#hm i just realized the parallel now
amerasdreams · 2 years
One of the most wonderful things about writing is not forcing anything, just putting 2 characters together and let them interact. Build the story and you just sit back and watch. Well, write the words but the characters decide what to say, what to do. Each action builds on the last, which gradually weaves an entire story.
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bitd · 2 years
PERCEPTION [Sight] [Easy: Success] - As you skim the shelves, a familiar title catches your eye.
ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Success] - Fisticuffs Convention, by Charles Plucky. Often stigmatized as revolutionary literature, it tells the story of a young man whose anti-capitalist and masculine urges lead him to an amnesiac double life, hallucinating an idealized alter ego.
INLAND EMPIRE - A handsome, emotionally regulated, cigarette-smoking parallel of yourself appearing alongside an amnesic episode?
LOGIC [Easy: Fail] - Come to think of it, have you seen anyone else acknowledge Kim directly? I mean, you haven't been paying close attention, but maybe…
YOU - "Kim, I think you're a hallucination of my idealized self, emerged from my subconscious to guide me in my time of need."
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant, already impatient with your leisurely browsing, does not seem to agree with your theory. "Doubtful. Plucky's novel was driven by the protagonist's estrangement from his mundane and meaningless life. By contrast, you seem rather… emotionally invested."
YOU - "Hold on, emotionally invested in what?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Most things, from what I've seen."
INLAND EMPIRE [Challenging: Fail] - Don't give up on this yet, you know that there's SOMETHING about the novel that resonated with you.
LOGIC [Easy: Success] - If Kim isn't your alter ego projection, that leaves only one option.
LOGIC - You must be his.
VOLITION - Are you guys fucking serious?
- [Rhetoric: Godly 16] Convince Kim you're his alter ego.
- No, that can't be right, my identity is too complex to be anyone else's.
YOU - "Kim, I've figured it all out. Why I can't remember anything before you got here, why we make such a good duo."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Oh? It had nothing to do with your activities prior, after all?" He sounds sceptical, and he hasn't even heard your genius theory yet!
YOU - "That's the thing, there were no activities prior. I'm not real."
KIM KITSURAGI - He raises an eyebrow at you, imperceptibly.
PERCEPTION [Trivial: Success] - Bullshit. It's perceptible. I'm perceiving it. It's not all of us who are completely socially incompetent and can't read facial expressions - just you.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Detective," he starts, in a tone even the most socially competent would find unreadable, "Our acquaintances at the Whirling-In-Rags would likely disagree."
YOU - "Look at yourself, Kim. Calm. Reserved. Repressed. You wear glasses. Now look at me. Cool. Wild. Unrestrained. I wear sunglasses. I'm a superstar. Would you agree that I am, more or less, everything you're not?"
EMPATHY [Trivial: Success] - He realizes where this is going moments before you get there, defeat etched into his face.
YOU - "Maybe even everything you wish you could be?"
YOU - "Come on, Kim, it's obvious. It was you who trashed the Whirling-In-Rags, and you're projecting me while you clean up your mess!"
KIM KITSURAGI - Despite everything, he keeps his patience. "That is an... intriguing theory, detective, but there are multiple witnesses who can attest for our separate physical embodiments before and after my arrival. I also haven't lost any time, so it seems unlikely I would be experiencing some sort of latent dissociative disorder."
ESPRIT DU CORPS [Legendary: Success] But that might actually explain some things, now that it occurs to him. A previous inquiry on 'talking thoughts' flashes through his mind.
KIM KITSURAGI - He acquiesces, almost too easily, "I suppose there's no proving it either way. Perhaps tonight after we've finished our work for the day you could do some more research into the matter. I'm sure this store must have some psychological texts you could consult."
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texasbama · 1 month
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Like……i just. Hm. Okay. So like
Season 8: Buck is exploring and having fun with his newly discovered sexuality. With tommy or whoever. Doesnt matter. We see Eddie dealing with the layers and complexity of his catholic guilt. Him starting to truly discover what it actually is HE wants for himself versus what he think’s supposed to want.
Buck throughout the season, while dating, is having fun and he’s happy but he starts to feel like there is just still something missing but he doesn’t know what it is. We see the boys stories parallel in that way for most of the season. S8 finale. Big emergency cliffhanger. Trapped dads vibes okay. Perhaps feelings come out. Buck realizes “oh shit. Im in love with Eddie” and tries to tell Eddie but then something bad happens. Bam! End of season.
Season 9: buck is reeling from this realization but like. They almost died so all emotions are on 10. They are in the hospital talking about everything but the elephant in the room. They talk about the will and what it means. Its heavy. Eddie telling Buck again that there is no one else for his son. No one else for HIM. “Its only ever been you Buck” and they are just sitting in this moment with so many words left unsaid. Both of them scared of the magnitude of their feelings.
The season continues as both of the boys try and navigate through what it means to be in love with your best friend. Eddie possibly working through having feelings for a man. Buck scared of losing what they have but also knowing that Eddie is it for him. Maybe mid season, they finally sit down and talk. Buck tells Eddie in so many words: I want you. I want this life we have made together with Chris. I love you. Eddie feels the same way. they both agree: we need to be sure, because once we go there, there is no going back. This could be a great thing for both of them but they have to be ready for it.
Now as 9B goes on, we see flirty Buddie. We see them basically together but not together ya know? They are happy taking their time cause they know the wait will be worth it. Now of course cause this is a primetime drama, some very traumatic/ dramatic will happen in the season finale. Now while nothing happens to the boys physically, whatever big ugly thing that happened, they just want to be with each other afterwards. They are each other’s home. We get a scene in the finale of them at Eddie’s house, on the couch. Eddie basically says that he doesn’t know if he will ever be 100% ready (more to do with his feelings about his own shortcomings) but that he is 100% sure about them. About Buck. He says I love you. Buck says it back. Then Buck proceeds to give his own love declaration. All these beautiful words about how Eddie has been what he has been looking for all this time. That this life is short (they understand that better than most) and he wants to spend whatever time he has left with Eddie and Chris. Cue first kiss. Cue thousands of fan girls dying. End season.
Season 10: now that they are together i feel like the lead up to an engagement could be fun. They are all happy and in love and they are sappy and Chris is making fun of them. Maybe on a call, or somewhere else Buck introduces Eddie as his fiancé and Eddie is like ????? And we get some fun spiraling. Eddie talks to Hen or something. “I would know if I was proposed to right? I mean we’ve only been together a few months???” And Hen is just like “yall have been Buck and Eddie for much longer than that” so that leads to Eddie asking Buck about it. Buck is like yea I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you remember??? And Eddie is like that isn’t a proposal! A proposal usually includes a question like WILL YOU MARRY ME? Again. We’re having fun with this. So Buck is all like okay. Eddie, will you marry me? eddie thinks he’s joking but he’s not. The moment goes from light and fun to intimate and emotional. We get some more “you’re it for me. I love you” Buck is choosing Eddie. Eddie is being chosen. Eddie is choosing to be happy for himself. Eddie says yes. BAM! LET THE WEDDING PLANNING COMMENCE.
(Now obviously this is just idiots ramblings. These are bones and they story would need meat and muscles to become fully fleshed out but. I just. Ya know. Had feelings)
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serene-sun · 1 year
𝖂𝖍𝖔’𝖘 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖉𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞? Pt. 1
Pairing: copia & child/teen gn reader
Release: 5/26/23 10:14pm
Summary: copia has a bit of a surprise for you!
A/n: this is part 1 of a small series I’m doing parallel to @ghostussy AU “faith” plz go read it, they are a phenomenal writer (they hit the feels so good)
“Amore, I have a bit of a surprise for you.” Copia says, sneaking into your room as if he’s hiding from someone.
“Hm?” You look up from the homework on your desk, eyes catching onto his arms behind his back and his lips trying their hardest not to flip into a smile.
“Ta-da!” Copia exclaims, presenting you a brightly dressed envelope.
You look at him in confusion, but excitement, who doesn’t love gifts? Taking the white and black bow wrapped around the blue paper off, you pull out papers that seem to be important looking.
“Copia, what is this?” You ask, even more curious. Your eyes hurt looking at the small font on the white paper.
Copia just stands there, tilting his head to let you know to look more closely.
Your brain freezes, your breathe hitches, your lungs hold, your joints ache, your stomach hurts, your muscles tense as you read the heading words.
Adoption certificate
You blink, your heart beating once more, your brain is so shocked it can’t send the signals of excitement to your soul.
“Papa?” You say, a small crack in your voice.
You look up at him, only your head moving as you hold tight the paper. Your so surprised you don’t even feel emotion, all you feel are droplets falling down your cheeks that start to get heavier.
“Papa?” You repeat, more emotional, you fall apart as you realize you won’t ever have to think of anything harmful again.
“Oh child…” copia hums, kneeling down to wrap you in a hug.
A hug so tight your eyes might pop out, a hug so tight it’s greater than the sun’s gravitational pull on anything in the galaxy.
“Papa….” You cry, tears now streaming down your cheeks like a river.
His name seems to be the only word you know, in-fact it’s not even his name, it’s the name you first heard when you arrived at the ministry. How kind his face was, how soft his touch was, how gentle he was helping you while recovering from the accident. You remember just how lovely that warmth spread in your chest when he had brought you flowers while in the infirmary.
“Papa, what does this mean? Does this mean your my legal guardian now?” You ask, in a rush over the tears, “do you mean I won’t ever have to see them again?”
