#how i dont even like jpop
wolfdadjr · 9 months
I really hate how Spotify categorizes shit. maximum the hormone is not j-pop.
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hopkei · 4 months
Where do Yusei and Sota like to go on their days off?
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
omg ur the first person I've heard talking about EXILE TRIBE outside my usual circles and like, that's the first company I've ever heard that has a BAD "the management is scary" reputation. what the hell is UP with them
I DON'T KNOW!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH THEM!!!!! spotify threw animal by ballistik boyz at me last year and that song fucks hardcore so i was like "hey what's up with this group, seems interesting" and then was promptly confronted by the fact that the MAIN group has NINETEEN members and that doesn't include any of the like ten different sub units and i'm like. how does anyone keep track of this. what the fuck is going on.
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savnofilter · 10 months
what type of music do you think iida is into? 🐳🐳
               tenya iida
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tw; sfw & different music genres!! 🙀
read more; masterlist | drabble masterlist | students masterlist
a/n; this one actually made me think,,, because we all think that iida is like some uptight right? but like let's be real, he definitely got some sneaks of what he listens to on his playlist! i kinda wanna do this for more characters:'). thank you, anon!
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1 — classical
well...this one was obvious. mans needs stimulating music that can help him think, train and focus. if you think classical music dont go hard, YOU ARE WRONG! there is such a wide variety of what you can get whatever you are feeling for. he probably does poses in the mirror while he has earphones in his hero costume .. like yes it's that bomb. even calm music is what soothes him the most. you can not convince him otherwise. 🤷🏽‍♀️
☆ fave artist - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
✮ fave song - Waltz of the Flowers by Tchaikovsky
2 — asian pop (specifically j & kpop)
OH YEAH, HES A GIRL GROUP STAN IDC IDC IDC IDC IDCCCCCCCC. he love him some girly pop music. learns the dances too. does he go to meet n greets and shit? absolutely not. will go to a concert though. he definitely love the bubblegum pop music too. actually tbh, as long as the singer has a sweet voice in it, he'll love it. he's also a sucker for the more mature idols too—theres a lot of back n forth of what he prefers. he just appreciates the feminine art lol.
☆ fave artist - Babymetal (jpop) & TWICE (kpop)
✮ fave song - Black Cherry by KODA KUMI & Heart shaker by TWICE
3 — swing
okayyy bc you know this mans is smooth asf. he love him some swing, if classical music is to stimulate him, this genre brings more ease to himself. he be feelin' so shnazzy and free listening to it. swing/jazz is basically straight deep vibes. whenever he needs to just sway, swing is his go to.
☆ fave artist - Luis Armstrong
✮ fave song - What A Wonderful World by Luis Armstrong
4 — house/dance electronic
YEAH HE GOT HAPPY LIL FEET 💃🏽 he don't how to dance but he really wants to learn how to shuffle?! like he genuinely tries, and hes low-key kinda really good at it now! another genre where he feels carefree and light. just straight vibes and grooves. ugh he is so real for this.
☆ fave artist - Daft Punk
✮ fave song - Push The Feeling by Nightcrawlers & Latch by Disclosure ft. Sam Smith
5 — folk/city/café pop
tbh the songs under this has been categorized as pop, but like?? it sounds like folk to me. probably the other most personal music genre for him. similar artist that he may listen to to put it into perspective is like Laufey and maybe Phoebe Bridgers. that's the type of soothing vibe he needs when listening to this music. probably goes to the beach listens to this when he's by himself, or when hes alone and can really sit in his thoughts.
☆ fave artist - Lamp
✮ fave song - Sleep Among Endives by Ichiko Aoba
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vyvesvi · 6 months
(copying this over from my twitter)
pd101 japan s3 mdh steal list + where i want various trainees to go
yoshida hana would do well at starship
yamazaki mitsuki will probably quit music but in my head she could be in a ninemuses-esque group with ando chiharu, koyama mana, tanaka yuuki
i follow a talent scout/trainer who's actively trying to get moro anon a kpop job so
motohashi meika mdh steal list first inductee
i dont care for mizukami rimika. she should start a yt channel if she hasn't already
matsushita miyu isn't for me but maybe she could join the ninemuses reup
fujimoto ayaka was well-liked enough to have a future somewhere. idk where, but somewhere
hatta mena has some issues but i do think she can still debut somewhere
i have no idea where nakano kokona can go but that's baby sister so i want good things for her. maybe the chanmina show? that's the only japanese survival show in the works that i can think of, plus she suits the vibe
i was convinced that takahashi hina and abe nagomi were gonna be 12 & 13 and be frontrunners for the lapone spin off group but they usually dont bother with people who don't make the finale...my non fact based opinion is that a group with these two and a couple others who were eliminated would still do better than a group of the finalists. as it stands, hina should try for the next korean season of pd101, and nagomi will have a future in jpop, even though the idea of splitting them hurts my head.
i loved takagi mayu but her brief foray into the entertainment world is over i fear
sutani yurara would probably hate it conceptually but im zapping her with my ninemuses ray. sorry.
