#hotcake mix
ayanos-pl · 1 year
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jessiesjaded · 2 years
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im frisbeeing you guys a nice plate of hotcakes, be on the lookout
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bgilliard · 10 months
Cream of Wheat Pancakes Recipe
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Start your day with these yummy pancakes. They're made with Cream of Wheat cereal and chef approved!
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clubdirty · 1 year
Hot Cakes Shot (Fireball x Butterscotch Schnapps x OJ)
#fireball #fireballwhisky #clubdirty #wellgahdamn
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y3nze1 · 3 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: I / II / III / Navi
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: hiii pookies! Chaz here, how we doin?!?!!? good? good. here's chapter 8 for yah. writings kinda different cause I'm writing. shh. don't complain /j. bit bear with me on this one yall! like yen, HAPPY READINGS!
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"Come in!" called Loralie from inside the store, wiping off the counter as the sound of a bell rung, the two people walking inside the store. she smiled widely. "Ah it's you two! come in, come in. what can i get for you today? some hotcakes? muffins? the usual?"
"black coffee, Lor, and for niftt-" husk was cut off by niffty as she looked through the glass of treats and sweets. "Salmon mousse Canapés! i'd like to try something new" the girl giggled happily, continuing on to look through the glass. "well, uh.. i guess that's for hers.
Loralie smiles and nods, scribbling down the orders. "Alright, one black coffees and a salmon mousse canapé. That'll be ready in a few minutes. You two are welcome to sit down while you wait.." She gestures to a nearby table as she gets started on the order. "any gossip today? nif?" Loralie turned to niftty after handing out the order to her co-worker.
"no.. not much, well.. Al has quite focused on his broadcast nowadays, i mean it's not new but, I'm pretty sure he's still looking out for that 'Daisy' girl" Niftty spoke, walking over to the side of the counter. "Daisy.. Huh?.." Loralie grinned, packing up the orders slowly as she listened in. "Yeah!.. daisy, the one that always calls his station.. I heard he asked her out on a date but she didn't come!" Husk appeared behind niftty as she spoke. "That was actually true, That dumbass came to my bar the other week, complaining about his fucking love life" Husk groaned, rolling his eyes, grabbing the order from Loralie.
"i think i know a thing or two about.. Daisy" Loralie grinned, leaning over the counter to tell the two, in which they listened.
"And then!- Y/n was so worried to face you that day so she didn't went as daisy which is kind of an idiotic move for me, but then you spent the night with her at the park. so you technically did go on a date with daisy but technically didn't because y/n is daisy, and daisy is y/n, also made me wonder wh-" husk pressed a hand over niftty's mouth, sighing. "he gets the idea, nif.."
the two looked at Alastor who has a slightly shocked reaction on his face. sitting blankly on his desk as muffled songs played in the background. "i don't.. know if i should be angry.. or.. anxious.. or glad.." he looked at his feet, running fingers through his hair as he sighed deeply. "Al, Sorry you had to find out this way... i mean- it would have been more meaningful if you know.. it came from her." niftty approached Alastor along with Husk beside her, she softly place a hand on his shoulder.
Alastor leaned back at his chair, closing his eyes as he huffed deeply. Alastor lets out a deep sigh, running a hand through his hair once as he tries to process what he's just learned. He feels a mix of emotions coursing through him - anger, hurt, confusion, but also a strange sense of calmness. He looks up at Niffty and Husk, his eyes full of a deep sadness.
"I understand why y/n did what she did, but I can't help but feel betrayed," he says, his voice heavy with emotion. "She knew how I felt about her, how much I cared for her, and yet she chose to deceive me in this way." He shakes his head, looking down at his desk again. "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel right now.. i think i need to be alone for a moment.." the two nodded at his words, leaving his room for him to contemplate for a moment.
He sat silently, playing another song for his audience. he softly chuckled at the mishap. "Daisy.. daisy.." he repeated. after a few moments, the song slowly ended, the telephone rang. in an instant he picked it up. "Good Afternoon again, Alastor" Alastor grinned, leaning back on his chair. "Good Afternoon to you too.. Ms. Daisy, the usual songs, i sense?" He chuckled. Playing her requested song. after that, he stopped speaking over the mic, talking to her personality, he spoke once more. "Could i perhaps.. I don't know.. maybe ask you out, Ms. Daisy?.."
Alastor waited at the same park, spending the same hours as he did, waiting for 'Daisy', till then, he felt a presence of someone sitting next to him. "Hello.. Alastor, How are you tonight, Still waiting for.. Daisy?" He turned to look at you, his smile widened, playing along. "Unfortunately.. Yes"
Alastor chuckles, feeling a warm sensation in his chest as he looks at you. "Well, it seems that Ms. Daisy has decided to let me down again tonight. But that just means that I'll be able to enjoy the company of someone else." He turned to look at you once again. his eyes staring at you deeply. you let out a soft chuckle at his words. "So, Y/n, My Dear. What are you doing here in the park anyway?" he softly spoke.
