#i cant use his real name it seems too weird
ceilidho · 6 months
coworker soap who frames the fleshlight thing as a joke but with a creepy undercurrent that you cant understand why you know it isnt a joke but you also dont wanna rock the boat so you dont tell hr bc johnny the ex-military man is a model employee otherwise and you cant help but feel hot shame run down ur spine when he says it that you are, at least a little, flattered by it bc shit dude hes HOT. coworker soap who just. doesnt bring it up again. its just boiling rhe frog. he says weird, borderline creepy shit that could be passed off as "guy talk" in any other situation (regardless of readers gender). He follows you around like a puppy and where it used to be normal for you, you feel a little creeped out now but. everyone. already refers to you as a duo. itd be weird if you stopped for no reason? right?
i don't know what broke in my mind long ago that this is like, the weirdly hottest thing in the world to me but im genuinely twitching over it right now.
model employee Johnny, knows the handbook inside and out, walks elderly customers to their cars with their bags, shows up to work early for every shift, always with a smile and a positive attitude. management loves him because his sales are also record high (i mean, it makes sense - i wouldn't be able to say no if he was helping me with a purchase and tried to upsell me). he's also a spokesperson for the company in all of their internal training videos because he was hired through some "jobs for vets" program that they just rolled out (idk i'm making this up). and the guy can stack things on a shelf like no one's business lmao like MILITARY precision/organization.
all your coworkers love him and genuinely like fist pump whenever they get put on the schedule with him because he's a blast to work with, and some of your coworkers are actually incredibly jealous that he just seems to follow you around everywhere. hangs off your every word. always seems to just pop out from around the corner whenever you're having trouble reaching something on a shelf.
but he says weird, uncomfortable shit to you sometimes. way over the line. you don't even know what to say at first when Johnny jokingly tells you that he has a fleshlight at home that he's named after you, just laughs and then stares at you for a second. and you like, give a little awkward laugh, growing more uncomfortable by the second the longer he stares at you without blinking. until something passes over his eyes and suddenly he's back to normal, clapping you on the arm and wandering off back to the men's apparel section.
he does a lot of strange shit actually. maybe insists on walking you to your car when the two of you are on the closing shift and it's well into the evening. laughs a little too hard and with too much vigour when someone calls him your shadow, his eyes just a little too bright and fervent. asks if you want to sit on his lap while he shows you how to use the forklift in the backroom. begs management to let him take his breaks with you and doesn't let you have a moment of peace, just sits with you in the breakroom or follows you to your car when you say that you're going out for lunch.
and you can't complain to any of your coworkers because the second you so much as criticize his work, they bark at you to be nice to him. he's just re-acclimating to civilian life, of course he's not perfect at his job yet. they defend him viciously. and the real jealous ones even tell on you in front of him, leaving you standing there embarrassed and on the spot until Johnny just smiles and says that it's alright. you'll just have to teach him better.
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sinofwriting · 6 months
kisses on rings for oscar/reader/ logan please!!!
like in my head -> childhood besties turned lovers -> knows they cant be together publicly or ever get married because poly so they have promise rings but everyone thinks theyre friendship rings -> maybe during the vegas gp they all ask the elvis impersonaters in the paddock to "jokingly" marry the three of them -> cue the you may now kiss and they all end up kissing everyone laughs it off -> but them three know thats the closest they can be to being together so the kisses on their rings are them sharing kisses in public with actually kissing
Title: Closest We Can Get Words: 677 Prompt: Kisses on rings w/ Oscar/Reader/Logan
Also, just realized I completely forgot the prompt, I'm sorry.
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“It’s so sweet.” She raises an eyebrow, taking her eyes off Logan and Oscar who are joking around with an Elvis impersonator, to look at Lily. “What’s so sweet?” “Your guys' friendship rings, I mean really. I’ve never seen three friends so close and the friendship rings are a sweet touch.” “Oh, thank you.” She still wasn’t entirely sure how to interact with anyone else on the grid, always sticking to Oscar and Logan.
Especially considering the fact that none of them knew the truth. She wasn’t just Logan and Oscar’s childhood friend or bestfriend that made the duo a trio, but rather their girlfriend. And that the friendship rings the three wore weren’t friendship rings but rather faux wedding rings.
Logan had offered to let Oscar and her go public together, but she didn’t want to go public with just Oscar. Which then made Oscar then offer for Logan and her to go public, and it ended up with her telling both of them that no one was going public. Poly relationships weren’t a thing with their lifestyle and Logan and Oscar were both too new to this to be making the boat rock with something considered unconventional.
And then somehow the conversation had ended up with her crying as she realized she’d never be able to marry them, because she’d only be able to marry one of them and she didn’t want that, had never wanted that. For the three of them, it had never just been a matter of wanting one or the other, it had always been wanting both.
It was because of that conversation and the realization that they all wanted to marry each other that now they had what everyone believed to be friendship rings.
Her name being called makes her look back at her boyfriends and she laughs seeing the flush on their cheeks and their large grins, the three shots they had finally seemed to hit them.
“What?” She calls, not moving away from Lily, Lando, Alex, Charles, and Max. “Elvis says he’ll marry us!” Logan tells her, smiling as he waves her over. She looks at the Elvis impersonator between the two and has to stifle a laugh at how excited he looks as well. “I’m not marrying you, Logan!” She calls back as the whole group laughs at her denial and the way his face drops before perking back up. “But it’s me and Oscar. You’ll get to marry the both of us!” He reasons and she can feel herself giving in. Because she knows it’s not real, not legal in any way, but it doesn’t stop her from wanting it. So, with a sigh she leaves the group of drivers as both Oscar and Logan cheer.
The two immediately wrap themselves around her and she doesn’t notice the way everyone had followed her, to watch as the three got friendship married.
She doesn’t really register the weird vows from Elvis or the laughs from the drivers and Lily as they watch, she just looks at her boyfriends. At the excited glint in their eyes, how they both keep squeezing her hand.
“I now pronounce you, husband, husband, and wife!” He declares, before adding. “And thank you, thank you very much.” She laughs at the look on Oscar’s face at the impersonator’s words, but is kissed before she can say anything. It’s quick, just a little longer than a peck and then Logan is darting forward to do the same to Oscar and she follows in Logan’s footsteps, pressing a quick kiss to Oscar’s lip as well.
The three stare at each other after as the other drivers whoop and holler, joking about how none of them would have thought it’d be Logan and Oscar getting hitched in Vegas. They had known this would be difficult, never getting to kiss each other in public, or being careful about not hugging or holding hands for too long, but now after kissing in public for the first time, the same thought is going through all of their heads: again.
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@teti-menchon0604 @darleneslane @crystals-faith @andreea-15-25 @benstormy @eugene-emt-roe @skepvids @elliegrey2803
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
A bit of a specific idea, but I had a platonic idea for all of the characters in the Amazing Digital Circus—
Maybe all of them with a Wally Darling-like Reader? An example of such being Reader also speaking in a monotone voice that is both a little unsettling yet friendly at the same time, always making eye contact and never looking away, being able to eat things by blinking, being a lot more aware than they seem, greeting people individually anytime they enter a room, etc etc.
TADC cast x wally darling type! Reader !
Still stuck on mobile so this post may be a little short and whacky <\3 + I'll be relying on this ask for wallys personality since I cant open other tabs without risking deleting my progress on this <\3 + I've never touched welcome home 😭😭
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Honestly, I don't know anything about welcome home as stated above, but I think Caine would have a lot of the same habits; namely the eye contact and I can also see him doing the blink eating...
The only difference is that hes way high energy
I think he would think that you're just a silly lil fella, an interesting little thang, wants to study you under a microscope..
