#hm. so i wrote a query letter
lordsardine · 2 years
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pokimoko · 2 years
For the ask game May I ask: 18, 22, and 35? Love u bird overlord you make me toss my marbles into the sea everytime I read one of your creations💖
Hello my favourite bird underling! Lovely to see you pop by. :D Let's answer some queries! 18. Do I enjoy research? DO I ENJOY RESEARCH???? YES! I love researching! I will spend hours just researching for fics (even if, ahem, that researching is just watching movies and shows that relate to the fic's concept) because I like using those little details to enhance the story itself or alternatively as a source of inspiration. As for which story required the most research, that would definitely have to be I've Heard That Song Before. For that one fic, I ended up researching *deep breath* Hungarian geography and history, 1940s culture (predominantly music), Marvel comic lore, WW2 history, 1940s military letters and equipment, baseball, national parks, swing dancing, Russian poetry and history, Pluto (my beloved), Jewish culture and writings, Roma culture, Greek mythology, and just a whole bunch of other things. I ended up having History Notes at the end of every chapter because of all the research I did for that story, because I just wanted to share all the cool and important things I learnt during the writing process. So yeah, research is a friend of mine. I think every fic deserves at least some research. 22. When do I title fics during the writing process? Hm. It depends. I usually have an idea in mind before I start a fic, and sometimes that sticks for the whole thing (like perilune, which was a word I'd been wanting to use as a fic title ever since I discovered it) but I usually go through several variations throughout the writing process until I end up with one I like and that I think fits the story best. For example, In Your Absence (Rebuilding the Memory of Goldfish Dreams) had several names, in terms of the bracket bit. It started as In Your Absence (I Will Try to Stay Present) to IYA (I'll Find My Way Back to You) to IYA (All That's Left is The Ghost of Me), which is was for a few weeks before I decided to lean on the fishbowl metaphor (and the dialogue: "I wonder what fishes dream about") and switched to IYA (Seeking the Memory of Goldfish Dreams) until finally landing on the title it is now. In the Absent Place (Listening to Silence on the Radio) started as The Absence of Others (and Why We Pretend That’s Okay), then The House We Call Home (and Why We Must Keep It Spotless), then This House of Ours (And Other Things That Don’t Exist) and quite a few other variations of these until a line of dialogue from the show 'Legion' (from 2x05: "I was in the absent place, and then I just…There she was, in the mirror, looking back at me.") inspired the first part, and the game 'Oxenfree' (which involves radios and ghosts and is just amazing) inspired the second part of the title. So to answer how I come up with names, it's a lot of experimentation and outside inspiration. 35. Can't believe you're making me decide on one fic as my favourite. Cruel of you, don't you know all of them are my babies (*pointedly not looking at my pre-2019 stuff*). I think I'll go with The Absence of Fear simply because I am so proud of how it turned out, and because of the fact it kickstarted my Moon Knight writing (and the ESOTAM series which I have loved making so much). It'll always have a special place for me for that reason. Also I wrote that baby in like 3 nights and god, I don't think I've reached that hectic pace ever since. I was a writer possessed for that story and that story alone. Ask me fanfic questions!
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ashen-crest · 2 years
hello, I’m back with more weird advice! today’s weird advice is:
write a query letter early, and write one even if you’re not going trad pub.
why, you ask? why must I torture myself so? query letters are the worst! I would rather fling myself into the fires of plinko like that dumb horse or whatever! and I verily say to you, here’s why:
if you’re struggling with or feeling off about your plot, your query letter helps you get to the heart of your story quickly & in the simplest of terms
the meat of your query letter can double as your back-cover blurb (it’s short, it’s attention-grabbing, it hooks the reader into your story!)
I’m not saying you have to write all the “dear so and so” or title comp stuff. Just the hook of the query letter, the part that’s supposed to make your agent/potential reader sit up and go “oh, ok. that sounds like something I want to read.”
I just wrote one for The Spirit Well, which isn’t even at draft 0 yet, and let me tell you, it really forced me to think about my wip from different angles. For example, a couple things that went through my mind:
hm, how much do I mention Emry’s arc here? how about Cal or Aspen? wait, do they have arcs? (Cal has one) do they need arcs?
oh crap, I haven’t even mentioned spirits yet! that reflects how I have under-represented spirits in the outline, too. gotta fix that.
what are the biggest plot points? am I missing out on mentioning anything big? or, am I trying to cram too much in? if I cram too much in, is that an indication that my story itself is trying to tackle too much?
tl;dr- I’m a big fan of breaking down a wip to its essentials in the early stages, and a query letter/back-cover blurb hook is one way to do that for yourself.
