#hope that doesn't come across as conceited
artichow · 1 month
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So... since there are no colored reference sheets of Hyoma anywhere on the Internet (that I know of), I made my own!
This was originally made for myself but you can absolutelly save this or even repost it on other sites, I only ask that you don't erase my username at the bottom aha (btw this is the only piece that I made that I'm okay with you reposting, everything else you cannot thank you)
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The thing about Peggy is, she doesn’t even like Steve? 
She patronises him. She sexually assaults him. She stalks him. She shows him compassion only for as long as it looks like her efforts to attach him will be successful, but the instant it looks like her efforts have failed she violently attacks him and sneers at his dreams.
(How could she be so vicious and so dismissive so easily, if she actually liked him? Shouldn’t she be heartbroken? It’s not the wounded relationship that matters to her; it’s the wounded pride. Steve could’ve dropped down dead, at that moment, and she wouldn’t miss a wink of sleep.) 
She dines out off having slightly known Steve, despite never dating him, and yet is enraged when people point it out. 
(Why is the ass-covering patronage of every other powerful man in her life acceptable, except his?)
She refuses to acknowledge any of his loved ones (shouldn’t they be beloved by her, too?) because she is so desperate to establish herself as the only legitimate connection to him. And yet she colludes with his sworn enemies, across multiple universes, and even lies about it (omits to tell him) to his face, when his life is in danger because of it. 
(How could someone do this, if they actually liked him?) 
Peggy thinks she is ‘not like the other girls’ who throw themselves at Steve, just because while she is throwing herself at him she also talks to him like he is a child (because that’s how she talks to all men.) 
She thinks she is actually better than Steve, since he is a man, and she thinks all men are essentially terrible and that this is feminism. She must be better, even though she acts just like the worst of men, because a thing only counts as bad if a man is doing it (eg. sexual assault) and only counts as good if Peggy is doing it (eg. if actual-feminist Daniel Souza dares to speak up for women in the workplace, she will tell him to shut up. Likewise, her turning a gun on Steve is #Girlbossing but Red Skull and Alexander Pierce doing it is Evil.)  
This is why, despite Steve being an internationally famous decorated war hero, a film-star and a heartthrob and the world’s only supersoldier, while Peggy is an unfulfilled unimportant desk jockey... she still turns up to announce that she will one day allow Steve to dance with her, as if she is doing him a favour. 
It’s because she sees Steve as essentially the same as before serum -- that is, pathetic (in need of help to get female attention.) Still pathetic, in her eyes. 
But since to everyone else Steve has become a prize, she has to take Steve down a peg by reminding him of their little secret -- that despite how great he may seem, she is superior to him -- and she really believes it’s true! 
(This belief is baseless. What If accidentally confirmed that she can only match Steve’s accomplishments if she is given serum... so she is not his equal without serum, let alone his superior, despite being born with considerable advantages over him.) 
And this treatment of Steve as pathetic, before and after serum, we’re supposed to see as her ‘appreciating him’ for who he really is inside. 
But her treatment of Steve is only un-starry-eyed (or so she likes to think) and businesslike because Steve is a man, and she thinks all men are inferior to her. He isn’t special. 
(Just as, she is the only woman in the First Avenger, and their big connection is supposed to be over the allegedly-similar discrimination levelled against women as against disabled men... but this is experienced by all women, so saying she’s ‘The’ woman for Steve amounts to saying that she only qualifies for the job because she’s female, and for no other reason.) 
The fact is, while Steve pays lip service to the idea of wanting a woman, he never actually acts like he wants a woman. 
And does Peggy even want a man? 
She comes across as someone who has remained single because her view of herself is so inflated and her view of men is so dim that they can never match up. 
It’s like she’s got a reluctant mental shopping list of ‘insanely lofty traits a man would need to have to finally be worthy of Her Majesty,’ and she only awkwardly goes about trying to get Steve at all because she has realised that this famous neatly-pressed hunk Captain America has managed to tick all of the boxes, somehow. He’s a trophy she feels she ought to have, but isn’t really bothered about having.
(But then she gets repeatedly annoyed whenever that pesky little ‘Steve Rogers’ twerp keeps getting in the way of her fantasy, wanting to do the right thing instead of just doing what she tells him, and has to be violently attacked to keep him in line.) 
She doesn’t actually like Steve.
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cocteaucherry · 4 months
trials and tribulations
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summary- falling in love with your sworn enemy was not something you planned.
cws- p&p au/ bridgerton au, inaccurate use of regency language, 18+, misogyny, talk of pregnancy, foul language, future smut in later chapters, slow slow burn, LENGTHY descriptions
(a/n- the first chapter was running into 2k words so I split it up and edited it <33 I hope you enjoy
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”
“So it's true that they're rather wealthy?”
“Well ONE of them are rather wealthy, the other not so much.”
“Doesn’t matter if they're both handsome.
“Ugh shoko don't say that”
You sat on the uncomfortable couch stopping your knitting to take part in the conversation, Shoko and Utahime, your lifelong friends sat across from you rather giddy about the wealthy newcomers
“What? It's true.” Shoko grinned her brown hair only reaching past her chin, “Makes the whole ‘being bound’ for life thing much easier.”
Utahime nodded, standing to walk across the small parlor, she sat on the small stool of the pianoforte playing a single note. “That, if men are gonna set the standard we might as well use it to our advantage.”
You rolled your eyes setting your needle and thread to the side, “So by finding an attractive wealthy man is taking advantage?”
“Yeah” they said in unison before giggling.
“Come on Y/n! Who really wants to be married with many children before twenty-five, some women may but not me! I'd like my twenties to amount to more than just my womb.” utahime exclaimed before tightly shutting her mouth when your mother walked in.
While she looked like a term cold woman she was really the best caring mother you could wish for in these times, “Good evening ladies,” your mother nodded with a curt smile, “I'm guessing you all have heard the news?”
“The well-off lads with handsome faces coming to town? No we haven't,” you smirked standing up before your mother’s hands were immediately attached to your shoulders, “This is your time my dear! For you to make your mark and to finally marry!”
Utahime and Shoko had to stifle their laughter.
You looked back with an annoyed grimace on your face as your mother moved to grip your hands, “My dear, you know why I worry, I worry for all of you like my own children.. As you all approach spinster age we mothers grow worried.”
Shoko and Utahime groaned in comparison their mothers had given them the same speech, “Now, I want the both of you to get on home and prepare for their welcoming ball-”
“WE WERE INVITED-” all of your voices rose in a confused squeal before your mother hushed them.
“Invitations were sent out this afternoon-”
“Mother you didn't tell me?!” you whispered yelled as you rushed over to utahime.
“I was going to-”
“Utahime can I please borrow your ribbons?” you pleaded.
“But that's my favorite!”
“Come onnnn pleaseee”
“So his name is Satoru Gojo?” you and Shoko stared at the invitation, very impressed by the amount of time and possibly money spent into the thick piece of paper.
“Yeah, I've never seen him but I've heard things. Like how he's conceited and doesn't exactly rub people the right way.” Utahime scoffed at the frill on her delicate dress.
“Oh so your ideal husband?” you grinned jokingly as you felt Shoko flick your forehead, “Ow!” you hissed in pain, whining , rubbing your forehead.
“Thank you Shoko, how far are we?” Utahime peeked out the carriage window to immediately be star struck, “look look!” she pointed, and you a shoko to foot to look out.
You all had passed by the manor countless times, nothing was particularly jaw-dropping about its size but that was it, looking at it from a new angle it was glorious. The overgrown fauna had been trimmed and lights took over all the dark areas, different flowers had overtaken the walls and it was truly breathtaking.
“This is..”
“Amazing, yeah,” you said breathtakingly as the carriage came to an abrupt stop, you heard the voice of your mother and father ahead of you (the adults had opted for a separate carriage) the door to the carriage opened as she quietly ushered you out, “Come come!”
Once you all had approached the entrance you were hit with the strong smell of flowers and expensive perfume, your nose scrunched as you all stepped through the wide open doors. marble statues and flowers hung everywhere, “Think they have enough flowers?” you whispered to Shoko with a grin as you tried your best to not bump into any of the guests.
“We just arrived and I'm already overstimulated.” Utahime groaned before getting stopped by your mother, “Before you leave remember you are here to make a marvelous impression, don't disappoint me.” she stuck a finger out before placing a kiss on your cheek and disappearing into the crowd of people.
