#i am seriously in love with both of these characters
velvet-games · 2 days
I think I've said a couple times that seeing too much radiosilence angst made me want a fluffier qpr version, but tbh I still want all of the angst; it just needs to be framed as eventually leading to a happy ending.
alastor and vox hating each other is thematically inevitable. I am in love with the fake enemies trope; I tried playing around with that, but there is no universe where these characters are remotely close to canon and actually like each other lmao. I think it needs to be more "vox pretends he only hates alastor and alastor pretends he doesn't care about vox but they actually both understand that they really had something and destroyed it because of mutual differences." like, symbolically, it's old vs. new, right? and alastor is good because he values what worked in the past and cares about artistic integrity but bad because he refuses to see progress or accept change; vox is good because he's innovative and ambitious but bad because he's tacky and too profit-driven. that dynamic has way too much potential for us to skip the part where they grow to see the good side of each other's perspectives while keeping their own identities intact.
AUGH the angst would just be too good; vox and alastor kind of being on the same wavelength at first when they weren't too far apart era-wise, alastor not really taking his ambitions seriously and finding them entertaining, vox actually caring at first about making TV as a legitimate creative endeavor and them connecting over a love for entertainment ... but eventually vox gains power, he starts getting distracted by money and takes shortcuts, he stops creating almost completely because it's easier to make contracted souls do it instead. alastor's cute plaything (that maybe was actually interesting to talk to and had good ideas ...) becomes this tacky capitalist that he can't manipulate as easily, so he gets bored of him. vox is so happy when he finally becomes an overlord; alastor is gonna be so proud! only for him to realize that alastor never saw him that way. alastor never actually liked him, did he?
cue them getting mad at each other and starting a feud that is much more comical on the outside than it is privately. vox is still a little confused and very much in pain ... he knows his own flaws but his greed has too much of a hold on him to make him actually change for alastor (vox: I'll do anything! just tell me what to do, what to change, and I will. please just stay. alastor: would you give up your company? power? money? would you stay with *me*? vox: ...). alastor is disappointed and tries to make it seem like he really had no affection for vox, but those memories of drinking together on sunday nights, listening to how excited vox was about a new invention ... maybe, in the very back of his mind, he realizes he misses that. that he feels left behind.
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aihoshiino · 3 days
chapter 151 thoughts
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Entirely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 8
Aqua Hoshigan Status: Black
Kana enjoyers continue to eat good in this new arc, as 151 very clearly parallels what's considered one of the more iconic AquKana chapters from the first half of the manga with a bit of role reversal in the mix. 'Reversal' is sort of the keyword for this chapter for a handful of reasons but we'll get into that when it's relevant.
the usual shout out to mengo for Peak Faces this chapter. my faves were kana's blushy face as she takes off her glasses and aqua covering his blush with his baseball glove… it does NOT get cuter than that.
It's pretty cathartic to see Kana get a similar TV spotlight to BH!Ruby, where she's centered in B-Komachi's success and Ruby is sort of just in the background lol. That said… kinda of hate that OnK is continuing to frame the ShimaD shit!!! I have a lot of complicated feelings about it but I will say that overall, it's pretty fucked that the story made all those correct assertions about sexual harassment in the entertainment industry and how women and young girls specifically are pressured to kowtow to men to retain their place in the industry and then like… not? link any of this?? to what happened to Kana??? Weird and bad!!!!
on the plus side. megarima and maskua <3
It feels like a good step for Kana to confidently assert that they are, in fact, on a date and their shared visible embarrassment is pretty cute. This is what I meant when I said this chapter was a bit of a reversal of chapter 30, which Aqua even calls explicit attention to - running from school to play catch vs running to school. It works well, imo, as a sort of marker of both change and consistency for both of these characters, showing us how far they've come… but at the same time, how much has managed to stay the same. This return to the early AQKN dynamic is really nice… their moment to moment rapport is the one I enjoy most in the series so even though it's definitely jarring to whiplash back to it after the Movie Arc… idk!! I am still enjoying it all the same.
aqua calling her out on it being a baseball date was really funny btw
And their talk about dreams is… Very Shrimptresting. I keep waffling back and forth on what to take from it, because hypothetically I think it's really interesting but whether or not I really end up liking it is going to depend on how things are handled with Aqua going forward…! IDK, this is the obvious pitfall of analyzing the story like this week to week,
I guess all I'll say now is that this falls in line with how I was reading last chapter's framing of Gorou -> Aqua, where Aqua's inheritance of that identity is just that - an inheritance and it's up to him what he chooses to do with that legacy. He can decide for himself what parts of it he wants to take with him into the future and what he chooses to leave behind.