"Just wanted to take a quick stroll, the night is quite lovely, isn't it?" He nodded, Alastor smiled, looking deep into your eyes as he spoke. "Yes, it is a lovely night. And yet, somehow I feel as though there's something missing." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I suppose the lack of Daisy is a little bit of a damper." He placed a hand over yours. "Either way, i shouldn't be sorrowful, it's a wonderous, that shouldn't be wasted, don't you think? Now, Would you do me the honor of being my company for the night?" he held out his hand.
"You're really fucked up, Al.." Husk walked over to him. standing beside Alastor as he looked at the other side of the lake. Smiling, the wind flowed. as he chuckled. "Say what you want, palx he shrugged. leaning against the railing of the balcony.
"A goddamn house?.. are you serious? just to see her apartment?" Husk rubbed his temple. "All for a fucking girl?" he groaned turning to Alastor.
"A girl I care for very deeply," Alastor replies, his voice slightly raised. He stands up, towering over Husk as he glares down at him. "A girl who I would do anything for," he continues, his voice growing more emotional as he speaks. "And if I want to spend a few nights in this house just to see her place right before me while i open my eyes, then that's exactly what I'll do." He gripped at the railings, staring at lights of your apartment.
"I'd climb the highest mountain if she wanted me to, swim the deepest trenches if she pleases, take a shot through the heart if she asks me to." he smiled to himself. staring down at the flowing water.
"I'll stand by her whenever i can, suffer in the distance in sakes to keep her happy. more than anything. I'll be there, even if she doesn't know i am, I'll be glad that i was.. in the moment, just right behind her."
Husk nodded, staring in the distance too, lighting a cigarette, placing it on his mouth as he did so. taking a puff. Alastor smiled, his eyes closing as he listened to the sound of water hitting the shore. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calmness wash over him. "You are a great person, Husk," he said, opening his eyes and turning to look at him. "You may not understand why I do what I do, but you are still there to support me, and I appreciate that more than you could ever know." He reached out and placed a hand on Husk's shoulder, squeezing it softly.
"Hey, what ever fucked up thing you got over your head. I'm still here.. I'm stuck with ya anyway" he chuckled, taking another hit of his cigarette. Alastor turned to look at your apartment. "Hey Husker, do you want to come with tomorrow?" Husk raised a brow. "What for?"
"I'd like to go on a quick.. shopping" He smiled. chuckling softly as looked at you apartment once more.
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resisteverything · 2 months
Tbh it's clear that S2 of HB is soft rebooting pretty much everything from S1, which is quite....sad frankly and why everything seems disjointed. Let's see here....
The Grimoire? Well that's pointless now, because of the introduction of Asmodean Crystals. If they were there the whole time, then the book is a paperweight(put a pin in this for now.)
Stolas and Stella's relationship? Well at the start, seemed a bit of a mixed bag sort of thing, there was tension obviously between them, but they still shared a bed. Octavia seemed at least by implication of dialogue, good memories of her parents when they weren't fighting. BOTH VAs for Stolas and Stella, seem to think there was more going on with their characters(kind of a red flag, so it seems they didn't even know where their own characters were going). Stolas' song to Via and the lyrics of "I used to think that I was bold, I used to think love would be fun." Sorry but that's clearly referencing him and Stella having had SOME kind of relationship before everything went sour, boldness as per definition suggests that Stolas was the one who initiated and wanting to be with Stella. His lyrics of "now my stories have been told, except for one..." Also implies that he was extremely old.
Oh but S2 shoots all that in the face, with the laziest plotline ever and absolving Stolas of any wrong doing by his Family, by making Stella an evil bitch, as well as a dumbass. This plotline is so boring, considering Stolas already stood up to her and kicked her out of the house and is getting a divorce....there's nothing left there. He can't have been bold for his and Stella's relationship, considering he was forced into it and all his stories? That's bunk, considering the guy is only like in his 30s..
Blitz big vocal grievances to Stolas at the end of S1? Pointless now, because in blink and you'll miss it texts, Stolas doesn't even understand WHY Blitz was upset despite being flat out told to his face.
Stolas and Blitz' relationship? Back to square 1 apparently within Seeing Stars and moreso Stolas has no character growth, it doesn't matter that he's going to give Blitz a Crystal....because he doesn't even seem to understand what he's done wrong.
Also side note, why is Stolas the one getting the Crystal and not Blitz? Why is Stolas having to be the one to give it to him, can't Fizz and Ozzie just you know...mail it to the address of I.M.P.? Ozzie has Blitz' phone number, just send it directly to him.