i don't know what to do with sasaki tsukushi but she needs a win and bad. chanmina show? if keiko and rinon weren't fighting for top 11 id say debut them as a trio, i enjoyed their team's balance on bijin a lot
saito serina...i really like her but idk what to do with her. she has great idol potential and fits kbeauty standards more than jpop standards...maybe the next korean season of produce? she's like 45% mdh steal list but that's my bias talking
kano kurihara ninemuses beam
i kind of love kitazume sakura, she's cute but extremely intense & she tries to hide it by simply not saying anything but it still shines through. i think she's great. produce 101 korea just to see, she shouts instead of sings but honestly she gives izone
kikukawa aki...she's fun but she gives flop group, like majors or something tbh
no idea how nogizaka works but kawabata ranka should aim for something like that
kamio ayano reminds me so much of zhang zining it's crazy. if she had a storyline i think she would've debuted but she just never caught on. she would be a great gg member but im not sure where
oda aruha my beloved disappointment. if she had held on a lil longer she couldnt made lapone trainee status but alas. i could see her just working in dance moving forward
okabe nana could be scouted by someone, maybe akb idk
uchiyama rin might not have a future in music but it's kind of a shame since she has such a nice lower register
ando yui my little sister...idk what to do with her so im gonna blindly put her in mdh jpn ngg and say it makes sense because having 2 yui's would be cute
aramaki joa's push was too obvious and she paid the price, but there's no way she's not being kept on as a lapone trainee or getting offers, finals or not. i actually think her vibe sort of suits tripleS although im not expecting anyone from this show to join
i quite liked akiyama ema, something about her reminded me of jihyo but she never fully caught the audience's attention so unfortunately she might just dance from here on out
to be very real i hope suzu fans dont panic vote her into the top 11. she definitely has a future at lapone.
honestly some company is gonna take half the finalists and throw them in a group together regardless of fit so given they dont make top 11 but disregarding that...
sorry i want shizuku to go back to opera
momoka should go on chanmina's show and then transition into an iri copy, she'd actually do sooooo well with that but if she wants a gg...my ninemuses team is only at 7 rn
haruka will get an offer somewhere
koto & rio lapone, kagura too but i want her for the gg im building in my head
in sum:
discount nine muses: yamazaki mitsuki, ando chiharu, koyama mana, tanaka yuuki, sutani yurara, kurihara kano, kamio ayano, kenmotsu nano, kato kagura
mdh: motohashi meika
sorta mdh but not really: saito serina, ando yui, aramaki joa
final top 11 in my brain: momona, miu, rinon, ran ayane, tsuzumi, kokona, kokoro, rin, keiko, and rino (im delusional)
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uriekukistan · 4 days
Hey! I love your fics, and I have a question. Your post on music classes got me thinking. What are your favorite bands? Also, do you have any songs you assign to certain characters or ships? Have a great day!
ahhh hiii thank you so much :D and thank you for the ask !!
i actually have a pretty long itafushi playlist and an even longer megumi playlist (//ω//) but here are some of my favs/the ones i associate with them most ! like top 3 or we'll be here forever, apologizing in advance for how long this is 🚶
itafushi songs :3
follow you by bring me the horizon is THE itafushi song for me like
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the whole song is them actually but that part just ksfjhgksghf anyway another big one for me is dreams of losing teeth by suave punk which kinda talks about a person who tends not to let themselves get close to others starting to feel attached to someone and IF THAT'S NOT MEGUMI TO YUUJI than i've misunderstood itafushi but i dont think i have 😶 and my third itafushi song is making faces by dream, ivory which is about lovers who struggle to be vulnerable with each other and trying to bridge that gap in communication (>﹏<) some lyrics
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alright....megumi songs :3
the biggest megumi song for me will always be moon, i already know by mount eerie because i wrote a fic about that! and also just the lyrics....
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hes just a kid :(((((((((( im SICK okay um before i go insane next song! half return by adrianne lenker the whole song is sooo devastating it just dgkhjhld the whole song reminds me of how megumi had to grow up way too fast :( like he barely had any childhood :( but this part specifically reminds me of him and toji....
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"honey in your mouth when you gave me my name" UR KIDDING ME anyway last song perhaps the most devastating (i love to make myself sad if u couldnt tell) painfully by fog lake no words just look at these lyrics
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anyway!! i have less developed playlists for yuuji and also yuuta, so i'll give a song for each of them too!
for yuuji: throne by bring me the horizon (really funny to see next to the bubbly kpop/jpop songs)
for yuuta: back to the old house by the smiths
in terms of my fav artists, my music taste is a bit all over the place, but my favs rn are dream, ivory, the stone roses (specifically their song i wanna be adored, i've barely listened to anything else in days), and deftones, but i basically listen to anything and everything :3
thank u for the ask!! and sorry for yapping sm omg
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i've actually been tagged/asked to "put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people!!" by more than one person :0 and after just the first one i was like 'eeeh i dunno', but now its like gosh i guess people are curious!
