#honestly i realize i'm so weak for that wtf
mercymaker · 6 months
Tav NSFW Questions
As seen here, compiled and posted by @tragedybunny
What is your Tav’s sexuality/orientation preference?
Mal is very much bi (or pan, I guess?). She is weak for the ladies because they're so pretty and it can make her flustered so she tries to combat that by pretending that she's all calm and cool and unbothered. An absolute dork.
What are their biggest ‘NOs’ they will never consider doing during sex?
I'd say anything you'd consider "extreme", or anything that would seriously hurt her. The mental aspect is also quite important to her, so any words or actions that would harm or degrade her would be out of the question.
Are they a Top/Bottom/Switch?
At first, she's quite passive and submissive when it comes to sex, purely based on her inexperience and just being unsure of what to do and how to do it. There's a little bit of that pride in her that wants to do something well that prevents her from even trying in the first place, but eventually, as she gains more experience (and encouragement), Mal becomes more assertive and less passive, even when she lets someone else take the lead. So, I guess, once she gets to the place where she knows what she wants, she's kind of a switch? Maybe with a slight preference to letting her partner(s) take the lead?
Favorite Position?
Alright, so one time Astarion pinned her to the wall and fucked her till she saw stars and the whole thing is etched in her memory forever. There was something about that lowkey claustrophobic feeling of being trapped combined with his body pressed firmly against hers, getting overwhelmed by all the sensations and also not having to worry about finding support. Just wrapping her legs around him and enjoying the ride. I think that's the one.
Do they prefer giving or receiving? 
God, I can't believe I'm doing this to my own beloved character, but I do think that Mal's a wee bit of a pillow princess. At least at the very beginning. She just sort of... relaxes and enjoys whatever she's given. BUT! With time and experience her role does shift, especially when she realizes that her actions can absolutely melt her partner under her, so that newfound sense of power is very intriguing to her and in some way a bit intoxicating. Maleane becomes much more active and wants to learn how to give and be good at it, so in the end it depends on the day and the mood.
Tits or Ass?
Tits, chests, torsos, tiddies, boobies, all of that stuff! It's where the heart is! It's where love lives! But nah, Mal likes seeing, touching, suckin, lickin, all that good stuff, she might bite your nip nops a bit, so watch out!
How experienced is your Tav?
Before all the tadpole business and getting involved with the pale elf, Mal was a 100% forest-grown virgin, so not experienced at all! She does eventually pick up a thing or two from her vampire boyfriend but having no and then one partner for quite a while doesn't really make her someone I'd consider experienced.
Do they have any traumas around sex? 
It's not necessarily a trauma, but the first time Mal had sex was quite a complicated experience that left her somewhat hesitant to do it again. While she did feel attraction and wanted to experience getting all wild and dirty, Maleane was also pretty scared (there was a very real possibility she might get killed) and nervous, but tried to compensate for it by playing it cool and looking confident. In turn, she made it worse by encouraging roughness as she thought it would mask the fact that she's just a wee lil virgin girlie. So yeah, it was a mixed bag, and Mal would probably like to go back and change the way it happened, but not the fact that it happened. They got better at it, eventually. Mutual trust and all that stuff.
Do they have any taboo kinks?
I've been on this site so long, I honestly don't even know wtf is considered a taboo kink. Like.. is getting blood, biting, and ropes involved in your bedtime activities considered too nasty these days? Or is it the other way around? 🤷‍♀️
Would they want a polyamorous relationship? 
I don't think she'd necessarily seek a polyamorous relationship, but I also don't think she'd be completely against it. Mal wants to try so many things, so being with more than one person, when all the parties involved are cool with it? Yeah, pretty sure she'd be down to try. But then again, I'd consider Maleane a somewhat jealous person and considering how she doesn't exactly have a basis for a super healthy relationship, I'm not sure how long the whole shebang would last.
How do they feel about voyeurism? And would they do it?
Not to be a complete freak, but watching other people from afar is kind of her whole thing. Growing up, Maleane was not allowed to approach others, so she mostly just watched and observed them while being unseen herself. She witnessed some sexual acts as well, and that was sort of her first look at sex and intimacy. It doesn't feel weird to her at all, because that was just a part of her life.
How big is your Tav’s sex drive?
Mal struggles a bit with disconnecting her overthinking noggin, so it can make it quite difficult to relax and just fuck. As with most things, she learns how to manage it better with time, but she never quite catches up with Astarion. They find ways around it, though.
How many rounds can they last?
Not that many. I see her as someone who gets overwhelmed and overstimulated pretty easily, once it gets to that point. And considering how often times fighting discomfort in her intimate life is a pretty significant issue, the last thing she wants is to get more of it by pushing herself past her comfort zone. That being said, though, Mal does have her moments that surprise even Astarion, but those aren't very common.
What is their aftercare like?
Lots and lots of touch. She might not necessarily need a word of reassurance, but a touch with the same intent is what Mal needs. Holding hands, cuddling, soft caresses, all that. She wants to feel safe and appreciated, and it goes the same both ways.
What lingerie does Tav wear?
Coming from someone who lived nearly three decades in the woods wearing whatever the fuck was available to her, Mal quite likes all the pretty fabrics and clothes. I'm pretty sure that, when they can, Astarion likes to indulge this side of her by getting her pretty things, including lingerie. He gets to peel all of it off of her, after all. Maleane quite likes all the lacy stuff, but it's pretty expensive and not that common, so.. yeah. It's a bit of a special something.
Double penetration?
Gods, when I think of Mal she always seems so tense and tight, like a little clam, especially in the early days. I think it takes her quite some time to open up, both physically and mentally. She would like to try and maybe with some proper prep it could be achieved, but it's no easy task. It also depends on the, uh... dimensions we're working with here sdfsdfdsf.
Least likely person they’d ever consider themselves sleeping with.
Mal does have a bit of an issue with her fellow drow, so it takes her a looooooooooooooooong while to be comfortable to even be around them, let alone sleep with any of them. It's a lot of trauma in that department, so it's understandable.
How long since their last sexual encounter?
Considering she's in a relationship with Astarion, probably not that long, lmao.
Ok with period sex?
I think, yeah. Mal's nasty, she grew up in the woods wading through all sorts of stuff. The blood itself might not be an issue, but feeling like utter crap might not be the best premise for some "fun times", however, hormones work in mysterious ways so.. yeah!
Are they loud or quiet during sex?
She is surprisingly quiet in her little moans and whimpers. Which Astarion, naturally, takes as a bit of a challenge, he wants to make her truly sing. And yeah, eventually, Mal does let go a little bit, it helps her with the overall "shit, why am i constantly in my head through all of this?" problem, and allows herself to be just a tab bit more vocal.
Alright with Dub-con/CNC? Role Playing? 
I think Mal sits at the very edge of this very definition to the point of getting into the semantics of the word. Role-playing? Yes, that's one of her fantasies. But even that whole scenario comes from a place of tremendous trust, as she's quite fragile and just a single thought on how the situation could be real entering her mind would cause her to absolutely crumble. She doesn't want to be forced to do anything, but she does find the idea of pretending to be in certain risky scenarios very appealing.
Are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? 
Oh boy, at first, she's too serious. All tense and overthinking and making it more serious than it actually is. As with her general attitude, her views on it shift with time. She allows herself to have more fun, both in everyday life, as well as her sex life.
If your Tav has a vagina, do they like anal?
I wouldn't say she's someone who'd enjoy it often, but considering some of her kinks and fantasies, there are situations where it feels fitting and Mal prefers it in those scenarios. Like when she's feeling particularly submissive or when they're role-playing something or when she's feeling very naughty and wants to give someone "a treat".
Does your Tav want other people in a relationship? 
Yes and no. On one hand, she wants to experience a lot of new things and what life has to offer, just explore what's out there, so getting other people involved does sound tempting. But on the other hand, she's also quite jealous, so it depends on which devil on her shoulder wins that day.
How well groomed are they? Shaved completely? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.
I'm actually not sure how it all works with elves and stuff. Slippin' n slidin', no?
What is your Tav’s favorite place to have sex?
Mal likes to be comfy and relaxed, so... bed. But! A patch of nice comfy grass somewhere in a private location works just as well when one's not available. I know, quite boring, but you argue with her!
What about quickies?
She's not a big fan of those, but when you're on the road a lot getting into all sorts of situations, they just happen! When you're someone like Mal, it takes a bit of preparation to get her to a place where things feel good, so she tends to lean more towards, uh... less rapid scenarios.
Would Tav like to participate in orgy?
I think so! Just to see if it's something she'd like or not. After all the game events, Mal is out on a journey to explore the world and everything it has to offer. And I do think getting sandwiched between two bodies would do her good, maybe allow her to relax a little bit. She would need to build up a little bit of courage and experience for it beforehand, though.
Would Tav like to use gags?
Yes, if the situation calls for it.
Soft and slow or hard and rough?