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rachelsteapot · 3 years
Hiiii I saw you would like to write about Arthur Shelby!! That’s great cause there aren’t many stories about him. Could you please write one where he gets jealous or possessive? Please and thank you
OMG YES! One jealous and posessive Arthur coming right up!
Disclaimer: I really do not know how good this is, I wrote it in like one sitting so any constructive critcism is apprecated :)
Warnings: Sexual harrassment, Fighting, blood if you squint. 
Tags: @theshelbyclan 
I Promise (Jealous!Arthur x Fem!Reader)
From the first time he set eyes on you, Arthur Shelby knew that you were going to be his, and there was no room for anyone else. At first, his brothers thought he was sick; he was so far from his normal demeanour that sickness must have been the cause. It was most unlike the eldest Shelby brother to not hire a whore when they went into town, and god forbid he stopped playing in the snow. Then, his brothers realised the root of this change in his behaviour. 
You were the newest addition to the Shelby assistants. Bright eyed and bushy tailed,  you were always ready and willing to dive headfirst into a stack of invoices, or sit and steadily decipher one of the brother's chicken scratch handwriting. Tommy had hired you specifically to work with Arthur due to his struggles with most, if not all, literary ventures. Especially the numerical kind. 
You had been warned by Tommy that Arthur could be difficult to say the least. According to your boss, he was prone to fits of rage, often came across as rude, and liked to snort cocaine. However, this was a side of Arthur that you never saw. Tommy put it down to your voice, perhaps thinking that the way you spoke reminded Arthur of their mother, but you weren’t so sure. Sometimes you noticed Arthur watching you when he didn't think you were looking. There was something else in his eyes, beyond the sadness, there was love. You weren’t sure, but didn’t exactly intend to ask about it. Sometimes, when you were helping Arthur with his numbers, he would sit you on his lap and have you check his maths as he worked. He was slowly improving, and you were sure that he knew, but more and more often he would seemingly make deliberate mistakes so you had to come and help him. 
Throughout your time together, you had grown close to Arthur and he to you, perhaps a bit closer than a boss and his assistant should have been. But what mattered was that Arthur’s work was improving, and you were doing your share of the paperwork. 
Recently however, you had noticed Arthur daydreaming when you worked with him. While you were explaining maths, his eyes would drift away, and he wouldn't seem to hear what you were saying. During these periods, the mistakes he made were genuine, causing him to get frustrated more and more often. 
The only thing left to do was ask him what was wrong. 
It was a warm Thursday afternoon when you noticed Arthur drifting in and out of thought. You were sitting at your desk, reading through a stack of invoices, while he sat at his, reading some memo from Tommy. A heavy sigh interrupted your train of thought and you looked up to see Arthur cradling his head in his hands. You stood, kicking your shoes off before slowly padding over to his desk. 
Placing your hands on his shoulders, you leaned over the back of his chair and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. 
“What’s wrong, Arthur?” your gentle query received another sigh. 
“Nothing, Y/N. Just Tommy being a twat again and not asking what I thought.” came his grumbled reply. You gently placed a kiss just above his ear and sighed too. 
“Why don’t you tell him?” That received a dry chuckle as he sat up and you slid off his shoulders, coming to stand next to him. 
“It doesn’t exactly work like that, but maybe. There’s a family meeting tomorrow. I might, but I doubt he’ll listen.” You nodded and licked your lips slightly in thought. 
“Just let me know if there’s anything I can help with,” you said gently as you returned to your desk. He nodded in response and you both quietly slipped back into a swirling world of numbers and letters. 
Friday evening was the next time you saw Arthur. He was working away from his office for most of Friday, especially since there was a race on and Shelby Company limited still operated a betting shop. You had been counting the earnings of today’s race for hours, so when Finn pranced into your office at the end of the day and asked if you wanted to go to The Garrison with him and the boys, the answer was a resounding yes.
