#how many types of psychedelic mushrooms
gasmonkeyshop5 · 1 year
17 Medical Benefits Of Magic Mushrooms You Must Know
17 Medical Benefits Of Magic Mushrooms You Must Know Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, are a type of fungi that contain psychoactive compounds, most notably psilocybin and psilocin. These compounds can cause altered states of consciousness, including visual and auditory hallucinations, changes in mood, and changes in perception of time and space. Magic mushrooms have been used…
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otherkinnews · 8 months
The effects of psilocybin on phantom limbs: an upcoming large study, and what otherkin have noticed
Orion Scribner posted on September 15, 2023:
Content warnings: This article talks about the use of psychoactive substances only as used in either medical treatment under the guidance of physicians, or in spiritual visionary experiences as entheogens. This article also talks about injuries and chronic pain, but it doesn't describe these in graphic detail. Be forewarned that some of the academic sources cited do go into graphic detail, if you choose to go read those next.
Summary: In California, a large study is looking for participants. Researchers want to see if psilocybin helps treat the participants' phantom limb pain. The study isn't about therians or otherkin. Many therians and otherkin experience phantom limbs, and some of them have made observations about how psilocybin and other psychoactive substances influence their phantom limbs. This article is an eight minute read, plus a bibliography.
A large study seeks participants who suffer phantom limb pain due to having had amputations
The Psychedelic Health and Research Initiative (PHRI) at the University of California, San Diego, is looking for participants for a study. They want adults who have had an amputation and who experience chronic phantom limb pain. The proposed will use MRI brain imaging to study the effects of a therapeutic dose of psilocybin on phantom pain. Psilocybin is the active ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms, which may have potential for addressing some forms of chronic pain that are difficult to treat. The $1.3 million study will be placebo-controlled and double-blind, and they will compensate participants $600. Specialized monitors will oversee each session, with doctors and rescue medications available. The pitch for the study doesn't say what dates it will take place, but a recruitment ad ran for it on August 31 in Amplitude, a news and lifestyle magazine for people who have had amputations. To learn more about the study or find how to contact its team by phone or email, see its pitch here, and Amplitude Magazine's ad here.
This proposed study doesn't say anything about otherkin and therians, and the recruitment ad only mentions that it's looking for people who experience phantom limbs due to having had amputations. Something intriguing is that that otherkin and therians have noticed that psilocybin and other psychoactive substances affect their own phantom sensations. The rest of my article will go into some background about all that.
Many sorts of people experience phantom limbs, of many kinds, for many reasons
When someone has sensations as though they have a body part that they do not physically have, the medical term for this is a phantom limb. It's best known in people who have had a limb amputated, but the phenomenon happens in many other cases. For example, it also occurs for people who have sensations of missing body parts other than limbs: ears, fingers, breasts, genitals, or internal organs (Langer et al, 2023; Dorpat, 1971; Ramachandran and McGeoch, 2007). The phenomenon also includes people who have sensations of body parts that they weren't born with (McGeoch and Ramachandran, 2012; Price, 2006). Some types of people who experience this are those who have had a stroke, who were born with incomplete limbs (McGeoch and Ramachandran, 2012), who are transgender (Ramachandran and McGeoch, 2008), or who elicit such experiences through experimental conditions (Casas et al, 2016). The medical term for a sensation of an extra limb is a supernumerary phantom limb (SPL) (Amoni et al, 2005).
Phantoms are underreported due to stigma. Most people who experience phantoms only talk to their doctors about having phantoms if they are very painful and they want help with that. The medical term for this is phantom limb pain (PLP). For people who do feel phantom pain, it can be different to treat than pain in a body part that is physically there. Experts are developing creative approaches for treating this pain, for example, mirror-box therapy (Imaizumi et al, 2017), virtual reality (Ambron et al, 2021), and psychedelic medicine.
What are therianthropes and otherkin?
Therianthropes (therians) and otherkin are people who have the long-term, integral experience and identity of being something other than human. For example, of being a wolf, elf, dragon, or Pokémon (Scribner, 2023; Sonne, 2021; Shepard, 2021). The explanations they give for why they are like this usually come from spirituality, psychology, or both (Kinmunity, 2016, pp. 19). Some common spiritual explanations are reincarnation or having been born with a nonhuman spirit, but not all therians and otherkin share these beliefs or hold them in similar ways (Lupa, 2007, pp. 27, 57-66). Though these examples of explanations are tied to spiritual beliefs, being an otherkin or therian isn't a religion and does not have religious or spiritual requirements. On the secular side, some explain themselves as having something about their mind or brain that's different than that of most people, not for spiritual reasons, but simply an undeniable part of their everyday lives (Lupa, pp. 80-86). Though this is an unusual way for a person to be, mental health experts say this isn't inherently a mental illness or delusion (Lupa, 2007, pp. 86, 261-262; Baker-Whitelaw, 2015).
Many therians and otherkin experience phantom limbs
Many therians and otherkin experience phantom limbs and phantom sensations of body parts that humans don't have, such as tails. When the therian community began in the 1990s, they contextualized their experiences with werewolf folklore. They developed jargon in which they refer to times of feeling nonhuman phantoms more vividly as phantom shapeshifting (House of Chimeras, 2021; Lupa, 2007, pp. 42-43, 126-127; Proctor, 2019, pp. 203-209). When the otherkin community mingled with the therian community in the 2000s, they adopted this shifting terminology as well.
Survey data suggests phantom sensations are prevalent among therians and otherkin. A large informal survey of otherkin and therians found that 72.1% of them experience nonhuman phantom limbs or phantom sensations (Kinmunity, 2016, p. 155). A team of scientists known as the International Anthropomorphic Research Project (IARP) or FurScience surveyed attendees of furry fandom conventions. The furry fandom is about enjoyment of fictional human-like animals in art, and its participants often roleplay as animal characters, but usually don't identify as animals. The IARP tended to find that 5% to 20% of furries identified as therians (Plante et al, p. 112). At AnthroCon 2015, the IARP found that phantoms were more prevalent among therians than other attendees of that convention. Of those therians who felt phantoms (percentage not specified in the IARP's public-facing materials), 70.4% of them tended to find it distressing (Plante et al, p. 116).
Otherkin and therian phantoms can feel different while influenced by psychoactive substances
Drugs are not a key aspect of therian and otherkin subcultures. Their communities rarely discuss the effects of substances in relationship to their therianthropy and otherkinship. Some otherkin and therians who have used mind-altering substances have noticed that these influence their phantom sensations.
The first source I've seen that describes this in significant depth is "Entheogens for Otherkin," an excellent presentation by Dove and Edge for verified adult attendees at Othercon 2022. A recording of the presentation is on Youtube. Though there isn't a written transcript of it, together with other attendees, I wrote five pages of notes on the presentation when I attended, which you can read in a section near the end of this document. Entheogens are psychoactive substances employed in culturally sanctioned visionary experiences in ritual and religious contexts. Othercon is a yearly virtual convention for otherkin, therians, and other sorts of alterhumans. Dove is a formally ordained Pagan priestess, an otherkin, therian, and host of a multiple system, with ten years of experience with entheogens. Her spouse Edge is a vampire and Catholic witch with twenty years of experience with entheogens. The panelists and attendees talked about harm reduction and safety. Some entheogens the panel talked about were psilocybin, ayahuasca, datura, and cannabis. Different entheogens each affect phantom sensations in their own characteristic ways, some having little effect on phantoms, and others making phantoms feel more vivid, or shifting, or developing entirely into an out-of-body experience. Entheogens may affect otherkin and therians’ phantoms in different ways from person to person.
About the writers: This article was written by Orion Scribner (they/them), with feedback from their boyfriend Page Shepard (he/they) and partner system House of Chimeras (they/them). The three& of them are historians and archivists for the communities of therians, otherkin, and other alterhumans.
