#i am so normal tonight yall should be proud
miscellaneoussmp · 8 months
I love how Bagi and Roier are both reacting to the whole situation. They both love Cellbit in different ways, of course. That's what they share, their love for him. Their reactions are where they differ.
Roier only sees the knife pointed outwards, pointed towards those who have hurt them over and over. He doesn't care who it gets pointed at, as long as it stays pointed away from his heart as they both promised.
Bagi is worried that the knife is actually pointed inwards, pointed towards himself. She cares who it gets pointed at because she risks losing him again. What if the knife is pointing towards his heart? It's just like hers.
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spinster-sisters · 3 years
ohh okay! so to kick it off, can we get ateez members’ reactions to their very successful partner taking them to a company party like their trophy wife/husband/partner — not in a derogatory way tho!! but just like,, flaunting the members around and going on about how handsome and hardworking and amazing they are, even though everyone’s attention should be on their partner in that big event?
This is very different from the stuff I normally write but honestly I had so much fucking fun doing it. Like genuinely this made me smile like an idiot the whole time.
It's ur birthday or sum shit, but here's the dealio, he had some big work promotion at some smaller company. Most people haven't heard of it and it's nothing like the major corporation you work for so most people there just think of him as your trophy husband cuz he's so good-looking. while the party and presents were for you, you just could stop bring up how proud you were of him. He would immediately shut it down every time you brought it up, "yeah thank baby, I appreciate it. Hey, guys don't you think my baby is beautiful tonight?" Just won't let it distract from your attention no matter how much you bring it up. He doesn't think that he should be praised for doing what he should be doing. It's a nice sentiment and it makes him giggle but he wishes you would just let the guests congratulate you.
It's some work party on your behalf at your home. And Seonghwa planned the whole thing. Your not gonna deny you were just looking for a hot husband with social perks (read: rich parents and rich friends) but after meeting Seonghwa you genuinely fell so hard and so fast for how humble he was despite his wealthy upbringing, and you wanted to work even harder to provide him with the lifestyle he had always had at home. And he is happy to fulfill his house husband role for his doting partner. So yall are just happy and in love. Everyone at the party is your coworker and honestly, he would probably have just been your arm candy under any other circumstances, except you keep reminding people how great of a job he did getting everything set up. From a 5-star catering company to a live band, to imported wine from somewhere fancy, the whole thing took him weeks to put together and you will be dammed if he doesn't get the recognition for a job well done. He takes the praise blushing and mumbles quiet thank yous to all you and all guests who praise him, but he leaves it at that. If they ask him questions about the things around him he will keep his answers short and minimal yet polite before slipping away. Despite planning it, it isn't his party and he wants to keep it that way.
it's actually your friend's launch party for something or other. But you had a fair amount to do with the starting of the company as an investor and your friend had wanted to honor you as much as her. But here's the thing. Yunho's also pretty fucking cool, he doesn't have a permanent job, instead, he bounces around to all kinds of random things to keep himself entertained instead of just being at home all the time. the entire fucking time you're like "oh but have you heard what Yunho's been up to lately." He tries to one-up you with praise. Every time you say something cool he does, he brings up something cool you have done. And it just gets more and more intense as the night goes on to the point where the other giggles just fucking giggle cuz yall are so obvious in love.
Yalls wedding is gonna be the social event of the year. You both come from very prominent families, but Yeosangs family got their money from fame not business. So when yall got engaged there was quite a bit of gossip about how "real" the relationship even was. Who the "throphy" was would change based on who you asked and it was getting annoying reading all the headlines. It was your wedding shower, and it was no secret that most of the people there were there for you and not him, but he couldn't care less. People kept coming up to you trying to talk business, and you were endlessly shutting them down because this was a day for both you and your soon to be husband, not for social climbers to try and get on your good side. The wonderful thing about Yeosang however is how much he can read you emotions even when you are trying to hide them. His course of action was simple. You both just fucking leave. You both had already talked to your actual friends and at a certain point you couldn't be bothered to keep up appearances with people who didn't respect both of you equally. So you left. Probably went and got some food in your cocktail attire. Much better use of time anyway.
You're some kind of model or something. So it's like fashion week. So the whole time u have cameras shoved in your face and are being followed everywhere you go. But ur mans San is also incredibly beautiful, so you play a little game where whenever you go out all you do is put on sweats and a hoodie and you bring him out with him dressed in full fashion week regalia so the photographers are fucking confused who they are supposed to be taking pictures of. He thinks it's funny ao he plays along, wearing whatever you put him in and posing dramatically for literally every photo he can. You two go through the posted photos absolutely howling at them all night.
Your some big-time producer and Mingi is this like an underground rapper. Yall have been together long before you ever made it big and back before you got the job you lived almost exclusively off Mingi's part-timejob. But now the turntables have flipped and he can live mostly of your income allowing him to focus on his music and yall wouldn't have it any other way. But here's the shit. Some dopey fucking pop star you produce for comes over for dinner and makes a "joke" about mingi being a freeloader and you get so fucking petty. Especially after seeing Mingi's dejected face. So basically you help mingi produce a professional track and release it legitimately and not just on SoundCloud or in some shitty nightclub, and it fucking blows up way more than the other person music ever did and you just do nothing but talk up how amazingly talented Mingi is to your boss and he gets signed after the other person is dropped from the label. It's a great time.
Allow me to paint you a picture(this is a pun just wait for it.) Your an artist 😃 and Wooyoung is your husband and your muse. Almost everything you paint is either of him or reminds you of him. And your opening this big art exhibit and it's just this super fancy cocktail party with all the art snobs in the city and of course you bring him. As soon as yall walk in people immediately notice he's the guy in all the paintings and you're just like "yes isn't he stunning" and he's like "yes I am stunning" he's only half kidding. Whenever you go on and on to some art blogger about your muse he just sits there drinking it in with a smirk on his face, occasionally adding things like how you owe your success to his beautiful face. In that case, he's completely kidding cuz he knows damn well your talented enough to make anything beautiful with or without him.
ima say you married rich. You didn't have much growing up but Jongho has done nothing but spoil you. Despite the fact he came from a big business family, singing has always been his passion. When you begin to work in his father's company you rise through the ranks alarmingly quick due to your skill. It's some party for your father in laws retirement and everyone coming up to you betting your gonna be the next CEO. Here the thing though, Jongho left the company not long after you joined, so he could pursue singing and most people there haven't seen him since then and they keep giving him side-eyes, clearly thinking he threw his life away and he's just gonna be your "trophy husband" for the rest of his life. Not on your watch homie. You expected this so you and your supper supportive father-in-law set aside time for him to perform to the whole room and you're standing there all proud and satisfied as all your coworkers are dumbfounded at his amazing talent.
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astrozones · 4 years
Gay Eyes - Prinxiety
@idkwhyimhere0o0 , @slitherynchiken bc yall wanted to see this uwu
Original Post here!
Summary: "Gay eyes" was a stupid concept. Virgil could hardly believe his ears when Roman suggested it earlier that day- when they were trying to pursue Nico. And of course, it didn't work. Because it was stupid. Idiotic. So why couldn't he stop thinking about it- or the boy who had suggested it?
Discord: Astro’s Zone
Ship: Prinxiety
Read on AO3
Spoiler warning for Flirting With Social Anxiety!! 
Gay eyes, right?
 That’s what he called them?
 It was stupid. A stupid name, a stupid concept, a stupid- ugh, everything!
 So why couldn’t he stop thinking about it-!
 Virgil groaned, turning himself around so he could shove his face onto the pillow. Ughhhhhhhh. 
 Maybe it was because Roman looked so damn pretty doing it and- nope! Not going down that train of thought. At least, not for the fifth time tonight.
 ‘Gay eyes’. Ugh. Something about that was familiar. Did someone do them to Thomas? No, no, he would’ve heard Roman prattling on about it in a lovestruck monologue if someone did. That much was certain.
 Ah- maybe- well, Thomas had to have done it sometime, right? He seemed so familiar with the concept. That must be why he was understood it. It was the only logical reason, at least. Heh, maybe Logan would be proud of him for coming up with an understandable conclusion.
 But- that wasn’t it, was it? Something in his nonexistent heart told him so. And while he made a point to not listen to his heart- it could get them in so many dangerous situations, after all- he spent a few more minutes thinking about it. Just in case.
 He couldn’t think of anything else though. No matter how many paths he went through, nothing made sense, except for if another Side had done them while he was watching or something and-!
 God, he remembered it- about 3 weeks ago, Roman was acting weird. And not his normal type of fantastical-focused weirdness either. He hadn’t thought much of it- that was a lie, he spent too much time thinking about it- but Roman kept looking over at Virgil, both of them sitting at opposite ends of the couch.
 When Virgil finally chanced looking over and meeting his eyes, Roman simply raised an eyebrow at him. A second later, he switched his expression to an innocent one, looking away, and back, where he lifted his eyebrow again with a smirk.
 What the fuck, he had thought. Huh? Ugh- whatever. Ro’ was just messing around. Virgil let out a scoff, lightly pushing Roman with a small laugh as he stood up and walked to the kitchen- Patton was starting to look longingly at the stove again, and Virgil decided he would supervise. They didn’t want a repeat of last time.
 Looking back on it, though… Was Roman… flirting with him? With Virgil? None of the others had been in the room, except for Patton, who was on the opposite side. So it must have been Virgil.
 But- why?
 Why Virgil? Was he pranking him? No, Roman wouldn’t do that, he was too serious about romance.
 That meant… that he was serious. That he was trying to flirt… with Virgil.
 The chances of Roman pranking him seemed far higher than the chances of Roman actually liking Virgil back, but- well, all the signs said he was genuine.
 Oh God.
 If he was flirting with him, that means- that means that Virgil just brushed off his flirting without a second thought. That he- did he accidentally reject Roman? Shit, shit, shitshitshit- FUCK! He must hate Virgil now and his chances were ruined and he’d be single forever and-
 Breathe. He- he had to breathe.
 In, out.
 Okay. Okay, he just had to think about it logically. Logically, Roman’s feelings for him wouldn’t go away just because Virgil rejected him (he rejected him! FUCK! FUCK!). Logically, he still had a chance.
 But what if he didn’t- what if Roman already convinced himself out of it, or what if he realized he wasn’t that interested after all and now he’s grateful I didn’t understand, or what if he- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
 Okay- okay- he just… he had to make a plan to tell Roman. Easy. Yeah, that was a good idea.
 This was a horrible idea. By far the worst of his ideas. Why was he doing this idea?!?
 Well, he supposed, this is why I’m not Creativity.
 He sat down on the couch, opposite of Roman. Step one, done.
 Roman glanced up at him, flashing a radiant smile before turning back to his book- something fantasy related, most likely. Fuck I’m gay.
 Could anyone blame him, though? Roman was just so pretty! Kind, too, he just wanted the best for everyone. He had a pretty straightforward set of right and wrong, but he was learning, and trying his best to make things right. Fuck, he was so passionate too. Virgil could sit there listening for hours as he ranted on about all his new ideas. He wanted to do that, he wanted to be there for Roman, to trust him enough to share thoughts he wasn’t entirely comfortable with.
 Oh shit, he had been staring at him for too long. Roman was looking at him with concern and curiosity. Enact step two, enact step two!
 Quickly, before he had a chance to feel scared about it- he let an eyebrow rise up, silently staring at Roman with a smile. He let the expression fall, looking away, then looking back, before switching back with a smirk.
 Fuck, Roman just looked confused. What were the steps again? What did he miss?!? I knew this was a bad idea-
 Roman softly gasped. Virgil’s gaze shot to him as a brilliantly bright blush adorned Roman’s face.
 Good reaction?
 “Was that- did you-?” Roman giggled, quickly covering his head with his hands.
 This is good-? No! No, this is bad! A bad reaction! You fucked up Virgil, ABORT, ABORT-
 “Roman, Virgil! It’s time to eat breakfast!” Patton called from the dining room. Shit. Now he couldn’t run away.
 Roman kept trying to catch his gaze while they were eating. He saw it in the corner of his eye. But Virgil’s gaze stayed diligently on his food, eating quickly so he could run get away faster.
 “I’m going to my room- BYE!” he rushed out, disposing of the dishes before sprinting back to his room. He didn’t want to see the pitying glance Roman sent him.
 He face-planted straight onto his bed. He felt like crying, and he desperately fought back the tears that would tell everyone just what he was feeling.
 Fuck, why couldn’t he have just kept his mouth shut. Or, rather, repressed his feelings and lived with the fact that Roman would never like him back? Of course Roman wouldn’t feel the same- why would he? When Virgil was so much worse than him? 
 He froze as a knock sounded at the door.
 Fucking shit- this was Roman coming to officially reject him, wasn’t it. Shit, not right now! Not when he was still processing it! He was gonna burst into tears!
 Biting his lip, he slowly made his way over to the door, opening it ever so cautiously.
 There stood Roman, bouncing on his heels with a grin. Virgil frowned, why is he so ecstatic about rejecting me? I thought he considered me a friend now…
 Roman opened his mouth to speak. Deny it! Deny it!
 “It was a joke.” Virgil blurted out. Roman’s stopped in place, staring at him.
 “I didn’t mean it. Me doing the whole ‘gay eyes’ thing? It was a joke.” he murmured, fiddling with his sleeves. Roman made a strained noise.
 “I- um- I see. That, uh, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying, Virgil. If you’ll excuse me, I really must be going now. Ideas to explore, and all. Toodle-oo!”
 And with that, Roman left.
 “Of course it was too good to be true,” Roman moaned, falling back onto his thousands of pillows strewn over the floor. His body shook as he tried to hold back sobs.
 He had been trying to show hints to Virgil for ages, y’know. Roman was brave, but not brave enough to say it outright. He’d hoped- well, he’d hoped that after he showed a few hints, maybe, just maybe, Virgil would show some signs back. Just enough that Roman could be sure that his feelings were returned. 
 And he thought… that this was it. That Virgil’s sudden understanding of ‘gay eyes’ was the sign that he was looking for! 
 He always knew his endless optimism would come to bite him some day.