As you left your office for the evening, Finn linked your arm with his and walked you to the Garrison, happily comparing the work that you two had done. There was nothing flirtatious about your relationship with Finn, he was too young for you anyway. But, he had an easygoing sense of adventure and was known to crack a joke about anything. Besides, Finn had his suspicions about you and Arthur, and he knew that if it was as he suspected, it would not be wise to try anything. 
The two of you arrived at The Garrison and relaxed into the noisy, smoky atmosphere. You could have easily entered the Shelby box, but preferred to mingle with people more akin to yourself once in a while. Finn ordered for you, and before you knew it, you had been challenged to a drinking game. Usually you wouldn’t have bothered, but tonight, you were out to win. 
Arthur stepped through the doors of his beloved pub, just in time to see Y/N drinking his baby brother, Finn, under the table. He chuckled lightly to himself, but his mood soon turned sour when he noticed that you weren’t just experiencing his attention. The man sitting next to you at the bar had placed his hand on your waist and was trying to pull you onto his lap. Try being the keyword here, as you had turned to him and tried to explain that, one: you weren’t a prostitute, and two: you weren’t interested. But this man was adamant, even reaching up to feel at your breasts. 
Arthur could feel your discomfort from where he stood. He could feel the fire of rage building up in his stomach, until, finally, he snapped. 
You hadn’t even noticed that Arthur was here until you felt the man that had been bothering you get ripped away. As you turned to find out what was happening, you saw the side of Arthur that, until now, you had doubted the existence of.  
Arthur had your harasser on the floor and was beating him with a fury that you'd never seen before. It was clear that this man was unconscious, and his face was a bloodied mess. If no one stopped him soon, this man may die. And, really, that was what Arthur wanted. You were under his protection, regardless of whether you liked it or not, and no one would hurt you again. 
You stepped forwards, wobbling slightly from the alcohol you had consumed. As you approached, Arthur tensed, sensing that someone was coming. Slowly, you placed your hand on his back and he spun around, towering over you. 
“Arthur, please. Stop.” Finally it clicked in Arthur’s brain that this newcomer was you. His eyes softened. 
“Let’s go home, love,” He croaked, sliding his hand around your waist and leading you out of the pub. You gently steered Arthur towards your home, unlocking the door when you arrived and sitting Arthur down on the sofa. He sat there, silently shaking, while you gathered a first aid kit. 
“This is going to sting a little bit, Arthur,” you whispered as you sat down on the sofa beside him and dabbed some whiskey onto a cotton pad, taking his hands into yours to clean the cuts. He winced slightly, but sat still as you began to wrap his hands in bandages. 
“Why did you do it?” you asked, leaning onto his shoulder as you tied off the bandages. Arthur looked down at you and took your chin into one of his hands.
He held your chin, tilting your head so you looked him in the eyes. 
“You’re mine, Y/N. I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt you. I love you too much for that,” he muttered before pressing his lips gently to yours. 
“I will never let anyone hurt you, I promise.”
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Monday 29 August 1831
5 3/4
11 5/..
An hour tidying – at my desk at 7 1/2 at which hour Fahrenheit 68˚ and fair but dull damp morning had been raining just before I got up – breakfast at 9 20/.. in the little room my father and Marian sitting by – told the former I had got a little more time and should stay till Saturday or Monday – might or might not go by sea – if by land should go by Paris – sure to be robbed twice, once near Madrid and once near Seville – the 1st packet after 6 September would be 4 October –
Letter joint 1 1/2 page from Mr Duffin the 1 1/2 page and ends and under seal and top of 1st page crossed from Mrs Duffin – very kind letter – nothing worth extracting save that Messers [Slyfield] once saw me at the Duffins and begged to be remembered and Major [Slyfield] sorry to have missed seeing me – should be glad to have made my acquaintance – It was he who was a friend of poor Sam’s and with him when drowned at Fermoy in 1813 – Mrs Duffin much pleased at my sending her the box of eau de Cologne. Letter also 1 1/2 page from Mrs Milne – dated the 27th a little constrained?