Thinks its endearing how you greet everyone personally.. loves when you do it to him since it makes him feel special n appreciated
Overall pomni is going to need a lot of time to get used to the weirdness of the circus, and this applies to getting over the unnerving feeling she gets around you
Probably becomes speechless and does the face when you blink-eat
You know...
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Just stares at where the food item once was... how did you do that...? What are you going to consume next? Why are you looking her in the eye like that?
..oh you're just telling her you enjoyed the snack you've brought
As per usual I'm writing these all out of order, and I happen to be writing jax after I did zooble
I think jax wouldnt just think you're unsettling, I think he would think you're creepy
Now does he think you're a threat? Personally I don't think he would go as far as to classify you as such
Watches in horror as you blink and consume his sour gummy candies
Okay now this is war
You guys sometimes have unspoken staring contests, you usually tend to win them
Actually now that he thinks about it you dont seem to blink outside of eating...
"Oh, you're just a quirky lil fella!" Pretty much
Always thanks you when you greet her, she makes it a habit to greet you back when you enter a room
Tends to give you your favorite snacks, I think, but I think this can pass as a general hc rather than being specific to this post !
Little put off by the eye contact but does not turn away or show any discomfort; is able to push through it pretty well !
Okay so I know I mentioned some other characters being creeped out by the eye contact but I think kinger would be the most put off, asides gangle
But also I can totally see kinger having a staring problem; be it because hes lost in his thought and happens to be staring or some other thing
Accidental staring contests between you two/j
Feels like a real king when you personally greet him, probably bows a little and does a lil gesture with his hands before returning the greeting
Similar reaction as pomni when you blink-eat
Where did the food go??????
I must admit, I think zooble would find you creepy, too <\3, or at least a little unsettling.. like sure they wont be mean to you unlike SOMEONE but they're a little put off by your odd behaviors
Though they would get accustomed to it in time, I think, especially since I have a whole "zooble ultimately doesnt care much about what's going as a means to cope w/ the digital circus as well as that just being their personality"
Does not like the eye contact, though; zooble seems like the type who wouldnt like eye contact... maybe I'm self projecting, though...
The eye contact definitely is what fed into the unsettling factor for them..
The eye contact makes her so so nervous, she doesnt really have eyes the same way everyone else does but it still... makes her feel off
Similar to Caine she does feel nice when you greet her.. yes she knows out do it for everyone, but that doesnt dismiss the nice feeling she gets that someone is. Well being nice to her...
Shed like your voice, I think, oddly soothing and it's not too bold and out there.. not overwhelming, you know?
Not many ideas for gangle today <\3
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liquidstar · 9 months
i think something important we all have to remember about characters is that they are not real. but they are symbolic representations of types of humans. especially when you incorporate fantasy into the mix, where these representations become a bit less literal.
so, like, when you have characters that are immortal/ageless/reincarnations/vampires/whatever, who are, on paper, much older than they actually look... it really just comes down to "if they walk like a duck and talks like a duck, then it's probably a duck."
basically what i mean is if a character is functionally a teenager within a story, emotionally and societally and such, then for all intents and purposes they ARE a teenager. because the thing that they are coded to symbolize is a teenager. regardless of fantasy factors that dont exist in the real world. maybe the closest thing is someone who is an adult but looks young (i still get mistaken for 16, its a struggle) but thats a false equivalence, you are still an adult, you cant be coded as a teenager as if this was a story (though you can certainly be immature lol).
conversely, "1000 year old dragon lolis" are coded as children. they represent children. no matter how many spins you try to put on it, that is a symbolic representation of a child. there's a huge difference between the reality of an adult who just happens to look young, and the fantasy of a child who by some loophole can consent. because thats the intent the character was created with.
obviously im not saying this applies to ALL characters who are immortal children though. it can be used for all types of different effects, like, for example, pride in fullmetal alchemist mangahood uses this to enhance his Creepyness factor, due to the disconnect between his appearance and his demeanor. he walks like a duck but doesnt talk like a duck. there are for sure ways to do this trope that arent creepy in the other sense.
same thing goes for immortal teenagers- once you introduce a power imbalance into the mix that makes them functionally just an adult who looks young, thats when the dynamic can begin to feel creepy. and its a tricky thing to pull off, because you have to balance the immortality with the teenager-ness, and it seems like lots of life experience will often contradict the latter. but its not impossible (at least in writing). a character can be more knowledgeable without having power over the other, and i think it largely comes down to how theyre treated socially too. if they have just as much power as any other teenager in their society, then theres not really an imbalance. how theyre treated by other characters will inform the viewers on how to treat them by extension.
like, weird example, but the vampire girl from hotel transylvania (i forgot her name, i watched it when i was 12) is like 100 years older than her love interest. but shes still a pretty stereotypical teenager who has to listen to adam sandler her father, and has the same amount of power in this situation as any other teenager would. the movie sets up the leads as being on the same level socially so theres no issue (this may have been made extra clear because its a kids movie, which is why its an easy example). contrast this with twlight where edward obviously has power over bella specifically due to his vampire-ness, and thats why their dynamic is one that many people find uncomfortable because the fantasy age gap plays a part in this.
but yeah at the end of the day thats why id never, like, call c.c from code geass a pedophile for kissing lelouch (utilitarian reasons or otherwise), but that's also exactly why i'd call isekai man #208 a pedophile for having a loli love interest. these characters are not real, they are symbols. you cannot take symbols literally (thats oxymoronic) by just looking at the numbers of their ages, you have to look at what they represent of the real world inside the story. what does this fantasy immortal SAY about age and such. what do their actual dynamics reflect in the real world.
fiction isnt reality, but its a mirror that reflects it. sometimes a funhouse mirror, but you can still see whats being reflected if you look closely.
anyway please dont take this as any sort of discourse, i really am just musing about how fiction Works, and how different tropes apply in different ways and such. this isnt a response to anything or anyone im just thinking out loud. peace ✌️
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sukifoof · 2 years
thinking about floweys sense of self and that one thing sans says... “the more you kill, the easier it becomes to distance yourself. the more you distance yourself, the less you will hurt. the more easily you can bring yourself to hurt others.” that line has Always stood out to me especially when thinking about flowey and how he is constantly distancing himself from everyone.
i think a lot about how asriel is a combination of his parents names,, yes its funny that asgore cant name BUT it also. says a lot about floweys relationships i think. at some point flowey chose to hide his identity and to call himself flowey. hes severing himself from his family internally by no longer being called a name that is so deeply tied to his parents and his past, and then choosing a name that is linked with his grief.... i keep seeing posts on how the golden flowers represent grief, with how asgore is surrounded in it and how flowey has basically become his grief. he pushes toriel and asgore away, not really because he Wants to but because he just cant. take it. its painful to think of the life he used to and could have had and the mistakes his parents made because of his absence.
he already seems to feel like he doesnt deserve to see his parents again as asriel.... he doesnt want to break their hearts but i think its also because he cant admit what hes become, especially not to his parents. but its interesting how he still doesnt really... sever his duties from himself as flowey?? hes not willing to admit hes asriel and what asriel has become but he Is willing to say hes still the prince and hes still charas best friend. he blames himself for their death and the hopelessness in the underground but he still wants to fix everything which i think is..... Very Interesting.... he has a very. warped view of himself i think,, he keeps saying he cant feel compassion and yet he still wants to free everyone and takes care of toriel...
