#i also was able to get some good advice from a professional trainer based on what she observed with me working with iris
teabookgremlin · 1 year
iris and i had an adventure (went to a children’s theme park with a bunch of other service dogs in training) today here are some pictures
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yuherskind2 · 2 years
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Hermitcraft Great British Bake Off AU
(Or the Great British Baking Show outside the UK)
With the start of a new series, I thought I'd compile this AU I came up with a while ago. Big shout out to @skywillsometimeswrite who helped me brainstorm nearly all of this (and accidentally got into the series sorry. Time to get emotional over bakers again.) 
It's Great British Bake Off, where the hermits take the place of the contestants, judges and some of the crew (with the recap boys as the hosts!) It follows the structure of the show, but to add maximum fluffiness, nobody leaves and the show works on a point system instead. The loser of each week does the washing up. (Not that the winner matters, this is all about the shenanigans.) Further explanations and what role each hermit fills with a short bio is under the cut!
The recording structure follows the usual routine. It takes place over several weeks, with the recording happening at the weekend. They stay at a hotel over the weekend. On the Saturday they record the Signature Challenge and the Technical. On the Sunday they film the Showstopper. Each week is themed, with the challenges fitting into that theme. The themes are often based around a certain kind of baking (pastry, bread, chocolate) but sometimes around time periods, places, or diets. I recommend googling or watching an episode of the show but a brief explanation of the challenges:
The Signature Challenge: They're given a certain thing (cake, pastry, biscuit, etc) to create. They've been able to practice at home. This is the opportunity to show personality and a home-cooked, rustic style with tried and tested bakes.
The Technical: The Judges take turns each week to set a recipe for an often uncommon bake. The recipe is bare-bones and the bakers have to use their intuition and knowledge about baking to create what's intended. This round is unpractised, and judged blind, with the judges outside the tent for the duration. The aim is to perfectly replicate the recipe given and that's how they're judged.
The Showstopper: A chance to bring out the big guns! They're often given a theme and a type of bake and then the contestants can go wild. The aim is to create something of professional quality, that makes the judges go 'wow' and still tastes good. Also practiced over the week, though sometimes less due to the size of the bakes.
Now onto the hermits:
The Judges are TFC and Biffa. TFC is the friendlier of the two. He does his best to find positives in bakes, although he enjoys making jokes about things that go wrong. Most of the contestants come to think of him as a grandad. Biffa gives more thorough criticism, but it helps the contestants improve a lot and is tailored towards the advice they need. They enjoy talking to the contestants about their bakes and lives outside the tent, both on and off camera. They've both had long careers in the industry.
The Hosts are our recap boys, Pixelriffs and Zloy. They're a dynamic duo in front of the camera, riffing off each other and the contestants naturally. They have a good balance of improvisation and planned skits. Zloy will doodle scenes from the tent during their downtime.
In alphabetical order, the Contestants:
1. Beef: Works as a butcher. It's often joked about, and not helped by him spilling red food colouring on his apron early in the series. He's incredibly good at piping and often creates artworks on top of his bakes for decoration. Absolutely smashes any biscuit decoration.
2. Cleo: Works as a teacher. Ironically, has to be censored at least once an episode and continuously hopes none of her students watch. It's hard to tell what she's doing until the last minute when she pulls it all together. She enjoys making little figures from fondant or rice crispy marshmallow mix.
3. Cub: Runs a sports equipment company. He likes coming up with creative solutions to the challenges and surprises the others by how focused he can become once in the zone. He has a deadpan sense of humour and a willingness to commit to bits. Often banters with Scar.
4. Etho: His job seems to change every time he mentions it. It never fails to catch the others off guard. He rarely explains his bakes, and his ability to mix flavours that shouldn't work but somehow do is infuriating. Sometimes, as he waits for things to bake, he uses the free time to play music on the baking equipment.
5. False: Works as a bodyguard. She says the details of her job are classified and never brings it up again. Nobody is sure if she's joking, but she's built. She's a very precise builder, with perfectionist tendencies that can sometimes come back to bite her if she focuses on them too much. She jumps between different themes with ease when decorating.
6. Grian: Works as an architect. He's fond of going big with his bakes, trying to push the limits of what's possible. However, he often gives himself too much to do, and ends up having to rush, disguise unfinished parts or the other contestants help him finish. He's bubbly in front of the camera and enjoys the occasional prank.
7. Impulse: Works as an electrical engineer. Also anxiety central. He's a very technical baker who's brilliant at following recipes. However, he will restart a bake if very minor things go wrong, which often leaves him pressed for time. Despite this, he's one of the most likely people to jump in and help someone who's struggling.
8. Keralis: Owns a bookstore. He loves decorating and his bakes are always some of the prettiest in the tent. Although he has a sleek, modern style, he can branch out when needed. He makes up his own pronunciation for ingredients, bakes and the other people in the tent. Gradually, everyone else starts using them too.
9. Scar: Works as a landscaper. Skilled at detailing and has out of the box thinking for his designs. Likes creating vehicles. However, sometimes he finds himself hiding bad baking with his decoration. His name proves accurate when half of his arm ends up bandaged in the first episode. Becomes good friends with Bdubs because of this.
10. Stress: Works as a personal trainer. Her bakes are always bright and colourful. It isn't a Stress bake if it doesn't make you smile. She's fairly equal on her decorating and her baking and enjoys a cartoonish style. A delight to have in the tent, loves helping other contestants and cheers them up if something doesn't go to plan.
11. xB: Medical researcher. His bakes are always creative, with fun stories behind them, if a bit dark. He's soft-spoken and doesn't raise his voice. He never quite swears but always comes close. The others can tell something's gone wrong when they hear a quiet 'dangit' or 'son of a-' and somebody jumps to find out what's happened.
12. Xisuma: Works as bee-keeper. He loves big shapes and patterns in his bakes. Often keeps things healthy(ish). He's primarily a technical baker and researches and practices his bakes extensively. However, he has a tendency to panic and makes silly mistakes (salt instead of sugar, forget to turn on the oven, etc.) 
The Crew Members:
Camera Crew:
Mumbo: Sometimes mistaken for being on a work placement/internship. He enjoys his work and takes a lot of the detail shots of the bakes. Although he can keep to himself, Iskall often brings him out of his shell and encourages him to chat with the contestants.
Ren: He's an incredibly chill presence to be around. He'll do his best to chat with contestants in-between filming and try to calm them down or hype them up. Usually he films stressful sequences with a reassuring smile and kind words. He enjoys singing in their downtime.
Zed: Very bouncy. He enjoys rushing around the tent to get over the shoulder shots or focus on the detail. He's good friends with Tango, and maybe he occasionally worries he’s ‘broken’ something to get the chance to talk to him on set. 
Wels: He's calm and organised. He tests everybody's microphones are working and manages audio levels. He's good at handling distractions, but if they manage to catch him off-set they find he has a fun sense of humour and can give genuinely good advice. Enjoys singing to test the microphones when he thinks nobody's listening.
Iskall: Most of his work is done off-set, and he becomes good friends with the contestants, discussing their plans for bakes and chatting. He'll dart onto set to touch up make up when the cameras are off, offering words of encouragement as he does. Though it’s a bit concerning when he calls people’s bakes ‘of doom’.
On-site Medic:
Bdubs: Bdubs is a familiar sight with the accident prone contestants. He's always there with calm words and enthusiasm, talking the contestant down from their worry about their injury, helping them to relax. Despite his silliness, it's obvious he takes his job seriously. The contestants are glad to have him.
Set Manager:
Jevin: A bit chaotic, but he helps make sure things are set for filming. He enjoys getting the ingredients ready for the day and working out what they'll need. He also enjoys bullying Hypno. They've worked together a few times now. He enjoys a good joke when he gets the chance.
Hypno: Fairly relaxed, but he can appreciate a good joke and he appreciates Jevin. He helps organise ingredients and makes sure that things run smoothly on set. Very precise with his work, he doesn't cut corners and makes sure everyone has what they need, when they need it. A good person for the contestants to talk to.
Joe: He takes great pride in searching recipes, trying new things and adding them to his repertoire. Sure he might use a few too many words, but he's good at his job. He's not often on set, working mostly with Jevin and Hypno behind the scenes. But he might step in as tech if he's needed. A bit of a cryptid to the contestants.
Tango: A good friend of Zed. Even though he has some... Less than professional terms, he does his job well, and enjoys the opportunities he gets to socialise with the bakers. Very smiley and friendly, however if he’s in the tent, it’s likely something has gone very wrong. He's terrible at baking himself, much to the amusement of those who find out.
Doc: More serious than Tango, he's there to do a job, not make friends. Then he ends up making friends anyway. They're infectious. Grian enjoys 'breaking' things to annoy him (and have a chance to pull him on set to talk to him.) He does, secretly, enjoy the shenanigans the contestants get up to. But he'd never admit it.
Keeping in mind, I care less about the accuracy of this and more about The Shenanigans:
The first time Xisuma gets everything correct in a bake, he is convinced he’s still got something wrong. He spends the entire time until judging expecting there will be something wrong with it that they only discover during judging. A lot of memes are made out of his worrying.
At the end of filming during the heatwave, they have a lake party. Someone challenges Cub to jump in the lake and he cannonballs straight in. The others are surprised. Scar, who knows him well enough by then, is not. Doc is dragged in. Xisuma sits neatly on the edge and looks so relaxed they’d feel too guilty pulling him in. Keralis sits next to him and splashes him a little instead.
Cleo will make frequent asides to her students to try and impart good messages. Sometimes she swears during them. Then swears again upon realising. She uses her teacher voice on the other contestants a few times by accident (and on purpose.)
Someone doubts False’s strength. It’s probably Grian. She makes a beeline straight for him and hauls him onto her shoulder. And possibly into the lake. She makes it her mission to pick up most of the guys, whether they’re ready or not (with prior consent, of course.)
Stress and False work out together in the mornings. Sometimes some of the other contestants will join them and she’ll lead an impromptu work out session. She also does yoga in the evenings to calm down after filming. A fair few join her for that. 
Some of Etho’s jobs include: ‘I’m a gardener so I want this cake to include edible flowers’, ‘I’m a beekeeper so I wanted to use honey.’, ‘I’m a piano tuner so music is a big part of my life’, ‘I used to hack as a part-time job’. His job subtitle changes each episode. He gets a lot of concerned looks from other contestants.
Grian and Scar become frenemies because they’re bench buddies. Grian loves bullying Mumbo off-camera. He argues with Iskall over wearing anything but a red sweater. He loves complimenting everyone’s bakes. He makes a lot of friends. 
Tango and Zed often try to take jobs on the same productions. Zed likes to bother Tango with stupid ways to make broken tech work. Impulse will sit there and try to fix it in earnest. They have to remind Impulse he’s supposed to having a break before filming resumes. The three quickly become friends and can be found hanging out together.
During one of the heatwaves, Impulse near passes out from heat exhaustion. There’s eleven concerned people crowding around him, and it’s one of the only times Bdubs has to seriously raise his voice to gain control of the situation. The others are all sat outside in the shade and given water. Impulse goes back to the hotel and is ambushed by a lot of very concerned friends later that day. They take good care of him and threaten to beat him up if he doesn’t take better care of himself.
During Saturday evenings is when they’ll all lounge around the hotel and hype each other up for the show stopper. They like discussing what their plans are and sharing their ideas. A lot of dumb things happen to help work off the nervous excitement. 
There’s also a lot of calming each other down when they’re stressed out and caring about each other. It’s the Found Family VibesTM.
Even though washing up is supposed to be a punishment, a group of them usually end up doing it together and singing loudly and terribly to the radio.
One of the contestants catches Wels singing as he tests his microphone and drags him outside to come and jam with the contestants. Ren joins in. Etho provides backing. It delays things a little but they agree it’s worth it.
Keralis and Beef at some point have some made up war between them that is completely stupid, entirely overdramatic, and gives all the contestants a lot to laugh about.
There is, absolutely, a prank war part way through the season. It also extends off-set. Nobody is safe.
I haven’t seen anyone doing this AU before, and I apologise if they have! I hope there’s enough unique ideas to set it apart. But yeah, this is the AU I use when I just want some Fluffy content. Thanks for reading!
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bi-dazai · 3 years
okay while we're on the subject of eating healthy and exercising, I want to vent/talk about weight loss. This is gonna be a rly controversial, very personal and extremely long post but I do want to make a point. I'm not going to discuss every fucking nuance of haes or my EDs. But for clarity, know that my eds are complicated and were mostly osfeds - minor anorexia osfed in high school and bed osfed when I was 18-19. after i realised how fat i was the minor anorexia came back and over the pandemic it became full scale anorexia nervosa.
I'm 5'3. The healthy weight range I should be in is in the high 40s-low 50s. I went up to TWICE that by the time I was just nineteen years old. It wasn't fun being fat. I consumed as much fat acceptance, fat activism content as I could, I pretended I was confident and happy even when I was fat. But I wasn't. Because people don't just get obese accidentally. A little overweight, yes. But obese? No. You get obese from depression, from giving up. You don't want to move so you don't. You're sad all the time, and the body positivity circles say eat comfort food, whatever and as much as it makes you feel better!! Do you know what that is? That's encouragement of BED. Do not say that. Because I did that. I ate sugar and junk food, I was still depressed.
I was reading these posts that were claiming fat people shouldn't be weighed at the doctor, that your weight shouldn't count, that BMI is incorrect and doesn't matter, etc etc. There were posts saying that they got "perfect bloodwork" (what even is that? I knew that was wrong, I've had chronic iron deficiency for a decade!) even though they were fat, so they had to be healthy, right? I got shown pictures of obese ballerinas and obese weightlifters blah blah blah. And I grew and grew, and I got to almost 85kg on the fast track to 100kg before reality smacked me in the face and I realised I was shortening my lifespan by decades.
Here's what it was like being obese!
- joint pain, constantly
- could barely walk anywhere without feeling out of breath
- couldn't find any fashionable, good quality clothes (plus size stores either carry unfashionable clothing, or fashionable but cheap quality clothing. I don't like to waste money on cheap clothes)
- more acne than I'd had in years
- oily skin
- more difficulty feeling "full"
- rashes from skin rubbing against skin!
- even larger chest, making me MORE dysphoric
- back pain!!
- snoring - this is not just embarrassing. This is potentially deadly.
this was just things I felt physically, noticeably! The things that my fat was doing on the inside was even worse. Fat isn't just this layer of packing peanuts that appears on top of you. It coats your organs. It gets everywhere. It makes your entire body run worse.
Fat also makes it much more likely for you to not just GET cancer, but it it also makes it harder to FIGHT cancer. Being obese makes almost every single goddamn sickness on the planet worse because when you have THAT MUCH fat tissue the hormones and shit it secretes fucks EVERYTHING up.
Yes there are obese bodybuilders. Yes there are obese ballerinas. Let's talk about those two.
There are plenty of drs and dieticians who have pointed out the obvious - if an obese person was really, actually eating healthily and exercising every day, they would not stay obese forever. Its not magic, it's thermodynamics. CICO done right works for everyone. If you are eating healthy, appropriate portions for weight loss at your TDEE and exercising it would literally be IMPOSSIBLE for you not to lose weight!! Even more the heavier you are because when you exercise you carry around a lot more weight.
Obese weightlifters are still obese. They are not proof you can be obese and healthy. They are still going to die younger if they do not lose weight.
Let's talk about fat ballerinas. The only ones I've seen are trainee ballerinas, not professional ones. And their performance looks impressive at first, until you look closer. You notice their balance is never quite perfect, their control can be amazing and the best ever but they'll still be off. Why? Because fat moves around with your movement, and it displaces your balance and your line of movement. It's simply not possible to do something like ballet dancing as a fat person without risking major injury as well. En pointe is already stupid dangerous for the skinniest ballerina. Going en pointe at anything above 60kg is going to get progressively suckier the heavier you go. And god help your ankles because falling down will always end in a major injury.
I'm so fucking done with "fat acceptance". I'm tired of "body positivity" being a movement about obese middle-upper class white women and not about scars and disabilities etc like it was focused on in the start. I have no problems with Health at Every Size - every person should feel happy to workout, to eat healthy. I have no problem raising issue with people bullying others for their weight as well. That's wrong. But pretending that it's Healthy at Every Size is a fucking lie, and it's one that could've sentenced me to an early death. Healthy at Every Size said I was condemned to joint pain and oily skin and depression and exhaustion for the rest of my life based on cherrypicked sentences from studies that didn't agree with them. That "95% of diets fail" sentence in particular drives me up the wall. You don't need a diet to lose weight, you need healthy CICO, you need to eat below your TDEE, you need to eat healthy, and you need to exercise. All you have to do at first is go on a 10-20 minute walk, whatever pace you like, a few times a week.
You can BE fit, you CAN lose weight! You are not sentenced to having joint pain and an increased risk for cancer and a less effective COVID vaccine for life. You can change your body in incredibly ways. You have no idea what you are capable of.
There's this myth that weight loss takes keto and shakes and diet pills and crash diets etc. It doesn't. All it is is making sure you eat less than your TDEE, eating HEALTHY calories, and getting your heartrate up by exercising at least 175 minutes a week.
The human body is not meant to be obese. There's no such thing as a set point weight. There's CICO, there's nutrition, there's making sure your muscles dont atrophy. Weight loss and fitness isn't some magic thing that youre just born able to do. I was lazy throughout my entire teens. I thought fitness was something the popular girls did. It's not. It's for everyone. and everyone, especially in places with an obesity epidemic such as the US, UK, and Australia, should make use of it. It's a good thing. Walking is one of the best things you can do for your body, and it's incredibly rewarding in every way. Eating healthy and not eating until you feel like you're going to burst is rewarding in every way. And it's not like you can't ever have junk food again, you just have to limit it to a treat, a once or twice per week thing. And honestly, it makes it much more enjoyable that way.
Now I want to talk a little about my anorexia. My weight loss journey came to anorexia. This is because it was an eating disorder I'd had for a long time. I did not see a trainer or dietician, and I consciously decided to push myself too far. I consciously decide to eat less and exercise more when I am starving. This is not something that just happens because someone is eating at 1200cals. It happens because you have an eating disorder which you are born with. Saying people who eat 1200cals of healthy food a day and exercise right are "anorexic" is so fucking insulting to everyone involved. It's ableist and ignorant. 1200cals is also a pretty generous amount for anorexic ppl to eat. That's close to a binge in ED standards, so that should give you a reference for how offbase saying 1200cals is "anorexic" is.
My anorexia is healthy habits pushed into eating disorder territory. I eat healthy, yes, but I don't eat enough. I exercise, yes, but I often push myself too far when I'm already lacking energy. The advice I give people for health is correct, and I'm never going to go around saying "eat less than 1200cals" as weightloss advice. Eat less, sure, but there's a limit. Calorie counting is a good thing to do, tracking your macros and nutrients is good. But I do it too much.