That said: this is still black hoshigan Aqua. Is this just a 'dream' because it's something he wants but doesn't think he'll be able to have? Or is Aqua starting to seriously consider a future for himself past the end of his revenge quest? It was Kana who prompted him for an answer, after all, and he's already had to make a promise to her that he won't 'disappear'. Is he just lying here to put her at ease? Much to consider…….
Kana's side of this conversation is also really interesting. Kana is a person who acts out of genuine love for her craft, yes, but she's also correct that she kind of already got her assumed end goal of 'be a nationally famous actress' when she was a kid and it didn't necessarily make her happy or fulfilled. To a degree, she's been operating on momentum and desperation to cling to the industry so much of her identity was formed around. But if a 'dream' is something she just wants for herself, without her career coming into it… then what does Kana really want?
And the answer, obviously, is Aqua. With another 'oshi no ko' title drop, to boot…!
It's a little sad that even as Kana makes this tentative confession to him, she still downplays herself in favour of Memcho and Ruby but the emotional stakes she's putting on the table are very loaded. This essentially, without either girl knowing it, puts her in direct competition with Ruby who very much seems to still want to milk her sensei's Little Aqua and I don't imagine that conflict is going to go off without fireworks.
Interestingly, though, this isn't the only point on which the two are opposed here: this is what I mean when I said this chapter's keyword was 'reversal'. While Ruby insists that 'Sensei' is her oshi, Kana offers to be Aqua's oshi. This isn't the first time it's happened, either - when Kana talks about her feelings last chapter, she describes them as 本気の恋 (honki no koi), i.e, seriously, earnestly, truly in love whereas Ruby's confession uses the term ガチ恋 (gachikoi), a slang term referring to a fan who considers themselves to be legitimately in romantic love with a celebrity/idol/etc - and specifically says she's gachikoi for Sensei. Gachikoi is also how the first generation of B-Komachi are described in both Viewpoint B and 45510 in the original Japanese text. On just about all fronts, these two are bound to clash going into the final arc of the story and I'm tentatively interested to see where it goes.
No break next week!
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bengiyo · 18 hours
My Love Mix Up Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
Before we begin, a disclaimer: I watched Kieta Hatsukoi in 2021, and I read the source material for this project last year. I will be reacting to this project as an adaptation and my commentary will carry elements of comparative analysis. There will most certainly be spoilers. Read at your own risk.
With that out of the way, let’s see if GMMTV can adapt another TV Asahi project with a branded pair.
Chokun has decent resemblance to Suzuki Jin, they both resemble Aida, and it feels like he got that character pretty easily. Casting directors ate twice.
I am glad the costuming and hair departments understood that adapted manga characters requires you to pay attention to some of their key physical characteristics, especially when there will be jokes around changing them.
I’m glad they kept Atom’s overdramatic imaginary fantasies.
I feel bad for the boys having to film on the rooftop. Rooftop scenes are important in a lot of the J-BL, so they have to mimic that part of the experience. Unfortunately, it’s so hot in Thailand.
I like Kongthap/Ida every time. He’s very considerate of others, and I like the setup encouraging Atom to understand why someone might like Kongthap.
Weak extension on that arm, Atom!!
Goddamn there are a lot of sponsors on this show.
I’m okay with them swapping volleyball for basketball. It’s still a team sport.
Aungpao spotted! His skin looks great.
He’s not wrong. Kongthap does look sick.
Okay, I really hope we get to meet the Thai version of Half’s family. That would be a real treat.
I do like when they make athletic boys pretend they’re bad at sports.
I feel like this veggies joke was written about Fourth and Gemini specifically.
I hope the teacher is aware of the crushes and actively trolling. I know I would assign students together when I knew about their crushes.
I guess Kongthap won’t have a dog in this version.
Okay, but Atom really did look like he was about to fling himself off the roof.
Kieta Hatsukoi really feels like the beginning of the “let me think about it” era.
I don’t remember a cat being involve originally in the manga, so someone else can comment on that. I was surprised by how little of the base plot they got through this episode, and that they already added in the whole PE bit. I don’t know that making Fourth and Gemini fight their instincts was necessarily the right call. Aoki is a high-energy, over-expressive character, and I think Gemini would have been more suited to Atom than Fourth. Fourth showed real drama chops in Moonlight Chicken, and would have been better suited to the seriousness that Kongthap/Ida has to carry. It’s tough, because it meant that this episode felt a little flat, which is not a feeling I associate with this series. Hopefully it picks up speed next week.