It depends on the day and the mood. Considering how difficult at times it is for her to get into the right mindset for sex, it helps when things move slow and she's allowed some room to breathe and keep track of things. That being said, there are days when she's just horny and wants to be bent over and pounded. And then we have those situations where things start soft and slow and eventually lead to hard and rough.
What’s their favorite toy?
Considering that she spends a chunk of her time alone in the woods, I think a very simple dildo does wonders for her. The good ole reliable, as they say.
Does your Tav have sexual fantasies?
Oh, yes! For the longest time that's the only thing she had. Just imagining scenarios where she gets to experience all those things she read about or observed in the outside world. It helps that eventually she gets a boyfriend that she trusts enough to share those fantasies with, so they can both work on bringing some of them to reality.
Is there a companion they would sleep with but not want to date and why?
I'd say it's probably Wyll. He is incredibly attractive to her, but their personalities would lead to constantly clashing over things. She could put up her good girl appearance, but who wants to build a fake persona for a relationship to even have a chance of lasting?
Can your Tav not have sex for a long period?
Yes, I'd say so. Being able to be on her own is one of her core strengths, so not fucking someone for a while wouldn't bother her too much.
Who was your Tav’s first sexual experience?
It was Astarion. And it was stressful and scary, but also kinda hot at the same time? It's very complicated, but they managed to more or less figure it out, eventually.
Blood kink?
I mean, she's dating a vampire spawn, so you can't really walk around the whole blood thing, can you? Mal does indulge him in quite some blood-drinking during their activities, but she's very uncomfortable with Astarion putting those fangs on her neck, so he makes do with what he can: shoulders, wrists, thighs, tits, etc. And then one night when he returns from a particularly messy hunt, Mal opens the door to her boyfriend being absolutely drenched in blood and that, uh, that very much turns her on! So not only does she kiss his bloody mouth, tasting all that sticky red on his skin, Maleane also gets a bunch of it on herself when she fucks him like there's no tomorrow.
A cheeky slap on the bum every once in a while, especially during the act, I can see her entertaining. Anything more than that, she would probably decline.
Will they want to have sex during pregnancy?
Does she want to? Yeah, those hormones be wildin, after all. (Un)fortunately, for ms. preggers Mal she's all alone in the woods with no one to smooch, so wish all you want lmao.
What was the worst moment your Tav felt lust?
I mean. She finds watching Astarion doing his thing very attractive. They also kill a lot of things on their journeys. You put two and two together.
What is your Tav’s class and how does it affect their sexual life?
She's a storm sorcerer, so magic's always brewing somewhere within her. However, Mal tries to not involve it in her sexual endeavors as her type of magic is quite dangerous and a lot of it is tied to her emotions so creating an association between those sort of feelings might lead to some literally explosive orgasms sdfdsf. Besides, while traveling with Astarion, she already uses quite a lot of her spell-power, so there's usually not that much left for the, uh, extracurricular activities.
How naughty are they? Does Tav like to tease?
I think somewhere along their journeys she finds quite a bit of mischief in her bones. It's sort of hard not to when you're constantly volleying with someone like Astarion. She does like to tease him quite a bit, especially in order to "provoke" him to do things to her. Often times, he doesn't need much, but he enjoys seeing her get all playful, so at times he pretends to be much more resilient to her charms.
What is your Tav's safe word?
It has to be "red", no? Because blood and vampirism and all. Yeah, I think that works.
Does your Tav like oral? Giving or receiving
Yes yes yes, Mal loves getting her pussy devoured. With Astarion, at times it comes with some nibbles to her thighs, but she considers it a fair exchange. When it comes to giving, she's a little bit more hesitant because she's not very experienced and also she can't handle a lot. But she tries, god bless her heart, she tries so hard!
Does your Tav like handjobs? Giving or receiving
She actually does! Considering Mal's not always comfortable or willing to do penetration, sometimes she chooses to employ her hands to please her partner. And with a lot of pointers and questions, she gets pretty good at it!
Does Tav like bondage? Being tied up or tying up your partner?
If there's enough trust between them involved, then absolutely yes. She likes being tied up, pinned down, restricted, but she also likes to tie her partner up when it's her turn to take the lead. And because early on she's a bit unsure and not that comfortable in a dominant role, restraining her partner gives her a bit of a prop to work with.
What does Tav consider “cheating”? 
Probably getting involved in any sort of sexual or emotional situation without her knowledge. After all, her and Astarion go on some wild adventures that involve sucking and fucking a bunch of other people, but as long as they keep communicating with each other, it's all good.
What spells does Tav use during sex (i.e. “silence” because they are too loud)
I have a feeling she would try to keep the use of magic in the bedroom minimal, BUT I can also see Astarion coaxing her into trying some things out. Definitely everyone's favorite Mage Hand and something like Hold Person for some uh... fun times.
Is your Tav into breeding?
No, she already took one creampie too many and had a case of a baby. Though, she does brew some plan b tea alongside all of the other potions and poisons, so she doesn't particularly mind her partners coming inside (for some tea dgdfg).
What makes your Tav absolutely horny?
Not to sound like a nun or something, but seeing her partner naked and doing some suggestive shit. When it comes to Astarion, him + a blade does something to her she cannot fully understand. Just the way he handles a dagger, how quick and precise he is.. HIS FINGERS???? HMMMMM YES.
What part of their partner’s body does Tav like the most?
Arms, hands, fingers, cock. Maleane gets a bit mesmerized watching Astarion do things with his hands. Picking locks, playing with cards, handling a dagger, all that good stuff. Mal's all heart eyes over that.
I've also answered this before in an ask so I'm just gonna drop it here as well:
From the moment she met him, Mal thought that Astarion was absolutely beautiful (yea, peak drow features - red eyes and silver white hair sdfsdfsd). But very quickly she gets somewhat obsessed with his arms and fingers. The way his muscles flex when he holds a bow? How quickly and precisely his fingers move, making all the traps and locks just crumble under his delicate touch. The way they eventually find what makes her body quiver too.
And then I reckon it would be fair to include Halsin since Mal's actively smooching him in my mind as I'm typing this. She loves his chest! It's so warm and fuzzy and when she rests her head against it, she can hear his heartbeat and it feels very intimate and calming. It's also a pretty good base to rest her hands on when she's on top of him.
What parts of Tav’s body does their partner love the most?
I also answered this before soooooo:
Astarion loves her mouth, her lips. He's quite in awe how she makes other people open their doors the way he does with locks without a key. And he soon finds out that often times it's that smile, one that could only be described as "disarming", that makes people drop their defenses. Sure, there's something playing behind her pale lilac eyes as well, but the man's focused on her mouth more often than not. And throughout the years he notices the very subtle differences when that smile is honest and when it's not. He's drawn to the way she laughs around him. How her lips feel and taste when she kisses him, how warm they are when she presses them against his skin or when they're wrapped around him.
Lights on or off?
I mean, they both have darkvision, so it's not like it matters too much.
How sensitive are your Tav’s nipples?
The normal amount?
Does Tav like using sex potions \ spells? (which make them more horny or allow to make more rounds)
Honestly, I kind of see them experimenting with some things, for sure. Just to try them out. Like shrooms that makes you mega horny? Why not?
Does Tav initiate sex more often than their partner?
While Mal does initiate it at times, it's nothing compared to Astarion. I think it's also because he's much more comfortable and suave in that department and Maleane feels like she's stumbling in the dark more often than not.
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i'm tagging either the closest pals OR any of you that encouraged me to do this ♥ if you don't want any part of this, let me know and imma promptly remove your tag!
@ruinbringer @euryalex @arduath @baldursgaye @sorceresslodge @vspin @kiaransalee @ansburg @sageofthestrange
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creamyychann · 2 years
Can you do one with tamaki from MHA if so could you do that your in heat your his sister
If you could ☺️
In heat eh?
Your wording is kinda confusing but I'm assuming what you mean is Reader is Tamaki's sister who's in heat, right?
K, I honestly never thought I'll ever write alpha Tamaki but here we go!
Tags: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, INCEST, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega Verse.
Don't like it? DON'T READ IT!
You've been warned.
Read at your own risk.
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You woke up in a sweat. The lingering feelings on your abdomen feels aching, not just that you feel yourself getting hot. You don't know why you're feeling so hot & why you're suddenly feels desperate, it confuses you more that your body tremble at the aching feelings as if you need something to oose it out. You try to think of the reasons while trying to brush off the feverish feelings taking over you. The more you think the more it's harder to think cuz of all the heat & sudden desperate feelings inside eating you making you weak. You then remember how you've been eating & sleeping more, like you became extremely hungry & wanting to sleep more these past days. Looking back, you've also made your bed filled with a lot of pillows & blankets, creating some sort of nest. All that stuff makes you realize something. You're in heat.
