#i am never letting him be alpha again my mc will always become alpha if only to protect sergi
ambrosykim · 1 year
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Can you please do a yandere hyung line reaction to MC being jealous and tries to hide it ( For jin could you please make it as his wife has come back for a short holiday or something)
A/N: My brain did not want to do the writing thing the last couple of days, but I got there. I think these stories are good? but somehow they all ended up a bit soft. I hope you like them though 🤞 because it was a great request! Thank you 💜💜💜
Summary: Hyung line reaction when you get jealous.
Trigger warning: Smut, violence, blood-drinking, murder, abuse, yandere themes.
Alpha! Namjoon
Normally you didn't consider yourself clingy. You enjoyed your personal space and your time alone. But at the same time, you've also become accustomed to Namjoon dropping everything to take care of you. This entire week though, he's been preoccupied with a territorial issue, and the last 3 nights he hasn't even come to bed.
Leaving you feeling a little discarded, to say the least.
Nevertheless, you're a mature adult, and you were able to let it go with the knowledge that Namjoon is an Alpha who has responsibilities and knowing that he would still rather be with you.
It is, however, a comfort that you have trouble holding on to whenever you see the new girl around him. It's not like you're jealous. It's just that she doesn't seem to know how to behave respectfully or appropriately around Namjoon. She always stands too close or looks at him a bit too much, and she's way too touchy. Only his elbow, arm, or shoulder. But it's like, get your fucking hands off him.
Rationally, you know Joon is your mate and you own his heart, mind, and body. Still, it doesn't stop you from tossing restlessly, laying in bed at 2 am, once again alone. The two things added together making you feeling sour. Feeling sick of being sent away while this other girl gets to stick around being way too familiar with your Boyfriend.
Coming downstairs in your pyjamas, you weave in among the wolves working your way to Namjoon. Standing at the dining table, looking over a mess of paper, he notices you right away a small smile lifting the corners of his mouth.
"Y/n, what are you doing up?"He asks, checking his watch.
There she is again, right next to him. Her hand casually coming off his shoulder when she sees you.
"It's late. Go back to bed, Beautiful." he coos.
You ignore his instruction. Wrapping to his side by pushing yourself between him and this girl, creating space for yourself with a not-so-subtle shoving of your elbow into her arm. Smiling up at him sweetly as he accepts your presence, hugging you tightly.
"We're going to be busy most of the night. You should go to bed." he leans down to whisper, his breath tickling your ear. He's trying not to draw the focus from the rest of the table into your personal discussion.
"I'll go up when you come with me." You whisper back.
"It's going to be a few more hours still baby." He sighs, seeming frustrated with the circumstances.
"Then I'm staying here."
"You shouldn't-"
"Don't argue with me Kim Namjoon. You're not going to win this one." While it's said in jest, you also mean it. He'll have to drag you upstairs to make you go. And if he steps foot in that bedroom, you both know you'll be able to make him stay.
"Oh really?" He challenges, fighting the smile growing on his face, not wanting to encourage your mischievous behaviour.
Grabbing the collar of his black tee, you pull him down to your height, smacking your lips against his. Kissing him passionately and longingly. Something you haven't been able to do for nearly a full week.
Letting his shirt go, his smile is fully grown. His dimples on display.
"Really." You finalize, looking up at him coquettishly.
You can see the struggle playing in his mind. He's extremely tempted to throw you over his shoulder and take you upstairs right now, his wolf fighting to shirk his responsibilities and give in to desire. His chest rumbling lowly as he winks down at you.
"Okay baby." his fingers dig into your hips, "If you're gonna play dirty, you can stay." He teases with a chuckle. Resisting the bait.
Feeling calmed and relaxed on the warmth of his hold again, a smug sense of pride fills your chest. From the corner of your eye, you can see her attention on the two of you. Your ego is not able to resist, and you shoot a cold pointed glare at her. A smirk creeping onto your face as she looks down, avoiding your eye line.
"Seeing as it's late, do you wanna make coffee for everyone?" You order her in the form of a question, speaking loudly enough for both her and Namjoon to hear your sassy, obvious tone.
She looks a little stunned. She'd just been promoted to the inner circle for this problem-solving session, and she doesn't seem pleased at being asked to perform menial tasks. Trying to go over your head, she looks at the Alpha for confirmation. But he doesn't give it to her. Instead, you can feel him nod, supporting your order. A full smile filling your face as you get his backing.
"Of course, Luna." she obeys, looking a little dejected.
"Thank you." you shoo her to action with a sing-song voice. Curling into Namjoons side, you can't help but feel authoritative. And a little bit victorious.
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King! Seokjin
It had been nearly two weeks since you had seen Jin last. As frustrating as it was, you were genuinely missing him. There was a kind of energy he had when it was just the two of you. Something that filled you, and without him you were feeling like your own spirit was draining away.
It would be okay though, today Jin was coming back from visiting his wife and children. You're sure he missed you just as much as you missed him. That he was as excited to see you, as you were to see him. You were a little worried knowing that you would have to satisfy his sadism first, but you can tolerate it, thinking that at least you'll get to see his smile.
As the day is drawing to an end, you've finished all your tasks but you refuse to retire for the night, certain the King is going to call for you at any minute. Feeling a mix of excitement and relief when the staff manager comes to collect you.
Nearly skipping you rush to the dining hall, having been instructed to serve dinner to the King and his guest. Working with another maid to bring the meals from the kitchen.
Walking in, the smile you were trying to conceal disappears completely. Your stomach dropping. Jin's guest is the Princess. His wife.
You have to control your expression to hide your distress, feeling sick while serving him. His wife never comes down. She hasn't in a year and a half. Jin doesn't even really like her. It doesn't make sense why she's here.
With a curt bow, you remove the closh and place the plate down. Meeting the King's eye for a moment, you do your best to placify your appearance. Your efforts cracking when you see his lips pulling ever so slightly into a knowing smile.
He dismisses the other maid, but not you. Sending you to the waiting station by the wall. You're stuck watching over their conversation. Feeling more and more insecure as you look at the Princess's regality and beauty. Getting more frustrated as your mind runs rampant.
How long is she going to stay? It doesn't seem like they brought the Princes, so she has to go back soon. And what kind of mother leaves her children alone? It doesn't even matter that she's here, you know Jin likes you more. So what if she is really pretty, he can't hurt her like he can you. You make him happy. She's just a prop he was given to secure a treaty. He actually chose you.
Slowly, you're building yourself into a craze. Making yourself feel sad until the very end of the meal. Finally, their dinner date ends and he stands, kindly bowing to see her off. Leaving only you and him in the hall.
Relaxing back in his seat, he finishes the remainder of his drink.
"Y/n." Holding his empty glass to the side, he calls you over. You follow his gesture and top up his cup. Avoiding looking directly at him again. Pacing back to your place when he stops you.
"Come here." He grins, enjoying how uncomfortable you are. "You met my wife today." He pushes the difficult topic, again probing for your reaction.
Nodding softly, you're trying to not let your bitterness out. You know Jin doesn't like it when you pout.
"Are you jealous Princess?" He holds his hand out for you to take, leading you closer to him. Leaning back to create a space for you on his lap. Guiding you over him with your legs spread.
"No, your Majesty." You shake your head, your pause and hesitation giving away the truth.
Jin's gentle touch comes off your hand, his grip instead ripping back your hair, arching your back and nearly yanking you off of his lap. Biting back a shriek, you can't keep entirely quiet, whimpering as his fist curls tighter and closer to your scalp.
"Are you lying to me?" His mouth latches onto your shoulder, biting into your muscle vindictively. Unbridling that scream you had tried to smother.
"Yes. I'm sorry your Majesty!" you cry out, tears building in your eyes. "I'm jealous. I missed you. I want you-" all the truth is pouring out, but you hesitate worried you're being too bold, "all to myself."
His grip comes out of your hair. His hand instead raking down your chest, leaving painful red marks as each nail digs along the skin. Continuing lower, tearing the buttons on your dress. Yanking down your bra also, exposing your breasts. His other hand hikes the fabric up around your thighs, stopping on your waist, lowering your hips into him.
Pinching your nipple, he draws you closer until his lips are just off yours. Gasping through the initial pain, you can only whine and bite your lip to further keep quiet.
"Go on Princess. Prove to me why I should have missed you."
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Assassin! Yoongi
Over the past couple of weeks, Yoongi would be gone for days at a time. Coming back in a strangely talkative and happy mood. You were as miserable and depressed as always, but his vigour was somehow revitalizing and comforting. It made him easier to deal with. It made him less moody. And it made your life easier. So to begin with you were very happy that he was happy.
That was until he mentioned a name in passing. A woman's name. Someone he was working with on a project.
As soon as you heard him talking positively about her, a pang of anxiety spiked through your stomach. From then on it rested in your gut, making you irritated, uncomfortable, and flustered every time you heard about or thought about her.
It was the strangest thing. You hated Yoongi, you're sure of it. But he was all you had. And hearing him talk about another woman, even though it sounded platonic, the adoration in his voice was hurting you in a way you never expected.
Slowly you had to work through this feeling on your own. You couldn't bear to let Yoongi know, not certain what he would do with the information that you were, in lack of a better word, jealous.
The more you heard about this woman, you knew you could never be as impressive as her. Every detail sounding equally terrifying and awe-inspiring. To be honest the specifics slipped your mind, as you were mostly wrapped up in self-pity when Yoongi spoke about her.
All you know is that you felt inferior, and you were craving, longing to feel that kind of importance to Yoongi, also. Resenting the fact that this other person was so easily able to bring joy and energy out of him.
Over the next couple of weeks, you spent every waking moment thinking about how to make Yoongi happy. Not just avoiding annoying him, like you usually did, but instead thinking about how to bring him genuine enjoyment.
One time you spent hours making him a meal. Making something you knew he would love. But, unfortunately, he only complained about the mess. He said he wasn't hungry and left you to throw the food away and clean up.
Another time, you had planned a full evening of activities. Movies, snacks, games that would help you get to know each other better, anything fun you could organize with your limited resources. Only, he wasn't in the mood to play, or talk. He only wanted one thing, and when he was done, he left you alone in your room, feeling used and a bit sore.
