#i am suing toei
beanghostprincess · 4 months
Watching Egghead and seeing Usopp and the Seraphim feels kind of like this
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sky-chau · 1 year
Please tell us about this new crossover fic 👀
Am curious
Aight so hear me out
Yugioh and Moon Knight
Taking place after Dark side of dimensions, so the Yugioh cast are adults and Atem is long gone by now. Seto steals the millennium puzzle from the afterlife in hopes of getting yet another rematch against Atem. This doesn't work as Atems spirit has fully moved on. So he gives the puzzle back to Yugi in a rare moment of kindness.
As soon as the British museum catches wind of the millennium puzzle being in Yugi's possession they invite him and a friend of his choice to visit the exhibit where the rest of the artifacts are held in hopes of potentially buying the puzzle off of Yugi.
And who is working the gift shop at the British museum? It's Steven Grant.
But that's not the only thing going on in this fic. You see, before duel monsters was a thing toei animation created a season of Yugioh that featured the spirit of the millennium puzzle that was very different from Atem. I like to think that they're in fact two separate spirits, as the visual effect of possession and powers were vastly different in this iteration.
So Atem is gone but Yami, the spirit with red eyes and a tendency to kill cheaters, remains the shadow of the millennium puzzle. Yami is also distinct because unlike with Atem, Yugi blacks out when Yami is fronting, meaning he has no idea what he's done nor does he have any effective means of communicating with the spirit. Which makes sense, with the way I'm reading it Yami isn’t a power but rather a curse with a few minor upsides. Kind of like a deal with the devil or an especially tricky genie.
Also with Atem being officially dead and moved on Yugi is his only living decendant, unknowingly making Yugi the Pharoah. The Pharoah in this instance would be the spiritual side of the occupation rather than the governing side. So Yugi is basically the ambassador to the egyptian pantheon.
In moon knight Khonshu and Osiris aren't on great terms with eachother and disagree on whether or not God's should meddle in human affairs. Yugi as Pharoah now has to fix this, with Yami as his guide (kinda). He also has Moon Knight to help once Khonshu figures out Yugi is the Pharoah. (Which being Pharoah comes with some minor powers but nothing terribly useful, so it's possible to sus out the Pharoah.)
Anyway, am I insane or is this idea actually kinda cool?
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analyzingadventure · 2 years
Ghost Game episodes 32 and 33!
Okay let’s go Betsumon episode, how you gonna make Betsumon spoopy eh GG, show me what’chu got
Gammamon’s gonna go out to see a friend? Awwww
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CLOCKMON! BUDDY! Oh man I’m so happy to see him just hangin’, that’s fun
Oh no
Oh that’s cursed
Not even getting to see his face and it’s so cursed
Oh even the voice feels so cursed
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OH THE KIDS NOTICED HIM, ARE THEY GONNA PL- oh Gamma ran (smart, but awww)
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Oh man, the atmosphere in this episode is really good, it’s really eerie
Please don’t do the close-up on Betsu’s eyes, it is so creepy
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Oh no
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Oh shit is this Meicoomon masc
He’s a great choise tho, he’s a great VA (though I am a bit sad Morishita Yukiko didn’t reprise her role)
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Terrible, horrible, I hate this
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This episode is so emotionally devastating, STOP MAKING THE BABY BOY CRY
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Can’t be bothered to go back and check on Meicoomon’s eyes earlier this episode but like, if they intentionally changed the eyes into five pointed stars (so that Meicoomon could be a “generic Digimon” Apocalymon data etc) from four, that would be kind of neat-- but that might just be an animation error
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Hiro please just hug him back for the love of god
Okay but where the fuck have all these Betsumon been coming from this whole time, there’s like a fucking infestation
Baby boy’s happy again... That’s all I ever needed
Okay, episode 33 Whispers of the Dead
Piccolomon you ass
Wait, shit, is KIYO DEAD
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Look I’d be horrified by this but the fact is that we were all meme’ing about how he’d be doomed to die at the begining of the series so like. This prediction turning out to be correct is hysterical
It’s okay y’all he’s returning to Witchelny that’s all
Oh Jellymon brought him back to life, amazing
Okay I’m actually curious what Digimon is now haunting Kiyo
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Y’all I am so fucking happy he’s becoming a reoccuring character y’all, this is all I wanted from this fucking series, Dr Mummymon, with his PhD, and Toei is giving me that, holy shit thanks
Love dangerous, experimental medicine Mummymon’s suggesting lmao
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Gammamon’s offering his chocolates to cheer him up, that’s so cute
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If you didn’t scratch off “Kiyo dies” off you GG Bingo Cards yet then do it now
Wait. Is that fucking Mofurun’s VA
Is that fucking Mofurun (y’all might remember the VA as Burgamon in Psi)
Fucking... Ghost Game taking the sweetest VAs I know and turning them into fucking nightmare fuel... Good god
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GG going its way to discuss fucking death in the creepiest possible way to children is so... horrifying but also funny
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I mean, he’s not being actively malicious, just looking for a friend
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Jellymon, chill with the zaps or you might just stop his heart
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I love him so much
Let’s go Jellymon, to the land between life and death!
Aaaand episode’s over
Both episodes were great fun! Don’t have much else to say, both were good
....No preview...? Just the analyzer..?
Oh great, a body horror episode with Salamandamon (I want Angoramon to evolve...... Oh well)
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Pride and Prejudice
I shill hard for the Dragon Ball franchise. I do and i am unapologetic about it. A cursory search of this blog will prove that. Its riddled with love letters to Toriyama’s magnum opus. Hell, arguably my single favorite character in all of anime and manga, Vegeta, calls this meta-narrative home. One of the greatest arcs in shonen manga history, the Freezer arc, is from this story. I was a fan long before Toonami exposed DBZ to an entire generation, a whole new demographic, of people. I watched this thing in Japanese with no subtitles, on the International Channel. I love Dragon Ball and gobble up almost all of the content this thing releases, even if it’s bad. And there is A LOT of bad, man. Dragon Ball GT, the soulless step-sibling better off forgotten, is one of those bad things. Even Super is a mixed bag with it’s excellent Broly film and abominable power creep and it is through that lens that i finally watch Dragon Ball Super: Superhero.