With that realization in mind, you suddenly feel all the discomfort on your body, clothes, skin, your surroundings, makes you feel like suffocating. You lift yourself only to be met with the feeling of your stomach feels like its about to burst. You huddle yourself up & cries at all the agony. You didn't realize all that cries & the scent/pheromones you releasing accidentally sent someone into your room. "Y-Y/N-chan, a-are you alright? " your brother, Tamaki.
A very strong sweet scent brush against Tamaki's nose leading him up to your room. Seeing you curled up & desperately clawing yourself makes him realize you're in heat. Being the good brother he is, he approaches you, trying to ignore the very sweet scent calling him to mate you "Y/N-chan, are you a-alright? " Tamaki softly spoke trying to comfort you. The Alpha makes a huge mistake by walking up to you which resulting with you pulling him towards you. In shock, Tamaki pull himself away only to be met with you tugging his shirt while looking up at him with oh so innocent puppy eyes. He takes all the strength in the world to not get lured by you but you just making it even more difficult. Then you said the magic word "P-please Nii-san! ~ help me! Fill me! I can't take it anymore, please! Mate me" that's when Tamaki's soul left him.
Cry. All you can do is cry as Tamaki hammering you from behind, filling your inside satisfyingly. Tamaki buries himself on to your neck taking a deep breath every now & then to smell the sweet sweet scent coming from you. Your shy big brother slip his hands against yours & holding it tight as he thrusts even deeper into you. Like a bitch, you pant heavily, moaning Tamaki name time to times only making him goes even harder into you. You feel your walls clench at the beautiful feelings & fulfilment inside you which you couldn't help but smile at. Tamaki ruts himself so deep till his knot plunges inside you, officially mating you
ೋ❀❀ೋ════ ❀ ════ೋ❀❀ೋ
Help, I keep staying up till 5 AM, wtf should I do.
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marcusrobertobaq · 2 months
North never commented on this whole hacking androids thing BUT actually she looks kinda surprised in Spare Parts in a "wtf" way and gets impressed with Markus hacking the police comms in Capitol.
Josh and Simon just act like it's another day, either cuz they don't realize, don't care or expects it like they know about it. I'm sure Jericho androids have never tried these techniques before or that they could even try.
The funniest part is North sayin' things like "They're waiting for your instructions, Markus! Show them what to do!" and "They're doing what you do, Markus...lead, and they'll follow." which reinforces the cut dialogues where the androids don't know what to do with 'em "freedom" and asks Markus to give 'em orders.
Josh and Simon never comments on all this, maybe cuz they ain't explored characters like North (cuz of the LI thing) but i'm certain they used to be "followed" by desperate androids seeking for help or seen as heads but those androids weren't convinced to deviancy by 'em like we see in this "New Jericho" arc.
Considering Josh's model being released in '31 and Simon being reported missing in '36 i hc Josh arrived at Jericho before Simon but basically in the same period of time? Like early 2036? So i guess they're just used to things but never actually tried.
I honestly believe they're capable of deviating androids using words if they want but never tried and/or never had an actual situation to do it. They've been hiding in that ship for quite some time, barely going outside - i wonder who got 'em crates in there and if they had any in the first place, plans to steal and some shit. North is really fresh meat machinery compared to 'em, imo. No wonder she couldn't do anything big, and there's also the fact we're dealing with decaying androids, scared androids, weak androids, dying androids.
To think Phileas og dialogue was "Save Jericho" 😂
But anyways i guess ain't a bad idea? I still trynna look if i'm missing info about Jericho.
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garbage--account · 1 year
Things characters from Inazuma Eleven would never say :
Endou *pats your head*: ... you should drop sakka, you're bad at this
Haruna : honestly, i think my bro is cringe 😬
Kabeyama : i am tought, i am brave, i am fearless, i am a war machine who will destroys whoever dares to mock my name. Bring on the fight, if you're a real man. And prepare to DIE
Touko : hey girls, what do you think about Endou?
Natsumi : he's alright😐
Aki : i'm cool with him😐
Fuyuka : whatever😑
Kazemaru and Hiroto : i am so normal about him🫥
Touko : same🤷‍♀️
Kidou : a plan? What plan? Is just soccer!🤨
Furukabu : hey boy. Let's me tell you a secret. *whispers* i don't have my driving license 😉🤭
*under the brigde during the storm*
Fubuki : wow... tis made me realized : i was acting real fockin autismo lately. Guess i'll have to see meself at therapy then!
Gouenji : ... i am also realizing that the way i treat teammates venting their problems isn't healthy... i think i'll go to therapy myself since there might be some unresolved issues underlying within
Kidou : oh... i didn't think this through🫤
Fudou : money doesn't buy happiness and being vulnerable isn't equal being weak
Someoka : hey, there are strikers that are better than me in the team ! Good for them ☺️
Endou : *sighs* i don't feel like playing sakka today. Let's have a lazy week-end
Kudou : i am the life of all parties🥳
Sakuma : me? Envious of Kidou's power? Angry that he left us? Why would I be? He found new friends, good for him, am i right?
Aphrodi *descends from the skies in a halo of light* : ✨️I hate myself✨️
Endou : wait... you're saying that we should be the ones saving the earth from sakka aliens that commit act of terrorism across the country because we won some junior sakka tournament ? Wtf no, we are just middleschoolers! Just call the army or something
Gouenji : *explaining why he is late*
Atsuya : why am i a jerk with Shirou ?🥺
Kanon, the Ogres, Fey, Kinako and the children of the second phase : we can timetravel, but shall not resort to this to achieve our goal. The continuity is something fragile, we should not mess with it
Tachimukai : i am just as good as Endou.💪💪💪
Kageyama : my goal is to make soccer better, since I love this sport so much.
Kidou *taking a test* : psst, hey! I didn't study for this. What are your answers?
Aki : too bad for you, i am not helping you. Do your homework for fuck sake !
Rika *seeing Ichinose for the first time* : kinda cute, i think i'll flirt a bit with him if he is okay with that ofc
Hiroto : ... yeah, this alien thing is stupid
Midorikawa : you right, let's not do this
Shindou : all these bullshits doesn't even faze me😑
And finally,...
Temna : sakka was a mistake
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aurik6 · 2 years
Rank the diaboys?
Hey hii
I really didn't want you anon to wait for eternity, but sorry, I wanna express my stupid thoughts fully...
So here we go.
Worst to best diaboys imo, but I actually don't know which parameters of ranking to use here... anyways this is too subjective no matter how hard I'd try.
13. Mr. Kino 0 prince, 0 sense.
Honestly, I have no clue why rejet even thought about adding a new character, when they have rather new characters in the lore — the Tsukinamis. So at this point his existing is questionable for me, really... + I'm not really acknowledged of this character, I can't write dissertations about him, so he is more like "Kino... Who?..".
12. Shu aka Shoe aka perverted narcoleptic aka the main gay idk.
I think I've scramed in every corner how I hate... no, loathe him. Weak and boring. I'm not gonna lie, the type of a horny lazy guy who looks like a supermodel and has a depression sounds seductive, but... not when this fictional guy is Shu :/ .... But who knows, maybe thats because we really have OTHER OPTIONS to compare him with))) I mean, the very beginning of HDB route was kinda promising (idk for what), the scene when he lies down on the floor and sees Yui's underwear is such an iconic episode of some dark ecchi fiction, tho... that's all I really liked about him, and only because I love stupid ecchi harems.
11. Shin, aka :" what is wrong with amount of accessories on you ". Werewolfs werewolfs skies will brighten
Khm. I have nothing much to say about him. Applause. Well, actually, I only like his archetype of a character, I mean, he seems to be cocky, violent and the guts of the duet (with Carla), like he really could be a cool minor antagonist who carries more like a comedy rile in the show... Anyways, I just have high expectations for him.
10. Carla aka emo Karlheinz. Obviously he's going to be near his bro. He's a little but higher because of the Endezeit (srry if I wrote incorrectly) and the tragic fate he has as a result... That's always sad how such a mighty and (seemingly 👀) an immortal creature becomes that fragile (((((((. Tho I dislike his voice
Also I have high expectations...
9. Subaru aka Subaru (car)
I don't like him. Just from the first his appearance, why does he have to be a Sakura Haruno mode all the time punching something?... Jokes aside, for me he's a very annoying and not cute representation of a tsundere... I remember he really could run away because started blushing like... wtf🥰?. But I guess thus unstability is from his mother.... Guys making jokes of him being an "edgy emo", oml I don't know... he is a sakura haruno imo.
8. Azusa aka...he really doing drugs
Well... he is not a cinnamonroll sorry guys, no, not today... he's fate isn't dramatic but really sad, idk he makes me feel depressed, like, the guy realized he's living for pain:((( Also kinda manipulating, sometimes gives Yui the same comments as the other guys could , like "secretly you like being beaten etc, deep inside you desire this"... But he is...somehow represent himself as a victim too? That's why he's interesting for me. He said something like "I and Eve are the same" and my brain really interprets those word like being the weaker, knowing your place, feeling pain. Sick and sad.
