#how did you know rosie would 100% be a cat mom
mayflwr · 2 years
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@mystifiicd asked: ❝ you have a lot of cats. ❞ ( to Rosie ).
"No, they're not all mine." She laughed, petting the gray tabby in her lap that purred loudly, giving Stephen a pointed glare as if offended. "I just have a knack for picking up strays. Poor Otto had to deal with my bleeding heart one too many times..." Rosie smiled fondly before giving Stephen another curious glance, brow raised. "But something tells me you aren't merely here to comment on my animal companions. How may I kindly help?"
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tamabbyboi · 3 years
Hi hi! I found you because you used a gif from me uwu
I love that cause it helps me find cool people accidentally.
Anyways I read your headcanon’s for Tamaki and I did find you would write for Dabi and Hitoshi who are also my absolute favorites..
Could I request dating headcanon’s for them too please?
Also call me Cosmic. I have a feeling you might see me around 🥺❣️
Dating Headcanons- Shinsou and Dabi
A/N: oh my god hi ofc you can! Thank you for bestowing such a wonderful gif upon tumblr 🥺 I'm actually making a glass painting rn of that screencap. Anyways I hope you like them!
Pairings: Shinsou Hitoshi x reader, Dabi x reader
Request: yes
Synopsis: Just general dating hcs!
Word count: 729 (total)
Warnings: There's like 1 curse word
Taglist form
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Obligatory mention that he calls you kitten
Takes you on dates to cat cafes and you're there for hours
You two have detailed plans for your future cats' names
T o u c h. S t a r v e d.
He didn't have any friends or receive like,, any affection growing up so now that he has this source of love and affection all of a sudden he is overwhelmed but also loves it
Doesn't mind pda if you don't and secretly thinks it's really cute when you hold pinkies
Loves to have you sitting on his lap, especially loves when you're resting your head back on his shoulder or on his chest tucked under his chin
Back! Hugs!
Mans is a gamer
Will take you on animal crossing dates (Oh god how I want a boyfriend to go on animal crossing dates with 🥺)
Just imagine wishing on shooting stars in acnh with him ahhhhh
He has mostly cat villagers and a Rosie shrine in his basement
You know he loves you when he lets you have a turn on his main in overwatch
Loves to lay in bed with you and maybe take the occasional nap but mostly neither of y'all sleep
Prefers being little spoon but won't admit it to you (you know anyways ofc)
Makes fun of you for crying over fanfic at 3am but is really just mad you don't have the same ships
Will 100% watch anime with you in the middle of the night and gets mad if you watch ahead
Goes to conventions and is down to cosplay with you
When he wakes up either in the morning or from a nap he's like,, super delusional and it's really funny
Like will straight up believe the randomest craziest story as to what's happening and why an alarm is going off
One time you woke him up from a nap and 12:57am on a Friday night and he was completely under the impression that it was the morning and he was too late waking up to go to school
He looked at the clock then looked you dead in the eyes and said "It's 57 it's too late" over and over
"Hitoshi. Just go back to sleep."
You have many of these incidents on video and have a whole folder in your phone full of them
10/10 bf, you have a lot of fun together and everyone can see that you love each other a lot!
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Smooth af
Like,, he uses pick up lines on you all the time but not the absolutely horrid kind, they're actually really smart
This man is such a flirt with you too, even after years of dating
He's pretty possessive but if showing it makes you uncomfy he'll stop
This makes him a huge fan of pda, would definitely be the type to full on make out with you in public if you're okay with it
Also is definitely the type to drape an arm around the back of your chair/ seat on the couch whenever he can
Always has an arm around your waist. Always.
And in the rare event that he doesn't he's still touching you in some way
Secretly loves cuddles (touch starved, you know the drill) but never around others and if you tell any of the lov members you're d e a d
You take his jacket all the time and he's really annoyed with it but secretly likes that your'e obviously wearing something that belongs to him
Whenever he needs it it's always "I need my jacket" "You mean m y jacket??"
Twice and Toga call you mom and dad (regardless of your gender)
He's mom
Which started out as a joke when Dabi went feral after falling victim to a prank and giving a long lecture on respecting your elders (even tho twice is older than him)
I feel like he's lowkey a natural good cook and just won't tell anyone because he doesn't want to cook for them
Will cook for you though, but makes sure to make only enough for you two so there's no leftovers for anyone else
Is very observant, he has to be since he refuses to ask you what you want because he doesn't wanna be labeled a simp
But fr he always knows when something's wrong you cannot hide s h i t from him
You can't really go outside on like,, dates with one of Japan's most recognizable villains
But annoying Shigaraki together is just as fun and just as much of a bonding experience
Especially when it gets d a n g e r o u s
Overall dating him is a very fun and exciting experience!
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“I’ve got my fuzzy socks on and I’m ready for summer”
You arrive in New York at 10 AM. What's the first thing you do? Find a nice, cute cafe to get a coffee and pastry from and chill at for a bit while sorting out my plans for the day. You go by your locker & your bf/gf is cheating on you. What comes to mind? I’m not in school anymore, but hypothetically I’m sure I would feel a lot of emotions--angry, hurt, upset, confused... like wtf?? And damn, right in front of everyone, too? That would be humiliating. 
You have to take out the trash & clean your room. Your reaction? I’m 31 years old, you gotta do that kinda stuff when you’re adult. I don’t personally take out the trash because it would be really difficult for me to do in a wheelchair, but I have other stuff I have to do. I don’t particularly enjoy it, it just is what it is.
How many siblings do you have? I have two brothers.
Have you ever made fun of a homeless/ mentally challenged person? No. What a shitty thing to.
Make up a funny word with your first name in it. I don’t know.
Do you like campfires? Yes. I love the smell, it makes me think of fall. And just the coziness of it.
What's your favorite color to write with? Black.
Do you write poetry? No.
When's your 20th birthday? [Day & Month is fine. Year if you want.] I turned 20 back in July 2009.
Do you spit in public? Ew, no. I don’t spit at all except for when rinsing my mouth after brushing my teeth. It makes me gag seeing people spit. I also have to watch out for that when wheeling around outside because I would DIE if it got on my wheels and then me. akjkslfjldsfjkldsfjkl. I’m going to throw up just thinking about it.
Are you in high school/middle school/college? I’m done with school.
How many push ups can you do? Zero.
How would you react if your cat/dog died? I’ve been through that twice before with my doggos, it’s absolutely heartbreaking and devastating. My dogs are my family. It’s no different than losing any loved one; they’re a loved one, too. I had a really hard time when my dog, Brandie, passed. It was so sudden and unexpected. 
Are you trustworthy? Yes.
“when I make it shine...”
Do you play video games often? I’ve been playing Animal Crossing just about everyday since earlier this year. Prior to that, I’ve played a few other games in their entirety since having my Nintendo Switch that I got over a year ago. 
Do you like life, love, funny or boy quotes the best? I like # relatable quotes. 
Have you ever been cheated on? No.
Have you ever had fruit pizza? No.
Would you like to learn karate? No.
Do you think it would have been cool to live in the 80s? Maybe.
Do you think we'll have robots in the future? They’re already a thing, they’re just not like easily, readily available to everyone like a Rosie from The Jetsons or something.
Was the sun out today? Not yet cause it’s 5:54AM and it’s still pitch black, but it will be.
Do you know what 143 stands for? “I love you.”
Does it get up to 100 degrees where you live? Ugh, yes. And higher. D:
When you play video games, do you like the sound on or off? I generally have it low or off.
When's the last time you saw fireworks? Fourth of July.
Do you like Dr. Pepper? Yeah.
Will you be seeing the new Transformer movie? I never saw any of them. Not my thing. 
What made this week, one to never forget? Election 2020 will be talked about forever. This year in its entirety will be, but this election was a huge one.
“Tell me why you’re leaving me”
Did you wear shorts today? I don’t wear shorts.
Do you own a fur hat? No.
Do you still use the old time mail? I still receive mail, yes. I pretty much never send anything, though.
Have you ever played flag football? Yeah.
What color is your laptop? It’s silver.
Do you like Paris Hilton? I don’t have anything against her.
Did you smile at all today? Not so far, but it’s only 6AM. 
Do you have an Xbox? My brother does and I’ve used it.
When you were little did you have a magic 8 ball? Yeah.
Have you ever ate grass or birdseed? Eww, no. I wasn’t the kid that stuck everything in their mouth or ate weird stuff. 
Do you and your friends have secret codes? I don’t have any friends.
Have you ever seen the Lincoln Memorial? Not in person.
What's your profile picture on Facebook of? Me with my It/Pennywise mask on. It’s his mouth.
Do you own a yo-yo? No.
What celebrity is your fashion icon? I don’t have a fashion icon.
“How do you love someone without getting hurt?”
Do you hope you live to be the age 70 or older? I don’t want to think about dying.
Did you go to preschool? Yep.
Do you usually wear your hair up when it's hot out? Yeah. I wear my hair up all the time cause I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything else with it.
Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was bedridden at home because I had spinal surgery a couple weeks prior.
Which would you rather play: guitar or drums? Guitar.
Have you ever gotten detention? No.
When you were little, did you used to watch Franklin? Yeah. Aww, he’s adorable.
What's the most exciting thing that's happened during your lifetime? 9/11 and this pandemic are definitely the most memorable, but I wouldn’t use the term “exciting” to describe them. A few of our blizzards, perhaps. <<< Yeah, definitely not exciting, but certainly major, life changing, go-down-in-history events. 
How high can you count in a foreign language? I could go on and on in Spanish like I could English, but let’s be real I’d stop at 100 haha.
What's the best thing to do on a hot day? Stay indoors with the AC or go to the beach.
Would you like to go to Rome? Sure.
Do you use Febreeze? Sometimes. I prefer my Bath & Body Works room sprays, though.
Have you ever been to a rainforest? No.
How many days of school are left for you? I’m done with school.
How do you usually get tan? That only happens when I go to the beach. Sadly, I didn’t get to go this year. 
“Last name ever, first name greatest”
Snickers or Twix? I like both. 
Have you ever tried to sleep on an airplane? I tried, but couldn’t.
When you were little, did you like Dr. Suess books? Yes. Those are classics.
Are you more afraid of snakes or death? Both are scary to me, but death is just a little more serious...
Would you like to go to Australia? Sure.
Do you like Drake? Yeah, I like a lot of his songs.
What color are your headphones? Black.
Do you live in the past? Yes. :/
When it's spring, do you plant flowers? No. I don’t do any gardening.
Have you ever laughed for 10 minutes? I don’t think I ever have for that long.
Do you help your friends every time they need help? I tried to as much as I could.
Ever seen a Koala Bear up close? No.
Would you rather be blind or deaf? I’d obviously rather not be either one...
Once your done, are you done for good? Really depends on what I’m attempting to be done with.
Does it annoy you when girls wear a lot of make up? No? I don’t why I would care.
“Blow the world a kiss”
Do you live by a river? No.
Do you like being outside when it's storming? I like enjoying it from inside.
Ever thought about becoming a cop? No. A cop in a wheelchair... that’d be interesting.
Have you ever tried sushi? Ew, it’s disgusting.
When you were little, did you use to roll down hills? No.
Do you like store bought cakes or homemade ones better? I’d enjoy either one.
Do you think your a good kisser? No. Now I’m really out of practice.
Do you like long or short sleeves better? I like my sleeves to be like halfway from my elbow if that makes sense. Not a quarter sleeve, but a bit above that. Unless it’s cold, then I like long sleeves. I love when the sleeves are long enough to be able to pull down over my hands, but it’s hard to get the perfect fit when you have long arms like I do.
Do you like the name Jacob for a boy? Sure.
Could you live without electricity? Like, for how long? It would be a struggle, no denying that. I’ve never experienced going more than a few hours without it. I know people have to experience long periods without it sometimes or not have it at all, so I’m definitely fortunate. 
Have you ever ate/drank something that was blue? Blue Gatorade, Pepsi Blue, the blue Mountain Dew, Kool-Aid, blue candies and cakes.
When is your last day of summer this year? I’m not in school, so no summer break anymore. However, summer is over and it has just recently started to feel like fall, so I’m quite happy about that.
Would you rather hang out with people who are loud or quiet? Quiet.
Have you ever had a pet turtle? No.
Do you want an iPad? Nah.
“You look like you want to party”
Are you double jointed? My thumbs are.
Have you ever done karaoke? Definitely not publicly, but at home.
What's your middle name? I’m not sharing that.
Do you wish on stars? No. I did when I was a kid.
Do you recycle? We recycle plastic bottles and cans.
Do you believe in love at first sight? No.
What's something you'll do when your older, but not now? I don’t know. Are you currently drinking anything? I’m finishing a Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink.
What color is your shirt? Black. 
Have you ever played laser tag? Nope.
Does your best friend live within 5 minutes from you? My mom and I live together.
If you got dared to dye your hair purple, would you? No. I dye my hair red and I want to keep it that way. It would be a big, annoying process to do another color and then to go back if I wanted, so nah.
How many contacts do you have in your cell phone? Not many.
Do you own earmuffs? No. It doesn’t get cold enough for them here.
Nothing worse than being sunburnt, don’t you agree? I’ve experienced much worse, but they are awful.
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softpine · 4 years
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story asks:
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hey you’re not dumb at all!! she feels responsible because years ago, aileen’s ghost came to her wearing that dress & trying to warn her. on the day aileen died, caroline recognized the dress, but didn’t say anything because she thought it was just a coincidence. (so personally i don’t think she was responsible, but that’s how she feels)!!
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@litmospheric​ jdksjs i forgot to answer your first ask while it was still relevant i’m sorry 😭 but yes!! you’re right, it’s significant that finn has never been able to interact with his memories, while asa was seen & heard by cara without even really trying (and finn is definitely jealous of that...)
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aww thank you!! 💖💖 i personally love cheesy romance stories too, there’s nothing wrong with that! i just find it a lot more fun to write about something complex, but we all have different interests and that’s cool too!!
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@jet-plane-sims​ hey, we’ll definitely see more asa & beth moments in the future!! and that’s about all i can say without spoiling it jskdjs but yeah i’ve got big plans! 💖
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@shutupsavannah​ [ABUSE TW] omg well beth can hold a grudge like nobody’s business -- she loves cara to death but after all the shit went down as teenagers, she felt betrayed enough to not talk to her for an entire year, so imagine how hard beth would go towards someone who she doesn’t even love... but i don’t think she would’ve recognized him at all (she was 2 when they moved away, and it’s not like eva has any pictures of him up), and i doubt he would recognize beth either (she looks so much like eva, she didn’t get much from him). so yeah they could probably cross paths without even noticing. i chose not to show him at all because i hate giving abusers any screen time (like how i never showed ben’s face, not even once), but also because beth doesn’t feel like she needs closure of any kind. she had a good childhood, with a loving mom, and rosie & isa as a second family to fall back on, etc. she never felt like she was missing anything, and if anything, she’s just pissed that eva had to deal with him for as long as she did. so honestly, even if she did recognize him in selvadorada, i think she would’ve walked away without giving him the satisfaction of talking to her.