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wuwaworld · 2 days
tw: ooc Mortefi, married relationship, Mortefi the cleanfreak /j, insecurities, arguement, angst to fluff, crack
Mortefi x Reader prompt.
; please do not take this seriously. ik mortefi won't be like this in a relationship. it's all in good fun for me.
Mortefi who somehow married a reader who always let their things be carelessly placed around the house.
Mortefi who even WONDERS how in the world his mind could say "yes, they're the one." when he looks at them across the office. their desk a mess with papers scattered around.
“we're not going to that dinner date.” Mortefi taunts, taking a few steps back dramatically as he watches how you somehow make your already messy desk.. more.. infuriatingly dirty.
“w-what?” you blinked confused, pausing on your work as you look up to him with a frown.
“clean that, and maybe I'll change my mind.”
Mortefi who thought that taunting you with his words will encourage you to clean up little by little. but you only seem to understand his teasing taunts as painful jabs to your heart. his words making you more upset as days passed by, losing even the motivation to work properly in the Academy. much less talk to him when the both of you arrived in your shared home.
Mortefi who realizes that he was such an idiot. that he thought the same trick he pulled when he was still your boyfriend will work. for goodness sake, you exchanged vows with him. it meant that your relationship took a different level, so his (teasing) encouragement should take up a notch.
but Mortefi soon realizes how he really messed up, when he comes home a bit early that day— only to find you a crying mess as you spat out insecurities after insecurities. it hurt his heart to see you like that, and he loathed himself for being the part of the problem that made you cry.
“why even marry me?” you spat, teary and hurt eyes stare back at him.
“my love..” Mortefi slowly walks towards you, pausing his steps as he sees that you tensed up, “I'm sorry.. I hadn't realize that you have taken offense to my words greatly.”
you stood silent, trying to gauge the expression on his face. when the silents lulls the shared home, Mortefi glances back up to you. his legs carefully bringing him towards you once more.
“I'm sorry, darling.” Mortefi whispers, bringing your hand up to his cheek. his head turning to the side as he kisses your palm. his heart was swelling with appreciation and awe as you didn't step back from his touch. and so Mortefi's kisses on your skin became more profound and pleading.
“let me make it up to you, please.” he mutters, his eyes sincere and apologetic.
on the day onwards, while his cleanfreak persona would just like to let your desk burn with his powers. he held himself back. Mortefi instead began to clean up your messy desk little by little with shaky, gloved hands. it almost looked like as if it pained him to be in such near proximity of it.
“Mortefi?” you blinked, looking at your husband in mild surprise as you had just came back from a meeting.
“oh,” Mortefi looks up when he hears your voice, “greetings.. my wife..”
“......” you blinked again, this time dumbfounded as you hear his odd wordings. he was so out of character.
when you glance down at your desk and up to him, you could pat yourself in the back on how you kept a neutral expression. hiding away the laugh attempting to crawl out on your throat, the feeling of a somewhat sweet revenge from the way he made you cry back then. the same source of problem that Mortefi was facing right now.
“are you okay?” you mutter as you take a stride towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“...am I..?” Mortefi mutters, looking back at the scattered papers and objects in disgust.
suffice to say, your sweet revenge of making your desk even more messier lasted up to 6 months. before Mortefi had to forcibly sit you down on your shared home, a 20-page slide presentation on how being a clean and organized person would help you in the long run.
it's only up to you whether you'll follow his advice or not..
