#i am very throughly entertained. thank you for this
timetravellingkitty · 2 months
oh my god i have a kahani for you
ok so theres this girl i used to be freinds w/ but we had a falling out last year because she was talking shit about everyone in the friend group unprovoked + shes a pathalogical liar (like i don't think she has a genuine sense of self, she lies about herself & her experiences based on what she thinks will get her the most attention)
now i've blocked her on like every platform but the other day i decided to unblock her ig just to see if shes done any new faltu shit. and omg. so you know that bookstagram trend where its like "you left your colleen hoover book at my house" and they then show all the books they actually read which are the opposite of colleen hoover. she did the trend. the thing is, she does read colleen hoover. me and my friends watched it and were like - what is she on. no joke she has a spotify playlist about her ex and the description of it is a quote from it ends with us.
but also the books in the reel are ones that (a) i am jealous she owns and (b) i am 99.9% she has not read. 2 of them were 1984 and animal farm which we literally need for english class 😭😭 the rest of it was like the odyssey, wuthering heights, the secret history which like i'm pretty sure she could not explain the plots of if you asked her
ok that was longer than i thought it would be but i hope you're entertained!
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
Hellooo! First of all, I love your fics, especially Tomas's. They are very entertaining and the way you write is just great ^^
This is more of a question than a request, although you can develop it further if you want.
How would the linkuei trio react to a s/o who says "I hate men... except you"
It came to me out of nowhere and I thought it was funny 🙃
There Are Exceptions
Prior notes: Hehehe I throughly enjoyed writing this. Also I forgot to say this with other people’s requests who gave me compliments but thank you so much for liking my writing! (*´∀`*)
Pairing: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: Men
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These dim witted, nitwit goobers who serve your husband are too much to handle. All they know how to do is punch and kick. They have no other survival instincts that can save their asses.
It’s so tiring being the one to try to help them with whatever. A woman can only do so much.
You tried teaching them how to sew only for them to say something stupid like it’s a woman’s hobby. Forget about cooking. You have never seen someone screw up scramble eggs so much that it doesn’t even form. How the fuck does it stay watery? And why are you the only one who knows how to fold clothes? Screw steaming out their wrinkles.
Your last straw today came in the nighttime when one of the clansmen came up to you and ask the most stupidest question you have ever heard.
“Uhm, some of the men were telling me that a woman’s period was when she peels her skin every month. Is that true? Cause if it is you hide it well.” This clueless assassin…oh goodness.
You just stared blankly at the young man. It had to be a joke, right? They can’t be that stupid. Actually, you don’t want to know if they are that stupid. You walked away briskly with one thing on your mind and you had to shout it out. The moment you walk into your bedroom you slammed the door shut and screamed,
“I hate men!”
Bi-Han was already in bed, waiting for you to come around. He stared at you with that grumpy expression he always has before folding his arms in front of his chest. A low grumble was being emitted by him.
How can you say you hate men when you are married to one? One that treats you like the queen you are considered you are the grandmaster’s wife. He is also one who pleasures you till you are fully satisfied. Course, it’s more like you have to go on until he is satisfied.
“…except you.”
“Mhm, that’s right. I should be the exception here. I am the grandmaster, I deserve your full respect.” Bi-Han reminded you of his role as if he doesn’t do so every day.
“And you are also my husband,” you walked up to him and placed a kiss on his forehead, “Now would you mind spooning me for tonight.”
“After that outburst, I am unsure if you deserve it.” Now he’s just being petty.
You pouted as you changed into your sleepwear. If Bi-Han looked for at least five seconds he would have caved. But he looked away immediately to prevent himself from changing his decision. You huffed as you slipped into bed. You went on your side and pretended like you didn’t care. You did because you always lost the idgaf war.
“Please, I love you.” You said over your shoulder.
Bi-Han let out a groan before turning over and wrapping his arms around your waist. Haha you win.
You may not like men but you love this man. You like this man because he’s your man.
Kuai Liang
Why does no one think of the logical answer to something?
You go out to the market all the time so you could help feed the Shirai Ryu. It helps lessen responsibilities for your husband. But even this simple task is made difficult and stupid because of some of the venders. More specifically the men.
You asked for watermelon and they hand you plastic containers with the funkiest bits of watermelon. They are discolored and are definitely past their ripeness. Yet they all tell you it’s fine. It’s not fine! It’s not good quality! Why even cut the watermelon in the first place you can do it yourself!
You want some mangos? Well you can’t fucking have any because they don’t got it. Oh what’s that? A BUNCH OF FUCKING MANGOS RIGHT BEHIND THEM! And they tell you that those are honey mangoes you didn’t specifically ask for those. They told you no because they thought you wanted Haden mangoes. Just give the woman a fucking mango!
You’re so over those male venders. They never even help you pack the carts up.
You’re too tired went you get back to the temple. You let everyone else pack the food away without helping out this time. You can’t be bothered. You take your shoes off, step into the temple, and sigh heavily.
“I hate men.” You groaned.
You didn’t realize Kuai Liang was coming up to you to greet you. You looked up and saw his face. He stared blankly with a bit of concern.
“…except you.”
You wanted to make it right so you ran up to him, giving him many kisses and hugging him.
“What has made you so hateful, my love? Did someone at the market bother you?” He asked with concern.
Kuai Liang was not at all mad at what you said. He found it odd which meant there was something wrong. His hands went up to check if maybe it was something physical. He would hate to find out you were hurt while out. What kind of husband would he be if he can’t protect his wife?
“Many people bothered me at the market today. Some people are unfortunate stupid.” You replied.
“Perhaps you can tell me all about it in bed. I’ll make you some tea to help with the stress.” He took your hands as you both walked to the bedroom.
Kuai Liang is the kind of man you need in your life. If only the men at the market had his intelligence. Though you do like being cared for when there is any sign of distress from you. It makes you feel like a princess.
To help train the Earthrealm champions is like trying to train a seal, a kangaroo, a bison, and a Komodo dragon to leap at least a meter out of the water. One will succeed, another will jump but not reach it, another one won’t try to jump, and the other will be too busy trying to mate with you.
They are all nice in their own way but Johnny is the worst of them all. You tell him you are happily married and it’s in one ear and out the other. Just because his marriage failed doesn’t mean yours has to.
Kenshi is alright he just has stubborn. He believes it’s nerves that wins fights. If that were true why does he keep failing to you. And when he is not going against you he’s going after Johnny’s throat. You get it, Johnny won’t give back Sento. But now is not the time to bust his ass.
Kung Lao just gets on everyone’s nerves. You have never seen a bunch of monks ready to implode and strangle someone. Don’t forget that you almost lost your head because he flung his hat in the wrong direction. All you got back was a small ‘sorry’ before he took his hat and ran off.
And Raiden…he’s fine. He’s done no wrong.
Yet no matter what you always have to return and help the fools. You give and give and what do you receive? Hell!
You are exhausted when you return home. You don’t talk to anyone you just go straight to your bedroom. You let out a groan the whole time and when the door closes you let that groan become words.
“I hate men.”
Tomas was already waiting for you in the bedroom. He was walking up to you to hug you until he heard those words. He looked concerned and even a little sad.
Well he’s a man, do you hate him? Did he do something wrong? He hopes he didn’t, he doesn’t want an unhappy wife.
Your attitude immediately went away at the sight of Tomas.
“…except you.”
You ran into his arms and hugged him tight. You could never hate a man like Tomas. He is your husband after all. You picked a good one compared to all the other men that you have seen.
“I’m guessing they upset you again.” He asked.
You nodded. The day is already over you don’t feel like talking about every single stupid thing that they did. Tomas understood and hugged you tight.
“Do you want me to beat them up?” He whispered jokingly in your ear.
For once today you laughed. He always manages to bring a smile to your face. You wish you could let him but that would be a bad decision. Though it’s funny to think about. He was just happy to hear that wonderful laugh of yours. It just shows that he’s a good man to you. He can turn a frown upside down and make you see the good in men. Or at least the good in him.
After notes: Can you tell I got pissed off with Kuai Liang’s part? That shits a little too true. Those instacart tik toks be crazy. Here’s a little experience of when I hated men: one didn’t take no for an answer for YEARS. He still can’t take no even from other girls. But most of the men I know are good. Alright enough yip yap I must march on. Adiós!
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footygirl114 · 5 months
Respaldar (Alexia Putellas X Reader)
Did anyone actually expect me to get the second part out so soon? I bet not, but here we are so enjoy. Part one can be found here
The first week of work was pretty low key for you. Alexia had gone from home to the training ground and back, it was an off week for games so it was relatively quiet. You had spent your first day wondering the training facility and learning the buildings. It was nice that the security was pretty decent and covered the areas you wanted already. 
The staff was very friendly and they left you to your own devices, which meant after you did a lap of the facility you found a spot higher up looking down on the field and you got to watch them train. As much as you tried to deny it to your self, it was hard to take your eyes off anyone that wasn’t Alexia. The more you watched her the more you could see why she was the captain and the best football player in the world, she was unreal. 
You had played football growing up but at 18 when you decided to join the army instead of school, you stopped playing. It didn’t mean you weren’t a fan but you didn’t have the time to follow it anymore, so this job was actually becoming a treat. 
The other benefit of this job was it gave you a lot more down time, you were able to use the facilities gym when the team was on the field. You took advantage of it and generally got a good workout in during their training session. Having perfected your routine you were able to get a work out in and zone out to the music blaring in your ears, which meant you quite often didn’t notice the others in gym. 
What you didn’t know was that they noticed you, it was the injured players that couldn’t train with the team, but they told the team all about the hot visitor that was in the gym. Within the week every player had known who you were and the brave ones were teasing Alexia about her hot babysitter. They made sure you weren’t around but when they walked out of the door talking about you and noticed you leaning on the SUV waiting for Alexia the conversation immediately dropped you knew something was up. 
“Hola Ms Putellas and teammates” You smiled a them, refusing to lift your sunglasses. It has been warm so you have taken to wearing button up shirts and dress pants, leaving the suit jacket in the car. 
You can see the blush on Alexia’s cheek and watch it deepen as her blonde haired tattooed teammate says “Oh hi gorgeous, you know Alexia is super boring, I will make sure to keep you more entertained.” 
As she finishes a tall dark haired teammate whacks her across the back of the head and says “Shut it Maria, and start the car.” 
The tattooed one is throughly chastised and moves to the car park with the tall dark haired one following with a smirk. You feel a small smirk lift the corner of your mouth as you watch Alexia walk towards you. You move to open the back door and when she stops at the door she says “the blonde one is Mapi Leon our centre back, and the tall one that put her in her place is her girlfriend Ingrid Engen, one of our Defence midfielders.” 
“thank you, I think?” you say to her, as you turn to her asking “you know there is no need to be embarrassed.” 
“I am not embarrassed Y/N.” she says and you see the blush creep on to her cheeks again as she moves to get in the back of the car. 
As you close the door you chuckle and move to get into the driver seat, you meet her eyes in the rearview mirror and say “The blush gives you away Mrs. Putellas.”
Before she has a chance to respond her phone rings and when she looks down with it, she says “I have to take this” and she answers and start talking in Catalan to someone on the other end. 
You smile to yourself and put the car in gear starting the drive home, you have to think about the upcoming event and the logistics that you need to handle in order to get her cute blush off your mind so that you can focus on the job and not her. 
The next two days you spend trying to focus on work only, and keep any conversations with Alexia to pleasantries only. When Saturday rolls around, the team has an early training and by lunch Alexia has a whole team in her apartment getting her dolled up for the event she has tonight. You had ran down to change and get yourself ready when Alexia was in the shower, and you had spent the last 3 hours sitting in Alexia’s kitchen with your laptop open, but also watching the people move around Alexia. 
It was fascinating to watch, you thought she looked the most gorgeous without all the makeup, but watching the crew doll her up was an experience and she looked gorgeous like this as well. When they disappeared into her room to get her into her dress, it was a formal fundraiser event where Alexia was in attendance to represent the woman’s game, you took the moment to collect yourself and remind your self how professional you need to be. 
When the team files out without Alexia, they all say their goodbyes and you walk them out leaving you alone in her front entry way. You check your phone and see a text from the driver saying he is out front ready, Turning you step back into her living room and say “Alexia, driver is here, we should be heading” before you can finish you meet her eyes from across the room and are speechless. 
You are sure you look like an idiot as you take in the way she looks in the deep blue dress fully dolled up, your eyes are running from head to toe. She moves closer and asks “Is it too much?” 
Without thinking about it you answer “No you are absolutely stunning.” 
“Thank you” she says with a blush and steps closer to you. “I have to say, the full suit is working for me Y/N” as she runs her eyes up and down your body. 
Immediately you can feel the blush move up your neck and you have to dig your nails into your palm to make yourself focus back on the job at hand and you say “we should go.” 
She nods and moves to grab her bags and slip on her shoes as she says “let’s go.” 
You both get down to the car without another word and you move to open the door, you offer her your hand to help herself get into the car and she takes it with a small smile. The sparks that run up your arm are hard to ignore but you get her into the car without incident and then move to get in the other side to sit beside her in the back seat. 