 “FUCK!” he shouted to no one. Thankfully he had soundproofed his room ages ago, after enough noise complaints from Logan about his singing. He wiped his tears away, scoffing as new ones just took their place.
 He should have known Virgil was too perfect for him.
 With his endearingly sarcastic attitude, his wonderfully precious giggles, and of course his smile- it was a wonder he hadn’t fallen for him sooner.
 He silently cursed his past self. Why couldn’t he have just let it go and accepted him into the group? Maybe this wouldn’t have happened in the first place- maybe Virgil would be able to like him romantically. 
 God, what he would give to be able to cuddle with Virgil… to hug him, to hold hands, maybe even kiss him…
 But he couldn’t.
 Because Virgil had rejected him.
 Dumbass, Virgil’s brain told him. He huffed. What, he asked, am I not suffering enough already?
 His mind didn’t respond. Virgil groaned. This usually meant that he had to actually figure something out instead of just wallowing in his sorrow.
 He rubbed at his eyes, debating whether he should actually follow directions and think over things.
 Nah, he decided, switching onto his side as he elected to just sleep and forget about today.
 He likes you back!
 Psh, yeah right. The only way Roman could like him back is if he had been coming over to confirm his feelings or some shit. That was impossible.
 Wait, he thought, sitting up. Wait. Maybe I am a dumbass.
 Because the more he thought about it, the more it became apparent that it actually wasn’t impossible. In fact, it might just be… plausible. 
 Holy shit.
 He stood up, frantically searching for his hoodie. He had to tell Roman, he had to. Before it was too late.
 Picking it up, he hurried over to the mirror. Fuck, he looked like a disaster. Hair askew, makeup nonexistent, eyes wide in panic. At least he hadn’t cried- crying, Virgil, he could be crying. Go, hurry!
 Whipping open the door, he hurried down the hallway. Passing Patton in the kitchen, he gave him a nod as he ran.
 “What are you doing up?” Patton asked, a cup of water in his hand. “You should be going to sleep.”
 “Can’t-” Virgil huffed out, stopping for only a few seconds. “I have to go- gotta- clear something up.”
 He left before Patton could come up with a response.
 “Roman,” he whisper-shouted, frantically knocking on the door. “Roman!”
 The door opened, revealing a tired Roman. Virgil noticed with a pain in his chest that his eyes were red from crying.
 “I meant it,” he rushed out. “I meant it- the whole ‘gay eyes’ thing. As stupid as it is, I meant it.” Roman’s eyes widened.
 “I did- but I thought you were gonna reject me- so I said it was a joke and I know, I know, I’m so, so stupid, but say you like me back and I might just kiss you.”
 For seconds that felt like eons, Roman stayed silent.
 “Oh God, please do. I like you back, I have for a long time actua- mmf-!”
 Before he was even done talking, Virgil had grabbed the collar of his pyjamas- a red t-shirt, with a crown placed in the center because this boy just cannot stop getting more adorable- and pulled him forward.
 Their lips met, and Virgil’s heart melted. He moved his hands to caress Roman’s face. He felt warm- content, even, which couldn’t be true because he was Anxiety and Anxiety never felt content without a thousand other thoughts harassing him- but he was free from negative feelings, head empty as all he processed was Roman’s lips on his and that he was feeling loved.
 He slowly separated from the boy, gasping for air and fighting the urge to dive back in and kiss him again- because holy fuck he had kissed Roman!
 “I thought- I thought you didn’t like me back.” Roman whispered, voice cracking in the middle. Virgil shook his head vehemently. 
 “I- fuck no, Ro’, that’s impossible. I- fuck- you’re great, Ro’, I adore you.” 
 Roman broke out into a grin, leaning his forehead against Virgil’s.
“I adore you, too.”
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clans part 36! @brightlotusmoon @selfindulgenz @scentedcandlecryptid
Content warning!! Physical attack, restraint, cursing
April woke up to a solid, heavy thud. It took her a moment to recognize her own room; it was her first night staying in her house for almost three weeks. Every time her parents would go away on their business, the house would be too quiet for her to want to stay in it very long. But now the lair was just as quiet, and with her brothers gone, she didn't want to spend much time there either. It just made her sad. Her conflict with Splinter and Cassandra served to make things worse.
That sound came again, and this time her head snapped immediately to the window. Another impact, and another. A steady, drumming sound. April slid out of bed and into her slippers, slowly approaching the window and pulling back the darkened blinds. Surely the brothers couldn’t be back so soon?
April gave a shout and fell away as another projectile was launched at the window and smacked against it. Was that a rock? Quickly, she scrambled back over to the window and peered outside. Then she opened the window, just barely ducking her head in time to dodge another rock. She slowly peeked back over the windowsill and threw her arms open.
“What the hell Casey?!”
“Sorry!” Cassandra called back from the streets, “You opened the window!”
“No shit, Jones!” April snarled back, and then fell to a weak laugh. “What are you doing throwing rocks at my house at…” She checked the time, “Two in the morning?”
“Come down!” Sunita called up; she was in her human form, which hadn’t changed at all in the years April knew her. Skin a shade darker than April’s own, and hair of ink pulled tight again her scalp in braids.
“Not tonight, yall.” April leaned on her window sill and gave a tired smile.
“What?” Cassandra scoffed in an exaggerated fashion, “Why not?!”
“I have a headache.” Was April’s excuse; she didn't have one, but she certainly didn't feel good. She just couldn’t exactly pin point what part of her body it was that ached.
“I have ibuprofen!” Cassandra held up her purse.
“Good night, girls.” April closed the window.
“Well, that stinks.” Sunita put a hand on her hip as she turned to face the shorter Cassandra. “Should we knock again?”
Cassandra considered. She gave a smile that was undetectable due to her mask and cracked her fingers and neck. “I have a better idea~”
April was more than happy to enjoy the warm, weighted embrace of her comforter, hugging her childhood teddy bear to beckon sleep to return to her faster. With her injuries, this was shaping up to be the most boring summer of her life! But to be fair, the promise of a simple, normal summer of relaxation definitely appealed to her, no matter how far out of her reach she knew it was. A girl could always dream, right?
April’s body shuttered. It told her to open her eyes, and when she did it was like her worst nightmares came true, though for only a moment before her mind caught up with the fear in her heart and recognized the silhouettes standing over her like villains in the night.
“Casey? Sunita? What are you—?”
Cassandra grabbed April around her waist and hoisted the teen over her shoulder.
“Casey! Put me down!” April growled and kicked her legs, but Cassandra only laughed.
“Sunita— help me! Get her legs!” Cassandra howled, and Sunita hurried to restrain April’s legs while Cassandra supported her front, both of them holding April between them like a hammock. “You’re coming to girls night April!”
They started to carry April toward the open window. April’s initially startled screams slowly turned to laughter. She still struggled, but her actions were more playful than anything. They stopped at the window, though Cassandra had already climbed out of it.
“She ain’t got no shoes, get her shoes!” Cassandra laughed.
Sunita’s arm turned from human back to its slime form and extended out to grab April’s shoes and a pair of socks. Cassandra forced April’s feet still so Sunita could put her shoes on, and then they continued out the window and into the fire escape.
“Guys— I need a mask!” April laughed.
“Got one!” Cassandra reached into her purse and pulled out a blue mask, fixing it over April’s mouth and nose while still carrying her with one arm. Down the fire escape they went, and only when their feet had touched the ground did they put April down.
“Are you proud of yourselves?” April huffed, putting her hand on her hip.
“Very.” Cassandra smirked.
“You could at least have let me get dressed!” April laughed, “I can’t go out for girls night in my PJs!”
“Why not?” Sunita asked innocently.
“Cause It's not proper for a social setting!” April scoffed.
Sunita was quiet for a time before whispering, “Humans are so weird…”
“Oh yeah. Forgot you’re a slime dude.” Cassandra turned to face April, “You’ll be fine! It’s not like we’re going drinking! You’re not old enough; believe me, I’ve checked.”
“Then what are we doing?” April asked, genuine curiosity seeping into her voice.
The trio got close enough to see the mutant hippo known as Hypno Ron wandering the shadows of the streets; he didn't seem to have a care in the world as to being spotted. After all, he could always just Mesmer any human to forget! April wasn’t so keen on how reckless the mutant was being, but Cassandra locked on to the hippo almost immediately from the rooftops.
“Oh! Oh! I got this one!” Cassandra cleared her throat, and when she spoke again, it was in a heavy accent; her best attempt at mocking the way Hypno spoke. “Oh oh, deary me! I simply have to find a tiny suit for my tiny worm friend for our anniversary! How am I ever going to find one in time to enjoy tiny tea cakes and orange peels with the lovely Warren Stone?”
“Orange peels?” April scrunched up her nose.
“What? Worms taste with their body.” Cassandra shrugged.
“Oh! There’s one!” Sunita spotted the next mutant, Repo Mantis, buzzing around. She dropped her voice low and raspy. “Rrrrr. I just know there’s a birthday cake to repo ‘round here somewhere. That three-year old’s hiding well, but I’ll sniff em out with my sniffer.” Sunita made exaggerated sniffle motions that made April and Cassandra almost fall over laughing.
“This one’s mine!” April claimed a few buildings down when they spotted the mutant prairie dog wandering an alleyway, her nose twitching in the search for decent morsels. April didn't know her name, so she had to improvise, clearing her throat. “Can I dig here? Noooo this isn’t a good place for digging? Here? Maaaaybe not? Here? No. Man, none of these places are good for digging!”
Sunita and Cassandra were covering their mouths trying to keep their laughter to a minimum. The prairie dog seemed to hear them anyway, looking up from her curious search to twitch her ears in search of the noises.
The girls all ducked down low to hide from her sight, all covering their mouths and their snickers until the suspicions had died down. Then, at Cassandra’s command, all three of them peeked back over the edge and down at the mutant as she continued her work.
“Ohhhh the voices are back!” April carried on, this time in a lower whisper, “Hm? However will I pass the time? I know!” she cleared her throat and started to sing in her mock accent. “Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene! I’m begging of you please don’t take my man! Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Joleeeene! I’m singing this song just because I caaaaan!”
The prairie dog looked up again. “Did someone call me?”
That made the trio of girls fall apart laughing until their sides hurt and they felt like they might be sick if they laughed any harder. Through the next hour, they found more and more people to mock from afar, both mutants and humans, but after the hour had passed, April was starting to feel completely exhausted. The constant running and laughing made the soreness of her side ache even worse, and now her head really was hurting, and her stomach too.
“Sorry gals.” She told the two of her friends when she felt her body couldn’t hold out any longer. “Really gotta turn in for the night.”
“What?” Cassandra groaned, and Sunita seemed disappointed, “Come on! We still got two hours before the sun comes up!
“And I really should be spending it sleeping.” April sighed, “But I had a really good time! I’ll see you in the morning, girls?”
“Do you want us to walk you home?” Sunita asked softly.
“No, no, don’t trouble yourselves!” April waved her hand, “I know you two are having fun, and I can handle myself.”
“Are you sure?” Cassandra asked, “It’s no trouble…”
“It’s fine! I grew up with the turtles, I can handle myself!”
“If you say so…”
“I’ll be fine. Really.” April tried to reassure.
“At least take my knife.” Cassandra said, giving the long blade over to April, “I feel bad for abducting you without your bat.”
“You don’t have to do that.” April said.
“I want to!” Cassandra beamed. “Besides, I’ll just come back and get it in the morning! No big whoop.”
“Well then… thank you.” April turned the knife over in her hands a few times. “I promise I’ll give it back.”
April found where she was by checking the nearest street signs. She wasn’t more than a few blocks from home. The streets would be far easier to traverse than the buildings; as much as she had trained with the brothers, she never did quite get the hang of building jumping. That’s why Donatello had his special seat in his armor just for her! Thinking of Donatello, April felt a sudden sadness wash over her. She missed his sarcastic voice, his dramatic flare, his simple presence!
When she was out of view of Cassandra and Sunita, the first thing April did was let herself finally release the bile that had been churning her stomach for the past ten minutes, and she felt a lot better when the vomit was outside instead of in. Then she started to cry immediately after, but she didn't know why. She missed Donatello, sure, but enough to cry? And though her head hurt it wasn’t the agonizing, ripping headaches that usually plagued her, so it wasn’t the pain. Maybe it was just a bit of everything mixed into one, and that was why she felt so… not good. She wanted to feel better, and maybe crying could help that! It wasn’t like she could stop now. Once the tears started to fall, they just got heavier.
The tears fell hard as April entered a shortcut alley. Then she stopped when she saw a man at the other end; a man that looked to be just minding his own business, leaned up against a wall drinking from something within a paper bag. She already had a hunch of what it could be, and she certainly didn't want to cross his path. Not when there was a longer, but safer, path she could take instead. Gripping the knife in her pocket, April started to back away; it was preferable to turning her back on the man. At least, that’s what she thought before she collided with a bigger, heavier weight.
April tried to turn around. Powerful arms wrapped around her, one around her chest holding her in a grip so tight she thought her ribs might break, and another holding a cloth to her mouth. She held her breath for as long as she could, kicking out and trying repeatedly to strike the mans legs and groin, but all she met was muscle and what must have been an athletic cup protecting him. Figures! Just her luck!
When April could hold her breath no longer, she squeezed her eyes shut as the acrid fumes overwhelmed her, followed quickly by darkness.
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kaz11283 · 4 years
It took me forever just to sit down and write this.  Not gonna lie I hit a rock straight up, but if yall just bear with me through this part at least we will be back to smooth sailing.  It’s just been such a rough week with everything going on around the world.  Let’s use this as an escape even if it is just for a little bit.  I’m gonna start kinda having a certain day of the week when I release stuff, right now I am thinking maybe Tuesday and Friday?  Still bouncing things off in my head, but that will give me a time frame and give yall a day when to expect something.  Much love, and thank you to everyone that has started following this journey with me and has followed, liked, and reblogged!  I don’t know what I would do without the support and I am loving the feedback and I am over the moon by what recognition I have gotten.  It’s not big but every little thing makes me feel so special and I am so happy that I am getting to share a piece of me with all of yall!!!