The Good
I have to say, this thing looks amazing. the CG animation has come a long way and the camera work because of it, is exceptional. Superhero’s presentation is a very kinetic, dynamic, watch and truly a feast for the eyes. That said, i am a hand-drawn purist so, for me, Broly still sits atop that Super ladder but i am thoroughly impressed with Superhero in terms of animation quality.
The action in this thing is top tier Dragon Ball. That final clash with Cell max was exceptional but even the little run up battles with the Gammas turned out to be pretty satisfying. Again, and i can’t stress this enough, these scraps had nothing on Broly but they are probably the second best of the franchise. So far.
I’m a sucker for lore and DB has some of the richest available so getting little nods toward stuff was fun. Little easter eggs like Gohan’s sight getting better when he transforms or how Saiyans are midgets until they’re not but my favorite was when Krillin reminds Piccolo about his power to embiggen. We haven’t see that sh*t since Slug and that wasn’t even canon to the series!
This thing is a love letter to tokusatsu, which is right up my alley because i ADORE that sh*t! My childhood was defined by Transformers, Spider-Man and...Godzilla! I was the target audience for Mighty Morphin Power rangers. Voltron was my sh*t when i was in grade school. Seeing Hedo’s obsession with superheros reminded me of my love for Kamen Rider and that giant kaiju battle at the end between Cell Max and Embiggened Orange Piccolo was kind of everything.
Speaking off, i was thoroughly surprised by how much i ended up liking Cell max. Perfect Cell is actually my favorite antagonist from DBZ so i was a little sus when i heard the description of whatever the f*ck Cell Max turned out to be. I think my apprehension was warranted but, in action, the big, red, f*cker kind of works. He’s no Golden Freezer but i like the nod.
While I'm on the subject, i enjoy the fact that Toei brought back the Rd Ribbon Army for this one. These cats are probably the most enduring antagonist for the Z-Warriors, outside of Freezer, himself. They’ve dogged Goku for decades, always finding a way to pull some sh*t out of their ass, and i am okay with all of that. Bringing in Hedo, Gero's grandson, and Magenta, Red’s actual son, was brilliant and a solid homage what came before. I also really enjoyed the Gamma twins. It’s going to be really interesting going forward, whenever Super comes back.
And then there’s Piccolo. Can we all just take a breath and finally recognize good ol’ Junior as the problem he is? I’ve always had a soft spot for the Namek and to see him fall by the wayside over the years really hurt. Dude getting the Potential Unlock and then a whole ass Transformation, the first for a Namekian, was fantastic. I can’t wait to see him finally spar with Vegeta in that new form. Also, can we just acknowledge dude is the best dad in the franchise? Like, he raised Gohan and is actively raising Videl right now. Pop-pop Piccolo over here, just tugging away at me heart strings.
And now to broach the beastly elephant in the room, Gohan. I’m not a fan. Never have been. Dude is kind of soft but even i can’t deny dude was a whole ass force in this movie. I always kind of wondered what would happen if Gohan when Super Saiyan while in his Ultimate form and we finally got that answer: Beast. That sh*t was cool as f*ck, I'm not going to lie, but do i think it’s the strongest form in the franchise? Nah. UI Goku could probably beat it. Ego Vegeta, too, as long as he doesn’t f*cking die. Still, that sh*t was cool as f*ck, even if it was the biggest ass pull in Dragon Ball history.
The Bad
The overall narrative is kind of dumb. This is the epitome of a bare-bones framing for cool sh*t. Like, nothing was of consequence in this thing and never once did i feel like anyone was in danger. And that’s not because there are several sets of Dragon Balls scattered throughout Universe Seven, the fact that Goku and Vegeta were a teleport away, Broly was up there, Whis and Beerus exist, and even Freezer was around in all his Golden glory. No, this entire conflict was fabricated just to get Gohan to, you know, go Beast mode so of course this thing felt kind of unnecessary. Still, for what it wanted to do, it was fine. It’s definitely the weakest plot among the Super movies so far, though.
The Gohan focus as kind of blergh. Again, I'm not a Gohan fan but considering this thing started as a Piccolo movie until Toei forced Gohan into the narrative, i was a little turned off. This thing kind of ended up being more a Gohan AND Piccolo event, which is a nice callback to the early days of DBZ (with a little Pan sprinkled in there for good measure) but i would have preferred a straight Piccolo outing. Like, was Gohan going Beast absolutely necessary? For marketing, sure. An Orange Piccolo can only get you so far and them Saiyans are proven cash cows but still. More Piccolo, less Gohan.
This thing sucks in comparison to Broly, I'm sorry. On it’s own, it’s fine. Probably the second best Super film we got but, watching this immediately after Broly was a real mistake because, goddamn! Broly is a whole ass complete film. It has strong character from op to bottom and the best action the series has given us so far. Plus, it’s hand drawn for a lot of it and that sh*t is gorgeous. Superhero is everything Broly is, substantially better than the Super series, but so far from the shine f the Broly film that it’s sick. The whole time i was watching Superhero, i was just hung up on how much more awesome this experience could have been if it was hand drawn and that took me out of it considerably.
