#i already have an idea for starlo
realkeylogger · 5 months
underfell yellow i say HELLO
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ruohosta-nauttija · 2 months
Fuck why isn't there any the men from the ministry fanart or fanfic
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squidpedia · 4 months
part three of gun trash-hat?
Originally I was going to say no part 3 planned for Clover’s stink hat since I currently didn’t have any more funny ideas to follow that up with, but I thought of something that would work as a bonus:
Clover’s guardians called an emergency meeting after they finally got Clover to let them wash the hat, trying to brainstorm ideas on how to apologize. This was what they mananged to agree on.
(Part 1 | Part 2)
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They promised Clover they’ll give the hat back in exactly one hour, Clover took out a timer to hold them to it. I like to think that the parts Ceroba and Starlo needed were left behind in the underground after they already moved to the surface, meaning Ceroba and Starlo had to sprint however many miles back to their old homes to get their materials, find and grab them, then sprint all the way back and figure out how to attach them to the hat quickly. They had 2 minutes to spare. Meanwhile Martlet just kinda…plucked out a feather and Dalv just has those stickers in his pockets on standby anyways.
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akanemnon · 5 months
I really wanna see either Starlo or Ceroba in your artstyle, and if you're comfortable with it, try making a Dark World counterpart?
Ceroba would prob be a Warlock though
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Sorry, not doing the Dark World designs. Mainly because I absolutely have no idea what to do for Starlo. Already used the Gunslinger class for Clover...
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I feel bad for Starlo. (pt. 2)
Had they just let him get Clover the badge (and literally finish the best day of his life since, again, Clover's gotta go) and then all sat down to chat, everything would have been solved in minutes. Because clearly Starlo's main motivation is making sure other people are happy, right? If they tell him they're not happy, he'd sure as heck care about that. Just look at how he tells the group to have fun with Clover:
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btw, this is a human they SHOULD be excited to talk to more since well... they're a human. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, and they are SUPPOSED to be into the western culture almost as much as Star, or at least that's what Star thought. More on this later
But no, gotta act jealous instead, call Starlo's training lackluster...
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Then you make a better one, Ed, instead of complaining, Star's mind was too occupied with everything, as it always is. The town needs to be led by someone every day after all. It's all harder than it looks, you've gotta focus on schedules, new ideas, and most importantly radiating positive energy even in the worst of times
...say he's been throwing them around for human business...
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huh Moray?? He didn't force you to do anything, you all just went with it. If you hated the training, y'all never said it. Ed also says how he basically doesn't want to participate in the trolley problem which I found sorta.. weird. I mean, it's not very likely that in all the years they've spent roleplaying here, they've never done this before. And even if they hadn't, it really is logical to assume Ed didn't really mean he was terrified and was just acting to make the scene more "dramatic" The five of them ARE sort of actors anyway (why would he be scared tho? it's not a real train that's coming, no real danger here, just harmless fun)
... and apparently call him a meanie and a big-headed sheriff:
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HOW is he a meanie Mooch?? How??? He was just trying to be helpful and got too into everything. It's not the same as being mean on purpose. And even if he DID act prouder than usual, he honestly had every right to do it. After everything he's tried to do for the underground, his friends and family, he had every right to lift himself up. All you guys ever did was tag along with him everywhere apparently, never having to worry about anything but your own hobbies, had a secure AND fun job thanks to your boss, a place to live, nap times, PLUS Star was always a nice leader (Ed himself admits this; from my previous blog). How do I know he was nice? Aside from signs in the game, the gang only argued over trivial matters (IDK what exactly but Dina said this)
And Ace... wdym you're following them??
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Why??? Star literally praised you and thanked you! What the heck?? Yeah life dealth him a bad hand but you're not doing anything about this situation aside from leaving.
I love all four of them, but honestly, It's not like Star ditched any of you, he didn't ever act angry (besides when Ed insulted his mission, which IS frustrating because: 1) he tried his best to make it enjoyable for everyone 2) this comment Ed made contradicts everything Starlo wanted to feel that day: genuinely proud, happy, useful, important. He wanted to enjoy himself as much as possible and bring as much joy to others as he could. And he was right to want that... especially after all he's already done. Or tried to do. Even though he's too fiery, too passionate, *too much,* why didn't anyone let him know this? Why didn't they tell him he's NOT been making anyone happy, aside from the tourists? Why keep lying to him until his breaking point?