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eerna · 2 days
Wait okay omg I would love to hear your thoughts about the Broadway Mulan Rouge because I also have many feelings about it, most of them disappointment unfortunately lol. It could've been amazing!! But I just!! I don't feel it like I felt it in the movie idk man
Yeah, I am the same... I was SO hyped when I heard that they were turning it into a musical, but in retrospect it is pretty clear it was never gonna be what I wanted it to be :(
THE MUSIC. To me, MR! has this very recognizable music style where it is a jukebox musical, but every song is rewritten and its accompaniment changed so that they all fit together with the soundtrack of the film. It's percussion heavy, it's piano heavy, very jazzy/mid century film music? If you know the songs and try to sing along, you will fail, because they're just that different. That's why it doesn't suffer from the jukebox musical curse, in my opinion. However, BMR! totally removed those stylistic changes and turned them all into pretty standard musical theater arrangements of pop songs, and they all overstay their welcome because they aren't even shortened. NOW it suffers from the jukebox musical curse, bc how am I supposed to take's Christine's "I want" song seriously if it's FIREWORK by KATY PERRY. The worst example of this is what they did to El Tango de Roxanne, the most iconic part of the movie. In MR!, it's a mashup of Roxanne by The Police (representing the Argentinian's tale) and Tanguera by Mariano Mores with original lyrics (representing Christian's angst over Satine). Both songs take turns and overlap, pointing out the parallels, rising in intensity until everyone starts screaming and crying. Absolute insanity. I don't know a single person who wasn't floored by this song when they first saw the scene. In BMR!, it's Christian's solo, which means no parallels, most of the song is Roxanne and the iconic Tanguera melody shows up for like 40 seconds in the beginning and in the end just so they can say they put it into the show. There is no rising tension, there is no overlaps, no development, it's just. There. Like yes you put it into the show, but pretty much all of its symbolism and memorable aspects are gone. And the jukebox issues are stabbing you in the eyes. WHY IS CHRISTIAN SINGING ABOUT A WOMAN NAMED ROXANNE. WHO IS ROXANNE. IT MAKES SENSE IF ROXANNE IS THE NAME OF THE WOMAN FROM THE ARGENTINIAN'S STORY, BUT IT MAKES NO SENSE THAT CHRISTIAN IS THE ONE SINGING ABOUT HER. God.
THE WEIRDNESS. MR!'s aesthetic is super interesting to me because it represents its aura of sex appeal and hedonism through the lenses of grotesque. It would have been super easy to put the sex workers into sexy outfits and glam up their faces and make them sing seductive songs on beautiful stages, but no. Their outfits are eye stabbing, their makeup is garish, and they're screeching and throwing themselves around violently on stages that are dark, kitchy, claustrophobic, and loud, while the camera switches every 2 seconds and your brain feels like it's running on fumes. AND IT IS SO FUN. The club looks SO nasty and SO fun and I wanna go there. However, BMR! doesn't want to alienate anyone, so they did... Exactly what I said. Everyone is universally attractive, the stage is very clean-cut and open, the appeal of the club is played completely straight. This is best shown in the production Christian writes for the club. I know that the play from the movie is not very PC so I totally get why they would change some of it, but... They turned it from a vibrant, oversaturated opera with enormous musical numbers that lends itself perfectly to the big dramatic finale taking place during its premiere into a THREE CHARACTER CHAMBER DRAMA. Like who tf signed off on this change. WHO. LET ME SEE. WHO SAID THAT THE FINALE OF THE ENTIRE STORY WILL BE SET IN A STAGE IMITATION OF A LIVING ROOM. GOD I AM SO UPSET.
THE ROMANCE. MR! works because Christian is a naiive, innocent, idealistic poet with grand ideas of love. THAT'S why Satine falls for him - he is completely different from other men, and he makes her believe love can be more than what she'd been given throughout her life. Also, he's never been in love, so everything feels much more real and intense for him. In BMR! he is a completely different character, an overconfident seductive sexyman. Why would he be any different than all the other men in Satine's life??? Because he can write good??????? She has met many writers before, as we know, so what makes this guy different????? And not only are we less forgiving of his bad actions because he is older and experienced, HE IS SO MUCH WORSE IN THE SHOW. In MR! he sells his typerwriter to buy a ticket for Satine's premiere to go see her one last time and scream at how horrible she is - bad, and horrible to watch. In BMR!, he sells his typewriter to BUY A GUN and goes to Satine's premiere SO HE CAN KILL HER OR HIMSELF ONSTAGE - absolutely insane and horrible and how tf did we get here. AND LET ME REMIND YOU that this version of the story DOESN'T EVEN HAVE THE STORY CONTEXT OF EL TANGO DE ROXANNE, in which Roxanne's lover kills her, SO THEY REMOVED THE ONE BIT OF FORESHADOWING THAT COULD HAVE MADE IT MAKE SENSE.