The Verdict
Ultimately, i rather enjoyed Dragon Ball Super: Superhero. It’s flawed, definitely, and doesn’t come anywhere near Broly in terms of quality, but i like what we got. It’s gorgeous, that homage to the Red Ribbon menace wonderfully, and even gives us Cell fans a little taste. I wasn’t super keen on Gohan being the “lead” protagonist but his Beast mode was dope and Piccolo did get substantial time to shine. Overall, Superhero isn’t bad and i understand why it killed at the box office the way it did. I had fun with Dragon Ball Super: Superhero and feel pretty good about where this film leave the franchise. I look forward to the ramifications in the next series, or whatever Toyotaro decides to acknowledge. The Super manga is hot garbage right now, man. What even is Gas?
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0 notes
smokeybrand · 2 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Pride and Prejudice
I shill hard for the Dragon Ball franchise. I do and i am unapologetic about it. A cursory search of this blog will prove that. Its riddled with love letters to Toriyama’s magnum opus. Hell, arguably my single favorite character in all of anime and manga, Vegeta, calls this meta-narrative home. One of the greatest arcs in shonen manga history, the Freezer arc, is from this story. I was a fan long before Toonami exposed DBZ to an entire generation, a whole new demographic, of people. I watched this thing in Japanese with no subtitles, on the International Channel. I love Dragon Ball and gobble up almost all of the content this thing releases, even if it’s bad. And there is A LOT of bad, man. Dragon Ball GT, the soulless step-sibling better off forgotten, is one of those bad things. Even Super is a mixed bag with it’s excellent Broly film and abominable power creep and it is through that lens that i finally watch Dragon Ball Super: Superhero.
The Good
I have to say, this thing looks amazing. the CG animation has come a long way and the camera work because of it, is exceptional. Superhero’s presentation is a very kinetic, dynamic, watch and truly a feast for the eyes. That said, i am a hand-drawn purist so, for me, Broly still sits atop that Super ladder but i am thoroughly impressed with Superhero in terms of animation quality.
The action in this thing is top tier Dragon Ball. That final clash with Cell max was exceptional but even the little run up battles with the Gammas turned out to be pretty satisfying. Again, and i can’t stress this enough, these scraps had nothing on Broly but they are probably the second best of the franchise. So far.
I’m a sucker for lore and DB has some of the richest available so getting little nods toward stuff was fun. Little easter eggs like Gohan’s sight getting better when he transforms or how Saiyans are midgets until they’re not but my favorite was when Krillin reminds Piccolo about his power to embiggen. We haven’t see that sh*t since Slug and that wasn’t even canon to the series!
This thing is a love letter to tokusatsu, which is right up my alley because i ADORE that sh*t! My childhood was defined by Transformers, Spider-Man and...Godzilla! I was the target audience for Mighty Morphin Power rangers. Voltron was my sh*t when i was in grade school. Seeing Hedo’s obsession with superheros reminded me of my love for Kamen Rider and that giant kaiju battle at the end between Cell Max and Embiggened Orange Piccolo was kind of everything.
Speaking off, i was thoroughly surprised by how much i ended up liking Cell max. Perfect Cell is actually my favorite antagonist from DBZ so i was a little sus when i heard the description of whatever the f*ck Cell Max turned out to be. I think my apprehension was warranted but, in action, the big, red, f*cker kind of works. He’s no Golden Freezer but i like the nod.
While I'm on the subject, i enjoy the fact that Toei brought back the Rd Ribbon Army for this one. These cats are probably the most enduring antagonist for the Z-Warriors, outside of Freezer, himself. They’ve dogged Goku for decades, always finding a way to pull some sh*t out of their ass, and i am okay with all of that. Bringing in Hedo, Gero's grandson, and Magenta, Red’s actual son, was brilliant and a solid homage what came before. I also really enjoyed the Gamma twins. It’s going to be really interesting going forward, whenever Super comes back.
And then there’s Piccolo. Can we all just take a breath and finally recognize good ol’ Junior as the problem he is? I’ve always had a soft spot for the Namek and to see him fall by the wayside over the years really hurt. Dude getting the Potential Unlock and then a whole ass Transformation, the first for a Namekian, was fantastic. I can’t wait to see him finally spar with Vegeta in that new form. Also, can we just acknowledge dude is the best dad in the franchise? Like, he raised Gohan and is actively raising Videl right now. Pop-pop Piccolo over here, just tugging away at me heart strings.
And now to broach the beastly elephant in the room, Gohan. I’m not a fan. Never have been. Dude is kind of soft but even i can’t deny dude was a whole ass force in this movie. I always kind of wondered what would happen if Gohan when Super Saiyan while in his Ultimate form and we finally got that answer: Beast. That sh*t was cool as f*ck, I'm not going to lie, but do i think it’s the strongest form in the franchise? Nah. UI Goku could probably beat it. Ego Vegeta, too, as long as he doesn’t f*cking die. Still, that sh*t was cool as f*ck, even if it was the biggest ass pull in Dragon Ball history.
The Bad
The overall narrative is kind of dumb. This is the epitome of a bare-bones framing for cool sh*t. Like, nothing was of consequence in this thing and never once did i feel like anyone was in danger. And that’s not because there are several sets of Dragon Balls scattered throughout Universe Seven, the fact that Goku and Vegeta were a teleport away, Broly was up there, Whis and Beerus exist, and even Freezer was around in all his Golden glory. No, this entire conflict was fabricated just to get Gohan to, you know, go Beast mode so of course this thing felt kind of unnecessary. Still, for what it wanted to do, it was fine. It’s definitely the weakest plot among the Super movies so far, though.
The Gohan focus as kind of blergh. Again, I'm not a Gohan fan but considering this thing started as a Piccolo movie until Toei forced Gohan into the narrative, i was a little turned off. This thing kind of ended up being more a Gohan AND Piccolo event, which is a nice callback to the early days of DBZ (with a little Pan sprinkled in there for good measure) but i would have preferred a straight Piccolo outing. Like, was Gohan going Beast absolutely necessary? For marketing, sure. An Orange Piccolo can only get you so far and them Saiyans are proven cash cows but still. More Piccolo, less Gohan.
