#hit on something traumatic by mistake? i don't know What he asked at this point but he is navigating around it politely
vante1920pm · 1 year
I just had a idea and I had to request it. So, it consists of aonung x male reader. Aonung being a jerk and accidentally hitting a nerve on the reader and the reader snaps at him and walks away. Then aonung asking neteyam about the nerve he hit and it was something from the past. At last, he apologized and confessed to reader in a cave. The traumatizing part could be anything you want. You can change anything, but I just had to request it. I get ideas very random.
──;; 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 ? ★☆
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★ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: I love this Idea !!!! I immediately started to write when I saw the request 😩
☆ 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: ao'nung/male!reader
☆ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: bullying, traumatizing past, language, aonung being a bitch, kinda fluff ending, angst, not proof read, grammar mistakes
𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴: bad romance
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"You scared of a little bit of water?" Aonung tugged at you feet, trying to get you in the sea.
You resisted, kicking his hands away so you could take a few steps back. The boy and his friends just laughed.
"If you're so scared of the sea, you shouldn't be there then. Go back to where you belong, because it's definitely not here."
Now you got mad, but tried to walk away and ignore his comments, what he made really hard at some point.
"But maybe that's better, 'cause if you drown, I wouldn't save you."
You stopped in your tracks, looking over your shoulder to see Aonung giving his pals high fours and snickering to themselves. So you did the only smart thing you could think of, picked up a stone and threw it in their direction.
It missed Aonung meager, but scared the guys a little bit. They were now shouting at you, telling you that you were crazy and a psycho, freak, ect.
Neteyam watched from the side, leaning against a tree. He thought about helping you but knew, you could take care of yourself and honestly, he wanted to see you put Aonung in his place.
Maybe didn't end in the best way.
He saw you walking away and thought he could see smoke coming out of your ears, so he didn't follow you. But he made his way to Aonung and his friends.
Still grumbling, Aonung slowly walked out of the water, right into Neteyam.
When he realized who it was, he rolled his eyes.
"What do you want?"
"Why can't you just leave this poor boy alone? He never did anything to you."
Aonung snickered and rolled his eyes again.
"Why do you care so much? You got a crush on him or something?"
Before Aonung could pass him, Neteyam packed his shoulders and pushed him back.
"You really should apologize to him, he's not good with the ocean."
Aonung scoffed, not caring about what Neteyam had to say.
"Huh? And why? He should just grow up and not be such a pussy! I mean, what could be sooo bad about water?"
Neteyam sighed, not sure if he should tell him about the incident.
He then decided to give it a try, maybe Aonung would understand and take care of this little problem.
"Look, you probably don't know but when Y/N was younger, his little sister drowned. He was there and wasn't able to help her. He's really sensitive on this topic."
Aonung was shocked. He didn't show it, but he instantly felt bad. He actually got a huge crush on you but now he fucked up.
He scoffed once more, pushing Neteyams arms away and left him and his friends.
You were sitting on a rock and thought about the interaction you just had.
Why did this dick head always had to act like that? How does he even have friends? Why do you even like him? He's a bully and hates you!
You were so lost in thoughts that you didn't notice the figure right next to you. Aonung stared at the side of your face, looking straight to the ground and your knees against your body.
He needed a second to think about how to approach you and what to say, and if you would even listen to him.
"What do you want?"
Aonung was astounded by your sudden question, that he couldn't answer for a second.
You looked at him and watched his body language. His head was facing you but his body was turned away to the front, like he was ready to run away any second.
He then finally found his voice again:
"Oh, uhh.. Neteyam.. told me what happened.."
You sneered at this, rolling your eyes.
"Of course he did. And now? You're here to apologize and confess your love to me, since you finally realized you're actually in love with me and want to spend the rest of your life together?"
Aonung didn't say anything at this, just looked into your eyes.
"Now is the time for you to deny it and push me off this rock or something."
Instead of pushing you down, he kissed you.
To say you were surprised is an understatement. You didn't kiss back and just waited for him to realize what he's actually doing.
After a minute or two he pulled back, leaving you wanting more.
"Actually, you're right. I wanted to confess to you but I think that's not a good time now..."
'But kissing me is better?'
You blinked two times before you just pulled out a "damn."
Aonung grinned at this and turned his head in front of him, where he could see a small pond that led out to the sea.
"You know, you're kinda cute when you're mad.."
"Fuck you."
You two just sat in comfortable silence, listening to the waves outside. Aonung took your hand in his. You thought about pulling your hand away but decided to just leave it like that.
It just felt good this way. But he would pay for what he said later.
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© 2022 VANTE_1920PM
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hrhoffman · 5 months
So I finished binging The Magnus Archives
and I genuinely have so many thoughts that I can't even put into words
Spoilers for TMA as a whole, I guess
I'll start with Sasha because I want to do every point that hit heavy for me and if I don't do it in order I'll forget something
The idea of being replaced and forgotten, just, my God. And really, how little of the real Sasha we even got from the whole podcast is tragic. We got so little of her, liked her when we first heard her encounter with Michael, and then, boom, she's gone. Replaced. And as listeners, we Know Something will happen, but you just get that building dread every episode, what will Not!Sasha do? Is there a chance real Sasha could come back?
And by the end, we forget about Sasha because of everything else happening.
Tim was worse for me because as soon as his new arc was building up, I knew immediately there was ever going to be one ending for him. His building anger, his loss of his previous self, the information on his past and how it related to the next big fight they were going to. It was obvious he was going to get blown up as soon as the explosives were introduced.
And we don't get much mourning for Tim, because Jon is in a coma, Daisy is trapped, and Martin is losing himself.
I could go on a whole side tangent about the Lonely, make a list of all those hard hitting lines Martin said.
I'm not enough on my own. Can't get it out of my head.
The finale hurts. I can't stop myself from crying. I keep going back and forth about Jon's character
We watch him make questionable decisions for the entire podcast. His whole conspiracy fueled paranoia and just driving everyone away as if it's going to keep them safe. His final choice to take over instead of Elias
It's selfish, because ok, fuck lemme try to get this in words
Jon and Martin are opposites the whole time, I think
Martin's big speech to Peter and Elias where he says, "I'm not a chosen one" always stood out to me. Because there's times where Jon seems to believe HE needs to fix everything, that HE needs to keep his friends safe, that HE needs to save the world because he is SO SO guilty.
And Martin thinks so little of himself, but he puts so much love in others. It's so sad to see his change in S4 with the Lonely, because it's so distinctly not Martin.
He never stops hating himself, never stops loving Jon. Everything he does is for Jon. He had nothing to live for when Jon was gone.
They are each other's reasons. But Martin could be anywhere with Jon and be happy.
Jon needs to fix his wrongs to make them both happy. Whether that is true or not doesn't matter, because it is wholeheartedly what Jon believes.
And so he believes sacrificing himself to try to fix things will be better for Martin, but he never asked Martin what would actually make him happy.
Martin just wants to be by Jon's side.
And back to the selfish thing, I don't mean it in a negative way. I mean that Jon felt he literally needed to give himself up to atone. Like he had lost all self worth. Like he didn't care about himself.
He puts Martin in the worst possible position.
And I cried so hard at the ending, because I knew that they weren't Somewhere Else. They were dead. It mirrored Gertrude and her assistants, the foreshadowing of their deaths as Sasha and Tim dropped one by one.
There was no happy ending for us. There was no fixed world after what traumatic experience had been unleashed. Jon had to pay for his mistakes, but love caused Martin to go with him. (I think about those last few moments of Martin. Alive. Looking down at Jon's bleeding corpse. The panopticon crumbling around him. Martin knows he will die, but he's just had to kill his only Reason to live anyways)
I can't even say they're happy together in the fucking afterlife because the End or whatever exists and claims everyone. I always interpreted that as Hell existing for everyone after death.
And don't even get me started on the themes of finding happiness and love in the middle of the apocalypse
They just wanted to fix things man. It wasn't even Jon's fucking fault, AND OKAY THIS IS ANOTHER THING
I SWEAR Elias has to be Web aligned I fucking swear the strings he pulled throughout the whole fucking series dude. I think the Eye and Web are pretty close anyways but that Manipulating Bastard FUCK HIM
Jon believes he's done everything wrong, because he refuses to blame Dickhead McGee. Doesn't help that everyone is on his ass the whole podcast, and like, yeah, Jon does some stupid shit but come the fuck on why did the foreshadowing of his slowly worse decisions have to end like this man I can't stop thinking about it
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soullikethesea · 5 months
Making sense
I'm engaging in that same thing I did when I was a child, which is not thinking about/talking about what happened. Sometimes it pops up somewhere far, far away in the background. But it's all coated in silence and shame. I am the one who went to my parents, so it feels wrong to ask for sympathy.
After writing that last sentence, it all feels empty inside again. Nothing happened, right? I'm the one who's wrong. I think spending time together made me feel like they would be much better off without me. Like it's a puzzle and I don't fit. It must be some sort of failing that made me so out of place.
A bad moment was when we were talking about presenting and I said that it's fine for me now and it was when I was a child. As a child the school thought I was struggling emotionally, so they made me present in front of different classes (presumably to build self-esteem)? But I didn't understand and I thought it was no big deal to do that. (Newsflash: it didn't help me). But when I was a teenager I was scared of presenting, to the point where one time I fainted during a presentation.
And my stepmum was just staring at me when I said this and I felt sooo out of place, once again. It looked like she wished I didn't exist, so I couldn't influence her precious children. Maybe it reminded her of how lost I was as a teenager? How hurt? But in her mind, probably: how crazy and bad.
They are all a normal family and then there's my traumatized being that can't be normal. My dad was saying some really controversial things again, as he often does (and literally got cancelled for). And my stepmum said: "thankfully we all know that he doesn't mean literally saying that" and I had a tiny pause inside, where I realized again that with my concrete thinking I do tend to take what people say as what they mean. So maybe if I had that skill of somehow knowing what is meant and what isn't, I could have been saved.
My brother said that my dad is clearly conflict-attracted, while our uncle is conflict-avoidant. So I guess it must have been something in their past that lead to those different styles. It's true that my dad tends to escalate things.
And I am still scared of him. Maybe I am the only one who is scared of him. I just can't shake the fear. It is so deeply engrained. That feeling that I was melting down and no one in the whole world cared or would try to keep me safe. Well, my mum did, but she left me there. With the man that was so intense to her that she turned into a ball of tears and rage whenever she even saw him for one minute.
And I didn't know what to think or feel or believe. I loved him, of course. He was big and wild and strong. He wanted to play rough housing and soccer. He wanted me to be tough like a boy. And he had no clue what to do about my sensory sensitivities, sensory overwhelm, attachment dysregulation, and feelings of unsafety. So what did he do? He yelled at me and hit me and left me alone crying.
A tiny mistake could lead to a big outburst on his side. And then when I was scared I cried, and he would then scold me for crying. He would get sooooooo angry with me for being upset. And my stepmum was worse. She wouldn't talk to me directly, but would tell him what to do or what I did wrong.
I never have learned how to read her at all. She is so good at seeming friendly, but then actually feeling different inside. She scares me a lot as well.
So with everything, I turn into a shadow of myself.
And when we left all I wanted was to hurt myself and try to erase myself and apologize for existing. And then apologize for apologizing and for struggling. I guess there is no way to win.