Better explained down here during a discussion in the messages here on tumblr in case ya'll have the patience to read it ↓
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Just... After thinking things through, I've started seeing things from a different pov. Yeah, the Four apologise to Clover in neutral, but Starlo STILL has to be the one to come to THEM for forgiveness. Forgiveness for what exactly? What did he do that was worse than what YOU guys did to HIM? (you too Ceroba, especially you, and I'll talk about this VERY soon, in a few days)
Forgetting to tie them off the rails (Ceroba forgot too) because he was too excited to well... feel like a somebody for the first time, like a real sheriff with a real deputy? Putting his needs and feelings first for once instead of walking outside his house at night and whispering to himself and thinking about every single problem he has on his plate? (I think it isn't the sheriff stuff he thinks about) Thinking he was doing the right thing by doing what he thought would be fun for everyone? Being kind to Clover? Not ditching his posse and just... idk, not running off to have an imaginary adventure with the human kid, with just the two of them? What the heck, guys.
Now, I'd understand if he'd been saying stuff like "Alright y'all, you better listen to everything I say, you understand!? Clover is the greatest thing since sliced bread, while all of you all nothing but a drag! Tch. Losers." Or "If you don't do this and that, you're fired for good! Clover will replace you! You're all lame anyway!" Or "Clover, get over here and join me on this and that! Right. NOW."
Starlo literally never said something even CLOSE to this. Only after Ed left did he let him and everyone else go, then blurted out "I was considering firing y'all anyway!" Honestly what I know about Star is that he's fiery and passionate and just snapped because he didn't understand why they left. He had done everything right.. right? He couldn't, no, wouldn't comprehend that his whole life in the Wild East has been a big fat lie. It hurt emotionally and his coping mechanism were always distractions. So he refused to see what he had (accidentally) caused.
In short, what bothers me is that all blame is put on Starlo and he's the only one who has to say sorry when he genuinely didn't know any better. Some folks just aren't introspective enough to notice people's true feelings and Star's one of them. And even if he's good at that, he's been so foused on this whole Wild East thing to think about that too, on top of everything.
He literally had to just stare off into the distance and rethink all his life choices that led him to this point (based on his letter), when instead he could have been a lone entertainer from the start. I mean, he carried all the comedy and charm on his own anyway (imo). He'd get to live his passion, plus entertain the tourists, plus boost his own confidence, PLUS none of his friends would be stuck at a job they hate! PLUS Ceroba, while still staying at Star's, could have gotten a better night's sleep with only the two of them being roommates! It would have been a win win win win win kinda situation if only they hadn't been lying to him for such a long time and just spoke up openly. Simple as that!
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Undertale Yellow Car Headcanons 2
People liked the first one, so I figured I'd go do a few more to cover some folks I missed and add some extras for ones I already covered. Kudos to a friend on Discord who's a massive car nut and suggested quite a few of these. First one in case you haven't seen it. This one's a bit chonkier, so grab a snack or something.
Martlet: Electric Bike
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Even if Martlet getting her hands on a driver's license is nigh impossible, we figured she should at least have something, even if she doesn't use it that much. Electric bikes seem to fit her style. Dunno if she'd use it often, but if the surface has no-fly laws or whatever, it'd probably help her out some.
Toriel: 2CV
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...okay, Tori isn't really a UTY-exclusive character, but she has a minor role in the game, so does she count? Anyway, my friend had the idea of her using what they described as 'everybody's favorite little wine snail' and I think it fits her too well.
Chujin: Loud Ass 90s Tuner Car
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If Chujin didn't inject raw Mountain Dew Voltage into his soul and survived to see the surface, he'd probably drive something like this. It ties in with the whole Ben 10 thing and it's a great way to express himself, as obnoxious as it may be. Usually, Ceroba makes him drive the family sedan.
Ceroba: If She Owned the Hummer (Semi-Joke one)
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I meant for it as a shitpost, but we thought up an idea if she actually did own the car. Don't worry, she always looks before merging. Anyway, we figured she got it mainly because it's pretty cool. However, it is a massive waste of gas money, so she only uses it for camping or driving Kanako and Clover around on their birthdays. Otherwise, it mainly collects dust in her garage while she uses the more fuel-efficient sedan.
El Bailador: Lowrider
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Kudos to @cheddarchandelure for suggesting this and it couldn't fit any better. Lowriders fit him like a glove. You know he just has this thing modded like crazy. It's nearly 20 feet of car, too. You don't get much more expressive than that.
Feisty Five: GMC Vandura
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I gave the Feisty Five individual vehicles, but they also kinda need a car for the whole gang and what better vehicle for a group of crime fighting dinguses. Perfect for missions, lassons, or just hanging out as a group together. Starlo technically owns it, but usually Moray or Ace drive the thing.
Ace: Antique Mercedes
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Okay, I know I technically already did Ace in the first part, but my friend suggested an Antique Mercedes, which I think fits a lot better than the Porche. I'll let you guys draw your own conclusions, tho.