I can hardly believe mon bonheur that I am again addressing you ma chere is really extraordinary but common politesse you must be aware requires that I should send mille remerciment for your sweet waters and for the kindness of the memory which thought of absent friends (is that the right term?) in Rotterdam Mrs Duffin with whom I have been comparing notes confesses herself perfectly shocked at the magnitude of the gift to her I au contraire am quite charmed with the magnificence of the one to me for measuring the love by the quantity one bottle less would have been a serious evil you will I think be interested to know that our invalids are better I returned from Scarbrorough or rather Langton where I spent two days in my way home last Thursday and thus very provokingly escaped seeing Mariana by only a few hours I left Eliza as well as could be expected I cannot quite make out whether her fausse couche is a matter of condolence or congratulation I will not longer detain you from pleasanter contemplations but entreating you ma chere to keep un petit coin in your heart as my peculiar domicile remain toujours a vous, HM Milne –
what I shall I write in answer? 
Man from Whitley’s with blank books to look at – ordered 11 and the 4to [quarto] ordered the other day to be done on Thursday night – then Charles Howarth brought me my oak cupboard which interrupted me some time – from 11 3/4 to 1 10/.. 
Wrote and copied two pages and three lines to Lady Gordon and then an hour trying in vain to write something that pleased me to Mrs Milne – 
Wrote to Lady Gordon that I should not have written to her till after hearing her final decision to go or not, had she not particularly asked me – but perhaps she would be glad to hear as soon as possible, that if goes she may count upon my going with her and ‘upon my giving my best attention in London to the subject you wish me to understand’ – put her upon the precaution of writing to announce her intention of being at Cadiz at such a time and not to have any decided step taken till her arrival ‘as men of business bidders for property are not always exact in the statement of their intentions’ – good reason for taking Georgiana – glad she will leave Alice at home – when I hear whether she Lady Gordon goes or not, she ‘shall have a straightforward answer to all the queries in her last letter which there is no need to think of till the go or not go is decided’ – shall be here till after Friday’s post – perhaps one or even 2 posts longer or my letters will be immediately forwarded – ‘But you shall not be left without my address’ – 
William Keighley junior came at 2 50/.. left with George for the post my letter to ‘Lady Duff Gordon 34 Hertford Street, London’ and went out with William Keighley at 3 – through [Trough] of Bolland wood, Cunnery ditto, Hall wood and along my walk to Tilley holm to see the rotten railing there, and order about the willow stakes driving in so as to keep the railing up – told William where to plant 1 purple beech, 2 weeping birches, and one weeping birch in my walk on the old pit hill near the calf croft and just below in the walk to put a few weeping willows 1/2 dozen near the brook – sent away William and sauntered about Well Royde wood etc. – Washington and George Robinson set out the new foot path I am going to allow through Well Royde in order to get rid of the paths through Lower Brea land from Upper Brea Lane, and to get Upper Brea Lane so as to throw it to Well Royde Wood – then sauntered down Lower Brea wood to Mitholm, and in Mitholm Holm, looking at fences, and in my walk, and home at 7 – 
Note to my father from Mr Henry Priestley asking leave to shoot at Market Weighton, granted and I wrote civil kind note to ‘Mrs Henry Priestley, Haugh End’ which sent by her servant to say I would either see her or write again before my hurried return to the continent – meant to have remained here some months but unforeseen circumstances had obliged me to change my plans and being so totally unprepared for such a result I had an unusual number of things to do and think of – in a thousand fears of not being ready in time – but would see her or write again – 
Copied the note for my father to write or Marian would have pottered over it an hour – 
Dinner at 7 20/.. – sat talking to my aunt in the drawing room till near 9 then about an hour in the little sitting room and came up to my room at 9 55/.. – Dullish tolerably fine day – Fahrenheit 67˚ now at 10 40/.. p.m. – very windy tonight – 
William Keighley gave me a valuation of a few trees to come down at Northgate to the amount of about £10 – putting books, journals and other manuscripts into my new cupboard which took up about 3/4 hour -
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ladyofmind · 6 years
July... Oh, July
Where did you go?
Seems like it was just the other day that I got home from that weekend trip and tried to find my routine again. Yes, I didn’t post much about my Nano camping or victory, but that editing work got done. The book itself isn’t finished, but I need a break!
Where else did July disappear to? Some good things came with my minor query attempt... I am waiting for more answers and managed to find myself an AMAZING editor to help me get this massive series into some shape. (Seriously, message me about her, I will be glad to share!) So yeah, that’s where I’ve been, plus or minus a sugar coma birthday weekend... 32 years old now, and that was way too much food. Well loved and over fed for sure.