Ambron, E., Buxbaum, L. J., Miller, A., Stoll, H., Kuchenbecker, K. J., & Coslett, H. B. (2021). Virtual Reality Treatment Displaying the Missing Leg Improves Phantom Limb Pain: A Small Clinical Trial. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 35(12), 1100–1111. https://doi.org/10.1177/15459683211054164
Amplitude Magazine (August 31, 2023). "Tripping the switch on PLP." Amplitude Magazine.https://livingwithamplitude.com/article/tripping-the-switch-on-plp/
Annoni, Blanke, Dieguez, Khateb, Landis, Lazeyras, Momjian-Mayor, Pegna, and Simon (March 20, 2009). “Seeing the phantom: A functional MRI study of a supernumerary phantom limb.” Annals of Neurology.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19557858/
Baker-Whitelaw, Gavia (February 22, 2015). “Understanding the otherkin.” The Kernel. Archived March 18, 2015. https://web.archive.org/web/20150318110839/http://kernelmag.dailydot.com/issue-sections/features-issue-sections/11866/otherkin-tumblr-definition-pronouns/
Casas, D.M., G G Gentiletti, & A A Braidot. “Somatic and Movement Inductions Phantom Limb in Non-amputees.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 705, Issue 1, (2016): 1-11 http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/705/1/012062/meta (accessed June 26 2016).
Dorpat, T. L. (1971). Phantom sensation of internal organs. Comprehensive psychiatry, 12(1), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.1016/0010-440x(71)90053-8 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0010440X71900538?via%3Dihub
Dove and Edge (2022). "Entheogens for Otherkin." OtherCon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YEh0mVcLo0
House of Chimeras. (November 19, 2021). A Timeline of the Therianthrope Community.https://houseofchimeras.neocities.org/Nonfiction-Articles
Imaizumi, S., Asai, T., & Koyama, S. (2017). Agency over Phantom Limb Enhanced by Short-Term Mirror Therapy. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11, 483. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2017.00483
Kinmunity. "2016 Otherkin Community Survey." Kinmunity. 2016. Private collection.
Langer, S. J., Caso, T. J., & Gleichman, L. (2023). Examining the prevalence of trans phantoms among transgender, nonbinary and gender diverse individuals: An exploratory study. International journal of transgender health, 24(2), 225–233. https://doi.org/10.1080/26895269.2022.2164101https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37114107/
Lupa (2007). A Field Guide to Otherkin. Stafford, England: Immanion Press. https://www.worldcat.org/title/137242792
McGeoch, P., and Ramachandran, V. (2012). “The appearance of new phantom fingers post-amputation in a phocomelus.” Neurocase 18, no. 2, pp. 95-97. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13554794.2011.556128https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21598175/
Plante, Courtney N., Stephen Reysen, Sharon E. Roberts, and Kathleen C. Gerbasi (2016). "FurScience! A Summary of Five Years of Research from the International Anthropomorphic Research Project." FurScience. https://furscience.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Fur-Science-Final-pdf-for-Website_2017_10_18.pdf
Price, E. H. (2006). A critical review of congenital phantom limb cases and a developmental theory for the basis of body image. Consciousness and cognition, 15(2), 310–322. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.concog.2005.07.003https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1053810005000917?via%3Dihub
Proctor, Devin (May 2019). On Being Non-Human: Otherkin Identification and Virtual Space. The George Washington University. https://search.proquest.com/openview/e156c24bf65c4efb0918a8db37433cce/
Psychedelics and Health Research Initiative (2023). "Research." UC San Diego. https://phri.ucsd.edu/research/
Ramachandran, V. S., & McGeoch, P. D. (2007). Occurrence of phantom genitalia after gender reassignment surgery. Medical hypotheses, 69(5), 1001–1003. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2007.02.024https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0306-9877(07)00181-8
Ramachandran, V.S. and Paul D. McGeoch. “Phantom Penises in Transsexuals: Evidence of an Innate Gender-Specific Body Image in the Brain,” Journal of Consciousness Studies, Volume 15, Number 1, (2008): pages 5-16, http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/imp/jcs/2008/00000015/00000001/art00001 (accessed November 5 2015).
Scribner, Orion (April 13, 2023). “A Simple Introduction to Otherkin and Therianthropes: Version 2.4.7.” The Works of Orion Scribner. https://www.frameacloud.com/nonfiction
Shepard, Page. “The 2021 Nonhumanity & Body Modification/Decoration Survey Results Breakdown.” Three Dragons and a Dog. August 28, 2021. Accessed December 4, 2022. https://invisibleotherkin.neocities.org/files/BodyModification-DecorationSurveyResults.pdf
Sonne (2021). “Terms and definitions.” Project Shift. https://projectshift.therianthropy.info/terms-definitions-by-sonne
A note for commenters on this article:
The author of this article is a layperson who isn’t involved in the study, so if you have questions about the study, please contact the researchers running the study instead, here. In your comments on my blog post, please exercise caution if you discuss psychotropic substances. If you write about illegal practices, for example, obtaining drugs that are illegal in your region, myself and other moderators of this forum may delete your comment. This is in alignment with Dreamwidth's Terms of Service, which forbids material that is illegal under United States law (section XI, subsection 8) or in your own jurisdiction (section II, subsection 2).
(This article was originally posted by Orion Scribner on September 15, 2023 on the Otherkin News blog on Dreamwidth, where you can read and write comments.)
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premiumgolfcarts · 6 months
Buy Psychedelic Mushrooms Online
Buy Psychedelics online
Uncover the potential therapeutic benefits of psychedelic magic mushrooms and their trippy chocolate bars. Recent scientific research has shown promising results in treating health conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, PTSD and many more. 
Psychedelic Mushrooms and Its Benefits
Psychedelic mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms, are a type of fungi that contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. Psilocybin is converted to psilocin in the body, which produces a variety of psychedelic effects, including altered states of consciousness, changes in perception, and spiritual experiences.
Psychedelic mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional cultures for spiritual and medicinal purposes. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the potential therapeutic benefits of psilocybin for a variety of conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and addiction.
Benefits of Psychedelic Mushrooms
Depression: Psychedelic mushrooms have been shown to be effective in treating depression in a number of clinical trials. A 2016 study published in the journal Nature Medicine found that a single dose of psilocybin was more effective in reducing depressive symptoms than six weeks of traditional antidepressant medication.
Anxiety: Psychedelic mushrooms have also been shown to be effective in treating anxiety. A 2019 study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry found that psilocybin was effective in reducing anxiety symptoms in patients with cancer-related anxiety.
PTSD: Psychedelic mushrooms have also been shown to be effective in treating PTSD. A 2021 study published in the journal Nature Medicine found that psilocybin was effective in reducing PTSD symptoms in veterans with combat-related PTSD.
Addiction: Psychedelic mushrooms have also been shown to be effective in treating addiction. A 2018 study published in the journal Nature Medicine found that psilocybin was effective in reducing alcohol cravings and consumption in patients with alcohol use disorder. In addition to these therapeutic benefits, psychedelic mushrooms can also be used to enhance creativity, spirituality, and self-awareness.
How to Use Psychedelic Mushrooms
Psychedelic mushrooms can be eaten fresh, dried, or brewed into a tea. The dosage of psilocybin varies depending on the type of mushroom and the individual’s sensitivity. It is important to start with a low dose and increase the dosage gradually as needed.
Psychedelic mushrooms should be used in a safe and supportive environment. It is important to have a trip sitter present, especially if you are using psilocybin for the first time.
Psychedelic mushrooms are a powerful and versatile substance with a wide range of potential benefits. If you are considering using psychedelic mushrooms, it is important to do your research and use them safely and responsibly.