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space-diablo · 1 year
Right back at you with the TS main 5 + Senya, and I'm adding Shika ;)
one aspect about them i love Yuri - She is a great friend. Everyone needs such a friend as Yuri. Nise - That's very personal. But she actually shows typical borderliner behavior and that hits me right in the heart❤ Kuon - She's the Goddess. Her duality actually. So lovely cute and tender girl who is very likely the most coldhearted and cruel person among all the participants❤ Sniper - His entire personality❤ I can elaborate but it's not the time, so in a short... He is so cool and reliable... and at the same time pathetic mess and a Loser. Yes with capital "L". In other words I love that same thing ppl usually hate him for. Rika - That thing... how he hates Sniper and at the same time looks at him like at some kind of an Idol and even forget sometimes that his brother also a living human. Yes, seriously, I do love it. Senya - Little cutie doesn't understand how traumatized he is. Shika - The fact that Shintarou was right. She resembles Kuon. In some ways x)))
one aspect i wish more people understood about them Yuri - She is the most attentive person among all the characters. Nise - She is 16yo old already traumatized by REAL WORLD girl who used to adapt to any situations to survive. Kuon - When she used the railgun for the first time... She didn't forget to think about other ppl who could be in that building. She DID NOT CARE about them in a first place. Like you know she doesn't give a fuck and have no idea why should she. *the list continues* Sniper - I just want to ask ppl to stop throw away that parts of his personality that don't fit their vision of him. Like most of the simps see him just as a kind of sexy-shmexy doll and haters only point at his mistakes. Non of them thinks about his character, non of them sees his traumas and suffering because of his own mistakes, non of them ever tried to understand his actions. The fandom's most popular character? Yes. But also the most misinterpreted one. He deserves better. Rika - He deserves more attention. That is all I can say 'cause... You know, I've never seen any bad word about him. Nor the good one actually. Ppl literally forget about him, some even skip his parts while rereading (yep, I know a few). Senya - That's normal!!!!! I don't want to elaborate. Just this phrase. Shika - That would be nice.. if ppl start talk about her first, so I could tell them that they are wrong 😏😏😏
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character Yuri - can't cook well, but sews really good. Nise - She gives names to stuffed toys... as well as her knives. Kuon - She doesn't want to return home. I can elaborate about that, but not now - to much to say. Sniper - I can't choose so. Vegetarian (but not vegan), gloves are not just part of the image, also he spends all of his free money to support animal shelters. And will be afraid of the grenades for the rest of his life. Rika - He keeps a secret diary. Don't ask. Senya - everyone already knows my fav headcanon that he will choose astrophysics in the future instead of becoming an astronaut. Shika - I'm shamed but I don't have any headcanons for her. Maybe if I would reread TSA more often something could born... But we know the problem with TSA rereadings for me =')))
one character i love seeing them interact with Yuri - surprisingly - with Rika. Nise - with Sniper. Yeah, best BroTP I've ever seen (after Shin and Noi from Dororhedoro), Dumb & Dumber. Kuon - what do you expect here? Sniper. I'm damn shipper XDDD But well besides him - Yuri. Sniper - besides Kuon... I can't choose between Nise and Rika. Rika - with Sniper... As you can see I'm not immune to any siblings interactions. Senya - with Sniper that's obvious. Shika - haaaard one. Don't know really. Need to reread.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more Yuri - with Sniper about non-surviving themes. Nise - with Kuon... as helping her to catch a man. Kuon - with alien-kun is you understand me they have what to talk about 😏😏😏 Sniper - it will never happen but I'd really like to see him dealing with The Third Stage. Obviously they would hate each other and this would be really FUNNY. Rika - I need more siblings interactions! Guess yourself about which sibling of him I'm talking about XDDDD Senya - with anyone else from TS main crew besides Sniper. Shika - also anyone from TS main crew.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character I will combine some characters here. Sorry not sorry. Main5 - Yuri and Sniper is a deadly combination of idiots and the worst Rika's fear is that these two could get along. But they never really will... for various reasons. So Yuri can't get why Rika becomes so anxious about her and Sniper interactions. Nise sees Rika as a rival 'cause he takes a lot of attention (too much attention in Nise's eyes!!!) of her favorite person a.k.a Yuri. Every time Sniper needs to use bathroom or take a shower he's struggling with asking Kuon to go "for a little walk". Also Kuon can manage his dreams a bit. Senya - also I mentioned that.. long ago. He would overgrow his attraction to Oribe, like yes first love, but there's a lot of more interesting things in the world. Shika - As I said nothing here =(
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measuringbliss · 4 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 050: Night Of The Iguana (SSM 32-34)
I hope you love reptiles, because we're getting a bunch! But it's good (great?) batch, honestly.
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Peter goes back home after his fight with Carrion, Warren's clone.
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First off, Peter with facial hair is something I've always wanted on his specific face in the right side of the upper right panel is perfect. It's a shame the rest... isn't. And then, I really love it when Peter's friends help him. This is really cute! The last issues have given him a hard time.
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Gloria's leaving with her perfect outfit, damn! Peter, I don't need you to remind me that my days as a freelancer are complicated... *looks anxiously at Riot Games which JUST laid out 530 employees* I'm so fucked...
Something I appreciate in this issue is that previous events are continually references: Peter recovers from his fight with Carrion, a night guard at ESU mentions last issue's fire, some cops investigate the debris, and so on.
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No! Nooooooooo! Marv Wolfman, I know you said you wanted to change up Peter's personal life every issue, but this is too much! I love Holly! I love Hector and his White Tiger! And now you're getting rid of them for me?
And I know Wolfman didn't even write this issue or supervise Spectacular much (for now?), but still! Not a change I like! Maybe because it hits too close to home? Where EVEN is South Bronx?
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Oh. But... Okay. This isn't so far. They can pretty much meet up anytime! (They probably won't and this is probably to get them out of the magazine. Dear Lord...)
On his way to his first teaching assistant job, Peter meets Dr. Sloan and Marcy Kane. Hm, never heard of them.
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Interesting way to introduce her, hahaha. Oh, Peter...
On their way, they find Curt Connors on the ground, knocked out... He seems traumatized by one of his test iguanas, which was implied to have grown up quite a bit the previous night to wreck some havoc.
The three of them go to the Bronx Zoo to give a lecture there. Things don't go well...
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Okay, Gwen Stacy...
Folks, I have a confession to make...
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This issue is really good. I enjoy it a lot. We got a lot of Parker scenes, and so far the Spidey scenes are quite original.
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Actually a stellar issue, loved it, it was really good. The Iguana sharing his weakness is such a beginner's mistake though...
In #33, the Iguana is just as lousy a villain you would have guessed, but I kind of love it.
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After a fun scene (yes, Spider scenes can be fun!), the Iguana escapes.
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I actually forgot that they used the Enervator to resolve this crisis! But yeah, that plot point as bonkers.
So basically, Curt continued his research to recover his missing limb and accidentally separated his reptile persona in a human-sized Iguana, and it hypnotized him. Well. That's something alright.
Connors lets Spidey go, but resigns himself to voluntarily becoming the Lizard again to stop his creation.
The Iguana tries to kidnap Connors's wife and son, but Spidey stops him, and we get a great last page:
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This is a really good one.
#34 time! We immediately see some nice world building.
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It's also a nice set up for a few actually funny jokes that comes a few pages after.
The roof fight becomes a sewer fight (which is immediately less exciting), and Spidey loses track of both reptiles.
Later, Peter goes to ESU to check something about the enervator and runs into Dr. Sloan once again, who seems like he's trying to resurrect a corpse or something.
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That's promising.
Marcy surprises Peter and reminds him he has a class to teach in the morning. Peter asks her to cover for him, but she's not agreeable to that.
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Alright, Gwen, we get it! I bet she hates Spider-Man and is gonna fall for Peter too.
When Spidey finds the Lizard and the Iguana, they've become best buddies and team up to beat Spidey. Obviously, they fail.
What's more, Spidey transfers all the Lizard side of Connors into the Iguana before making it overload and explode. No more Lizard!
For now.
I hope it stays, but somehow, I doubt it. This storyline has already proven that Connors just can't stay away from his research and radiations. He never learns!
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Still, we get a great final panel.
In the letters:
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I don't think the supporting characters are dull, but I understand the criticism. Overall, the readers seemed to appreciate the mag's direction.
Next time: Black Cat's here!
Are you as excited and curious as I am?
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edgaralienpoe · 1 year
hi, i’m back as promised. my actual reactions are under this post (and it’s reblogs) it’s well documented 🤣 also forgive me!! this ask is quite a long one 😭
we’re in on it for the same reason!! 🙃 i discovered park jihoon earlier last year bc of at a distance spring is green and i was hearing news abt this new show he’d be in that his character strays away from the boy next door types he’d been playing.
initially, i thought the show was quite unrealistic (the part where they managed to successfully stop some huge scheme that was going on, yeah, high schoolers?? fr??) and i hate seeing that in shows that someone mirror reality but i changed my mindset, started just looking over the unrealistic parts and immersed myself in the found family of the trio 🥹 (big mistake, really fucked myself up there). also it’s true what you mentioned abt the violence bc it’s somewhat a peek into why people did what they did to survive in the hellhole of a school (or show lol)
i thought it was well done for something so short (minus the first quarter or first half 😭) specially loved it when we started seeing into the trio more? I LOVED THEM SO MUCH AND I KNOW THAT IF CIRCUMSTANCES WERE DIFFERENT THEY COULD’VE BEEN REALLY GREAT FRIENDS! you can’t tell me otherwise :(
about bumseok, my thoughts in the posts/rbs are not representatives of how i think of him today pls do not take me seriously 😭 i was just rlly mad at him and looking for someone to blame when i knew (or know now that) it’s not his fault. i think all he ever wanted was a place where he felt like he belonged and for acceptance and for ppl to look at him as their equal rather than smth to look down on. while i think he really misinterpreted the situation with sooho, we also can’t blame him for feeling that way bc it’s all his ever seen so far :( i hurt for all three of them but presently, i hurt for bumseok most bc i know that everything he did wasn’t his fault (it was his decisions to do the things he did, yes, but everything leading up to were beyond him).
what hurts more is that nothing will ever be the same from this point on and there’s no happy reunion for them (also weak hero the webtoon is more on sieun’s life in that new school). and even if they meet each other further down the line, i don’t think i’d like to be happily friends with someone behind my being a comatose and we just have to live with that conclusion.
if there are specific points you want to talk to me with, feel free to do so bc i need prompts to bring up those traumatic memories (the show) HAHA i’m just thrilled that someone else has watched the show bc i have been suffering in silence for a MONTH. i actually got sad for days after watching it so i feel you. i hope talking to someone else abt it helps with the post-show depression 😭
ok so I just woke up and I wrote so much... I don't think my phone nor Tumblr are gonna like that://
some clothing piece that was rEd and read 'keep pushing' at the back like a warning or maybe it was positive. then bumseok being almost naked while his dad was hitting him, when he's generally fully covered and you can even see his arms when he's at school or hanging out -could also be to hide bruises and stuff :((- 
like you, bumseok made me feel so conflicted, cause we kinda know why he ended like he did but also, a person can't just excuse everything on their trauma.
I loved the first scene on episode eight, when the three of them were together but sieun is left alone, because that's just how the show started and sadly, how it ended. and like you said, even if they find each other I don't think it would be the same because all of them hurted so much from that to the point that I don't think they're the same people anymore, would you like to see them back together? A lot of people want to.
who was your favorite character? What made them your fave? (I saw you talking about keep watching because of suho but maybe that changed)  do you think there was something else between suho and bumseok? I saw people take the whole situation as bumseok having a crush on suho -that would make sense because of how impulsive he got - but then some people took it as bumseok just wanting to be like suho and reading too much into what he was doing (kind of what you said) again sO complex
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detectiveconnor · 3 years
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@empathicstars​ sent: “I can’t talk about it.” | recovering from trauma (forever accepting)
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She couldn’t talk about it.  The way he held her eye, for a moment - and the way he looked away (down, to his hands, loose on the table) - was accepting. It was not his place to insist that she relate a part of her history she did not want to share; there were things about this young woman which did not... add up, so her reluctance to share anything further made sense. Besides: it had been a ... probing question.  Connor still wanted answers. The curiosity was not sated, but for now the respect for her position won out.  “You must have travelled a long way. Can I buy you lunch?” the offer did not come without the catch of company, but Connor would feel out how many - and which - questions he’d try to ask. 
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rcksmith · 3 years
Dream a little of me — Kaz Brekker
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Resume: One bed and two hearts.
Requests :”Hello, darling! Could I request sleeping with kaz? Imagine or general headcanons, as you like. No nsfw (no need of touching tho, do what you like with it!), just sleeping in the same bed - maybe for the first time. Also bonus points if one of them will have a nightmare👀Have a good night/day, hun!🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️✨✨✨💗💗💗”
“My heart asks for all the angst of touch starved reader falling for Kaz Brekker... 😭😭😭 - 🐕‍🦺”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Grisha Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of post-traumatic stress, angst, fluff.
Word count: 3k.
A/N: Thank you💖 I hope you guys like.
Normal Rules.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake. Requests are open. Love you❤️
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The rain was pouring down in torrents, in a fierce storm that roared into the shadowy forest like a hideous, unearthly animal. Platinum lightning’s streaked the midnight sky and thunder rumbled like as giants footsteps crashing into the ground and shaking the earth. Everything had been orchestrated to work. But nothing could have gone more wrong.
Unfortunately, not even Kaz Brekker's millions of tricks and plans could defeat the force of nature. And even you, an Infernal Entherealki, hadn't mastered the art of controlling fire or keeping warm while under a torrent of icy, biting cold water.