“Amore, there’s a bit more to it.” Copia says, trying not to ruin the mood.
But the concerned look on your face forced him to explain more in detail.
“Well…we still have to go to court for a hearing, it won’t be longer than 50 minutes though!” Copia smiles.
You nod, lifting your chin up to give him a smile.
“When is the hearing? Doesn’t this take a long time?” You wonder
“Well, believe it or not it was a surprise for me first.” Copia chuckles, bringing a hand to wipe away your tears.
You ask him more about it
“Well mo- sister imperator has actually been working for these silly inked up papers since you arrived. And after talking with some, higher officials, it was approved for court.”
“Higher officials? You mean nihil?” You sniffle, bringing a hand to his and taking in his warmth as he continues.
“Eh- yeah…no- I-I uhm….hard to explain.” Copia stutters, “but he’s the one who will acually be there for the hearing, like a representative kinda.”
He tries to explain, but when is it ever easy to explain economic policies to a mere child!
You nod, maybe not understanding, but still happy that copia would legally be yours, or is that the other way around?
“So when is it?” You look into his glossy eyes, happy for himself as much as he is for you.
“We have a few weeks, i wanted to tell you as soon as I found out but….I refrained. I honestly don’t know how I kept it under the blanket for so long!”
“Do the ghouls know?”
“Do the other papas know?”
“What do I wear?”
“Who all will be there?”
“Who will I sit with there?”
You bombard the poor old man with questions.
“Eh- hehe let’s wait a moment bambino!” Copia attempts to calm you down.
“Sorry, it’s just….you don’t know how much this means to me copia.” You mumble as tears appear like flowers in the spring.
“Oh bambino….” Copia smiles and brings you into a tight hug.
“Do- what do I call you then?” You ask
“Oh, well uhm…anything you want! You can keep on calling me by my name, or papa, really anything your want dear.” Copia says, wiping away a strand tear.
A/n: reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed, lemme know what you would like to see next!
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fullerthanskippy · 4 months
professor hawk fanfic ???
Ahhhh I'm just gonna do it ok here's a sneak peek of a fic I'm writing about Hawk and Tim!!!! I keep thinking about it and I need to post it somewhere to hold myself accountable.
It's AU modern day professor Hawk & student Tim, parallel timelines from 10 years ago to today. It will eventually contain very, very explicit content. Ok here's the preview:
Tim stepped out of the large glass double doors onto the stone staircase, descending into the back yard. A garden party, he thought. WHO could have pictured him here? Dressed in a three-piece suit on a Saturday afternoon, ready to enjoy a manly something-or-other on the rocks with members of his Georgetown graduating class.
When Tim received the formal invitation in the mail, he wondered if it had been a mistake. While the envelope was addressed to one “Mr. Timothy Laughlin,” he was surprised at its contents
The Georgetown University Alumni Association  cordially invites you to celebrate the 10 year reunion  of the class of 2013.
It then listed details of date, time, and location which appeared to be someone’s home address just outside of D.C. Still, Tim was perplexed. He was a member of this graduation class, but weren’t these alumni things usually to raise money?
He had received letters over the past 10 years asking for donations to certain scholarships, fundraisers, and the occasional new building. He’d throw a check in the mail every here and there, $100 or what have you. He gave what he could, though he knew that was never the amount they were asking for or expecting of their alumni.
So now? There must be something huge they are raising money for to be including him in this mailing list. But on the rare occasion that he had the opportunity to dress up, he took it. Plus, he was curious to get eyes on some certain members of his class that might be in attendance. As well as certain professors. Perhaps one certain professor.
He stepped into the grass from the stone steps and took in the view. A gorgeous property, trees lining the yard just enough for privacy from neighbors, though the nearest ones were barely within eyesight. Tim scanned the beautiful green space for any familiar faces. His initial scan yielded no success but to find the refreshments.
In the far corner of the yard sat a large bar with a handful of unfamiliar faces loitering about. Tim sauntered over to the bar with absolutely no clue what to order. When he had been out with friends or the occasional, albeit rare date, he would just order whatever they ordered and sipped on it regardless of how awful it tasted.
To his misfortune, everyone standing and chatting around the bar already had a drink in their hand and it did not appear he could piggyback onto anyone else’s order. He smiled at the bartender who asked him what he’d like and while trying not to show his panic, eyes the alcohol selection behind the man in the waiter’s uniform.
“Ummm, hm,” Tim mumbled aloud. “I guess, well, I guess I’ll just have —“
“He’ll take a whiskey on the rocks. And make that two,” the man who spoke up held a bill between his pointer and ring finger and handed it over to the bartender, who nodded in appreciation and went to get the drinks. Tim vaguely recognized the man who gingerly removed his hand from Tim’s back and placed it back in his pocket. The man suddenly realized that Tim couldn’t place him.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Tim Laughlin, right?” The man asked. Tim nodded and wondered how to politely ask this man how they know each other. Luckily, he didn’t have to ask as the man continued, “Marcus, er, I guess you’d remember me as Professor Gaines???”
“Of course,” Tim smiled and extended his hand out, which Marcus shook with a firm grip. He hadn’t taken any of Professor Gaines' courses, but he had many acquaintances who did. Though, the real reason he remembered him was due to to his association with —
“Hawk!” Marcus called out from across the yard, raising his fresh glass of whiskey in the air to garner the other man’s attention.
Tim swallowed the lump in his throat. He did not think he would be in this situation so early in the garden party. He looked up and caught the bright blue eyes of the man he was both hoping and fearing he would see. Hawk’s eyes lit up at the sight of Tim just a few yards away. He had a surprised yet delighted look on his face as he approached Tim and Marcus, placing a hand on Marcus’ shoulder and coming to face Tim.
“Tim, you remember Professor Fuller, yes?” Marcus asked. And Christ, was that the understatement of the century. 
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jicklet · 11 months
Oh no I forgot you ship Ted/Becca.
😆 Hi anon! I hope this doesn't ruin your day or anything, whomstever you are. If you don't ship it or ship something opposing or whatever's your bag, I'm sure we can still be friends, or whatever we are.
But I've been mulling this all over since the finale, and this is a good excuse to get my thoughts out. Because I come from ye old timey shipping days of "the idea of them together is cool, regardless of whether it happens or not." so that wasn't really my problem with the ending.
Here are the things that are true:
I really like themes and parallels. I like connecting dots and finding connections and all that jazz
The number of themes and parallels they set up between Ted and Rebecca was delicious and very fun for me.
My reaction to the finale is less upset than it is frustrated and confused.
My frustration isn't purely 'they didn't get together romantically so it sucks.' I had started making peace early S3 with realizing it probably wasn't gonna happen
I am frustrated because I wanted all those bits of cool narrative shit they laid out to Do Something
I am frustrated because it feels like Ted and Rebecca have had very few emotionally connected scenes since season one, and what's the point of parallel journeys and soulmateism if their journeys are going to stay so parallel and not join up more, and then just apparently diverge completely
And on the apparent diverging, I don't love it but it would have sucked less if their lines just matched up more in the middle! That could be poignant! But as is, it's more disappointing than tragic, because whatever potential was there wasn't almost realized and then lost, but instead just... never really approached. It feels wasted.
The show did not owe us them getting together, but what it did give us, I found unsatisfying. That's just a bummer, man.
Forgive me this metaphor but I cannot find a better way to put it: I am frustrated because I feel like I got ridden for 3 seasons while they went 'just wait it'll feel so good' and then they were like 'are you ready?' and then just hopped off and left.
I am confused because at the end of their story, I cannot figure out what I am meant to be feeling about it.
Again, I didn't need them to get together romantically, they totally could've found some other way to make it satisfying! But. Ted and Rebecca getting together romantically would have also tied it up in a lot of ways that worked and made the narrative satisfying.
Having a romance arc that works with their character arcs and the themes they've built on is just really cool as a story.
Obviously all that parallel journey stuff would've actually been leading them somewhere, ie to each other, yay woo
And not to each other just because they've been through similar shit, but because, as that last post said, among a lot of other reasons, they've been set up well to be what the other person needs.
Romance is not the be all, end all. But:
Ted and Rebecca both want to be in love with someone, someday.
Here is someone who already understands and balances and supports them.
Like, that's awesome. Is that not the qualities you want for them in a future romantic partner?
I can't see how it diminishes their friendship if it caries on very similar to it has been, just like, sometimes they smooch. Maybe I'm just too demisexual for this idk
Boat guy. I like boat guy, but he's a chiller version of Ted. I can't find that post that points out all the parallels there, but that episode by the time we got to Kenny Rogers I was like. Uh. Hm.
It's confusing to have boat guy have a beautifully intimate evening with Rebecca, all the while having so many specific details similar to Ted, and then just act like romantic Tedbecca is a wild, character-ruining concept.
Because the show ends with Ted leaving and Rebecca miserably walking out of the airport and straight into proxy-Ted. I have no idea how to feel about that.
I could keep going, but I'm about out for now, so uh. Woe, wasted Tedbecca potential be upon ye~
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thedarkeyedcaptain · 1 month
ooc: top five stormlight characters ???
