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reinerispretty · 4 years
reminiscence. (? x f!reader) pt6
THANK U FOR BEING SO PATIENT i am so excited to get back to this story!!
“That’s not how you do it.”
Asami furrowed her brows at her. “Oh yeah? Then show me how you knead dough.” (Y/N) rolled up her sleeves and began pressing into the dough with the heel of her palm, at first gently, but then with some effort.
“It’s like raising a baby,” (Y/N) said. “You have to be soft, but firm.”
It took (Y/N) quite a few days to recover. She shivered in bed the first night, retching violently into the trash bin Jinora had kindly placed at her bedside. She had given her a worried smile, which (Y/N) weakly returned. Falling asleep was difficult because of how cold she felt. When sleep finally did grace her, it was littered with dreams of empty blackness and monsters licking at her heels. She woke up every few hours, sweat beading down her neck and a scream threatening to rip at her throat. She felt like her heart was beating too fast to be contained by her chest. Her first night of illness was undoubtedly the worst. 
Knowing this, Korra had moved a cot into her room the next night. She knew what it was like to be ill and how isolating it felt, so she thought (Y/N) could use the company. Especially when her fever had risen to a temperature near scalding. Korra bundled her in her warmest blankets from the Northern Water Tribe, tucking (Y/N) into the fabric. She looked so small and weak, nothing like the bright, curious girl that Korra had come to know over the past few days. Naga slept protectively at the girls’ feet. (Y/N) slept most of the night and well into the next day. 
But when she awoke, the rest of the household was surprised to find her walking into the dining room, one of Korra’s blankets still wrapped around her shoulders and the color returning to her skin. “Could I have something to eat?” Her voice was hoarse from lack of use. Pema insisted that she go back to bed and rest, that dinner would be brought to her, and although she hadn’t known her very long, (Y/N) knew better than to argue. 
Quickly, she made her way back to her room and crawled back into bed, her stomach eagerly awaiting the arrival of food. 
Korra entered a few minutes later, shocked to find (Y/N) looking so chipper. “Someone’s feeling better. Pema made your favorite.” (Y/N) cocked her head to the side. “Bolin told me. Soup dumplings.” (Y/N) held in her squeal of excitement as Korra handed her the hot bowl and chopsticks. 
“So,” Korra began as she scarfed down her dumplings. “I have a plan. We,” (Y/N) liked how Korra included her in the ‘we.’ “Will take a ship to the South Pole and enter the Spirit World through the portal. Then we’ll ask the spirits if they know anything about you.” 
(Y/N) finished her last dumpling, her mouth burning comfortably from the hot food. “Is that it?” Korra let out a surprised laughed at her boldness. 
“Did you want more action?” (Y/N’s) face flushed. 
“No, I just mean that it seems really easy.” 
“If all goes well, it will be.”
(Y/N) was bundled up so tightly for their trip that she could hardly move. Pema hadn’t like the idea of them leaving before she was feeling her best, but (Y/N) insisted that they left as soon as possible. The thought of getting her memories back made her heart race. 
She stood in the courtyard of the Air Temple, Tenzin and his family standing before her. “I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality,” She said. “I hope one day I can repay you for taking care of me.” 
“You have to come back and play with us!” Ikki begged, jumping up and down as she clapped her hands together. “Please, please, please!” 
“Yeah!” Meelo interjected. “You were too busy throwing up to play with us!” (Y/N) laughed as Tenzin blanched at his children. 
“I’m sorry, Meelo. I promise I’ll come back and play with you guys soon!” She glanced at Tenzin and Pema. “As long as I’m welcome, of course.” 
“You are always welcome here,” Tenzin reassured her, and (Y/N) smiled. Korra walked out of the house then, both her and (Y/N’s) bags slung across her shoulders. 
“Ready to go?” Korra questioned, and (Y/N) nodded. She waved goodbye to the family and walked down the stone steps to the dock, where their ship was pulling up. (Y/N’s) eyes widened at the sight of it. “Ship” was an understatement. It was huge, twice the size of any boat she had seen in her almost three weeks of memory. It was white, with thick blue stripes painted around the edges. 
“Is that yours?” She asked Korra. 
“It’s Varrick’s,” She called back to her. “He’s a super rich guy. Kinda sorta a friend of ours, a guess. I called in a favor.” 
“You’re sure he doesn’t mind?” 
Korra turned around and flashed her a smile. “Varrick tosses money around like it’s leaves. If anything happens to this boat, he’s got ten more.” (Y/N) smiled back at Korra and tried to ignore the statement, “If anything happens.” 
When they reached the dock, one of the most beautiful girls (Y/N) had ever seen stood at it’s edge. She waved at the two of them, her dark hair fluttering behind her in the breeze. Korra dropped their bags on the dock and enveloped the girl in a hug. “Asami!” She cheered. 
Asami squeezed Korra tightly and gave her a kind smile. “It’s good to see you again!” Her green eyes fluttered to (Y/N). “You must be (Y/N). Korra’s told me so much about you.” She extended her hand and (Y/N) shook it firmly. 
“I guess that’s not very much,” (Y/N) joked, eliciting a laugh from Asami. 
“Where are the guys?” Asami asked, and Korra shrugged. 
“Probably running late, as usual.” 
“I want to say thank you to you both,” (Y/N) said suddenly, wringing her fingers together nervously. “I’m sure you both have heard some pretty bad things about me, but I’m so thankful you’re willing to help.” 
“Mako has a bit of a flair for the dramatics,” Asami said as she waved a hand into the air. “As far as we’re concerned, you’re a completely different person.” Korra nodded in agreement, flashing her white teeth at (Y/N). 
Mako and Bolin joined them only a few moments later and the five of them boarded the massive ship. Varrick had sent along an entire crew to accompany them, which everyone was very thankful for. As much as Team Avatar trusted their abilities, none of them were very keen on the idea of steering a ship for a whole week. 
They departed from the bay outside of Republic City and (Y/N) watched from one of the enclosed decks as the skyscraper buildings faded into nothingness. A nervous pit fit itself in the bottom of her stomach. This was really happening. She would get her memories back. 
The majority of her was absolutely ecstatic. She hated not knowing anything about herself and couldn’t wait for her life to get back to normal--whatever that meant before she lost her memory. But a small, miniscule part of her enjoyed what was happening right now. If it hadn’t been for losing her memory, she would not have become friends with Korra. (Y/N) feared that once she got her memories back, there would be some things she didn’t want to remember. 
Asami appeared at her side, offering (Y/N) yet another kind smile. “How do you like the ship?” 
“It’s huge,” (Y/N) said. “I can barely feel the water underneath us. I was worried that since I was sick, I wouldn’t feel well, but I feel fine.” 
“Korra mentioned that you hadn’t been feeling well. I’m glad you’re okay now.” 
(Y/N’s) eyes trailed to the middle of the room, where Korra, Mako, and Bolin talked to each other. “Have you known them long?” 
“Only a few months,” Asami said. “But they’ve become my best friends.” (Y/N) felt a tug at her heart. She wondered if before everything, if she had had a group like this. “Are you feeling hungry?” 
“A little,” (Y/N) admitted. 
“How about we make something in the kitchens? Just you and me.” (Y/N) nodded excitedly and followed Asami down two flights of stairs, where the kitchen took up the entire floor. The staff was scarce, considering that dinner would not be happening for a long while, so they both rifled through the pantries trying to find ingredients. “We could make a pizza!” 
(Y/N) poked her head around the pantry door and stared quizzically at Asami. “Do you know how to make a pizza?” The dark haired girl shrugged, gathering ingredients into her arms. 
“It can’t be that hard.” 
It turned out it was that hard, but they had found a cookbook with their desired recipe and managed to at least get the dough started. Asami slapped it against the counter as (Y/N) giggled. “That’s not how you do it.” 
Asami furrowed her brows at her. “Oh yeah? Then show me how you knead dough.” (Y/N) rolled up her sleeves and began pressing into the dough with the heel of her palm, at first gently, but then with some effort. 
“It’s like raising a baby,” (Y/N) said. “You have to be soft, but firm.” Asami laughed at her comparison. 
“How do you know so much about making dough?” (Y/N) paused for a moment before turning back to her work, kneading into the dough harder. 
“I’m not sure,” She admitted. “I guess there are some things left in there.” 
Bolin stood in the entryway to the kitchens, not yet noticed by the two girls. He watched as (Y/N) taught Asami how to make pizza dough. It brought him back to a memory he reflected on often during the years of her absence. 
Years ago, after (Y/N) and Bolin had taken each other out on many dates, there was the night that he decided to ask her to be his girlfriend. He was incredibly nervous, his palms were a sweaty, clammy mess, but (Y/N) had stared at him kindly. 
“I want to show you something,” She said as they walked down the streets of Republic City, their hands intertwined. If she noticed how slippery his hands were, she didn’t acknowledge it. Like he did in all things, Bolin followed (Y/N) with no questions asked. 
She led him to Kwong’s Cuisine, which had closed for the night hours ago. She pulled a silver key from her pocket and led him to the backdoor. She unlocked the heavy metal door and pushed it open with her shoulder, her fingers still interlocked with Bolin’s. 
“Are you sure we should be in here?” He asked the darkness. (Y/N) flipped a switch and bright, white lights illuminated the silver fixtures of the kitchens. 
“I’m the owner’s daughter,” (Y/N) said with a teasing scoff. “What are they going to do, fire me?” She pulled open the fridges and began gathering her ingredients. Bolin had never seen her move like this before. (Y/N) always seemed so confident, but here, she seemed liked she owned the place. He guessed in a way, she did. “I’d like to make you brownies,” She said to him, pulling out a metal stool with her foot and gesturing toward it. “Sit.” 
Bolin obeyed and watched with fascinated eyes as she mixed the batter together from scratch. “Are you doing this all off the top of your head?” He asked. She nodded. 
“Mom always made me cook when I still lived with her,” She said, offering him the spoon so he could get a taste of the batter. He took his finger and swiped it into the chocolatey mixture before licking it. 
“These are going to be the best brownies I’ve ever had! You should be a chef!” (Y/N) laughed. 
“Maybe one day,” She said. She put the brownies in the oven and set the timer. As they waited, they talked about their days and the events of Bolin’s latest pro-bending match. When the timer buzzed, (Y/N) hopped up from her seat and pulled the brownies out. 
“I’m too excited to wait,” Bolin said, grabbing a knife and slicing into the gooey brownies. 