Best Friends
Chapter 4
You 17, Sam 18, Dean 21
“He’s gone y/n,” Bobby said walking into the living room where you had taken up residence on the couch since you had gotten the call from John two days before. “He wouldn’t want you sulking around here like you are.  He would want you to get up off this couch and at least go take a shower.”  He popped the top on the beer he had in his hand and gave it to you.
“Uncle Bobby you know I don’t drink that stuff.”  You said pushing it away.  You wrapped the blanket around you tighter. “It just surprises me, ya know?  Everything that man has fought in his life, every monster, creature, everything and the man dies in a freakin car accident.”
“Fate has a weird scene of humor sometimes.  He was a good hunter, damn good brother, and a pretty ok father.  He did raise a pretty smart girl if you ask me, course I don’t know where you got it from.  Probably your mother’s side of the family along with her looks.”  He said leaning back and pulling you to his chest.  “I would love to tell you that it gets better, that the pain just slowly goes away until it’s not there anymore but it doesn’t.  You just learn to get use to it.  Some days are easier to get through than others, somedays it won’t even cross your mind, but you’re gonna have your bad days and on those days is when you’re gonna need to talk, let someone help.”  He said kissing the top of your head and getting up to stretch. “But really, go take a shower, I think that your funk is starting to seep into the couch.  Might have to burn it and get another one.”
“No!  I like this couch.  Its broken in just right.  Besides a new couch would just throw the whole room off, we would have to paint, get all new furniture, probably throw away a lot of your junk.  It just wouldn’t work out with a new one.” You got up and collected your blankets.  “Thank you Uncle Bobby for being here, helping raise me, teach me, letting me stay here when you didn’t have to.  Your probably the best thing that’s happened to me.” You said leaning up and kissing the old man on the cheek before you walked up the stairs.
 You woke to voices down stairs in the kitchen and the smell of bacon and coffee, your uncle didn’t normally cook unless-
You bolted up out of bed and hightailed it down stairs to see your favorite family sitting at the table idly chit chatting with Bobby. “Sammy! Dean!”  The two large men stood up and gave you a hug squeezing you between them like a sandwich.  “Oh I missed yall so much!”  You through your arms around both of their necks pulling them down to your level and squishing their cheeks to yours.
“Hey sweetheart, how you holdin’ up?”  John asked bending down to give you a hug.  You had somehow managed to weasel your way into the eldest Winchesters heart when you was young running around with Sam and Dean causing trouble.
“I’m doin good John.  It makes it a little easier knowing that he didn’t hurt, ya know.  It was quick.”  You shrugged taking your seat between the two brothers.
You all sat and ate breakfast talking about the latest hunt that the guys had been on, hearing John talk about hunts with your dad, listening to Bobby rant about having to bandage up the both of them more times than he cared to.  It had started out as a good day.
“So Sammy, any plans after you finally finish school?”  You asked over you cup of coffee.
“Yes and no.  I don’t know what I really want to do yet.  I got my acceptance letter from Stanford the other day but we haven’t really discussed it any further.”  Sam said looking down.
“Sammy here wants to be a lawyer.”  John laughed.  “Of all things.  Been training the boy his whole life to hunt and now he wants to throw it all away for a ‘higher education’.” John rolled his eyes.
“What’s wrong with that?  I got accepted into KCU working on getting my RN.”  You asked raising an eyebrow at the man.  “He doesn’t wanna follow the family business I don’t see where that’s a problem.  Besides, then you would have someone to get both your asses outta trouble if need be.”
“Y/n you always knew you didn’t wanna do this-“
“But Sammy did.  I think he should have a little bit of a say so in his future.”  You said leaning back and crossing your arms in front of you.  “Don’t worry Sammy, I’ll come visit you on weekends.”
“So you got accepted to KCU and didn’t tell me yet?”  Bobby asked trying to change the subject.
“Well a lot of stuff has happened since I got the letter.  Honestly I didn’t think I was gonna get in, I didn’t turn in all my stuff till last minute.”  KCU had only been a pipe dream for you, going into the medical field was kind of an easy choice; you had stitched, bandaged, and pulled out bullets from more than one hunter that had come through Bobby’s door on many occasions.
“So a collage girl now?”  Dean said winking at you.
“Gross no, you’re my brother.” You wrinkled your nose and made a disgusted look at him
“Ew NO!  Not you!  Trust me I’ve already seem more of you than I ever care about seeing-“ That earned a hard glare from both John and Bobby to both of you.
“Shut up Dean.”
“Like the time we had stayed out all night drinkin and went skinny dippin in the lake.”
“Shut up Dean.”
“Or the time that we had the bet that you wouldn’t walk out on the field during homecoming and moon everyone.”  Bobby crossed his arms, you hadn’t told him the reason you had been suspended from school that week
“Dean, I will hit you so hard that your kids will feel it.”
“Or the time-” You punched him hard “OW!”  He grabbed his arm holding it while Sam busted out laughing.
“There are certain things that you don’t say Dean.” You stared at him with wide eyes.  “Like the time that you begged me to come get you from whats her names house at like three in the morning so that you wouldn’t get caught sneaking back into the hotel that we were staying at, or the time that we had to get Sam to cover for us because we snuck out to go to that party, or ho-”
“OK! Grounded, both of you.  Till further notice.”  Bobby pointed at you and Dean.
“I’m 21 Bobby!”  Dean yelled looking at his dad for help, John simply shrugged his shoulders.
“Your joking me?  Uncle Bobby, you’ve never grounded me before!”
“Well y/n there’s a first time for everything.  Seems like I just didn’t’ know that you need to be grounded all the time.”  Bobby said shaking his head.
“Well thanks for taking the pressure off me guys.”  Sam said draping his arm around the back of your chair laughing.
“Sam, watch it, I’m sure you had your help in something too with these two bad influences around.” John warned.
The next week was spent going over information about the hunt the boys were about to do, gun training, and hanging out with the boys. With them getting older they werent able to come around as much as they use to so when you were together you made the most of your time. Sam had decided to hang back and go over some more books of Bobby's while you and Dean went for burgers.
"When are you gonna start huntin with us y/n?" Dean asked looking over his burger.
"Dean, we've went over this. I'm better behind a book looking up lore, or with a needle and thread in my hand. I dont do field work. I dont like having to chop heads or burn bodies."
"Your good with any weapon put in your hand, your freakin awesome at fighting. I'm just sayin I ever have to go off on my own your the first one I would call." He shrugged.
"Well I guess I'm lucky that you'll have Sammy then right?" You said whipping off your hands. "But you ever need any research done I'm your girl."
"Sammy's going to collage. Hes getting out." Dean said looking down. "I act all butt hurt and upset that hes leaving but I'm not, not really. I'm actually really proud. Proud of him and you. You both did something that I never imagined could happen."
"But I'm going to collage to learn how to help people when they get attacked Dean, I wouldnt say that was 'getting out'."
"But when this is over and you decide you dont wanna do this anymore you'll have a fall back. Sammy is going to be a lawyer, what can I do? I'm good at killing things."
"You can be a professional hunter," he snorted "ummm, oh, or a gun salesman, or a secret agent." You laughter with him on that one. "Hunters lives is a whole lie anyways I think you could pull it off. Wear a suit, woo a girl." You raised your eyebrows at him.
"Whatever. Let's go home, I heard theres a Hatchetman marathon tonight. Think we could get Sam to join us like old times?"
"I'll grab the snacks." You said throwing your arm around his middle.
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abdicatedarchive · 3 years
Sleepover at Chase’s || Wren, Chase, Jonah, Jesse, Stevie
The boys (Stevie included) have a sleepover at Chase’s. 
@chrysolites @jessekxller
Chase: Chase had pulled out a few air mattresses and put out a bunch of wine and mixed drink stuff plus snacks for the boys. He had facemasks in the bathroom, but he was going to wait until everyone was drunk to bring that up. He heard a knock at the door, "It's open!" he called out.
Jesse: Jesse was nervous for the sleep over, he had never really done one, he had slept over at Liv's, but that was different. Jesse opened the door with a smile. "Hey!" He said talking in. His one goal of the night was to be the one that didn't sleep. The boys couldn't find out about his night terrors. "Melissa sent me with some snacks."
Jonah: Jonah hadn't been feeling too great in general and it seemed like it was starting to become pretty obvious so he was glad to have this sleepover as some kind of distraction. He smiled at Chase as he walked into his friend's place. "Hey." 
Stevie: Stevie also came along shortly after with decorative baggies that her parents made for her friends. What goobers. "So I also got snacks... but my parents made these so like, maybe don't eat them. They might not be great."
Wren: Wren came in and plopped down on the couch and let out a sigh, "sorry boys, I was in the car texting my girlfriend" he said with a cocky smile. Wren was just so happy.
Chase: Chase greeted his friends excitedly, "Thanks for coming everbody, and thanks for all the extra snacks. We're eating good tonight" said the boy with a big smile on his face. "Should we play something?" he asked.
Jesse: Jesse playfully rolled his eyes. "No need to brag. There are singles in the room" He said as he looked over at Chase. "Yes, I'm ready to pig out." He said as he plopped down on the couch
Chase: Chase put his arm around Jonah, "Dude I am so glad you're here" said Chase, making sure to carve out some good time for his buddy. "I was worried you wouldn't make it" he added.
Stevie: Stevie went in to give Wren a high five, "I'm happy for you, man." she said with a big smile. "Right in time for the holidays too. It'll be a fun Chrismukkah for you." she nodded her head, proud that she remembered the lil name. "Here, pig out on this." Stevie smiled sarcastically at Jesse as she handed him the shitty vegan treats. 
Jonah: Jonah smiled at Chase, "Of course I'd make it. If we're playing any kind of video games, I needed to be here to kick your ass in person." he jokingly said. They were both evenly matched when it came to the games.
Chase: "Oh ho ho" said Chase with a laugh, "You're on my terf now. You better bring your A game" he said with a smile, it would be a fair fight no matter what.
Jesse: Jesse caught what Stevie tossed his way. "Oh!... look at that. My IBS is acting up. Can't eat this." He said tossing it over to Wren. "For you, my king."
Wren: "Vegan treats?" said Wren with a smile, "Tell your mom I love her" he said to Stevie as he put them down anyways. He would eat them if it came to it.
Jonah: "I always do, Chasé." Jonah said in the accent, laughing afterwards. "So what are we playing first? Unless you meant games as in truth or dare?" he asked as more of a joke, but knowing Chase, that could definitely be a possibility. 
Stevie: Stevie frowned when the baggies started hopping around. "You guys are gonna take them and you don't have to eat them but I will tell my parents you loved them."
Wren: "What would we even ask in a game of truth or dare" said Wren to the group, "I feel like we already know everything. Unless one of you guys is harboring a secret child" Wren laughed.
Chase was SWEATING.
Jesse: Jesse looked over at Chases alcohol collection. "Why don't we play a drinking game?" He suggested. "Guys, Its me. I fathers a illegitiment child. I've been hiding him from you this whole time." He said playfully.
Chase: "Yeah let's play a drinking game" said Chase, acting as normal as possible. God, this was too much for him.
Jesse: "You got a deck of cards?" Jesse asked moving over to the locked closet with hidden baby stuff. "Do you keep them in here?"
Chase: "That's the Hale's storage. I have no idea what they keep in there" said Chase passing Jesse and grabbing cards from his room. "Got a specialty deck right here, it's dr. who themed" said the boy as he put the cards out on the table, "What should we play?"
Jonah: Jonah laughed, "That's actually where he keeps his secret child." he said, just trying to play along with the joke. A fool, indeed. "I'm up for a drinking game though."
Chase: Chase laughed along with everyone, his heart racing. He did not enjoy this joke at all. Fuck Wren Bishop and his mun. "Kings cup?" he suggested, grabbing a beer for the middle.
Jesse: "Ah, the Hales can't even give you your own complete space." He said with a laugh. "Maybe he does jo," Jesse knocked on the door. "Secret child, are you okay in there?" He smiled. "Kings up sounds great. Love that game.
Stevie: Stevie nodded in agreement, "Sounds good to me." she said with a smile.
- They played Kings Cup - 
Jesse: Jesse put a card under the tab, it was getting pretty full and the can was to bust any second. As he slipped it under, the can busted so had to remove the cards and chug. Luckliy the game was a sucess and they were all pretty drunk now. Jesse finished off the can and looked around now that the game was over. "Brosssss, that was so much fun! I feel amazing." The boy said with a slight slurr to his words
Jonah: Jonah wasn't very used to drinking, but he did every once in a while at the parties. "It was fun. I need to have more often." he said, his words slurring. 
Stevie: Stevie leaned back with a big smile on her face, "Dude I feel fucking great too. This is just what I needed, what we all needed am I right?" she asked looking around at everyone in the room. "Shit has been getting stressful and we deserve a good time."
Jesse: Jesse laid back on the floor before he started laughing for like a minute straight. “Jo jos drunk” he said as he pointed over to his twin. “Steeves we all did need this. I love a good de stresser. And getting to hang with the boys”
Wren: Wren was sitting and texting Chanel like a whipped piece of garbage, "Hm?" he said looking up to process that Jesse had just said Jo Jos drunk. Wren let out a laugh, "I'm just glad we can have a nice drama free night" said the boy drinking a little bit of water.
Chase: Chase went to his room and grabbed two lightsabers and threw one to Jonah in the living room, "You have allowed this Dark Lord to twist your mind until now . . . until now you have become the very thing you swore to destroy" said Chase holding up the saber to fight Jonah.
Jesse: "wrenny boy, you look to sober, drink more." JEsse sid moving closer to the boy. His attention was distracted by the lighsabers. "I am so videoing this" He said with a laugh as he took out his phoneNovember 29, 2020
Jonah: Jonah caught the lightsaber and smiled at Chase. He knew what the fuck was up. "Don't lecture me, Obi-Wan. I see through the lies of the Jedi. I do not fear the dark side as you do. I have brought peace, justice, freedom, and security to my new Empire." he got up and walked towards Chase, holding the lightsaber up before they began to duel.