he also doesnt seem to feel comfortable calling his parents mom and dad as flowey... its almost like. it makes everything too Real and he has to accept that he is still asriel. a lot of what hes experiencing is very accurate to how people feel when theyve been traumatized.... part of him exists before charas death, and then theres the part of him that exists after charas death. its extremely hard for him to still feel like hes asriel because in his mind, asriel feels VERY different from who he is now. its like hes looking back on asriel and thinking that couldnt Possibly Really Be Him because asriel never experienced everything flowey did, if that makes sense.... he has a huge separation in his identities as asriel and flowey and its too weird for him to say theyre the same guy.
its not until he is “asriel” again that he feels he can ask frisk to look after his mom and dad... his whole fight is really interesting to me cuz. everything about it spells out his regrets. he regrets he couldnt become the king everyone wanted and he regrets he couldnt have fulfilled the prophecy and freed everyone solely because he just couldnt bring himself to kill. so when given the chance, of course he’ll make himself look like all he had hoped to be when he grew up, even if he already feels like hes Grown Up according to the alarm clock dialogue... its also interesting that he only does this once he believes frisk is chara,, kind of like. hes proving to them that he hasnt messed everything up and that they both still have a chance to be Best Friends Forever.... he cant really admit to himself how lonely and sad he is until the very end of that fight when frisk shows him hes worthy of being saved
his self hatred is really what it all comes down to. he has so many regrets that he just cant let go of and feels like he has to take care of everyone cuz thats what the prince is supposed to do. he probably thinks something along the lines of “i dont deserve friends or mercy because im a Complete Failure” so he distances himself from everyone and refuses to believe he actually has worth and that his parents still love him.... oh flowey u have so many issues. but anyway its so important to him that frisk was willing to save him and refused to let him have his way. he really needed that slap in the face that people care about him, no matter how much he tries to distance himself to stop feeling so hurt. even trying to keep “chara” with him forever is a form of distancing himself. he doesnt trust that they would simply want to spend time with him so he feels he has to force them to stay with him forever to keep from being rejected from the one person he just cant let go of no matter how much he tries.
flowey is terrified of have his thoughts validated. sure, he may feel hes unworthy of love but imagine if toriel had found out what he did as flowey. given the way she reacts to asgore, i really doubt flowey has much faith that she’d forgive him. he just would Not be able to take that. he wants to be in control of how and when he gets hurt, which is pretty. standard for someone as traumatized as him. its nice to see that in the alarm clock dialogue hes finally starting to,, calm down a little bit.... hes not as closed off and hes willing to accept a matching gift from papyrus, even if hes still hiding from his parents and taking care of toriel only when she cant see it. hes starting to get a little better and hes learning to trust again!!
i think flowey is one of the best written characters regarding trauma and ptsd and grief,,, everything about him handles the way it feels extremely well from the way hes constantly on guard and how he feels some kind of separation within himself and how much he blames himself,,,, toby u are SO talented at writing i swear
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ultra-raging-ghost · 2 months
Idea for a little Cucuhalo fic/au. Ok hear me out:
Roommates/Office au
So, I haven't fully fleshed out the details yet, but Cucurucho as a rich boss that owns some kind of company and Bad is an employee that just moved from somewhere and started working in his company not too long ago. They try to get along... well enough in the office, albeit there's some tension and passive aggression between them.
Their co-workers love to gossip about them because it looks like there's something going on between the two, but it's all speculation for them. What they don't know is Bad and Cucurucho are actually secretly roommates, and they "hate" each other even more outside of the office.
Cucurucho has a cat that Bad wasn't initially fond of named Emotional Support (they're actually raising that cat like it's their baby lols) because Bad is more a dog person, but Cucurucho insisted on getting a cat as a pet. That's only one of their roommate quarrels. Most of the time they are extremely passive aggressive, and do things like, idk, not washing the other person's dishes lmao.
Despite how much they claim to hate each other, neither want to leave because "it's easier to share rent" or "no one would take care of Emotional Support when the other person is busy", some kind of excuse like that. But really, it's because they do enjoy having each other around, and sometimes, they have nice dinners and movie nights together. Then they fall asleep on their couch and wake up entangled, but neither wants to admit they were literally cuddling the night before. They are so attached to each other, but no one wants to say it out loud.
Basically this au is me wanting Cucuhalo office and roommate drama with a dash of sexual tension and long-term denial, romantic comedy sitcom style.
- alchemicaladarna
I love them living together and making up excuses to do so....
"Its expensive to live alone" "Emotional support is already so attached to him itd be mean to take her away from him" "We bought the furniture in a way that would make it weird for us to move out" (bad bought both the beds, or the one bed hayoooo, cucurucho bought like 20% of the spices and condiments, they dont feel like splitting up the furniture is what im getting at) "Theres no available housing in any areas id want to live in" etc. etc. any excuse to stay together even though to everyone else it seems like theyre at eachothers throats all the time!!
I think the way the workers would find out is a couple of them getting invited over. Like after a night out, one of them cant find a ride home so bad (resident guy who doesnt drink) offers to let them sleep on his couch for the night, and the next morning they wake up to arguing. They sit up on the couch and over the back of it who should they see in the kitchen together but CUCURUCHO and BADBOYHALO who are arguing because bad didnt ask before inviting said coworker over!! They kiss and make up (either metaphorically or literally) and cucurucho lets it go for now and sneaks off back to his (possibly their) room so he isnt caught and has bad send the coworker out as soon as they wake up. The coworker doesnt say anything about seeing cucurucho right then... but later on cucurucho and bad hear a lot of whispering that gets suddenly quiet when they walk by, and then it continues when they walk past.... more so than usual!!! And they dont think too much of it, but then someone comes up to bad's desk one day or approaches him in the hallway or by the water cooler and goes "so.. you and cucurucho, huh??"
(and then they realize bad's not the one to approach because hes very aloof and wouldnt pick up on the implications that the coworker would be dropping.. but theyre too afraid to go ask cucurucho about it for fear of getting chainsaw'd LMAO)
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appl3-juice-box · 1 year
For context, anything in () will be my explanations
@speak-now-girlies-unite because she said to tag her
is he wearing slippers omg this is amaxing
omg love me a male wife ���
soul absorption fancy (Yeah that basically means "haha I stole half of your life source lol, now gimme the other half and die")
i love the name ink so much
crying? bb boy let me buy you a hamster to wipe your tears with
cross omg cool name
omg is that the error guy (YEA THATS THE ERROR GUY![I had previously talked about him]) YEAH (HES HOT RIGHT?) YEAH (YEAH)
the white/red soul thing is making me zzzzbrrrrr in interest (Ohohoho, youre gonna love this) that makes me also zzzbrrr in interest
samn that’s kinda sad i wanna write fanfiction about his sad life
oh my god is that a real life skater boy, with a backwards cap am i hallucinating (THATS FRESH HES SO FUCKING COOL)
he has a backwards cap (ITS GOT A LITTLE PROPELLER ON TOP TOO) does it really omg (YEAH) WOO
dark spaghetti thing ?? (which one, the emo?) Yeah I think so *intermission to find what the dark spaghetti is* (THATS NOT THE EMO THATS NIGHTMARE IM CRYING) seems pretty emo to me (trust me there's more)
OH YMG SO THE SUN PERSONS BACK!!! His name is dream ? (Yes his name is dream) funsies🤭✨ (dream and nightmare) omg that makes sense
also i recognize that you’ve told me about them before right? (yes I have) 🤭
second person pov>
the shot of ink blinking at sans and frisk’s convo>>>>
officially frisk is my daughter
ink makes my brain go so vrrbbbbb (Ink makes my brain want to slaughter him /lh) oh damn what does he do😔 ... ACTUALLY don’t tell me i’ll find out<3
(have you seen the emo yet?) he sounds kinda like a five year old having a tantrum he looks cool though (the golden tooth boi? Yeah thats him) funnnn
oo getting hyped up
omg fight scene? slay
omg x event - no clue what that is but it sounds cool
more soul absorption
i have mixed feelings on that word because as much as it’s cool it reminds me of the word moist
heart ?