Moray: SLK Roadster
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Still a convertible, but I didn't like the image I used in the last one. So now we got a specific model for our favorite fish with no gender.
Mooch: Pretty Much Anything, but here's a Corolla
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On the chance that Mooch somehow gets her license back, she'd be willing to drive whatever. Hopefully more responsibly this time around.
Dina: 5th Gen Mustang
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My friend suggested that a classier style of muscle car would fit better than the more aggressive model I used in the first, and I think it suits her more laid-back nature well.
Blackjack: Antique Flatbed
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It's been in his family for generations, and he's way too attached to the thing to get rid of it. Generally, he just fixes up anything that breaks down on him.
Starlo's Family: Uh...Trucks
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The main workhorses for the Sunnyside Farm. Sure, they got a few dents and aren't the cleanest or most advanced, but hey, they get the job done. Mainly driven by Solomon and Orion, occasionally Starlo. The Cabover (bottom) is generally used for the big harvests and the pickup works for everything else.
Mo: C4 Corvette
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The perfect car for a sleazy businessman! Well, not sleazy, but you get what I mean. He likes to act stylish with his choice of car, but his is constantly breaking down mechanically, since he doesn't really bother fixing the thing, just detailing it. Doesn't leave the best impressions for shoppers.
Honeydew Shopkeeper: Figaro
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Why? Well, simple, it's small and cute, just like she is! Not much else to say beyond that.
Kanako: '70 Dodge Challenger
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Kanako's still a bit too young to drive, but we settled on this for a dream car of hers, with both a road and track package. She got the idea from both the racing games she plays and Dina's own muscle car. Nobody understands why, But she really wants to visit San Francisco with it
Clover: Ford Galaxie Convertible
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Figured we should do Clover's dream car as well. Not much a reasoning, we thought this just fit their style. Once they come of age, you know darn well they'll be racing Kanako.
Warned ya that would be a big one! Anyway, lemme know what y'all think!
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howlonomy · 2 months
Alllllrighty, got them all done now:
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Star is looking very good, and a lot more vibrant than the other version I already had
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And here we have the other Ceroba, ears looking a bit weird to me again, but I don't very much care if they do since they still slightly remind me of a fennec fox
And I guess for fun since I have the OTHER area bosses done, the Axes:
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Yes, I did draw the background for the first one by hand, that is a major reason why I decided to go for the Justice Beam for the Genocide fight, I was NOT drawing all of those by hand again (they're all slightly different shades of green, so while I could have just Ctrl+C Ctrl+V'd them all and then fill tool them which honestly I should have, I decided to draw them individually one at a time with each different shade. My hand hurt so much after that)
Alright, that's all the serious art ideas done now, now only the sillies remain
HEHEHEHE YEEESSSSS MY BELOVEDS!!!! did not realize how cool my starlo design looked until you drew him and the ceroba looks SO GOOD!!!! she is a fox lady so every fox works for her <3
AND AXISSS i almost wish i redesigned him too but man he already looks pretty cool. and i do not blame you for not wanting to do all that, its sounds super tedious and i dont want you to wreck your hand for that AHDJSK coloring all the 0s by hand is dedication but man please be careful 😭😭 no carpal tunnel!!!!
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rudimentary-rutabaga · 3 months
I got what I asked for, so here are my Deltarune Yellow Ideas! Feel free to comment or send me askes on these guys/the storyline. I have way more ideas I didn’t list here.
This is… very long, so be warned. Designs coming soon.
-Nothing changes too much, still socially awkward
-Friends with the Ketsukanes, but nowhere near Starlo’s level.
-The snowdin attack never happened. He was actually friends with the Integrity human, and they would help him look after baby Kanako if Starlo was away.
-That is, until they disappeared out of the blue. Now he has anxiety over that instead.
-Writes books for a living. He also babysat Kanako and Clover when they were younger.
-Used to help out on Starlo’s farm.
-One of Kanako’s friends.
-Design is mostly the same.
-No royal guard to join, so she went to college instead. Now that she’s graduated, she’s currently unemployed and living with her mom.
-Still helps Chujin out with building/carpentry, but doesn’t feel good enough to start a business.
-One of Clover’s friends, like a sister to them.
-Met Asriel at college. They didn’t get along.
-A farmer. Takes more pride in farming than his UTY counterpart.
-Still loves cowboys/western media, but he’ll only dress up as them in the safety of his own backyard.
-Still has a crush on Ceroba but knows he’ll most likely never be with her, so he just tries to be the best for Kanako he can be.
-Has his own house now! His ‘posse’ are just his high school friends. They’ll talk about western stuff a lot with him but won’t go much farther than that.
-One of Clover’s friends. Pretty much their dad, but hasn’t been able to officially adopt them.