Your teeth started chattering, your lips turned purple, and you wondered if you could run another inch. Your muscles felt like stones and for someone who had lived with the heat of the flames his whole life, being under freezing water was extremely painful. But Kaz wouldn't let you stop. And you, as excruciating as the pain was, didn't want to stop either. The pain was strong but the desire not to let him down was more.
The two of you part of the plan that night was to go through the forest with the diamonds in pockets and find the rest of the Crows on the other side. You two would have to spend the night in that place. But all of Brekker's machinations were washed away by the treacherous and atrocious rain.
The only alternative was to run. Run to the direction where there was a small civilization and pray to find an inn or not die of hypothermia.
The angry drops of icy water were enough to steal Kaz's breath. Not because the cold was unbearable, but because his own demons, his past, were ghosts that gripped his ankles like monsters from horror stories. He didn't feel the rain, didn't feel the biting wind, Kaz just felt the sensation of the freezing, oppressive ocean drowning him. And for a second, when he looked at the small strip of fur on he wrist that wasn't hidden by his glove and coat, he swore he saw Jordie's dead skin in place of his.
He had to get out of there. But when the storm started, and Kaz run his eyes at you, your face wet from the rain, your skin constantly whipped by the cold droplets, and your cheeks extremely red from the cold, it made him gasp in a very different way. Blood pooled in your cheeks. Pulsing. Alive. He had to get you out of there.
Finding hiding places was one of his specialties, and he focused his mind entirely on it. When an inn came into view, a small relief rumbled in both of you. And Kaz looked in your direction to make sure you were okay. Alive.
As the receptionist gave the key from the last spare room to the two of you, Kaz couldn't help but feel that there was no longer any heat pulsing in your body. That made him feel miserable.
The night was cold. Unusually cool for the time of year.
"I don't think it's a good idea to carry out a robbery like that in these climatic temperatures." Inej said, walking down the stairs after Kaz "One of the Dregs caught a serious cold too while you were away."
Kaz had to be away for two days to sort out some matters of his own. Check some ship ports and finding out the weaknesses of some new merchants. And as much as he ordered his thoughts to focus solely on that purpose, he found himself daydreaming at certain times about…
"It got very serious after a few hours." Inej completed.
Kaz felt a trickle of worry trace his veins, tighten his throat But it wasn't for some bruteman of his Dregs. His source of concern was more serious, deeper, and for someone he didn't want to think about too much. Even though he told himself to keep every nerve in his body under control, in the end he was Kaz Brekker, he couldn't help but notice he picked up his pace to get faster to the live room that was strictly reserved for the Crows.
And when he walked in, following by Inej, the tree branches hit the windows, blown by the wind, tinkling. The cold was oppressive and biting, but not enough to stop Jesper from playing cards with Wylan, nor enough for Nina not to eat her candy and listen to Matthias tell of his people's legends. But the eyes of Kaz, that treacherous and treacherous organ, ran to you first. Magnetically, inevitably.
And he felt like he could breathe again.
The sight of you sitting on the black velvet sofa, with a book in your hands and your legs stretched out on the padded stool in front of you, calmed Kaz's heartbeat as nothing had ever done.
As much as he denies, in those two days his mind has swarmed over you more often than he thought wise. Brekker liked to justify that action with the fact that you were part of the gang. As close and important as Jesper or Inej. It was normal for him to be worried about the Dregs.
But why did he only see you? Why did the questions about your well-being and comfort stood out so much from any other concerns with others?
It was you. Always late at night, when Brekker was a sigh away from sleep. You were what someone he was thinking.
"Who is alive always appears." Nina announced he arrival and Kaz was pulled out of his reverie.
"Did you kill anyone these two days?" Jesper placed a letter on the table and Inej sat beside Nina.
Kaz left his hat on one of the dark marble tables. “Does it matter?"
There were other seats available in the room. A leather armchair next to the burning fireplace - Brekker were sure that you was controlling the temperature - an extra chair around the table where Jesper and Wylan were play, and a small divan beside Matthias. But Kaz sat beside you on the couch.
You marked the page with your finger, lowering the book gently. He didn't need to see the cover to know what it was. It was a romance clichéd eighteenth-century. He had given it to you before he left.
"Everything worked?" You smiled and Kaz had the feeling that he wanted to memorize that smile in a painting to always appreciate it.
"And doesn't always do?"
Even with the biting cold that wasn't stopped by the fireplace, Brekker could feel the heat from your body emanating, like a delicious temptation. You were always so hot. Bathed in the sun's rays. He didn't know if infernal grisha like you gave off so much heat too, because it was impossible for that to be human. Were so intense...delicious. Even with multiple layers of clothing, if Kaz approached you he could feel the warmth of a tropical pirate island.
Was that why he always unconsciously sat beside you? Why did you radiate so much causticity that it made Kaz forget about the ocean's cold? Why were you like a piece of life and Kaz felt dead for a long time?
Or was it because, heat or not, you were the only thing worth being around?
All the questions were too disturbing. And Kaz Brekker didn't want to know the answer.
Now, even climbing the stairs to the room beside you, Kaz couldn't feel anything radiating from you body. Just the cold. And he hated it with every force of his being.
You're not made to take the rain, felling deadly cold, or turn your lips a bluish hue.You were not made to be cold as a corpse, with muscles stiff and sore like a dead. You were not made to look like Jordie. You were meant to be alive. To look alive. Exhale the heat of the most ardent fire and heat a room just with your presence. You were meant to scare off Kaz's winter with your summer.
For a second, Kaz wanted to hug you to give you the warmth of his own body.
You felt exhausted. The remnants of what you once day were. Every inch of your body protested, aching and tearing at muscles. The cold, sharp water did you no good. You didn't know if it was were something of your species or a trait unique to you. But it didn't do any good to you. You hated looking so miserable in that appearance, especially in front of the one man you always wanted to look beautiful to. But at that moment you were in too much pain to worry so much about it.
As soon as Kaz had put the key in the doorknob, his gloved fingers stiff from the cold, what you expected to find was a cozy room, promising a heat shower and a good, well-deserved night's sleep. But that wasn't it. You stared at the wide double bed with white sheets, perplexed. Shock competed with your pain and put your brain to work, and all your breath lurked in throat as your realized the situation.
Oh my fucking God.
You didn't have to look at Kaz to feel his entire body be rigid, in a way far more potent than the effects the rain had caused. As if the prospect of sleeping next to you was more whorse than dying of hypothermia.
You closed your expression. Half because your mood was already bad and half because the rejection was brutal. You didn't expect your passionate feelings for Kaz to be returned, nor did you expect him to feel the same longing to be close to you as you felt for him. But no woman wanted to see that a man would rather die of hypothermia than share a bed with her. Even more if he was a man she was in love with.
You entered in room first, the pain in your body clouding your thoughts.
"Do you mind if I shower first?"
Your voice was weak, and you didn't have the heart to look at Kaz. He hissed a “no” that hung in the air, and that was the last thing you heard before closing yourself in the bathroom.
His heart was beating eerily fast in his chest. As loud as the thunder outside and as unsettling as the chill of rain. His breath began to burn heavily in his throat, and suddenly his entire body was fully aware of the situation.
One bed.
Even when he took the diamonds out of his pocket and placed them on a small table, even when you came out of the bathroom and he walked in, even as he basked in the hot water, his heart still pounded wildly. Like a generator.
Kaz Brekker liked puzzles, challenges. Of things he could unravel and understand. Piece by piece. He played to win and to cheat, and the world knelt at his feet before the insight of his mind. Still, he didn't know what to do. You were like a fascinating and maddening riddle. The one thing that, no matter how hard Kaz tried, could never unravel yours mysteries. Or maybe, just, what he would never be able to do was unravel what he felling whenever he was by your side.
His heartbeat grew stronger.
Brekker remembered every deck of cards, every card played. He could keep up with the distribution of up to five decks, unlock any lock, and devise the most insane plans. But he couldn't stop the way his soul trembled whenever he laid eyes on you.
In those moments, when you looked at Kaz like he was someone much better than he actually was, Kaz wanted to be good. He wanted to be born again to become a damn decent man. For you. He wished he didn't have his demons and erase his past. Because that way, when the sun's rays hit your face and you were close enough for your scent of happiness to flood his senses, Kaz wouldn't back down. He would lean down and seal his lips in yours with the promise of a glorious future.
His heart beat faster.
Why did he feel that his whole life was always suspended whenever he were away from you? And why did he have the feeling his life could change forever if he walked out that door?
Kaz turned off the shower. The heart running like a horse. He fished out the towel and wrapped it around his waist, finding a small hamper that held neat, folded pajamas for guests. He was surprised he didn't notice you in those pajamas. You made him lose focus.
As soon as he dressed and walked out of the bathroom, his eyes immediately went to your figure. Sitting on the bed, your legs under the covers, your hands clasped together in a cupped shape with a small, flare of fire burning in the center.
You looked up at Kaz. “I managed to do something to warm you up.”
The phrase was: No for warm me up. No for warm us up. For warm you up.
Kaz lost his breath and his soul trembled. The air felt different since he stepped out of the shower, not just from the recent gust of heat. But there was something else, something lyrical, pink and lush. Something...beautiful. He did not say anything. First because he didn't trust his own words and second because he didn't know what to say. He sat beside you, a considerable distance away, but this time his fear was that you would hear the loud, racing beat of his heart.
You turned gently towards him, reaching out your hands towards him, not noticing how his hands trembled as they stretched under the hot flame. Kaz swallowed hard.
He knew how weak and drained you were, but he also knew you were aware that he loathed cold. Hated icy water. You didn't know the depth of his traumas, but the fact that you cared to the point that you were willing to use your last shred of strength to end his torment was something that reverberated in his soul.
You two didn't say anything else after that. After Kaz removed his hands from the flame, you understood that as the end of your two interactions. You two shared a mutual answer that neither would sleep on the floor. You two were adults and in no condition to be lashed by any colder.
The night moon bathed the dark room with lights in distilled silver, almost flickering through the windswept tree branches. You were back-to-back, blankets pulled up to your shoulders, breathing gently quickened. As exhausted as you two were, neither of you could sleep.
Suddenly, the whole atmosphere in room seemed to change. Like a private, enchanted piece of the world. The wind howled softly, on a calm note. The rain was still falling in torrents, but now it seemed to be adopted in a passionate tone. As if it had fulfilled its purpose and now hovered in the world with a romantic veil of water. Stars shining bright above the bedroom window, glittering like hundreds of tiny diamonds, accompanied by moonlight. Although the light was dim, it seemed to capture the lyrical essence, seem to whisper “Dream a little dream of me.”
Everything felt different, like the two of you had entered a rift in the world. A part inhabited romance, pure magic, love.
Your soul shivered, and as much as you could never prove it, you felt that Kaz's soul shivered too. Your breath hitched, burning in lungs, your body seized by a caustic tingle that snaked through every inch.
You didn't know why, but your body shifted gently on the bed, turning slightly towards the ceiling. The racing pulse in your veins. A second felt like an eternity. Kaz's body moved too, and you knew, just knew, that he was looking at the ceiling too.
Two hearts beating in the same time. Synchronized. And, by some magic or deity, you two knew that your heartbeat would never again beat another way. Always connected.
Your body moved a little more, now on belly up. And Kaz's seemed to do the same move, even without seeing you or your movements. His chest rising and falling with intensity. The rain calmed outside, turning the symphony of droplets hitting the roof into mysterious, passionate music. As if the world were plotting a whispering favor for you two.
Kaz could feel your body heat radiating once more, grazing his skin with rays of sunlight. Everything in that bedroom became poignant and intense and lyrical, inflicting sensations on him that Kaz never thought existed before. Later, it would be a shock for him to see that he was at the mercy of his own passions. Overcome by sensations that robbed him of control of his body. Later he would think about it. Later.
His soul tingled, sending gusts of heat from the inside out. The feeling was that, after 28 years of deep sleep, he had awakened. Awake. Alive.
His body moved once more, now completely on belly up. Kaz didn't have to look at you to know that you too had placed yourself in the same position. It was as if he felt the movements of your soul. His pulse was racing now, hot and boiling in his blood. And Kaz wondered if all the money in the world would bring half the sensations he was feeling right now.
What was he so afraid all this time? That question echoed through all the corridors of his soul. And Brekker feared for the answer. What kept him from having everything he craved?
Money? Pekka? Jordie's ghost and the cold ocean? Kaz feared never touching you any more than he feared his demons? Was that why he always walked away from you? Why was wanting to slide his fingers into your hot skin and not being able to fell you, be worse than any sensation he'd ever felt? Because, maybe, admitting it can change everything?
His breath hitched.
