sleepyblr-heart · 2 months
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first find the pronouns character designs..... and also some notes abt how they are designed and how they work
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pluttskutt · 30 days
I didn't watch it but saw someone comment on how horrifying the Irish performance was at Eurovision for how she dressed and witchcraft and whatnots because how could she do such evil things god will smite her ig I'm not well read on the matter anyways
I looked up Ireland on YouTube and I dig the beginning a lot but was thinking about the judgement for witchcraft (gasp) like Lordi didn't win in 2006
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rarepears · 2 years
*imagines shen yuan doing birb courting rituals.*
The only bird courting rituals Shen Yuan is doing is squawking out "OBJECTION, HERSAY" at Liu Qingge, "IRRELEVANT" and "SPECULATION" at Qi Qingqi, and his favorite "Asked and answered" at Yue Qingyuan for repeatedly asking the same questions to Shen Jiu.
Why yes, Shen Yuan likes using all the knowledge he's gained from watching Judge Judy and other court dramas here. He would like to think that he would make a good lawyer, well, if he hadn't died on yogurt of all things.
[More in the #shen qingqiu has an emotional support parrot and hijinks happen au]
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dramioneasks · 6 months
Looking for a fic where Draco and Hermione are co-workers. in this story, Ron is dating Lavender, but Hermione is his ex.
Ron asked Hermione for tickets to a play because he assumed that the latter will no longer watch it because she has no date. Draco interrupts them and "reminds" Hermione that they were suppose to watch the play together. Hermione pulls Draco out of Ron’s earshot and asks what he was doing. After a lengthy explanation, hermione agreed to watch the play with draco.
During the play, Draco kept on kissing and biting Hermione’s neck, which annoyed Ron. Draco carefully looked at where Ron was sitting and told Hermione that Ron has turned redder and is already glowing in the dark.
PS: Hermione was wearing a little black dress when they watched the play. Draco complimented hersaying that she cleaned up nicely.
another hint: when Draco proposed to Hermione, she told him that Lavender complained about Molly’s cooking and Draco said that it was one stupid way to use Gryffindor courage.
I’m asking on behalf of someone else so I don’t know if they already asked and I can’t find it anywhere
I have been trying to find this for days, but nothing!
I have definitely read this but maybe it was deleted?
Does anyone know this?
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blubushie · 2 months
as someone who used to share a server with mavis, i remember hersaying that the only merc she headcanons as liking vagina is spy which is. hillarious in hindsight. spy is so violently attracted to women that even she can't deny it.
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leafatlaw · 2 years
   I know everyone likes to clown on season 4 (oh it’s the gas leak year, oh everyone acts out of character) but honestly it feels like one of the seasons that really had some of the most interesting ideas and character moments. Like the plot line (an episodes long plotline! In a sitcom!) of Jeff’s recognition with his dad. Some thing that had previously only been joked about previous seasons we now got a conclusion. And it was satisfying ! ( the familial relations episode is one of my favorite holiday episodes ) for me it was one of the best looks into Jeff’s past up to that point and probably even after. I know the Conventions of space and time episode is controversial (I also hate the jeffannie parts) but it has one of the cutest throned moments in the entire series, and really highlights their beautiful relationships( for once in my life I knew someone would come to help me). And debatably one of the best episodes in the entire show the body swap episode, funny, unique, and sweet all in one.    As for the other episodes I don’t really think they’re worse than some of the other seasons worst epsiods, but that might just be my horrible taste in community episodes.(other faves are intro to knots and the German invasion episode) but yeah I’ll be the first to say some of the episodes sux. Hersay of dance, the marine biology one, and Heroic origins are at the very bottom of my personal community tier list. The Kevin thing was also weird and I feel like it didn’t end as well as it could have. but look in my opinion season 4 was in a weird place. Season 3 ended on this super high fantasy crazy note that make it very hard to follow both performance wise and story wise. With that in mind be kind to season 4 if only for my sake.
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joofie404 · 1 month
tooo late….i already killed hersays nuchhersts
oh well, I have thousands of more bags in my stash
I bought out the entire warehouse 😊
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hersayindia · 3 months
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battleguqin · 4 months
He leaned to check her time on the watch and he gave a tiny huff. "That is not good." he said "It means time is acting differently here, it is just suddenly stopping at Six after two, now is it in the am or pm, I am wondering since I am sure it could be either. " he said as he crossed his arms over his chest and gave the building a once over. This place was stuck.
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He pulled his cell from his back pocket and clicked it on and hum. He turned it towards her. His cat Cloud was poised on the front looking like a cat-model. It read in bold 2:06. "Even my cell is affected and my battery is draining rapidly." he added as he turned it off to save some power, in case he actually needed it. "I know that you were looking at cheap houses to purchase, Rou." he mused as he looked at the one they were in front of. "It's crazy, I think it might be some sort of lure to get people here, to I dunno--" he motioned "Everything I can think of would be hersay, in compared to what might be the truth."
Still he had to agree "For sure." he said as he nodded "I have noticed that as well. It feels stronger than it is allowing to leak, but I think that this place also needs allow the juice it can get to wake up. I don't think I want it to wake up." he added with a dark brow arched at her. "There are things that, should stay dormant."
That was the thing about some of the old buildings in these prefectures. They were old, and they often had the feeling of something more, something powerful, but usually dormant. He hummed faintly as she opened the door to the old place she had been interested in. "I suppose we should go in." he said to her. A nod followed and he took the lead. A flashlight was pulled from his backpack as he stepped into the place and he clicked it on, even that sound was loud. "Its like a tomb." he whispered to Rou though he also knew that she was capable. There was still concern since what if they were stuck here for good ?