-Still dresses up the same as in UTY
-Her and Chujin are practically the founders of the town (This is not hometown, by the way.)
-The whole family would be considered intimidating if everyone didn’t know them already.
-Clover lives with her + her family , but they don’t think they consider them family.
-Shows a bit of favoritism towards Kanako, but she’s working on it.
-Stay at home mom.
-Still an engineer, but when not at work he uses most of his skills for carpentry and woodworking.
-No Snowdin attack, so he isn’t as distrustful of humans. He's just glad Kanako seems happy to have Clover.
-Programmed a video game for Kanako called ‘Belowstory’
-Doesn’t like to dress how she does in UTY. She dressed like that when she was younger, but now prefers to look more like her peers.
-Loved western stuff when she was younger, but sometime after Clover arrived she decided cowboys were lame and she liked superheroes (another predominantly human thing) more.
-Recently decided cowboys actually are better.
-Amazing at art and piano, gets good grades and everybody loves her! Nevermind the fact that she feels stressed and pressured.
-Minor envy issues with Clover. Feels like they don’t have to be impressive to be liked.
-Considers Clover a sibling.
-Considers Kanako a cousin.
-Major jealousy issues with Kanako. Feels like they’ll never be as good and loved as her. They aren’t good with sharing.
-‘Works’ at Starlo’s farm (they volunteer on afternoons and he pays them allowance)
-Shares a room with Kanako.
-The orphanage they escaped from didn’t bother to educate the kids there, so Ceroba homeschools them until they can catch up with others their age.
-Got made co-deputy with Kanako. Felt like their western thing was the only thing separating them from being nothing but ‘Kanako’s friend.’
-Yes, he exists.
-Instead of being a royal guard robot, he was made to be Kanako’s companion before Clover came along.
-Currently confined to the basement because of his limited power source.
-Knew Integrity before their sudden disappearance.
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alemonyoyo · 4 months
No Country for Young Humans - Chapter 8.5
I am officially back at school, attending my final year of high school! I will be busy, chapters will come out very infrequently!
To tide you over, since I am exhausted, have this short little bit of actual PLOT!!! (IK not just North Star fluff, dw, that will come soon).
Also, I'm drifting a little from the UTY fandom (yeah, uh oh) but I definitely DON'T wanna abandon this fic!
Worse comes to worse, I'll finish it swiftly, and do my best to still make that entertaining. This is the longest fic I think I've ever wrote, most of my other stuff is oneshots!
Sorry about all that, hopefully you can enjoy this very short snippet of what's to come (maybe heh).
Missed the previous chapters? Check out the Masterlist!
Words: 552
Tags: GN Reader, Jealousy, Plot?
Summary: We shift to a new perspective as things unfold behind the scene.
Chapter 8.5 - A New Perspective:
There was a piercing sound in the air. It was faint, but persistent. Her ears, sharp as a dagger, picked up its sound all too well. As she fumbled with the equipment splayed out on the desk beneath her, she found her patience waning thin, the sound piercing into her skull, stabbing like the thick spears of the Royal Guard.
How could she let it get this far? How could she have been so stupid? She should have killed them right then and there when they walked into the Wild East, yet the look on his face; it healed all of her wounds, though only for a moment. She entertained this idea only to keep him happy, but it had been too long now to turn back.
Ceroba walked over to the vials of serum, each a pungent blue in colour, painfully standing out amongst the backdrop of muted greys. She had to do this. For Kanako. It was the only way to keep her alive.
Going through with this though, she thought, would ruin everything for him.
She had never felt so happy for him, the moment they admitted their feelings for him. That flustered look on their face, all bashful yet trusting in her company. They *trusted* her. Star trusted her. And she was going to throw that all away.
Finally, Starlo was going to feel the love she had always wanted him to experience, taken away from the years of torment she knew she put him through. She was happy then, and he was miserable. Now it was like night and day as she wallowed in a sea of misery. But he would be happy. He would finally be happy.
Ceroba clenched her fists tightly, walking over to the large, old TV. No- She can’t let this sway her. Surely Star would be happier knowing her child was safe and out of harm's way. Surely Star would be happier knowing she was happy? Surely she meant more to him? She pressed the small round button on the TV, knowing the tape was already loaded in the slot when she had last watched it. A sobering reminder of why she had to do this.
It wasn’t just for Kanako. It wasn’t just for Chujin. But for the fate of the world.
Well, that is what she told herself as she waited for the video to play, though she was only met with static. Ceroba smacked a pawed hand on the TV, growing impatient and frustrated as she sobbed out. This was too much! Too hard of a choice! Why was this her choice to make? Why couldn’t she have both? Why did they have to be human?