As with any of my month end wrap-ups, I do like to keep those hashtag games in one place... For the above-mentioned reasons, I didn’t finish all my games this month so I will try my best next month...
More after the jump...
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1- Woods started tuning and testing his guitar before finally deciding on the one he wanted, a wicked little smile of his own forming. Two could play this game.
2- Pulling into the parking lot of Woods' building, Remmy stayed silent again, about what was ahead for Tweet.
3- Malta went in bounding search of Remmy, flying at the man for the second time that day.
4- Unfortunately, Malta took his compliment, despite his eyes traveling Tweet's form as discreetly as he could.
5- "He's certainly got my attention, cute little fishy he is." When both girls gave Tweety a look, she shrugged "You know like plenty of fish in the sea?
6- Tweety wanted to be Woods' muse, his sexy little siren, the thing he didn't take his eyes off of and drew inspiration from.
8- Rounding, she held the giggle at Brandon's confusion, even as the show went on. She felt a bit like those streakers that ran through sporting events, the way she was disrupting things. Though this time it wasn't her fault, but if you're already making a spectacle of yourself, might as well go full on.
9- Grabbing his music player and speakers, she continued on, shirt starting to climb up her back as she walked to the bathroom, tossing it just inside the doorway.
10- Woods wasn’t helping the cause, leaning against the door he held open, a mix of dented pride and cat with the canary.
12- She started to move again, softly swaying to the song.
13- He could tell Bebe was the type to do as Tweety wrote, and now Sly wondered if that was the reason miss Tweety sponged down that particular table so.
14- In Frost's mind, this was what a successful operating business looked like; something he'd been trying to have happen in the years he'd been the manager.
15- He had to think a moment to make sure he hadn't said anything other than a comment on food. He couldn't help but smirk, she looked as if he just said the smartest thing ever, and he knew himself well enough to know that couldn't happen.
16- That left Malta and Tweety to finish attempting to send the men on their way. Of course they were not being forced out, but the party had wound down nicely, and those boys needed to be up early to ship out, so they were trying to be mindful of this.
17- It could be called pretty, even if it sorely needed some updating. She looked past him, down the row of empty spaces, her own history easily meshing here too.
19- She somehow had bags of stuff again but knew the last stop she needed to make before getting to work; ordering two boxes of assorted cupcakes from her bakery boys, who seemed a bit surprised (she) came back.
20- Tweet just felt it more, the enormous mistake this would be.
21- That didn't quite help because he gripped the edge, and sunk down a little. "Maybe you should take ten first? You don't look so good."
22- Returning her attention to the drinkers, who had abandoned all the empty bottles, moving instead to the couch, swigging from some dented flask.
24- She'd lost count of them all now, and that probably wasn't a good thing to admit to. Just because she chased after one man, didn't mean she wasn't being tailed by more than enough of her own.
25- "Maybe if I could get another drink? I guess I can't drink through my skin." Deej gave the stink eye to Roger, before shrugging and rubbing the back of his head with a chuckle. "Anyone got an extra shirt?"
26- Woods laughed with a nod to the rest of the group, stepping a little closer to the microphone "I do believe the naughty nurse Trouble just issued another challenge, one we intend to take on."
27- Malta started to sway to the music, causing Tweet to do the same, and then they covered an ear each when the club could hear the way Frost boomed "Lass!"
28- Making a face as he downed the drink, Collar figured partying too hard wasn’t as bad as alliteration. "Good luck sir." He saluted and then wandered off, finding a nice table of random people to bother.
29- She could write a book about how to divert attention from yourself.
31- Her back ached as if she had jumped into a pool and met with the solid wall of water, stinging her all over.
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1/7- "Ballentine Rajneesh Siyamak, but you can call me Sly for short." In an old school fashion, Sly bent at the waist. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, and welcome to Soulful. Are you here to see Tweety about the Red Letters series?"
2/7- Sly- "Back in the old country, I slept under the stars, or in a tent a time or two. Now? I suppose one might consider me a hotel camper, if one sees the club's bedrooms as a hotel, even if I hardly use it…"
3/7- Sly- "I know my way around a few things, been around a while. I once managed a spider infestation with a loo brush and pail."
4/7- Sly- "I love the outdoors, big fan of walking around at night, contemplating life in the darkest time of day."
5/7- Sly- "I don't get scared, so I must be telling them? I am not aware I am telling scary stories though, given that I am already often told how terrible I am at noticing flirtatious behavior aimed at me."