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hey!! i’m sorry, not really sure what you mean? :( i don’t have any extended versions, everything you see is everything i’ve got! sometimes i scrap posts or have some extra dialogue here and there, but usually there’s a reason why i cut it out (bc it wasn’t up to my standards) so i wouldn’t really want to publish that jskdjs but it means a lot to me that you’re interested!! and please never feel bad about sending multiple asks, i swear they’re literally the highlight of my day!! 💖💖
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omggg this reminds me of asa so much ;-; thank you for sharing!! i love it! 💖
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i just listened to it for the first time and that’s a really cool song!! it’s not my usual style but i still really liked it! 💖
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lmao no i’ve never heard this until now!! but wow we stan the harper valley widowed wife
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@soft-moonn​ hey!! i still have to finish it, i just haven’t had the energy :( but eventually yes i’ll definitely still be posting it! i hope you have a good day 💖💖
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well i wasn’t going to read it anyway lmao but i tried googling the problematic stuff and couldn’t find anything solid, so.. idk. also characters & plot being terrible is all up to interpretation, you might feel that way but not everyone will. as far as i know, homestuck wasn’t meant to be a serious, real piece of media lmao it was just a bit of fun. i don’t knoww i just like to let people enjoy what they enjoy as long as it’s not hurting anyone :/
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omg hey!! that’s awesome bby!! 💖💖 but how are you still getting more action than me in QUARANTINE jsdkjs i’m jealous lmao but good luck, i hope it goes well!! and i hope you’re having a good day too 💖
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@arrpegio​ thank you so much!!! i hope you enjoy it 💖💖
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normally i’d say you have to be off anon, but i actually posted the link here!
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@alothcorfisered​ omg i’m sorry this got lost in my inbox, but yesssss i’m ALWAYS taking cat photos!! they’re so adorable ahh i love them 🥺💖
coronavirus tw:
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oops i deleted the post and then saw this, but yeah i know no one can be 100% sure, but it just sucks that some people on snapchat are throwing these huge bonfires and sharing drinks and whatever, while i’ve been in serious lockdown with my paranoid family for 2+ months and now i still feel like i’m getting sick. i hate to say “it’s not fair” because i know how lucky i am compared to many other people, but still... it’s stressful lmao
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this-lioness · 4 years
Another bullshit update on life in general
Work has kept me busy, and I’ve been trying to get more done creatively and around the house, as well.
This was the first weekend in awhile I didn’t do any (or much) meal prep, since we had enough in the freezer to last us for all the dinners this week, and even a few lunches for Marc.  I made a dozen eggs, cut up and roasted almost 5 lbs of potatoes, and called it a day.
I cancelled the physical therapist, because between work, gym, housekeeping and trying to do something other than being a machine I did not have time for an additional two rounds of exercises every single day.  We were getting up at 5 AM, leaving for work at 6:30 AM, leaving work for home at 5 PM, getting home from the gym around 7, then eating for a half hour.  It was not going to happen.
We ended up cancelling the gym membership, because -- as much as we want to go -- we are just too tired and hungry after an hour-long commute to be like, “Yay, let’s do something tedious and exhausting for a half hour!”
The long term goal was to cancel the membership anyway, however.  I told Marc I want us to concentrate on finishing the sheetrock in the former “cat room” this coming weekend so that we actually use it for its intended purpose, which was exercise.  I have that barre I bought last year that I haven’t had time or room to use even once, and the treadmill and hand weights is just sitting and collecting dust.  So anyway, that’s the plan for next weekend.
We will also be fostering two cats in the next couple weeks, and trying to find them a home.  Long story short we met an artist at one of the galleries downtown, very nice guy, and his friend or nephew or I forget has recently knocked up his girlfriend and decided, “Well, we need to move and get rid of the cats I guess!”
So they’re two year-old sisters, and he wants them to stay together, which is fine.  Like Rosie, they actually look very young, like maybe only 5 months old.  They have never been to the vet in their life, so no shots, and neither of them are fixed, which means it will be on us to take care of all that before they get adopted out.  I’m sure he’s going to be a great Dad [/sarcasm].
When Marc found out that the cats needed a full vet workup, including spay, he was initially resistant due to the cost.  I said okay, if you’re not comfortable with it you’re not comfortable with it, and went upstairs to investigate our options.  The Walmart just opened up a “Vet IQ” clinic that does basic veterinary care, and we can utilize a local spay clinic for about $50 per cat, so on that end alone we’d be shelling out less than $300 (there’s always food and litter, of course).
After awhile Marc came up and was like, “I think I was a little hasty, I’m sure we can make it work.” After I told him the anticipated costs he was much more into it, so that’s good.  Hopefully we won’t have any trouble finding a home for them.
Rosie is doing well at feeding time in her crate!  It has not stopped her from being an absolute maniac spaz about food, but there is almost no growling at all while she eats now.  She goes in her crate, Marc covers it up with a towel, and she eats with seemingly less hysterical anxiety.  I’ll call it a tentative win.
Rosie, by the way, loves Bones. Bones can usually take her or leave her, although his tolerance level is much higher when she’s not acting the spaz, although you see moments of affection for her as well.  She greets him with a nice long body rub when they cross paths, and yesterday Marc caught him grooming her head.  It does my heart good.
At the risk of jinxing myself, I’ve been doing much better at bowling for the past few weeks!  I did decently at league on Friday, and when we went for our Sunday practice I had a series of something like 145, 106 and 140.  Considering I was lucky to break 100 a couple months ago I’m feeling very encouraged.
What has worked for me, honestly, is throwing out a lot of convention wisdom.  Marc has always been very patient with me, explaining game theory and approach and all that, but no matter how much I tried to put it all together it just wasn’t working.  And I was really, really trying.
Then, a few weeks ago, I was chatting with someone about Dyscalculia, and did a bit more casual reading about it.  I was reminded that it often causes issues with spatial awareness, something I can absolutely vouch for (I actually suspect it’s part of what’s caused me to have such persistent problems with perspective and anatomy over the years, although that’s a discussion for another time.)
So I started keeping that in mind when we play: I used the techniques that I knew were helpful, but in any aspect where I was supposed to do one thing, but consistently got unexpected and problematic results, I tried to go more by “feel”.
It’s hard to explain why this works, but it has so far.  Basically, I had to throw out the notion of bowling at “angles”, and became more of a straight-shooter, keeping in mind that my ball does have a tendency to hook left.  I got something like 3 or 4 strikes in one game on Friday!
Which is not to say that I’m suddenly a good bowler, because I’m not, but I’m better, which is what I wanted.  What’s annoying is when (admittedly well-meaning) people are like, “Here’s what you’re doing wrong!” and try to teach me about techniques which I already know, but which just don’t work for me.
This happened two weeks ago I think, and I’m sure the lady meant well, but she also was ignoring me when I said multiple fucking times, “I understand, but I have spatial awareness problems, that doesn’t work for me.”
Like, repeating something at me over and over is not going to make it any more true.  I hear what you’re saying, you’re just wrong.
So in other news I finished two more of the Mori Girl Cats, and that dumb little werewolf thing that was strictly for my own amusement.  (Someone was like, “That would make a great t-shirt,” and haha, I’m not fucking falling for that one again.)  I also organized the office / computer area of the Geek Room, we stashed away the last of the convention stuff, and it feels much more clean and open and neat.  A place I actually want to hang out, and not anxiously work while avoiding the pile of shit sitting behind me!
Last night I also installed Sims 3 and treated myself to a handful of expansion and “stuff” packs.  I only had enough time to create one Sim last night, but I already look forward to giving him a cold.
Unrelated, but I meant to talk about something that happened last Wednesday, when I was out running my Mom around to her appointments and whatnot.
So… for anyone who didn’t follow me on Facebook or my old Tumblr, the short version is that my Mom and I have a very long and complicated history. She was not a very good mother, she is a textbook covert narcissist.  She was an alcoholic for many, many years which caused serious and life-altering problems for me as a teenager and young adult, and after she got sober she transitioned to a prescription drug addiction which further deteriorated our already tenuous and fraught relationship, and landed both her and my stepfather in financial ruin.
About a year and a half ago, to help save them from the road to homelessness, we helped them sell their old house and moved them to Bucks County to live about 10 minutes from us, in a mobile home park.  We helped them get it fixed up, we help with maintenance, running errands, etc.  It’s a very cute little house, and although it took some time I think they see that now, and that their lives are better off.
When they first moved up here my mother was still on prescription drugs, but she very quickly found that it was impossible to find a new doctor to continue prescribing her the same pharmaceutical cocktails she wanted.  And boy did she fucking try. She’s already changed doctors at least three or four times since moving here, whipping out her favorite refrain of “I don’t think this doctor knows what they’re talking about!” every time they’re like, “Yeah, you don’t need to be on a steady stream of opiates.”
Eventually the lack of drugs caught up with her, the withdrawal passed, and for the past year or so she and I have actually gotten along okay.  She is still, and always will be, a difficult person, and I worry about whether or not she’ll find a doctor to start filling prescriptions again, but until then things are… okayish.
Anyway, that’s the long back story.
Back when they were still living at their old house, Marc and I would periodically go to visit them.  My Mom was always drugged out of her gourd, so I fucking hated going, but I had to do my duty, and she made every excuse imagineable for why she couldn’t come visit us.  So once a month we’d pack up, trek over to her house, order take-out, hang out for a while, then go back home again.
Except my Mother would do this thing where, after the food arrived, she would put the plates out, and then she would continue to gather plates and reorganize the kitchen while everyone was sitting down, serving themselves and eating.  
Like, the food would be on the table, we’d all be halfway through our meals and well on our way to being done, and my Mom would still be in the kitchen sorting around in the drawers for a mystery spoon or bowl that she needed, then finding it, washing it out, drying it, realizing it was the wrong one, putting it away, etc.
Eventually she would come out while everyone else was finishing up, serve herself a tablespoon of food, eat half, and then talk about how full she was.
For a while we would be like, “Mom… everyone is eating. We have everything we need. We literally don’t need anything else. Just come in and eat,” and she would ignore us.  Eventually I just stopped caring, and let her do her thing while the rest of us ate.  The sooner we finished the sooner we could leave.
I don’t know how else to describe her behavior apart from manic.  Like, when it was time to order, if I asked her for a menu, she would bring me the menu, and for fifteen minutes after I had called to place the order she would still be rooting through the drawers looking for more / other menus.  She would get herself so worked up that sometimes while we were sitting downstairs hanging out she’d have to go up and be sick.
All this just to give you a sense of what she used to be like.
Anyway.  I’m driving her home from an appointment on Wednesday, and she’s commenting how all of us just naturally turn into their mothers as we get older, even though we don’t want to.  In that I stayed dead silent through this observation I think she recognized that I disagreed.  So then she moved on to how different some daughters are from their mothers, especially in the kitchen.
And she said to me, “Like when I cook, I have to clean as I go along, I can’t just put everything in the sink until later.  Remember when you used to come over to eat, and you’d say to me, ‘Mom, come and eat, the food is ready!’ and I’d be so busy cleaning up that I wouldn’t even realize!”
And I’m like, “....”
Because that’s not what happened.  That’s not even fucking remotely what happened.  So she has spun the reality where she is an out-of-control manic drug addict and spun it into a funny story about how she’s such a neat freak that she doesn’t realize it’s time to eat.
I was sorely tempted to correct her, but at the last second realized it wouldn’t make a difference either way.  She is never going to look back on her behavior with any kind of clarity, and trying to force her to do so would just make the day end on a sour note.  If she wants to live in delusion, that’s on her.  I can tolerate it, but I’m certainly not going to feed into it by saying something like, “Yes, that’s precisely how it happened.”
She’ll have to learn to interpret the silence on her own.
Anyway, I guess that’s it.  Greatly looking forward to getting home and having a nice night on the couch, or maybe playing Sims some more.  I may even make some tea.
I hope all of you are doing well <3
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anotherunreadblog · 5 years
Ro/peter for the ship breakdown!!
How did they meet? Ro was in charge of the decathlon booth in Peter’s freshman year when he went to sign up. the drabble is in this ask.
Who developed romantic feelings first? Ro
Who is their biggest “shipper?” Sierra and Ned are tied here.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances? In FFH, it’s a good luck/I believe in you kiss
Who confessed their feelings first? Peter
What was their first official date? idk
How do they feel about double dates/group dates? They’re not against it, but it’s awkward. Like they’d do some with Ned and his s/o, but Ro’s not too good with being all cutesy around others so the “date” part is mostly reduced to a simple group outing.
What do they do in their downtime? Movies nights (they sometimes switch things up with outdoors screening during the summer), scouting locations for Peter to photograph, they help out at May’s shelter, look for ridiculous rumors about Spider-Man and Cipher online, spread some rumors themselves
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
With May it went so smoothly with the inclusion of embarrassing baby stories about Peter.
Peter, on the other hand, was super nervous to meet Ro’s parents, because at that point they know about Ro being Cipher and he’s scared they’ll put 2 and 2 together about him and Spider-Man and hate him (they actually have, but see themselves in the relationship and approve). Ro’s dad goes overboard with the friendly good cop act and her mom does make 3 joking threats, but they clearly like him.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it? This is pre-relationship, but their first fight is over Ned not knowing Cipher’s identity and Peter being tired of lying to him. It gets solved when Ro truly starts trusting Peter (and by extension Ned) for the first time.
Which one is more easily made jealous? Neither really get jealous. Sure, they might have small moments, but they have such a healthy trust in one another it doesn’t really happen often.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat? Anything from Delmar’s is a solid choice.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position? It might surprise some, but Ro is CUDDLY. Not in public, but behind closed doors. She likes laying completely on Peter with her head on his chest, or the other way around. Either way, her hands are 100% playing with his hair.
Are they hand-holders? Yes, Peter usually initiates, but on occassion, Ro will grab his hand pre or post-mission and give it a reassuring squeeze.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’re the circumstances? They take their time getting to the subject. The first time is nerve-racking until Ro makes a lightbulb explode while Peter’s kissing her neck. That breaks the tension and sends them in fits of giggles, it’s cute, clumsy and just so sweet.
What’s the worst fight they’ve ever gotten into? Sometime down the line, after the current canon, Black Cat comes along and Peter would really trust her when she says she wants to be better. Ro would call it out as a lie and her manipulating Peter’s need to see the best in people.
It’d be dramatic. Peter accuses her of being jealous. She’s angry he’d trust a criminal over his long-time crime-fighting partner. That’s when they learn how hard it can be to separate work from their personal relationship.