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zerogate · 2 years
We all are familiar with neighborhood cats indulging themselves with garden catnip, and many know about the pet monkeys that enjoy smoking tobacco cigarettes. Most of us have heard of animals in cruel laboratory research clinics self-administering drugs such as cocaine. We can even conjure images of animals, on their own, unwittingly consuming fermented fruits or psychoactive plants and experiencing accidental intoxication. But how many of us realize that—entirely on their own and without the influence of captivity or conditioning—wild animals, birds, and even insects do indeed drug themselves? This deliberate seeking of inebriation among all classes of animals is a perfectly natural, normative behavior. Indeed, the pursuit of inebriation has been proposed as a kind of fourth drive—akin to hunger, thirst, and sex—so ubiquitous is its manifestation.
Animals engage in intoxicating drug consumption. This fact forms one of the most provocative and original of Giorgio Samorini’s insights: this moment of drug-induced inebriation produces a deschematizzazione, or deconditioning, that allows for new behavioral ways to be established in a species. This prefaces the long-established discovery by R. Gordon Wasson and successive others, that consciousness-expanding plants and mushrooms are key to the origins of humanity itself and the inspiration for religious thought, influencing humanity since remotest history through the present and surely into our future. Before taking this conceptual leap from the influence of psychoactive drugs on human culture to their influence on species evolution, we must ask what distinguishes human from animal awareness, and is it such a great distinction at all?
Animals do use drugs, and within this new study of animals medicating themselves exists the sphere that is the intriguing subject of this book: animals intentionally inebriate themselves. This book addresses the fact that animals drug themselves for more than medicinal purposes; they drug themselves for inebriation. Animals use drugs, and animals drug themselves.
As this book reveals, the occurrence of animals inebriating themselves is present throughout all levels of the animal world—present, but scattered. Within any species, inebriation-seeking behavior is not shared by all individuals. There may be a rather constant percentage of individuals—animals, birds, insects, and humans—for whom inebriation is a sought-after experience, an intentional impulse. It is not for everyone, so to speak, but there are positive indications that this special, altered minority contributes something beneficial for the ongoing development and adaptation of its species.
Could it be that animals that consume various plant inebriants develop enhanced senses and perceptual acuity that confer an adaptive advantage in evolution? Even strict biologists agree that behaviors leading to more successful food acquisition or hunting techniques increase survival. Suggestive evidence shows that altered states produced by certain psychoactive plants can allow rigid instincts to be bypassed, enabling new behaviors and techniques to be learned and passed along by the experimentalists of a species. Awareness-enhancing plant drugs are indeed sought out by certain animals. And behavior which increases mating, such as eating prosexual or libidostimulant plant drugs (the so-called aphrodisiacs), means disproportionate breeding by that savvy individual who thus breeds more of its gene type into the species.
--  Samorini Giorgio, Animals and Psychedelics: The Natural World and the Instinct to Alter Consciousness
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quinnlarrabee · 8 months
The Sparkle Pony Recession
“I’ve gotten fewer offers this year,” says Carli, a 27-year-old Instagram model, fitness influencer, and TikTok mental health advocate, who is slightly less attractive over Zoom than she is on any of the channels listed on her Linktree, as Zoom’s FaceApp integration is still in R&D. “Like yeah, it’s free, but I may have to fly commercial, and I’m literally sharing a single RV with two girls who I’ve only seen on TikTok–and they don’t even have as many followers as me.” Lingering supply chain issues, tech devaluations, and the end of crypto have dealt the broader Burning Man economy a number of blows the past two years, but they have landed the hardest on its most vulnerable commodity: Sparkle Ponies. 
“2022 was how it should be,” continues Carli. “I had two RVs at two different camps and a hepa filter AC yurt at another camp for my mushroom journeys.” Her phone vibrates. She opens it, raises a finger and types furiously. A full two minutes of silence pass. She lifts her head, rolls her eyes, and smiles briefly with only her mouth. “One of my sponsors,” she says, and makes a masturbatory gesture with her hand. “Anyway, people on the outside don’t get it. They think it’s just one big party, but like, it’s a job. I got paid to show up at each of the camps because my aesthetic helps build their brand and better compete with Robot Heart for IG exposure. Appropriate accommodations, cash compensation, an outfit budget, and private travel are what I expect. It’s a fair value exchange,” she says earnestly. “The Burn is more than just a festival, it’s a part of my livelihood, and 2023 is not looking good.” This dispirited sentiment is ubiquitous among younger, architecturally attractive, sort-of-single (mostly) women who therapeutically consume psychedelics and much older men, are never not showing midriff, and always expect to be hosted by the best camps at Burning Man (and everywhere else in the world).
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For those of you who haven’t attended Burning Man (hi, grandma! RIP!), you may be unfamiliar with the term sparkle pony. 
A Burning Man sparkle pony is a younger-looking, typically (but not always) female person (but not always) whose fungible currency is her outer appearance, who travels to Blackrock City with nothing more than a toothbrush, a spare thong (but not always), and two exceptionally large aluminum wheeler suitcases stuffed with costumes that are almost too large for any means of conveyance but a cargo ship. Sparkle ponies emerged from primordial vibes when Burning Man commercialized, scaled and became an expensive, coveted experience that younger, architecturally attractive (mostly) women wanted to attend but did not want to pay for. Much in the same way that architecturally attractive (mostly) women are able to source complimentary food and beverages from unattractive strangers in restaurants and bars, they began showing up at Burning Man without practical supplies or any kind of skill, clad only in sequined fur bikinis, in the hopes of being taken in by a camp (which is sort of like neighborhood, a cult, and a CPG brand all rolled into one) that wants to raise its vibe by increasing its population of architecturally attractive (mostly) women. 
More than any other component of the Burning Man ecosystem, sparkle ponies understand that Burning Man is a gift-based economy and expect everything at Burning Man to be gifted to them. 
Sparkle ponies exponentially increased in number and entitlement between 2018 and 2022 when the volume of dry powder in venture capital exploded and tech valuations became hilarious. Newly wealthy, early-middle aged men who wanted to be towered over and findomed by mostly naked, architecturally attractive (mostly) women in sequined fur bikinis and white, platform boots wearing the identical shiny Steampunk captains hat and mirrored heart sunglasses gifted to them by one of the aging 6’5 Robot Heart guys, who are never not just a bit frustrated by the quality of the sound at every DJ set and are perpetually tuning the speakers on their art car (“the Stradivarius”), began sponsoring multiple sparkle ponies in the hopes of winning the ephemeral physical affection of one or more of them. 
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“It’s a funnel,” explained Tyler Kipperton, who founded a pre-revenue autonomous net-zero generative AI rocket company and achieved partial liquidity through a secondary offering that was completed in early September, 2022 with a family office in Europe and a holding company in China. “I figure if I fly in thirty sparkle ponies and put the best ten of them into an RV with an AC unit that doesn’t have a hepa filter, at least three of them will move in with me, and one of them will be into me when she sees me in black eyeliner and my Caravana Aztec poncho.” Tyler’s phone vibrates. He opens it, raises a finger and types furiously. A full three minutes of silence go by. He lifts his head, rolls his eyes, and smiles briefly with only his mouth. “One of my investors,” he says, and makes a masturbatory gesture with his hand. “I’m going to slay a whole heard of ponies at this Burn,” he says earnestly. “I am optimizing the shit out of my sparkle pony funnel.”
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Tyler’s shrewd equation perfectly illustrates the economic problem: the number of viable sponsors has declined, but the number of sparkle ponies in a typical sponsor’s top of funnel has increased, which means that most sparkle ponies will be un-camped this year at Burning Man. 
“I get that people are upset about homeless - sorry, unhoused people in New York and California,” says a sparkle pony who–for the sake of anonymity–goes by her Playa name, Glittabug, “but the weather in these places is pretty chill, and there are homeless shelters. What’s going to happen to me at Burning Man if a camp can’t find me? There aren’t homeless shelters in Blackrock City, and it’s super hot and sunny during the day, and I’ve heard that the nights used to be really kind of cold,” she says with grave concern. “I think this is the most urgent housing crisis in the country right now. Why isn’t President Kennedy talking about this? Where’s our bailout?” 