I know what's healthy, a lot of ppl with restrictive and purgative EDs do. People with EDs can give some awesome health advice, we just can't follow it because we have a mental disorder. Believe it or not people with EDs discussing their EDs are not "pro-ana", pointing out that anorexia and people with anorexia are real and not some boogeyman you use to justify not losing weight and eating healthy is not pro-ana. Anorexia existing is not pro-ana and anorexics being anorexic has nothing to do with fatphobia.
this post is a rambling mess but i rly had to get some stuff clear on how I feel abt this stuff because it's getting concerning how much unhealthy shit, and then straight up ableist shit, that the fat acceptance crowd spews out.
A little exercise won't kill you, eating healthy won't kill you. You are not sentenced to ugly plus size fashion and joint pain and being out of breath for the rest of your life. Leave the Healthy at Every Size death cult and join the Health at Every Size movement. Let the doctor take your weight (it IS medically necessary). acknowledge that you are obese and it is affecting your health. It's scary but it can be the start of a new, healthy beginning. It was for me.
Losing 15kg has been the best thing in my life. Sure, the anorexia is there enjoying it for one reason. But the reason I truly enjoy it is because I've discovered what a healthier body feels like. I've discovered the joys of exercise, I've discovered the joys of eating healthy. I can fit nice clothes now. And I'm still overweight! I'm 66kg, that's 4kg away from the barest minimum acceptable healthy bmi. But I feel so so much better. I look better. I have a jawline! Good skin! Energy! It didn't fix me but it sure made me a hell of a lot better.
Please please try and eat healthy, eat an appropriate amount, go for walks. It's so so good, and if you do it right you WILL lose weight. You'll live past 50. You'll get to explore the world in a way you couldn't when going up stairs had you out of breath. You'll fit into that nice skirt you've been looking at. Your skin will clear up. You'll have energy and your mental health will improve.
It's so so fucking worth it to put effort into your health, like I cannot emphasise this enough. Please do it, I wish I could tell myself this when I was binging on junk because the FA crowd told me it was valid to comfort eat until I hurt.
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pawsitivevibe · 3 years
do you know anything about training rescue puppies that were previously trained for dog fighting ?
Okay, so firstly I want to say that I don't mean for any of this to come off as judgemental or doubtful, but tone can be hard in text. I mean for it to be explanatory.
Yeahhh so I'm gonna be real with you here: any dog that a rescue is claiming was rescued from dog fighting was not in fact rescued from dog fighting, it's just a very popular sob story to get people to adopt and donate and PETA types love to spread it around to try to get super strict dog ownership laws enacted ... It's also a story that gets used a lot whenever an unknown dog comes into rescue injured and scared, with untrue assumptions being made that "oh, the dog must have been used for fighting." A heck of a lot of people think that any bully type dog who is injured and aggressive and scared was used for dog fighting.
I mean, if you know for SURE that the dog was rescued from that kind of thing, okay. But 99% of the time that wasn't the case. Especially for a puppy. But if you happen to have the 1% dog who WAS, okay, cool, the nice thing about puppies is they are fairly moldable, and depending on their age some behaviours probably won't be set in yet. Now, even if the puppy wasn't actually verifiably "trained for dog fighting", the claim or assumption probably has some roots, right? So we can assume this an abused dog, and severe behaviour case, yeah?
The only advice I can give you is seek out a behaviourist ASAP. Someone who is well-known and well-recommended in your city, has a lot of credentials, leans heavily into science-based training methods, has a ton of experience with aggressive dogs, and can assess your dog in person and coach you through with private sessions. This is not cheap. But sometimes you can get a lot out of one or two sessions, and go home with lots of things you can work on by yourself. When it comes to this sort of thing, where we're assuming abuse/neglect has happened, and the dog is exhibiting aggression, then you absolutely 100% need to seek out professional help. Depending on what sort of behaviour you're seeing or whatever, you may even be able to get on with some online consultation. But if you have no experience training aggressive dogs, you need some help.
I have never actually needed to find a behaviourist myself. I've had one session with one, and she was recommended by my trainer. I believe there are certain certifications you can look for, and ways of finding listings for behaviourists online. You can also just punch in 'dog behaviourist YourCityName' in Google and see what comes up. Be wary though, that dog training is very unregulated and a lot of quacks claim to be behaviourists with no qualifications and shitty training methods (Caesar Milan, for an infamous example). Depending where you live, chances are there's probably at least one reputable, positive reinforcement based training school near you - this can also be a good place to start, as a lot of big schools will have a behaviourist or "behaviour counsellor" and offer private instruction. Look up 'dog training YourCityHere' and you'll likely be able to find any significant dog training schools near you. Look through their about or values pages and watch out for buzzwords like "alpha" , "pack leader", or "dominance." You'll want to stear clear of anyone advocating that kind of training. Instead look for things like "positive reinforcement", "rewards based training", "LIMA", "fear free training", "counter conditioning."
Here are some starting points for finding a behaviourist (these are organizations that accredit trainers/behaviourists):
Dogblr, any suggestions or tips for looking for a good dog behaviourist? Please weigh in!
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dhruvdhingra02 · 4 years
14 Business Ideas That Make Over $5000 A Month In 2020
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In this article, I’ll tell you 14 business ideas with the minimum investment you can start in 2020.
In order to make money by yourself, you must be aware of some great business ideas.
So, what are the things that come into your mind before starting a business?
You must be thinking about what type of business suits you the most? How much money do you need to invest to start your business? How much profit could your business make?
There are over 590 million entrepreneurs in the world. Although some businesses are generating a lot of revenue more than 23% of small businesses fail within 1 year.
Some businesses have a low-profit margin that means until the business becomes successful, it won’t be able to make a lot of profit. While some of the businesses have a very high-profit margin, so they can easily make a living from it, even before they become successful.
As the economy continues to evolve, we will notice that the youth will start focusing more on small businesses or entrepreneurship rather than traditional employment.
Starting a business is never easy; there is no quick scheme to make money without any hard work. You need to start your business from scratch and gradually build it up. So, if you are dedicated enough to make money, all you need is 1 simple idea and you could be on your way to grow your business in no time.
So, today I will be going to share with you some of the best profitable business ideas with minimum investment to start making your income in 2020 without having any type of skill. Make sure you continue reading the article.
Below you’ll see some of the best business ideas to start in 2020.
1. Personal Trainer
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Personal training is the field which will be around for a very long time because almost every individual in the world looks after their health and fitness. Clients pay a lot of money for personal trainers.
In order to become a personal trainer, you don’t really require having your own gym; instead, you just need a Certification in order to become a certified personal trainer. It depends on you how you utilize your certification.
You can work in commercial gyms, personal training studios, hospitals, health centers and you can also train your clients in their homes.
There are some trainers who charge over $15-$30 for every single hour. On average, a personal trainer can earn up to $42,000 per annum.
2. Consulting
Consulting is a service-based business. It is basically an act of giving professional advice, solving financial or operational issues that their clients might have.
Consultants are basically hired by the companies in order to resolve any specific issue that they are facing.
They are basically of 3 types:
Financial Consultants:- They majorly focus on finance and increases the company’s revenue. They work on global expansion and acquisition. They are the consultants that give advice to the highest level companies. The average salary of a financial consultant is $88,675 per annum.
Management Consultants:- They look at operations and making things more efficient for example, changing the organizational structure and strategy of other companies, develop services and reduces cost as well. The average salary of a management consultant is $83,771 per annum.
Technology or IT Consultants:- They are the ones who work with their clients and advises how to use information technology in order to grow their business and overcome any problem. An average salary of an IT consultant is 1,12,405 per year.
It is one of the best business ideas all over the world.
3. Moving Service
People really pay you money in order to move their furniture from one house to the next.
You don’t have to do all this stuff instead you can hire labor that will work for you. You can easily hire multiple people if you are engaged in a lot of work.
To grow your business, make sure you start advertising on social media platforms and run Google ads. You need a website for this. If you don’t want to buy a domain name, you can go to Wix.com and create a free website.
This will ultimately help you to expand your reach and getting more clients.
Make sure you come up with a business name and a legal identity which lasts for a long time.
You can either buy a truck or work with the moving truck random companies for your business.
To get more clients, you can also use TaskRabbit which is an online marketplace where you can get jobs like cleaning, driving, lifting heavy objects, etc. Here you can earn over $50 per hour.
4. Ecommerce
It is a billion-dollar industry that is growing every single day.
The reason is that no one really wants to go outside and spend their time purchasing any kind of stuff; instead, they can do a little bit of research on mobile and buy the product online without even spending more than 2 minutes.
You can leverage your own eCommerce brand just like Amazon, Shopify, etc. or become an affiliate.
You can also do dropshipping as well where you just have to build clients and ship the products directly from the manufacturer to the customer.
So, if you are good at building sufficient clients to increase the number of sales, you can easily make a full-time income from home.
It is one of the best online business ideas.
5. Online Freelancing
There are many freelancing sites such as Upwork, Fiverr, etc where you can offer specialized services to your clients. Here you can find professionals who are offering unique skills and jobs.
In fact, most of the service providers are young men i.e. between 18-35 years of age.
It is a tremendous opportunity to quit your regular job and become a freelancer to generate a self-supporting income.
In order to make money from freelancing, you need to figure out which specific skill or a job you can provide that suits you the most.
Read- 9 Highest Paying Freelancing Jobs In 2020
6. Content Marketing
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Content marketing is the strategy of putting out content and letting the content do the marketing for you.
It is basically providing valuable information online and making money by selling the product or services on that subject to your audience.
Once you have a great product to sell, you need to decide where you actually want to sell. You can either go with a YouTube channel or a website or any social media platform.
In order to make money, you need a significant amount of traffic where you can sell your own courses, affiliate links or any other accommodation. This way you will be more likely to increase your sales online.
7. Drive With Uber
It is a pretty good way to earn a decent amount of money. On average, an Uber driver can earn up to $30,000 per year.
In order to become an Uber driver, make sure you follow all the steps:
♦ You need to be 21 years old or over.
♦ You require having a driving license.
♦ They will also be going to check your background i.e. you don’t have any kind of criminal history.
♦ You should be a good driver.
♦ You should be having your own car.
8. Proofreading
Proofreading is the process of analyzing the grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, punctuation and formatting the manuscripts, documents, and articles for websites.
There are actually more than 1000 companies all around the world who are willing to hire a proofreader just for editing their content.
All types of documents are written every single day consistently in order to grow their business and you will notice that people are offering services like proofreading, editing on these popular websites like Upwork, Fiverr, freelancer, etc.
On average, a proofreader can expect to earn around $25-$40 per hour.
So, if you are good at editing part, and you are willing to do it from home, then it is a very good source to generate your income.
9. Software Testing
Software testing is the process of evaluating any errors or issues present in the software. It is an activity that checks that there is no defect in the computer software.
There are many software companies that are looking for software testers who can test their software which are not functioning correctly.
You can go to user testing which is a good platform for testers and make an account on it.
An average software tester can expect to earn around $8,000 per month. If you are an expert in programming, you can expect to earn a 5 figure income as well.
10. Sell eBooks
If you are very passionate about writing books and novels, you must go for this business.
Here you don’t need to be an expert author; ebook is simply a combination of some sort of knowledge which is in the written form.
Once you write an ebook, you need to upload it to kindle publisher. You can sell your books on your website, Amazon or any other eCommerce platform.
If you publish your ebook on Amazon, you will notice that within 2-3 your ebook will be available on kindle store. Amazon ranks your ebook naturally.
When more and more people start downloading your ebook and leave a positive review on that, this will ultimately help to boost your rankings and you will be getting a lot of traffic and sales from Amazon.
On the other hand, you can also start selling ebook on your website, you can buy a low priced hosting.
It is one of the great business ideas to make a passive income.
11. Online Tutorials
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In order to become an online tutor, you need to have excellent teaching skills in a particular field.
An online tutor usually makes around $10-$15 per hour and sometimes even more than that, it basically depends on your teaching skills and experience.
You can easily make an account and starts teaching on websites like elevate, Cambly, tutor, etc.
There are a number of students all around the world who need help to complete their home works and want to gain knowledge in order to pass their exams.
This is a good source to overcome your financial freedom and helping over 1000 students while working for just 3-4 hours a day.
12. Interior Decorator
This is one of the best and most evergreen business ideas all over the world. If you are a creative person and you love decorating the furniture of the rooms, then this business is perfect for you.
In order to become an interior designer, you really don’t need any extensive degree.
However, you can do certain courses just to enhance your skills and experience.
Many colleges offer associate degrees and short courses on interior design. You can also start learning from online tutorials as well.
The average income that an interior designer can expect is around $50,000 per annum.
13. Online Travel Agent
Travel agents are the ones who help people to arrange their plans on their holidays, giving them advice and also help in finding the best deals and reputable service providers.
They basically manage all the arrangements such as booking airline tickets, hotels, tour packages, providing transportation facilities and cruises for passengers.
Although there are many people who can do all this stuff on their own as well.
This field doesn’t require any degree or course, it depends upon them whether they work from home or not.
On average, an online travel agent usually takes 10%-20% on every booking they make i.e. if they book a hotel in $200, they will be getting around $20-$40 in hand.
Some of the best travel agencies are G Adventures, TrekAmerica, Contiki Tours, etc.
14. Advertising Agent
It is one of the best business ideas where you can make a significant amount of money without investing as well.
There are a lot of opportunities available out there whether you do Google advertising, Instagram ad agency or anything related to social media.
This is a massive opportunity for making money with your own digital advertising agency.
There are a bunch of businessmen who are looking to hire advertising agencies on their behalf in order to run their business.
So, if you have a good knowledge of running these ads, you can start making money today.
The average salary of an advertising agency is nearly $65,000 per annum. It may vary depending upon their skills and experience.
In conclusion, I would like to say that when you start a business, you need to put a lot of time and effort, especially if you work online.
Online working has its own advantages but sometimes it is tiring as well. You can’t expect to make money overnight even if you’ve got high skills.
So, in this article, I have talked about 14 easy business ideas with minimum investment that you can try to leverage in order to make a living and overcome your financial freedom.
I will upload more articles related to this, while in the meantime if you find something interesting in our article, you can share your views with us in the comment section.
Also, tell which of the technique you find best in our article.
Also read,
20+ Best Business Ideas To Start In 2020
70+ Small Business Ideas To Start In 2020.
10 Best Passive Income Ideas In 2020
14 Online Ways To Make Over $1000/mo.
16 Best Ways To Make Passive Income in 2020.
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trainingfordogs · 4 years
Brain Training 4 Dogs Online Training Course Review
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Link product:Brain Training 4 Dogs
Is Brain Training 4 Dogs the best Online dog Training course?
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Brain Training for dogs by certified trainer, Adrienne Farricelli is a unique science-based dog online dog training course. The training methods, content quality and support offer fantastic value for money.
User Experience
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As soon as you get a dog, your thoughts turn to training them. Of course, it’s only natural to want an obedient dog whom obeys your commands and doesn’t pee all over the place.
Unfortunately, training a dog can be hard work. Especially, if you don’t have much experience with it. People usually turn to the internet for dog training advice and resources like Smiling Staffy. Obviously, I love the amount of information that’s available online (we have an entire site dedicated to helping staffy owners solve problems and look after their dogs).
However, searching online is generally better for times where you have a specific issue or question concerning your dog. When it comes to general training, it’s difficult to find a solid set of organised steps that you can take to turn your dog into a well-mannered intelligent member of the family.
This is where dedicated online training courses come in and my current favourite is Brain Training 4 Dogs by Adrienne Farricelli. This course is designed to take your dog from the very beginning and basics of training all the way to super-advanced techniques like playing the piano (yes! This is really part of the course).
Whether you’re just hearing of Adrienne’s course for the first time or you came here to find out more about it, this article is for you. It will give you an in-depth look at the course from somebody who actually paid for it and owns it. You’ll then be able to decide if it is the right kind of course for you before parting with your hard-earned.
What is Brain Training for Dogs?
Brain training for dogs by Adrienne Farricelli is a unique online dog training course aimed at improving your dog’s intelligence in order to transform them into an obedient and clever dog by engaging their mind.
The main philosophy for the program is the use of force-free training methods, which is something I love and I’m sure you will too. These methods mainly come in the form of games that you play with your dog to reinforce certain training principles and goals.
An example of one of these games is Adrienne’s “Airplane Game”, which is used to control your dog’s attention. Check out the video below to see how this game works:
The brain training for dogs course is filled with games like this and is ordered in terms of difficulty and progression. This makes it easy to follow and gives you a simple path to track your dog’s progress.
About the Instructor
Adrienne Farricelli is a professionally certified dog trainer and behaviour specialist who has been working with dogs since 2006.
From working in an animal hospital to the local shelter, today, Adrienne holds dual qualifications in dog training.
She became certified by the Italian association for Dog Trainers and Canine Consultants after completing an apprenticeship under a master trainer.
I think it’s fair to say that Adrienne knows how to train dogs and her methods of zero-force and positive reinforcement are certainly preferred to out-dated techniques of dominance and punishment.
Following this she gained CPDT-KA certification in the United States. This stands for “certified pet dog trainer – knowledge assessed”, which is a highly-valued qualification that requires some strict terms to be met to achieve it. To maintain her CPDT-KA status, Adrienne also needs to continue her learning by attending various other courses so you can be sure her knowledge is up to date and it shows during her brain training for dogs course.
Her efforts and endeavours have also been voiced in many international newspapers and events like “USA Today”, “Daily Puppy,” and “Nest Pets.”
Also, Adrienne is an amazing writer. Her writings have been published in “Every Dog Magazine” and “The APDT Chronicle of the Dog.”
What's Included in the Brain Training 4 Dogs Program?
Once you’ve purchased the course, you’ll gain instant access to the Brain Training 4 dogs member’s area, which acts like a dashboard where you can access all of the materials included in your purchase.
When I first opened the member’s area, I was very pleasantly surprised to see the amount of content that was on offer. There are a number of bonuses included on top of the standard brain training course.
Here’s exactly what you get as a course member:
Brain Training 4 Dogs
This one will be no surprise to you; it is the main course and is probably where you’ll start your journey.
Behaviour Training for Dogs Online
As part of your course membership, you also receive exclusive access to a second, bonus course. This was a nice little surprise for me since I didn’t know this was part of the deal.
The behaviour training for dogs course is a 3-module course that focuses on solving 5 very specific and common dog behaviour problems:
Although the main course will reinforce good behaviours to help these issues, this little course is great for targeting these specific problems directly if your dog displays any of them.
Resources Section
This area includes all of the necessary items you’ll need to complete the courses. Any downloadable resources and product recommendations that are needed for both courses can be found here. It is helpful to have this stuff in one place.
