#i actually laughed out loud bc of this
regardingjenmish · 2 years
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Words can't explain how much i love whoever tf runs The Boys social media accounts
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atpm1976 · 11 months
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i take back when i said i wasnt calling rust gay bc what's this, good cop fag cop?
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hawkwidows · 2 months
what do you MEANNNNN people think it's weird if the party drink next season (which isn't even confirmed to be happening like-) WHANHFDBDJDBDHD WHY IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH EVERYTHING WHEN IT COMES TO THESE CHARACTERS why can people not let them be the teenagers that they are or grow up hooooly shit. these topics are hypothetical theories for now, it's all just fun during this hiatus!!
I'd care so much less if people just said "it's not for me personally" in their actual posts and not in replies to people later, bc people's actual posts are worded like something is actually wrong with the ideas being discussed, wrong for the characters, which is never true. your personal tastes or discomforts don't = what is relevant for characters OR other people in the fandom, come on 😭
anyway will byers is a giggly affectionate drunk you heard it here first
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byanyan · 3 months
ok but like. now i'm thinking about byan in class...
doodling in their notebooks always, sometimes while listening & paying attention, other times... very much not.
in a similar vein, getting ideas for new outfits or tattoos and not being able to wait so they start sketching the ideas out right then & there and... completely focusing on that instead of what they're supposed to be doing.
straight up zoning out, staring at the walls.
constant fidgeting/stimming; tapping pens or fingers, bouncing leg, twirling or pulling on their hair, chewing pens/pencils/ends of their sleeves, tugging on jewelry, etc.
getting shit for fidgeting too loudly or for it being "too distracting" for the other students.
getting up and walking right out the door any time they're expected to read something aloud (& often getting into verbal and sometimes even physical confrontations with the teacher over it).
getting into verbal fights with teachers in general over minor (& sometimes not so minor) things.
messing around on their phone under their desk. this happens a lot when they get frustrated with assignments, have to read too much, or simply can't focus.
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animalsandskyyy · 1 year
ummm okay so people at work were talking about pride month again
and someone said “everyone here is gay, only *name*, *name*, and grace aren’t” and i’ll tell you- the face I made (that I think only one person saw) was probably so incredibly telling lmao but idc because wtfff and yeah :/
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milo-is-rambling · 2 days
Me looking at my own mood boards like “oh yeah this guy gets it”
#💭#📓#I love you friendship and midnight gospel and Kaluah and I love listening and hearing stories and laughing so hard and being full of joy and#and and like questions and sadness and grief and fear and all these things that are I usually deal with with isolation on codependence w my#mom like now I feel like I’m given the space to be a person and to be around someone who truly listens and lives and I’m realizing places#(stuck point.comma.therapy term) where I am finding myself uncomfortable with the way I handle a conversation specifically how I listen to#people I care about and listening to understand instead of listening to respond (not usually an issue with ppl I like) or listening to#relate I struggle a lot with that I tend to use immediate interrupting with my own thing to show I get it and that can quickly be overdone#and I’m starting to notice when I do it and I’m learning how to balance that with also learning to shut my mouth for a second and like give#people (Levi) (but also people in IOP actually) space to talk and feel and finish a thought and trying to validate (ew therapy term) and#fully listen and understand in ways that aren’t from my own perspective bc that’s a thing I struggle with but I am also comforted by the#fact that Levi will not punish me or be harsh to me if I mess up in the moments when I notice I’m doing it and maybe when I find myself#doing it I could say it out loud and apologize or like ask if there was more to say like idk I want to work on my listening#and not to use an excuse or whatever but I feel like I have been so isolated for so long like four years ish and I have not fully gained the#skill of listening to people at this stage of my life when I’m not in a direct classroom setting where you are almost allowed to interrupt#in order to add to a conversation but that’s not how all conversations are made to be and obviously (well maybe not obvious) but friends#can ​understand and discuss boundaries and feel comfortable over talking and speaking up when there was something you wanted to say and#having me wait a second idk idk how to explain it
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butchjess · 1 year
a canticle for leibowitz a book that is like a vaccine in getting you to forgive fictional christians for being annoying. i love you religion prevailing after the world ends and then starts again i love you the cyclical nature of man and empires and nations
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planet4546b · 7 months
'perhaps i will write a little samira indulgence today' i say to myself as if this is somehow not allowed and she would not be a part of my nano. as if it is not literally all about her
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kiealer · 9 months
What type of villain are you?
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For the Greater Good
Perhaps you do not believe what you are doing can truly be classified as evil. Perhaps some people will be hurt from the immediate consequences of your actions, but what the masses fail to see is the immense good that will come of your plans. Maybe you act in the name of science, or for your people who have fallen on great tragedy. Maybe you see cracks in a failing system and want to uproot it through chaotic, destructive means to avoid greater tragedy down the line. Maybe you're just in with a bad crowd, but you can't leave them, no matter how unsavory their intentions, because they're your only ticket to your ultimate goals. No matter what, your goals are noble, and you take no joy in wreaking havoc or hurting those in your way, but the evils you partake in are necessary. If you need to play the bad guy to ensure a better future, then you are willing to play that part.