1. shallan davar. she was immediately my nr 1 fave. I fell a bit out of love with her for a hot second the first time I listened to wor, but upon relisten I realized how stupid and ridiculous that was and it has been thoroughly rectified. she's so trans she's so npd she's just the best girl i adore her
2. adolin kholin. what can i say. i live for characters that are canonical sluts. he just cares so so so much and it makes me a bit insane (in a positive way)
3. jasnah kholin. once again. cares so so much. i can't believe people buy her ice queen facade because she is so terrible at not caring. its also so cool how she's basically the only atheist in a world seeped in religion. she's so aksmfhajfjg
4. renarin kholin. look i know he's barely got any screentime where im at. but i also fell in love with him at first sight simply because he encompasses that one specific character archetype i always end up loving
5. I know he's a side character (and like a side side character, not a side main character like renarin (though I think he gets a bigger role and even some own povs in the later books)), but there is something about moash man. he's got me. I love you moash I support all your wrongs
that was the post nothing else to read here haha have a good day
Okay. Hm. You may have noticed something.
But wait Kaladin mod, you may now be thinking. Where is Kal? You know. The dude you have a whole sideblog about?
Here's the thing.
there is something about him that rubs me the wrong way a bit. the way he is so modest. the slight "holier-than-thou" vibes in everything he does (and ESPECIALLY THAT HE DOESNT SEE IT. HE DOESNT THINK HE IS SELF OBSESSED BUT HE IS HE IS) the whole reluctant hero thing. how he low-key condemns everyone who doesn't follow his idea of what is right and what is wrong.
like. it's not that I don't like him, not at all. but he *was* my least favorite pov character in my first readthrough. I already liked him a lot more in wor when he let his more petty side go wild, and I actually learned to appreciate him a lot more through this very blog since it made me think about him and who he is. And it's not like I ever DISliked him. it's just. sometimes I wish he would just shut the fuck up yanno?
The thing that compels me about Kaladin isn't his character (like it is with Shallan for example, which was love at first sight) but the extremely very obvious parallels with a bunch of people he hates - parallels that he himself isn't aware of (which is why I chose to make this blog from *his* POV: the cycles and patterns and parallels are RIGHT THERE)
please forgive me 😭🙏💔
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imaginesbymk · 1 year
Characters: Amy Sosa, Jonah Simms, Dina Fox, Cheyenne Lee, Marcus White & Glenn Sturgis
Tags: mentions of drugs & reckless driving
A/N: the relationship between these characters + y/n for this pref is platonic, for glenn it would be familial too - big shoutout to @eddiecabotsmile cos i requested for them to write a reservoir dogs pref about them teaching the reader to drive, and this inspired me to do one for superstore cos them teaching y/n to drive would be undoubtedly funny <3 likes/reblogs/feedback are greatly appreciated!!! <333
support me on ko-fi & feel free to commission me!
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Amy's like a mother figure to you, so she helps you in any way she can.
you and Amy decide to use her car because it's more spacious and comfortable.
Amy's teaching abilities when it comes to driving are pretty normal. It's nothing too stressful, but at the same time, it kind of is.
"I feel like you're gonna write me up if I miss a road sign."
Would roleplay as the driving instructor, which makes things so awkward and pressuring for you now
You hit the brakes too hard and she goes flying forward
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Somehow Jonah makes it about him, telling you he's good at driving, he's helped his friends get their licenses, set up cones to help them practice blah blah blah.
Jonah makes Garrett tag along after he refuses numerous times. "Y/N's gonna drive? I don't even trust y/n on the intercom."
Jonah bribes him, promising him you'll stop for pizza on the way.
He lets you use his car, but once you knock over a trash bin, and nearly rear-ending Glenn's new car, he regrets it. Garrett glares at him with a "what'd I tell you?" face.
Things turn out okay. You listen to Jonah when he tells you what to do. Jonah is calm because you start to get the hang of it, so then Garrett is chill. Everyone is chill.
Then you realized you missed the exit to the nearest pizza place like you promised.
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At first, she judges you for not knowing how to drive and asks why you didn't get your license sooner.
She agrees to help you, but takes it way too seriously.
"I will make sure all my birds attack you like Melanie Daniels if you ever so make a dent on my van."
Quizzes you on everything, even though you proved to her so many times that you have your permit.
Dina is timing you, yelling at you for going ten miles on a forty mile speed limit, and stresses you out over every small thing.
"GO!! GO!!!!!!! UGH. You could have went, y/n!"
Dina would literally scream at pedestrians or even drivers for going too slow or almost cutting you off.
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She would not care if you accidentally hit another car trying to parallel park. As long as she's the passenger princess, she would definitely pass you.
She wasn't lying when she said she has bees in her car. You even glanced at the cup holder and found a baggy of ecstasy.
"Cheyenne, are you sure I'm doing a good job?"
"Hm? Oh, you're a natural! If you were my Uber driver, I'd give you a 5-star rating, or maybe a 4.4 because Harmonica drives her Barbie convertible better than you."
Cheyenne would not even be paying attention, she would just be on her phone the whole time, taking selfies or texting Bo or Mateo.
Hell, she would FaceTime Mateo so he could judge your driving on camera.
She would look up from her phone last minute and be like, "Oh, wait. The exit's here."
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If he never offered and insisted, Marcus would be over the moon when you ask him to teach you. He has a playlist ready and everything.
You immediately regret it, though, for valid reasons. He's making you use his car when the poor guy doesn't even have doors to his car, plus he's kind of gross.
He's a decent driver but would often ignore road signs, and wouldn't even care if you, the driver, wore a seat belt or not.
Marcus would eventually dare you to floor it down the highway.
Would make you stop at a Wendy's or something.
You only needed help reverse parking.......
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Glenn is THRILLED.
Glenn allows you to use his car, despite getting a new one every time they get damaged by every circumstance at work.
He sings children nursery rhymes to calm himself down if you go at least five miles over the speed limit, and would grip the handle. Typical boomer things.
"You almost hit Brett!"
"Brett is all the way at the cart corral!"
He would congratulate you for getting one small thing right, as little as checking your mirror or putting both hands on the wheel.
He demonstrates the different types of parking, but takes his sweet time.
You don't end up doing well on the first try, but he insists that you're doing your best — even after almost hitting a mother pushing her stroller at a red light.
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indieyuugure · 11 months
Hello there
I just finished reading the latest chapter and I was wondering
How do the turtles back on earth know that Mikey is alive? Last we knew they all thought Mikey was dead, so how did they realize he was just captured
I'd say common sense but Idk
Anyways love the comic and so excited for more
Hm, interesting question. 🤔
I suppose part of this is my fault for not making it clearer, but the way Casey phrases those specific sentences are made to be that he’s making them sound more definite than he may actually believe.
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Casey’s lines mentioning this are “It’s gonna be alright, dude. Leo’ll find Mikey.” It’s said in a hopeful tone, after all, for all he knows he’s trying to comfort his best friend who believes that his brother is dead and maybe convince him to have a little more hope.
Also, in between Casey’s lines, Raph mentions that he thinks Mikey isn’t dead as well. He says: “Mikey could’ve died because of me! I knew Leo was right but I was so…scared and confused and angry!” Raph is attempting to express that he was feeling the stage of grief “Anger.”
He doesn’t even know why he was so angry. Leo pointed out the flaws in the Kraang’s set up, he explained why it didn’t make any sense, he even drew parallels to other times things like this had happened, so you’d think that he would be over joyed, but that’s not how anger works. It’s not rational.
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You can actually see that he doesn’t know why he’s angry in the first part of Retribution, Raph says: “Leo can go to freakin’ hell!” “I don’t give a crap what he has to say! It’s-” “-he’s just-” “…I-I don’t know!” As he’s trying to explain to Donnie why he’s angry, he realizes that even he himself doesn’t know and starts crying not knowing any other way to express the emotions he’s feeling.
So now, looking back after he’s calmed down a bit, Raph’s able to see what Leo was talking about and feels regret and guilt for being blinded by anger that, had Leo not been a stubborn turtle(but also he was in denial), could’ve meant that Mikey was left to die. That’s why he completely breaks down thinking that his anger and shortsightedness could’ve been responsible for killing his brother. It’s also why he thinks comparing himself to Leo is at all sensible.
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Casey’s second line about Mikey is: “It wasn’t your fault that Mikey was captured, and none of this was!” It’s implied that most likely Donnie, who was the closest to the phone, heard Leo the clearest out of anyone and relayed what he heard to the others and they pieced together what happened.
There’s actually a scrapped piece of dialogue in Retribution, part 1, (the same page I was talking about earlier) where Raph actually tries to explain his point of view more to Donnie. If I remember, he says that, when asked, April said she couldn’t sense Mikey’s presence anymore. However, obviously if you take into account the possibility that the Kraang took Mikey to a different dimension, this argument stops holding water, and things start making sense.
Sorry that wasn’t as clear as I wished it was, but hopefully this clears some stuff up.
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angelicyouth · 1 year
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Parallel ; Chapter 5 [FINAL]
⇢ pairing: stan marsh x mccormick!reader
⇢ genre: fake dating ; hogwarts AU
⇢ synopsis: ❝Transferring to Hogwarts during your fifth year, you were excited at the prospect of all the new potential eye candy to choose from. That dream gets crushed, however, when your childhood enemy impulsively claims you as his girlfriend.❞
⇢ warning: sexual content
⇢ [AO3 link] ; [series masterlist] ; [previous]
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“Babe..? Are you okay?”
You can feel your eyelashes softly brush against the skin of your cheeks as you slowly become conscious again, your eyebrows creasing together at the sheer pain radiating off of the back of your head. Ring adorned hands begin to skim against the underwire of your bra as the slight suctioning of slicked lips trail themselves down the column of your neck, a painfully delicious bite causing you to jolt fully awake.