i knew it'd be something i'd have to think or be kinda insincerely selective about because even if I make sure not to list any touhou arranges (which is like 60-70% of all music i listen to lately >_>), i'd feel compelled to have a varied enough selection so i dont look like as huge a nerd as i am -_- But i probably won't be able to avoid that even now so whatever!! Here Goes, straight from either my phone, my spotify bookmarks, or youtube favourites 👂
Ghostboy - Robotaki · Claire Ridgely I heard this song once on a tumblr's autoplay like back 2016 and it just immediately captivated me since and has become a semi-regular thing i listen to. A surprising lot of these kind of bubbly low-energy songs i latched onto during that year or around there that i could probably just list five songs exactly like it
In Sympathy - Depeche Mode Not on any blog's autoplay but it was just linked there by chance on a blog i frequented in 2018ish and also latched onto this one... Compared to the one right above, this one has been less of a 'listen to in bed' song and more of a 'listen to on bus trips while staring mindlessly at the streets'. There is a distinction and it is arbitrary which songs feel more suited to which 😌
ELECTRICAL COMMUNICATION - GANASIA its the JP opening of Mega Man 8! 🤓 But i actually heard this song completely without that context first somehow and only found out later where it came from. Also not actually related but i think mm8 is fun and charming even if its apparently something of a black sheep among mega man games? Anyway the song is nice and also fills the exact same spot in my head as like, the first two initial D anime OPs as high energy 90s jpop that makes me nostalgic for a time even though i was a baby then
I FEEL LOVE - YUKIKA (im not yelling but i think full caps is how all these are meant to be spelled) i basically routinely switch between soul lady or feel special when im in the mood to let a whole kpop album play but im listing i feel love because i listened to it and the whole soul lady album just a little while ago as my aching body healed up and it filled me with energy and desire to go out and find joy (This would have been a bad idea because it hurt to move 😌)
and okay, one touhou arrange.
カフカなる群青へ (Into the ultramarine of Kafka) - Yuuhei Satellite even though its from 2012 i actually only first listened to it like last year as i was slowly made my way through this circle's older albums, but it kinda instantly and retroactively became a classic in my head and is prooooobably the wonderful heaven arrange i listen to most often now, competing with a bunch of sound holic/swing holic tracks.
i don't wanna tag anyone but im always kinda curious about what people might be listening to so... do whatever 🤪
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astro-can · 1 year
oshi no ko
ok what the actual fuck is wrong with the society we live in today
so oshi no ko is a manga/anime that shows the cruel and real hardships in the entertainment industry. in episode one, aqua and ruby's mom, ai, was k*lled by an obsessed fan (saesang) who said ai had betrayed her fans after having babies. in episode 6, akane, a girl part of the same dating reality show aqua is part of, has a s*idcide attempt, where she couldve actually taken her own life if it wasnt for aqua stopping her. the reason akane almost unalived herself was because of the massive hate she was getting from the internet after she slapped yuki in the face. however, if you've watched the show, you would know that the slap was impulsive and akane immediately apologized for her actions and yuki forgave her. but the hate just kept coming, which pushed akane to the brink of breaking.
i like this manga not because of the great storyline, but because it exposes literally every hater on the internet. it shows how the hate people spread can lead to consequences, and how people in the industry aren't living the 'perfect life'.
!but! there's so much hate going towards the characters of oshi no ko right for the MOST ABSURD AND IRONIC REASONS. the show is LITERALLY about cyberbullying and how people should stop, and then the fans go "oh hey lets do just that!" and they start hating on ai and akane for being 'attention seekers, weak, etc etc'. sure, it's just a show, but the events within it CAN and IS happening in real life yet fans fail to see that THEY ARE THE ONES CAUSING THESE EVENTS. It's extremely ironic. and its even worse if they know that they are doing something wrong and they KEEP DOING IT.
kpop idols, jpop, celebrities, actors, etc are all suffering from their own problems and people simply can't see that. people only see what they wish to see and if their idol does something they don't like, it's immediate hate. "go die in a hole, kill yourself, blah blah blah"
thats why i hate the world we live in today. i also hate the fact that i can't do anything about it. our society is so fucking messed up. there are people dying left and right and people getting harassed everywhere we go but people say that they'll do something about it and then DONT. at this point, i'm ready to pack up my stuff and move in with the aliens.
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hueningoo-archive · 1 year
Hi!! I'm a little shy but here goes....