Who does the shopping and the cooking? Peter takes after May in the cooking department. Ro is standard but makes mean pasta like her dad. Peter does the shopping, but he often forgets. Because of this, they eat a lot of takeout.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness? Ro, for sure.
Who proposes? Peter
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate? Seperate, Jae is in charge of Ro’s Bachelorette and he won’t budge on it.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids? The best man is obviously Ned. The maid of honour is Jae, unless by then she had a friend I haven’t come up with yet. Sierra is also definitely a bridesmaid. And Morgan as the flower girl!!!!!! That’d be adorable.
Big Ceremony or Small? Kinda small, Ro’s family is like her parents and her uncle, then there’s May, some of their close friends who they mostly have in common and that’s pretty much it. It would NOT be open to any and all superheroes they’ve ever worked with, Ro would hate that.  
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  Yes, Ro’s gonna show Peter everything great about Italy (without Spidey business this time around)
Do they have children? How many? Yes, one girl named after May (like Peter and MJ’s daughter in the comics). Ro’s named after her Nana Rosie and her grandma Isabella, so she’s into family names.
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bibliophileiz · 5 years
Veronica Mars Season 1 Rewatch
(Disc 3 in my DVD set because Disc 2 isn't working)
"Drinking the Kool-Aid"
- ok, I know the Moon Calf Collective was supposed to just be a harmless club of hippies, but there is no way it's not creepy for Ms. Mills to be recruiting students to come live on her poinsettia-growing farm in the name of rejecting capitalist culture (as she accepts their money).
- Rain is Cassie from Supernatural
- I forgot about this line: "He joined a cult? What do they worship? Wedgies?"
"An Echolls Family Christmas"
- This is my favorite VMars episode!
- I forgot about Logan's cigar.
- And that he and Duncan wore the same Christmas underwear.
- "I hear about a $5000 card game played by idiots. I'm interested." Gold. As is the following flashback.
- I also forgot about the gross scene where all the guys stand at the window and watch Lynn Echolls jump in the pool.
- THAT SAID Lynn has amazing legs.
- Also, Logan's Rosie Perez story is awful and hilarious.
- Logan is pretty evil -- I don't know if I'll like him as much now as I did in college -- but he's also hysterical. (*deadpan* "Pa rum. Pum pum.")
- Monica Hadwin is The Morrigan from Lost Girl. Basically the same character.
- "Do you even know how to play poker?" "No. But it must be really hard if all you guys play."
- Logan smells like an evil-doer, you guys, pass it on.
- Also, the most fun thing about this episode is watching my mom's Cheshire cat grin get wider the closer we get to Aaron Echolls getting shanked.
"The Silence of the Lamb"
- Actually mayors are for municipalities, and Neptune isn't incorporated (yet!) so it would probably be the president of the board of county supervisors who accompanied Lamb to Keith's office. To be fair, I think they said in Season 2 Woody Goodman was the county supervisor but they CALLED him the mayor. Or something.
- This episode is kind of like how the new season sounds. Serial killer preying on spring break girls, causing the Neptune PTB to get P.I.s involved because the publicity of the murders is scaring away the spring break crowd.
- Also 100 percent my paper would cover a baby-switching lawsuit against the local hospital. (Actually I did cover a malpractice civil trial of a local OBGYN after one of his patients' uterus ruptured during delivery. It made me never ever ever want to get pregnant.)
- "He's waiting on you to throw your panties."
- Baby Mac!
- I love, love, love the scene when they show up at Madison Sinclair's house.
- I used to think Lauren was played by baby Abigail Breslin, but it's actually a different girl.
- "She wouldn't know Monet's Water Lilies unless Revlon named a nail polish after it." I love Mac.
- Deputy Leo is like those young dumb cops whose appeal for their 10-day suspension for posting dick pics on Facebook I spend hours of my life covering.
- Even though this episode is named for the serial killer A-plot, Veronica basically has nothing to do with solving the murder. Which is good, because the fact that she's not working hardcore cases like that this season makes it more impressive when she does solve Lilly's murder at the end.
- Mac's parents (her real parents who raised her) clearly love her.
- I forgot Veronica sends the pictures to Weedman at the end of this one.
"Clash of the Tritons"
- Lamb interrogates high school kids in Clemmons' office the same way he interrogates criminals at the sheriff's office
- Also the Lindberg baby WAS found.
- At 17 for a non-violent felony, would Veronica be charged as an adult?
- I love how Wallace's answer to how he would get a fake ID is that he would ask Veronica.
- Weevil's notes to Lilly are exceptionally stalker-y.
- Why would a high school have a secret society? (I think the show's trying to capture that sweet college fraternity drama.)
- "Hi Dad! Their case is fuzzy and circumstantial."
- No one called middle school "junior high" in 2005.
- The scene between Logan and Ms. James is great.
- "This is a $250 piece of crap. Now I'm not just falsely accused, I'm genuinely offended."
- The Tritons are actually a really dorky club.
- "Hi everybody! Say 'repressed homosexuality!'"
- I forgot Logan threatened to kill his dad.
- Also Rick's reason for framing Veronica comes out of nowhere and is really stupid.
- That bridge is so high, just the thought of someone jumping off it makes me nauseous.
More notes to come! My mom is in town and wants to keep watching it and I have two days of not having to work, so maybe we'll do a marathon.
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sincerelysaoirse · 6 years
All 130 questions 🤓
1. How do you define your sexuality?Queer
2. What pronouns do you use to identify yourself?She/her
3. At what age did you first suspect that you are sexually attracted to other girls?12 years old
4. At what age did you come to terms with your sexuality?Hmm probably 18
5. Did you have an “aha I like girls” moment or was it more of a gradual realization?“Aha I like girls”
6. How did your sexuality make you feel before you came out?Guilty, freaked out
7. How did you become comfortable with your sexuality?Making gay friends
8. At what age did you first come out?16/17 officially. I had been saying it to my mom since I was 12
9. Who was the first person you came out to? How did they take it?I guess my mom but she didn’t take it seriously when I was 12. Then one of my friends when I was 16 and she was.. awkward
10. Do your parents know about your sexuality?Yeah
11. How out are you?Pretty out
12. Do you now identify as something different than when you first came out?Yeah
13. Was anyone surprised when you came out or did people seem to already know?No one was surprised 
14. Has coming out lost you any friends?No
15. How soon after meeting someone do you usually tell them about your sexuality?I feel like I never really tell? They just find out from other people? Idk how anyone finds out 
16. How difficult do you find it to sympathize with straight women?Not very
17. Have you ever wished you were completely straight?No
18. Agree or disagree: Everyone is at least a little bit gay.Agree
19. If you are not a lesbian, about what percentage of the time do you find yourself attracted to other girls?95%
20. Do you think it is possible to be a true 50/50 bisexual, or is the percentage always skewed towards one gender?I think it’s skewed
21. How often do you find yourself trying to sneak a peek or stare at a cute girl?Every fuckin day
22. How accurate is your gaydar?Not accurate at all
23. What is your current relationship status?Single
24. What is the longest relationship you’ve been in? Are you still with that person?I guess two years on and off and no.
25. Do you remember anything about the first time you kissed another girl?It was at a bus stop
26. Are you a virgin? If not, what gender did you lose your virginity to?Yes fml
27. What is your ideal first date?Going for a drink. Or going to the extreme and going around town doing a photo shoot for Instagram 
28. What personality trait are you most attracted to?Funny? Confident? 
29. How flirty are you?Pretty flirty ah
30. Would you ever want to get married, if not already?Yes yes yes
31 Do you want have children someday?Ooh maybe not 
32. Would you ever want to give birth?If I was having children yeah
33. How often are you asked if you have a boyfriend?At least once a week 
34. Have you ever liked or dated a girl with the same name as you?No
35. Have you ever been on your period the same time as a girlfriend?Yeah 
36. Have you and a girlfriend ever been mistaken for sisters?No
37. Have you ever been in a long distance relationship?Yeah
38. Have you ever dated a guy?No
39. Has a girl ever dumped you for a guy? Have you?No and no
40. Has another girl ever hit on you?Yes
41. Have you ever had a crush on a straight girl?Yessss
42. Have you ever had a crush on a woman who’s significantly older than you?No
43. Would you ever date a trans woman?Yes
44. Have you ever had a profile on a LGBT dating website or app?Yes 
45. Where do you think is the best place to meet a potential lover?Ideally like in a bookstore or in some soulmate way on the street. Realistically in a bar
46. Do you consider yourself a hopeless romantic?Yeah
47. Have you ever cut your hair super short? If not, would you ever want to?No and no
48. Is your nose pierced?It had been three times! I keep having to take it out for shows
49. What is your opinion on septum/bull nose piercings?Love em
50. Do you have any tattoos? If so, of what and where?One watercolour abstract one on my ribs
51. How muscular are you?Not very
52. Are you or have you ever been a tomboy?No
53. Have you ever been told that you don’t look gay, or that you’re too pretty to be gay?“Too feminine”
54. Have you ever been mistaken as a dude?No
55. Do you wear skirts and dresses? If so, how often?Yes probably once a week 
56. Do you wear high heels? If so, how often?Probably once a week
57. How much jewelry do you typically wear?None
58. How much makeup do you typically wear?A little bit or full face going out 
59. How often do you wear a bra?All the time except at night
60. How often do you wear flannel?Never
61. Have you ever worn a suit?No
62. Do you wear any shoes such as combat boots, Doc Martins or Timberlands?No
63. Do you carry a purse?No
64. Do you wear any hats such as snapbacks or beanies?No
65. Have you ever worn any men’s clothing?Yes
66. Have you ever dressed in complete drag?No
67. Have you ever shared clothes with a girlfriend?No
68. If you want to get married, do you think you will wear a dress?Yes
69. Who is your favorite LGBT celebrity?Kate McKinnon
70. Have you ever watched The L Word?No
71. Have you ever watched Will & Grace?No
72. Have you ever watched RuPaul’s Drag Race?Yes
73. How well do you feel LGBT women are portrayed on television?Not well tbhh
74. Do you listen to any LGBT musicians (i.e. Tegan & Sara, Melissa Etheridge, Chely Wright, Elton John, Sam smith, George Michael, Adam Lambert)?Troy’s Sivan, Hayley Kiyoko, dodie
75. Do you watch any LGBT YouTubers?Rose and Rosie, Ally Hills, Shane Dawson, dodie, Miles, like all of Buzzfeed lmao
76. Do you have a favorite LGBT themed movie?I guess ‘But I’m a Cheerleader’
77. Do you have a favorite LGBT themed blog or website?Nah
78. Do you read any LGBT magazines?Nah
79. Have you read any LGBT themed literature? If so, do you have any recommendations?Nah
80. Is there such a thing as “good” lesbian porn?Probably not
81. Boobs or butts?Boobs
82. Beer or wine?Wine
83. Ellen or Portia?Ellen
84. How much do you like cats?More than dogs
85. Have you ever been to a gay bar or a gay club?Yes
86. How many LGBT friends do you have?Dozens
87. Do you have any LGBT relatives?Yes one uncle 
88. Have you ever used any words (or variations of) such as lesbian, queer, gay, or homosexual as a password?No
89. How outdoorsy are you?Not very
90. Have you ever driven an SUV, Jeep, or pickup truck?No
91. How many rainbow items do you own?Probably two
92. Have you ever celebrated National Coming Out Day (Oct. 11)?No
93. Have you ever participated in the National Day of Silence?No
94. Have you ever attended a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) type of club?No
95. Have you ever attended a PFLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meeting?No
96. Have you ever attended a gay or lesbian wedding?No
97. Have you ever been part of a softball team?No
98. Do you skateboard or longboard at all?No
99. Do you play any video games?No
100. Muscular women?9
101. Women who wear glasses?10
102. Women who are covered with tattoos?10
103. Women who are covered with piercings?10
104. Curvy/plus-sized women?10
105. Women with short hair?10
106. Highly intelligent women?10
107. Tall women (i.e. around 1.83 meters/6 feet or taller)?10
108. Masculine/butch women?10
109. What does equality mean to you? Everyone being respected and treated according to their rights? Like treating people the way they should be treated
110. Do you consider yourself a feminist?Yes
111. Do you eat meat at all?Yes
112. Are you religious at all?No
113. How do you feel about the terms “woman crush” and “girl crush”?They’re not great
114. How do you feel when platonic female friends refer to each other as girlfriends?No tnx 
115. How do you feel when people use the word gay to mean things such as stupid, dumb, boring, or idiotic?Angry 
116. Are you comfortable with terms such as lezzie, lesbo, dyke, homo, or tranny?No
117. What are your views on gender identity and bathroom use?There should be gender neutral bathrooms everywhere
118. Do you have any opinions on LGBT people in the military?They should be treated the same as everyone else?
119. Have you ever been called a gay slur?No
120. Have you ever been queer bashed?No
121. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sexuality or gender identity? If so, please explain.No
122. Does it really get better?I think so
123. Americans: How did you feel on June 26, 2015?
124. How accepting of LGBT people is the city/community you live in?Pretty accepting
125. Have you ever tried to “pray the gay away”?No
126. How annoyed are you with how heteronormative society is?8/10
127. What LGBT stereotype do you most disagree with?Like all of them idk I’m so tired
128. Is there anything about the LGBT community that you wish you knew before coming out?Nah
129. What advice would you give to a girl who is struggling to figure out her sexuality?Don’t rush yourself to know who you are but be comfortable with where your identity is. And know that it’s okay for things to change. 1000000s of people feel the same as you.
130. What advice would you give to a girl who is struggling to come out?Come out to yourself first. Accept and love yourself. Then go to the next person you know that will love you no matter what. You’re probably better off just saying rather than beating around the bush😎👉
That was so long tnx
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blairwaldcrf · 6 years
Questions For LGBT Ladies #LGBTask
Here are some random questions pertaining to LGBT Ladies. Have others ask you or simply answer them yourself. Please reblog!
((I’m just going to answer them all because I’m bored and very vain))
1. How do you define your sexuality?  I identify with the label of bisexual, but my friends tell me i’m probably more pan
2. At what age did you first realize that you like girls? when I was 12 i freaked out because i noticed that girls in my grade were getting boobs and that made me feel things lmao, but i didn’t hardcore fall for someone till i was 17
3. At what age did you first come out? 17 to all of my friends, coworkers, and one of my cousins, 25 to my (mormon) biological family
4. Who was the first person you came out to? How did they take it? my cousin, who was gay and obviously very supportive... they’re now living a full life as a married transgender woman and inspire me every day! 