he’s got that swagger that only people who talk in comic sans can have
re e e ed re e e ed
“sleeping is more fun than corrupting timelines” sleeping is more fun than a lot of thng - but i feel like corrupting timelines would be fun
is sans gay😨❓
i feel like i’m reading this wrong
manipulate manwhore mansplain
his special attack- he turns into an anime girl with plot armor - oh no he just pulls a rachel dare funsies
he saved the day with the power of bad puns (And a slipper) And a slipper
(Also who tf were you asking who was gay for who) idk who tf he is but he was like “there was this guy” and that was my first thought sjsnskdnsk😭 (WHICH GUY WHATD HE LOOK LIKE???) IDK EVIL??? (WAS HE THE TALL MOTHER FUCKER WITH WEIRD BLACK STRIPEY EYES THAT MET WITH INK? I NEED TO KNOW BECAUSE HE MIGHT BE GAY) -proceeds to investigate who the supposed gay man is- (I WAS RIGHT IT IS THE TALL MOTHER FUCKER WITH WEIRD BLACK STRIPEY EYES) WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? (IM A FFUCKING GENIUS WITH GUESSING THIS SHIT) GOOD OR BAD? (no he's not gay, you'll find more about him later)
god he’s a mood
go girl give us nothing
This is just from the first two episodes, be ready for more
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livecharliereaction · 2 months
gonna be a long ahh post
ill try to see if theres anything strange for all of them but i dont remember all alibis n circumstances etc im using the red truths + question arc tip screen oki thats all i have Well i have my liveblogs too but that doesnt seem useful. first ep didnt have red truths yet but im quite sure it had to have been natsuhi or maria so
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this was natsuhi + krauss + eva + hideyoshi + rudolf + kyrie
rosas definitely weird in ep2 i very vividly recall her BEING in that chapel too but i could be misremembering that part. though beatrice was there
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this whole ordeal was a little strange i wish i remembered who exactly witnessed her bcs i feel like it wasnt just natsuhi n servants... Kyrie definitely saw her yes? I dont know what to make of it. What a cute outfit though shes so cute
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also these mentions on shannon n kanon ep2 descs Awh
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kanons key or servant involvement seeing as none of the others were first 6
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kanon n jessica couldve killed each other Why? Who knows But someone carried kanons body out
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"no one is hiding (regarding jessicas room)" STop i wouldve said that too im just like him i cant diss his abilities anymore.
Oh but also "kanon was killed in this room" =/= "kanon was killed in this room at that time" Im thinking about the scene where he "reappears" again i think its been said theres no disguise stuff so maybe
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am i confusing the scenes because "theres no corpse" What happened in the doctors room???? when they saw him come back and bury his fingers to that wound i wouldve said he mightve died at that moment but then whats with the corpse. Girl
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i miss her so much shes so funny "You are incompetent" in red is crazy
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rosa had the keys yeahhhhhh i dont exactly remember Why i thought she was weird at the time but it was probably her. She was running around w the rifle too Well thats all for ep2 anyway
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wtf even was charumi3 that was evas time to shine yes
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Its definitely dead
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None of the six committed suicide! hmm the weird linked one i remember it Though. Isnt "The six died instantly" incorrect in kinzos case if he was already dead... Since its a separate statement it doesnt have to refer to those six yes?? So maybe one of them besides kinzo didnt die instantly... Like battler suggested w a chain murder or one person going around to make up the chained rooms
Then theyd have a key too... girl i dont remember what eva was doing at this time also
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at that point eva was supposedly in her room w a headache while witch eva was killing them so yeah doesnt look great for eva That servant things still possible too + rosa might as well have killed maria though idk who killed rosa in that case
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eva did not kill hideyoshi... servant thing still strong and also wtf was kyrie thinking here anyway might as well blame her n then say eva killed kyrie but i forgor where eva was here again oopsie
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"No life forms other than humans have any connection to this game" seems like a witch denying phrase but ok i guess its not a life form then
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Lol. Once again kinzo thing makes this not matter... Though there go all my servants dawg maybe that was only for first twilight then
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that is worrying. Do you think kanon n shannons names being pseudonyms affects the red truth. "shannon is dead" What if shannon is the idea of her servitude to the family and she threw it away for some reason and that way theres a Sayo who is killing people and doesnt really break the truths "shannon is dead" OR "there are no more than 18 humans on this island" All that goes for kanon too im just pretending that i didnt spoil myself his real name haha. Well kanon even more so since they made him appear and all but that couldve been jessicas delusion too...
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she used to have so much fun that beato...
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also even if eva was confirmed to not be involved in nanjos death that doesnt negate she couldve done well.everything else heart
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thought about "Because of your sin, people die." a lot yesterday... The part about it not being about or with beatrice is of course very confusing and weird But yeah i cant even guess except apparently hes the reason the game exists? Or at least the reason it goes on or more specifically "cause of the eternal torture between us"
I dont understand how it could be about anything else BUT beatrice but ok. Maybe he was mean to maria like ange. But maria was literally 3 years old at that point... I guess he left the family 6 years ago but im having a terrible time trying to understand whats wrong with that really I guess asumu isnt blood related to him afterall but it cant be this great big sin beefing with rudolf u know. Id think his comebacks the reason the cerenomy was seen fit to be carried out (thinking about the amount of people) but angie wouldve normally been there instead of him anyway so the amount of people is the same and its over 14 anyway (13 sacrifices + whoevers imitating the epitaph) so i dont really understand blinks
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i like when he goes Ah ngagh nnnghhh aaghh...!!! this vn loves to make people roar also They do it all the time. battler n beato do it the most but eva and many others always roaring too
also??? according to the wiki they didnt use red truth at all in ep3 until this point thats crazy i guess beato really WAS more careful about it
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oh ange i miss u
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i cant even tell what the first ones about theres no game record in ep4 tips how annoying <- doesnt remember at all what happened. Well ange was there uhh.
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nvm its definitely about this one. I seriously remember nothing there was so much ange ange ange it was all eyes on ange.... I might reread my liveblogs
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OH YEAH it was ppl supposedly witnessing kinzo killing everyone. Although uh "all ... acknowledged the presence of kinzo" Thats very different from "kinzo was there n killed everyone"... It couldve been in spirit or even if his corpse was there. Also last ones crazy u can just change that well i guess they were counting a corpse then
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thats crazy confusing combined with knoxs rule about no accidents... what is left...
