ravarui · 7 months
"Will you please stop trying to pick a fight with me?" ( to Tony ^^ )
Memes I once reblogged Always Accepting @mystifiicd
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"Tell that your cloak! He's the one who started it!"
Brown eyes glared at the object of clothing, knowing full well that the cloak of levitation was sentient. In a way he did remind Tony of his bots DumE and U.
"You really should teach that thing some manners."
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sensesdialed · 2 years
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@mystifiicd​​ asked: Gathering enough change around the Sanctum, there was enough for one can of a random Energy Drink from the local corner shop in Greenwhich in which a certain sorcerer payed for and then portaled to a door step, leaving the present on the porch of an apartment with the words 'happy birthday. from -S.S' attached to a small but elegantly typed out piece of paper. ( it's not much but like his son, wizard dad is actually broke ). // peter birthday!!
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 THE LAST THING PETER EXPECTS when he steps out is to nearly step on a stray can right in front of him— he notices at the last moment, brushing against it and leaning down to pick it up... before the note catches his attention, and he realizes this ISN’T just an empty energy drink that someone dropped. Head tilts, and Peter picks it up ( yep, definitely full, and unopened! ), before turning the piece of paper between his fingertips, and... oh! “No way...” He whispers to himself, a bright smile appearing as the initials click. Sure, he could get this at any convenience store, but it’s not like Peter EXPECTED much anyways! It’s a surprise, and Peter is grateful for anything, even just the thought. Besides, who knew Stephen would ENCOURAGE his usual bouncing off the walls like this?
   Peter opens the can, taking a sip— he was planning on patrolling for a while, anyways, might as well get some extra adrenaline— already making his plans to swing by the Sanctum for at least long enough to thank him, too.
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witchoflegends · 2 years
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@mystifiicd​ sent: '' i'm never leaving. your bed is more comfortable than mine. '' ( says the man with a gorgeous king size one, lmao ) ( to Christine )
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Christine laughed as she pulled herself a little closer to him, head and hand laying comfortably on his chest. “You just say that because you don’t have any responsibilities while you’re here. You can just relax for a little while.”
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ironifiicd · 2 years
@mystifiicd​ continued from HERE
The Avenger can’t recall the last time he’d been that drunk, perhaps one of the many parties with his teammates where Clint and him had challenged Thor to a drinking contest which of course could only end in disaster. Maybe it had been a couple of the socials he’d attended back at MIT when he was a teenager, sneaking out with alcohol purchased by older friends and slamming back cheap vodka and whiskey. 
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Drinking contest, yes that felt extremely familiar and was the most likely cause. His mind attempted to place together the pieces of the puzzle despite the haze of the now mind splitting headache that hit him, a hangover which had been brought on by his own rather reckless choices. He’d challenged Stephen to a drinking contest, one that the Iron Man had boasted he was sure to win that had been clear bait for the Sorcerer to join in. Tony was well aware that they both held a certain kind of pride in their abilities and neither of them would stand down from a game. Thinking on the rest of the evening and his recollection of the events he realizes they begin to fade after that, they shift into blurry images of spinning and dancing, to drunken confessions of words which are hard for him to make out. 
A voice, he hears someone speaking to him and his immediate reaction is to make them stop. Blindly patting around the bed in search for an extra pillow does he then lob it in the direction of whoever is trying to talk to him, a low groan leaving his lips as the inventor moves to cover his ears. “It’s too early for this and you’re loud.” Though Tony would sometimes call himself a morning person there was no way in hell anyone was getting his ass out of bed before noon that day, screw whatever tasks had to be done, sleep was all that mattered. Fingers not-so-gracefully reach out to palm the face of the person next to him, feeling around to get an idea of who it may be before noticing sharp cheekbones and familiarly well groomed facial hair. “Stephen, no talking more cuddling please.” 
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butwithmoreme · 1 year
✧: i don’t have ideas so i can’t approach you yet
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//Feel free to send memes my friend! We can always go from there or just smol things that can lead to plotting. I am always down to plot or just meme-age until we can.
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labwebs · 2 years
@mystifiicd asked: Send “#” for a RANDOM text. ( one for Peter 1 ).
[sms: Strange] → slSAFWERasdjfh🙂😬213145@
[sms: Strange] → uh
[sms: Strange] → sorry that was meant to say ‘I found something that I think you should check out’ but I dropped my phone and had to catch it with my webbing before it smashed
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mystere-a · 2 years
❛  i  don’t  see  why  we  have  to  be  so  quiet .  ❜     ||     @mystifiicd​
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❝ because i’m currently running diagnostics on about a thousand executable files. ❞   a highly exaggerated number, but the sorcerer doesn’t need to know that.   ❝ and i'm combing through about a million lines of code. ❞   another vast exaggeration.   ❝ so if you don’t mind, i’m trying to concentrate.   i can’t just wave my hands in the air and be done with everything, unlike SOME PEOPLE. ❞
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takeachanceontoday · 2 years
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Last one for the day ---  @tricksheart​ / @mystifiicd​ 
SERE. I WANT TO WRITE WITH YOU BUT I’M UNSURE HOW TO APPROACH YOU. I THINK YOU’RE WONDERFUL. The thought and love and care you put into your muses? You’re amazing and beyond inspiring. You’re wonderful!!! You’re just wow. Wow. I adore you. ♥
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reiindeergames-a · 2 years
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i love you, i've always loved you, i will always love you
it's commitment, it's devotion, it goes often without saying, but is felt nonetheless. it's accepting that you would travel to hell and back for them if they asked and knowing that they would do the same for you. it's an old ache, long after they've burrowed deep into your chest and settled there like a weight- grounding, an anchor point. even when you're apart, you can still feel the shape of them, it's like phantom pain. neither of you can help but succumb to the other's gravity, yet neither of you fear the collision. it means that you trust them, that they make you feel safe, that they feel like home.