7. Yuma aka the ordinary one. This is a good representation of a tsundere 🤡. Well, okay he's not a pure that type, but his temper annoys me LESS (like a lot) then Subaru's uncontrollable seizures of anger. Idk, Yuma is just fine. Yes, sometimes is rude, calls Yui the sow, but lol, he's the most adequate among Mukamis at least, thats the reason to feel honor....
(LOL Kaji from Evangelion and Yuma from DL would be good friends, cause "idk much about this life, Id rather water the plants )
6. Ayato the mascot. Okay, the most adequate among the Sakamakis, I guess. As the side character annoyed me asf, really, and sometimes was nasty in his own roote, but honestly, I have nothing against him. Sorry to everyone, Ayayui the best ship
He really has the balance of an ordinary teenager creature and the freaking vampire, I also like the comedy-side of this character, he is cute from time to time. Deserves to be a mascot, because obviously red hair means the main and has the suitable personality.
Honestly, when I've read his MB route for the first time I wanted someone to squeeze my eyes and then throw away. God. What the fck did a read.... But actually the character itself is written hella good. I love how hypocritical he is, the contrast between him having the immortality and the special eye but will eat from the floor as the dog because there were awful times in his life when he didn't have other choice but to eat anything and anyhow... thay is genuinely sad and he's the asshole, but I love trash and those kinda characters.
4. Kanato aka Lenore the cute little dead girl
There's something wrong with me, because shota's aren't my type (at all), BUT if there's a pshyco... hmm... eatable.
I mean Kanato is extremely annoying because he is always yelling, but he's not boring at all. Every chapter from his routes are like visiting the circus without clowns. But seriously, his character is more than just schizophrenic infantile tantrums, I believe he actually could be a more mature version of himself. Also wtf he's sometimes looks like a child and sometimes so damn seductive, dealing with him is playing with fire honestly...
3. Reiji, looks like a butler more than the butler.
Jokes about mama reiji will be taken offensive, tho they're a little bit true.
Hohoho. Sexy. Reiji gives black butler vibes tho I didn't watch the anime or read the manga, don't hate me because of that. Idk this is the character I really sympathize since HDB guess because he (one way or another) took the "responsibility" of the household, jeez he's unpaid manager... someone appreciate reiji pls. Idc when people say he's only "book-smart", idk he shows himself as the honorable man. Little crazy, but so fcking intelligent, so his behavior looks like a work of acting art. He's the perfect guy here. Also his routs are quite romantic, yet bizarre sometimes, because reiji is a sophisticated bitch...
2. Ruki aka the intj mode.
Honestly at first I thought he's the worst what could happen to me, but I didn't kill myself when I was reading his MB... That was 10000 times better than Kou's... (and I expected they'd be similar idk why).
So another "book-smart" tho as in the example above I don't really care, because my favorite part of Ruki is his own understanding that he is circled in the cycle of sins... He struggles a lot, because he wants a second chance (living as the immortal),but there's always been a question:" Does he deserve it?" Does a boy, who had better pay for his sins with his life, deserve this exact life with an urge to revenge the world?.. But he really understands that he's already sublimed by the depth of vice and has no other choice than just do something, now that's he is led by other man's will, the circle closes. And Ruki is so damn miserable guy, tho he doesn't show this much, but he's seen shit. Ofc he's an asshole, but the atrocity he went through is worse. That's why the bad endings are so heartbreaking, when he turns mad, kills everyone, because it seems like he flew up once and fell immediately... 💀
1. Laito aka mind-body-problem.
Laito is a treasure: has a fucked up backstory, miserable, im silent about his fcking thoughts about his life in LE💀, has a facade, sometimes annoying asf, but he's a vulnerable soul, it's so painful to realize how sweet he actually would be, if there weren't some of consequences....
He suffers a lot, I mean, yeah, every diaboy suffers in "their own unique way" but idk in Laito's case his pain is the most heartbreaking. The conflict of a person with the fate/world is fascinating, but the inner conflict is just mind blowing. And I'm... I'm a suckered for such things. Welcome to the club of eating glass guys, I've always been there, yeah, I like to cry with a good reason, especially if it's about fictional characters 😀.
Really Laito's whole image (with all the facades and the true feelings) is an icon. Literally perfect for me, so damn interesting character...
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
Earthspark rambles part 2
I mean, on one hand, I really love what they're doing with Megatron's character. On the other, I feel like for being the backstory episode. They didn't give us enough backstory. "Good intentions can turn bad" but how????? "I get why [the war] started" well I don't. Like yeah it was a freedom fight kind of thing, but not explaining how it got to this kinda missed the point of pointing that Megatron fucked up. At least the line "once it became Decepticons vs Autobots" implies that it didn't start this way and we can avoid only the Decepticons being revolutionaries, but how hard it is to say that?
I feel like the show doesn't want to be too direct and tell-y on the exposition, but Megs is literally exposing the children to the past. How hard is it to go "Yeah, I wanted to rise against opression and the Decepticons and Autobots used to be one, but I kinda went mad with power and decided tyranny was good if I did it. Also, I was all for killing other races for our gain, which Optimus didn't like". Or anything. What actually happened. It's annoying because the audience-surrogate characters do apparently know what happened, so I don't have hopes we'll get more detail. And honestly given how the fandom gets, I would like a clear backstory
I do really like Megatron's realization that his war is only getting his people killed and that if he cared about them, he would try to stop it. Would love to know more on how it actually went down, but the implication that Do showed compassion to Decepticons making Megatron realize that he's being ruthless and using them as cannon fodder is good. Especially when the other key trait in this Megatron is that he actually sees humans as people. So a human reminding him of the value of his Decepticon's lives explains why he would suddenly start valuing human life as well. And it's also nice to see that he apparently overestimated the control he had over his Decepticons.
Also, I'm still not sure if destroying the space bridge was a good idea. I get they wanted to avoid the army razing Earth, but the implication that it risked getting everyone on Cybertron killed uuuuuh, Optimus wtf? Am I understanding this right?
Thrash was fantastic on this episode tho.
Shockwave.... good....
Bee fighting at the beginning of ep 17 was hot, ok? Don't @ me
A freaking underground battle ring where Cybertronians battle for energon?? Okay. That's extremely dark.
I love that Nightsade "Protector of the weak" Malto immediately became a vigilante. God, this nerd <3
I liked that Bee almost dies. He looked very pretty during the whole thing.
He isn't Tarantulas, but Mandroid is all fucked up and needs energon to live and that's good enough for me.
GHOST lady (what was her name?) controlling him with food is messed up. I talked about how OP is in a very thigh position where he needs to keep his people fed, but he can't go all alien colonizer and take it by force, so he needs to work with humans, who hate and fear them for bringing their war here, so yeah if GHOST is the only ally he has...... but yeah, that scene showcases the balance of power pretty well.
Followed by the Maltos showing a lot of symphaty for the Cons. I mean, I'm not surpised by this direction. We knew GHOST was the reall villian here and that neither Optimus nor Megatron consider putting all the Cons in jail an ideal solution and are trying to look for something better. But it seems to be going pretty smoothly, and they really aren't holding back with GHOST being evil. Which I think is great.
Um, I had more to say, but I'm tired and can't remember. Anyway, Earthspark good.
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wikiangela · 2 years
this post got away from me and it's basically a commentary/rant about the last 10-ish minutes of s6e18 😂😂😂
if Spike and Anya kiss and/or hook up I'm gonna throw up
noooo don't, I hate this 🤮
I love Spike and I hate Anya and wtf nooo I can't look at this scene
aw is Xander hurt because of this? maybe Anya and Spike hooking up is not so bad after all 😂😂 since apparently he won't get any fun tortures or anything 🙄🙄
also, as much as he might be hurt and jealous, he has no right to be this angry lmao if he goes there now and makes a scene or tries to kill Spike, that's really low - he left her at the altar and now they're broken up, she can fuck whoever she wants as she should
okay, I have enough, he really thinks he has any right to beat up Spike now? 🙄😂 that whole anger thing is just fucking annoying because seriously, what right does he have to be angry now??! he's the one who majorly fucked up 😂😂😂 God he's fucking annoying as fuck 🤣
and she's explaining herself now oh my god
my opinion - she's single and heartbroken and if she wants a rebound one-night-stand, she damn well has the right to it (and I'm saying this as a person who completely dislikes Anya)
YES EXACTLY - she doesn't owe him anything!!! that's none of his business who she bangs and where and when fuck you Xander
she didn't even know she was being recorded, she didn't do it to hurt you, you egomaniac, she did it for herself 🙄🙄
and they know about Buffy and I'm glad because the games were enough 😂😂
also, where does Xander get off caring so fucking much about Buffy's love/sex life 😂 I know he'd rather be the one banging her but like, it's her choice 😂😂 jfc
what is it with the "good"/human guys in this show being so fucking terrible 😂😂 and women are left feeling guilty as if they did sooo much to hurt them specifically and intentionally 😂 god sometimes I forget this is a 90s show but then shit like this happens 😂😂 Xander is such an entitled baby oh my god (entitled specifically to Buffy tbh)
BUT OMG TARA AND WILLOW ARE BACK TOGETHER!!!!!😍 😍 😍 😍 just for that watching this episode was worth it lol
btw Jonathan Warren and Andrew had quite the set up huh observing the whole town on cameras wow - as I'm watching for a few episodes now I've been realizing that they're honestly more competent than I gave them credit for (still a weak villain but much better than the initiative and Adam 😂)
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vizthedatum · 1 year
Is it just my period, or is it that the more stable I become in my environment, the more I validate my own feelings, the more I speak up for myself, the more I cut out the people-pleasing, the more that I realize that my ex has so little empathy for me... the more it hurts?