Would it be worse to be alone for the rest of his life? Doomed and cursing to a fate of revenge, death and red hate? Or, even worse for his heart, finding a girl with lovely eyes, sunny smiles and the smell of happiness? A girl that made him laugh, come out of his hiding. You. What do he will do with that? What if you open up the door that he can't close it? And If when you hold he and his heart is set in motion?
Would that be so bad? No.
His body became very aware of the approximation it was on to your. Your heat radiating into his. For some reason, Kaz was sure you was in the same condition as he was. Sharing the same feelings. The same passion hidden for so long.
Kaz should have thought of his brother, of revenge against Pekka Rollins, of the cold of the ocean. He should have weighed of his own traumas. Instead, he thought: What if I get a little closer?
The result of this was his fingertips brushing yours. And he knew the exact moment your heart sped up even more. Because his followed the same beat. Maybe following yours for the rest of his life.
You brought your eyes to him, calmly, as if that moment might disintegrate. and the world seemed suspended in that moment. Kaz slid his eyes to you as well, sharing sensations and emotions that didn't need to be put into words. It was all there, in the gaze.
His fingers crept higher, going to your hand, and plunging his touch - and his soul - into that contact. All your heat was too strong. Too intense. Doing Kaz wouldn't be able to think or feel, for the first few minutes, about anything but light, heat, summer and…happiness.
That's when you gave him a shaky, emotional smile. I would do anything for you. That's what that smile said. And Kaz answered, his hand tight with yours before letting go. Me too.
- -
As the sun's rays, shy and buttery, flooded the bedroom in soft color, Kaz's eyelids fluttered. The sound of birds reached his ears, and the scent of flowers and happiness invaded his nose.
It was nothing like waking up in Ketterdam.
That thought back him to reality. A reality in which he had stolen many diamonds, taken the rain and had to share the calm. A reality where Kaz Brekker touched you.
Kaz opened his eyes immediately, his heart racing again. He looked frantically around the room, past the simple furniture, the closed bathroom door, the window where the light came in, and then looked to his side on the bed. That's when he realized what position he was in.
His soul heated up.
You had your back to him, your hair spread out on the white pillow, your back showing by your pajama top, your shoulder rising and falling softly with your resonant breathing. You were close. Very close. And Kaz finds, perplexed, that he is facing you. One arm rests around your waist, over the thick blankets, in an intimate and…romantic gesture.
He lost his breath. His warm, hope-shining soul whispered to him: what if it was like this every day? What if he woke up with you by his side forever? What if in time he learned to be a decent man? Trying to be normal?
Would Kaz do this for you?
You shifted in bed, turning onto his side, front for him, snuggling deeper under his touch and moving closer, as if Kaz were your oasis in the desert. No skin was actually touching, your breath hit his warm chest, and if Kaz lowered his lips even further, he could feel your lips on his.
Yes. He would.
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thekatebridgerton · 3 years
From the soulmate AU list: Could I request Eloise and Phillip with prompt 22. “You share a dream with your soulmate when you’re both asleep.” Please and thank you!!
I am not writing a full fanfic about this because I don't have the time and energy write a whole drabble. But this ask is the oldest in my inbox and deserves to be answered. So you're at least getting a drabble written in the form of bullet points. Because it's the best I can do today
Phillip begins sharing dreams with Eloise the first time his father hits him after the death of his mother. Eloise begins sharing dreams with Phillip when her father dies. So the dream sharing is triggered by their life's most traumatic event ( btw: can't imagine what Benedict is dreaming about)
Phillip only tells his brother about the dreams, about the little girl who lost her daddy and thinks his father is a monster for hitting him. And George tells him about Marina, who is always sad in his dreams except when he's around
Eloise tells all her sisters and Penelope about the quiet nerdy older boy in her dreams, she never shuts up about it. She doesn't know who or where he is but he's awkward and he's hers and she's going to find him one day. ( Anthony and Colin make fun of her but only Benedict gets it)
They continue to share dreams all trough their teenage years and because Phillip is older than her, in their dreams he teaches her all that he's learning in the university. Whatever his soulmate wants to know he will learn it and tell her.
Phillip graduates from Eton as a top scholar thanks to being motivated by Eloise.
Eloise in turn shows him her family in their shared dreams, she shows him London and Bridgerton house and all the shannanigans she gets up to with ABC. She shows Phillip what a united family looks like and then Phillip goes and tells his brother George what he's learned from his soulmate in his dreams.
They perfect their shooting aim at the same time.
When Eloise confides that she wants to travel like Colin but she can't because she's a woman, Phillip goes on a botany tour after university. With the excuse that George joined the army. He tells her one day he's going to bring her with him
He shows her a world filled with exotic fauna and beauty in their shared dreams. Eloise in turn learns how to garden
Eloise begins her first season, They start making plans to meet. Somehow.
But George dies in the battlefield.
Phillip's side of the dreamscape turns grey. He doesn't want to see Eloise. He just wants to dream about his brother
Eloise rejects her first two marriage proposals...
Phillip finds George's pregnant soulmate and marries her to honor his brother last wish
Eloise is heartbroken, they find a way to stop sharing dreams.
Time goes on and slowly they begin sharing a dream or two every year. Phillip sees Eloise live her life as a would be spinster in London. Eloise sees Phillip taking care of the vague shadow of what seems to be a woman and 2 small children
Benedict and Francesca get married in the same year... Eloise starts gardening again. Phillip hears his children's first words.
Penelope never asks about her soulmate. And Eloise never pries about hers. So they start planning their lives out as spinsters
Phillip deals with Marina's slow decline into something he's too afraid to talk about. He's afraid to get close to his children. To hurt them. He hurt someone once. She was loud and colorful and happy. He doesn't want to hurt his children.
His life is grey, his dreams are grey. He forgets what his soulmate looked like when they shared dreams
And then Marina dies.
Penelope never got to visit her. Penelope cries. Eloise doesn't know how to comfort Penelope, (who feels she could have done more to make up for her mistakes towards her cousin, when they were both too young) Eloise has forgotten all the history Marina had with Colin and Penelope. It happened before her first season. She's older now, she understands womanhood better now. She understands why Penelope cries and why the news hits Daphne hard too.
So Eloise Bridgerton picks up a pen, and writes a note of condolences. To Marina's widower. To the man who married a pregnant young woman when he really didn't have to. She barely knew Marina, but Penelope knew her and that's enough for Eloise. So she writes the note, she tells him she's sorry for his loss. And hopes he and his children can be happy eventually.
She presses dried forget me nots to the letter. Adds a postcript for Phillip Crane to put some in Marina's grave.
She never expects him to answer back... But he does, this time he sends a lone dried hydrangea. Thanking her for her sympathies and for the flowers
They begin to exchange letters. They keep exchanging dried flowers
They don't notice that they begin sharing dreams again. Not when they both think they're just dreaming about their mysterious pen pal. The woman in London who is friends with Marina's cousin and the countryside widower who is afraid to get close to his children
Months pass. Colin starts paying too much attention to Penelope.
Eloise complains in her letters.
Phillip asks her if she believes that her brother and Penelope could be soulmates. He remembers Marina's cousin Penelope, he always thought she was the nicer Featherington. He hoped she would marry a good man.
Eloise investigates, Colin affirms, Penelope denies. Colin and Penelope are hiding something.
Her next letter asks Phillip if he believes in soulmates.
He replies with a brief tale of a soulmate who dissapeared from his dreamscape...And a lone dried Hyacinth 'my soulmate's favorite flower are Hyacinths, they brought her mother out of her grief when her father died and she loves them...so I found a new breed just for her and brought it to England, hoping one day the gesture might recommend me to her mother'
Eloise reads the letter the day Colin announces his engagement to Penelope. (She misses out on the dramatic reveal of Lady Whistledown)
Phillip starts dreaming in color again. He wakes up quite late.. there's a lady banging at the door of Romney Hall.
He's seen those eyes before.... He could always get lost in those eyes.
And Eloise is home
An: well look at that, it did end up looking like a drabble. I'm impressed with myself. Did you like it???
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Marcus Álvarez x Reader
Anon asked: Hi! Cloud I please request a Marcus Álvarez x Reader where they both used the hate each other and then go through a traumatic experience and are forced to work together to survive. Will there hate turn into friendship or something more?
Word Count: 1.4k
Author comments: This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif isn't mine, credits to the author.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You have lost the count of how many hits your body has received. Feeling the metallic flavor of blood inside your mouth, and some of it drying all around your face, neck and chest, you're about to fall unconscious. You can hear like a distant echo Marcus calling you, trying to maintain you awake. The tears getting intermingle with the thick red liquid, your arms hanged from the rooftop, grabbed by two heavy chains tangled in your wrists. And your feet barely reach the ground, using your sleepy tiptoes because of the pain.
“Hey, niña, stay with me!”
“I ca—can't…” You cry pitching forward, and your eyelids playing you a dirty trick.
“You're doing it very well, you hear me…? Stay with me, (Y/N)”. He begs then like never before.
You try to nod, feeling how your neck is already affected too because of the affliction, trying to turn it to El Padrino. He is some meters away from you. Same position. Blood and saliva all around himself. You don't know how many time has passed since the black SUV threw you out of the road, before tie your hands and cover your heads to force you to lie down inside the truck.
“You're fucking strong, you hear me? And you have to stay awake, just a little more. Will you do it for me, ah?”
“I will…” You say almost in a whisper, swallowing and drawing a painful gesture because of the pain running through every inch of your face.
Let's be clear, after telling him once that you wouldn't ask him for help even if you were dying, now you know how much wrong you were. You wish he shoot you right now to finish with this suffering. Some broken ribs and also two fingers, several hits to your face, to your stomach, kicks to your back and some very slight cuts under your collarbone. You just want to die, that's a fact. If they thought you could give them a shit of the Mayans, it's because they don't know you. And using Marcus to do it faster is even more wrong. What kind of mercenary doesn't study his prey before catch them?
You have never had a good relationship with El Padrino. Not because your work as mechanic isn't good, totally the opposite. But because you're a woman, and you shouldn't be part of ‘men businesses’, referring to the counted occasions you have had to help Bishop with shipments to Nevada. You have a good aim, and you know how to ride a bike, what else do you need? Now, Marcus is seeing why his primo taught you everything you know today, since he kicked out your ass from streets to give you a better life. A job, a house and a family. You're not going to lose it for being a sneak.
“Where's the Galindo's warehouse?” A man with a spooky mask and a strong northern Cali accent grabs your throat with a hand.
You're not a pretty smart ass at this point of your agony, so the most intelligent thing you do is spit on his face, only making him feels angrier.
“I'm going to teach you a little education, bitch”.
When you want to realize, your body has fallen to the floor as a dead weight, after two men have released the roof hook. The one who was asking you tangles his right hand in your hair, dragging you in front of the other mexican. What's happens next is a loud falling into the hot flames of hell, between pleadings and bawls, while Marcus tries to free himself to help you.
“See? That's what he cares about you”. A man close to your face laughs, with your body engulfed in a shock where you finally feel nothing but tiredness, between kicks right to your abdomen, ribs and back. “Where's the warehouse, Álvarez?! Tell me or we will going to do it until she's dead!”
You want to tell him to not do it, to keep silence, but you can't even breathe well. How it's supposed you're going to talk? Your brain is so drained that the darkness is wrapping you between heat and ache, closing your eyes inevitably while your body continues shaking without wanting. But before you can faint, you hear somewhat similar to a shoot. Feeling warm drops splashing your face.
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The mattress sinks slightly under your weight, rolling over it to the side you don't feel any pain. Your breathing is quite, relaxed and constant. Your lungs get flood by a strong masculine essence known to you. But you're too shocked yet, to connect the dots.
“I'm not… shit… Ma-Mayans”. You mutter with dry mouth, trying to swallow some saliva to lubricate it. “Fam—Family… My family…”
Five long fingers get tangled with yours, feeling soft kisses on your cheeks. You're crying again, sleepy, without strength to open your eyes. But you try to shake your body, free yourself from him.
“Kill me… I wi—will not… Mayans…” You utter somewhat loud, moving your free hand to the other body close to yours. “Family…”
“Rest, princesa”. Bishop's voice interrupts you with a smooth and carefully tone in it. “You're at home”.
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The room is somewhat dark, but you can recognize it easily, as soon as your eyes finally can be opened. Without moving a single inch of your anatomy, you discover Marcus lying on the nearest sofa covered by different bandages and stitches in his bruised face. You're pretty sure that you must look like him, fucked up and destroyed physically. He notices you're awake by turning his head to you. The mexican doesn't say anything, feeling his body tensing because of the guilty, keeping the dark orbs above you. He's not even sure what he should do, hesitating for a second before sitting up and nailing his elbows on the lap covered by a pair of clean sweatpants. His hands on his head, with it falling down.
