#i am disappointed in today
anna-scribbles · 8 months
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last one i promise(<—lie)
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feralchaoschild · 2 years
today was a day™
how do I know that??
I am almost crying because a random IKEA bowl just broke
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atlasascending · 9 months
So I just finished young royals and Oof, what a show. If you haven’t seen it yet watch it because it’s great BUT ALSO can I please just take a minute to say I love how much all the characters just hug? There’s so many hugs? I love it. Of course it’s Wille and Simon the most, but I adore how much a normal gesture of intimacy it is for them all. It’s so sweet to see.
I actually also think this show kind of perfectly strikes the balance of Teenager™️ wherein you can’t focus for the following two scenes after kissing someone you like (shout out to that one post) but you can also do drugs and drink and fuck around and somehow these things are not mutually exclusive. Just honestly 10/10
AND the writers and director(s) give the characters so much SPACE. It is so unbelievably refreshing to not be rushing from scene to scene all the time like most American media does (and sadly UK media is heading the same way). Truly reflect for a moment and consider when was the last time you watched something that had so much silence in it, so many pauses, so much room to breathe? And by god do you need it, because all the characters are such forces coupled with the intensity of the plot that you’d be buggered if the characters (read: actors) were barrelling on a mile a minute too
I think it’s a really well written, INCREDIBLY well shot show and that more people should watch it
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salad-storm · 1 year
sakusa and atsumu are both horribly sore losers but for different reasons. sakusa is because he's the youngest sibling and his older siblings have a massive age gap to him - he never learned how to lose. But atsumu has a twin brother who he fights with for everything. He Needs to win.
I think what results from this is no one wanting to play boardgames with the two of them anymore. They try once only to realise, again, that skts are the worst and never play anything with them again
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n4rval · 1 month
ah. something i find a little funny is seeing people describe the way he speaks as "distant" or "detached", or even outright "cold"
i think it is very safe to say he adresses us in a way that is very personal. heartwarming, even. like someone who is excited to see us and show his work with every release (and has explicitly used the word for it).
idk you guys if you're too weirded out by him that's alright — in fact, the way he has this effect on people solidifies an uncaniness that is very important to his character — but there is no way you can look me in the eye and tell me that "SO TO BE HERE FINALLY ON THE VERGE OF CONNECTION IS QUITE EXCITING." or "I LOOK FORWARD TO CREATING A NEW FUTURE WITH YOU." or "SHALL WE? SHALL WE GO AGAIN?" is expressing nothing but professionalism🚶
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napping-sapphic · 1 month
Ughhh hate when i see people i used to have a crush on and my brain immediately goes …👀?
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earlgreybocchan · 19 days
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Cutting this whole bit and most of the servant's lines and Bard explaining how to play cricket get the fuck ouuuutttt
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
“Also genuine question, do you ever take that hat off?”
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dragonsdendoodles · 1 month
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rickybaby · 3 months
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visa cashapp qualifying report
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remyfire · 29 days
When the writer agonies hit.
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camels-pen · 5 months
Usopp using Zoro as 'live ammo' via a human sized slingshot he made specifically for this purpose and someone (Nami? Nami) being like "christ alive there's something wrong with them"
maybe Zoro likens it to being tossed by the "director" (Commodore Orlumbus). He thinks Usopp's better at shooting/throwing people though. 10/10 would be used as live ammo again. Somewhere in the background, Orlumbus' voice is heard saying "this attack wasn't meant to safely throw people, yknow" and Zoro going "doesn't matter. just throw"
after hearing about that, I'd like to think Usopp either A) gets jealous and pouts about it because Zoro's his boyfriend and shouldn't Usopp get sole Zoro-shooting-rights???, B) insists on shooting Zoro more often with a plethora of excuses about the why but the real reason being he wants to get so good at it that Zoro completely forgets that "director" guy, or C) some mix of both. multitasking king
haha and wouldn't it be funny, meeting part of the Strawhat Fleet later on, and Orlumbus being hella confused because God Usopp just. has some kind of beef with him despite them only interacting like once before they all left Dressrosa
on the flip side of that, maybe Usopp offhandedly mentions being carried around by Hack, towards the end of the conflict in Dressrosa. He's a little bit dramatic about it, because he's always dramatic, but most of what he's saying boils down to "Hack was a nice guy: he carried me around while I was hurt, made sure I was okay, and didn't seem to hate the stories I made up to pass the time. he was also very strong and probably madly in love with me" (he wasn't)
Zoro was different with jealousy than Usopp. Where Usopp would glare from a distance and generally give off "he's mine he's mine he's mine" vibes to Orlumbus, he wouldn't say any of it aloud and generally try his best to stay civil. In part, this is due to Orlumbus being huge and buff and scary, but it's also because when Usopp is jealous of someone, especially in matters of love, he's more focused on doing whatever he can to make himself better in some way. Thus the insistence on more live-ammo-Zoro in battle, so Usopp can improve his Zoro shooting skills and Zoro "won't want to go back". There's also his issues with his self-worth and respect of Zoro's freedom to choose whatever romantic partner he wants, even if that isn't Usopp anymore. His brief bouts of jealousy are usually followed up with cuddling with Zoro after because it always leads to Usopp feeling terrible and in tears wondering if Zoro was gonna break up with him. Zoro will call him an idiot and kiss his forehead and he'll be fine after a while.