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none of these negate kanon n rosa culprit yeah?
omfg wtf theres an image limit let me do the rest in another post
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malrie · 4 months
sorry to bitch about ricks writing again but I finally have the vocabulary a decade later to speak about what really bothered me as a kid reading his work, but hoo specifically
many many plot points in the story are brought up, seemingly to become important/foreshadowing of a very important connection and then it just drops to nothing. a few romantic cases being:
sammy/leo + hazel / weird and did not move the plot the way it thought it did. why
reyna + apollo? / look this shocked me too I didn’t even read apollo books like that but I reread the last couple boo chaps and then circled back to apollo’s story and realized that was what rick was trying to imply. that reyna was destined for a god ROMANTICALLY, which was even told to her by aphrodite herself in boo. then in apollo’s story it doesn’t work out and she becomes a hunter? ok? LOL why even bring it up
leo + calypso / ending leo’s last appearance admitting his relationship w calypso was rocky in the real world but having reyna or whoever say it’ll be ok soon but probably us an an audience will never really know. this, after his grand death and resurrection in boo. HE HAS NOTHING LEFT HAHA
jason + piper / told by many people and gods they were destined for each other; jason tells percy once he has visions of him and piper old w grandkids > they break up bc piper re-evaluates the basis of their initial relationship pre-him landing on that bus BUT disregarding also the five full books of character/relationship development they both go through makes 0 sense
[an aside: i genuinely believe riordan realized there were too many happy endings in a story based off greek mythology and wanted to amend a la tsoa’s “name one hero who was happy. you cant”. so jason dying is the poor man’s patroclus. which brings you to my essay that piper or leo should have—]
there are non-romantic examples of this but I don’t have receipts rn. weirdly does seem like a lot of editing/over the shoulder advice was given during writing the drafts or something. not sure why. I want to also bring up the possibility of a ghost writer djjememd it would make the disjointed intentions make sense
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thatonegaybastard · 1 year
thoughsts on edens gardens characters except I think weird sorry if I missed some
I like him I think having more if an antagonistic character as the protagonist is really fun I love that idea sm im excited to see where the story goes sm
I dont think hell die but if he does ill be really fucking mad
the blushing sprite is really cute
girl idek shes really interesting I wobder if shell be support to damon I think shed make a good support for damon
very good vibes!! I like the whole crow or rvane motif btw I noticed she has more red on her and damon has more green and theyre complismrntary colors sooooo
I love him sosososo much scooby doo.motherfuckinggggg guy. he has the laugh that ny sibling makes all the time to abnoy me the first time hebdid it I was like "oh my god" still love him tho. he is like art(uro). to me. they should meet
if he dies i think ill be depressed for a few hours and in pain throughout the entire trial unless he gets like executed where ill just sit there like 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨. and then be in pain. like in chapter one if danganronpa lapse
good vibes good energy
face reveal when?!?!?!
if she dies im going to expode and die in a car crash bit the car crash is me exploding and doesnt involve cars
of course her name is grace
love the colors!! and the visor!!!!!!
when I saw her talent I was like "art(uro)"?!?!?!??! but no.shes the opposite of art(uro). they should meet
he seems chill I like him if he asked me if he could borrow five dollars I wou'm let him have five dollars. I would like to go to the beach with him and get icecream after ithink I eould like to be his friend if he was real. I am probably too chaotic for him.tbh
im sorry everytime I see her I think "elon musk" im doing her dirty shes so mich better then elon musk
honestly dont hav emuch of an opinion on her tbh... shes there. nice that she feeds people
so true diana. I have a crush on her. but also thats a massive fucking red flag because everytime ive had a crush on a fanganronpa character theyve turned out fucking ballistic soooooooooooooooo yikes!!!!!!!!!!!
im ngl she is kind of boring. maybe a little bit. idk I cant think of much to say about her
go girl give us nothing!!! ignore this I just feel like this is something hed say. or grace would say
im ngl he is kinda annoying slightly I found myself getting a bit bothered by him.
love the fit btw I wishi could rock and outfit like that
pwople would be like "you look just like a kpop star" to him
anyways pathetic little meow meow no wonder hes a butterfly
um if he dies im going to commit homixide 😀😀😀😀😀😀
"call the fire bigrade grace" so true bestie pop off
I fucking love his hat I wonder why people call him nayhem... jett probavly gave him that nickname adorable
I think um him and jett are a bit gay for eachother slightly
I cannot take her seeiously with thsoe goofy ahh sprites everytime she does the fucking sprite thats like "waaaaaugh!!!!!!" I cant help but copy it like "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!!!!!!!!!" like "WOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAHG YEEEPERS CREEPERS"
that one fucking sprite wherre shes kike "hhhhhhhhhhjhhiyhhhhjdjdjdjdj"
shes not my favorite but she gets bonus points because black widow spider and in the second grade I made black widow spiders my personality for a few days so attachment to them
communist mr beast
no fucking clue what ti say here. why is he always in fornt of thst tree of ignorance huh.
I like hiw everyone has real aninals and then jean is just DRAGON
I do not trust her!!! I think she has serial killer vibes!!!!!!! She seems way too optimistic about all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Suspicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is going to.kill one or more motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thiught he was gonna be a douche tbh but hinestly im SOOOOSOSOSOOS GLAD HE ISNT I love him.I know ulysses came first but I cant help but be reminded of pascal as in my oc pascal everyytime I look at him. pathetic man
I posted this then immediately realized I fucking forgot wolfgang difbdjshdvdvdgdhdgd so now im editing my post nobody had to know
um I like thats hes kinda the more protagy role! I think hes really sus thiugh because WOLFgang and hus animals a dheep also he had like the hope speech thing ig. idfk hes
I like her!!!! shes very sweet I love her I want her out of there get her outta here she deserves to be safe and happy
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mothlegs · 9 months
dreamt basil abused me :/ or dreamt that i dreamt it? idk. it was all the same as before. i was still finding ways to take all the blame so he wouldn't have to change or ever be in the wrong
and like. i definitely did suck severely but so did he and i was the only one taking any kind of responsibility, just like irl
gehh. stupid dream
it was like. he left a message for me on amino that he was going to sleep and i should put that in my discord status and we'd talk in the morning? and cause i'm still a stupid loyal dog i did that. his profile picture was blue and his username started with knee ..??
but. in the dream i dreamt he sexually assaulted and i think physically abused me too? i was talking to someone about it, about how my real vision/memories had high contrast and the dream ones were the same just in grey. i wondered if it wasn't just a dream (i know it is irl since i never met him in person)
we fought, physically, for a while. think there was glass and knives involved. i triggered him on purpose and accused him of race faking and faking being jewish? which? irl he is white and Not jewish? i was doing it just to hurt him, i said that to the other person later, and it felt like this big revelation that would fix everything. i used to have those all the time, i'd realise something that could he viewed as being my fault and i'd immediately do everything i could to change, because he wouldn't change and i somehow thought that if i just did everything, that would make him care about me, would make him stop hurting me. god damn stupid i was
other dream stuff. i was friends with this guy whose brother was intellectually disabled? and it was the brothers birthday so i was invited. not a lotta other people were, just a few kids his age (6-8 idk)
they were like. rich.? and somehow i ended up. erughh just remembered what happened next. i somehow ended up babysitting the kid, his? her? idk im saying his- his name was tay, and he also had some movement related disabilities and i think food related ones too
i got along w this kid really well, he used AAC and even at the party i seemed to be the one including him the most?? like we were considering going to some place and i was the only one who actually Asked tay if he wanted to go or if he was ok with us going without him
but anyways. uhh something. Weird. happened. there was a Dude. outside. who was. imitating me.? like... trying to copy how i look. it was really freaky
i told tay to know what i looked like n stuff and to not ever trust that other guy, and then i went down to i guess fight him
and Fight Him I Sure Did. he had some kinda sharp weapon and i had. something. some kinds tools idk what they were
he managed to cut me once and *i* managed to stab him through the mouth into his head. at an angle where every time he moved, he crushed his skull further. the sound was so disgusting, i couldnt look at it and he wouldnt stop
i was screaming for help and some woman came over, said something about hannah, andd. idk i guess that was okay then
i went back in the house and tried to make food but i cant cook so it went bad. tay was sitting on the counter trying to guide me buy man i am Bad
then his dad came home and was like. i told you i put food in the fridge. and i jus OH. I. COMPLETELY FORGOT. SORRY. and he said it was fine blehbleh
i told him about the weird dude (really unsettling and scary the entire time something was Wrong with him) and he got kinda Hh and said something about hannah too, but also that we couldnt talk here. i understood, the walls had eyes, metaphorically.
aaand that was p much it. think thats all i remember. i kinda miss tay and also his brother they were cool. feel like i dreamt more but i forgot u.u
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The Omen (1976)
overall : ☆☆
concept : ☆☆☆☆
execution : ☆☆
characters : ☆☆☆
casting : ☆☆☆
coherency : ☆☆☆☆
spookiness : ☆
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Ambassador for the UK in the US has a child with his wife, the child dies in childbirth so they are given a baby who's mother died in childbirth to adopt without his wife knowing. Years later, things start to go a little bit off the rails, Damien (the child) is given a new nanny after the last one publicly hung herself at his 5th birthday party. The new nanny is a bit creepy and encourages Damien's evil tendencies(?) Animals are frightened of the child, and his mother begins to believe there is somwthing wrong with her son. A Camera man that frequents through the movie sees that his images are prophetic towards death, when he takes images of the local creepy priest (of whom warns the main guy several times throughout the movie about many a thing.) The camera man and Damien's father discover that Damien is the son of satan, when finding the grave of his mother and discovering she was actually a wolf (somehow??). Damien causes his mother to have a miscarriage and his new evil nanny throws her out a window, killing her. its all super insane. Damien's father is supposed to try kill him but hes not very good at killing 5 year olds because the police kill him before he can do the job.