5. How out are you?  completely! flaming bi!
6. Has coming out lost you any friends? it did in high school, because most of my friends were mormon, but pretty much all of them came around
7. What is your current relationship status? single, trying to get over my ex fiance? type person
8. How many LGBT friends do you have? lol, um i’m blanking on all of them but i know at least 7 that i talk to frequently
9. Do you have any LGBT relatives? yep! one transgender/poly/pan cousin from my dad’s side... and i’m the gay cousin for my mom’s side lmao
10. Have you ever cut your hair super short? in elementary school my mom gave me the shortest pixie cut ever and everyone thought i was a boy... since then I’ve cut it semi short but never shorter than beside my ears
11. How often do you wear flannel? surprisingly not that often, i only have two flannel shirts
12. How much do you like cats? like at least 60% depending on the cat
13. Do you wear skirts and dresses? If so, how often?  i freaking love wearing dresses, but i hate skirts... dresses are like the least maintenance clothing ever
14. Do you wear high heels? If so, how often?  um no, they’re not my thing
15. Do you have any tattoos? If so, what of and where? yep, a cactus on my ankle
16. How accurate is your gaydar? 90%
17. Have you ever been to a gay bar or a gay club?  yes!!
18.  How do you feel when platonic female friends refer to each other as girlfriends?   fucking annoyed tbh
19. Have you ever had a crush on a straight girl?  hasn’t everyone??
20. Ellen or Portia?  Portia for sure, although i love my girl Ellen
21. Is your nose pierced?  nah
22 Would you ever want to get married, if not already?  i’m a hopeless romantic
23. Will you wear a dress for your wedding?  oooh yes and hopefully my wife will too
24. Would you ever want to give birth?  oh i would love to but i can’t physically
25. Have you ever watched The L Word? lmfao yes i’m a good bi
26. Have you ever dated a guy?  yep, and regretted it 7/10 times
27. How do you feel when someone uses the word gay to mean stupid, dumb, or boring?   obviously annoyed
28. How many rainbow items do you own? umm at least one flag
29. Have you ever been to a pride festival?  yes, i even got to walk in it!
30. Have you ever celebrated National Coming Out Day (October 11)? yes
31. Have you ever participated in the National Day of Silence? yes
32. Have you ever worn a woman’s suit?  hell yeah in middle school lmao
33. Have you ever worn any men’s clothing?  um i mean “men’s clothing” is a subjective term, but like I’ve worn men’s boxers and shit...?
34. Do you eat meat?  i love meat
35. Do you consider yourself a feminist? yep!
36. Who is your favorite LGBT celebrity?  ahhh, um... probably Ellen? Although Adam Rippon is starting to sway me lmao
37. Are you religious at all?  not particularly, although sort of neobuddhist/wiccan
38. How often do you find yourself trying to sneak a peak or staring at a cute female?   15/10 times
39. What is your ideal first date?   like, just any date where i’m with a girl tbh
40. Are you comfortable with terms such as lezzie, lesbo, dyke, or tranny?  sort of okay with lesbo, but the rest are offensive to me
41. How outdoorsy are you?  i fucking love camping and mountains
42. In general, has being open about your sexuality affected your relationships with other females?   yes, some lesbians i’ve dated were super biphobic
43. How much makeup do you typically wear?  in public, plenty. at home, none
44. Have you ever attended a gay or lesbian wedding?  yep!
45. Are you more feminine or more masculine?  i’m genderfluid, but slightly more masculine
46. How long is the longest relationship you’ve been in? Are you still with that person?  5 years, and no
47. Have you and a girlfriend ever been mistaken for sisters?  nope
48. Do you think it is possible for someone to truly be a 50/50 bisexual, or is the percentage always skewed in favor of one gender?   ugh this is literally the fucking worst question. bisexuality is valid no matter the percentage of any gender attraction you bitch muffin
49. Have you ever wished you were completely straight?   no tbh
50. Do you watch any LGBT YouTubers?  Rose and Rosie
51. Do you wear any combat boots, Doc Martins, or Timberlands?  combat boots
52. Have you ever been hit on by another female?   yes it’s an electrifying experience
53. How athletic are you?  i stand up sometimes
54. What are your views on gender identity and bathroom use?  free bathrooms
55. What is your opinion of septum/bull nose piercings?  not my thing
56. What does equality mean to you?  that everyone has an equal chance to achieve the same goal
57. If you are not a lesbian, about what percentage of the time do you find yourself attracted to other females?  99.9%
58. Have you ever shared clothes with a girlfriend?  lol yes it’s the best
59. Have you ever liked or dated a girl with the same name as you?  nah
60. How flirty are you?  pretty flirty, i’m a libra
61. Are you a virgin?  virginity is a construct, but no
62. Do you listen to any LGBT musicians (i.e. Tegan & Sara, Melissa Ehteridge, Chely Wright, Elton John, Sam Smith, George Michael, Adam Lambert)? in highschool me and my exgf would rock to emo tegan & sara
63. Have you ever been told that you are too pretty to be gay?   yep
64. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sexuality or gender identity? If so, please explain.   all the fucking time... i don’t want a threesome, i’m not going to cheat because i’m bi, etc etc
65. Have you ever driven an SUV, Jeep, or a pickup truck?   nah
66. Are you or have you ever been a tomboy?   oooh boy, let me tell you. yes
67. Agree or disagree: Everyone is at least a little bit gay.  ummm, 90%?
68. What personality trait are you most attracted to?  intelligence
69. Boobs or butts?  boobs
70. Beer or wine?   hard liquor
71. Do you have a favorite lesbian movie?   ... it’s still Imagine Me & You... the leads are so god-tier beautiful
72. From 1-10, how attractive are muscular women?  9
73. From 1-10, how attractive are women who wear glasses? this is dumb
74. From 1-10, how attractive are women who are covered with tattoos? 8
75. From 1-10, how attractive are curvy/plus-size women? 9
76. From 1-10, how attractive are women with short hair? 6
77. From 1-10, how attractive are masculine butch women? 4
78. From 1-10, how attractive are highly intelligent women? 10
79. From 1-10, how attractive are tall women (i.e. around 6 feet or taller)? 7
80. Have you ever been on your period the same time as a girlfriend? lol yes
81. Has a girl ever dumped you for a guy? Have you?  i dumped a girl who was cheating on me with a guy
82. Do you carry a purse?  yes?
83. Do you wear any hats such as snapbacks or beanies? yes
84. Have you ever pretended to be completely straight? nope
85. Would you ever date a trans girl? yes!
86. How well do you think LGBT women are portrayed on television? not extremely well, but it’s getting better
87. Have you ever had a crush on a woman who’s much older than you?  Sandra Bullock..
88. Do you have any celebrity crushes? fucking Gal Gadot man
89. Do you have any opinions on LGBT people in the military?  keep them safe and start regulating sexual assault of all military members
90. Do you believe in love at first sight?  no
91. Have you ever been told that you look gay (i.e. like a lesbian)?  occasionally, depending on what i’m wearing
92. Where do you think is the best place to meet a potential lover? fuck if i know
93. Is there such a thing as “good” lesbian porn?  yes... if it’s made by lesbians
94. Have you ever had a one night stand?  lol yes, but not with girls
95. How often do you wear a bra? 91% of the time
96. Have you ever been part of a softball team?  lol no
97. If you could live your life all over again, would you still be attracted to other women?  honestly i’d rather be attracted to only women instead of being bi
98. What stereotype about LGBT women do you disagree with the most?  that bi women don’t belong
99. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to figure out her sexuality?   watch Imagine Me & You
100. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to come out?  it takes time... just let it happen and know that the time will come naturally
@caiterprince and @angryfinnstan  who I know are wlw, you should answer some of these if you want because i love you and want to get to know more!!!
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sinkingorswimming · 7 years
My Boy Builds Coffins (3/? aka Mortician Yuuri and Goth Victor)
“Victor glides into his office thirteen minutes late, Wayfarers on, velvet lapels billowing, and “Friday I’m In Love” sung in a low whisper.
“It’s Wednesday,” calls the bitter and world-weary child intern Yuri Plisetsky. “Also I’m revoking your Goth card.”
“The Cure is technically Goth,” calls his CFO/CPA Chris Giacometti. Chris has a blond undercut and leans more towards jewel tones as he’s firmly a winter. “Though I mean, maybe not that specific song.”
Victor smiles at him as he opens the door to his office. The space is industrial and minimalist save for the decor choices---velvet sofas with sleek lines and an aubergine chandelier commissioned by a hipster artist Victor saw on display in SoHo. 
If Yuri hadn’t interviewed in a suit, Victor wouldn’t have hired him because the lemon-yellow leopard print he sports upends the curated aesthetic.
Georgi, who depending on how well his partnership with ladylove Anya is going, matches or not. When they’re well, he’s more in bright colors and Halsey. When they are having strife, he’s in grays and Lana del Ray. Right now there’s murmurings of Anya wanting to explore romantic anarchy so he’s kind of somewhere in between.
Victor fell into a google and r/relationships hole for two hours to make heads or tails of “romantic anarchy” before he gave up and contemplated suggesting Georgi put them on a break. Call him old fashioned but being an Elder Goth with a lifelong partner and their herd of fabulous poodles sounds much preferable.
The lifelong partner in this fantasy now represented by a stunningly beautiful man with coal-black hair, glasses, and warm eyes the color of a fine piece of cherry wood. Victor wakes up his iMac and blares baroque styled love songs by long-gone cult artists.
“Oh my God,” cries Mila as she comes into the room in all her lipstick-lesbian glory. She’s the rare redhead that works the hell out of pink, choosing to do so today in a dress she got from Mod Cloth on sale and a pair of gold heels. “What did you do? Who is he?”
“He’s named Yuuri,” Victor says with a grin. “He wears mostly black, drives a hearse, and likes Dragon Frappucinos.” His eyes twinkle at her. “Annnnd he’s meeting me for lunnnnchhhhhh. Pookkeeeee bowlllllssss!”
Mila laughs and grins. “Sounds like you should be playing ‘At Last’ instead of...” she trails off as she walks around the desk to look at his Spotify. “’You Are the One’ by Shiny Toy Guns.”
“I contain multitudes,” Victor huffs. “And he is perfect. I want six.”
“Six what?” Mila asks as she unlocks the company iPhone.
Victor gives her a blank look. “Six...Yuuris? One for every day and one for the weekend? Duh.”
Mila sighs and laughs at once. “God. Young love.”
Victor pouts as she exits his office with a chirp of congratulations.
He wants to Postmates bagels and cream cheese or maybe fancy doughnuts because he’s in such high spirits when Chris knocks on his open door. “Got a few?” he asks. He’s wearing his glasses today, round metal frames akin to John Lennon that are both chic and outdated, a warm emerald shirt showing off his wushu and pilates toned chest, and a pair of dark jeans. 
It’s fairly casual at Living Legend Enterprises. Victor is only so formally attired because of the chance to see Yuuri again. Generally he lets them wear whatever, he doesn’t care as long as they aren’t unwashed or overly sloppy. 
Yuri mentioned possibly dying streaks in his hair, and Victor cheerfully said for him to go for it. He only cares if it’s ugly.
“Yes, Chris,” Victor says. He lowers the volume of his music.
“Well,” Chris says. “I’m reviewing our budget, end of the fiscal year thing. And...I think it’s okay to bring one another full timer on board. That deal with the wineries in Napa is gonna help us out for a long time, and we can handle the overhead without much risk.”
Victor smiles. “Amazing! Get with Mila for the ad.”
“Of course,” Chris replies. He winks, his glasses making it cute but also roguish. “We’ll run the finer points by you for qualifications.”
“Since they’re a second Georgi, just follow his,” Victor says. “It’s neater.”
“Makes sense,” Chris says with a nod.
“Let me know when we have viable applicants, so the three of us can kvetch over who to interview,” Victor says. “No LinkedIns without photos. I mean it.”
Chris gives him a saucy face as he exits.
Victor gets approximately 100% jack shit accomplished. He’s too busy mooning over Yuuri’s beautiful face, his slighty soft round cheeks, the flecks of amber in his brown eyes, the careful messiness of his hair. He’s so cute and perfect. Victor can’t wait for lunch.
Fortunately, at 1:09 Yuri comes in unannounced. “Ugh, there’s some square here in a suit with my name, says he’s picking you up for some kind of dorky bs.”
“It’s lunch, Yuri,” Victor says as he rockets out of his seat. He fixes himself in the full length black framed mirror. Ah yes. 10/10 would date, heckin’ handsome.
“Whatever,” Yuri grumbles. “The guy is a pocket protector and a math book short of being shaken down for his lunch money.”
“Does that still happen?” Victor wonders.
“Nah, it’s a lot worse and meaner, too,” Yuri responds. “Regardless, that geek you ordered from Amazon Now has arrived.”
Victor rolls his eyes. When he enters the lounge, he sees Yuuri perched on the midnight blue velvet chaise thumbing through Nylon on the iPad. His suit jacket rests over the arm, and his dress shirt’s sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. His forearms are nicely toned. His light blue tie is horrendous. “Hiii,” Victor coos.
Yuuri looks up and adjusts his glasses. He’s cute, rosy cheeked and with a bashful smile. “Hi, Victor. Ready?”
“Born ready,” Victor says. 
Yuuri flushes deeper and clears his throat. “Walk or drive?”
Victor spots that Yuuri managed to get rock star parking. The cafe is a half a block. “Walk,” he says though he longs to ride in that fabulous hearse. It’s not fair for Yuuri to lose prime parking real estate. Victor takes the jacket and hangs it in their black wardrobe. He reaches out and takes Yuuri’s hand in his. 
“Come with me,” he says with a bright smile.
Yuuri hesitates but lets Victor escort him down the sidewalk to The Ramen Bar. It’s crowded but not so bad they can’t manage the wait, and when they get a  table, Victor orders a Boozy Boba for himself. Yuuri gets a Lychee Oolong tea with rosewater jelly. 
“Do you not drink?” Victor asks. He’s curious, not picking.
“Not during the work day,” Yuuri replies as he sips his tea. He swirls the straw around clockwise five times. “I don’t want to risk forfeiture or suspension of my license.”
“License,” Victor muses. His index finger touches his lips. “Sales? Insurance? Cosmetology?”
Yuuri bites his lip, and Victor wants to do the same, tug on the plush pink skin  with his teeth while he wrecks Yuuri’s hair and shirt collar. “Um, well...my family has a funeral home. It’s been ours since my grandparents immigrated here. My father owns it now that they’ve passed, and my sister and I will be the joint owners when he retires with our mom.”
Oh. Oh wow. Victor’s more in love than he has been his entire life ignoring the first moment NorCal Poodle Rescue introduced him to a puffy brown puppy he now calls Makkachin. 
Makka gets his ears dyed pink or purple every time Victor has him groomed.
“That’s so amazing!” Victor exclaims. “What a cool line of work. I’m so intrigued.”
