#i already mentioned enhanced senses but specifically sense of smell being strong so scents are a big thing in their culture
fanflames · 1 year
its very important to me to mention that this blogs canon 100% takes fox mannerisms and slaps them onto foxians because they should be treated as monster people. tail wagging... ears movin to indicate emotions... pupils dilating like cats'.... better senses in general meaning they'll react to things that normal humans wont....
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streetlight11 · 3 years
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Summary: After your parents were murdered by werewolf hunters, you had to run away. You had to save yourself from going through the same tragic fate and that leaves you to being a lone wolf. Thankfully, moving to a new town led you to meeting new people and possibly a new family.
Theme: werewolf au, strangers to lovers
Genre: smidge of action, fluff, slightly suggestive
Warnings: mentions of slight nudity and violence, gets a little steamy near the end but nothing too detailed
WC: 6.6k
Pairing: Alpha!Minho x Omega!FemReader
a/n: Hi :) Obviously werewolf skz is just *chef's kiss* so of course I had to write about it. So here's a Minho one ;)
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Due to your parent’s unfortunate death, you had to move away to avoid being caught by the same hunters who killed them. By moving cities, it means moving schools too. Before this, you were in your dad’s pack which only consists of your mom, your dad and you. Now that they’re gone, it leaves you to being a lone wolf.
Hence, why you managed to enrol yourself into this new school after finding yourself a cheap rundown apartment.
You were an Omega werewolf which means you weren’t a part of any pack. You were a lone wolf. After your parents died, you had no one to go to. No friends, no family, nothing. You might as well just die.
Except, you knew your parents wouldn’t want that so you had to persevere and try to at least survive for as long as you can on your own. Throughout your whole life, you weren’t really able to detect any werewolves near you despite your amazing supernatural sense of smell.
So you thought you were alone from now on. Little did you know, the previous town you lived in just didn’t have your kind.
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The 8 of them were a pack. To be more specific, they were in Chan’s pack. Chan was their leader but also an Alpha along with Minho and Changbin. Meanwhile, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin were Betas. They’ve been together for quite a while now where Chan was initially only with Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin before he took in the other young ones after a few unfortunate circumstances.
Chan has been teaching them how to hunt, enhance their skills and basically provide them food and shelter. They were more like brothers instead of friends or acquaintances. Their bond was stronger than anything else. If one was injured, the other would know even if they were miles apart.
It was a warm Tuesday afternoon, the boys were just having lunch at their usual table when Changbin’s nose began to tickle with a strong scent, only for the others to smell it too right after.
“Hey, do you guys smell that?” Changbin asked quietly, earning a few nods from the rest.
Since Chan, Minho and Changbin were Alphas, they have slightly stronger werewolf senses compared to the others and they could tell that this scent was new. They knew a few other packs that were present on campus and were even friends with some of them but this?
This was a very new scent that they weren’t familiar with.
“Whoever this is, they clearly just transferred here.” Jisung stated nonchalantly.
“No shit sherlock.” Minho said, earning a low snarl from the younger boy.
“But where is it coming from? I would know if they’re in the room with us… Looks like they’re in the grounds just not in this cafeteria…” Chan said as his eyes began to scan the entire radius of the cafeteria hall.
“But can you tell if it’s a male or female?” Jeongin asked curiously only for Chan to turn back to his brothers and nod.
“It’s a female.”
A few minutes later, they were all gathered for the talk session they had with a motivational speaker regarding the academics. The 8 of them were seated in the middle row of the lecture hall. It was already filled with students from all courses, leaving only a few seats empty. One of which was at the very end of the row below them, right by the aisle and just in front of Felix.
Soon enough, the man began talking and introducing himself to the audience. The boys were just seated there, barely focusing. Neither of them were properly listening to the speaker.
However, their attention was soon diverted intensely when the same scent from earlier only grew stronger by the minute. Before they could even ask each other about it, a new face came stumbling in the main doors.
That’s when they realized where that scent was coming from.
It was you.
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You were running late for the motivational talk which is why you were now sprinting across the campus to reach the main building which held the auditorium. Upon arriving, you managed to find the right hall after what felt like forever. The minute you pushed the double doors open, you were immediately met with at least 400 pairs of eyes.
The man standing on stage simply smiles at you and asks you to take a seat wherever you could find. He was nice and you could tell. However, your mind was currently spinning from the overwhelming amount of scents you could clearly smell in this hall.
There were at least 5 different werewolf packs in this room right now but there is one pack scent that was so strong and bold to you.
It literally stands out from the rest.
Just as you were about to walk to the steps on the side nearest to you, the strong grip on your forearm made you halt.
It was a lecturer you weren’t familiar with but you felt uneasy with him. The way he was staring at you from head to toe, his tightening grip on your arm made you wince.
“Are you a new student?” He asked lowly.
“Which class are you with?”
“I-I’m not sure. B-But I’ll just sit anywhere that’s available.” You frowned deeply before you yanked your arm out of his grip with a bit of struggle.
With that being said, you rushed up the steps towards the empty seat right next to the aisle. The moment you sat down, your fiery glare travelled back to the lecturer who was standing at the same spot he previously was in but his eyes were on you.
Damn him.
However, your mind seemed to grow fuzzy with the sudden strong scent that was intoxicating your senses now. It was so strong, as though whoever or whatever they are were extremely close to you.
Just then, the soft touch on your forearm made you flinch as you turned to come face to face with a pretty girl. She didn’t have any particular werewolf scent on her so you knew she was an ordinary human.
“Do you know which class you’re in?” She asked.
“Umm… I… I haven’t checked my timetable.”
She giggled softly before she continued, “Don’t forget to check it later so you know where to go after this. I’m Yeri by the way. You are?”
With that being said, you gave her a small smile before telling her your name.
“Nice to meet you Y/N. If you need help with anything, just ask okay?”
You nodded a little to acknowledge her but then your trail of vision got diverted to the male sitting a few seats diagonally above yours. What made you focus on him was the fact that his eyes were boring into yours. It wasn’t creepy or uncomfortable though. It was more like curiosity. You hold your stares for a bit and that’s when it hits you.
The scent.
It was from him.
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A few nights had passed, there was going to be a full moon tonight so you decided to go hunting. Your aim was to practice your survival skills, one that your father taught you when he was still alive. You didn’t bother bringing any change of clothes, telling yourself you would most probably just go to your parent’s secret hideout in the woods.
So here you are, in the middle of the woods alone, finding yourself standing in an empty spot that had the full moon just directly above you. This spot wasn’t new to you.
This is where your parents violently got killed by the werewolf hunters.
During that horrible incident, you were hiding behind one of the huge trees after your parents told you to run. The last thing you saw was your father’s head being decapitated mercilessly before you took off running on all four paws.
Running as fast as you can, praying that the hunters didn’t catch you.
Lucky for you, they didn’t. And yet, you knew they would do everything in their will to continue finding you which is why you moved.
You were taking in the beautiful moon, deciding to change into your furry self so that you could move freely through the woods. After about an hour of just running and strolling through the woods, playing in the lake, chasing bunnies, you figured you wanted to take a quick rest.
It wasn’t until you stepped onto a pile of dead leaves that the sharp click followed by a loud snap echoed through the woods. A shrilling howl left your lips as the pain began to crawl up your broken hind legs where your human ankle would be.
You whimpered in pain, your entire body collapsing to the ground when you realized you were trapped.
Just then, a soft click of a shotgun’s hammer sounded as they locked the bullet in place and were left with pulling the trigger. Your vision was getting blurred from the tears welling up in your eyes.
Your bright gold eyes were flooded with tears, a weak whine leaving your lips as you looked up at the man who killed your parents a month ago.
“Say goodnight. Your parents are dying to see you in the afterlife.” He said while he pointed the gun to your forehead.
However, before he could pull the trigger, a low growl came from somewhere behind you.
The last thing you saw was a larger silver coloured wolf lunging itself onto the hunter and soon began to wrestle with him, only to receive help from another wolf equally the same size but a light brown colour.
And a few seconds later, you passed out cold.