Blitz and Stolas' deal? Completely pointless due to the afore mentioned Asmodean Crystals and the fact that I.M.P. was killing in Hell before the Grimoire. You can now completely REMOVE Stolas from the show, due to these factors.
Season 1? Since Blitz mentioned to Crimson that they killed in Hell before in Exes and Ohs, why not have some of the episodes build upon that? Why not expand upon the worldbuilding of Hell this way, only for the crew to find out that maybe killing up on Earth would be far more lucrative and thus find a way to get an Asmodean Crystal? There's a catch though, the only one who can(Fizzarolli) hates Blitz for past actions against him...
So now...Blitz goes on this arc of making amends with those of his past, including Fizzarolli, Verosika and Barbie. This is where S2 picks up.
Oh look at that, I removed Stolas entirely from the show and now gave room more to explore Moxxie, Millie and Loona as characters with Blitz as they navigate through Hell in trying to keep their assassination company afloat.
I didn't mean for the long winded ask, don't have to post it up...but yeah S2 clearly seems to reboot S1 and the more hilarious sad part of it is, you can remove Stolas entirely now because of it.
Yeah… and how is it that this crystal is so hard to get that Stolas has to get them from Ozzie when they’re presumably handed out like hotcakes to every succubus in hell? Either that or Verosika being on the surface in spring broken is a world-breaking plot hole.
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uncaaj · 9 months
Fanfic: Donald’s International Houseboat of Pancakes (DuckTales)
Donald returned to reality from the gentle caress of dreamland and came face to face with a head of blonde curls attached to an elongated bill, staring intently as if he were waiting for him to wake up for hours. Donald quacked in shock and shot backwards right into the headboard. He grabbed his head and moaned in pain. It was way too early for a migraine, especially when the first goose he laid eyes on today, Gladstone Gander, was so adept at inducing them in him.
“Yeesh,” Gladstone winced. “Bad dreams, D-Money?”
“No, but I must be having one right now,” Donald grumbled as low as he could so Gladstone wouldn’t hear. He met his cousin’s gaze, the corners of his bill curled down. “What are you doing in my boat and why are you sitting on my belly?”
Gladstone shrugged. “Hey, can’t a guy have the freedom to drop in on his cousin whenever he wants?” He moved his hands behind his back innocently.
“Not when he barges into my bedroom at- what time is it?” Donald fumbled for his alarm clock, arm not quite reaching it.
“Breakfast time, Donny,” grinned Gladstone.
Donald stopped grasping at the air above his nightstand, looked at his annoyingly lucky cousin, and flopped onto the bed, sighing long and exasperated. “I shoulda known…”
“Shoulda known what?” Gladstone asked, obviously feigning ignorance.
“Shoulda known that Mr. Free Ride would only invade my personal sanctuary to grab a breakfast he didn’t have to cook himself.”
“Not true! Although since you’re offering…” Gladstone tapped his index fingers together.
Donald exhaled through his teeth. A moment of silence took hold, and then, “Whaddaya want, cuz?”
“Ooh! Pancakes! You make the best griddle cakes this side of Audubon Bay!” Gladstone licked his beak with hungry excitement.
Donald shook his head at Gladstone, contemplating briefly whether to grant his cousin’s request or to just kick the layabout loafer to the curb. It wouldn’t be the first time. Sadly, his greater conscience won out. “Okay, I’ll make you pancakes.”
He shoved Gladstone to the side, off his belly and onto the floor. Yawning a great yawn and stretching to the sky, he woke up as much as he could before scooting out of bed and away from his cousin.
Standing up and adjusting his green polyester suit, Gladstone shook his head. “Someone’s obviously not a morning chicken…” he mumbled, following his cousin out into the houseboat’s kitchen.
Taking a seat at the bar, he reacquainted with Donald at the far counter, who was grinding beans for the morning cuppa joe. The duck seemed to move with purpose despite his sleepy stupor as he popped into the pantry while the grinder made its racket. The noise died as Donald reemerged with a red plastic container marked “pancake mix.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Gladstone began to protest, “I didn’t come all this way just to be fed some Betty Quacker hotcake-in-a-box.”
“It’s homemade mix. I make it ahead.” Donald set the container down and shot Gladstone a glare. “And who’s the cook here?”
Gladstone paused. “That a trick question?”
“No, it’s me. So hush.” Donald turned away and proceeded to pour the coffee grinds into a filter. He placed the filter inside his coffeemaker and topped it off with water. Replacing the pot, he switched on the coffeemaker. It wasn’t long before the air around them was filled with the soothing aroma of affordable national brand brown bean water.
Gladstone shifted in his seat as his sleep-deprived cousin dumped a cup of the mix into a plastic bowl. It left a cloud of dust hovering over the dry amalgam of powders. Donald then dipped into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of buttermilk and an egg.