“Wha—” The sight that greets you is Stan Marsh staring up at you, the ravenette maintaining the point of contact between his tongue and your heated skin as he slowly mouths against the dips and curves of your body.
What the actual fuck is happening..?
You involuntarily flinch when you feel him wetly mouth over the thin fabric separating your weeping core from his face, goosebumps arising as his cool fingers tease the hem of your lace panties. Labored breathing fills the room as you feel his teasing smirk against your skin, his hands pushing down your impatiently bucking hips against the silk linen of the bedsheets caressing your body.
“Hmm?” You don’t realize that you’ve spoken out loud from the overwhelming arousal painting your cheeks a vivid red as you scramble to gather your bearings, your hand coming up to cradle his cheek in an attempt to stop his admittedly heavenly body worshipping.
“What’re we doing?” Your voice dangerously wavers at the end of your sentence as his face chases after the warmth of your palm, the Gryffindor affectionately nestling his cheek further against your hold as he kisses your inner wrist.
“Fucking if you’d just stop asking all these damn questions.” He mumbles against your rapidly beating pulse, his mouth lightly skimming along the expanse of your hand so that he can leisurely drag his tongue against your fingers.
When he sees your shaking head, he tries again. "Huh? Oh, uh. Making love..?"
“... What? No. That's not what I meant.” A moan accompanies your words when he resumes his previous ministrations on your otherwise bare body, pressing heated kisses against the inside of your thighs as he leaves a smattering of vivid reds and deep purples in its wake.
His fingers softly trail against your exposed waist, gently massaging the area as his teeth create deep imprints alongside his marks of possession. “Are you fucking around with me right now, N/N? What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, hm?”
Every word that sounds out around the deep baritone of his voice has a puff of air accompanying the melodious noise, invoking an overwhelming sensation as they make contact with your slicked skin. It’s quiet for a bit aside from the soft mewls that unwillingly escape from your mouth before you fight through the cloud of arousal consuming your mind and remember that something was off. 
“We aren’t supposed to be doing this.” You softly pant, one of your hands leaving behind a trail of angry reds against the skin on the back of his shoulder and the other roughly tugging on soft locks of tousled raven hair.
“Really? Because your body is telling me otherwise.” There's a cocky smirk on his face as you gasp out loud, his fingers leisurely swiping against your heated core and collecting the arousal quickly gathering.
“This isn’t right.” The sudden loss of contact and heat has your body desperately wailing at you as Stan pulls away, your boyfriend sitting upright from his position in between your legs to send you a look of confusion.
“Did you smoke with Kenny again?” You rapidly shake your head, his hands gripping either side of your waist and rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs as the skin in between his eyebrows further creases.
“No? Did you take Baruffio’s Brain Elixir with him? How about powdered dragon claws?” Each of his suggestions evoke the same response of nonverbal rejection.
“What’s wrong then? I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s happening, babe.” A large hand tucks away the stray locks of hair away from your face before he caresses one of your cheeks, your eyes unconsciously closing at the soft touch as his eyes scan over your appearance to find any indication of hurt.
“I don’t think I can do this.” Your voice is weak as you bring your hands upwards to cover your face, your boyfriend immediately lifting up your body at the sign of clear distress and placing you on his lap.
He pushes your face into the crook of his neck, pressing a soft kiss against the skin of your forehead as he wraps his arms around your waist. “That’s okay. You’re not expected to do anything, regardless of the fact that we’re in a relationship. I would never force you to do anything you don’t want to do, okay?”
When you wordlessly nod your head in appreciation for his words, the gesture encourages him to continue. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but can I know what’s going on?” 
Silence stretches on between the two of you as you mindlessly fiddle with the creases within the cotton shirt adorning his frame, your boyfriend soothingly running his fingers through your hair. He’s patient as he allows you to take control of the situation, waiting for you to decide on what you both will do next as he presses an onslaught of reassuring kisses against the crown of your head.
“I don’t feel comfortable fucking because I have feelings for you.” You shyly mumble against the column of his neck, your body tense as you await for his response to your confession.
What you get, instead, is Stan placing both of his hands on your shoulders as he gently pushes you away from his body. “Okay, now I’m pretty fucking confused. What the fuck are you talking about? I love you and you love me—it’s why we’re in a committed relationship with each other.”
“What are you talking about? We’ve never established that! Are you thinking of a different girl, Marsh?!” You push at his chest in frustration but it doesn’t do much against his stronger figure, causing you to pout.
“Babe! We’ve been together for two years—I’m pretty sure I’d know who my girlfriend is by now and no one is as pretty as you to have me confused. Are you sure you didn’t take any Pepperup Elixir or some shit?” He chuckles in confusion and you hate the way that you internally preen at being the one responsible for making him laugh, your body wanting to draw out more of that beautiful sound from his mouth.
“No, we’ve been fake dating. And the last thing that I remember is our teams playing against each other for the Inter-House Quidditch Cup before fucking Red rocked my shit and sent me falling at the pitch.” 
“... Nothing like that has ever happened, babe.” His voice is low in the quietness of the room as your chest begins to rapidly rise and fall, the ravenette rummaging through the thick blanket of the bed before wordlessly handing you his cellphone with the device opened up to his photo album.
Your hands tremble as you swipe against the glass screen of the muggle item, watching as a multitude of pictures go by of your pixelated smile beaming up at the camera with Stan. Steadily becoming increasingly lightheaded from the information you’re processing, you can’t help the sob that gets caught in your throat when you come to the realization that something was seriously wrong.
“These pictures—I’m not a Ravenclaw. I’m a Slytherin.” You lean your forehead against your boyfriend’s shoulder, your voice slightly hysterical and wobbling dangerously.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
Your body erratically shudders as you occasionally hiccup over some hot cocoa, your boyfriend making you a cup so that you can have a warm hug in your stomach after you’ve calmed down enough. His legs are on either side of your body as you lay your back against his chest, his arms around your waist as you wrap your hands around your mug for warmth.
There's a blanket thrown over his shoulders as he mumbles against the crown of your head, the both of you staring into the only light source in the room: the flickering flames of the lit fireplace. “If knocking out your head landed you in this parallel world, do you think the same thing would bring you back..?
“Are you admitting to planned domestic violence, Marsh?” You snort into your chocolate concoction, the two of you having come to the conclusion that you ended up in some sort of alternate universe from the blow after much discussion.
“I mean, we’ve gotten into fist fights with each other as kids. And sometimes it gets pretty tempting to knock you out just so that I can have some sort of peace…” Stan laughs as you blindly bring an elbow back so that you can hit him in the ribs, your boyfriend planting a quick kiss on your hair to let you know that he was just kidding.
He snickers as he corrects your earlier statement, “And wouldn’t it be animal cruelty?” 
“Fuck you! But yeah, maybe? The knocking out part—not the animal abuse one, fucker. We should probably seek out Kyle just so that I don’t end up with a brain injury first. There might be some magic out there that can fix this.” Your body leans forward to place your empty cup onto the bedside table, Stan keeping hold on your waist at the chance that you might slip.
“True. Merlin knows that you don’t have any brain cells left to spare.” He mutters around a teasing grin, your hands automatically going to his thigh to pinch him in retribution.
“I’m surprised that a fake relationship is what he came up with. That’s the most stupidest fucking thing that I’ve ever heard, and that’s saying a lot coming from someone who grew up with you.” The Gryffindor snickers to himself as he guides your body down to lay onto the bed, your head resting over his chest as he settles the comforter over the both of your forms.
“Shut the fuck up Mr. I-don’t-know-what-a-clit-is!” Your fingers curl around the fabric of the shirt covering his hips before your boyfriend eases your grip to instead intertwine with the hand of the arm he has wrapped around your waist, “... What do you mean?”
“Fuck off! I’m just saying that even if it was me from a parallel world, I’m confident that I’d still be in love with you. So I’m unimpressed at the lame fucking tactic he came up with to prevent other people from getting to you.” Your upper body lifts up so that you can rest your forearm against his torso, watching the handsome teen laying underneath you.
“... What? How can you be so sure that the you from over there shares the same feelings in the first place?” Your cheeks become heated at the confident assumption, your boyfriend just giving you an attractive grin of his own.
“Because. You act exactly like the Y/N that I know.” His large hand comes up to teasingly swipe the skin of his thumb against the soft pink of your lower lip.
“That doesn’t mean shit!” You argue, your boyfriend chuckling at your explosive reaction before using his hand to guide your face down for a quick kiss in endearment.
The expression on his face is devoid of any amusement when you part, his eyes searching yours as he takes a few moments to seriously contemplate. “... Do you want to know why I fell in love with you?”
You wordlessly nod which prompts him to switch your positions, his body now caging yours as you breathlessly lay underneath your boyfriend. His voice is quiet in its honesty, “In the beginning, I enjoyed getting a rise out of you. You become so passionate and confident in yourself whenever you get irritated that I just couldn’t help doing things to frustrate you because of the cute expression you always wore.”
One of his hands intertwines with yours from its position besides your head while the other one lightly caresses your heated cheek. “I got greedy and started picking fights whenever I could because it meant that I had your undivided attention.”
“... But what about Wendy?” Your tone matches the quietness of his despite being the only two in the room, the Gryffindor burrowing his face against the length of your neck.
“Babe, we were literally 11 when we got together. It was a first-year type of kiddie love—the kind of thing where we only hugged two fucking times during the course of our entire relationship before she sent Bebe over to let me know that we were over.” He elicits a cacophony of goosebumps along your body as he chuckles, his warm breath hitting the column of your neck as his lips move along your skin every time he speaks.