“Well, ladies.” Shoko hummed with a grin, “I say we go dance,” she grinned wrapping an arm around Utahime’s neck, “Actually, I'm going to find the wine, you two have fun.” she quickly walked away leaving Shoko to scoff and immediately grab your hand, “C’monnn y/n.. Please..”
“Fine! Fine! Let's go!” you giggled,
As the band played loudly you and Shoko continuously danced, eventually forgetting the whole reason you had come, “Shokoo, how are you not tiredd?” you panted continuing to spin around your dance partner, “goodness you're too weak.” she grinned at you spinning around her own dance partner.
The music had halted and Shoko immediately fell to your side, “And I'm weak?” you laughed smirking as you gripped onto the brunette's arm.
The room suddenly went quiet, hushed mummers filled the room as the guests around you stepped back. “He’s here he’s here!” Shoko whispered quietly tugging on your hand to strap back, “Gojo?-“ you were shushed immediately as your attention was bought to the wide opened door.
A tall slender frame, a beautifully dark blue tailored suit was complimented by his snow white locks, his bright blue eyes scanned the room as a small smile appeared on his face. Accompanying him was a person who you hadn’t seen before, long jet black black hair tied into a bun, his jet black suit offsetting his amber eyes.
“Who’s that?” You whispered to Shoko keeping your eyes on the men as they began to walk towards the cleared aisle everyone had made, “One with the white hair obviously Satoru Gojo, the one next to him I’m guessing is his trusted friend Suguru Geto.”
You nodded confusingly as people bowed next to you, you and Shoko bowed in tandem as they walked by, Geto spared a small glance to you before hurriedly looking away the same stoic look taking place on his face.
“Hm-“ you sighed quietly taking your hands off the fabric of your dress as the two men made their way down the walkway, once they reached the end the music resumed and the breath you didn't know you were holding came out. Were you that nervous?
As you were lost in thought you were quickly bought out by the hands of your mother gripping your soldier, “Did you see how handsome he was? We must introduce you immediately!” your mother pleaded, grabbing your hand, you turned to Shoko with pleading eyes and a smile appeared in her face, “Yeah come on!”
Oh this woman-
before you could release a string of insults you were being pulled away by Shoko, your mother following suit. “Shoko! Please please please-” you shut your mouth as you stood in front of the infamous man known as Satoru Gojo and his friend.
You felt your palms begin to sweat as you were placed upon the beautiful man, your nervousness only skyrocketed as you felt the suffocating glare of Suguru Geto cast over you.
“Mr Gojo and Mr Geto.” your mother bowed with a smile, “My daughter y/n l/n and her friend Shoko Ieiri.” as you and Shoko began to bow you were met with a laugh coming from the white-haired man.
“Please, there's no need for bowing.. I'm not that formal,”
“Satoru..” his black-haired friend began as Gojo quickly shushed him.
“So Miss Shoko and Y/N.. Oh I almost forgot about my wet blanket here, Mr. Suguru Geto, careful he doesn't care for lively things.”
A vein appeared above Geto’s eyebrow as he clenched his jaw. “I'm the one with actual sense.” he quickly retorted which caused Gojo to frown.
“Well I'll leave you both to it,” your mother interrupted, placing a kiss on your cheek before whispering, “Don't mess this up.” she plastered on a smile before walking away into the crowd of people.
Shoko cleared her throat before looking at the two men, “So, how are you two settling into the town?”
Gojo looked over annoyingly at his friend flicking his arm, “What he means is-”
“No no, please enlighten me Mr. Geto” his body tensed at you saying his name, “What is so horrible about this town?” you questioned a sickly sweet smile taking over your features.
“For one, the architecture is overly simplified-”
“Oh, what a surprise a small town doesn't fit Mr. Geto’s standard.”
Gojo grinned a small laugh leaving his mouth, “Well, you both sound lovely with a great sense of humor.”
“Well thank you, I think it’s time me and my friend get going.. we enjoyed talking with both of you.” Shoko curtsied as you did too, you turned and left Shoko following after.
Once you were out of earshot Gojo looked towards his friend with a grin, “they’re both rather cute aren't they?”
Geto scoffed, shaking his head, “Miss. Ieiri seems a rather pleasant Miss. L/N I’m not so sure.”
The white haired male laughed, placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Maybe I’ll try my luck with her then?”
A vein appeared in Geto’s neck as his fist tightened and Gojo pointed it out, “Got you, you’re too easy to read my dear friend..” he smirked, walking away into the crowd.
Suguru shook his accusation off his eyes searching for your hair but couldn’t be found, he DIDNT want anything to do with you.
At least that’s what he told himself.
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richie-shitlips · 22 days
Why I think Thomas Thorne has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder): A character study
so I've been researching NPD because I think I have it, and I realised that A LOT of the symptoms also fit Thomas (who I named myself after!) So I'm going symptom by symptom and doing my best to analyse his actions. Some of this is coherent, some of it is just rambling- but I hope this makes sense! (thank you @loganschwarzy and @isopodonanescalator for reading this over text and agreeing with me)
• Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
...look at him. he goes as far to say that famous poet lord byron plagiarised HIS work. he sulks when he's not given attention. he gets upset when alison's (unfinished) painting doesn't do him justice. in his own retelling of his death, he reports the announcer calling him britain's greatest living poet.
• Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
i don't have particular evidence for this one off the top of my head but like there are definitely instances of it in the show. like on christmas when he's obsessed with getting alison to kiss him (which is impossible) or the whole thing with the plague ghosts in S4E1 (i think that's what episode it was)... i guess i did have evidence.
• Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
• Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
once again, just look at him. he writes one (1) poem and thinks it's the greatest thing in the world
• Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
watch The Thomas Thorne Affair, his spin on the story is WILDLY different from everyone else's, making himself seem successful and well-loved despite actually being the opposite- and he seems to actually believe it! and he thinks that alison is secretly in love with him for a good portion of the show
• Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
i think if he does have an EP (equal person), it's probably pat, as he's the only one who thomas actually genuinely treats like a person and not just a means to get love or attention. i also like to think around season 5 he starts to see kitty as an equal as well, but i've gotta rewatch it to see if that's got basis or if im just a shipper
• Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
i don't remember any specific instances, but he's constantly criticising the other ghosts and other poets (in the book he annotates lord byrons poetry and makes fun of him)
• Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
this is less so i think but like it's definitely still there you can see it if you pay attention
• Take advantage of others to get what they want.
he plagiarises. a lot.
and also the whole "Balderdash, I could thrash you all at twist-it then run a mile!" seems like he was planning to use the others losing to impress alison
• Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
while alison never explicitly tells him to fuck off, her annoyance is obvious (although she also LOVES the attention and gets distraught when he ignores her) and he never seems to notice
i think something that could also count is when mary moves on he only thinks about himself and worries that he'll move on before making an impact on the world (DESPITE ALREADY BEING DEAD)
• Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
he is soooooo jealous of mike and toby despite never having a chance with alison in the first place. and he definitely thinks the other ghosts are (or should be) jealous of him- just look at how he talks to them
• Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
he talks himself up SO MUCH
• Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.
the whole thing with the painting again- alison paints him, and he sees it before it's done (snuck a peek even though he was told not to) and he thinks the unfinished painting looks ugly and freaks out over how to tell alison he doesn't like it and wishes it was better (and then changes his mind as soon as he sees the finished version!)
• Become impatient or angry when they don't receive special recognition or treatment.
the whole thing with Life of Byron, where he gets upset when he's told to be quiet because the cameras are on (and upset that he can't be alison's free pass despite not knowing her when her and mike got married)
• Have major problems interacting with others and easily feel slighted.
there are definitely instances of him thinking others are playing him, mainly alison. but also he was actually manipulated and played (which led to his death) by his cousin who he obviously trusted with his life, which could contribute to that distrust as well
• React with rage or contempt and try to belittle other people to make themselves appear superior.
when cap tells him he's not as big a deal as he's acting in S4E1, he kinda blows up on him
once again, when told he's just scared he'll lose twister, he blows up and claims he can win easily then run a mile
• Have difficulty managing their emotions and behavior.
goes from calmly explaining why he's upset to "I'm going to drown myself in the lake!" and storming off in like 0.2 seconds
• Experience major problems dealing with stress and adapting to change.
also the whole thing with mary, i think. and we kinda see when the builders are there, he gets writers block and can't focus on his "work", which i can see as having trouble adapting to change
• Withdraw from or avoid situations in which they might fail.
he doesn't tend to do this as much, instead favouring to boast that he'll succeed and then sulk when he fails
• Feel depressed and moody because they fall short of perfection.