When you are about half way there, you turn to her and say “Ms Putellas, I need you to understand that if I say something about your safety here, you need to listen to me. My job is to make sure you are safe, and I need your cooperation to ensure that happens.” 
“Nothing is going to happen Y/N.” she says as she turns to you. 
“Humour me then, if something happens and I need to step in, let me and listen to me.” you tell her and you add a bit of pleading to your voice. 
She looks at you for a moment and says “okay, Y/N, but nothing will happen.” 
You smile and say “Thats the hope.” 
The car stops and you look out to see some cameras pointed at the car trying to see who’s getting out. “Damn, I didn’t think there would be this much photographers.” she says with an eye roll. 
“I can get you through them Ms. Putellas” you tell her. When she nods you say “put your hand on my back and follow me through the crowd okay?” 
“okay” she says in a small voice, before you can get out of the car, she reaches across and puts her hand on your forearm and with a small voice she says “I really dislike crowds.” 
You smile at her and move your hand to her cheek, your thumb rubbing circles as you say “I got you Alexia, just trust me.” 
She smiles and nods and says “okay, let’s go.” 
You move to get out of the car and you elbow your way through the crowd to get to her door, you open the door and make sure your body is blocking the view as you ask “you ready?” 
Nodding she says “I know you got me.” With a smile you turn and wait for her place her hand on your back. You start moving slowly and wait for her to balance behind you, she’s got a hand on your shoulder and one on your hip balancing her self. You have to dig your nails into your palm again to focus on the job and not how nice her hands feel through your suit jacket. 
When you look back and meet her eyes with a smile and she nods you start to move forward. As soon as she’s in the view you feel the hand on her hip drop as her name is shouted from every side, the one on your shoulder squeezes and you can see her free hand waving to the crowd. You use your training and push through the crowd and when you get about halfway there you can feel two more security guards from the venue push their way through and make you both a path through. 
When your free of the crowd she squeezes your shoulder and moves to stand beside you on her own, meeting your eyes for a moment with a soft smile you see her facade fall into place, and the soft moment from the car is forgotten. She moves into the venue and you follow behind, once she’s in the main banquet room you do a sweep of the room with your eyes and keep your attention on the exits noting security at every one. 
Smiling internally you know she should be okay here, and you wait till she’s seated before you move to the wall behind her table but a bit away and lean on it watching, but out of sight of most of the guests. Before the speeches start Alexia turns her head and looks around and when she meets your eyes you see the small nod and smile, and you can’t help but to wink at her with a smile. 
The rest of the night is uneventful, until it’s time to leave, you see Alexia move to get up and she meets your eyes and nods towards the bathroom. You nod back and watch her disappear through the door where there is a security guard in place. A few minutes later you have your eyes locked on that door waiting for her to come through them, when she doesn’t you trust your instincts and move to pass through them. 
When the security guard on the door moves to stop you, you flash him a glare and push past him. What you see in the hallway makes your blood boil. Alexia has her back flat against the wall with two men in her space with recording devices held up to her face, you notice their free hands holding her wrists on the wall. You take stock of how to handle this, you aren’t worried about your safety just hers. 
Moving closer to them, when you get within arms distance you say “hey you” and when the first turns to you you grab him by the shoulder immediately pushing the heel of your hand into his nose and he howls in pain and grabs his nose releasing his grip, once he’s bent over you raise your foot and kick him hard in between the legs where he falls and gasps. 
Unfortunately it took you a moment to deal with the first one, that the second noticed the commotion and turns once you stand and says “you bitch” and you see the punch coming and you have a second to brace yourself against it to lessen the blow. 
The force makes you step back and when he moves to you, you can see Alexia over his shoulder looking with wide eyes and you yell out “Alexia go back to the ballroom now” as you finish he tries to throw another punch and you immediately grab is arm and duck back using his own momentum to put him in an arm hold behind his back and you press him against the wall. 
You have your body weight pining him to wall as you hear footsteps behind you and 3 security guards coming towards you. Once you turn and see the guard who came out to help you with crowd control you nod and let him take control of the guy you attacked you. 
Stepping back you wipe you nose and lip and see the blood on your hand as the second guard grabs the guy whining on the floor and the third steps up to you and says “we called the police, they should be here soon, they were on standby for anything to happen her.” 
“thank you” you say. 
He chuckles and asks “need a job? I am impressed you could take out two guys double your size.” 
Smiling you nod saying “Most people underestimate me that way.” 
Before he can answer you, you feel someone move right up to you and press a clean towel on to your face and hold it to your bloody lip. You meet Alexia’s eye as she says quietly “they’re bringing you ice.” 
You nod and move to grab it but she shakes her head holding the towel to your face still and you tell her “I am okay. Are you okay?” 
“You saved me Y/N” she says with a small smile. 
Before you can say anything else you hear footsteps and look up to see the police coming towards you. Moving to grab the towel from her hand, you step past her and meet the officers. 
Almost an hour later, where you refused to let Alexia leave your line of sight you are both done with the police and they release you to go home. They had allowed you to clean up your face and you noticed how your eye was going to bruise, but you do not need any stitches which is a relief. Once you are both sat in the car on the way back, you take a moment to relax back in the seat and close your eyes. You can feel her watching you but you know this is not the time for this conversation. 
After a tense ride, you follow her into the lobby and move to go to your apartment, but she reaches out and squeezes your forearm and asks softly “I don’t want to be alone tonight, will you come up with me?” 
“Is there someone I can call for you Ms Putellas?” you ask trying to maintain the professional side. 
Shaking her head she says “You make me feel safe Y/N, I can sleep on the couch, I just don’t want to be alone.” 
Nodding you hold your arm out letting her go first to her elevator as you both wait for it you say “But only if I take the couch.” 
Chuckling she smiles and you both ride the elevator in silence. Once you get into her apartment you silently follow her as she kicks off her shoes and goes into the kitchen, where she grabs two glasses and a bottle of wine, she pours you both one and then hands it to you saying “I am going to change, I’ll be right back.” 
You nod and grab the glass, removing your blazer you roll your sleeves up and unbutton the top button. Other than that you stay standing in her kitchen, the whole scene running through your head wondering why the heck you didn’t protect her. You can feel the tears in the corners of your eyes and when she walks out in pjs you have to look up at the ceiling to control the tears. 
“oh Y/N” you hear and when she moves closer to you, you meet her eyes and cannot take the comfort you see reflected in them. 
You shake your head and say “no please Ms Putellas I can’t” as you move away from her and press your back against her cabinets. 
She steps closer and softly says “It’s okay Y/N, you do not need to pretend here.” 
Shaking your head again you look up at the ceiling as you say “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” 
Feeling her step closer but not touch she says softly again “you did Y/N.” 
“It shouldn’t have come to that.” you say but you still haven’t looked at her. 
She steps closer and reaches up to put both hands on your cheeks, she softly pulls your face down to meet her eyes and says “you did Y/N, I am here un harmed because of you.” She then uses her thumb to run over the cut on your lip and she softly says “you put your self on the line for me, you could have been seriously hurt, so thank you for protecting me.” 
Looking into her eyes, you can see the comfort reflected and you want to lose your self in them, when she leans in to close the distance you can feel her breath on your lips. Before they meet you slowly push back and say “I can’t right now Alexia.”
She lets you pull away, but only far enough to meet your eyes as she says “its okay Y/N, tonight has been a lot. Since I saw you come to rescue me all I wanted was to wrap you in my arms to thank you.” 
You chuckle and pull her into you wrapping her up and you whisper into her ear “I will always protect you Alexia” and you press a kiss to her hair. You stand there thinking about how things could have ended differently, but you are glad the night ended with her in your arms. 
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random1amfics · 10 months
"Hey. What were you thinking of?"
Lycra blinked.
"I told you that I don't like you thinking of somebody else." The Trash said.
"I was thinking of you." Lycra replied sweetly. Thick and syrupy. Like Honey.
Thinking of killing you. Slowly. Painfully. That she didn't say.
The trash gave a small look of surprise before his face was the picture of absolute smugness.
Lycra can see that in his head, he had already declared himself the victor of the game of cat and mouse they were playing.
"Oh, really?" He said.
Lycra nodded. A bright smile on her face.
It used to bother her to lie. To hide herself so she would not play right into his hands. She hated that she found it almost too easy to fool him.
However, several lifetimes of misery were enough for her to keep on smiling in order to maintain her sanity.
"What would your beloved Killain think?"
Lycra tilted her head slightly. To convey confusion.
"Killain? Oh. You mean young Duke Darcel."
"Don't you hold some feelings for him?"
"Should I? I have only met the young Duke a few times." It was the truth. Right now, she has only met Killain a few times before.
"Well, stop it."
Lycra did her best moronic act.
"May I ask why?"
"He's no good. He is a monster. Playing with women's hearts and leaving them heartbroken with empty promises. That devilishly handsome face of his is not to be trusted. I don't want you to fall into his traps. I am saying this because I worry about you, Lycra." Trash said, touching her cheek.
Lycra hid her disgust as she cheerfully replied, "Of course, Tras- Trahan. Thank you for telling me. Now I know that I should be more careful around that playboy."
He patted her head.
"Good girl."
Internally, Lycra held back the urge to spit in the Trash's face.
When will this torment be over?!
Hours after her guest had left.
Lycra finally emerged from her bathroom. Scrubbed throughly to get rid of the germs the Trash had undoubtedly passed onto her.
She sighed as she flopped onto her bed.
A chat screen appeared, showing that she had a new incoming message.
Player 2:[When do we start?]
Lycra smiled as she replied.
Player 3:[You know we can't kill him yet. He's the fucking Crown Prince. We will be executed for treason. Graham still has to built his influence before we can start making murder plans.]
Player 2:[I know. But I hate that he thinks that he owns you.]
Player 3:[I wish it was your face that I had to look at for the entire afternoon.😘]
Player 2:[😏 I suppose I can arrange something so you can see it all day]
Player 3:[😘😘😘]
Player 2:[😘😘😘]
Player 4:[CAN YOU TWO IDIOTS STOP IT?! I am trying to sleep]
Player 2:[If it wasn't for your stupid brother, I wouldn't have to be away from my lovely Lycra. Start making those nobles beg for you to lead them, Graham. Chop. Chop.]
Player 4:[It's been ONLY A DAY since we came back, you bitch.]
Player 3:[You better start because I already came close to calling him Trash today.]
Player 1:[I thank you for your restraint, Lycra. We don't want to lose you this early in the run.]
Player 2:[The devilish handsome, breaker of hearts, playboy, Killain Darcel has arrived.]
Player 1:[Well my dear sister, silver tongued vixen, destroyer of manhoods, angel who fell from the heavens, Katrina Darcel, please hold back your more murderous tendancies for a bit. I still do not know what Lycra sees in you.]
Player 4:[Who did you kick, Kat?]
Player 2:[Momma's boy]
Player 1:[It was very entertaining. I can't believe that men can emit a scream that high-pitched.]
Player 3:[Marry me.]
Player 2:[Let me get a ring.]
Player 4:[Will you two stop flirting in the message box?]
Player 5:[hello can i ask what magic did you use and can you please get rid of it enter]
Player 3:[Darena, is that you?]
Player 5:[yes enter]
Player 2:[Oh my Aristo, she is worse at the quick messages than you, Graham.]
Player 4:[Yes! I am no longer going to be mocked for my lack of skills.]
Player 3:[Says the one who still don't know how to make the little faces]
Player 4:[Yes, I can. (^○^) See?]
Player 1:[Graham, I say this respectfully. You are shit at it]
Player 2:[ 👏 👏 👏 Bravo. Bravo, my dear brother]
Player 3:[You drop this 🏆, Killain]
Player 1:[😎]
Player 5:[😀😃😄😁😆😸😸😸 enter]
Player 4:[Darena, how the fuck did you get the little faces!?]
Player 5:[i don't know i hit something by accident and it changed into a page filled with the pictures enter]
Player 1:[Darena, you don't have to write in enter every time you want to send your message into the message box. Just touch the arrow ⬆️.]
Player 5:[i see thank you]
Player 2:[Darena, I am coming over tomorrow to explain everything.]
Player 3:[I will also come.]
Player 5:[i will tell the servents to expect you]
Player 4:[ (;_;) Darena, please tell me what you did to get the faces]
Player 5:[🙃 No]
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anonymousweirdo · 3 years
My favourite Loki
“You know I’m not really his favourite.”
Loki’s brow furrowed temporarily at the unexpectedness of Sylvie’s sudden proclamation. “Okay.” He huffed.
“Wow you’re not even trying to hide your jealousy there I see.” Sylvie chastised smugly.
“I’m not jealous.” Loki stated seeing Sylvie raise an amused eyebrow he continued, “I can see that it would seem that I am because I said that rather quickly but believe me I am not in the slightest.”
“Oookay.” Sylvie replied rolling her eyes. “I mean he may have looked at me as he said it but he meant it about you.”
A few moments passed between the two as they continued on their way.
“Now really. Why should I care if Mobius likes you more than me?” Loki said carefully and deliberately making sure he had a perfect evenness to his tone.
“Oh I don’t know why but you do.” Replied Sylvie.