She ceased her abuse of the TV, instead pressing the eject button, waiting for the tape to shift out of the slot. She waited, the still ringing sound of the machines around her whirring in an annoying fashion. She heard the mechanics in the TV shift, the slot opening and pushing out the thick, heavy air. There was no tape, nothing at all.
She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand on end, reaching panicked hands into the slot, trying to slip down into the small slit. Empty.
Someone had taken Chujins tape which could only mean-
Someone knew.
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willuzpilled · 5 months
Til Death Do Us Part (A Dalvlo/Corn Yaoi fanfic)
As part vampire, Dalv naturally has a lifespan much longer than any average monster or human. As he celebrates his 96th anniversary with Starlo, he reflects on the long life they had together.
(Also available on Archive of Our Own)
Dalv laid down a picnic blanket, and started placing down supplies. He brought a basket of freshly grilled corn cobs, a bottle of Adult Soda, and some golden flowers in a vase full of water.
After settling down and placing a cob on his plate, he began talking.
"So uh, it's been a while, hasn't it?" He stared at his cob, struggling to think of what to say next. "96 years we've been married. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. Me stepping out, seeing you in that suit, the smile beaming on your face... holding your hands as we spoke our vows..."
Dalv wiped his palms on his dress. He almost didn't even wear the dress, but Starlo was able to convince him last minute. He was nervous, but excited. Today was the big day.
He stepped out and looked across the long wedding hall. Starlo was standing on the other side, in that incredibly handsome suit, a smile beaming across his face. Next to him stood Clover, his person of honor.
Dalv walked calmly across the hall (it took all the strength in him to not immediately sprint into Starlo's arms) and took his place on the altar.
Starlo shot Dalv a look. Dalv shot him a look back of 'Hey buddy, this was your idea'.
"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of the Sheriff of this town, Starlo North Star, and his husband Dalv of the Dark Ruins." El Bailador posed dramatically between every phrase. Dalv was going to correct him, as he had been living in Snowdin for some time at that point, but he decided he wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible.
"Two great members of the community, joined together in holy matrimony. Joined by PASSION, passion for each other, for the arts, for cowboy movies and organ music alike. Truly a match made in heaven. You may now speak your vows."
Starlo held his hands in Dalv's, and spoke first. "When I met you, I thought I already knew who I was. I was North Star, the sheriff, the lone wolf, among the willows, who don't need nobody to keep his bed warm. But... you filled a hole in my heart this ol' cowboy didn't even know he had. Thank you."
Dalv spoke next. "My starlight... When you met me, I was at my lowest. Alone, friendless, filled with regret over past mistakes... you helped me see past that. You pulled me out of the hole I was in, and helped me find myself again. That is to say, I'm lucky to have you. I will love you forever, until death do us part."
Until death do us part.
Til death do us part
Dalv grabbed out a handkerchief and dabbed it over his eyes. "Sorry... I told myself I wasn't going to..." He took some deep breaths to ground himself, before he resumed talking. "That was the happiest day of my life. And since then, my life's only gotten better. Sure, we had our rocky moments, our arguments, the multiple run-ins with the law I had to get you out of... but I like to think you changed me for the better. And I hope I was able to help you out too, while you were still around."
Dalv placed the vase of golden flowers at the foot of the grave.
Starlo "North Star"
2084 - 2179
The best Sheriff this side of the Underground.
Dalv stared at the cob in his hand, silently, in reflection.
"I finally cleaned up that room you kept your cowboy memorabilia in. I decided to give most of it to charity. I cried. I cried a lot. But... it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder. I turned that room into a room for my organ practice. I didn't want to get rusty, and I like to imagine you're still there with me, listening along..."
Dalv dug around in the picnic basket. "I kept these. I felt that you would kill me if I ever gave them away, and I don't think I could ever convince myself to anyways."
Dalv placed a rusty, beat-up six-piece revolver at the foot of the grave. He grabbed a worn cowboy hat and placed it on top.
He paused for a few moments.
"People keep telling me to stop coming here," he eventually spoke. "And in fairness, it has been a while. But... I start to feel bad if I don't keep you company. I think I worry that... I'll move on. That I'll forget about you. That you'll become just another 'blip' to me. I don't want that to happen."
Another pause.
"I started seeing someone recently. She seems nice. We both share a passion for childrens entertainment! Though her taste in children's media is more Amphibiland whereas mine is more Dr. Moose. She plays the violin too. Her playing is lovely..." Dalv cut himself off. He was blushing. "Sorry, I was rambling again... It's nice to have found someone else I like."
"I remember on the day that... the day that I lost you." Dalv placed the cob down on his plate. "As I was standing next to your bed, holding your hand, you told me with your last breaths that... people move on. And that it's scary, and it hurts, but it's important to grow as people. I think often about those words."