Chase: Chase was smiling such a goofy smile, "Your new Empire?" he said as he waited for the next response. After that he replied, "Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic ... to DEMOCRACY" he said as they were dueling. It was an epic battle, and Chase was laughing so hard from all the alcohol in his body and how much fun he was having. He hadn't had fun like this in so long. The democracy line was also his favorite.
Jesse: Jesse continued to laugh as he watched the boys battle, getting it all on video. Though he was nver a big star wars fan, he had seen one or two of them before, not enough to really understand what they were saying. "Wack him with the glowing stick!"
Wren: Wren smacked the back of Jesse's head, "It's the final battle from Revenge of the Sith" said Wren, "and those are light sabers you fucking nerf herder", ashamed that Jesse was the way he is.
Jesse: Jesse shook his head. "Yall assume I was allowed to watch tv while being trapped in the dungeons of hell, I mean foster care? Funny." Though not every house was bad, there was competition for the tv remote at times and a lot of kids, when there even was a tv
Wren: "Damn debbie downer" said Wren a little drunk, he took another swig from the liquor bottle, "We're planning a movie marathon next" he added.
Jesse: Jesse downed his beer and stood up on the couch. "I'll show you what it was like." He said before letting out a laugh as he leaped onto Wren, tackling him to the floor. "Wrestle!"
Stevie: Stevie picked up Jesse's phone and continued filming all the battles. "Take his top off!" she yelled as a joke, as she started laughing.
Wren: After a few minutes of wrestling, Wren got Jesse into a headlock, "Dude I did wrestling back in Cali" said Wren letting him go.
Jesse: Jesse and wren went fo a few minuted till it seemed that Jesse was at his witts end with a big loss. Jesse tapped on the floor as Wren let him go. "Did you wear the man leotard?" He asked with a laugh.
Jonah: Jonah tried holding in his laugh, "Don't make me kill you." he said with enough passion. And the Oscar goes to... "If you're not with me, you're my enemy." he stated as he continued the light saber fight.
Chase: The scene continued and they played through the whole battle. "It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground" said Chase as he stood on the couch, Jonah on the ground. He pretended to cut his limbs off and yelled, "You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you."
Wren: Saphira came out of Chase's room and Wren scooped her up immediately, "For your information, yes. But there is no photo evidence sorry" Wren said with a smile as he started petting the cat. He sat back down on the couch and was just petting her, "Saphira, I'm gonna steal you" he whispered to the cat.
Jesse: "What? Not a single photo? What a shame those leotards make you look hung." He said with a laugh. "Awe thats a cute cat." JEsse said but didn't get any closer
Jonah: "Shit, give me one second." Jonah said, breaking character. He sat on the floor and placed the lightsaber beside him before pulling his arms into his shirt so it looked like he had no arms. He moved from side to side as the sleeves on his shirt flapped around, cause no arms. Then he got back into character and acted as if he was screaming.
Chase: Chase was cackling at how funny this all was, they had done this seriously once before. But it was most definitely better drunk. "Somebody got all of that on video right?" he asked the room, finally looking around. "And how are we feeling ... about some shots? ... and maybe some face masks?" Chase joked, well let's be very clear. Chase was not joking about any of it.
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romanosgirl1978 · 5 years
Title TBD
I really need to figure out a title for this but I’m so bad at them...anyways this is still introductory ( i promise its relevant and everything will be coming soon). Im not gonna lie yall, this already has 40 parts and I’m at 60K words. The chapters with the whole crew have so far pretty much followed the 2 movies to the letter, a few minor changes to include reader but its still a good read. Any who, enough with my ramblings. Enjoy it!!
Word Count-2619
Warnings-Insults, Cursing, Verbal Abuse, Jim’s in a holding cell
Summary- You get accepted to Starfleet, but some circumstances aren’t making it easy.
You wake up to the sound of your stepfather screaming and groan, pulling the pillow over your head and pressing it against your ears futilely, before getting out of bed.
Heading down the stairs only heightens the shouting and your growing irritation.
“-not leaving! I am not going to pay for that useless, no good daughter of yours to waste four years at a college when she's just going to end up partying and getting kicked out. She's just going to end up in a bunch of dead end jobs and trying to move back in with us,” you hear him say to your mother over the phone.
You watch as he throws a torn envelope into the trash and storm outside, letting the door slam behind him, to scream some more.
Peeking your head into the bag, the first thing you see is the Starfleet insignia.
You snatch it out quickly and rush back up to your room to read it.
As you unfold the letter and put the two halves side by side on your desk you hear Jim slip into your room.
“What was he screaming at this time?” He asks groggily.
“I got a reply from Starfleet,” you whisper disbelievingly.
His eyes widen and he walks up behind you, hands on your shoulders.
“Blah, blah, blah. Accepted,” you mutter happily.
“That’s amazing! What program?”
You run your fingers down the page until you hit the last paragraph.
On behalf of the Academy we are proud to have someone with your aptitude attend whichever program you decide will be the best fit for you.
You take a deep breath and smile back at your brother. “I did it. I’m going to the Academy.”
He kisses the top of your head. “I’m proud of you sis…” he says, trailing off.
“But?” You sigh, knowing that was where he was going with that sentence.
“But, from how it sounds Jack’s not gonna let you leave.”
“Ah ha. That is where you are wrong sir,” you tell him, smirking. “You see, I-”
“Have a plan,” he cuts off. “So what is it?”
“I’m so glad you asked.”
“Yeah, I bet you are,” he grumbles. “And now I have to be a part of it.”
“Don't worry about that brother mine. You always were. So, he said that he’s not paying for me to move all the way there, which I’m not worried about because I have enough set aside and I’ll be getting a job when I get there, but he never said anything about me moving out somewhere else.”
“So your whole plan hinges on him not finding out you're leaving for the Academy?” He questions.
“Exactly,” you tell him smiling.
“Uh huh. And what about when he finds out that the letter is missing?” He challenges, pointing to said letter.
“Easy,” you grab the padd from your drawer and take a picture of the letter. “I put it back and go to town to print out this,” you shake the padd at him, “from the library and use it.”
Jim shakes his head. “Do you have a plan for everything?”
You deliberate for a moment before shrugging, nodding your head. “Pretty much, yeah.”
He pulls you into a hug. “I’m really gonna miss you, (Y/N).”
You bury your head in his chest and squeeze him tightly. “I’m gonna miss you too. That's why you should apply.”
He gives you one last kiss and pulls away from you. “I can't. I’m not like you. I wouldn't like it.”
Sighing you shake your head. “I think you're wrong Jim,” you mutter.
“Let's get you packed. When do you leave?”
You look back and find your departure date. “Friday, tomorrow. They're having a meet and greet on Saturday and giving us the weekend to settle in. How nice of them,” you half joke.
“So you've got a day and a half.”
“Yup. Enough time to enact phase one of my plan.”
“And that is…”
“You're not gonna like it,” you tell him with a strained smile.
He just motions for you to continue.
“I've got to get into an argument with Jack.”
He takes a deep breath and runs a hand through his hair. “Great. About what?”
“Anything but the Academy. He can't even begin to think that’s an option.”
Jim nods. “Fine. But if he even tries to touch you I’m gonna knock his ass out.”
You smile at him and nod. “I think I could live with that.”
“You ready to go pick a fight then?” He asks you, reaching for your door.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” You take a deep breath and walk out of your room, letter in your hand. “I guess I’ll start it tonight. Make sure everything is already set up and ready to go. I’ll probably be gone in the morning,” you tell him as you both sneak down the stairs.
“I’ll take you there. There’s no way I’m letting you leave without a real goodbye.”
“I knew you wouldn't,” you tease, smiling at him.
You put the acceptance letter back into the trash where you find it before moving further into the kitchen, making breakfast for you and Jim.
“Oh look who’s finally up,” Jack sneers as he walks back in. “Think you two lazy freeloaders could have slept any later?”
“Probably could have, but we decided we’d get up and grace you with our presence,” you snap back, giving him the most sarcastic smile you can manage. “Feel free to thank us at any time.”
“Why you ungrateful-” he mutters, glaring at you.
“What was that?” You ask, turning to face him fully with a knife in your hand.
He eyes you then the knife before huffing. “Like you actually know how to use that. All you can do with it is what you were made to do. Cook. And you can barely do that.”
Jim bolts up out of his seat and glares at Jack before turning and fuming out of the room, fists clenched at his sides.
You spin the knife in your hand and stab it into the island. “Make your own damn breakfast, asshole,” you say before following Jim out to the backyard.
“Well it sure was easier to pick a fight than I was expecting,” you try to joke.
Jim’s jaw clenches and his breathing is ragged.
You sigh and hand him the keys to your bike that you had snagged off of the table beside the door.
“Go. Take a drive. Calm down for a bit then come back. I promise I’ll keep away from him until then.”
He levels you with an unconvinced look, before you push him towards the garage.
“Go. I need to pack anyways.”
“Fine,” he grits out. “I’ll be back soon.”
You pat his shoulder and wait until he hauls ass down the driveway to make your way back inside.
“Where's he going?” Jack demands as soon as you walk inside.
“Far far away,” you mutter before heading up the stairs, packing everything you need in two duffle bags before shoving them under your bed until you have to go.
After the sun had set you started to worry. Normally Jim would have been back by now, or he would have called you.
You pull on a sweatshirt and climb out of your window. Crouching low, you carefully make your way to the edge of the slight overhang and sit down, letting your legs dangle over as you turn, hands gripping onto the gutter, to lower yourself down.
As you drop you let your knees bend and hold your arms out so you won't fall over.
You head towards the garage quickly and pull out your phone, dialing Jim.
“Dammit Jim. Answer the phone,” you mutter as it rings.
He doesn't. It goes to voicemail.
Sighing you scroll through your contacts to find someone who might know where he was.
“Let’s try Julia,” you mutter and hit call.
It rings a few times but she finally picks up.
“Hey Julia, it’s (Y/N).”
“Oh. Hi.”
You roll your eyes. “Look I was just calling to see if you knew where Jim was.”
“Why would I know? I don't talk to him anymore. Not after graduation anyways.”
“Alright,” you massage your forehead. “Do you have any of his friends numbers?”
“Nope,” she says and hangs up.
You pull the phone away from your ear and watch as the screen goes back to your contacts. “Bitch,” you mutter as you scroll back through the names.
Groaning you decide to call Matt.
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he says, picking up after the first two rings.
“Hey Matty. I need your help.”
“Yeah sure, what's up?”
“Could you call around and try to see if anyone’s seen or heard from Jim? He left this morning and I’m starting to worry about him.”
“Course. I’ll call you when I’ve got something,” he promises before hanging up.
You turn the ringer on your phone up all the way before climbing into the vintage Chevelle that you had been fixing up.
There was still plastic where the back windows were supposed to be and the dashboard cover was missing but the engine was set and in place and it was the only other car you had the keys to, so she would have to work.
You took off down the driveway and headed into town, keeping an eye out for anywhere your bike could have been parked.
After passing by Jim’s third possible hangout Matty called you back.
You pull over and answer the phone.
“Please tell me you found him? Cause I’m coming up empty out here,” you practically beg.
“Yeah, (Y/N). I found him. And you're not gonna like it.”
You groan before taking a deep breath. “Where?”
“The station. Apparently he got into a fight at one of the bars. My guy said they called your stepdad and he told them that he could stay there and rot for all he cared.”
“Thanks Matt. I owe ya one.”
He laughs. “This one's on the house. Go get your brother. They're waiting for you to get there.”
“Thanks again,” you sigh.
The line goes dead and you hit the steering wheel, screaming profanities at your stepdad.
After calming down a bit you make your way to the police station and walk in. Asking for them to release Jim.
A few officers bring him out to you and make you promise that you'll keep him out of trouble.
You tell them you'll do your best and practically drag your brother down the stairs and to the car.
“Ow, ow, ow,” Jim mutters as you pull him, hand on his shoulder. “Dammit (Y/N) that hurts.”
You let him go. “Where’s my bike?” You seethe.
“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks for asking,” he says, rolling his eyes.
You throw his wallet at him. “Did they take my bike to the impound lot?!”
“No! I was in the bar when I got into the fight. Your bike’s outside of Poll’s Pool.”
“Get in the car,” you bark as you slide into the driver's seat.
“I don't like riding with you when your angry,” he pouts, stooping down to look at you through the window.
You send him a sideways glare. “Get in the car or you can walk your ass all the way back home.”
“Or I could walk back to the bar and take your bike back home,” he challenges.
“With what keys?” You question, holding up the set that you had given him earlier today.
“Maybe I’ll just hotwire it.”
“Good luck getting through the solid engine cover I welded on there.”
He groans and pulls the door open, sliding in and closing it before crossing his arms over his chest.
You start the car and head back to the bar where he was arrested.
“Do you really have a solid cover over the engine?” He asks on the way there.
You can't help but laugh a little. “No I didn't. But I changed the colors of the wire covers so that no one but me knows what colors are what wires. Best way to keep someone from taking it is to confuse them before they even start.”
He can't help but grin. “My genius sister.”
“And my idiot brother,” he rolls his eyes at this. “No seriously, Jim. What am I going to do with you? After tomorrow there's gonna be no one to bail you out of fights. No one to pick you up from a holding cell. You really need to be more careful,” you tell him in all seriousness.
He shrugs and leans over, ruffling your hair. “Don't worry about me. I’ll be fine.”
“Fine my ass. You're gonna get your sorry ass locked up if you keep doing stupid shit like this.”
“Like you don't do stupid shit all the time. Like disabling the principles car? Or setting the scoreboard at the football field to scream insults at the players instead of announcing the score? Oh, or how about when you cut the fuel line to Jack’s truck and left him stranded 30 miles outside of town?”
“The difference is that I didn't get caught James! You go around and get into fights. You draw a crowd and get yourself in trouble! I don't!”
You pull into the parking lot and cut the car off.
“I know that you don't always get into fights for the hell of it,” you say softly. “I just want you to try and be more careful when it comes to getting into them. And try not getting yourself hurt as often,” you point to the cut above his eye. “I won't be able to patch you up from the academy,” you try to joke.
He nods. “I’ll try not to. But I make zero promises,” he says, smiling at you.
“I’ll honestly take what I can get from you at this point,” you laugh.