“That makes sense. He started this when Wendy tried to ask me out.” You bring a hand up to leisurely run through his hair, the hand against your waist tightening at the soothing gesture. 
He takes his head out of the safe solace of your neck, his face intimately close to yours. “See? I promise you—I’d love you in every life we were reincarnated in or in any timeline that we exist in. I’d spend all of my years looking for you in every single one and wouldn’t stop until I either found you or until death got to me first.”
Your boyfriend prompts an overwhelming rush of emotions, a thin film of tears beginning to develop in your eyes as you bring a hand to gently caress his cheek. He has that foreign look on his face that your other Stan often gets when he whispers lovingly to you. “The feelings I have for you transcends anything and everything. We aren’t just two parallel lines never meant to meet—we overlap, babe. And if whatever higher deity up there didn’t intend on that, I still wouldn’t give a fuck. I would do just about anything within my ability to make it happen. You’re mine, McCormick. And only mine.”
That foreign look—it’s an expression of love, you finally realize when he presses an affectionate kiss against your forehead, the warmth surrounding your body slowly lulling you to sleep.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
Your nose begins to involuntarily wrinkle in disgust, the antiseptic smell pervading your senses as it was too sterile. It was such a stark contrast to the environment that you and your brothers were raised in, along with never being granted any professional medical treatment in the muggle world due to the high costs that your mother couldn’t afford.
This caused you to drowsily force your sleep-encrusted eyes to open, your brain lagging for a moment before you could pinpoint your surroundings to the Hospital Wing at school. You begin to groan at the dull pain reverberating throughout your skull, your hands lifting up in an effort to soothe the sensation before you realize that your left hand couldn’t move.
Following your appendage, you find Stan’s larger hand tightly gripping your own. His arms are folded underneath his slumbering head to provide cushion, his larger body uncomfortably curled up in a rickety chair to grant him a position close to yours.
Your eyes begin to soften at the sight before you spot the multitude of clumsily decorated get well soon cards, neon-colored balloons, fluffy stuffed animals, and crystal vases of fragrant flowers settled across the expanse of the cabinet behind your boyfriend. In your admiration for the care that your loved ones held for you, you don’t notice the Gryffindor beside you beginning to return to the waking world.
“N/N!” You don’t have time to respond before the ravenette throws his arms around your seated body, crushing you against his firm chest as he burrows his face into your neck. 
“Missed me, Marsh?” You smirk at the enthusiastic greeting, your hands coming up to find purchase at the soft fabric of his robe.
He removes his head from the solace of your neck as he shoots you an irritated glare, his hands tightly clenched on the material of your hospital gown. “Fuck you! What the hell have you been doing?! You were out for a whole fucking day—Madam Pomfrey said you should’ve been awake by now but you were probably off enjoying your dreams!” 
Right… The Inter-House Quidditch Cup.
“What the hell happened..?” Your fingers begin to mindlessly fiddle with the creases scattered across the blanket thrown over your lap.
“... We couldn’t get to you in time. You broke an arm and had a concussion so Pomfrey gave you Skele-Gro and Essence of Dittany. I’m sorry.” There's an expression of deep regret on the ravenette’s face, his lips pursed shut and his eyebrows furrowed together.
“Shut up, that’s literally not your fault.” Reaching a hand forward, you gently caress his chin to direct his head back up.
He rolls his eyes, “Whatever. I only tried to save your ass just so that Butters and Tweek wouldn’t waste their tears over you. Kenny almost tried to fight Red—had to pull him away from the field when the game ended before the poor girl got her ass kicked by all of the guys.”
You snort in fondness, your heart immediately calling out for your brothers from the time spent apart. It’s quiet for a moment, the darkness enveloping the room apart from the lit candle on your bedside table informing you that it was night. 
Staring outside of the glass window to look at the magnificent trees aligning the sides of the castle in distraction, anxiety begins to run along your veins. “I want to cash in that one favor now.”
“Already? But we haven’t even—”
“I want to be your girlfriend, Marsh. Your real girlfriend.” Summoning as much courage as you could, you turn your head to face the Gryffindor, only to see a pretty pink beginning to spread across his cheeks and his soft lips slightly parted.
“I love you.” You offer him a soft smile, planting your palm on the surface of the mattress between the two of you so you could bring your face closer to his. 
"... Somehow." You add in as an afterthought with a teasing tone, a snicker accompanying your words.
Your eyes leisurely skim across his face, admiring the way the ember hues inflicted by the flickering candle further accentuated his sharp features and the attractive way his cerulean orbs widen a fraction at your confession. Your words come out low as you continue, “I think I have since we were kids. Won’t you make my childhood dream come true and be mine?”
Your lips quirk up into a confident smirk the longer the silence stretches on between the two of you, patiently waiting for the stunned teen's response. You feel almost predatory as you greedily drink in the sight of his throat shifting to swallow and the way his tongue darts out to lick his plump lips. 
His voice slightly trembles and your smug grin grows even wider at the new expression you’ve discovered, “I…”
“I?” You tease, your eyes half-lidded as you leisurely blink.
“Stop fucking doing that!” His hands shoot forward to cover your face, giggles erupting from your mouth at his embarrassment.
In response, you curl your fingers around his wrist and bring his hand against the skin of your cheek instead. You hold eye contact with him as you chase the warmth within his palm, nuzzling your face closer to his touch. 
“Hm?” You lazily drawl, mirth heavily coating the tone of your voice as you teasingly urge him to continue.
“I love you, too. I’ve always loved you—ever since the day Kenny introduced me to you and your siblings. I only started fucking around with you to get your attention. I was a piece-of-shit kid who didn’t know how to express his feelings so I constantly picked fights with you just to see the cute way you’d scrunch up your nose and pout whenever you got pissed. I only wanted to fake date because I got jealous when I saw Wendy trying to ask you out and fucking panicked like some kind of pussy.” 
Just like what the other Stan said, your pearly white teeth make an appearance alongside your beaming smile as you fondly think to yourself.
You delightedly giggle, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and scooting your body across the mattress until you find yourself perched on his lap. Your face is impossibly close to his as you lowly mutter out, “I know.”
His arms curl around your waist, pressing his forehead against yours. “You knew?”
“I was knocked out for longer than I needed to be because I was in a parallel world. The Stan from that universe told me that he was confident that you loved me too because he’d have feelings for me in every timeline we were born in.” Your voice drops down to a whisper, the Gryffindor tucking a stray lock of hair away from your face and leaving his touch there to gently caress your cheek.
“Damn, I have rizz even in other universes? Can’t say that I’m surprised.” You laugh out loud, breaking the intimate moment as you bring a hand to teasingly swat at his shoulder for his cockiness.
There's a fond grin on his face as he patiently waits for you to settle down, the both of you softly smiling at one another when your giggles finally cease. “What else did he tell you?”
“Nothing. Our lips did other things.” You smirk at the sight of his eyes immediately going dark from affection to possessiveness at your words, his arm tightening around your waist.
The expression on your face gets quickly wiped off as he suddenly pushes your form back against the hospital bed, his larger body hovering over yours as his jaw clenches. “Hearing that kind of pisses me off.”
“What? Are you jealous of yourself?” A surprised laugh escapes from your throat, your arms hurriedly wrapping around his broad shoulders as he presses your chests against one another.
He cuts off your giggles with a heated kiss, the sense of urgency within it knocking the breath out of your body as he hungrily devours your mouth. You can’t help but to be compliant as his teeth bites down onto your lower lip, his tongue coaxing your mouth open for a battle of dominance.
You begin to feel dizzy with how wanted he makes you feel, the sensations he brings out making you feel overloaded with intense emotions. It’s nearly overwhelming as your arms reach out to thread your fingers through his hair, slightly tugging and using the soft locks to bring him even closer. 
His ring adorned fingers curl around your chin, angling your face away as he begins to mouth along the column of your neck. The wet sounds and the noise of your quick breathing are lewd as he begins to greedily mark you for everyone to see, his teeth lightly scraping against your skin before the slight suction of his mouth causes you to softly mewl.
The Gryffidnor’s tongue languidly drags along the places of abuse before the imprints of his teeth from biting down causes you to lightly moan, his smirk accompanying the vocal approval his touch forces out. As his mouth creates his own brand of magic against your slicked skin, his hands seamlessly reach behind your body to unhook your bra (thank Merlin for the easy access your hospital gown grants him).
The raventte’s cold fingers help ground you to the moment from the thick cloud of arousal consuming every part of your body before he quickly latches his mouth around one of your newly exposed breasts. As he tongues along the bundle of nerves, his unoccupied hand comes up to massage the other side with his palm as his fingers busy themselves with pinching the nub of your nipple.
One of your hands reaches out to clumsily hold onto his wrist, squeezing at the enthusiastic onslaught inflicted from your dedicated lover. You jolt when his fingers suddenly begin to teasingly play along the hem of your lace panties, your eyes fluttering shut at the overwhelming sensation of his touch in multiple places at once.
You harshly bite down onto your lip in a desperate effort to keep your high-pitched moans from spilling out of your mouth, your boyfriend smirking at the wrecked sight as he deftly pushes aside the thin fabric to collect your leaking arousal. You gasp when his face hovers above your weeping core, hot breaths of air hitting the slicked skin as he chuckles and elicits a cacophony of eager goosebumps.