“I’m not even going to dignify you with a response.”
“Tell you what.” Remarked Sylvie. “I’ve never been one to turndown a wager and I’m sure you’re the same. I have an idea to propose about our little Mobius situation.”
She smiled at Loki who was waiting for her to continue. Realising she wouldn’t unless he further prompted her he reluctantly said. “Alright but the stakes better be high.”
Sylvie’s face instantly brightened with a deviant smile, “Oh believe me they are.”
Loki didn’t like the way she said this but really wanted to beat her at her own game so he said, “Well let’s have it.”
“Next time we meet Mobius we’ll figure out for certain which one of us he likes more. If it turns out you’re right and he likes me more I’ll teach you all I know about enchantment. However...” she smiled wickedly, “If it turns out I’m right, which I certainly am, and you’re his absolute favourite you have to kiss him.”
Loki felt his heart leap at this but ignored it and refused to show any sign of embarrassment or emotion whatsoever. He stretched out his hand to seal the deal and smiled smoothly. “You’re on.”
“Great!!” She enthusiastically shook his hand, “I hope you’re as smooth a kisser as you are a talker.” She teased.
“And I hope you won’t look too idiotic, which you will, when you become enchanted by the very person you taught enchantment to.” Loki smiled keenly.
Meanwhile Mobius had his fair share to deal with as taking down the TVA was no easy task. He had however found deep within himself courage and was heavily determined. Whether he admitted it or not Loki had really inspired him to think for himself and what he truly wanted in life. Not what certain higher beings dictated was ‘sacred’ or ‘supposed’ to happen.
Comforting Ravonna with all this proved to go as unfavourably as expected. She of course didn’t see it that way and was used to the idea of ‘timekeepers’ controlling the universe. Not to mention the last time they had met she ordered him to be pruned. He held nothing against her in fact he still respected her in a way. Perhaps that’s why instead of banishing her to somewhere awful or locking her away he sent her to where she was really from. Her life before she joined the TVA. She may have gone unwillingly but perhaps in the end her mind, or rather her heart, would change.
Regardless Mobius hoped for the best. He was startled by a TemPad portal opening which Loki and Sylvie stumbled clumsily out of. He couldn’t help but grin wildly at the sight of them, both relieved to know they were safe and heavily amused at the way they lay on the floor in tangled mess.
Loki quickly got up as though he hadn’t fallen in the first place and gave Mobius a quick half smile. “Well. You were right about one thing. We did manage to see each other again.”
“That we have.” Said an amused Mobius.
“If you two are through flirting I’d appreciate a hand.” Sylvie announced still positioned uncomfortably on the ground.
Mobius reached down and offered her a hand kindly helping her to her feet. “So,” he started, “How’d meeting the almighty timekeepers go?”
“Well it wa-“ Loki was cut off by Sylvie.
“It went well but we have more pressing matters now.”
Mobius raised an amused eyebrow “More important... huh.” He muttered.
“Which one of us do you like more?” She said bluntly.
Loki grimaced for but a moment then stated, “What Sylvie means is, we have a wager, that has very high stakes involved, which depends on your answer to this question. It’s not that it’s all terribly important... just another way to see which one of us is the superior Loki you see.”
Mobius surprised just stared at the both of them in wonder thoroughly entertained. “Well well well!”
“I already know your answer and it’s him.” Sylvie declared jabbing a finger in Loki’s general direction, ”So you needn’t draw it out.”
“Hey now, that’s rather presumptions besides being clearly inaccurate.” Loki remarked. Shifting his attention to Mobius he said matter of factly, “You said ‘you’re my favourite’ while looking at her. Besides she really is quite deviant and not fully unpleasant to look at.”
“Why thank you.” Said Sylvie who had never received such a wonderful backhanded compliment in all her life. “But...” she now looked at Mobius, “You realise he’s much more of a Loki than I am, if I can even be called a Loki. And it is Loki’s you’re fond of not to mention you’ve gotten to know one another so much more than you and I have.”
“But!” Interrupted Loki who was trying his absolute best to convince Mobius Sylvie was the more favourable of the two of them. “She has really amazing fighting skills and is quite crafty plus she knows enchantment. Also you’ve made it clear you consider her the ‘superior’ Loki.”
“Just because he recognises-“
She was cut short by Loki, “Considers.”
“Whatever,” she continued, “Me as the superior Loki doesn’t mean I’m his favourite.”
“Yes well-“
Loki was stopped by a soft chuckle emanating from Mobius.
“Wow... I don’t think I’ve ever been fought over this much in my life even my previous one. If I was I know I’d never forget it. Gotta say I’m flattered!” He raised both hands in a showy shrug.
“We’re not fighting over you we’re simply trying to get an answer out of you so I can prove to her that I’m clearly the superior Loki and claim my prize.” Loki professed.
“Oh really?” Said Mobius who could see right through Loki as he usually does, “Because it really sounds to me like you’re fighting over me.”
“We are absolutely n-“
“Ugh just answer the question already!” Moaned an exasperated Sylvie.
“Well...” Mobius hesitated immensely enjoying the whole situation. “Unlike the two of you I don’t lie so in all honesty....”
Loki could hardly take the build up. Feeling his heart grow faster with every millisecond that went by and absolutely hating it.
“You’re both my favourite.” Mobius simply said at last.
“Oh.” Loki and Sylvie uttered in unison
Loki turned to face Sylvie, “I guess we were both wrong.”
“Yeah... I guess we were both right too.”
“You know...” she continued a little smile growing across her face, “I’ll still teach you a little enchantment if you do you know what.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Your loss.” She shrugged, “Guess I’ll just always be the superior Loki.”
“Now that’s just cruel.”
Loki had a million thoughts cascading around in his head trying to ignore most of them he in the end couldn’t ignore his pride and with a reluctant sigh stepped towards Mobius.
“My friend,” He started. “Um well you see. We had this wager on who your favourite was obviously you know this but well.”
His confidence wavering he tried his best to explain the details without showing any sign of embarrassment or foolishness. He failed immensely.
“And it’s just that the stakes were I mean are quite high. She,” Loki glared in Sylvie’s direction who friendly waved at him, “Offered to teach me enchantment and still will if I hold up my end of the bargain.”
“So hold up your end of the bargain.” Said Mobius very amused at how flustered Loki was. How Loki was currently the complete opposite of how he always tried to make people perceive him. Instead of being confident and prideful Loki was uncertain and bashful which Mobius found rather endearing.
“Yes well.” Loki smiled painfully, “That’s the thing. I know I lie a lot but believe me. Believe me this was her idea.”
Mobius waited for him to continue pleased at the whole situation.
“Um.” Loki cleared his throat then let it all out abruptly, “If I kiss you then she’ll teach me enchantment.”
“Is that so?” Mobius said looking at Sylvie who was behind Loki.
She met his gaze and nodded enthusiastically.
W-o-w silently mouthed Mobius.
“Believe me if there was any another way I’d choose it instead but this is my only option.” Mumbled a throughly flushed Loki.
“Alright. Give it a go.” Said Mobius.
“Wait really?” Said a rather taken aback Loki.
Mobius chuckled, “Sure why not. You really can’t stand being second place can you?”
Loki uncomfortable and not knowing at this point how he even wanted to respond. Just lamely said “Okay well don’t blame me if she becomes your favourite after this.”
“Oh don’t worry I won’t.” Said Mobius looking as unbothered as Loki was uncomfortable.
Loki slowly inched forward towards Mobius and all those thoughts started to race through his head again much too quickly. All those feelings. All those things he doesn’t allow himself to process or even consider.
Seeing his friend step closer leaning into him only made it so much worse. His friend. Loki couldn’t recall if he could truly say that about anyone else. Other than Sylvie of course. Maybe that’s why this whole situation was driving him mad.
Just as their faces were mere inches apart Loki drew back forcefully. And exclaimed with a very offputing bitterness to his tone, “Actually there’s really no need for any of this I’m clearly the superior Loki. I don’t need to justify that to either of you.”
Mobius just stood there slightly stunned.
Sylvie just stood behind the both of them no longer smiling.
Loki continued to fill the suffocating silence that was quickly enveloping them. “Besides I can teach enchantment to myself it’s not like I need anyone for that.”
“Loki.” Mobius prompted gently.
“It’s not like I need anyone in general for that matter.” Loki declared refusing to acknowledge or except the tears that threatened to stream from his eyes. He turned away thinking of leaving. Of grabbing the TemPad and just going wherever it would take him. He closed his eyes and said scathingly “This was fun while it lasted but who are we kidding.”
“Stop it.” Said Sylvie who couldn’t bear it any longer. “Just please... stop lying.”
Loki completely lost in his own head and heart suddenly felt something warm wrap around him. He opened his eyes to see both Mobius and Sylvie who had caught him in a group hug.
“I used to think I didn’t need anyone either.” Muttered Sylvie who’s face was tightly pressed into his shoulder. “But no matter how many times I told myself that lie it didn’t make it true.”
Loki felt Mobius’ breath tickle his neck as he softly said, “Loki you may lie in order to not let anyone get close to you, know you, or love you, but that won’t stop us.”
And in an instant all the lies Loki told himself about how he felt about other people, how he felt about caring for others and being cared for, shattered with the simple realisation of a simple truth. He wasn’t wrong. He truly didn’t need anyone he just needed his friends.
Loki put his arms around the both of them finally letting go of his fear of being loved. Then hesitating for but a moment he tenderly placed a soft kiss on Mobius’ cheek first then on Sylvie’s.
They stayed like that for a while longer all embracing one another. Until Sylvie happily muttered, “Guess I have to teach you enchantment after all.”
Loki let forth an amused short snort of laughter. “Well I guess you do.”
“And you guys honestly thought I could choose between the two of you.” Mobius shook his head amused, “Look at you, you’re adorable!”
“We are aren’t we?” Said Sylvie owning it.
Loki just smiled genuinely. Happily. Warmly. Knowing without a doubt in his mind that he had found his favourite people of all time.
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Porky Pig Black and White Birthday Special!
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H-h-hello you happy people! And it’s time for my first birthday special for  Looney Tune! While I covered some with Tex’s birthday last week, this is the first of these specials i’ve done to cover one of their stars.. and it’s apporirate it starts with their first big one: Porky Pig! 
Yes for those of you who didn’t know, and until a few months ago that included me turns out Porky wasn’t always a second banana who still had an iconic habit of closing out shorts with his signature “T-t-that’s all folks!’. He was Warner Bros first big star and mascot. Like Daffy would do in Porky’s own shorts he started out  as a sidekick in shorts for Beans the Cat
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No one Brak, that’s why eventually Beans, who was a diet Mickey outside of his first short, which we’ll get to in a moment, got the boot while the stuttering adorable pig got the starring role instead. Porky was the studio’s big headliner for years and years.. but most wouldn’t know it. Outside of Porky in Wackyland, none of his shorts without Daffy or Sylvester really got a lot of play on Cartoon Network or other repackages, likely because most were black and white and for whatever reason they didn’t mix them in. But after seeing oh so many in the menu for Looney Tunes on max I was super curious, and thus super excited for this day to come so I could take a look and see how they held up, holding off watching them so they’d be fresh. And outside of three shorts: his first appearance, one suggested by my friend Blah and one picked by my Patreon Emma, as one of the perks for my patreons is getting to pick a cartoon when I do one of these 10 cartoon specials, I just went with my gut, what sounded interesting or what have you, avoidnig the ones where he was Daffy’s sidekick and what not to focus soley on porky hamself to see how he stacked up alone. 
How’d it turn out? Well join me after the cut for a nice pile of ham, bacon, sausage and other pork products as we dig into everyone’s favorite pig. Well almost everyone I have my own favorites. 
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Yes yes you are sweetie. Reviews of 10 Porky Shorts, all but one in black and white, under the cut.  Trigger warning: One of these shorts involves attempted suicide Yes really. So if that’s a trigger for you, please avoid this review entirely or if you want to just avoid that specific entry, the one on Porky’s romance. Thank you. 
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1. I Haven’t Got A Hat (1935): Bope A Dope A Dope Dope
As I mentioned Pre-Porky, Warner didn’t have a star to compete with Disney, and given Disney was so character based, and a lot of these shorts were coming out at the same time Disney was spinning Donald off into his own series giving them TWO huge stars, it was clear Warner needed at least one to complete. So they came up with a plan: a knock off of Our Gang, aka what would later be dubbed The Little Rascals, starring a bunch of animal kids to see if one or all caught on. As you can tell one did but as the intro made clear it took them a few shorts to realize it. 
The short is about a school recital to raise money for the teachers, just in case you thought them being underpayed was a new thing. So it’s really an excuse for four diffrent segments of hyjinks following a diffrent kid or kids each. Our first is the reason this one is here, porky’s introductoin where he stutters, and struggles throught he midnight ride of paul revere. It’s alright mostly do to his animated actions like the above seen simulating hi mriding his horse. Not bad but like a lot of Porky jokes it relies on his stutter which wasn’t funny to me as a kid or now as an adult, and comes off pretty inesnitive in hindsight, especially as the stutter was a medical condition of his voice actor that forced him to retire and be replaced by Mel Blanc after “Porky’s Romance”, which we’ll get to.