THE REST OF THE WRITING. BMR! tried to give depth to side characters and their relationship with Satine, but that means they totally sidelined that Satine is a deeply unhappy person in a very unhealthy situation. They tried to make it look like she is choosing to marry the Duke (YEAH I FORGOT TO MENTION, THE DUKE IS A SEXY SEXY GUY WHO WANTS TO MARRY HER IN THIS VERSION) without any pressure put onto her by the club, but that makes it all so much more boring. MR! is far from a deep analysis of Satine's friendships, but I thought that the little bits and pieces we saw were delightfully complex. Satine is going to become the Duke's mistress because he will sponsor the club, and everyone employed there will live a better life. Ziegler is her father figure, but he is also her pimp who is pushing her into the relationship. He feels sorry for her and obviously cares for her outside of their business relationship, but he is so deep in the "underworld life" that he no longer sees a way out for anyone. But when it becomes apparent that Satine can no longer withstand the pressure, that the life they are all living is something she can't deal with, everyone just. Helps her out. They bail her out of the tower, they threaten the Duke, they stand with her, it's not verbal, it's all in the actions. It's why we can have a grand finale where everyone sings and dances while the Duke is crying in the background. BMR! has the girls telling Satine they care about her and her telling them she will protect them, but they are completely useless in the plot. No one comes for her in the tower, and the play is a THREE PERSON DRAMA so Christian is the only one there to stand with her in the end.
THE PLAY. I already said most of my issues with it but just to point it out once more. There is nothing more annoying to me than a piece of media that's about a piece of media being written, and then that piece of media ends up unseen. Throughout MR! we see the play being written, we see many scenes being added, hear a ton of songs from it, the issue of the plot resolution is a big dramatic point, and the finale of the movie is also the final scene from the play. In BMR! we see one scene, the show's end, that keeps being repeated over and over again.
SATINE'S WHITE DRESS. It deserved its own point bc what the hell is this.
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This is already super long, but this show annoys me so much I could legit keep going lol. Everything is worse. Everything is toothless and clawless. It's such wasted potential.
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whos-hotter-jjba · 1 month
Hottest JoJo Character Bracket - Match 3-4
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pepperpixel · 8 months
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Rune factory 5 art!!!! Cuz I’ve been playin it a lot recently! And I finally got married to Lucas so I wanted to draw some stuff of him!! Cuz I love him. He is a lil weirdo god whomst I cherish and adore..
#rune factory#rune factory 5#rf5#lucas#alice#rf5 lucas#rf5 alice#doodles#my characters name is Perez but considering the extent of customization is what outfit do u wanna wear I’ll use her canon name lol#anyone yeah… at first I was like oh god!!!! how am I ever gonna pic between murakumo Reinhardt and lucas?!?!? theyre all so good!!!#and then I got enough hearts to date Lucas. and I completely fucking forgot about the other guys ghgh#LUCAS IS SO CUTE… I LOVE HIM#1 I love him. 2 he’s beautiful. 3 the narrative of two amnesiacs falling in love is incredible to me#it’s like fucking. soulmates fate destiny shit. it’s great#3 the whole. him being an actual literal fucking god thing is. both funny and hot…. like yess babe. work that divine power ghgh#4 he’s HILARIOUS. AND SO CUTE. AND SWEET. AND ENDEARING#I couldn’t help it… I just got sucked in.. ALSO HES OLD AND WEARS GLASSES AND JUST. idk… he’s perfect ok. everything about him#the other guys didn’t stand a chance#after I met ludmilla I also rlly seriously was considering her too! like she’s SO FUCKING. I love ludmilla. she stole my heart instantly#but like!!! lucas just came out on top. I trusted my gut and my gut said this weirdo..#also#in regards to Fionna and cake. I still haven’t watched it all yet ghg#I’ve watched a few episodes tho! and wow.. I was way off a my thoughts on Simon mental state lmao. I was literally like that girl in the#2nd episode. I’m sorry for misjudging ur issues so badly simon. u still have issues but they were not what I thought they were!!! damn..#anyway im gonna get around to watching the other eps soon! promise!#till then tho… have completely self indulgent rune factory 5 art of me swooning over lucas lmao#w 2 diff versions of the last picture cuz! I couldn’t decide which I liked better! indecision is my curse ghgh
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utilitycaster · 10 months
*person who repeatedly complains that all actual play is D&D voice* Oh I stopped listening to TAZ after Balance and dipped in for Ethersea but never really got into Amnesty or Steeplechase or any of their mini-series. No, I haven't checked out Candela Obscura or any of the CR one shots...heard weird things about the Monsterhearts one. Yeah I'm more into D20 now...no, haven't been keeping up with Mentopolis.
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gifti3 · 10 months
Being immune to the avatar of lust's strong charming ability and still falling for the mf anyway?
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forcedhesitation · 3 months
I love that the bg3 guys are all written to have this intense adoration of karlach and lae’zel’s abilities to absolutely eviscerate their enemies. they’ve all got the same taste in women, which is “she could gut the big scary man chasing me, and then princess carry me to safety in her blood spattered arms.” and I respect and relate to that, as a bisexual man myself.