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The boys were in their wolf forms, strolling through the woods like they usually do except tonight with the full moon shining down at them. Everyone was having their own fun. Chan and Minho were lingering behind their younger brothers, watching over them and their safety.
Changbin was walking with Jeongin in the centre, once in a while playfully nudging Jeongin’s side with the tip of his snout.
Jisung, Felix and Hyunjin were playing catch but making sure to stick close by while Seungmin was just breaking out into small jogs and twirls excitedly whenever he comes across a field of dandelions on the grass patches.
They were all roaming freely together when all of a sudden, a shrilling scream echoed in their sensitive ears making them all halt to a stop.
“What was that?!” Jisung asked through telepathy, only for Chan to transfer his message to the rest of the boys through his mind.
“I don’t know but it sounds close by.”
“I don’t feel good about this. I think someone’s injured.” Hyunjin said worriedly. However, before anyone could continue, a certain scent intoxicated Minho’s nostrils and he knew exactly what it was or who it was.
“It’s that new girl from school. She’s caught in a metal trap. We have to help her. Now!” Minho said firmly as he began running through the woods, using his sense of smell to try and detect your location. The minute he saw the man standing over your limp body with one of your hind legs horribly clamped between the metal bars, Minho raced over to you.
Right before the man could pull the trigger, Minho leaped out from the shadows, sending the man flying backwards along with himself. Minho tackles the man easily as he growls in the man’s face.
Chan soon joins in to give Minho a hand. Chan bit the shotgun and tosses it far from reach.
Right when the man began to plead for them to spare his life, Minho lets out one last growl followed by a hiss before he bites the man’s head off without a single ounce of mercy.
Normally, Chan does not condone violence to his pack. He only allows it during a life and death situation and if it involves werewolf hunters.
After the hunter’s body was laying there limp, like a headless chicken, Minho licks his canine teeth tasting the disgusting blood coating them. His glowing red eyes bore deep into the limp body, feeling anger taking over him until he heard Seungmin’s soft voice through the telepathy.
“Hyung, she fell unconscious.”
With that, Minho turned around as he and Chan quickly went over to where your body laid.
Your chest was barely moving, your leg was bleeding and probably broken, there was no sign of other injuries except for your leg.
Meanwhile, Changbin, Felix, Hyunjin, Jisung and Jeongin were guarding the perimeter, senses heightened so as to be able to detect any danger coming their way just like how Chan had trained them to perfection.
Chan sniffed the metal trap to try and see if he could break you free from it.
“Minho, bite the other clasp. I’ll bite this side then we’ll try and pull it apart.” Chan said as the younger one walked around Seungmin and soon bit down one side of the clasp like Chan says.
The two of them managed to free your broken leg from the metal trap but now, your leg was bleeding quite a lot.
“What should we do now?” Seungmin asked.
“Take her back to our place. We’ll treat her injuries and wait till she wakes up.” Chan said firmly, earning a nod from the two boys.
Chan called the others over, asking Changbin to help him carry your limp body together.
Chan slides his head under your shoulders while Changbin does the same beside the leader. Once they were both standing on all fours, your body was splayed over their backs horizontally with your head hanging over the side of Changbin’s furry body.
They brought you back to their home, only for Felix to attend to your injury. After they had transformed back to their human self, they wore back their clothes before they went to make sure you were okay.
Felix had just finished cleaning your bloodied wound, washing it with rubbing alcohol to get rid of any bacteria when you slowly began to transform back into your human self.
Of course, you were still unconscious but you were now laying on their couch butt naked with your private parts shielded by your arms and the cross of your thighs.
Nevertheless, the boys quickly diverted their gazes away from you even though you weren’t awake.
They respected you being the only female in the house, which is why Hyunjin ran to the nearest room to get a cosy blanket and soon came back, covering your naked body with it. Felix managed to wrap your leg with the bandage but that was it. They wouldn’t want to help you wear any clothes simply because that would mean they would have to handle your nude self.
Since you were practically strangers, they weren’t gonna do it simply out of respect for you. “Now we wait…” Chan announced as the rest of them nodded.
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You didn’t know how long you were out but the sudden warmth and soft material hugging your body made you stir awake. You struggled to focus your vision, finding the bright light a little too overwhelming for you.
Where are you?
Your mind was racing with thoughts. A whole list of possible scenarios were going through your mind, making a guess of which one it was.
Just then, a very familiar scent entered your nose and you recognized it immediately.
That’s when you managed to focus your blurry vision towards the figures that were gathered around the room you were currently in, finally recognizing the faces that were staring back at you in utter concern.
However, it was still a little surprising for you since you were not only in a room filled with guys who were practically strangers to you, you were also butt naked save for the blanket to shield you from their eyes. With that being said, this made you squeak as a soft gasp left your lips.
You hastily sat up, desperately pulling the blanket tighter against your body. The light brown haired male carefully approached you with his hands out in front of them to tell you he was harmless.
“Woah, hey… hey… relax, we’re not gonna hurt you. I promise. Okay?” The leader said with a warm smile as your eyes went to scan him.
You could immediately sense that what he said was true and that they all meant no harm to you. When he noticed your shoulders relax a bit, he smiled before he carefully sat down beside you, making sure to avoid your broken leg.
“How are you feeling?” He asked as you noticed the others were intently staring between you and their leader.
“I… It hurts…” You whispered, eyes finding its own way to the one leaning against the shelves with his arms crossed over his chest. He had ash blue hair, his eye shape was similar to a feline cat and you vividly remember he was the same guy you had a mini staring contest on that first day in the auditorium hall.
“I know it does. So we will try our best to take care of you until it heals… But, only if you agree to stay and let us help. Of course we understand if you want to leave since you don’t know us. It’s up to you. We won’t force you.” The leader said, making you turn to him as your grip on the blanket only loosened slightly.
It didn’t take long for you to decide on staying after you practically could sense sincerity and safety from them. So upon agreeing to their kind offer, the leader went ahead and introduced them to you.
“Since we don’t have any female clothes for you, are you okay if we lend you some of ours for the time being?” Chan asked, to which you nodded gently.
You carefully got up, making sure to wrap the blanket around your body securely. However, the minute you put a small amount of pressure on your injured leg, your knee buckled from the excruciating pain. A soft whimper left your lips as you were about to collapse to the ground. Instead, you never made it to the ground thanks to the strong pair of arms that reached out just in time to catch your waist.
Your free hand flew out to grab onto his shirt, not really seeing who saved you from the fall until you looked up to see who it was.
It’s Minho.
“Woah, be careful. Are you okay?” He asked as you nodded. Except, he didn’t miss the tear that was threatening to roll down your cheeks. You were visibly trying to hold in the pain but he knew it was difficult.
“Let me help.” He offered softly as you could only nod.
With that being said, Minho bends down to carry you bridal style before telling his brothers that he was going to bring you to his room for you to change and rest in. Chan agreed saying it was a good idea since it was already nearing 1 in the morning.
Once Minho made it to his bedroom, he brought you in only to close the door behind him using his foot. He gently placed you down on his king sized bed, making sure to not hurt your leg.
After he laid you down on the bed, he went over to his closet and took out a clean oversized shirt and sweatpants.
“Here, change into this then go and rest. I’ll be downstairs if you need anything. The others will be right down the hall in their bedrooms, okay?” His voice was so gentle, you almost forgot you didn't know this guy personally.
When he saw you nod subtly, he flashed you a smile and was about to leave when you grabbed his wrist softly to stop him.
“Thank you… all of you…” You whispered, earning a smile from him before he told you to rest.
The small jolt of electricity running through your veins at the skin contact didn’t go unnoticed between you two but you decided to ignore it until he left. The minute he closed the door, you gently caressed your hand that reached out for his wrist.
Little did you know, he did the same to his hand where you left a tingling sensation to his skin.
What was that feeling?
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From the first day they met you at the auditorium, Chan could already sense you were an Omega. That night when they saved you from being killed, Chan already knew he would take you into the pack. It was just a matter of whether or not you want to accept his offer. It has been three months since they saved you that night.