Okay so I'm 5'2 (ik pretty short) I like all sorts of music from artist like conan gray, keshi, dpr ian, the weeknd, Olivia rodrigo, and ofc kpop, jpop and music in Spanish (Spanish being my native language) as for my fav colors I love anything as long as it's in pastel <3 also I'm a cancer so I'm a very emotional person and I tend to hold grudges, and I'm also a bit hot headed at times I get upset kinda easily 😭 (hope this doenst make me sound like a bad person 😭) i have an obsession with anything hello kitty or sanrio related items, I have a whole plushie collection in my room along with my kpop album and pc collection. I lost count on how many albums I have but I'm sure it way past 20 😭 I love the coquette aesthetic it's literally my bed room vibe, It's clean and organized which I think is also part of my personality is keeping things neatly and organized. I also love make up I have tons of it and I love taking care of my skin, korean skin care products got rid of my acne and I find it essential to keep my skin clear. Some dislikes of mine are people who fail to understand and respect my boundaries. I also don't like flashy colors or neon colors. I love boba and sweet things. I'm also a dog type of person rather than cats (don't get me wrong I love cats) I just prefer dogs instead. And my love language is physical touch, lots of skin ship and words of affirmation <3
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i match you with... soobin!
okay hear me out... soobin who buys you everything hello kitty, be it plushies, puzzles, clothes, just bc it reminds him of you. he also bought u a little hamper for u to kepe your plushies in! also he probably doesnt keep track of the sanrio characters names, just calls them based off what they look like. "umm... kitty... pink bunny... black bat.... hahaha....." he TRIES like really does! to remember their names but he cant FOR THE LIFE OF HIM LOL.
soobin is honestly so unorganized (same goes with the rest of txt boys so whats new tbh) and so u just walk around and youll see a vacuum thats like?? so out of place? in the dining room?? its fine tho, yell at him a couple times and he'll always remember to put it back in place.
skin care days with soobin!!! he loves his skin care tbh. he may be messy with it, but thats what makes it more fun hehe. he buys you so much skincare you probably dont even use half of it... also he will let you do his makeup if u want:) or he'll do urs! except he'll mess up BADLY. also boba dates!!
sure, soobin isnt so touchy in public as hes not very big on pda- makes him mad awkward, but expect at least an arm snaked around your waist!! cuddles are very popular at home too.
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papirouge · 10 months
im the jpop anon. thank you for the long and thoughtful reply! :)
yeah, theres something really wrong with kpoppers. i actually remember what perfume video the "fat legs" comments were from - it was their first budokan concert back in 2008, i think they were wearing the pink outfits (or perhaps the yellow ones from drream fighter). i think what those kpoppers might meant were kashiyukas thighs, since she wore very short shorts in the pink outfits, and while her legs are thin her thighs are plumper. but like, thats literally what makes her known as "the hot one" among fans. like shes very renowed for having very nice legs, and in general its normal for women to have bigger tighs and wider hips. i guess one could just shrug it off as kpop fans being salty and petty, but many kpop girl members have crazy thin legs. like if you look up snsd aka girls generation, youll realize that many of their promotional images have them with really skinny legs. one of the very few kpop songs that i like is "gee" by this girl group, and i decided to look at the comments of the dance ver and some poeple were defending one of the girls because koreans fans were being mean to her for being "fat". i think she was called jessica or something like that, and i look her up to know which one of them was and like, if they didnt mention anything i wouldnt even have realized but her "problem" was basically that she had this "square-y" body type and that made her look like 0,5 millimeters bigger that the rest.
another thing that happened to me very recently was that i was looking for a notebook to buy and there were selling some with kpop groups in the cover, and i stumbled upon one that had this boy band named stray kids, and god dammit... these guys have such heavy plastic surgery like wtf... some of them look like literal wax figures its scary. i remember when kpop fans were saying it was racist how some people made fun of boy bands by saying they all looked the same, and sure, definitely some of them probably were, but you cant deny that some of these guys (and girls) dont end up looking the same when they get their faces botched up all to follow the same very narrow korean beauty standards.
and yeah, i can see the difference between kanon and akari, but i also think it was because kanon was much bigger than akari. like she even made fun of herselkf many times when she introduced herself. i always remember when michishige sayumi was asked which animal fit their teammates the best, and she said kanon was a hippo or an elephant 💀 i always got the impression that kanon making fun of herself like referencing she had a full meal before a performance so she was full of energy was a defense mechanism - a lot of fat people usually make fun of themseves because they want to do it before others can make fun of them first, like "look at me, im fat and i know it and dont take it seriously, please dont make fun of me because i already do it and it doesnt hurt me at all!".
speaking of sayumi, she once was also asked which helloproject group she would least like to be stuck with on an island, and she said berryz koubou because they seemed like they liked to eat alot.. im guessing she was referring to maasa and risako.
i wanted to say more but this got so fucking long lol sorry papi... perhaps ill send another message later...
Tbh Kpop visuals are so ridiculously filtered that I'm pretty sure those girls are made prettier and skinnier than they really are. People these days are soooooo freaking guillible and believe anything they see online. These girls get ps to oblivion and still need to be photoshopped like mad.... They're not perfect. Nobody is.
The thing is japanese idols aren't expected to look perfect like Korean do. Jpop idols aren't supposed to look 'flawless'. Perfume debuted when they were like 12-13 years old ; we saw them grow before our eyes, so if they did anything shady with their appareance everyone would have noticed. These women are soon 35 and still kicking.. - I wonder how these Kpop girls will look at that age 👀
I don't even think that Kpoppers know what "sexy" is anyway. What's stricking with Kpop is that despite how much polished their aesthetic are, they emanate 0% charisma. They give off an absolutely frigid energy. Every single of their move and face expression are policed. Kpop MV would make anyone epileptic so much shit is going on because that's how bad the artist themselves can't put it up themselves.