"You were the last friend that I had left. After Ed, after Moray, after Mooch and Ace, and Martlet, and... Clover... I went against your word. I vowed myself to never get attached again. I couldn't afford to forget you. I couldn't afford to replace your memory with another friend, who I will have to lose all over again. Not in this long life I live."
"But recently I've been thinking about what Martlet said, on the day we sent Clover off. She mentioned how the short 'blips' in life can leave the biggest impacts. I suppose in the scale of my own life, you were a 'blip' too. I will continue to live for... as long as I do. And even though I won't be able to spend the rest of it with you, I'll still have the impact you left on me. So, thank you."
Dalv's phone began buzzing.
"Oh, I should probably get going soon, I don't wanna be late for our meetup..." Dalv got up and began packing the picnic supplies back into the basket.
Before leaving, Dalv turned around to look at the grave one last time. "See you around, space cowboy." He shot a finger gun before finally turning to leave.
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awalkingballofanxiety · 4 months
Undertale Yellow was such a cool game, and all the au's I've seen for it look amazing, so I thought I would try my hand at making one. (Yes, I know there's already a dozen posts about Deltarune Yellow, but hear me out about this version.)
Deltarune Yellow
This version of Clover lives with Ceroba and considers Starlo "the cool Uncle."
While they still like the idea of Cowboys, they don't run around dressed like one outside of the Dark World.
There's not much else to say about Clover since this version is pretty similar to every other version of Deltarune Yellow.
They, and a couple other monsters, run a film club before school.
Martlet is the one who goes to the Dark World with Clover instead of Kanako, like in every other version I've seen.
They are a new teacher at the local school. They ask Clover to show them around before school starts, which leads them to falling into the Dark World with them. (They replace Alphys, you'll see what happens to her below.)
When in the Dark World, they have the same kind of armor as the Zenith form
Instead of getting a normal weapon in the Dark World, they get a tool belt with magic carpentry tools that can be used to build defenses, mostly shields, in battle.
Ceroba, Chujin, and Kanako
As I said before, every version of this au that I've seen has Kanako go with Clover to the Dark World.
In this version, the Ketsukane family suffered from a car crash, leaving Chujin dead and Kanako in a coma. Ceroba blames herself since she was in the driver's seat, so when she finds an abandoned human child in the woods by the cemetery, she feels the need to redeem herself by saving them.
Still has some resentment for Alphys, since they were the other driver in the crash. (The guilt from the crash led to Alphys resigning as a teacher, which is why Martlet is hired as their replacement.)
Dalv in the Light World, Vlad in the Dark World
Dalv is one of Starlo's friends, as a fellow corn farmer, but lives pretty far away. They wouldn't show up much in the Light World.
Vlad is a prince, who has been living in isolation since they were exiled.
They are very hesitant about trusting Clover and Martlet.
They were exiled after getting over excited about two mysterious figures who almost seemed to fit the roles in the prophecy, which led them to immediately trusting them and letting them in the castle. The two figures ended up being usurpers who attacked Vlad when he was vulnerable and took over, agreeing to let Vlad live in exile.
I still need to actually flesh out a lot of the details in this, but I thought it the idea was worth sharing. Especially since I probably won't do anything with it, I am a terrible writer outside English class. So, feel free to do anything with this if you find it interesting.
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utytimeline · 3 months
Redesigning Starlo NEO
All right, I haven't had time to put my thoughts together properly, but I do have some ideas about Starlo's NEO forms (or Zenith or Super forms, if you prefer).
1st Phase: Shooting Star
His first phase should not be call Sirius, he is the North Star, and the real name for the North Star is Polaris. Sirius is a completely different star, in a different constellation. I get the joke that he's become a "Serious Starlo," but that's the wrong star, he shouldn't be called Sirius at all.
I think his first phase should be called "Shooting Star," because he's literally a STAR who SHOOTS. Like, duh???
As for his design:
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Yellow is actually a mid-temperature star. Based on Starlo's reactions to the Showdown boss fight, I feel like he's someone who would act cool and calm in a real, serious fight to the death. He'd have to be in order to even shoot straight. So his 1st NEO form would probably be a cooler, reddish-orange temperature. Like he's staying calm and giving you an opportunity to give up before he really starts to fight.
His lasso is on fire and burns you when he whips you. And his bullets are made of fire. Every hit has a potential to give you burn damage that lasts for a few turns, or a potential for smoke damage that leaves you unable to breathe, reducing your speed.
2nd Phase: Polaris
Much as I like the name Hypernova for Starlo, I think the North Star should get to shine under the name Polaris, yeah? But he doesn't look humanoid anymore. He still has arms and legs, but his torso and face are replaced by an intense ball of bluish-white light.