However, that gave you an idea. Maybe you could connect with him physically first. Then that might give you a way for something, anything more to develop.
This time, you set the house up with candles, music, wine, chocolate strawberries, everything you'd seen in movies. Waiting for him on the couch in something a little provocative. But, as soon as he comes in from the garage he looks more annoyed than impressed. Rolling his eyes, ordering you to your room.
By this stage it's late, you're tired, and you're losing your mind trying to make him happy. You were fighting so hard for his attention, and he was barely tolerating you. You aren't thinking clearly as you snap at him.
"Why?!" You yell, stomping your foot down. "I'm working so hard and you're just being an asshole!"
The words come out and you instantly regret them. His straight expression hardening.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You rush to him, wrapping your arms around his chest trying to soothe any reaction. "Just tell me what I can do." You plead. Exasperated by so many failed attempts.
"That depends. What do you want?" He honestly questions, looking down at you.
You weren't exactly prepared to answer this question. You're not sure you really know.
"I'm your's right?" you say with big eyes, your voice coming out so softly, feeling embarrassed even though you're mimicking his words. "I get that I have to be yours. But then you have to be mine too." Your voice trembles.
Finally, it makes sense to Yoongi. Your change in demeanour, and in behaviour. Why you've been so needy. Why you've been trying to get his attention. He understands now. And that was most of what was annoying him. Not knowing why you were acting differently.
He steps out of your grasp, calling for you to follow him upstairs. You're not so nervous as you do. Surprisingly, the revelation has given Yoongi has a warm smile.
Falling back onto his bed, he taps the space beside him, inviting you to join him. You climb into the middle of the bed, resting in the place he set for you, his arm laid out under your head. He curls into you, gently wrapping his arm over your waist. Hugging you.
For the first time ever, he is showing you some kind of affection. For the first time, he's actually making a gesture of warmth and comfort. You couldn't even let yourself think that Yoongi could be capable of this. Having spent so many months isolated and alone. Even when you weren't locked up.
Hating yourself for not being stronger, you break into silent tears. Biting your thumb to stifle any sobs.
While reason is battling in your head, telling you that it's a bad idea to form any kind of emotional attachment to him, you don't want to listen to logic right now. Letting yourself cling to Yoongi and the desperately needed human connection.
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Vampire! Hoseok
There was a delicate balance to your relationship with Hoseok. You couldn't exactly rely on his moods to be stable, but you could rely on his obsession with you. It was the only thing that kept you feeling secure. Feeling certain that when he bit you next he wouldn't let you bleed out. Or that when he hit you or cut you or hurt you, that he wasn't going to leave you to suffer in agony but would heal you. Because he wanted to keep you. You were his.
It was a twisted kind of reassurance. But it's what you had, so it's what you worked with.
You knew the source of his obsession. It was you as a person, sure. But you weren't kidding yourself. Mostly, his infatuation was with your blood. Hoseok wasn't specific about it, but you had overheard some of the other Vampires discussing you. Apparently, you smell delicious, and that's why he never lets you wander the house with any cuts. That's why you were locked away every 28 days. And that's why you were his only.
It didn't make sense to you, there was nothing different about you.
But somehow you'd fallen in and become the star of your very own YA horror story.
Whatever the cause though, you were aware that Hoseok's addiction to your blood was the reason that he kept you. Without that, he might simply kill you, or worse, he might throw you to one of the other bloodsuckers who look at you like a happy meal they want to fuck.
Which is probably why you were so defensive when you saw him biting another girl.
Sitting on the back terrace looking over the gated property, Hoseok and a few of his creations were sitting in the moonlight enjoying a drink. You'd come downstairs expecting to be his refill when you see him sinking his fangs into the arm of one of the human pets.
Frustration floods through your body, a new kind of anger making your hands shake. A malicious and honestly, not-all-together thought out idea springs into your head. You've never seen him drink from anyone else before, and you need to remind him that he should only want you.
Taking a serrated peeler from the bar at the side of the terrace, you hold it concealed in your palm, going up to the first Vampire leaning there.
"Are you thirsty?" you ask, speaking lowly. He, like all the others, know you're Hoseok's, and so he rightfully looks uncomfortable being near you. Stepping into his personal space, you raise your arm under his chin and run the sharp blade across the top of your forearm. His eyes immediately going black, his fangs bared. Unable to resist what you're offering.
Behind you, every single one of them turns their heads, smelling you the second blood gathers on your skin.
In a flash, Hoseok is between the two of you. Ripping his teeth into the guy's neck, tearing his throat out. Killing him in an instant.
Breathing heavily, he turns to you with blood washed down his front. His eyes murderous and cold.
Retaliating, you storm towards the human-pet and shove her with all of your might, pushing her down the stone tile steps onto the grass. Watching her tumble into a heap.
Those around you have gone dead quiet, none of them even daring to look directly at either of you.
"How dare you?" He seethes, stalking towards you. But you're not backing down. You know better than to retreat from him when he charges.
"How dare I?" you scream. "How dare you drink from that skank!" An enraged Hoseok is something all of his offspring know to fear. Steadily you can see them clearing the space around the two of you. Withdrawing from whatever this is leading to.
"You want to tell me who I can eat?!" He growls, his hand shooting around your neck, holding you but not choking you. "You're a blood bag that I keep as a toy!"
"If that's all, then I'll let all of them feed on me too."
His hand constricts, restricting your air. "I'll kill anyone that tries."
"Then," you gasp, your words coming out short. "only me." you pull your hair off your shoulder, turning your neck as far to the side as you can. Throwing his head back, he takes the invitation, sinking his fangs into your jugular, swallowing down mouthfuls of your blood.
Holding onto his shoulders, you jump up wrapping your legs around his waist, pushing yourself closer to his mouth. Hoseok's arms wrapping around your ass, keeping you up.
Pushed back by your momentum, he stumbles a few steps, dropping down onto the open sofa chair. You landing on his lap, straddling his thighs.
As more of your blood is drained, and you get lightheaded, the pain starts to slip and your body starts to float. A euphoric sensation, akin to being high consuming you.
You tangle your hands up into his hair tugging it, massaging his scalp. You've become so accustomed to him fucking you when he feeds from you, that whenever he bites you, you get turned on. Your body reacting out of instinct. Slowly grinding down, rocking your hips into him as you start to get him hard. The friction feeling good making you moan. Making you move faster with pleasure tingling through your core also.
"Hobi," you moan. Shivering, as his tongue runs up your wounds.
Your gentle whine catches his attention. A surprised expression on his face that shifts into a smile as he leans back to watch you. His focus on you making you feel slightly embarrassed, slowing your motions until they stop altogether.
Biting his tongue, your eyes meet for a moment before he kisses his blood into your mouth, the copper taste feeling soothing and familiar. Your body relaxing completely knowing you'll wake up healed.
"Mine." He whispers into your lips.
The blood loss pulls you into unconsciousness, your head dropping onto his shoulder. The euphoric feeling swallowing you up as you purr back. "Mine."
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saezutte · 4 years
yuletide letter 2020
Dear Yuletide Writer, 
Oh, hello again. I didn’t see you there.
This year, I have transcended earthly desires and struggled to find any fandoms to request. I want nothing. I wish my cat was nominated as a Yuletide fandom so we could all write stories about her life. 
Nonetheless, I have some small requests!!!! I believe you can make me happy in ways I’ve never been happy before. I trust you. Happy end of 2020, the cursed year, I hope you are blessed with rest. 
My AO3: saezutte
My public twitter: juncassis
My tumblr: here but I do not use tumblr much anymore, sorry.
Do Not Wants
[note: I have no actual triggers, nothing you can write for me will make me any more depressed or anxious than I already am]
Death (of major/important/beloved characters)
Suicide attempts, self-harm
Rape (outright; OK with dub con, manipulation, noncon short of violent-rape-for-violence-only)
Eating disorders, body shaming
Angst without a happy ending, really too much angst at all
Established relationship
Actual Unrequited Feelings
Pregnancy (the actual process; breeding kink is fine)
Scat or watersports
Hard BDSM or any kink complicated enough that the characters would have to discuss it ahead of time
Homophobia as a plot device
Excessive attention to identity or politics, sometimes known as “issue fic”
Note on AUs: I am ok with the usual popular AU tropes but I do not want them combined, e.g. A/B/O is fine and coffeeshop is fine, but I don’t want an omega barista getting his scent all over the lattes he makes for some alpha lawyer who comes in every morning. (Ridiculous example, but you get the point.) For AU/modern settings of fandoms with magic, I often like it when the magic is still there in the AU setting. I also like AUs which maintain the general outlines of the character’s relationships, like if the characters are childhood friends in canon, I like to keep that intact.
General preferences:
I am a pretty basic bitch when it comes to fanfic: I like it when two clueless boys pine for each other through some shenanigans and then lock eyes/lips/dicks.
If you fed a neural net every fanfic written in Stargate Atlantis fandom between 2005 and 2010, the result would probably be some nonsense I’d enjoy.
I love many tropes. Tropes! Bed-sharing. Sharing an umbrella. WASHING EACH OTHER’S HAIR? Confessions where they are having an argument and then one of them yells “Because I love you!”
I love situations where characters are forced to spend time in close proximity and find themselves with feelings.
I love fakeness: fake dating, fake marriage, arranged marriage, marriage of convenience, fake lust induced by sex pollen or heats, aliens make them have sex, whatever.
I love porn, if you want to just write me some quick porn, that’s great. I do prefer (per the established relationship DNW above) that it be first time or get together porn. I know that can make it hard to just write porn, but I don’t need much to be convinced of sex.
Nirvana in Fire (TV)
Requested characters: Mei Changsu, Xiao Jingyan
Note: I also love Lin Chen so if you want to write some MCS/LC or LC/Fei Liu or LC/MCS/JINGYAN OT3??? go for it. I am also a Nihuang/Xia Dong shipper so if you want to put that in… somehow… my gay little heart would be happy. I also like Nihuang/MCS/XJY or MNH/MCS + MCS/XJY but I’d like the focus on the men in that case!
I watched this show because someone recommended this show to me as, like, Chinese Game of Thrones but good. I think it’s genuinely one of the best TV shows I’ve ever seen. I love plots and revenge and good people doing bad things for justice. Even the ending is good for me though obviously it left me unsatisfied on several points.