At least, old school jpop idols still have a lil bit of personality - which is why we still remember of them 10, 20 years later. The same couldn't be said for today's one tbh (I lost interest after Morning Musume 13./Michishige graduated because all the newcomers were more dull than the others... Even Riho who was hailed as The Ace of the group didn't leave the same impact as OG members (Ai Takashi, Tsuji Nozomi, Ai Kago, Maki Goto, Reina Tanaka, etc.) AKB48 fell off after the Kami 7 all graduated (the sister groups are meh).
But to be fair, the new Reiwa era (more conservative ) isn't just prone to leave raw personalities pop out in like that... Ai Kago stunts would have made her cancelled without afterthought or second chances today...😬 The idol group era is pretty much over in Japan. Right now, 'boring edgy' like Aimyon or Yonezu Kenshi are popping.
I can't bring myself to find Kpop boys attractive. Period. They are all ugly and I have no shame to say it because they were all much better before doing plastic surgery. So no it's not racist to say they all look the same because plastic surgery made them look the same - not their race...
I DARE someone to tell me the 2 dudes on the left aren't the same. The one at the top particularly looks like an otome game character 💀 like- he straight up looks like his face was DRAWN.
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And you know what freaks me out the most? It's that from one picture to another THEY DON'T LOOK LIKE THEMSELVES??!?
Like wtf is this shit???
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It's supposed to be the same band but the faces.... don't match others pictures 💀
You know society colllapsed now that stray kid dudes are considered attractive....when back in the day we had natural and authentic beauty like Takeshi Kaneshiro *sigh*
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downgrade of the millennium. Mishima killed himself for this.
And you know what freaks me out the most about these kpoppers? It's that they seemingly don't "exist" beside these ridiculous doctored photoshoot. Are there any candids of them out and about in the street? Without perfect lightening, angle and filters? Tbh I wouldn't be surprised they are AI or shit like that.
Perfume look the same when they do bc....they arent botched
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Michishige is RUTHLESS 😭 I mean, in Morning Musume she had the persona of being a narcissist so it makes sense she put down other girls for not being as pretty as her. But yeah dunking on a girl who's like a decade younger than you is shitty. Those idol group are shoving together girls from entire different generations (Michishige was in her mid 20s when she graduated and the youngest member of the group were like 13-14 years old 🥴) so awkward girldrama situations are bound to happen.... That being said, it's a very bad idea to get into an idol group if you're feeling awkward about your physically appearance... Kanon should've never been in Momusu, imo.
I always found Berryz Kōbō was much coherent than Morning Musume ; members were closer in age and experience. I was a smaller band and the lineup was consistent so you weren't lost in the amount of new faces every other years (like Momusu regular call for new members).
I think its fitting that some of its members love eating when they have a song called 1億3千万総ダイエット王国 ("A kindgom of 130 million [people] complete diet[ing]") *the population of Japan is of 125 million but I guess the evened it out for the song that was kinda critical of diet culture. Good for them tbh And that song was bop. Berryz Kōbō truly delivered the few years before disbanding.
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
ON A DIFFERENT NOTE I WAS JUST POKING AROUND AND SAW THAT MOD PHIL LISTENS TO BUG HUNTER? man us philza kins all share a musical braincell i guess because holy fuck i don’t think i’ve ever run into anyone else who listens to his stuff! i’m gonna have to politely ask you to hand over more recommendations for music because you’ve got TASTE. -🌾🪶
ARNJS i am staring at you soo hard I know like two other bug hunter fans and theyre fans because I commandeered the music bot and insisted on playing all of his songs during a music vc night... Anyway we are slaying so hard rn. us phils just have the best music taste 😎
OKAY anyway this took forever cause I tried to narrow down my list but ajfanfdk I listen to a lot of stuff. god there's so much music i enjoy that I could go on forever about random songs and stuff so uh yeah... I banished my bs to under a cut for the sake of not making a post that is annoying to scroll past. enjoy whatevr i did -za
Mickey Darling!! RAHGjsA a lot of his songs are like about breakups but they're all very upbeat and fun despite the lyrics. Honestly its so funny to me I literally found him because of a fanfic that used lyrics from say that you miss me (which like god yeah the author got me... it was extremely right for the character they used it for i know cause they're literally me). you were perfect & im so sorry is vry good and also I've had somewhere else stuck in my head since it came out...
Jukebox the Ghost. okay okay they just never miss! i adore like everything they've made but uhmmm I think the cheers album is my favorite still right now like dont get me wrong i love everything they've made but ajldnf how can I not like cheers. Brass Band and I Got A Girl are so good. I will say uh shout out to It's No Secret cause its inspired several pieces of self indulgent ship art I've made.
Streetlight Manifesto... The Hands that Thieve got me out of one of my weirdest music eras. I mean it's ska punk it's not too far from the uh protest songs I was listening too, but ska was more palatable than most of the shit that I was really into for a bit. Anyway listen to If Only For Memories too its good.