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His bullets are made of plasma and deal electrical damage. His lasso looks like a streak of bluish-white lightning. If you get caught in it, you get electrocuted and can't move until he un-whips you.
3rd Phase? Singularity
We could give him a 3rd NEO phase (because why not, I mean, Ceroba got a 3-phase fight, even tho ASRIEL DREEMURR himself only got 2, but if Ceroba gets a 3rd, then why can't Starlo?).
This is a desperate, last-ditch move on Star's part and will kill him if he has to stay in this phase for more than a few minutes. Hypernova has used up most of his energy and in order to continue the battle, he has to collapse in on himself. He basically becomes a small black hole. He is no longer able to hold onto a lasso. He has become a living gravity well in order to drag you in. His bullets are pure radiation, no longer being shot from a gun, but from his own body. He will only use this phase if a battle comes to point of "if I'm going down, I will drag you down with me." This kind of attitude goes against his own nature, and is something he will only use if faced with an enemy that poses a threat to all man- and monster-kind.
You can't see anything left of him but two, small, burning, white eyes, and the rainbow-colored tips of the five points of his head. The rest of him has become a black, empty void.
So when would he even use this?
Well, as we've already seen, Star doesn't use this in a Geno run. I have a lot of thoughts on this that need to go into a proper analysis post, but for now, I'll just say that he doesn't even start to develop his other phases until after the events of UTY. Because until the end of a True Pacifist run (that is, sparing Ceroba), Starlo never comes to a full understanding of Justice. He has a messed-up idea of Justice that he got from combining his movies with his monster upbringing. Clover is the one who teaches him that Justice must be combined with MERCY, or else it isn't Justice at all, it's just judgement.
So Star probably would use these phases on dangerous criminals after reaching the surface.
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gengarartblog · 4 months
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Not really phases of the incident but more like different concepts of what could have happened? These are mostly scrapped now but I figured I could post them since they were technically almost done. This is again leaning into the "what if Dalv was the Integrity SOUL's final boss fight" idea I had. Maybe if I figure this out I'll make a doodle page or something.
Ramblings below the cut for my thought process atm when it comes to me trying to figure out the timeline of events with the Snowdin Incident. Because I am fucking STRUGGLING with this one.
Enjoy the scrapped concepts and, if you read it, the rambling below the cut.
All I know that I have to work with is:
-Kanako was unharmed -Dalv was injured, bad enough to be traumatized by it. He's also aware of the integrity human dying. (He mentions that day just repeating for him, which is probably flashbacks.) -Chujin knows that Dalv was injured, and instead of comforting his daughter or helping Dalv, he sends Axis after the human only to arrive to an absolute mess of a scene when he finds Axis and the remains of the human.
So the first issue:
Did Chujin and Axis show up before the human ran? Chujin was told by the other Snowdin residents about the human and he definitely found Kanako and Dalv at least. I'm actually starting to lean towards him having not arrived before the human ran since Chujin mentions that Kanako had no one to protect her (technically incorrect, as Dalv was 100% there and likely would have been protecting her. BUT if he had died then she would have been next with no one to save her). This would mean that for Kanako to be unharmed and for Dalv to be still alive, one of three things had to have happened:
a. The human decided to spare Dalv. Maybe because they didn't want to kill in front of another child or because they just decided to spare Dalv after beating him up. They then ran to waterfall because that was the next area they needed to go to get to the castle, and had no idea that Axis would be following soon.
b. Dalv managed to deal enough damage that the human decided to flee. He does mention holding back against Clover, and he's one of few monsters that live long enough to speak a few sentences after a fatal hit (like Starlo, Ceroba, Papyrus, and Undyne to name a few examples, who are all stronger regular monsters). And as we've seen from Undyne, even regular monsters can hold their own against a human if they're protecting someone or something. Hell, with Undyne we even have to run from her to be able to spare her in UT. The problem with this is that Dalv mentions that he won't run away this time ("All I know is that somehow... you found me. Sorry to make things difficult but I'm not cowering away this time"). But I'm not sure if he means the snowdin incident or if he means when he ran away twice from Clover in the dark ruins. Because while he's mistaking Clover for the integrity human here, he did run away from them in the dark ruins. However the pillar fun value event has Dalv running away???
c. Dalv and Kanako ran when they had the chance. But then why did the human run to waterfall instead of just wiping out snowdin? Sure Dalv and Kanako could have been the last monsters the human encountered before waterfall, but then Chujin would have likely encountered the human before Dalv and Kanako did. Not only that but from the sounds of it, Dalv stuck around for a bit probably due to injuries since Chujin mentions that he should have stayed to help calm Kanako down and to help Dalv with his injuries.