Not even your sarcasm could make you smile for a second, just wanting to know that the crew already killed those demons. The man stands up, walking with weak steps to the bed, lying by a side while you give him your back. In holy silence, Marcus wraps your body with his strong arms, pushing you closer into them. His head resting on the pillow, closing his eyes and feeling he can finally breathe relaxed. You sigh heavily, getting a little more comfortable under his grip being conscious that he's the only one allowed to touch you right now. The only one who understands your pain. And the only one who will can repair it somehow.
“I will protect you until the end of my life”. He whispers noticeably tired, sad and disappointed.
And what you couldn't expect is hearing him crying behind you, sinking his face between your skin and the pillow. Turning your body over the bed, you take him in your arms too, facing him for a second. You try to clean his tears with your bandaged fingers, while he melts into the guilt. It's not his fault. It's not Mayans'. And, obviously, it's not yours. You're not going to pretend that nothing happened, because this is something that happens every day, everywhere. In you reside the strength to face it, to fight against it. And it's something you're not going to forget, never, not even trying it with all your efforts. But you will not turn it into a weakness, but into a fortress. Marcus must do it too.
“I'll protect you too”.
You say then, caressing the back of his head slowly, closing your eyes again. You want to fall asleep, and you know you're only going to do it being close to him. The man holds you tightly, pressing his lips on your forehead in a dearly kiss, touching after that your skin with the tip of his nose.
“I am sure about this, niña”.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
2: I will figure it out eventually and that's a promise.
3: Watson is aboustely heart broken and near tears multiple times as well hearing Ran in so much distress and actually crying. Jackie does cry, he attempts multiple times to hug Ran and make it known he's there to comfort him, but it only works sometimes, and when it doesn't work Ran gets scared and tries to get away believing an attacker has gotten him. Grievous is almost like silently grieving, knowing he can't do anything to help his close friend. Cletus feels bad, and since he isnt too good with emotions, focuses on instead attempting to cheer everyone else up. Isaac and Benjamin feel awful as they feel at fault for letting it happen, so to hopefully help they make plans on how to make Ran as comfortable and safe as can be while also getting him to a nearby town they heard about to hopefully reverse it. Charles is doing his damn best to comfort Ran while also distracting him from his own thoughts, which mostly means Charles (and Watson) play the role of story teller for a while. Ranbob is the hardest hit by it, he's suffering so much because he so badly just wants to go over and hug his little brother and comfort him, tell him that it'll all be ok and that Bobby would protect him. But also knows he can't because he knows that would most likely do nothing but make it worse. For a while he spends his time blocking his ears and wrapped in a comfort blanket trying to comfort himself, as everyone else tend to his suffering brother. One thing that makes it harder is that Ran begins to purr to himself in a vain attempt to comfort himself (cause I personally like to think Enderman hybrids are like cats and purr like them, when their happy, content, comfortable, but also to soothe themselves and heal wounds), when Ranbob knows Ran's never purred, so knowing he's so desperate to try it now hurts him. 
You will get some comfort, like Watson manages to convince Ranbob to at least hug Ran, and Ranbob manages to purr alongside Ran a bit, which does actually help to calm Ran down. Ran getting wrapped up with the fluffiest blanket they have and always having Watson, Jackie, or Grievous by his side. With Jackie tending to hold his hand. 
4: All of the above. Sudden touch can be overwhelming to Ranbob at times, especially when he's not doing well mentally. Also while in this state, touch reminds him of the desperate grabbing and touching of the people he killed that tried to escape or fend him off. And Dream was able to hurt Ranbob by starving and dehydrating him of course, but when Ranbob was being particularly disobedient and tried to fight back Dream would often take control and cut or stab Ranbob then gave back control as punishment. 
10: It does get better! Idk if I already said but Kelalen is actually where they get the antidote for Rans blindness potion! And when their given it for free and it works, they become very grateful to Adler and Lucia (the one who actually convinced Adler to give them the potion in the first place cause it was the only one left). And a few days after they arrive they actually decide to explore the town, where they meet Siren and get more information on Dream and who he was, they also get their weapons and armor repaired by them. But while talking with Siren, Cletus and Grievous sneak off and run into Atlas, then Cletus and Grievous agree to help Atlas with his prank. But by the end of their second week in Kelalen the group starts to truly enjoy their stay, Ranbob often saying how it kind of reminds him of Mizu before everything happened. 
12: Thats funny though and is exactly how I'd want to be seen.
Also my friend has a message for you, "HahA THEY BETTER THANK ME I SET THEM UP FOR MORE MISERY 😈😈 /j" (I wanna be safe so if you don't know /j means that their joking)
14: Im not doing Foolish and Dream brothers because I personally don't like/get it. But I was thinking maybe they meet Foolish after Mripat tells them that there was a member of the SMP who was said to be a god and immortal. And after some long conversations they decide to go hunt for this apparently immortal god. Which takes a while since no one actually knows where he is, just that he likes deserts, and have to go off possible sightings or hints in history books. And when they finally meet him they manage to learn about totems (which they previously didn't know about) and even get some. They also learn that infact even during the SMP time no one quite knew what Dream was, and learns the ways the SMP tried to permanently get rid of him. Foolish is also devastated to know that Dream infact survived and becomes determined to help them. Even offering his help that if they ever go back to Mizu to face Dream, he'll come along and help in anyway he can. 
15: I like to imagine Edward remembers Ranboo as the young troubled enderman that he basically adopted and took care of. So Edward sees Ranboo in both Ran and Ranbob, so he offers his help and advice. Basically becoming their Grandad, telling stories about everything he's seen. Especially about Ranboo because Ranbob is so curious about his ancestor he just cant help but ask. One convo I've been particularly thinking about goes something like, "Edward: Older one, what do you think your brother thinks about you? Ranbob: I..I think he doesnt like me, and that he wants me gone. Edward: Hmm, your wrong. Ranbob: What? Edward: When I look at Ran, I see a child, not an adult yet, scarred, scared and traumatized. A child that wishes you two were closer, that he could forgive you and wants to believe you, just so you two could be family again. But is afraid too, for he already has a family, that he is terrified of losing, and is scared if he attempts to trust you again that they may leave him. But make no mistake, your brother wants to make amends, your brother cares about you and wants you happy. He knows deep down that he can trust you, and that you are innocent, but you all must help him acknowledge those parts, and stand by him, helping him walk when needed, as he traverses his own nightmares." AKA I really want Edward to be the reason Ranbob realizes that Ran does want to be family again but needs help. Cause if I had to describe the brothers current positions with their trauma it'll be, Ranbob-Knows he has trauma and is trying to get better and live with it, willingly getting help. Ran-Is fucking drowning in trauma cause he refuses to acknowledge he has it and hides it well most of the time, also doesn't ask for help. 
2: I fear the day.
3: Hahaha, ow, ow, ow. That, overall, is...heartbreaking. At the same time though, it’s sweet to see everyone pitching in to do their best and help him. We got it with Ranbob, now we get it with Ran.
I am curious, though. From what you’ve said, Blindness potions don’t wear off immediately? Why’s that?
4: *Chants* Please punch Dream. Please punch Dream. Please punch Dream. How do the fishermen deal with this, and help Ranbob?
10: Oh, god, Ran’s blind when they arrive in town. That’s definitely a high tension situation. Not only have you got him out of commission, but everyone else high strung from it, and probably having their protective instincts in overdrive when they randomly get treated hostilely. What exactly does an antidote for blindness consist of? Do most potions have antidotes, or counters? Is milk no longer used, or is that not a thing in the AU? It does sound nice that they all end up making friends later on though. How does Ran adjust to having his sight back? And, y’know, having everyone see him like that, and his brother comfort him(if they aren’t on good terms at this point, the timeline’s confusing me a bit)
12: Throughout this conversation, every time I read something sad, the image struck me, and honestly, it’s what you deserve. If these keeps up, I’m gonna start inserting these little 🏹s every time you hurt my heart. 
13: I’m being conspired against. Does everyone see this? Brothers Anon and their friend are conspiring to break my heart. Such gremlins. What did I ever do to you two?
Also, you can tell your friend that from this point on, I will closely associate them with a tiny, purple, cackling imp. 
14: Huh. Why do they want to find Foolish? Curiosity? To learn more about the Smp? About Dream? Sounds like it has a lot of potential to be quite the interesting encounter. And, since they didn’t previously know about the totems, they probably wouldn’t notice if one activated in a certain situation where it’s popped...do with that what you will.
15: Anon, I love all of this. Tell me more about Grandpa Edward. Does he fondly look back to Ranboo being polite and quiet while Ranbob and Ran cause havoc in the background? Does he bake them snacks and tell them about Ranboo’s adventures, and how much he loved to mine-which, in hindsight, is kind of funny, considering you just mentioned that so few people follow Skeppy because of the mining, but apparently their ancestor did that thing for fun.
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Hey I was just wondering on your interpretation of Jonerys in the books? Because according to the bad leaks we will get Jon killing Dany, but in the book version its pretty clear that these two will marry and I don't necessarily see how those two things jive with each other, unless we get a literal repeat of the Azor Ahai/Nissa Nissa bs with them🤷🏼‍♀️ Thoughts? Because I have given up hope for the show and need some reassurance on the books after reading all of them plus the history books,,
Look, anon. Even in the fucking show these two have been paralleled to death - in a way that inextricably links their lives together, as seen here and here and here. When you learn that when Ian McElhinney (Barristan Selmy) confronted D&D about how he thought it was too early to kill off his character, it made them want to kill him more, out of spite… it makes it pretty clear what D&D are doing.
In their effort to adhere to shock and subversion… they’ve left mounds of unused foreshadowing all over the place (I’m still working on a master post of unused foreshadowing and plot elements). As you might’ve guessed, Jonerys foreshadowing is among those casualties - such as Dany mentioning she may have to enter in a political marriage at the end of season 6 before setting sail for Westeros, or the four different instances that challenge Dany’s belief that she can’t have children, that her family hasn’t seen its end, and that Longclaw will go to Jon’s children after him. As of right now, none of the leaks indicate that any of this meant anything other than dialogue filler. If it was never intended to amount to anything, then the writers should not have included these lines at all, especially in a show that was cut down from ten episodes to seven. Way, way too much emphasis was put on challenging the notion Daenerys can’t have children. It’s what a good writer might call ‘trimming the fat’ from the story, otherwise, it does nothing but muddy up the story unnecessarily.
Jonerys aside, D&D have killed so much foreshadowing in the series just to make a shocking ending (which by the way, makes no sense at all). I was flabbergasted when I read this quote from 2013:
When I asked Benioff and Weiss if it was possible to infer any overall intentionality to the upcoming 10 episodes, they sneered. “Themes are for eighth-grade book reports,” Benioff told me.
Uh, what?
As you may have seen, I already recently covered why Jon shouldn’t care so much about the incest aspect - in the comments I received, there was a great point about how Jon has borderline romantic feelings toward his cousin Arya (who he believes is his half-sister), tending to think of her when he wonders what his love interest’s (Ygritte) body looks like under all those clothes. In the original outline for the series, Jon and Arya were supposed to end up together or at least be involved in a love triangle with Tyrion.
As you see, in the books, Daenerys has already been groomed for the reality of being wedded to her brother, so her nephew won’t be some grand depature from this. She’s a dragonrider, and if the shows are to be believed, Jon will be, too - and if the majority of fans are to be believed, then there might be something magical about Targaryen blood that makes them different or unique or magical, hence the incest.
When you look at just how finely crafted this book series by GRRM is… it makes it really hard to believe that he’d throw out all of his foreshadowing for shock value.
“It’s easy to do things that are shocking or unexpected, but they have to grow out of characters. They have to grow out of situations. Otherwise, it’s just being shocking for being shocking.”—George R. R. Martin
I think we can all agree that season eight of Game of Thrones is all about futility, shock, nihilism. So, check out this quote:
Q: Early on, one critic described the TV series as bleak and embodying a nihilistic worldview, another bemoaned its “lack of moral signposts.” Have you ever worried that there’s some validity to that criticism?
A: No. That particular criticism is completely invalid. Actually, I think it’s moronic. My worldview is anything but nihilistic.—George R. R. Martin
It was George who said we’d get a bittersweet ending, not D&D. It was George who said he wanted a LotR-style ending, not D&D.