You step out of the car. “I’ll let you drive her. Try not to break her. I’ve got enough left to do as it is.”
“I’ll take it real slow with her,” he teases, sliding over into the driver's seat and patting the top of the steering wheel.
“Yeah I bet you will,” you mutter as you walk over to your bike, pulling it alongside Jim. “I’ll follow you out. Make sure you don't try to drive off somewhere.”
“Wouldn't dream of it,” he winks before backing out of the parking lot.
The ride home is fairly quiet until you get into the garage.
Jack comes storming out of the house as you walk towards the back door.
“Where the hell have you two been? Who gave you permission to leave? Cause I sure as hell didn’t and your mother’s not here.”
You roll your eyes and push past him. “Well from what I heard you told the cops to keep Jim. But I’m eighteen. I can do whatever I want.”
He grabs your arm and pulls you back to him.
“The hell you can. You still live in my house, which means you follow my rules,” he sneers, squaring up to you.
You hold your hand out to stop Jim from doing anything.
“Yeah? Well maybe I’ll leave. What then asshole? Then you can’t control me.”
He laughs in your face. “You wouldn’t be able to make it. You’ve got no money and no place to go. You’d be back here begging on your knees to come back and live here in two weeks, maybe less.”
“Wanna bet?” You say, glaring at him.
He glares back and you pull away from him.
“I’ll be gone in the morning.”
He smirks at you. “We’ll see.”
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ukulelewrites · 6 years
thank u, next
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A/N: am i whipped for one (1) kangaroo leader???????? maybe lol but i’m on break rn for cranberry season and i whipped up this fic after listening to this song on repeat for a kajibillion hours. i’m thinking of making this a two part series? or should i keep the ending as is? or do y’all want more of this dynamic???? lmk what yall think!!! Also if anyone can tell what the song skz is singing hmu
Pairing: Stray Kids’ Chan x Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Pop Star!Reader x Rock Star!Chan/Exes AU
Word Count: 5.4k 
Thought I’d end up with Han / But he wasn’t a match,
Wrote some songs about Hyunjin / Now I listen and laugh,
These words flowed through the car stereo late at night as Chan found himself kissing some random girl he met at the nightclub. She kept her hands clutching tightly to his leather jacket, and he smirked as she let out another sigh.
Even almost got married / And for Chan I’m so thankful,
Wish I could say “thank you” to Felix / Cause he was an angel,
Chan froze once he heard his name coming from the stereo. “What’s wrong, babe?” the girl, who’s name had slipped his mind, asked.
He dropped his shocked expression and slipped back into his normal cocky facade. “Nothing, don’t worry ‘bout it,” he reassured her, leaning down to ghost his lips against hers, Now, where were we?”
One taught me love / One taught me regret
One taught me pain / Now, I just can’t forget
You had not expected such an explosive reaction to your newest single, but here you were, scrolling down your Twitter feed to the endless tweets gushing over “thank u, next.”
“Darling! You’ve done it once again!” your manager exclaimed as she burst into your dressing room, “I’m getting calls after calls asking you to come onto talk shows, radio shows, award shows, the whole shebang!”
“I’m glad to see you’re so excited about this, Melissa,” you teased, “I haven’t seen you this happy since you’ve met Chris Evans.”
“Now, as much as I love that man, I love you much more, my little songbird,” she sang as she booped your nose. “Did you hear what they’re calling this? ‘Pop Princess turned Pop Queen!’ God how I love the press! They’re eating this whole thing up!”
“I guess they didn’t expect me to release such an honest song,” you replied, still scrolling through your feed.
“Of course they didn’t! Who knew innocent ‘Somni’ would pull a Taylor Swift and drop a song about her exes? And name them too? No other artist has done that before!”
“I’m pretty sure I wrote that song about my self-growth, Melissa, not just to highlight I dated those guys.”
“Of course, darling. Now, why don’t we get you all dolled up for the red carpet? It’s your first public appearance as the ‘new’ you!” She let out a squeal before running out to grab your stylist and make-up artist.
You giggled at her newfound excitement and looked back down at your phone only to freeze at the headline glaring back you: CHAN CONQUESTS AGAIN? You swallowed down the uneasiness that crept upon you and placed your phone face down. “Get a grip, Y/N. You’re no longer ‘little Ms. Pop Princess,’” you said to yourself, training your eyes firmly on your reflection in the mirror, “and some boy isn’t going to make you revert to that.”
“Now, Somni, how does it feel to be all grown up now?” Amber asked. You laughed at her formality, considering the two of you were close friends, and pretended to ponder upon the answer.
“Honestly, I have no clue what you’re talking about,” you answered, giggling a bit at the eye roll she gives you and the disappointed looks you get from the audience members.
“I can’t believe you’re playing coy with me right now!” she jokingly complained, “I expect answers during my interviews, Y/N, answers!” The audience ooh’d when she used your real name.
“Sorry, Amber, I just don’t get your question! I’ve been a grown up since I turned 18, and that was a while ago.”
“Nuh uh! Somni was not grown up two years ago when she released ‘Wonderland.” Iconic album, but definitely the cookie cutter pop album we’d expected it to be. But this? ‘thank u, next’ completely defies what we expected coming from you! What caused the shift?”
You could practically feel the audience members leaning forward with bated breath. Ever since the song dropped a month ago, the internet had been ablazed with speculation over your music’s sudden shift.
“Well, I guess I was done writing a narrative where I was always the person getting saved,” you said, referring to the long list of love songs you had written in the past, “and I wanted to be the person that saved myself. ‘Monochrome’ is definitely going to show more of that self-love theme that I teased in ‘thank u, next,’ and I’m so happy that everyone has been so supportive of the change!” You gestured towards the audience members, earning a cheer from them, and even acknowledged the camera, knowing many of your fans were also watching at home.
“Amazing. I’m so proud of you for taking that next step in your career,” Amber gushed, earning an ‘awww’ from the audience, “Now, we can’t just ignore what everyone here actually wants to know about.”
You looked at her and quirked a brow. “And what is that?”
“The boys of course! You can’t just name drop them without spilling some tea, sis,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“Stop,” you whined, “why would you even bring them up?” You exaggerated bashfulness by covering your face with your hands.
“C’mon, you name dropped a few big names in that song. Han? The biggest name in the up and coming rap scene right now! Hyunjin? He’s the highest paid male model in the world! Felix? Before his retreatment from the scene, he was the most well-known actor of his time!”
“Well, they helped build me into the person I am today. I didn’t think anything more of it,” you replied diplomatically.
“And we cannot leave out the biggest bombshell from that song: Chan, the lead guitarist of SKZ, which is, by the way to anyone watching who have been living under a rock for the past year, the biggest rock band on the scene right now! Who knew you were into the bad boy type, Somni? And you almost married the guy too!”
You let out an airy chuckle, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. “Yeah, we were young and in love. A risky combination if you ask me,” you joked, eliciting laughter from your audience.
“C’mon, Somni, you gotta give us something!” Amber pleaded.
“You know I don’t kiss and tell,” you jested, “especially not to the thousands of people who watch your show!” The audience whined at your statement, and you only flashed them an apologetic smile.
“But seriously, how did the bright-eyed, princess of the pop world end up almost married to the biggest playboy rock star on the scene right now?” Amber goaded.
“We were different at the time, Ambs. Life just happened to end up this way,” you replied cryptically. She tsked at your unwillingness to spill everything, but she retreated from the topic.
“Anyways, focusing back on you, I heard you’ll be performing at the American Music Awards, and you’re premiering your new single’s music video during it? That’s huge!”
“Yeah, ‘Without Me’ is getting a music video. Stan Twitter, this one’s for y’all!” you exclaimed, shooting finger guns towards the camera.
“And you’re album is dropping tonight right?”
“Exactly at midnight! I hope everyone can listen to it. I know it’s my favorite and most intimate album to date, and I hope everyone enjoys it to!”
“Well that looks like all the time we have with Somni tonight, folks. Check out her new album, ‘Monochrome,’ dropping tonight at midnight!”
You were back in your New York City penthouse, finally away from the hustle and bustle that came with album promotions. A small sigh escapes past your lips as you submerged yourself into the warm, bubbly bath water. You rested your head against the tub and looked up at the ceiling, finding yourself slipping away into your memories.
“What do you think about this chord, songbird?” Chan asked, strumming a jumbled mess of notes on his guitar. He got a scrunched up nose and a ball of sheet music thrown at his face as an answer. “Just teasing you,” he pouted, scooting over on the couch to look over your shoulder.
“I know you are, but I’m trying to focus right now,” you grumbled, pushing your glasses back up your nose and scrunching your eyebrows together. Your pencil was still flying across the page, putting down notes and rests and lyrics.
“Why don’t you take a break,” he asked sweetly, “focus on,” he leaned his head down to nip at the sensitive skin on your neck, “something else?” You stilled your hand for a split second, and Chan thought he had finally broken through, but you just shrugged him off and went straight back to work.
“This is my first album after debuting, Chan. I can’t just put it off. I need to come back with good music,” you sighed. He looked on worriedly as you ran your fingers through your hair once again and let out another huff of air.
“Songbird.” His hands found themselves on your waist, and he hoisted you onto his lap. You didn’t struggle and leaned back into his arms. “Sometimes you just,” he pressed feather-light kisses against your neck after each word, “need a little distraction,” once he found your sweet spot, you knew you were gone, “or some inspiration,” you let out a soft groan when he lightly bit down on your flesh, “like how well I’m going to-”
“Sorry, babe,” you mumbled, leaning down to scoop your phone off the floor. “Let me take this, and I promise you we’ll get back to where we left off.” Chan just waved you off, but you had missed how his eyes trailed after your retreating frame lovingly. If only you had seen that.
You knew you were over your past relationships. Each one ended, relatively resolved, and tucked away in your memory box. You and Han ended things after six months due to busy schedules. Hyunjin was dropped after 4 months when you realized you needed someone to fulfill a deeper, emotional need. Felix disappeared from the scene a year into your relationship, and you just assumed it was over when he stopped replying to your texts. And Chan — your eyebrows furrowed at the thought of him.
You could never really pinpoint where things went wrong with him. It was a flurry of you falling too fast for someone who never really reciprocated back and diving right in when he proposed to you 2 years into the relationship. A wry smile graced your lips when you recalled the realization that had dawned on you two months into the engagement. “He never said ‘I love you’ sober,” you mused as you continued to soak in the bath. You knew that he was tucked in a box just like the other boys, but a small voice in the back of your head continued to pull at the ribbon that kept his box shut.
“Somni, you are absolutely stunning tonight!” the interviewer gushed as she gestured towards your fitted maroon suit jacket and tight cream pants outfit.
“Why thank you so much!” you beamed.
“I must say, this is probably a huge night for you,” she said, “How does it feel to be one of the main focuses of the night?”
“Well, I don’t know about ‘main focuses,’ but I am so excited to perform tonight and reveal the music video for the new single, ‘Without You!’”
“Speaking of ‘Without You,’ it is easily my favorite song from ‘Monochrome!’”
“Stop! You’re just being polite,” you teased.
“No! I seriously love how raw you sounded in the song. I honestly felt the pain in your voice,” she said. “Plus, it was quite fun trying to figure out which of the exes this one was about.” She gave you an over exaggerated wink, and you couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.
“Well, I hope you don’t expect me to tell you who,” you retorted, “It was lovely talking to you!”
After you bid her goodbye, you continued walking down the red carpet, stopping every now and then to pose for the camera and wave towards your fans. You also stopped every now and then to talk to some other artists and congratulate them for their nominations. In the midst of your conversation with Jaime, a deafening cheer from the hoard of fangirls came crashing into your ears. You looked behind you and saw SKZ getting out of their limo and beginning to walk down the red carpet. It was a blatant understatement to say Chan looked good. Even after accepting your failed relationship as it is, you were still capable of addressing that the guy looked fine. You dared not to stare for too long, since there were cameras everywhere focused on you, but you took a mental snapshot of Chan with his, newly dyed, blond hair swept up to reveal his forehead, adorned with a leather jacket thrown over a, teasingly, tight white button up and torn black skinnies, and the trademark devil may care attitude that seemed to wash off of him in waves.  A flash of light followed by a click pulled you out of your trance, and you refocused your attention back on Jaime. “Where did we leave off?” you asked sweetly, planting back on your trademarked smile.
The stage lights were pulsing, and the roar of the crowd became almost deafening around you. It had been a long night of dancing, singing along to the performers on stage, and afflicting yourself to pain whenever you had to trek onto the stage in your heels to present or accept an award. The camera seemed to love you as it continued to film you and Jaime as the two of you bounced up and down, both of you ditching your heels at that point, to the artists on stage and lip-syncing like your lives depended on it. However, you noticed the camera lingering on you longer than usual, and you sent the cameraman a playful quirk of the eyebrow. That was when Jaime pointed towards the main stage.
“SKZ is about to perform,” she explained, keeping a hand on your arm comfortingly.
“Awesome! I heard they’re performing a never heard before single,” you said back, trying to keep your expression upbeat for the camera.
The brief break ended, and all cameras trained their focus onto the side stage where the host stood. “Revealing a brand new single for the first time, here are the heartthrobs of SKZ with ‘Moving Along!’” they exclaimed.
Chan began to strum a steady rhythm, and a lump formed in your throat when you noticed the songbird sticker still stuck to the bright, red body of his guitar. The song was definitely more chill compared to their older, “edgier” releases, but you liked the lazy feel of the bass, the driving force of the rhythmic guitar, and the lax attitude the guys took on as they sang into the mics.
Been thinking bout you lots lately / Have you been feeling empty beds just like me?
I’ve been thinking bout you lots, lately / Or are you moving along?
You couldn’t help but chant along to the chorus, ignoring the weird feeling you got from the lyrics.
Is it wrong if I ask you to come over? / Is it wrong if I told you that I love ya?
Even though I never do it when I’m sober / Is it wrong? So wrong
That lyric struck a chord in you, but you continued to plaster on your smile and dance along to the song, keeping up a show for the camera. “If I wrote a break-up song, I guess he can too,” you mused.