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The Coward
You didn't have another choice, honest! Have these people SEEN what the heroes are up against? It'd end you in an instant, whether that be a lovecraftian abomination with a hold on your soul, a rampaging monster that's destroying more than a hurricane and an earthquake could in one fell swoop, a shadow organization that has tabs on everyone you love and will end them in an instant, or just a particularly grumpy boss that might yell at you if you don't fall in with his excessively tyrannical methods, you can't go risking your neck for the poor saps that think they can stop it. No way, you're staying on the bad guy side, where it's SAFE.
tagged by: @gerudospiriit thank you! tagging: uhhhh everyone's done this by now i think--??
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avisisisis · 5 months
i love being that one friend with a very chaotic personality that gives horrible advice on purpose (then gives some actually good advice) and offers to murder people for you but i also. would like to be taken more seriously. in a "please stop using me as just comedy i am a real person and don't find the jokes you make at my expense (is that the word?) funny" way
#this hasn't been happening as often. bc we're on vacation and i don't see people as ofyen#i like to stay home. i love my home. and i love the loudness of my family but not the loudness of the rest of the world yk??#but uh#today my friend came to my house#and she has this joke#it's basically about how my siblings are “basically blessed by aphrodite” while i'm. ugly. compared to them#and just ugly in general#she doesn't say ugly but she does imply it. how does she do it?? by pointing out every fucking flaw my face has#“haha your head is egg shaped”#“lol you have a big forehead”#“you look like you have one big eyebrow!”#“your eye bags make you look like a raccoon”#<- this one hit me. harder than others bc like. that's smth ik and it's smth i'm trying to work on#i'm like this because i don't sleep much and because i spend too much time with my phone#i'm like this because i eat too much when i'm not even hungry and i refuse to exercise#and i'm trying to WORK ON IT.#and she just. laughs. at the consequences of all the stuff that's been actually harming me#and i KNOW that i should talk to her about this but HOW#how tf do i do that#it's not a “i don't want to lose her” thing it's more of a “i don't want any more conflict”#my 2022 and my 2023 have been so full of fights and just. pure negativity#and it was all bc of my friends. bc they're toxic and too stupid to see that they're wrong sometimes#and everytime i talked to one of them they would tell me more about the drama between them and some of my other friends and i HATED it sm#i'm flooding the tags w this cause it's. idk i wouldn't want it to be the first thing ppl see if they find this post#also i need to go to sleep it's almost 4am#avis talks#vent
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hella1975 · 1 year
I just think that no children by the mountain goats and soukoku. It just, yes.
they are truly the epitome of 'you are coming down with me, hand in unlovable hand' idc what anyone says
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theradicalace · 3 months
was looking to see if amazon sells kaidou figurines so i could make a halfass joke and i did not find that but i did find out that if you search "shun kaidou" the second result is. red bandages
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charlescoded · 3 months
is max bald in the dune au 🧐
LMAO no he's not 😂 at some point charles buries his fingers into max's hair, so it's definitely there!
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prestonmonterey · 3 months
ughhhh someone kill me i think i might like stay on the third floor today i actually cant deal with her today
#marble musings#vent#shes the only person in my 'friend' group who has the same free block as me#and shes actually a nightmare to be around#im always worried shes gonna take my stuff#(she likes taking my wolf from my hands and my cat ears off my head#and laughs it off as a joke even after i tell her not to??)#and i cant even escape her bc the new friend group that im kind of maybe a part of#she just shows up sometimes#and its awful bc ive seen her make some of my friends uncomfortable and is entirely unapologetic about it#and shes really loud and makes everything about herself and makes conversations impossible#and its annoying bc she kept complaining about not being able to talk to me during free block bc i have headphones on#to listen to music and/or do work#and i was like#'ok you can talk to me if you want idc'#and now she talks to me nonstop during free block regardless of if i tell her i need to get work done#and her existence just kinda stresses me out#but ive never found the right time to tell her to stop#and i cant sit inside where all the tables are bc we usually sit there#and i cant sit outside bc its prolly wet and also she'll find me#and idk if im even allowed to sit upstairs but i kinda have to bc i really dont want to deal with her today#i need like a proper excuse for why im wearing headphones#she doesnt care that i listen to podcasts#and i don have anything to edit#ummmm#i don actually have any hw other than like studying for my math test#fuck ok i guess ill do that#idk what class shes in#umm#if shes also in honors ill cry
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phil-lesterfan · 4 months
had a dream where you (your pfp at least) were choosing a few select people to survive (?? armageddon maybe? can't remember) and i just sorta followed you around confusedly until i woke up. what are you planning and can you add me to the list pretty pretty please
ure telling me i possessed the bodies of final fantasy catboys dan and phil to make the call on who gets to survive the apocalypse and u weren’t one of the first people i said “okay, you stay” to? maybe i didn’t say it bc it was obvious to me you’d get to stick around 😤 don’t worry about what i’m planning just know i’d keep you safe *kabedons u*
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unearthlydream · 10 months
we all hate the porn bots... but some of these URLs that have been following me are so fucking funny lmao
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