“Who do you want?” He mouths along the skin of the immediate vicinity of your arousal but doesn’t bring his lips to where you need him the most, the deep baritone of his voice beautifully mixing in with the huskiness brought out by his lust.
“You! I only want you!” You desperately wail out loud, your legs locking around his broad shoulders in an effort to bring him closer. You plead while he lightly trails his fingers along the expanse of your inner thighs, his tongue teasing your entrance as he circles around it and applies slight pressure.
“Good girl. Don’t ever forget that, hm?” He rewards you with his tongue delving deeper into your folds, a savage sob ripping through your throat as he lightly sucks onto your sensitive bundle of nerves.
Your mouth slightly parts in preparation of a very vocal whine before he sticks two fingers past your slicked lips, your mouth immediately encasing the long digits into your wet heat and obediently starting to suck. His hand pushes down onto your impatiently bucking hips, his thumb rubbing soothing circles onto the skin of your waist. 
A few moments later, he removes his fingers from the inside of your mouth to trail his slicked digits along your heated skin as he gently caresses your cheek. His voice leaves no space for questions or refusal, the authrorative firmness making you shiver. “Eyes on me, babe.”
You force your eyes open from its blissed out closure to see the cocky smirk of your boyfriend, your obedience allowing him to resume his previous devotion to worshipping your blessed body. “Enjoying yourself?”
As he begins to fuck you with his tongue, one of your hands shoots out to roughly pull on his dark hair which causes him to hoarsely chuckle in amusement at the rough treatment. “Fuck, you’re already so wet for me.” 
Entering a finger, Stan greedily takes in the sight of the moaning mess you became just from his mouth and hands. He couldn’t find it in himself to look away—the way your chest erratically rose and fell as it took desperate mouthfuls of air, the way your eyes were tightly clenched shut in euphoria, the way your slicked lips caught the sliver of moonlight cascading along the curves of your body from the castle's glass window.
“Pretty—I can’t fucking believe this is all mine.” There’s a smug smirk curving along his face as he watches a sheen of sweat cast a gorgeous glow over your face, perfectly complimenting the pink of your cheeks. His eyes lower further down below, leisurely taking his time to take in the masterpiece he's created before they land on the mesmerizing imagery of him dragging his finger in and out of your heat.
“You like that, beautiful?” You sound absolutely wrecked as you babble out in confirmation, lust fiercely drowning your moans as the vibrations of his amusement causes seering jolts of what feels like electricity straight to your core. 
“Yeah? Do you think my pretty baby can handle another finger?” Eager to please, you rush to nod your head as your thighs clench in anticipation for the delicious stretch that is sure to come. 
His mouth resumes its actions against your heat as he grants you another finger, angling his hand until he hits the right spots as indicated from your very vocal response. Your erratic breathing has gotten so loud, drowning out the slicked sounds your boyfriend orchestrates before your mouth opens in a wordless scream as you reach your climax.
“Fuck, babe. I didn’t even get to put three in.” He chuckles against your forehead, planting a soft kiss as he slides into the spot beside you to wrap you in his arms.
“You did so good for me. You looked fucking perfect, holy shit. Let’s make a video next time, yeah?” His husky voice trails off into a chuckle when you let out a whine, embarrassingly hiding your face against the column of his neck as he soothingly runs his fingers though your damp hair.
“What about you?” You tiredly mumble.
“What about me? I’m pretty damn sure that I can get off to just the sight of you.” He snickers into your hair.
You hoarsely whine again, bringing a weak hand up to hit him against the shoulder until he speaks again. “Next time—tonight is about you. My pretty girl deserves it after visiting a parallel world and getting injured.”
“Yeah, right. You just wanted to prove something to yourself. Who the fuck gets jealous of themselves?” You giggle.
“Fuck off!” But you can’t help the amount of amusement you find from the situation, the ravenette quickly sitting up to drink from the glass of water sitting at your bedside table. He roughly grabs onto your still laughing body as he brings his mouth against yours, pulling away with a smug grin.
He shared his drink with me to get me to shut up, you pout to yourself as you wipe away the droplets of water that escaped from your lips and swallow.
“Well you seem to still have some energy if you're still being a fucking brat. Want to continue so I can put you in your place?” The ravenette’s face gets brought closer to yours, his hands suggestively skimming along your waist. 
Before you can agree, the stark-white curtain surrounding your hospital bed gets roughly yanked opened. Tweek and Butters are desperately trying to hold back a furiously struggling Kenny, the blonde’s face red in seething anger.
The rest of the boys are awkwardly standing behind your siblings with a handful of snacks and drinks, some of them averting their eyes in embarrassment while a few find amusement at Stan's future demise. You can see Tolkien sending you an apologetic look as Kyle heaves out a tired sigh, the red-head bringing a hand up to rub at the area between his furrowed eyebrows.
“I think the fuck not, Marsh! I’m going to fucking kill you!”
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enzos-shit · 1 month
forced proximity
2. ‘ wait really? ’
- partly written
a.n : this was so fun to write ehehe
written wc: 599
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you enter the cafe, eyes scanning for soobin's tall figure. when your eyes land on him, you offer a small smile and sit across from him at the table he chose. he just offers a smile and puts his phone down on the table, crossing his arms in front of him. you sit down and place your phone parallel to his, intertwining your hands in your lap.
"so.. uh. hi, boyfriend..?" you mutter, unsure what to start with. he scrunches up his face "ew." he says, shaking his head. you give him a pointed look, sighing. "get used to it. we're a 'couple' now." you say, finger quotes surrounding the word couple. he rolls his eyes and clears his throat.
"well, we came here to discuss boundaries for affection. here's my offer:" he starts, adjusting his posture before continuing. "hugs, cuddles, and hand holding is allowed. anything further than that and i am 'breaking up' with you." he says, fingers quoting breaking up.
you shake your head and sigh. "i think thats a good starting point, but like," you counter "we're gonna have to do more eventually. realistically speaking, when have you seen a couple that doesn't kiss?"
he rolls his eyes and sighs, knowing you're right. "we'll cross that bridge when we get there." he mutters, adjusting how he's seated. "moving on to the present," he says, "how do we make this look real?" he says, intertwining his hands on the table.
you think for a moment, humming. "well, if i was going on a date i'd probably post about it.." he nods along in agreement.
"so.. photos of today? or do you want to set something up for tomorrow?" soobin offers, leaning forwards slightly. "both work for me, so it's up to you." you say, leaning back in your chair.
he hums "meet me here tomorrow at 2:30," he says. before you can cut him off to speak about your friends' shifts, he keeps talking. "we want yuna and beomgyu to see us. it'll help this look more believable." he says.
you nod slightly. "you do realize this means we'll have to act like we enjoy each other's presence, right?" you say and he throws his head back with a groan of exhaustion. "fuck i didn't think about that." he says, running his hands over his face and fixing his hair in the process.
weirdly enough, your eyes linger on the actions. pale hands sweeping through recently-dyed black hair, a slight shine from the led lights above him. you shake your head slightly, snapping back to reality. you will your eyes to look anywhere but him.
when soobin notices the way you slightly shook your head and way you diverted your eyes, he smirks subtly. "admiring my visuals, yln?" you turn to look at him and scoff, rolling your eyes in the process. "you wish. i was wondering why i chose you of all people for this."
he grabs his chest dramatically, black shirt ruffling under his grasp. "ouch, thats not very kind, yn. we should remember to stay nice and positive, hm?" he says, a playful glint in his eye.
you roll your eyes again and smile softly this time, getting up. "well, nice meeting you, soob," you emphasize the nickname. "text me details for tomorrow so i don't forget?" he nods and stands up. "sure," he puts his arm around your shoulder and begins to slowly walk out with you.
"but i don't think this should end here, right?" he walks out the door with you and you let out a small laugh. "idiot." unbeknownst to you both, a pair of eyes curiously trailed the interaction.
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taglist : @beomgyuspeach
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yuesya · 8 months
Genshin Impact AU? Would Twins Satoru and Shiki get put in the roles of Aether and Lumine? Would Geto also show up here and in what role? I vote for Amber!Geto because Baron Bunny is basically Amber's shiki'd curse spirit (lol)
Which would cause more chaos being left to their devices for 500 years???? Raging cursed spirit(?) Shiki or OP chaos gremlin Satoru
Or OR!!! The same age Shiki and Satoru fuck around with their curse techniques and oopsie themselves into Teyvat causing general mayhem (just realized this isekai plot works for any crossover and Shiki Satoru pair lmao)
Or OR!!! OR! Nanami and Shiki get the most stressful (for Nanami) vacation possibly in the history of ever. (Since poor Satoru's weekend at Worst Cube's)
I don't think I'd have any of the zenith cast outright replace characters, but AU Satoru and Shiki in Teyvat would certainly result in some very chaotic situations lol.
Nanami vacation... Nanami never got a vacation in canon, did he? Wasn't it part of his last thoughts when his mind was kind of wandering and dissociating a bit, after his near-fatal encounter with Jogo (and subsequently actually-fatal encounter with Mahito). If Nanami lands in Teyvat at least he'd finally get a break from exorcising curses. I didn't play Genshin when Klee's summer islands were a thing, but from what I've heard those were great haha.
Part of me thinks it would be fun if Shiki landed in Khaenri'ah before everything went south for Maximum Chaos, but we don't really know much about what happened there in Genshin lore at all, so. (Shrugs)
Or, if we're going along with Inazuma things for the parallels with Japan... Shiki landing in Inazuma during the time of the Archon War? Shiki getting mistaken for one of the native yokai on the islands? Oh, or maybe Shiki arrives in Inazuma right when the Cataclysm is going on. Or getting mixed up in Tataratsuna events could be fun, too... hm...