The neon lights flashed to the bass that vibrated throughout the entire nightclub. You found yourself retreated to one of the side booths, scrolling on your phone to look at all the feedback you got back for the “Without Me” music video. It was amusing to see the internet freak out over, but you couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the lack of commentary on the music video’s aesthetic, which you had painstakingly curated, instead the buzz seemed to be around who the music video alluded to. Was the song about Chan? Definitely. You wrote it shortly after your split with him, and it sat in your drafts for a good year before your management pulled it out, dusted it off, and polished it up to be the second single for “Monochrome.” Was the purpose of the song to demonize Chan? Hell no. It was just to help you heal, help you get over such a harsh fall from cloud 9. You disappeared from the music scene for a good year to recuperate because being with him was like a firework. It built up and heated up and kept you enthralled, but it ended so quickly and left messes behind. It just happened to be that you were the mess that was left behind.
“Where were you?” you asked, too tired to put any emotion in your words anymore.
Chan looked at your sitting frame on the couch in shock. Well, as much shock as a drunk man could muster. “What’re you doing still up?” he slurred.
“Where. Were. You?”
“Out with the guys. Celebrating the new album’s release, the usual.” Chan’s brows furrowed. The tone of your voice took a complete 180 from what he was used to. “What’s wrong, songbird?” He walked up to you to try and get some shred of the usual warmth you emitted, but he was abruptly stopped when you stood up and held up a hand in between the two of you.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore.” You had no clue where your iciness came from, but it wasn’t hard to assume it accumulated over the past two months of your engagement. The past two months where you were planning the wedding alone in your apartment’s kitchen with the company of a glass of wine while Chan is out every night getting shit-faced with who knows who?
“Hey, what’s wrong? Talk to me,” he pleaded, trailing behind you to the shared bedroom. You replied with silence, keeping your pace steady and your face still. You knew if you spoke, your voice would’ve wavered. “Y/N?”
God, he sounded so broken and confused. It took your all not to spin around and wrap your arms around him like everything was okay. But it had been months of his lack of attention, affection (unless he was absolutely desperate), and affirmation. Your revelation had been when you were sitting on the living room floor, writing a song about him as a surprise present for him during the wedding. However, in your fit of brainstorming, it came to your realization he hasn’t told you he loved you since the engagement. He hasn’t sat down with you and helped with the planning. He hasn’t been home most nights to hold you in his arms at night. The sudden distant behaviour led you to thinking: maybe he didn’t want this at all. Maybe he didn’t want you at all.
You were in the bedroom now, and you grabbed the giant duffel bag you had packed earlier and spun around to leave as quickly as you could.
“You’re leaving me?” he asked, “Why are you leaving?” You pushed past him without a word, but he grabbed your arm and spun you around to face him. “Y/N, talk to me.”
“Let me go, Chan.” God, you were too tired to drag this out any longer.
“Not until you tell me what the hell is going on!” Chan spat back.
“I’m leaving you! That’s what’s ‘going on!’ I’m finally doing what’s right for me and leaving your sorry ass behind!” you screamed.
“What the hell did I do?” He was getting angrier now. “I just got home, and you’re already being a pissy little bitch!”
Your glare hardened at his last word. “Really now? You’re calling me a ‘bitch?’ Maybe I have a reason to be one,” you got right up into his face, “considering you’ve been an awful fiance for the past two months! You haven’t helped with any of the planning! You have barely been home at all lately! And we haven’t had a proper conversation in ages! I’m so tired of being strung along and left out to dry!”
“Maybe if you weren’t nagging me all the damn time, I’d stay home! Don’t you know how annoying it gets when I get home from the studio and the first thing I hear is your fucking voice telling me to pick out a goddamn flower arrangement?” he seethed, “If I knew you were this annoying, I would’ve never proposed.”
You had kept your indignant stare trained on his face the entire time, but at that last sentence you tore your gaze away and pulled your arm out of his grasp. “Would’ve never proposed, huh?” you parroted humorlessly, trying to smother down the lump forming in your throat and the tears swelling in your eyes. “Yeah, I wish you never did too.” You turned away to hide the tears slowly streaming down your cheeks and just started walking away.
“Wait, Y/N, songbird, I didn’t mean that,” Chan said, following after you, “You know that I love you.”
You spun around quickly and sent him a spurned look. “Do I? When was the last time you told me you loved me? When was the last time you held me? When was the last time you helped me? You don’t love me. You probably,” you choked up, “never did.”
“No, Y/N, I swear, I swear to God, I love you. I promise you I’ll be better,” he begged.
“Can you tell me that tomorrow when you’re sober?” you asked wryly. Chan just looked at you pleadingly, practically begging you to stay. “I’m done being another body that keeps you warm at night. Goodbye, Chan.” And just like that, you were out of his life.
You blinked back the tears that crept up and began putting back on your “Somni” mask, smiling brightly and cheerfully at everyone. Jaime and some of your other artist friends were lost to the beat, dancing away the night in the middle of the room. You were a solid two steps away from joining them before halting when you made eye contact with Chan. He was still dressed in that ridiculously fitted white button-up, and his hair had become messier, with strands falling down to grace his face. He was dancing with some girl; his hands on her waist as she kept her back firmly pressed against his chest, but his eyes were trained on you. If it was past-you in present-you’s position, you would’ve probably ran out of the room trying not to let tears spring from your eyes. But this is present-you, the one who spent a year healing and coming out of the wreckage stronger. You gave him a brief smile before turning away and walking towards the exit. “I think I’m done for the night,” you thought to yourself, “That’s enough excitement for a day.”
Chan woke up again to a cold bed. He groggily turned onto his side and glared at the bright red numbers that told him he was, once again, late to a meeting with management. “Great,” he said, falling back onto his back, “I couldn’t get any last night. I ran into my ex. And now I’m fucking late to a meeting.” The day hasn’t even started yet, and it’s already the worst day of his life. He grumbled and groaned some more before getting out of bed and stumbling to the drawer to find a clean shirt and pair of jeans. “When the fuck were you so soft, Chan?” he asked himself while digging around for socks. He would’ve usually never be affected like shit like this, but ever since you released that song he hasn’t been able to think of anyone but you. Every single girl he tried to bring back to his place ended in absolutely nothing because you keep plaguing his mind. Every single radio station he goes to ends up playing your song. And now his band’s highest selling single is the song he wrote about you. It was like he could never escape, and he was so fucking tired of it.
“Glad you could join us, Chan,” his manager said sarcastically.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, “long night.” His bandmates looked at him sympathetically; almost everyone could tell Somni’s latest album was affecting him more than he’d want to let on.
“Anyways, we’ve generated such a good buzz around the upcoming album with all this ‘ex-lovers’ gossip, the company thought it’d be good to accept an offer for a special interview on Amber’s talk show,” the manager started cautiously.
“What kind of interview?” Chan asked.
“With you and Somni.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Chan seethed. “We’re ancient history! The public wouldn’t have cared this much if she didn’t release that stupid song and name-drop me.”
“But they care now, and bottom line, everyone knows you wrote ‘Moving Along’ about her. Do this interview and you boys are projected to break the Top 10 of album sales for 2018.”
“So we’re exploiting me for album sales?” Chan sneered.
“You signed up for this life, rock star. Don’t tell me you’re backing down because of some girl? Thought the two of you were ancient history?”
Chan studied his manager hard before gruffly agreeing to the interview, “If it gets you off my case.”
“So this isn’t awkward at all right?” Amber asked midway through the interview. You politely waved off her worry even though you could practically cut the tension between you and Chan with a knife. “Awesome,” she exclaimed, “Now let’s get to the juicy stuff. How did the two of you meet? Considering both of you are so freaking famous, how did no one know about this relationship???”
“Simple,” Chan plastered on his “rock star” persona quickly, leaning into the leather couch and easily placing his arm behind your head, “We figured out how to avoid the press after all of our years in the spotlight. Plus, it wasn’t hard for me to approach her; she was this bright-eyed, newly debuted pop princess completely left alone at an after party bar. I figured I might as well grace her with my company and from there it’s history.”
If he can put on his persona, I can too.
“If I remember correctly, I told you to buzz off when you offered to buy me a drink,” you said with a quirked eyebrow. The audience ooh’d at that, completely drinking up your newfound HBIC attitude.
“Looks like our pop princess is gone,” Amber joked, riling up the audience a bit more.
“But then you took a complete 180 when you ran into me tipsy into the alleyway outside the club,” Chan retorted, a playful smirk gracing his features.
Before you could stop yourself, you softly smiled at the memory and agreed. Chan was 100% taken aback by your change in demeanor. The queen-esque Somni facade was replaced by the Y/N he remembered waking up to every morning. If he wasn’t on camera right now, he would’ve definitely melted.
The moment was interrupted by Amber. “Wait, what happened? Y’all can’t leave us hanging like that!”
The soft expression left your face as quickly as it came and you settled back into your camera-self. “You know I don’t kiss and tell, Ambs,” you teased, “And I hope Chan here knows better and doesn’t either!” The audience laughed at your jest.
“Fine, but you can’t spend this entire time not giving us anything!”
“I can’t believe you told them the kitten story!” Chan exclaimed as the two of you lounged in the break room.
“What? They wanted some sort of tea, so I gave them an adorable story about the time you tried to ‘save’ a ‘stray,’ and it turned out you catnapped our neighbour’s cat!” You broke out into giggles at the memory of it all. All the tension between the two of you eased away somehow throughout the interview, and here you were now, sitting on the break room couch waiting for your ride while sharing memories with your ex-fiance.
“Okay, how was I supposed to know Benjamin already had an owner? He didn’t have a collar on him!”
“You can’t call the kitten Benjamin, Chan. It’s name was Spot, and we ran into it every day when Mr. Jameson went outside to collect the mail with the kitten trailing behind him.”
“Fine! I admit I just wanted a pet,” he said with a pout. Laughter fills the air, and it seemed like the clock had been turned back, like it was you and Chan on your couch at 3am sharing stories with each other. A comfortable silence falls upon the two of you.
“Do you miss this sometimes?” he asked out of the blue. You were taken aback by how serious he sounded.
“Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I miss this.” He said it so nonchalantly that you almost missed it.
“Why would you?” you teased, trying to lighten up the mood.
“Because I love you.”
You didn’t know how to process that confession. You didn’t know how to respond to that confession. Hell, you didn’t even know he had it in him to drop that confession. You awkwardly chuckled, trying to diffuse the sudden surge of emotions running in your mind, “C’mon, you never really loved me, Chan. It’s all the media stuff getting to your head.” You tried waving it off while also trying to ward off the sudden heat rising to your cheeks.
“No, Y/N, I do love you. I loved you then, and I was an asshat for never telling you. But I was an idiot then who had no idea what love was. I hopped from girl to girl every single night until I met you. I dropped on one knee so fast and you said yes, and that’s when I realized that I was in no way shape or form good enough for you, and instead of facing it and trying to become better for you, I ran away and drove away the best goddamn thing that has ever happened to me. And I’m so fucking sorry for what my drunkass self said to you that night because it never said what I really wanted to say, ‘Stay. I’m sorry. I love you. Forgive me.’’
The air was getting heavier and you found it getting difficult to breath.
“But I swear, Y/N, on my heart, on my guitar, on my band, I love you, and I’m so sorry for not being the man you deserved.”
And that was when the dam opened. You just started bawling. It was like every single ounce of pain and sadness you bottled up after that break up, every ounce you poured into your music so you could pretend to be strong and move on, came rushing out. In your tears, you didn’t notice when Chan wrapped his arms around you. Taken over by muscle memory, you burrowed your face into his chest and wrapped your arms around his torso. He ran his fingers through your hair and rubbed your back reassuringly.
“It’s okay, Y/N. I’m sorry for always making you cry, but I’ll be here for you now. I swear.”
Even then, with him comforting you and speaking so genuinely to you, you didn’t know what to make of the situation. Should you shut this down now or risk crushing your heart again just to give him a second chance? Chan took notice of your sudden stillness.
“Y/N? You alright?” He pulled himself away from you to study your face. “Y/N?”
“Chan,” you whispered, “I-” With a surge of stupid impulse, you grabbed Chan by the shirt and pulled him towards you, pressing your lips harshly against his. Like many times before, Chan’s hands find themselves gripping onto your waist before pulling you onto his lap. All caution was thrown to the wind when your fingers found their way into his hair, tugging at the strand slightly whenever you found him pulling back. “Babe, give me more,” you mumbled, pressing yourself even closer to him.
“Wait, Y/N, maybe we should-”
“Please, Chan? Please?” you begged, peppering kissing down his neck, “Just this once?”
At the sound of your whine, Chan flips you onto the couch, so he’s hovering above you. “Who said anything about ‘once?’”
asjdfkl so yeah, thoughts on a part 2??????? I kinda wanted to flesh out more of their backstory and maybe see what happens next?? and kinda wanted to delve in further into the other exes but then i realized it would’ve been wayyyyyyy too much and i apologize for all the freakishly long fics i write OTL also lmk if you know what skz in this fic sings bc yall a real one if yall do !!!
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Shawn Mendes // Boundaries Part 11
HAPPY EFFING 2019 YOU GUYS!!! hope yall had a great night, mine was pretty chill but honestly i loved it haha. anyways, here is part 11 to celebrate the new year!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9  - Part 10
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Going home the next morning feels like going to my own funeral. Everyone is so quiet, no one dares to say a word to us and I guess this has something to do with how we look and act.
On our way to the airport we are basically inseparable, we never let go of each other’s hand, I’m so clingy normally I would feel ashamed, but Shawn is the exact same. I’m constantly on the verge of crying, but I’m trying my best to look tough and I also don’t want any photos of me with red and puffy eyes. We have to make it look like we are more in love than ever, which is kinda true, but also, we only have hours left together.
Shawn doesn’t try to change my mind though I really thought he would at least make an attempt in the morning hoping I softened through the night, but for my biggest surprise, he says nothing. Instead, he is trying to use our final hours together wisely just like me. Neither of us sleeps on the flight, we share a seat and watch the clouds swimming under the jet in silence, we share kisses from time to time, but it’s mostly just us silently enjoying having the other one close for the last time.