“Pray tell, cuz,” said Donald, cracking the egg into a well he dug in the mix with his finger, “why make me cook for you when there are a thousand restaurants across town that’ll wine and dine you as their ‘millionth customer’ or whatever?”
“C’mon, Donny! That’s too easy! I could do that any other day. My cousin’s pancakes are one of a kind.”
Donald’s brow furrowed slightly as he turned away to pour out the coffee for them both. He handed Gladstone the steaming mug and said, “Next thing you’re gonna tell me ‘love’ is what sets my cooking apart, huh?”
Gladstone sipped. “Can’t be a cliche if it’s not wrong.”
“Flattery won’t getcha everywhere, cuz.”
“It’s gotten me here.”
“...touché.” Donald took a sip himself, then set the coffee down so he could pop the top off the buttermilk and pour a good glug into the mixture. 
He knew precisely why Gladstone had called on him this morning. It was his vengeful spirit against his lucky cousin that wanted the goose to say it out loud. So before breakfast preparation went too far, before Donald could be the good cousin he knew he was, Gladstone would have to pay the proverbial toll.
He took the whisk to the mixture with vim and vigor. As soon as it was just mixed, he set it down to his right and set his elbows on the counter, propping his head on his hands. “Bad day, cuz?���
The code phrase was out.
Gladstone’s beak opened slightly, and his eyes darted in opposite directions. No matter how cool and suave he was, his poker face was nonexistent among his family, and Donald knew it.
“What? N-nah! Everything’s hunky-dory! Why, heh, why wouldja...think that?” Gladstone was twiddling his thumbs. 
Donald sent him a knowing look. “Gladstone...I can read you like an issue of Lookie mag.”
Gladstone clutched at invisible pearls. “Ugh! Why must you hurt me so, dear cuz?”
“Dunno. It’s just my nature.” Donald narrowed his eyes and grinned like a Cheshire Cat.
For how uncomfortable his cousin made him in trying to keep this front up, Gladstone still felt safe and free to tell the truth to him. And that was the hardest part. He wasn’t worried about Donald. He could take it. He dealt with demons of his own. He would understand the most. But Gladstone couldn’t take it. 
His luck had brought him the highest of highs in life, but all too often, it was not enough to mask his inner sadness, an emptiness that couldn’t seem to be filled. And how pathetic was that? The struggle of reckoning with having everything and still being unhappy left him wallowing the day away in bed too many times. It had taken everything in him to get dressed and call on Donald today. And he still felt like he had to play his charming, upper-crust character to him. He felt he had to look like he had everything together to everyone, especially with his family. But Donald could see the cracks, and Gladstone knew it. Suddenly, he didn’t have the will to deny it anymore.
He slumped against the counter and sighed. “Yeah,” he mumbled, “Not doin’ too good today, cuz.”
Donald looked him straight in the eye. “Thanks for telling me.” 
His comforting gaze brought some warmth back to Gladstone, and he found the energy to grin back. “Thanks for giving me the time o’ day.”
“That’s what family’s for.”
That was so very true, and Gladstone felt that fact truly made him the luckiest goose in the world.
Returning to the task at hand, Donald put a pan on the stove to heat. He removed the whisk from the batter and tossed it in the sink, a ladle taking its place. A knob of butter replaced the aroma of coffee with its sweet, nutty comfort as it sizzled in the pan. Swirling it briefly, Donald grabbed the bowl and ladled a heaping spoon of batter from it onto the pan. It cascaded in a thick stream to pool into a delicious, puffy circle, the butter crackling all around it.
Gladstone peered over the counter to see better. “Sooooo what’s the secret here, Don-o-Rama?”
Gladstone stuck his tongue out. “Sure, sure, we all love that ol’ cliche. What’s really going on here?”
Donald chuckled. “Well, you really gotta control your heat. Some people would demand you use a thermometer, but I’ve gotten pretty good at telling just by my hand. And it’s gotta be hot enough to cook the inside just perfectly while also giving you that diner golden brown color.”
The pancake surface was comparable to the lunar surface, with its bubbles, craters, and bubbles becoming craters. Donald removed a spatula from the drawer beside the stove and smirked toward Gladstone. The spatula slid easily between the pan and its cake, and when flipped, the cooked side was a gorgeous golden brown, even all over. It was a sight to behold. Gladstone could almost cry, but he held it in, as he knew Donald would never let him live it down. But then, Gladstone had so many ways he could tease Donald that maybe he almost decided to let him have this one.
For all the times they made their rivalry public, Donald vastly preferred these simpler moments. Sure, it was fun to get a leg up on lucky Gladstone whenever he could, but those were quickly forgotten, lost in the ocean of his general anger. The moments that always stuck around to become memories were these quiet, homey moments, where they could just be family, equals by blood. No matter what, that fact would remain.