Ever since then, it was pretty obvious that you’ve grown slightly closer to them and they were already treating you like a part of their pack. Despite not giving a firm answer yet on whether you want to officially be in their pack or not, Chan still treated you with respect and like you were a part of their little family.
And for that, you were grateful.
However, during the past three months, you’ve also developed a little crush on Minho.
Not only was he always sweet and caring towards you, he was also the one who offered to lend you his bedroom and his clothes when you stayed over for the few days after you got injured.
Although you tried your best to hide your feelings for him, it looks like the other boys could sense it considering how Jisung and Felix would sometimes tease you whenever Minho was around. You would normally just brush them off or just plainly ignore them. Yet, sometimes Minho would catch you blushing when the boys tease you about him and he couldn’t help but find you adorable.
It was a Thursday afternoon, you had just finished your first class and were just keeping some of your books in your locker when a figure appeared beside you with an arm resting against the lockers. You glanced up to find Minho smiling down at you adorably, his eyes disappearing into two crescent moons.
“Hey, joining us for lunch?” He asked.
“Yeah, just keeping some books I don’t need for later.” You said, only to feel him tuck the stray hairs behind your ear.
This small gesture was enough to make your heart skip a beat in your chest. You tried to ignore the feeling but he was making it so difficult as he soon began to gently play with your hair, telling you it's pretty and soft.
You couldn’t help but giggle as he slid his hand down only to rest on your waist. After you closed your locker, you turned to face him, letting him slide his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. However, before any of you could say anything, Changbin’s teasing voice broke out from behind you.
“Aye, finally the two lovebirds acknowledge each other’s feelings huh?” This made Jisung and Chan, who were with Changbin, to chuckle in amusement.
You pulled away from Minho only for the boy to speak up.
“Seo Changbin, if you don’t keep that stupid mouth of yours shut, I’ll make sure you sleep on the porch tonight.” Minho threatened, earning a silly face from Changbin who clearly gives no shit.
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A few more weeks went by, you only grew closer and closer to the boys and yet you still weren’t in their pack. You had been so dependent on your parents that when they left you, it almost rendered you insane. It took you a while to accept that you were a lone wolf but after that incident, it only made you stronger and much more independent.
That’s why until now, you still haven’t accepted Chan’s offer on being in his pack despite knowing they were good people. It wasn’t because you still didn’t trust these boys. It was just in your nature for being an Omega, to feel independent.
It was a Friday evening, you haven’t been to the boys’ place for almost a week now but you still saw them and spent time with them in school.
Just then, you distinctly heard a familiar howl which sounded like they were in pain.
It was far but you knew where it came from and who the howl belonged to. You didn’t bother changing out of your pyjamas, running out of your apartment and straight to the direction of the howl through the woods that were right behind your run down apartment complex.
You ran as fast as your two feet could take you, already memorizing the woods in the back of your head. You followed the scent as it got stronger with every corner you took which means you were getting close.
That’s when you recognized Chan and Changbin’s furry self attacking the three hunters while Minho’s wolf form was laying there on the ground against the tree with his mouth in a nuzzle.
“No, no, no!” You hissed as you ran to him, cupping his large wolf face in your small hands.
“Minho! Minho, can you hear me? Please tell me you can hear me! Please…” You whispered desperately as his eyes were closed. You reached behind his head to unclasp the nuzzle, freeing his snout from it.
You looked around to see there was a shotgun laying just a few feet from you so you crawled over to it and locked the bullets in place before you aimed it at the hunter that was struggling under Chan’s grip. One of the 3 hunters was lying dead on the ground headless. So with one deep breath, you pulled the trigger, shooting the hunter straight through the side of his head.
Chan jumped back a little only to turn to the side and locked eyes with you who had the gun pointed to them. You quickly shifted your aim to Changbin and the last hunter, but it was slightly difficult due to them rolling and throwing each other around.
Before you could pull the trigger, Changbin growled and soon tore the hunter’s limbs apart one by one before settling for the head.
You threw the shotgun as far away as possible, turning back to Minho who was going in and out of consciousness. However, feeling as though you needed to make sure he was still alive, you gently stroked his furry chest to try and feel for his heartbeat.
Chan and Changbin came back to you and Minho, only for them to talk to you through telepathy.
“He’s badly wounded. We need to aid him fast.” Chan said.
“Let’s quickly get him home. Are you gonna stay with us tonight?” Changbin asked, making you nod at them.
With that being said, all four of you quickly made it back to their home with Minho on top of the two, just like they did with you on the night they found you trapped.
Once you all arrived at their house, you quickly ran to their door, knocking it frantically and it took them less than 2 seconds to open the door.
“Oh shit, quickly, get in.” Hyunjin said as the 3 wolves entered only for the two to gently place Minho on the couch.
“His leg got shot twice, one more on his left rib and a plunge to his shoulder.” Changbin told Felix as the younger one began to get to work with Seungmin’s assistance. In the meantime, the two boys went upstairs to go change while you stayed behind with the others in the kitchen.
“How come you were with them?” Jisung asked as you leaned against the counter with Hyunjin standing beside you while Jisung and Jeongin stood opposite from you.
“I was at home when I heard a howl. I knew immediately they were in pain and it sounded very familiar. So I went to check.” You explained as the boys exchanged knowing glances to one another.
“Noona? Can I ask you something?” Jisung asked.
“Did you get any particular feeling when you heard the howl?”
“I just… I felt like it was someone close to me. Someone I cared for… Someone I-”
“-love?” Jeongin finished your sentence for you, making you look up at him with wide eyes.
“We know… We can always tell when one of us is in love… And we’ve known that from the start about Minho towards you. We just… couldn’t tell exactly for you since you’re not part of the pack.” Hyunjin explained, only for you to understand better.
Minho loves you?
You frowned as you stared at your feet for a while before you looked past Jisung’s shoulder to find Seungmin placing a blanket over Minho’s wolf form.
You were worried. You were terrified. The last thing you wanted was to never get to say goodbye to him. Never get to say the three words you hoped to tell him one day. Lucky for you, it wasn’t going to be a worry for you anytime soon.
Felix and Seungmin carefully left Minho there to rest as they approached the four of you in the kitchen.
“How is he?” Jeongin asked.
“He just needs plenty of rest. We managed to take out the bullets so I’m sure he’ll be fine by tomorrow.” Felix explained.
Since Minho was an Alpha, it means that he heals faster than the younger ones did. Same goes for Chan and Changbin if they ever got injured by something that wasn’t deadly to them. So with that being said, you excused yourself to go check on Minho, earning nods from the rest of them.
They watched as you made your way to Minho’s peaceful form on the couch.
“Why can’t they just confess already? They’re practically the perfect soulmates for each other.” Seungmin sighed with a smile.
“I know right?” Felix giggled.
“Come on, let’s give them some space.” Hyunjin said as he began to pull his brothers upstairs to let you and Minho have some privacy.
You sat on the floor in front of Minho’s adorable snout, gently caressing his soft fur on his neck. You gave him a small kiss on the tip of his nose before whispering to him.
“Please be okay… I don’t want to lose you.”
His soft breaths filled your sensitive ears as you stroked his chest like a lullaby for him.
A few minutes of silence accompanied you, allowing yourself to drift off to sleep with the top of your head leaning against his neck and right underneath his chin. You didn’t know how long you were asleep but you woke up to the feeling of someone gently caressing your hair.
Successfully stirring awake, you brought your head up only to find Minho back in his human form and still in all his naked glory but with the blanket covering his waist down.
You immediately got to your knees and wrapped your arms around his neck, earning a soft giggle from him as he snaked his arms around your waist.
“Hi princess.” His sultry voice echoes in your ear, making you blush.
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” You whispered, hearing him chuckle softly.
“Of course I have to be okay, I won’t leave you hanging.” His words made you pull back from him, staring into his adorable round eyes. Minho could sense your confusion in which he laughed.
With that, he reached up to cup your cheeks and gently caressed it with his thumbs before he whispered.
“I won’t ever leave you.”