My head is pounding. I look so fucking gorgeous right now but on the inside... I feel weak. I'm shivering from pain, and it's still not as bad as it used to get. I'm so functional right now that it's amazing. But still - I'm barely unpacking (and I need to) and I can barely fucking do my work because I literally am freezing up. Yesterday, my doctor told me it's so understandable that I'm having freezes at work. I feel like all I want to do is just... chill. I wanna have fun and chill out.
I feel like I am just so... fucking good at managing life, and I don't want to be anymore. I just moved again, and that's such a huge toll. My friend almost died, FUCK. I am doing what I can at work and I honestly hate that I'm so "qualified" sometimes - I wish I weren't. Where is my job where I can pay my bills, not feel like I'm dying, and am happy with it all? I am breaking up friendships, making new ones, learning what love can be, and learning what love is not. Trying to be stable financially, paying all my bills, eating, exercising, mandatory relaxing, seeing my friends, self-care, etc. etc. etc. Gah. Like... I need a vacation from everything. I need things to kind of just work out without so much turmoil, and I need a fucking break. I am so burnt out. Someone just take me away to a beach where we can just be hot and enjoy nature for like at least a week... or a month.
I'm crying again. I know I'm not a mess, but I feel like one. I wish none of it had happened like that. I really wish it hadn't. I don't care if that would make me a fundamentally different person. I wish my parents didn't do all that they did. I wish my exes didn't do what they did. I wish I were happy with just a Bachelor's degree - and then just gotten a job. I wish my brother were healthier back then - I was basically trying to keep him alive and half-assing my own health and schoolwork for most of my twenties. I wish I had more self-worth and the courage to walk away instead of begging for breadcrumbs. I look back at pictures of myself when I was in my early twenties - and I wish I could have told that person that YOU ARE A GORGEOUS TRANS NON-BINARY MAN WHO LOVES TO WEAR MAKEUP AND BE FEMININE AND PLEASE DUMP THAT PATHETIC MAN WHO LITERALLY CANNOT LOVE YOU THE WAY YOU WANT WTF. I wish I walked away from my ex/spouse earlier so that I wouldn't be so financially devastated and completely heartbroken. I wish they didn't yell and fight with me so much. I wish that I didn't know that emotional abuse is worse than physical abuse. I wish they loved me better. I wish they were nice to me. I wish I felt safe. I wish I didn't fall in love so easily, especially with people who do not have the capacity to fill my needs - and I wish I could have said, "Nope, I love you so much, but I am not going to continue for the potential of the relationship. I will set up boundaries OR leave because I know I deserve EVERYTHING. I love myself more." Wishing is garbage now.
I am completely remodeling my life. I'm doing it now. I know that I'm hella emotional. I know that I have skills. I know I have trauma responses, and I struggle to communicate. I know that I deserve a lot. I know I love to have fun and do stuff outside. I can face my fears. I can explore the world. I deserve to have my feelings validated (especially by myself). I don't need to justify myself for feeling how I feel. I can be rejected, and I'll be ok. I am not wrong to be how I am. It's okay to not be aligned with people or my job. I am literally dating amazing people who adore me - who, so far, can hold space for me. I am *healing* and working on things - it's an ongoing process. I don't need to be perfect to live this life. I can work on my goals and not feel bad that I'm not achieving them. It's okay if I lose my job - there are more.
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unmotivated-student · 21 days
Now, liveblogging something that I do like :) [I decided to throw everything in a single post just because:)]
"you are here to play a game on which your lives depend" getting serious and we're just getting started ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
"what did you do to us?!" "nothing in particular" "then what is this pain?!" "I was very clear... in this game your lives are on the line" i kinda love Decim (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
"Sorry! My hand slipped!" [👁️👁️liar]
I had forgotten how dramatic this episode was [i kinda love it tbh]
"of all the emotions that humans exhibit, which is the most primal?" "i don't know" "fear"
"pain is a part of this game"
"everyone makes mistakes. but people's feelings can manifest through the most subtle of expresions. you're an arbiter, don't brush them off"
i remember about this episode :D
"and so it starts.." "how so? what does that mean?" "nothing" (...) "as such, the two of them may not be facing a favorable outcome." "no way..." "however, whatever the outcome may be, we must accept what happens"
Decim my beloved showing his sense of humor🫂
"Life really is a mysterious thing... Each and every life spins its own totally separate tale, yet they become intricately entwined in each other and no one knows how they will end up" "that´s true, you´ll never know until you die... you may not even know after you die... but you know what? that´s what makes it interesting, right?"
I honestly don't know how to feel about this one, because if we ignore some details it could be considered cute, at least the ending imo but idk
Lady... what kind of tv shows are u watching? [I know she's confused and in denial but still]
"How is that fair?!" "Life is never fair. I´m sure you´re aware of that" Decim triggering trauma ◉⁠‿⁠◉
i didn´t remebered this episode at all and now i'm like o.o
this is the saddest one so far to me. am i weak? maybe
"You did everything you could... both of you... did everything you could." okay, now i'm crying...
why did i forget about this one?
edgy ed
i'm starting to realize that from ep 4 onwards my memories about this show are a blur (i´ll take that as a good thing)
yep, definitely a good thing that i didn´t remembered all of that, it made me go "wtf's going on here?" all over again c:
dude, do you really want to do that?
see? u got ur ass kicked and for what?
that makes sense i guess
oh we´re on Jimmy again
wait, i do have memories about this one (not many but)
Ginti looks so done and the game hasn´t even started
mmm... if only you knew..
show off
no. what part of freezing to death is romantic to u? at least in titanic there was a love story before the freezing to death part
show off
u piece of trash
so this guy has feelings after all
such different ways to go
Claviz looks so excited about this xd
Oh wow, I was i hater during most of this xd
She remembered!!
Maybe he's not there much, buut i kinda like Claviz, he's just a little guy 🫂
"third: arbiters cannot feel emotions, for they are merely puppets" neat...
edgy ed makes more sense now
how are u still here?
"not that different" huh?
oh, it's over and i didn't write anything about this one... uhm... well... it was good...
"I bring out as much of the darkness in their souls as possible and take it in, then i pass judgment... that is what it is to be an arbiter" damn
oh now they're serious
sir, u are disgusting
fuck, this guy is insane!
i hate this guy
nufofnhdiewwwwww *dies*
wowuwhihweeirundu *dies again*
this one was heavy...
i-.. i don´t have much to say
he's just messing with her, isn´t he? [I genuinely don't remember]
this scene is making my skin crawl afsydrs
i'm trembling idk how i survived this the first time
definitely one of my favorites
Decim... no... that... no...
cryiiiiiing agian
it's 3 am btw i should be sleeping rn but instead i'm here sobbing
I love this anime so much ♡
I definitely recommend it!!! [If you are comfortable with the mention of themes like death of course:D, i mean it's called "Death Parade" xd]
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zombies-aliens · 9 months
I had a very weird encounter with this gay dude in his like 40s or something. I'm assuming he's gay because of his mannerisms it was very feminine. Happened at around 6:07 lasted for about a good 5 minutes or longer can't honestly tell the duration of it. But I was working and the guy came up me, he asked me if he could get a basket, and holy fuck thinking back this is how this weird fuck was trying to get me alone, he had a bread with him like one of those french breads that are long, and he asked me if I could get a basket for him so I told him yeah I can help you, as I was walking with him he fucking started asking me weird questions real quick. This guy asked for my name, which is not the weird part, asked for my last name, which now realizing I told him makes me uncomfortable, and then that's when he asked me personal questions like when I lost my virginity, and my dumbass self was answering thinking this is gonna be a short conversation.. dude I swear I'm a dumbass. He was talking about sex he was using the word fucking instead of sex which isn't scary to me in itself but I was uncomfortable because it was at work and he's asking me these weird ass questions about my virginity, how many times I've had sex, what I do if I'm horny... wtf..