The pancakes plated and syrup generously drizzled onto the warm beauties, Gladstone and Donald tucked into breakfast.
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Happy new year!
Finally I get to start on this project that's been bouncing around my brain for the past few years, and how better to start it off with one of my specialties; a subclass!
Fortune Domain is the product of me wanting to pursue the ever-so-overdone "luck cleric" concept, but without relying on mechanics that allow rerolls and giving out dis/advantage like hotcakes. I had been interested in tarot right about when I had started work on it (a PC in my campaign was fond of tarot, Overwatch had released a tarot-themed skin, etc etc). But again, I didn't want to lean back on the "roll on this d8 table to determine what happens", so I did the next best thing: a deck builder!
In addition to the subclass, I created nine base cards to mix and match around in your character, allowing for a fair bit of versatility depending on what you need to do. All of them are vaguely off-support, which is nice, and I did my best to try to reflect the card's abilities off of their actual meanings. All nine cards provided are from the major arcana, but if you have any ideas for other cards and their abilities then absolutely feel free to make them!
Once again, happy new year, and here's to a prosperous year of creativity! Happy brewing!
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today’s compilation:
Now That's What I Call Music 1998 Pop / Pop-Rock / Alternative Rock / Dance-Pop / R&B / Teen Pop / Bubblegum Pop / Post-Grunge
Alright, folks, here it is: the ultimate rush of late 90s nostalgia; the first installment in the most pervasive compilation series to ever grace US shores; and partially, my own personal guiding light that originally inspired me to start this whole dumb V/A comp-collecting hobby of mine and its corresponding blog in the first place; it's the Mount Olympus of repackaging contemporary pop hits; the one and only Now That's What I Call Music!
Now, maybe you don't know this about Now, but this *whole fucking enterprise* actually dates all the way back to 1983 in the UK. That's when and where the first Now compilation of any kind was ever conceived. And what made that such a monumentally important moment for the music industry, when there'd already been plenty of contemporary V/A successes before it from the likes of K-tel and Ronco, is that for the first time ever, eclectic powerhouse pop music labels were joining forces themselves to put out these hits albums by supplying songs from their very own respective catalogues. And, as you could guess, these efforts wound up selling like total hotcakes 🤑.
Following Now's immediate success in the UK and Ireland, other countries would soon decide to set up their own version of the series. South Africa, New Zealand, and The Netherlands would all begin in 1984, Australia would make a release in '87, and Canada and Japan would start in '88. But for some reason that escapes me, it took the US an *extremely* long time to follow suit. It wasn't until October of 1998, with Virgin, Polydor, Capitol/EMI and Universal reaching an agreement to collaborate, that the moment would finally come to pass, though: Now would have its historic US arrival.
This album, as you might expect, is really just like turning on a top-40 radio station sometime around 1998. It's largely an excellent mix of songs that got tons of airplay from that era, with different slices of all the pop and rock goodies you remember, and maybe one or two that you forgot, like "Never Ever" by All Saints, a UK girl group that had two top-40 hits in '97—that one included—and then completely disappeared from US airwaves, while continuing to string together seven more straight top-tenners back home through 2006.
And something that may surprise you, as it did me, is that despite the massive airplay that some of these songs received, they actually didn't make Billboard's coveted Hot 100 chart at all. The Backstreet Boys' "As Long as You Love Me," Fastball's "The Way," Harvey Danger's "Flagpole Sitta," Tonic's "If You Could Only See," and Everclear's "I Will Buy You a New Life" all failed to make that chart. I mean, that Tonic track was probably the most played rock song on the radio in 1997! Why such a disconnect between airplay and Hot 100 placement? I genuinely don't get it.
This issue was somewhat remedied by Billboard a little after a month following this album's release, though. In December of 1998, Billboard ruled that there would no longer be a prerequisite that a song be released as a physical single in order for it to make the Hot 100. This former rule explains why a song like "As Long as You Love Me" never made the chart, because it was actually never released as a single in the US, but it still doesn't explain the lack of showing by all those other songs I listed above since they were all released as US singles. Did people really just not buy them despite our airwaves being saturated with them 🤔?
Anyway, it's always a good time with these trips down memory lane, and I'm glad that I finally got to tackle this opening shot from the most popular series of them all. Learned some intricacies along the way about the music industry I was never aware of too 👍.