I haven't done much Ekanomiya exploring yet but I hear the lore there is really interesting, too.
ANYWAYS we're going to be sitting firmly on this for now because 1) I still have lots of Genshin exploring to do, 2) We're not even far along enough in zenith to be considering these AUs given the [REDACTED] stuff we'd most likely be touching on, and 3) I think I have enough on my plate to be juggling with already lol.
Happy to see that others think a Genshin AU might be fun, though!
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bluebeewings · 9 months
I started Our Flag Means Death FURIOUS and bitter. I was still high on the Always Sunny train and feeling that no other type of humor would ever compare to sunny’s humor and as I watched the pilot I was seething with anger cause I was already feeling the show wouldn’t live up to what I thought it could be. Nobody was talking about it and there were a few episodes to come out, so I hadn’t even heard of it before (my friend told me it was a Taika pirate show and we should see what was it about). My first impression of Stede was that he was gay, but that the show wouldn’t possibly go there and that I’d eventually be disappointed when it’s not the case. Secondly, Jim. The moment I saw them I thought trans, but then again, how often it is that the trope of “dressing as a guy to blend in” leads to actual trans rep? I saw all the queer allegories, the queer undertones but honestly thought the show wouldn’t deliver. It’s a silly show about pirates, a workplace comedy with a new gimmick. I thought it was fine when I finished the last episode. Maybe a week later (if I recall correctly) I went back to it, giving it another chance. With each subsequent episode, I understood the series more and more. I saw that Jim’s actor was non binary and that gave me hope that the queer undertones was actually intended and thought of.
Then of course, Blackbeard. Episode four was an eye opener. Firstly I thought “people are gonna ship the hell out of these two” (me included) but I was still skeptical. But then… The parallels with Mary and Blackbeard? I thought I was loosing my mind. But it just got gayer and gayer (Taika’s heart eyes like, they’re impossible not to notice). But it was still in my mind that it couldn’t be the case, how can a show be this unapologetically queer without being marketed as such??? I’m always on the lookout for queer stuff so I’d certainly know. Episode 5 went on and we saw Lucious and Black Pete as an item and I took that as confirmation that nothing would happen between Stede and Ed (like, come on, we got a non binary character and a gay couple, if there’s more than it’s officially for the gays) but then!!! The moonlight scene! I legit thought I was going insane thinking to myself this is the most romantic shit I’ve seen I can’t believe this is happening is it really real or am I this delusional??? I was in it now and couldn’t stop my binging the show. With each subsequent episode I got more and more sure it was really a romantic comedy and let me tell you the rush and the serotonin I felt knowing more and more that for the first time I was getting what I hoped for? Scratch that, something better than what I had hoped for.
There were only 8 episodes available and when I got to Calico Jack everything happened again. I looked at him and though “lol ed’s ex” but thought I wouldn’t be so lucky… Well think again! I was still wondering if it was all some sort of next level queerbaiting but Jack went there and said “nope, we used to fuck” (and for that I’ll be forever grateful of Will Arnett). Then obviously the feet touch aka the most romantic thing to have ever happened in fiction. The first thing I did was to look up people here on tumblr to see if everyone was consuming it with the same eyes as I and let me tell you, watching the fandom start was so cool and I’ll remember those simpler times fondly. We were all wondering what would happen, if there would be a kiss (and people still debating if it was bait or not).
The last two episodes released like a week later and I waited as patiently as I could. The kiss and subsequent break up oh I was in heaven. If there’s something I like is drama and it peaked as Mary realized Stede had come back. Ohh and episode ten hm! Delicious. Anyways after the kiss everyone and their mom knew that it was not only canonically queer but an inherently queer show, the fandom grew in unprecedented ways. I lasted like four months before I quietly got away cause big fandoms intimidate me. Too much content for me to process and way too much discourse… But I’ll be here for this season because the brainrot is real and I’m exited to see the show being even more unapologetically queer and more explicitly than ever as a love story.
I’m just really happy to have stumbled upon this show without knowing a thing and finding out in real time that it’s one of the queerest shows in existence.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 184 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the jasmine in my garden.
"Though one could pluck a numeral from the air and add some zeros, place a figure on how many tiny, twitching things exist within these tunnels, it cannot be comprehended. Not truly." NOT REA- oh wait, false alarm xD Is that the sophisticated version of not really? Not truly?
"A trillion. An octillion. A quindecillion." I googled that, I wanted to know if this is real or made-up words xD So a quindecillion is a number equal to 1 followed by 48 zeros! Now I wonder, to what extent do we have names for numbers that high? Okay, so I googled further, and this is actually hilarious! Check this out, Wikipedia entry to Googolplex: "In 1920, Edward Kasner's nine-year-old nephew, Milton Sirotta, coined the term googol, which is 10^100, and then proposed the further term googolplex to be 'one, followed by writing zeroes until you get tired'".
It's cool that this domain has (at least) two victims with very different understanding of what they are afraid of. One being hurt and the other one hurting others.
JON: "Don’t like ants?" MARTIN: "Obviously not. No-one likes ants, Jon." JON: "As the embodiment of all knowledge, I am not entirely sure that’s true but… okay." Yep, there are people who like ants. Friends of mine have a pet ant colony.
JON: "No, John Amherst was encased in concrete, and shrivelled away to nothing after just a few years." I already talked about this in S4, but this could be seen as another confirmation that spreading fear is indeed necessary for an Avatar's survival. So Daisy would have literally starved to death. Old written statements probably also wouldn't have sustained Jon forever. We know from MAG 155 that the fears will find ways to force you into doing more and more damage.
JON: "It’s the ants." Finally we see animals! They always had a place in the fear ecosystem, as Jon has called it, and this one and the thing about a domain for cats are the only examples we have... The way good cows blew up I would have somehow expected a secret cow level to make an appearance...
MARTIN: "I sometimes forget that most of the people we know are avatars." Hm, super sad. They were in so deep, it probably would actually have been dangerous for outsiders to hang with them much. And then of course there are the non-Avatars, who didn't make it. Sasha. Tim.
JON: "Ceaseless Watcher, look upon this man –" MARTIN: "Jon…" JON: "– subsumed by terror and gripped with swarming fear. Gaze into him, through him… And out of him." MARTIN: "What does that mean?" JON: "Make him a vessel of your hunger, staring out and harvesting with a thousand, thousand, thousand, tiny, eager, eyes." MARTIN: "Hang on…" Martin's comments as he slowly realizes what Jon's doing here are so funny XD
JORDAN: "What did you do to me? I feel…" JON: "Better?" JORDAN: "Sick." Jon's hope to have finally done something good is so audible in this. And it's getting smashed in an instant. Can't have shit in the apocalypse...
JORDAN: "What did you do to me?" JON: "I helped you." JORDAN: "Helped me? I don’t feel right, I, I just – Ah! No I don’t – argh! I don’t want this!" The insistent tone Jon uses here. He desperately wants to do something, just a tiny bit of good.
JORDAN: "No, I don’t – I didn’t ask for this!" :( Just like Jon... Jon never wanted this and he probably feels terrible to have done this to someone else now.
JORDAN: "I don’t… I don’t know how to be this. I don’t want to scare people." JON: "No. But you’ll learn." JORDAN: "… Am I still me?" JON: "I don’t know how to answer that." And more and more heart-wrenching parallels...
JORDAN: "The ants… If I told them to attack you. Could they?" JON: "… No. Nothing can really touch us anymore." God, and then this... Actively antagonizing Jon for what he's done... After a few breather episodes this one’s back to being a punch to the gut.
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A Peaceful Elf
Part II
Halsin/Tav fanfic (slow burn, fluff, angst)
“I have to say,” Astarion purred, “goblin blood has a deeply unpleasant, acrid aftertaste that I’ve never gotten from you, darling.”
You shot him a look that said you’d shoot him with something much sharper in a second.
“Wait, you—you what?” Frowned Gale, deeply confused.
“He’s delusional, I have no idea what he’s talking about, it must be all the ale in the goblin blood that’s, HAHA, affecting his speech and—and thinking,” you fumbled, refusing to make eye contact with anyone while rifling through Dror Ragzlin’s pockets. To your companions disgust, you’d already extracted the wriggling worm from his skull; you weren’t entirely sure why, besides the guardian’s voice recommending that you do it. For now, it stayed in a jar with a few others you had collected. For some future purpose. 
“Ah, yes, that must be it. All that vile ale just putting me right out of my own head! Speaking of head, how about we go and tell that Druid the good news now, hm?”
“Lady of Darkness, preserve us,” mumbled Shadowheart, appalled by the vampire’s crudeness and the wizard STILL being clearly oblivious to your arrangement with the vampire.
Gale, a bit confused by Astarion’s use of wordplay, agreed.
“Right. Let’s go,” you stated, the steadiness in your voice not paralleled by the sudden tremor in your hands. Standing up, you straightened your armor and, as subtly as possible, wiped the specks of blood from your cheeks whenever you saw your reflection in fallen armor or half-rusty shields. The hard part was over, the next part was cake. 
Halsin paced in the dimly lit dungeon, curiosity and anxiety mounting with every battle cry and—explosion?—noise he heard come from without the prison doors. Should he have gone with them? Should he have shifted into something small and returned to the grove while he could? Should he have prepared for the worst and braced for incoming goblin hoards?