And I changed the subject and asked if he still needed a basket and he said yeah so I told him I'll get him one, im trying to leave the conversation and get to my work, and this weirdo follows me out the store with his bread and I told him to wait because he can't walk out with his bread and his dumbass put it in the recycle bin, takes it out, then puts it on the side on some random shit. I'm weird out at this point bc idk why the tf he needs to be out with me but I know why now. He wanted to seduce me or some shit idfk. But he gave me pedophile vibes because I know I look young, and I know people see me as young, just the other day a lady told me I look 17. So whatever this guy was planning wasn't good I mean no fucking shit tho but. This guy was idk man he grosses me out, I think he's a rapist or something.
Once this sicko asked me how big I am.. I went tf inside the store. We were standing by the carts where we have them outside by the doors, with a camera that I'm sure saw the whole thing but idk if it has audio recording, and well once he asked me how big I am, I went inside I told him I have to get back to work, I heard him say noo, and I turned my back and walked away inside this mofo is following me inside but there's security guy next to me and I stood next to him, and I stayed with him until he went away, the security guy didn't know what was going on but stood there and I'm glad he did, and I'm glad he was there. This fuck switched up and asks about a regular basket just trying to repeat the same scenario. Asking me stupid questions, and eventually he went away. I told the security guy what happened he understands little English so we used Google translator, and I told him what happened by the carts outside. He told me to tell him to fuck off next time, and honestly I felt like a bitch man. Because I was so scared. I'm not saying he meant to make me feel that way, I know the security guy we say hi and dap each other up, he's a friendly good guy. I took my lunch right after and idk what to do I have to speak my mind and talk about this like what the fuck just happened 😐. I'm fine though, I mean I'm shaken up by it but man I got away at least. But still man. I was scared and he probably knew. Maybe that's why he was so persistent. I was showing weakness. I'm sorry I'm just trying to process all of this. I can't believe I was talking to a guy who was probably trying to fucking r word me.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
CATO SWEETO can I know about the age gap concept u wanted to write please 🥺 I have post notifs on for you so when I woke up I saw couple words and got so excited because it’s one of my favourite concepts (Also I was asleep when u posted rip me) but when I clicked on it it was gone :(
I’m just curious tho so if you don’t feel comfy Sharing then that’s okay! I hope u have a nice n stress-free Sunday! 🥰
(warning: age gap + age play + dark content all mentioned + me talking a lot)
AHHHH ASLJKDFKLAS before i get into it, i just wanna say THANK U for having post notifications on for me, wtf!!! i was actually wondering about that last night, if anybody did + and if the notices would still stay up for deleted posts, but i wasn't really sure how to determine and whatnot.
but i'm so sorry u missed my little... moment!!! i have developed a weird fear of posting dc and bc age gap is something i've experienced before, i think bc i was so tired last night, i ended up triggering myself and then over-reacting to it all LMFAOOO...
but my idea was basically just to play with an age gap between gojo + you where he knows the relationship is wrong but is so lonely that because you just seem to understand him so well (MaTuRe GiRl), he allows himself to indulge in it... kinda?
(mostly just to play with this idea of like. him being the strongest but also. weak for someone who he shouldn't be weak for... and like. OLDER, older gojo in his 40s.)
i'm honestly not really too sure anymore because i realized the age gap idea required more effort than i was willing to put in, but could also be expressed without the nuance of age all together since i probably wouldn't make it smut.
SO IT STILL MIGHT HAPPEN!!! and i still wanna play with age gap somehow, too... but it will likely be for bakugo bc i started writing a time jump thing a couple days ago (where older!bakugo is sent to the past). i am struggling with the dialogue tho so who knows.
BUT YEA! i did end up posting the smallest drabble about it, but i really just wanted to remove myself from the freak out and figured i could do better w/ the concept eventually.
i really do appreciate your interest tho! and i yam sorry i panicked. i'm always here to talk about age gaps if you ever want to tho bc i think i'll feel less bad about it that way! not sure, but love u anon and thank u for this again (and for reading this far if u have)!!!🧡
(warning: UNDERAGE stuff mentioned)
with all that being said, i think one of the reasons i felt so bad is bc... i've always wanted to write something about... someone underage coercing someone older, w/ the idea stemming from a different fandom altogether (not anime)...
but that's on a whole different level LMFAOOOO. dunno.
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saksukei · 3 years
minghao college au
other college aus: jun wonwoo mingyu
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
sculpture major minghao, who has an impeccable dressing sense, with paint on his hands and apron, those round glasses of his, he surely is eye candy
his minor is business and he's not that into sports but he's part of the photography club and the community service club
you're also a sculpture major minoring in language arts while being part of the hockey team and you have no time for other clubs bec you're also working side jobs as well
and minghao is your classmate
except? he gets like super good at whatever he does and he barely engages with anyone?
he's super calm and collected all the time and he always has his headphones on to ignore everyone lol
but like,,,,,, you can tell god has favorites and xu minghao was one of them because he's really pretty?? like especially when he's focused and how his black hair falls on face, how pretty his hands are and his eyelashes IM GOING FERAL
and you won't deny that you do have a lil crush on him cause I mean,,,,, you sit behind him
but you're sure nothing will happen because A) it's xu minghao B) he's out of your league by a long shot
and you're okay with that
cause I mean, it's just some stupid crush and it'll go away when you'll get out of college
Your teacher offered you a spot for some sculpture workshop because you were a good student
and he said you'd be going with another student as well
yep it's minghao
but like? your first day at the workshop and you're sitting next to minghao but he keeps on ignoring you??
and you're just like,,,,,,, um? pls? stop?
even during the lunch break, he ignored your offer to get tea together and just carried on with sketching
and you were kinda heart broken and the only thing you were thinking was does he hate you or something? what'd you do wrong? were you that annoying?
and so you carried on your day,,, your thoughts always going to minghao
and then,,,,, the next day
you didn't even bother trying to talk to him and once the session ended and you got outside, it was raining cats and dogs
your dumbass had even forgottten an umbrella
so you just stood there, not knowing what to do
and to even make a run for it
but before you took another step, into the pouring rain,,, you felt an umbrella over your head
you turned to see minghao,, holding the umbrella over your head, “you should always check the weather before you leave, you know?”
“right,,,, thanks– um? are you going to go to the bus stop?” you asked
“didn't you check the news?”
“what news?”
“all the buses will be closed today because the rain is expected to get worse,,,,” he told you
“oh crap–” you groaned.
“if you'd like ,,,,, my apartment is close by, you can stay there till the rain stops,” he suggested.
omg wtf xu minghao offered to let you stay at HIS APARTMENT EYE
“i wouldn't want to put you in an uncomfortable position,” you admitted
“and I wouldn't want to leave you alone here because it's not safe– besides if you were making me uncomfortable,,, I wouldn't have offered.”
“follow me” he instructed,, holding the umbrella that was a bit too small for the both of you, considering you kept bumping into minghao every now and then
eventually you reached his apartment,,, that was honestly exactly how you'd expected it to be
the color palette of his apartment was maroon, grey and white,, with big paintings,,, it was a two bedroom apartment with a small kitchen and it looked brilliant
“feel free to roam around and uh,,, would you like some tea?” he asked and you nodded
why was he being so nice today?? wasn't he ignoring you just a day ago?? and why did he invite you over anyway because you were sure your crush on him was obvious
“here,” he handed you a cup of tea,,, sitting down on the chair in front of you
“thanks minghao.”
“uh,,, have you thought about your year end sculpture? What you're going to do for it?” he questioned,,,
“no not really,,, besides I haven't even found a model yet.”
“if you want one,,, then mingyu can be your model.”
“mingyu,,, isn't he that volleyball player?”
“yeah,,, but you'll have to keep him away from your things,, he's pretty clumsy and he'll knock down your sculpture,” minghao chuckled.
“i’m guessing you were a victim to his clumsiness.”
“too many times.”
“how is hockey?” he gave you a weak smile,,, trying to end the awkward silence
“its okay.”
after sipping your tea,,, and you don't know how you suddenly gained the courage but you wanted to ask him about why he ignored you that day
“minghao can I ask you something?” you looked at him,,, nervously
“why did you ignore me the other day?”
“what day?” he looked at you,, confused
“day before yesterday,,, when I asked if you wanted to go get tea with me” you reminded him
“but,,,, I didn't hear you asking me?”
and now the both of you were confused because you remember saying it loud enough for him to hear
till minghao suddenly came to the realization and laughed out loud,,,
“why are you laughing?” you asked,,, your eyebrows knitted together in confusion
“day before yesterday,,,, I didn't take my headphones off the entire time,” he told you, trying to hold back his laughter
and you were so embarrassed,,, you were turning red and minghao was having the time of his life
“oh my God I'm so stupid......” you muttered
“you are,,, because trust me when I say,,, I wouldn't say no to going out with you,” he chuckled
you were like (╯°□°)╯but you managed to keep yourself calm
“is that an offer, xu minghao?” you teased him,,,
“it is if you're going to take me up on it,” he answered,,, before a grin broke out on his face
“i just might.” you chuckled
“fine so where do you want to go?” he asked
“some place with tea,” you answered
“and maybe with an eye store nearby,,,,” he started laughing again and you were so red
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clairesweirdstuff · 2 years
I think something might be wrong with me.