LyreLeTemps! god okay so i like electroswing a lot and ashutjak just fuck man Time Train is extremely mecore when it comes to a specific kin. A lot of the music i listen to gets shifted around depending to my shifts lol. Also listen to Nanana it's a close second for my favorite song by them other than Time Train
Groundbreaking, god i've listened to this guy for so long... I think all his music is great but the Anarchy I & II are my little guys I listen to them all the time still. They practically got me through quarantine... Uhm if I had to recommend a specific songs instead of just saying listen to the Anarchy Albums maybe VIP and Beautiful people. Those two were my favorites but jsut to get somthing from anarchy listed too uhm anarchy or media star
The Wrecks god another band I listened to a lot during quarantine... Fvck Somebody and Panic Vertigo are my #1s forever but I really like their new music too. Unrequited and Sonder came out at such a good time for me, unfortunately that means I have like four writings wips that have titles that are just the lyrics of those songs...
Air Traffic Controller is another band that made quarantine bearable for me god why have the last three just been quarantine time killers. Anyway I listen to Creature of the Night a lot because I love being thematic with my music when I pull all nighters. Uhhhh other than that Anybody got a light has quickly become one of my favorites from them too
Atarashii Gakko!! This is the only non english band I'm actively a fan of rn. My friends are like big into like Kpop and I'm more of a cpop or jpop guy but like even then I almost never find a band and get super invested. but raghg the choreography and vocals just everything really scratches my brain. I really like watching their dance practices idk its just so fascinating to me. uhm okay uh Fantastico and NAINAINAI yeah those i recommend them :]
AND because I cant help myself here's some things I wanted to talk about but uh 90% of it would just be me keyboard slamming cause I cannot articulate my enjoyment of them
Circa Waves: Your Ghost & Golden Days
Good Kid: Mimi's Delivery Service
Saint Motel: Sweet Talk & Slow Dance
Rare Americans: Walking N Talkin
Burn the Ballroom: Calm Down & Crazy
Bear Ghost: Haunt the Cartoon Heart & Sirens
Andie Schoen: the prophet (you love me) & loitering
The Happy Fits: In the Lobby & So Alright, Cool, Whatever
Hobo Johnson: Peach Scone & February 15th
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guideaus · 1 year
trigun stampede ep1 thoughts
cant say i like it opening right away w space, but that might be bc im biased from the anime. i liked the anime's approach a lot more than the manga's, honestly. especially not just space, but the whole seeds thing too shouldnt have been shown as the first thing
i am really not a fan of the designs of... most things in the ep lol. i've got a bone to pick w the designers for this series
the first scene was v out of context so i wont pick that apart
wish meryl didnt look 10 years old, but at least she doesnt sound 10. that was a criticism i had abt milly in the 90s anime
still upset abt the roberto guy, i guess they could change my mind but so far hes :/
i like the bits with the wildlife
im not bothered by meryl's occupation change (as a journlist only i mean), it doesnt really matter to me imo
not to have nostalgia glasses on, but i miss vash's old voice. i hear this one and im like oh this is sword art online boy/teru mp100 and i dont think i like that guy's voice anyway
again with a design thing, idk how i feel abt vash having "lost technology" so present. i made a post abt this way back, but maybe they change smth (but also they cant exactly justify the whole modern jp fashion thing in futuristic sci-fi space setting either so i wonder if theyll even attempt to explain this)
i like the bit abt vash interfering w plant stuff being added as a crime. i feel like in the original anime his bounty was iconic, but in that and the manga idk why it was even there, except to establish his contrasting pacifist nature against ppl that want the reward for his capture.
it also showing mps is a bit more interesting when the manga kinda felt like it pulled order/gov out of nowhere (before knives did his best to kill everyone, mostly getting rid of that)
i love vash's face at least. hes my little meow meow, wet pathetic kitten, etc.,
im surprised nightow's never attempted to show a map of the planet before. but idk shit abt maps so i cant make any statements abt this one
i love seeing a town defend vash immediately 🥺 technically i dont think its good for new audiences, (it shows hes not some monstrous villain, but not how he couldve gotten his rep, while before it was clearly the destruction caused from other ppl going after him, and him accepting the blame) but i'll pretend that what happened to him here happened at the end of the manga instead
i thought the ep was gonna imply meryl is like a spoiled rich kid from the city, but i guess not lol... (or kinda??)
the part where the plant is explicitly explained felt a little too hamfisted, or not subtle lol, like some video game, meant for the audience, not really any character. even if they used meryl's newly-out-of-school-sheltered-kid thing theyre doing
it seems weird the bar owner was in charge of the town?
also weird they just stopped talking abt vash's arm of "lost technology"
the villain for the ep being goofy was nice. v reminiscent of the original
no one can tell me a .22 bullet comes out of vash's gun... but also ig u could say smth abt that maybe
the music sounds nice :)
seems weird the corrupt cops just leave?? wouldve thought theyd get mobbed lol... and did the plant get fixed either too lol?