Janet - "Together Again" Backstreet Boys - "As Long as You Love Me" Fastball - "The Way" Harvey Danger - "Flagpole Sitta" Spice Girls - "Say You'll Be There" K-Ci & JoJo - "All My Life" All Saints - "Never Ever (Single Edit)" Tonic - "If You Could Only See" Hanson - "Mmm Bop" Cherry Poppin' Daddies - "Zoot Suit Riot" Aqua - "Barbie Girl" Radiohead - "Karma Police" Everclear - "I Will Buy You a New Life" Lenny Kravitz - "Fly Away" Marcy Playground - "Sex & Candy"
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 month
It’s still a pet peeve of mines that I was working in my sorter department today and came across the PPG but it was the reboot ones with the original logo like oh my HIM! I hoping this will stop once the Craig reboot comes and I know some merchandise still uses the reboot and cramp them in with the originals.
Worst case scenario is that they do another redesign if/when the next reboot happens, and then we have three different styles floating around for designers to mix and match to our frustration.
…then in the year 2030, we’ll have a fourth reboot… then in a few years, a fifth! A sixth! …a seventh… an eighth… the merchandise will be even crazier with all sorts of styles being used… but it will continue to sell like hotcakes… the money will flow like water from a faucet… the girls will be but mere shells of their originals… Frankenstein creations continuing to be reanimated as wildly different iterations of themselves again and again……
…oh, sorry, started going down a spiral of pessimism there! I’m okay! 🙂
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rellze · 11 months
So! How'd you feel about the finale? I saw some mixed reviews- some people loved it, others... not so much.
Honestly, I thought it was a pretty ok finale, I'm just disappointed that it doesn't look like we're getting another season (maybe if we make enough noise..?).
Ok here’s my thoughts!
Personally, I feel like this show should have had 50 episodes like previous gundam shows. The back of half this season was pretty rushed and I feel like some plot elements were poorly explained. This episode showed this off the most with everything being saved with rainbow space magic in a fun but messy climax (at one point I whispered to my roommate “this is really sick but I’m not sure what’s actually going on anymore”)
The epilogue was everything I dreamed of. Suletta and Miorine are married! (Offscreen. Grrr.) All of Earth House lived! Prospera and Eri live! The oppression isn’t magically solved but people are making strides to improve the situation! Butch Nika! Road trip Elan (they were so funny for that ngl).
The force ghosts of the dead characters also really hit the right emotional notes. I’d say that thematically and emotionally, the finale nailed it even if plot wise it was a little janky.
Even so, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get more Ad Stella content. We still have a few loose ends (what happened to Notrette!?) and sunrise is a business at the end of the day, the WFM gunpla sells like hotcakes (I have Aerial and Lfrith already, have preordered Schwarzette and will probably buy Calibarn), so it would be a smart decision to lean into that. (Isn’t there an event in august about the show? I’m keeping an eye out)
hell, they could make a 50 episode slice of life show and I’d probably be sated. give me shitty in law content or give me death. At least give me a wedding OVA. sunrise please.
Anyway, I’ve spent the past couple months telling you what I think, I’m curious what you’re takes are now. (and thanks for humouring me lol).
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jessiesjaded · 5 months
I'll never make pancakes from scratch again as long as the little pinoy shop near me sell hotcake mix bc it has never ever failed me
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beevean · 1 year
Idk why there suddenly some discussion about Sales of Sonic games but here my cents : Sales doesn't equal quality
iirc 06 sale well despite how immensely broken the game is, I'm sure more example of that but yeah
Ps: i hope you have nice day ^^
Sales also depends on many things and they don't necessarily reflect quality
Sonic Lost World sold like shit because the WiiU was a notorious failure. The actual game was received with mixed reviews, some liked it and some didn't.
Sonic 1 sold like hotcakes because it came bundled with the Genesis, and Sonic 2 rode on its success, in the '90s, when famously Sonic was at the top of the world. (not saying that S1 and 2 are bad games, but you have to consider these factors too)
PS2 games sold well because the PS2 is, to this day, the most popular console ever.
As you said, '06 sold well enough to receive a platinum version, because it was the next gen Sonic game and the 15th anniversary title. We all know what its reception was until recently.
But also... all this sales talk has nothing to do with that post's point? "Frontiers sold a lot so IDW will reference it so IDW is canon" that's not how it works???? "Tangle and Whisper are playable in two mobile games that sold more than any other Sonic game so they're canon" one, source for that? two, Longclaw is also playable and I don't expect her anytime soon in a Sonic game lmao. And this is not even bringing up IDW's own sales :V
And then there is, of course, the big take "the days where Sega would pimp out Sonic to any Western creator are over" i'm just. baffled. dude.
That post was basically a big "Flynn is popular so suck it haters", and Woodchipp broke the argument down to a T. I have nothing else to add lmao.
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junniieesbby · 10 months
What did Mary Berry say when I made her pancakes? These are flipping amazing!
guten morgen! i woke up a while ago and realized my phone died overnight 😭, but other than that, i hope your day's getting off/got off to a good start!
i'm glad you're feeling better after what happened with the rock.
i've never been to the beach at night, but from friends' experiences, they say the vibe is great.