You didn’t know what came over you but you suddenly felt brave. It has been screaming at you to do this for quite a while now, you just chose to ignore it. But this time, you felt like it was the right time to do it.
So with one small breath, you leaned in to kiss him, feeling him instantly smile against your lips. Both of you felt sparks shooting out of the kiss as he pulled you on top of him. His hands flew down to your waist while your small hands cupped his face softly.
Minho’s tongue teased you as he licked your bottom lip before tugging it in between his teeth.
His grip on your waist tightened, making you sit firmly on his thighs. You completely forgot he was butt naked until you felt something poking your inner thigh. It wasn’t until he pulled away from your lips to smile cheekily up at you.
“Should we go to my bedroom?” He asked, making you giggle.
“Are you sure you’re healed? I wouldn’t want to hurt you.” You asked.
Minho kissed you again only to pull back and smirk, “Trust me sweetheart, I’m already good to go. I’m an Alpha, remember?” You rolled your eyes at his cockiness but nevertheless found it so attractive.
Minho laughed as he captured you in a kiss yet again before he stood up with you on his waist, your legs wrapped around his hips. A small yelp escaped your lips as he carried you up to his bedroom. Once you made it to his room, he kicked his door close and locked it before gently tossing you onto his bed.
He crawled over to you until he was situated in between your legs, making you nervous.
“You know you can always tell me to stop if you’re uncomfortable, right baby? I will never force you to do something you’re not okay with.” Minho reassured you as he caressed your cheek lovingly.
You were nervous, yes because it would be your first time mating. However, you didn’t feel uncomfortable because you trusted him. So you weren’t going to stop him.
Not now. Not ever.
“I want you… Minho. Please… I… I love you.” You whispered with your eyes closed, too afraid to look at him. What you missed was how his eyes grew even softer the minute you said those last three words. Minho never felt this way before. Sure he has mated before and none of it works out. But this time, it all felt so foreign to him.
You weren’t just another one of his playmates. You weren’t a random stranger whom he would have sex with and leave. You were someone he cared for, someone he grew fond of, someone he trusts, and most importantly, someone he loves.
With that being said, Minho smiles as he leans down to close the gap before he whispers against your lips.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
Right after, he kisses you like his life depends on it. Pouring out his love for you through the kiss, hoping you could feel his sincerity. He felt your hands sliding down his chest, only to trace your fingertips along the outlines of his abs.
He helped you discard your pyjamas, tossing them onto the ground as he then realized you only had your panties and no bra.
“Did you really just leave your apartment like this?” He chuckled, pecking your lips a few times.
“I got worried okay... I wanted to make sure no one’s hurt…” You blushed as he teased you.
“Aww, so you rushed out without thinking to change just because you were worried about me?” Minho smirked down at you.
“Shut up, Min. I didn’t know who it was when I ran out okay…” You pushed his face away with your hands only for him to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m serious!” You pouted as he pulled away to look at your disappointed face, making him chuckle and kiss you repeatedly, saying you looked too cute.
“Okay okay, I believe you baby.” Minho chuckled, cupping your cheeks to kiss you again, this time letting his lips linger there for a bit. Both of you took your own sweet time with each other. He promised to be gentle with you and that was exactly what he did. Only going rough once in a while so that you could both reach your highs.
Minho marked you as his partner and you were happy he did. But there was only one thing left that you haven’t done.
After he cleaned you, you were both lying in bed under his soft duvet. He was just gently playing with your hair while you laid your head on his chest. His mind was filled with nothing but you. All until you spoke up.
“I want to be in Chan’s pack.”
Minho’s fingers stopped whatever it was doing, only for him to stare down at you.
“What did you say?”
“I’ve thought about it… And I want to be in Chan’s pack.” You repeated again, causing him to smile.
“Wait… are you serious?”
You nodded with a small smile, making him huff. After almost 4 months of spending time with them, getting to know each of them better, you realized that they were nothing but a family to one another. And with your tragic past, maybe being in Chan’s pack wouldn’t be so bad. Not only will you have a family of your own, but you also have someone who you loved dearly.
So why not right?
With that being said, Minho kissed you again and again on your cheeks, your nose, your forehead and your lips. All you did was giggle.
“Let’s go tell Chan!” Minho said excitedly as he leaped out of bed butt naked, going around to collect both your clothes that were scattered on the floor. Once you were both changed, he grabs your hands and laces his fingers with yours only to run down the hall, accidentally bumping into Jisung and Changbin as you did so.
“Bang Chan!” Minho called out as he burst open the elder’s bedroom door, only to find Chan just reading something from his book shelves.
“Oh, hey guys. What’s up?” Chan smiled as he placed his book down on the desk but Minho was quick to tell him the news.
“Y/N wants to be part of the pack.”
With that, Chan’s eyes grew wide as he stared at you with a happy glint in his eyes.
You gave him a firm nod in which Chan couldn’t help but grin.
“Well then, welcome to the family Y/N.” Chan announced, only for the rest of them to rush in.
“Noona’s finally part of us?!” Felix and Jisung asked in unison, earning a solid yes from Chan. The younger ones immediately ran to you to give you a hug. You couldn’t help but giggle as they welcomed you warmly. After you were done exchanging hugs, Chan spoke up to get everyone’s attention.
“Also, I think it’s pretty clear that Y/N is now out of bound to the rest of us except Minho.” Chan smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at the male who had his fingers laced with yours.
“Yeah so don’t even think about it.” Minho warned, pretending to threaten his brothers but of course he didn’t actually plan to hurt them if they got close to you since they already loved you like a sister.
“Don’t worry brother, she’s all yours.” Changbin smiled cheekily, only for you to blush.
You were glad that you found them. You were glad they saved you that night and not any other pack. You were glad they came into your life. Because they taught you how to be strong again. They taught you how to survive. And most importantly, Minho taught you how to love again.
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k-s-morgan · 4 years
Hannigram One-Shot from ‘Ravage’
It just occured to me that I’ve never shared my ‘Ravage’ contribution online! Big thanks to @lovecrimebooks for organizing it and letting me be a part of it.
The story is a short Hannigram AU that takes place in the world of Dante’s hell. My circle was Lust. Hannibal is a literal Devil here; Will is a supernatural being that represents Desire. A story of two deadly forces, obsession, and intricate manipulation.
    Black for Death, Purple for Lust: Colors to Capture the Devil
“To this torment are condemned the carnal damned. Those for whom desire conquered reason.” — Virgil
The flickers of darkness were tightly entwined with splashes of gold, red, and white. All dominant colors seeking to represent every being that had chosen to participate in this mockery of a meeting.
The Ball of Highest Powers was an event that Hannibal had always found appallingly primitive. And yet, being the Master, the Devil, he was forced to attend each one. To watch the emergence and the disappearance of his old and new acquaintances. To reinforce his inevitable presence. 
To instill fear. Because he was no longer a Lucifer, God’s fallen angel, trapped for all eternity. He was a Hannibal, the name he had chosen himself, a rightful owner of Hell; the Devil reborn, reclaiming his agency.
Recently, God began to avoid Earth more and more, and Hannibal was only too happy to take control over it.
They knew it — these beings proudly calling themselves the Highest Powers. They knew that if they displeased him, they would be gone. Anteros, or Anthony as he preferred to call himself these days, his oldest source of annoyance, the only surviving representation of Love. Margot, a recently emerged Goddess of Grace. Mason, his supposed ally, reflecting Perversion. And many, many more.
Not everyone attended the Ball, but it was the only opportunity to become aware of how many of them continued their existence, what new reflections had come to life.   
“Will you be putting a crown on anyone today?” Anthony asked him, holding a glass of crystal liquid and watching the masses swirling in a dance. Hannibal measured him with a disinterested gaze. 
As one of the most ancient beings, Anthony was the only one who dared to engage him at least in some way, despite knowing the extent of Hannibal’s contempt to him and to what he represented.
“I haven’t decided yet,” Hannibal replied mildly. The crowns. The tradition that all of them followed faithfully. Every color had its own meaning. Anthony tended to put a red crown on one of these poor souls every year, expressing his fleeting affection. 