i think vash telling anyone abt his bro, esp the day he met said person, doesnt make sense
i dont think that flashback was necessary, either
and knives can go all out jamming, doing what ever he wants. its fine, he can be as weird as he likes
i dont really like the ending either. i dont know japanese music, but this also has to be modern jpop lol. where are the wurmple cries
also i forgot to say but theres nothing wrong w the cgi. anyone complaining abt that is automatically dumb lol
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sanstropfremir · 2 months
i was wondering if you already talked/like the jpop group psychic fever :) idk i feel like you'd like them but if not are there any jpop groups you listen to?
girl i have no clue what is going on with exile tribe i wouldn't even know where to start lmao. i do listen to a few of their units, including psychic fever, but it's mostly ballistik boyz just bc animal is my own personal crack. the occasional jo1 and ini song makes it into my rounds, but i'm mostly a jrock and j...indie? i guess? listener. queen bee and i dont like mondays are two of my mostly listened groups, plus a variety of other artists like taichi mukai, eill, fujii kaze, rung hyang, etc. highly recommend every queen bee song, idlm's black humor and fashion albums, and taichi mukai's the last album. and now im hijacking my own post bc this is now a psa about avu chan's boy group ryugujo!! genuinely fr the only boy group ever actually. highly highly highly recommend literally every song they have and their new ep just dropped last month!
other songs that fucking rip that are not just me linking their entire spotify page:
me linking their entire spotify page anyways:
also highly recommend watching their show 0 year 0 class, bc it is genuinely inspiring and enjoyable to watch someone actually want to teach trainees how to be idols and succeed. and not just how to be idols, but how to be better people as well. k survival shows could never and actually any other survival show could never. flawless 10/10 no notes avu chan i need you to take down the entire survival/audition show industrial complex immediately.
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mari-guri · 4 months
IDOLiSH7 Ep. 6 - Triumphant Return in the Rain | Lotus Reacts
This episode title is long af
Wait am i dumb how did iori know riku had a respiratory disease did they say
Am i missing something ?
unironically nagi becoming my fave bc he’s so funny
IT KINDA REMINDS ME OF GOT7’S BUT MORE OF A PAIN TO DO LMAO my hand does not bend that way
Rain again
Oh no is THIS the real gfriend situation
OR you should be careful to not fuck yourself over
Damn he even wanted to give him his pudding
Don’t say if you fall we fall with you now it’s actually gonna be like the gfriend video
Yamato kinda crazy LMFAO
Who does he wanna take revenge on tho hmmm still thinking about that i didn’t forget
Tell me he has a shirt
That’s a lot of people dang that’s great
Oh a song yeah
There’s no way I’m writing generation with one lowercase i that’s even longer than idolish
Damn how optimistic he is. “We’ll be able to get great shots” while it’s pouring rain
He still has no shirt
I’ll never fucking get over this by the way
I won’t stop complaining until he gets a proper outfit
hey rain stop interrupting everything
ur pft stealing their thunder AHAHAHAHAHA sorry
Are they gonna do an acapella thing
That was not what i was thinking
Oh my god
This kinda reminds me of those videos titled things like “*insert title* MV without the music”
that transition went kinda heart
I hope they get better outfits soon bc this ain’t it
Tsumugi you did it girl (she didn’t do that much but her intuition helped them ya know)
Damn they gonna be shipped too i see you i see you
I kinda saw it too
Who tf are you
This ominous music is kinda funny
Okay Mr. Capitalism
Kinda respect trigger for that ngl
Bro getting worked up over a jpop group like a LOSER
U h ohhhhh i see
Did you say first fist fight lmaoo
Mr capitalist is here tf
Say no
Episode 5 - Secret Episode 7 - Ray of Light
Return to IDOLiSH7 Page
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cochinitasdance · 1 year
FREAKYFemale Fronted Dance Party
Needed to dance in my room this week. Just another fabulous list to move ya. This time from some of my fav femmes from my youth. These ladies lived in the interior landscape of my mind. So lets GOOOOOO!!!
I know for sure this song has been on previous lists which is fine because it really is a fun song to dance to!
The Glove - Orgy (1983) - YouTube
I adore The Creatures just a slight more than S&TB because of all the quirky percussive rhythms, world beat influences and inventive sounds they came up with. This song is all that, perfectly encapsulated.
Pluto Drive - The Creatures (Siouxsie) - An Hour With Jonathon Ross - 17/12/1989 - YouTube
CRANES!!! I have shared this before: the chainsaw guitars, the pixie vocals, hypnotizing drums -heres the real deal in epic grunge era guitars without all that lousey punk and country rock to cheeze it out. Thanks, for nothing Seattle.