While there are many conflicting quotes out there about GRRM’s ending vs. D&D’s… This recent article published right after episode 3 had some interesting lines:
“Of course you have an emotional reaction. I mean, would I prefer they do it exactly the way I did it? Sure. It can also be… traumatic. Because sometimes their creative vision and your creative vision don’t match, and you get the famous creative differences thing — that leads to a lot of conflict.”—George R. R. Martin
My interpretation currently is that yes, Jonerys is real in the books…
(just as it was in the fucking show until they decided to abandon all preestablished groundwork and foundation) …and has been thoroughly foreshadowed - and not in a tragic way.
First of all, the series is called ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ - while this stands for many things from literal to metaphorical, I’d say it absolutely encompasses Jon and Dany. I have some very unpopular ideas that ice actually represents Daenerys and fire, Jon. Whether or not I’m right about that, we have some hints that Jon will ultimately accept his Targaryen identity…
Subtle clue about who he is, in one of his true house’s colors:
“The next time I see you, you’ll be all in black.”Jon forced himself to smile back. “It was always my color.”
He idolizes historical Targaryens:
“Daeren Targaryen was only fourteen when he conquered Dorne,” Jon said. The Young Dragon was one of his heroes.
He’d pretend to be Targaryens while playing as a child:
“I’m Prince Aemon the Dragonknight,” Jon would call out.
For Daenerys, we get this curious line:
“Mother of dragons, bride of fire…”
Bride could also be metaphorical in some way, sure, but let’s just say it’s literal. Jon is the dragon, the fire.
Okay, so for the books, I’ll try to hit the bullet points:
First and foremost, the pair are incredibly similar, both stepping into positions of rule after immersing themselves into a foreign culture, adapting to their way of life before making allies. Both Jon and Daenerys make grave mistakes while wielding power, and they learn from their mistakes. They’re being shaped into rulers.
Both fall in love, yet still feel alone:
“Her captain slept beside her, yet she was alone.” / "Even with Ygritte sleeping beside him, he felt alone.“
Daenerys dreams of her lover:
“It was never Jorah Mormont she dreamed of; her lover was always younger and more comely, though his face remained a shifting shadow.”
Jon is described as a shadow:
“A shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain.” / “He would be condemned to be an outsider, the silent man standing in the shadows”
Daenerys also dreams of life as a wife and mother:
“In her dream they had been man and wife, simple folk who lived a simple life in a tall stone house with a red door.”
Both dream of children they will never have:
“I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms.” / "I will never have a little girl.“
From Jon’s first chapter, there are hints that Benjen knows his identity and that family might someday be important to Jon:
"You don’t know what you’re asking, Jon. The Night’s Watch is a sworn brotherhood. We have no families. None of us will ever father sons. Our wife is duty. Our mistress is honor. You are a boy of fourteen, not a man, not yet. Until you have known a woman, you cannot understand what you would be giving up.”
“I don’t care about that!” Jon said hotly.
“You might, if you knew what it meant,” Benjen said. “If you knew what the oath would cost you, you might be less eager to pay the price, son.”
We have those quotes from Maester Aemon, that hint that Jon might choose love or a child over duty:
“What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms … or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.”
While yes, Aemon hints that it is both glory and tragedy, we’re coming off a long, long line of tragic Targaryen love stories - the difference here being that one of these Targaryens is out to break the wheel that destroyed so many of these star-crossed, doomed Targaryens loves (Rhaegar/Lyanna, Duncan/Jenny, Daemon/Daenerys, Aemon/Naerys, etc).
Blue roses are linked to Lyanna Stark or even House Stark in general. In a vision, Daenerys sees:
“A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness.”
Meanwhile, there is foreshadowing that Dany will help Jon’s effort against the white walkers with lines like these:
“He might as well wish for another thousand men, and maybe a dragon or three.”
Daenerys, herself, has a weird moment with some ants while she wakes in the Dothraki Sea, brushing them off of her body as they swarm over a wall:
“To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros. The biggest wall in all the world, her brother Viserys used to say, as proud as if he’d built it himself.”
Around the same time, Jon is killed, whispering to his wolf:
“Ghost,” he whispered. Pain washed over him. He gave a grunt and fell face-first into the snow. He never felt the fourth knife. Only the cold…
Meanwhile, after ‘opening her third eye’ with some berries, Daenerys hears the call of a wolf all the way over in Essos:
“Off in the distance, a wolf howled. The sound made her feel sad and lonely.”
We can extrapolate that this is, in fact, Ghost… as first, there don’t seem to be wolves in the Dothraki Sea, but also this line from Bran also provides context:
“Here in the chill damp darkness of the tomb his third eye had finally opened. He could reach Summer whenever he wanted, and once he had even touched Ghost and talked to Jon.”
Now that we know Jon’s true name (at least according to the show), this curious line from Daenerys also hints she might marry Jon:
“A crown should not sit easy on the head. One of her royal forebears had said that, once. Some Aegon, but which one? Five Aegons had ruled the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. There would have been a sixth, but the Usurper’s dogs had murdered her brother’s son when he was still a babe at the breast. If he had lived, I might have married him.”
Meanwhile, Jon is infatuated with Val, a woman who sounds an awful lot like a precursor to Daenerys, who is a warrior woman with silver-pale hair… Jon is also reminded of Val’s hips and breasts and that she’s 'well made for whelping children’…
“The light of the half-moon turned Vals honey-blond hair a pale silver and left her cheeks as white as snow. She took a deep breath. The air tastes sweet.”
“Lonely and lovely and lethal, Jon Snow reflected, and I might have had her.”
“A warrior princess, he decided, not some willowy creature who sits up in a tower, brushing her hair and waiting for some knight to rescue her.”
As for GRRM, he told a helpful clue to director Alan Taylor circa season one of Game of Thrones:
“Anyways, he alluded to the fact that Jon and Dany were the point, kind of. That, at the time, there was a huge, vast array of characters, and Jon was a lowly, you know, bastard son. So it wasn’t clear to us at the time, but he did sort of say things that made it clear that the meeting and the convergence of Jon and Dany were sort of the point of the series. So, I was happy that a big step forward was taken in the episode I got to do this season is where he has fallen for her both, you know, emotionally and politically I think.”
But that’s not all. I did write a meta about the mother goddess Danu and her parallels with Dany - and this, to me, rings much more true to who Daenerys is in the books rather than whatever impostor is parading around in Dany’s skin on screen in season eight.
There is a lot of proof that GRRM puts a LOT of thought and detail into his books - even down to the Starks ‘howling’ and ‘growling’ and the Lannisters ‘roaring’. I’ve uncovered a cool trend where many of the names he assigns to characters reflect their numerological gemstone house colors - and the names he chooses all shed some light on the characters they are given to, such as Bran meaning ‘raven’ or Sandor meaning ‘defender of man’ or Gendry meaning ‘son-in-law’.
I’ve done a lot of thinking about these things, and I just cannot see GRRM throwing out all of his foreshadowing or all of the clever little things he’s been hinting at since book once, all for the sake of shock value or subverting expectations… That’s not his style and he speaks out against it.
Bearing that in mind, the clear mad queen is Cersei, who shares virtually every parallel to Aerys Targaryen - the way she tortures parent and child chained just out of reach from one another, the way torture sexually excites her, the way she was tortured into madness, and straight down to her wildfire use. Daenerys better fits the archetype of an anti-hero rather than a straight villain. With only two books left and still no signs of madness… I just don’t see it going down this way in the books.
As for whatever just happened with Daenerys, I’ve been given a compelling argument that in the books, as she squares off with (f)Aegon Targaryen, or, Young Griff, in an effort to expose the Mummer’s Dragon, she might accidentally set off these wildfire traps that make her look just like her father, and perhaps she even goes a little mad with grief.
Especially considering that ASOIAF is so heavily based on Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, which share countless parallels, such as:
Norn (White foxes)  → The Others (White walkers)
Sithi (Dawn children) → Singers (Children of the forest)
Witchwood  → Weirwood
The Storm King → Night’s King
Ineluki → Azor Ahai
Sorrow → Lightbringer
Black iron → Dragonglass
Nisse → Nissa Nissa
Hayholt Castle → Winterfell Castle
Green Angel Tower → Winterfell Crypts
Simon Snowlock (secret heritage) → Jon Snow
Princess Miriamele (disguised as a boy) → Arya Stark
Warring brothers King Elias/Josua → Stannis/Renly
Tailed star → Red comet
Black priest Pryrates → Red priest Melisandre
Daenerys is suspected to be the Princess Maegwin figure, a woman who “is forced to watch as forces conquer her people and is eventually driven to madness in her desperation to save them.”
You make a good point about Fire & Blood and ASOIAF prehistory, too. Aside from the doomed Targaryen love stories I mentioned earlier, we get another history book that basically gives us a rundown of various Targaryen ladies who never got to be queen. I’d say this book has a strong feminist message - and might even hint that the last vestige of House Targaryen just might accomplish what her foremothers could not - finally becoming the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
Lastly, I’ll leave you with a clip from the man, himself, about Dany:
“From my mother’s stories, I always had this kind of sense that I was like disinherited royalty. Here was this dock that my great-grandfather built - it wasn’t ours anymore. Here was this house that my mother had been born in - we didn’t own this house anymore. We didn’t own any house, we had an apartment. So it was like, ugh, I came from greatness - like Dany! And I will take back what is mine with Fire and Blood! I think on some level, that must’ve gotten to me.”—George R. R. Martin
I could be wrong about all of this, of course… but that’s my current take. 🤷
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yaboymercury · 5 years
Gassy Lessons - Second class: Maths
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It had been about a week since Jay's incident with Mr Stevens and he'd trying to avoid him since but everytime he would see the teacher he would get a little smirk which quite honestly scared the student at what it could mean.
While Jay was usually average at most of his subjects, Maths was a struggle for him and because of that he was usually part of a catch up tutor group, and since he was redoing the year, he would have to redo the group again.
As he walked to the classroom where the class was housed over the lunch break he remembered that there was one positive. The horrible teacher who usually ran the group had retired so there would be a new one, Jay thought a little on what the teacher would be like, but he didn't want to think about teachers too much ever since his smelly experience with Mr Stevens.
Jay seemed to be the last to enter the classroom except the teacher, he didn't know any of the students since he was stuck with the year group usually below him. There were only three others, two friends sitting at the back and another guy looking out a window seat. Attempting to avoid both he sat at the front middle.
When the door eventually opened again Jay was in shock at the man who walked in. Jay tended to avoid using the word since he found it a little bit of a cliché but as soon as he saw him all he could think was "daddy". The man fit the bill perfectly with styled up dark grey hair and a bushy but styled beard to match. A fuller figure than usual but as he walked past Jay noticed that a lot went to his gargantuan ass as well barely being held back by the trousers held up by suspenders.
As the man sunk into his chair he scanned the room with a kind but authoritarian glance.
"Some of you may not know me yet, but I am Mr. Johnson and as well as starting work here this year I've also been assigned with your group."
He began logging into the computer, but despite being such a boring activity, Jay couldn't take his eyes off the older man. After a while he stood up to turn on the projector which was right next to Jay's desk. Standing away from Jay, he got a perfect view at his ass, and despite his recent traumatic experiences he couldn't look away even getting a hint at his natural musky smell. As he heard the whirr of the projector firing up Jay looked up and noticed that Johnson was looking down at him, he had obviously noticed Jay staring but instead of saying anything he just smirked. Jay blushed as the man walked back to his desk and tried to forget about it.
"Now since you're all so behind with maths I've been given permission by the board to use whatever methods I please which I'm very pleased about," he said this with a smirk which confused Jay leaving him wondering what he meant "but for a while I'm just going to ask you some questions from this slideshow."
And for about ten minutes it went as so, him clicking through slides with his remote going through the questions and each time asking a different person. Despite the questions being quite normal for the students at their level since they all struggled they only got about a quarter of them right on average. And each time they failed Mr Johnson sighed or said something along the lines of "think about it harder" or "come on lads at least try". This went on until he stood up in front of the board sliding the remote into his blazer pocket.
"Alright then lads it seems this method isn't working so I think I'll have to supply some more motivation, so when you fail a question there will be punishment." And as if on queue:
The teacher smiled at his outburst, it had not been an accident obviously. He smiled at the students and sitting near the front Jay got a whiff of an odorous cheesy smell, he wasn't ready for this again. The other students obviously didn't know what to think, Jay looked back and saw the friends laughing a little with eachother obviously thinking it was a mistake while the other boy just looked shocked.
"Okay then, let's begin."