6/7- Sly- "Cooking? I am more of a concocter. I make a mean milkshake, and have been known to mix up some drinks and make something new."
7/7- Sly- "I like music, I do, but I don't sing. Not unless it will lighten the mood, and that is a last resort option."
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8/7- "Oh? I've never been to camp! Hey fellow campers, I'm Raven, and I'm in a cabin all by my lonesome, stop by for a visit won't you?"
9/7- Raven- "Stargazing? I mean there was this one time, in an outdoor hot tub," *blushes* "We were under the stars but I didn't notice them much…"
10/7- Raven- "Why do we talk about me so much? I want to know about you. What's your favorite activity? I'll try anything once, twice if it's a good time…"
11/7- Raven- "Why ask me something like that? Do you want me to follow you? Because I totally would."
12/7- Raven- "Depends on if I'm taking that dip alone or not. Will you be joining me? I'd do it with you."
13/7- Raven- "Of course I am, anything you want, I'm willing to do, even change for you, so long as you love me."
14/7- Raven- "The bar that was home changed, so that sense of home is gone for a while now. But if you're offering to have me move in with you, of course I will!"
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15/7- "Cop" Collar- "Hm, the Intel said that scumbag was here. Better let Nira know Tim's still out there." *texts back and forth* "What do you mean go camping for a while? I wasn't prepared to camp here…."
16/7- "Cop" Collar- *chuckles while unloading car* "Depends on the mountains… More of a poolside camper lately, but apparently I'm stuck in this forest for a few days."
17/7- "Cop" Collar- *finishing pop up tent* "I flirt all the time, ladies love the man thong, men too. Unless you mean a different kind of tent?" *pulls half deflated blowup doll from trunk into tent* "Leftover from a prank, but a good mattress you pervs."
18/7- "Cop" Collar- "I really shouldn't because alcohol starts the party… but I am off duty for a few days before the big bash…" *Chugs a large high proof bottle*
19/7- "Cop" Collar- *bleary eyed* "Always… Where's my thong? WHO TOOK MY THONG?" *spies a guy lost on the path* "You! You must have taken it!" *gives chase to poor guy* (this author spares some details for PG purposes)
20/7- "Cop" Collar- "Oh, great with knots, not so great with shelters."
*finishes hog tying guy with only man thong as rope*
"Collar, dude, it's Nathan Winners. Chef Nathan, you know, your buddy? I never stole your thong! You gotta stop that. Man, Deej owes me for this mess."
21/7-"Cop" Collar-"Usually I'm great at weathering a storm, but in this case, I gotta head back, someone has to help with club security. The big bash is a big deal. If you can get free & bring my man thong, you can get home Wieners." *pats hog tied man & leaves.*
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22/7- Chef Nathan Winners- *struggles to get free* "It was a cute joke or pet name the first time. Haha, Chef Wieners. I am never helping Deej by delivering a meal to the woods again. Never stole the stupid thing!"
23/7- Chef Nathan- "I like walking thru the parks and taking the scenic route on my 4am supply runs. It's calm and quiet, plus who doesn't love getting the freshest food to cook with?"
24/7- Chef Nathan- "Did… did you not see what happened this time? That's the worst it's ever been for me. I prefer going alone and wandering the farmer's markets. No danger there, just me and the ingredients."
25/7- Chef Nathan- "I am not adventurous beyond my food. Unless you count navigating the strange people that are my friends, like Collar and Deej."
26/7- Chef Nathan- "I wander and take the long way home on nice days, but never get lost. Probably why a certain cat man calls me whenever he's hungry or lost but not lost."
27/7- Chef Nathan- "Urban legends? Not that I know of. I know a lot of food legends, and there are myths about some of the wilder things that happen in the bar's front of house."
28/7- Chef Nathan- "Is anything weirder than getting hog tied with Collar's man thong? Like seriously… I better get it back to him before he comes back to torture me more."
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29/7- Antag Raven- "OMG I SING!!"
MC Sly- "… I suppose that means I shall be forced to play music?"
30/7- Yes! NO!!
SC Collar- "What do you mean no?"
BG Nathan- "You are not someone I want to turn my back on, let alone close my eyes around…" *returns the rope thong*
31/7- Sly- "Tell stories?"