“These young (mostly) women don’t have a firm enough grasp on basic economics,” observes Janet Yellin, secretary of the treasury for the United States of America. “Rather than trying to change the reality that there are fewer buyers in the economy, they should be focused on increasing their curb appeal so that the remaining buyers – Sergey Brin, Elon Musk and Eric Schmidt – select them during golden hour at Distrikt’s first set on the last build day, which is when sparkle ponies typically arrive.” 
Some of the more savvy sparkle ponies have taken the challenge and are upping their game by raising the height of their white platform boots, increasing the density of sequins on their bikinis, and adding extensions to their hair extensions. 
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“We’re seeing a veritable sparkle pony arms race,” says Lloyd Austin, secretary of defense for the United States of America. “There is a run on glue guns at Blick Art Supplies in New York City, Miami, and California, and the crafting aisle is entirely empty at Walmart in Austin,” he said. “The nation’s sequin reserves are at their lowest since 1973.” 
“I’m going to outshine them all,” says Glittabug emphatically. “No one will sparkle more than me during golden hour on the last build day. “The thing about Sergey is that he’s like, really smart, but he’s basically just a magpie,” she continues. “You know those birds that like, pick up shiny objects and bring them back to their nest? That’s what he does. Only he brings them to his boat.” Glittabug hasn’t looked up from her glue gun, which she is using to add sequins to the rear string of her thong that will be entirely swallowed by her ass cheeks. “I will blind that motherfucker into setting me up in an RV with a hepa filter AC unit.”
“Our satellites have already picked up light reflecting from the bikini tops that are currently being beta-tested by sparkle ponies in Venice Beach, Las Vegas and Williamsburg,” says Secretary Austin. “Given the increase of UFO activity, we are actively concerned that the light reflected off of sparkle ponies could attract non-Earth entities and spark – er, no pun intended – an interstellar conflict.” 
Some Silicon Valley entrepreneurs see the sparkle pony arms race as less of a threat and more of an opportunity. 
“I think every sparkle pony has the potential to be an energy source,” says Elon Musk. “We can convert them from a resource suck – er, no pun intended, who just lay around complaining about the absence of raw milk and asking people to take photos of them at golden hour, into a value add,” he says, squinting his eyes and looking up at the sky to showcase his enhanced jawline, the way he does when announcing The Next Big Thing and making excuses for the poor performance of one of his companies. “Power generation is an issue on the Playa. Those generators are fucking loud and filthy. We can turn sparkle ponies into a mobile, dynamic power grid, where each one is covered in tiny reflective Solar City solar panels and given a Tesla battery backpack to wear. When they go to bed at sunrise, everyone just plugs into a sparkle pony.” Elon smiles at his use of double entendre. “It’s a win-win-win,” he continues. “sparkle ponies get space in an RV with a hepa filter AC unit, camps get clean energy generated by architecturally attractive (mostly) women, and Burning Man’s reputation among the 1% as a consumptive, filthy, hedonistic, drug-fueled orgy for the .01 percent is slightly mitigated.” At this point Elon looks even higher up into the sky, precariously stretching the skin on his protruding jawline. “Fuck–if we clustered them together as a solar array, we could literally make Burning Man a net zero event.” Elon abruptly ends our Zoom call. 
A notification pops up on Twitter–er, X from @elonmusk. 
“ATTENTION ALL #SPARKLEPONIES. I will fly you to #burningman from #teterboro, #vannuys or #haywardexecutive and set you up in an RV with a #hepafilter AC unit that is stocked with #rawmilk at a #turnkey camp with bottomless #belugacaviar. We need your sparkle to power the Burn!” 
Within seconds, Eric Schmidt re-posts Elon’s tweet (Xeet?), his first social media utterance in nearly a year, with the caption, “same offer + 24 hr hair and make-up staff and invite to my decompression party in LA. DM me.” 
Seconds after that, Barbie’s official IG channel posts the following:
“Attention younger-looking architecturally attractive (mostly) women who want to attend Burning Man but do not wish to pay for it! You are the true Barbies of the world, and we have dedicated 1% of the proceeds of the feature-length commercial that Mattel funded to create a homeless camp for sparkle ponies who have no Playa sponsor. Our camp, called Pink Plastica, will provide RVs with hepa filter AC units, all the raw milk you can consume, and unlimited bio-degradable glitter to every single younger-looking architecturally attractive (mostly) woman we select from our funnel of applicants. The only requirement is that, in addition to your white platform boots and heart-shaped Robot Heart sunglasses gifted to you by a very tall bald retired arms dealer, you wear the pink sugarpuss cowgirl outfit featured in Barbie, which we will gift you for your use during your time at Pink Plastica. To redeem this offer, simply scan the barcode on the inside of a new Barbie doll box and upload a selfie with your Instagram handle. If selected, we will DM you within 5 days with a tail number and the coordinates of Pink Plastica. Shine on, sparkle ponies!”
“We have not seen a bailout of this magnitude since 2008,” says Janet Yellin. “It seems we will narrowly avoid a sparkle pony recession thanks to predatory wealth and opportunistic consumer marketing,” she continues. 
“I’m going to accept each of the three offers,” says Glittabug. “Burning Man wouldn’t feel right without three camps,” she says as she scans the barcode on the inside of the Barbie box she has torn open. She tousels her hair, turns on her ring light, makes a fish gape expression with her mouth, and takes a selfie. “And Pink Plastica sounds like a dope place for a mushroom journey.” She smiles briefly with only her mouth. “Will you hand me that glue gun?” she asks.
I hand her the glue gun and watch her add sequins on top of the sequins on her sequined Steampunk captains hat. I imagine what her life must be like: free food and illicit substances, constant adoration and coddling laced with only trace amounts of disdain, and absolutely no responsibilities other than her skin and fitness regimen. Relative to people who attend Burning Man and actually contribute their creativity, physical labor or financial resources, sparkle ponies, who contribute nothing but sparkle, have it pretty good for completely replaceable depreciating assets. I wonder for a moment what it would feel like to get a text with a time and a tail number from a doughy, elderly tech bro who would cart me around the Playa on his e-bike like a trinket and feed me and eight other sparkle ponies frozen grapes injected with molly water.
“Will you hand me the Barbie box with the barcode, and could I borrow your ring light?” I ask as I practice my fish gape. Sparkle ponies are mostly women, but not only women.
Is someone you love a sparkle pony or sparkle pony sponsor? Share this with them as a helpful resource.
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ask-lwa · 9 months
Sucy have you ever tried psychedelic mushrooms before? If so what was the experience like?
Sucy: Do you even *know* me???
Akko: She's on some right now. There's tons of different types in the Forest Of Arcturus. She says she has to test every one to make sure they're not "poisonous". Wait, isn't that what she's getting the mushrooms for in the first place?
Lotte: Sucy! How many fingers am I holding up?
Sucy: Uh... five...
(She was holding up 3)
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robertresear · 11 months
Robert Research chem Shop
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Buy LSD Online | LSD For Sale
Buy LSD Online| Magic Mushroom | Magic Truffles. If you’re into psychedelic experiences, then it’s hard to overlook the magic of lsd for sale, which stands for lysergic acid diethylamide. Not only does it have a trippy name, but the substance also has a storied history as one of the most popular psychedelics in history.LSD For Sale online it is wise to be aware of all of your purchasing options. It is possible to buy a sheet of blotter paper, liquid form, tabs, powder, and even crystals online. If you are not careful about where you purchase your acid from you could end up with a product that may not be what you expect or worse. You can buy LSD legally without having to go to an illegal dealer but it’s important that you know where to look and who to trust with your business.
Buy LSD Online
Buy LSD. LSD is an initialism of the German chemical name “lysergic Sauer diethylamide”, which is “lysergic acid diethylamide” in English.