Hey hotcake!
Is that your nickname? I don’t know if I was around for your nickname reveal lol.
Tbh I had to search up who Mary berry was because I thought it was a random name. Turns it she’s an actual person.
Which gets me curious do you like to cook? Or bake?
Sorry I got a few different notifs and didn’t see your ask until nowwww
Hahah yeah I’m much better that rock has nothing on me.
I will have to say the vibe is definitely amazing I loveeeeeeeee the night air and mixed with the bonfire it’s amazing! Plus we get s’mores…do you like s’mores?
I saw on Ellie’s ask you don’t like maple syrup? I LOVEEE maple syrup it’s the only syrup I like. Maybe I’m biased because I love my Canadian neighbors but it’s just tastes so good.
Do you have a bias TXT? If yes can I get a clue on it?
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nosanime · 2 years
Hotcake Cake (Makes 4 Servings)
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We bring you this recipe from our panel, “Anime Foodies: Laid-Back Camp Season 2”.
This layer cake made out of Japanese-style hotcakes serves as the dessert for Aoi and Nadeshiko’s birthday celebration on the second evening of the Izu camping trip in Episode 12.  While it serves as a brilliant solution to making a cake without an oven, the need to whip eggs and cream by hand do make this probably the most physically taxing of any “Laid-Back Camp” recipe to date.
6 – Eggs
12 TBSP – Sugar
6 TBSP – Whole Milk
1 1/2 TSP – Vanilla Extract
9 TBSP – Cake Flour (AP Flour)
1 1/2 TSP – Baking Powder
2 Cups – Heavy Whipping Cream
1 – Mango
1 – Kiwi
1/3 Cup – Round Grapes
1 Cup – Strawberries
2 In. x 1 In. Square – Milk Chocolate [Optional]
1 Pack – Cookie Frosting [Optional]
Separate your eggs with the 6 egg whites being set aside for the meringue, 3 yolks being set aside for the yolk mixture, and the other 3 yolks stored in the fridge/cooler for use in another recipe.
Mix the 3 egg yolks and 6 TBSP of sugar until combined and frothy.
Add the milk and vanilla extract and stir together.
Add the flour and baking powder together, stir, and incorporate into the yolk mixture until there are no visible lumps while trying to stir as little as possible.
In as large and as wide of a bowl as is available, whip the egg whites with a whisk until frothy and then add 4 TBSP of sugar in batches until a meringue is formed with medium peaks.
Take roughly 1/3 of the meringue and mix into the yolk mixture to lighten it.
Fold the remaining meringue into the yolk mixture in two or three batches being careful not to knock out too much air.
Heat an 8 or 10-inch non-stick pan over low heat, spray with some oil, and add 3/4 cup of the hotcake batter in an even layer.
Cover and cook for 3 minutes.
Remove the lid, add another 1/2 cup of batter evenly across the top of the already cooking hotcake, cover, and cook for another 4-5 minutes.
To flip the hotcake, slide it out of the pan, cooked side down onto a large paper plate, put the pan over the top, and quickly upend the plate back down into the pan.
Use your spatula to fix any uneven edges from the flip and then cover and cook for another 4-5 minutes. 
Once finished, remove the hotcake and set on a plate under a damp paper towel.
Repeat Steps 8 through 13 to create a second large hotcake.
Again, using the largest and widest bowl you have available, whip the heavy cream until slightly thickened, add the final 2 TBSP of sugar, and continue whipping until you have stiff peaks.
Take your mango and cut both thin slices and larger chunks for the top of the cake.
Skin the kiwi and cut into thin slices.
Slice your largest strawberries for the middle of the cake and leave your smallest ones whole for the topping.
Take your square of chocolate and write whatever you want as a message for the top of the cake with the cookie frosting before setting it in the fridge/cooler until ready to place on the cake. [Optional]
To build the cake, set one of the hotcakes on a plate and top with a layer of the whipped cream and the thin-sliced mango, kiwi, and strawberries while leaving some room on the edge of the whipped cream layer.
Add the second cake and another layer of whipped cream on top.
Add some whipped cream to a small resealable plastic and cut off the corner.  Use this bag of cream to pipe a border of whipped cream around the top edge of the cake.
Take some of the remaining thin slices of fruit and alternate them in the edge of the layer of cream between the two hotcakes.
Place the whole grapes, whole strawberries, mango chunks, and kiwi slices inside the thicker whipped cream border on the top of the cake and finish with the chocolate message if made.
Slice carefully with a serrated cake knife to serve or merely consume directly from the plate.