Yuuri stares at Victor as if he’s never been told anything like that in his life. Actually, it’s more like he’s staring as if Victor just informed him he’s suffering from upside-down face disorder. 
“Really?” Yuuri squeaks.
They order their food---Victor gets the poke trio bowl, Yuuri the octopus by itself. It’s far too warm for ramen or anything hot to eat. 
“Yes! I’ve always found funerals calming. There’s something soothing about them, especially the religious ones. Like Catholic funerals with all the Latin rites. I don’t know. I don’t want people to die---” Victor is careful to clarify. “But the actual ritual of grief and letting go...I find it quite lovely.”
Yuuri keeps staring, eyes wide and bright like a startled cat. He cracks the knuckles on his index fingers. Yuuri fidgets a lot, Victor notes. He also looks at Victor when he thinks he won’t notice, and turns his eyes away when he’s caught. It’s cute, like he’s a schoolboy with his first crush. At least, Victor hopes.
Victor rests his chin on his right hand. He unabashedly stares at Yuuri, his eyes focused on him intently to catch every movement. Yuuri avoids his gaze as he licks his lips, his cheeks staining like someone brushed a wash of red watercolors over his skin. Victor watches him run his hand through his hair, though it just falls back how it was, and he swallows as he meets Victor’s eyes.
Their food arrives and before Victor can break the silence, Yuuri breaks apart his chopsticks and digs in. He’s elegant and careful when he eats, Victor notes. Almost meticulous, but then his occupation requires attention to a lot of fine detail. Why should his eating habits be different? 
Victor can’t help but wonder if it extends to sex. He really wants to know, he thinks as he breaks apart his own chopsticks and selects a piece of tuna for his first bite. 
Yuuri washes down his food with a sip of the tea. “Um---” he starts. “Well. No one’s ever...people tend to not care for my work.”
“Narrow minded simpletons,” Victor responds without looking up. He can feel Yuuri’s eyes on his face as he combs through his bowl for the next morsel.
“And...you’re right,” Yuuri says. “Funerals are supposed to reassure the ones you leave behind. They’re supposed to enable you to say goodbye, let go, and move on. Sometimes when someone comes to us, like a wife grieving a husband of fifty years, they have a really hard time. They can’t make choices or even fully grasp the situation. It’s my job to help them make sense of it and voice their love out loud one last time.”
Victor looks at him. “That’s beautiful,” he replies.
Yuuri smiles, though his lips are closed. It’s sweet without being sickening, and Victor gives him an expression that amounts to a heart eyes emoji.
They finish their food, and with a refill in a to-go cup for Yuuri and a new non-boozy drink for Victor, he pays their bill. They stroll back to the office, and Victor halfway reaches down and entwines their fingers.
Yuuri chokes on his drink, stumbling, and almost taking them both down hard on the pavement. Victor manages to save the day as he tugs him back, but Yuuri lands half clutching Victor’s blazer. He blinks up at him and Victor’s blue eyes widen a bit in awe as they stare at each other. 
Yuuri blushes again and Victor can’t stop, won’t stop, as he kisses him just a centimeter away from his lips. Yuuri gasps. “Oh.”
Victor pulls away. “Please,” he says. “May I have dinner with you soon? Somewhere with white tablecloths and----”
“Yes!” Yuuri blurts. He coughs. “Um. Yes.”
Victor is pleased. Victor is so pleased that right outside his office he pulls Yuuri close a second time and after wrapping his hands in his hair, he kisses him for at least ten minutes by his estimation. Yuuri kisses back with skill and equal amounts of affection, his hands clinging tight to Victor’s biceps like he thinks he’ll become a bat and fly away.
God Victor loves bats.
What Victor does not love is his entire staff cat-calling them and pounding on the glass windows of their office front. He actually didn’t even know Mila’s voice could pitch that high, and of particular note in terms of obnoxiousness is Georgi blaring “Young and Beautiful” from Yuri’s desk.
Yuuri breaks the kiss and hides as best he can behind the recycling bin a few feet away. Victor glares at his staff, sending them scurrying away like roaches. He pulls Yuuri out of the not-subtle hiding place and walks him inside to get his blazer. He puts it on him, Yuuri holding out his arms after a moment’s confusion, and Victor may or may not get a bit frisky with his (strong, corpse-lifting) shoulders.
Yuuri faces him and he hands Victor a white business card with an austere typeset. “Here.”
It’s his card with his information, like Victor gave the day before.
Yuuri runs his hand through his hair. “Um...call me. Whenever. I’ll go to dinner.”
He bites his bottom lip and exits, though when he pushes the door open he turns, opens his mouth, and closes it. Victor watches him go to the point where he sees the hearse disappear into the rest of the FiDi.
He looks at the card and grins.
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damonsbitchx · 7 years
all the ones you really want someone to ask you from the ask list
 I just decided to do most of them because I was bored and lonely, but I couldn’t sleep. Thank you for your ask though!
If you want to learn some neat stuff about me lol here you go!
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - I am a bit of both. Nowadays I’m more outgoing than shy. It use to be the opposite.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - I would absolutely love to meet my tumblr peeps some day! @whovianextrodinare @samsgirly66 @rosie-winchester @abbirae99 @jared-padaloveme and a bunch more.
4. Are you easy to get along with? - Haha it depends on who you ask. In general, I can easily get along with just about anybody. If you’re nice to me, I’ll be nice to you, that’s how it works.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - Nope, nope, not even a little.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - Jared Padalecki, what kind of question is this? lol11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - It’s a recipe for cheesecake cookie sandwiches lol
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? - Hell no, I have naturally very curly hair and if you so much as run one finger through the curl it will separate and frizz and it’s just a disaster.
19. Do you like bubble baths? - Not particularly. Bubbles = Fucking spheres of happiness floating through the air  Baths = Weird and gross, you sit in the same water for however long and then your fingers and toes get wrinkly and I just don’t like it.
20. Do you like your neighbors? - Nope22. Where would you like to travel? - I would love to travel to many places. Probably anywhere besides Australia because I’m a giant baby. I’m sorry for not wanting to get killed by one of the many giant scary bastards that live there.
23. Do you have trust issues? - Why yes, I do.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - My alone time before bed is my favorite part of my day.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? - Yes, it is. Maybe I should post a picture.
33. Spell your name with your chin. -katgbnefkj \\\\\\\ I thought I was better than this, apparently not.36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - Yes, of course I have. Who hasn’t?
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - Nothing, silence isn’t usually awkward for me. If it does get awkward I play it off with a question.40. What do you want to do after high school? - I’m going on a road trip and then I’m moving to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - I believe that everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves, but not everyone deserves a second one.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - It usually means I’m upset or tired. 
43. Do you smile at strangers? - Yes, all the time! They don’t always smile back, but that’s okay, I will break them one day.
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Oh, the bottom of the ocean ALL THE WAY. You don’t even know how much I fucking love the ocean and all the sea creatures. I would kill to be able to explore the entirety of the ocean.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - A lot of things make me get out of bed. Some of the most important reasons I get out of bed are 
-I have people to prove wrong
-I have to always keep fighting
-Shit isn’t going to do itself.
-My dog will be sad
46. What are you paranoid about? - Mostly just annoying people so much to the point that they leave. 
47. Have you ever been high? - On hospital drugs, yeah. 
48. Have you ever been drunk? - I have not.
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - If I have, I can’t remember.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - Black
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - Yeah, many times.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?53. Favourite makeup brand? - Guess who doesn’t wear makeupppppp :D
56. Favourite colour? - My favorite color is green, no specific shade. I like most of them.
57. Favourite food? - I like most fruit lol 
58. Last thing you ate? - I ate crushed ice and a chocolate chip cookie :D
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - I did, I won my first in hand horse showmanship competition May of last year.63. Ever been in love? - I have been in love, just not with any person. Most people are a waste of time, unfortunately.66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - It’s a bit harsh to say, but yes, I do. They’re a lot more understanding and accepting and willing to listen.69. Are you watching tv right now? - Yes, I am.
70. Names of your bestfriends? - Esther ( @whovianextrodinare ), Alia, and Samantha.
71. Craving something? What? - I am craving acting in this moment. I want to act.
72. What colour are your towels? - Many different colors to be honest. No green ones though, unfortunately.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - I currently have seven on my bed haha.
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - No, I sleep with real animals.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - I have one.
75. Favourite animal? - My favorite animals are horses, dogs, cats, and frogs. I can’t choose between them.
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? - Chocolate
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? I like the one with coffee and almonds
81. Favourite tv show? - Supernatural, obviously. :D
82. Favourite movie? - Finding Nemo
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - *gasps* Heyyyyyyy, look at that! My favorite character is obviously Dory, Squirt is my close runner up though.
87. First person you talked to today? - I talked to Rose ( @rosie-winchester ) first thing today.
88. Last person you talked to today? - Last person I talked to was my soulmate ( @whovianextrodinare )
89. Name a person you hate? - This guy called Billy from church.
90. Name a person you love? - I could name so many. I love Rose ( @rosie-winchester ), Esther ( @whovianextrodinare ), Mikaylah ( @samsgirly66 ), literally all of my followers. I also love my mom, my dad, and my friends in real life. I love everyone.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - Yeah, there are a few people I would punch in the face if I was given the chance.
92. In a fight with someone? - No, I don’t like to fight and when I get into an argument I want to make sure and solve it quickly so I don’t lose sleep over it.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - I have around 5 pairs haha.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - I have at least 7 all together, 3 are hoodies.
95. Last movie you watched? - The second Harry Potter movie.
96. Favourite actress? - I’d say my favorite actress is Emma Watson.
97. Favourite actor? - Jared Padalecki is my favorite.
98. Do you tan a lot? - Well I’m naturally pretty tan compared to many people, so no.
99. Have any pets? - Yes, I have two dogs.
100. How are you feeling? - I’m feeling kind of lonely and tired at the moment, but I can’t close my eyes.
101. Do you type fast? - Yeah, I type pretty fast.
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - I have many regrets, probably too many considering I’m not even a full blown adult yet.
103. Can you spell well? - This question confuses me..... oh well.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - I don’t miss any people from my past.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - No, but I would absolutely love to go to one.
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - Yes, I have.
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - Yeah
108. What should you be doing? - I should be sleeping
109. Is something irritating you right now? - Yeah, I am irritating me. The voice inside my head that is ultimately me.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - Yes, Jared Padalecki.
111. Do you have trust issues? - Well, yeah, especially now that this is the second time this question has popped up. Will there be a third? No one knows.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - I don’t remember, I don’t usually cry in front of people. 
113. What was your childhood nickname? - Honey bunny was what my Grandma called me.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - Nope, unfortunately.
115. Do you play the Wii? - I did, but we got a WiiU so..
116. Are you listening to music right now? - Surprisingly, no.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? - I actually don’t.
118. Do you like Chinese food? - Yeah, most of it. 
119. Favourite book? The Fault In Our Stars
120. Are you afraid of the dark? - No, I’m not.
121. Are you mean? - I can be when I want to be.
122. Is cheating ever okay? - No, cheating is never okay and it never benefits you in the end. 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - I don’t buy white things because I’m a mess and white things don’t stay white for long.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - No, I believe in crush at first sight, but I think you have to know a little bit about someone before you can decide if you love them. 
125. Do you believe in true love? - All love is true love, some people just put it in the wrong place over and over until it finally clicks one day.
126. Are you currently bored? - Not really, I’m answering these questions just to keep it that way.
127. What makes you happy? - I could write a book about the things that make me happy, but I suppose a list will have to do.
-My tumblr fam
-Entertaining people
-Helping people
(Honestly, wife me.)
128. Would you change your name? - No, I quite like my name.
129. What your zodiac sign? - Sagittarius
130. Do you like subway? - If you mean the sandwich place, it’s not my favorite.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - I wouldn’t let it go anywhere. Made that mistake already.
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - I don’t remember, it was probably me if we’re being honest here.
133. Favourite lyrics right now? Unsteady - X Ambassadors 
Hold on 
Hold onto me
Cause I’m a little unsteady
A little unsteady
134. Can you count to one million? - Why yes, I can indeed.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? - I told someone I loved them just because they would always say it to me and make me feel guilty when I didn’t say it back. That was pretty dumb.
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - Closed
137. How tall are you? - I’m 5′3 and 2/3
138. Curly or Straight hair? - Very curly
139. Brunette or Blonde? - I’m a brunette
140. Summer or Winter? - I prefer Winter.
141. Night or Day? - Nighttime is nicer. It’s quieter and there’s less of a chance of having to deal with people.
142. Favourite month? - My favorite month is November.
143. Are you a vegetarian? - No, but I feel borderline, honestly.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? - White chocolate is my favorite, I wonder if they make it lactose free though. I also wonder, if they do, how good it is.
145. Tea or Coffee? - I like coffee, but it’s not good for anxiety, so I prefer tea.
146. Was today a good day? - Today wasn’t the best day, but it wasn’t the worst.
147. Mars or Snickers? - I like Mars because I just don’t like the soft + crunchy texture. You can either be soft or crunchy, no inbetween.
148. What’s your favourite quote? - My favorite quote is “If you can’t be kind, be quiet.” ~Unknown
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - Yes, I do.