• Have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, humiliation and fear of being exposed as a failure.
this definitely happens, i can't think of a ton of evidence though
but he's constantly put down by the other ghosts and i dont think thats fair. the times we actually see him cool off and act like he's not above the other people are when they're not putting him down- and as soon as he's praised in that scene, he starts trying to play up the success by trying to write more (and shittier) poetry to get more praise (talking about when him and alison are watching the sunrise, i don't remember the episode)
in conclusion, thomas thorne is a narcissist in canon, it just hasn't been explicitly stated. thank you for coming to my TOM talk (my dad told me to say that)
TL;DR: no go back and read it i worked hard on this and i need you to agree (or just read the paragraph above this, i guess 😒)
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angelpuns · 3 months
I’m not trying to be mean but why did you change their last name? I know the fandom researched it and it’s known as a “fake name” but it’s a real Japanese name, just rare. No matter the era it’ll still exist, just in rare instances.
I really hope this doesn't come across as mean or super conceited or anything cause I am not an expert, but I have done a ton of research for this au and I want to make it as accurate as possible! I'm not upset or anything either I just want to be extremely clear about.
Okay I wanted to answer this with as much research as possible, because although you are technically right ( there are 100 households in Japan with the surname Hamato as of 1997)
There are other things to consider for this au, such as it being set in the 30s/40s as well as how old Yoshi's family is. Since his family goes back several generations, it'd make sense for him to have an older, more common name. Hamamoto still isn't extremely common, but it's significantly more common than Hamato.
The other thing is that a few points kept popping up when doing research and they are
1- these two surnames mean almost the exact same thing
2- When TMNT was aired in Japan for the first time, they specifically changed the Japanese names to more realistic ones.
3- The creators of TMNT have said that they just made the names up.
I will say also that in that 1997 Japanese National Census, they have a note that explains for the reader to be cautious of nicknames/pen names/stage names because people can and will put those names rather than their birth names/actually surnames, so there's no way to know for sure about those 100 households ( maybe more since its been several years but still)
So basically I changed it because I wanted it to more accurate to the language and the era in which the au takes place. I'm not saying this is all 100% certain as far as my research goes, I've done my best and this was the conclusion I came up with.
And again I'm not Japanese myself, so all my information comes from research and what I have learned of the language.
Also sorry if this comes off as mean or conceited or anything I just made that choice for a reason and ahsdhdhfhrhr I don't want to come off as mean
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dreamersbcll · 10 months
What if chad doesn't stop tara from opening quinn's door in the apartment scene? Let's suppose that ghostface was right behind it, waiting for someone to do something. Maybe when tara opens it, ghostface pulls her inside and locks the door... please, if you decide to write this, make it angsty <3
so, i did a mashup of au’s. here’s the other inspo post….
The fucked-up part of the whole night was that Tara genuinely thought they would eat dinner together until the screaming started. The newly coined Core-Four gets one nice moment together, which again is ruined by some death wish. Once the screaming began, the facade of a good life was stripped away, and the kids ran toward the source.
Tara didn’t know why she went to open the door. Every fiber in her being begged her to back away from the door, but naturally, she ignored her instincts. She instead reached for the door handle, feeling the electricity crackle between her fingertips and the knob. She knew deep down that something was wrong.
But she twisted it anyway.
The second she did so, she looked up and made eye contact with Sam, dread swallowing her up whole. As if Sam could read her mind, her expression quickly changed from confusion to horror. Her big sister reached out, trying to get her away from the door, and that’s when Tara was snatched.
The door violently swung open, and a gloved hand wrapped around her shoulder, yanking her inside. She could see the moment that the other kids knew- that Tara wasn’t coming out unscathed. She could feel her stomach drop, her hands instantly shaking. The door slammed shut behind her, and the noise of something being shoved in front of it made her ears ache.
As she was thrown to the bedroom floor, she saw Quinn’s dead body strewn across her bed. Blood spattered the walls and sheets, and she cried out as she fell into a puddle. Hot and sticky, and her head throbbing, she stared at Ghostface, a sneer across her face.
Though every part of her was terrified, she put on her brave face, snarling back at her latest assailant.
“You better make it fucking hurt. My sister will tear you apart, limb by limb!” she growled, ignoring the throbbing in her panicked chest.
Ghostface tilted his head at Tara, and she swore she saw him smile.
“I hope she does, Tara,” he sneered back, raising the knife.
Before she could react, she kicked her square in the head, knocking her out cold.
Turning around towards the sound of screaming, Ghostface stared at the door, watching it shake. He could hear the bitchy sister beg for Tara, and the conceited asshole Chad threw his body against the door. It didn’t matter what they prayed for or who they begged. He was in control now.
Making his way to the shaking door, he pulled out his knife, tapping the blade against the door. Immediately the pounding stopped, the screaming dying to a bated breath.
This was too fucking easy.
Scraping the blade against the door, he spoke quietly, just above a whisper.
“Hey, Sam. Let’s play a game,” he taunted, goosebumps rising as the shrill knife scraped against the old wood.
A gasp could be heard, and someone stumbled back across the hardwood floor onto the couch. He grinned, knowing that he had them all wrapped around his finger.
Her voice, low and controlled, broke the silence.
“Try me, motherfucker,” she hissed back, her voice strained.
Without warning, he slapped his free hand against the door hard enough to make the ground jump and shriek in fear. God, did this feel fucking good. He didn’t care if he was going off-script. This was what he wanted. It was his game, and they had to play it.
How delightful.
Leaning against the door, he let his mask touch the wood, relishing how he could hear Sam breathing fast. The bitch may be a stone-cold murderer, but behind that, she was still a scared little girl.
And he was about to teach her what happens when you kill his brother.
“Question game. Three questions, to be exact. Each time you’re wrong, I get to stab your sister. If you get them right, she lives with minimal brain damage. If you don’t decide in the next ten seconds, I’m gutting her like a pig on Quinn’s bedroom floor,” he snarled, slapping his hand against the door again.
It took a few moments of frantic whispers and soft cries of Don’t do it, Sam, but he eventually heard the words he was waiting for.
“Fine. You lose, and I get to tear you apart,” she gritted back, slamming her hand against the wall.
He grinned and picked up the crumpled girl by the hair.
This was too easy.
Sam doesn’t know why she decided to play into this asshole’s delusions. Nothing good was going to come of it. She knew deep down that she was doing the wrong thing, but what could she do? She was damned if she did and damned if she didn’t.
Tara was going to bleed either way. Whether or not Sam burst into the door armed and ready to fight, Tara would get hurt. It didn’t matter what she did.
It didn’t fucking matter.
Digging her nails into the soft wood, she could feel the twins flanking her side. Annika was behind her, pressing gently against the small of her back. Taking a deep breath, she shuddered, the twins holding her upright.
“Okay. Now fucking get on with it, you sorry sack of shit,” she blurted out, trying to sound intimidating. But her shaky voice gave her away.
She could hear someone dragged across the floor, presumably her little sister—dead weight. Tara sounded like dead weight. She could feel her stomach churn and twist, knowing that her baby sister was in the hands of a butcher with a knife.
“Sam?” a confused Tara slurred out, yelping as she was slapped again.
Sam punched the door in a rage. “Don’t fucking touch her!”
After what seemed to be an eternity, he finally answered her, laughing at her pain. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to control her breathing. If she broke focus, Tara would die, and she couldn’t have that. They had just reunited.
They had just reunited.
“Question one, Sam. No freebies,” he drawled, Tara whimpering at his feet.
The twins sniffled, Anika, rubbing Mindy’s back. Sam could feel her hands trembling, and she took a deep breath, trying to control it. The kids needed her to stay upright. The kids needed her to be strong.
Fuck, Tara needed her to be solid and correct.
“How many people have you killed?”
Sam felt her mouth go dry, her hands limp at her side. This wasn’t a trick question, just one she wasn’t expecting. But she knew she was right because she had killed zero people. She smiled to herself, knowing that Tara would be safe this round. Mindy breathed a sigh of relief, Chad putting his face into his hands.
“None. I’ve killed none. Fuck you!” she spat, curling her hands into fists.