Tagged by: @mystifiicd​
Tagging: @stcrk​ @shieldslingertm​ @shieldretired @chiisaikintsukuroi anyone who wants
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ravarui · 4 months
Name: Stephen V. Strange Age: 38 Do you like to cuddle?: Not really a touchy feely type of person so no. Can we make-out?: Doesn't bother me one way or another but I'm leaning towards no. A night in or dinner out?: I'd say dinner out but then random people would probably mob around us. I rather not be bothered. Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Ice cream because that has better options to choose from. What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm not actually. What were you excepting here? ( Stephen plz ). Would you cook for me?: I would but my hands don't work like they used to. I assume you understand. Would you let me cook for you?: Do you actually cook? Now that's a surprise ( Stephen plz ).
{ to Tony if you are still accepting }
Valentines Application Accepting @mystifiicd
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"No cuddling, no making out...shame really. I am great at both. Pretty sure some people even wrote reviews." He hums lightly as he continues to read over the application. "If random people bother you to much I could always rent out the entire restaurant." It's not as if such an action would hurt his wallet in any way. "And no. I don't cook. Pepper banned me from the kitchen, after setting it on fire trying to make a salad."
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svampiir · 1 year
@withoutshield Steve Grant Roger / Captain America ( MCU based ) @mjolnirbroke Thor Odinson ( MCU based ) @mystifiicd Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange ( MCU based and jokingly a wizard dad by all the spideys he adopts ) @wesymboliic Eddie Brock / Venom ( SONY based ) @chandrilanheir Ben Solo / Kylo Ren ( Star Wars Sequel based ) @tricksheart Akira Kurusu / Persona 5 Protagonist (Main Blog ) @braveryhearted Anime, Manga, and Video Game Multi Muse.
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witchoflegends · 2 years
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@mystifiicd​ sent: “My kink? Knowing all the information.” ( to Christine ). ( also Stephen please ).
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“The thing with that is, I didn’t think I asked an encyclopedia to get takeout on his way over.” She was teasing of course. Christine couldn’t help but to tease Stephen every chance she got. Especially when he acted like he was full of himself. Not to mention that they hadn’t even gotten to start deciding on what they were going to get before he showed up with the food already in hand. “But let’s see if Mr Know-It-All actually remembered what I like.”
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ironifiicd · 2 years
41. My muse shows up on your muse’s doorstep after several months of being missing dead, with no memory of the past few years.
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Tony had never considered himself to be particularly lucky, on the contrary he was actually quite the opposite. Waking up in a small park covered in mud from head to toe and with no money or identification seemed like another awful circumstance he'd been tossed into, pretty typical with his ability to find himself in the strangest kinds of trouble.
The inventor wished he had the time on him, there was no watch on his wrist to give him any indication of how long he'd been passed out and the moon hanging above his head was the only sense of it he had. Couldn't have been more than a couple of hours? It was midday last time he checked. Luckily for him some of the street names were familiar, having been through Greenwich Village before it wasn't that difficult to recall the ones he'd passed through including Bleecker Street and the New York Sanctum.
Wong, that was who took over for Stephen Strange after what happened on Titan and a pang of guilt hit the Iron Man at the thought of seeing the sorcerer again. Part of him wondered if he blamed him for Stephen's death after giving up the time stone to save him, though the Avenger wasn't too keen to find out if his suspicions were true he didn't exactly have any other options of people he could turn to for aid. "Here goes nothing." Taking a deep breath, his hand formed into a fist hovering an inch away from the building's doors does Tony mentally prepare himself before knocking three times and waiting patiently.
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itsybitsyparker · 2 years
send 💩 for a ridiculous headcanon.
Peter has used his webs to let tourists bungee jump off the statue of liberty before. Only nice tourists though.
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labwebs · 2 years
@mystifiicd asked: Send “#” for a RANDOM text. ( one for Peter 3 ).
[sms: Wizard Guy] → hey is there like a reason why i feel like im gonna lose whatever i ate last every time i wind up here or what
[sms: Wizard Guy] → especially not fun when it happens when im wearing the mask tbh
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@mystifiicd continued from here
Wanda came to very slowly. A little bit at a time. Her body felt heavy and her mind still woozy from the night before. She could recall snatches, but nothing solid. Nothing that you would call a memory. She wasn’t even sure where she was, she realised as her sense of self returned. She was in a bed, and she was wearing what seemed to be a large oversized piece of clothing. Nothing she owned. Where were her clothes?
She was lying on her front, her hair down her back. She could hear her name being called from somewhere in the room and finally opened her eyes. It took a few moments to adjust to the daylight and she blinked to clear her vision. “Stephen?” She asked, confused. “Why are you in my bed? Fix what?” She asked, her voice hoarse.
“Did we sing karoke last night? My throat feels like sandpaper.” She asked as she rolled onto her back. Looking down at her chest, she realised she was wearing a t-shirt with a university name on the front. “Is this your shirt?” She added as she propped herself up on her elbow, blissfully unaware of why Stephen seemed to be in such a panic. Then she realised that they were both lying in bed. Together. In his room.
“....did we do anything last night?” She asked, as if that wasn’t about to be the least of her concerns.
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