The other three bits are likewise decent: Kitty, a small cat, nervously makes her way through mary had a little lamb next, whic is fine enough. My faviorite is after here, Ham and Ecks, two puppies performing the title number, which is mostly funny because they sing like normal kidddies.. except after saying the title name with Ecks suddenly going in very low. it’s not bad. 
Finally we have Beans and Oliver Owl. Beans wants to get back at Oliver for not sharing Candy so he puts a dog and cat in his piano. It’s colossal, it’ stupendous.. it’s mediocre! As is the whole short, not bad bits, but only the title track is super memorable. It is easy to see why Porky stuck out the most though with his stutter and neat design. As mentioned it would take warner a few shorts to realize his appeal but once he did he was off to the raises and the next three shorts are all from the very next year. 
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2. The Blow Out (1936): Insert Silly Jig Music Here
This one is simple but it works: A mad bomber, what bombs in broad daylight, is setting up time bombs and being hammy. Meanwhile Porky, whose still a kid in this one, wants a big old soda float and only has half the money, but after helping a guy pick up his cane on relflex, starts helping people pick up their items. You can see where this is going and the climax is damn fun as you’d expect from Tex Avery. The runner of Porky doing a silly little dance with a catchy musical sting as he trops the pennies he gets in his pocket is also pretty neat. Not the best he’s done, given I did a whole birthday special last week he’d get much better, but still some fun silly stuff. 
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3. Plane Dippy (1936): Spin It! Even better, with a simple premise: Porky joins the army, we get some hyjinks as he does the tests and then he’s assigned to dust a remote plane that Kitty ends up accidently directing when talking to her dog. There’s some really fun screwball stuff here, though the ending is a bit weak, everything else is pretty strong. The pattern for the last three holds: not the best thing i’ve seen from Disney, Warner or MGM, but pretty neat. 
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4. Porky In The North Woods (1936): Turtle Paddlin
This one’s a disney style picture as Porky sets up an animal refuge, only for an egotistical hunter to outright ignore his signs and presumed legal right and set up traps then try and kill Porky for daring to. undo his traps.. in an area outright labeled as an animal sanctuary. I’d say just hunt somewhere else but as the modern republican party has proven Stubborn assholes afraid of change won’t just go away or obey the law. The animals return Porky’s kindness by kicking hte guys ass, the best bit being some turtles grabbing some paddles and giving him what for, to the point I screencapped that bit specically.
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But other than the Climax it’s just alright, but the hammy villian does help elevate this one. 
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5. Porky’s Romance: I made a Huge Mistake
This one was one I picked out I knew wasn’t on Max but curious about Petunia’s first apperance, I added it to the rotation anyway. 
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I’m not sugarcoating it because this short dosen’t deserve it: This is the worst of the shorts i’m covering here today. It is pure awful distlend into 7 LONG minutes. 
As some of you may recall, back when I did my first shortravaganza for Donald Ducks birthdy, I reviewed Donald’s Diary, the last Daisy short and one with some pretty cute Donsy stuff but ends with him reconsidering proposal like a jackass because he asasumes marriage will be terrible and she’ll turn abusive and “GASP” make him do chores like a responsible partner. It’s one half a good short, and one half a really bad short. 
You want to see the truly terrible version of that done years earlier, on less of a budget and only satisfying at hte very end? No. Well I didn’t either but that’s what I got. The short starts okay, with a bit introducing Petunia in am eta way. But the short itself after that little meta bit?
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The short has Porky lovingly picking out choclates and a ring for Petunia. Petunia in this short.. is a horrible monster who dismisses him out of hand and only lets him court her to get his choclate, her dog barks at him trying to get some, so their all assholes, and she outright laughs at his proposal. 
It’s here where I needed a trigger warning, as Porky tries to kill himself over it. So we have a woman using a prospective partner for finacials and her real intentions driving him to suicide. I.. why would you put this in here. How is this funny? or entertaining? Or anything I want to watch in a looney tune? I don’t want to watch Porky get depressed and try and hang himself. No one wants that and if you do, please get some help. 
He hten has a dream, hence the comparison, of an awful wedded life with Petunia where he does everything, and she GASPS puts on weight.. even though...
He wakes up, finds Petunia likes him now but leaves, takes the choclates and kicks the dog. Haha he’s sitll not a good person. 
As you can tell, this short is throughly miserable. It’s not funny, it’s not tearjerking, it uses sucicide for some reason and takes a dark tone, and is VERY sexist saying “Well women be like this you know” it feels like. It also makes VERY light of domestic abuse, and while that was the style at the time it dosen’t make it any better. Tackling either suicide or domestic abuse is fine, their very important issues.. but don’t put them in your looney tune, for god’s sake. I do not get the tone they were going for but I hate it. I HATE THIS ONE. Do not watch it it bad. Let’s please move on. 
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6. Porky’s Garden (1937): It’s A Me! An Itallian Sterotype!
My good friend Emma, whose now one of my patreons, picked this one mostly because it popped up on youtube when she did a youtube search. ironically she herself is itallian and i’m 100% convinced she had no idea what this cartoon contained: Porky versus an itallian sterotype for a county fair prize. Now is this the worst thing Looney Tunes has done? Nope the censored eleven exist, Porky’s Romance exists and Loontics unleashed exists, so i’ts not the worst but it’s still just very cringe inducing that the only joke the guy has is “laugh at the evil foreigners funny accent” It’s not very good, not worht your time, and has weird popeye joke for some reason. 
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7. The Case of the Stuttering Pig (1937): The Creampuff in the Third Row This one could’ve been done for Halloween, as Porky deals with a lawyer turned into a monster stalking him and Petunia.. whose possibly his sister here which somehow makes Porky’s romance even worse but given the unviersal adaptor cast of the looney tunes, i’m assuming it wasn’t. That short is horrible enough own without that little chesnut. The short is dripping with atmosphere but on the whole is just okay, though the runner about the villain insulting a guy in row three only for that guy to get even at the end and save the pigs is pretty great not going to lie. 
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8. What Price, Porky? (1938): Daffy!
I purposefully chose not to have as little of other looney tunes as possible, in order to make this Porky’s day. As you can tell for the most part that’s been a mistake but even the one with Daffy is just okay, but at least has a creative premise. Porky is a farmer, a surprisingly common theme, and some local ducks are stealing his Chicken’s corn. So while he tries to ask them nicely not to, the general, played by daffy, attacks. Sadly he’s barely in it but we do get some neat gags and it’s far more of a ride than the last few. The ending is bad, the ducks win despite being the antagonists, but still pretty fun. Thankfully we’ll be getting more Daffy in April. 
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9. Porky’s Hare Hunt: Halfway To Bugs
As you can tell this day ended up being kind of a disapointment: Porky just isn’t the most intresting leading man and ended up working better as a straight man.  I still genuinely love the character, but it’s clear there was only so much you could do with him in the lead and by the end here, he was either being sidelined so Chuck Jones could do something else like the last one or made the foil to someone goofier often daffy but our last two, and today’s two best, this one being secon dbest, prove whyt hey’ve stuck to that since. 
This one has him hunting a Rabbit whose a bit nuts and utterly delightful, a prottype for bugs.. and for woody woodpecker, whose va he shared, and Screwball Squirreel. THANKS...FOR...THAT... but unlike screwy, this rabbit at least is being hunted, so we get a fun breezy short with some goofy antics and a loveable protgangsit going up against Porky as the antagonist. Good stuff. 
10. Porky in Wackyland: Ending on a High
As I said this ended up being kind of a slog. I wanted to honor Porky by showing his solo career and instead found it dated with a few good shorts.. but only a few really held a candle to the disney stuff going on at the time or the warner stuff to come later like Porky’s Hare Hunt and the Blow Out. Otherwise it’s pretty standard outside of the previous entry.. and there’s only one true masterpiece. This one. Porky in Wackland. 
Porky in Wackland is just Bob Clampett going nuts for 7 minutes and it’s glorious to watch. Porky is hutning for the last Dodo and ends up in the utterly deranged and wonderous wacky land. The only bit that does not work in this entire 7 minute orgy of weirdness is a refrence to the jazz singer with a creature screaming mammy that’s a slight caracture of a black person. I’ve seen much worse but i’ts still eesh. But unlike some shorts, that dosen’t slow it down for long and it’s almost etnirely just fun, utterly batshit stuff and a great chase with the dodo himself at the end and one hell of a warner brothers logo gag. Check this one out, it’s admired for a reason. Tremendous stuff. Should be on max with.. that bit.. edited out. 
So that was a look into Porky’s solo career and yeah, I can see why he’s better as a straight man. I still love the guy though and he has lasted as long as his brothers while others from this time were forgotten> He’s still a good character.. he’s just better paired with Daffy or someone else, part of a team. As a solo act.. he’s just okay but as part of a group.. he’s sensational. 
If you liked this review, reblog it, follow me for more and join my patreon. Until then...
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that-damn-girl · 5 years
Pairing: Stucky (Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers) (MCU)
First part of  my collection of oneshots/drabbles for Stucky in the same universe in chronological order - His. Could be read as a STAND ALONE since ‘His’ is NOT a series.
Type: Fluff, mutual pinning, best friends to lovers trope.
Words: 3800+
Summary: Steve couldn’t grab his hand once and lost Bucky for 70 years. Now that he had an opportunity, he wasn’t about to let go.
Warning: Ignore anybody’s death in ‘Avengers: Endgame’.
A/N: This is my first story ever! It is also a submission. I am really thankful of @the-omni-princess for giving me the chance to take part in her 1K writing challenge.
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The world was greatly different than from what it was a decade ago. Progression through seven decades was a whole another story. One that the two hundred year old super soldiers were greatly overwhelmed with.
Bucky had accidentally clicked a few extra buttons when he was trying to navigate through Netflix on Tony’s why-the-hell-is-a-TV-curved-and-ridiculously-large-and expensive  television screen. Instead of various Disney movies that were displayed earlier, he saw a live feed of Gerald, Tony’s alpaca, grazing in the backyard.
He didn’t know until then that one could use the TV as a monitor to view feeds from different surveillance cameras. A few decades later they’d make it a fucking portal to go through, he thought. In all honesty, although confused, Bucky was throughly amused with all the new advancements he had witnessed so far.
He tried clicking a few more buttons to revert back to Netflix, but all that he saw was different parts of the house through the cameras. He kept it up until the feed from the kitchen pulled up, revealing Steve and Morgan making homemade cheeseburgers. Because ofcourse, this was Tony Stark’s house, with never-ending supply for making cheeseburgers, and they were dealing with Tony Stark’s child, a never-ending blackhole for cheeseburgers.
From after the “Blip”, who the fuck calls the most strangest event in the history that, old relationships were being mended while new ones were formed. Things between Tony and Steve were still rocky until everyone was brought back; until their final mission. They weren’t perfect by any means, but surely they were starting to get better with time, effort and understanding from both the sides.
In order to reduce the emotional distance between his former family members and his new ones, Tony wanted them to spend some quality time together. He wanted Morgan to have good people to look up to, good people to learn from, good people to guide her. Moreover, he wanted her have a good big family and to feel the love and adoration he always wanted as a child. And, as per Tony, what was better than babysitting for this?
Pepper and Tony would enjoy date nights once or twice a month, while one or few of the team members would babysit Morgan at their cabin. This time, Steve volunteered. Bucky, who wanted nothing more than to make up for the lost time with Steve, volunteered to tag along.
At the cabin, as Tony and Pepper prepared to leave for the night, Morgan was a little anxious. She knew Steve, but she hardly knew this metal armed stranger who accompanied him. She had seen various documentaries on all the avengers and she knew of Bucky as Caption America’s childhood best friend who fell off a train but was saved by some fellow human beings. Tony had shielded her from the dark parts in everyone’s stories for now. Although she didn’t know Bucky personally, she trusted him because Steve trusted him.
Bucky watched their dinner being prepared by Morgan and Steve…his Steve…
How he wished he could say that.
The domesticity of the look fluffed up his heart; it mesmerised him. Steve mesmerised him.
Back in the day, every young gentleman had more or less the same goals. A beautiful girl to wake up cuddled with, a decent enough job to support their family, unforgettable fun times with  their girls in their arms, a lively brownstone with their kids laughing and running in the backyard, and never-ending happiness in their lives. Like all others, Bucky wanted it all too. Except, he wanted it all with Steve.
At the moment, however,  he wanted to go back to Netflix. Cursing for not thinking of it earlier, he asked Friday to do so just at the moment Steve and Morgan joined him.
“What, I made dinner for three and you couldn’t even choose a movie to watch?” Steve said with humor in his eyes as he set the food tray on the center table and sat on the couch. 
“Just wanted the little princess here to have her choice. Again.” Bucky flashed a toothy grin to Morgan. She giggled at that.
“A princess, yes,” she said flashing her own toothy grin with one incisor missing, “but hey, not little! I am almost six years old. Mom and dad say I am a growing girl. A growing girl, not a little girl.” She tried to make a face as serious as an ‘almost six’ year old could with her hands at her hips. Both old men laughed at that.