“Wrong answer!” he taunted, and before she could react, Tara screamed in pain.
A guttural scream of torment and the sound of skin torn apart by a knife. Chad stumbled backward, turning green, while Mindy fell to her knees, dragging Anika down.
Sam stood there, swaying slightly on her feet. She could hear Tara crying, the type of cry she had when she was in distress. It had been a while since Sam had heard that, that cry of despair. She should’ve known that this asshole had some fucked-up vendetta against her. Another conspiracy theorist who couldn’t accept that she wasn’t guilty.
“Let her go! Take me! Let her go!” she screamed, throwing her shoulder into the door. She felt it splinter under her touch, but before she could throw her body against the door again, she heard Tara wail in pain again.
“Careful, Sam. That’s against the rules—quick follow-up question for you. How many times can I stab your little sister before she bleeds out?” he gloated, laughing maniacally at his words.
She tugged at her hair hard. “That’s not fair! That’s not a real fucking question! Fuck you! Let her go!” Sam wailed, slamming her hands against the door.
Tara coughed a wet, sticky cough. “Sam, please,” she begged softly, coughing again.
There wasn’t anything Sam could do. She was stuck in hell, and she couldn’t do a goddamn thing to claw her way out. Tara was begging for her to help, but the game was rigged. No matter what, her baby sister would bleed- and Sam couldn’t control how much.
She slammed her hand against the door again, pathetically.
“Please,” she whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes as she heard Tara take a ragged breath in and out.
“Answer the question, Sam. How many people have you killed?”
Tara whimpered, and the twins behind her sobbed. Sam could feel every part of her body fighting the answer that sat on her tongue, but she had to give in. There wasn’t a backup plan. This was it- this was the end.
And she had to play into it.
“One. I’ve killed one,” she whispered, digging her nails into the door.
Ghostface laughed, a loud, mocking sound. The twins flinched, and Sam nearly stumbled back from the noise. It was an unnerving sound echoing throughout their apartment, one that wouldn’t ever be forgotten.
After a bit, he collected himself, clearing his throat.
“Do you know what it’s like to lose a sibling, Sam?”
Her stomach bottomed out, and her knees hit the floor. She pressed her forehead against the door, her nails digging into the wood, blood oozing down the wood.
“Please. Please don’t do this,” she begged, tears flowing down her face.
She could hear her baby sister crying, mumbling through her anguish and tears. He slapped Tara, the sound making Sam flinch in pain.
“I know what it’s like. You killed my sibling. I think it’s only fair if I kill yours. A life for a life,”.
“Richie was your sibling?” she stuttered incredulously, Mindy gasping behind her.
He laughed again, plunging his knife into Tara, who cried out in pain.
“She has a brain, ladies and gentlemen! The killer, the cold-blooded murderer, Sam Carpenter, has a brain!” he crowed, stabbing Tara again.
Ghostface dragged Tara towards the door, pressing her against it. Sam could practically feel Tara’s breathing, and she pressed a shaky palm against the door, trying to soothe her little girl.
It didn’t matter. This was the end. She could feel Tara's blood ooze under the door, soaking into her jeans. Tara breathed raggedly, her voice thick with blood.
“Sam. It’s Ethan. He’s the killer,” she softly whispered, her voice barely registering in Sam’s mind.
“Ethan?” she replied incredulously.
If she were wiser, she would’ve kept her mouth shut. But she wasn’t.
“Hi, Sam. Goodbye Tara!” he triumphantly yelled.
The screams of the group echoed throughout the building, Tara’s blood covering their floors.
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fantasyinvader · 5 months
Is Shez evil?
The thought occurred to me last night, but I think it's worth discussing. Do we play as an evil character in Hopes? Now, the Hopes!Devs did say that the war wasn't a matter of good vs evil and that it's all a matter of perspective. However, they also said that Hopes wasn't meant to replace Houses, and therefore we can apply the morality of Houses to it.
Shez is implied to be from Shambhala, making them an Agarthan. We all know that the Fodlan games use Buddhist symbolism, and Agartha is where the Asura's were banished by the Bodhisattva when they became drunk on their own power and from there they wage war against the Bodhisattva and the benevolent devas. Tellingly, Shez's unique final class is Asura, cementing this idea.
When I was looking up stuff concerning the Asuras and their world, I found this.
Nichiren defines the characteristic of (The world of the Asuras) as “perverse,” or more literally, “fawning and crooked.” Out of extreme pride or a sense of superiority, people in this condition tend to conceal their real motives and flatter others to win praise. While outwardly courteous, however, they inwardly look down on others. Such a person’s self-image is distorted and unbalanced, colored by extreme pride or a sense of superiority; the self is perceived as extremely large and important, and others as small and unimportant. Those who remain in this state ultimately do harm to themselves through their own conceit.
There was something about this that really hit with Shez. Shez's motivation is to get revenge on Byleth for wiping out their former mercenary unit. It seems like a normal motivation, but Shez also has quotes where they talk about how what happened to them is just the nature of the profession. These quotes make Shez come across as hypocritical. But the nature of the Asura realm would suggest that Shez is just putting on a metaphorical mask, saying things that sound nice while keeping their true motives hidden. It's still on Shez on whether or not they go after Byleth, and Arval not letting go of this motivation, attacking Byleth that leads to Arval's own downfall.
But at the same time, Shez doesn't lose their power like what happens to Byleth at the end of Flower. They don't stop being an Asura. They will still support Edelgard even though her path is supposed to be immoral according to Houses. Shez can confirm that Edelgard is oppressing the commoners under her rule, but unlike Byleth won't lead the BE in opposing her. Their influence on Claude ultimately leads to Claude going down a similar path, meaning it's because of Shez that Claude kills Rhea as he gives into his own hatred. Even with Dimitri, Shez had no problem when Dimitri and company's motives for the war changed to revenge, and Dimitri then continues the war after the defeat of Edelgard and Thales in order to punish the Empire. Then there's Shez's whole “I'm just a merc” gig, he's saying he's nothing more than someone paid to kill others regardless of morality.
With this in mind, we can make a judgement call. Shez, despite appearances, isn't a moral person. Shez might believe that this war is morally ambiguous, who is right or wrong a matter of perspective, but they're someone who kills for money as well as using the war for revenge which could put them into immoral territory, as they're willing to facilitate the suffering of others for their own goals, a big no-no in Buddhism. They don't care if they're the aggressor or playing defence. They're not amoral, ignorant of and not influenced by morality, like Byleth starts off as and from that they end up poisoning Fodlan. Because Shez shows up as the lords flee Kostas, they don't meet Byleth at Remire. They don't lead the lords to a better Fodlan, they just help them fight a war that's not even over at the end of the route.
Shez might appear to be nice, but we should have known better after Edelgard. As to whether they're evil, evil is defined as being “profoundly immoral.” Shez killing Byleth and by extension Sothis, living up to being an Asura, would push them into being evil, and their POV goes against the morality of Houses. That, and the Asura realm is called one of the four evil paths.
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antiradqueer · 1 month
hi i hope this doesn't come across conceited or self-promo-ey vut i also made ausself as an alternative for transid and arisso terms (https://www.tumblr.com/ausself/748474109513678848/ausselfausauto?source=share)
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lordisitmine · 5 months
📚 fic ask :) 📕📘📗
Hi, I am SO sorry it took me so long to answer this- I'm in a play and today was my birthday and I've been busy but I'm so excited to do this! Since you sent me three I'm gonna give you three! They're gonna be from all across the universe of ships, some I've written for before and some I haven't, but I hope you enjoy!
(and for the rest of you- send me book emojis and I'll tell you about a fic I've daydreamed of but never written)
One: WORKING TITLE - and the gentleness that comes (fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, roy/ed)
I've actually been sitting on a complete outline since 2019 and I've written about 15 percent of it, so it's more than a daydream, but I'm gonna talk about it anyway because I want to finish it but I don't know if I ever will lmao.
It's set ten years after the promised day: Ed is 26 and a new professor teaching theoretical alchemy at central university. Roy is a full general and serves directly under Fuhrer Grummand, who is very old and in poor health. Amestris is a semi-democracy now, with an elected senate that in turn elects the Fuhrer every five years.
Roy and Ed meet by chance at a bar, having not seen each other for a decade, and strike up some sort of... friendship??? Anyway, Grummand dies soon after, and Roy is quickly put on the short list to be the next leader of Amestris. Roy and Ed keep running into each other.