#bg3#thoughts about media#I actually love all combinations between any of the guys and lae or karlach. all very good pairings.#honestly hard to choose a fave... but I do quite like wyll & lae and star & karlach.#idk. something about a guy exiled by his own father and then alienated by fiend’s blood with a girl entirely outcast by her people.#in both cases they are punished despite doing the right thing all because they questioned someone of a lawful alignment.#and then star and karlach... both stripped of their autonomy and treated as nothing but a means to an end...#and the unique romance cutscenes they can get with each other!! actually so sweet.#but don’t get me wrong. I still do love all the other combos too.#and it goes without saying that lae & karlach is a great pair too. nothing like a warrior’s bond.#meanwhile my approval the m/m ships is...well. limited.#I love wyll & star together. I like gale & wyll. I am okay with halsin & any of the boys...but he has to be written better.#and by better I mean give him a little more character and make it less about sex only. because the game largely reduces him to sex alone.#no shart mention because I never take her anywhere unless I have to.#sorry. I do not hate her but she just isn’t interesting to me.#and although there’s writing to acknowledge shartstarion as a possible pair.#I think it’s the worst companion/companion pair and I refuse to think about it.#I mean seriously. it’s a combination of two polyamorous bisexuals and yet the pair feels heterosexual.#please don’t to that to my darling vampire. let him be princess carried by the hot warrior gals.
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
"Rodimus is a better Prime because it didn't hurt for him to bond with the Matrix while for Optimus it did" headcanon/theory my beloathed.
One day I'm literally gonna snap and make a whole post addressing why what's wrong bc I'm tired of the inaccuracy and tired of ppl not understanding the Point TM of IDW and its version of the Matrix/Primacy and even more tired of people putting down Optimus in favor of Rodimus by essentially arguing that being unworthy means you deserve to be punished/put in pain bc you just weren't good enough to hold the Symbol of Ultimate Authority
#it's wrong on so many levels both in terms of lore and as well as like what the general themes of idw1 are#it's just a validation contest using the matrix as some magical symbol to decide who's the most special#which is ironically something that was a plot point in exrid/OP. specifically how stupid of an idea that is ldskjflksd#ppl revealing that they havent read anything besides mtmte/ll as usual#like half the reason ppl think optimus is a bad prime and rodimus is a good prime is literally bc like#optimus was written by an author who was specifically trying to deconstruct him (sometimes to the point of absurdity)#and rodimus was written by an author who takes a more optimistic/idealistic approach. and is also better at writing#but also like am i seriously the only person who thinks that that argument is fucked up?????#like 'OP felt pain which means he's unworthy/not a real prime/not a true leader'#ok so you think that there's a hierarchy of moral goodness in which anyone who falls short of that Moral Ideal should suffer#as a sign of their unworthiness?? like does that not sound dystopian as hell to any of you?? why would you WANT the matrix to work like tha#even if the theory were true (which it isn't) why would you view the matrix as a good authoritative moral judge of character#if its idea of 'moral judgement' is to inflict pain on anyone who's supposedly not truly good/worthy#wasn't the entire point of the ending of LL (including rodimus being a good leader) that everyone is worth it?#like rodimus literally said 'you ARE damn well good enough' or something like that#so what? everyone else in the universe tries their best and that's enough but somehow when OP suffers it's like#a sign that he's not actually a good prime/leader?? we're really going with the punitive perspective purely for One Guy??#swear to god ppl are projecting their authority issues onto Optimus the way they shit on him for things they would excuse#if any other character did it#Optimus is uniquely deserving of pain/being marked as unworthy bc idk he was a cop once and that offends my delicate sensibilities#what's even funnier is how much harm was inflicted by rodimus as a captain sheerly due to his stupidity or ego but everyone forgives him#i guess bc as long as the matrix likes him that means he's valid no matter what he actually does as a person#WHICH IS SOMETHING IDW ITSELF ARGUED AGAINST BC A LOT OF THE PRIMES THAT WERE CHOSEN BY THE MATRIX#WERE DICKS AND THE FACT THEY COULD WIELD THE MATRIX DIDN'T MAKE THEM GOOD PEOPLE#like oh my god stop using the matrix as an arbiter of moral authority in idw1 it literally goes against the themes of the story#including the themes that are embodied in rodimus himself#idw op love
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amorremanet · 7 months
seeing a post that has interesting canon analysis and wanting to reblog it until you get to the last paragraph and just
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f10s · 9 months
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mizushiho delusion
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brookheimer · 1 year
what do you think would be the best way for the pregnancy to be handled? pure personal opinion
hmmm i'm honestly not sure, especially given that this season is rumored to just take place over a span of ten days, each episode spanning a day. but i'm gonna go unpopular opinion here and say i would be pretty fucking disappointed if it's just, like, an immediate abortion??? like idk what tv yall are watching but i feel like abortion plotlines are a fucking dime a dozen these days and maybe like one in every ten is anything approaching 'empowering,' even though all ten are framed that way. i think abortion vs pregnancy is often framed as a, like, sophie's choice for women -- do you choose to be a person or do you choose to be a woman? -- and it honestly just reinforces the exact same dichotomies they're claiming to break in my opinion. not every abortion narrative but, like... too many of them. so i'm wary lol
rest under the cut cuz it got soooooo fucking long!!