Raven- "Karaoke!!!"
Collar- "Can't we just drink instead…?"
Nathan- "Time to pack, definitely time to leave camp."
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2- Quick pitch? A women's journey through a life that is 'Cheers' crossed with 'Animaniacs' and surviving mostly sane. That's the Red Letters series!
3- Tweety took a breath before a gorgeously wicked smile spread her face. "Wouldn’t you like to know deary?" Shoulder lifting in a halfhearted shrug, "Probably will have to stick around to find out."
Song- Trouble for me/Britney Spears https://youtu.be/DQNm-P_1VVY
4- Woods started tuning and testing his guitar before finally deciding on the one he wanted, a wicked little smile of his own forming. Two could play this game. #RedLettersTeasers
5- Side char love?
-Malta the Cockney with a bold streak.
-Bebe that crazy friend who makes you do things.
-Roger the lynx cat with an attitude and cupcake addiction.
6- #1randomques Tweet's sorta done this before. But she'd say "It's just a woman's life, full of love, friends, and some legendary stories. It's up to you to believe me or not."
7/8- Tweet's care package includes:
-purple and red pens
-fun notebooks
-new music for her player
9- Tweet likes pancakes and bacon or chicken fingers with french fries.
10- Tweet's got some food issues, being a picky eater… But Woods, another MC is allergic to cherries.
11- …close enough lol…
"He's certainly got my attention, cute little fishy he is." When both girls gave Tweety a look, she shrugged "You know like plenty of fish in the sea?" #RedLettersTeasers
12- Cupcakes. Thank goodness there is a temperamental cook or two that can make real food too…
13- #1randommques I'm a Gordon Ramsey fan. So, one char would be in trouble for the "herbs" in his brownies. Another might have a distance contest about flinging food, while a third would just be trying to figure out how to frost the chef…
14/15- Tweet has a chef to cook, but left to her own devices, it's candy. Or basics learned as a kid- cereal, quick processed foods, the no cook, doesn't expire for 5 years types of things. So, might be going to the diner to eat.
16- Tweety- "Things were rough growing up, but I always enjoyed chances to be near the water. Pools, oceans, it always called to me.
17- Antag- Brandon- "That's simple. Get off the stage, drink until that night's groupie is ready to play, and pass out around dawn."
18- Collar stepped up to the sink, like he would wash out his shirt, careful to slur his speech as well. "Swell party, til your drink ends up on your gut, not in it." #RedLettersTeasers
19- Tweety- "I can't tell you that. I have a few regrets in my life, but I also try to be a private person, even in the middle of a crowded nightclub."
20- #1randomques - Let's see… My chars are glad that I have managed to overcome bouts of depression, and that I am progressively working on the crippling anxiety. But they are still concerned about what part of the brain "Tim" comes from, and the things he does…
21- Antag- Lady S- "I hired her."
22- Most tech savy- Nira, considering he runs and watching the security system
Least- Deej fries his fur on the jukebox regularly.
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/02/23/hmrc-scam-britons-warned-about-phone-call-which-threatens-arrest-do-not-fall-for-it/
HMRC scam: Britons warned about phone call which threatens arrest - ‘do not fall for it!’
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HMRC, or HM Revenue and Customs, is a familiar name amongst millions of people who are required to deal with taxes each year. Due to the widespread use of the official service, the latest scam associated with HMRC has the potential to affect many, and is therefore particularly worrying. Several Britons have reported receiving a phone call which informs them there is supposed tax fraud associated with their name.
Individuals are then directed to ‘press one’ on their phone to speak to an adviser about the situation.
If they fail to do so, the automated voice states, they may face a warrant for their immediate arrest.
Understandably, the prospect of criminal charges such as fraud is likely to be particularly frightening for Britons who come into contact with this call.
However, the correspondence is simply a scam, designed to get people to part with their personal details.
READ MORE: Pension: How over 55s can ‘take control’ of finances amid COVID-19
As HMRC outlines, suspicious emails can be forwarded to the Revenue for further investigation, and texts sent to 60599. 
Amber Burridge, Head of Fraud Intelligence for Cifas, commented on the matter.
She said: “As the Government begins to outline how the nation will come out of lockdown and recover from the pandemic, it’s important we all remain vigilant to any final attempts by criminals to exploit the situation over the next few months.