But pretty soon, a conspiracy develops that could threaten the entire nation as well as Roy and Ed's lives, and it doesn't help that they're... falling for each other? Even though Roy is still a bastard and Ed was so annoying when he was a kid. They can't possibly be in love, right?
I really do wanna write this some day
Two: Keeper of the Mountain's Heart (the hobbit, thorin/bilbo)
Hobbit fix-it fic. I also have this whole thing outlined and have written the first chapter and several other scenes. This one has been in the works since spring of 2022. I also plan to write it for realsies.
Thorin, Fili and Kili survive the battle of the five armies. Thorin is badly wounded, but makes a slow recovery. Kili is mostly fine, and Fili's injuries leave him paralyzed from the waist down (I am co excited to write wheelchair stuff for this fic). Bilbo decides to stay in Erebor, just until the spring, when it's safer to travel, and besides, Thorin says he needs him to stay.
The big conceit of the fic is that Bilbo confessed his love for Thorin on Ravenhill, when Thorin had been wounded and lost consciousness. Thorin doesn't remember anything Bilbo said. Also, Dain and the Ironhill dwarrows are invoking an old law that would see Bilbo be executed for stealing the Arkenstone. Thinking quickly, Thorin proclaims that no, Bilbo didn't steal it, he gave it to Bilbo as a betrothal gift. Because they're totally engaged. They've been in love this whole time! And since he doesn't want to die, Bilbo has to go along with it. Shenanigans ensue.
So, fake-dating, mutual pining (because Thorin is also in love with Bilbo, secretly), and amnesia, along with a huge helping of cultural differences, courting rituals and sexual tension. Tropey and wonderful and I like to just think about it when I'm falling asleep at night. And I will write it some day I swear.
Three: Scars You Left (DC cinematic universe, bruce/clark)
I ALSO have this one completely outlined and partially written. It's a soul mate AU where you get the scars of your soul mate's injuries, and if they die, you feel it happen and get a mark that corresponds with that event.
Bruce just never had marks ever, so he always assumed he never had a soul mate. It happens sometimes. No big deal. He never wanted that kind of thing anyway. Love just means you have something to lose- he knows that all too well.
Clark never got any marks- obviously. He wasn't born on Earth, and he's impervious to damage, so he never gets injured- why would he feel someone else's wounds? It's difficult to watch his parents, soul mates through and through- but that doesn't mean he'll be alone forever.
Then, the events of Batman V Superman happen, and when Clark dies, Bruce feels it. he has a starburst scar on his chest, where the kryptonite spear went through Clark. It makes no sense, because Clark wasn't even from Earth. But it's undeniable. And it's the worst truth he's ever had to come to terms with.
And then, one night, months later, Clark digs his way out of his grave, throws himself across country and through Bruce's living room window. And maybe there is such a thing as a second chance.
The main plot follows the 2007 animated movie Superman: Doomsday, wherein Lex Luthor creates an evil slave clone of Superman and wreaks havoc on the world about it. Also lots of mutual pining and angst. I really love to pack in the angst before the happy ending.
These were really more WIPs than daydreams, but that's how I daydream- I write an outline and a couple of scenes to get it out of my system so I can focus on my actual real projects, the ones I'm supposed to be working on. Speaking of work, I have to get back at it, bye!
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dedicatedtopapahet · 2 years
Hi, as a fanfiction writer on here, I'd like to point something out. And I hope that this doesn't come across as me begging for reblogs or sound conceited or bitchy.
This is the like to reblog ratio on the one fic I have up so far on here.
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This is extremely disproportionate, and quite frankly, it's upsetting.
As writers we write for you (for completely free, I might add). When you simply give us a like, you're not giving us any kind of feedback. We're looking for constructive criticism. Hell, we especially just want to see your reactions! If you don't give us a reaction, we won't know if you really enjoyed the fic or not. And it's actually discouraging to see no feedback.
I don't know about other writers on here, but the lack of feedback makes me want to stop writing all together.
So please, do us all a favor, and reblog fics that you liked! Share your thoughts with us! I promise, we don't bite.
To anyone who's ever reblogged and commented on my work, thank you so much! I really do appreciate it!
And again, I'm not doing this for attention, and I'm certainly not trying to be a bitch. I'm just saying what a lot of fic writers are thinking.
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aquariaries · 1 year
Subaru 12 - Chaos Lineage
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for a another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
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Yui's Monologue:
Our encounter with Socrates-San--.
After that, I don't remember where and how Subaru-kun and I walked on.
Unless one person voluntarily sacrifices their life, there is no way out of this miniature garden.
Faced with that fact, it was so heavy that even our steps became heavy, and we didn't even have the energy to say a single word.
Just what is is that we should do?
How could that sphere named Socrates do such cruel things ...
What will he gain from our suffering?
Only unanswered questions popped up and disappeared inside my head.
PLACE: Forest
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Yui: (I feel heavy ... ... I thought we finally found a way to go home, but that's the way it ended up being.)
Subaru: Hey.
Yui: Hm? What's wrong?
Subaru: When we go back to our previous world, what is it that you want to do?
Yui: Eh? What's with this all of a sudden?
Subaru: It can't be helped if you only think about dark things. That's why, well ... ...
Yui: (I see. Subaru-kun is trying to cheer me up because I'm depressed.)
Fufufu *giggles*
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Subaru: Wh-what are you laughing at! I'm doing this for you ... ...
Yui: Yeah, I know, sorry for laughing!
I'm not trying to make a fool out of you, I'm just really happy is all, fufu
Subaru: As I thought you are making a fool out if me. What the hell, I'm being serious here.
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But, whatever. As long as you're laughing, then anything is fine.
Yui: Subaru-kun ... ...
Subaru: ... ... unh
Yui: (? He stopped all of a sudden, what's wrong?)
Yui: Subaru-kun ... ... ?
Subaru: ... ... So they came.
Yui: ... ... Eh?
("They came", could it be ... ...)
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Carla: ... ... So this is where you were. You foolish pair of traitors.
Yui: Carla-san ... ...
*Footsteps, Azusa appears*
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Azusa: It would be, for the best if you both, are obedient ... ...
*Footsteps, Kou and Laito appear*
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Kou: That's right. If you start to rage too much you might get hurt.
Laito: You know it's not a situation where we can take it easy on you just because you're a brother, right?
Yui: (We're surrounded by all of the Violets!? What do we do, there's no way to escape like this!)
Subaru: Hah, it's too late for you guys, isn't it? Were you afraid that that you couldn't get your hands on me or her?
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Carla: Do not be conceited. I was merely laying low for awhile and watching how you'd move.
Subaru: So you let us *wade away then.
(*T/N: he really said "Did you let us swim" but I re-worded it to sound more natural. Hope that comes across the right way.)
Carla: Thanks to that I've managed to see some interesting things. It doesn't seem that you've gotten along with the Scarlets.
Subaru: ... ... Ngh!
Carla: That's right, of course I was watching. However there is still a lack of information.
Like with you and Eve, when the two of you were together, what kind of things did you do together and what kind of conversations did you have?
I need to listen carefully.
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Subaru: You really are a disgusting bastard. What was that for? Is that some kind of hobby of yours?
Carla: Of course, it was to find clues to become overlord. I can't afford to overlook even the slightest of changes.
There is no escape for you now anyway. If you understand then hand over Eve.
Subaru: ... ... Tch.
Yui: (What should we do ... ... At this rate ... ...)
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-> Let's force our way through ♟
Yui: Subaru-kun, I don't want to get caught. So how about a high-stakes, forced escape?
Subaru: Don't be stupid Even if you try to do that in this situation, you'll be caught in no time.
You'd be treated well by Carla, and I'll be killed as punishment for disobeying him.
Yui: That's true ... ...
-> Quietly obey ♙♡
Yui: Subaru-kun, it might be better to quietly obey here.
Even if we get caught, someday we could seize the opportunity and escape again ... ...
Subaru: ... ... We're up against Carla.
If he captures you once more, you'll be confined in the dungeon for the rest of your life so that you can never get out again.
... ... However, if I can negotiate here, you might be able to manage something on your own.
Yui: Eh? What do you mean by that?
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Subaru: You don't have to worry about anything. Leave this to me.
Yui: Subaru-kun ... ... ? What are you thinking?