“Bo, be careful you’re gonna-” 
“Ow, ow, ow,” Bolin complained as he held the scorching hot brownie, but he tossed it into his mouth. He tried his best to chew. “It burns but it’s so yummy,” He mumbled as he tried to breathe hot air out of his mouth. 
“Your girlfriend makes pretty good brownies, huh?” She asked, and Bolin nearly choked on his hot piece of brownie. He doubled over as he coughed and tried to swallow it down. “Oh my goodness, are you okay?” 
“Girlfriend?” Bolin asked once he had righted himself. (Y/N’s) face flushed. Had she calculated everything wrong?
“Yeah, girlfriend. I thought that girlfriend is okay.” Bolin nodded, his hands wrapping around the small of her back to pull her close. 
“Girlfriend’s okay!” He said. “As long as boyfriend’s okay, too.” (Y/N) smiled brightly up at him. 
“Boyfriend’s okay,” She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Bolin leaned down to kiss her and she could taste the hot brownies on his tongue. 
“Bolin!” Asami called to him, breaking his flashback. “You want a piece of pizza? I think (Y/N) should be a chef, because it’s amazing!” 
Bolin stepped into the room, giving (Y/N) a tight smile. She smiled back at him as she chewed on her piece of pizza. “What kind is it?” 
“Pineapple and pepperoni,” She said, and Bolin twisted his face in disgust. “No, no! You have to give it a chance first, please?” He conceded and took a bite of pizza. It did taste amazing. 
“Not bad,” He said with a teasing smile, and both Asami and (Y/N) rolled their eyes. 
Once the three had finished devouring the pizza, (Y/N) moved to leave the room with Asami, but Bolin called out her name. She turned to him, her eyes staring up at his quizzically. “I just wanted to say,” He cleared his throat. “That, even though I know that you know that things didn’t necessarily end well for us, I don’t, uh, have hard feelings.” He could feel his face redden. “It was a long time ago, and I know I can’t tell you anything yet, but I’m sure you had a reason for doing certain things, so I don’t blame you.” 
(Y/N’s) eyes shined so brightly in the kitchen light that Bolin was sure tears would spill over any moment. “Thank you,” She said quietly, an uncertain smile making its way across her features. “I, um, want to apologize for whatever it was I did. You seem very kind and great and whatever happened between us, I’m certain you didn’t deserve it.” Bolin nodded, his own eyes prickling at the backs. “Could we start over? Just be friends?” 
Bolin nodded perhaps a bit too eagerly. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
(Y/N) smiled up at Bolin and felt that maybe she had been wrong. Maybe things would be okay. 
When she left the kitchens, she wondered if everyone had been planning to gather down there, because she ran into Mako as she was walking away. “Sorry,” She said, refusing to meet his eyes. She would never admit it, but Mako intimidated her. His dislike for her was always apparent and (Y/N) hated it. 
“Bolin told me what he said to you,” Mako said as she began to walk past. She turned back to look at him. 
“He’s forgiving, but I’m not. What you did, it was cruel. You were cruel.” 
“As if you don’t spend every waking moment reminding me,” (Y/N) said with a sigh. Mako narrowed his eyes at her. 
“If you do anything--” 
“You’ll do what, Mako?” She snapped. She had enough of him thinking that he could talk to her whatever way he pleased. “Hurt me?” 
He blinked in surprise, as if the suggestion was ridiculous. “Just stay away from him, alright?” 
“How about you stay away from me? The ship’s big enough.” With that, she stormed up the stairs and joined the rest of her friends. (Y/N) hated Mako. Absolutely hated him. The flush of her cheeks and her racing heart proved that.
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biqherosix · 4 years
the challenges we’re facing - part two
angst, fluff
(the legend of korra — romantic! mako x waterbender! reader)
after months of constant forgiveness for other people and yourself, it's time to consider the next step: forgiving and overcoming your fears
cw / fire
a/n — haha didn’t think i’d grow to like this one but i did ! part two is kinda meh but i missed them <3 enjoy ! btw on a side note i miss mako and kyoshi warrior reader,,, i should get on them again-
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eight months. eight months of slow, lingering touches, jinora's never ending wisdom, and much meditating later, the nightmares slowly ceased and you began to open yourself up again. eight months after your outburst in the pavilion with mako, you knew you were ready to take the next step in your healing.
though you never admitted it out loud to anyone, they knew. they thought about it every time pema made a hot cup of tea, when lightning storms rained through republic city, and when mako simply held a scarce flame in his palms.
but you were confident, and held your head up high. taking a deep breath, you made your way to jinora and mako. they seemed to be in a heated argument, the stern glares towards each other giving it away. and their loud discourse of course.
“mako, i respect your opinion, but how can you hate noren when he had a solid redemption arc?!" she asked.
“are we reading the same book? he fell in love and that was a horrible take at redemption! they could have at least backed up his arc with actions to prove he was a better person!" he exclaimed, pointing to a page in the book. the girl placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head up towards the firebender in intimidation. he wasn't fazed. you halted in your tracks, bursting out into laughter at the sight. their attention diverted towards you, clutching your hand towards your stomach. you tried ceasing your laughter, but it only made it worse as tears sprung out of your eyes and you wheezed endlessly. jinora now crossed her arms amused, and mako looked to you with an raised eyebrow. you let out a delighted sigh, walking over to your two favorite people.
"you wanna tell us what's so funny y/n?" mako asked, instantly wrapping his pinky with yours. you smiled, giggling.
“i don't have to, but if i must. you were really about to fight a sixteen year old, huh? i mean okay i get wanting to throw kai off air temple island sometimes, but jinora? how could you hurt this face?" you pouted, pulling the girl in front of you. she smiled widely, and he rolled his eyes.
“i could have gotten away with it if you didn't meddle." he joked, and you all laughed. jinora turned around to face you, curiosity filling her eyes.
"wait, you said you were going to hang out with kai while mako and i finished up our discussion. where is he?" she asked. your eyes widened, and you rubbed the back of your neck.
“well, i kind of told him ikki needed a sparring partner and now they're gossiping in the meditation pavilion."
"i know! not my best idea jinora, but i really needed to talk to you. of course, i didn't think i would walk into an almost warzone, but this is actually important." you let go of mako, sitting down. they followed suit, mako sitting next to you and jinora across from you. a pit in their stomach formed. their looks of concern made you want to back out right now.
"y/n? are you okay? is there anything wrong?" jinora laid a hand on yours. you felt the warmth creeping up on you. lightly wincing, you exhaled.
"i don't exactly know how to say this…ugh i didn't think this was going to be so hard, it's literally just you two!" you facepalmed, and mako laid a hand on your back.
“hey, remember what we talked about? you can be open with your feelings! no one here will judge you." jinora assured, taking a quick glare to the firebender before gesturing to the air. you buried your face in your hands. mumbles came out, and they moved their heads closer to you.
“hey, we can't help you if we can't hear you." he spoke up softly, running his fingers through your hair.
"i want to get over my fear of fire. i think i'm finally ready." you sighed defeatedly. mako's eyes widened and jinora smiled. she was about to respond when the boy stood.
“oh i uh just forgot, jinora we have to go help your parents with lunch! come on, we don't want a yelling tenzin in the kitchen. yeah, sorry y/n! we'll talk later, yeah?" he rushed out, kissing your forehead lightly before taking jinora's hand. you waved bye, shaking your head.
"i knew this was a bad idea." you muttered, taking jinora's book before heading over to join ikki and kai at the pavilion.
"wait, mako. my book!" she was going to run back when he gripped her shoulder. he shook his head.
"y/n grabbed it, kai can give it back later." he huffed, pulling her back and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. she crossed her arms, looking up to the boy.
"okay, what's wrong now?" she asked.
"nothing's wrong!" mako flustered.
“you're a horrible liar. i know that my dad doesn't even walk into the kitchen. and mako, i think you're great. really, i do! but you blew y/n off after they told us some amazing news! aren't you happy for them?" she elbowed his rib, and he winced.
"of course i'm happy for y/n!" uncertainty filled her features.
"i don't believe you, so you should tell me before i take my book back on team avatar..
"okay okay! jeez, when did you get so bossy?"
"always have been, just never to you. now, tell me." he facepalmed.
“it's just, don't you think it's too soon? i mean, it took y/n six months just to look me in the eye. but fire? it's a completely different story; there are so many possibilities. some days they're fine with the warmth, other days they can't even bring themselves to wear a jacket when it's cold because of what i did. they could get hurt again if we start the wrong way. then we're back at square one" mako frowned, and jinora elbowed him again.
“progress has never been linear, mako. look at korra! it took her three years to overcome her trauma. she thought she was ready and wasn't, so she took more time get better. it's an amazing feat it only took y/n six months to be able to talk to you. and we shouldn't make an effort to compare their traumas because they're so different, but valid nonetheless" she explained with a sly smile.
"okay, but who's going to teach y/n if we plan on doing this?" he asked aloud, and the girl looked up to him defeatedly.
“sometimes i wonder how you can be so intelligent and dense at the same time." she deadpanned. he gave her a pointed look.
"jinora...whatever you're thinking. i don't support it. i was joking" she wrapped her arms around his middle, giving him a shake.
"come on, you're the only firebender we know!" she exclaimed.
"that's a lie and you know it." her nose crinkled at his response.
“fine, you're the only firebender on air temple island we know!" jinora compromised, and he smirked.
"that doesn't make it any better for the both of us."
“you're so- you’re so difficult!" she stammered out, glaring at him again.
"as i've been told," he shrugged. she groaned, sending a light wave of air to his face.
"mako, just please think about it. we've supported y/n for this long now, we should let them try at the very least. if it makes you feel better, i can talk to opal and see if we can find any alternatives to this. though, you know better than anyone that you can't read your way out of overcoming a fear; you actually have to experience it." she huffed, waving to kai and ikki.
“now, you're lucky i'm not busting you just to spend time with kai and ikki. let's sit out in the kitchen and continue our discussion on noren. i am determined to prove you wrong!" she removed herself from him, taking his forearm and speed walking. he chuckled weakly, letting her words ring through his mind.
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after mako's horrible attempt at lying and waiting out in the kitchens, he managed to excuse himself from everyone for the rest of the day. sitting in his room, he fiddled with a trinket ikki had given him. it had been hours since jinora called him out on his fear, something he was actually grateful for. looking outside his window, he cracked a smile at the swirling colors of the sky, and a few airbender kids gliding through it. as they waved to him, he saluted them back, a knock interrupting them. he pointed to the door and they nodded in understanding before playing again. he slid his door open, only to come face to face with you. oh, he was in for it now.