Shawn cancelled on our last appointment on Sunday, he called Andrew and told him he isn’t feeling too well so the interview got postponed to a later date. I’m happy I don’t have to see him once more, saying goodbye is already hard enough, I don’t know if I would have enough strength in me to spend one more day with him without breaking down in tears.
Arriving back to New York Shawn puts on his best fake smile as he takes selfies with the fans waiting for him while I go straight to our car. Ten minutes later he follows and we are on our way to my place. My stomach is in a knot, my throat is dry as I’m staring out of the window, Shawn’s hand still holding mine and I’m thinking about what I should say to him before walking out of his life. I’m cursing myself for making it this hard, I should have been smarter.
When the driver stops in front of the café, our usual spot he suddenly gets out of the car and stands next to it as Shawn turns to me. I guess he asked him to give us some privacy beforehand.
“I guess this is our goodbye,” I mumble under my breath, already feeling the tears dwelling in my eyes.
“I want you to promise me one thing,” he starts looking into my eyes and I nod. “Call me if you need help. With anything. Even if it’s the slightest problem ever, I want you to know that you can always count on me, okay?”
Feeling a tear rolling down my cheek I smile at him sadly as I nod.
“Okay,” I whisper.
“And… if you change your mind in the future… about us… just call me,” he adds and I can’t help but chuckle. He did try for one last time after all.
Cupping his face I pull him into one last kiss and it turns out longer and more passionate than what I planned, but I don’t mind. I let his tongue dominate mine, he is nibbling down on my lip gently and I moan into his mouth, all kind of emotions mixing in me at the same time.
“I love you,” he whispers to me once we part and he rests his forehead against mine. I’m shutting my eyes closed tight and I fight the urge to say it back immediately. If I say it now, I feel like I won’t be able to get out of the car and leave him behind. “It’s fine,” he smiles at me when I open my eyes. “I’m happy I got to meet you. Take care, Naya.”
“You too, Shawn,” I smile as I reach for the handle and using everything in me I turn away from him and get out of the car.
I avoid looking at him one more time, I just start walking. I hear the driver getting back into the car and when I hear the car’s engine starting again I turn around and watch the black Range Rover drive away and then disappear from my sight.
My days without Shawn are just one dark blur from the moment I get home after Paris. All my stuff gets delivered to my place and he even let me keep the dresses I wore to the fashion shows. I want to call him to say thank you so badly, but I decide not to.
The next Friday we have the Assembly, everyone gets their new deals and clients, except me. Joshua explains to me that I need to lay low for a while, so I get signed up for shifts in the Nook as a hostess and I’m honestly happy I don’t have to get back to my usual work. I don’t think I would be able to work with another client so soon.
I spend a lot of time with Elisa and the kids. I volunteer to babysit as much as possible, and when Riley asks about Shawn my heart breaks every time. I tell her she’ll meet him again soon, and I hate myself for lying to a kid, but I guess these lies are making me feel better as well. Playing with the thought of seeing him again occurs to me often and it’s soothing to think about possible alternative universes where we are still seeing each other.
But no matter what I do, how hard I’m trying to keep myself occupied nothing really eases the numbing pain I constantly feel in my chest. I spend all my freetime in my room, mostly sleeping, because this is the only time I can avoid thinking about Shawn, but sometime my brain finds a way to torture me in my dreams too, because I often wake up in the middle of the night looking for him besides me only to find no one in bed with me. I usually can’t fall back to sleep when this happens so I just lie in bed awake, staring at the ceiling until the Sun comes up.
The money gets transferred to me on Monday, after we parted and in the following days I do what I’ve been doing for months. I transfer almost the whole amount to different accounts that belong to people that I owe to. When I finish I have just the right amount of money to get through the month, but at least I have the thought that I took a huge step closer to my freedom with this money as I was able to pay back a lot more than I usually am capable of.
It’s the third week now and I’m somehow feeling more… normal. Everyday things don’t take as much effort as they did in the past weeks. I’m on my way to the Nook for my night shift, Elisa is with her client tonight and I’m just hoping Josie is in tonight so I can hang out with her in my breaks.
The dim lighting and loud music with a chest banging bass feels like the best place on Earth tonight. I woke up a bit dizzy today, felt like I was about to throw up, but I’m pretty sure it’s because I ate a whole pack of salty crackers before going to be and my stomach just couldn’t deal with it properly. But now I’m all good.
I put my stuff down and get changed before sitting in front of my mirror to put on some more makeup and my black pixie cut wig that helps me keep my identity hidden and no one recognizes me as Shawn’s mystery girlfriend, who is by the way very much missed lately.
Yes, I kind of got obsessed with reading gossip sites since we parted our ways, I’m very ashamed of it, but I couldn’t resist. We went from one hundred to zero pretty quickly and I needed a daily dose of info about him to keep me sane, this is when I started browsing these sites and searched for his name. I read articles about him, saw paparazzi photos of him and the guys leaving places, he apparently spent a lot of time with them after our split and I checked his social media profiles regularly. Every time I saw a new post from him my heart started racing and stared at the photos he posted for an hour at least. I’m not proud of the way I’ve been acting, but I think I’ve been doing better in the past couple days and I can actually see a time when I’m not thinking about him for an entire day.
“Honey! I didn’t know you’d be in tonight!”
Josie’s chirpy voice snaps me out of my thoughts as I see her in the mirror, standing behind me in her neon pink dress that she paired with blue thigh high boots and a pearly necklace. Honestly, I have no idea where she gets these stuff.
I smile at her putting the eye-pencil down and turning around I get up to give her a hug.
“Hi J, I’m glad to see you.”
“You are looking better tonight, Sweetheart. How are you?” She gives me a knowing look and I just shrug my shoulders.
After the Assembly I stayed for half a shift at the club, but I wasn’t feeling too good. Josie found me crying in the bathroom and I told her everything. She listened to me whine about how much I’m missing Shawn and that I don’t think I’ll ever love someone the way I love him. I cried for long minutes choking on the words and cursing myself for being so stupid. When I was finally breathing somehow normally Josie gave me the best pep-talk of history. She didn’t try to tell me to just forget about it and stop thinking about him, because it’s obviously the shittiest thing to say. She sat with me on the floor and told me:
“I know how much it hurts. It will hurt, for a long time, but you are strong enough to put up with it. Breaking doesn’t mean you will never feel better, it’s just a temporary thing now. Cry for as long as you want, scream or shout, whatever makes you feel better, but also be patient with yourself. You will get through this and if in weeks you still feel like you can’t get over him, we will figure something out. But time can heal everything and I believe you’ll feel better soon.”
She covered for me for another hour until I somehow covered my puffy eyes and stopped crying. I knew she was right and I just did what she told and I decided to be patient with myself. Three weeks into my No-Shawn life and I’m starting to feel better, just like she told me I would.
“I’m doing okay,” I say as I let go of her and she fixes my wig a bit giving me a proud smile.
“Good. You look stunning, I’m sure you’ll break some hearts tonight.” She winks at me giving my arm a squeeze.
Half an hour later I’m out with my best fake smile as I serve cocktails to a group of men sitting in the VIP section in their expensive suits. I let my mind go blank, I only focus on the music that’s blasting through the place and when I’m not talking to a guest I’m just staring at the stage, watching the girls perform.
It’s around 1 am when the suited men order fruit flavored shots and I walk over to the bar. The bartender places ten shots on a tray and the deep red liquors dance in the small glasses as I’m walking over to their table. When no one is watching I lean closer and sniff at one of the glasses. I love the sweet smell of the syrup we use to make these shots, but this time, when the smell hits my nose my stomach takes a double flip.
I stop for a moment as I feel like I’m about to throw up. The tray almost loses balance on my hand but I quickly recover and catch it from falling. I close my eyes for a moment taking a deep breath as I feel my stomach growl in disagreement.
I serve the shots and rush to the back as fast as possible. As I’m on my way to the bathroom Josie steps out one of the dressing rooms.
“Honey, everything alright?” she asks, but I just shake my head and run past her, right into the bathroom where I barely reach a toilet before throwing up.
I hear Josie coming in and a moment later two hands reach for my wig and she is keeping the hair out of my face while I put everything out from me. When it seems like I’m done she disappears for a moment only to return with a glass of water and some paper towels in her hands.
“Thanks,” I choke out wiping my mouth and flushing the toilet.
“What happened?” she asks with concern all over her face. I’m sweating and I need a few more seconds before I find my voice.
“I don’t know. I smelled one of those fruity shots and just… lost it,” I breathe out still panting a bit.
“Have you been feeling nauseous?”
“In the morning yeah, but I didn’t throw up. I thought I just ate too much crackers before going to bed.” I finally get up from the floor and walk to the sink to wash my hands and mouth. My throat is burning and just the thought of throwing up makes me want to vomit again, but I keep it under control this time.
“Honey, I hate to ask this but… did you use protection with him?”
I freeze the moment these words leave her mouth. She is standing behind me, the water is still running from the tap as I lock eyes with her through the mirror. My stomach drops and my heart starts beating crazily as my thoughts drift back to Paris.
He did not use a condom, because I told him not to. Because I told him I would get a morning after pill, which I had in my purse, but with everything happening between and around us… it slipped my mind. Therefore, we had unprotected sex and I forgot to take the pill afterwards, meaning…
Meaning I now have a chance of being pregnant.
 My hands are shaking, I feel like I’m about to throw up again but I’m ready to swallow it back as my unsteady fingers flip through my small calendar I usually keep with me. Josie is standing right behind me as we are standing in the corner of the room, girls are chattering happily in the back not even knowing what is going on here.
When I finally find the right month I look for the red marks, I’m clinging onto the last straws of hope, but when I find them, I almost start crying.
I mark the days when I should start my period with empty circles and then when I actually get it I usually just fill them in so I know which day is the first of my cycle. The damn circles are staring back at me from the previous week, meaning I should have gotten my period eight days ago. Sometimes I’m late, but only with maximum two days. Never eight. Never.
“Is that what I think it is?” Josie whispers and I can’t speak right now, I just nod my head. I close the calendar and show it back to my bag turning to Josie as I feel like I’m on the verge of a mental breakdown.
“What do I do now?” I ask with wide eyes. The thought of being pregnant is so foreign me at this moment and I think my mind hasn’t really processed what this means.
“You have to make a test or go to the doctor. Being late can mean a lot, maybe it’s just the stress.”
I nod my head think about it. She is right, I’ve had some pretty stressful weeks behind me, it wouldn’t be surprising if my hormones were all over the place and make my period late somehow.
Josie tries to convince me to tell Joshua that I’m not feeling well, which is true, but I choose to finish my shift. When I get off at three am I’m already a mental wreck, but there I have to face some more waiting since nothing is open at this time.
When I arrive home Elisa is sleeping in her room, she has a morning class tomorrow. I take a quick shower, put on some clean pj’s and crawl into bed with my phone. I open the contacts and I start scrolling down until my finger lingers through a name. The urge to call Shawn is tempting, I almost press on the button, but not even knowing what I would tell him I lock the phone and put it to my nightstand. I can’t talk to him until I find out for sure.
For my biggest surprise I sleep pretty okay. I set an alarm last night so I can go to the pharmacy in time to get a pregnancy test and do it while Elisa is in school. I keep my cool as I run to the nearest pharmacy and try to look as unbothered as possible when I pay for the test. I hide the box in my bag and I’m dying to finally get back home and take it.
   Time has never went by slower than at this moment as I’m sitting on the floor of our small and messy bathroom. I watch as the numbers change on my phone’s screen and I almost start thinking time has stopped, but I know it’s just in my mind.
I turn my head trying to make myself busy, so I pick up a set of false lashes from next to the bathtub and hold it up in front of my face. It can be mine, but I think it’s Elisa’s. It’s longer than what I usually use. Setting it to the edge of the tub I stare at it as if I’m waiting for it to start talking to me and tell its story. Waiting is really making me go crazy.
I stand up, carefully not looking at the stick at the edge of the sink as I throw the lashes into the small trashcan and I start sorting all the makeup products that are everywhere. I already know what’s mine and what’s Elisa’s, we have lived together long enough to get used to each other and know what we use. I was always afraid that if I live with another woman we will start using each other’s stuff, like in the movies. I always thought it’s weird. I mean, it’s fine a few times, but not all the time. It’s not too sanitary and budget friendly. It’s better if everyone sticks to their own things. Elisa thinks the same. We are happy to help each other out if one of us runs out of lipstick, or needs a specific color of eyeshadow. But we never touch what’s not ours without asking first. I think this is one reason why we are so good together. Another one is our shared history, I guess.
I check the time and it’s the last ten seconds, finally. I take a deep breath and hold it as I watch the numbers change on the screen until it hits zero. I switch the alarm off, but I don’t do anything. I stand there like a statue, my limbs feel like rocks and I don’t have the energy to lift them up. My throat is so dry, I could drink a gallon of water at once.
I look at myself in the mirror and furrowing my eyebrows I tell myself that I can’t just ignore this. I have to find out the truth so I can carry on or… or find a solution if the result is what I was afraid of.
I blow out the breath I was holding and glance down at the stick that’s lying face down. I slowly reach for it and take it between by pointing finger and thumb. It’s now or never.
I turn it over and when I see it I forget to breathe for the longest second of history. I freeze and my eyes are glued to the two little lines on the stick that means one thing. The one thing I was so worried and the one thing that is now freaking me out to the point where I feel like I’m about to pass out.
I’m pregnant and I have no idea how I’m going to deal with this situation. I’m twenty-one, practically a child myself, I can’t take care of a baby, not with the way I’ve lived in the past two years, it’s impossible. I can’t do this alone and even if Elisa helps me out it’s still not enough. I have only one choice, the person I never thought I would see again and I promised not to think about ever, but I have no choice. I wasn’t alone when this baby conceived and as much as I would love to figure it out on my own, he deserves to know.
I wipe away the warm tears from my cheeks and reach for my phone, still holding the pregnancy test in my hands. Opening my contacts I scroll down and I stop at his name. Biting into my bottom lip my thumb linger over it as I hesitate and try to think about what I want to tell him. But I slowly realize that it’s not something I should tell over the phone, so instead of calling I open a new message.