Adrienne’s Archive
Here, you’ll find over 100 dog training articles that have been written by Adrienne. These can serve as extra learning materials for you as you learn how to become a better owner and trainer to your dog.
There’s also another surprise bonus here (although, it won’t be after I ruin it for you, sorry!). You get access to a video archive that includes a couple of extra behaviour videos as well as some cool trick training videos.
Over-the-Shoulder Case Studies
I thought this was a really nice addition to the course and something I haven’t seen online dog trainers do before. Here, Adrienne has included some over-the-shoulder videos of dogs that she has personally trained. You get to see each step as she trains these dogs on their individual behaviour problems.
Private Member’s Forum
The forum is the place to go to ask any questions or queries you might have relating to your dog’s behaviour. Generally, you’ll get answers to your question from the community and even Adrienne herself will contribute. In fact, Adrienne is very active on the forum and does respond to many questions.
I will say some of the videos could do with being updated and re-edited since some are looking a bit old now. However, the information is top-notch, and they all get the job done.
Inside the exclusive Brain Training for dogs private forum
As you can see, you really do get quite a lot included within this course. There is more than enough material to help you transform your dog into an obedient angel as long as you’re consistent with it.
Brain Training 4 Dogs Course Structure
The course recently had a revamp and now features a much easier to follow layout as well as video modules. In the past, some of the lessons were mainly written so the addition of video is extremely welcome.
The course is very straightforward to navigate since it is laid out in a step-by-step order, which means you can pickup where you left off at any time with ease.
In total, there are 5 course modules to follow:
Module 1: Getting Started
Module 2: Obedience Training 101
Module 3: Polishing Up Training
Module 4: Brain Training (the main course)
Module 5: Closing Words
A Closer Look Inside Brain Training 4 Dogs
As I mentioned above, the main part of the course is the brain training in module 4. This is where you’ll discover the majority of the dog training lessons and content.
To make it easy to see your progress, the main course is divided into a school style layout that indicates the difficulty level of each section. At the end of each section, there is a graded challenge where you’ll be able to assess how well your dog performs in the tasks you have been learning together.
Grading Table
There is a grading structure so you can see very clearly when your pup is ready to move on to the next level or if they may need a bit more nurturing and practice.
The best way to take this course is to follow the step by step pattern and complete all of the modules and sections in order. This makes it so simple to follow. After all, the course was designed by a pro so it would be wise to follow along in the designed order.
Inside the Brain training 4 Dogs Course Dashboard
Level I - PreSchool
As the name suggest, this section is all about the basics. You and you dog will learn about brain power and how to quickly respond to your command. We all know the frustration of a pup ignoring us so this level is a valuable one.
The pre-school level target’s your dog’s attention, which is crucial if you are to progress on to the later, more advanced lessons. Here are a few of the lessons and games that are taught at this stage.
“Target Train” the lazy monster to get his eyes on you. Start by teaching your pooch to focus on your hand, stick or a ball. Afterwards, you can extend the target by making him open the door or ringing bells.
The necessary “Eye Contact” with your dog to make the communication strong and improve interaction. This will help him to behave properly all the time and become a good boy/girl.
The simple and interesting “Airplane Game” to make your pooch pay attention to you and look into your eyes
Level II - Elementary
Here's a peak inside the module pages. This is where you'll find your lesson videos.
​After cracking the first level, now, it’s important for your dog to learn to fulfil your demands and enhance his/her skills.
The elementary level introduces few games that your dog will love and find very interesting to play all the time. Of course, they’ll be learning as to listen to demands as they play these mini-games.
Teaching a rewarding game like “Treasure Hunt” will rejuvenate your lazy dog and will make his/her routines interesting.
The simple and inexpensive “Muffin Game” will challenge his brain and will also help encourage him to win.
The mood-lifter “Ball Pit Game” that will make him put energy into a task by triggering his mental power.
Level III - High School
​Congratulations, at this level, your dog will be all set to learn about endurance and self-control. This will control his excitement and encourage him to be calm in some of the more stimulating day to day situations.
Here are a few examples of some calming behaviour games included in the level of the course.
Control the behaviour of your dog with the “Jazz Up & Settle Down” game that will teach him/her manners and build a relationship. So, no more jumping like crazy when you come through the door.
The interactive “Bottle Game” will let your dog exercise a bit and will keep him busy and entertained for a long period of time.
“Bobbing for treats” will help your dog to behave well as he/she will get the reward for following the commands.
Level IV - College
​By this point, your pup will be getting rather advanced and is ready to move on to some more demanding lessons where his/her motor skills will be developed so they can react intelligently to commands.
The college module includes games that will boost the mental capacity of your dog and will let him/her remain calm in exciting situations.
The “Shell Game” will enhance their mind by playing on the dog’s superior sense of smell. This fun little game is excellent for engaging your pups’ mind and keeping them from getting bored.
The “Open Sesame Game” will let your dog remain cool and calm when somebody comes through a door in your home.
The “Magic Carpet Game” will again help in better understanding and tranquillity during times of potential excitement.
Level V - University
Now, your dog enters the senior level of the training programme. He/she will already be super calm and obedient by this point so now it is time to move on to teaching them all about emotional and impulse control.
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This level will help in making your dog a better-behaved dog by using the following games to teach him or her how to be more confident and resist temptation:
The “Hide & Seek” game is a fun game for both yourself and you dog. It helps to create a stronger bond between you and is great for helping dogs with issues when being left alone.
“The Look” game is designed to eliminate unwanted barking at others, especially when your dog is looking out of the window.
The fun and trouble-free “Hot & Cold Game” will boost up your dog’s spirit and will help to boost their learning ability as well.
Level VI - Graduation
​A you’ve probably gathered by now, this is one of the most advance section of this training programme. The graduation level is all about developing advanced level motor skills and the intelligence to effortlessly obey your commands.
Here’s an example of the kind of learning games included at this level:
“Leg Weaving Skills”. An excellent skill to teach your dog to obey more complex commands and to impress your pals at the same time!
The game, “Serpentines and Spiral” will train your pup to stay by your side at all times, even as you make erratic and unpredictable movements.
“Name Recognition” is an extremely cool technique that teaches your dog to recognise items by name. He/she will learn how to pick out toys by name and bring them to you.
Level VII - Einstein
​Finally, your pooch is a genius now, and, by reaching this level he/she can easily impress any human they want with their skills and talent.
Teach your dog to keep his area clean even after hours of playing with the “Tidy up Game”. An invaluable lesson to learn.
The “Ring Stacker” game will again test your dog’s patience and encourage them to develop extra self-control.
“Play the Piano”. This one sounds a bit unbelievable but apparently, it’s doable. I have not reached this level with my dog yet but there are many who have, and they tell me it is certainly possible.
There really is so much content inside the brain training for dogs course. And that is without all the other bonuses I mentioned above.
My recommendation is to simply run through the brain training course as it is laid out then use the bonus behaviour training course to cover any more specific problems that your dog might run into.
Verdict - Is Brain Training 4 Dogs Worth it?
A Huge Amount of Content for the price your pay
Affordable, one-off payment
Highly qualified and experienced instructor
Safe, non-forceful approach
Simple to follow with videos and clear descriptions of the lessons/games
It's a fun way to train and bond with your dog!
Some of the videos seem to be old and do look a little dated
I felt a few of the games were a little unnecessary as they didn't seem to have a clear teaching purpose
Some of the lessons required equipment I didn't have around the house. A kids' pool, for example.
Final Verdict:
All in all, I really like this approach to training a dog; it is based around playing and rewards, which is great fun. The games are unique and some are pretty clever, which is perfect for keeping both you and your dog interested in the program.
I've already mentioned it a few times now but the course includes a large amount of helpful content and it is all simple to follow. As long as you're willing to put the time and consistent effort into it, it will help you to train your dog.
So, with all that being said, I would certainly recommend giving it a try. It is very affordable, a one-off payment of under £50 and comes with a 60-day unconditional money-back guarantee so you really can't lose.
link product: Training 4 Dogs
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rahullkohli · 5 years
about the weight watchers app for kids...i’m thinking it may be for overweight/obese kids? i can see it being mentally taxing for those who are at a normal weight for their size. can you explain more about how it’s child abuse?
hello. thank you so much for actually being chill and open for a dialogue, unlike how aggressive people have been about the post.
anyway, i have been thinking about how to tackle this one the entire day, and i am afraid it’s gonna be a long one, so i’ll put it under a cut. i’m just gonna start out with a little background about myself, to explain how i am forming my opinions on the subject, and where my knowledge comes from.
i have been overweight more or less my entire life, even though i have gone through anorexia and bulimia, and have been eating below my necessary calorie intake literally my entire life (i grew up very poor, so we just simply didn’t have enough, or satisfyingly nourishing, food in the house). to this day i struggle with disordered eating patterns and body dysmorphia. i have been lifting weights on/off for 12 years, and i have been seeing a licensed nutritionist for a year and a half now, which has helped me lose 22 kg. i am still working on it. i have worked with a long line of fitness trainers (my mom is a licensed fitness trainer, for one), and about three different nutritionists. so while i don’t have any education in either of those fields, i have worked with professionals that have taught me a lot. i have also studied psychology in college for a year, and specifically child psychology for another year - i also spent a year working with kids ages 2-6.
my two youngest sisters did a weightwatchers program when they were around 8 and 10, so i have also seen upclose how that works. that was many years ago - and not in america - so i do know that the way things worked then/works in america compared to where i live, may not be the exact same. but the guidelines for the company, and their strategies should be the same, since it is afterall the same company. now, both of my sisters lost weight. they also gained it back. and more, and more, and both of them are extremely overweight today. in the way that i am the “thin” sister, compared. and they are eating disordered. they have no grasp of how to deal with food. they are intelligent women, and they know the basics of “if you eat too much pizza and ice cream, you will gain weight” but they don’t know, and don’t have the energy, to apply it to how they live. they are not only compulsive overeaters, they also don’t have a healthy eating pattern that could help stabilize their metabolism.
okay, so with that out of the way, let’s get to the actual app - and weightwatchers.
the app offers a diet, even though it is a fact that diets do not work. they literally do not. people who go on a diet will gain the weight right back on, and more. because diets are short-term solutions, and they are designed to make someone lose X amount of weight in X amount of time. it is not sustainable - just as with the oh-so-popular juice cleanses. for someone to lose weight, and keep it off, a complete lifestyle change is needed, but that is just not as simple as some companies, magazines, blogs, etc. will make it sound. because every single person is unique and what their body needs to maintain a healthy weight is unique to them specifically. in order to lose weight your daily calorie intake needs to be in a caloric deficit, but this depends on your height, your current weight, how your body is built, and more. those are things the app simply don’t take into account. now, i haven’t actually downloaded the app myself (i refuse to give them the clicks), but a licensed trainer i follow on instagram posted screencaps on her story. as far as i could see they take height and weight, and that’s that. but the human body is much more complex than just height and weight - especially when it comes to children and teenagers, who are growing, and going through tremendous hormonal changes. but i will get to that later.
what should also be taken into account are things like hormonal imbalances, and the fact that people breaks down macronutrients (carbhohydrates, proteins and fats) differently. fx, my sisters have poly cystic ovary syndrome (pcos), which means that their bodies can’t handle carbohydrates very well, whereas i need most carbs, medium protein, small amounts of fats. but apps like these don’t take that into account, because it is impossible for an app to do a check for what every single individual needs. i for example recently found out that my body doesn’t break down dairy very well. i have been using plant based milk, yogurt, ice cream and butter, instead of animal based for years, and only very small amounts of animal based cheese, so when my nutritionist had me switch to animal based yogurt i started gaining weight. i went back to plant based and the weight went off.
nutrition and a healthy lifestyle cannot be taught simplistic, because it is about the individual, and it takes a trial, error and do-over period to find what works for your specific body. and what works for your body now, might not have worked ten years ago, or ten years from now, because hormones changes how our bodies processes macronutrients. but this app is a “one size fits all”-system.
and this system. the system it is using is based on shaming children; making them feel inadequate, making them scared, and ashamed of their bodies. the “before and after” photos i have seen, have all been kids who weren’t even that big to begin with. and the fact that the “goals” to choose from when signing up includes choices such as “make my parents proud” is manipulative and destructive for a child/teenager. no kid should ever even have the thought that they need to be a certain weight/size, or their parents won’t be proud of them. the entire set-up is sowing the seed that their weight is the deciding factor for their worth as people, which is the beginning to eating disorders.
now, kids’ bodies really start changing around the age of eight (the age of which you can sign up for this monster); these years are called pre-teens for a reason. hormones really start flowing, and body fat is really needed to help the hormones and toxins take care of the body. but if a child is forced to lose excessive amounts of body fats, this can’t happen. this is one of the reasons that professional child ballerinas, gymnasts, ice skaters, etc. don’t develop until very late. some don’t even get their period until their twenties, because their development has been stunted by excessive dieting and exercising.
their psyche of children and teens are also really delicate, and they are in the process of developing what kind of people they are going to be. not only that, also what their relationships with their bodies are gonna be like. if they are constantly told by their parents/siblings/apps that they need to lose weight, that they have to track and count every calorie they consider eating, and every step they take, does that seem like a healthy foundation for how they view their body, nutrition and exercise in the future?
the way the app works is with the so-called stoplight system, where if when you put in a food it will either give you a green light (good), yellow light (medium) or red light (bad) - but the thing is that, again, that is not how simple nutrition is. you would think that the red foods would be soda, ice cream, chips etc., and the green foods would be stuff like fruits and vegetables. but again, the trainer i followed said that she put in her food for the day: a protein bar, two eggs with bread, and a piece of fruit. the protein bar came up red, the eggs and bread yellow and the fruit green. now, all of these foods are things that are written down in my carefully calculated meal plan from my nutritionist. in my plan i also have lots of vegetables, pasta, rice, chicken, even chocolate and chips. but the thing is that it’s all about how much of it i eat. and that is another thing the app doesn’t seem to take into consideration. if i was to put in nothing but vegetables it would give me green light the whole way, but it would not be nourishing for a whole day. 
this app is forming their minds to spend all their energy worrying about what they eat, when they eat, how they eat. think of an eight year old with this app going to a birthday party - do you think they would be able to enjoy regular kiddie birthday party food, with the red light in the back of their heads? even if it is just one day? this app is gonna rob them of their childhood, and being able to enjoy life.
so, what i am trying to say is that the app is bad because the system doesn’t work. it is not teaching healthy habits, it is not giving advice on how to obtain a sustainable weightloss, and it doesn’t care about whether the children are actually overweight or not. it is created by a company whose sole purpose is to make money.
i don’t think that all of the parents who are buying into this are doing it because they are evil; i do believe that they think they are doing what is best for their children, but their views on body images and nutrition have also been skewed by the media and the diet culture we are living in. parents may look at their daughter’s chubby cheeks and think she’s unhealthy when she is literally just a kid with puppy fat that she will grow out of once adolescence hits. sure, there are kids who are truly in an unhealthy state with their bodies, but then the parents should have the help from a licensed professional, starting out with seeing a doctor who can tell them whether their child truly is overweight to a degree that it is dangerous, and from there on be referred to professionals that knows what they are doing. kids shouldn’t feel guilty when eating, but they will with this app.
i do realize that overweight is a problem, for both children and adults - not just in america, but most of the western world. (fun fact: the other day i saw a program that said that china is, as of 2017, the “fattest” country in the world, so it’s not just the western world, i just don’t have enough information about other places to say anything about that.) but a “one size fits all”-app is not the way to handle this issue. there are way too many layers to the problem to fix that.
not only is it important to remember that overweight does not equal unhealthy, regardless of age, gender, race, or anything else, but unhealthy overweight is especially tied to low-income persons, as nourishing food is much more expensive and accessible to people with middle-class and above incomes.
there is also the fact that education about proper nourishment is non-existent. what people know about dietary information is what they get from the media, where they will tell you garbage like goat milk is bad one day, and literally the next the same publication will tell you it’s the fountain of youth. it’s unreliable, and has no roots in actual science. even statistics can’t be trusted, because those often stem from surveys and projects paid for by big cooperations who are paying for an outcome in their favor.
so, to sum it all up; this app is based on a system that uses bodyshaming and guilt to throw kids and adults alike into a vicious cycle of yo-yo weight patterns, eating disorders and hateful relationships with themselves, their bodies and their sense of selfworth. i don’t think parents who buys into this app are overall evil, but it is an obvious tool for abusive parents who uses guilt, shame, punishment and scare tactics to manipulate their children into the above mentioned unhealthy patterns, because the parents themselves are victims of the fatphobic diet culture we are living in. not to mention that the parents don’t have access to proper information themselves.
aside from that, you can also see in the notes of the original post, that there are incredibly many people, who will tell stories about how forced diet in their childhood/teen years has been a kickstart to a lifelong series of mental and physical health issues.
this app is preying on scared parents to capitalize of a beauty obsessed ideal that is completely unrealistic.
i have also written a post about nutrition here that may be of interest to anyone reading this.
i am open to any questions, and constructive criticism. other than that i just hope i have been able to explain why i believe this app is harmful, and that it has been an informative read. thank you so much for reading to the end.