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y0ung-and-l0aded · 7 years
1-100 ;)
1. What is you middle name? Ew. Jiandong. It’s Chinese and I don’t even know how to pronounce it tbh2. How old are you? 223. When is your birthday? March 14, 19954. What is your zodiac sign? Pisces5. What is your favorite color? Green6. What’s your lucky number? 147. Do you have any pets? Ye. I have a cat of my own, her name is Stella, and my family has two dogs - Rosie and Tilly. Tilly is my everything8. Where are you from? China, but I grew up in upstate New York9. How tall are you? 4′11″ RIP me10. What shoe size are you? 4 kids11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 812. What was your last dream about? Honestly I had a nightmare and all I remember about it was that it involved the Great British Baking Show, specifically Nadiya from season 613. What talents do you have? I can play the piano, but idk if it’s much of a talent14. Are you psychic in any way? Lol no15. Favorite song? I HAVE MORE THAN ONE. All time favorite - “We Are Young” Glee cast version. Close second all time favorite - “Decoration Day” by the Drive-By Truckers. And then a one of my other favorites is “High Hopes” by Kodaline16. Favorite movie? The Shining and also I recently watched Train to Busan and that’s deff one of my faves17. Who would be your ideal partner? Someone I’m in love with, can see myself spending the rest of my life with, trust, have fun with. All that good stuff18. Do you want children? Yesss19. Do you want a church wedding? Yes and no, but honestly I’m pretty indifferent about it20. Are you religious? Lol nah21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes. I was inpatient three times, had to go for a day another time, and had an overnight and those were for mental health issues. When I was younger I went a few times bc I had a tic disorder and had to get these weird brain tests done. I also have scoliosis so have been a few times for that. And then when I started testosterone I went every week to get my shot until I learned how to do it myself lol. And recently I went for a consultation for top surgery!22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Kind of. It was a complicated situation23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Yes24. Baths or showers? Showers25. What color socks are you wearing? Black. One with a grey stripe and one with a red stripe26. Have you ever been famous? LOL NO27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? Not a big one. I’d like to get a bit more popular on YouTube, but my ultimate goal is 1000 subs, so just a mediocre celebrity lol28. What type of music do you like? EDM/electronic instrumental and tropical house29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? I was in a lake when my friends skinny dipped, but I didn’t myself30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 0-2, depending on the night31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my right side32. How big is your house? I don’t even have a house lol, I have a studio apartment and it’s v small33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I usually don’t have breakfast34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yeah it was really cool tbh35. Have you ever tried archery? Yep. I sucked haha36. Favorite clean word? Porkchop37. Favorite swear word? I don’t have a favorite, but I say shit and fuck the most 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 44 hours, that was actually a couple weeks ago39. Do you have any scars? Yes40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Who knows, that’s why they’re called secret admirers 41. Are you a good liar? I guess I can be idrk42. Are you a good judge of character? I’d like to think so43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Yes, I can do a British accent but I have never done it for someone44. Do you have a strong accent? Not to me and compared to the people around me, but I’m sure I do to someone else in the world45. What is your favorite accent? BRITISH 46. What is your personality type? ISFJ-T47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? LOL I have no idea, I probably paid $30 dollars for a sweatshirt at some point in my life48. Can you curl your tongue? Nope49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie50. Left or right handed? Right51. Are you scared of spiders? FUCK YES52. Favorite food? Mashed potatoes but I have recently been obsessed with frozen key lime pie. And I really like pork fried dumplings53. Favorite foreign food? Chinese hands down54. Are you a clean or messy person? Both but overall more clean than messy55. Most used phrased? I say what the frick a lot usually when I play video games56. Most used word? Recently it’s been dude57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Ready for what? In the morning like getting ready for work not long, maybe ten minutes58. Do you have much of an ego? Not at all59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck then bite60. Do you talk to yourself? Yes61. Do you sing to yourself? I sing in the car to music I turn all the way up62. Are you a good singer? I can match pitch but I wouldn’t say I’m good63. Biggest fear? Being burnt alive64. Are you a gossip? Not really65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Train to Busan (I think that can be classified as drama)66. Do you like long or short hair? Short hair on me. I’ve found I’m attracted to girls with long hair and guys with short hair67. Can you name all 50 states of America? If I thought about it and wrote them out, probably68. Favorite school subject? Music and if you don’t count that then Englsih69. Extrovert or introvert? Introvert 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? No71. What makes you nervous? Social situations72. Are you scared of the dark? Not really73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Not really. It’s a downfall74. Are you ticklish? No75. Have you ever started a rumor? Never76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Not authority per se, but I’ve been in a position of leadership a couple times77. Have you ever drank underage? Yeah lol78. Have you ever done drugs? I smoke weed if you count that and I accidentally did molly one time79. Who was your first real crush? This girl Megan I went to elementary school with. When we were in eighth grade I realized that I was totally in love with her (if that’s what it even was in eighth grade, but that’s what I thought at the time) and that’s when I realized I was into girls haha80. How many piercings do you have? One81. Can you roll your Rs? Nope82. How fast can you type? Very, very fast83. How fast can you run? I used to be able to run really fast. I was a sprinter in high school for the track team. I could probably still sprint really fast but I’d be near to death after it84. What color is your hair? Black85. What color is your eyes? They is brown86. What are you allergic to? Cats, lanolin (it’s in sheep’s wool and some lotions), nickel and cobalt, and eggs but I still eat them bc it’s pretty minor87. Do you keep a journal? Yes. But I haven’t written in it for at least a year probably88. What do your parents do? My mom is a third grade teacher and my dad does some political science thing or something or other for the NYS government89. Do you like your age? I guess? I wouldn’t mind being a couple years older tbh but 22 isn’t bad90. What makes you angry? When people lie to me91. Do you like your own name? Ye92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? I want to name my son Price if I ever have one, and I have’t really thought of girls names93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Both 94. What are you strengths? I don’t think of myself having strengths 95. What are your weaknesses? I’m too dependent on people96. How did you get your name? I chose it lol97. Were your ancestors royalty? I don’t know anything about my family history due to being adopted98. Do you have any scars? Yes, but not any new ones since question 3999. Color of your bedspread? Blue100. Color of your room? The walls are like tan/beige
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originalzinn · 7 years
every. single. one.
Jfc okay let’s do this
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?
1. this is bad 2. how many drinks did i have
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
Dating! Seeing him in about two months
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?
Depends on what kind of drugs?
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
Mmm...kind of. Inevitably, no, because I don’t think I could’ve done anything about the situation.
7. What does your last received text say?
“You almost here?”
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
Uh.......I don’t remember? Many times lol
9. Where was your last kiss at?
OKC Airport
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?
Don’t have a sister
11. What do you drink in the morning?
Usually water, lately coffee though because I’m starting to become dependent on it to wake up (which is bad)
12. Where did you sleep last night?
My bed :)
13. Do you think relationships are hard?
Parts of them are hard, other parts are easy. Overall, I’d say they’re more difficult than being single?
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?
Nope! I don’t think so
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
Oh man. I love both. If it’s summer/spring, rainy. If it’s fall/winter, sunny. Ugh Idk though, I love rainy days. If it’s rainy, it has to be raining for like several days straight with thunder and everything. Otherwise I just get anxiety about my rainy lazy day ending and forcing me to feel bad about being unproductive. I think about this a lot.
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?
Probably, but none that I’m aware of
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
I have literally no idea. I’ll probably be in grad school, so I’m guessing no, but it could be either.
20. Does anyone like you?
god, I hope so
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
lol yeS
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?
God I hope not (no)
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
YES. There’s like 2-3 of them
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
Yes! I have 2 artists I really want to get tattoos from, probably on my forearm and inside of my bicep.
25. In the past week have you cried?
26. What breed was the last dog you saw?
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
Yes his name was Josh and he also played the saxophone and he was my first kiss 🤔 That was a weird choice
29. Do you think you’re old?
nO, I feel old sometimes, but I’m not
30. Do you like text messaging?
Yes, for quick communication, but I don’t really like holding a conversation via text if it’s with someone I’m just getting to know
31. What type of day are you having?
It’s been okay! Too much work for a Friday imo, but I got a lot done. I was in class from 7:30-2:00 w/ 2 short breaks and then I went to tutoring for igmet and then studied for 2 hours, ate dinner, practiced mello for like an hour and a half, and then saw an opera because my friends were playing in the pit. Now I’m going to bed 😊
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
My nose is definitely pierced haha. So yes.
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Depends on my mood, but I think warm. I haaaate being cold and I get cold easily. Growing up in Nevada and then marching drum corps has accustomed me to heat.
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
Yeah, many people.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
Relationship, I think. I get too emotionally attached for flings.
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
??????????we’re all p complicated?? too deep 4 me
37. What song are you listening to?
Blacks by Dawn Golden and Rosy Cross
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?
Yes! I’m stubborn as fuck so I usually mean it if I apologize
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
He’s easygoing but really caring and loving
41. When did you last receive a text message?
42. What is wrong with you right now?
I’m not doing well enough at the things I need to do well at? I haven’t been studying enough, haven’t gotten my mello part down, haven’t contacted my old job about actually paying me
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
Very well!
44. Does anyone disgust you?
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
46. Are you in a good mood right now?
I’m feeling pretty neutral
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
Trevor! 📯 Or...I guess Matt bc I said good job to him when I was leaving the opera but Trevor was the last person I had a conversation with
48. What color shirt are you wearing?
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?
Yes! I have a rehearsal scheduled for the night before a really tough exam
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
Yeah, kind of. Also people I’ve already given up on.
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
God, no. Really positive feelings towards him.
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
Lol no. I’ll cut people off if I need to.
53. Do you like rain?
YES I love it
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
Hell no, let’s get drunk together
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
Of course?
56. Do you like to cuddle?
57. Are you shy?
Depends on the atmosphere, people I’m with. Generally, yeah.
58. Do you get along with girls?
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
60. What do you carry with you at all times?
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
Yes, if I could bring a friend.
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
Already have!
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
Yeah 😎
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
Um. Honestly, not really into it. Once in a while, yeah, it’s cute. But if it’s like multiple times in one night, I feel like I’m just chillin with my grandma or something. Idk it’s more of a familial gesture to me, but I guess it can be cute.
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
Nah, not really. I may have seen a cute cat video.
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
They’re currently 20, 25, ???noidea?
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?  
Do em myself! I used to do nail art and I was p good at it.  
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
Yep, a University of Aberdeen sticker and a SCV sticker
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?   
Yikes neither 
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
I can’t remember 🤔
73. Do you like diet soda?    
Nope, I don’t really like soda at all
74. What color are the walls in your room?    
At school, white. At home, yellow
75. Are you 16 or older?    
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
77. Do you have a job?    
Technically, yes, but I haven’t worked there or gotten hours since October
78. What are your initials?    
Too personal :0
79. Did you ever have braces?    
Yes and I need to wear my retainers!
80. Are you from the south?    
Thank god no
81. What does your last status on facebook say?    
I love rehearsal runs of clowns; there's nothing like hearing the opening chords of clowns while performing it solely for your Vanguard family. Thank you for such a special week, Santa Clara Vanguard!
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
Probably my mom?
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
I did gymnastics VERY briefly when I was really young
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    
I think it was La La Land?
86. Do you smoke?    
Cigarettes, no, weed, occasionally 
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
88. Is your phone touch screen?    
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
Curly! More like wavy. I just wash it and go
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
Hmmm...I think lakes are kinda fun! Idk swimming at Tahoe was a lot of fun. It’s like swimming in the ocean except less scary
92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
Yes :0
93. …Had sex in a car?    
94. Are you single or in a relationship?   
In a relationship 
95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
Either getting ready for bed or reading a chapter for my geowriting class
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    
Nov 5, 2015 I think. 
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
Yeah, it does a good job
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?
Nope, I don’t think I could do that    
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
Nope! I’ve passed out while drinking, but that was like one drink in and it was because I was just really really tired. It was also at my own birthday party haha
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? 
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?   
102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    
103. Do you have any tan lines right now?  
Not really, I have leftover tan lines from this summer though!  
104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?
Only if I were like...going two stepping in Texas in the summer. Otherwise, no. 
ALSO this person messaged me and added 105. post a selfie but I’m in bed so I’ll post an old one from Christmas :)
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this-lioness · 5 years
Feeling a little overwhelmed.
The kitchen cabinet doors still need to be done.  This is taking a lot of time because they have to dry pretty thoroughly between each coat, and each one needs 3 coats + a light touch-up.  Then we still have to do the edges. This is not helped by the fact that Marc didn’t sand the primer coat before he started painting the first side (which was supposed to be the “front” of the doors), meaning that with each coat of paint on top all the goopy drips and imperfections became more and more obvious.  So now I’m going super slow on the other side so that it will be nice enough to be the display side.  I’m not mad I’m just disappointed.
We have a gala coming up in two weeks, and I still haven’t sat down to design / paint the mask I’m supposed to use, nor put together any of the little details. We are doing a 5k in a couple more weeks that we are only now starting to “train” for.  I’m less stressed about this than it sounds, but it’s still frustrating.
Both of my parents have birthdays coming up, and an anniversary.  And my stepfather really wants to get back out to the lake in time to see the colors in what he personally considers “prime time”, and I don’t know what the fuck he’s really looking for, because yesterday everything looked beautiful to me? And if I take him too soon he’s going to be disappointed, but if I take him too late he’s also going to be disappointed, and my mother is just 100% disappointed with everything 100% of the time.
Marc asked me about five times what I was planning on doing for my Halloween costume until I was finally like, “I’m just going to wear the “candy witch” costume I have up in the closet.  And I think he’s disappointed, because he loves Halloween (so do I!) but I just do not have the bandwidth to come up with and assemble a costume this year, just to stand around and hand out candy to kids, and also it’s going to rain on Halloween. I sense he’s disappointed that I’m not as “into it” as in previous years.
I am excited for the holidays, but can I just express how much I hate the huge pile of empty decor boxes that sits behind the couch for 3+ months until they’re all over?  I fucking hate living around the clutter of holiday decorations PLUS the clutter of the boxes that the decorations are stored in.
We also still haven’t done the photo for our Christmas card this year, and we need to get on that SOON.  Not only does the photo need to be staged, but we need to be sure we have our outfits, and then there is a LOT of digital editing that needs to be done afterwards.  Like a good couple hours, at least.
I also have 4+ design commissions that I haven’t even STARTED on!  And I’m running out of things to tell these people that aren’t, “I PHYSICALLY CANNOT.”
Oh hi, Thanksgiving is also coming up.  His Mom will be coming over the night before, and my mother is pretty much only able to eat liquids and gruel, and then afterwards we like to be “those people” and go out for Black Friday.  I NEED to have the kitchen done before all this.
Because the kitchen and dining room is complete fucking disarray I have not been able to clean the house!  And a messy house is a huge, huge stressor for me.  I was going to try to do laundry yesterday, but the guy was doing the furnace, and so clearly I couldn’t occupy the same space. I am thinking of skipping the gym tonight just so I can put a dent in the huge pile that is accumulating in the bedroom.
Marc has not paired socks in like three weeks?  Despite the fact that he knows this must be done regularly, like every time I do the laundry? But it just keeps piling up and piling up and piling up, and no matter how many times I’m like, “SOCKS????”, he’s just like, “Well, I didn’t know where you put them!” (1. They are in the same place they always are and even if they weren’t   2. You could ask) or the excuse is, “I didn’t know they needed to be done, you should have put them where I can see them? (1.  You are a grown ass man who wears socks EVERY SINGLE DAY AND WE HAVE BEEN MARRIED FOR ALMOST FOURTEEN YEARS. YOU ARE FULLY AWARE THAT SOCKS MUST BE PAIRED AND THAT IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.   2. Last time I put the overflowing box of unpaired socks immediately onto your side of the bed, and you MOVED IT TO THE FLOOR AND BLISSFULLY CONTINUED LIVING A LIFE OF UNPAIRED SOCKS.)
We also have THREE events coming up: an author expo, a Christmas craft fair, and A SECOND Christmas craft fair.  The summer fair at the cemetery was SO GREAT because people bought a ton of stuff, but this means that I need to rebuild my inventory.  And “rebuilding my inventory” isn’t just hopping online and buying shit!  I need to design it, and craft it, and then finish it, and do I have enough materials on hand to do it all?