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also known as “acid,” belongs to a class of drugs known as hallucinogens, which distort perceptions of reality. LSD is the most potent mood- and perception-altering drug known: doses as small as 30 micrograms can produce effects lasting six to 12 hours.
Effect Of LSD
Lysergic acid diethylamid (LSD) has many side effects, several of which are related to the way that it affects the serotonin system in the brain. Here are some of the physical side effects of LSD:
-LSD dissolves one’s sense of self, in doing so it alters perception resulting in a loss of sense of time, increased awareness of details that can cross the senses.
-Psychologically speaking, it makes you see the world from a completely different lens, and that memory or understanding if you will, never goes away.
-LSD can also amplify or awaken dormant mental illnesses
The effects of LSD are typically felt around 20 to 45 after taking the drug and the trip or high can last between six to eight hours on average.
Depending on your tolerance, a typical dose of LSD is between 20 and 150 micrograms. Because of its extreme potency, you need only a small amount to experience its mind-altering effects. The effects usually begin 30 to 90 minutes after ingestion. Onset can vary depending on whether you’ve taken other substances or not, food in your stomach, and/or how long it has been since you last ate.
There are so many types of psychedelics but the most common used psychedelics are:
-LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) is made from a substance found in ergot, which is a fungus that infects rye.
-Psilocybin is a naturally occurring substance found in mushrooms and is found in many parts of the world.
-Mescaline is derived from the Mexican peyote and San Pedro cactus and produces similar effects to LSD.
-DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) is structurally similar to psilocin, an alkaloid found in psilocybin mushrooms. It can be synthesized in the laboratory but is also a naturally occurring component of several plants.What is Acid?
Key Terms Of LSD For Sale
Acid — Common street name for LSD.
Cerebral cortex — Brain region responsible for reasoning, mood, and perception.
Hallucinogen — A drug that distorts sensory perceptions and disturbs emotion, judgment, and memory.
Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) — The recurrence of LSD effects after the drug experience has ended.
Locus ceruleus — Brain region that processes sensory signals from all areas of the body.
Neurotransmitter — Chemical compound in the brain that transmits signals from one nerve cell to another.
Serotonin — A neurotransmitter that modulates the actions of other neurotransmitters in the brain.
According to the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), the number of LSD-related hospital emergencies is low compared to those related to cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, and other illicit drugs. One reason for this trend may be that LSD currently sold on the black market is less potent than in the past. LSD does strengths tend to range from 20 to 80 micrograms today, compared to 100 to 200 micrograms reported during the 1960s and early 1970s.
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ab-blake · 1 year
How Long for Shrooms to Grow: A Comprehensive Guide for Growers
Shrooms or magic mushrooms have been used for their psychedelic effects for centuries. They contain psychoactive compounds like psilocybin and psilocin, which can induce altered states of consciousness. Growing shrooms can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it requires some knowledge and patience. In this article, we will discuss how long shrooms take to grow, factors affecting their growth, and tips for successful cultivation.
Growing shrooms can be a challenging but rewarding experience. The process requires patience, attention to detail, and a bit of knowledge about the growing conditions that are required for shrooms to thrive. One of the most commonly asked questions by those new to shroom cultivation is, "how long does it take for shrooms to grow?" In the following sections, we will answer this question in detail and provide tips for successful cultivation.
Types of Shrooms
Before we discuss the growth process of shrooms, it's important to understand the different types of shrooms that are available for cultivation. There are hundreds of species of shrooms, but the most common types that are grown for their psychoactive effects are Psilocybe cubensis, Panaeolus cyanescens, and Psilocybe semilanceata.
Stages of Shroom Growth
The growth process of shrooms can be divided into several stages, which include:
Spore inoculation: This is the first step in shroom cultivation, where spores are introduced into a nutrient-rich substrate.
Colonization: After the spores have been inoculated, they begin to colonize the substrate by producing mycelium, which is the vegetative part of the fungus.
Primordia formation: Once the mycelium has colonized the substrate, small knots of mycelium begin to form, which are called primordia.
Fruiting: The primordia grow into mature mushrooms that can be harvested.
Factors Affecting Shroom Growth
The growth of shrooms can be affected by several factors, which include:
Temperature: Shrooms grow best in a temperature range of 70-80°F (21-27°C). If the temperature is too high or too low, it can slow down the growth process or even kill the mycelium.
Humidity: Shrooms require high humidity levels (90-95%) during the colonization and fruiting stages. Low humidity can cause the mycelium to dry out, while high humidity can promote the growth of mold and bacteria.
Light: Shrooms don't require direct light to grow, but they do need some light to trigger the fruiting process. Indirect sunlight or a low-wattage fluorescent bulb can provide enough light for shrooms to grow.
Air exchange: Shrooms require fresh air exchange to promote healthy growth. Stagnant air can cause carbon dioxide buildup, which can stunt the growth of shrooms.
Ideal Growing Conditions
To achieve optimal shroom growth, it's important to provide the ideal growing conditions, which include:
Sterilized substrate: The substrate should be sterilized to prevent contamination from bacteria or mold.
Proper humidity: Maintain high humidity levels during the colonization and fruiting stages using a humidifier or a misting bottle.
So why wait? Buy mushrooms online in Canada from us today and start enjoying the many benefits that these amazing fungi have to offer. With our easy ordering process and fast delivery, you can have fresh and flavorful mushrooms delivered straight to your doorstep in no time.
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immortalthing · 2 years
Did Humans Evolve With Their Dreams?
Do you ever wonder if you dream the same dreams as that of a caveman, ancient Roman or a mediaeval peasant? Did they all have the same dreams, or did their dreams evolve with them? To know if human dreams evolved is to know if our subconscious has evolved or stayed the same for thousands of years. To determine if human dreams have developed is to determine if our feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories have evolved.
The psychological analysis of dreams would have us believe that dreams are an access point to our unconscious. The unconscious mind is a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, memories, and urges outside conscious awareness that was theorised by Sigmund Freud.
Do we share the same subconscious as the ancient emperors of Asia, The mighty kings of Europe and the blood-thirsty warriors of bygone civilisations? Or has our subconscious evolved so far that we can no longer justify the barbaric acts of the past, or can we not only justify them but resonate with their reasoning? 
To answer the question, we need to ask, Why do we dream? The answer is... complicated. Most researchers don't entirely agree on just one theory. So here are some of the main ones:
Dreams are therapy.   
Dreaming may be a way of confronting emotional dramas in your life that your conscious brain couldn't. When you dream, your brain operates more emotionally, allowing your subconscious to make connections you couldn't while awake.The only time you could mourn is when you sleep, and that's why people going through grief or trauma are known to have nightmares and flashbacks. When awake, your mind is focused logically and constantly preoccupied, and that limits its ability to think emotionally. 
Dreams are training for danger.
Dreams prepare your brain for danger so you can react correctly when in trouble. Research has found that the amygdala is more active during sleep. The amygdala is the part of the brain associated with the survival instinct and the fight-or-flight response. Before battle throughout history, soldiers have taken drugs to cope with not only bloodshed but to rid their minds of terror and to avoid what we now know as P.T.S.D. By wiping their minds of emotional context, they could kill without guilt and sleep without terror. They would only dream about how to survive, not who should survive. The Vikings would use psychedelic mushrooms, the Inca warriors resorted to cocoa leaves, many American soldiers relied on heroin during the Vietnam War, and the Nazis well they did meth. 
Dreams aid memory
Research shows that sleep helps store memories. Dreams are also a way to categorise your memories by removing unimportant memories, storing important memories and filtering through painful or confusing memories. A common dream in the time of the Ancient Romans was of the future. An example, Julius Caesar's wife, Calpurnia, dreamt of his death the night before he was killed. Did she predict his death, or did her memories of glaring eyes and murderous rumours just make a connection she couldn't? Her memories had morphed into a deadly warning. While categorising her memories, she had unintentionally made a new category. Her husband's murder.