The only crowns Hannibal used were black ones, symbolizing instant elimination and oblivion. He had the power to destroy those who no longer amused him, which made Anthony’s boldness all the more surprising. 
“Don’t look at me,” Anthony said half-jokingly, and Hannibal’s lips twitched in distaste. 
Before he could answer, though, a strange hush fell over the hall. More and more beings went silent, staring somewhere, and involuntarily, Hannibal felt a weak pang of curiosity. 
Some creature emerged from the crowd, moving at a leisurely pace, staring at him. 
Moving to him. Or perhaps to Anthony, which was far more likely?  
But no. The blue eyes were fixed on him, and Hannibal blinked incredulously. His bewilderment changed into disbelief and then stupor when he finally noticed what this newcomer was holding. 
A crown. A purple crown. 
A crown of lust. 
Lust. Everyone knew Hannibal’s feelings toward it, the dark satisfaction he received in keeping lovers apart, separated by vast, rocky chasm in their special circle of Hell.
There was no misstep that Hannibal despised more. Other sins were delicious, deserving the most exquisite torment, poisoning even the most strong-willed people. Lust, though, this bleak, faded semblance of emotion was shared only by crippled weaklings. Hannibal readily engaged in other sins, but not in lust — never in lust. 
And this new… creature was carrying a purple crown? Heading toward him? He was. One step closer to him, then another. Then he broke into his personal space, and Hannibal remained frozen, paralyzed by a strange, unfamiliar feeling.
He had never seen this creature before. 
He would remember him. 
Blue eyes were studying him intently, framed by dark lashes. Pale face, chocolate curls, pink mouth. A classical beauty.
The being smiled at him and Hannibal’s lips parted. His breath caught in his chest, his hands grew horrifyingly clammy, and he distinctly felt his pupils getting wide, his eyes glazing over.
The scent hit him then — strange, enticing. The scent of innocence and death. Hannibal shuddered, inhaling it deeply, his nostrils flaring in attempt to get more of it. 
And then the smiling creature reached forward and put the purple crown on his head, and he still did nothing. The silence stretched, both of them staring at one another, Hannibal’s fingers twitching, aching to touch, to feel. 
The strange creature tilted his head, watching him, let out a thoughtful sound, and then turned his back to him and disappeared within the crowd.
The silence was deafening, and Hannibal was still rooted to his spot, unable to move, utterly confused by what had happened and by the fact that he was now wearing a purple crown, with no instinct to take it off. 
Conversations resumed eventually, and Anthony, who was still standing nearby, chuckled. 
“Well, that was unexpected,” he said, amused. “Did you honestly like Will, or are you already plotting his demise?”
“Will?” Hannibal echoed. 
“Will. Desire,” Anthony’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “You didn’t recognize him? He’s not exactly new. It’s just that he has never visited the Ball before. Few of us know him personally, but I thought that you, for sure—”
Hannibal stopped listening. Because while the name Will was new, he was indeed aware of Desire. The cunning, ubiquitous being that found entrance everywhere, slipping equally into the most romantic souls, enhancing their desire for affection, and into the violent ones, feeding their desire for war and destruction.
And now he seemed to slip into the Hell itself. Into Hannibal’s domain, into his very mind. Leaving him humiliated, with that purple embarrassment on his head. 
Suddenly infuriated, Hannibal tore the crown from himself and clenched it in his hand, wishing only to crush it. 
Foolish Will — to challenge the Devil himself. 
Hannibal would put an end to it, and to him.
The cold darkness of Hell was soothing. The shadows were whispering to him, the souls were moaning, begging, but for some reason, it brought no pleasure to him.
Restless, Hannibal moved along the line of entrapped lovers within his circle of Lust, staring into their glassy faces, the longing and thirst reflected there as they kept looking over the chasm, trying to get a glimpse of their partners. He wasn’t some weak-minded creature like them. And he certainly didn’t experience lust. Such thing was beneath him.
But the image of blue eyes and lips curled up in a smile kept haunting him, his mind greedily recalling every bit, savoring it, filling his body with strange, buzzing sensation.   
A purple lighting storm swirled around the chasm — the soul of Alana rising to see what was happening. 
Alana was one of his human lovers, one Hannibal had seduced out of amusement, one he had been driving mad with lust until she killed a man in attempt to protect him, falsely thinking that Hannibal was about to be attacked. She had died in that confrontation as well, and since there was no lover Hannibal could position her against in the circle of Lust, he had chosen to turn her into a lighting storm here, trapped between two sides of the chasm. 
Hannibal paid her no mind, but Alana whispered something, trembled, and suddenly, an image of Will appeared, huge and stretched through the entire chasm — shocking and ethereally beautiful.
Hannibal stared, a sharp rebuke freezing on his lips. 
Will, Desire, was moving slowly through some forest, his eyes focused and curious, alight with intelligence and intensity that Hannibal found breathtaking. He made a strange movement, his eyebrows rising, and then he smiled, and Hannibal was lost. 
Before he could stop himself, he materialized in a flash of smoke in the same forest, in the same place, several inches from Will.
Will stopped and strengthened slowly. Then he said without turning, “Now *this* is not the moment when I expected to encounter you.” 
“I am faintly disturbed that you expected to encounter me at all,” Hannibal replied, watching his back, his eyes narrowed. 
Finally, Will turned, and Hannibal’s breath hitched uncontrollably. His mind swam, his limbs went shaky. Desire crashed into him, enveloped every part of him, and he nearly snarled in frustration.
“Stop this,” he hissed, and Will blinked.
“Stop what?” he asked, as if genuinely confused. Clarifying would require more than he was ready to sacrifice, so Hannibal gritted his teeth and said nothing. Will tilted his head, an amused look crossing his features. 
“Did you come here for me or are you interested in artful death as much as I am?”
“Artful death,” Hannibal echoed. Now, for the first time, he sensed a familiar smell of approaching decay, and he glanced at the ground, at an arched wrist that was protruding from it. 
“Someone is killing people and burying them alive to feed the mushrooms,” Will said, also watching the ground. Hannibal would be taken aback — humanity still had the power to surprise him with the things they did, crazy as they were, but currently, he was much more interested in other matters. Specifically, in one standing before him.
“Do you get the souls quicker when they are buried alive?” Will asked, and Hannibal considered his question, surprised at the novelty of it. 
“Yes,” he said eventually. “But the difference is slight, barely worth mentioning. Why are you here? Do you entertain yourself by helping those who can be saved?” 
“No,” a frown marred Will’s forehead but somehow, it made him even more beautiful, and all thoughts left Hannibal’s head once again. “I told you. I’m not interested in life — only death captivates me. Well… now, at least.”
“This person is not dead yet.”
“But he will be,” Will shrugged. “I existed long enough to understand the beauty of it. Death is comforting. Pity not all of us have the privilege of experiencing it.”
“You will,” Hannibal told him, trying to sound calm, to hide the breathless notes in his voice. “If you keep provoking me.”
Some dark shadow flickered across Will’s face before it smoothed out, an amusing glint returning to his eyes. 
“How am I provoking you?” he wondered. 
“The only way you know how… Will. Or do you prefer to be called Desire?”
“Not in the least,” Will told him. “And I cannot deliberately affect you, no matter how hard I would try. I affect people only, slipping into their minds, evoking and enhancing their desires — for various things. Desire for love. Desire for destruction. Desire for revenge. What do you desire, Hannibal? To the extent where you would hope to blame it on me?”
Confusion and rage and something else, something heavier and much more intoxicating, swirled within him, and Hannibal crossed the distance between them in several short steps, crushing their mouths together, clenching Will’s hair in his fist and pulling at it violently. 
Will let out a surprised sound — as if he had the right to be surprised after everything he had done, after his purple crown at that ball. Then his mouth opened wider, accepting him, and Hannibal kissed him, and kissed him, and kissed him, breathing faster and faster, until he felt dizzy, until the air he didn’t even need started to be lacking, until his consciousness darkened and faded. He craved him. He needed him, desperately. 