This thing sucks in comparison to Broly, I'm sorry. On it’s own, it’s fine. Probably the second best Super film we got but, watching this immediately after Broly was a real mistake because, goddamn! Broly is a whole ass complete film. It has strong character from op to bottom and the best action the series has given us so far. Plus, it’s hand drawn for a lot of it and that sh*t is gorgeous. Superhero is everything Broly is, substantially better than the Super series, but so far from the shine f the Broly film that it’s sick. The whole time i was watching Superhero, i was just hung up on how much more awesome this experience could have been if it was hand drawn and that took me out of it considerably.
The Verdict
Ultimately, i rather enjoyed Dragon Ball Super: Superhero. It’s flawed, definitely, and doesn’t come anywhere near Broly in terms of quality, but i like what we got. It’s gorgeous, that homage to the Red Ribbon menace wonderfully, and even gives us Cell fans a little taste. I wasn’t super keen on Gohan being the “lead” protagonist but his Beast mode was dope and Piccolo did get substantial time to shine. Overall, Superhero isn’t bad and i understand why it killed at the box office the way it did. I had fun with Dragon Ball Super: Superhero and feel pretty good about where this film leave the franchise. I look forward to the ramifications in the next series, or whatever Toyotaro decides to acknowledge. The Super manga is hot garbage right now, man. What even is Gas?
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giuliafc · 3 years
Getting Lucky
Ao3 || FFN
After Papillon akumatises the director of the local cinema, our heroes get a stroke of serendipity and have a chance to relax together.
For my friend Etoile-Lead-Sama. Happy birthday, hun!
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by (c) Thomas Astruc, TS1 Bouygues, Disney Channel, Zagtoon, Toei Animation. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Written for the "Snippet July" challenge of the Miraculous Fanworks Discord server @miraculousfanworks AND for LadyNoir July @ladynoirjuly Day 9 — Serendipity/Cinema. Let me know what you think!
Chat Noir was pissed off. Very, very much.
Not only had the stress of his civilian life caught up with him, but the fact that his father and Nathalie had no respect for him being on holiday—HOLIDAY for God's sake—and were filling his days with photoshoot after photoshoot after interview after dubbing session for the Ladybug and Chat Noir movies... It was exhausting, to say the least. Now, the last task was something he had always been happy to do before. However, the writers of the show had recently taken a strange road where his character seemed to be romantically involved with Rena Rouge and, well, he didn't enjoy dubbing those parts. Chat Noir was for his Lady only—maybe Marinette—what was he thinking? His lady only! Anyway, his day was so full he'd barely managed to scrape out a few minutes to join Ladybug in the usual daytime patrol.
Not that it mattered anyway, because his Lady, as usual, was so late that by the time she showed up he'd finished his round and was ready to go home. She looked tired; dark marks under her eyes and a paler complexion than usual. But she also looked relieved that the round of patrol had been dealt with.
Until a loud bang cracked in the distance. They knew that the only being that could produce such a sound was an akuma. The akuma victim was the director of the local cinema. The profits of the new Ladybug movie weren't as good as he'd anticipated (somehow Chat Noir wasn't surprised) and the man was understandably upset. Luckily the fight wasn't too hard on the heroes, because Chat Noir could see that Ladybug was dragging herself around and wasn't concentrating. So when she captured the akuma and released the purified butterfly, Chat Noir put a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you okay, Buginette? You look exhausted."
She took his hand into hers and gave him a grateful look. "Thank you for noticing, Chaton. No, I'm not well, I could really use a break."
She seemed to be ready to say something else, but they both felt a hand on their shoulder and they turned around, looking rather surprised to see the ex-akumatised director of the cinema.
"If the heroes of Paris need a break, especially after they saved the city from my silly self, I can't sit there and do nothing. Please, Ladybug and Chat Noir, there's no better place than the cinema to relax. You can watch the latest Avengers movie. On me."
"I don't think it's a good idea," said Chat Noir, remembering what happened the last time he'd dragged Ladybug to the cinema, just because she didn't want to talk. He shuddered at the memory, but the director was adamant.
"I insist. If you're afraid to be disturbed, don't you worry. The whole screen will be reserved for you. I will air the film at one unscheduled time, only for you two. How does that sound?"
And that's how they found themselves sitting in a completely empty cinema room, one next to the other, juice and milk in one hand, a massive bowl of popcorn in the other, waiting in silence for the film to start. What a fortunate stroke of serendipity.
Ladybug was strangely quiet, so Chat Noir took the occasion to give his Lady a good look. And didn't like what he saw. "Are you not sleeping well, M'lady? You're always the most beautiful woman I know, but I’m concerned about those marks under your eyes."
She was putting more popcorn into her mouth, but stopped at his words and put it back into her bowl, letting out a big sigh. "I could tell you that everything is good, Chaton. But I'm tired of lying. No, I'm not okay. Not at all. I haven't been able to sleep well in the past… month," she said after tapping her fingers on her chin. "I'm worried. All this new responsibility, Su-Han who told me that he's going to breathe down my neck to ensure I don't make mistakes, Papillon's akumas getting scarier, and it's starting to hit close to home… I feel as if Papillon upped his game and we can’t do the same. It's so frustrating!"
He saw how she balled her hands into fists and how she started shaking with anger. Since it hadn't worked the first time he'd tried it, back when he had invited Ladybug to the cinema himself, he hesitated to try the “arm on the shoulder” trick again. This time it worked though, and he pulled Ladybug closer as, despite everything, his lips curled in a happy little smirk.
"You know, I don't really care about the movie. I'm here to listen if you need to vent."