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inkheartss · 5 months
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444names · 9 months
Names generated from Italian forenames and the lyrics of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up", excluding the letter "K"
Acena Acenevena Acenza Acercom Achia Achio Achis Acinde Acune Acusa Afandria Afano Afato Aglia Agola Agone Agusa Alato Alesceneo Aletto Aligna Ancesce Andene Ander Andice Andri Anici Annano Anolind Anona Anown Aplesa Aprindria Aprine Aregna Asenapri Aseting Asetonton Assara Avece Avellia Aviacing Avong...
Bagoli Barani Baranna Baria Baroune Bassa Batta Battamo Beelato Beelia Beelie Beenia Benza Beria Berules Biang Biteria Bitmes Blienter Blieti Bligno Bliviso Bolabredo Bolfeto Bolia Bolivolza Boterni Bothe Botheria Botta Breale Bregno Brezio Brigoni Brilvany Cafaena Cafand Cafati Cafrome Caghe Cagon Cagoto Caguy Calasso Calay Calerave Callet Calta Camodicci Camona Camoni Canna Carace Carapria Caremo Carenzang Carese Carind Carlia Catano Catelia Caterboto Catice Catoria Ceggio Cenza Chier Chind Ching Chingeno Chistra Cingena Cireminia Colay Colive Colla Coneo Conna Coseeno Cosena Coset Cosse Creggio Creggivor Crevenca Cromes Croto Cundica Cundinown Custe Doneo Dontong Eachia Eachisiet Ealecca Ealla Ealta Ermodini Errapria Fanow Fanrezzo Feelina Feenza Ferma Ferni Fetri Fettari Fiugio Fiumila Fiumino Flonconna Flovia Fogno Folfeelia Folio Folza Foregno Foresena Foria Forilay Foring Forlegna Forlia Forno Fornovia Fregna Galeggia Galesti Gamodisi Gamurati Gella Genon Gergala Gevigno Giarove Giuming Giumitme Givonza Goina Goind Golanto Golbia Golona Goodena Goodeno Goodenza Gothe Gotherbo Gothia Gothio Gringeve Guseneo Gustrany Herratino Hersay Huracegna Hurapra Huria Hurtano Imili Imilvand Imina Imode Imontorno Insie Ittamur Jusanoa Jusee Jusetra Jusettang Justa Landiso Latta Legno Leranfro Lerbola Lerno Lernow Lesci Letraguy Letremila Letta Lettanown Liesse Livigeni Loggia Lonto Loria Lovany Lovarato Mandria Mangerno Mania Manow Maramo Marate Masso Mastinici Masto Matanza Menow Meset Messay Mezia Mezzo Mitersa Mitme Modbye Modenna Modesta Modindria Molaresce Molastria Molbia Molza Monano Monto Nevani Nolbissay Nonto Olars Onzia Othie Othina Otoria Pagrili Paleron Pales Paletoia Palta Panfra Panow Panza Parravort Pavena Paventoo Pescert Pesert Pesind Pesse Pesso Pezia Pezzo Pezzuolor Piacena Pisanna Pisca Pisorni Pisti Pobaglia Pobaglio Pobagoing Pobarpia Pobasto Pordesing Poreno Poria Poriercon Porina Potece Potoia Potta Pozzo Pozzuolia Pozzuolza Praci Praverni Prigetoia Rachia Ragoo Rameno Ramolza Rativiaro Reacusa Redonto Reggio Reggivori Reglini Regnown Remola Remon Renicia Rentoo Resetto Resser Ressidert Rezia Rezio Rezzo Rhown Rigeto Rotecesie Rouldn Rugia Rugli Ruldn Rulecerno Rulesenza Ruletta Salegno Saleri Saletria Sanown Saria Sarpisori Savigermo Savort Scene Scentona Scino Senza Sidena Sidese Syrano Syrari Syrarmat Tanfrona Taniano Tarata Terien Teromo Terrand Terrative Theach Theale Thears Thera Therano Theraplay Theria Thero Therom Therra Thersa Thiand Thiese Thing Thiogno Thiso Tivortani Tracegna Traci Traghe Tragline Tragro Tramo Trarano Trate Trearling Tregna Tremila Trenevita Treni Trenna Triacuse Trigeria Trino Turta Uding Udino Vandri Vanown Vanto Varat Varemona Vecces Vecching Vecchio Vecci Velia Vellesso Vellia Vellies Venna Vennanto Vento Versanza Viarsa Vicelles Vigento Vigna Vigno Vigoo Visso Vitano Vitme Vitoodici Vitta Wanto Wanza Whati Whatina Whato Whatoia Whattanza Woulles Wourt Youldn Youletta Youllina Yound
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kmgquote · 1 year
You made a Statement
Listen to hersay Where are we? Too many controversial views Ignorance at high stake – What lesson are we taking? Who do we believe? What can we do? Life does not multiply – Enviousness will choke you Denial will depress you Your statement scream threat The latest proved everything you said – Are you happy? Are you in peace now? Do you feel like you have conquered the world? Can…
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nxtheromoved · 3 years
- - —★ ❰❰ @hersais​ | s.c. ❱❱
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          ❝ YOU SEEM  PREOCCUPIED ,  SISTER. ❞  She’s making mistakes. Ones that she would not normally make. Brown eyes narrow in concern.  ❝ What troubles you? Is it the tournament? ❞
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@hersais ♡’d
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❝ N-no, not again... What are you doing here on Earth Mileena? ❞ Wanda took a defensive stance but taking small steps backwards in case Mileena does decide to attack. Her hands slowly rose to her chest, she was ready to shoot a hex the other woman’s way it was necessary too.
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Sons of Horus fan art scribble.
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cowboypsyop · 3 years
Documentaries are great but it sucks to have to take everything with a grain of salt as most are pushed through someone's personal lens
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