Everything happened in a mist — him tearing Will’s clothes off, pushing him against the tree, taking his fill of him, Will’s soft moans breaking the silence, his compliance sweet and maddening. However, it all changed quite suddenly. Hannibal paused, regaining his strength, ready to take him again, but Will turned quickly and before he could say anything, he found himself pushed against the tree in return, Will’s nails piercing his skin to hold him in place, painful and sharp. 
It was madness — everything that was happening. Hannibal didn’t understand it, couldn’t understand what was running through his veins, so hot and powerful, so intoxicating that he felt drunk on it. On Will. Later, when they both fell in a boneless heap right onto the ground, in the middle of the graveyard of those still living, Hannibal continued to touch him, to breathe in his smell, to stare at him in greed and never-ending confusion. He wanted him. He wanted him still. 
Will reached out, his nails and the tips of his fingers red with Hannibal’s blood, and drew something on his arm — a small stag. 
“To remember me until you want to forget me,” he said. Hannibal stroked his neck, thoughtfully, almost kindly. 
“I am going to kill you,” he said, and Will nuzzled into his shoulder, a blissful smile touching his lips.
“I’m counting on it,” he murmured. “After all, this is why I have given you that purple crown. I expected to get a black one in return.”
Hannibal pulled away sharply, surprised and wishing to hide it. 
Who could want a black crown? Highest Powers feared death more than humans. The idea of not existing terrified them, shrank their vanity and drowned their feeling of superiority. 
Hannibal was the only one who had nothing to fear in this regard, and yet for some reason, Will’s dark words made him uneasy. He’d seen suicidal humans, held their souls, but those of the Highest Powers?
He couldn’t bear the burn of this confusion any longer. In an instant, Hannibal melted in smoke, with his last glimpse being Will, watching him with all-knowing, mysterious eyes. 
He found himself back in his least favorite circle, under rebuking and hating stares of those trapped here for the very sin he was now wearing as a coat around himself. 
Lust. Was that what it felt like? Why now, when Hannibal had given up hope on understanding and relating to it? He knew how to use lust, how to evoke it, but he had never been its target before. It was humbling — and infuriating. But still, not as bewildering as Will’s desire for a black crown.
The next days passed in brooding. Hannibal knew every corner of his domain, had his most and least favorite places, yet now, he felt restless wherever he went. The urge to see Will again, to have him, to listen to the troubling things he said was growing within him like a living being, coiling and hissing as he refused to succumb to it. 
The stag drawn with blood was still sitting on his shoulder, with Hannibal wanting to erase it but finding himself unable to. 
Maybe later. 
When his resolve finally broke and he sought Will out, he was once again sent into stupor. 
Will was in Lithuania. Near a painfully familiar grave. And he was busy arranging the bodies of some men around it.
Absolutely confounded, Hannibal found himself reaching for him, materializing just a step away, unable to believe his eyes.
“What are you doing here?” he whispered. “How do you know about this place? About her? No one does. No one was ever supposed to know.”
“Know that you have a weakness?” Will adjusted his hair, which seemed longer today, looking at Hannibal from under his lashes. The already familiar shock of desire ran through him but Hannibal was too stunned to act on it. 
Something else was stopping him, too.
Despite his flirting gestures, Will looked sad. Full of that strange, ancient sadness that was all too familiar to Hannibal, but which he had never seen on anyone else before. 
“How do you know?” Hannibal asked again, and this time, Will smiled mirthlessly. He touched the bodies he had arranged almost lovingly, moving them a little, so a grave would be directly in the center. 
“This is where the only source of light in your life has died,” he said quietly. “This is where Mischa was buried. This is where I was born.” 
When Hannibal just stared at him blankly, Will sighed. 
“You have existed for the amount of time that no other being can comprehend,” he murmured. “I shudder when I try to imagine it. Endlessness. Emptiness. Boredom. But four centuries ago, something happened. Something changed. You were playing human again, as you do whenever boredom strikes you, and you got attached to a little girl. By accident, I’m sure, because you would never willingly let yourself feel. Perhaps the whole experience was amusing to you at first, but then you started to actually feel something. Everyone would think that a human girl protected by the Devil would be coddled to death, as safe as she could possibly be. But you got distracted — another unruly soul that had to be handled, another instance of unrest. You were gone and during this time, she was murdered — and whatever light that had started to grow within you was extinguished. You found her body here and decided to bury her in this same place… and you summoned me.” 
Hannibal’s lips refused to obey. He licked them, strangely nervous, staring at Will and having no idea what to feel. 
“Summoned you?” he clarified carefully.  
“Yes,” Will looked away, glancing at Mischa’s grave again. “All Highest Beings appear to reflect emotions of large clusters of people. Some of them die by your hand and new, synonymous ones appear in their stead. They are all proud to represent the Highest Powers but they forget that they were created by humans. When similar emotions are experienced by a big number of people at once, a representative of this emotion is born — and this process is endless. In my case, though… my creator is you.”
“This is a lie,” Hannibal snapped. “I destroy. I do not create.”
Will’s lips curled in something too frightening to be called a smile. 
“Maybe,” he said. “Therefore, I am your mistake. Your single lapse of judgment. After you found Mischa’s body, you held her. And you willed the time to reverse. You willed it to return you to the past, so you could save her. You willed it to return you to the moment of your first encounter, so you could never approach her again. Of course, your wishes weren’t granted. They never are, not even when the Devil himself is asking for it. Instead, I was born here. Yet another variation of Desire… only this time, your desire. Summoned by the strength of your pleas.”  
“You are lying. I have never even seen you before that last ball!” Hannibal snarled, but the chill in his bones told him everything he needed to know. Will wasn’t lying. Will had witnessed his embarrassing descend into the most human emotions. Will had seen what Hannibal had spent centuries on trying to forget.  
“You deny my very existence,” Will tilted his head, and despite vehement words, he didn’t sound angry. There was just that same sadness in his voice, one that he carried around himself at all times, which was wrapped around him like a cloud. “I am used to it by now. Since the moment of my appearance in this graveyard, with you burying Mischa, I saw only you. But you never even glanced at me. Not once. At first, I thought I was too weak to materialize properly. That is how I tried to explain your blindness. I tried to approach you many times after that — years after years. For centuries. But no matter how hard I tried, you never saw me. And it was killing me as the connection I feel to you is overwhelming — it reduces me to a ball of clingy, desperate emotions, all of which you despise.”
Hannibal stepped away before he could stop himself, disturbed by the genuineness and warmth he could feel emanating from Will.
He didn’t know if he liked it. He had never felt… this, directed at him. Will noticed his instinctive retreat, but instead of acting hurt, he dared to laugh.  
“I live for you,” he said easily, and Hannibal stared at him, unable to comprehend how anyone could be so open, how anyone could say this to him.
Despite sugary words, Will didn’t act as if he was swooning in his presence. He hadn’t acted like that in the forest as well — he positioned himself as his equal. He had more grace than the majority of Highest Beings. 
It was impossible to understand him.
“I’ve spent all my life in the hope that you will finally see me, learning everything I could about you, becoming your shadow,” Will continued. “Others don’t touch me — it is you whom I crave, whose attention I seek, whose company I desire. But recently… I realized that I could no longer pretend. I was a mistake that you’ve made once — that’s all there is to it. Knowing that my goal was futile, I chose against continuing my existence. At that ball, for the first time, I approached you not with love and desire, but with death and lust. And you saw me. After all this time. Because even though you loved that little girl, even though your love and your desire to change the past created me, these are not the feelings that you can recognize. Mischa was an anomaly. What you do recognize is death, which you sow, and lust, the circle of which you control. Lust is the closest you can feel to affection… I think. So this was the only time when you could see me.”
“I can see you now,” words escaped by themselves, before Hannibal could stop them. A flash of surprise crossed Will’s face before he chuckled.
“Of course you can,” he said almost gently. “Because I still intend to die. You can feel it on me. And that is why I hope that you will gift me with oblivion. You are the only one who can do that — not to mention that it will be as overly dramatic as you like. Symbolic. Dying from the hand of someone who made me.” 