Zoro was not like that. Usopp said he liked Zoro. That's the equivalent of signing a contract to spend the rest of their lives together. Anyone who tries to change Usopp's mind is the fucking enemy and he's got three blades with Hack's name on them. Out of respect for Robin, he wouldn't kill the guy, but he'd put the fear of hell in him. It would take Usopp telling the real story- about Hack mostly just being indifferent and far more focused on the crisis than whatever Usopp had been nervously rambling about during their time running around- to get him to promise not to fight Hack on sight. Zoro would definitely still size him up if they see him again though.
...or, at least that's what Usopp expected to happen, based on all those romance books Robin showed him. He was looking forward to it a little. Just a little though.
In reality, Zoro quietly listened to Usopp talk about his adventures with Robin and the tontatta and curled around Usopp like big teddy bear. He squeezed Usopp a little tighter, bring him further into his lap, when Usopp talked about how he got certain injuries or eating the tatababasco, but otherwise he seemed rather content. Zoro didn't bat an eye at Usopp's exaggerated stories with Hack except to say that Hack had good taste in men. Usopp got extremely flustered after that and completely loses his train of thought and where he was in his storytelling. He attempted to steal the rest of the booze in Zoro's mug as revenge. Zoro lets him and then repeats the last thing Usopp said to remind him where he stopped in his retelling of his adventure.
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So Milan van Waardenburg who played Jean Valjean during the Dutch/Flemish 2023/first week of 2024 Les Mis tour and is currently playing Valjean on the West End just posted his top 3 from the Eurovision Song Context second semi final. Which on it's own is already fucking shit. Guess he somehow missed the boycott memo, but guess what his number one is..
Fucking Israel. Israel!
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I'm genuinely so pissed and disappointed I don't even have the words to describe this all oh my god.
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gingerbreadmonsters · 2 months
not even panicking . idek what ur saying why would ever be worried abt this
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Ben Lambert in "Angels in Small Change (2013)"
my gift for my dear friend and mutual @feenmies
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varpusvaras · 8 months
Fox stared at the screen.
"What is this?" He asked, and instantly regretted it when Even turned to him with a shocked expression on his little round face. There were many things he could take in life (being bred to be a soldier did that to a person) but having his own three-year-old being disappointed in him wasn't one of those.
"Buir!" Even puffed his cheeks. "It's the Spiky Guard!"
"Oh, okay", Fox said, even though he still had no idea what was going on with the talking, colorful cartoon massiffs on the screen in front of them.
Breha gave him a gentle pat on his thigh.
"It's a new children's cartoon", she explained, when Even had become engrossed with his screen again. "It's about a group of super massiffs who save citizens from silly dangers."
"Okay", Fox said again. Breha's eyes softened, and Fox felt a bit bad for the sad tinge that had appeared in them, even when he knew it wasn't his fault.
"Not too many shows for children shown on Kamino?" It was more of a statement than a question, even if she tried to soften it up by posing it as the latter.
"Not ones like these, and not for us", Fox said, quietly, so Even wouldn't hear, just in case, even though he looked like he was still completely immersed in what was going on the screen. Breha didn't say anything to that, only took his hand into hers, lightly running her thumb over his skin.
Fox wasn't really sure what he was looking at more. At his son, who was sitting there, without a worry in the world, watching a pink massiff operate a hand-glider, or at the pink massiff operating the hand-glider.
One thing was clear, though. He needed to show this to Hound.
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