it's the same as with Strong Female Characters: it's not actually a well-written, empowering female character if her 'strength' is dependent on her complete and total rejection of her identity as a woman and every trait associated with it. we've created these, like, anti-feminine career women girlboss warriors whatever as a balm to the terrible hyperfeminized mother-before-all-else classic caricature of womanhood, but tbh, both narratives are equally harmful -- they're not only both still reinforcing the same dichotomy of, like, family/love/emotion/empathy/interdependence etc vs self/respect/rationality/intelligence/independence, but even reinforcing the valuing of the latter (the 'masculine' traits) over the former! by defining strong female characters as those who reject femininity, you're literally just reinforcing the idea that 'femininity' and 'feminine traits' are bad, weak, etc -- the only 'empowering' thing is that hey! women who act like men can be respected! except not really and they'll always be viewed as a woman anyways!
kind of got off topic but, like, that's often what abortion plotlines come down to in my experience -- housewife or career woman? man or woman? and i'm just fucking sick of it, man. like, it's one thing, obviously, for the world of a show and the characters inhabiting it to enforce these views and be judgmental etc etc etc, but it's so frequently driving the writing and narrative itself. i think that abortion plotlines can be good, but honestly? usually only when the character in question genuinely has no desire whatsoever to have kids, like diane in bojack horseman. because if a character is unsure, what typically happens is they'll get bullied into a specific outcome, and it's then framed as 'empowering' and about 'the right to choose.' if a career-driven woman maybe wants to have a baby but gets an abortion because she knows it'll ruin her career, that's not empowering! that's so fucking sad! why are we calling that empowering! that's just as tragic as having a kid because you fear the ostracization you'll receive if you abort! so. i don't know. i think abortion plotlines are really hard to do well because they always just end up oversimplifying everything and turning it into proof of how Strong the woman who got the abortion is -- like, sometimes strength is not getting the abortion. it's not like being a mother actually makes you weaker or lesser. so why do so many of the shows who claim to criticize that notion end up perpetuating it?
i think there's a lot of really fucking interesting stuff that could be done with shiv's pregnancy, and honestly? most of it isn't even fucking related to what happens with her pregnancy. it's just using that as a vehicle to explore layers of her character that we haven't been able to before, largely because she's been so vehemently obsessed with obscuring them. i've been wanting to delve deeper into shiv's relationship with her gender, with caroline, with gerri, with notions of femininity, etc etc etc for YEARS and this is the perfect fucking opportunity. i want to know what shiv actually wants. who she actually is, beneath the 'hypermasculine' veneer she's had to adopt to even be allowed in the room, let alone respected. like does she actually want children, does she actually want a family? has she only been against it out of fear for her career? or is it genuinely something she desires? how much of her relationship with gender is rooted in spite? who is she outside of that spite, and how far will she go to achieve it? will she have a kid to prove to caroline (but really to herself because caroline doesn't actually give a fuck she's gallivanting in europe with peter munion) that she can be a good mother? what does she even think motherhood should look like? does shiv want to be seen as a woman? does she want to be seen as a man who happens to be in a woman's body? does she want to be seen as a man? like, there are so many fucking interesting avenues to explore, and i mean, she's not gonna fucking have the kid in ten days. i hope they actually make the most of the opportunity this could present -- with the exception of, like, one scene, we've only ever gotten to know shiv through her relationships with the men around her. we literally know nothing about what she is outside of roy masculinity. is there anything outside roy masculinity? does she even want there to be? honestly, i've been a little frustrated in past seasons with how surface level a lot of the shiv stuff has been -- the others get so much internal depth, whereas shiv's characterization has largely been reactionary. like, she's usually just reacting to things people (read: men) have done to her. we know so fucking little about her life before the show! she has the potential to be like kim wexler level if they dig into her more and part of that is digging into her relationship with her gender because, like it or not, she fucking IS THE GIRL. like, that's her defining fucking feature: being The Girl. so let's dissect that!!