The garden still has not been put to bed for the year, and I don’t know when the hell we’re going to have the perfect combination of time and weather!
Also, I still have two fucking bags of clothes that I need to stage and photograph so I can post it online!
And I haven’t even S T A R T E D photographing my own jewelry to create an online store!  Nor do I have any idea when I’m going to have the time to do it!
Also, I would like to be able to draw and paint!
Also, I was supposed to write 10k words in September, and I didn’t fucking write ANY, because how??? Even if I can work up the momentum to finish this goddamned book, when the fuck am I supposed to do it?
And Rosie is getting fixed at the end of this month, and Bones needs to go back to the vet for bloodwork next month to make sure his kidneys aren’t failing and he hasn’t lost any more weight.
So yesterday, on the way home from the gym, when I’m like, “I cancelled the second Christmas fair, the one at the school. It’s just too much for me,” and he’s like, “It’s too much? Are you kidding?”
And I swear to God... I swear to God I would take a bullet for this man, I would literally murder people for this man, and he has my whole heart, but I may have never wanted to fucking strangle him so much as I did right then.
JESUS EFFING CHRIST DUDE.  Y’know, I would also like to spend twenty minutes twice a day sitting on the toilet and browsing my phone.  I would really also like to check myself out of all responsibilities every time there’s a football game on TV that I want to watch.  It would be really great to never have to fucking think about HOW EVERYTHING IN OUR LIFE OPERATES ON TIME AND WITHIN BUDGET AND HOW LITERALLY EVERYTHING GETS DONE, except I CAN’T DO THAT.  Last night when we were supposed to be “relaxing” in bed, I sat there sorting through mail so that everything would get paid / done on time, while you sat there scrolling away on your STUPID PHONE THAT I HATE SO MUCH.
He has a bare minimum of responsibilities:
1.  Take the garbage bins to the curb and back again.
2.  Feed the cats (I occasionally help with this)
3.  Do the afternoon litterbox scoop (this frequently gets “forgotten”)
4.  Load / unload the dishwasher, hand-wash anything that cannot go in the machine (this maybe gets done once a week, it frequently goes until the sink is so filled with shit that I cannot prepare meals)
5.  Take the trash out to the bins (this has been known to sit WAY LONGER than it should)
6.  Clean the bathrooms (There are 3 -- 2 full and 1 half. One of the full baths does not need to be regularly cleaned because it’s only there to hold litter boxes, we don’t actually use it.  That leaves 1 full bath and 1 half bath, the latter of which is STRICTLY HIS.)  The bathrooms are cleaned maybe once a month.
7.  Clean the floors (vacuum and mop).  This ONLY gets done when guests are coming over, or when I complain that the floors are disgusting and they REALLY need to get done.  Half the time he will vacuum (and not thoroughly), and then say, “I’m going to hold off on mopping until right before X gets here, that way they’ll be fresh and clean”, and then will conveniently forget to mop at all.
It’s not as if he’s not aware.  We have talked about this.  He FREQUENTLY AND WITH HEARTFELT SELF-DEPRECATION will confess that he is terrible about keeping up the house, and promise that he will get better, and it takes everything in my power to say, “No you won’t. Can I just stop pretending that I believe you when you say that, because you clearly do not actually mean it or, if you do, you have no intention of putting forth the physical and mental ambition to follow through.”
And you know what? I DON’T CARE!  I love my house and I love taking care of it.  I married him knowing these things about him, and he is such a good partner otherwise that I was willing to overlook it, and we laugh about it most of the time and it’s fine. It’s actually fine!  I’m not just saying that!
What gets me -- what borderline made me want to murder him -- was the incredulous, “Really? The second craft fair is too much?” last night, and I think the dark depths of my silence afterwards must have clued him into the fact that he had been a Dumbass Supreme, and he spent a good 20 minutes reminding me how awesome I am.
Yes. Yes, I know I’m fucking awesome.  Sometimes I just want you to be a little fucking awesome too. PLEASE.
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artstarstv · 6 years
Retro pop culture icons remembered as bowling pins: An interview with Bernice Lum
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Princess Leia. Astrogirl. Rosie the Robot maid, who rolled into The Jetson’s first cartoon episode in 1962. These are all icons of pop culture, but can easily be forgotten in today’s Instagram-filled, Kardashian era. But they’re not forgotten to Bernice Lum, a Chinese Canadian who acquired over 100 old bowling pins from a local bowling alley and turned them into artworks that show hilarious caricatures of Mickey Mouse, Disney’s Bambi and Astroboy. They will all show at Pulse Art Fair in Miami starting December 6 with Galerie Youn for Miami Beach’s art week. From her studio in Toronto, she spoke to us about the nostalgia for bowling, her favorite kind of ice cream and why her hero is Bruce Lee. 
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How do the bowling pins tie into your family history?
Bernice Lum: My father’s restaurant had a bowling team that played in a league. He was an avid bowler and there were tons of trophies displayed to show their team’s successes.
Why was bowling significant during the decade you grew up?
I was born in 1963 and bowling was a huge pastime. My father took us bowling on his days off at the Bowlerama on Bathurst just north of Eglinton at Glencairn. 
Why did you choose figures like Bruce Lee, CBC (Canadian born Chinese), Mao and Lucky?
CBC was what other Chinese people would call me. I didn’t speak Chinese, so it was more difficult to identify with people in the Chinese community. I was told that being first generation Chinese, I should know how to speak the language. It was a visit to Hunan Palace on Spadina Ave across from Grossman’s Bar that a gentleman waiter told me I should tell people I am second or third generation Chinese which would help people not to judge me which I am still thankful for until this day.
What do you mean? 
Being called a “banana” (yellow on the outside and white on the inside) or “bamboo” (meaning hollow on the inside, that being not knowing the Chinese culture or language), it was hard not to be offended, especially by the latter, but I grew up more Canadian than Chinese. The racism made me feel like it was wrong to be Asian and the Chinese community shunned me for being more Canadian than Chinese, but I just carried on and challenged that kind of noise when it arose.
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Does this work comment on your upbringing as a Canadian Chinese?
Creating the artworks Mao and Lucky Cat was a commentary on my being a “bamboo.” I am slowly learning my family history in tidbits, as my parents would never discuss. After my father passed away two years ago, the stories are slowly unravelling. My naïveté of my culture is why I chose these characters. I remember all the porcelain statues of Mao sitting in Chinatown stores alongside the many smiling buddhas and lucky cat. The paraphernalia always made me feel like a tourist and I always felt I should buy a little bit of Chinese for my home, but never did as I really didn’t know how to relate to it.
Did you admire Bruce Lee?
Bruce Lee was my hero and like my brothers, I wanted to be like him. I remember my mom taking us to the Pagoda Theatre in Chinatown to see Bruce Lee films when we were young. In public school, I was picked on a lot by this boy for quite a long while.  He was always calling me names with racial connotations and one day when he used the “ch**k” word, I was so angry I ran towards him and mimicked a flying drop kick like Bruce Lee did in films. My foot landed on his chest and he fell over. The lunch monitor asked what happened and he was taken to the principal’s office. I didn’t get in trouble that day which said a lot to me. And that’s not being in support of violence at all, it was the school being against racism. Being brought up at Eglinton/Oriole Parkway area, we were one of only two Chinese families on the street at that time....it was an interesting time.
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What's the story behind the piece Enjoy? It makes me wonder how Chinatowns in Canada have changed.
“Enjoy” was specifically made for my father as he was part owner of the infamous Lichee Garden Restaurant on Elizabeth Street in the original Chinatown on Dundas between Bay and University in the 60’s. It was my grandfather and his friend who opened the restaurant and then both my parents became part owners.
The Dairy Queen ice cream bowling pins are out of control, how does it tie into the story about your dad and brother?
The DQ bowling pin was about a family ritual when my dad was either off work or came home early. It was part of our Sunday drives or early evening after dinner drives in the summer and chocolate sundaes were my favourite only because I wasn’t big enough to eat a whole banana split. The piece “Nice Cream is about the joy of the ice cream truck that frequented neighbourhoods and all the kids and mothers who ran out to greet it. 
What is your connection to Astroboy, Charlie Brown and Felix the cat?
I loved reading comics and watching cartoons with characters like Mickey Mouse, Felix the Cat, Astro Boy only to name a few....it was Charles Schulz and the Peanuts who inspired me greatly to want to be a cartoonist (all I could think of was being a female Bruce Lee and to draw cartoons all day, or a ninja cartoonist, as I would call it now). In grade six, we had to write an essay of a famous person so i drew my essay about Charles Schulz and the Peanuts and I remember getting an A+. I did have a cartoon strip in England for Woolworths called “Woolly Tales” for their in-store magazine which was super fun and even though i didn’t grow up to be the next Schulz, it was pretty cool to have a comic strip for a bit.
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Why do you use the shape of the bowling pin for these pieces?
I chose the bowling pins first and foremost as it was part of my fathers and my oldest brother’s story.
And so the story goes, my mother was giving birth to my oldest brother, Charles at Woman’s College Hospital in 1960. On that very same day my dad had the Bowling Tournament Finals so he went to play and while my mother gave birth to a brand new baby boy, the hospital called the bowling alley to find my father and told him the news and cigars were bought for everyone on the Lichee Garden’s Bowling Team. The idea to work with the pins was to pay homage to my brother who passed away 6 years ago and my father who passed away just two years ago. The shape of the bowling pins emulate the human form in a caricature way so well, the pins became my diary of sorts.
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What kind of wood is it?
The pins are made out of hardwood. I purchased them from a  gentlemen who was part of a demolition crew of the Oshawa Bowling Alley. He had stored these pins for over 30 years. I bought approximately 90 bowling pins from him.
Are you any good at bowling nowadays? When was the last time you struck out?
I last bowled when I was in my 20s at the Danforth Bowl. I cannot remember how I did but as most Asians, I probably did relatively well as being “high achievers” seems to be part of the Chinese repertoire in me.
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princeseanadam · 6 years
Time for some questions that my friend has asked that im gonna post and make you sit through cause now i have a ton more content. at some point it gets a little hectic with a ton less questions being asked and more of just ideas being thrown around. i would like to thank my lovely friend  for that cause she helped me come up with literally everything here.
Why Linda?
linda because it started as a joke with my friend and i have no impulse control
what how tall are all of the characters?
I don’t have exact measurements but I do have an order of heights that my friend helped me do. I’ll show you like this
Logan,Patton (same height)
how did Virgil and Patton meet?
they met in high school. They all basically went to the same high school (not logan though)
I meant Virgil and Logan..
they met in college, well what Virgil went to of collage. He only stayed for a little while before dropping out to focus on YouTube but he still stayed in touch with logan
Who proposed to who?
Logan did. It was… Simple but sweet. He did so in private, after a nice dinner and a walk in the park at night (cliche but hey it worked). He was considerate enough to not propose in public cause he didn’t want Virgil to be pressured into saying yes by others watching him.
Who said I love you first?
Virgil. He thought logan was asleep when he said it, Logan was very much not asleep.  He said I love you back and terrified Virgil cause “shitshitshit he heard me ohmygodohmygod” now they say it at least once a day (usually before Logan goes to work or before hanging up on the phone)
What was their biggest fight?
They don’t fight very often mostly because Virgil hates confrontation and Logan would much rather talk it out and come to a compromise but it’d probably be when Virgil wanted to dropout of college. Logan didn’t quite understand why and that lead to an argument about his future and YouTube careers and such. Eventually when they managed to calm the fuck down and actually talk about the stress he was under and how unhappy Virgil was they did come to the conclusion it would be better if he did leave collage
Who asked who out?
Logan. It was quite obvious how much Virgil liked him but logan also realised that Virgil would never make the first move so logan took it upon himself to ask him on a date to an art museum
who kissed who first?
Virgil did this time! Logan had leaned in one night and then paused to make sure Virgil actually wanted to be kissed and then Virgil closed the space. So technically he kissed logan first and gets very embarrass when he brings it up “technically you kissed me Virgil” “YOU LEANED IN FIRST”
And it’s pointed out that they want children eventually, correct?Would they adopt a kid, surrogate mother, ect.?
Adopt. Logan was adopted and would very much like to help a kid like him out as well
How old? Also boy or girl?
Girl. Virgil wants a daughter. And their open to any age but probably younger than 3
Any plans for when this would occur?
In a few years at least. They still think theyre too young to take care of a child and not financially stable enough to warrant taking in a child
What would her name be
Rosie I don’t have a reason for that one I just like it
what’s Patton and Romans relationship like?
Very sweet…after a while. Romans a little hesitant at first. He knows he likes Patton. From the first time they hang out he had a small crush. But he’s scared of rushing into things again. He does go a bit faster than what he normally would since they are old friends though. After they do warm up to each other Roman very much becomes dependant on him and is very affectionate and full of love
How do Roman and Virgil interact?
At first, very awkwardly. Virgil doesn’t still have a crush on him but he does remember Roman saying he’s straight being his first heartbreak. Patton eventually drags them into hanging out enough times for them to fall into a dynamic like we see in the videos. Joking insults, playful arguments about Disney films, joking around in general. They also speak fluent meme and vine reference towards each other cause none of the others get it
“Virgil you want a drink?”
“Yeah. Yeet it”
*throws water bottle to him across the room*
So, Patton is adorable. When he gets angry, how do the others react?
Well the thing with Patton is when he gets mad it never lasts long before the frustration crumbles into sadness. So at the first sign of angry Patton they all brace themselves for the wave of emotions. They’ve learned that you have to listen to him when he’s mad, then comfort and work it out when he’s sad afterwards. He only ever gets mad when people aren’t listening to him though (not every time more like he’s trying to express a concern, or an idea and people keep ignoring him or talking over him until he snaps) that being said at first Virgil handles it the best but once Roman got closer to him he learned pretty quick
How did everyone feel meeting thomas?
Initially, confusion. Why did Roman have a child? Where was the mother? Roman is so young? But after a little bit they all loved him. Patton was the only one to love first ask questions later though. More of “oh a baby! What’s his name can I hold him” and then after a little bit he started asking the how questions. Patton was the first to meet him, then logan and Virgil together. Logan was the first one to start asking the questions everyone was thinking other than the big one (what happened to the mother)
Will Linda ever return?
I don’t have any specific plans for that to happen at the moment. But it’d be in her best interest to stay away cause now she has 4 more people ready to kick her ass at any moment. However i do think that in the future thomas would want to meet her
As Thomas grows, what will Roman tell him?
The truth. When he’s young he kind of accepts that he has two dad’s and the thought doesn’t cross his mind. Its when he gets in school he starts asking questions. Thomas don’t get it at first but if he grows up being told the same thing about his mother, eventually he’ll understand (im speaking from experience here actually. I think it was best that mom told me the truth at a young age and kept reinforcing the idea )
So who kissed who first between Patton and Roman?