I am deeply into sickly doomed genius MCS and every time he got even more deeply ill, I fell deeper in love. Every time he coughs up blood, my heart would race. I love his terrible schemes and stupid self-sacrificing choices. I find watching this show very soothing because I knew he would always come out on top in his schemes. I trust him. I love handsome clueless Jingyan and how he’s just so good (it’s terrible.) I love his mom and how much he cares for her. I love him but he is useless, he needs his Xiao Shu and I need fanfic to restore him to him.
Note: So my limited research on this says that male/male sex practices were accepted and well-known in this time period in history, so I really don’t want them thinking “oh no what are these weird gay feelings.” There are other barriers to them being together, like a ruler or official being overly attached to one person was considered very bad. I am also a big supporter of the socially-approved polygamy of this time period, so I don’t need Jingyan to refuse to sleep with his wife or something out of loyalty to MCS—he has to do it! Or all their plans are ruined! And he can enjoy spending time with her or the concubines without affecting his feelings for MCS—you could explore that complexity in fic if you like.Prompts:
Mei Changsu isn’t dead, he’s hiding again, Jingyan searches for him
They start having sex during the series, the ending is averted [somehow]
Post-canon, MCS is alive and Jingyan hides him in the palace with his consort/concubines to keep him on as an advisor without anyone objecting
omega verse where MCS was an alpha before he “died" but an omega after he came back.
AU where male/male marriage is customary (maybe aristocratic men are expected to have one male and one female consort?) and so MCS decides the best way to influence and help Jingyan in the capital is by becoming his wife or one of his concubines
anything just get them together and happy.
Tokyo Babylon 
Characters: Subaru, Seishiro
I read Tokyo Babylon as a child and I imprinted on it deeply, now I love politics, ghosts, stalking, age differences, magic. Within the CLAMP canon, I love TB for its episodic focus on smaller stories, the commentary on contemporary society, and Seishiro being an outright creep. I love onmyojutsu and exorcism and Subaru’s innocence getting ruined. I love the city of Tokyo (where I currently live! but do not be intimidated, I don’t know the city well because we’ve been in quarantine most of the time I’ve been here and won’t judge you for details.) I’m open to fics that comply with X canon or not.
With Seishiro/Subaru: It’s bad but I love that predator/prey dynamic where the predator ends up being hopelessly entranced/obsessed/in love with the prey. My read was always that Seishiro lost the bet and couldn’t admit it—he’s just, you know, killing twins to avoid dealing with his feelings! Relatable! (?!?!) Subaru, I love particularly in his evolution from innocent to adult in love to betrayed. I’d prefer post-TB fic to during-TB fic (so Subaru knows Seishiro’s deal and loves him anyway.) I am also a fan of Hokuto and you should feel free to bring her back to life to troll if you desire.
AU or reincarnation plot where they are Heian period rival onmyoji
Because this is such a heavily place-based series, if you are a writer who likes to play with details of real life locations, I’d be interested in versions of different “Babylons” if you have an idea for it.
Tragic first times post-TB lol
Seishiro is a virgin the first time they have sex
I’d probably love some fucked up dub con for this, however you want to play it
Honestly, do whatever you want as long as you don’t fuck me over like CLAMP did.  
プリティーリズム | Pretty Rhythm
Characters: Hiro, Koji
Pretty Rhythm came to me at a weird time in my life. I lived in a house of spiders in Yokohama and did nothing for eight weeks. King of Prism cheer screening transformed my life and I didn’t even know what it was. Then I got weirdly deep into Rainbow Live and the Pretty Rhythm franchise overall. I am a scientist of prism theory. Idk why I like it, it’s just wholesome and crazy and there are penguins and DJ Koo. I love every TRF song because I’m a 90s gay at heart. It’s truly the end point of all media development. The prism world represents the fearsome power of virtual/digital+real hybrid life. Yes, I know I’ve lost my mind. I went to one of the real Prism Stone stores, the one in Harajuku.
Hiro Hayami: one time a fujoshi asked me to describe what types of anime boys I like and the first type I listed was “prince but bad” and my example was Hiro. Hiro is the crazy gay stalker disaster of my heart. He overcomes great hardship to achieve his dreams and foolishly falls in love along the way and he does everything wrong and Koji keeps leaving him. The moment when Hiro is crowned King of Prism in Pride the Hero was one of the top ten moments of my life. I made friends who don’t even know Japanese watch the movie unsubtitled with me on my birthday.
With Koji, I’m a bit guilty of “I want to give the character I love the most the character he loves the most” so I do like him less (it would be impossible to like him equal to how much I love Hiro). But he has many good points that make him perfect, like how he also sucks underneath his chill exterior. I love to see him go apeshit.
I also love everyone else in Rainbow Live, no exceptions. I love all the girls. If you do write the girls, I would prefer they not be paired with the OTR boys. I would prefer they be paired with each other, any combo is good.
this is the sort of pairing where I love fic where they split up and then 15 years later meet again as washed up has-beens but there’s still time for them to find each other
Canon-compliant companion piece showing the “background” of them getting together romantically over the course of the series.
AU where Koji is a prism world fairy sent to inspire Hiro but Hiro is kind of a mess
dirty, dirty porn… let Hiro get fucked
I have a lot of doujinshi with multiple copies of Hiro (a la the Mugen Hug jump) but I’d like something where Hiro gets overwhelmed by many Kojis
They start fake dating as a publicity stunt and have to keep doing it… especially good if it starts when Koji is at max hating Hiro level
Ring Fit Adventure 
Characters: Dragaux, Ring
Keeping this one simple: I like to be encouraged to exercise by a storyline and a trainer that never mentions weight loss, lol. The world is fun and pretty and I love that buff dragon.
AND THEN THE PAIRING. I’m sure Nintendo has some market research that told them a certain subset of users are very motivated by enemies who seemed to once be lovers or best friends. I am that user.
What is up with these two? They were so in love! Now Dragaux is a horrible swole bro (not in a good bro way) and Ring is training me instead? I can’t compete with their love. It’s the only time the game makes me feel inadequate.
You can keep Dragaux and Ring as dragon/ring-like as you like. Obviously I’m down with dragon fucking but you can also make him a human fucker too. I play with Ring on the masculine voice setting for maximum BL vibes as I exercise, but, you know, it’s a ring, I don’t think it has gender. Feel free to incorporate the player or other random characters too.
AU where Dragaux and Ring owned a gym together and Dragaux sold out to a big chain of gyms
What happened between them when Dragaux was still captured, pre-game? Bondage… literally??
Ring is always bossing me to train, but I’m really doing all the work. Why doesn’t he fight Dragaux on his own for once?? (because the sexual tension is too powerful.)
Tragic flashback to their dramatic break-up ending with their present day reconciliation.
Player/Dragaux/Ring threesome??? I’ve unlocked the sexercises???
With all fandoms, you are free to disregard the prompts and do your own thing. If you’re not sure about me, you can probably dm seriesera on twitter, she knows what I’m into. 
Well, I suppose that’s all for now. Please stalk me online to get more details on my bullshit. I hope you have a nice time.
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itsalliepg · 4 years
Two Weeks – Zig X Scarlett (MC)(Part 3 of The Sweetest Thing Series)
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SUMMARY: The day after Scarlett (MC) and Zack’s talk, Zig also talks to Chris about his feelings for her.
PAIRING: Zig X Scarlett (MC)
WORDS: 1948
NOTE: Hey guys! Now it’s time to see Zig’s POV! I tried to add some aspects of his friendship with Chris, my BrOTP!  English isn’t my native language. I write to practice and learn, so please sorry any mistakes. I hope you like it, and if you do, I’d appreciate if you like/comment/reblog!
Click here to read Part 1 Part 2
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I could see it as you turned to stone Still clearly I can hear you say Don't leave, don't give up on me Two weeks and you run away I remember don't lie to me You couldn't see that it was not that way Swear I never gave up on you
(Two Weeks – All That Remains)
On Friday, Zig was trying to focus on his classes. Trying, because during those two weeks, there wasn’t a single minute he didn’t think about Scarlett. Even while at work, every time a costumer ordered a chocolate caramel latte, her favorite. He has never seen her since he leaving the apartment that day. She never went to the coffee again. When one of their friends ordered an extra cup, he knew it was to her. And he asked them about her. The answer was the same: she was miserable, remorseful, exactly what he imagined and feared. It seemed she was the one who suffered the most, but the truth was he was as destroyed as she was. But she was always better at demonstrating this than he was. No one knew, but Zig cried every night, missing the feeling of falling asleep with Scarlett cuddled with him. He was still upset at her attitudes, but knowing she was so sorrowed hurt him too. She didn’t deserve this, and he shouldn’t be treating her like that. Zig blamed her for that break, but he could have acted differently. After class, he decided to drive around town to clear his mind, but he ended up in a place which was special for both of them.
               _Hey, Zig – Chris greeted when Zig entered his apartment.
               _Hey, Chris – he answered, his head down, and sat beside Chris on the couch.
               _What’s up? – Chris set his homework on the coffee table and turned to him. He and Zack planned to talk to Zig and Scarlett separately and do their best to make them express their feelings. That was the opportunity Chris was waiting for. Zig was hard to get to, but he and Chris had been best friends since last year, after Zig joined in the football team.
               _After my classes ended today, I drove for a while, and then I realized I was in front of the place I took Scarlett when James was leaving, I think I told you – Chris nodded – that place is really special for us, because that’s where I felt closest to her, to her anguish, and I promised – he breathed in unsteadily – I promised to be there for her every time she needed it, and I broke that promise again. I abandoned her after that argument at Kaitlyn’s show and now again – the tears came easily – now she saw who I really am. Despite all that we’ve been through together, and how much she has helped me change, deep down, I’m the same rude guy she met two years ago. She must be disappointed with me and it’s all my fault. I’m sure she hates me now, and she has every right to it.
               _Zig, Scarlett doesn’t hate you – Chris wrapped an arm around his shoulders – she must be upset, but I know she loves you, and that hasn’t change. And hey, you’re nothing close to who you were when we met you, Zig. If I could see your change, Scarlett can see it even more – Zig wiped his tears.