i know this was such a long rambling, like, non-answer lol but basically i guess i don't actually care what the outcome is of the pregnancy arc so long as it's handled with care -- so long as it's used as a means to explore the shiv we already know, rather than creating a new problem to understand instead. i think an abortion plotline is the riskiest because they're so frequently done poorly, i have no idea how a miscarriage would go but i do think there are interesting ways it could be done, and i can't imagine shiv actually being a mom but i think there's a lot to unpack with shiv even just considering motherhood. idk what the end outcome will be, but as long as the pregnancy plotline is used to expand upon shiv rather than punish her for her femininity or make some grand moral claim about The Correct Way To Be A Strong Woman, i think i won't be too upset. and i have faith that it'll be decent, honestly. this show -- both the writers and snook herself -- cares too much about shiv to do her that dirty. ....i hope.
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always-a-joyful-note · 8 months
You don't know how much I can Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint code Enstars because I could. Because you have a set up where you are basically taking the place of Anzu--a person created simply to be the reader's/player's self-insert. Because the characters all exist to love Anzu while they're going through their own arcs. Because Anzu also exists to love and support the characters by the game's own coding. She is their world and their hope, and the enstars characters are her idols (and I don't just mean that as singers and dancers).
But slowly, I've seen posts and even small summaries of how Anzu starts becoming her own person, small ways apart from the characters. Yes, she's still quiet. Yes, she is almost always a Viewer. Except for the fact that this is a game story, not just a book or novel story. And games are meant to be played...not by the characters but by someone who is watching them but has not created them.
This is how Anzu has more power than a normal reader. This is also how she has less power than a normal reader. The game allows her to exercise power over the characters' lives that a normal reader of a book cannot--she can help along Trickstar, be the behind the scenes producer for a number of the idol groups in the school, doing something to make them shine. But she is always a puppet, controlled by the player. She has a silly personality with a questionable naming sense and determination and hard-headedness to boot...her preferences for the units and who she builds up are always changing according to the player. Her only goal is to make sure her idols shine (what more does a reader want than to see their characters shine?), yet the goal of the Enstars characters is to adore Anzu and make people like her who support them happy (where would the characters be without a reader?)
Like the Oldest Dream, she is the most powerful and weakest god of all. A puppet steered by the fantasies of many, many individuals yet always loved by the characters for "herself."
#okay first of all#orv spoilers#i know this is incoherent and slightly dramatic but FJIASOJEIRWERe#i am honestly OBSESSED with the self-insert aspect of this game#i know this is probably not how self-insert is supposed to work#and i stay far away from self-insert fics cause theyre not my thing#but like....a y/n character as an actual character????#i latch onto anzu so much like girl i love you. you are yourself. you are me. you are the other people in the fandom who play this game#she really is everything and everyone#please forgive me i know its not that deep but i think it would be so cool of the writers to one day release a story that has an anzu card#where she becomes part of the world....#that would be both the most hilarious thing and horrifying as well if written right#fandom spamdom#enstars#ensemble stars#stuff i say#seriously tho i keep thinking about it compared to orv#and how people always talk about yjh and kdj as a ship. and how anzu sometimes gets romance-coded words thrown at her#(maybe more in basic but i still need to read the basic stories)#and when you really think about it the relationship between the characters and reader really is like....every kind of love#its a romance that isnt a romance. a family that isnt a family. a friendship that isnt a friendship#you know what i mean?#yeah someone gag me before i start overthinking this i swear i am very normal about this game#okay finally finished this thing in my drafts and im having second thoughts about posting but ah well....#this game is making me insane i think
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hoperays-song · 2 years
Marcus and Johnny Hugs
Can we just take a minute to talk about Marcus hugs Johnny? Like he just cradles his head so fucking gently. 
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Marcus hugs his son like Johnny is so precious and like he is the most important thing in the entire world. How is no one talking about this?!?!?!
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 Marcus loves Johnny so much and it’s adorable and I could talk about this for hours, they are my favorite father son duo in media. Like they’re just perfect.
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 Johnny hugs his dad like he’s the greatest hero of all time and Marcus hugs his son like he’s the most perfect thing to ever exist and like he’s in awe that Johnny is even real.
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 It’s just a testament to how, no matter what happens, they both still love each other and always will.
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