Hannibal’s thoughts were uncharacteristically jumbled. He opened his mouth, then snapped it shut, confused, at a loss, bewildered. Will was confounding. When he looked at him, even now, Hannibal could feel the dryness of his own mouth, the fevered hotness of his skin — lust, thick and powerful, mindlessly pushing him forward, his fingers trembling with the urge to touch, to caress, to bruise. Even this alarming revelation hadn’t changed it — he still wanted Will.
But he was also scared of him. Another new feeling, the flavor of which Hannibal tasted with interest, wondering if this was what others felt in his presence.
There was something else that bothered him, so, licking his dry lips, Hannibal asked, “You said you approached me with death and lust. Does it mean that your previous feelings no longer exist?”
“Nothing and no one can change them,” Will replied, still serene, still smiling. “You’ve made me. I will be always attracted to you — even I can’t fight it. But I am not a mindless bundle of desire. Before, having you see me, talk to me, was a dream. My most cherished fantasy. Once I decided to disappear, death became my biggest wish. When I managed to subdue my brighter feelings for you and pushed death and something as primal as lust to the front, you saw me — but even then, you refused to give me what I want. I didn’t get my black crown. Even after the forest, you still haven’t granted my wish. I don’t understand why — you have executed others for much, much less. Coming to Mischa was my last idea. Everything started here — it would be prudent if everything came to an end in this same place. Don’t you agree?”
Hannibal touched him, then, tracing the contour of his face, moving to his lips. Will closed his eyes, shuddering, tilting his head in such a sensual way that for a second, Hannibal’s vision went black with absurd, maddening desire. 
“Wasting centuries over me,” he whispered. “How foolish.”
Will opened his eyes, frowning, but when he wanted to move away, Hannibal tightened his grip on him.
“I will grant your wish,” he promised. “But not now.” 
Will looked at him expressionlessly. Hannibal was the one to step away, and his eyes lingered on Will for quite a while before he dissipated in the darkness.
He spent the next days lost in thoughts. He would kill Will — that was undeniable. He couldn’t tolerate the existence of someone who knew him from such a side, someone who dared to feel emotions to him that Hannibal despised. 
But something was stopping him, making him delay that inevitable moment. There was something irresistible in realization that he was the one to create Will, that he had his very own Highest Being — unique, not like the others. Beautiful and tragic and deadly. Will had quite a list of souls he had been playing with. He wasn’t simply seducing people’s minds — he was driving them insane, whispering and poisoning them once they were sleeping, making them want things they would never dare to want. Hannibal checked, and in all his time, he had never seen such a vicious and cunning version of Desire. 
Secretly, he wondered if Desire was even the right name for Will. Considering how tightly it was interconnected with lust, it formed a deadly combination that affected even him. 
Because he wanted him. Was aching for him. His madness was intensifying, urging him to locate Will and to have him again, whether he wanted it or not. Hannibal prepared a black crown — stunning and regal, fitting for his creation, but he still struggled with making a decision. He continued to think. To wonder. His thoughts came to a halt when he suddenly felt a strange, vague whisper of alarm. Hannibal narrowed his eyes, listening attentively, frowning when the stag Will had drawn on him, one that Hannibal couldn’t force himself to remove, heated abruptly, as if coming to life. 
‘At this point, nothing would actually surprise me,’ Hannibal thought, but before he could look at the picture on his arm, another pang of alarm pierced him — this one much stronger. Hannibal tensed for a second, and his lips curled in a snarl when he realized that someone had entered Hell — someone who had no place here. 
His kingdom was being… invaded? Who could possibly be as foolish as to…
The wall glimmered under his glare, its shape softening to a well of images. Hannibal quickly found the circle where the intruder was — Lust, and he wanted to scoff — but stopped as he saw the whole picture. 
That same rocky chasm. And Will, standing on its edge, with his back to it, looking directly at Hannibal — as if he knew where he was, as if he knew where to look. His lips began to move and Hannibal stared at them, reading the words they formed.
‘Thank you for not removing the stag. I wasn’t sure you would keep it. My entrance to Hell… the last piece of my plan. It’s true, only you have the power to kill the Highest Beings, but the place where you reign has the same ability. I know you well — too well, perhaps. Such a curious creature like you wouldn’t be able to make a decision, torn between wanting to keep me and wanting to destroy me — wanting to toy with me. So, I will make that choice for you. Good-bye… Hannibal.’
Hannibal’s eyes widened when he saw Will take that last, small step — and disappear within the chasm.    
“No!” he cried before he could stop himself, suddenly, unexpectedly terrified. He wasn’t thinking as he threw himself into the pile of smoke, disappearing and reappearing in the middle of the chasm, thinking in forgotten, suffocating despair, ‘It’s not too late, it can’t be too late, it can’t…’   
It seemed like even in his unexplainable panic, he had managed to calculate the distance correctly — a second later Will landed right into his waiting arms, looking calm, as if he hadn’t been one step from death.  
Hannibal clutched him with awful, bewildering tenderness, burying his face in his dark, curly hair, inhaling its scent deeply. 
“You are mine,” he murmured, not fully understand his own words. “I created you, so you belong to me.” 
He was drowning in this — this confusing affection, these warmth and greediness and possessiveness he had never felt before, didn’t know what to do with. 
Now that he was seeing Will, he wasn’t sure he could stop. 
Mindlessly, he kissed Will’s temple, then his face, his neck, still holding him, trembling with desire to tear into him, to leave him a shaking, bleeding mess — and then to tend to his wounds, to lick them clean and start everything over again. 
One who had witnessed his emotional downfall. One who existed solely for him. Who wasn’t scared of him. One who… understood him?
“You are mine,” he said again, leaned back and froze, seeing a victorious, malicious smile on Will’s face. However, it disappeared quickly, and Hannibal was back to cradling him, feeling strangely, unexplainably complete. 
The violet lighting storm swirled around them — Alana making her presence known, but Hannibal didn’t pay her any mind. His eyes were glued to one specific being in his arms, one that he didn’t intend to let go, even if he had no idea what to do with him.
Hannibal kissed him again, following a foreign, heated impulse. As he continued to shower Will’s flawless skin with kisses, he heard a soft whisper, “What about my crown, Hannibal?” 
“You cannot rule Hell with me. Why would I give you a crown? Even I don’t wear one,” Hannibal retorted, too distracted to look up.
He heard a satisfied chuckle, and then the violet storm ensnared them both, carrying them back to the surface.   
“Mine,” Will said, his voice frightening in its triumphant deadliness. Hannibal didn’t understand what he meant, but at the moment, he didn’t care.
He would think about it later, when this haze was over.
If it would ever be over.        
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Rescue 8/10
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Enhanced!Omega!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: lots of talk about anxiety
Summary: The Avengers are sent in to rescue a group of omegas from the hands of Hydra. There Bucky finds you, an enhanced omega. Can you ever be fully rescued from what Hydra has done to you?
Rescue 7 l Masterlist
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You meet Bucky on the jet pad to send him off. He comes strutting out in his tack gear, guns and knives strapped everywhere, his arm gleaming in the sunshine and he takes your breath away. This is your Alpha, strong and mighty and off to save the world. The sight makes you lips curve up and your heart rate pick up. Bucky strides over to you and you wrap your arms tightly around him and bury your face in his neck, scenting him.
“Come back to me, ya hear?” You whisper into his ear, kissing his neck lightly. He grips your hips tightly.
“Promise,” he says, pulling back to look deep in your eyes and you know he means it. You give him a nod and a final soft kiss on the lips before you pry yourself off of him. He walks past you and moves into the jet, giving you a final wink and a smirk. A shiver rolls through you despite the sunlight and you wrap your arms around your body as you watch the jet disappear on the horizon. You stand there a few moments longer with your face turned towards the sun, quietly wishing Bucky back to you and then you turn back into the compound.
You wander through the mostly empty halls trying to decide what to do with your free day. Steve, Sam, Nat, and Bucky are on the mission. Wanda is off visiting her brother for the week. You're certain Tony is tucked away in his lab and you’ve no idea where Thor might be. You decide to go in search of the latter, Thor being the only alpha, besides Bucky, you feel truly comfortable with. He’s been training you for four months now, even delaying his return to Asgard to help you control and focus your powers. You’ve developed an easy friendship with the alpha and you know he’ll be excited to hear you’re going to train to go on missions.