Damien looks into the camera evilly at the end.
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So as you can tell... theres a lot to cover here!!! Overall I give the movie a solid rating of... 2 stars!!! I'm quite a biased source considering I don't like old horror movies (that said, all movie reviews are biased), since I prefer a lot of newer technology for things like special effects etc etc. This in mind though, I just found the movie to be confusing and almost mind numbingly boring. There wasnt any frightening suspense, the only part that made me jump was the original death of the first nanny- and even then it was just shock value. It was like being a 9 year old and having to go to a car garage for your dad's MOT because you cant be left home alone; dull, tasteless and the only enjoyment comes from zoning out. And in true 70s horror movie fashion, you couldnt hear a fucking thing over the annoying ass 'suspenseful' music
And I feel a bit like an ass for feeling this way since people seem to hype this movie up like its some gift from the lord above, but be so for real... do you actually like this movie, or is it just old enough for it to make you feel like youre unique for liking it?
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The concept is cool, I'll give it that. The whole born antichrist thing has definitely been done a million times over, but I'll put some respect on it's name since it is technically the OG antichrist child plotline. However, the execution is questionable. It was dragged out, and it never elaborated on stuff. Why did the priest have the 666 birthmark?? why was the cameraman able to prophecise people's deaths when he had literally nothing to do with anything before hand??? why did everything start going to shit when Damien turned 5 specifically, youd think it would be when he turned 6, but whatever. The dogs are probably a metaphor for something, but they never made much sense outside of the fact its probably meant to have something to do with satan- which is also weird because why rottweilers?? congrats for giving perfectly loyal dogs a bad rep, The Omen, should have had them be chihuahuas instead, that would be damn scary.
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The characters!! Characters can make or break a story, this time however the characters... well, they were kind of just There. Outside of Damien, almost all characters are forgettable. I watched the movie YESTERDAY and I only remember the wife, Kathy's name- purely because its my nan's name and we thought it was funny. The main US ambassador lad fell into the trope of 'dad that makes stupid decisions and takes way too long to believe in the paranormal' way too much and just spent the entire film frustrating me- like when he got speared through the arm (which by the way, a gate would Not be sharp enough to skewer him like that) and the next day was just fine as if it never happened. He kept just rinsing the shit out of the poor priest who was just trying to warn him, in fact, I want justice for the priest- Damien is clearly a weird ass kid and the dude was just trying to warn him that his wife was in danger but noooo god FORBID someone criticise your darling boy who tricycled your wife into a miscarriage- which could have been AVOIDED if he wasnt such a stubborn piece of caca. Had this man just agreed to an abortion, she wouldnt have had to have been knocked down 2 stories. Hes casted terribly too, pirely because his wife is about 3 decades younger than him. I was half expecting him to drop her at high school somewhere throughout the movie, but it never happened; I get it was the 70s, but have some decorum??? Whatever happened to picking on someone your own age. He looks like what tar smells like, and I just dont get why señor tire mark gets to be with Miss Americana. But anyways... It's hard to sympathise with the main character when hes such a pain in the ass- somewhat realistically written, but he makes you want to piledrive your face into a metal beam at the best of times. The photographer man however, I like him, I can appreciate him even though he looks like every single one of The Beatles all at once. Though, its never mentioned why this cameraman is just all over the place, he really just follows them around which I mean yeah, the dad ambassador guy is famous, but at some points this dude was just taking pictures of whatever the fuck- what caused him to take the first picture of the priest?? what caused him to CONTINUE, why was he ever taking mirror selfies?? why did his death make me cackle. We'll never know, because its never explained. Damien I have nothing to say about, hes a silly little guy who is also a little bit unhinged. He's definitely cast well though, hes the most kid looking kid I've ever seen.
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Despite my millions of complaints, the movie is coherent- since I found it mind numbingly boring, I don't remember everything in enough details to list the entire plot out, nor do I have the patience too. Aside from that though, it makes sense. A lot of the events string together nicely and the pacing was pretty good, despite how far fetched it all was. Something that never made sense to me was the grave scene when they find Damien's bio mother and her skeleton was like some kind of wolf dog thing?? Me personally if I were a midwife and a wolf walked in, I'd probably have some second thoughts so god knows how THAT ever slid well. The baby skeleton made enough sense but I dont really know why the baby was killed when they could have just... put it up for adoption or something but whatever, I guess it is the devil or whatever.
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this movie wasnt scary.
I dont know WHY its hailed as some classic horror movie because truth be told, I never jumped once, i felt no sense of fear or suspense, and the fact my 50 year old mother was able to watch it without shitting bricks says enough about how tame it is. Theres some REALLY good old horror movies (even I could admit that) but this? this makes them ALL look bad. This movie is the Firkle from south park of classic horror movies, a literal fucking toddler amongst intimidating older kids- not that I've ever found gothic 10 year olds intimidating, but you get my jist. My mother had nightmares about this movie once- when she was 6 years old. The scare factor was like Scream, where its technically a horror, but it's not scary at all- difference being that Scream is a really good movie, and The Omen is just... not.
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Overall, my ranking remains at 2 stars- this movie was a sorta weird one to start with since for some reason I didn't have a LOT to nitpick, but its the most recent movie I watched thats fresh in my mind, so it gets a review while I'm motivated. No caiman footnote because I dont think hes watched this, and i cba to ask properly
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starburstchoir · 1 year
Hi as someone whos played Dragon Raja for a good amount of time (but not really much anymore whoops) i can tell you what features are the same or very similiar in Life Makeover for people who might have not played.
The housing feature. Both games feature pretty much the same housing mechanic where you can even build your house from scratch and visit friends. Tho the food mechanic is different bc i don't remember being able to eat at home (no baths either) but there is a hunger mechanic in dragon raja where you get boosts for eating and lose the ability to dash when hungry (theres also a chef job there so anyone who takes it can make their own food or give it to others)
In fact a lot of the furniture items are the exact same (theres a rug you can unlock that i also have in my dragon raja home)
The ability to repair furniture either urself or with a service and having players as i think a butler? Doesnt exist in LM like it does in DR tho i think they are introducing a roommate feature or something?
Character Customization - now its been a hot second since i touched Dragon Raja's character maker so i dont remember every feature but the two different types of gorl u can pick is the exact same....they just took out the male player option youd get in dragon raja (but dont let that stop you, i see you and i suppoet u keep going) also this is probably why pointy ears exist u can do it in dragon raja too
Guild costs real money to make....yes if you wanted to make your own guild it costs real money. I did this in Dragon Raja TWICE! i was used to being able to have a guild of just me and my gf and maybe a friend in other mmos that the auto combine and disbanding if under performing was new to me and our guild got merged with a random one....