               _I’m an idiot. This isn’t the kind of thing I learned about treating a girlfriend. That’s the kind of thing my dad would do, not me… - he sobbed – even my mom’s mad at me. She adores Scarlett and remembered me when she said Scarlett should be treated like a queen… - Chris let out his arm, to turn to face him.
               _So, in this case, I need to ask: why are you treating her like this? – Zig rubbed his face in embarrassment.
               _I think I was very focused on what I was feeling, my anger and my sadness of what she did that I ignored everything else. I accused her of being selfish, but so was I. As I asked to her, she respected my decision of this break. And maybe I hurt her more than she hurt me.
               _So, you’re not so mad at her anymore? – Chris noticed Zig shifting uncomfortably – Zig, you can tell me these things. We always talk about personal issues, like our families. What are best friends for? – Zig remembered when he told about his record, and Chris talked to him after that. He told Chris about his family before  he even told Scarlett.
               _Okay, you’re right – Zig sighed – things are cool now, I guess. I’m still upset that she hid things from me and I’ve always been sincere with her, but I don’t know, maybe I’d do the same if I was in her shoes. Those guys are a bunch of sociopaths, you saw what they did with Tyler.
               _Yeah, I still can’t believe Tyler chose their side. Now he’s one of the Alphas.
               _Ugh, I feel nauseous just hearing that name. And for everything they did to her. If that Beau is still thinking about posting the video, he'll have to face me first – he frowned and snorted.
               _You still love her, don’t you? – Chris asked, smiling a little.
               _Chris, I… - Zig buried his face in his hands – all this time hasn’t changed the fact that I love her more than anything – some tears formed again in the corners of his eyes – you know, after my prison, I have nightmares sometimes. I dream of my sister screaming and begging me to stop beating her ex, my mother’s look of despair when I was sentenced, my loneliness in the juvie, things like that. A few weeks ago, I had one of those nightmares and I woke up in the middle of night, scared. I looked to the side and saw Scarlett sleeping. Serene, beautiful, perfect. She was even smiling –tears left his eyes – and at that moment I thought “This is the woman I want to have by my side when I wake up after a bad dream from now on” – he wiped away the tears, but others fell – and not only that, she’s the one I want to be Mrs. Ortega, the mother of my children, and growing old with me – his voice has become clumsy – that day, I started saving to buy a ring, and propose to her after graduation, if I could hold myself there – Chris smiled and squeezed Zig’s shoulder – but now I don’t know if I can do that.
               _Of course you can, Zig! Nothing is lost yet! I know you can talk again now and sort things out – Zig didn’t look too convinced – look, I know you haven’t searched the college dorms yet, and I know it’s because you still hope you can go back to the apartment, right? – he raised an eyebrow and Zig sighed.
               _Yeah, you’re right, Chris. Damn, I’m like Abbie last year at your house, aren’t I?
               _Hey, Zig, don’t worry. You’re my friend, and you can stay here as long as you need. To be honest, I was missing a roommate – they laughed slightly – but Scarlett’s also my friend and I know she’s suffering as much as you. And it’s curious that you mentioned Abbie. I remember when she came to our house, you were there too, and you told her something about how much she and Tyler cared about each other and it’s worth fighting. I can see the same with you and Scarlett.
               _I advised the couple who are separated now. And the problems they had were the kind of problems Scarlett and I have sometimes and five minutes later we’re okay. What happened between us is much worse, Chris. I’m afraid we have the same fate.
               _I’ll be honest with you, Zig. I always thought you and Scarlett are a lot more mellowed than Tyler and Abbie. You can solve for yourself the issues that they couldn’t. And thanks to your maturity, you can solve that too and don’t let external factors interfere with your relationship, like Tyler did – Zig’s glare finally faded away.
               _I was an idiot with her – he repeated, sadly – I accused her of cheating on me with that Nathan from the Alphas, and I didn’t believe her.
               _About it, you don’t have to worry, because since you started dating, she has no eyes for anyone else. Better, since she met you. I noticed how she looked at you even before she knew your name, she was enchanted, just like today – Zig beamed, remembering their early days, the flirtating, and everything they had lived together.
               _I don’t have eyes for anyone else either. She’s my whole world, and I’d do everything for her.
               _I know she’d do that too. She made a mistake by hiding the truth from us, especially you, but you can’t accuse her of acting with second intentions. She did what she thought was right. Actually, I think she was really brave, trusting both herself and her ability to solve it all. Of course, she didn’t have to do that and risked her life in the process. But I think we both know that the brave decisions aren’t always are the smartest or the safest – Chris nudged Zig, and he smiled a little.
               _You’re right. I was a hypocrite with Scarlett too – Zig rubbed his forehead – and so unfair…when I remember her face when I threw all that bunch of insults, I want to slap myself. And I refused to listen to her, and believe her. The woman of my life didn’t deserve that treatment.
               _So…maybe it’s time to talk to her? – Chris grinned.
               _Yes, it’s time to talk to her. I almost lost her once because of my stubbornness and my rough manners, I won’t make the same mistake twice – Zig smiled – I’ll get my girl back. I just hope she accepts my apology.
               _That’s what like to hear, Ortega! – Chris shoved his arm playfully and they laughed – I’m sure she will accept. She wants it as much as you do.
               _I have to work now – he glanced at the clock on his phone – but I’ll compose everything I want to say in my mind, then text her to set a place and a time where we can talk.
               _Sounds like a plan that can work.
               _I’m confident this will work – Zig turned to Chris – thank you so much, Chris – they hugged each other – for everything, let me stay here all these days, talk to me and help me to see what I was doing. You’re really my best friend.
               _I always had the feeling you’d be my best friend since we talked that day at Kappa’s house, Zig. And I know you’d do the same to me. You can always count on me.
               _Thanks, so do you –they pulled back, smiling, and got up of the couch – well, now I’ll get ready to work – suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket – it’s Kaitlyn? – he found it strange. Kaitlyn always had a habit of texting, not calling – hey, Kaitlyn, what’s up?...w-what?...is she okay? – Chris looked at him, concerned – I’ll be there, thanks, Kaitlyn.
               _What happened? – Chris asked, his eyes widening. Zig was shaking, his mouth agape.
               _Scarlett…she… - he stammered, looking at the floor – Kaitlyn said a car ran over her…Zack and Kaitlyn are in the hospital…
               _Oh, my God… - Chris didn’t believe.
               _I need to see her – Zig turned to Chris – would you go with me? I don’t know if I can drive…
               _Sure, Zig! Let’s go! – they left the apartment, while Zig called to his boss, explaining what happened.
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allaboutthebooz · 5 years
Read with Boozy
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Since this will be the first list made, I thought I would list some of my favorites that I’ve read and reread or am currently reading and am SO in love with. There will be multiple fics from the same writers because I can’t choose just one to add to the first list! I’m sure many of you have read a lot of these, but I want to tell you want I think about each and every one of them, because they make me feel all the feels!
I am terrible when it comes to reblogs and comments, but I will be making more of an effort to do that, starting with going back and leaving what I think about everyone on this list. I am sorry if you are on this list, and I have never said a word about how I feel about your writing. I’m terribly shy and still getting my barrings with being open on here.  I am finishing this list as I’m currently battling my low blood sugar, so if my phrasing or anything seems off, you know why. It’s a losing battle right now.
Her three-part serious (which she just announced that there will be a fourth part coming soon) Ashes to Ashes Universe seriously has me on the edge of my seat. I literally squeal when I see that a new part has been posted. Though I love ALL of her work, this series is my favorite. Definitely a must read, but not just this. ALL OF IT! SAVE HER MASTERLIST, read everything, and let’s talk!
           You’re My Mission- This is a Bucky x Reader fic and if the first of the series. This is about a woman who lost her parents when a group called the Shadow came after them. She is saved by Captain America and brought to Bucky in Wakanda, where she is to train to become a soldier. They butt heads for so long, until one day everything just clicks, and their eyes are opened to what’s right in front of them. It literally had me shaking my phone and screaming at them to stop acting like the idiots that they are. The best opener to this series.
           The End of the World- A Thor x Reader fic. The Snap has happened, and the world is scrambling to get their bearings. The reader’s friends and family have been completely wiped from the universe and she discovers them when she comes home. She isn’t there long before Thor shows up. She and Thor used to be together, until he left and was with Jane. They reconnect after he whisks her away from everything, but it doesn’t end in happily ever after. There is a constant struggle between the two. Many tears were shed while reading this. I loved their love, but I was so happy when they figured their shit out. Until….
           Parallel- Steve x Reader fic. This reader is the same reader from ‘The End of the World’  and she has been through so much. She wakes up in Australia to find everything that she knew to be gone. She runs to Norway in hopes to find Thor but sees that he has taken another as his bride. Heartbroken, she flees to the US to find the others. No one knows who she is, besides Tony and it’s a long journey to get them to trust and maybe even remember her….Let me tell you something. I FUCKING LOVE THIS FIC! I have loved the other parts, but this one is my absolute favorite! I love the love that flows within this story. You can literally FEEL the pain that the reader goes through every. single. day. This is currently on hold because the writer was waiting for Endgame to come because the next parts will have a lot of what happens in it. (Thank goodness I am seeing it this week) I have reread every single part many times and I still feel the exact same way, every time. I can’t wait for this to continue. I love it so much.
My girl @fangirlinsweden
           Promises- Steve x reader. The reader and Steve are best friends and so completely in love with each other, but neither of know it. The reader always keeps her promises because of certain events that happened in her past. So, when Steve asks her to save him the first dance at an event they are attending, she makes a promise. Steve wanted to tell the reader how he feels that night but wasn’t sure if she feels the same way, so big-headed Bucky tells him to try and make her jealous and see how she reacts. Everything blows up in his face and he is paying for it, in a big way. This is the writer’s second fic that she is currently writing and it’s so good. She has me so invested in what happens next. Her mood boards that go along with it, are so nice and clean and fit with the storyline so well. I can’t wait to see. What happens next.