“When being asked to click on links and share your personal details, take your time to assess the situation and consider the impact of handing over your details. 
“Cifas members reported a 195 percent increase in account takeover fraud in the retail sector in 2020, and it’s believed phishing attacks by criminals to harvest personal information was a key enabler of this fraud. 
“Your personal details could also be used to facilitate identity fraud should they end up in the wrong hands.”
A number of Britons sent a stark warning to others about the scam, and the urgent steps to take to avoid being duped.
One wrote: “This is a scam – don’t entertain it. HMRC will never call regarding tax. They only send letters or ask you to log in to your tax account. They will never call on dodgy mobile numbers.”
A second urged: “Report to HMRC, and block. I had a load of those plus other scam calls last month. Ended up having to change my number.”
A third stated: “I got a scam call this morning and last week claiming HMRC is taking me to court for tax evasion.
“I panicked and then remembered I’ve paid all my taxes and it’s an answering machine.”
And a fourth person said: “Scam HMRC call this morning. If you receive a call, do not answer and if you do, certainly do not fall for it and call them back!
“There are some sick and deviant people about, who like to scare you into acting foolishly with personal details.”
Do you have a money dilemma which you’d like a financial expert’s opinion on? If you would like to ask one of our finance experts a question, please email your query to [email protected]
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Coronavirus: UK foreign aid spending cut by £2.9bn amid economic downturn
Image copyright DFID/HM Govt
Image caption UK relief is dispensed with the target of defending public health and assuaging world poverty
Britain is to diminish its world relief funds by £2.9bn this 300 and sixty five days resulting from the commercial affect of the coronavirus crisis, the authorities has announced.
It mentioned a review of relief projects has prioritised essentially the most susceptible countries for assistance.
In a foreign country Secretary Dominic Raab mentioned the UK would silent meet its dedication to utilize 0.7% of atrocious nationwide profits (GNI) on international model.
But MPs criticised the announcement’s timing as Parliament breaks for summer season.
Labour MP Sarah Champion, chairwoman of the Commons Global Construction Committee, mentioned it became as soon as “terrible put collectively” to mutter the switch on the final day of Parliament sooner than the summer season, combating MPs from asking questions about it.
In a letter to Ms Champion, Mr Raab mentioned the UK became as soon as “experiencing a severe economic downturn because the Covid-19 pandemic”.
In spite of the reductions, Mr Raab mentioned money spent this 300 and sixty five days “remains prioritised on poverty reduction”.
He added that relief would also specialize in “tackling climate alternate and reversing biodiversity loss, championing ladies’ education, UK management within the world response to Covid-19, and campaigning on disorders equivalent to media freedom and freedom of non secular belief”.
Spending on Reliable Construction Assistance (ODA) became as soon as location to be £15.8bn this 300 and sixty five days, sooner than the Covid-19 crisis emerged.
Mr Raab mentioned spending on ODA would live at 0.7% of GNI.
The international secretary suggested the cuts had been in anticipation of “likely shrinkage” within the UK economy within the arriving months.
He mentioned a £2.9bn kit of reductions within the authorities’s deliberate international relief spending had been identified “so we can proceed prudently for the the rest of 2020”.
“The kit I in actual fact beget agreed with the prime minister maintains our flexibility and permits the authorities to administer our ODA utilize in opposition to an unsure 0.7% location,” he added.
Image copyright DFID/HM Govt
Image caption Boris Johnson has described UK relief spending as a “huge cashpoint within the sky”
It comes after Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the Department for Global Construction (DFID) would be merged with Mr Raab’s division.
The PM mentioned on the time that UK relief spending had “been treated as some huge cashpoint within the sky that arrives with out any reference to UK interests”.
‘No consultation’
Ms Champion mentioned Mr Raab’s announcement on the final day of Parliament sooner than the long summer season recess raises more questions than it answers” and queried the timescale of the cuts.
“If it’s with instantaneous make, enact the projects know or will they accumulate out via the media as DFID workers did in regards to the merger? Is there an overarching technique in scheme?” she wrote.
She added: “Clearly there became as soon as no consultation, however to launch this news actually as Parliament rises so there would possibly presumably be no scrutiny by MPs is terrible put collectively.”
Liberal Democrat international model spokesperson Wendy Chamberlain mentioned assurances over international relief had been no longer “price the paper they had been written on”.
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