I know I shouldn't advertise this here, but this happened a couple times now and I feel so conflicted and horny at the same time.
So I'm a sub with a hypno kink, I knew this - my partners know it, anyone who has ever read any part of this blog has probably picked that much up.
But honestly, I haven't gotten much person-to-person live hypno time. I'll listen to files or read a text induction - and I love them - but because my partners haven't been into hypnokink, I really haven't gotten much chance to engage with a real live person.
But then I joined a discord server a couple weeks ago and ... fffff... uh.. aa-a-ap-parently I'm a slut?
I don't know what it is, is it the attention? Is it finally indulging my kink? Have all the scripts I've read and the files I've listened to actually affected me?
Well, in any case, here's what happened.
I joined 1 discord server, a guy reached out to me. We chatted about how great it would feel to just let myself be programmed into an obedient toy (yessss). And then he found out I was trans and he wasn't interested. Which sucks, right? Like, this is the internet, what does it even matter? And I was a bit insulted, but I considered myself too good for this guy anyway.
But I still wanted it. I found myself wondering if maybe I could fix him, change his mind about trans women and get more of that sweet kink talk where he'd tell me how he wanted to make me his good girl (Hhhhh, pls?).
I was disgusted with myself! Claire, you don't need this jerk! And I managed to resist reaching back out to him.
And then I joined another discord server. And in this one, someone did a text induction on my and another girl in one of the channels and fffuuuuccckkk it was amazing. It was honestly nothing specifically erotic but I could feel it. My breathing slowed, my mind fuzzed out and I gave him control and it was SO FUCKING HOT. I was weak, I wanted more.
I get a DM from someone on this new server, and we start to talk.
They tell me they prefer cis women (once again, why this matters on the internet I don't understand), but they want to chat and do a trance with me.
Okay Sweet! I push my questions of why things are relevant aside and we start to chat and I go under.
He asks me to turn on my camera.
Now, normally, I wouldn't do this! Like my waking brain is continually telling me how stupid this was, but I did it. I just, I can't really explain it - but I needed to please him and I knew he wanted to see me - so how was I supposed to NOT obey and turn on my camera?
So I did, and he basically has me make some sexy ahegao type faces as my mind is just completely fucked and then he wakes me up and says "Sorry, not my type" and I haven't heard from him since.
So, who cares, right? Yeah, but it felt so good. It took me a week to delete our conversation. I'm so fucking desperate that I was hoping he'd change his mind. Like wtf is wrong with me?
Okay, then another guy messages me. This time is basically all RP. We RP this kind of Kaa junglebook storyline for a few days and it is not what I would've said I would go for normally, but it is SUPER hot. After 3 days of RPing daily, he starts to ask about me. What am I wearing? I tell him. What do I look like? I tell him. He wants a picture. I freeze.
Fuck okay, this has been great up until now, but I gotta tell him. So I tell him I'm trans, he says I'm still his girl. I'm relieved and I send him a picture. He tells me I'm beautiful.
I'm in some kind of a trance at this point and he's asking me for more pictures and less clothes and for basically the first time in my life I'm taking pictures of myself practically naked and he's telling me that I'm such a good girl for him (<shudder> fffuck, why does it feel so good.)
He says he has to go - his wife is back home. Eventually my senses come back to me and I realize what I did and I delete all the pictures from the chat and my phone. I apologize to him, and he hasn't spoken to me since (4 days now).
So I mean, the data is there. Apparently I'm a hypnosis addict who will do anything while hypnotized.
God I want more. It's been 4 days and I just edged while browsing tumblr for the last hour and my brain feels like it's about a half-step away from dropping for a stranger right now.
I.. uh... I'm gonna go outside or something. Shovel snow... try not to be horny slut for an hour. Wish me luck.
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hikarumkns · 3 years
Sk8 episode 8
Okay so I'm really glad I didn't actually put up a post about ADAM because wtf.
(My skating skills have been nullified since there's barely anything for me to share with y'all on skating 😭 so if you don't want to hear me ranting I understand! 🙏♥️)
Spoilers ahead
For last week's episode I mentioned that I wanted to talk about ADAM. I mentioned this because at that point I still didn't know how I felt about him. I figured the show would do a 360 and make us feel sorry for him or he would redeem himself some way but no. Last week's episode was the last straw. I don't like this man.
I already didn't like how he treated Tadashi. I know ADAM is a piece of work but hearing someone say, "You're nothing but a dog." Really makes me infuriated. So I was extremely.... EXTREMELY upset when he had told Tadashi that if he was accused of corrupt business he would place the blame on Tadashi to clean his hands of any wrongdoing. No. Sir, you will fucking not. The man has barely said two words all season and I already want to protect him with all my soul. . . Whew.... That out of the way, let's get onto this week episode because -
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Okay but I had a feeling when the camera panned to the red capped guy, I casually thought to myself, haha what if it's Tadashi? But then I like went, nah cause ADAM is bound to have actual enemies in Skateboarding with his attitude but no. I was wrong. I did scream a little y'all.
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Also this. . . ADAM can go choke.
So you're telling me that while HE was having hardships in his house, while he was being physically and mentally abused by his aunts, Tadashi came to him with a way out to escape all that? To actually learn how to do something he was good at and learn how to be a skater but ADAM just went ahead and threw it all in his face?! Arghhhhh it drives me up a wall.
One last thing about ADAM that I want to mention is that I do understand the struggles he went through given whatever crazy, sick family he grew up in where politics is life but that doesn't give him the right to do it to others. Unfortunately at a young age like that, he grew up believing that that's the only way to do things.... Idk it just doesn't give you the right. I mean, his father took away his skateboard and burned it and he was devasted. I don't find that a reason to break people's bones. His whole entire personality was literally corrupted into being that way and it is sad but he also shouldn't do it to others.
My heart broke with Reki and Langa. But I'm glad that we were able to see a vulnerable side to them because it can be an area where they can grow. We already see Reki is genuinely concerned about Langa and he feels bad for the way he's acting. And watching Langa try to get some form of advice really shows you that the boy doesn't know how to voice his feelings.
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I love his mother who's supportive of him and is the comedic relief whenever it's them two. Also having a little frame on the table of them as a family is just so cute.
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lord. This boy. I want to go in there and have a long talk with him... I feel like I'm ranting lmao. ADAM does things to you I swear.
Reki is so not useless. He's genuinely the brains of everything and he's just as important as Miya, Shadow or Joe but he doesn't know that yet and I really hope he does soon. I'm glad that he managed to see this or hear this and have Joe look out for him. I love him and he should too.
Finally... Joe and Langa....I almost expected ADAM but you gotta build it up to the grand finale so ultimately, Joe.
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Sir, please don't ever come near me.
Not only is this INCREDIBLY dangerous but also impossible cause like Miya said, you gonna break something. Honestly, idk what I was expecting from Joe's form of skating. He's the "I'm soft and deep character with an aggressive side" type and I never expected it. After seeing him do a few tricks, judging by his character I figured he'd not be a power character but I mean his muscles are in my face every episode yet I didn't think he'd be the type. Well this episode really proved me wrong 🤡
Oh. I almost forgot to mention this bit of Langa. Remember how I said Langa is the type to find a way out of any problem or rather he gets more motivated when things are challenging?
Well, I'm glad we really saw that in the beginning of the race because it shows that Langa is competitive and he's willing to keep calm despite the problem at hand. Which brings me to a big question. With Langa going up against Joe and seeing as how he uses the course as his playground, how will Langa win the race?
Joe being more experienced in the course also plays a huge role and being a power skater means he's willing to use that to his advantage especially against Langa who's a strategic skater. Most power players are usually defeated through their own weakness or their opponents are of equal caliber which I highly doubt would be what happens.
Judging by Reki watching their match, I have a feeling he'll help Langa in the next episode to upgrade his board or something else. I just want them to make up already 😭
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nny11writes · 3 years
what stories are you working on right now?
Sorry Anon, I was off Tumblr for a hot minute there!
For the most part I'm jumping between so many stories it's not even funny anymore and writing a little here and editing a little there, without any clear main story in the lead.
Like, honestly? What am I NOT working on these days? (road trip AU, not approved by the RMCSA, LTTA Short Stories, the sequel to The Apprenticeship, Legacy, Violence is the Question: Yes is the Answer, Hawkdora Fake Dating AU- this was a bad hypothetical question, such a bad hypothetical question!)
Things I am technically working on right now below the cut because good fricking god wtf there's a lot????? And I don't know why I'm surprised about this???????????????????????
How to Quit You is one I'm in and out of frequently right now (Glimmer is pitching a fit and I am struggling to keep expanding on all the things I didn't know we were going to show lol). Ch 20 is more than halfway there, and when it's done glitra will be back together and in the next chapter or two they'll be married and then they can live happily ever after and we are all dying because I can't move forward. Glimmer wants to take things slow and more realistically instead of dipping Catra in a kiss at sunset, and it's quickly becoming a me problem lol.