He started with the students in the back, the first friend was lucky to get the first question right but as Johnson strolled over to the back to ask the second the next question he admitted he couldn't answer it.
"Well then I guess you're lucky..."
Mr Johnson turned around theatrically pointing his ass clearly at its target and then.
It was quick but loud and clear. Both boys started coughing immediately and wretching while Johnson only chuckled.
"Dude what the hell was that." The victim of the gas out complained.
"I warned you didn't I?" Johnson replied mockingly.
"I thought you were joking?" He was still in shock as were the other three students.
"You think I joke about gas like that??" the teacher shook his ass with one of his hands.
Leaving them in disbelief he began walking to the boy at the window. As he did so the second boy was still coughing mumbling something along the lines of 'fuck it stinks' while his friend got up and moved to a different seat "Man I'm not sitting in that stink cloud especially if you're gonna be shit." His friend couldn't even complain.
Johnson sat down on the windowsill in front of the other student. And unluckily for him he couldn't answer the question either. Johnson laughed at what was coming and patted his stomach. He leaned over on the sill and grimaced.
The audible stream of gas could be heard. It took a moment but the boy who was obviously waiting for it to hit him went pale.
"Sir I think I'm going to be sick" and gagging he got scampered out of the class.
"Obviously some can't handle it, I'm sure you all won't blame him when you get a whiff."
Johnson wasn't wrong, when it reaches the other two they started trying to wave the smell away but it obviously didn't work as they complained and when the dirty shitty scent hit Jay his eyes got wet almost stinging at the smell.
He came up to Jay and the boy gulped. The man loomed over him looking down. But luckily for Jay he knew the answer, only just though.
"Seems like I'll have to wait to ruin that virgin nose of yours huh?" He accentuated the statement smacking his ass. Jay knew this man had some serious gaspower but he worried that soon his math ability would let him down.
Johnson got back to the first student who had now moved from his friend. And this time he wasn't so lucky.
"Ah sweet vengeance, but I think you might find it more stinky!"
Looking back in horror Jay saw the man cock up his leg in the direction of the boy like loading a gun.
It was the worst so far and Jay bet he saw his hair get blown back in what must have been a wave of stench. It was obviously too much for him as Jay saw the spirit leave his body as he slumped forward head landing in the teachers ass then sliding off it into the desk. While Jay pitied him, seeing him so close to the teachers ass made him slightly envious.
His friend obviously horrified at what happened stood up.
"Come on man we're going!" He tugged at his friend but he was out. He gave up and headed for the door but he was blocked by Johnson lifting his foot up onto the desk making a barrier of his body while also giving Jay a perfect look at his spread out ass.
"I assume you don't trust yourself to be able to get the next question right?" All the student could do was shiver in fear shaking his head slightly. "Well how about I trust you with this?" The man cupped his ass around his ass and Jay heard a light hiss as well as the other boy as he tried to splutter out an excuse, but before he could Johnson had one hand holding back the boys head while he brought the other from his ass to flat over his mouth and nose. After that all Johnson had to do was step out of the way as his students body fell limp to the floor.
And it was at that point with a scared realisation that Jay noticed he was the only one left. And what deepened his fear more was the sound of Johnson locking the door before he walked over to standing in front of him. All Jay could do was look up at the stinking intimidating man above him in the wake of him making two people pass out with his smell.
"Now boy what's your name?" He obviously wanted to get well acquainted with his victim Jay thought. He mumbled his name back promptly. "Ah well then Jay since this session is now just the two of us I thought we'd ramp it up to something a bit harder especially for my best student." Jay was terrified.
Mr Johnson stood to the side and pressed a button on the remote, when the screen changed Jay's heart sunk. He couldn't even tell what it was, a graph? an equation? a diagram? He knew he could never solve it. While he was staring at it Johnson pulled up a chair in front of the board.
"Now Jay I'm giving you two choices, you either try the question and if you get it right that's great and I'll let you out early but if you fail..." he patted the chair "you'll be my cushion for the 40 minutes left of lunch..." The idea terrified Jay, this man obviously could let out monstrous fart as much as he wanted and to think how bad they would smell straight from the source "or you can give up now and only spend a minute as my chair." As scary as it was he knew that was the only option.
"Fine just one minute." Jay stood up and stumbled towards the chair begining to lie down.
"I think you might enjoy it Jay..." He smacked his ass again, Jay bet he knew how much Jay loved a nice man's ass but this was tortuous. As the ass lingered above him Jay's sense of worry grew stronger especially when the teacher held him down with just one hand on his chest. Jay had no idea how his ass was being held back by those trousers it was so damn plump that it was filling them to the brim.
"Now Jay let me show off a quick party trick before I start the show, an unknown variable if you will." The mischief in his voice made Jay whimper. He heard the man strain a little and as he looked up from the seat of the chair he saw the seam in his ass crack start to tear, when Jay realised that this mad teacher was destroying trousers just for this torture that he knew how bad it would be. As the seat of his trousers continued ripping open Jay saw the hairy abyss underneath and could smell the unwashed musk of this man's bare ass crack. Had he gone commando today all for this?! Jay tried to squirm free but the man above was too strong. Once enough of a gap was made for Jay's face the massive daddy of a man sat down on the students face forcing the boys nose all the way up to his puckering hole.
Jay was screaming into the hole his face emgulfed in the crack, but his voice was muffled so the teacher couldn't hear shit. But the smell was burning his nose and the gas hadn't even begun. He could barely hear above him:
"Now Jay even though you've only given me a minute, I guess you didn't know that that's all the time I need..."
Jake could feel the man's stomach rumble and he could feel his bare hole moving, he knew what was coming.
It rumbled under Johnson's ass covering Jay's face in a bath of strong rotting cheesy stench burning the boy's sinuses and filling his lungs. Jay could feel the rancid sensation filling and covering him so much that he swore it was beginning to come out his own ass. As he felt Johnson laughing maniacally and rubbing his stinky taint over Jay's face the fart lost some volume but in its place the heat became unbearable like being in a sewer on a hot day. Jay knew he wasn't going to last the minute, the fart of the man above him made him his bitch.
When the minute was up Johnson lifted up his bare ass a little to look below to confirm that his victim had blacked out, and as he peeled his ass off even the teacher wretched a little but more in satisfaction at his own sick gassy skill. And as the gassy hulk considered maybe living up to his word, he was more pleased with the idea of having a seat to soak up the rest of his lunch farts.
So as the rest of the school was out enjoying fresh air, Jay was in the crack of a big farty teacher who was eating a meal he was sure would give get him ripping stink bombs in no time.
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juminsmysticmc · 6 years
Yaay, request time ~I want to request a fanfiction where mc gets kipnap by rika and jihyun wanted to save mc but get shoot by rika and mc gets a big traume but jihyun tells her that he loves her no matter what if you want I don't want to bother you but thanks ❤
The Shot 
I like this idea! I hope you enjoy this FanFiction! Please tell me if you liked it! And don’t worry, I normally write all my requests! 
,,You look awesome….“ Jihyun whispered after he kissed your blushed cheek.  You hugged him and mumbled a thank you. The two of you wanted to go out and eat something together. Jumin reserved a good place in the best restaurant. You were thankful to your friends, after everything what happened, they still supported you. You were depressed for a long time after Ray died. You thought, it was your fault. You let him down, alone…. Jihyun went missing too but they were always there for you. But now, he was here. But….
,,Jihyun. Come here. I can hide you and Mc better. You need to be protected.“ Jumin told him over the phone. Jihyun looked at your enjoying face while you were eating your desert. ,,Mc will be worried again…“ he mumbled as silent as possible. ,,I will call the RFA and say, that we wanted to be together for a little bit. Just come here.“ Jumin was serious. 
,,Mc, Jumin just called me. He wanted the RFA to be together. Is that okay?“ he asked you, hopefully you would agree. ,,Yes, sure!“ you smiled. He just couldn’t tell you, that Rika disappeared. He was too afraid of your reaction. ,,Wait here. I will take the car.“ he kissed you and left you alone. You were happy, you were alive. Your heart was beating really quickly. You smiled the whole time. Your mood was perfect until….,,You’re mine…why did you left me for him? Let’s do something together….“ a woman whispered. And you knew, who this voice belonged ,,Rika….“ 
,,JUMIN! Jumin, help me!“ someone cried into the phone. This somehow was Jihyun. He was sitting on the floor, crying because when he wanted to pick you up, you were already gone. ,,She already found her…!“ he cried. Jumin never heard his friend crying, this was a big shock for him. ,,We will take care of it. Where are you? We will pick you up.“ While Jihyun just waited for his friend, Luciel tried to track you down. ,,No use, it’s turned off.“ he said.,,I don’t understand how she could even escape…“ Yoosung mumbled while his head rested on his hands. ,,Jumin!“ Jihyun exclaimed as soon as he saw his friend. ,,I wanted to take the car but when I came back, she was already….“ he couldn’t even finish his sentence. ,,We will find her, V.“ Jaehee rested her hand on his shoulder. ,,Sooner than we thought.“ Zen responded and showed everyone the chatroom. 
Rika was online. 
She talked about a blue paradise together with you. Rika: It will be a bit painful but, we will go to Ray. That’s what she wanted the whole time. Rika left the Chatroom
,,What does she mean…?“ Yoosung asked the RFA. His cousin was a lovely woman, no way she would do the same mistake twice. ,,She will kill her.“ Jihyun responded and looked away. His eyes were dark, the only thing he wanted was to hold you in his arms. ,,I could track down Rika‘s phone.“ Luciel said out of the blue. ,,Let’s go.“ he looked at everyone. It wasn’t a long drive. Everyone was prepared to fight. Rika just went missing today. No way she could have prepared something big, right? 
Luckily the group was right. It was dark and silent in the big building. ,,Here‘s nothing…“ Yoosung whispered afraid. ,,Of course. She wants to kill Mc and commit suicide afterwards.“ Zen exclaimed annoyed. ,,Shut up now!“ Jaehee snapped at the boys. 
,,What do you want to do, Rika.“ you asked the blonde woman. Everyone stayed silent and tried to listen to your conversation. ,,I thought you missed Saeran…?“ she asked you with a lovely voice. You stopped breathing. ,,Saeran…?“ you asked her. ,,Yes, Ray, Unknown, Saeran….he died because of you. Saeyoung lost his brother because of you. Because you wanted to leave…the poor boy died alone, without you.“ Rika whispered. You began to cry. You killed a boy with Family….,,Who‘s Saeyoung…?“ you asked her. ,,Haha, so he still fakes his names? Don’t you know Luciel?“ she laughed. You couldn’t believe it. You killed Luciel‘s brother…? You left him alone? The RFA stopped breathing while Jihyun looked down. You just got better and now….,,What do you mean?!“ Luciel just asked Rika. ,,Ah, so, you finally found out?“ she smiled. Luciel wanted to hit her so bad ,,I TRUSTED YOU!“ he cried. He couldn’t believe it….he just wanted to save his brother and now he ended up killing him. ,,Do you want to join us?“ she asked him and took out a gun. ,,What?! Wha! Rika, what are you planning??“ you screamed and got up. You were scared. You couldn’t believe her. ,,We both lost him…do you want to let him down? He will be scared on his own...“ Rika pointed the gun at you. You couldn’t stop screaming. ,,Rika! Stop it!“ but it was too late. She shot the gun but….
,,JIHYUN NO!“ you yelled even louder. You were shocked. Tears were leaving your eyes, you almost had a breakdown as you saw his blood. ,,Jihyun…if you leave me, I will follow you…“ you mumbled. But he just smiled. 
Two days later you were unable to talk to anybody. The experience of that day destroyed your mind. You were unable to sleep. Jihyun was still in Hospital. You stayed the whole day at his side but in the evening he couldn’t stay with you. You had to go home. At some point, you looked like a zombie. The RFA slept with you in your bed. But of course you all couldn’t forget Luciel. He was as traumatized as you. He ignored the chat for a long time. Luckily Yoosung stayed by his side. ,,Jihyun…“ you mumbled. ,,Mc. You need to eat something.“ he stroked your pale face. ,,I can’t“ you whispered in his chest. ,,Do it for me.“ he kissed you. ,,Where’s Rika now?“ you asked him.,,Jumin took care of her.“ he kissed you. ,,Don’t think about it.“ but you couldn’t ignore it…,,Mc. I love you so much. I would do this over again. I would give up my life for you. As long as you‘re happy, I‘m happy too…!“ he laughed. You smiled a bit. He felt better. He knew, you could do everything. ,,We will fight together….we won’t give up…!“ 
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surveyaddict · 2 years
Do you feel ok right now?