“can we talk? and this time i'm not letting you push me away." you tilted your head, and walked in at the slghtest nod. sitting on his bed, you smiled at the trinket.
"cute." you avoided his gaze, but started talking when you felt him sit beside you.
"you know i would have understood if you didn't think it was a good idea for me to overcome my fear of fire yet. i know i've had my off days about it too. but we're in this together, mako. you shouldn't be able to hide things from me, or walk out on me, especially now." you explained, moving closer to him. you placed a hand on his thigh.
"if i've learned anything from jinora through this whole thing, it's that we should at least try. and i'm sorry, i shouldn't have acted the way i did. truthfully, i was...scared." he admitted hesitantly. he let out a breath, crossing his arms. you looked to him.
"why would you be scared? i mean, of course it's valid of you, but why?"
“because…” he groaned.
  "that's not a reason, fire boy." you mocked, deja vu washing over you two.
"it'd mean i'd have to help you overcome your fear. and i don't want you to think of me as the same brainwashed mako from back then. i don't want to push you too hard." your arms were now touching by how close you two were. you grimaced, taking his hand in yours.
"these last few months, you've done everything you could to prove that what happened back then would never happen again. i think i'm the most qualified person here to say i'm not scared of you anymore!" you exclaimed. he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"i'm not going to lie to you, this won't be easy. but if i told you i would have helped you from the beginning despite my feelings, would that have made you feel better?" he asked, and you appeared puzzled.
"wait, what are you saying?"
"i'm saying i'm with you. i'm gonna help you."
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help, he did. after your initial shock upon his agreement ("why couldn't you have started with that?! jeez it would have saved us a whole conversation. at least our feelings are in the open."), it took you and mako at least another week to mentally prepare yourselves. and another three months to get you used to the heat. but it had been smooth sailing from there and you couldn't have been more grateful.
“you've been learning well. i'm proud of you." he would say after a respectful bow at the end of the lesson.
"thanks." you would respond, along with a soft hug or squeeze of the hand. but tonight would be different.
you stood on opposite sides of the airbending arena, taking protective stances.
“you sure you're ready for this? after i throw a punch, there's not much turning back." you rolled your eyes.
"mako, you're forgetting we used to be probenders! you said it yourself, i've progressed well. now hit me!"
“sprits i'm going to regret this." he muttered, before throwing a flame off course. turns out mako didn't have anything to regret. you moved away from it quickly with no expression of fear. the heat made you sweat, but it didn't bother you anymore. this had gone on for several hours. his flames only got brighter as yue's spirit shined over you both. serenity and power washed over you again, and he smiled.
“think that's enough for the night?" a flame flickered, the light kissing your faces. you shook your head.
“there's one more thing i wanted to try today actually." you leaned in, and he pulled away clearing his throat.
"and what is it...that you want to try?" he began to wince at your smirk.
“i want you to throw fire at me. straight at me." you stated, and he shook his head.
"what? why would i do that?!" he exclaimed. you placed a hand on his shoulder, the other bending your water above you.
“i know this isn't ideal for the both of us, but you said it yourself. we should always at least try!" you pouted, and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“okay but that doesn't mean i should throw fire at you right away. we've only been throwing fire around for a few days at most!"
"mako, trust me. the hardest part through all of this was trying to open up to you again. i can do this." you reassured, and he sighed. kissing your forehead, he lightly pushed you back. your eyes lit up and you took another step back. water at the ready, he took a deep breath before nodding. when the red flames were aimed towards you, you stumbled back. mako's eyes widened at your wince. he was ready to disperse the flames, but you stood your ground. stretching your arms out, the water acted as your shield. you closed your eyes as if that would shield you any better. awaiting the impact, it never came as mako halted his tracks when a loud sizzle filled the air and steam covered up the arena.
you opened your eyes to a shocked mako and a whole lot of steam. you inhaled much of it due to excitement and started coughing. the firebender made his way over to you. gripping a hand to your shoulder, he gave you a once over. patting your back, your coughs ceased and you looked up to him, his amber eyes standing out against all the smoke you caused. you pulled him into a hug.
"i did it!"
“yeah, you did."
his eyes flinched at the sudden contact, and he patted you on the back awkwardly. you pulled away before smiling. in a spur of the moment you grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling his lips to yours. mako's eyes widened. it had been a little under two years since you had initiated any heavy physical contact. if anything, he had been more than content with the light forehead kisses and interlocking pinkies. mako had just wanted to respect your boundaries. but this, he didn't realize he had craved this moment more than anything.
kissing back, one hand caressed your waist as the other held the back of your head. he wondered if this was truly real, pulling you as close as he possibly could. when you pulled away, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your foreheads together.
"wait okay, what was that?" he asked.
“um, a kiss?" you raised an eyebrow, and he facepalmed.
“well yeah i know, but why?"
"oh uh, spur of the moment thing i guess. but, it was nice. i've missed this." you smiled, and so did he.
"think you can do it again?" he asked sheepishly, a tint of red coating his cheeks. you laughed, pinching his cheeks.
"aw, is mako touch starved?" you joked, resting your hand on his chest. he rolled his eyes. he pulled himself away from you, taking a step back. "wait, no i'm sorry! i was kidding! i just...didn't think you were ready to head back into that again. we've been taking it slow for so long i guess i felt like you weren't ready to try to get back to the old us again." you pulled him back with a defeated look, maintaining a grip on his arm. he softened, and shook his head.
“y/n, we've been in this together for who knows how long now. i didn't want to push you back then, and i didn't want to push you now. but you have to remember i'd wait for you and i've got your back. i'm ready when you are." he smiled, trailing his fingers down your face. you flustered at his touch. leaning in again, your lips barely brushed when you pulled away with a smirk.
“you're gonna have to work for it. race you to the dining area for dinner!" you exclaimed, before making a dash towards your designated location. he froze, but shook his head at your antics. following suit, he thought about what this meant for you both. two years of challenges and hardships could now be put past you, and it was time to embrace what you had in front of you. he knew that though this challenge was coming to a close, new ones were bound to pop up when you were a part of team avatar. but as long as you trusted each other, you could get through just about anything.
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Mako’s Journey in Learning to Love Theater Kids
Chapter 1/?
In which Mako does in fact, go to plays.
notes- this fic is abandoned, don’t read if you don’t like being disappointed
Mako didn’t go to plays. He went to his baseball games because well… they were his games, so that’s a given. He went to Korra’s swim meets, Bolin’s soccer games (before he quit to pursue his dreams of something or other. Mako had stopped paying attention after the 7th insane ambition)  and occasionally those mind-numbing competitions for Asami’s robotics club. Ok, they weren’t really mind-numbing, everyone there was just like, really smart and kinda made him feel like an idiot. Not to mention, Varrick is the chaperone for the robotics club, and they don’t exactly get on too well. Varrick is also the theater teacher, as well as a chemistry teacher, Mako isn’t exactly sure how. Before you ask, no it’s not Mr. Varrick. Varrick insists on being called by just his last name (or maybe it’s his first name, Mako’s never really bothered to ask. Bolin probably knows) But that’s off topic.
Mako did not go to plays under any circumstance whatsoever. But Mako also didn’t disappoint his younger brother who -without consulting anyone mind you- had gone and not only joined the theater program, but gotten the lead role in the next of the school’s terribly written plays. Bolin said that it was sheer, unadulterated talent. Mako preferred to call it ‘no one else auditioned, idiot.’ So, in conclusion, Mako went to plays under ONE circumstance.
--- “Kill me.”
Korra snorted as Mako slumped down in his seat, looking much too like a disgruntled Lin than he’d ever dare admit to. Asami shot a deathly glare in her direction before patting Mako’s shoulder sympathetically.
“I’m sure it won’t even be that bad.” 
“Wow Asami, you’re a great liar!”
“Korra! Not helping!”
Mako sighed. “No Korra’s right-”
“As always.”
“-it’s gonna be terrible. You two don’t have to go to fucking Denny’s after with 3 dozen theater kids.”
Korra burst out laughing and Asami grimaced.
“You don’t have to go. Can’t you just drop Bolin off?” The latter suggested.
“No.” Mako snapped. 
Mako had a problem with leaving Bolin alone anywhere. According to his therapist, it related to the trauma he had from spending ages 8-14 on the streets, where leaving Bolin alone meant leaving Bolin to be stabbed in an alley and left for dead. Mako thought that was stupid. He didn’t have trauma. His therapist knew nothing and the only reason he still went was because it was either that, or Lin sent him to Air Temple island for a month hoping that their sickening happy-go-lucky shit would rub off on him just enough that he’d stop thinking everyone was out to kill him. 
Korra leaned over the table and stole one of Mako’s fries, not bothering to finish chewing before responding. “Boyin uh ee fine!”
“What?” Mako and Asami said in unison.
Korra swallowed with a dramatic eye roll. “Bolin’ll be fine. He’s 16, he-”
The subject was dropped and Bolin sat down beside Mako, out of breath and grinning so wide to the point that it was almost unsettling. “Who’s excited for the play tonight!”
“Whoopee.” Mako grumbled, resisting the urge to slam his face into the table. --- “What the fuck is that costume!?” Mako cried, staring at a smiling Bolin pictured on the front of the program.
“Mako!” Asami scolded. “It’s starting.”
Right. Think before you speak Mako. Not everything that comes to your mind is socially acceptable to say out loud, don’t- Shut UP. 
The lights faded and a horribly composed piano piece began playing. Mako was about 90% sure that someone was backstage letting a cat walk across the keys. Bolin waltzed out on stage followed by Korra’s gigantic polarbear dog, Naga, that she’d apparently volunteered for the play. Mako was pretty sure she was getting extra credit in Chemistry for doing it. And- oh.
 Mako snapped his head over to look at Korra and Asami, the former of which was holding back laughter to the point of tears while the latter slapped her hands over her mouth, horrified.
“What the hell is he wearing? It’s even worse than the one in the picture!” Mako hissed. “Is that even allowed?!”
“Raiko’s gonna have a fit!” Korra wheezed, earning several glares from the surrounding audience.
“Isn’t this set in the South pole?” Asami asked. 
Korra nodded. “Oh yeah he’d totally be dead from frost bite.”
“My brother is a moron.”
“Who was in charge of the costumes?” Asami whispered.
Korra giggled. “Probably Eska.”