           Heart & Soul- This is a Bucky x Reader (a/b/o) series. Our gentle Omega has been put through the ringer and is having a hard time trusting Alpha’s thanks to her ex-boyfriend Brock. She’s in hiding from him, being sheltered by her best friend Wanda and the police, most of which are Alphas. She learns quick though that she can trust Tony and Steve and eventually Bucky. This had my emotions all over the place. It was definitely one of those ‘one step forward, twenty steps back’ fics and it was amazing! Definitely on that I will be rereading in the future. I love how protective they all were of the Omega reader and how they were all ready to lay their lives on the line for her. Beautifully written.
           Swallows- Another Bucky x Reader (MC AU) fic, minus the A/B/O aspect. What girl doesn’t love a guy with a motorcycle. Bucky and the reader were high school sweethearts. Moths to a flame, but also fire and gasoline. They fit so well together but caused so much destruction within their relationship. The reader leaves town after they break up and is finally back after a few years. She tries her hardest not to fall back into the arms of the blue-eyed man that she fell in love with all those years ago. She learns the truth of what happened the night they broke up and it makes her question everything around her. You can feel the strain between her and Bucky and also her and Steve, because he’s the one who told her to leave in the first place. Clint plays big brother but feels himself being torn between the MC and the reader. This is such a great read! It’s only got five parts, but I gasp and reach for my inhaler when a new part is posted. I can’t wait to see what happens. I hope everything falls into place and I’m not left lying in a puddle of my own tears when it’s over.
           Just……All of it. Ever last bit of it. Every single thing. BINGE HER MASTERLIST! But I will say that my favorites that she is currently writing are:
           Her Saviours- A/B/O Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader, John x Reader. If this isn’t you’re thing, that is completely fine, but let me just say something before you scroll past this. It is most Dean x Reader currently, as she is still writing the series. It is so beautifully written. The Winchesters find the reader in a similar situation as Alex, before Sam goes off to Stanford. It picks up, not long before Dean steals Sam from Stanford and follows season one. The reader has finally become of age to be claimed by her Alpha’s, but they refuse, and she can’t seem to understand why. Though Dean loves her, he still finds comfort in others that aren’t the Omega waiting up for him and it starts to wear on her. Sam is still reeling from losing Jess but is starting to warm back up to the Omega. Reconnecting after being apart for so long. This is such a great fic and I can’t wait to read more. The feelings are all there and I don’t think I’ve ever clenched my jaw so hard.
           Spanner in the Works- Sam x Reader AU. The reader breaks down in a small town and who comes to the rescue? Sam Winchester with his tow truck to take her car back to his family’s shop and he offers her a place to stay with his family. The two grow closer as she waits for her car to get fixed. I’m behind on reading this and will reread different parts. This is definitely an AU because of how different the Winchesters act compared to the show. They’re so understanding and try their absolute best to not make the reader feel uncomfortable. Definitely one that I will be reading for years to come. Or at least until it’s taken down.
           Again. Just….GO READ EVERYTHING! There are far too many of my favorites to list. I love EVERYTHING that she has written and though I’ve never told her personally, she is what I aspire to be when it comes to writing. I’m bad at reblogging stuff or even leaving comments. I am usually reading everything when I’m putting my son down for bed, so it’s hard to do so. I will be going back through and reblogging everything and leaving comments, though!
           I love her different MC series that she has written. They’re all so great and make me so happy. I haven’t read the rest of her work, but I will get there soon. I’m rereading a lot of stuff that she has written. The first that I read was ‘Captivated’ Eggsy x Reader. It opened me up to the MC world and I can’t thank her enough.
           Escape- Sam x Reader, but there are bits with Dean x Reader. The reader and Dean are abducted after a night of drinking and wake up in a maze full of different creatures and horrors around every corner. Sam is doing everything that he can to find them and he’s trying hard not to break. This is definitely a dark fic and there may be triggers for some. I LOVED this! My stomach was in knots the entire time that I read it and I will be rereading it and reblogging everything!
Definitely check out her masterlist because she has so much to read, but this is my absolute favorite!
           She has been working on a series rewrite. She is up to season eight of Supernatural and it’s AMAZING!!! She is the reason why ‘Without Me’ will become a series rewrite. The way that she got everything to fit just right, makes you feel like it actually happened in the show. I love it and I love the story that she has woven within the script. It’s amazing!
Alright. I think considering that I currently have three full pages in my Word, this this a good place to stop! I am finding new things to read all the time. I will be adding another list as a part two and they will have some of my absolute favorite oneshots. I hope you all love this fics as much as I do because they ALWAYS make my day so much better.
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hot-mess-choices · 5 years
Poison, Chapter 1 “Numb”
Pairing: Nathan Sterling/MC (Penelope “Penny” Curtis)
Warnings: toxic relationship, trauma, angst, sexual content in next chapters
Word Count: 1853 Words
Authors Note: Hello internet people! This is my very first published fanfic so I am really nervous about posting this. Given that English is not my native language, I hope you can overlook mistakes that were made, but be kind enough to educate me on them. 
Feedback and constructive criticism is of course greatly appreciate!
Before we dive into this I want it to be completely clear that I in no way intended to romanticize abusive relationships. I’ve been in one in the past and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. This is purely fictional and I‘d like to make it abundantly clear that this is not a Nathan redemption story, he’s still a villain, charming and alluring and irresistible, but still a villain. However, I found the ending of his and MCs relationship very anti-climactic and decided to let my MC suffer a bit more. 
With that being said, enjoy the story kids!
I’m still not used to coming home to a quiet and empty apartment. It’s been close to two months since Zack moved in with Grant. I’m happy for them; I really am and maybe I’d be able to deal with being alone during Senior year better if it wasn’t for this damn suffocating silence. Every time I have a few quiet moments to myself, away from my friends and their shenanigans, I- I remember. Last year’s events creep up on me. I hear distant sirens, air that suddenly reeks of smoke, temperatures rising, glass bursting and his cold gaze cutting through me. It feels like I’m still there. I have left a part of me in this dark past and have not yet reclaimed it. I exhale deeply as I set down my groceries on the kitchen counter. Absent-minded I turn on the TV, not caring for the program; it’s just about to serve as a constant background noise anyway. As I unpack my bags, I play with the idea of maybe inviting someone over for tonight. But I quickly dismiss it. Most of my friends are too busy nowadays to make plans on such short notice. They probably wouldn’t turn me down, but I’d hate to bother them. Besides, it was already half past eight. I could probably call David. The two dates we had were going decent enough, but I’d risk sending him some mixed signals by inviting him over to my place at this time of day. He's been admirably respectful of my admittedly slow pace so far, and I don’t want to get his hopes up. I shouldn’t have gone out with him in the first place probably, given my current situation. So maybe I’ll just go to bed early and call it a day. The second I made my decision, the doorbell starts to ring. Cautiously I walk towards the door and press the button on the intercom: “Hello?” “Miss Curtis?” a deep voice fizzles through the speaker. I know who it is even before he says it out loud and my eyes dart to the small calendar that’s hung next to the door. “Miss Curtis, it is Felix Hail, he… he requested your company for the night and has sent me to escort you, as usual.” Felix is a good person. I hate for him to be caught up in this… this… whatever it is. “I was there last week. We agreed on meeting once every other week.” I try to sound confident and dismissive, but I can’t fool anyone. Felix can probably hear my excited heart beat through the intercom, it’s that loud. “I am well aware, Miss. Nevertheless, he insisted. You know how he gets when someone denies one of his requests.” A cold shiver runs down my back. I do know. I know it all too well. Why else would I still be paying for standing in his way one too many times. I am also well aware that if I do not follow his invite, Felix will get the end of it. I can’t let that happen. “Wait by the car. I’ll be with you in five.” I let go of the button. Piercing blue eyes dance mockingly through my mind and I can already see his pleased half-smile. I grab my coat and close the door on my way out. Once again obediently following the call of none other than Nathan Sterling, I disgust myself. “Should I turn up the heat, Miss?” Felix asks as I climb into the back seat of the sleek Porsche limousine. He always sends the same. I know he has other cars, but I think he takes great pleasure in making things my routine and being in control. “I’m good. Thanks, Felix.” He gives me a sympathetic look through the rear view mirror and starts the car. My mind starts to drift off. How did I end up in this mess? I walked right into it, on my own accord, that’s how. I’m such an idiot. After last year ended with the horrific realisation that the guy I’d been dating was a cold blooded sociopath who wanted nothing but harm to me and my friends, I just wished for a tame summer to recover from all this hurt. But the summer ended up being everything but tame. I was called as a witness to the trials of all the Alphas. I did my best to highlight how horrible their actions truly were. And then I saw Nathan and how he couldn’t be bothered by any of it. His family’s lawyer, stone faced and I knew that he would do anything to get as close to winning this case as possible. I remember how they made this stupid deal that put Nathan under house arrest with electronic monitoring, limited access of communications, an approved list of visitors for private meetings and a sheer endless list of people who could visit with his parents present. What a laughable sentence. Being locked up in your millionaire mansion should not be considered punishment. I don’t know how, but somehow I ended up on the approved private visitor list and he invited me over. Invited is probably the wrong term here. He sent Felix, who told me that “my attendance at the Sterling’s annual end-of-summer charity auction was demanded by the young Mr Sterling.” I should have declined. I should have sent him the meanest, coldest and most hurtful turn down in the history of turn downs, so he would not dare to even think of me ever again, but… I’d like to think that it was my curiosity that lead me to follow this highly questionable request. It could have been the journalist in me, that wanted to know what this was all about. It could have been the strong and empowered woman in me, that wanted to spit in his face one last time. But it was really just the lovesick vulnerable college girl, Nathan still held all this power over. I thoroughly searched my past far and wide, but out of all the people I’ve ever had a romantic connection with, not one of them made me feel the way Nathan did. It’s this primal feeling of raw soul-crushing emotion he gives me. Like we are two parts of a whole, constantly drawn to each other and unable to let go. At least that’s what it feels like to me. I know deep down that this will end badly. I know that he just wants to see me suffer and make me pay for what I did to him. But I just can’t bring myself to leave. All my friends told me that I needed time. That I should take time to heal. Abbie suggested therapy. Kait and Zack joked about a rebound. But none of that seemed reasonable when all I wanted was him. I needed to feel his skin on mine. I want his lips all over me. His scent embracing me. I want his eyes to impale me with their gaze. They don’t understand. His poison is running through every inch of my being and being near him seems to be the only thing that makes it bearable. That day in late August, I just had to see him. I had to be with him. I had to. That’s why I dressed up and let Felix drive me to the Sterling’s estate. I could barely take in all the expensive cars parked out front or all the rich folks dressed in their finest evening attire. I didn’t even have time to feel intimidated. Felix led me straight inside. Up the stairs. To him. It’s been like that ever since. Every other week Felix appears on my porch to take me there. Every time I come with him. Every time I leave the next day, more intoxicated and addicted than before. And now? Will this become a weekly appointment now? And then? Every second day? Every day? Will I be his live in plaything? Will he eventually grow tired of me or will this go on forever? Can I live like that? Do I want to live like that? A cold shiver runs down my spine. I do, don’t I? Something inside of me was terrifyingly excited at that thought. I think I’m going to be sick. “Pull over Felix” “Miss, is everything al—” “Pull over!” Quick to follow my forceful tone, the car comes to a halt by the side of the road. I yank the door open and step out. Cold air fills my lungs as I take deep breaths. It’s almost December, the sun had sunken hours ago, and I should be freezing. Yet, the cold is strangely calming. “Miss, are you not feeling well, you seem awfully pale. Do you want to sit down? I could take you back home, if you desire to do so.” Felix has left his place behind the steering wheel and now stands next to me. I’ll never get used to how tall he is. What is he? 6’5? Damn. His broad shoulders cast a looming shadow onto the poorly lit street. In combination with his deep voice, he could have the potential of being one of the most intimidating people I know but his kind features beg to differ. I never asked, but I’d assume that he is in his late forties, maybe early fifties. His once brown hair is turning grey and his soft hazel eyes are surrounded by small wrinkles. I force a weak smile on my face. “I’m good, just needed some fresh air, that’s all.” He doesn’t even try to look convinced. He has been working for the Sterlings for too long to know how bad for your health they can be. “I can take you back and tell him that you weren’t home when I tried to pick you up.” Felix gives me a troubled look, clearly struggling to keep a professional distance between us. “He’d not be happy about that. I really don’t want him to be angry with you.” Might as well be honest with him now, right? He lets out a small joyless grunt. “Occupational hazard. I’m used to temper tantrums by now. I’ve been working for this family for twenty-eight years after all.” His big hand twitches upwards as if he wanted to pat my shoulder, but he reconsiders and takes a step back instead. “My apologies, it is not my place to speak ill of my employers.” His back straightens. “I won’t snitch on you, Felix. Let’s go, Nathan doesn’t appreciate it when people aren’t on time, right?” Pressing my lips together, I walk past him and get back inside the car. Before I slam the door shut, I hear Felix sigh something along the line with “Poor girl, where will this end?” I’ve asked myself this question far too often to care anymore. Self-pity is really not a good look on me and a real wast of time. I don’t care about what’s going to happen to me. Nathan can do whatever he wants. I’m numb.