Yeah I hit my pen a few times so I'm pretty alright
If not, when was the last time you felt good?
I guess last night with Doug
What was the last candy you ate?
It was a chocolate truffle, and i kind of want another one now lol
Do you shop at the dollar store often?
No but I like the dollar store
Which decade was your favorite for fashion trends?
The 60's
Do you like the current fashion trends?
No, it's just a copy of the mid to late 90's and not really that original tbh
What was the last shocking news you heard?
When was the last time you felt walked on?
probably last year sometime during my horribly abusive relationship that got worse in the middle of a global shutdown
^ and did you stand up for yourself?
whenever i tried there would be consequences so i just let myself be a punching bag
Do you wish you had a voice?
i have one now.
Who is the strangest (or one of the strangest) person you've met?
just today i thought about the girl from elementary - high school who hissed at people like a cat and plucked all her eyebrows off. hope she's healthy.
Have you ever had a false rumor spread about you?
yup. my lovely ex was the king of spreading lies about me after our break up.
What are you struggling with currently?
a n x i e t y
What does your heart wish for?
to be cured of all my physical and mental ailments.
Does it make you angry when people spread false information online?
yeah. i mean it's a free country but what is the point of misleading millions of people? it just creates chaos and dissonance.
Do you forgive yourself for your mistakes?
I have a really hard time forgiving myself. I’m harsh on myself for things I’d be forgiving and understanding of in others. <<
What color was the last purse you wore?
Do you know anyone who thinks that he or she is God?
Have you ever been abused by a police officer?
Sort of.
Name one friend who had a parent who was in jail.
Jessica, although she's more of a childhood friend who I keep in touch with once a year now
Does it annoy you when ignorant people think they know everything?
When was the last time someone said something mean & offensive to you?
some random dude from FB messaged me to tell me to go fuck myself for no reason lolol
Do you let others walk on you?
I have.
What color was the last cup you drank out of?
It was a clear glass.
If you don't mind my asking, how much do you weigh?
I think around 152, but it fluctuates quite a bit
Are you happy with your current weight?
Absolutely not. I was between 110-130 my entire adulthood up until recently. Back to daily workouts and calorie counting for me.
Has anyone tried to kill you and then played the victim?
The fact that I can technically say yes to this question is frightening. The reason it's only technical is because my ex didn't have the intention of killing me, but he could have with how angry he was when we had our last big blow out fight that got physical and ended everything. After we broke up he played victim to everyone.
What is your favorite board game?
Can you remember the last time you played a board game?
It's been a really long time actually. I play more card games than board games.
List three traumatic memories you have.
Lol wow you really did that.
Have you ever been misdiagnosed with something by a bad doctor?
Not exactly
Do you feel that your talents and gifts are overlooked?
I don’t have any talents or gifts.
Do you feel unloved?
No, I'm loved. But I do feel alone.
Do you prefer sunny days or cloudy days?
Do you have a painful past?
Would you live in a Christian community if you could?
What was the best time of your life?
2005,2006,and 2010 were my favorite years with some great childhood/teen memories
Who do you hate the most?
my abuser
Do you own a white board?
a little on my fridge yas
When was the last time you were hugged?
this morning
Do you get hugs often?
i'd like to think so.
Do you love your enemies?
no they can fuck off
How many pounds would you like to lose?
ideally 15-20, but really it's about converting the fat to muscle so i look more toned.
What size do you wear in juniors, if applicable?
medium to large
Which season's colors do you look best in?
Do you trust anyone?
Do you trust your doctor?
Name something God has healed you of.
not much
When was the first time you encountered God?
i don't think i've had any encounters
If applicable, how old were you when you got saved?
never been saved. it might be too late lol
Have you been baptized, and if so, where?
What color was your high school graduation gown?
Do you go for days without washing your hair?
i don't go more than 2 days max because it feels gross
Do you miss anyone who was loving then turned cold?
Have you ever had to block & report an admin on facebook?
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shantihades · 3 years
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Only Mine Chapter 1.
One of my wattpad stories
Hope you enjoy🌹♥️
⚠ Warning : Gore, Violince, Grammar mistake, wrong written words, blood, etc
Year: 1087
The wind brush over your skin, you breath the air out and in your lungs, It's cold outside. It's winter, you could see your own breath.
It was like yesterday, your parents told you that you got cursed. From nobody else than the Mother of Ryomen Sukuna, the now king of curses.
His Parents made him like that, his Father Punished him for unnecessary things. He was beautiful when he was young, that's why his own Mother Raped him.
His Mother was so Jealous about your Parents relationship, so she cursed the child.
Now you're here your chin on your knees, looking up in the stars. Letting out your Curse form.
Your eyes whiter as the snow, glowing energy coming out of them as if white strings are transforming Lashes. Red small horns and a Tail with an spade Form in the end.
You flichend at the sound Transforming back, why you brought it even up? The curse sight from you is mostly not to hide. It's hard and cost much energy to hold it back, to hold your cursed side. You try it Often, you went even to the Gojo-clan which exercise curses.
It's still hard as a half curse, you don't belong anywhere. The most thing that scare you, is dying. When you die, you'll be fully a curse.
You knew that the clan didn't care about you. They didn't even care to train you, also they were scared. Your almost so Strong as Sukuna Ryomen.
"Wh-Who's there?!" You stuttered out, looking around. Nothing.
A laugh, devilish deep. It was creepy, it scared you. Your senses told you to run for your life. But your Body was froze. A Shadow moved reveling a Tall man.
"So what is such an Angel doing here? Alone?" He grapped your neck, choking you. You tried to pull his Grip away from your throat, he just tighten.
"Pathetic." He let out not loosing the grip away, you felt dizzy and your head felt like it's going to Explode. Your head was red, it tried to fight.
Your control faded away letting your curse form out. Letting the Attacker to let go your throat, he touches his chin looking at your features. He hummed.
"you're quite Interesting. Well, What's your name. Woman?" He made for you a smug smile.
You were coughing, and calmed down your breathing and took control again.
Sukuna's face frown at your Human form. "I don't like your Human form. Change." You shook your head backing away from the Stranger, holding your own throat wondering why you're so weak.
You knew you were weak, but not so, your cursed Form saved your life. But you still didn't accept the other side from you. The Biest how you call it.
When you let it out, you feel like yourself. But the blood Lust, the sadistic thoughts. You don't want to harm anyone.
He walked forward, you were still backing away till you met the big tree behind you.
"You think you can run from me?" He laughed, stepping on your Hand which was laying on the ground. He presses all his power.
It cracked and you screamed, your hand bones were now fragmented. He laughed with pleasure written on his face.
He moved on your Hand earning more screams and crying from you. "Now answer and I might Stop." He smiled, "M-My N-N-am-e-e Is Y-/-/N" Your lungs were sour from screaming and crying, when you talked it hurt like daggers rammend in your lungs everytime you let out a tone.
"Y/n? Last name?" He stopped and letting your Hand go, just to step on the other one doing the Same way.
"I-It's L/-/-/-n!" You sobbed he let go, taking your throat, pulling you closer almost lips on lips. He smiled, then throw you across the woods.
You coughed out blood, and tried to scream, but your lungs have already given up only thing that came out of your throat was the blood.
He didn't even gave you five seconds, he hold your Throat again. Your body was number and heavier than before. You didn't fought.
"I know that Name, isn't it the Family that my mother cursed the Child? Maybe.... You?" You flinched.
"I didn't presented myself, I'm Ryomen Sukuna. Your worst nightmare." Your Hand lost his Arm, and fell on your hips. Then it hits you. You have A knife. You pulled it out Stabbing his neck. It hurted like hell, but you can't die. Not yet.
He let's you go, holding his wound. He cursed as he saw you humping away, he smirked then, "I'll see you soon, my Dearest Angel." He laughed sadistic.
You ran, still humping back to your Village. A blood trail behind you, you can't even think straight, the only thing in your head is.
Survive, Family and The Strange man.
You Finally managed to get to the door, not knocking, your hands are still Fragmented. You Vision blurry and the pain to entensive.
You knocked your head in the door, the door Opens and you fell infront of them.
Your body Shaken of the cold, and from the pain you could feel. It's too much, when you don't die from the blood lost, then maybe from your Shock.
Your Mother screamed at your body and called instand your Father, he rushed down to you and your Mother.
Your younger sister and Brother also. Your Mother rushed to them bringing them Back to bed.
Your Father brought you to your bed, fixing your wounds. Healing your both hands, not completely since He's not good in reversed Technique.
"My Child, What happened to you?!" His Voice was Shaken and your breath  was heavy and short, he caress your hand, the pain crosses over your body. But you calmed down when you realize that it was your own Father who was holding it.
You looked tired, you hoped that this was just a nightmare. And yoh would wake up anymoment.
"you don't need to answer. I'm staying here, you can rest and sleep." his Voice was soft what made you slightly smile, and you could Finally sleep.
It was cold, you opened your eyes meeting the white curtains. They were flying in the wind.
Your Brother slept next to you, and your father slept on your lap. You smiled, then all at once slapping you right in the face.
All what happened, Banadges around your neck and Hands. That must meant that it wasn't a dream.
Your body begun to tremble your eyes full of fear to see him again. This Ryomen Sukuna, You hated the Idea to step out of this house again. But you must.
You need to return to the Gojo clan, since it was your job and you're cursed. Other wise they'd kill all your beloved ones and you two. And you'll become a curse.
But you Almost die yesterday, his face Almost Shooting constantly in your face made you scream. The scream wasn't loud, the damaged he had payed to your body was Incredible. You Breathed in and out to calm down and it didn't helped.
Your Brother woke up, hugging you tight. You hugged him back didn't let him go, your Father also woke up, and do the same.
They both calmed you down, they stood up and walked out waving a goodbye. You hold tight on your Blanket, like it was a Shield that protected you from everything and anything.
You couldn't even close your eyes without getting memories about the night.
Your Body was Shaking and tears Falling on the Blanket and Sheet.
Your Mother brought food up in the room, seeing your state, she rushed over to you and comfort you.
"you don't need to tell me, but I'm Always here. Even If someone die, they're here." She pointed at your heart, where Bandages where, you knew she wanted to make you happy. And it did kind of. But she didn't had any clue what really Happened in these woods.
You met something that you shouldn't met. Today is also the day that you're going back to the Gojo-clan. You knew that they don't care, they don't care if you and your Family die. You're cursed and that's all.
You stood up, not humping anymore. Your balance was a little less than before, you got used to it. You dressed in a new suit, that was made to kill curses. Your body Shivers at the thought of him. Maybe you Should ask your Mother.
Who's Ryomen Sukuna?
Your Father don't want that you go. He thought a Simply curse attacked you, and you're Mentally unstable now. He wasn't wrong with all, he was right you're Mentally unstable. But you didn't met with a simply curse, you got attacked by something much dangerouslier.
You walked down with your Uniform, your body still tremble. What if you see him again? What will he do.
Even the thought made your breath heavier and uncontrollable. "M-Moth-er who's R-Ryo-men Suk-kuna?" Tears overwhelmed your sight and you felt again dizzy.
Your Parents Stopped, anger building up. They felt also guilty that this happened to you. So they answered as if it was an excuse.
"He's the king of curses, We think you know what the king of curses is. He's a Demon or Satan hisself. He'll brake you in his joy, tell me sweetheart, why do you need that info for?" Your Mother asked worried and your Father looked deep in your eyes, to see if you lie.
You wanted to tell the truth, you felt like you're going to collapse. "The one I was m-meeti-ng was g-him." You let your fork fall down and Support your head. Your sight was blurry, your Father gasped. He's speechless as your Mother brought a glass and Pours the water on your face. She brought new Water and force's you to drink it.
Your nerves calmed down and you broke the wall around you, you broke in your Mother's arms crying. She supported you and caress your back. You just cried. And then collapsed in your Mother's Arm's, still sobbing.
You woke up not in your room, it was the room in the Gojo-clan. So they came and brought you here. You was slightly happy that you're here now, and don't must go by yourself.
You looked over to the door and A young man maybe in your age standing there, brown eyes and silver hair. He lay medicine beside you.
"We heard what Happened, we checked on you. Your Father did a good job, but he Forgot your ribs. Your ribs crushed a bit your lungs, that's why you couldn't speek. And if course you were in a Shock. We gave you medicine, since you're cursed they are strong." He smiled softly, your face was still cold and traumatized. You nod, he left with an Awkward laugh.
You looked at your own reflection in the window besides you. You looked horrible, you should take a Shower.
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