“I apologise for the incorrect words used, my lady. How about I rephrase it? What would our brave and beautiful growing princess like to watch tonight?“  Bucky sat on the other end of the couch.
“Frozen, please!” She squealed with excitement as she sat between them. And so, ‘Frozen’ it was.
The movie progressed and the cheeseburgers had met their fate. All three of its occupants were slumped down on the couch, enjoying the movie and munching on fries. Bucky straightened his posture a bit and extended his arm to rest behind him, bent at the elbows, on the head rest of the couch as his body curved a bit towards Morgan. Having not seen the movie before, he was so engrossed in it that he failed to notice that another arm had already claimed the spot. The back of his fingers touched those of Steve’s, palm facing each other, a little proturded behind the couch. 
Normally, he would would have retreated his hand like all the other times he had. This time though, he wanted to know what would happen if he didn’t. The need to explore the boundaries rose within him. The want to  rebell, to ignore the illogical age old stigmas, and act on what he wants, what he thought was right. He didn’t know if he was defying society’s unnecessary made up rules. He had wanted a chance to be with the love of his life since forever. He planned on taking the chance. The realisation made him nervous.
All of a sudden he became too aware of his surroundings. The movie was forgotten. His heart beat loudly in his chest. He panicked, didn’t know what to do further. Would it be fruitful, he thought. He was very unsure of his newest decision to have what he had wanted all his life. He wanted to shift his arm, but at the same time, he did not.
Acts like these were considered scandalous in his time when men did it with other men. He was conditioned from his childhood days to not seek comfort in a man's touch. However, the twenty first century was different from the twentieth. The beliefs and practices in this age were different than those in his.
Peter, the rookie, along with Shuri, the genius, tried to keep him updated with the changes that had happened in the world while the time his freedom had not been his. He was slowly coming around to using gadgets on his own.
As time passed, HYDRA advanced it’s technologies. The Winter Soldier was not taught about using them though. He was the deadliest soldier in the history of mankind, and their greatest asset. The possibility of him going rogue anyhow was too risky for any of his handlers to entertain.
His teenage friends had introduced him to internet and many spects of it. The nerd in him was overjoyed. He learnt about vines and memes. Caught up with the new movies and all time classics he had missed. Got to know about PRIDE.
He loved how people were expressive in this new era. Although not totally eradicated, social biasey regarding gender, racial and religious discrimination plagued a much smaller population than in his time. People were more logical and radical with their thoughts in this regard atleast.  One could be with whoever they wanted, live a life however they wanted. People were supportive and respective of other’s preferences and choices. Bucky loved it all. But he didn’t know how to talk about it with the man he loved with all his heart.
Although he suspected it, he didn’t know for sure if Steve felt the same way about him. Sure there were lingering touches here and there and hugs that lasted a bit too long for best friends, but it was hard to decipher the intentions behind them. He knew he had to talk to Steve about it at some point or the other. Then why not take a step towards it then? That’s why he decided he would take charge then.
Slowly and meekly, Bucky took a deep breath lightly and nestled his little finger in the crook of Steve’s little finger. He remained as still as possible as he sensed Steve stiffen. He cursed at himself loudly in his head. Surely Steve didn’t want him like that. Bucky was just Steve’s childhood bestfriend, who had been with him through thick and thin, literally. He was a reminder to Steve of what his earlier life was, not the desire to look forward to a future with better improvements.
His thoughts paused when he felt a movement against his ring finger. He realised Steve had nestled his own third finger against his. His heart rate picked up again. He felt little spurts of confidence break inside of him which led him to join their middle fingers. His heart did a happy lil jump when when Steve moved forward his own index finger, soon their fingers were interlaced.
Warmth seeped through Bucky’s arm. He felt full in his heart, in a way he couldn’t describe. Just holding hands like this, the simplest of gestures of affection, was a big deal for these two men when doing it with each other. The only times they’ve held hands is to when one needed to drag the other or needed help being pulled up during mission. Bucky finally felt how it was like not holding hands for necessity but just because his heart desired it.
He felt a sliver of hope. His mind though, felt full and empty at the same time. Maybe his suspicions were correct, maybe not. He couldn’t think straight with the weight of the Steve’s hand encompassing, encircling, enveloping his. He preferred not to think too much and just enjoy it while he could.
Little did he know that Steve considered him as his childhood bestfriend, his buddy, the driving force to want to be better both before and after the war, and so, so much more. Steve couldn’t grab his hand once and lost him for 70 years. He wasn’t letting go now.
They were in the same position throughout the movie. Too afraid of any change changing the other’s mind.
As the movie ended, Morgan was hungry again. She wanted to have a chocolate milkshake before she could go to bed. Both men were hesistant about it, but couldn’t say no to her puppy dog eyes. Again.
As the men prepared it in the kitchen, she busied herself with finding a stuff toy she forgot where she last kept it. 
After the movie, both men weren’t happy with not having any physical touch anymore. Since they had had a taste of it, they longed for more. But both were too unsure of themselves to initiate.
Bucky once again saw Steve tinkering with the ingredients in the kitchen as his hip leaned against the counter. The domesticity of the look fluffed up his heart once again. He wanted to hold his hand once again, forever and never let go.
Steve lined the inside of Morgan’s cup with chocolate sause just the way he had seen Wanda do it once. A bit of it dripped on the back of his palm just below his thumb on the hand he was holding the cup with. So focused on the task at hand, he didn’t notice it.
He had an ithy feeling at the junction between his moustache and slight beard. Placing the cup at the counter he went to scratch the itch with the same hand smeared and the chocolate sause at the corner of his mouth rather messily. He noticed it now. Bucky did too.
While Steve looked around for paper napkins, Bucky leaned off the counter, turned fully toward Steve and wiped the mess with his metal thumb in two slow strokes as his metal palm lay against his cheek.
Steve stiffened again. Bucky cursed at himself again.
He shouldn’t have done that. Holding hands was one thing. Cupping cheeks was another. Not removing your hand when the requirement for the said action was fulfilled, was a whole another level.
Again Bucky wanted to remove his hand, because he feared he was stepping over Steve’s boundaries, but he didn’t want to at the same time, because his heart just wanted to do so.
His eyes moved from Steve’s lips to his eyes, oceanic blue just like him. Someone said the truth about being able to look into one’s soul through their eyes. Because right at that moment, he saw himself in Steve.
Both were simple men before the war. Both wanted someone to love, to be with them through their highs and their lows, to be with them and support them at all times, to trust and confide in them, to share the silliest and most important things with them, to remember them and be remembered by them. Both wanted this 'someone’ to be each other. Both longed for each other.
As they affectionately looked at one another, Bucky glided his thumb over Steve’s lips once, then twice. Despite it being his cold metal-arm, all Steve felt was sweet warmth.
Bucky’s eyes moved back to his lips. He leaned forward after gulping. Steve followed right after him.
Earlier, the societal norms were against them, then time. Right then, both were in their favour. However, they forgot an almost six year old factor.
Right before their lips could touch, just a centimetre apart,  Morgan came back in the kitchen yelling, “I found it. Finally!”
Shocked to the core at sudden intrusion, both men jumped apart is they had touched lava. A slight tinge of pink could be seen on both their faces. Suddenly feeling slightly embarrassed and not wanting to make eye contact, both looked at Morgan.
She held a cute red and gold teddy shaped Ironman. Steve let out a sigh and a small laugh simultaneously, dipping his head low. Bucky smiled.
Steve went back to making her milkshake and handed her the finished product. The hungry child drank it one go. They then took her upstairs, made her take a bath and brush her teeth.
When they tucked her under the cover and proceeded to leave, she quietly asked them to tell her a bedtime story.
“Sure princess,” Steve sat on one side of her bed, leaning against the head rest, legs half down and one hand behind her pillow.
Bucky just stood there, unsure what to do. Morgan looked at him expectantly. Steve nodded at him and he went to sit on the other side of her bed, copying Steve.
“What kind of a story do you want to listen?” Steve asked combing through her hair.
“A love story!” She looked excited.
Steve wasn’t great with stories for kids. He looked at Bucky, intially for help, but then he looked into his eyes and immediately smiling down at Morgan said, “Once upon a time, there were these two people, two friends, Stephanie and James. Best friends actually.”
He looked up at his best friend. It took Bucky a moment before he caught onto Steve’s play. He could only stare at his friend, with eyes a little wide and surprise on his face. He understood why there was a female character alongside James and not a male. He was anxious to hear what Steve had to say next.
Steve continued, “They had been so for as long as one could remember. Always playing together, running together, being together, no matter what. They cared for each other, always had each other’s backs.
“They protected each other, even from the meanest bullies. They took hits for each other if it meant the other stayed out of harm’s way.
“If someone needed to find one of them, they could as well search for the other since they always stayed by each other’s side.
“Where one went, the other followed. A friendship like theirs was so rare. Luckiest were the people who had even a fraction of what they had.”
Steve took Bucky’s hand behind Morgan’s pillow in his and interwove their fingers. He looked at him with a fuzzy feeling inside his chest as he said, “Their love for each other unparalleled by any other.” He squeezed his fingers.
Bucky’s heart swelled. He squeezed right back. Something burst inside of him. He didn’t know what, but it made him feel giddy like never before.
“Stephanie idealiesed James for his bravery, his confidence-”
“And James idealised Stephanie for her goodness, innate goodness.” Bucky intervened with a smile brighter than the stars.
Lost is the beauty of Bucky, both inside and out, Steve took a while  before he continued, “There was a group of bad people who wanted brave men like James for their own cruel intentions. They kidnapped him and Stephanie couldn’t stop them.
Like any other close friend, she missed him dearly. She was angry at herself. She hated the day James was taken from her. She hated her inability to save him. She regretted not trying harder.”
Steve was looking at his lap. Bucky tightly squeezed his hand and said, “She didn’t know that there was nothing that she could have done to save him. It wasn’t her fault by any means.
“There was Fate which played it’s tricks. Nobody is stronger than the turn of events undertaken by it. Nobody could be above Destiny, no matter how much they wished. Their pair was just an unlucky lot, unfortunate enough to be under Fate’s wrath.”
Steve stared at Bucky, not believing what he said. To an extent, he knew he couldn’t have saved Bucky from falling off the train all those years ago, but the guilt of not just trying harder ate him alive everyday. He replayed every decision he made that morning, every action he did. The 'what if’s never ended…
Nevertheless, Steve said with eyes on Morgan, “After a very, very long time, Stephanie found a way to rescue James from those bad people. She didn’t believe there was finally a chance she could be with her long lost companion again. She was determined to take that chance and make it happen anyhow.
“She did succeed in rescuing him. She had never been as happy as that day before. He returned to her a little broken and damaged, but she didn’t mind it since he was stronger in his own right more than ever. When she had said she would be with him forever, she meant during both his highs and lows.
“Even time was not able to break their preciy bond. Her affection for him had never faltered. Instead, it had increased tenfold.
“The sudden detachment, the longing, the way she felt after their reunion, it all made her realise…” He stopped speaking and looked at Bucky again, lower lip shivering.
He took a deep intake of breath and said, “She realised  she had loved him all along. She loved him in every sense of the word, in every possible direction, in any possible way. Together, they fought their way through the bad men, making sure they’d never take him away from her again.”
“Did he love her back?” Morgan asked him. Steve looked down at her before raising his questioning eyes at Bucky, who just beamed down at Morgan and said, “Of course, princess. That’s why it is a love story.”
Smiling then, she asked again, “Did they live their lives happily after?” Now it was Bucky’s turn to look at Steve, who replied, “It took a little while, yes, but their happily after was the most beautiful one out there.”
Content with the story, she thanked them. “It was beautiful.” She had said. Indeed it was.
Exchanging their good-nights, they made their way downstairs. As Morgan slept peacefully, they were left alone with their racing hearts.
The big question arose then. What would they do now? They didn’t need to hide or be evasive from anyone. They were away from prying eyes and judgmental minds.
Neither Bucky nor Steve knew how to proceed, still overwhelmed.
Daring to initiate, Steve softly called out to the other man in the house as they stood near the stairs on the ground floor. Bucky turned around towards him. They stared intently at each other without saying anything. Nervousness clogged their nervous systems.
Bucky knew now was the time to come clean. Everything was out in the open already. Their feelings were mutual. There was hardly anything to be afraid of.
Repeating 'You can do it, you can do it’ in his head several times, Bucky took a step closer towards Steve. “About upstairs,”
“I meant every word I said, Buck.” Steve quickly ushered before he could say anything else. “I-”
Bucky took a step forward, cupped his cheeks and crashed his lips with Steve. He didn’t need to hear anything else.
It was the same man for whom he had pledged to be strong and brave, to help and to protect at all times. To stick with forever. Steve had left his newfound family of superheroes for him, defied over a hundred nations for him. If it wasn’t for what Bucky hoped it was, he didn’t know the workings of the world anymore.
Steve responded in kind. He grasped the back of his neck and laid a hand on the small of his back, pulling him closer. His heart thumped in his chest. They kissed and kissed and kissed, releasing years of pent up emotions.
When they parted, Bucky rested his head at the crook of Steve’s neck, breathing his scent, basking in it. Even cloud mattresses could not make him as comfortable as he had felt in that moment.