Patton kissed Roman on the cheek first, which lead to roman kissing Patton on the forehead regularly. But when it does come down to it Patton pecked Roman on the lips as a kiss goodnight after a date. Which, in turn, lead to roman immediately pulling him back in for a real kiss
Have they ;) yet?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it depends on your definition I guess. It’s hard (hehe) to get someone to take care of thomas and when they do they’re usually on a date, or too exhausted to do anything but get a nice nap in. but a blowjob or hand job has happened before
Alright. And if they have, when did Virge and Logan?
Honeymoon. Virgil wanted to wait until they were married to go all the way. I know it’s cliche but he was honestly just nervous about exposing himself and doing something with someone just to have them leave. He didn’t want to be so vulnerable with someone who wouldn’t stay
So, any of them have pets
Roman used to have a cat but then Patton and him got more serious, they were thinking about moving in together and we’ll Patton is allergic so he gave him to emilie
Will they ever get a dog
Patton really wants one (or 50) but Roman is worried about getting one that might be too energetic and potentially hurting or knocking Thomas over. When thomas is older though romans open to the idea
how did Logan and Virgil meet (more specifically)
They sat beside each other one day in an astrology class, Virgil accidently drank Logan’s coffee instead of his own cause he was t i r e d and Logan was like “yknow what? Keep it.” and Virgil was like “oh no I’m sorry can I buy you a new one?” they exchanged numbers and the next morning Virgil texted him asking what kind he wanted. Eventually they alternated getting each other coffee every morning and then that evolved to hanging out after classes
When did Logan decide to propose?
Logan’s mom told him never to marry  someone if you haven’t seen them at their most vulnerable point. He saw him at one of his worst beakdowns and realised he still loved him just as much as when virgil was at his best. That’s when he just… knew(i got a small fix about the exact moment tell me if youd wanna see that)
Have they ever broken up?
Who is the little spoon?
Every part of me wants to tell you logan. Every. single. damn. part. of me… but in my heart I know it’s Virgil
(after some discussion about pets, a lot of backtracking and some discussion this is what we’ve got)
they get a hairless cat and Virgil is salty until it crawls into his jacket and starts purring. But like, simease cats (spelling is 100% wrong) actually like being dressed. So it would crawl into his jacket and look up at him and then make that cat noise that melts people’s hearts, then starts purring. Logan walks in to see the cat on Virgil’s chest, zipped into the hoodie. Both of them asleep.That was his phones background for months
what’s the cats name?
Bobbi (bobberta for long )
Virgil does the baby voice when he /thinks/ no one is around. Logan has a thirty minute video of him calling her baby and cooing as she just climbed into his jacket and laid there And then Roman and Patton saw it, and then he lost all “street cred” and Logan posts a 2 minute clip of it on his Twitter and people who follow him cause they know he’s married to Virgil see it, fandom goes wild, logan almost had to sleep on the couch (Virgil wasn’t actually mad he was just embarrassed)
Bonus, now his fans know he actually really loves the cat.
Virgil in videos : my stupid ugly bitch of a cat Bobbi
Virgil in that specific video: hey baby ya want in my jacket? Here ya go girl see sweetie pie I love you :) I love you a whole bunch aww
Oh, and Bobbi freaking knows. She’s so cocky. Especially when Logan wants to cuddle and it’s just “but she just got comfortable…and now she’s asleep…” And then she opens one eye at Logan
Logan: Virgil sweetie please come to bed it’s late
Virgil, laying on his stomach with Bobbi asleep on his back in his hood: are you even seeing this? You want me to move????? No fuck off babe
Oh, and some nights, she just climbs into Virgil’s arms… seemingly always before Logan gets back from brushing his teeth. Virgil is just happily asleep, and the cat looks so smug in h i s  s p o t
Even more insulting is that Logan’s the one who cleans the litter box
So, Roman. I love him. How old is he?
I have no clue XD in the song that it’s based on it says"5 years from now" and if were assuming this happened in his senior year them that would probably but him around 24S
o how did he react when he found out Linda was pregnant?
Excitmant. For 2 seconds. Before he realised that they were young and he didn’t think the child was his and just.. Fear… and bad thoughts but he didn’t tell her that. He stuck by her side the entire time until she finally gave birth to this beautiful baby
So, who gives Thomas ‘the talk?
Oh good Lord all of them at once
How does that go?
Bad.It’s a disaster It starts with just roman and then Patton tries to help and then the others come over and try to help and in the end it’s Logan who makes it somewhat understandable. Thomas is just so confused until Logan makes it clear. All of them sitting there like “well uh it’s when a boy and a girl well uh it doesn't have to be a boy and a girl Its like two people”
Remy" or a person and a machine"
Everyone: “R E M Y NO”
“But toys…and it could be three” Dee is no help
They end up kicking them out of the room after 5 minutes. And Virgil is just so awkward. Logan is very to the point. Patton is trying to sugar coat it. And then Roman is trying to say it’s all about love and romance without saying too much about what happens
Logan: so most commonly a penis-
Patton: AHH NO NOT THAT WORD uhh a boys parts..
Logan: but not only boys have penisis Patton
Logan:It’s the correct term Patton. Would you prefer for me to call it a dic-
Roman:Penis is fine!
Thomas dosent learn anything until Logan is like “okay Patton Virgil get out. Me and Roman will handle this”
Patton: but I’m his dad!
Logan: yeah so is roman. You two keep getting in each others way and confusing him. Now shoo.
And Thomas just listening to Logan, and asking questions. The two get closer because he was the only one to handle it correctly
Joan years later: so which one of your dads gave you the talk
Thomas: my uncle did cause everyone else was scared and confused
How does Thomas hear about Sex?
Deceit >:3
Oh god, what did he do?
Tons of inappropriate jokes. Patton is always S H O C K ED he would make such jokes in front of a child l. Virgil smacks him when he does it and if it goes too far he doesn’t hold back
*while explaining it* Deceit: so its when you take your dic-
*gets bitch slapped by Virgil*
Remy is just laughing so hard
Oh god deceit taught Thomas his first cuss word and Patton like tackles him
he dropped an f bomb at dinner and Roman choked on his water
thomas:Hey dad I learned a new word today!
roman:Oh really what was it?
roman:*chokes on salad*
Thomas: de and remy!
Patton, pulling out a baseball bat: in just gonna talk to them
Roman: Patton no
patton:I’m just gonna talk to them
patton:*getting in his car* I’m just gonna talk to them
what does Linda do after she leaves?
drugs probably
What would happen if Thomas met her?
well she'd probably try and play it off like she did nothing wrong and it was roman who left her and then she'd get her ass kicked by remy who was there for all of it.okay not like physical violence but definitely getting cussed out and yelled at for an hour.  i dont think thomas would tell her to stay out of his life, but i do think remy would tell her to stay the fuck away. And  imagine patton cursing her out. like no one's ever heard him cuss till linda comes along
patton: “thomas will you please leave the room”
patton: “okay listen here you little bitch”
What would Roman say to her?
roman wont even look at her. she hurt him really bad.. he’d just ask her to leave and if she even takes a step towards him everyone else would instantly feel like they are ready to fight. And then after she leaves Roman just breaks down. logans the only civil one who asks her sternly yet calmly to leave cause everyone else is just glaring a cursing. when she leaves everyone just huddles around roman, comforting him. thomas would cry too.. probably just with all the tension and how roman would cry he'd probably feel partly responsible (if this did happen he'd be in his late teens) And Patton just cuddles Roman. And for days Thomas is just refusing to look anyone in the eye.my poor boys.. patton would be going around doing damage control and trying to clean up the emotional mess linda made. And even Dee is careful around Roman. remy is definitely the one to actually grow and tell her to “stay the fuck away from my family” with his voice d r i p p i n g with venom. The damage she did was awful. remy thomas dee roman and patton take it hardest. virgil and logan did not grasp the reality of the situation till it was right in front of them. I think, besides Roman, Thomas takes it the hardest. He refuses to show most people his eyes for weeks..
patton: you haven't looked us in the eyes for weeks thomas are you okay?
thomas: i don't like my eyes.. you said i have /her/ eyes.. i don't like them
patton: hey no no no. you have /your/ eyes. when we look in them we don't think about her. we think about you and how happy and full of life they are. those are your eyes and we love them so much.  
and he just breaks down sobbing
 On a lighter headcanon dee is transgender. and he lives with remy but i haven't decided whether or not to have them together
Remy being asexual. but also he's not sex repulsed and has, out of curiosity, had dee eat him out cause did i mention dee has a split tongue? well yeah that did happen mostly cause it was joke my friend made t me like “damn what that tongue do!! even your asexual as would try that” and i was like “HEY BUDDY I FEEL CALLED OUT”
Well does Talyn come into the au any time soon
i have spent literally hours trying to find a way to work them in that would make sense and that i enjoy and could make work and haven't found a way yet but i am working on it
.So, like the hairless Bobbi and Thomas
Thomas is not very high on the cats favorites list. I mean he’s above Logan but also he tries to pick it up when it doesn't want to But like, she’s fine with him. The one time she tried to scratch him, to everyone's surprise, Virgil was the one to get onto herBobbi: *hiss and tries to scratch*
Virgil *picking her up and taking her away* bobbi! Bad kitty! We do not do that! Bad!
And then locks her in his room for the rest of the visit. Everyone is just so surprised, and Logan is hurt “You never stopped her from attacking me” and Thomas is just sad because the kitty is gone
"You’re a grown ass man Logan this is a child"
And Dee gives Thomas a stuffed cat before he starts crying.
And Roman is laughing so hard
Thomas: on the floor pouting
And like, he just goes home snuggling the stuffed animal, and everyone is so confused because no one was paying attention. Thomas loves it, not just because it’s a cat, but his uncle Dee gave him it
Dee /totally didn’t/ crybwhen he was called uncle dee
. All of them cried when Thomas started calling them uncle and Patton cried at "daddy Patton"
Even Logan got choked up. Patton sobbed. Then Roman came in and saw Patton hugging a tiny and confused Thomas. It took over an hour to get Patton to l e t  h i m  g o
And Thomas hugged Logan’s leg when he called him uncle, thinking he made him sad because he’d never seen him like that.
Roman: hey I’m back with the groceries help me pack them in- what are you doing
Patton, crying: Thomas say it again!
Thomas : daddy Patton
Roman had to bring all of them in himself
 Okay so..Idea: Thomas caught a frog and tried to kiss it while Roman was like "SHIT NO DON’T DO THAT NONONO”
And Thomas is like" but you said kissing frogs turn them into princes"
R:“That’s only magical frogs”
T:“How do I know if the frogs are magical”
P:“They have to be talking frogs”
T:“Oh..okay” and puts down the poor little thing
 Roman and Linda were engaged. She’s old his ring to a pawn shop, for drugs probably.He proposed after he found out she was pregnant. He knew she was cheating on him but thought maybe this would make her stay: deceit finds it in a pawn shop. Anyway deceits in there for unknown reasons and he sees it and of course it’s like engraved so he /knows/ it’s romans. And Roman is just so sad. He starts crying. Remy's ready to hunt down Linda and murder her like the least she could do was leave him the damn ring. Roman wants to get rid of it but the others aren’t so sure
Maybe Patton turns it into a bracelet. That’s the thing about Patton. He wants to turn something ugly into something beautiful. Maybe when Thomas is older they give it to him. Just like with the eye thing, so they associate the bracelet/ring with him instead of linda
God speaking of the eyes can you imagine Roman talking about Linda and saying “and she had the most beautiful big brown eyes…” and  looking over at thomas as he says that.This is when he’s a tiny baby and she had just left. and Patton is just sad. Cause you know he’s telling him about it like pattons holding Thomas and its late at night and Patton just quietly asks “tell me about her? His mom?” and Roman just quietly nods and talks for an hour and Patton listening to each and every word. He starts with all the good things like her laugh and her eyes but eventually he starts telling him about the fights, the cheating, the drinking… And Patton is there for him. He stays up with him all night..And Patton hugs him. Patton gets Virgil and Logan to take Thomas the next day so he and Roman can have a day to themselves since they had a very emotional night and are tired.
Virgil doesn’t know what to do with the smol boi. Logan doesn't know either mate..
Bonus points if this is the first time they take care of the baby
Logan probably gets the camera and records Virgil being a disaster with the baby and virgil's like"STOP RECORDING AND HELP ASSHOLE" while like changing a diaper or something
Virgil kind of just…pats his head when Thomas gets sad, but it sort of worksVirgil : *holding Thomas* Oh no don’t cry please not again uh uh *pat pat* did… Did it work?
Thomas: ……..*starts fucking screeching harder*
Virgil: S H I T!
logan looks up what to do and helps.of course, when Thomas is about three, Virgil is great with him
So, Patton and Roman’s wedding?
Patton wears a blue suit, Roman wears a white one. They don’t have a lot of money so they try and keep it simple and small, but Roman of course still tries to still make it special for Patton. Roman is a nervous wreck, patton's excited. All of their friends are there, patton's family too (a lot of children and family. Patton's family takes up 73% of the crowd. Romans family doesn't come (other than like picani) Patton walks down the isle, Virgil and Logan are groomsmen because Remy and deceit are not to be trusted (which they are like “yeah that’s fair” ) the wedding goes good, Thomas is probably like.. 5 or 6 at this point. Thomas is so happy. He’s just so happy for His dad’s he doesn’t know what to do. He’s bouncy and happy and giggly and eats a lot of cake. Roman is so happy. Patton cried happy tears and won’t let go of Roman for like a week. Honeymoon while Thomas stays with Virgil and logan
later Thomas had to ask why daddy patton has bruises all over his neck. Patton “got attacked my a bear” cause he panicked and that’s what he said. Thomas cried and threw away a stuffed bear. Patton and Roman had to do damage control.
Thomas realises this like 10 years later just sitting there having a conversation and “oh yeah my dad once told me he was attacked by a… Bear… OH MY GOD THEY WERE HICKEYS!!”
*Joan just dying* “I  C R I E D!! I THREW AWAY MY STUFFED BEAR J O A N !!!!” And that’s the story of how Thomas got enrolled in therapy
Ngl it took deceit and Remy a good 10 minutes to recover from hearing the bear excuse.
And Virgil just walked out of the room, laughing. Logan just quietly telling Roman “I could’ve thought of at least 20 better excuses” as patton’s just in the floor with Thomas like “NONONONONONO ITS OKAY IM OKAY DONT CRY” And Thomas hugging him so tightly for a five year old
“ it bit you!” while pointing at a bite dee and Remy and deceit actually *C R Y I N G* from laughter while Patton just blushing and trying to excuse it
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