Mako raised an eyebrow. “Your insane cousin?”
“That’s the one.”
10 minutes later, Korra leaned over and whispered to Mako, “If it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty sure this is satire. Remember that mover from last year that was supposedly based on Southern Water Tribe culture, but was just a whole mess of cultural appropriation?”
“The one from that weird Earth Kingdom director that dressed everyone like… well like how Bolin’s dressed, and only cast two people actually from the Southern Water Tribe?”
“Yea, I think they’re kinda mocking that. Varrick’s from the Southern Water Tribe, so it’d make sense.”
“That does explain why Bolin keeps ‘accidentally’ referring to everyone as Earth Kingdom citizens.”
“And why he’s dressed like that.”
“That too.”
“Although that might also be to distract from the terrible dialogue.” 
“Distract- Korra! Please don’t make me think that everyone in here is ogling my brother.”
Korra shrugged and Asami swatted her on the arm, shushing them both. 
“Spirits! Mako, Asami!” Korra whisper-shouted, breaking the silence that’d lasted all of 45 seconds. “That’s the kid that kept hitting on me a few years ago.”
“Who?” Mako turned to her, brows furrowed. “There’s like 5 people up there.”
“Wu. He transferred here the year after you and Korra came.” Asami explained.
“Yea ok, but-”
“He’s the spindly kid who looks like a 12 year old next to Bolin.”
“Am I wrong? And besides, he was a jerk to me when we were 14, I’ll call him scrawny as much as I please.”
Wu. Huh, he’s kinda cute. Mako’s thoughts dared to say. Wait, what?! No he’s not! I mean, I’m straight!
“I think he’s gotten better.” Asami said, but she didn’t quite sound like she believed herself. “He hasn’t hit on me since a couple years ago.”
“It’s probably internalized homophobia.” What the fuck Mako, learn to shut up dammit. 
Asami’s eyebrows shot up and she grinned all too knowingly. Korra just about broke her neck swiveling to face Mako. “Probably what?”
“In-internalized homophobia.” Mako stuttered. SHUT UP! “Y’know the whole, hitting on every girl in sight to seem like, super straight?”
“What would you know about that Mr. Heterosexual?” Korra replied.
“Nothing!” Thank the spirits it’s too dark for them to see your face, you probably look like a tomato-carrot!
“Korra,” Asami scolded, skillfully fighting back a laugh of her own. 
Mako shoved his face into his scarf and muttered a slew of profanities that’d make Lin proud. A few minutes passed before he looked up, thankfully finding both Korra and Asami focused on the play. He could get through this. Only an hour to go, plus intermission. He was gonna kill Bolin after this. --- “Mako!” Bolin cried, bounding up to Mako, thankfully dressed in his normal clothes again. He threw his arm around his older brother and grinned. “How excited are you to meet everyone.”
“Oh, so excited, ” Mako deadpanned.
Bolin stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. “Mako buddy, don’t be so grumpy! You’re gonna love everyone.” He smiled earnestly and ran out to the car, waving to about 5 people along the way.
Waving. Mako knew that his brother had more friends than him, it’d always been like that. Bolin was the friendly one, the funny one. But it was still surreal seeing him close to people Mako had never spoken to. Everyone liked Bolin. 
“Mako! Earth to Mako!”
Mako shook himself from his reverie and started the car with a sigh. “We’re leaving at 10 on the dot.”
“Awww, Mako!” Bolin whined, turning his polarbear dog eyes on Mako. “C’mon! That’s only two hours!”
“It’s two hours too many.”
I really hope you like chapter 1! I’m always open to feedback :)))
@chi-blocker-ty-lee @linbeifuckmeup
chapter 2
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cerezsis · 4 years
A Growing Family
Chapter One: Heartbeat
Series Summary: When the Avatar discovers she’s pregnant, everyone celebrates. When a prisoner on trial for crimes against humanity discovers she’s pregnant, there’s no celebration.
           The car came to a halt as the young engineer put it in park. Taking the keys out of ignition, she glanced over at her passenger. Korra had barely said a word since she picked her up from the ferry docks, and had been slouched in her seat with her eyes closed for the last several blocks. Even for someone who was known to have claimed that the morning was evil, this was unusual for her.
           “Hey, are you ok?” Asami asked, “You haven’t said a word the entire drive.”
           Korra slowly peeked her eyes open, seeing her girlfriend’s worried face. She sat up straight, though her movements were very sluggish.
           “I’ve been better,” she admitted, “I started not feeling good last night, and I didn’t get much sleep.”
           Asami’s face fell in sympathy. “What doesn’t feel good?”
           “My stomach, mostly. I couldn’t even eat breakfast.”
           Reaching over, Asami put a hand on Korra’s shoulder, giving her a comforting smile. “Just hang in there, alright? We’ll only be here an hour or two. After we’re done, I’ll take you back to the island and make you a pot of tea. Sound good?”
           Korra mustered a smile. “You’re the best.”
           After a quick peck on the cheek, the two women got out of the car and walked into city hall. The overall tone of the building already felt different now that Zhu Li was in office. From the new décor, to the much less tense demeanor in the staff, it was definitely a much-needed improvement.
           Despite all this, Korra was growing more and more convinced that she should’ve stayed home. Her stomach was in knots and she was so tired. All she could think about was going back to bed. After greeting Zhu Li, she and Asami followed her up to her office, where Korra immediately sat down on one of the empty couches. Thankfully, since this meeting was mostly regarding the new housing project, she wouldn’t have to be too involved.
           Still, it felt like an eternity before things wrapped up. As Asami rolled up the last of her blueprints and thanked Zhu Li for her help, Korra stood up, all too eager to get back to Air Temple Island. Before she could take a step or even utter a word, she found herself clouded by an overwhelming dizziness. The next thing she knew, the world went black and she could hear Asami cry out her name. The blackness lasted only a second, but it was long enough for her to come to barely standing, supported only by her girlfriend’s arms.
           “I’ll fetch a medic!” Zhu Li offered, urgently.
           Still mostly relying on Asami for support, Korra tried to wave her off. “No, no, it’s fine,” she said, her words slightly slurred, “I stood up too fast. I’m fine.”
           “You’re not fine!” Asami insisted, “You’ve been sick since last night, and you just fainted! You need to get checked out!”
           Korra let out a quiet sigh. She knew she couldn’t let Asami worry. “Fine.”
           As Zhu Li left to fetch a medic, Asami helped Korra back onto the couch. The Avatar rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder, quietly hoping the visit with the medic would be quick. Her bed was calling out to her.
           Thankfully, it was only a few minutes before the lone medic entered the room. She smiled at the women before greeting them, and soon started bending water from her pouch, using the now glowing liquid to examine Korra.
           “Well, you’re a little dehydrated. I recommend resting for the rest of the day, and drinking plenty of fluids,” she said as she returned the water to her pouch, “Other than that, there’s nothing to fret over. You and the baby are both fine.”
           Korra’s eyes snapped open, and she quickly sat up straight. Had she heard right? She could feel Asami’s posture stiffen as well, and she didn’t need to look at her to know she was staring at her with a mix of confusion and heartbreak.
           “Me and the what now?” she blurted out.
           The medic’s expression dropped.
           “Oh, you didn’t… Forgive me Avatar Korra, I thought you knew. You’re somewhere between ten and twelve weeks along.”
           Hearing this, Asami instantly relaxed. However far along Korra was, it was longer than they’ve been together.
           Korra, on the other hand, was practically shaking. Her heart felt like it was about to pound out of her chest. Whatever tiredness she’d felt was long forgotten, replaced with disbelief and the buzzing of a million questions racing through her head.
           “How… No. No, that’s impossible!” she insisted, “I can’t have kids! The poison made me infertile!”
           “I assure you, it’s possible. You’re definitely pregnant.” Seeing Korra’s expression unchanged, the medic thought of something. “You’re a healer, correct? You can check for yourself.”
           For a moment, Korra found herself unable to move. Eventually, she stood up and bent some water out of the medic’s pouch. Bending it around her pelvic area, she concentrated, and soon she found it. It was tiny, barely even the size of a fig, but it was there. Her baby…
           Hands shaking, Korra bent the water back into the pouch, just barely managing to not let it splash onto the floor. Without saying a word, she sat back down next to Asami, her hands clasped over her nose and mouth. She couldn’t believe it. She really was pregnant.
           The next half hour was a blur. She remembered getting in the car, and from there getting on a ferry to Air Temple Island, but the details were lost to her. She couldn’t even remember if Asami spoke to her or not.
           Before she could even really register it, Korra found herself sitting at the small table in the kitchen, while Asami made some tea. Eventually, she decided she couldn’t put it off forever, and looked over at Asami.
           “Are you mad?” she asked, unsure if she was prepared for the answer.
           Asami looked to her, surprised. “What? No, of course I’m not mad. It happened before we started dating, so there’s nothing to be mad about.”
           Korra let out sigh, instantly relieved. Taking the kettle off the stove, Asami began to pour two cups of tea.
           “Though… I am confused,” the non-bender admitted, “You’re three months pregnant and you had no idea?”
           Korra shook her head. “I’ve never been the most… regular person, but since the poisoning, my periods have been… really out of whack,” she explained, “The whole six months I was traveling alone, I didn’t get my period once.”
           Asami stared at her for a moment. “You, uh… you should probably see a doctor about that. I know certain contraceptives can help regulate your cycle.”
           “Thanks, I’ll get right on that as soon as this baby pops out,” Korra said with a hint of sarcasm.
           Taking that as her cue to be done with the subject, Asami walked over with the cups of tea. She handed one to Korra, then sat down across from her with her own cup.
           “So… can I ask who the father is?”
           Korra’s body stiffened and her cheeks turned red. She found herself unable to look Asami in the eye.
           “Don’t be mad, ok?”
           “I promise I won’t be. Just tell me.”
           Korra hesitated for a moment. “It’s… it’s Mako.”
           Before she could stop herself, a fairly loud chuckle escaped Asami’s lips. Realizing that wasn’t at all an appropriate reaction, she clasped her hand over her mouth.
           “I’m sorry, that’s not funny.”
           Relaxing a bit, Korra gave her a small smile. “Eh, it’s a little funny.”
           Asami relaxed too and smiled back at her. “So… is it ok if I ask… when did it…?”
           “The night I confronted Zaheer,” Korra admitted, “Mako offered to get us dinner, we went back to his place, and things just kinda… happened.”