Tags: @immortalmurphy
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elvendara · 6 years
Hello! I love your Werewolf AU so much; you're an awesome writer! Just curious as to what Saeyoung will do with the pack he got after winning the match? Thank you so much and I hope you keep writing for the fandom! 😆
WHHHEEEEHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes yes yes!! Thank you for the encouragement! I will FOR SURE keep writing for this fandom! And OMG it’s been so long since I’ve written for my fabulous Werewolf Choi Twins! This was great! And I may, perhaps, kinda, sorta, per chance....have gone a little overboard with this ask!!!!!!!!!!
For those who haven’t read it, or who need a refresher of what the Anon is talking about, here you go: Keeping the Pack Safe
Most of this is under the cut because....over 3k words...
Saeyoung made his way into the living room. He didn’t even botherto try and hide the fact that he was not at a hundred percent health. They werehis pack now. The room was full, men and women sitting on the sofa’s thekitchen table and the stools, even some on the floor. They’d found the food andwere stuffing their faces. Shit, now he was responsible for feeding all thesepeople!
The noise fell instantly as the pack realized he stoodbefore them. All eyes were on him. One man came forward, his long brown hairfalling past his shoulders, his grey eyes dark and stormy. Saeyoung recognizedhim as Maccon’s second.
He nodded to Saeyoung, “I am Mason, Maccon’s second, I willmake a strong second for you as well.” He capitulated.
“I appreciate that, but, I already have a second.” Saeyoungnodded towards Saeran, who stood by Yoosung, arms around each other. MC steppedup next to him and slid her arm around his waist. He was grateful, needing herto lean on so he wouldn’t collapse.
Mason eyed Saeran, his eyes flicking back to Saeyoung, “Nooffense, but you will need a stronger second. This pack knows me and if youwant to integrate it fully, completely, and seamlessly, you will need me.”
“Why don’t we take this outside and see just who is thestrongest!” Saeran challenged, stepping forward. Yoosung grabbed his arm andtried to hold him back.
Mason snorted, “That’s right, listen to your Beta, sheobviously wears the pants in the family.” He snickered.
Yoosung sighed and let go of Saeran’s arm. It was no usetrying to contain him now. Saeran’s protective instincts were always high whenit came to Yoosung. It both thrilled him and frustrated him.
Saeran’s nostrils flared at the jab at Yoosung, his claws extended,and he took several menacing steps towards the taller werewolf.
“Enough! You will treat each and every member of this packwith respect, or you will deal with me!” Saeyoung pushed away from MC andbetween the two men. His voice carried the command of the alpha and every earpricked up at its use. Both men stood down, had they been in their wolf forms,their ears would be downcast in shame.
“Now that I have your attention…no offense…” Saeyoung began,mimicking Mason’s words, “but this pack belongs to me and they will do as they’retold. I am the alpha and what I say goes!” he finished and was mortified by asmall chuckle behind him. He turned his head and saw his wife tryingdesperately to stifle the laughter bubbling up inside her. His eyes narrowed ather and she bit her lower lip, but the look of shear amusement on her face wasa beacon for all to see.
“All right, fine. So what I say doesn’t always go.” He relented.“This isn’t a pack like you’re used to.” He shooed away a young werewolf, who couldn’tbe more than 16, if that, and sat on the vacated seat with a satisfied sigh.
“While I am the alpha, I don’t dictate. The only reason whySaeran is my second is because of stupid shit like what your previous alphamade me do. We work like any normal family. And yes, my wife, my beta, is moreoften than not, the boss.” He grinned, holding out his hand for MC to take. Shedid and sat on the arm of the chair next to him.
The pack exchanged glances, unsure of how to react.
“No listen up. I don’t know any of you. I’m not even sure Iwant to. I was happy with the size of my pack, unusual as it is. I’m not surewhat to even do with you! My house is big, but not big enough for all of you.However, I do have enough property to make a compound I suppose. However, Ihave another option if you’re willing to hear me out?” he asked.
The question left them even more confused. An alpha didn’task, they told. Saeyoung waited patiently until Mason sat on the coffee tablein front of him and nodded. It was enough of an assent for the rest.
“It seems as if you already have an alpha. What I purpose,is that Mason lead your pack. Whoever wishes to leave with him, may, whoeverwishes to stay as part of my pack, may.”
“Saeyoung…” Saeran protested. Saeyoung held his hand up tohis brother to stop him.
“They are part of our pack Saeran, I will not turn any ofthem away if they wish to stay.” Saeran grumbled, but at least he was sureMason would take the opportunity to become alpha and leave. But he couldn’t helpbut wonder how long it would be before he came back with a challenge of hisown.
“You’re giving me the pack?” Mason was dumbfounded, that wasnot how things were done. Saeyoung had been victorious, he’d shown the greaterstrength, and now he simply wished to give away his prize? Maccon was right,this pack did not deserve to exist. But if he was fool enough not to see hismistake, Mason would take what was offered.
“One condition however.” Saeyoung sat up, his elbows at hisknees.
“What condition?” Mason asked suspiciously.
“I am not gifting you anything. You can be the alpha of yourpack Mason, but, you will always be mine to command.” He declared.
“What?” Mason was taken aback, perhaps he wasn’t as stupidas he’d thought after all.
“What the hell kind of deal is that? How is it any differentthan just being under you?”
“The difference is that you can run your pack any way youwant without ever seeing or hearing from me gain. The only reason you would, isif you brought attention to yourself that goes against the rules.”
“Werewolf rules, or yours?” Saeyoung looked away, he knewhow ruthless werewolves could be. He didn’t like it, but it was not up to himto set the rules for the entire race.
“Werewolf rules.” MC squeezed his shoulder, she did notapprove he could tell, but it was the only way he could see to keep their ownpack out of other packs crosshairs. He would not impose his own beliefs onthem, that would lead to tragedy.
“You will, for all intents and purposes, be the alpha, withall that it entails. That also means that you can be challenged, if the pack gainsa new alpha, of course I will need to be made aware. If, after a time of mychoosing, things go well, I will relinquish my hold. Those are my terms, thoseare your choices. Considereing the circumstances, it’s the best you’re likelyto get.”
Mason looked back at the pack.
“Go ahead, talk to them.” Saeyoung stood with MC’s help, theboy who he’d shooed away stood from where he had been sitting on the floor andwalked up to them.
“I want to stay.” He blurted. He was shorter than Saeyoung,but not by much, his hair was a blue black he was sure came out of a box, hiseyes were sharp grey, so reminiscent of Jumin he was startled. The boy’s gazeflittered to Saeran and Yoosung, back to Saeyoung and MC, then down at hisshuffling feet. He was rounded in on himself. He jerked, as if hit, when Mason’svoice thundered through the air.
“Rikken!” he grabbed the boy’s arm and MC smacked him on thearm. Mason growled his teeth elongating but the woman did not back down. Shepulled the boy towards her and held him close, she felt him shiver and theanger inside her erupted.
“You touch him again and I won’t need the ‘Alpha’s’ permissionto rip your throat out!” she hissed. Mason glared at her, expecting Saeyoung tointerfere, he did not. In fact, the man looked amused. Mason stepped back, hisglare falling on the boy, another weakling, better that he was not part of hispack anyhow.