So what the hell is the timeline of events here? Like. Was the human already past Snowdin and went backwards for some reason at some point? Maybe they found out what happened to some of the other humans and that upset them to the point where they started violently defending themselves? I dunno.
The second issue:
Who the hell is the "friend" that Dalv mentions in his journal that apparently "doesn't exist"? I'm guessing it's whoever was leaving the corn right? Maybe Kanako since he said it's been a year?
I have no idea. I'm gonna go back to trying to figure out more stuff and put a timeline together for this. See ya.
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ceruleanwarbler2 · 3 months
what she says: hi
what she means: the idea of a feisty five vengeance boss battle doesnt seem in character to me. mooch ace moray and ed are pretty clearly in the gang for fun and i cant see them going out of their way to face a murderous human. ceroba and north star dual boss, however, i can see. ceroba in regular vengeance already makes sense; she only cares about chujin, kanako, and starlo, and two of those people are already dead and you just killed the third so she WILL end you. but i think if starlo had communicated more about what he was planning to do before confronting clover, ceroba would have agreed to come along because if he died she wouldnt have anything left so she might as well help. if star actually fought you on his own in vengeance im not sure i can see him putting up a very strong fight on but with ceroba he'd be a menace, AND he'd be looking out not only for his own life but also for his best friend's. yeah thats a fight i wish i saw. yeah ceroba vengeance cool i love trial by fury but THIS. now THIS would be sick
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th3-vessel · 3 months
I've been having a silly idea for an angsty asf Starlo fanfic for like a month or two now I need to just make it already man
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celestelunisea16 · 5 days
Adding onto that, the funeral... and then the whole thing about the parents blaming the underworld and everyone is pointing fingers until it's revealed that Clover neutral run did it.
Oh, it takes the fun out of funeral.
More angst my deputy darlings under the cut!
TW: Angst, and Lucifer starting to hold grudges against humanity. Starlo death mention.
I can see this would probably happen, like Solomon and Crestina are distraught by their son's death, and Orion is pissed about it, denying that his brother is dead.
I feel like, out of spite for no reason, Flowey would make it look bad by finding Starlo's hat and badge and returning it to his family and setting it next to Lucifer before he leaves the situation, so when Lucifer shows them the hat and badge, they're absolutely hurt over it. Crestina is just taking her son's hat and crying into it, while Solomon and Orion are pointing the blame onto Lucifer. Everyone in the Dunes blames him as well except for Ceroba.
Ceroba has to take a while to think, because his LV in her and Starlo's world is LV. 1. He has gained 0 LV in their world, so how could Lucifer have killed Starlo...? The only way he could do that without gaining LV is by Starlo asking for him to kill him as a final wish but Starlo would never ask for Lucifer to kill him and Lucifer seemed to absolutely have no idea how he died, even though he knew that Starlo was dead...
And the human that passed by the Wild East seemed... Off putting.
After several days and after hearing that the Blue Bird monster, known as Martlet, disappeared after traveling with the human, it was determined by Ceroba that Starlo's death was not caused by Lucifer, but by Clover.
Lucifer is let off of everyone's blame, but some still blame him for not being there to protect Starlo.
A funeral for Starlo is held as his dust (or the pieces Lucifer could gather after Starlo's corrupted copy dissipated) was spread over his hat. Several people cried as they had gotten close to the hat with the dust of his remains. Lucifer only shed a few...
He looks down at the badge of his lost love that he was allowed to hold onto. His heart already sunken to the lowest depths of his chest...
The only thing he could think of while he was there, staring at the badge was what would've happened if he was there?
Would Starlo still be alive because of him?
Would he have just taken minimal damage?
Would he have still died...?
... He couldn't think of anything else.
After the funeral, Starlo's hat was placed on a scarecrow near the cornfield, Lucifer only watching as Orion glared at him for a moment and walked away.
Crestina stood next to Lucifer, apologizing for Orion and her husband's anger towards him, and apologizing for holding her own grudge against him as well...
He tells her he accepts it, but he can never truly forgive himself for leaving Starlo alone to end up with his fate.
Then he looks back through his own life in his own world as he stares at the humans he wished to redeem before... Only grinding his teeth as he scowls at the thought of any human or their redemption, as a human was the one to kill Starlo...
Over the next few weeks, he'd become cold and distant to everyone, including everyone at the Hotel. When he did visit the hotel, he'd only stare at the Sinners, a look of pure hatred in his eyes as he stared at them, reminded of what they were before death. The same thing that killed the love of his life.
"A filthy forsaken human."
He no longer believed in redemption for them. He no longer believed in the past dream of helping sinners become winners. He hated Sinners and Winners for what they truly were.
Just evil creatures who believed that they were above all else. Creatures who were worse than any demon or Deadly Sin or Hellhound or whatever demon you could think of.
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