His name is another weird one I love to dance to. Just perplexing they were a thing that existed in the 90s at all, given how mysteriously unconventional they were. If it weren't for the Quay brothers, they may have never reached my ears. The bros shoulda never tarnished their great vision for Tool fans, but I guess ya gotta make the bucks sometime, afterall stop motion takes a lot of time, time is money therefor claymation isn't cheap. I usually share "Cant go on Without You" cuz its a great introduction -pure peak HMIA, but then I found this live footage posted of them playing some rando store and it just blew my mind. Their studio recorded versions are a complete 180 vibe from their live performance. I saw them live once, in the late 90s, and it was an odd sort of puppet show with happy folksy rock songs I never heard -even further away from the source material I knew LOL. They taught me about not having preconceived boundaries in music. I LOVEED them for it, although I'm not sure if it really helped their career dealing with promoters. I'm going to bonus add th recoded version and that "cant go" video here, so you dont have to go looking for em if youre even mildly curious. Also, I know how lazy I am, so why make a recommendation, expecting you to search, when I can just show it to you here?
Nina Hagen the DIVA herself! I have included 2 versions here as well. The recorded studio version and Nina singing this IRL. I only wish the person that uploaded this had a better copy. Still, I think her performance did it justice.
Grace kicking ass all over the place! Demolition, mam.
Don't let them fool you. They sound like angels but I know they are ALSO tough ass bitches you do not fuck with.
Strawberry Switchblade - ribbons and beats galore!! Thers a sweetness quality that pre-dates a jpop/kpop type vibe.
I will probably compile a list of just Curve songs, unless I already did? I dont know how back I can scroll through tumblr but yea I love them THAT MUCH!!!
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lasclrite · 2 years
Where to download jpop music
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To know where to download music, use your ears first. If the other site offers a better quality, then choose that over the other. Ask about their experience in download in a certain site, and know if they are willing to recommend the site to other users that are looking for the same songs.Īlso, make sure that you bookmark sites, and compare previews before you purchase or download a track. Participate in music forums and ask other members on where they are able to secure copies of their albums. Take note of certain online reviews about where to download music especially if you are looking for a rather rare track, or an alternative genre. When downloading music online, always look for those sites that display the file size of the downloadable tracks, and would offer a short preview of the song. You would not want to have tracks that have suffered a lot of quality loss, because it is ripped from YouTube and have been converted into mp3 format. You certainly would not want to get a copy of an album or a track that would maintain the integrity of the instruments used.
Whether you are purchasing or downloading free music, you have to make sure that you are getting a good copy of the song. To ensure that you are only getting legal copies, make sure that the site provides a notice of copyright agreement to the users.ĭownloading Music Online : How Do I Know It’s a Good Copy? You certainly do not want to steal from your favorite artist. If you want to know where to download musicfree of any charge, make sure that you are only tapping sites that has agreement with the artist and the publisher to share their music to site users for free. Wait for the percentage panel turns to 100. Click on the MP3 tab at the lower right side of the song you like and then the online music downloader will convert it to MP3 file for you to download. EDM Dance, Japanese royalty free music download for youtube videos, film, tv, video games, etc. Some sites are selling tracks for lesser price, and some would even offer huge discounts when you get the entire album. Go to the website of free music downloads and then enter the Japanese music that you desire to download. Track 'JPOP' - Upbeat EDM with traditional Japanese elements. However, make sure that you know where to download music online that would offer you the best deal for your money. That means that the copies that you are getting are not watermarked and your IP address would not be flagged for copyright infringement. Download links can be found at Some files are stored in telegram. While the choice is very obvious, it is still best to purchase music because it guarantees you that you are getting a clean copy. Top Jpop Download Support The Artists Please buy official/original to support the artists, all content in this web is for promotional purpose only, we dont responsible for all users. Only my favorite Jpop singer/s music links will be posted here. You may notice that there are sites where you have to purchase music, but some would offer tracks free of charge. Where to Download Music Online : Should I Buy Music? However, you should know that these download sites are not made equal. (Kenshi Yonezu) POP SONG FLAC 24bit + MP3 320 / WEB February 7, 2022. Music download sites are becoming popular nowadays, and there are just too many to choose from. When people know where to download music online, they do not have to worry if they would be getting a copy compared to having to battle it out in a CD store.
The following steps will tell you how to make it come true.People are taking advantage of the availability of music online, especially because downloading takes away the toil of having to scour music stores to find a copy. Listen to your favorite anime music in one place, a large selection of stations JPOP, JRock, Kpop, Krock, you can choose your favorite stations and have them always at hand. This convenient and useful tool will help you a lot. You can get MP3 or WAV recordings as you prefer with comparatively high quality.
This software is quite easy to handle, which can assist you to record computer audios, input audios, and online tracks effectively. If you desire to download some Japanese songs from the website of Sonymusic that call for payment, you can make use of Leawo Music Recorder to realize the freeload goal. Part 2: How to Download Japanese Music Free with Music Recorder
If you encounter some issues while downloading the music you are into, you can continue to read the next part to know the amazing tool to fix them. JPOP Radio: Anime Music Radio - J-pop, J-rock JPOP Radio: Anime Music Radio - J-pop, J-rock v8.6.6 Mod (. You can choose one of these websites listed above to find the Japanese songs you would like to save to computer for amusement. This website has lots of Japanese music to download and you can obtain songs from 3 distinct areas, including “Featured New Releases”, “All New Releases”, and “Editor’s Choice”.
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