17 notes · View notes
seotipsandtricks-me · 5 years
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Starting out as a freelance writer can be confusing, can’t it? You have no idea what steps you should take, how you should be spending your time, or if you’re even doing the right thing. But the truth is that it doesn’t have to be that way: Starting a freelance writing business simple, easy and doesn’t require any money to get started. You just need to know the right steps to take, at the right time, to get your business moving. That’s where this article comes in, because in it I want to show you exactly what you need to do start a freelance writing business. Here’s what you can expect… What You’ll Learn The 7 free essentials you need to get started 9 easy ways any beginner can make money (without experience) How to find a profitable writing niche Where to find jobs that accept beginners (at good rates) How to write a pitch that will jump out of their inbox and into your bank account Who Am I To Teach You All Of This? Four years ago I was a dead broke shoe-salesman, with £18,500+ in debt; working 10 hours a day for £5 an hour. I had no qualifications, no connections and no idea what to do with my life. That was until I stumbled across an easy system for starting and growing a freelance writing business that transformed my life, freed me from debt, allowed me to travel to over 30 different countries and generate more than $120,000 in income. Then my passions turned to helping teach others start their own freelance writing businesses. And, I’m on the mission to help 1000 people like you start and grow a profitable freelance writing business. As a writer my work has been featured in some places you might have heard of: So, Matt approached me to write this article for you because, well…I know my stuff which lead me to create the Freelance Writers School. And if you follow the steps and the advice in this article, you too can start and grow a full-time freelance writing business. What Is Freelance Writing? A freelance writer is what I like to call a “Pen for hire”. You exchange your words (or time) for money, regardless of your niche or medium. You provide a writing service to a client based on their needs, which you’ll work out in advanced or will be published in their job description. Let’s say you’re a freelance writer who writes blog posts, and you’ve been contracted to write an article for Matt’s site. You’ll pitch an idea (or be given one) and you’ll work on this independently. The amount you’ll charge will be calculated on the amount of words, or the amount of time, it takes to write an article. You get paid when he’s happy with the article (you can get paid before once you’re more established), and you work together to make it right for his readers. You’re not an employee and you’re an equal partner to your client. Whilst this is a service and you’re obligated to provide what the client wants – the same way your phone provider is – this is a relationship between the two of you. Why Become A Freelance Writer? I’ll admit I’m bias, but freelance writing is one of the greatest jobs to do. Since 2014 I’ve been able to travel to over 30 countries, relocate to Germany, write for millions of readers, help people change their lives and earn more than $120,000. All whilst being able to sit at my laptop, sip coffee, and create art. You’re in control of your income – as long as you’re willing to put in the work – and can rid yourself of the shackles of a nine-to-five lifestyle. (Or use it to grow your income outside of your job). There are drawbacks, because you have to: find your own clients, motivate yourself, do your own taxes and learn extra skills. But if you want a life that you control, to do work that you love, whilst earning $40,000+ from the comfort of your own home, then every drawback is worth it. Quick Start Checklist: Do You Have What You Need? There are a few essentials you’ll need before you get started. The good news is that they’re freely available to anyone who wants to start this type of business. Here’s a short checklist: Computer: So you have somewhere to do, and save, your work. Internet Connection: You’re here so you’ve got that down. Email Address: Make it professional – [email protected] isn’t going to woo any clients. Word Processor: You can get this free from Google Docs or you can use Microsoft Office. Free WordPress Blog: So you can have a portfolio; but also practice writing and scribble down ideas as you go. A Paypal Account: That way you can get paid. A Desire To Write: Because this job is hard if you don’t enjoy it. That’s really all there is to it. The rest of it can be learned on the job. There’s no need for any extra products, or investments. If you find you do need anything you can just learn as you go. For example I’d been writing for a year before I knew what the legal requirements for an invoice were. It didn’t stop me making money or building a business, it just gave me an extra 60 minutes work at tax time. You also don’t need any qualifications. I have none, and I failed English at college. If I can do it, so can you. Get started and learn as you go. 9 Ways Beginner Freelancers Can Make Money Before we get into the nitty-gritty, I want to show you some of the ways that you can start making money writing in the next few months. These methods have lower barriers to entry and you can mix and match them whilst you find what you like to write, and to increase the amount of income streams you have. Freelance Blogging Freelance Blogging is how I’ve made 90% of my money over the course of my career (in conjunction with option too). It’s also one of the most beginner friendly ways to make money writing because the barriers to entry are much lower than elsewhere. There are two main options you should look at: Content Marketing: Writing blog posts for companies who are using blogs, social media and SEO to grow their business. Helping Bloggers: Lots of successful bloggers don’t have time to create all of their content anymore. You can come on board and help them with their workload. (100% the most fun way to earn money). Unless Google drops off the face of the earth tomorrow, or people decide they don’t want independent help and advice, then this is a way of making money that is here to stay too. Freelance Website Copywriting One of the easiest ways to break into freelance writing is by helping people create the copy for their new website. Here’s the thing: Hundreds of people get new websites made for their businesses every day. But they have no idea what they should write there. And why would your local plumber have any idea what they should write? Two of my first ever clients were local businesses (they were across a corridor from each other, so when I landed one I landed the other) who needed their websites writing for them. I saved them money doing it with the agency, and they helped me get my business off the ground. If you can find a local business with a new website where you can easily see they need better writing, or get friendly with a local design agency, you could find an endless stream of income. eBook Writing If you’re a specialist on a topic – let’s say from your past job, or what you studied at college – you can get your break into the industry writing eBooks for people. My first ever freelance writing job came writing a fitness eBook for a client through Elance (now UpWork), because I was a personal trainer when I was in my teens. Take a look at this video interview from Dave Koziel and Aleksander Vitkin: Dave’s entire business is built on freelance writer’s creating eBooks for him. And that’s just one guy. Think of how many sites sell eBooks, or offer them as a free download. Podcast And Video Script Writing Think Podcasters and YouTubers do everything off the cuff? Think again. Many of them have scripts that they work from to keep them on track and focused. And, even as a beginner, you could be the one to write them. One of my students, Rebekah Donovan, got one of her first gigs writing for a podcast in the health niche, without any experience as a freelancer. Transcription Speaking of Podcasts, Transcription is also a great place to get your foot in the door because it’s a non-skilled position. (You’re basically getting paid to write what someone said). However it can be incredibly valuable content for an online business. So, if you see a podcaster using transcription, you could be the one to help her. Translation Do you speak a second language, or is English not your first language? If so, there’s a market for you here. Many bloggers and content writers want to reach a wider audience, and if you can translate their content into: German, Spanish, Russian, French, Arabic, Chinese or any other language where there is high demand for content, you may have a niche. To make a professional note: you need to qualified to be a translator. However if you’re a fluent speaker of two languages, many potential clients won’t mind, as long as it’s accurate. Just be sure to declare up front. Review Writing Review’s come in a lot of different forms. You’re on an Internet Marketing site so you’re probably only thinking Amazon and Digital Product reviews, but your scope here fits into any niche: Product Review Writing: Amazon, Digital or other. This can extend into blog posts too, like this review Matt did of SERPed. And if you really want to grind, you can get paid by services like DooYoo to write reviews too. Show And Performance Reviews: If you’re interested in the arts, you can get involved with publications that will pay you (or at least cover expenses) to go and review shows. I got plenty of experience doing this with a local publication. Service Reviews: You can be hired to write a review on services in your niche. For example, writing about the customer service provided by a hotel or a retail chain. These all branch off into their own mini-niches too, that you’ll find as you become familiar with the niche you’re writing for. Product Description Writing When someone once asked me what I do for a living, I read out a mental list of topics and he said, “Oh yeah, I suppose someone has to write all of them!”. What he was referring to was Product Content Writing. Take a look at this random page for a fridge on Amazon that I pulled up: Someone has to write them, right? And they’re readily available jobs. I once went through and wrote product content for over 200 customer claims sites. It was as mind numbing as possible, but it sure felt good when I got that pay cheque. Ghostwriting Here’s a surprising fact: Many bloggers, business owners and even authors don’t personally write all of their own content. Often they bring in someone like me, a ghostwriter, to help them with their workload and create content they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to write. In all niches you can find clients screaming out for ghostwriting clients, and if you’ve got the ability to adapt and change your writing voice, this can be a long-term contract that pays well. Step Find Your Writer’s Niche Choosing a freelance writer’s niche is damn scary. By saying “I only write in this niche”, it feels kinda like you’re shutting yourself off from thousands of other paying clients you could work for. And, you are… But that’s a good thing. Let me explain: Working in a niche is kind of like playing a video game. At the early levels you get all of the lowest grade items, small payouts for your quests and all of the higher level characters can kill you in one swipe. But as you progress the levels, and specialise is a skill – magic, stealth, strength – you start getting better items, bigger payouts, and those n00bs will think twice before they try and fight with you. The same goes for niching down. At the start – where many freelancers spend their time – you can only get the low-paying entry level jobs because you’re not good enough, knowledgeable enough or well-known enough. But once you get through those entry level jobs and start working yourself up through a niche, you build a portfolio and can start writing for other higher paying clients and begin commanding, $60, $100 and even $200+ an hour for your services. So whilst you decrease the amount of total clients you can work with, you increase the amount you can earn. In this section you’re going to learn how to find your niche and unlock a world of higher earning potential. Start With The Past… When I first started thinking about niching down I had no idea where to look. I didn’t feel like I had any real interests and skills (outside of writing) that could make me any money. I told my Mum about this problem and she just looked at me like I was an idiot. “You’ve got lots of skills, what are you talking about?” she said. She ran upstairs, grabbed me a pen and paper, and told me to write down ten things that I’d done, achieved, enjoyed or read about in the last five years. Here’s what that list looked like: Worked as a personal trainer Backpacked around Australia and Europe Coached soccer in America for one year Was the highest KPI seller in my retail store Played in a semi-professional rugby league Mentored an 18 year old through his fitness instructor program Written guest posts for Lifehack and Addicted2Success Learned basic Spanish Read a lot of books on productivity and business Took a Salsa dancing class It was surprising to me to see how many skills and pockets of knowledge I had that were at least above a complete beginner level. Although not all of them were winning ideas, the options in bold are what I felt I would be comfortable writing about for a larger audience. . If you feel that you don’t have any knowledge or skills you could write about, I’d highly recommend trying this task for yourself, and don’t underestimate any skills you might have from the past. To steal a little from Ramit Sethi, even speaking English is a skill! Follow The Money The next best place to look for your writers niche is where you spend your money. This is usually a great indicator of what you’re interested in, and topics you could write about. As I wrote about in this article, you can look at: Recent Amazon purchases Recent eBay purchases Courses and classes you’ve taken (both online and in-person) Your direct debit / monthly subscription payments Items you’ve always wanted to buy (but never had the budget for) The types of books you buy Are you the kind of person who spends $50 on a haircut? Perhaps there’s a career writing in fashion and grooming. Are you the kind of person who takes Thai cooking classes? Food blogs might be calling your name. Are you the kind of person who has subscriptions to SERPed and Ahrefs? Then maybe a life of SEO writing is in your future. The Drill Down… Once you’ve fleshed out all of your ideas, you’d do well to group them into their major niche categories. This could look like: Travel Fashion Internet Marketing Technology The final step is to drill your niche into its relevant sub niches and where you can write for them. Each niche has a tree that looks a little like this: For example, if you were to write in the travel niche this could break down like this: And if you want to write in internet marketing – much like I did – you might find a breakdown like this: Each niche and sub niche will have businesses, blogs and podcasts associated with them. This is where you begin to really see all of the opportunities in your niche and where you can begin to look for jobs. What If My Niche Doesn’t Have A Lot Of Money In It? Trust me, it does. Unless you’re into Albino Badger Wrestling or Bon Jovi Themed Horse Racing Events, you’re going to be able to be able to find at least one form of income. Although, those niches probably need freelance writers too. You can break down a niche into a lot of different chunks and there’s money to be made in all of them. Take your niche – I’m going to use Travel for this – and explore to see which of these elements it has. Blogs Perform a quick Google search of “your niche + blogs”, for example, “travel + blogs”: If there’s blogs about your niche – which there will be – here’s one really lucrative opportunity for you to Freelance. In fact the more niche you go, the more money you can make for blog posts, because writers are few and far between. For example, Model Railroad Hobbyist will pay a minimum of $230 for a blog post about model rail interests. And, as AllFreelanceWriting.com points out in this article, some writers have made over $1000 writing for them. Companies With Products If there are businesses in your niche selling products or services or information, there is an opportunity to make money with them. For example, if I look for Travel Companies on Google I find STA Travel. On their site there is a section about Adventure Tours: Somebody has to write all of this copy, why not let it be you? Think of how many pages there are like this across the internet that you could get involved with. For every page on the internet, there’s a chance to write great copy (at a price). Affiliate Programs Where there are affiliate programs there is money to be made. For every product you can find here, there are blogs and niche sites and businesses making money from them. And, all of those sites need copywriting to sell those products: Not sure of the opportunities here? You can create: blog posts, sales pages, product reviews, website copy. Just about anything that involves writing and can help sell a product. This Step In Short Take some time to explore the niches that you want to work in. They can be based in: Your past experience Where you spend your money The topics you’re interested in Then explore the niche a little bit deeper; what products or services need you to write for them? Are there bloggers, product reviews, industry websites, news sites et al. that you could create for? If you get this step right, the rest of your business will effortlessly click into place. Step Where To Find Freelance Writing Jobs Online In this step I want to show you where to find freelance writing jobs. Don’t worry…you don’t need to pitch to anyone yet. But as early in your career as possible you should get into the habit of checking job boards, content sites and classified ads. Why? So you can get used to what a job description looks like, the little nuances in them, and seeing which work you’d like to do (and which you wouldn’t). There are three sub-sections to this section: Advertised Jobs: How to find people that are actively looking for writers. Non-Advertised Jobs: Choosing who to pitch to and finding those hidden jobs. Super Secret Insider Info: Simple methods I use to find clients that work. They’re all easy to do, they just take practice, but you’re never more than an email address away from your next client. Easy Places To Find Advertised Jobs These are the easiest types of job to find because they come from clients who are actively seeking your services. They normally come in the forms of: Freelance writing jobs Boards Website Job Alerts Classified Ads Content Sites (like UpWork) You can find all of these freelance writing jobs online for free. But keep in mind that they’re often high competition and low paying. They should be used as a tool to help you build your business and not as the lifeblood of it. However I have found lots of clients here and built long term relationships with them, that have grown both of our incomes over time. Not all the jobs here will be in your niche(s), but that’s completely normal and the whole point of having a niche! That being said, let’s look at how to use them effectively… How To Effectively Use Freelance Writing Jobs Boards Freelance writing jobs boards are the place to find mid-range job with established clients. Some people will say that job boards need you to be a better writer, but I don’t think that’s true. You just need to be good enough to get paid. Below are the only job boards I’d recommend looking at. The rest are normally rehashed links back to the pages here: ProBlogger All Indie Writers FreelanceWritingGigs.com Blogging Pro They all compile freelance writing jobs that have been posted there, or direct you to jobs posted on classified sites giving you the cream of the crop. There’s not much to this, really. You don’t need to sign up or do anything magical. You can just start bookmarking freelance writing jobs that you like the look of. I’ve used this method to land some of my most consistent clients like Nichehacks and Canva, so you’ll definitely be able to find some higher paying work here too. Setting Up For Freelance Writing Jobs Alerts If you’re interested in taking on high-paying, corporate clients, you can use job alerts to notify you of work that is posted in your niche. I use Gorkana for freelance writing jobs alerts because they have a ‘Journalism Jobs’ section; but you can also sign up to specific job boards, or use Matt’s advice in this article to set up Google Alerts. Don’t read too much into the titles of jobs on these job boards – like Journalist or Customer Content Creator – they’re just business jargon. All you need to do through a site like this is set your filters, find a search that suits your needs and then choose their update option. Like this email subscription box here: That gives me a lot of emails a month, like the ones below, with job information. These are usually pretty effective because they don’t just send you needless updates, they send them out only when a job gets posted:   Classified Job Postings Classifieds are an underrated job search tool, but they can be highly effective. There are even services like FreelanceWritingGigs.com that pool the best of the best together for you for free. You can look for these job postings a little closer to home as well using sites like: Craigslist GumTree ClassifiedAds And refine your search under the jobs section of your local area. Like so: Getting Stuck Into Content Sites Content sites are a great stomping ground for beginners. You can get a lot of experience, and get paid for it because of the sheer volume of jobs. I wrote about all of these sites more in depth in my huge article about all the ways to make money online. But, here they are in short for you: Freelancer UpWork Guru People Per Hour iFreelance The lessons you’ll learn in this article will help you get jobs on these sites. But if you’re looking for a more tailored experience for this type of freelancing you can read this article about how I made $1,593 a month from UpWork and how you can too. That’s it for advertised jobs, time to move on to unadvertised jobs. Dig Out Those Unadvertised Goldmines There’s an unwritten rule in Freelancing that says: The highest paying jobs are never advertised. And it’s one of the most true statement you’ll ever hear. In fact, a solid 90% of my client base right now didn’t advertise their jobs. I went to them, or they were referred to me, and they’re willing to pay more. I don’t know why it works that way, but you’ll just have to accept that’s the way this world works. But that begs the question: how do you know to pitch to them if it’s not advertised? The short answer is that you don’t. You just have to go out there and speak to people, network and find out what they’re looking for. However there are a few strategies you can employ to make your search a little easier. Finding People To Cold Pitch Earlier you looked at breaking your niche down into categories – like Blogs and Companies – now you’re going to use those same searches to find people to pitch to. When I first got into the Internet Marketing Niche, I’d look for the parts of the niche that interested me: Social Media SEO Blogging Then I’d narrow them down even further to find what I could write about. Take social media, for example, there were a two options open to me: Blogs about Social Media Social Media Tools So I’d go and look for all the social media tools I could. Which lead to me pitching to Share As Image (now Stencil) and becoming their Content Manager. And, to me landing an epic blog post spot on Buffer: Think of how you can apply the same to your niche. What do the different parts of your niche break down to? You can find: Blogs Retailers Manufacturers Corporate Sites Tools and Plugins Local Businesses Fortune 500 companies And from all of those you can break down even further, like if you were to look at retailers for the travel niche, that could be: Hiking stores Camping equipment Travel Agents Online Guidebook Shops That’s just the tip of the iceberg as well. There are probably hundreds more options on top of that. Be thorough. Dive deeply into your niches and find all of the options of companies that will need writing in some form, as you looked at before. From there you can add them to your list of people you can write a cold call email too. Finding Referral Clients If you don’t have any clients at all this is a step for the future. But, I can show you how to get around that in the next section. Referrals are one of the most powerful ways of landing a client. Because you come with a guarantee, from someone they know, that your work is of a high quality. I regularly send out emails like this to clients, asking if they know of anyone who is looking for a freelance writer. And, sometimes you land a winner. Like when our very own Matt referred me to Colin Klinkert of SERPed, where I became the content manager there. Search For Local Clients You have a huge network you’re not even aware of. Like, seriously. Just cast your mind out to all of the people you know and all of the people that they know. There is an endless supply of people who could hook you up to a new client. Think: Friends Family Old Classmates Current Classmates Old Work Colleagues Current Clients Old Clients Your Hairdresser/Barber Your Social Media Friends People You See When You Walk The Dog The list goes on and on and on. Who’s to say what’s going to come your way through these channels? Two of my first ever corporate clients came this way. A Training Company and a Language Interpretation service that operated across the hall from each other. The first owner was my cousin’s best friend, the second just came and sat in on the meeting and chose to buy in. There will be hundreds of businesses in your local area that other writers have never even thought to pitch to, either. While they search the furthest reaches of the internet, why not walk into their building and request a meeting? And, as Sean Ogle once told me when I interviewed him for a Podcast (that never actually aired): “Get to local events – conferences, marketing events and anything else. There is no substitute for meeting people in person.” You can find a whole host of these events on MeetUp or pay attention to local publications and magazines. 