I cant say for sure if this carried over bc i joined the first english guild i could get into
Auto joining guilds! Yup this happens in both! If you see a guild you want to apply to or know the name apply fast! Or get used to leaving guilds until you can join or make your own....
Weird translations and unmatching subs.....you get used to it....i feel like it was worse in dragon raja this seems to plague a lot of mobile games anyway
Dyeing system! Id say its MUCH better here where in DR you not only need the special currency for dyeing things the colors you unlocked were always random so youd have to keep going.....while you do unlock one random palette on extending in LM you're still free to unlock as much as u want (and its not one color per either)
Lots and lots of currencies and such....yup....at least theres not a lot of stuff taking up invo space you have to manage
The crane machine
If i missed anything feel free to add
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theharshestaddiction · 7 months
it's been 4 years now apparently. i don't think I really loved him, I was just vulnerable and young.
i dont know how to explain what it is like after being groomed. it is painful to live with this trauma. i find that my own relationships sometimes cant feel as fulfilling because im not used to having such a consistent relationship. my boyfriend is a constant point of joy and affection my life. i self sabotage to try and recreate what it is like to be groomed and I cant. nothing feels the same as when he did it, or when she did. to be groomed by a teacher is an entirely different experience. when she was older it felt more like a high school thing, she was freshly graduated, but with him he was grown. he saw something in me even though I'm so young, of course I felt special. of course I felt special. it gets harder to remember exactly what happened a lot of the time, I think I am blocking it all out now. i spend everyday on the bus dreaming of writing a book or screenplay that can represent how this feels, but this pain cannot be put into words. i am loved and cared for by nearly everyone I know now, but the pain seems so attractive.
if i were to create a film or book about it I wouldnt want the actor to show his face. i think it would represent how I never put an identity to his name. i never ever made him a real person, here or in real life. my ex girlfriend might remember, but I doubt it. it would be all hands and movements, maybe some shots of his face up close. but it would be just like how it feels. bits and pieces, while I give my whole body and soul.
i always feel like someones gonna go through my blogs if im ever killed or if i die, so i think I should clarify. he never touched me inappropriately, he never raped or assaulted me. he complimented, encouraged and was personal with me. i don't know if he meant to groom me, I dont know what his intention was. i don't know why I was his favorite. i wish i did so i could swallow this all down.
i rarely write or talk about this because it hurts so much, but its been getting bad again. not processing this properly has been bad for me. i think about it on the bus all the time. for at least an hour a day I reminisce on what I think is gone. there was nothing ever there in the first place. i could talk about it endlessly and still say nothing, still describe nothing. there is a cork in my throat and I cant say words. why cant I admit it to myself? why do I still doubt him?
i know he was a good man. i want to know that, at least. the warmth I felt when he was hurting me was unlike anything I have known. like an absent part in my heart had been filled. probably because I was so angry with my parents at the time. i feel like I'm giving away too much. if I'm dead and youre reading this please don't go after him. i don't love him, I wish I never met him. he still works in schools I think. i have been searching for his social media for years, but I am unable to find it. there is nothing on him. no linked in or anything. its weird. his name is too common.
i find that i have a strange attraction to older men now. or maybe just one. pedro pascal is attractive to me, but i dont think thats because of this. hes just attractive. anyhow, I find that i read a lot of fanfiction with age gap relationships. it isn't to like, get me off or anything dumb. i just . i want to feel that way again. i want to feel so far beneath someone that when they lift me up an inch it feels like the first breath I've taken in years.
i am complacent in my own pain.
i wish he had touched me sometimes. i wonder what his bed may have felt like, when im alone and angry. i get mad that he probably has a girlfriend, and that hes forgotten about me by now. i know he only saw me last a year ago but hes probably had a hundred students since my class.i wish he would think about me, or email me. i wish I would wake up to a notification and see his name asking how I am. i just want him to see that I'm doing well in school, just like he remembers. i feel like he would care that I didn't give up. i feel like hes the only one who ever made me feel like my writing was really worth something. i dont let anyone read my stuff anymore unless its for school. no one would compliment it like he did, and even if they could it wouldnt be from him so what does it reall matter.
i remember when i learned he didnt have a girlfriend. i remember trying not to smile, thinking it could be me. i was 14, maybe. she was allergic to shellfish and he had bought her a dinner with shellfish in it, but I don't think thats why they broke up. maybe she found out that he's kind of a loser.
i just wish love hadnt been so ruined for me. it feels like my heart has been beaten down in everyway possible now. sexually, and emotionally.
i hate knowing that this is a shared pain. i hate knowing im not the only one. i hate that im letting go of this in some stupid post on a blog i made for him. i hate that there were others, i hate that there will be others. i should have been the only one for him. i should be the one with him and i should be killing him and hurting him the way he hurts me even now.
at the end of that movie she kills the man, the one with no face. i don't know anything else about the plot, but she stabs him to death in his kitchen.
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fuckingdonut · 8 months
Okay so before launching into part two i wanna make some things clear:
the tvs are teaching some monster cocoons human languages. we can assume at this point that the cocoons are a intermediate level between the giant catterpillar monsters and the giant praying mantis monsters.
while i'm calling them praying mantis monsters these guys are super fleshy and have way too many teeth
our protagonist's name is i'e. its never explained why or how or whats wrong with his parents, hes just named like a elon musk baby for no reason. everyone else has normal japanese names like kazuma or natsune.
so the crazy guy that saved them and lived in the vents info dumps that humans are just pet food, etc. they start a scuffle over what to do next and the protagonists' friend falls off the ceiling theyre in. black haired boy feels like its his fault and drops down to help him up, but hes ambushed by a mantis monster! it bites him and eats his upper half.
our crew in the vents are horrified. thats when the monster drops dead, and black hair just cuts his way out of the monsters dead body. his lower half is still gone, but its regenerating at a rapid pace! we get a flashback of black hair's past.
he lived with his mom in a small apartment. he wasnt allowed out, and didnt go to school. other kids called him weird for saying hes only two years old when he looks like hes about 8? 10? yeah. also his wounds healed super fast! things were tough but he was happy.
until bad things happen. his mom gets sick and cant move from the room shes in. she tells him to not open the sliding door, and instructs him on how to make food for himself. still, he slowly runs out of food as his moms ramblings start making less and less sense with time. some cops show up - a smell complaint they say - and they find our black haired boy and the sliding door. the boy tries to stop them but they open it anyway, revealing a large mass of flesh covering the whole room. theyre horrified at this SCP bullshit and calls are made to higher ups.
so with this we find out that this woman had escaped the meat facility from before. she was pregnant with black haired boy, and escaped by duping a guard and killing him, and was just trying to live in peace. she wasnt one of the people being raised for meat but one of the people being used for experiments, and turning into a meat puddle meant she was a failed experiment.
new guys show up who know about The Facility, and knowing this kid might be the last successful experiment, try to drag him out. thats when the meat puddle surges forth, engulfing the investigator and stopping them. a bony finger pops out and she scribbles RUN in her own blood, trying to free her child. the boy understands and jumps out the window!
the investigators free themselves from the woman, killing her, and chase after the boy. arriving at the ground floor they just find the lower half of a torso, the boy had escaped through the sewers. this is what the experiment was: to create a human being who constantly regenerated their own body, so only one person had to sacrifice themselves as food for the monsters. they call him a regenerator and "humanity's greatest hope".