The search for any sign of a Selunite outpost proved futile; nothing but debris and bodies littered the area. Once he had realized this, he spent the following stretch of time mulling over his predicament. 
Goblins threatening the grove, HIS grove; the grove being over run by refugees; the tensions he had left Kagha to handle during his capture (Sylvanus have mercy, Kagha was not the best at diplomacy), and the ever mounting danger of mindflayers that he still had no true trail of. 
But, one thing at a time. 
He focused on the moment at hand, planned for the best outcome and less ideal ones, and kept his mind as calm as possible. He did find that an interest in your preferred druidic practices kept popping into his mind, and he found that occurrence, well, odd. Of all things, why would that matter? It doesn’t. Plan ahead. Focus on a plan. 
A few minutes later, a familiar creak of dungeon doors followed by a familiar babble of voices stirred him from plans and pleasant distractions.
He held his breath, waiting to hear news and afraid to be too optimistic.
“Sylvanus guide you. What news?” He towered over you, eyes raking your face for clues of an answer.
My. Gods.
There was a quiet pause for a few beats when Shadowheart cleared her voice in an intentional way. 
You cleared yours, as well, but more to make sure it wouldn’t crack. “Halsin,” you bowed with a hand to your chest, “it is done. The three are no more. You are free to return to the grove. I do…however, have a request.”
“AH Sylvanus be praised!” He boomed. “No, that is unfair, it is you who should be praised! Tell me how I may aid you, it’s the very least I can—” suddenly, he paused. A queer look entered his eye as he stooped down, angling himself to stay out of any nearby light. Concern gripped him and he slowly reached his warm, callused fingers to your chin, angling it gently to the light.
“I…I think I can guess at your problem. Allow me to examine further. Please.”
You nodded, trying to remember this was important and not to focus on the fact that HE JUST TOUCHED YOUR FUCKING FACE AND HIS PALMS ARE SO FUCKING HUGE as he held his palm out in front of you and glowed with some kind of light you were unfamiliar with. You prayed the magic he was using wouldn’t uncover the flips your stomach currently occupied its time with.
Tension flowed over his face and shoulders. “Ah, hells below, you have a familiar problem I am unfamiliar with curing. A mindflayer tadpole. But…you know this and are of your own sound mind…How can this be?”
Another short pause as you tried to steady your voice.
“Sound mind is debatable, but needless to say, we have a—a kind of protection of sorts,” said Shadowheart, piping in to keep you from possibly revealing any secret she desperately wanted to keep. “Suffice it to say, we are in control of ourselves, however comforting that may be.” She glanced at you, and the string of entrails you had dangling from your armor. 
“Ho-ho, I missed that one,” you laughed as you peeled it off, to your own embarrassment moments later.
Halsin stared.
“Right,” he clapped his hands, glancing at the stone floor, then back up at the four of you, “Well, that is a relief, however, I regret I cannot offer more. There is no cure I know of for now. During my research, I did discover that these tadpoles are linked to recent pilgrimages, made by these zealots of the Absolute, to Moonrise Towers. I will gladly aid you, should your journey take you in that direction.” A warm smile brightening the dim hall. “If you don’t mind, we can speak of it as we take our leave of this festering pit. How many goblins are left outside these walls? I may not be at my best, but I can still be of use. And, I wouldn’t mind wreaking a bit of havoc on certain goblins in particular,” he mentioned heartily and smiled a crooked grin specifically at you. It felt like he could appreciate your unorthodox revelry in smiting the deserving. Or, maybe you were just looking into it a bit too far.
That’s when you realized you hadn’t said anything in a beat or two again because of his distracting eyes.
“Ah, well, we were able to actually clear the entire temple. It wasn’t that hard, truly.”
Halsin blinked. “You what?”
“Yeah! We poisoned the goblins’ drinking fountain before we entered the temple, placed a few grease bottles and fire bolts, annihilated their ogre at the front door, then hailed a few ogres I made a deal with to clear out the main halls,” you looked down and away, now caught in your train of thought. “Oh, and in between, I borrowed some smokepowder barrels from a merchant who was working with the goblins. Honestly, I’m quite surprised not one goblin batted an eye when we placed them around Ragzlin’s throne. About that, not sure what the Zhentarim are planning with the gobos and all of that smokepowder; there was so much, they could have blown up the remains of this temple, haha!”
So she’s not so quiet, thought the arch druid. She IS an odd one…
You looked back up, a bit wrapped in your own glorious momentum at the memory. 
“Ha! Well, I suppose the way is clear then! I look forward to hearing more about it! But I must get back to the grove as soon as possible. Thank you, brave one! Let us meet in more…bucolic surroundings.” He grinned, and with that, shifted into a mouse and darted away. 
“Hmm, one almost wonders why he didn’t do that in the first place,” Gale commented, knitting his brow. 
As you watched the mouse disappear into the gloom, you almost wished you had made it seem still a might bit perilous, if only to have the druid as company for a little while. Something about him made you feel…
NONSENSE. Utter nonsense. You subtly shook your head. 
“If I were you, Gale, I might not question one’s ability to wield magic under unexpected circumstances,” Astarion commented over his shoulder as he and Shadowheart sauntered toward the prison entrance.
“Oh, are you talking about that time he was stuck in that waypoint? Ha haaa,” Shadowheart laughed airily, like squeezing lemon drops on a cut.
“Astarion, if you happen to find your bedroll absolutely slathered in grease from here until this ‘Moonrise Kingdom’ or whatever some-such, I promise you, I’ll have no idea how it happened,” quipped Gale, just as airily.
You focused back on your companions as they turned around at the door and one chirped “Coming?” in your direction. 
“Maybe later, if she’s lucky,” Astarion mused aloofly. 
You rolled your eyes, took one more look around, and made your way toward them.
“Oh WAIT, I forgot to tell him we found that Outpost thing. That might be important, right?”
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weirdcat1213 · 11 months
time for the thoughts :D
chap 1:
-ok when you think about thats brutal af, this is the worst nightmare of anyone who takes public transport
-:c hes so soft
-the fucker with the balls scared me >:v get out and leave my son alone
chap 2:
-legato eating lmao :b but creepy at the same time
-"no guys we cant destroy him anymore, just traumatize him" what a metal thing to order knives, you sicko
-vash is doomed to be driven everywhere hes like me fr
-aw he looks tired :c
-nightow honey.....thank you so much for this dumb joke lmao
-yes vash ofc your bf is hiding something but this is not the time to think about that
-oh wait i remember this chapt-...oh fuck
-*insert 98 vash yelling get me out of here*
-"demon priest" nice nickname for your bf
-OH WAIT DO THEY STRAIGHT UP TOLD HIM "he so your brother wants us to traumatize you, yknow the classic stuff" TO HIS FACE I FORGOT
chap 3:
-oh the title page of this one *chef kiss*
-ooooh the betrayal
-oh that line that tries to be a panel line is cool as hell
-...ok i yet dont get much from this battle but pretty cool nonetheless
-i got the final part tho
chap 4:
-ok i do respect samurai guy here tho, die with your principles ma man
-ah no its the timeeeee noooooooooooooo
-im gonna need a hug
-ok i need the hug now
-"im willing to die so you fucking realize you cant go around in life just running away" is raw af, but replying with "im not gonna shoot you cuz i want to fucking show you hope" is even worst
-NIGHTOW IM GOING TO YOUR FUCKING HOUSE AND after respectfully shaking your hand BITE IT
-the man who bears the role of savior with a smile while it hurts vs the man who bears the role of the murderer without an expression while it hurts...IT ALL JUST HURTS
chap 5:
-nooooo stoppppppp :c
-something something, parallel with vash in a escape pod something, something tears
-I HATE LIFE ACTUALLY (the hc of wolfwood having regular nightmares is not even a hc, it actually happens)
-"we need 2 rooms" cmon dont be shy :3
-oh wait i love this chapter :3 even if it has the most unhealthy implications ever like vash omfg cant you just take a fucking break :)
-nah hes not ignorant of anything...hes just really stupid with a big ass heart
-ok i feel like im insulting vash too much rn, its the wolfwood pov mb
-hes so dead
-awww :3 im sorry for calling him stupid, he's just really nice in a world where mercy is basically being stupid
-vash is making the smallest and most pathetic noises and the guy is like "oh wow you can help me come up with a plan? thanks :D"
-i agree with rob but i also agree with his dad. this ties back nicely with the thing about considering killing people just because of family.
-i mean...yeah theres something deeply wrong with vash...those arent news i think
chap 6:
-wolfwood noooooooooooooooooooooo :c
-wolfwood dont *smack in the head* stop those thoughts rn
-i love wolfwood poking on the subject like "well at least i cant do that cuz IM HUMAN.....what about you vash hm?"
-AND WE LOVE A CHARACTER WHO DOESNT HAVE EVERY VALUE SET IN STONE :D vash ily and your search for an answer sm
-ah that looks pretty :D
-also lets go back to wolfwood "i don't have the right to hold you" vs vash embracing the hugs ONLY TO GET THIS. WHAT ARE YOU TELLING ME NIGHTOW HUUHHHHHHH YOU MF-
(i dont think we'll get this or something similar in stampede but if we do...if we do i will bite people and that's a promise)
chap 7:
-im.....im so sad for him
-"the mind of a man is bleeding out".....yeah you can call him that ig
-oh shit thats how this volume ends??? fuck ig????
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