“Take him to the dinning room will you?” Saeyoung asked MC.She nodded and led the boy away, he was in good hands. SAeyoung hadn’t missedthe look he gave his brother and Yoosung, he was fairly sure he understood whyhe wanted to stay.
It did not take long for Mason and the rest to come to a decision.
“I accept your offer.” He held out his hand. Saeyoungnarrowed his eyes at it, then lifted them to the man’s grey eyes, they wereeager. Saeyoung felt a moment of resistance, this was not a good man. Perhapssome day he would need to deal with him more permanently, but for now, this wasfor the best.
Mason ground his teeth when he realized Saeyoung would nottake his hand, he would never be the man’s equal and Saeyoung wanted him toknow it. He bristled with the knowledge, but he would retreat, regain morestrength, and some day, deal with him more permanently.
“You may leave now!” Saeyoung stated, using the back of the armchair to hold him steady. “Unless there is anyone else who wishes to stay.”
A tall thin woman with light brown hair, large dark browneyes, a strong nose and a frightened look on her face scurried towards him.
“I…I want to stay.” She pleaded, her eyes wide.
“No!” Mason bellowed. Saeyoung sighed, was he going to dothis for everyone who wished to stay? “Belladonna is my beta! She remains withme, there is no other way.”
Shit, he was right, if the woman was his beta, she wouldneed to remain with him. It was rare that a beta would even want to leave her alpha.Very few reasons were enough for a break like this.
“Yoosung, take her into the dinning room with MC.” Yoosungmoved swiftly, taking the woman and physically moving her.
“You cannot do this!” Mason growled.
“I will speak with her.” Saeyoung looked away. He did notwant to send the woman back if she did not want to go, but if he granted herwish, he would be separating an alpha from his beta and it would be yet anotherreason for Mason to hate him. He felt a headache coming on, his throat aching. Hejust wanted to go back to bed.
“Anyone else who wishes to remain, Saeran will show you theway to the dinning room. I will meet with each and every one of you to makesure you understand the difference between my pack and those you have known inthe past.”
He waited, only three others separated from the pack, onewas a young woman whose mother tried to restrain her, but she peeled herselfaway with a glare at the woman and stalked after Saeran. When Saeran came back,he helped Saeyoung into his office.
“You should really rest before you do this.” His brothercriticized.
“I know, but, better to get it over with now. When I’m done,can you make sure rooms are made available for those who stay?”
“You really want them in the same house as us? The samehouse as your pregnant wife?” Saeran scowled.
“If they are to become part of our pack, we’re going to haveto learn to live together, you know that! A pack is a family, we do not turn oneach other.”
“These people are not family!”
Saeyoung simply stared up at his brother, unable to argue. “Bringme Rikken.” Was all he said. Saeran walked out without another word. He wasagainst this whole thing. All he wanted was for them all to leave. His family,his pack was perfect the way it was! He would have to barricade their bedroom tonightand make sure the security system was turned back on so he could make sure noneof these new comers were going to try anything. He walked into the dinning roomand glared at the boy.
“You, come with me!” he growled, unable to keep his anger incheck.
Yoosung’s lips thinned out and he took hold of the boy whohad shrunk into the chair he was sitting in at Saeran’s harsh words.
“What?” Saeran asked, confused by the look Yoosung wasgiving him. He only gave him that look when he’d done something wrong. What hadhe done?
“Come on, everything’s going to be fine.” Yoosung calmed theboy as they made their way to Saeyoung’s office. Yoosung left the boy alonewith him and Saeyoung tried to be as pleasant as he could be.
“Rikken is it?” the boy nodded. “Your parents?” he asked,assuming they might be part of the pack. The boy simply shook his head. Deadthen, no need to ask how it had happened. “I see. You’re gay aren’t you?” heasked bluntly, there were no secrets in a pack, how he had managed to keep thatone was a mystery.
His grey eyes flashed, tears welling in them before theybegan to fall silently and slowly.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Obviously you would not havesurvived much longer in your pack. You are welcome here. There is no judgement.Have you been going to school?” he asked suddenly, changing the subject.
The boy shook his head again.
“Well, that will have to change. You will be enrolled inschool.”
“What?!” the boy looked aghast at the thought.
“Have you thought of what you want to be when you grow up?”Saeyong felt like an idiot with these questions.
“N…no…in the pack, you’re just put with someone to learn atrade.”
“You can do that as well if you wish. But I’d like you to takethe next couple of years and really thing about what you want for yourself. Youare not indentured to the pack. The pack is here to help you, to protect you,to encourage you to be the best you can be.” Now that really sounded cheesy.
“I…thank you…” he whispered.
Saeyoung dismissed him and had Belladonna brought in next.
“Please please, do not send me back with him!” she pleadedbefore she was even completely in the room. She knelt at Saeyoung’s side andgrasped his hands. Yoosung eyed her but did not try to pull her away. Saeyoungwaved him out and settled the woman on a chair opposite him.
“Calm down. You know I can’t just sever a bond like that. Ineed a reason.”
“There is no bond! We aren’t even married! He took mebecause Maccon told him he could! Our first night together he raped me, it wasnot consensual, it has never been consensual! If you send me back, I’ll killmyself! I can’t, I can’t keep living like this!”
He could see she was being truthful and he hated that werewolfsociety allowed things like that still. It was barbaric and disgusting. He allowedher to stay, what else could he do? He allowed the others as well, the youngwoman had made him promise he would never promise her to anyone without herconsent, as her parents had done, promising her to a man she did not want to bewith. The others simply were tired of the constant fury and anger a packconsisted of. They had seen how serene and peaceful Saeyoung’s pack was andwanted that kind of life.
He let the pack know his decision, those staying were keptin the dining room with MC as Yoosung made sure to get rooms ready for them inthe house. Thankfully there were enough. Mason was outraged that he would notgive Belladonna back to him.
“You have no real claim on her. You’re not married, and thebond wasn’t completed. If it had been, she would not find it so easy to separate.You are untethered, and can find another beta, perhaps one more suited to you.”
Mason bristled at that and gnashed his teeth. He turned onhis heels and walked out, the rest filing out behind him. Saeran caughtSaeyoung as he collapsed. He picked his exhausted brother up and placed himback in bed. Then he made sure everything was locked up tight and watched asthe entire pack left the grounds. He closed the gates they never used at theend of the driveway and electrified the fence. He wasn’t taking any chances.
It took Yoosung a long while to go to bed and Saeran wasstill awake when he did.
“I thought you’d be in the control room.” Yoosung bitscathingly.
“You know I don’t like it when you’re angry with me. Whatdid I do?”
“Saeran! You of all people should have been the nicest tothat boy! How could you scare him like that?”
“What are you talking about? Why should I be nice to him? Idon’t know him. I don’t like him, I don’t want him here, I don’t want any of themhere!” he retorted.
Yoosung’s shoudlers sagged and he shook his head indisappointment.
“You aren’t going to make me feel guilty Yoosung. Not thistime. I have every right to be angry! And afraid!” he shot.
Yoosung’s eyes softened. He crawled onto the bed and cuppedSaeran’s face with his hands.
“Of course you do. I’m sorry babe. I know you’re scared.This is all knew for all of us. It isn’t something we were prepared for buthere it is, and at least with Saeyoung’s solution, we don’t have to incorporatean entire new pack. Just a few broken toys, like us.” He grinned and kissedSaeran gently.
“You know that’s going to come back and bite us in the ass,don’t you?”
“Yes, but, at least we’ll see it coming.” Saeran smirked athis beta, Yoosung was much smarter than people gave him credit for because ofhis youthful innocence.
“About Rikken…” Saeran rolled his eyes and turned away fromYoosung, pulling the covers over him.
“Saeran!” Yoosung pressed against his back, his fingers playingwith the soft fur he normally sprouted at night. He liked how Yoosung would runhis finger over it and through it. Now he retracted the fur and Yoosung bit hisshoulder in consternation. Good, now they could both be annoyed!
“The boy is gay.” Yoosung whispered. Saeran’s eyes sprangopen. How had he missed that? “You of all people know what it’s like to be agay werewolf. He’s going to be looking up to you. Looking for a way to survive.”
Saeran turned back around to stare into Yoosung’s beautifulamethyst eyes.
“I can’t be that person! I only survived because of you!”
“Then I guess you’re going to have to teach him how to findthe best thing to ever happen to him!” Yoosung grinned. Saeran scoffed androlled his eyes. Life had just gotten a bit harder, but maybe, a bit bettertoo. He would have to wait and see. He let the fur grow again and Yoosungpractically purred as he dug his fingers into it.
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astrofireworks · 7 years
cha eunwoo | astro
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An introduction to Astro, lights of our lives, for new Arohas!
(done with @rockoaroundthechristmastree, @rockytheastroid​, @astrofireworks​, @jinwoosmile, @ongbins and @jakganim)
Born 30 March 1997
Gunpo child
How to recognise Eunwoo: look for a literal angel there you go there he is
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Literally looks the same in all his eras bc he looks good with dark hair and fantagio Knows it
^ At time of writing anyway; he just came out with light brown hair for dream pt. 02′s jacket and everyone is fucKIN SHOOKT
Fuckin unreal smdh
Baby: light blue car
Visual 3/6
@jakganim (in a fic LOL but it was FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY PUNY LIL HEART) said once that Eunwoo’s as beautiful outside as he is on the inside and honestly i’ve never heard a sentence that describes eunwoo so perfectly 
in short, a heart as radiant and beautiful as he appears????
Researches everything bc he’s a diligent and worried bub
Whatever shows he goes on???? He researches them 
researched every single person going on law of the jungle and also researched what the climate was going to be like and how to build different things 
researched the MCs he was going on with when he went on Happy Together 3 and got exposed they read his unfiltered notes out loud in detail he got so shy ajsdfhlaskjd
researched everyone in crime scene 3 because he didn’t want to make a fool of himself 
got so nervous about variety show training programme bc they didn’t let him know who was going to be on the show with him so he couldn’t research them
puts so much effort into things what the fuck ! 