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This recipe isn’t as exacting as some of the others, so there is a not insignificant chance that there will be additional hotcake batter and fruit leftover.  Use any extra batter immediately and store the additional hotcakes in the cooler.
We used the exact fruits the girls used for the sake of the panel, but feel free to use a mix of whatever fruits are in season.
If you’ll be doing the chocolate plaque, a basic chocolate bar from the grocery store is a great way to get a flat chocolate surface to work with.
The additional egg yolks will last for 2-3 days in the fridge. 
For whipping the egg whites and the cream, hand power will be the default method when outside, but you can find battery-powered/crank hand mixers which can significantly lighten the workload.
When building the cake, make sure to use whatever of your two cakes is the most perfect and stable for the base to diminish the chances of the cake falling over.
Feel free to use a real piping bag, but the plastic bag method will definitely reduce the need for cleaning.
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Keraon (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Sweetface by Promylaia
Age- 18 (immortal)
Location- Mania district, New Olympus
Personality- He's definitely the more outgoing one of the trio! He likes finding the light & humor in any situation and he surely has a "bitey" sense of humor- no filter. He's casually dating.
He has the standard abilities of a god. Being the god of baking & wine mixing, his powers/abilities include limited alcokinesis, glycopoeia (can transform anything into a candy or sweet), limited chlorokinesis (as it pertains to vine plants, like grapes & strawberries), and he has the ability to create a sonic burp (that can even shatter adamantine coated glass). 
Keraon lives in a high rise apartment in the Mania district of New Olympus. When he looks out his living room window, at a distance, he can spot The Void nightclub. There's always the lingering scent of powdered sugar in his apartment.
Aside from the joint business venture he has with his cousin & brother, he's also a contributing writer for Deipneus' culinary magazine. Keraon also has his own business- a dessert truck called Cake n' Bake. Other sweet treats served are his mom's honey & butter biscuits, bukkumi (sweet rice cake dumplings), & hotteok (a savory cinnamon hotcake). He has plans of opening an official shop in Achaea. He also has his own merch- T-shirts, hats, keychains, mugs, and phone cases.
His go-to drink is a frosted almond, coffee, & coconut cream milkshake. He also likes red wine, frozen cranberry margarita slushies, rum & cokes, beer, & makgeolli.
Keraon's shirtless pics are always a favorite among his Fatestagram followers!
He loves snacking on gimbap & tzatziki flavored potato chips.
Keraon still has a close relationship with his parents, Promylaia and Trochilus (god of the mill wheel).
His favorite sandwich from The Bread Box is the fried chicken one (with a hot sauce based mayo). He also likes a toasted poppy seed bagel with butter.
In the pantheon (much like the rest of his family), he doesn't like Demeter (goddess of the harvest & agriculture).
Keraon is friends with Dionysus (god of wine), Pandaisia (goddess of banquets), Komos (god of revelry), Auxo (goddess of summer, vegetation, & plants), Horme (god of energy), Eupraxia (goddess of well-being & success), Thallo (goddess of spring & new growth), Agon (god of sports & contests) Carpo (goddess of autumn & fruits), Hedylogos (god of sweet talk & flattery), and The Muses. Keraon's official mentor was Agathodaemon (Daemon) (god of vineyards, grainfields, & luck).
Keraon's ultimate favorite frozen treat is the piña colada waffle cone sundae from The Frozen Spoon (added with extra toasted shredded coconut flakes, grilled pineapple tidbits, maraschino cherries, and a coconut glaze).
Some of his favorite desserts include beignets, honey sticky buns, ekmek kataifi, karydopita, & Hestia's red velvet cheesecake.
Keraon gave Aergia (goddess of sloth, idleness, & laziness) her first kiss, after she approached him during a Summer Solstice Music Festival, wanting to know what it was like to kiss someone. They made the "kissing appointment" the next week, at her cottage. He remembers everything about that day. How dark her brown eyes got, how soft her lips felt & how they tasted like powdered sugar, how in sync their breathing and moaning was, & how good it felt to have her fingers graze through his long curly hair. The kissing went on for a few minutes before Gia stopped it when his hand made its way inside her tank top- to the front of her bra. After a quick "thank you", she slammed the door in his face- leaving him completely witless & confused.
He sometimes entertains the dates his mother sets him up on, more so than his brother. On one date (with a maenad), they snuck onto Dion's vineyard in Thebes where they hooked up!
In his free time (other than cooking & baking), Keraon loves skateboarding, rollerblading, bowling, kickboxing, going to amusement parks, and playing video games. He's even learning to dance hip-hop from Terpischore (muse of dance).
Some of his favorite dishes include bulgogi with white rice, bossam, kimchi stew, dirty rice, crab & lobster mac n' cheese, and sausage gumbo.
"A happy soul starts with a happy stomach!"
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