Softly but confidentaly, without any doubts, since  They were way past liking each other, Steve whispered in his ear, “I love you, jerk.”
Goosebumps rose on his skin. “I love you too, punk.” Grinning madly, he kissed him again.
Steve pulled back a little to look at his love of his life. He was smiling too. Finally, finally Bucky was his, and Bucky could call him his. However, Bucky’s insecurities were still ever prerent.
“Hey, you… you’re… you’ll be with me, right?” He looked at the floor.
Pecking his lips strongly, Steve said, “Never apart.” He knew Bucky needed more assurance. Who knew him better than Steve?
“Yes Bucky, it’ll always be you. You’ll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more.”
With amusement in his eyes, Bucky said, “Don’t do anything stupid”
“How can’t I? We’re together till the end of the line, love.”
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dreaming-dabbles · 4 years
Mind if I request sfw & nsfw headcanons for toga with a dummy thicc fem s/o pwease;3 (if dats okay)
Of course! I am sooo sorry this took so long, I’ve been scrambling to get the last of my college classes done so please bare with me. Thank you!
My Little Snack
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Toga loves squeezing you. Any place she can, whenever she can. Whether it be slight pinches or soft carefully placed brushes, put nothing beyond Toga. If she can get away with it, she WILL try. So be sure to keep an extra watchful eye on those playful hands of hers or they’ll be up you skirt, trying to wiggle their way into your panties.
Toga can go on and on for literal HOURS talking about only you! Babbling about how cute you are, how fucking delicious you look and how much she wants to eat you up without-so much as a pause for breath. She won’t shut up about it until she feels she’s throughly conveyed what a precious little snack you are to everyone in her proximity.
“Look at my beautiful girl! Look at her! Don’t you wish you had someone as perfect as her? Well, too bad cause she’s all mine!!”
Toga loves showing you off, honestly though how could she not?! You’re her succulent darling and the look of seething envy on her comrades faces brings her all kinds of twisted entertainment she just can’t get enough of. BUT ALL MIGHT HELP the idiotic soul who DARES to try and make a pass at you. Toga will rip their eyes right out of their sockets if she thinks they’re trying to take you away from her. Everyone can look but they don’t dare touch because at the end of the day, you belong to her and her alone.
She adores hugging you and resting her head against your full chest. Listening to your beating heart pumping your sweet, sweet blood through your sexy body never ceases to hypnotize her. If she’s being too rowdy, just shove her head in your chest and she becomes as docile as a kitten.
Toga’s all time favorite place to be is between your trembling legs while wearing your thick thighs like head gear. She gets a high on sinking the tips of her sharp nails into your supple flesh as her tongue traces through your silky, wet folds. Down here she can leave as many love bites as she pleases and you can do absolutely nothing to stop her, too caught up in pleasure to register what Toga’s doing.
You better quickly get used to being absolutely covered in bite marks, hickeys and bruises cause Toga absolutely adores paintings your softest spots with her handiwork. Most of the marks she makes are practically impossible to hide and Toga know this very well. If you scold her for it, she’ll only giggle at you and leave even more the next time.
Toga cherishes the image of you in intricate lingerie, the way lace and lines accentuates the beautiful curves of you body drives her absolutely wild. She likes to take her time as memorize every inch of your voluptuous lingerie clad body before pouncing on you like a starving cat.
She can’t get enough of watching you play with yourself in front of her. Your big boobs bouncing and pretty legs shakily spread as a sheen of light sweat cascades down your flushed form is Toga’s fucking jam.
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bougainvilea · 3 years
@Mate Anon
Well, I’m glad the new year is treating quite well for most part, we love to see it. I hope you so throughly enjoy that new community involvement you’re in. And that the date goes smoothly and justly *fingers crossed*. Birthday, huh? Well happy birthday month! I’ll be here on ya actual bday, to wish you an even more splendid day mate.
Nothing has much for me, it’s all the same. Through I have ran into a dry spell with my fanfiction, so I’ll have to find some more to entertain me. Other than that, I’ve been watching HunterxHunter, and I got to a very good part, so that’s very engrossing! Hope you are staying and drinking water Ɛ>. *sends peaceful, relaxing, and reassuring vibes your way* talk to ya later mate!
Thank you for your wishes!! My birthday is feb26 so u know hehe!! It was my sisters birthday on the 1st so it was nice to celebrate w her. We watched Gilmore girls and drank cider haha!!
Sorry ur fanfiction has been a bit hard to write!! I hope hunterxhunter gives inspiration! And if u ever need to develop plots or ideas or anything I’m happy to be ur rubber ducky!
I am staying safe and healthy and I am drinking water!! Are YOU????? Ha! Sending vibes back. Love u mate!
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dancingalone21 · 7 years
Single - Part 3 (Final)
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Summary: Dean tries to plan a camping trip for his son and the reader doesn’t make it easy for him.
Pairing: Daddy!Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,929
Part 1 Part 2
Dean sets his sparkling hazel eyes on your curvaceous form as you move across the grass in his backyard. He watches you interrupt Mikey and Drew's game of catch to see if the boys want something to drink.
Even though it's a totally mundane task, the older Winchester can't help but be mesmerized by it. How do you manage to make even the simplest things look sexy as hell?
"Dude." Sam's amused tone catches his brother's attention. "If you keep drooling like that you'll need a bib."
"What?" Dean immediately wipes his mouth with his forearm, now feeling self conscious and it makes Sam howl.
"Get it together, man. Y/N's a good one. Don't close the door before you even open it, ya know?"
"Huh?" Dean unwillingly peels his eyes away from you.
"Don't fuck it up." Sam stresses resisting the urge to slap some sense into him.
"Obviously. This will be a piece of pie."
"It's a piece of cake, dork." Sam jeers, standing up to run inside and grab a handful of napkins.
"Not in my world, Sammy. Not in my world." Dean mutters under his breath as you wander back over to him.
"So Y/N...did you change your mind about letting Mikey go camping? I think it's pretty clear that my brother and I are awesome."
You shift in your seat towards Dean once you're settled at the patio table, "The jury's still out."
"You're a tough cookie." He replies slyly. "It's a good thing I like cookies."
"Wow. I..."
"I left you alone for like ten seconds and you're already using lame pickup lines, Dean?" Sam butts into the conversation, giving his long hair a shake as he settles back down into his seat.
"Bite me." Dean counters coolly, then switches his full attention back to you.
"You could always just come with us. You said you're not the camping type but I think you'd like it." Dean finishes with a hopeful expression.
"I doubt it." You sweep your hair up into a makeshift ponytail because the scorching sun is getting to you. Or maybe it's the delicious man who keeps licking his damn lips like he's about to devour you.
"I prefer electricity. TV, refrigerator, microwave...ya know stuff like that. I'm partial to my comfy mattress as well." You laugh softly.
“You’d probably do better glamping.” Sam speaks up earning himself a repulsed look from Dean.
“What’s that?” You ask intrigued.
“I think it stands for glamorous camping. It’s basically…”
“You are such a chick.” Dean snorts loudly taking a swig of his frosty beer.
“Jess told me about it, dickweed.”
“Sure, asswipe.”
“Settle down, children.” You jokingly reprimand the two handsome brothers.
“Are you gonna punish me?” Dean playfully growls at you.
“Dude.” Sam let’s out an uncomfortable groan over his brother’s forwardness.
“Oh definitely, Dean.” Your sultry tone catching them both by surprise.
“I’d focus the most on your dick if I was being honest.”
“I…uh…l…” Dean’s cockiness suddenly vanishes as he becomes tongue tied over your words.
“Do you think you’d enjoy that?” You gnaw at your bottom lip, holding in a giggle after he whines faintly at your question.
“Yup…I…yup.” Dean nods profusely at your confession.
“I bet. I’m sure Spike would too.”
“Yeah…wait what? Spike?” The perplexed man whips his head over to the large Rottweiler lounging in the shade.
“Uh huh. I bet he’d be thrilled.” You quip deviously.
“When I cut your dick off and feed it to him as a chew toy.” You smirk wickedly. Sam’s entertained expression now matches your own while Dean looks stunned and horrified.
“I knew I liked you, Y/N!” Sam erupts into laughter, slapping his brother hard on the back as he doubles over in his chair.
“The gorgeous ones are always batshit crazy.” Dean huffs eyeing you.
"Oh you have no idea, sweetheart." You purr, making Dean's heart speed up in a way that he's never experienced.
Realizing quick that he misjudged you, Dean now knows that he's no longer in over his head. Hell no. That would be welcome at this point because at the moment he's fucking drowning.
"Play nice, Y/N." Sam simpers with a wide smile.
"Me? Of course." You dismiss him with a wave of your hand.
"So back to glamping..." Sam begins the conversation again.
"Stop talking crazy, Sammy. I refuse to even say that stupid word."
Dean's stubborn reaction makes you roll your eyes and you decide to just google it for yourself. At this rate, you're never going to find out the fucking definition of glamping.
"How about a trial run, Y/N? That could help...maybe...I mean..." Dean starts rambling on, his deep voice distracting you from reading.
"What are you mumbling about?" You interrupt him, pulling your attention away from your iPhone. Dean looks a little flustered by your response and it makes Sam chuckle to himself.
"Um...a trial...run." Dean breathes out waiting for your reaction.
"What do you mean?"
"We could camp out here in the backyard and you'll get a taste of what it's like. Could be fun..."
"Do you like s'mores? And hot dogs?" Dean's body stiffens, noticing the half eaten hot dog sitting on your plate.
"Clearly you like hot dogs." He gestures with a strained smile.
"Good observation." You smirk back, picking the hot dog up to finish it off.
"I just...um..."
"Is he always like this?" You direct with a chuckle towards Sam who's throughly enjoying the bumbling idiot to his right. His eyes land on his brother and it's clear Dean's debating making a run for it.
"I'm gonna go get dessert." Dean blurts out lifting himself out of his seat and sprinting inside.
"You're doing great, Y/N." Sam compliments with a thumbs up.
"What do you mean?"
"Giving Dean a hard time so it's not so easy on him."
"I'm not even doing that. This is just how I am." You explain puzzled and it makes Sam burst out laughing.
"Oh shit. This is so much fun." He rubs his hands together wickedly.
You give him a quizzical look but decide to just go with the flow, "The Winchester brothers are something else."
Before Sam can respond, Dean strides proudly back to the table holding a delicious looking apple pie. Your mouth automatically starts to water and you're suddenly very annoyed that you can't enjoy any.
"This is from the bakery down the street." Dean announces happily. "Their pies are the best. How big of a slice do you want, Y/N?"
"Um...no thanks. I'm not a fan." You answer almost hesitantly, wondering what his reaction will be.
Apparently Sam is just as interested because he's watching his brother like a hawk right now. You can see that he's trying to hide a smirk but it's threatening to show at any second.
Dean's mouth falls open, he tilts his head at you with a deer in headlights expression. You officially have no idea what the fuck is up with this god damn pie but you're dying to know.
"Oh." Dean swallows thickly, his brain not fully processing what you just said. He doesn't understand what would possess you to say such an upsetting statement. But at the same time, he oddly doesn't have the desire to freak out on you.
"Uh...well...what about some chocolate ice cream?"
"Sure why not." You respond a little relieved.
Sam waits for his brother to race back inside before turning himself to you, "Wow he really likes you, Y/N." He says surprised.
"You wanna tell me why I had to pass on the pie? It looks so good." You whine leaning back in your seat with a pout.
"Dean's obsessed with pie. Like it's unhealthy. And the fact that you said you don't like it and you're still here speaks volumes."
"It does?"
"Hell yeah. He ended a date early once because the girl said pie should only be eaten at Thanksgiving."
"Well that's normal."
"That's my brother." Sam adds lightly, fully aware of the ridiculousness.
"So are you gonna do it, Y/N?"
"Do what?"
"The trial run out here."
"Dean was being serious?" You quirk an eyebrow.
"Oh definitely." Sam affirms. "I'm pretty sure he just wants to spend more time with you."
"Are you...um...are you sure he doesn't just like the challenge?" You ask carefully, holding your breath for the answer.
"Trust me." Sam assures you. "I know my brother and there's no way in hell that he'd put in all of this effort if that was the case."
Sam delivers a warm smile and surprisingly you believe him, there's special about him and his brother that draws you in. He disappears seconds later, mumbling about making a phone call to his wife Jess.
You're having an inner battle with yourself over how to interact with Dean. At first, he was nothing short of obnoxious and his immediate charm drove you crazy. Now here you are hours later and the man still gets under your skin.
Although Dean's behavior doesn't hinder the undeniable attraction you feel towards him. It both intimates you and excites you. You've always put up this hard exterior around men that you like and of course it's never benefited you.
That's why it's so easy to talk to Sam, you don't see him as anything else other than a friend. And that's why Dean is only getting the wise ass side of you right now. You're like the five year old girl on the playground who punches the boy that she likes. It's never worked in your favor but you've never cared until now. You need to let your guard down just a tad if you want to give Dean a chance. A real chance.
Dean disrupts your train of thought when he walks back outside and places the bowl of ice cream in front of you,“Here ya go, sweetheart." 