           Asami nodded. She thought back to a certain night three years ago, thinking how she would’ve likely done the same if he hadn’t gotten arrested just moments after she arrived at his apartment.
           “I probably should’ve asked this first, but… how do you feel about this? Are you…” she trailed off.
           Korra glanced down at her still steaming cup of tea, thinking long and hard about the question. “I feel… shocked… scared… but, also weirdly happy.” Having said it, she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “It would’ve been nice to have some time to plan for this, but I’m so, so happy. I wanna keep it. I wanna have this baby!” She glanced back up at Asami, and her smile instantly faded.
           “I know this changes things for us. If you don’t wanna stick around, I understand. You didn’t sign up for a baby.”
           Asami didn’t respond right away. After a moment, she stood up and went to her girlfriend’s side, taking hold of her hands.
           “I’m not going anywhere,” she assured her, “I love you, Korra. You and everything that comes with you.” She paused and placed her hand on Korra’s belly. “We’ll raise this baby together.”
           Korra could barely hold back her tears of joy. She placed her hand over Asami’s before standing up as well. The two of them embraced, holding each other close.
           “You really are the best,” Korra said.
           They continued to hug for a while, but after a moment, Korra suddenly stiffened.
           “Oh boy. I’m gonna have to tell Mako.”
           They pulled away from the hug, but Asami still held Korra’s hands.
           “You want me to be there when you tell him?”
           “Yes, please.”
           The café was abuzz with the morning rush. The bells on the door chimed as Mako came in, looking around. He had no idea why Korra and Asami wanted to talk to him alone, but the tone of Korra’s voice on the phone the night before had him worried.
           Finally, he spotted them, already seated at a table near the back. The café was already crowded enough that no one would notice them, but the location of the table would give them a little extra privacy. Making his way over, he sat down across from them.
           “Hey Mako,” Korra greeted with a nervous smile.
           “Hey,” Mako said to the both of them, “You finally gonna tell me what’s up?”
           Korra tapped her fingers against the table, constantly glancing towards Asami, but struggling to meet Mako in the eye. She didn’t think she’d be this nervous.
           “Ok, um… I’m pregnant,” she admitted, figuring it best to just blurt it out, “It’s your baby. I’m keeping it, and Asami and I are gonna raise it. You’re free to be as involved as you wanna be, I just thought you should know.”
           Mako blinked. There seemed to be a delay between Korra saying the words and his mind understanding it. Once he finally did, his face went pale. Breaking out in a cold sweat, he found himself unable to speak.
           “You alright there, Mako?” Korra asked, genuinely concerned.
           The firebender stayed silent. His eyes were as wide as the café’s teacups.
           “I… I gotta…” he stuttered, before awkwardly standing and stumbling out of the café in a half-dazed state. Korra and Asami looked at each other, sharing looks of non-amusement.
           “Well, that was about what I expected,” Korra said.
           The stairs creaked as Bolin made his way up to the apartment, a slight pep in his step. He couldn’t wait to tell Mako about his first day at his new job. He was already certain his found his new calling.
           Unlocking the door, he stepped inside and flipped on the light switch. As the lights turned on, Bolin jumped as he spotted a shell-shocked looking man sitting on the couch, slouched forward with both hands clasped together in front of his face. Realizing it was only Mako, Bolin released his fighting stance and raised an eyebrow at his brother.
           “Uh… you good over there?” he asked.
           Mako didn’t answer right away, his eyes still staring straight ahead.
           “I’m going to be a father,” he blurted out.
           “Whoa!” Bolin excitedly exclaimed. He shut the door behind him and sat down next to Mako, wrapping an arm around him. “Congratulations, bro! That’s awesome! Who’s the lucky lady?”
           Again, Mako hesitated.
           “Korra,” he sheepishly admitted.
           Bolin’s expression dropped and he raised an eyebrow.
           “Korra? But… but she’s dating Asami?”
           “It… happened before that,” Mako explained, unclasping his hands and running his fingers through his hair, “She… said she and Asami are gonna raise it… and I can be as involved as I want.”
           Bolin perked up again. “So, are you gonna be involved?”
           Mako looked at him for the first time since he got home. “I… haven’t thought about it yet,” he admitted, “Should I even be? After everything that happened between me, and Korra and Asami… would that make things too awkward?”
           Bolin frowned. “But what about the baby? Don’t you think it’ll wanna know its dad at some point?”
           Mako sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s true…”
           “Just forget about Korra and Asami for a minute. You’re gonna be a dad! There’s gonna be a baby! That’s exciting! You could have a strapping little boy or a cute little girl! Just imagine that!”
           Mako thought for a moment. Then another. Eventually, he relaxed a bit and even cracked a slight smile.
           “A strapping little boy or a cute little girl,” he thought out loud, “Yeah… Yeah, I guess that is exciting.”
           As his nerves faded and his mind began to clear, a thought occurred to him. Suddenly, he shot up from the couch, a wave of panic crashing over him.
           “Crap, I left them at the café!”
           “How’s the letter coming along?” Asami asked, walking over to Korra, and putting a hand on her shoulder.
           “I keep having to start over,” Korra admitted, “I know my parents will be happy, but I wanna find the right way to tell them.”
           Before Asami could respond, the phone rang. Taking her hand off Korra’s shoulder, she walked the few steps towards the phone and answered it.
           “Avatar Korra’s room, Asami speaking.” She listened for a moment before handing the phone out to Korra. “It’s Mako.”
           Putting her pen down, Korra got up and took the phone from Asami.
           “Hey Mako. You doing better?”
           “Yeah. I… I’m so sorry about earlier. I don’t know what I was thinking just leaving you there. I’m an idiot.”
           “Yeah, but don’t worry about it,” Korra assured him, “We know you pretty well. We knew you’d come around.” She paused for a moment. “So… have you thought about it at all, or do you need more time?”
           “I’ve thought about it. Of course I wanna be involved! I know we have a… complicated history, but I wanna know my kid.”
           Korra smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.” She paused again. “So… Asami found me a doctor. I have an appointment tomorrow to check to make sure everything’s going ok. If you want, you could come with us.”
           “Yes, of course!”
           “Great. I’ll hand you back to Asami. She knows where the place is.”
           The waiting room was uncomfortably quiet. Sitting in the seat between Mako and Asami, Korra alternated between twiddling her thumbs and mindlessly flipping through magazines. Every once in a while, she wondered if the press would already be speculating by the time she got out of there; it wasn’t every day she openly walked into an obstetrician’s office with her girlfriend and ex-boyfriend. The thought was nerve wracking, but it was somehow easier to think about than the awkward silence that was currently happening between the three of them.
           Finally, Korra’s name was called. She stood up, Mako and Asami following behind her, and they were shown to a room. Once the nurse left, they were met with more waiting, only it somehow seemed more awkward. At least in the waiting room there were other patients and magazines to be distracted by. Now with just the three of them, the silence was so much worse.
           Thankfully, they weren’t left in that silence for long. Less than ten minutes after being shown to the room, the doctor walked in, greeting all three of them.
           “Hi, I’m Dr. Yuzuki,” she said, grinning politely. She then walked over to Korra, extending her arm towards her. Korra did her best to smile back, and shook her hand.
           “So, your chart says you’re between ten and twelve weeks. Is that correct?”
           “That’s what I was told,” Korra said.
           “Great. Since you’re a new patient, we just need to check some basic things, and then we can try to pinpoint your exact due date.”
           For the next fifteen minutes, Mako and Asami stayed silent while Dr. Yuzuki took Korra’s vitals. While doing do, she asked her the standard questions of when her last period was, what her diet and exercise routine was like, if she’d experienced and cramping or spotting, etc.
           “Now what I’m going to have you do is lie on your back and lift your shirt,” the doctor said as she wrote the last bit of the basic questionnaire on Korra’s chart. She then gestured towards Mako and Asami. “You’ll wanna come here. This is the exciting part.”
           As Asami and Mako stood up from their chairs, Korra did as she was told, lying down on the table, and exposing her belly. Meanwhile, Dr. Yuzuki took out a probe-like scanning device, attached to a small monitor and speaker.
           “This is called a fetal doppler,” she explained, “It will allow us to hear the baby’s heartbeat.”
           Korra looked towards Mako and Asami, all three of them having a mix of nervousness and excitement. Once the device was set up, the doctor spread a goo-like gel on Korra’s lower abdomen and started moving the probe in small circles below her navel.
           “It can take a couple minutes to locate the baby’s exact position. Don’t be worried if we can’t find the heartbeat right away.”
           The three twenty-somethings listened intensely to the sounds given off by the fetal doppler. Despite the doctor’s assurance, Korra grew anxious as the minutes ticked by with only soft, mechanical whirring sounds. Sensing her anxiety – and maybe feeling some of her own – Asami reached out and held Korra’s hand.
           Suddenly, the soft whirring was replaced with a strong, fast-paced thumping sound. Korra’s eyes widened as she began to register what she was hearing.
           “That’s the heartbeat,” the doctor confirmed.
           The parents-to-be listened closely, mesmerized by the sound. Asami gave Korra’s hand a gentle squeeze, just beaming at her. Korra herself nearly teared up. She never thought she’d have a child of her own, let alone hear its heartbeat. Mako stood beside them in awe, trying to memorize the pattern of the fast-paced thumps. It was in that moment that it seemed to click for all three of them. This was real. This was happening.
           And it was wonderful.
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khalix-hyetology · 5 years
Can you do a korpal, opasami, and korpasami one?
Sorry for the late reply! I been kinda not well. But I am here now. Writing the pairing.
Let’s start with polyamorous Korpasami:
Korra and Asami are already dating. Korra points out that even though Opal hasn’t been a bender in most of her life she has acclimatised to it well. Asami agrees. Though she feels a bit insecure after the statement.
Opal comes to Asami for some advice and is actually happy she encouraged Zhu Li to become the new preseident of Republic City.  Asami is initially is a bit cold with her and Opal notices this. She frankly asks what the problem is. Asami, after some hesitation, reveals that at times she wished she was a bender. She wants to help Korra and after being kidnapped by Tokuga she wondered if she would fair better as Korra’ girlfriend by being a bender. Opal gets upset. She said she didn’t choose to be a bender and it has its downsides. She feels alienated from who she was before. She somewhat walks off leaving Asami speechless. 