To: Shawn Mendes Hey. Can we meet? We need to talk about something.
I press send before I can change my mind and I finally walk out of the bathroom. I walk through our small, but cozy living room and don’t stop until I’m in my room. First, I hide the test into one of my drawers and then I check the time. Elisa will be home in an hour from her class to get ready for work, there is no way I can face her right now, so I better not be here. As I’m gathering a few stuff my phone buzzes from a new message. It’s from him.
From: Shawn Mendes Somewhere private or do you want to have drink somewhere?
I could use a drink right now, but then I realize, I won’t taste any alcohol in the upcoming months. And a private place would be the most ideal for this conversation.
To: Shawn Mendes Can we meet at your place?
His reply arrives a few seconds later.
From: Shawn Mendes I’ll send a car for you. Where do you want it to go?
I text him to pick me up at the usual spot at the café and he assures me that a car will be there to pick me up in thirty minutes. Perfect, this way I won’t meet Elisa. I grab my bag, put everything I think I need in it and leave the place, but before I could step out, I stop at the mirror that’s right next to our front door. I see myself in an entirely different way than how I did when I arrived home, though I was already suspicious back then. But now I know that somewhere under my oversized black sweater there is a baby in my stomach. I’m not alone anymore, not even when there is no one around me.
I slide my hand under my sweater and touch my lower belly, but I don’t feel anything yet it’s so different. Nothing will be the same from now on and it frightens me so much I can’t even describe.
I shake my head, fix my clothes and switch the lights off before leaving to meet the father of my unborn child, Shawn Mendes.
taglist:  @damnigotadime @jrock-1987 @dacutiehart @ricchhelle @shar-is-my-name
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theindifferentdroid · 7 years
A Captain and a General: Part 2 [Phasma x fem!reader]
Summary: You and Phasma have a conversation over dinner after she asks you out, and you find out some interesting information.
Part 1
A/N: Y’all, I admit I struggled with some of the smaller intricacies of this part, but I hope yall like it. The next few parts will likely move the story along a little better.
Word count: 1,700+
You were lucky your date with Phasma had happened in the first place, honestly. Besides the fact that she had even asked you to dinner – something you were still trying to process – it was a miracle you were even both available tonight. You had gotten distracted with your new duties as General. You probably would have skipped dinner altogether if you hadn't had someone waiting on you. And Phasma waiting on anyone or anything was a feat.
You were aware of how regimented she was. She had a schedule to keep to, even for herself personally, aside from work. But it hadn't even bothered her that she wouldn't be eating on time.
She was waiting for you when you hurriedly walked into the dining hall, knowing you were likely late, too afraid to check the time. You easily picked her out of the crowd, her platinum hair glowing in the artificial light.
You froze in the entrance after you processed what you saw. She was out of her quarters without her helmet. As your heart began to race, you realized you hadn't even thought of the specifics of how this date was going to happen, much less a relationship, if that’s where this was going. You hadn't had time to be anxious about it with how busy you were. Suddenly, a flurry of questions popped into your mind. How would you be seen with her in public? She couldn't wear her helmet all the time. She had to eat, right? Then, suddenly you were worried you had inconvenienced her. Why was she walking around like this? Did she even want this?
"Y/N?" Phasma had gotten up and walked over to you, noticing you standing in the doorway. "Are you alright?"
You startled from your daze to look at her, and you began to feel at ease. Your shoulders loosened and you took a deep, yet hitched, breath. Not only was she not wearing her helmet, she had traded all of her indiscreet armor for drab First Order fatigues. She looked... normal.
"You... "
Phasma cut you off. "I figured it would be best if I blended in."
"You just look so naked without..."
You stopped yourself, realizing what you had said. Then you closed your eyes, embarrassed, recognizing how much worse you'd made the statement by bringing attention to it. You could feel the heat in your cheeks.
"You're quite adorable when you blush," Phasma said before she walked off toward the table.
You sighed heavily, trying to compose yourself for the second time today. It was going to be a long dinner if you kept this up.
As you sat down with your plates, you couldn't help but stare at her. It was a weird sight to see, an armor-less Phasma.  She was still imposing, however, her height not an artificial advantage from the suit alone. The others in the hall didn’t seem to notice that their Captain was in their midst. Surely her presence would have changed the atmosphere, if they only knew.
Phasma noticed the way you were looking at her.
“What is it?” she asked.
"I just.... Are you sure no one knows who you are?"
She shook her head. "There's only two people on this ship that know who I am. You." She took a bite of her food. "And Ren."
Your gut did a freefall. You had completely forgotten about The Commander. The two of you weren’t on the best terms, not that he was on good terms with anyone, to your knowledge. But you definitely didn't want to get on his bad side. Especially now that you would have to deal with him a lot more as General. What if he found out you were sneaking around with the Captain? He would absolutely lose it. A man like him did not like fraternization. Something about “attachments,” you had heard.
Phasma quickly changed the subject, and dinner continued on, but all the while you couldn’t relax. Phasma did most of the talking, which you didn’t mind. Mostly about her work life; she had really known no other life besides that in the First Order. You’d ask a question every now and then. Just hearing her talk made your heart flutter in your chest, especially now that you could listen to her voice without her helmet.
Every now and then, you’d catch yourself looking over your shoulder or around the room, anxious for someone to point her out. Or for Ren, stars forbid, to walk in.
Your date proceeded without incident, however. Over the course of the dinner, awkward silences, mostly brought on by you, became less imposing. The quiet was mutually enjoyed. It seemed the both of you were tired, each unwilling to say so.
Phasma broke the silence. "What's wrong, Y/N?"
“I’m just tired.”
She glared at you. “There’s something else.”
You sighed. "I'm still nervous."
She put her fork down and leaned across the table, her face coming close to yours. "No one has to know about this if you don't want them to.” The look on her face was sincere, her eyes staring into yours, trying to comfort you. “And if anyone says anything, I will kick their ass.”
You smiled slightly and nodded. Her tone was playful, but you knew she meant every word.
Leaning back in her chair, a small smirk crept onto one side of Phasma’s face. She seemed so relaxed, unlike you. “As I said, Ren is the only other soul on this ship that knows my identity. So –”
“And that’s who I’m worried about,” you blurted out.
Phasma laughed. “Don’t worry. Ren won’t say anything. I promise.”
Her laugh caught you off guard. How could Phasma be so confident about this? Maybe it was because she had been here longer than you; she was well established. But she didn’t seem to be worried about anything.
Then it hit you. “He ‘won’t say anything?’ Does – does he already know?”
As if she were pleased with your sleuthing, Phasma flashed a smile. “Ren has been trying to get me to ask you out for months.”
“What?!” you exclaimed, a bit too loudly. If you didn’t want to call attention to your little dinner date, you were doing a bad job. Now it was your turn to lean across the table. Lowering your voice, you whispered now. “Are you kidding me?”
“You should be flattered, Y/N. The Commander thinks highly of you.”
“Well, that’s the first I’ve heard of that.”
“Ren is no good with words, if you couldn’t tell. You have come up in our conversations, though. Quite often, actually.”
“Wait, are you his friend? Does Ren have friends?”
“He’s like the little brother I never wanted. So I guess you could say I’m his friend. His only friend.” She chuckled. Stars, how your heart melted every time she smiled.
You slightly smiled back. That fact made you feel a little better.
As the hall began to clear, you sat in silence, trying to process your newly gained intel, while Phasma unknowingly admired you from across the table.
“Hm?” You looked up out of your daze.
“You’re tired aren’t you?”
You hesitated to answer. “Stars, am I.”
“Let’s go, then. A general needs her rest.”
“No!” you protested. “I’m fine. I want to spend time with –.” A betraying yawn interrupted you.
Phasma shot a glare you way, her eyebrows raised. “Come on. I’ll walk you to your quarters.”
Stubbornly, you remained seated, determined to continue the dinner, though you’d finished eating long ago. The hall was empty now.
Phasma stood up and grabbed your arm, pulling you up from your seat. She held onto your arm even after you stood up, keeping you close. Her grip was tight, but affectionately so. You looked up at her, thinking she had something to say, but she just stood there, silently, staring back at you. To anyone else this would be intimidating, but you appreciated it. Your entire body tensed, and you felt feverish.
“You’re blushing again.”
Quickly, you broke from Phasma’s grasp and strode away.
She caught up with you down the hall and the two of you walked for a bit in silence.
Though she was out of uniform, you both held a commanding presence over the hallway, chins held high, arms dutifully places behind your backs. The few troopers that walked by greeted you accordingly, paying no mind to the incognito captain. She watched your face during the encounters. You were always so gracious, but professional. She loved to watch you work; it made her chest feel a certain way. Something she was unsure she could even feel until she saw you. It made her proud, almost, to be in the presence of another woman, another strong woman, unafraid of power.
Phasma spoke up through a grin. “I personally don’t think it would be so bad if everyone knew about us.”
She paused, waiting for a response from you. You, however, unsure of how to respond, continued walking, only glancing up at her. You swallowed through a lump in your throat.
“We would make a nice power couple,” Phasma finished.
You stopped walking. “Couple?”
Phasma turned around, realizing you weren’t next to her anymore, and strode over hastily. As confident as she appeared, she was truly afraid to push you away. “I apologize. I shouldn’t have insinuated that…”
You interrupted her. “No. No, it’s okay.” You put your hand on her arm. “I just didn’t want to get my hopes up. I didn’t know if you liked me that much. Liked me as much as I liked you.”
The last part slipped through your lips before you could even stop yourself, and you immediately felt the flush in your cheeks. The heat reached your ears. This was never going to get any easier.
Phasma placed her hand on your shoulders, looking down into your eyes. “I’m incredibly fond of you, Y/N.” She gently kissed your forehead before turning and continuing down the hall.
“Now let’s get you home. I believe we have a long day tomorrow, General.”
You followed her lead down the hall, only after you were sure your knees wouldn’t give out.
Part 3
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survivemiddleearth · 6 years
Episode #11- “She lost her Bellatrix tricks” -Eric
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After every tribal I have to have a stress poop. I can't wait for this game to be over so that my bowels can calm down. Eric just exposed in the tribe chat that he heard Dylan was playing an idol, and I'm the only one who was supposed to know, so now I'm fucct. Which is great.
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Okay Jay. You are the best player in this game. but after 500 tribals we finally got behind you. WATCH OUT. :D
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this is going to be my longest confessional ever. lets get this started. jay and I have been working together for. the entire game?? like literally every vote. and maybe we lost some trust in each other after the drew vote but she was still my number 1 and to see that during this vote she seriously tried to target me and tried so hard to get me evicted is actually. really awakening. but don't think my survivor experience is over !! and don't think i hate jay !! its just now i need to completely reevaluate everything that I've done so far in this game. I have to watch my language very carefully around jay. she already knows about my vote blocker so im not sure what to do there ?? should i continue to keep it a secret or just spill the freaking beans. shes pretty much told everyone everything else about me so i wouldn't be surprised if everyone knew about my blocker. at least i didn't tell her i won immunity that one time !! i can have at least one secret lmao. for the next vote i have no idea what to do. theres a huge move to target jay next round which is valid, but i don't want to think with my emotions. i have a sneaky suspicion that roxy, sammy and eric have a final three. this is the last round before final 6, so i really want one of them gone. I could maybe convince dennis to switch to sammy ? maybe jay or crow ??? all i know is that i've lost all trust in jay and she was like. my only ally. this is why i suck at survivor yall !! don't put all your eggs in one basket !! honestly for my first ever betrayal i was expecting more. wheres the despair ???? my closest ally literally just tried to send me home. why am i not more upset. im honestly just living for the drama and also living for my revival arc that's coming. watch out viewing lounge you aint seen the last of me !! if jay wins this i'll be so proud of her omg she is in a pickle right now.
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So apparently Roxy dennis and I made a side alliance with Dylan (with us 3 still the main alliance) to get out Jay who's kinda a puppet master but not rly anymore. She lost her Bellatrix tricks.
I'm really pissed that Crow won because I worked my ass off in that challenge and typing is MY thing! Crow is mad that I didn't vote Ford?? Like I'm on the bottom and always get votes if I hear the person originally getting unan is getting an idol played on my ass is switching especially when this happens at like 9:58 so stay mad? Sry you don't know what its like to get votes but maybe next round you can feel what that's like.
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ok so like dennis is putting a lot of trust in eric for me which is great. totally trust the guy who i havent voted with this whole game to keep the secret that im ""betraying"" jay. love that. honestly the way this is abt to play out i cannot even imagine this being a blindside against jay. she's either gonna convice eric to vote out me [which would be easy for her] or just play an idol and send me home. i can't even imagine me not going home. i cant even imagine not having everyone hate me. 
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it’s literally so onvious Eric Dennis and roxy are working together...but i think Dennis is the leader so we are gonna try to split them up this round. I feel as if he’s a threat to win imo. I asked roxy who she’d vote out and she said “anyone but Dennis” so that let me know they were together and then Dennis played an idol on Eric so like they are working together.
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Alright. Everyone listen up. I will do it risky tonight. I won't play my Idol, unless Jay plays the legacy advantage. If I go out, I go out, so be it. But preferably i stay without playing it. The trust is in you Dylan. Even though Eric has been weirdly quiet tonight. I truly hope that he doesn't backstab me. Well we'll see after TC. Also if I have to play that Idol. Can't wait for everyone to hate me even more for not telling them about that idol. If this is my last confessional. Here are a few words. If Jay doesn't get POTS, either i read the whole game wrong or you misjudged. <3 Roxy this was alot of fun playing with you. Eric same goes for you. Dylan you are awesome and it was hella nice getting to know you. The decision of keeping you over Johnny will prolly either pay off tonight or will show itself as a big mistake. WHO KNOWS! Johnny. Sorry I did you so dirty for no reason... (well I had a reason, but it was a longshot..) Crow and Sammy, sorry that I couldn't trust you 100%. I know you are prolly hurt by that in some way. But for me this was only gamerelated mainly because I had stronger connections with roxy and eric. Sorry guys <3 I also have to keep in mind, that in theory there should be another Idol besides mine out there. If Jay has that one. Oh my god..
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