Dreams are your creativity released.
The logic filter that restricts your creative flow is usually on when you're awake, but when you're asleep, the filter is turned off, allowing your thoughts and ideas to be as illogical as your dreams desire. Many artists, including Salvador Dalí, have credited their ideas to their dreams.
Did you know that there are different types of sleep? The 4 main ones are Transitional rest ( Stage 1), Non-rapid eye movement N.R.E.M. sleep (stages 2-3), and rapid eye movement R.E.M. sleep (stage 4).
The transitional rest is just as its name would imply. It's the period of time when you're transitioning from awake to asleep. 
N.R.E.M., or Slow-wave, is a deep, heavy sleep with nearly no thoughts or dreams.
Rapid eye movement sleep (R.E.M.), on the other hand, is the only sleep that you will dream in.
The eye movement that R.E.M. refers to is that when you dream, you are paralysed, and the only action you make is the rapid opening and shutting of your eyes. So, believe it or not, we all dream with our eyes open and shut.
The necessity of this immobility goes back to the theory of dreams preparing us for danger. You've probably noticed that you move in dreams. Well, this paralysis is to stop you from moving in real time. Although this paralysis isn't that strong for some people as we all know someone who talks or moves in their sleep. 
But your brain chooses what you choose to forget. What if the dreams your brain chooses to ignore are the ones that we share with the people of the past?
A study in 2019 showed how the brain would use memory-blocking neurons during some dreams. We don't know exactly why, but a 2007 study at Max Planck Medical Institute in Heidelberg, Germany, found that 90% of dreams are blocked by these memory-blocking neurons, which is consistent with the idea of dreaming as purging. "We dream to forget." 
Did you know that some people dream in black and white? A study conducted in 2008 showed that older people who grew up watching black-and-white television dream in black and white, unlike younger people who grew up with full-colour media.
  With this information, we can theorise that people's childhood experiences affect their dreams to a great extent. That is an excellent example of growth in human dreams in a short period. Although you probably won't think it, a human life span isn't a long time when it comes to growth within a species, and so to have such a fast example of evolution can only have one to believe that the human dreams 2,000 years ago must have been entirely different from the dreams we have now.  
But what do the people of the past think of dreams?
The ancient Egyptians thought of dreams as a different form of seeing. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that dreams were predictions of the future and were used by the dead to visit the living. While Ancient Mespotainians believed that dreams foretold impending doom, and a unique dream was cryptic information that the dreamer must decode. 
Humans have dreamed of fantastical images and monotone adventures in the shops throughout history.
So have dreams evolved? 
No, we did. 
Everything we do and feel is recorded in our dreams, so as our situations change, moving into a new house, getting a pet, or losing a friend and as feelings change, realising that forgetting isn't forgiving, understanding that other people's opinions never have to hurt you or that you don't have to eat carrots to get night vision. We change because we were never made to stay the same. Our dreams, our who we are. Whether we have to sleep to see them or just look out a window. Everyday we grow and with that growth, so do our dreams. So next time you wonder, do I dream the same as a caveman, ancient Roman or a mediaeval peasant? Realise you've never had the same life as them because it's not the destination that changed their dreams but their journey.
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shroom0618 · 2 years
The Complete Guide to Shroom Trips
Introduction: What is a Shroom Trip?
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A shroom trip is an experience that is caused by the consumption of psychoactive mushrooms. These mushrooms contain a compound called psilocybin, which is a psychedelic substance. When psilocybin is consumed, it causes changes in perception, thought, and emotion. 
Psychedelic mushrooms have been used for centuries by many cultures for their mystical and spiritual properties. There has been a resurgence of interest in these mushrooms as a potential treatment for mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety in recent years. 
Shroom trips can last for several hours, and the effects can vary depending on the person. Some people may experience mild changes in perception, while others may have more profound changes. 
The most common effects of shroom trips include: 
changes in perception of time 
enhanced colors and sounds 
increased feelings of creativity 
increased feelings of well-being 
mood changes 
visual hallucinations 
Shroom trips can also cause adverse effects, such as anxiety, confusion, delusions, fear, and paranoia psychosis. It is essential to note that shroom trips are not the same as magic mushroom trips. Magic mushrooms are a different
How to Prepare for a Shroom Trip
There are a few things you can do to prepare for a shroom trip: 
1. Choose the right setting. Make sure you're in a comfortable place where you feel safe and can relax. This could be your home, a friend's house, or even a park. 
2. Set your intention. Before you start, take a few minutes to sit down and think about what you want to get out of the experience. What do you wish to feel? What do you hope to learn? 
3. Have a friend with you. It's always a good idea to have someone with you who can support you and make sure you're safe. 
4. Eat a light meal. 
You don't want to overeat before taking shrooms, but you also don't want to be hungry. A light meal or snack will help you feel more comfortable. 
5. Drink lots of water. 
Shrooms can cause dehydration, so it's essential to drink lots of water before, during, and after your trip.
What are the Dangers of Taking Shrooms?
Shrooms are a type of mushroom that contains psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound. When psilocybin is consumed, it is converted into psilocin, responsible for the psychoactive effects.
Short-term effects of shrooms include hallucinations, altered perception of time, and impaired judgment. These effects can be intense and may lead to an increased risk of accidents or injury. There is also a risk of developing psychotic symptoms, such as paranoia and delusions and experiencing a bad trip.
The long-term effects of shrooms are not well known, but there is some evidence to suggest that they may lead to persistent psychosis and hallucinations. There is also a risk of developing tolerance, which means that higher doses would be required to achieve the same effects.
What is the Difference Between Magic Mushrooms and Psilocybin Mushrooms?
The main difference between magic mushrooms and psilocybin mushrooms is that psilocybin mushrooms are more potent than magic mushrooms. Psilocybin mushrooms contain higher levels of psilocybin, which is the primary psychoactive compound responsible for the hallucinogenic effects.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Taking Shrooms
Magic mushrooms are among those substances demonized for a long time. However, if you are the type of person who does not like feeling high all the time, you may want to give them a try. In our opinion, shrooms are a great way to reduce stress and anxiety and a great way to relax and have fun. With the proper set and setting, they can be a great way to connect with yourself and the world around you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Magic Mushrooms Be Used as Medicine?
Magic mushrooms have been used as medicine for centuries. They were once considered a cure-all for various ailments. Today, however, their use is limited mainly to treating certain mental health conditions.
Studies have shown that magic mushrooms can effectively treat depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Some researchers believe that they may also help treat addiction and substance abuse disorders.
Are Magic Mushroom Supplements Worth It?
There is no scientific evidence to support the use of magic mushroom supplements.
There is anecdotal evidence that suggests that some people may find them helpful for certain conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and addiction. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.
If you consider taking magic mushroom supplements, speaking with your healthcare provider first is essential.
Which Magic Mushroom Is Best for Anxiety?
The magic mushroom that is best for anxiety is the most effective in treating your specific anxiety disorder. Some people find that certain types of magic mushrooms are more effective for their anxiety than others.
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corytrincilla · 5 days
A Bad Trip: Exploring the Possible Downsides of Psilocybin Usage
Although the use of Psilocybin may seem ideal in treating neurological disorders, conflicting studies tell a different story. A study called “A Case of Prolonged Mania, Psychosis, and Severe Depression After Psilocybin Use: Implications of Increased Psychedelic Drug Availability” by the American Journal on Psychiatry, highlights the potential dangers Psilocybin may pose when consumed. The case study offers an effective example of the possible risks connected to psilocybin usage, especially in people who already have mental health issues. After taking psilocybin mushrooms, this 32-year-old lady, who had previously been in good health and had a history of minor anxiety and depression, went through a serious mental breakdown. Her choice to experiment with psilocybin resulted in a series of manic and psychotic symptoms, followed by a crippling sadness, even though she had a happy personal and work life. The research emphasizes the grave dangers of psychosis brought on by psilocybin, which lasted for months and required extensive mental care. "She declared that life would not be worth living if she remained unable to feel emotions or function at work. By this time, she had developed pervasive but passive suicidality related to the meaninglessness that her state of unfeeling induced." (Barber, 2022). How scary is that? This drug in which has so many healing qualities, has detrimented an individual so tremendously.