She shook her head. "No, Minou. I don't want to talk about stressful things today. It was lucky that the director accommodated us in a cinema room all for ourselves. And I'm looking forward to watching this movie, even though I'm feline that you're chancing your lucky 'arm' a little bit, Chaton." She giggled at his surprised look—and how could he not be surprised, when his Lady punned not once, but TWICE in the same sentence? She flicked his bell as she continued, "Do you think I'm blind and I haven't noticed your arm on my shoulder? Nice move, by the way, Minou. Second time lucky!"
She giggled again and scooched herself closer, placing her head on his chest and moving his arm to wrap around her firmly. He didn't need to be shown twice—in seconds, he squeezed her to his side. As the film started and he lost himself in the story, he thought that maybe, just for once, he could forget about his frustration and his growing anger. For once they could be just a boy and a girl, in a cinema room, watching a superhero movie. That sounded very much like a date.
And a date sounded good.
Author's Note
Here I am… day 9 is written. I gift this piece to my friend Etoile-Lead-Sama, for her birthday. Have a great day ma belle! Love you to the moon and back ^-^
I hope you all will like the story and will leave me a comment. You know that comments are my bread and butter!
Until (hopefully) tomorrow, bug out!
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ffamranxii · 3 years
Sailor Stars thoughts:
1. The anime does its absolute best to make the Starlights unlikable. Taiki is a fucking asshole (he won’t even give a dying girl, who he explicitly was taken to visit, an autograph, and tells a bunch of children that their grandfather’s theory about souls becoming stars is dead wrong), Seiya is a Nice Guy who hits on Usagi constantly despite being told multiple times she has a boyfriend, and Yaten is a mildly sarcastic cardboard cutout. I know the manga doesn’t expand on them much but the anime is supposed to help make these people real. Counterexample is Chibi-Chibi, who hardly speaks in the manga and relies on her cuteness alone to be likable. They gave her a very cute voice because it was literally all they had to work with, given how often Chibi-Chibi actually appears
2. The dub cast for the Starlights is frankly awful. As civilians, Taiki alternates between a woman trying too hard to make her voice deep and having a bad cold, Seiya sounds like a prepubescent boy, and Yaten sounds like a woman (which they’re not, as civilians); as Starlights their voices are VERY high pitched, especially Yaten’s. Their sub voices just sound like woman talking a bit deeply and then normal women.
3. Why the FUCK did Toei think literally changing sex was less controversial than crossdressing? The Starlights are women and have always been women. Plus, them being male civilians in the anime creates a paradox, because if they’re men with sailor crystals who can become senshi, why can’t Mamoru - who is confirmed multiple times throughout the series as carrying the earth’s star seed and thus being Sailor Earth - do the same? Naoko said Mamoru can’t be a sailor senshi because he’s a man, but the Starlights don’t abide by this rule, they change their fucking biological sex
4. Why is absolutely no one concerned that Chibi-Chibi, a THREE YEAR OLD, just goes off on her own and has her own little adventures? She wanders into some strange old man’s house and they’re all “oh that’s just Chibi-Chibi,” and no one is worried that a literal stranger invites a three year old into his house where he gives her toys and candy? The 90s were WILD, man
5. Why does Chibi-Chibi, again who is THREE YEARS OLD, have a thigh gap?
6. This one’s on Naoko because it’s like this in the manga, but the anime is supposed to expand on the universe so I blame them too: Why does literally nobody question Chibi-Chibi’s motives? Some strange pink haired child who fucking falls out of the sky one day up and brainwashes Usagi’s mom into thinking she’s her second daughter, and nobody bats an eye at this? That’s sus as fuck and literally the only question anyone has is “is she your kid or Chibiusa’s?” She doesn’t even have a NAME, “chibi” is just a random word she says!
7. I am DIGGING the mobster feel of the Animamates’ civilian forms. Especially Iron Mouse and Tin Nyanko, who clearly launder money through a shady car dealership.
8. The Starlights’ only redeeming qualities are their snazzy entrance music and Seiya’s red suit
9. Why is Aluminum Siren the only Animamate who understands that a senshi has a pure star seeds? Like, y’all killed the senshi of your home planets to take their star seeds so YOU could be senshi (which is presumably why Galaxia wants more seeds, to make more Animamates with them), shouldn’t you know that?
10. Aluminum Siren/Lead Crow are trying their damn hardest to give Harumichi a run for their money in the quest to become the Best Space Lesbians.
11. So the Moon Kingdom fosters loyalty through child soldiers. I’m assuming Queen Serenity has her own senshi in the form of our senshi’s mothers, etc. (Which begs the question of if the Asteroid Senshi are supposed to be the future kids of our senshi or if they too are child soldiers from the asteroids they’re named after.) Kinmoku seems to foster loyalty by having the Kakyuu’s senshi fall in unrequited love with her. (In the manga it’s stated Kakyuu has a husband who died when their planet was destroyed.) I mean, whatever works, right?
12. I LOVE Tin Nyanko’s dub voice. She’s only around Usagi’s age and she sounds it
13. The dub actress for Lead Crow seems like she’s half assing it. Her voice doesn’t raise properly when she yells, she never sounds really angry, and it’s just so odd. I find a lot of dub voices do this, while the original Japanese VAs will scream their lungs out into the mic
14. On the reverse, Galaxia’s voice actress is a badass. She’s supposed to have a deep menacing voice but I like the one they gave her in the dub. She’s quiet, and sounds almost kind, and that’s a fucking TERRIFYING sort of villain we don’t see a lot of. Even when she’s pissed she doesn’t raise her voice.
15. Why are Lead Crow and Tim Nyanko the same height? Lead Crow is like 5’10 and Tin Nyanko is 4’11 like Sailor Moon
16. As an aside, Tin Nyanko and Lead Crow don’t like each other, which reminds me of the cats vs crows trash can showdown in Haikyuu lol
17. Haruka’s hate boner for Seiya gives me life
18. FINALLY someone calls the Starlights out on being assholes but it’s only after Makoto sees them harassing a THREE YEAR OLD (Chibi-Chibi). Literally everyone BUT Usagi thinks they’re assholes. “They sing such beautiful songs!” Bro. You can sing pretty and still be a fucking dick.