Subaru: Don't resist no matter what. No matter what happens I'll protect you.
Yui: W-wait. Don't be so hasty!
(He couldn't possibly trying to hand himself over ... ... !)
*He walks over to Carla*
Subaru: Hey, Carla. Just like you said, I'll come along with you quietly.
Carl: Hmph. The mouse that has been cornered can speak quite loudly.
Subaru: I have conditions in exchange. They ... ... Treat Eve with kindly.
Don't lock her up underground in the dungeon like before.
Give her a proper room and good food.
Allow her some freedom as well. I want you to give her the happiness she deserves to live as a human being.
Yui: (Subaru-kun, all for my sake ... ... !)
Subaru: If you can promise that I'll come with you quietly. You can do whatever you want to me.
You can beat me to death, and if you punish me for being a traitor, I'll accept it.
Carla: ... ... ... ...
Subaru: Oi, what will it be.
Carla: I understand your resolution. I will respect those thoughts and promise to treat Eve with kindness.
Subaru: Is that so.
Yui: But then Subaru-kun ... ... !
Subaru: I said that I'll be fine didn't I? That no matter what happens I'd protect you.
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Carla: It seems you've misunderstood, I have no intention of killing Subaru.
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: Huh?
Carla: I should have said so in the beginning. I want you to hear the story you two have and why you're on the run.
If I killed you, I wouldn't be able to find out right?
That's why I thought that if you surrendered quietly, I'd treat you accordingly.
Subaru: Wh-what the hell is up with that ... ... Then did my previous conditions have no meaning?
Carla: No, they have meaning. I heard my brother's splendid determination.
I'm glad that I didn't end up in a situation where I'd have to kill you.
I almost lost one of my poor brothers.
Subaru: Carla ... ...
Yui: (Carla-san, he seems happy. He always feels so cold, but in reality, his brothers are important to him.)
(Subaru-kun seems to be aware of Carla-san's feelings, too. Surprisingly, these two might be a good duo.)
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Carla: Enough of this nonsense. Azusa, Kou, Laito. Restrain Subaru and Eve, and bring them back to the mansion.
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Azusa: ... ... Understood.
Laito: Okaaay.
Kou: Ready you two? I'm tying you up now.
*He ties them up*
Yui: Um, Subaru-kun. Thank you for earlier. You risked yourself to protect me.
Subaru: Hm? Yeah ... ...
Yui: (He seems to be thinking about something. Could it be that he is still worried about something else?)
PLACE - Violet Dungeon
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Carla: I want you to stay in here for awhile.
*Cell doors open*
Subaru: ... ... Tch.
*Cell doors lock*
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Subaru: So this is how I'm treated after all. What happened to you being moved before?
Carla: That's another story.
It doesn't change the fact that you betrayed us and tried to take Eve as your own.
From here on, you will not be allowed to meet with Eve.
Subaru: Hah, as expected of an almighty founder. So cautious.
Carla: Now then, I have a lot of things that I'd like to ask you.
Subaru: You know the secrets of Eve and being Overlord don't you?
Subaru: ... ... ... ...
Carla: So you keep quiet. That's fine. I'll take the time to listen to you.
Kou, Laito. I will ask another day. Until then, keep an eye on Subaru.
*Carla leaves the dungeon*
Laito: What a pain. When will this end?
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Kou: When Subaru-kun talks about Eve. Until then our chores have become a little easier.
Laito: That's true. Then Subaru-kun. For our sake, hurry up and tell everything you know about Eve.
Subaru: You guys really are annoying.
... ... Hey, how are they doing?
Laito: They you say ... ... Ah, you mean Eve?
Kou: She's fine. Azusa is watching over her, so there's nothing to worry about.
Subaru: ... ... ... ...
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(If her guard is Azusa, how much better is he than these two?)
(If it's Azusa, I don't think I'll be forced to attack him.)
(No matter what, I'll save you. Even if it costs me my life ... ...)
PLACE: Violet Mansion Spare Room
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Azusa: Eve, can use this room again ... ...
Yui: Yes, I will. Thank you for guiding me.
Azusa: You're welcome. If you need anything else, let me know anytime ... ... ?
Yui: Anything else? Um then, where is Subaru-kun at?
(Because as soon as we arrived at at the mansion, I was separated from Subaru-kun.)
(Even if it would be difficult to meet up, I'd still like to know where he is.)
Azusa: If it's Subaru, then I think, he was probably put in the dungeon ... ... The place where Eve was, at first.
Yui: Is that so.
(Subaru-kun ... ... I hope he doesn't get hurt.)
(He was also shaken by Socrates' words. I'm sure he's thinking about a lot of things.)
(That I can't be by Subaru-kun's side like that ... ...)
... ... Haa *sighs*
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Azusa: What's wrong, Eve ... ... ?
Yui: Ah, I'm sorry! I just suddenly sighed like that.
It's just, I'm worried about Subaru-kun is all ... ...
Azusa: About Subaru ... ... ?
Yui: He's badly injured, and I'm sure he's very tired.
When I think about him enduring everything alone in such a state, it even becomes hard for me.
I'm very worried about Subaru-kun ... ...
Azusa: I see ... ...
Yui: Carla-san and the others said to be obedient but ... ... but I really want to see him.)
(I wonder if I can somehow ask Azusa-kun ... ... ?)
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Yui: Um you see, I have a favor to ask of you Azusa-kun. Can you somehow let me see Subaru-kun?
I want to see Subaru-kun's face. I want to know what he's doing right now ... ...
Azusa: ... ... ... ...
Yui: I know that its no use. However, I ---
Azusa: Alright ... ...
Yui: Eh!?
Azusa: You want to meet with Subaru, right ... ... ? Alright, I'll you ... ... meet up.
Yui: Really ... ... ?
Azusa: Yes, but make sure that no one finds you ... ... They'll get mad at me too, so.
*He opens the door*
Azusa: Here, this way ... ...
Yui's Monologue:
I opened my eyes wide and stared at Azusa-kun, who quietly opened the door to this room.
Azusa-kun, are you serious? Can I really trust Azusa-kun?
I remember what happened in the Scarlet Mansion.
And also, about the Violet's welcome party.
There have always been ulterior motives when I was treated kindly. The feeling of being betrayed pierces my heart like a thorn.
What should I do if I am betrayed again? My cowardice makes my feet heavy.
However, if I just stay here, nothing will change.
... ... For Subaru-kun's sake, I muster up courage.
And then, I take a step forward.
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cantsayidont · 3 months
More hateration holleration. No poster art; I didn't like any of these movies and don't feel like looking at their posters again.
ABOUT HIM & HER (2023): Experimental romantic drama, set in 1989 and "based on a true memory," about an unnamed man (Callan McAuliffe) and an unnamed woman (Cristina Spruell) who are accidentally connected by a phone company mishap. Over a series of subsequent long-distance conversations, they become emotionally entangled and eventually agree to meet, but they're both so afraid that finally seeing each other face-to-face will shatter their delicate intimacy that they spend the entire second half of the film trying to avoid looking at one another, even though they both desperately want to. The characters' interactions are carefully staged throughout (at first, they're just voices, and we don't get a look at either of their faces until they're both in the hotel room), but this initially touching conceit eventually becomes SO contrived that the story's genuine poignancy is undercut by a growing resentment at being jerked around in such a heavy-handed way. This is perhaps the ultimate romantic idiot plot: Despite their insecurity, the characters are both skinny, conventionally attractive, straight white cisgender adults of similar age and class; the only thing keeping them apart is their reluctance to (literally) just open their eyes, and there's no reason to assume that even a failure of nerve on that front would be irreconcilable save for the filmmakers' stubborn commitment to the melancholy bit. (The end credits claim that the lead actors never saw each other or even learned each other's name until the film's premiere.)
I.S.S. (2023): Upsettingly grim apocalyptic drama — not really a thriller, though billed as one —about six astronauts aboard the International Space Station, three Americans (Ariana DeBose, Chris Messina, and John Gallagher Jr.) and three Russians (Masha Mashkova, Costa Ronin, and Pilou Asbæk), whose respective governments order them to turn on each other as nuclear war breaks out on Earth. Well-acted and generally well-made, but there's little real suspense because an unbearably bleak outcome is always a certainty, making the fates of the individual characters a more or less moot point; the only leavening factor the script can offer is a contrived subplot involving an experimental treatment for radiation poisoning, which is clearly too little, too late in the face of the global nuclear holocaust the characters see unfolding on the surface below. A stressful downer that makes Lars von Trier's nightmarish 2011 end-of-the-world movie MELANCHOLIA seem like a screwball comedy by comparison.