2 Super-Secret Insider Methods For Finding Online Jobs There are some really easy other ways of finding clients, too. In fact they’re right under your nose and they can be accessed easily. Here they are… The Upside-Down Method I want to share with you the most effective way I’ve found of getting to write for people. These are instantly warm or hot leads you can pitch to, and the success rate is much higher than any other way I’ve tried. Take a look at one of the online magazines or blogs in your niche. And, find for times that a freelance writer has contributed. Usually they’ll have a biography that tells you they’re a freelancers, like this bio from Kristi Hines on Nichehacks: Now, even if there’s not a link in their profile, almost all freelancers have an online portfolio – whether that’s on their own hosted site or a free WordPress blog – so you can find that by searching in Google for their name (include freelancer or blogger if their name is really generic): Once you’re on their site, look for pages with names like Portfolio or Latest, where they show you a list of the clients they’ve worked (or are working for) by sharing their latest or most successful posts: Right in front of you right now there is a full database of potential clients that are open to having freelancers work for them. They’re at least paying one freelancer so they’ll be open to others, too. Using this method – including Kristi’s Site – I’ve been able to land writing work with a lot of big, high paying clients. Oh, and stay tuned for a niche little tip on pitching later on, too. The LinkedIn Lead Generator This process is a similar to the above. But, with a little twist that you can guess from the title. You do it on LinkedIn instead. Once again, find yourself a freelance writer on one of your favourite publications in your niche. Then, instead of looking for them on Google, go ahead and search them on LinkedIn: From there head down the page to find their Freelance Work Experience. This will either be under the tab of their company name, like it is for Kristi here: Or under different experience tabs like it is on my personal LinkedIn Profile: Once again you have a tonne of companies to reach out to and pitch to because they’re interested in freelancers. Don’t worry about stealing income from that freelancer, either. Normally you’ll be working in-addition to them so it’s not like you’re taking food off their table. You’re just putting it on your own. Okay, that’s how to find potential clients all wrapped up. Now, how can you actually get them? This Step In Short Freelance Writing jobs can be found in three different ways: Advertised: Where it’s posted on a freelance writing jobs board, forum or freelancer site etc. Unadvertised: Where you contact a company or person unsolicited looking for opportunities. Referral: Where friends, family or current clients send new clients your way. Advertised jobs are best found on job board like ProBlogger Jobs or Freelance Writing Gigs. Unadvertised freelance writing jobs take some searching; but you can use methods like The Website Hijacker to find companies that are open to working with freelancers. Or, get involved in your local community and find the people around you who are open to it. Referral clients come from asking the question and generating warm leads from people that you know. This can be a great method of automating your marketing. Step Build Your Sales Tools Writing is far too subjective for someone to determine what makes a good writer and what makes a bad writer. You can see it for yourself in literature. There will be writers and novelists who have a huge following but write in a way that you just can’t stand to read. I can’t bear to read Harry Potter, but J.K Rowling is still out there making a fortune. The way someone can choose whether you’re a good writer, then, is: Whether they like your writing style How good your portfolio is If other people have published your work What other people say about your writing They won’t even use all of these. They’ll be happy with just two or three of them. So don’t worry if you can’t tick all of these boxes. Heck, most freelancers can’t hit all four of these when they move from one niche to another. But you do need to do need to be able to showcase your work to people, in order to land the client. So let’s look at how you can start to build these up. A Rock Solid Portfolio Your portfolio is where you can show people your work and let them make a decision for themselves. There’s no right or wrong way to do a portfolio, but it should be: Frequently Updated Relevant To Your Niche Relevant To Your Skills I’m going to show you a few different examples of portfolios so you can get an idea of what I mean. Portfolio Simple And Visual This portfolio from Copywriting Is Art is simple, but really effective. If you’re going for a copywriting angle, this is a great one to follow: Simple imagery gives it authority and is easy for people to see that there is an endorsement of his work. When you follow the links through the image you get a comprehensive breakdown of the work done, too: Portfolio Direct Links This portfolio is my own personal one at JamesWritesThings. I use screenshots of my posts, with headlines that link directly to them: Again it’s simple and effective, but it serves to show people I’ve been published elsewhere and can be trusted to write for their site. When they see a site they know, it’s also a big bonus. Portfolio Excerpts And Logos This final portfolio comes from Erin at The Travel Copywriter. She again uses visuals – much like the graphic I showed you at the start of this post – to create a sense of authority: And to create less of a barrier between a potential clients and buying from her, she’s added excerpts of her articles with additional links to grab attention: Your Portfolio, Then… You can see in all the above samples that they aren’t anything special. They don’t sing and dance, they just provide the information that’s needed. So don’t worry about needing a big ol’ website full of widgets. Just create a space – using a site builder or WordPress or your own domain – and put your work online. But, What If I Don’t Have Portfolio Pieces? Great question. If you’re getting started you won’t have anything that even resembles a portfolio yet. And that’s okay, I’m going to show you how to create a portfolio from scratch, with little to no effort. There are two steps to it. Step Start Your Own Blog Start a blog about your Niche and start writing it. Use different techniques, use different styles and start writing as though you’re creating for a huge audience. You don’t have to share it with anyone if you don’t want. You can have it on a private link for all that matters. But you do need to give people an opportunity to see your style in the context of your niche. Step Find Freelance Writing Jobs And Complete Their Tasks I used to use this method a lot when I first started writing. Because, it gives you something more tangible to work with. And, they can go on the blog you’re going to start. Head to one of the freelance writing jobs boards or content mills and find a job posting. It doesn’t matter if it’s current or expired. Look for one with a pretty specific description, like this one: Then just go ahead and create an article or piece to that specification and stick it on your blog. This process has two benefits: You get to experience what clients are looking for and work to specification You get to build out your portfolio with real-world examples You can even go the extra mile and screenshot the job and present it to a potential client you’re pitching too, so show what you’ve done. Anything that gets you noticed from the other freelancers that are entering the field. Okay, there’s another way you can pad out your portfolio and gain endorsements from people. That section deserves a whole section of it’s own… Guest Posts Guest Posting is my go-to strategy for building a profitable portfolio quickly. It gives you valuable experience working with someone who will publish your work. It also teaches you to work to guidelines, deliver to an audience and what it’s like to have your content published. For example, the guest post on Buffer that I mentioned earlier has brought me a tonne of emails like this: And having written for sites like Addicted2Success and Lifehack and got a decent amount of shares showed that I could write for a big, well developed audience too. Landing guest blog posts is a whole topic within itself. So when you choose this option, I’ll hand you over to this expert post from Venchito Tampon. Testimonials Testimonials are powerful pieces of information. In fact, 90% of consumers say that online reviews impact their buying decisions. So these glowing endorsements from people can play a huge part in this. This Step In Short There are three components you need to sell your online: Portfolio: Where potential clients can get a feel for your style, tone and the results your work can deliver. Guest Posts: Having an endorsement of your work on someone else’s site, even if only slightly relevant to your niche, can have a big impact on converting customers. Testimonials: These reviews of your work – from paying customers – can be the final blow in converting a client. Seeing a glowing recommendation can put their mind at ease and make them more likely to buy. You can build a portfolio yourself by just writing blogs for your niche, or by finding jobs and writing them for your own site to gain experience. Guest Posts can be obtained by following the link in that part of the section. Testimonials can come from anyone who has seen or used your writing and can be built up over time. The sooner you get someone to write one though, the better. Step Writing Pitches To Get You Clients Pitching is a numbers game – more on that in the next section – but you can create pitches that grab attention. In fact, I’m not only going to show you how to pitch: I’m going to give you my own pitching strategy that you can copy and paste for yourself. But first, let’s talk about what makes a good pitch… Pitching To The Right Person The first question about pitching is usually: Who do I pitch to? This is an important question because it can make or break whether you get spoken to or if you just get lost being passed around between departments in a company. If you’re applying for an advertised job this is usually posted, like in the footer of this posting here: But when you’re not it’s a little more difficult. There are three points of contact that you need to look for: Direct Email: The best you can find is a direct email. This is usually to an editor, marketing manager or content marketing executive. Department Email: There are often emails that go to someone in a department – marketing etc. – that you can get through to someone on. Contact Form: If there’s nothing else find a contact form under the ‘contact’ page on a site or a publication Email Tools: You can also use a tool like Hunter.io to help you find the most contacted emails for the site. And if you really can’t find anything you can use this sneaky little hack that I came up with. When you’re on a site that you want to get in touch with go to the footer where you’ll often find tabs like this: Click the Terms & Conditions tab (or Disclosure policy as it’s called here) and it’ll bring up a page full of legal jargon. A quick search of the page and you’ll be able to find and email contact, like this one right here: Gotcha. Now, you can pitch to someone in the company and find a way to the right person. Pitching 10 How To Stand Out From The Crowd Considering freelance writers are a group of individuals paid to write things…you suck at writing pitches. Sorry, it’s just the truth. Don’t worry, I did too. In fact, so did every freelance writer I know at one point or another. Because pitching is hard. You’re trying to convince someone to pay you instead of the hundred other people they could choose from. It’s a daunting proposition. That usually means your pitches go on far too long. They miss the point. Or, they’re too short for anyone to know why you’re even writing to them. But I’m about to give you a simple acronym to help you remember how to write a perfect pitch every single time. It goes like this: Personal Easy To Understand Top-loaded Accurate Lean Okay, it’s not exactly the most masculine acronym I’ve ever created, but I know you’ll never forget it. PETAL pitches are the best kind, because they’re guaranteed to get responses. I’ve taught them to lots of writers and they’ve always come good. Let’s break them down: Personal Personal is simple. When you’re writing to someone, you should address them by their name. This will normally be the prefix in their email (‘james’@pitchtome.com) or on their job description. If that’s not available I’d suggest you opt for a “Hey Guys”, or “Hi Team” because it sounds a lot more personal than just “Hello”. Easy To Understand The people you’re pitching to often receive a lot of emails. So you need to be clear, concise and focused on why you’re writing to them. Especially if you’re cold pitching to someone who doesn’t know they’re being pitched too. Basically you need to make sure nothing is lost in translation. I usually combat this by saying exactly why I’m writing to them. Like: My name’s James and I’m a freelance writer from Manchester, England. I’m writing to you to see if there was any room for a freelance writer on the Company X team? I think I’d be a perfect fit! Now they can make no mistake about why I’m in their inbox right now. Top-Loaded There’s a rule in Newspaper writing: Put the most important information at the top and put the least important at the bottom. Because newspaper editors cut the information from the bottom of the article. The exact same rule applies to pitching. Put the most important information at the top incase they don’t make it to the end of your pitch. You’ll see more on how that’s done in the copy and paste section next. Accurate You need to state what you’ve done. Where you’ve worked. Provide information that’s relevant to the job you’re pitching for. And, any additional information that’s required. Lean As a writer it’s normal for you to…waffle on. You know, write more than is necessary. It comes with the nervousness with a pitch. But follow this rule for writing your pitches and you’ll be fine (this is stolen from Winston Churchill): A good pitch should be like a skirt; short enough to be interesting long enough to cover the subject. The 100% Golden Rule Of Pitching You Must Obey If you disregard everything else you learn about pitching in this article please remember this simple rule: Read the job description. When you’re pitching for an advertised job there will be part thrown in there to keep you on your toes. Specific requirements that will affect you getting the job or not. The most common form of this is them asking you to put something in the pitch to prove that you read it. Like this job pitch where I had to put two specific words in the subject line: So make sure you go through everything with a fine tooth comb before you send anything. Copy and pasting is great, but not if it loses you a job. The Copy And Paste Pitch Template Okay, so that’s how you should be pitching to get clients. But I’m about to save you a lot of time by giving you a fill-in-the-blanks pitch for you to use. You can edit this however you want but it is a sure-fire template that will help you land clients: But James, What About The Headline? I didn’t forget, I promise. I’ve tested a lot of different headline techniques and I’ve found two that work, at least for getting people to reply to your emails. The first, if you’re applying for an advertising job is to put a simple subject like this: But if you’re making a cold pitch, the undisputed best headline in my experience – and that of other writers I speak to – is to ask a question in your headline. I can’t tell you why this works, but it seems to be really effective. Toy around and find your own unique stamp. Play with headlines and ideas to see what’s going to get you the most return. Okay, you’re getting on to the final section, are you ready? This Step In Short People are pitching to your potential clients all the time so you need to craft pitched that make you stand out from the crowd. To do that, remember this (manly) PETAL acronym: Personal: Written directly to someone; in a conversational but professional tone. Easy To Understand: Be clear about what you’re writing or pitching to them for, and why they should care. Top-Loaded: Put the important information at the start and make it less important as you go down the pitch. Accurate: It should fit you, your niche, the job description and what your capabilities are. Lean: Short enough to be interesting; long enough to cover the subject. Always remember to read the job description and edit your pitch to fit the specific client you’re talking to. Ask questions in your headline, or reference the job listing, to get the best open rates. Step Setting The Right Price Let’s talk money. I’ve purposely saved this until last because it’s the most highly debated topic in freelancing. And, I want to make sure it get’s the coverage it deserves. But, I’m not going to spend too long telling you about it. Why? Because, regardless of the arguments for and against what your prices should be, it comes down to you. Let me explain… First, It’s About What You Want To Charge… More to the point it’s about what you feel comfortable charging. When you first step onto the scene you probably won’t feel like you can charge $100; you’ll not have the portfolio to back it up, either. So don’t charge it. If you feel comfortable charging $10, charge that. Then up it when you feel comfortable charging $20 and $30 and $40 and so on. But do remember you have to put food on the table and you need to respect your time. After all, you can’t get it back. I started at $10 and hour, and I now comfortably charge $60-$100+ an hour depending on the project. Secondly, Don’t Worry About Pricing Out One of the best lessons I learned came from the team at Nifty Marketing. In this post they share how they set themselves a minimum that they refuse to budge on to attract the calibre of client that they wanted. Set a minimum price that you will not go under by any stretch of the imagination. It can be whatever you think it needs to be, but don’t just take work for the sake of it. Respect yourself and be proud of what you will work for, as well as what you wont. Thirdly, It’s About Negotiation… Always be open to negotiation. Now if you have a minimum prices, that’s the lowest point you can negotiate to. But also be open to negotiations on different things. For example, let’s say you pitch $50 an hour and your minimum is $30, you have $20 wiggle room to negotiate with there. There’s nothing wrong with having different prices for different clients on different projects. It’s the way the freelance world works. Different Pricing Structures There are a couple of ways that you can charge client with freelance writing. Hourly Rate This is exactly what it says on the tin; the price you’ll charge per hour. This can chop and change depending on the client, too. It’s not unusual to charge $30 for one client and $50 for another, because the jobs come with different specifications and require different levels of effort. And, as you saw in the last point, you need to be open to negotiation. I’m terrible at Math, so the simple way I use to work out an hourly rate is: How many words per hour How much research is needed The average price of work in that niche For example if you have an easy, stream-of-consciousness style article in the Self Help niche. That would charge less because you can get 1,200 words out an hour on that, you don’t need as much research and you can wrap it up in just a few hours. Also, the payment in that niche is lower. But if you have a really niche, in-depth topic, that requires a lot of research – like SEO or Engineering – you would charge more. Why? Because not only would you be writing less per hour, you’ll be spending a lot more time writing and referencing. You’ll also have to block out a bigger chunk of your day to do it. The price per hour is also dependant on your experience. If you’re an established expert you can charge more than if you were the new kid on the block. Price Per Word We don’t mess about with the clarity of our titles in writing do we? Price Per Word is one of the most common pricing strategies. I use it for almost all of my articles, especially on those longer articles – like this one – because it often works out fairer for you and the client. And, it’s easier to pitch. When a client hears 15 cents per word it sounds better than $150 for 1000 words. I use a similar system to the above for working this out. If you’re productive you can really increase what you earn per hour. Price Per Project This is a standard pricing package for small businesses and copywriting clients. For example, when I created the copy on this training company website, I set a fixed price for all of the content: I find the price per project is normally based on your hourly rate, the hours you’re expected to work and a negotiation with the client. You can create a lot of ‘savings’ benefits here for a client, too. Where it feels like you’re doing more work and saving them money. Negotiated Prices Each client and project has it’s own specific needs. So, it pays to have a flexible option where people can talk to you and you will flesh out a price together for the work that needs to be done. This works on a per-client basis. Getting Paid There are a number of ways you can get paid, too. This is usually when you bill out when you receive money: 100% Up Front: This requires a built up level of trust but once that’s established it’s easy to employ. 50% Up Front: Clients are often open to this method – 50% up front, 50% on completion – because the risk is lower. Upon Completion: I don’t usually employ this method unless it’s per word pricing or with a client that I really trust. Because you can retain the rights to the article until they pay, there is also the option to keep it and sell it on if you do get stiffed. Insider Tip: The Subscription Payment Model Okay let me lay a little bit of insider knowledge on you: Clients are sometimes flaky. They’ll need six articles one month, two the next, disappear for a couple of weeks, come back with more work than you can handle and then drop off the map forever. That’s just the nature of the beast. Not all clients are like this, but there is always a level on inconsistency. But there is a way you can make it more consistent and guarantee yourself an income. You just need to employ a subscription model. With every client that that likes this model they agree to: A fixed number of hours or articles per month For a set price To be paid at either 100% or 50% up front For a fixed-term (three, six, nine months) That way you are definitely getting paid and you have guaranteed work every month. Clients are usually pretty responsive to this model too so don’t be afraid to pitch it. This Step In Short Setting the right price is personal to you. There is no right or wrong price to charge. Just what you feel comfortable charging, the value you offer and where you’re positioned in your niche. But, as a rough guide, I’d suggest these prices: Beginner: $20-$30 per hour / $0.05 per word – $0.10 per word Intermediate: $35-$50 per hour / $o.15 – $0.20 per word Expert: $50+ per hour / $0.25 – $0.50+ per word Look to employ a subscription payment model, or a 50% up front model when you’re negotiating with a client to make sure you get paid. Step The Extras You Need To Know About In this step I want you to explore some of the ways to improve and refine your business. And, learn about other technical aspects of the job. Project Briefs Every piece of work will come with a brief. Sometimes that can be professional and in the shape of guidelines, like this: Or it’ll be in a brief document like this (text covered, just in case): There are also times where you’ll be asked to create the project brief. Or, it’ll come in the form of an email chain or a written on a napkin or something illegible you have to decipher for yourself. But it’s essential that before you start on a project you create a clear brief for you and the client. Point out what it is you believe you should be delivering and if that is in line with what the client wants. There is nothing worse – for you and a client – than going in blind and hoping you hit the target. It’s a waste of time and effort. Ask as many questions as you need to and go into as much detail as possible. The clearer the picture the better the end product. Offering Revisions I don’t recommend offering any more than two rounds of revisions. Why? Because you’re a good writer. And you’re crafting articles or content based on what an audience wants. You’ve done you research and you’ve decided this is the content that is going to work. You do have to pay attention to what the client is saying and offer some changes based on what they ask for. But by the same token you have to respect your time and the decisions you’ve made. As long as the article is in line with the above revisions and the thoughts laid out in the plan, then you’re fine to only offer limited revisions. Invoicing I didn’t know this when I first started out, you may not have either, but there are minimum legal requirements for an invoice that you need to meet. More than just slapping what you did and your price on a sheet of paper or in a document and sending it across. If you’re creating your own invoices follow one of these links to see what requirement your country has (English speaking countries only): United Kingdom United States Canada Australia New Zealand But I highly recommend using a service like FreshBooks to manage your invoices. You can just input the client data, send it across, and the rest of it is taken care of for you. They also come with a tonne of different payment options too: Contracts / Terms & Conditions A contract can come in many forms and has to be made up of certain criteria, like this one from HMRC in the UK: Contracts will sometimes be sent to you to be signed, others will be be an email correspondence or done through a Skype call. And, there is a good chance you will never have to enforce a contract, but you should have one in place. They cover your back; make sure you get paid the right amount for the right amount of work; cover your client and make your business more professional. Much like a project brief, be clear in: What’s being done When it’s being done by How much it’s going to cost What the end product will look like What you’re offering For example, you could do all of this in one sentence: “Hey Matt, So I’ll going to be writing How To Become A Freelance Writer Online, it’s going to be 10,00o-15,000 words at the rate we agreed for the last article, and I’ll have it done by April th, is that correct? Cheers, James” They accept it. You’re covered. It’s that simple. Recommended Reading & Development Phew! Okay, onto the last bit now. Like I said right at the start of the article, you don’t need any qualifications to become a writer. But there’s a lot you can read and practice on to become a better writer and create stronger, more impactful content. Here’s some of my biggest recommends: Write To Sell – Andy Maslen: Probably the best book on Copywriting I’ve ever read. It’s not long, but it’s really in-depth and clears up a tonne of questions you have early on. On Writing – Stephen King: If you’re trying to create content with a story feel to it, this book is an endless supply of hints and tips to create them. Made To Stick – Chip & Dan Heath: Amazing for finding out how to write and create articles that people remember. Wrapping It Up… I hope by now you have a clear picture of what it takes to be a freelance writer and how to start your business the right way. It may seem overwhelming at first, but it really is as simple as choosing one of these steps and taking action until completion. As Matt often says, “Keep it simple, stupid”, and it’s a motto that works here too. And if you want to take all of the information from this article and learn how to put it into action, you can also take my free email course where I’ll show you a simple trick to help you get your business to $1000 per month. You can sign up here. The Ultimate Guide To Freelance Writing Jobs For Beginners [2018] was originally published on Matthew Woodward
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nyfacurrent · 5 years
Business of Art | Neurodivergent Artists Build Community
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“My advice would be to look for each other and look after each other—be generous and share skills.” - Sonia Boué
Imagine a time when neurodiversity is integrated into the art world’s everyday vocabulary. Is this a new concept for you? Neurodiversity stipulates that neurological differences are to be recognized and respected as any other human variation. Increasingly, more and more people—and artists—identify as neurodivergent, or as individuals who diverge from the dominant societal standards of “normal” neurocognitive functioning. These differences can include Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autistic Spectrum, and others.