We cannot address this problem without addressing a solution as well. For those who may have bad reactions to psychadelic inducing mushrooms, there are most definitely alternatives that promote brain activity without hallucinogenic effect. For example, Lion's Mane mushrooms are one of the greatest methods to promote brain function and stimulation. "H. erinaceus, also known as ... “Lion’s mane” in Western countries, is a mushroom that typically grows on old or dead broadleaf trees (Mori et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2004). ...it is also consumed as a supplementary medicine. ...H. erinaceus is being investigated for its therapeutic potential as an inducer of neuronal differentiation and for its neuroprotective properties (Mori et al. 2009)." (Medicinal Mushrooms pp 223–249) (Wooseok, 2019) This is an excerpt from the study, "Role of Mushrooms in Neurodegenerative Diseases" by Lee Wooseok, which dives into the different types of mushrooms used to stimulate the brain in neurodegenerative disorders. So if Psilocybin is not an effective treatment, or a patient is allergic to such mushrooms, there are many alternative supplemental mushrooms capable of stimulating brain function within Alzheimer's patients.
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pagiemush · 16 days
Amanita Muscaria vs. Delta 8 THC Gummies: Which is Right for You?
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In recent years, the rise of alternative health and wellness products has led many to explore options beyond traditional pharmaceuticals. Among these alternatives, mushroom gummies and Delta 8 THC gummies have gained significant popularity. This article dives into the world of Amanita Muscaria gummies and Delta 8 THC gummies, comparing their effects, legality, and safety to help you decide which might be right for your lifestyle and needs.
Understanding the Basics: What Are Amanita Muscaria and Delta 8 THC?
Amanita Muscaria gummies, often referred to as Mushroom Gummies, are made from the extract of the Amanita Muscaria mushroom. This mushroom is famous for its distinctive red cap with white spots. Unlike psilocybin, its psychoactive compounds do not produce typical psychedelic effects but have been reported to induce a relaxing and somewhat euphoric experience.
On the other hand, Delta 8 THC gummies are a type of cannabinoid derived from hemp. Delta 8 THC is chemically similar to Delta 9 THC—the active substance in marijuana—but it tends to have a milder psychoactive impact. Users often report feeling calmer, clearer, and less anxious compared to traditional THC products.
Effects and Benefits: Tailoring to Your Needs
When choosing between Amanita Muscaria and Delta 8 THC gummies, it's essential to consider the type of effects you are seeking:
Amanita Muscaria gummies are primarily used for relaxation and stress reduction. They may also help with sleep and provide a mild, dreamy state that some find pleasant for unwinding at the end of the day.
Delta 8 THC gummies can offer benefits such as enhanced clarity, a boost in mood, and an overall feeling of well-being. They are also used by some for pain relief and to reduce nausea.
Both types of gummies can be beneficial, depending on your specific wellness goals and how your body responds to these compounds.
Legality Across the USA
The legality of Amanita Muscaria and Delta 8 THC gummies varies across different states, making it a crucial factor to consider:
Amanita Muscaria gummies are legal in most states as they do not contain psilocybin, the psychedelic component found in other types of magic mushrooms. However, their sale and distribution might still be restricted in some areas.
Delta 8 THC gummies, while federally legal under the 2018 Farm Bill as they are derived from hemp, face varying restrictions at the state level. Some states have explicitly banned or regulated the sale and use of Delta 8 products due to their psychoactive nature.
It's advisable to check the current laws in your state before purchasing either type of gummy to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues.
Safety Profile and Considerations
Safety is a paramount concern when exploring new wellness products. Here's what you need to know:
Amanita Muscaria gummies generally have a safe profile when consumed in controlled doses. However, the raw form of Amanita Muscaria can be toxic if not properly processed, so it is crucial to purchase these gummies from reputable sources.
Delta 8 THC gummies are considered safe when produced and used responsibly. The primary safety concerns involve ensuring that the product is free from harmful contaminants, often an issue in unregulated markets.
When considering either product, it's beneficial to start with a lower dose to see how your body reacts and consult a healthcare provider if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
Mush Mouth: A Trusted Source for Quality Gummies
Mush Mouth offers high-quality Amanita Muscaria Gummy products that can be a great addition to your wellness routine. By choosing a reputable brand like Mush Mouth, you ensure that the products are manufactured with safety and efficacy in mind, providing you with a reliable and enjoyable experience.
Whether you opt for Amanita Muscaria or Delta 8 THC gummies, both options present unique benefits and considerations. By understanding your personal health needs, the legal landscape in your state, and prioritizing safety, you can make an informed decision that enhances your well-being and aligns with your lifestyle. As you explore the world of mushroom gummies and THC alternatives, what are the most important factors for you in choosing the right gummy?
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halluonline · 3 months
Which Kind of Shroom Food Is Better for You: Chocolate or Other Types?
Psilocybin mushrooms have undeniable medicinal benefits. Some people are just partial to the flavor of mushrooms. Conversely, some individuals hope to derive substantial health advantages from these mushrooms. On the other hand, some internet retailers are now offering edibles with varying amounts of psilocybin mushrooms. Magic mushroom enthusiasts can choose from a variety of edible products, such as chocolate shrooms and gummies. Thus, when you try these edibles, you will taste something incredible.
Understand the flavors and textures of magic mushrooms
You need to be aware of the taste before consuming edible psilocybin mushrooms or raw mushrooms. The majority of customers have reported tasting something earthy. Some, however, claim that mushrooms taste extremely bitter or sour. The type of mushroom you select affects how it feels to the touch. For example, fresh ones are softer and more malleable than dried ones. Dried mushrooms, on the other hand, are tough and chewy. Regardless of your taste preference, psilocybin mushrooms have a number of advantages. When taken in the appropriate dosage, they can improve your mood. If, however, you would rather not eat dried or fresh mushrooms, you can purchase edibles.
How are magic mushrooms traditionally consumed?
People used to consume fresh or dried magic mushrooms a few years ago. Nonetheless, some customers dislike the rubbery and squishy textures of magic mushrooms. Many customers find these raw mushrooms to be unpleasant to taste. Magic mushrooms are frequently used in food preparation by consumers. For example, you could puree them into a smoothie or use them as pizza toppings. Additions of mushrooms to pasta are not only delicious but healthful. Expert psychedelic cooks enjoy using powdered dried mushrooms in a variety of recipes. Using magic mushrooms to cook food is another way to express your creativity.
There are several varieties of edible mushrooms available to consumers today. It is up to you to select the appropriate one. Still, a number of psilocybin mushroom enthusiasts have fallen in love with mushroom chocolates. Similar to marijana, mushrooms have an impact on your sense of sight. As a result, you must verify the dosage for the edible items. You could go for ones with lower dosages if you're a beginner. It will assist you in assessing how your body responds. The dosage can then be increased for an improved experience. One benefit of going with chocolate shrooms is that you don't run the risk of taking too many magic mushrooms. To know more about Which Kind of Shroom Food Is Better for You: Chocolate or Other Types? Read the full article!