19. Lead Crow goes after Sailor Moon only after reading Siren’s notebook. Ditzy SIREN is the smartest Animamate, lord help them
20. Kakyuu’s dub voice is SO GOOD. She’s my favorite minor character, I’m still bitter they didn’t show Sailor Kakyuu
21. Seiya’s crush on Usagi was so awkwardly shoehorned in. I hate it. Jesus fucking Christ Usagi is sobbing in the goddamn rain about how much she misses Mamoru and Seiya is STILL coming onto her.
22. It is literally so fucking funny to me that Mamoru spends all of Stars fucking dead. He’s just a perpetual damsel in distress.
23. Rei literally lectures Usagi about leading Seiya on and how “you need to do the right thing and tell him you already have someone,” AS IF USAGI HASN’T BEEN DOING THAT AT EVERY AVAILABLE OPPORTUNITY. THE FIRST TIME THEY MET SHE SAID SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND, SHE’S TOLD SEIYA OVER AND OVER THAT SHE ISN’T INTERESTED IN HIM, THAT SHE’S GOT A BOYFRIEND, THAT SHE LOVES HER BOYFRIEND. The fucking MISOGYNY here, like it’s Usagi leading Seiya on instead of Seiya being a fucking Nice Guy who can’t take no for a goddamn answer. Shut the fuck up, Rei.
24. Pretty sure under Kakyuu’s headdress is a pair of odango
25. The fact that Iron Mouse and Aluminum Siren both die when their bracelets are removed yet Tin Nyanko doesn’t implies that Tin Nyanko was the original Sailor Mau. Mouse and Siren dying implies that forcing senshi powers on a civilian is dangerous and that Galaxia’s bracelets are the only thing keeping them alive (albeit brainwashed). Yet Tin Nyanko seems to revert to “good” when one of her bracelets is destroyed. Galaxia has to intervene and kill her personally. Tin Nyanko may have offered her senshi powers to spare Mau (this applies only in the anime; in the manga she’s explicitly said to have killed Sailor Mau)
26. Oooh Galaxia’s angry voice is so commanding and sexy
27. Don’t gimme that “we love Usagi but we love you Starlights just as much.” No you fucking don’t. The whole death scene in the anime is just so... ugh. Bad.
28. The Outers fighting Galaxia is hilarious. They’re supposed to be stronger than the Inners yet Galaxia never even has to get out of her chair to kick their asses. The writers were trying real hard to make us fear the worst and back the senshi into a corner but literally they’ve made this an impossible battle to win that only becomes winnable due to plot armor.
29. Rewatching Stars and classic after Eternal and Crystal makes me miss the battle damage the fuku took. The new series always has them looking pristine, but in classic they actually get roughed up and battle scarred. It makes it more real.
30. Aww how come Uranus and Neptune got to keep their names when they joined Galaxia? I wanna know what whack ass Animamate name they would’ve gotten. (Also Galaxia literally just sent them out like Pokémon, wtf)
31. I feel like Saturn dying shouldn’t be possible since she’s literally a senshi of death but... whatever, go off I guess.
32. So.... Uranus and Neptune joining Galaxia to try and take her star seed is a cool idea that absolutely did not happen in the manga, and needed more than half an episode of development. Would’ve been a cool plot if it wasn’t so rushed.
33. So much of this season was rushed so they could tie the series up at a beat 200 episodes. If they really didn’t want to go over 200, they should’ve cut the Nehelennia arc (which isn’t in the manga anyway) and and focused on developing the Animamates, this sweet Harumichi betrayal plot, and explaining Chibi-Chibi??? Her existence makes no sense without Sailor Cosmos, and they just... didn’t include her??? Wtf
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newsintheshell · 4 years
Crunchyroll Expo, la fiera si fa digital: ecco gli appuntamenti da non perdere
Al via da stasera la nuova convention annuale della piattaforma.
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Parte oggi la tre giorni (per noi quasi quattro) della nuova edizione della convention tutta targata Crunchyroll, che quest’anno come tanti ha deciso di organizzare tutto in digital. L’accesso ai panel, alle proiezioni e alle varie attività del Virtual Crunchyroll Expo 2020 sarà infatti esclusivamente online e aperto a tutti grazie ad una semplice registrazione gratuita. 
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Come una fiera tradizionale, anche la Virtual Crunchyroll Expo (o V-CRX) si dipana fra i quattro distretti immaginari della cosiddetta New Crunchy City.
Anime Arts District
Nell'Anime Arts District, gli astanti potranno accedere all'artist alley, con più di 150 artisti on mostra con tanto di offerte speciali uniche per l'evento del fine settimana.
Central Shopping District
Ti mancano gli onnipresenti venditori delle fiere quest'anno? V-CRX vuole dire la sua con i maggiori nomi presenti. Potrai trovare di tutto da Aniplex of America a VIZ Media e oltre.
Theater District
Dalle 10:00 am PT di ogni giorno, durante il V-CRX, il theater district vi delizierà con molti contenuti. Tutti i grandi eventi e i panel potranno essere trovati nel CR Stage e nel Hime Stage, l'ultimo dei quali sarà il palco del Crunchyroll-Hime’s Cosplay Cup, sponsorizzato da Bokksu. Potrai anche trovare i panel dei fan sullo Yuzu Stage, un insieme dei migliori contenuti di Sudachi e la possibilità di rivedere quasi tutto tramite V-CRX VOD.