the flashback moves forward four years, where the regenerator, now looking like an adult man, corners the investigator that killed his mom. he slices the man into pieces to make him talk, the regenerator wants revenge on those who experimented on his mother. also yeah he wasnt a mysterious quiet dark haired boy hes just a 6 year old in a body of a 20 yo with no social experience, thats why hes quiet and awkward.
we cut to the people in the facility. you see, the monsters are real pissed that one of their own died. the facility workers call them the Masters, and the Masters announce that for the murder, they must kill 17 human beings. everyone draws numbers to decide who dies, everyone is very upsetti about it, and we're introduced to the character of Chief Izumi. he seems to be the head honcho and hes very upset that more people have to die... than normal i guess. the 17 people are fed to the monster catterpillas as tribute, and now they move onto searching for the culprit.
of course the place has cameras, so they have footage of the regenerator bagging the monster and fleeing. chief izumi is hella hyped for this because omg, we can finally end the killing, if only we can get the regenerator and make him a endless supply of human flesh for the masters.
now heres where things get sillier.
to capture the regenerator and his 3 buddies, they call upon these guys called halcyon group. its a scientist and his freakshow! a bunch of dudes that look like either cenobites or frankenteins walk in. the scientist proudly announces the people he has to find them! this miserable looking fella had a dog snout implanted so he can sniff them! this one had huge gazonka eyes implanted so he can really spot them! and this one has three heads and super hearing, we even plucked out his eyeballs for it! (i dont think thats how biology works for any of this but hey, maybe the leather clothes make it work)
now, the guy who's been next to the chief isnt sure about this. these guys are kinda nasty. and they killed chief izumi's dad six years ago when the escape happened! this madlad just wants an excuse to make up mutants by sewing them up, he's not trying to save humanity like WE are! am i right fellas??
now the scientist tries to reason with them. hey listen. the masters dont let us keep weapons here, its banned. what are we gonna use, batons? pitiful! we need these super humans for defending the facility! thats when he "persuades" the guy by telling a couple of the experiments to off themselves. idk shrug emoji.
chief izumi says that he's willing to do anything to get these guys, even "gladly eat the devil's own shit".
after this fun romp we go back to our fearless protagonists. regenerator declares that his goal is to kill every single one of the monsters. pervert glasses man says thats impossible, if no news of this facility ever leaked then theyve got total control over the situation, but it still sounds fun so hes in. yeah his whole character has nutella for brains.
the man who rescued them calls them crazy and makes a deal with protagonist+friendo to escape the facility. the guy explains the layout of the facility: it has several layers with the bottom one containing the queen monster and the upper ones containing humans and meat production.
regenerator, who is still 6 years old, asks protagonist what friends say when they part ways. protag says see you later, and regenerator says that back to him. again this boy is six and never had a friend in his life.
they part ways. while scuttling through the breeding grounds they get spotted by some guys in cages. the guys threaten them into letting them out, and they join up. the guys werent part of the breeding grounds, they were facility workers, but they misbehaved and were put in the cells, and now they want out. theyre scumbags but theyll be very useful bait for when the cenobites i mean mutants arrive.
the Dudes are killed one by one. the first one even has his entire face taken out in one bite! they are being chased by one mutant whose skin makes them invisible except for the eyes, and one with very long limbs whose power is... i dont know, being very long? they find the invisible man when it bites a second guy and gets covered in blood.
they run away, the guy gets washed off with water from sprinklers. our boy protagonist manages to knock some pipes and wires and electrocute invisible guy, but he seems fine as he comes back and is about to eat his arm. Longman also swoops in from the ceiling and they get captured! they wake up on operation tables with the scientist guy monologuing. he says hes a man of science, hed never torture them, hes gonna use them for experiments! fun!
scientist explains that they deserve it because one of their companions killed a master. protagonist is like, wdym masters theyre just monsters. and scientist corrects him: noooo. theyre superior beings who came here on a spaceship! they have super advance science and knowledge! they caused global warming for some reason! we have no choice but to submit!
scientist starts getting dressed for surgery, saying all these beautiful things about advancing the human race, how hes gonna sew all 3 of them together for a new experiment, and how he just loves all the classic artists. he also has a boner.
our brave heroes fall asleep to anesthesia as the surgery is about to begin... how will they survive this?
What the fuck!!! There was a child on board all along!!!! Fucking six!!!! This story is all kinds of messed up but still the part with the apartment... anyway good luck to him tho. not just because of the monsters, but also his killing partner is like that... now that i realize this is all happening in one day, how exhausting for the protag. Certainly not his day lol. Is he going to be something else ?!
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richardsphere · 1 year
Rwby Slogblog V8E12 (last for the day)
Ok so there is just no (functional / non-aesthetic) difference between Emeralds semblance and Neo’s then? They both can do exactly the same things? one just has a whoosh effect and one a pink-diamond-sparkle effect? Emerald can just do the same shapeshifting/disguise tricks that Neo can do with the same ease. why did team villain start with 2 identically powered characters?  Dog boy can affect multiple people at once all of a sudden. (im fairly certain that was a limitation he had before. Was the reason Aceops struggled with their fight against team RWBY because whomever he didnt lock down would kick his ass if i recall) Huh, winter going full “single-cut samuraislash” with her saber. ------ Time to hear their plan, and determine if its even a good plan at face value. Ok objectives established: Save Penny, Evacuate Atlas AND Mantle. Now to preamptively adress the people complaining about Jaune’s angry outburst at Ruby in V9: You are right that its Jaune’s idea to use the staff as a teleportation-thing. I believe you are wrong to say that this is the plan he means when he says “it was all Ruby’s plan” that fucked his life. My interpretation of that scene has always been operation “Form Team RNJR because _WBY has scattered to the winds as if were named Summer”. That was the thing he was angry about. Jaune was not regretting the fall of Atlas in particular in that rant, he was regretting everything that happened to him since beacon fell and was wishing he’d never followed Ruby in the first place. This is not important to the plan but i’ve seen enough people bitch about how “teleporters were Jaunes Idea, Jaune is Lying/Factually Incorrect/Shifting Blame” in the last few weeks that i cant not make note here about which plan he actually meant. Whitley is once more MVP with the coordinates/blueprints. Does the spear not need a password too? (i mean obviously Oz can provide that, we know he knows it, but its weird that Ruby doesnt need to shout the name for the Spear while the Lamp needs a name) It seems to be that the plan requires Penny to open the vault, and then use the staff to in essence gamble on the posibility she can survive as a bodyless ghost. Ghosts are real and cannon now. Like it would be one thing if penny was a cyborg but she isnt, she’s a gynoid (I dont like Robot due to its etymological roots.) so this is uncharted territory. It works only because the plot requires it to work. (not saying I dislike it. just being objective) Its not a great plan, but also their only option (because the virus will destroy her eventually anyway) I like Ambrosius’ energy. He’s likeably energetic, but also up-front with the warnings, as well as being willing to explain what information is crucial to his ability to make things. Like he’s not so much trying to warn you as he’s covering his own ass in advance and at least tries not to hide any nasty twists (hence him warning not to fall. He knows more about what the vaults are like. Presumably distant uninhabited “acres” in the everafter).  “one-way ticket”. And there’s the backfiring clause. Weird that penny’s mechanical body is destroyed upon the creation of the gates. (after all “he cannot destroy, only create”) seems like a slightly weird loophole as he is now destroying matter he used but did not himself create. But that ends the set-up for what is probably a 2-episode finale. I already know roughly how this all ends (i watched V9) but its nice to see the leadup. ------- In conclusion, the plan works because the plot requires it, but that is acceptable. And the Vaultgates probably all lead to the everafter. Which means that Alyx was presumably a maiden. And that RWBY can in fact use the Haven-portal to enter the ever-after with Ravens help if they ever need to get some treeleaves/time in the Cakre. 
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