"Thanks, Dean." You tell him with a smile. "Actually I think I'll try some some of the pie after all." 
"Really?" The way his beautiful face lights up makes your day.
"If it's as good as you said then maybe I'll like it." You shrug shyly, tearing your eyes away from his. Dean's taken by surprise at the sudden change in you but he's definitely not complaining. He quickly cuts you a piece before you can change your mind and eagerly hands it to you.
"Damn. This is tasty pie." You moan between bites, completely oblivious that Dean is beaming with joy.
"So were you serious about doing a trial run in your backyard?"
"Yes, ma'am." The genuine tone in Dean’s voice grabs you and it’s clear that this man is already stripping away some of your harsh layers. And you have no fucking clue how but you’re actually ok with it.
"I'll agree to it but only under two conditions."
"Ok lay it on me.”
"First...there are no kids.” You say making Dean raise his eyebrows.
“And second...we share a tent." The grin that breaks out on his face makes you giggle.
"Done and done, sweetheart.” Dean promises with a wink.
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evidenceclue-blog · 7 years
Thank You to you too Mark! (Response to Mark’s Thank You video)
You don't have to worry about crying or going on a tangent, because let me say this. It shows how much you care both deeply and emotionally of what you are doing. 
 You continue to do great things Mark and succeed along the way! Through your journey, you have had your community following in your footsteps. You have faced trials and tribulations, however its seeing your response and how you deal with these problems that makes you such an admirable person. Something I deeply respect and as a matter of fact, for the longest of time the 'Respect' vlog was my favourite video on your channel. The reason being because it showed how down to earth you are. It is evident on when you talk about your experiences, not just in the Respect video or even this one that you believe so much in the words you say. Its very motivational to not just listen to, but act upon. 
It was very touching when you discussed that you value people, instead of objects and other things. Yes, you are a goofball and that is far from being a bad thing! You share the best of times through the videos you have made, but by you creating videos is a gift in itself. Spreading so much happiness in those moments. Mark, you are one of the most inspirational people out there that has helped provide more than entertainment to others. You have helped to rescue so many starfish. 
I believe this has been one of your greatest years on YouTube and I think you have changed, but in the best way because you look so much happier! I'm glad for you bud that you feel contempt with what you are creating. Even with that knowledge, you keep pushing yourself forward to do even better! There is a humbling feeling and beautiful notion to watching someone progress throughout a journey on working hard and achieving success. To see someone like yourself grow, is something I root for. To see someone grow, learn and succeed from mistakes. That is something a part of human nature, but seeing flaws is something that appeal to us. To not get fixated on perfection, but choosing the right course of action that make us proud of what we are doing. You Mark are certainly doing a grand job and I believe you will keep doing so in stride. The progress you have made on YouTube is far from coming to an end. Seeing what you have done this year, I throughly believe you will get better as I see so much potential! Just like this year, take opportunities and open new doors as I know you can do even better things. 
All the best bud and love from the UK. Keep driving yourself forward (and not just in your Barrel van) and being amazing! Take pride in yourself as I am so proud of you. I want to give a sincere thank you to you Mark for spreading so much joy and guidance to so many people including myself. Thank you.
- Evidence Clue
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thinkofaugust · 7 years
top five courses you've taken, pieces of advice, and self care practices?
Oh, nice!Top 5 courses:1) I took a film acting course that focused on the Meisner method. A summer well spent, honestly. I enjoyed every second of it, even if I don't plan on using any of the skills I learnt professionally.2) (I feel like these shouldn't be separated but...I'm going to do it because they are separate courses.) The Shakespeare class I took last year. It was just a great class and it made me realise I wanted to dedicate my academic life to the study of Shakespeare. Plus I met some of my best friends there and the tutor was an actual goddess?3) the early modern history course I took last year. A whole course. On my favourite period of history. I was so excited and it did not disappoint. Again, met a lot of my friends, and the tutor was incredible; she's honestly such a laugh...and I'll never forget the so-called "case" of a woman who chased after a pig, over-exerted herself and apparently grew a penis? (the classes on early modern gender were some of the best I've ever had.)4) following on from that: the class on the history of witchcraft. It's fascinating, complex, and the case studies are both horrifying and entertaining. Particularly fond of the love spell that went wrong and a cow became infatuated with a man?5) the contemporary British theatre course I also took this year. What's not to love about sitting in a room of students and reading plays? Some of my best acting roles, let's be honest. 6'5 policeman. Indian shopkeeper. Small child. Camilla. I didn't get my best grades in that class, but I throughly enjoyed it. Top 5 pieces of advice: (these are taken directly from experience)1. Limit your caffeine intake to a double espresso at a given time. Honestly. Do not drink two double espressos at once. That's four espressos. You will start shaking, it will turn to shivering, and you'll be anxiously awake for a long time. 2. If your friends focus on your flaws (be they physical or personality wise, it says a lot more about them than you. I'm not talking about actual critics, actual information that helps you better yourself, but petty, mean comments that are clearly meant to upset you. 3. Nothing is as scary as it first appears. You're capable. And if you aren't, it's not meant to be. Try your hardest, even if that is less than your peers, that's what matters.4. Following on from that: failure isn't the end of the world. In fact, it's not always an end. It can be a new start. 5. Honestly, be yourself. Be a little weird, like what you like, who you like. Wear whatever you want to wear. It sounds cliche but you are the only *you*, so embrace it. Life is too short to pretend you're someone you're not.Top 5 self care tips. (disclaimer, I am a mostly healthy person, with mild anxiety, which is mostly directed towards academic success/not being good enough. I am more than aware that there are people who would struggle to do the little things and these are no means a 'quick fix', just things I do when I need to take care of myself.)1. Most importantly, let yourself relax. Let yourself take care of your body and your mind. I find this very hard still, but realise that you need to recharge and it's alright.2. Clean yourself. Get changed. Wash your face. Brush your teeth. That'll help. 3. Eat a vegetable. Do it. Or some fruit. Even some orange juice. Honestly, stop living on cereal and chocolate. (calling myself out lately) also, drink water! Your body needs to be hydrated!4. Do something menial and calming. Even if that is aimlessly scrolling through the Internet hours on end while listening to rain noises. (guilty as charged) or watching cartoons for four hours straight...5. Talk to someone. Not even about your problems. Even if you're just talking about common interests. Even introverts need socialisation, right? Laughter helps.(Sorry that was so long!) thank you x
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darkanoir · 7 years
Would you do fifteen and eighteen?
Sure thing! :3
15. five most influential books over your lifetime.I think this is a very hard question to be honest. It’s not just which books I liked, but which ones had a… tangible influence on me, and this is not an easy thing to determine. I’ll try my best :)(ah, they are not in any particular order)
“Il giornalino di Gianburrasca” by Vamba.Because it was one of the first books I remember devouring and throughly enjoying reading, when I was little. It first showed me how enjoyable books could be.If you’re wondering, it’s the diary of a young, very mischevious child and all the troubles he gets into. It was quite funny (as well as interesting because it’s set at the beginning of the twentieth century, so you see how life was for a child at that time)
“The orange girl” by Jostein GaarderAnother book I devoured from the very first page. It got me thinking a lot about life and struck my heart hard.
“The last legion” by Valerio Massimo ManfrediThis is not such an outstanding book, for sure. It’s an enjoyable reading, but not much more than that. It got me really passionate about the latin world for the first time ever since I entered high school though. I have studied latin and greek for five years and not only got in love with such subjects, but studying them had quite an impact on my general culture, critical thoughts, on my life in general since latin culture and linguistics built up to be a little passion of mine. I felt like this book was a bit of a spark (though changing teacher helped a lot too).
“The Elegance of the Hedgehog” by Muriel BarberyI actually hated this book to pieces. I still don’t like it to this very day and wouldn’t reccommend it. But maybe that is the exact reason why I put it in this list: even if it was in a somewhat “negative” way, it engaged me to a new level a book never had, it made me really think about certain topics such as suicide and the value of culture for the first time in my life, it challenged my critical opinion with every page and forced me to put as much thought as I could into what I was reading. I disagree with almost everything that is said in this book, find it preposterous and irritating under so many aspects etc but it was a challenging reading and I think it got me to grow up a bit as a reader and as a person with a critical opinion in general
“Norwegian wood by Haruki Murakami.This book deals with topics I feel very close to me. I don’t know if this novel actually had a tangible influence on my life, but reading it felt important, freeing and healing. I don’t really know, but I felt like it had to be included in this list.
18. what’s your patronus?…I am ashamed to admit I don’t know^^”I didn’t take the test, I only know I techincally belong to the slytherins^^”
Thank you so much for asking! This has been entertaining^^ And I apologize for the late reply, but it got me a while to pick the books^^” 
(  identity ask………oh shit )
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humming-fly · 7 years
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Haha thanks it’s good to be back! And wow you guys are fast to catch that I’m touched :D
But yeah long story short I went canyoneering for the first time and we got stuck in the canyon for a couple hours in the dark due to unforeseen circumstances.
As for the long story, canyoneering, if you’ve never heard of it, is a sport where you repel down a canyon wall and then hike out. For some context, here is Canyon of Cold that we repelled down - note the water in the lower left corner, and the snow at the base of the canyon, these become important later on:
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So basically there are two repels here, one from the lefthand side of the canyon down, and then another to the actual base of the canyon where you can then walk out. There were a total of 6 of us repelling, and for me and one other girl this was our first time canyoneering ever. 
Because it was our first time ever and my friends didn’t want to pull up a bunch of mangled body parts from the floor of the canyon, they went ahead and asked the park ranger which canyon would be good for people that had never touched climbing rope before. He suggested the Jolly Jug canyon, which he described as “short”, “dry”, and “lame”. Spoiler alert: this canyon was approximately none of these things.
But since we didn’t know this and actually trusted the park ranger, we went ahead and started our repel. Here is one of my friends repelling down into a gaping maw of death:
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Amazingly, this first repel went great and all 6 of us got to the bottom with no issues. (I may have been chanting “don’t look down” the whole time but overall it was fine). Here is the view from the bottom of the canyon:
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And here was the first waterfall again in a terribly overexposed photo:
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This is where we noticed our first major problem, namely the canyon that was supposed to be completely dry was as a matter of fact the exact opposite of that. Since we had managed to avoid the first waterfall we thought we could avoid the second as well, since y’know, the ranger had said it was fucking dry. But lo and behold, the second repel was not only in the waterfall, but also so technical you had to wade in and out of potholes of water, navigate a number of overhangs over inconsistent canyon walls, and jump over no less than two fallen trees wedged in this tiny little slot canyon which had an average width of 3-6 feet. What this meant is we were going to get very wet. In snowmelt. In a canyon that was supposed to be both “dry” and “lame”.
As a reminder, this was my second ever repel and instead of being rated A-III, which is dry and steep, my more experienced friends rated it as C-IV, which means heavy water flow and technical as all hell. Basically in addition to not falling to my death, I now had to worry about not drowning too. Piece of cake.
(Also this was the point I put my phone in a drybag (which we were lucky to have because again, it was supposed to be FUCKING DRY) which unfortunately means I didn’t take any more pictures, so you’ll just have to imagine when I tell you how fucking crazy this canyon was.)
So we send our most experienced member down and after like 10 minutes of her disappearing from view she finally pops out and signals we can come down. I ended up going third, and because I figured I was going to get soaked no matter what I wore my fleece jacket as some extra padding. This becomes important later on. Anyways I go down and miraculously manage to not drown or crash into the rocks, although I did pin my left hand between the rope and the rock wall at least twice. The great thing about adrenaline and freezing water though is I didn’t even notice my hand was bleeding until I made it to the bottom, so that was a plus. (What’s really gnarly is they aren’t even cut, it just straight up indented my knuckles to the point they started bleeding, which is pretty nuts - I’m still curious to see how they end up healing lol)
Anywhoo I’m just happy to be alive at this point, and I’m also very excited to get out of the canyon because 1) I am throughly soaked, and 2) it is late enough in the day that the sun is no longer shining in the canyon. So I was pretty much ready to haul out and lie on a sunny rock for an hour or so. So I waited until three of us were ready to go and then we started to head out. 
We made it about 200 feet before hitting our last big problem.
The problem here was that there was a narrow portion of the canyon, about 6 feet wide and 50 feet long, that was covered with snow. Let me explain why this was a problem: there was water running under the snow, and at least 2 large holes in the middle of the snow packs. What this means is the snow is probably just a crust, and you can easily fall through to the water underneath. The water itself was muddy so it was impossible to gauge depth and current accurately, and it was also impossible to see past the snow to see if the canyon leveled out or not. Basically our primary concern here was that if the water was deep and the snow continued for a ways, if you fell in you would get sucked under the snowpack and drown. Fun stuff. I should also note that this section had steep unclimbable walls all the way to the lip of the canyon some 200 feet above us, so this was literally the only way out.
Once my group of 3 noticed this, one of us went back to inform the rest of the group that we were throughly fucked, and I tried to get on some high ground to see if I could see past the snow. I actually could and it looked flat, and looking back on it I should have dragged more members of my team up there to see since it would’ve saved a ton of time, but what can I say foresight’s twenty twenty.