Asami seeks out Opal. Opal apologises. She says sometimes she doubts herself. She says how she met Bolin because of her bending. If she had not been a bender, would she not have met Bolin? Sometimes, she gets unhappy and unfairly distances her from Bolin. He has started to recognise this and thinks its his fault. Opal feels she doesn’t deserve him. Finally, Bolin thinks they need a break and Opal is so unhappy. That she chased him away. Asami comforts Opal as she cries and assures her that Bolin did the right thing and she hadn’t chased him away. 
Opal is happy in her embrace and she kisses Asami. Asami doesn’t know what to do but kiss back. But then she feels so angry with herself she runs away crying. Opal tries to tell her it is not her fault but Asami is devastated. 
Asami seeks out Korra. Korra is meditating but kisses Asami and asks if she is okay as she looks distraught. Asami confesses on kissing Opal. She says how sad Opal was and she wanted to comfort her and it reminded her of her own sadness. And, she reveals her insecurities and asks if Korra would forgive her. 
Korra smiles and says she understands that people make mistakes. And, she can always count on Asami to be truthful and trustworthy. She wipes away Asami’s tears and kisses her again, deeper. Saying, nothing gonna bring them down as long as they are together.
Asami is so revealed she kisses Korra multiple times and cries while embracing her. Korra cries too saying how she is so happy Asami feels comfortable telling her things and she feels the same. After a while, Korra says something. They are in their private pagoda. 
Asami listens intently as Korra says that maybe she likes Opal but not more than her. She says that Opal reminds her a bit of herself. She tells Asami to forgive her this attraction and she hopes it is not unfair she spoke of this now. She understands if Asami needs some time.
Asami smiles and kisses Korra. She says she somewhat likes Opal too. That they have a mutual attraction for the same person! For similar reasons.
Opal interrupts but seeing them being intimate she blushes and excuses herself. But Korra slowly brings her back and proposes to her if she would like to have not ONE but TWO girlfriends.
Opal blushes as Asami caresses her face and confesses they both like her. Opal gives it a thought and then deeply kisses Asami and Korra.
They both blush. As she says. “Well, we are girlfriends now.”
Now for Opasami:
Asami is really happy seeing Opal get into the life of a bender. She admires the transitional forces required of it. 
Opal is happy that she feels acknowledged. However, she misses her life as a nonbender. She confides in Asami she misses inventing things with her brother and also reading books.
She starts helping Asami with some of her inventions. They share readings and research. By this time, Asami and Korra realise they work better as friends. Asami wants to stay in Republic City for her company and to help its citizens but Korra has to go to the Fire Nation. They both amicably say goodbyes with a kiss. They say they will write letters to each other with a knowing glance.
In such letters, Asami confesses to Korra that she may be having some feelings for Opal. But she doesn’t want to ruin anything between her and Bolin. Korra tells that’s great but to ask Opal what she really feels. She even sends her a Fire Nation golden brush as a gift stating: “Sometimes, in this nation, maidens would give each other embroidered combs or brushes as a token of romantic love between them. You are of the Fire Nation and you love another maiden. So, go for it if it happens. It can also be platonic though mostly it’s a romantic symbol.” 
In one of their readings, which involved studying Harmonic Convergence they come across tale of lovers too and how they view the convergence as also a symbol of love. Asami wonders why and Opal says that spirits are also emboldened by love. Raava and even Vaatu get strong by it. So, love is very important. 
Opal then tells Asami that she has actually broken up with Bolin two weeks ago because he keeps on moving on in his career and she is just trying to settle down being an air bender, which can be difficult. Like her Earth Kingdom roots she likes to be grounded. She says this with a blush to Asami.
In nervousness, Asami gives her the brush. And before she can explain,. Opal states: “ I accept.” and kisses Asami. She says there is a similar tradition in the Earth Kingdom and she also read about this. Asami laughs and kisses her again. A new couple is born. 
Now for Korpal: 
Korra notices that Opal is unhappy. She is getting into fights with Bolin a lot.  Mako confides in Korra that unlike him, Bolin is not always used to fighting or any kind of severe disagreements. He admits maybe he had sheltered his little brother a bit too much. Korra hugs him and says that Mako is still her best friend. She says that when she broke up amicably with Asami, due to her becoming a permanent advisor to President Zhu Li, he was okay and understanding with it. They have gone through similar things.
Korra approaches Opal and tells her that she was angry at Mako when Harmonic Convergence was to occur because she felt “out of balance.” That it wasn’t his fault or anyone’s but it felt “convenient” (so she had apologised to him) to blame him and other people. Opal nods and says she broke up with Bolin and starts crying. She knows it was wrong how she was getting angry with him. He didn’t deserve any of that.
Korra comforts her. And, asks what is going on. Opal says that she doesn’t like Air Nomad culture as much as she likes Earth Kingdom culture. She feels she has to choose and she doesn’t like that. She wants to belong to both cultures and she has the right to do so. She knows her mother does not know her father but she suspects her grandfather is also from one of the Water Tribes. She thinks she has too many histories to just forgo and choose one.
Korra understands this as she has lost connection with her old lives. She understands the need for cultures and histories. She goes to a restaurant and Opal and Korra actually eat a vegan dish from the Earth Kingdom and also a meat dish. Opal says she feels a bit guilty but she is happy Korra is not judging her. Korra reveals that the dishes were inspired by Avatar Kiyoshi. She says in a island Kiyoshi used to make a lot of coconut based dishes and also palm leaves and fruits. In a forest, near the Fire Nation, she sustained the palm leaves with a small amount of protein or fish. Kiyoshi was like that. And, she remembers this and the foods help her connect with her past lives.
Opal is amazed by this. Korra tells Opal that she should talk to Tenzin and that she can help the Air Acolytes from other places feel they can have a more hybrid self. Even if they remain vegetarian or not. Change may take time. But all peoples had changes recently, even Republic City and the AIr Nomads can also change and Opal can hellm this change. 
Opal comes back to Korra after a week saying how reluctant and stubborn Tenzin was until Bumi, Pema, Lin and Kya actually helped him understand the importance of the diversity and how it can help the Air Nomads. Actually, there was a text by Guru Laghima who had lived with the Northern Water Tribe for 10 years and had to go Pescatarian for a bit to help himself. 
Opal feels she has gotten a lot of herself *back* in a way for Korra. And, if Air Nomads need some changes. She wants to do them with Korra. She gives a crystal that has a metallic pendant to it saying her brothers helped her make it. All of them, benders and nonbenders alike. In their culture, especially Zao Fu, crystal craftsmanship for making ornaments for loved ones, is a fused industry.
Korra accepts the gift and she recognises the emerald gem has a slight sliver slant to it. To denote moon phases., Suyin had told her that lovers give such pendants to each other. She blushes when she realises what it means and Opal smiles. Korra picks her up and twirls her and they in turn air bend themselves up and kiss. As they come down with the kiss Opal  giggles: “I guess, that’s a ‘yes’.” And they kiss again. 
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lokgifsandmusings · 7 years
Definitive Ranking of Book 1 Episodes, #11/12
11. 1x05 “The Spirit of Competition”
So much probending. So much love quadrilateral.
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Need I say more?
I’m back in a totally timely fashion (*coughs*) with the next definitive ranking of Book 1.
Now, I started out this list by explaining my frustration with “Endgame,” and how the biggest issues of the first season are that aside from setting up something ~cool~, there was really no follow-through from the perspective of the plot, or Korra’s development. Bryke seemed wholly unaware of what they were trying to say, and ended up with a season that stood for nothing.
With that in mind, it would seem logical that episodes such as “Turning the Tide” or “Skeletons in the Closet,” where the main plotline quite obviously began to lose its way, would be right at the bottom the list next to “Endgame.” But “Spirit of Competition” is just a special mid-season clunker. The Equalist plotline doesn’t even exist here, and it’s also probably solely responsible for every single complaint about probending since we get THREE matches, none of which are particularly meaningful.
Oh hey, Bolin feels good about himself, so he does well!
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The focus is, instead, on the love quadrilateral. Sure, one of the points of this polygon is more or less missing the whole episode, but Asami’s viewpoint being dismissed as a mild inconvenience is kind of the theme of the season.
Look, I’ve never made a secret of the fact that I found Makorra wholly uncompelling from the start. In “The Revelation” I guess I saw some potential because they actually like, interacted and their differing backgrounds came up? Sort of? But the biggest reason why their scripting left me drier than a desert was that it never seemed much deeper than “you’re hot and I want on you,” largely because of episodes like this where their interactions focused on ~~feelings~~ without Bryke realizing they never established them.
And it’s not like I think giving Korra a romantic subplot was necessarily a bad idea. Girl grew up completely isolated, and there’s actually a lot to be explored as to how that might manifest with her navigating the social space for the first time, particularly with  people her own age. I just don’t really see why this is how they went about scripting it. I mean, this episode was coming hot on the heels of “The Voice in the Night,” which not only moved the plot pretty significantly, but it put Korra’s bravado and insecurities front and center. Her interaction with Amon made the stakes feel more personal, especially the way he was so clearly toying with her, and how he promised that her time would come eventually. She finally allowed herself the space to feel scared.
So why not follow it up with...a team huddle of sexual tension? 23 solid minutes of Korra trying to figure out what to do about the boy she liked? You could pretend this was her compartmentalizing and purposely not dealing with things, except that’s not really in evidence at all. Like, I don’t even think Amon is referenced. It’s okay; it’s not like he JUST HAD HER CHAINED UP.
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Instead, what’s *really* important is the probending. Clearly. Now, Griffin has tried to defend probending to me a number of times. And I grudgingly understand it as a framing device for Korra’s airbending progress in Episode 2 (as heavy-handed as that was), as well as showing her learning to work with others. You can argue that’s exactly what this episode did, but really, I just don’t see the *entire* episode devoted to it as being justified.
Not to mention, this was more just showing us that pissing people off doesn’t make for the group dynamics, which...yeah? We didn’t need Korra and Mako not communicating in a probending match to understand that Korra and Mako were having trouble communicating.
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Oh Jonny...
It was all very basic cause-and-effect, and combined it just seemed as though Bryke had time they wanted to burn. Except then “Endgame” was rushed and sloppy, so that’s a hard case to make. Still, recapping:
They play well in their first match
Korra asks out Mako and it’s awkward, so she goes on a date with Bolin
Mako yells at Korra for going on a date with Bolin
Mako and Korra play poorly in their second match, but Bolin wins it for them
Korra kisses Mako and Bolin sees
Everyone plays horribly for the third match, but then Korra wins it for them
I think every time we found ourselves back in the stadium, I let out a groan. But what’s even the takeaway from this? Why does Korra magically pull her head out of it? Did she have a mid-match epiphany about the value of platonic friendship that we weren’t privy to?