Now imagine an average event or opportunity for artists. This may be a networking event that features unstructured conversations, or an open call for funding that requires you to prove a strong network of support. For neurodivergent artists, these ubiquitous realities can present many challenges that often go unseen.
As a way of acknowledging barriers to access and offering solutions, we’ve invited Sonia Boué to share her experiences and recommendations. Boué is a visual multiform autistic artist and a prolific blogger on autism and art. Read her writings here, and visit her website to learn more about her practice. Since being diagnosed as autistic in 2016, Boué created WEBworks, a network and mentoring project funded by Arts Council England based on her own experiences and research. Boué designs projects, mentors, provides training, and consults for arts organizations with the goal of creating opportunity for neurodivergent artists.  
Says Boué: “I love my work because it is really varied and I get to work with some seriously talented neurodivergent creatives. Working with organizations is also fascinating and rewarding when you get to see thinking evolve.” Read Boué’s advice for neurodivergent and introverted artists below, as well as arts administrators.
NYFA: You’ve talked about “network ableism” and its impact on you in your quest to fund your projects. Can you tell us more? How do you define ableism in this context? 
Sonia Boué (SB): Network ableism in my experience is the assumption that social privilege (ability) is a baseline we all have access to if and when we want it. Because most opportunity in the arts involves some networking, this is a serious access issue for us. 
We can’t all summon up a smile and waltz into a room—and there can be many very good reasons why not, some of which may be neurological. For example, dyspraxia, which affects motor coordination and sometimes speech, can make these situations hard to navigate. We may not recognize faces or be able to remember names.
There’s a lot of shaming around not being "socially able” so it takes courage to say it. Decades of not showing up can mean that you don’t understand how conventional networks function. I had to unpick a lot of this to learn how to write a funding bid. 
Social assumption also runs through the kind of Arts Council England funding bid I needed to make for my project. Your idea may be brilliant but unless you can find partners to back you (network klaxon!) you will not succeed.
NYFA: You’ve written that when you encounter an ableist comment, you think, “this person needs training – and I (and all my autistic colleagues) hold much of the missing knowledge.” How can institutions work to welcome and incorporate this knowledge? 
SB: It’s a brilliant question, and this issue is in the room always. Institutions just aren’t seeing it because of the social stigma involved. So first I think it needs to go on the agenda. Staff will also be autistic, neurodivergent, or introverted. 
Then it’s important to invite us in to your organization formally. We are consultants, speakers, and trainers. My view is that we should be paid for our work which is incredibly valuable to arts organizations as we are authentic voices. 
But it takes more than a training day! Building trust with community is also very important for any organization; ultimately it’s about relationships. Consider commissioning a review of marketing and events from neurodivergent perspectives. 
You can tell a lot about an organization from their use of language. Knowing who you are talking to and getting your message right are an absolute must. Delivering value to community is also essential. 
NYFA: Do you have thoughts on how organizations that emphasize in-person events can make them more welcoming to neurodivergent artists? 
SB: If you mean networking events, this is a bit like asking a wheelchair user whether they are sure they wouldn’t like to try the stairs just in case! But here are things which can help with in-person events. 
Personally, I need people on the inside who know me well, and access to the door. Environment matters greatly; is your building accessible for those with sensory sensitivity? Will your event be noisy, involve crowds, and involve mainly unstructured chats? Tell us! 
Information is the name of the game. I advise always publishing clear and detailed information giving a sensory menu for neurodivergent attendees so they can plan for what to expect from the event in terms of challenge. 
It’s the genuine thoughtfulness and attention to detail that counts in the welcome. Providing lots of options is also vital. Is there a quiet room with soft furnishing and dim lights, or outdoor spaces? Are there specific structured elements? 
Finally, the offer has to be right. If the event holds no interest, I’m not coming. Look into programming with a consultant from the community. 
NYFA: Are there resources or voices that you’d especially recommend to arts administrators looking to learn more? 
SB: Essentially we are talking about a culture shift in our understanding that humans are neurodiverse beings. Often I’ve found that the adaptations that suit neurodivergent people can benefit us all. This is about increasing options and thinking about individuality.
I recommend these neurodivergent thinkers, bloggers, creatives, and resources:
Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
Autism and Expectations: De-Mystifying Autism 
Dan Holloway, Rogue Interrobang
Katherine May 
Sonja Zelić
Kruse on adaptations to environments
Dr. Kate Fox  
Dr. Damian Milton
Jon Adams
I don’t particularly recommend sourcing resources from disability arts organizations that aren’t neurodivergent-led. My experience is that the thinking is often not there yet, despite some best efforts. 
Personally, I like to be very specific and stick to what I know. I wouldn’t try to advocate for other groups and always try to remember that within neurodivergent groups, there’s probably greater diversity than in the general population. 
NYFA: Many artists, for a variety of reasons, feel the typical networking advice is unhelpful or exclusionary. And we ourselves have given this advice! Let’s reframe the conversation: what is some more inclusive and effective networking advice that organizations and artists can begin to share with each other? 
SB: I think it’s worth unpicking what some of the difficulties are in quite some detail, as I began to hint earlier. Networking can be hellish if you can’t process language in real-time speed, for example. So this needs an honest and open two-directional approach. 
Have you ever been in a room with someone and texted them? I’m sure most of us have. Text slows things right down, and, you can use emojis! Result! Often we’re critical of using technology when we’re face-to-face, but if this could be an adaption, why not? 
It’s an exciting time to be breaking through the barriers to invisible disability. What holds us back is often social censure, which is ultimately ableist. Organizations could lead the way in creating a new trend. 
If we think about modalities, this is also helpful. How many ways of being in a room and communicating can you think of? I also love the ‘gateway friend’ idea: a known, trusted person who can enable you to get in to a venue and out again. 
But we need to understand adaptations to in-person networking are limited in effectiveness because—wash, rinse, repeat—we have to keep it up which is exhausting. Or it just doesn’t work for us. This knowledge puts the onus on change. 
NYFA: What are your favorite means of networking online? 
SB: Blogging, blogging, blogging! This has been the most effective tool in my entire armory. I also love Twitter. I began with a Facebook artists’ page many years ago, then progressed to a professional platform with the wonderful a-n Blogs.
My Wordpress blog has been my most significant online site, far outstripping any other. I’m also warming to Instagram as a more visual platform but have been slower to take it on. I think it’s hard to work across platforms but probably essential. 
NYFA: Can you tell us how WEBworks, an autistic-led peer support and mentoring group, came to be? How could this kind of group be replicated by autistic and neurodivergent creatives elsewhere? 
SB: WEBworks is unique due to the individuals who’ve formed it. It may provide a transferable model but we can’t yet know that, I feel. It developed from my Arts Council England research into autistic project leadership. 
I happened on a mentoring model through my own need to understand the ‘neurotypical’ workplace and then found other artists like me who needed support. Genuine enablement through supported opportunities and specific adaptations are a powerful combination we use. 
I now know this to be a responsive and relational approach and will be writing about it in more detail for my Arts Council England project evaluations. I hope to publish some of our findings next year. 
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NYFA: What are your favorite resources for neurodivergent artists looking to build community or navigate the art world? 
SB: There’s no substitute for trawling the internet and I’ve built my entire community by sharing work and spending untold hours in online research. Social media platforms can be game-changing for us, though of course we need ‘realtime' contacts too. 
Often virtual and realtime contact overlaps as relationships deepen. I think the usefulness of contacts and resources could be quite specific in each case. My advice would be to look for each other and look after each other—be generous and share skills. 
Even neurodivergent networks can seem distant and closed from the outside. The most effective antidote to professional isolation is to send powerful smoke signals online, from which you can seek out more local neurodivergent contacts. We’re growing in number as we discover identity 
Being safe online is an issue I’d like to mention. We can all be taken advantage of, so I would also counsel caution. Take things slowly and allow genuine connection and trust to build up. 
Regarding the art world, in the United Kingdom I recommend the wonderfully inclusive online artists network a-n Blogs, whose support has been exceptional including publishing articles about this topic! 
Viewing fantastic online art content when you can’t get to many shows provides inspiration and learning. I love to watch the Tate Modern YouTube channel, and I do follow many wonderful U.K. and international artists on Twitter and Instagram, which helps me keep in touch, 
But I feel it is vital that neurodivergent artists don’t get dispirited or compare themselves to more neurotypical artists so I watch the scene with a dispassionate eye. I’m interested in building from within and remaining authentic which includes valuing the unique qualities of our neurological status.
NYFA: What has mentorship meant for you, both as a mentee and a mentor?  
SB: Trust is at the heart of the mentor/mentee relationship, and it’s a real joy, not to say privilege. I believe such support in an art practice is underrated. We are supposed to know how to navigate an uncertain profession solo.
For myself it has led to professional progression where, despite some early breaks, the complexities of the art world would have thrown me entirely. In many ways it’s about lending experience and gently steering.
Mentoring is a fascinating process because you learn as much as your mentee in many ways. It has allowed me to deepen my understanding of neurodivergent challenge in the arts. 
NYFA: You’ve credited successes in your career in part to your “own autistic methods.” Do you have any thoughts on how artists can not only accept their individual differences, but celebrate them? 
SB: I really feel we have to embrace a ‘not broken’ philosophy. Some of the artists I work with have acquired huge reservoirs of self-doubt and even despair. Our first job is to realign some of this thinking. 
Sometimes it’s my job to sustain hope and provide consistency. Our sensory challenges and issues with executive function can make a practice feel fragmentary until we begin to piece it all together. 
The worry that you can never ‘finish’ a piece of work can be quelled if you understand that the process is what interests you most and you can begin to value this. Transformation from ‘failure’ to a more performative practice can take place. 
How we frame our creative lives to ourselves really matters. Reconnecting to the source of our creativity—our brains—as valid and useful is incredibly empowering. 
- Interview Conducted by Mirielle Clifford, Program Officer, Online Resources
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Sonia Boué is an Anglo-Spanish visual artist based in the U.K. She holds degrees in History of Art (BA, Sussex University), and in Applied Social Psychology (MSc, Oxford University). She is also a trained Art Therapist (Sheffield Hallam University). This background informs her research-based multiform art practice, which focuses on themes of exile and displacement, with a particular interest in the Spanish Civil War.
Inspired by the NYFA Source Hotline, #ArtistHotline is an initiative dedicated to creating an ongoing online conversation around the professional side of artistic practice. Our goal is to help artists discover the resources needed, online and off, to develop sustainable careers.
This initiative is supported by the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation.
Images, from top: Derek Fordjour (Fellow in Painting ’18); Angelina Gualdoni (Fellow in Painting ’08,’15)
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corwynte · 6 years
Keith Jacket Tutorial
I made my Keith cosplay jacket, and I’ve had quite a few people ask about it, so I’ve complied this guide!  It’s quite long, but hopefully it helps if you are going the DIY route!  You can either see this guide on Google Docs (recommended) or under the cut!
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If you like this guide and found it helpful, consider fueling my future cosplay efforts by buying me a ko-fi?  
Materials List:
Marine Vinyl
Red - i think i bought a yard of this?
White - i had about a yard and a half of this and half quite a bit leftover.  A yard would probably do.
Yellow - 6” cut (default width from Joann’s is 54” so this is plenty!)
Burgundy - 6” cut (see above)
Marine vinyl isn’t the most expensive cosplay fabric out there (*cough* Yaya) but it isn’t exactly cheap at $19.99/yard.  I got lucky and found some big pieces in the remnants bin.  It seems to rarely go on sale, so maybe save those 50% off coupons for this!
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I DO NOT RECOMMEND YAYA’S 4-WAY PLEATHER.  I bought some in red to use originally for the red portions for the stretchiness, and it BLED on my white vinyl while the materials sat waiting to be used, so i opted not to use it (and had to scrap that portion of vinyl).  The stuff you want looks like this on the backside!
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I used leather needles in my sewing machine, since i was using marine vinyl as a substitute for leather.  They are specifically designed to cut through the heavier material.  Mine were 90/14.  You might want something even heavier.  These would probably do just fine.
I used stretch knit needles for the jetset (see “lining”).
You will need white, red, yellow, and burgundy thread to match the vinyl.  Either buy at the same store so you can check that it matches, or take a small sample snippet with you to make sure the colors match!
I used a 12" sport separating zipper.  These come in 2” increments, and I am on the tiny side (5’2”) so you might need a longer one if you are taller (or want a longer jacket)
On the advice of CrescentShay (who is very talented and you should follow her if you aren’t already!) I based my jacket on McCall’s “totally not pokemon go trainer” pattern (M7556).  You will also want either tissue paper (from your local dollar store), tracing paper, or medical pattern paper.
I used Red JetSet for my lining - i think i bought like 1.5 yards because it’s pretty cheap.  It’s soft, colorfast, and fairly easy to work with.  It also has some stretch and a nice flow to it.  You can use whatever you’d like.
Mockup Fabric
I bought crazy cheap satin from walmart cuz it’s $2/yard.  You can use muslin, old bedsheets, whatever you have handy, as long as it isn’t stretchy because THE JACKET WILL NOT BE so you want the mockup to have the same fit.  DON’T. SKIP. THE. MOCKUP!
Tips and Notes:
Marine vinyl DOES NOT STRETCH.  This guide is written based on the jacket I made as of its writing (Sept 2018) and thus is written based on NONSTRETCHY material.  If you use a different material, be mindful of how that material works!
Do not skip the mockup!
Pine & try it on frequently!
Watch your foot (of your sewing machine!)
Test stitches on scraps first!  You want to make sure that tension and stitch sizes are what you want them to be!
Finished seams make it look professional
This portion will be broken down into several components:
Pattern and Mockup
Jacket base
Burgundy stripe
Lining and zipper
I will assume you, dear reader, have a base knowledge of sewing with a machine (like to sew inside out, how to thread the machine & adjust tension/stitch size, etc.) but you are welcome to DM me if anything is unclear or I have left out details!  I am @corwynte on most social media.
Pattern and Mockup
If you have never used a pattern before, it is important to make sure you CHECK YOUR MEASUREMENTS.  Pattern sizes are usually NOT standard sizes!  I am a size 10 in patterns and a 0-6 in most clothing. So check your measurements!  I used the “B” design for the pattern, because the jacket has a collar.  This pattern is designed for sweatshirt type fabrics, not vinyl, so if you are not sure, GO UP A SIZE because again, VINYL. DOES. NOT. STRETCH.
I cut out my pattern pieces, but you might want to trace them instead.  I trace my patterns now because then I can reuse them.  Your call.
You will need pattern pieces 3, 4, 7, and 10.  The band and cuffs are meant for stretchy material, so we’ll make our own patterns for those.  You can also freehand the collar but I worked from the base of the hood.  
With your tracing paper, add an extra 3” to the bottom of pieces 3 and 4.
Follow the instructions to cut out the vest and sleeves from your mockup fabric.  Be mindful that many patterns have seam allowances, and for this pattern they are ⅝”.  We are going to use this standard allowance.  
My machine has marks on it, so I line up the edge of the fabric with these for my seams.  If yours does not, you can mark them out with a marking pencil or a sharpie.  It doesn’t matter if your mockup is a mess, we are going to draw on it later anyway.  You do want to sew the seams properly though because NOW IS THE TIME to make sure the fit is correct.  
**Save your patterns!  We will use them for the lining too!**
You only need to attach the sleeves and pieces for the mockup - the rest of the sems don’t need finished.  Once your mockup is complete, try it on!  Make sure it fits the way you want it too.  Don’t worry too much about the length - we’re can add a couple more inches to the bottom with the burgundy.  
With help from a friend or with a dressform if you have one, trace out the lines for the different colors on your mockup.  
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My white came out pretty big.  You can adjust this to suit your own preferences, because this is an animated show so the size and shape of the jacket does vary slightly, and if you are basing your jacket on fanart rather than screenshots, different artists interpret the marks differently.  Find what you like!