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louisebak34 · 3 months
It seems like you're listing various types of substances, many of which are either controlled substances, prescription drugs, or potentially illegal. Here's a general overview: Cannabinoids: These are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. The most well-known is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), responsible for marijuana's psychoactive effects. Another is CBD (cannabidiol), which has therapeutic properties without the psychoactive effects. Cannabinoids are used medicinally in some areas and recreationally in others. Injectable Steroids: Steroids are a class of drugs that How to buy Belsomra in UK, USA include the corticosteroid drugs used to fight inflammation and anabolic steroids, which are related to male sex hormones and can help improve muscle growth and performance. Using them without a prescription is illegal and can cause severe side effects. Nembutals (Pentobarbital): This is a barbiturate drug. It has historically been used as a sleeping pill, but its use for this purpose has largely been replaced due to overdose concerns. It's currently used in some jurisdictions for physician-assisted suicide. Oral Steroids: Similar to injectable steroids, these are taken by mouth. They can be corticosteroids or anabolic steroids. Pain-killers: This is a broad category that includes over-the-counter analgesics like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, as well as prescription opioids like oxycodone or morphine. Opioids, in particular, have been linked to addiction and the ongoing opioid crisis. Psychedelics: These are substances that alter perception, mood, and various cognitive processes. Examples include LSD, psilocybin (magic mushrooms), and DMT. Research Chemicals: This term often refers to novel or designer drugs that have been synthesized to mimic the effects of established illegal drugs. Their effects on humans are often not well-understood since they haven't been tested. Sexual Enhancers: These might refer to drugs like Viagra or Cialis, which are used to treat erectile dysfunction. They can also include other substances or products marketed to improve sexual performance or pleasure. Stimulants: Drugs that increase activity in the central nervous system. This includes caffeine, nicotine, and amphetamines. They can boost alertness, attention, and energy. It's essential to approach the use or purchase of any of these substances with caution. Many are regulated, controlled, or illegal in many jurisdictions, and misuse can lead to severe health complications or legal consequences. Always consult with a medical professional before starting any new drug or substance.
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articlesboard · 5 months
Psychedelic Chocolate Bars: The Sweet Gateway to Mind Expansion
Chocolate has always been a beloved treat for people of all ages. Whether you're feeling down and in need of a mood booster or simply looking for a guilty pleasure, chocolate has always been there to satisfy our cravings. But what if there was a chocolate bar that took you on a journey beyond the ordinary world of taste and indulgence? Enter psychedelic chocolate bars – the new way to expand your mind while tantalizing your taste buds.
Psychedelic fun guy mushroom chocolates are not your ordinary confectionery. These delectable treats are infused with psychoactive substances, such as psilocybin mushrooms or LSD, that have the potential to induce altered states of consciousness. With a single bite, you can embark on a mind-bending trip that transcends the mundane and opens up a world of new possibilities.
One of the popular types of psychedelic chocolate bars is the psilocybin-infused variety. Psilocybin is found naturally in certain species of mushrooms and has been used for centuries in various cultures for spiritual and therapeutic purposes. The combination of this potent compound with the smoothness of chocolate provides a unique and enjoyable way to experience the benefits of psilocybin.
But how does it work? When consumed, psilocybin is metabolized into psilocin in the body, which binds to serotonin receptors in the brain. This interaction leads to an altered state of consciousness, often characterized by visual and auditory hallucinations, enhanced creativity and introspection, and a profound sense of connectedness with the world around you.
The effects of a psychedelic chocolate bar can vary from person to person, depending on factors such as dosage, individual tolerance, and set and setting. Some people may experience a gentle, euphoric high, while others may delve into a more intense psychedelic experience. It's important to start with a low dose and gradually increase it to find your sweet spot.
Psychedelic chocolate bars are not just about the mind-altering effects – they offer a myriad of potential benefits. Many users report profound insights, increased creativity, improved mood, and a greater sense of empathy and interconnectedness. In a world plagued by stress, anxiety, and disconnectedness, these psychedelic treats could serve as a catalyst for personal growth and healing.
However, it's important to note that psychedelic chocolate bars should be consumed responsibly and with caution. These substances are not for everyone, and they should only be used by those who are well-informed, mentally and emotionally stable, and in a safe and supportive environment.
The legality of psychedelic chocolate bars varies from country to country and even within different regions. In some places, these products may be legal for personal use or in specific therapeutic contexts, while in others, they may be considered illegal and subject to severe penalties. It's crucial to research and understand the legalities surrounding these substances in your area before indulging.
Psychedelic Funguy chocolate bar have been gaining popularity as an alternative way to explore the depths of consciousness and unlock untapped potential. From experienced psychonauts seeking to dive deeper into their inner selves to curious individuals looking for a unique and mind-expanding experience, these chocolate-infused delights offer a one-of-a-kind journey for the adventurous soul.
So, if you're ready to transcend the boundaries of the ordinary and embark on a sensory and spiritual adventure, psychedelic chocolate bars may be the sweet gateway to mind expansion you've been seeking. Just remember, as you indulge in these tantalizing treats, to always approach them with respect, knowledge, and a sense of wonder.
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mushroomresercheshop1 · 5 months
How Does It Feel to Journey With Golden Teachers Mushrooms?
How Does It Feel to Journey With Golden teachers Mushroom are a strain of psilocybin mushrooms that have been used for centuries for their medicinal and spiritual properties. They are known for their ability to facilitate deep introspection, spiritual insights, and healing experiences.
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“The first time I tried Golden Teacher mushrooms, I was young and wanted an adventure,” reflects Nate. “In hindsight, it was helpful that I had friends with me who knew what to expect and were not afraid. We all hung out in the woods until they started to kick in, then we went to a party.”
Nate recalls that he began to feel waves of awe as he perceived the beauty and color surrounding them.
“What captured my attention was the reflections of the glass on all the cars and windows,” he recalls. “I observed that I was not hallucinating in the sense that I was not seeing something that was not actually there. Instead, my sober mind had been filtering out the information that was generally ignored anyway.”
The sensory overload that the brain deals with on a daily basis results in the filtration of many stimuli that are perceived to be inessential, a process known as sensory gating.
“I felt like the Golden Teacher mushrooms had rebooted this system and I was wide open. The reflections on the glass may have had a more vibrant color, but they were always there,” said Nate.
As he arrived at the party, his psychedelic journey began to take on different dimensions.
“I remember talking with my friend and being fascinated by the idea of language. he was grappling with the fact that the noises that one person makes can impart ideas and concepts into another person’s mind,” said Nate. “I had never really contemplated that before, and all of a sudden it felt like a form of magic that humans had invented. It seemed clear to me at the time that the thing that makes humans so different is this ability to transform ideas and concepts into sounds that someone else can then transform back into ideas and concepts.”
For Many people, psychedelics are associated with their hallucinogenic properties and ability to conjure up trippy visuals. For Nate, the shifts in perception that he experienced journeying with Golden Teachers were more meaningful and memorable.
“In the lead-up to trying Golden Teacher mushrooms, I had become fixated on the idea of having visual hallucinations,” . “This is pretty typical of people who are inexperienced with these substances. However, once people have a little experience, nearly everyone agrees that, while interesting and often beautiful, hallucinations are a small and somewhat insignificant aspect of the whole experience.” Instead, a journey with Golden Teachers can bring subtle (or potent) changes in how the world is viewed and understood.
More common are distortions to the normal world and a shift in focus to the things that tend to be ignored, said Nate. “The first thing I noticed as they started to take effect was that the trees looked like they were breathing. I was already a botany geek, and I remember the ‘ah-ha’ moment when I remembered that trees do breathe. These trees were exhaling the gasses that I needed to live. It was these relationship-type connections that jumped out at me.”
Ultimately, Nate recalled that experience with Golden Teachers as contemplative but also very fun. “My friends and I had an amazing time. I laughed so much my face started to hurt,” he reflected.
Nate’s journey lasted four to six hours, which is roughly standard. Most people begin to feel the effects kick in after 45 minutes, though some can feel Golden Teachers begin to work their magic in as quickly as 20 minutes.How Does It Feel to Journey With Golden teachers Mushroom are a strain of psilocybin mushrooms that have been used for centuries for their medicinal and spiritual properties. They are known for their ability to facilitate deep introspection, spiritual insights, and healing experiences.
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