Regardless, the rest of my team finally makes it down to the snow so we can all stare at it together. After some discussion, our most experienced member went partway up the canyon wall to a small tree to see what she could see, and attempted to set up another repelling line so we could just walk along the canyon wall past the snow. 
While she was setting this up four of us started huddling for warmth because remember, all of us were completely soaked with ice water, and the sun was beginning to set. I remember thinking that the temperature was supposed to get to around 40 degrees F or lower that night, and at this point started seriously considering building a fire.
But while I was entertaining that idea, our second most experienced member latched into the rope and began walking along the canyon wall to see if she could get past the snow. We all watched her get to the last little bit of snow, which had a big hole right in front of it, before she repelled down into the hole (it turns out she just physically couldn’t get the rope to let her go over the snow, but from the shore it looked pretty fucking crazy). Anyways we can now not see her, and can barely hear her due the the fucking stream (another important feature of this event). 
Our experienced member, still on the canyon wall, was trying to yell to check in on the person in the canyon, since we all had trouble seeing/hearing her. After a couple fruitless shouts from both sides, we finally made out a warbling phrase of “I can’t get out”. After this our experienced member also repelled down into the hole, so we could no longer see or hear either of them. 
At this point the sun has set and I figured they were both probably doomed or dead so I started making a fire circle out of rocks, as one does.
Anyways just as I start finishing up my fire circle (which was pretty damn nice if I do say so myself) and throwing in some dry tinder (obtaining which was a pretty impressive feat given the proximity to the river) we finally hear something from the other side of the snow. 
Turns out the both of them had managed to climb onto the final piece of snow and were now yelling at us to do something. After more yelling we managed to get the message that they wanted us to jump in the first hole in the snow and come over to them. Seeing as we had all decided early on that jumping in the creek when you can’t see the bottom is typically a bad idea, none of us were too excited at the prospect. But seeing as it was fucking cold and all of us wanted to get the hell out of this damn canyon we inched closer to the hole to take a better look down.
We still couldn’t see the bottom of the water so no one really wanted to be the first to test it, so we were all kind of trying to get the others to go first. Eventually I decided to go just because I figured I was either going to die or get out of the canyon, and at this point we’d been shivering in the cold for at least an hour so I was ready to get this whole thing over with. After breaking up the snow I managed to slide down into the hole, and lo and behold it was only a couple inches deep. I helped everyone else down and then after walking under the snow to the next gap our two experienced members pulled us onto the final piece of snow (which was good because at that point my hands were too numb to grip anything) and we could finally continue out.
After that it was only a mile or so of walking in the stream to get to the cars, and since it was a full moon and several of us had headlamps it went pretty well. (Plus we were all so giddy to be out we moved pretty fast)
But overall other than a couple scratches/mental scarring it was a pretty good first canyoneering trip!
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imeugene · 5 years
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I wasn’t going to fan out on him. He was a lot smaller than I imagined, slim figure, a real quiet demeanor. Which is funny because his riding is well known to be the opposite; loud and vicious. He had no visible tattoos besides two small but very noticeable ones on the top of his hands. It yelled to me, “I don’t give a fuck” and here he was in front of me. I absolutely was not going to fan out on him. I definitely was a fan though. It’s that quiet demeanor. That I want to be left alone look about him. It’s his weathered face and eye, youth has definitely took a toll on him. I had this image of what he’d be like and somehow he subverted all that but also exceeded it. That phrase, “so punk it hurts” and you look at him and you got that. 
My friend Omar was there, he doesn’t ride so he didn’t know who he was. It was so weird to see Omar oblivious to someone that will truly rest as one the greats in BMX. It was good though. I remind Omar that this guy was in the X-Games at one point and we geek about it. I don’t remember the interaction all too well. Most of it was small talk, the legend wasn’t exactly the friendliest guy. Not mean, just quiet. We were in the living room with the guy who I was staying with, who’s another BMX royalty. Omar knew that though. He did his google research when we were heading over there and I gave him some historical context but for whatever reasons I can’t remember, our middleman was gone and it was just us three. Me trying my best not to say whatever comes into my head. The pro maybe hoping that I don’t make this weird, I don’t know, I don’t know what it’s like to be him but I’m sure that happens and Omar oblivious to it all, just chilling on his phone. Our middleman was gone for too long. I think it was him who initiated the small talk. Our mutual buddy introduced us as riders I think and that we’re with him. Nothing new in this community and I want to say he asked where we were coming from. The next thing I remember was the look on his face when we told him that story.
Omar and I was traveling through the southwest coming from Los Angeles and heading to Florida. It’s a lot of desert and a lot of driving. Thoroughly enjoyed cause Omar and I both enjoy that type of slow burn travel, car driving can be. I don’t remember where cause the desert blends the landscape into one but somewhere in New Mexico or Arizona. It was night. The land was flat and barren. Thinking back on it, it was cool to be around that endless sand and pure darkness due to man’s inability to conquer those lands effectively, that’s what I like to think at least. Omar felt a certain resonance with the desert, it’s most definitely cause he’s Egyptian. Sand is in his heritage. Sand people will love the sand but it was the stars that he remembers. He always speaks of it. 
We were in Death Valley the night before that incident, this was just stupidity. We setup camp. Omar says he’s going to take a nap. I wanted to take a hike to the mountains. It seemed easy enough because the land was so flat and easily navigable. No trees to get lost in. You see the mountain and you head there and you head back. I told him a few hours but he might’ve already passed out from trip exhaustion so I just walked. Little by little the mountain grew bigger. At a certain point I remember being at the step so I thought time to climb. I hate when people say I climbed a mountain cause I imagine ropes and nails being involved but it was just a steep hike up. I’d get to a certain point and I’d realize there was a higher mountain to be climbed so I continued. I’d get there and the same thing would happen. So I continued. At some point I got near the top and it was cold and windy. The peak was full of loose rocks and God knows how far I was away from camp. I looked behind and our camp was a speck. I looked in front and there were more mountains across the valley. I felt that it was possible to walk through that valley to get there too. A lot taller mountains. It kind of annoyed me, the "extreme” side of me that got me into this predicament but what are you gonna do? I just knew there was never going to be an end to this pointless pursuit so I sat down to smoke some weed. Which is really hard when you’re on top of a mountain and it’s windy as hell. I remember finding some small rock overhang type thing and laying down and trying to block the wind and smoke. Too bad the wind was seemingly blowing in every direction but it ended up working. 
I’m a loner stoner. I heard that term somewhere and always felt that applied to me. I hate being around people when I’m doing all that. I don’t smoke anymore by the way, not relevant to the story but just a tid bit to throw in there. It was ideal though. Stoned on top of a mountain, away from everything. In a barren landscape, no distraction. Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me but as I get older I just accept myself for who I am. I’m not going to try to fight it anymore. I’m a proud loner stoner (not anymore). I remember praying up there like some Biblical story. I don’t remember what I prayed for but it was probably something very general. I don’t like to pray for specifics cause I feel like I’m being too needy. I do remember I asked for a sign if God was out there cause I do remember those Biblical stories. I waited probably all of 10 minutes and remember thinking how stupid I was to ask for that. Why the fuck does God have to entertain me? It was stupid. It was getting dark, I started to head back. 
Remember that barren lands can’t get lost thing? Well it was dark and I couldn’t see in front of me. No civilization, no light. There was a bit of moonlight and starlight but starlight don’t do nothing. It was all disorientating. I remember thinking, I have to head in a straight line back to make it. If I can do that, I’ll be ok so that’s what I did. It was anxious cause once I got off the mountain there was no camp light speckle left so for a few hours I walked in the what seemed like absolute darkness in pure anxiety hoping I don’t get bitten by rattlesnake or scorpion. “This is why they call it Death Valley”, I was thinking. I stayed straight to my path and I got back but where was I?
The camp was gone. It looked like the spot but I wasn’t sure. Everything was gone. I checked around it definitely seemed like it was the right place. There wasn’t any other campground for like 10 miles or so and I definitely wasn’t that off. Omar was gone, so was my car, and everything I had. I remember there was a new camp sight being built up. I didn’t want to seem like some desert serial killer by heading to them directly cause I came out of seemingly nowhere so I waited until they were outside their tent to say something. I asked about the whereabouts of my camp and mentioned Omar. It���s always weird to use race as a way to describe people to white people. Amongst minorities, it’s whatever but race is very sensitive topic to white people. Normally I’d call him “tall Muslim dude” but I think I called him “tall Egyptian dude”, it seemed more PC. They told me he packed up the camp and took my car to the nearest station to use the phone and report me missing. I was gone for maybe 5 hours most. I politely thanked them for their time and began to curse Omar’s name repeatedly on top of my lungs for the next few minutes. Eventually I wore myself out and laid on top of the picnic table there. I didn’t want to be bitten by rattlesnakes or scorpions. It was cold, it’s very cold in the desert at night. I remember looking up and seeing the stars as clear as I ever saw them. It was quite a sight but the mixture of the temperature and unease of feeling stranded still lingered in my head. I couldn’t enjoy it fully. Eventually I saw a familiar car roll up and Omar got out, “Bruh I thought you were dead”. He reported me missing. We discussed if we should head back and tell them I was found but I think we both settled it was too far and we didn’t care enough. Apparently a group of Norwegian girls came wanting to party but Omar was too busy trying to find me to entertain them. God really is cruel sometimes. “What were you doing up there, trying to talk to God like Moses?”, Omar sarcastically said. 
At this point it was me and Omar yelling over each other to trying to tell our viewpoints while simultaneously defending our own actions. Omar defending himself and myself still cursing his name. I must have repeated “it was five fucking hours” quite a few times that night. This BMX legend was throughly intrigued, his eyes were wide from taking it all in. That’s when I told him that story. “So we were driving at night in the desert and there was semi in front of us”. Omar started bursting out laughing uncontrollably right then, he knew exactly where this was going. The legend looks over to Omar still laughing maniacally, eyes still wide, not saying anything, actively listening. 
So we were driving at night in the desert and there was semi in front of us. It was late at night. Must have been like 3AM. Omar was dead, not literally obviously, not asleep either, but in quiet sedation. I was on autopilot. It’s the desert and there’s no cars around ever besides this one semi so it wasn’t tough. At this point no one was talking, not cause of what happened earlier but we probably smoked ourselves stupid and only had minimum brain cells keeping us going. I was about 15 feet behind the semi truck. Some people like more distance but I’ve been driving in Los Angeles, there is no concept of distance there. Bumper to bumper. When you’re on autopilot that’s just what happens. “Hey pull back a little”, those were the first words out of Omar’s mouth in a while. “Why?”. “I don’t know just do it”, I remember thinking Omar gone smoked himself paranoid but out of courtesy I relented. Not because it was hard to do but I was too tired to deal with any type of special requests at this point. Even the most idle chatter felt like work. A few moments later the tire on semi burst. 
The trailer slid around and narrowly missed hitting us by a few feet. My autopilot changed from cruising to life saving immediately and I had to dodge the large tire debris and the truck which came to an abrupt stop. If Omar didn’t tell me to preemptively to move back, we would have most definitely been destroyed by the trailer, maybe even dead I was thinking but we escaped it all without any scratches. We left the truck behind. Terrible thing but it didn’t flip and I was on flight mode. I look over to Omar and he was still awake with the same expressionless face he had before. He definitely witnessed all that happen but didn’t seem at all moved by our near death experience. “Yo.. we could’ve died”, trying to vent out some of the stress from what just happened, trying to figure out what happened. “I’m not afraid of dying man”, he told me. It was like that high school edgelord reply and it annoyed the shit out of me. “Dude! We almost could’ve fucking died, did you not see what just happened!?. “I’m not afraid of dying”, he said to me again in the same monotone voice and expressionless face. I’m pretty sure I ranted for a bit and he sat there unmoved. A day later, we were still driving in the desert, its endless after all and suddenly all at once it hit him and he burst out all crazy crazy. “WE COULD’VE FUCKING DIED WHEN THAT SEMI TIRE BURST AND TRAILER SWINGING!”, not his exact words but with that trademark fast pace, loosely jointed sentences and ideas, yelled at decibels way too high. Something I expected him to be immediately after it actually happened but a day later it seemed to late. At that point personally all the happenings subsided a bit but I was thinking all sorts of crazy around the surrounding details of what happened. Did God speak through Omar... I still don’t know. I like to think that is what happened. I gave him so much shit for playing hardman “I’m not afraid to die” shit and he’s over here having some sort of strange delayed mental breakdown over the incident. That we could’ve been two dead kids in some mortuary, thousands of miles away from home if it wasn’t for some strange sixth sense happening. Maybe enough of Omar’s brain cells finally recovered and it was finally processing what happened. 
The legend didn’t have words. His mouth opened but nothing came out. His eyes focused on us. He had this look where he was taking it all in and Omar and I are still yelling over each other confirming what happened as absolute truth, one of the few moments we actually agreed. He believed us definitely but he was just like us, didn’t know how to really put all that into some type of logical understanding I think. Almost in a catatonic shock. I still don’t know what to think. I do believe though and when I saw him next time at the bar, the legend did say hey. 
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