Super Arcade
Se stai cercando un po' di simpatia felina nello Yuzu’s Cat Café, con la deliziosa Kitty Academy, o se cerchi di rilassarti coi ritmi lo-fi nella Quiet Room, il Super Arcade ha tutto quel che ti serve. I partecipanti potranno mettere le mani su uno speciale oggetto virtuale e persino partecipare all'Anime Rave. Sono 24 ore di intrattenimento in un solo posto!
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La lista di eventi in streaming è molto ricca e varia, di seguito trovate riportati gli appuntamenti principali di ogni giornata (il programma completo lo potete consultare direttamente sul sito ufficiale o dall’app dedicata). Per comodità, gli orari che vedete in questo elenco sono secondo il fuso orario italiano.     
19:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): il cast di Rent-a-Girlfriend, domande e risposte con Sora Amamiya, Aoi Yuki, Nao Toyama e Rie Takahashi
19:15 (Hime Stage): panel di Dr. STONE con Shusuke Katagiri
19:15 (Sudachi Stage): Toei Animation presenta: One Piece: Episode of Chopper - The Miracle Winter Cherry Blossom con un'esibizione sui doppiatori di One Piece
19:45 (Crunchyroll Stage): Monster Girl Doctor Panel con il doppiatore Shunichi Toki
21:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): Crunchyroll Originals Presenta: la creazione di Onyx Equinox
21:30 (Hime Stage): una discussione con Patrick Seitz
22:15 (Sudachi Stage): da Inuyasha a Yashahime: Un viaggio nel tempo
22:15 (Crunchyroll Stage): Crunchyroll Originals Presenta: EX-ARM Panel con il doppiatore Soma Saito e col regista Yoshikatsu Kimura
22:30 (Hime Stage): come portare avanti un club sugli anime
23:30 (Crunchyroll Stage): Crunchyroll Games Industry Panel
23:30 (Sudachi Stage): Aniplex of America Industry Panel
23:45 (Hime Stage): Professional Athletes of Anime
00:30 (Sudachi Stage): GKIDS Industry Panel
00:45 (Crunchyroll Stage): Introduzione ai Gunpla: iniziare da professionista
01:00 (Hime Stage): Crunchyroll Originals Presenta: un panel esclusivo con i creatori e con lo staff di Noblesse
03:00 (Hime Stage): Anime and Race
01:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): K-Pop e Anime: quando i due mondi s'incontrano
04:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): Myth & Roid Panel
04:45 (Crunchyroll Stage): concerto di Myth & Roid
19:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): Crunchyroll Originals Presenta: The God of High School Panel con l'autore Yongje Park, regista Sunghoo Park e altro!
19:15 (Hime Stage): Making Official Merch with Atsuko & Friends
20:00 (Hime Stage): Yen Press Industry Panel
20:45 (Crunchyroll Stage): Anime and Drag con Rock M. Sakura
21:00 (Hime Stage): Crunchyroll Virtual Industry Panel
21:45 (Crunchyroll Stage): Mesoamerica animata: Onyx Equinox con Sofia E. Alexander
22:00 (Hime Stage): Mangamo Industry Panel
23:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): Crunchyroll Originals Presenta: dialogo con i creatori di I’m a Spider, So What?
23:00 (Hime Stage): Snacking Through Japan con Bokksu
23:45 (Hime Stage): Right Stuf Anime Industry Panel
00:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): Panel esclusivo con lo staff di from The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
00:45 (Hime Stage): For Fans by Fans Presents: Anime Tropes Roulette!
01:15 (Crunchyroll Stage): Crunchyroll Originals Presents: GIBIATE Live Drawing
02:00 (Hime Stage): Kodansha Comics x Yen Press Showdown!
02:15 (Crunchyroll Stage): A Conversation with Erika Mendez
03:15 (Crunchyroll Stage): Drawing Crunchyroll-Hime! Watch and Learn Event
04:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): Crunchyroll-Hime's Cosplay Cup
20:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): Crunchyroll Original Presenta: TONIKAWA Panel con Akari Kito e con l'autore Kenjiro Hata
20:15 (Hime Stage): King Records: panel di un nuovo progetto
21:15 (Crunchyroll Stage): qualcosa su Akari Kito
21:30 (Hime Stage): Crunchyroll Originals Presenta: GIBIATE Panel e un episodio in anteprima
22:15 (Crunchyroll Stage): intervista con Chris Hackney
22:30 (Hime Stage): Crunchyroll Originals Presents: un panel esclusivo con i creatori e lo staff di Noblesse
23:15 (Crunchyroll Stage): Black Anime Magical Girl
23:45 (Hime Stage): Mesoamerican Gods: la mitologia in Onyx Equinox
00:45 (Hime Stage): Virtual Crunchyroll Expo Live domande e risposte con lo staff
01:00 (Crunchyroll Stage): Lavorare per Crunchyroll
Come noterete, alcuni panel si sovrapporranno, ma sappiate che li potrete recuperare in tutta tranquillità tramite la sezione on demand; i VOD saranno disponibili in ogni momento fino alle 19:00 di lunedì.
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Autore: SilenziO))) (@s1lenzi0)
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madboysketch96-blog · 6 years
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Meryl Z (My Unofficial OC)
This is another new character that I am developing lately, well, let's say that the reason for his creation is based on two things: one, after seeing this series of "magical girls" with cosplay of the famous super robots of the Go Nagai universe, " Robot Girl Z ". 
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and two, as far as its kind I am inspired by the character of Red Savarin from the videogame "Solatorobo: Red the Hunter" (https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61E-gZLD43L._SX466_.jpg & http://www.gamasutra.com/db_area/images/feature/6697/Sp_Red.jpg), of which he is a Shiba Inu dog.