The Bloodborne AU is probably the next most frequent as I'm able to hop all over the timeline. It's somewhat stalled out as I had to completely re-write the outline and worldbuilding elements for the third time T-T Plus side, each time I am forced to do this the story is stronger! Down side is the whole Micah and Angella section is now showing it's weaknesses 0.0
It's All Fun and Games has paused spectacularly because the "Prank Chapter" accidentally went full angst instead of comedy crack and I don't want that gosh darn it that's the FUN fic and I will DIE ON THIS HILL!!!! And I don't have any prompts past the prank so I can't even skip ahead to get the funny ha ha's back (yes I am begging people to prompt me on that fic again).
Balance to the Force has been opened a lot, can't say I got much done after I went in a few weeks back and realized how big Catra's chapter is lol. Like, I ended up already writing twice as much as I thought I would then realized I really need to split it into the "more funny ha ha Inquisitorium" and the "Catra actually becomes a Sith apprentice and that is not fun nor funny". Plus I think I need to rework the story, I don't know if I want it to be catradora anymore and also I have a lot of big [SOMETHING SOMETHING PLOT AND NOW THEY'RE HERE] holes to fill.
I keep thinking of stuff for the Assassin Collection AU, but then when I open it up my mind goes completely blank and I just re-read what I already have and go, "Hell yeah I love this thing" then close the doc again. :)
In dead last is Colony and Princess & The Thief, both of which keep jumping me with feels and a desperate desire to read them. Not so much with writing but that deep longing for someone else to magically finish what I started :p
Beyond that I've had some very nice comment recently on Declarations and Close But No Cigar, which was lovely after a long stint of people who didn't like where I took the stories lol. So I've also had a lot of Ahsoka feels recently but each time I open Twice Bitten, Once Removed that whole world just spirals out in front of me and I feel a little of my soul leave my body before I close the doc again. It's a weird the motivation is there but the drive is not situation.
And then all the random new idea WiPs keep smacking me in the face too (Guardian Angel (Angella is basically a ghost that only Catra can see), Tears (exploring the way Catra and Adora react to different things in a modern AU where they are both somewhere on the infinity spectrum), Hordak and/or Catra Time Travel (2 ideas for the price of one because I can't choose but don't want to write both so either: Young Hordak ends up in the future and Catra has to confront how young, naive, and traumatized he was compared to the grumpy asshole she kind likes these days OR Catra ends up in roughly S2 her's body and instantly everything gets fucked up because she keeps having appropriate coping skills and emotional maturity), Each Time We Give A Little Bit: It Comes Back to Haunt Us (Scorpia and Entrapta help ghosts and spirits who are trapped possessing items to try and finish their unfinished business or at least be brought somewhere nicer, Catra is possessing her old ring and wants to go home to Adora, it's been somewhere around 40-60 years since she died though), Post Military Life Thing (exploring the way Adora and Catra are living their lives after being discharged, it has not apparent point to it besides to show how similar but different they are so I keep editing it and trying to figure out what it wants from me), Missing Person Catra Weaver (Catra runs away after threatening to kill herself, for 10 years everyone assumes the worst and then she moves back to town totally unaware of the "Catra Come Home" project, I've got so many feels for this and have even written a little more but mostly it's just me wishing someone else would write it), Dad!Micah and Catra Bonding (same universe as "We Will Raise You in Safety and Peace", Micah and Catra do some awkward bonding and Two Step thinks they're father and daughter causing some more awkwardness but also some feels), Com-MOM-der and Clawdeen (I have another chapter for this featuring the SPT and their daughter showing everyone up at the next Princess Prom and also a chapter about how Clawdeen and Adora end up bonding despite the tension between her and Clawdeen's three moms), and There Was Only ONE Bed (By Design) (The one where Glimmer lies about her pull out couch being a regular love seat to force Catra to sleep in her bed while visiting, strangely everything works out until they're already basically married and then Catra learns about the couch and is more shocked this worked than anything))
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hello~ if it’s not too much of a bother could o request a cake? physically 5’1/2ish, w more east asian features and i have short a little over the shoulder length hair i can barely even tie TT. i like wear the whole skirts thigh highs shebang but i also really like going for the grunge/skater girl w baggy jeans and shirts type of thing too. interest wise i really like to draw!! and i’m a good singer of i do say so myself 👉👈 i’m also self diagnosed neurodivergent (possibly on the adhd spectrum) which gives me a lot of hyperfixations:(( recently it’s been animal crossing!! i don’t even have a switch to play it w but my favorite is raymond he’s so cool~ i also got into volleyball bc of my friends and ofc haikyuu and i kinda wanna be libero heh 🤸‍♀️ personality is a lil tricky for me but according to 16p (it’s not a reliable source i knOw) i’m an intp but w my friends i become indeed only chaotic <33 they always say i’m perverted and corrupting them 💔. i wouldn’t say i’m emotional but logically and psychologically wise i think i have a good depth of emotions. SCIENCE AND MAYH IS MY WEAKNESS i utterly hate science 💔 but language arts is the place where i shine ✨🧚‍♀️. sorry i’ve gone on for too long 😔👍 but i hope it’s okay~
Omgggg sorry this took so long! I took a blog beak today but now it’s late and I can’t sleep so I’m working on requestsssss. Enjoy though ❤️
🍰 for @kozuken-ma
Romantic Matchup
Nishinoya Yu
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How yall met
Ya boy needed help with Literature :p
He was this 🤏 close from passing that class
But he still needed some extra help
Or else he was gonna get benched
So the teacher had recommended you along with some others as potential tutors
He had seen you around school before
And he's ngl you were one of the cuter girls at karasuno
But he's only ever talked to you like once
But compared to all of the other people the teacher suggested
You were the most familiar
So he chose you
He quickly realized that you were much more than just a pretty face
You were super smart!
And funny
And you seemed to know how to teach the subject in a way he could understand
He honestly thought he would never love another girl besides Kiyoko
But you were growing on him
So after he had raised his grade up
He continued to go to you for some extra tutoring
Half of the time he wasn't paying attention to the subject
But more to how pretty you looked today
Soon enough you caught on to how he felt
So one day when you caught him staring you said
“You know if you wanna take me out you should just ask”
Mans turned BRIGHT red
But in the end he was able to ask you out
What they love about you
This man LIVES for your style
Like one day you'll show up in your usual skirt and thigh highs
(which he loves ofc)
But then some days you'll switch it up and show up in a classic skater girl outfit
Something like this :)))))
And his jaw just goes to the FLOOR
Like wtf how did you just get even more perfect
Im convinced he has the classic skater boy style so he really loves those outfits
He loves how chaotic you are
Alright this is NISHINOYA were talking about
If your gonna date him you gotta be a little more on the wild side
He loves the havoc you guys create
And the adventures you two have together
Have the cops been called on these adventures?
Have you ran from said cops before?
Also yes
Yes but we don't talk about that
He loves ALL of your drawings
Keeps every single one you give him
And he loves your singing voice
Always tells you you need to go onto the voice or some shit
“Ok Miss Arianna i see you ;))))”
“Noya i am trying to SHOWER >:(“
What you love about them
You love how he can match your energy
As stated before
And just with basic haikyuu knowledge
This is a chaotic boy were talking about
So what do you think happens when you put two chaotic people together
You guessed it. CHAOS
But it's always fun for you two
Not so much fun for anyone around tho
You love how he supports all of your interests and hobbies
I swear you could draw a triangle and this mans would be like
“I've never seen such a perfect triangle in my life”
“These lines? Straighter than a heterosexual relationship”
I'm dating the next davinci people”
You get the gist
But honestly you really enjoy these compliments
You like how passionate he can get about things
Perfect example would be when he and asahi got into their fight
Like our boy was MAD
But that kind of passion can also be seen in a more positive atmosphere as well
Like he gets HYPED when he get asked about an of his interests
And will talk about them for HOURS
It makes for fun conversations tho
So your not complaining
Favorite things to do together
Crackhead tings 💅
But seriously
He loves just going out and doing the most random shit with you
Late night gas station trips
Pouring instants mashed potatoes on people's yards
Blasting music while driving around
Starting a cult with the kids at your local playground
Yeah we don't talk about the last one…
Parents were not happy to see their kids chanting around a Mcdonald's sprite
Basically he just loves having fun with you
Random Hc
His grade improved a lot since he started dating you
Once you convinced him to try on one of your skirts
And lemme just say
This man SLAYED
Like wtf
When he found out you wanted to be a libero
Oh boy
He was so eager to teach youtube rolling thunder
Yeah you almost broke your neck that day…
Overall Aesthetic
Chaotic Skaterssss 🛹
Gimmie Love (joji)
Maniac (conan gray)
White Iverson (taylor swift)
Blinding lights (the weekend)
jenny (studio killers)
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