PARALLEL (2024): Unconvincing sci-fi drama, cowritten by stars Aldis and Edwin Hodge (and based on a 2019 Chinese film) about unhappy spouses Vanessa (Danielle Deadwyler) and Alex (Aldis Hodge), who are staying in a remote lake house with Alex's brother Martel (Edwin Hodge) as they struggle to come to grips with the recent death of their young son. The woods surrounding the house are also a nexus of parallel timelines, where alternate versions of the characters seek to supplant one another in what they hope will be better versions of their previous lives. It's nice to see this kind of sci-fi allegory with an all-Black cast, but it doesn't really work dramatically, marred by an over-reliance on exposition and some rather arbitrary rules (which the characters accept far more readily than it seems like they should under the circumstances) that make the plot's rapidly escalating violence hard to swallow. Aldis Hodge comes across well as always, but Deadwyler's part doesn't allow for much emotional nuance, and Edwin Hodge is stuck in an awkward third-wheel role.
PASSAGES (2023): Glum, dishearteningly biphobic French drama about a married man called Tomas (Franz Rogowski) who spurns his husband Martin (Ben Whishaw) for a younger woman called Agathe (Adèle Exarchopoulos) and then attempts to retreat to Martin after Agathe becomes pregnant, eventually managing to alienate them both. Why either was ever interested in him in the first place is never very clear, as Tomas is unattractive, solipsistic, and thoroughly unsympathetic (though Martin is no prize himself, leaving Agathe as the most tolerable character basically by default). All of the characters are thinly drawn, and some interesting directorial choices can't make up for the film's conspicuous lack of warmth or its aggravating determination to equate Tomas's bisexuality (a word the script studiously avoids) with his consuming selfishness and inability to commit emotionally.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Donna’s Wednesday Radio Show Prompt List #16
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It's that time again! The Wednesday Radio prompt list!
There are some really good ones on there this week!
Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
I know the sound, of your heart
Your lipstick stain is a work of art
On the doorstep like we've never been apart
I'm in the phone booth, it's the one across the hall
We don't communicate Can you not say what's on your mind
It's not about reciprocation
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
Is it all in my head Or was it something I said?
I know he's there, but I just had to call
I said, are you gonna be my girl?
I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
It's good to hear your voice, you know it's been so long
You ignite all the colors inside my heart
But if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
 a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
I been up against the wall so long, And the bonds that hold me here are strong, Yeah it hurts 
Talk to me Can't you see? I'm on your side
I'd like to talk when I can show you my affection Oh, I can't control myself
Would you wanna run away too? 'Cause all I really want is you
I still remember the day we met, I was hanging on your every word, I didn't think I would ever let, Somebody see into my world
Because I'm trying to forgive And now I'm trying to forget
I see it everyday You hide the truth behind your eyes
So you're with her, and not with me,
You look so perfect standing there In my American Apparel underwear
Say what it is you're trying to say But if you lie to me again I'll be the one that walks away
Oh if you lost your way And it drove you crazy, You would still have me, We work together you'll see, Blood sweat and tears
I can't believe I forgot your name
I was just a tumble went a little too far
I made a mix-tape straight out of '94
But it's enough to make a grown man cry
Everybody told me you were leaving Funny I should be the last to know
But baby in my head I'm nailing you instead
Oh with an aching feeling inside Cutting me up, deeper and deeper Fills me with a sadness that I can't hide
I could see the danger made it more intriguing
When she lays in your warm arms, Don't think of me
She's so sweet With her get back stare
My tell-tale heart's a hammer in my chest
And there's so much skin to see
Looking back over my shoulder I can see that look in your eye
I was bound for trouble when I let myself go
And if you close your eyes Does it almost feel like you've been here before?
I wish that we were starting over
I never dreamed it could be over I never wanted to say goodbye
Hope you know that I'm happy to see you
I know sometimes it will hurt And you wanna hate me
Oh baby won't you come again?
You're so conceited
With an aching deep in my heart
And I'm on the rooftop with curious strangers
You think that you're my shadow But you're glittering like gold
On my mind I can't wait anymore
Could it be that we belong together
I heard he spent last night with her
Every day it's a losing battle
Well I could see You home with me, But you were with another man
And I'm sipping bourbon The future's uncertain
It takes two imperfect people To dance a sweet ballet
We got no games to play So we got no rules
Hallucinations only mean that your brain is on fire
Does it bother you now when I'm not there
Torture - my hads are tied it's, Torture - I'll survive but, It hurts so bad
What does it matter if I lie to you?
Don't think you're perfect either But I love you anyway
The world doesn't matter no when I'm with you
I said that I love you
And when I take my mask off It's you I want to hold
I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through
Them girls put on a show But they will never know What makes you beautiful I watch them come and go
We'll bicker and battle and drown in our own sorrow
And we left things to protect my mental health
Can't hear what I'm dancing to Just wanna be with you
What kind of fool would keep hangin' around While you treat me this way
But you call me when you're bored
I'll hold you up when you fall down Even if you say I'm rude
Them boys got all the talk But they don't know a lot, You know my every thought That's why I make them walk
you're playing with yourself
chest tight, and I'm ready to go
And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love
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banisheddie-moved · 2 years
hawkins high school gym is fucking stifling. eddie can feel the thin sheen of sweat that's begun to cover his skin. every so often he has to reach up and wipe a bead of it forming on his brow. these stupid gowns only make matters worse, trapping the heat and causing him to look like an idiot from head to toe in silky, green fabric. eddie huffs a sigh, shifts in his pathetic plastic seat. he's bored out of his skull, desperate to stretch his legs and principal higgins is still droning into the microphone.
he finds the clock on the far end of the gymnasium. it's only been an hour -- maybe an hour and a half -- since filing in, shooting the shit with his friends, shuffling into alphabetical order and finding their seats.
"knock 'em dead, son." his uncle had said with a pat on the shoulder. "when they call your name, i'll be the loudest one."
"uh, i beg to differ," dustin piped up. "i don't mean to step on your toes, but as eddie's best friend, i'd say i reserve the right to scream my ass off when he walks across that stage."
eddie grinned a lopsided grin, grossly endeared as he clapped a hand onto dustin's head to ruffle curls beneath his ever present cap. "'s right. you're my right hand man, buddy."
a drop of sweat tickles his nose on the way down and eddie's quick to wipe it away. he'd spent two extra years in this hellhole to sweat with his peers looking like a bunch of emerald city citizens while principal higgins puts them to sleep with the sound of his voice.
eddie smiles to himself as he thinks: this is almost not worth it. almost.
his smile disappears when higgins' does. the old man is suddenly grim. eddie feels his insides tangle and knot together. "before we commence the rest of today's ceremony, i'd like for all of us to take a moment of silence for the students who sadly could not be with us here today."
eddie tries to ignore how the room feels as though it's shrunk, pressing this crowd of bodies into his. he swallows the cotton in his throat. it goes down stubbornly.
"fred benson."
the nerdy kid. thick glasses. scar across his face. eddie recalls something about a car accident a few years back. he'd become ridiculed twice as much. eddie remembers coming to fred's rescue once when the damn basketball team just wouldn't leave him alone. his heart goes out to him now.
"jason carver."
jason's death in the creel house had taken some of the heat off of eddie. even more so when it was explained to the authorities that carver and his cronies had been wielding weapons against unarmed minors. even so, there still remained an unwavering bunch of folks who were unwavering both in their faith as well as their disdain toward the boy whose name, reputation -- hell, his entire future -- had been dragged through the mud.
"christina cunningham."
eddie's grateful his head is bowed and his eyes closed so he doesn't have to see the pairs of eyes boring into him from all sides. he can feel them, burning holes into his skin. there's a part of eddie that wishes he'd never agreed to that deal in the clearing behind the school. it would only take his name out of the equation. chrissy would still be dead, along with the others. hawkins would still be hunted.
there's an even greater part, though, that's strangely glad he'd agreed to it. call him conceited, and maybe he is -- just a touch -- but eddie likes to think he'd been the best part of chrissy's last day. her chime - like laughter had been genuine, and a smile looked good on her. most importantly, it eases eddie's heart to know that at the very least, no matter gruesome chrissy's death had been, that he'd been with her when it happened. she hadn't been alone.
he hopes to whatever higher power there is that she hadn't been trapped in the upside down when he'd ventured there. wherever she is, though, there's a silent hope that she'd heard his song and thought of him.