In his story I have not done much, but it's like this: Meryl is a girl whose tastes are among the Japanese animation (otaku) and video games (gamer). Also like all geeks, she also likes to cosplay her favorite characters (this time she imitates her childhood hero, Mazinger Z). There is also another version that is a Magical Girl (yes, as Robot Girl Z) that fights to save the world from the tyranny of the empire Mikene and his seven armies (fuck, but like father like son). Another thing that I also want to emphasize is that because it cosplayed the father of the super robots, instead of being like Z-chan (https://static.zerochan.net/Z-chan.full.1652660.jpg),  I wanted to make his suit as if it were an armor, something similar to Zeus of the manga "Z Mazinger" (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/mazinger/images/8/89/1404124528833_%282%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150411095719), and from the anime series" Shin Mazinger Shōgeki Z Hen" (http://cdn30.us1.fansshare.com/image/truemazingerzchapter/true-mazinger:-z-chapter-shared-image-802955986.jpg).
Well, already clarifying these details, made it clear that as the title says, now this is my non-official fursona, that is, it is not that I have had enough of my main fursona (https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/madboysketch96/folder/343027/Jeff-Colley), but I would like to vary A bit, I say this because I've seen several artists change their main character for another, and well, here's the question: if they can do it, why not me?
No more to add, I hope you like, besides that I plan to make more stuff of it ... in short, have a happy day or night.
*Image that I borrowed for Mazinger Z's pose: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PTleLHPVQkU/Uv5Hmfc3fPI/AAAAAAAAHMI/9uyyW3Mca58/s1600/screingif+mz.jpg
*inspirational videos and songs:
-"Mazinger Z Opening lyrics" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmLI7TtsgfQ
-"Super Robot Wars Z - Mazinger Z" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XBNWgaAA64
-"【ロボットガールズZ】 チームZ 変身シーン" (【Robot Girls Z】 Team Z Transformation Scene) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6wkR2ZoqSU&index=131&list=LLoyOg8sqh4WEmkY1EHg3NWA
-"Robot Girls Z / ロボットガールズZ - Opening 「Robot Girls Z」" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsonVI2FVhg&index=132&list=LLoyOg8sqh4WEmkY1EHg3NWA
Meryl (2018) character belonging to © Derek "Madboysketch96" (me)
Mazinger Z (1972-2018) character belonging to © Go Nagai & Dynamic Planning
Robot Girl Z (2014) by © Dynamic Planning & Toei Animation
Art made by © Derek "Madboysketch96" (me)
MB96 2018
Este es otro personaje nuevo que estoy desarrollando últimamente, bueno, digamos que la razon de su creacion se basa en dos cosas: uno, tras ver esta serie de "magical girls" con cosplay de mechas famosos del universo de Go Nagai, "Robot Girl Z". 
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y dos, en cuanto a su especie me inspire en el personaje de Red Savarin del videojuego "Solatorobo: Red the Hunter"(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61E-gZLD43L._SX466_.jpg & http://www.gamasutra.com/db_area/images/feature/6697/Sp_Red.jpg), del cual es un perro Shiba Inu.
En su historia no he hecho gran cosa, pero es asi: Meryl es una chica de cuyos gustos estan entre la animacion japonesa (otaku) y los videojuegos (gamer). Ademas al igual que todo friki, tambien le gusta hacer cosplay de sus personajes favoritos (en esta ocasiòn ella imita a su heroe de la infancia, Mazinger Z). Tambien hay otra version que es una Magical Girl (sì, tal cual como Robot Girl Z) que lucha para salvar al mundo de la tirania del imperio Mikene y sus siete ejercitos (joder, pero de tal palo tal astilla). Otra cosa que tambien quiero resaltar es que debido a que hace cosplay del padre de los super robots, en vez de ser como Z-chan (https://static.zerochan.net/Z-chan.full.1652660.jpg), yo queria hacer su suit como si de una armadura se tratase, algo parecido a Zeus del manga "Z Mazinger" (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/mazinger/images/8/89/1404124528833_%282%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150411095719), y de la serie anime "Shin Mazinger Shōgeki Z Hen" (http://cdn30.us1.fansshare.com/image/truemazingerzchapter/true-mazinger:-z-chapter-shared-image-802955986.jpg).
Bueno, ya aclarando estos detalles, dejo en claro que como lo dice el titulo, ahora en adelante esta es mi fursona no-official, es decir, no es que ya me haya hartado de mi fursona principal (https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/madboysketch96/folder/343027/Jeff-Colley), pero me gustaria variar un poco, lo digo por que he visto a varios artistas cambiar a su personaje principal por otro, y bueno, he aqui la pregunta: si ellos pueden hacerlo, porque yo no?
Sin mas que agregar, espero que les agrade, ademas de que planeo hacer mas stuff de ella... en fin, que tengan un feliz dia o noche.
*imagen que tomé prestada para la pose de Mazinger Z: https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PTleLHPVQkU/Uv5Hmfc3fPI/AAAAAAAAHMI/9uyyW3Mca58/s1600/screingif+mz.jpg
*vídeos y canciones de inspiración:
-"Mazinger Z Opening lyrics" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmLI7TtsgfQ
-"Super Robot Wars Z - Mazinger Z" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XBNWgaAA64
-"【ロボットガールズZ】 チームZ 変身シーン" (【Robot Girls Z】 Team Z Transformation Scene) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6wkR2ZoqSU&index=131&list=LLoyOg8sqh4WEmkY1EHg3NWA
-"Robot Girls Z / ロボットガールズZ - Opening 「Robot Girls Z」" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsonVI2FVhg&index=132&list=LLoyOg8sqh4WEmkY1EHg3NWA
Meryl (2018) personaje perteneciente a © Derek "Madboysketch96" (mi)
Mazinger Z (1972-2018) personaje perteneciente a © Go Nagai & Dynamic Planning
Robot Girl Z (2014) por © Dynamic Planning & Toei Animation
Arte hecho por © Derek "Madboysketch96" (mi)
MB96 2018
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