You head for the gym first wondering if Thor is working out but you only find lonely equipment and the faint smell of alphas. You check his room and the kitchen to find those empty too. You’re about to give up and resign yourself to the list of movies Tony says you have to catch up on when you hear music coming from the library. You bound up the stairs and peak through the partly open door to see Thor picking through the record collection next to the record player. You watch as he pulls the current record off of the player and back into its sleeve and place a new one on the turntable. You gently knock on the door and push it open and the Asgardian looks up at you with his famous mega watt smile.
“Y/N! Did you farewell Bucky on his mission?” The god asks.
“I did. He should be back tonight, so that’s good.” A shiver runs through you again and you wrap your arms around yourself once more. “What are you doing up here?” You ask.
“I'm looking for a specific song I heard our dear Captain listening to the other day. Something about Black Magic, and a lover beyond compare.” Thor has a misty look in his eyes and he stares down at the stack of records. A deep memory has stirred inside him and you feel as though you are intruding on something private. He snaps out of his reverie and offers you a tender smile by way of apology.
“I think it’s Glen Miller. My dad used to listen to this kind of music.” Your heart stutters as you mention your dad and a memory comes clawing its way to the surface. It’s your turn to get lost in your mind and you shake your head to snap yourself out of it. You move over to the crate full of records and thumb through them until you come across a familiar picture. You pull the record out and searching the song titles until you find the right one. You place it on the record player and get the needle into the correct groove and Glen begins to croon out his tune.
That old black magic has me in its spell
That old black magic that you weave so well…
“A dance, my lady?” Thor asks, extending his hand to you. You fidget with the hem of your shirt, nervous of what Bucky would say. As though he can read your mind Thor says, “I promise I’m a perfect gentleman.” You smile and consent, gingerly placing your hand in his large, warm one.
It feels strange, you realize, to touch another person like this. Thor has touched you, but only in the training room. Wanda has hugged you and grabbed your hand excitedly, but that was friendship. This was a different kind of touch, kind and soft and close. Before you can get too nervous you realize that Thor has no designs on a slow, intimate dance. Despite the romantic tempo of the music he starts spinning you around the room, dipping you wildly, and holding you arms length away so you can twist your hips in unison. You’re both too busy laughing to notice the music has stopped and you fall down on a nearby couch, out of breath and grinning from ear to ear. Thor’s booming laugh echos through the room as he moves the needle off of the record before the next song can start.
“Well done, well done. You’re very light on your feet!” Thor says with a twinkle in his eye.
“I don’t know how it's possible that I'm any good, I’ve never actually danced before,” you say lightly, not wanting to shift the mood.
“Perhaps it’s natural talent. You should explore it, drag Barnes to some dancing lessons. You never know, you might have fun.” Thor encourages.
“Speaking of natural talent,” you wink, “wanna go train!?” You ask excitedly. You’re eager to perfect your skills and get Thor’s sign off on missions.  
As the two of you make your way to The Cave, you tell Thor about your conversation with Bucky. Thor is supportive of your desire to go on missions though he says he understands Bucky’s misgivings.
“If I had a lovely omega such as yourself, I wouldn’t want her going on missions either. It’s our natural instinct to protect. Bucky’s only doing what his physiology tells him to, protecting his omega. You must forgive him for it.” Thor offers by way of explanation.
“I do, it’s just hard. I’ve been controlled my whole life. I don’t want the person I care for the most to control me as well. I want to do what I know in my heart is right,” you say.
“Give him time. And train hard. Let him see how capable you are and he’ll feel more comfortable.” Thor says patting you on the shoulder. You’ve arrived at The Cave and the two of you head inside to train.
Thor begins putting you through you your drills. After months of training aiming and controlling how intense your power is is no trouble. Thor wants to move on to seeing how much power you can absorb so you spend an hour getting shocked by the God of Thunder. You’re having fun so you can’t understand why there’s a growing sense of unease in the pit of your stomach. Your anxiety is rising but you can’t see any reason why. After an hour and a half you tell Thor you want to call it quits.
“Everything alright, my lady?” Thor questions.
“Yeah, I’m ok. I just feel like something is off. I might go watch tv and see if I can calm down,” you explain.
“Would you care for some company,” Thor offers.
“No, I think I’d rather be by myself,” you say. You give Thor a nod and wander off in the direction of the common room.
You’re feeling depleted from your training session so you grab some of your favorite snacks and cuddle up on the couch under the coziest blanket you can find. You flip through Netflix searching for something that could grab your interest but after 15 minutes of browsing you come up with nothing, and you resort to rewatching a series you’ve seen a million times. You binge watch three episodes but it's not distracting you from the growing feeling of anxiety building in your body so you decide to try to sleep it off.
You go to your bedroom where the mingled scent of you and Bucky surrounds you and automatically starts to take the edge off your anxiety. All you want is for Bucky to be home so he can wrap you in his arms and take away your fears. You fall into your nest and snuggle up to  Bucky’s pillow, and drift off into a fitful sleep. You dream but you can’t remember it upon waking. Snippets of pain and fear and Bucky is there. After a few hours you give up on a nap. You’re about to try a book when F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s lilting accent comes over the PA in your room.
“Y/N, I thought you might like to know that the jet is five minutes out,” the AI informs you.
“Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” you respond, hopping out of your nest. You rush to the landing pad and wait, bouncing on your toes. You know you’ll feel better as soon as Bucky steps off that jet. The jet lands and the ramp opens. Sam, Nat, and Steve pile out but Bucky doesn’t follow. Sam is hurt and he and Nat avoid your gaze as Nat helps him limp up to medical. Steve is approaching you and your head is spinning. Why isn’t Bucky stepping off the jet? Why are you not in his arms already? Steve is in front of you and you can’t meet his eyes for fear of what you’ll find there.
“Just tell me,” you say as you stare at the ground, your eyes filling with tears. You don’t need to hear it to know something has gone terribly wrong. Steve stays silent. You finally bring your eyes up to his face to find his eyes dull and his expression twisted in pain.
“Tell me Steve.” Still he’s silent. He can’t bring himself to speak the words. He can’t stand the thought of how much he’s about to hurt you. Your anger builds at his silence and you scream at him to tell you what happened as you pound your fists against his chest.
“Damnit Steve, talk to me! What happened!?” You shout, the tears falling freely. This not knowing is agony. Steve finally comes to and grabs your wrists to stop your abuse. He drops your hands and breathes deep, bracing himself.
“It was a set up, Y/N. Intel told us it was only 20 agents in a seldom used base. It was over 100 agents. They were waiting for us, for Bucky. They captured him, took off. We couldn’t catch up. I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m so so sorry,” you heard Steve’s words but they were an echo in the back of your mind. All you could hear was that Bucky was gone. Your head rang with the words, it spun your mind into a whirl. You felt your knees going weak and your vision darkening. The last thing you remember is Steve’s strong arms reaching out to catch you as you collapse to the ground.
Chapter 9
TAGLIST: @fanfictionjunkie1112​ @kiki5283​ @humanexile​ @starkrobb​ @alyxkbrl​ @momc95​ @bullshitantichrist​ @the-omni-princess​ @animegirlgeeky​ @acf2510​ @fluffyirwinie​ @disasterwelshgirl​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​ @veronawrites​ @guccicloudz​ @holyhumorliteraturelight​ @mrsalwayswrite​ @no-clue-whats-happenin​ @booktease21​ @mymomcallsmefury​ @fafulous​ @asgardlover75​ @susmita121​ @noseyrosey1597​ @jennmurawski13​ @buckybarnesscrunchie​ @learisa​ @kinkywitchy​ @mywinterwolf​ @dyanna-corona​ @procrastinating-angels​ @shellbeerocks​ @broco8​ @just-a-littlebit-of-everything​ @sweetybuzz25​ @cookies186​ @badassbaker​
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