"patrick mckinney."
one of carver's crew. but not quite. patrick had always seemed less boorish than the rest. quiet, drawn into himself when alone in the halls. one of the good ones, maybe. silently, eddie wishes him well.
the following seconds weigh heavy on everyone. higgins breaks it by clearing his throat into the mic and all at once, heads are raised. he begins rattling off the names of classmates. finally. robin buckley is one of the first he recognizes. she gets uproarious cheers from the bleachers where dustin and company are seated, from the floor where her fellow band kids are; one of them is a girl with a shock of short, red hair and a face full of freckles. eddie cups ringed hands around his mouth and hollers: "yeah, let's go, rockin' robin!" among all the voices, he hears nancy's, too.
it continues on like this for each student from their own respective cliques that, with a blink of an eye, have lost all their meaning. eddie's pulled from his mental dormant state when his section is told to stand and line up by the stage. he catches the gaze of his friends on the way up, all clad in their hellfire shirts for their faithful leader. above them, steve shoots a thumbs up while dustin waves wildly beside mike, max, lucas and erica. eddie chuckles to himself, feeling his heart balloon with happiness.
a handful of students stand between him and snagging that diploma. eddie's giddy, chewing his lip and bouncing on his feet. glorious freedom is so close he can almost taste it.
"edward munson!"
scuffed reeboks carry him up the steps to principal higgins side. eddie snags his well - earned diploma in one hand, white - knuckling the thing, and flips the bird with the other. the expression on the old man's face is fucking priceless. eyes wide with shock behind his glasses, the guy looks like he's moments away from a heart attack. he can hear dustin cheering him on from the stands, just as the kid had promised.
victorious, eddie laughs and goes to run off with his freedom in hand. but he stops. he's not running. not without a few parting words. turning on his heel, eddie snatches the mic. a small scuffle between staff and faculty ensues that has the gym echoing with laughter.
eddie faces the crowd and raises his pointer finger, heart thundering in his chest. "i'd like to bid hawkins high a proper farewell, sir!"
"mr. munson, if you have prepared a speech, you should have arranged it prior to the ceremony! now, please-"
"it won't take long, principal higgins. you have my word." eddie gives him his best, winning smile, delighted to see his friends cracking up when he turns to face the audience again. "students, friends, faculty -- and of course, my fellow alumni -- i'm sure that only a very small percentage of you are sad to see me go." his voice carries through the space as eddie wanders the stage, commanding it like the rockstar he is. "and to those few, i say: you'll be deeply missed. to the rest of you? well..." dimples deepen on his cheeks from the force of his grin. "fuck you."
horrified gasps from most, laughter from some. he's wrangled back by the shoulders. eddie fights back, cackling, and manages to get loose. he's having the time of his life. "now, these six years," he yanks his elbow free from one of the teachers, adjusts his cap that's gone crooked atop his mop of curls. "these six years very well would've been some of the worst of my life if it hadn't been for the undying loyalty of my bandmates and fellow club members. jeff, gareth, mitch? we've fought many battles and played many concerts since our middle school days. you've been the best friends a freak could ask for. and for that, i thank you."
again, he locates the kids in the crowd. five of them, to be exact. "speaking of hellfire, i've thought long and hard about this. who will carry my torch when i'm gone? who will continue the munson legacy as hellfire grows without him? i gotta say, it was a tough call to make. but i'm confident in my choice..."
pause for dramatic effect and eddie points a finger right at...
"mike wheeler. you've been a passionate and valuable asset to hellfire during your first year, and i've heard tales of your skills to rival mine. make me proud as president, kid. and dustin? vice president. you're his right hand man, now." eddie shoots a two fingered salute their way, watches the two high-five when he knows without a doubt they'll be bickering about it later. "alright, principal higgins, i'll, uh, let you wrap this up."
eddie tosses the microphone back. higgins stumbles for a moment, but eddie misses it. he's already torn off running like hell. and running has never felt so damn good.
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themidnightcleric · 2 months
Compelling magical realism from speculative fiction writer Isabel J. Kim. Stumbled across Kim's short stories via "What if We Just Killed the Kid in Omelas" while on a deep dive of "Those Who Walk Away from the Omelas," and was instantly drawn to her sharp wit and insight. Sure, its 3 am on a workday, but I'm glad to have read this one exactly when I did. There's little more refreshing in fiction than the kind of honesty in the inner narrative of Jinah. It snaps like the first bite of a tart dry apple. There comes a time in most human lives, when the idealism of our early dreams meets the grinding, dulling ceiling of survival. A few spontaneous choices can land you in a prison of responsibility that stretches out interminably.
Until the last few years, I can't say I didn't judge people who walked out on their lives - the dad going out for cigarettes, the mom who takes the car and drives away, never looking back - as much as I envied the unimaginable certainty they must have had to feel to take a gamble on that kind of guilt.
There are times I wished for the courage to make such a resolute exit from the hardening chrysalis of my choices, as does Jinah, the main character and massage lady in question, wish for a vector out of her box of childcare and physical labor, while submitting to it with dignity. Nearly every time I did not chose to run until a messier and more protracted struggle forced me to crawl away, acknowledging that I could not deny the misery of staying somewhere life did not want me to be.
Does life want us to be anywhere? Sometimes something seems to shimmer, tug and gently push us into places where we might prosper. Other times it feels like no one, much less life itself gives a shit where we end up.
Dead or alive. It is those times when the human spirit is put to test, and that test is where Isabel Kim shines her quiet flashlight. There is a grace to how this story captures the process of change in its dimensions of hardening, and shedding/renewal. One gradually calicifying, the other requiring vigorous effort and an active choice. Its a paradox how responsibility can deepen the spirit while dulling ambition, and hope. The pacing, respectful, measured as its protagonist, and the ending to this short story satisfied me. Which not too many stories do. The conceit of the scales, evocative, doesn't stretch the boundaries of reality but shimmers within the reader's pre-existing concept to illuminate it, like a well-placed mirror in a familiar room.
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lunaprincipessa · 7 months
I get the joke in the meme I attached to this post, but I still wanted to explore it a little bit for the sake of the blog.
In my view, when you're healed, that doesn't necessarily make other people's flaws a deterrent, because despite being healed we still have our own, right? We don't exactly heal from being human after all.
I think the real deterrent is coming across an individual that is doing nothing to better themselves or their lives, leaving you at risk for being stuck or getting held back in your own path, just from engaging with them.
I think it's perfectly fine to associate yourself with people who are moving in that forward direction, even if they haven't reached their destination yet. They are still moving forward and won't do or say anything to delay or stop you.
But people who are acting out of their damage, whether or not they realize it, will cause harm to your emotions, your thought processes, your self-image, and your life progress as well.
I hope I don't sound conceited. At no point in time have I ever said that a person isn't worth it if they aren't perfect or wealthy. Most of us struggle with finances (myself included) and none of us are perfect. I mean when you're healed it's ok to be around people that are currently healing, not the ones that simply don't care or don't know. The phrase, "what we don't know won't hurt us" is not true. What we don't know has every potential to hurt us and/or someone else, especially when being said by the wrong lips and being dealt with by the wrong hands.
I've been single for a long time and during this period, I have intensely observed people in general. Both men and women tend to hurt each other because they never healed from what or who previously hurt them. Metaphorically speaking, with open wounds, they end up bleeding out all over the people that never hurt them to begin with. Those innocent newcomers get punished for simply crossing someone's path. This can be seen in men who mistreat women because of toxic mothers or women who don't trust men because of toxic fathers. Doesn't always have to come from parents but lets leave out technicalities so the examples I left can just demonstrate the point.
We must heal and healing doesn't mean we stop liking other people for not reaching a certain societal standard. Being healed means our strength is renewed and our vision is sharpened. It means the lessons were learned and the skills were mastered. It means having the ability to identify when a person is moving forward and being able to discern when they are not. It means we have the capability of lovingly walking away when we know someone or something isn't good for us.
We have to utilize a filter in life only allowing benevolent people and things a place in our memories and experiences. We have to protect ourselves and we also have to protect the progress we make.
More thoughts later.
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