Mako and Bolin agree to not let girls get in between them, which is a nice brotherly moment, though I would have liked Bolin to point out that Mako should kind of shit or get off the pot here. And still the whole thing is undercut by the fact that feelings weren’t really developed between any points of this quadrilateral.
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Perhaps ironically, Asami and Mako had the most depth to them of any pairing at that point, with their bonding over shared trauma.
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Man, she really fed his ego...
I can’t track this for Korra’s development at all. She took the world’s worst advice from the world’s most problematic relationship coach in the form of Pema. But there’s actually something wildly endearing about how she asked Ikki and Jinora for advice in the first place, since it highlights just how much of a fish-out-of-water she is here. Of course the 11 and 8-year-olds would know this stuff! I also happen to love how blunt Pema is and could gush about the sordid Pelinzin dynamics for some time. Slay the “other woman” trope, girl! I honestly think her POV would be super compelling around the time this all went down, and one day I’ll get to writing it. One day...
What was I saying? Right, Korra’s romantic development in this episode. I just don’t even know. The way she asks him out is cringe-worthy, but supposed to be. Then she goes on a date with Bolin because she was sad about being rejected and for some reason didn’t say “sounds good, let’s go as friends.” Then when Mako calls her out for toying with Bolin (kinda? They did just get noodles), she has the nerve to say it’s so clearly his jealousy. Then they play a shitty match and Mako tells Korra he does like her, so she kisses him (honestly, reasonable). Then she’s in such a pissy mood about Mako probably yelling at her for that, that her next match she literally waterbends at the ref? But then is the person who wins the whole thing? And somewhere in that time realized she should be super thankful that Asami secured them a tournament spot in the first place?
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Yeah, no shit, Sherlock
Look, navigating the world of teenage hormones is tricky, and I guess there’s something realistically dramatic and infantile about it all. But this is a scripted show, and I honestly have no idea why Bryke would think this is the compelling way to write a romance. If the idea was to force Mako into admitting he liked her, and using Bolin as that wedge, then why was Asami also necessary as a love triangle device? Couldn’t just one love triangle had sufficed? I’m also struggling to see the point of the repeated conversations between Mako and Korra, or how probending became the visual metaphor to hammer home how they’re not getting along. WE GET IT. I PROMISE.
Truly, I think the main issue is that this nonsense was all condensed into one episode. In isolation, each individual beat is fine, especially as a learning moment for Korra. I actually really liked the Borra date, not in a shipping way, but as what it was: Korra had a very good time with someone she only had a platonic attraction to, and Bolin put romantic weight onto it (for perfectly valid reasons). Then he found out in a harsh way that Korra wasn’t interested, but she apologized to him and he moved on more or less instantaneously. Their dynamic is still based on affection, and I like that the show recognized that sort of romantic incompatibility and unrequited feelings (it happens) without giving Bolin a whiff of entitlement about the whole thing.
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two episodes later
I know I said I was struggling to see Korra’s growth in Season 1, which is still a complaint that’s there. But I can at least say that Korra learning to consider others was something that happened. Not as in like, “that uppity girl needs to learn empathy!” or any bullshit like that. But in the sense of, she was raised in an isolated compound and had attention on her 24/7. Everything she did was about her growth and development as the Avatar. Then she ran to the city, and quickly learned that hey, you can’t just beat people up even if it’s “justice” in your mind. You can’t just agree to dates with people you don’t want to date and not expect some hurt feelings. And you can’t just be antagonistic to your crush’s girlfriend, because she’s like...a human. I mean, you can, but Korra is a rather nice person, and didn’t want to do that after 1x07.
In some ways it’s a touch on the uncomfortable side of things, because we’re talking about a specifically brown female protagonist learning to more or less restrain herself? But it really is just about her navigating the overwhelming social space for the first time, and there’s something to be said about that as well. Aang was a fish-out-of-water in the sense that he was missed the events of the world for 100 years. Korra was a fish-out-of-water because she hadn’t gotten to experience the world at all. It’s kind of just a different way of giving us that, to a different level of success.
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Like all the classics
However, I do feel like her isolation wasn’t deeply explored? Like we watched her mature and we saw her viewpoints evolve, but no one ever really talked about it, in the same way Mako and Bolin being orphans was rarely discussed too. It’s ~there~, but I do think given some of the less wonderful implications, a bit more explication would have helped.
Also, we didn’t see Korra like, having to learn greetings and slang or anything. You know, things you’d expect if this is the kind of story you’re digging into. Instead, we got Korra learning how to navigate specifically romances. Then there was her more general worldview and how she saw her fit as the Avatar, which as I said, was something heavily unresolved in Season 1 (and that’s fine). But it makes the hammering of romance all the more just...why.
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I know some people watch shows for ships, but I’m not one of them (which is why I love this piece by Gretchen), and I also happen to think that [relation]ships are the most compelling when they’re not relegated to this sort of separate sphere. Book 1 was written kind of like, “oh now we’re doing the shipping episode!”
But instead of Mako and Korra yelling about the concept of dating each other, maybe we could have had them interacting so we’d have an understanding of why they wanted that. And if they were only meant to be attracted and wow, it didn’t work out ‘cause we’re incompatible (you know...what actually happened), then why focus on it like this and build it up all season as some kind of ~~true love~~?
I guess what it took me 2000 fucking words to arrive at is that “Spirit of Competition” was telling-and-not-showing storytelling for the romance itself (which sadly is "in" these days), and given that it was the only focus of the episode, it’s just not very good—not as an artform, not as a way of getting audience engagement, and not as anything that served the larger Book 1 picture.
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Honestly, what follows makes me wistful for this
But at least it didn’t collapse under itself like the damn dying star that was “Endgame.”
Before I get out of here I’d like to nitpick for a second about the probending. IF YOU ATTACK THE REF, YOU SHOULD BE OUT OF THE TOURNAMENT! God, what the fuck. She didn’t even get a red card for that...just a yellow. Really violated the suspension of disbelief. Also, the random Tahno rivalry that they realized they had to build up for the next episode was so badly done. “Here’s this jerk! Hate him now!” I guess it kind of works to make Amon’s point, but the fact that we only get him in 1x05 and it’s resolved by 1x06 is very odd.
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I suppose “Spirit of Competition” has merits in terms of ironic enjoyment, and there is some downright fun silliness (“you’re a bad idea!” and my favorite, “you look great, champ!”). But in that department, I’ll take “The Sting” any day.
Next time, I’ll rip into what is probably a perfectly fine episode, other than it just didn’t do it for me.
#12 1x12 “Endgame”
1x05 photo recap found here
Book 2 ranking/essays found here
Book 4 ranking/essays found here
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bustmytomater · 7 years
So here are the thoughts of Turf Wars part from a conflicted bi woman:
- So unfortunately even though I didn’t dislike it, I probably won’t ever buy these comics because they’re just too damn short and the pacing is too rushed, which is very nostalgic and reminiscent of the actual episodes lmao. I MIGHT buy the inevitable collector’s volume with all three parts though, whenever that’ll be out (probably 2019 ugh). But just for so little its not worth $10. Yes, I feel guilty about it.
- For the most part I really did enjoy Korra and Asami’s dynamic and I greatly appreciate that so far Mike hasn’t been abiding by the popular interpretation of what it’d be. That is-- Asami just does something like flip her hair and Korra just loses it. That’s not Korra, Korra doesn’t stammer or get rendered speechless. She blatantly compared Asami to a sunset in terms of beauty. She unabashedly kisses her in front of their friends when earlier they had discussed whether it’d be best if they kept their relationship. Like... I don’t get how after this comic I’m getting replies to my post about how oh but Korra totally has a sensitive side! Yeah she does! It shows in the way she just flat out calls Asami beautiful and kisses her after beating up a bunch of mooks. I don’t know why this fandom is still so obsessed with putting Korra down when her actual canon dynamic with Asami, where they both treat and view each other as equal and beautiful women, is good, wonderful even depending on how future comics turn out.
- So the... homophobia thing. I’m definitely getting Dragon Age vibes from how Mike’s trying to handle it but at least he just came out and said a lot of the world still isn’t very accepting instead of what the DA team tries to do (Oh it’s accepted but it’s just seen as a quirk lol). Kya... I’m not entirely sure but it almost reads like she’s still in the closet? I don’t know, there’s so much about her we don’t know, but the semi-closeted lesbian that has commitment issues definitely rubs me the wrong way. OTOH I can kind of relate to keeping that part of her private. I don’t know. As someone who still struggles with her sexuality Kya struck a chord in me but I don’t know how or why.
- Aang being supportive of Kya was so ;_; I wish we got a flashback! I’m afraid Katara reacted less enthusiastically because Kya didn’t bring her up/Korra didn’t ask and it’s a WT thing to keep that sort of thing private.
- Sozin... uhhhhh, okay? Like why? If the FN was accepting of it before, what made Sozin change that? I’m kind of wary because I get the feeling it might’ve been done out of self-hate after being rejected by Roku, and reading around I’m not the only one who thinks that :/ like so far they’v been good about introducing and acknowledging LGBT women, but the only confirmed man is Aiwei and he was a terrorist who died. The man who led a genocide and started a one-hundred year war doesn’t need to be added to that very short list.
- The plot so far isn’t very exciting but I admit I have no guesses as to how the portal thing is going to be resolved, because Mike actually acknowledged how dangerous spirits are. I’m guessing there isn’t going to be a solid conclusion and we'll get something about how spirits and humans are just going to have to work harder to live alongside each other. I think it’d help if they introduced a recurring spirit character, preferably not the bird eel thing.
- I’m guessing Tokuga is going to make Wonyong launch a mud-slinging campaign against Korra and... well, the guy definitely has ammunition, lol. Look what a spirit did to this guy! Avatar Korra told the spirit to attack him! And that is actually an issue-- Tokuga is now living on borrowed time. Imagine if some innocent bystander accidentally got spirit-merged instead. Like I get the feeling this is really gonna blow up at one point.
- OH I TOTALLY FORGOT THIS but I definitely get the feeling that Asami isn’t as comfortable as being out as Korra is, and not in a way where she’s afraid of people’s reactions. I think there’s actually a part of her still struggling with her bisexuality. Like when she’s hesitant to go see the evacuees with Korra, her response isn’t like “oh I think I’ll be more useful here, you go on ahead!” it’s reluctant, and she’s clearly looking for a reason to stay behind... but the thing is, nobody would’ve been able to tell they were dating just from walking alongside each other. I definitely think Asami’s not ready to be seen in public with Korra yet. And honestly that’s the first time I’ve ever been remotely interested in Asami.