Once you are satisfied with the marks, either cut up your mockup for patterns, or trace the shapes with your pattern paper.  I opted to trace, because my mockup was cheap satin which shreds easily and because I wanted to be able to reuse the mockup.  For now we only need the chest portion of the vest - we’ll come back to the sleeves later, so don’t cut those apart just yet.  
**Label your pattern pieces!**  important things to include are:
Color the piece should be
What the piece is
How many to cut
Marks for where pieces will join together
Which side is which (side, front, top, etc.)
Jacket Base
If you are using vinyl, you can trace your patterns directly onto the backside of the vinyl with a light colored sharpie pen (mine was light pink).  **ADD YOUR SEAM ALLOWANCES!!**  You can eyeball these, since you will have the marks on the back of the vinyl to know where to stitch, but you should add ½  -⅝” seam allowance.  
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Cut out your pieces for the front and back of the jacket.  Pin the “T” for the back of the jacket to a red pieces.  You will need to notch the allowances to get it to lay right, but don’t jump into notching too quickly.  Be careful with the T - you want to get it as symmetric as possible.
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Once the back is done, pin the front too, then pin the front and back together and try the whole thing on!  
It will fit slightly more loosely when the seams are done
The armholes might be tight (mine were) - we will adjust these later
Mostly we want to make sure it is lookin’ good, feelin’ good!
Sew the seams with a normal straight stitch first.  Them we will fold over the excess and sew the seam again, lining up the seam with the edge of the foot and sewing a line in the color of the top material to give it a finished look.  I did this to help my “T” lay flat and it really makes a huge difference in the look of the jacket - this will give it that “pro” touch!
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For the “T” - the white should be the “top” layer.  
For the front stripes, white is the top over red, and both reds are top over yellow.
For the top seam, i sewed the back as top over the front.  
Sew the sides together last.  We will not fold over and double stitch that seam.  
Now you’re done with the base!  Pat yourself on the back!
Okay, now it gets harder from here.  
A few notes before we start the sleeves:
Remember your seam allowances!
Vinyl does not stretch!
You can take extra fabric away, but you cannot (nicely) add more, so when in doubt, size up!
Measure the final width of the white on the shoulder of the jacket base.  Good.  Now measure it again.  BE CAREFUL because matching these widths is really important to having the final product look clean and professional!  (And remember your seam allowances!)
On your sleeve pattern, mark out the width of the white on the top of it and at the bottom of the sleeve (wrist).  Use a straight edge to connect the lines. I made my white fairly wide, but again, suit your own preferences!
I made my sleeves MASSIVELY over-wide and trimmed them down a ton, because I was worried about not being able to bend my arms.
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Test the size of your arm holes now, with your chest portion of the jacket complete.  Widen them ass necessary so you can comfortably put on the jacket by cutting away from the BOTTOM portion of the arm hole.
Sew the white into the middle of the sleeves, again, being VERY CAREFUL to make sure the width matches up.  Test it a bunch.  Measure it a bunch.  If you think you’ve measured enough, measure it one more time.  
Finish the seams with white on top and a line of stitching.
Turn the sleeve inside out and sew the red pieces together.  We will not fold over and double stitch this part either.  
Turn the jacket base inside out and pin your sleeves to the base.  Start at the top and MATCH UP THE WHITE.  The excess should be at the bottom of the sleeve.  You will probably have a bunch if you followed my advice.  That’s fine.
Try it on again (Carefully!  Pins!)  Test the sleeves.  Bend your arms, see how it feels.  Get a sense of how much you want to take in the sleeves.  Take it apart, take in the sleeves, pin it on again.  
CAREFUL with the “pinches” that will develop from the sleeves (the bunching) - I was not careful with mine and they are not quite evenly pinched.  You want these in the same spot.  
Sew on your sleeves.  Exhale.  Be proud.  The foundation of our jacket is now laid!
Okay, now we are going off the books.  Remember pattern piece 10?  The hood?  We are going to base the collar on this because it is sized appropriately for our collar.  Trace the pattern onto your pattern paper.  Hold it up to your jacket.  Tweak it, feel it out.  Adjust as needed.  
We are going to want a little extra for the hems, so BE MINDFUL of that as we proceed.
My collar is HUGE because aesthetic.  You may want a smaller collar based on your own preferences, practicality for wearing, etc.  
If you are using vinyl, you won’t need any interfacing because the vinyl is pretty stiff.  If you are making your jacket from cotton, fleece, canvas, THE FORBIDDEN PLEATHER, etc. you will definitely need interfacing to stiffen it up.  
I’m sure you know this by now but…
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Cut FOUR pieces - be careful with mirroring these.  
Sew the middle bits (back of neck) together first.  Trim the excess (this is one of the ONLY times we will do this!) on this seam.  Stitch the front edges and the top together.  Leave the bottom open.  Cut the corners diagonally so it can lay flat when you turn it right side out.  Finish your seams with another line - be careful at the corners!  Pin the collar to the neckline and check.  It is okay if the neckline has a tiny bit extra at the front - we still need our zipper!  If your collar is too big, take it in along that middle seam.  Then, stitch your collar to the jacket.
Okay you know the drill by now.  Allowances.  Measure twice.  Etc.
Measure around the bottom (wrist) of sleeve.  Measure LOOSELY around the sleeve where you want the top of the cuff to be.  Mine was 4½”.  
Cut a pattern with the measurements that has a shape like the one shown.  You’ll need 2 - one for each arm.
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Fold the cuff in half with the “V” edges together - stitch these together.  
Turn the cuff right side out and fold to make a tube.  Stick the tube, top of cuff out, into the sleeve, and CAREFULLY stitch the cuff on.  The fold the cuff up and over the sleeve.  Make sure both sides are even!
Burgundy Stripe
Pine the burgundy vinyl to the base of the jacket and sew a seam.  Fold it over, then finish the seam with the line of stitching.  Easy peasy.
Use the patterns from your mockup to make a lining.  I used red jetset, it is soft, it is colorfast, is has some give and is easy to work with.  You can use whatever you like.
The only parts you will hem will be the bottom of the jacket and the bottom of the sleeves (near the wrist).
Sew the lining to the collar (right sides together) - this will finish this inner seam.
Stuff the arms into the sleeves.  Pop your cuffs back down, then sew the lining into the sleeve (this is a tricky bit).  The bottom we will leave open, so the last part to attach is the seams along the zipper.
Turn the jacket inside out.  Open up the zipper and sandwich it in between the vinyl and lining.  Sew the zipper on.  Do the same on the other side.
Turn the jacket right side out and FINISH THOSE SEAMS!  You will need your red, yellow, and burgundy thread for this. Use the appropriate color for the portion of jacket.  My machine got real cranky on the burgundy cuz of the layers.  I am going to tweak this guide with where you can trim excess to make this easier.
CrescentShay - her post helped me get started on my jacket!  It was immensely helpful
My mom - she taught me how to sew, helped me make all my early cosplays, gave me her sewing machine, and always answers the phone when i call begging for tips and advice on a new project!
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pianovan53-blog · 2 years
Why Use a Personal Coach and How Do You Choose the Ideal One?
Visit five commercial gyms or fitness centres in addition to ask them precisely why you should employ a Personal Trainer and an individual will get ten different answers, based around why you should use a Personalized Trainer from their very own facility. The difficulty with the suggestions you are receiving from these professional revenue people, is that the advice is driven by simply sales targets and is designed to be able to help build the particular businesses from the resident Personal Trainers. Now don't get us wrong, I feel a Personal Fitness instructor working out associated with a large professional gym and I actually also want to build by business. Gaining accessibility to gym members who have been deeply in love with the benefits and values involving personal training definitely makes that work so much easier. But , I would likely much go for our clients choose the Personal Trainer (preferably me) for valid reasons and with a realistic view involving the actual can assume to receive in return for their hard-earned bucks. Let's start with the start; why will be it best in order to workout with the Personal Trainer? Basically, there are eight explanations why most people choose to indulge a Personal Fitness instructor and perhaps they are:
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1. You are not seeing results. Many people will begin an exercising regime having a standard goal in your mind, usually weight loss, in addition to work like insane for weeks, weeks as well as years with no getting any noticeable results. An excellent Private Trainer will begin your journey using a comprehensive Pre-Exercise Screening questionnaire and will have the in depth discussion using you with regards to your aims, motivation and former workout history. Only next, after gaining a great understanding of wherever you currently are and where you want to obtain to, will they will begin formulating a good exercise and healthy eating plan plan specifically regarding you. Included in the pre-exercise screening, will be body weight assessment, width measurements and maybe still skinfold measurements used to establish a new baseline against which the future progress will be measure. two. You don't understand where to start. No Fitness instructor really worth spending your hard earned money in will imagine you have any prior knowledge of physiology & physiology, diet or exercise technology. The reason is that if we assume that each client is a new blank canvas and develop the routines in line with the principles regarding sound technique plus progression, every consumer has got the opportunity to learn the most secure, most effective way in which to construct their strength, cardio vascular fitness plus insure against needless injuries. Many people who join gym don't know how to exercise effectively or even safely and there is usually no-one preferable to train you how in order to do that than your own Personal Trainer. Some sort of large number regarding people will down load a templated exercise from their favorite website or have advice from their very own "fit" friends. The problem with this particular tackle is that a person may not know just how to use the particular equipment safely and the workout features not been designed to fit your personal needs and/or limits. 3. You happen to be tired of the similar old workouts. I understand from personal experience that if you may not change your exercise regularly, or add interesting cross-training alternatives in the mix, a person become very bored with the exercise and are fewer likely to including attempt to get it done. Bang, there will go your motivation. A great Personal Trainer can be continually reviewing your progress, precisely how your body is adapting to typically the exercise and, assessing your motivation. In the event that any, or just about all, of these indications show signs associated with plateauing or you are less determined, he will alter your routine in addition to add some variety into your workout to keep it interesting and to continually challenge your body. 4. You need to be challenged. Should you be like the the greater part of the performing exercises population, there is going to be days whenever you simply may feel like forcing you to ultimately your limits or, you only feel like slacking off. A Particular Trainer will not necessarily allow you in order to enhance the BALONEY excuses to certainly not workout. He will probably force you to full that last two reps and encourage you through the set once the body weight seems way too hefty. He will be your conscience, your instructor and your perk squad, but they will not have to get your current Mother. 5. Learn more want to find out how to physical exercise on your very own. Even if you desire to exercise upon your own, this is the idea to employ a Personal Trainer with regard to a few classes to learn the right way to exercise. This is definitely especially true if you want to be able to purchase muscles within your body, how you can target those muscles and how to be able to complete the physical exercises with good strategy. Just a number of sessions can educate you about your human body, how functions in addition to what you can certainly do the get the best out of it through exercise. 6. You need accountability in addition to motivation. Personal Teachers feature built-in inspiration. You happen to be investing both money and time in the health and physical fitness and nothing like a standing appointment to get an individual through your butt and moving. A great Personal Trainer may also provide accountability; when you don't turn upwards to have an appointment, these people will be directly on to you to find away if you do the missed education in your personal time. They will regularly quiz you on your eating and going to sleep habits to help to make sure you happen to be remaining on track. seven. You have some sort of specific illness, damage or condition. If you have particular conditions like, Kind 2 Diabetes, Heart problems, arthritis or ancient injuries, working using a Personal Instructor, who can job with a medical expert, Physiotherapist or Chiropractor, can certainly help you locate a program that suits your particular situations, help heal accidents and, avoid additional problems. Remember that you want to get a trainer who else has experience with your issues in addition to make sure that trainer works tightly with your medical professional and/or physical psychologist to get the best experience. 8. You will be training regarding a sport or event. If most likely practicing a convention, the football season or any other variety of sport or event, a highly skilled Particular Trainer can assist you decide exactly what you need to be able to do to remain strong without detracting from your other coaching. He can in addition help create the training program and even map out a new periodisation plan intended for the coming occasion. Just make certain he's experienced inside the sport you aren't training for due to the fact its not all trainers do sport-specific training. on the lookout for. You would like supervision and even support. Some people do know how you can exercise for ideal results and do know how to exercise safely but still want to have a Personal Trainer around to supervise their particular workout and provide support (including distinguishing heavy weights) throughout the workout. The Personal Trainer next becomes more associated with a training companion. 10. You need to workout at home. Lots of people have a fine number of exercise gear at home nevertheless aren't sure how to use what they possess or, lack the particular motivation and self-control to truly exercise. A Personal Trainer can show you precisely how to use precisely what you have got and even the knowledge that will your Trainer is going to be coming to the particular time in the required day is going to help motivate a person to do typically the work. Now that you have lots of really compelling factors why you should employ a new Personal Trainer, required is: How do an individual find the best a single? I really could be facetious and just say, "pick me! " but there are some fundamental, plus non-negotiable, criteria that will you should insist on seeing. The very first of those is an suitable, recognise qualification inside of fitness or work out science. As a great absolute minimum, the Personal Trainer will need to have a Certificate III & IV in Fitness. If that they have certain amount inside Fitness or Below Graduate Degree in Sports or Work out Science, then consequently much the far better. Secondly, if that they do not have got additional qualifications, elizabeth. g. Certificate or even Diploma level, in Nutrition or Dietetics, they should not end up being offering nutritional or perhaps dietary advice further than the scope of the National Eating Guidelines. If, however, they do have got additional qualifications in Nutrition and/or Dietetics, they could help you analyse your daily diet and offer nutritional advice and advice. The third factor to consider is their expertise. Every Personal Coach has been knowledgeable to a stage that will allow them to offer support and even guidance to a comprehensive range of folks with a broad range of objectives and even challenges. However , I actually have yet to meet a single Individual Trainer who certainly not have a specialisation or, a desire for a particular type of training. If you have got been diagnosed along with Type 2 Diabetes and your goal is usually to shed weight and command your condition, it would be pointless teaming up using your own Trainer whose specialisation or inclination is for body setting up and competition. It would be equally pointless for a great aspiring bodybuilder to be able to team up which has a Trainer who is a specialist in post-pregnancy fat loss. The experience might be underwhelming and even frustrating for the two parties. Finally, suitability is an essential factor in selecting who you should entrust with your own health and health and fitness journey. You may possibly have found the very best Personal Trainer in the planet but once he has the huge ego and even has difficulty relating to you, on your current level, he is usually not the person for you. Your time time to take a seat down and also have a chat, learn a thing about the Trainer's background, their particular fitness journey and what they enjoy carrying out in the gym. If you discover a kindred character who has all regarding the qualifications and a specialisation that suits your needs, they are the Instructor for you personally. When a person do find that perfect Personal Instructor, don't make the mistake regarding putting dollars inside the way regarding achieving aims. The investment in the right Personal Trainer will probably be worth every nickle. Let's say a person are asked to invest $50 for every session twice weekly to get the particular Trainer of your choice. Inside isolation, $100 may seem like a good large amount regarding money however, you need to put this into context; exactly what is your existence and long expression health worth? In the event that you eliminated all junk food, cigarettes and alcohol out of your diet, how much would that preserve you each week? When you were ready to stop acquiring the drugs which can be currently keeping an individual healthy, how much would you save? The particular dollars should not be the deciding factor. It is certainly very possible for me personally to state "I can get an individual into the best shape of your life" and in fact, many of my contemporaries do exactly of which in their promoting, but what does indeed that mean in the particular context in your life? We would much quite say: "I can help you find the durability of purpose in addition to discipline to be fit and healthy and balanced for the rest of your lifestyle. " This is the actuality that we can easily both commit in order to and make it happen. You only can modification your life; I am able to teach you exactly how and help you achieve it.
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
ASK ANU: 'My husband doesn't love me'
ASK ANU: 'My husband doesn't love me'
Is your relationship causing you stress?
Are you feeling lonely, helpless, indecisive?
You are not alone!
As part of an initiative to help Rediff readers, mind/life coach, NLP trainer and mental health guru Anu Krishna wants you to talk about your problems.
Every week, Anu will answer your queries, address your concerns and offer expert advice on how you can take control of your life.
Dear readers, if you have a question for Anu, please e-mail it to [email protected] (Subject: Ask ANU) for her advice.
Meanwhile, here’s the unedited excerpt from Anu’s latest offline session with readers:
A: Dear Anu It’s been 3 years since I had my break up with my girlfriend.
We parted our ways on good terms but till date I miss her. Every time I feel like I should text her or call her but I don’t I just divert myself.
From past three weeks this thing is increasing I don’t know what to do should I contact her or not.
And I can’t discuss this thing with anyone I never told my friends about this relationship and I don’t want to.
Please help me out ma’am tell me what should I do .
ANU: Dear Anonymous, you can do one of two things. Either call her/text her and know what she feels about your relationship and whether she considers it as one.
If she does, see how both of you can rebuild it.
If she has moved on, then it’s obvious to move on as well. Easier said than done, I know.
But if you weigh what you lose by being in a zone of misery and anxiety versus what you can do and be when you move on, I guess it’s obvious what you must choose for yourself.
Start with initially distracting yourself from the phone into things that matter.
Do simple things; any repair in the house that you have put off or any course that you have been procrastinating about.
This is the time to start deeply focusing into something that will give you a sense of achievement that will enable you to have a better feeling from within.
Slowly, start to increase the level of difficulty of these tasks and soon, though you might still remember her, it will not be through pain or anguish but more a good memory.
Start now and always make sure you are surrounded by friends who pull you when you feel that ‘down’ moment.
Do remember, there was a reason why the two of you parted.
Honour and respect that reason and move on if that’s what is necessary for your peace of mind.
My best wishes to you!
HS: I don’t know how to start but things are not good in my life.
I lost my father 3 months back which still does not go out of my head.
I met a girl recently and developed some sort of feelings for her but she is not at all interested in me which made me more sad as I feel as I am just not good enough.
Due to my professional work I am not living with my family and their tensions extra.
I have zero friends who talk regularly to me or ask about me.
I have a thin body so people body shame me and it decreases my morale and confidence.
Profession is also not going as good I thought due to relationship issues with my manager.
Everything is making me more sad and lonely.
Please give me something to cheer. Don’t want to live life like this.. I am writing this with a heavy heart.
ANU: Dear HS, I am truly sorry for your loss; the passing away of a loved one is never easy on anyone.
Now let’s focus on what you might be bothered by. See, if you are going to depend on the external environment to increase your confidence or self-esteem, then you are setting yourself up for a rude disappointment.
Your state of mind is your choice which is the one that dictates how you perceive the environment around you.
If you wake every morning feeling sorry for yourself, do you think you are going to perform well at work?
Shying away from a social life just because you are body shamed pushes you back into an unfavorable state of mind where you shut away even a few ‘good’ people.
Why deprive yourself of the little joys just because some people measure you by how you look?
What do you get by giving into that drama that these people have created?