Real Name: Lee Dong Min 
Nickname: Buttmin (Lee Dongmin: 이동민) where second letter 동 sounds similar to the second letter in butt (엉덩이) because he thought he had a big butt asjdhlfakjsd
he can spell his name with his butt thanks variety show training
Was MJ in The Best Hit/Hit the Top (and the members made jokes about it)
had a thing with the members where they’d call him Fake MJ 
Starred in their webdrama To Be Continued as the “lead” but not really (cries forever)
Was part of a miniseries called “Replies that Make us Flutter” where they took send-in answers for topics and incorporated them into short drama episodes. 
Bin starred in one with him as well. He tried to be a bad boy that hated Eunwoo. It was not convincing.
Won Male CF Star at the MTN Broadcast CF Festival
He’s currently in Revenge Note as the “leader” of Astro, it’s weird
goes to Sungkyungkwan uni, prestigious uni in SK
was also the top 3rd student in his school AND was student body president in middle school i’m truly weeping
Introduced on a few shows with the hashtag #차파고 (Cha-pha Go, a spin on Alpha Go) because he’s so damn diligent and detailed 
Also went on 1 v 100 with bin and mj but he got into the finals/semi-finals WOW WE STAN BRAINS AND BEAUTY 
Knows japanese and chinese and is nearly fluent in english bless his heart
Also speaks Chinese because his younger brother studies in China
Cute as fuck during new year’s when the rest of astro were in the fantz celebrating new year’s he went home to visit his brother bc he came back from china so he video called into vapp
I need to stop saying fantz someone shoot me i started ironically and now i can’t stop
Once upon a time was in the jungle with Yuri, apparently picked up aegyo there
Gets made fun of all the time by astro for the aegyo asjdfkhlskjd they make him sing the aegyo song literally every time 
And they annoy him by singing it too
Always gets iconic lines / killing parts in songs 
내꺼할래 !! (wanna be mine?)
같이 갈래? (let’s go together?)
Iconic line in polaris
Here’s a compilation you didn’t know you needed
Again made fun of by astro for doing the 같이 갈래
That one astro play where he’s just talking and then lil bitches sanha and jinjin pop up behind him and go 같이 갈래!!! and he just looks so done
The centre of all of Astro’s arm symbol formations 
Makes sure that you know who he is (bc he’s cHa-A e-EUN Wu-UU *thumps chest*) 
This ALSO gets mimicked by the other members, and poor boy tried to chug a soda and do this as well but ended up burping on camera as a result ;v;
Also the stiffest dancer my poor son
Got sent on some programme for idols who can’t dance it was Hilarious
But he also put so much effort into it i’m rly crying he made sure to get help from rocko in dancing the choreography right ;;;;
And he’s improved so much i’m !!!!!! so proud he puts in so much effort and he works so hard and he practices so much fuck i’m emo 
Literally ??? is perfect whatever he says his bad sides are are actually good points smdh 
Was asked once if there was anything he couldn’t do, to which he replied that he wasn’t good at relationships and the MC replied that wtf it just made him more attractive
farewell i am on the floor crying 
oh right okay yes one bad side:
Smdh he loves them so much
The glasses he wore in the cicada video
that one video of them playing with the minion helicopter
160108 DDOCA when they’re playing with the minion blanket and jinjin opens it up and promptly looks horrified  
What the hell is this
European Bagel: once said he was eating an ‘european bagel’ on ok!ready episode 1 if anyone knows what that means pls let us know
He gets anxious about being a burden to astro
Talked about it in Astro Project watch at your own risk I cried
Listen he does so much he juggles acting and photoshoots for CFs and astro promotions he’s constantly trying to improve himself he’s never a burden and if there's one member in all of astro i want to hug and just !! tell him he's okay and that everything will be okay and tell him that he’s perfect and that he’s enough and deserves love it’d be Eunwoo for me ;;;;;;;;
Also Eunwoo: (sits quietly) / 5stro: let’s fuck with him
was playing with the ducks when jinjin and sanha come up behind him and screamed lmao he nearly fell on his face
A compilation or two… or three of Eunwoo being bothered by the other members lolol
Once Jinjin had to pull a secret camera on him and tell him that Astro accidentally broke a camera and without hesitating he offered to pay the full 1.5k$ that camera was worth adsfjkasd what a pure gullible bean ;A;
Cutest whine? He goes like aaAAa or something like that idk but he does it when he gets annoyed it’s the cutest thing ;;;;;
Literally the (^▽^) face
Mouth opens up into a really wide triangle, width depends on how embarrassed he gets
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My favourite laugh in the entire universe
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heck I’m so in love,,,
during one ASC a baby came on and asked all of astro to go to their house to play for christmas eunwoo got out of his seat right away he was 1000% ready to run out of the studio and hop on that airplane
Actually a lil bitch lmao 
“Haha u were going 2 sleep?? Nah stay up & watch me on vlive fam”
Makes fun of hyung line’s height i live for this 
After arohas missed the “MJ” during the first fanchant he joked saying “why don’t y’all just come in on ‘jinjin’ instead?” #LetMJLive2k17 also #LetArohasLive2k17
Voice like moonlight 
Need him singing??? Here
Titles his v-lives “차은우의 Just one 10 minutes” but they’re never 10 minutes they’re nearly an hour long 
His voice is just really really soothing and comforting and if you ever need something to calm you down when you’re upset or if you need a background voice for when you’re studying here he is
Singing voice has improved so so so so so so much from Spring Up, his live singing shakes me to the core
Also sang opera in ASC so really hoo boy he’s improved so much I’m so !!! :’)
Literally can we pause and take a moment to appreciate his baby photos I looked like a rat when I was younger and here he is, snatching, 
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My favourite baby ever ajkdlhsfakjsdf i lovE
Did some modelling campaigns pre-debut 
Shara Shara
I bet you needed all these pictures in your life
Cute lotion video :’)
Still king of CFs he recently did a baskin robbins one (with Yoo Seung Ho)
It’s pretty funny
He’s so cute what the heck
After the whole thing, he got addicted to ice cream; he mentioned in a vlive that at some point he could just eat sandwiches and ice cream the whole day
But fantagio also probably feeds all of astro ice cream for breakfast so really,  
A Lafuma ad with Seolhyun (AOA) 
A Polham ad with Doyeon (Weki Meki)
A Ceci spread with Doyeon too!! 
A Lotte Water Park ad with Sejeong (Gugudan)
Won an award for best male CF smdh 
Wears frickin glasses and makes everyone cry 
That one DDOCA where it’s him preparing for a hit the top shooting I would like you to know that this is coming to you from the grave
Got scouted by a Fantagio recruiter when he was in middle school, then bugged into joining the fantz
He was the school president, in the top three of the entire school, wanted Seoul National University to become a judge bless his fuckin heart
Apparently rejected Fantagio the first couple times they asked, but gave in bless him thank god
Astro claimed pre-debut walking anywhere with him meant everyone doing double-takes
Re-enacted on ok!ready: sanha and mj talking in a coffeeshop then stopping and sTARING THE FUCK OUT OF EUNWOO LMAO
Literally blew up on male-dominated sites for being PRETTIER THAN THE FEMALE MCs AT SHOW!MUCORE
So pretty that Hello Venus thought he was prettier than them when starring in their video
Some weibo arohas describe him as the kind of handsome where “even if you’re already married, you’d still take a second glance at him if you passed by him on the street” ("那种虽然有老公了但是对路过的帅哥还是想多看两眼的感觉") I 10000% agree 
weibo arohas also call him "车车" car car / cha cha i'm fuckinjasdfkjdf
In case you wanted a heart attack
Labelled a “Face Genius”, but wants to be acknowledged for more than his looks
“Someone who’s more reliable than anyone else and who always gives his all to the people he treasures, who’s very hard on himself and there are times where it gets too much but because of that, he’s someone who’s detailed and earnest.” (creds to @astrotranslations)
Dony on Weekly Idol called Rowoon (SF9) a face genius once but Rowoon politely deferred and said that title belonged to Cha Eunwoo :’)
Said once in an interview that he’d take whoever he likes out to dinner, give them a necklace then confess asdjfhlaskjd a true romantic bby
Also said that he was an “FM” boyfriend (field manual) asjdhflaksjd my heart is weak don’t attack me like this
You know what, Binu gets a section to themselves smdh 
Just so you know, arohas didn’t come up with the name ‘Binu’, they came up with it (”Team Soap”) themselves 
explained it by saying 빈 (Bin) + 우 (Woo) = 비누 (Soap)
Picked each other in OK!Ready and have been living in the same room ever since 
in the recent Night Night show they did Eunwoo said that if he could pick roommates again, he’d still pick Bin 
Is apparently scentless to Bin 
Smdh we all know what habituation is it’s bc he smells Eunwoo too much Eunwoo doesn’t have a specific smell anymore
Also together like 24/7 stuck to each other’s side if you’re looking for eunwoo ever just look for bin you’ll find him there
Bin claims Eunwoo is the most beautiful creature on earth tbh same 
“Is he really human? How can someone that looks like him exist?”
Eunwoo thinks Bin is the most handsome too I love supportive friendships ;u;
Literally though sanha and jinjin posted a twitter video of them trying to wake bin up it doesn’t work it apparently only works when eunwoo gets him to wake up 
Sleeps through sanha and jinjin prodding him but wakes up when eunwoo starts talking in a vlive
Bin said in the harper’s bazaar interview that he doesn’t wake up when the manager calls him to get up but his eyes naturally open when he hears Eunwoo sighing (creds to @astrotranslations)
Bin’s mom even sent in a concern to hello counsellor bc he wouldn’t stop sleeping and couldn’t wake up so really… eunwoo = magic?
Want more Binu? Here, here and here!
Friends with Mingyu from Seventeen
Mingyu called him once for advice on what to bring to the jungle since he too was going on law of the jungle
Said in Night Night that he gets cold really easily
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Yet in OK!Ready (as pointed out by @jinwoostro) he stood outside waiting for Jinjin and Sanha to come even though he was freezing ;u; 
A sweetheart!! Who cares so much !!!! for other members!!!!!!
Listen this boy works so hard and he does so much for a 20 year old: he models, he acts, he’s learning 3 other languages for Aroha, he handles university courses AND he still keeps up with astro’s promotions I’m really crying he’s worked so hard he deserves the world
Im rly fukcing criyng i gotta sotp i love this boy, 
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