- Unfortunately outside of that it still feels like Asami’s not going to get to do much. Hiroshi’s brought up all of one time but it when talking about Wonyong backed out of a deal with him and... IDK, Asami doesn’t like him for it? Why? Did Wonyong do something to screw Hiroshi over? Does Asami know something else about him? Probably not ‘cause she probably would’ve said something so... she just doesn’t like him because he didn’t close a deal with her dad. It was just an awkward moment esp ‘cause Asami approaches him with such hostility. I want to believe there was something else there but I’m not getting my hopes up.
- The tension and plot is just kinda meh because I can guess Korra’s going to get her spirit sanctuary in the end and Tokuga’s probably gonna die unless they find a way to cure him.
- So I’m gonna be That Bitch and say I found Mako’s reaction to Korra and Asami understandable and (currently) not homophobic lol, I’d have the same response if two of my exes go together. I just hope it’s a red herring and Mike doesn’t forget what Mako said to Korra and that he pulls through for both of them when they need help.
- The art is... thoroughly average. This is going to sound MEAN and I’m sorry but it’s very clear they weren’t Bryke’s first choice.
So far I’ll rate the comic a 5/10 which is just average. Pacing is bad, story is too short and unexciting but I admit I’m giddy at seeing girls kissing and being happy together and I’ve found the LGBT world building to be semi-acceptable.
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heyitslapis · 6 years
Ok, so about my situation with Alex (warning, this is a looong read)
Wednesday night (or should I say 12am Thursday morning) I told her I was ready to talk. She said go for it, and i told her some stuff to start, like how her and Jacob’s relationship wasnt really any of my business, and she didnt have to go into any details about anything that she didnt want to. i told her what i remembered hearing about Jacob, and asked her if it was true. she explained that it was a lot more complicated than she let on. They both were going through some stuff when they met, and neither of them were right for each other at the time. It was a mutual thing. She said there was never anyone keeping the other on a tight leash, so to speak, and when i asked her if it was true that they worked everything out and that they were gonna be ok, she assured me that yes, everything would be fine. After that, i told her that i wrote something for her. It was a Google Doc of everything that i wanted to say, everything i wanted to explain on my end, and let her see what happened from my point of view, but since it was over 2,000 words, she didnt have to read it if she didnt want to. I also told her she could stop after “theres something else” if she wanted, because thats when it got to the point that i wasnt sure if i should leave in. She told me of course shes willing to read it, and i sent her the link.
In the document i explained that i was so upset because i never knew exactly how “bad” things were between them the first time, but that i had a picture painted of him as a bad guy. I explained that when i saw her run up and hug him friday night, even though id never seen him before, the fear cropped up that that was Jacob. i told her how i was shaking and when she introduced us i already decided that i hated his guts because of what i thought he was, and how i was confused and mad and hurt that she would go back to him. How that night i went home and bawled my eyes heart and soul out for 2 hours before deciding that i would distance myself from her until i could rationalize this. i wrote about how much it killed me working with her Saturday and having her act like nothing was wrong and still treating me that exact same cutesy way she always did, and how when my sister hosted a party after work, i didnt want to go if Alex was going. But of course the one time i dont want to socialize, by brother drags us there to help my sister move furniture. I told her how i was sort of ok until she showed up, then it hurt so much that i couldnt bare to have my attention anywhere but in my phone, and that i was practically praying for my brother to take us home. I told her how after we left, my brother said that we only left because she texted him saying that i looked like i needed to go home, and how i cried the whole way home because i felt so bad for it being that obvious that i needed to leave, and for being so rude and standoffish towards her that night when she still cared so much for me, even to offer buying me a chocolaty dessert bc i was cramping. i asked her to forgive me for some details i said that i wont go into, and said that i respect her for doing this for herself and no one else. 
I told her that most of why this whole thing had me this distraught is because as far as I knew, he had hurt her before, and now to see her willingly back at his side when he might hurt her again for who knows how much longer this time made me sick to my stomach. But then I told her the other reason why I was so upset was, admittedly, I'm jealous of him.
I said that i didnt want to tell her, because its cliche and dickish to wait until its too late to admit it, but that i think, or thought, that i loved her. for real loved. I told her that i didnt want her now, because its wrong to want for someone who is already in a relationship, but that i had the biggest, hardest, most thought and emotion consuming crush on her. That it was nothing i had ever felt for another human being before. I explained how I started to develop these feelings in November, and thats only because she snapped me saying that i looked nice (when i was wearing pjs and hadnt showered in days) and then that i was cute followed by two separate snaps of kissy faces, so i thought, surely she must like me and im not being silly. And how the thought that she liked me was too tantalizing to ignore. I confessed that i had felt myself start to develop feelings earlier in the year. How early, i wasnt sure, but that God did i try to stop myself from catching these feelings. That i repeated a mantra in my head for months that she didnt Like me, she just loved me as a friend, and that this is how a real friendship feels and that im being silly. 
But i laid it out there that Ive never had a friend call me cute, and so often. I've never had friends drunk-sing love songs to me through another person's snapchat. I've never had a friend snap me a picture of her watching some comedian and say “He’s talking about being in love with this girl. ❤ Love you.” I've never had a friend text me at 2:05 in the morning, unprovoked, just to say “Quick reminder that you’re my favorite and I love you!”, or kiss my face twice the night of our store’s Christmas party, or tell our key manager that only I can cuddle with her. And never have I ever had a friend literally 4 months after we meet tell me that if I got a tattoo, she’d get my initials tattooed on her, and then 9 months later get a tattoo permanently added to her body of a flower that I gave her because “she loves orchids and the people who give them to her”, and then a month after that tell me that every other time she looks at it she cries cause she loves it and says “I love you so much. ❤❤❤” (<- that was the actual chunk of words that i wrote in the Doc) 
I said that yes, I remember all of them. Because they made such an impact on my locked up little affection starved heart that I couldnt even begin to explain how those moments made me feel. And because with each one that would be added, it would prove to me that maybe this was real. Maybe I'm not being paranoid or delusional or just dreaming up a fantasy.
I wrote that despite being convinced that she requited a crush on me, I couldn't bring myself to ask her how she really felt about me, because 1) I was so scared of being wrong that I thought I’d rather sit idly by to see if she’d eventually make the first move. 2) I wasn't out, and am too scared to come out, so even if she did like me back, it's not like we’d be able to be a thing. And 3) She already had my one brother fall for her and then snap because she didn't feel the same way and dated a dude from work instead, and then my eldest brother thinks shes gorgeous and was convinced that she was/is into him, so I thought the last thing she needed/wanted was another kid from my family “falling in love” with her. But that believe me when I say that I've mentally wrestled my hand over my own mouth literally every other day since at least January to stop myself from asking her.
I promised that even as I was writing, that I didnt want her to know. I didnt want her to know because now that shes in a relationship, this just looks like I’m trying to confess my love in a last ditch hope of “winning the girl” and making her want to leave him again for me, but that’s not what I wanted. Letting her know all this just makes everything 1000x more complicated for everyone than it needs to be, not to mention the awkwardness of it. That the only reason I was saying all this is so that she could fully understand why knowing shes back with him affected me as bad as it did, I said bc I can guarantee that any one of her other friends aren't spending their weekend/week crying like a heartbroken middle school girl because their best friend got back with her ex. I admitted I’m jealous, and I’m mad at myself because I feel like I went and got my heart broken, because even after a decade of telling myself that I don't want or need a relationship, I was a fool and let myself catch feelings and fall harder than I imagined, all because someone showed me a little affection. I told her i know that this wasnt inherently her fault, I projected feelings when I shouldn't have, and I can only be reasonable and face the fact that I should've taken a chance months ago, but we all miss doors that stand open for us, and we all regret not taking that first step through when we had the chance. That’s my fault. I made that bed, and now I get to lay in it. I told her that she showed me a love that I've never known, and I never thought I'd know, and for that, I gave her thanks. 
Then i wrote that i’d be ok, as long as she was ok. I swore to her that her happiness and safety matter to me above all else, and that if he treats her with all the love, respect, and gentleness that i wish for her, that would make me happy. I told her that I hope that they are on mutual grounds now, and that they did work it out, and that he treats her like the Earthbound Aphrodite that she should be treated as. Because if he hurts her, it’ll break my heart. I said that if that happens and she leaves him, I won't let myself be the emotional rebound, no matter how desperate I am. (which honestly, i probably shouldnt have said that, or i at least should have added “given that you felt the same way”. but oh well. this is all behind us now.) 
She responded, saying that she wasnt exactly sure what to say, but that she had a feeling she knew what all of this was about. She said that im honestly the best friend she’s had, and shes cares for me so much. That she loves and respects me on another level, and that she was mad at him for coming in last Friday because she was trying to work her way up to talking to me about it. She said that she doesnt want to hurt me by anything she does, and that it was killing her to hide it from me. She promised me that she’ll never stay in a relationship where she wasnt valued or treated well, and that she’ll always be open and honest with anything going on with her. She told me “Thank you for letting me in on everything going on in your head. You’re so special to me.” 
I told her i know, i guess im pretty bad at being subtle and hiding things, but that i keep apologizing bc i didnt want to be that little girl that fell for something that wasnt there, and that i didnt want to burden her with knowing how i felt, especially now that shes in a relationship, and that i never wanted this to happen. I hated that i projected this on her. I promised that she doesnt hurt me, and its not her job to tell me every little detail about her personal life.That im a friend, not a parole officer keeping tabs on every little thing she does. If anything, i hurt myself, but i’ll live. I told her not to be mad at Jacob, because he didnt know, and he especially didnt know that i’d be jealous. I know shes smart and wont stay where shes not valued or treated well, and that she doesnt have to report everything about her life to me, but if she ever wants to tell me something, even if shes anxious about it, she can tell me. I thanked her for being chill and patient with me. I told her its hard for me to get rid of my jealousy so easily, but that i feel im accepting it well, considering this is my first experience with this stuff. I told her i might not be the one for her rihgt now, or even ever, but that when she does find that person, im gonna cheer for her because she deserves that happy ever after. I said as for Jacob, i’d keep an open mind. That he’s just a dude after all. I told her thank you for being so awesome and gentle with me, and that i love her.
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