More agony, I presume! And then the loop goes on and on…
Do check a few inspiring videos on how people have overcome body shaming and take a leaf out of it and start living for who you are; people start respecting you when you respect yourself first.
Well, romantic feelings sometimes may not be reciprocated; but you feel sad because you already are in a self-pity mode; what if your mind space was stronger?
A rejection from a girl, would have still been fine and would have been easy to move on.
Sorry, I need to be honest and show you the mirror, rather than just cheer you up. Get up, stand tall, show up. Show Up, no matter what!
Respect yourself for who you are…you are your best Ally…Now, I want you to dust yourself off of all the feelings that are not useful and Show Up and Take Charge…watch how things change…
Best wishes and simply Show Up…You can do this…
RG:I have been in a relationship for 12 years when I married the man I love.
It is now 6 years of marriage and we have a kid. When I was pregnant my husband was in a relationship with another woman.
When my kid was 2.5 years old I came know about the relationship and I am destroyed.
My husband asked me not to leave him and since I didn’t get any support from my family I stayed. Now I am still not able to overcome the situation.
I know he doesn’t love me though he says he does.
I don’t know why I am with him, he is trying to maintain our relation but there is nothing like before.
I don’t feel the same way. I even don’t know whether I still love him or not.
ANU: Dear RG, I am going to assume that you want the marriage to work and my suggestions below are based on this assumption.
It’s time to get an independent person involved who will help in giving an impersonal view. This could be an elder member of the family or a Marriage Therapist.
What this person will help with is reevaluate your marriage, put things into perspective, clarify all your doubts.
Obviously, you have your doubts on whether he loves you or not after being cheated upon! But no amount of asking is going to convince you…that’s why it’s imperative for both of you involve a person who can guide you through this process of rebuilding your marriage in trust and love.
In the meantime, what I might suggest for you is: Remind yourself everyday as to why you married him and what he has brought forth to your life.
This helps you be in a sane space on a daily basis which also help you care for the toddler who needs a lot of care and love as well.
Spend time with friends that don’t just gossip and bad-mouth but can genuinely nourish you; you need this nourishment now.
Pick up a hobby and indulge in it; it helps not just distract you but also give you a ‘feel-good’ emotion and makes you have little moments of joy.
Of course, after you visit the expert, the choice of continuing in the marriage or not, rests with the two of you…choose wisely.
All the best!
GN: My name is Gatima, I’m 36 years old and a housewife.
I’m married from past 10 years and it was a love marriage.
I was bought up in metro cities like Delhi and Mumbai. I married to a guy from Goa and a shipy (merchant navy).
I was working when I got married but I left immediately because I wanted to sail with my husband, initial years were good. I have one boy who is 5 now .
We used to fight all d time but initially we used to understand each other and patch up fast , but from last one year our fights increased so much and we stop talking for even months.
My husband has lots of complaints from me and always blames me for every fight.
I’m feeling so guilty. I always curse myself and ask God why he made me so bad person.
Whenever we fight, all other family members cut off communication with me.
Although I am surrounded by so many I’m alone.
I cry most of time but now my eyes have dried and there are no tears.
I hate myself and my life. I cannot face the mirror for days bcoz I hate myself.
I am living for my 5 year old son. But I’m very depressed and have PCOD .
I don’t get sleep plus I get migraine attacks.
ANU: Dear GN, The past year has been different for different people; marriages have been rebuilt, new marriages have taken place, divorces have happened…relationships have gone through a huge transitions, in short.
Of course, not to undermine what you are experiencing right now!
Conflicts, arguments, debates are common in a marriage…but they can be worked upon as long as both of you want the same thing and want to stick around in the marriage.
What according to you has changed now when you say that things used to easily resolve earlier and now that doesn’t happen? What has caused this?
When you say, he complains and blames you, how does he do that? Does he actually say it aloud or are you interpreting it?
These questions get you closer to the truth of the matter at hand.
It takes two people to create a conflict, of course the phase of life or whatever the phase he is in, maybe he finds it convenient to blame you.
So why do play the role of the victim when you are not actually one?
And Yes, he may not be justified in what he is doing and throwing it all on you. But if simply being in this pool of misery has achieved anything, it has made you a victim…
If you want to feel better or change something about this situation, wake up NOW…do something, do anything; support or no support from anyone!
A small change in the way you perceive things and act for yourself can change your physical well-being as well.
PCOS/Migraine can be an indirect result of the anxiety and stress that you are carrying inside you.
Start focusing on what you are eating and if you are exercising enough…these can help a great deal in keeping PCOS/Migraine under control.
What you think is what you become…so keep your son also in mind and get yourself out of this misery or find an expert who can help you. You want this for yourself and your son, don’t you?
My best wishes are with you!
KS:My name is ‘X’ and I belong to a middle class family.
Right now, I am 46 and my marriage was solemnised about 10 yrs back.
It was a totally arranged marriage would like to state here that I didn’t like the girl or her appearance right from the start.
I am a teacher by profession and my mother wanted her would be daughter- in law to have a similar background that is like that of a teacher.
Initially, I was hesitant to marry this girl selected by my parents, but then I consented to the marriage thinking that whatever my elders and my parents had thought about my future would be the correct decision related to my life.
Moreover, everybody had started to say that the girl would suit me. But right from the 1st day of marriage, I started resenting the relationship.
Nothing happened between us on the 1st night of marriage.
The girl didn’t have any specific faults, but somehow she didn’t appear to be attractive at all for me.
The colour of her skin was dark, maybe I wanted a fair skinned girl.
Finally, the situation came to such an extent that she, in collusion with her family, lodged a false case of domestic violence against us because they felt that the girl was unfairly neglected by me.
They also wanted to derive unfair financial gain at my parents and my cost.
The case continued for 7 years and ultimately we won it. And now, after many years, I have once again started to feel that I should marry even though I am of advanced age.
I want a partner who is attractive, beautiful and above all, who is so matured in her outlook that after marriage, we will not even care for any petty issues and not fight over silly matters.
I am also taking the help of Shaadi.com in this matter through all the attractive membership schemes launched by them.
Now, at this juncture, I really need your advice as to whether I should proceed forward and take this step at my age.
This is moreso because as a life partner, I want an elite kind of girl who is far above the kind of girl which we see in most common middle-class societies.
I do not want to disclose my name.
ANU: Dear KS, before you proceed on this journey of finding a life partner for yourself, it is time to rework your strong beliefs on appearance, skin colour etc.
What went wrong with your first marriage maybe anybody’s guess, but there’s no judging here!
Not that, you were coerced into it; you fully know you always had the option of saying you didn’t want to marry the girl.
Yet, you went ahead convincing yourself that your family knew what they were doing for you.
The unfair financial gain that they wanted might have been a direct result of the unfair treatment from you towards their daughter.
Did that occur to you?
You say you want a life partner who will not rake up petty issues and be matured as well, don’t you feel that is what she will expect from you as well?
Since I don’t have the details, it would be unfair of me to presume anymore on this.
It was to simply turn your head towards how your old-fashioned thinking might step into your next marriage as well?
How would you feel if on the first night in your next marriage, your wife comments on your physical appearance or your performance in bed?
Are you going to walk around with a high self-esteem even after that?
Let’s now lead you to a place that can make it a beautiful experience for you…
So much has changed and I truly wish that you look at your spouse for what she can add into your life instead of harping on what she doesn’t possess?
I mean, as humans the flaws that we walk around, if it were pointed to us on a daily basis, it would depress us to a point that we may end up feeling that we are not good enough.
What I would suggest after having worked with couples over years helping them rebuild their marriages is to change your way of thinking and embrace the next person for who she is once you know your initial check boxes have been ticked that might involve matching value systems.
This helps in rooting your marriage on a strong foundation; rain or storm, the two of you will be smiling and holding hands to walk the journey together.
Wishing you a beautiful life!
TT: Dear Anu, I would like to discuss about a problem in my married life with you.
Me and my husband had a love marriage 21 years ago.
Before our marriage also my husband had many relationships and affairs but since he was very true about everything and he promised to change things, we married.
Though, our family was a happy one and we have two grown up kids also, everything seems OK from outside. But actually, my husband has had many affairs after our marriage also.
He has never left his habit of impressing females around him, it may be his colleagues or some common friends etc.. and I always come across some or the other female in his life.
Some of the affairs have been so serious that they even went ahead and spent days and nights together.
Every time, I discover some affair, he admits his mistake and tells me to move on, but he never believes in correcting his mistakes and either continues with the affair or finds a new partner.
I have lost all trust in him but since I am not earning and have two grown up kids and also love him a lot, can’t think of separation.
I have tried confronting him though but he gets angry always and blames me for spoiling our family life and not moving on.
Also, would like to accept that he is very supportive in family matters, loves his family a lot, is very dedicated to his work and to his kids, he is very empathetic towards people, helps everyone but needs his own space too.
I am completely confused about what should I do.
I am unable to trust him for anything and we keep arguing over smallest things.
Hope you will reply to me. Thanks.
ANU: Dear TT, I can only imagine what you must be going through.
Since you want to continue in the marriage, that choice is something I presume that has emerged after a lot of thought and I respect it.
The way this marriage will work is communicate clearly to him that his philandering ways have to stop as it is affecting you and the marriage.
If this doesn’t work, he seriously needs help in dealing with this…sometimes people don’t realise that they are jeopardizing their marriages.
I am not defending him but simply stating that sometimes people get themselves into a trap of not so useful situations and quite don’t know how to get out of it.
Also, what he might gain from so many extra marital relationships is something that he needs to find in other ways rather than swaying outside of the marriage.
This requires him to work with an expert as he will most likely not yield to your requests like in the past. Mere talking will not be enough; he possibly needs intensive therapy.
This will help him reunite with his family that he loves so much and he can be around completely without having to seek pleasure outside eroding the foundation of marriage.
As he seems to get better, it’s time for you to live your life as well, right?
What is it that you haven’t done in years? What is it that you gave up after marriage or after having kids?
What excites you enough for you to step up for yourself and create your own happiness? Simply DO THAT.
This will help you get back on your feet; who knows you might discover something that actually may end up becoming a money generator as well!
I wish you the best!
. Source link
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trulyfitnessblog · 3 years
Getting New Clients as a Personal Trainer
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Getting Your First Personal Training Client
Getting your first client is tough. This fitness business platform has taken this very difficult problem and solved it for fitness professionals. You can start your fitness career without having to be an expert in marketing or advertising. If you’re looking for your first client or just more clients TrulyFit can help.
TrulyFit allows you to build a trainer profile for free on the platform, list your services, schedule, and set your prices. Hot leads, yes, potential clients will be searching through the site to find you whether you run your business on-site or virtually. Whether you’re an in person or online personal trainer this open marketplace allows for various levels of fitness professionals to set their price accordingly. TrulyFit advertises to get these customers to the site on your behalf. Sign up today!
Strategies For Getting & Keeping Clients
Understanding Demographic of Purchasers:
The people who are willing to pay for your services are the people who need to be targeting when you start. Until you have established yourself as an absolute authority in your realm/niche, you will have trouble persuading people to purchase. Getting new clients for new trainers is even harder.
Proven purchasers in the health and fitness industry are the following; working professionals (34+), personal interactions, and retirees. In a study done by IHRSA, a whopping 71% of the recorded club/gym personal training fees were paid for by people over the age of 34.
As a FIT (Fitness Industry Teacher) your goal is to provide value for your clientele. Subsequently, the pay must be commensurate with the value you provide.
If the going rate in your area for a personal training session is $60/H, and you believe you are providing $60/H worth of value, who is now likely to be able to pay for that?
2 Questions To Always Ask
Who has the funds to pay an expert?
Statistics taken from Deloitte Insights review, saw that nearly 20% of baby boomers have investable assets over half a million dollars, and over 35% have more than $50k in deposits.
Who is likely to seek out an expert?
You do not create a market, you find out what the market dictates and you adjust accordingly. The people likely to seek out an expert? We will go over that next.
What Clients Are Easier To Get?
How many 22 year old exercisers have 60/H to pay a personal trainer?
How many 24 year old exercisers are likely to be nervous about transitioning from downward dog into warrior 1 pose?
The older you are the more prone to injury/health related problems you are, and in turn the more you’ll need a professional to guide you. This is not just a pitch to your prospective clientele as a fitness industry teacher, but truly a fact of life.
It becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight, get stronger, and be creative in the exercise/health/fitness realm as you get older. You lose balance, motor coordination, strength, bone density, stamina all while increasing the fear of falling and obtaining life altering health issues & illnesses.
So, start to think about who needs your expertise.
A 67 year old woman who was just diagnosed with osteopenia
A 27 year old female who wants to go from 123 pounds to 115 pounds for a wedding
You can certainly help both, but the former will stick with you on a weekly basis. The older demographic are typically more financially secure, and less likely to take your tips for one session then go use them on their own.
If building quickly is your goal finding older clientele is always my advice.
Be Professional: Keep Clients Happy
It doesn’t matter how fast you get clients if you continue to lose them. You have to do the right things day to day or you will lose them faster than you gain them.
While on vacation in Miami, I was getting a personal morning lift in at a local gym. I could not help but to glance over at other trainers to see what sort of experience they were providing.
There were only two trainers working at the time in a relatively small gym. Both trainers were not doing the right things to keep clients happy. I can tell they probably never had a personal training internship or shadowing experiences.
How Not To Get Clients
For the sake of this story I will call them Trainer Blonde and Trainer Brown. Trainer Brown’s client was on the treadmill as he strolled in at 8:21am. Her eyes rolled and a half smirk arose over her face as he slowly walked toward her apologizing. “The line was super long at Starbucks, my bad”, sipping his coffee. After already arriving late, with a coffee in his hand, he then proceeded to ask his client, “What do you want to do today?”.
Trainer Blonde was across the room working with his client, a women in fabulous shape somewhere in her early 40’s. Trainer Blonde is having her do dumbbell deadlifts. He doesn’t instruct form or tell her how many repetitions to do. Instead he asks, “Can I film you when you do these it will be great for my website?”
If getting new clients is the goal you will have to clean up your training style. Understand people are always watching. Most of this boils down to one thing: The Golden Rule.
People are paying money for your time and expertise, you have to treat them as you would expect to be treated. I will go over a simple list next to keep you focused on creating a positive experience for each client.
6 Daily Musts To Maintain Clients
Be early, not on time – Other potential clientele are always watching, always. At least half of my clientele had watched me work in some capacity from afar or were told via word of mouth about my professionalism prior to working with me. You are a professional. Don’t ever be late.
Ask your client how they feel – I call this the “Update”. This should be the first question you ask always. You need to check in with them physically and emotionally. Letting them vent for the first few minutes of every session gives you solid direction as to what type of experience you may need to provide, or what exercises you should avoid.
Come Prepared – Have a written out game plan or at least a vague idea of what you want to do in your head.
Demonstrate & Elucidate – Your ability to demonstrate and elucidate need to be on display continually. For a few of the same reasons I have previously mentioned; prospective clients are always watching and you need to illustrate that you are an authority and expert in your realm. It is also the safest, and easiest way for your client to learn properly. Whether they are visual or auditory, you are covering both bases as far as proper form is concerned.
People Learn Differently –  It is your job to be good at presenting things in different ways until the client understands. You must use different visual cues outside of anatomical parlance in order to get people to understand the movements and connect the dots.
Quick & Confident – You know that feeling when you’re about to watch someone in a horror film walk into the room where the killer is? I get that same wide-eyed discomfort when I watch trainers drag their clients around a fitness facility, aimlessly looking for an idea or an exercise to pop into their heads.
Additionally, you need to assess the layout. Whether you’re teaching an online class or working one on one with someone outdoors, showing up early allows you to see what equipment is available. It also allows you to see any issues there may be with the facility (Air Conditioner out, treadmills broken, etc), and it allows you to make any last second adjustments in your plans so that any curveballs that may be thrown your way do not cripple your ability to put together a good experience.
Imagine if I asked you to put together a routine for me (any fitness medium) using 3 different items in a place you are familiar with. Now, Imagine I dragged you into my facility and asked you to do the same thing. You will spend half of your time looking around the space to find items you thought of in your head that you had exercises for. It makes you look unprofessional and shakes your confidence. Understanding the space around you is a must, and being early allows that. Thinking on the fly and being creative is important and inevitable, but having one leg up will make that easier.
For Example, what if your client tells you they worked out on their own, and ran 12 miles the day before? Well, it may not be best to structure your workout around leg exercises that day. You may need to reassess your game plan, and put together a lighter workout focusing on upper body, core, coupled with dynamic and static stretching.
Be prepared to get a host of different responses. “I didn’t sleep well last night”, “I have had some stomach issues”, “My gout is flaring up”, etc. You have to be ready to pivot and adjust to their needs. It also allows you to go over their goals, and reiterate that you know where they want to be and you’re helping them stay on track.
Yes, they are paying for the session and you should provide them with whatever services they specifically ask for. That doesn’t let you off the hook from coming prepared, and emphasizing that you are the FIT (fitness industry teacher) with the tools that are helping them toward their goals. Using online forums is something I highly suggest as a resource to pull great exercises from. Of course you should always take anonymous online posts with a grain of salt, but there is a lot of great information and routines you can pull from to help guide you when writing out a plan.
People also like to see things done with ease, in an impressive manner. They should be enamored by your skill set in showing the movements, which reemphasizes why they are paying you. You should also be elucidating the “why” for movements, so that you again show there is a purpose and a plan, additionally illustrating your ultimate understanding of the fitness subject. People learn in a variety of ways. You have to learn to be adept in explaining the same thing in various ways. For example; when putting my client into position for a rotational exercise I have different terminology I will use until something clicks. I may say, “Get into an athletic stance” if that isn’t enough I can get more specific and say, “Pretend you are playing second base and anticipating a ground ball”.  Understand that what is easy and normal terminology for you will not be for your clients. Be ready to try different phrases, analogies, and visual stimuli.
For example; When describing the kinetic chain progression of a squat it is typically much easier to say, “There is a door open behind you I want you to pretend you are going to push the door closed with your butt before you start your squat” rather than “Hip hinge backwards into an anterior pelvic tilt position”. Remember that your clients do not understand (nor care) about all the specifics, and rely on you to put them into the proper positions by relaying that information to them in whatever way is easiest to process for them. Many times you will have to demonstrate each movement as some people learn from the visual stimuli. Have at least 3 ways of demonstrating or describing each of the 7 Central Movements (which you will learn shortly).
The equipment isn’t instructing you what to do, you’re using the equipment to help instruct your client. If your internal monologue is always churning from an anatomical perspective, “We’ve worked legs, core, and pulling…okay lets do pushing next” then you can be proactive in getting to the next exercise swiftly and confidently to show your client you have a plan. Once you understand the “7 Central”, which we will go over next, you should never have an issue with this.
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bharathshan · 3 years
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