#heidi and christophe are the ones i have thoughts on
angstbullshit · 1 year
anonymous sent : Hi. I've seen some of your posts regarding the goth kids and the idea of Heidi finding them as a 'safe' environment. The only other character in South Park that isn't canonically goth or vamps (all but one episode) but there is some association with the goths is Stan. What is your opinion on the episode 'Raisins' and the idea of goth Stan (a common trope in Stan fanart)? 
i mean... it was a good episode ? i’ll never switch it off when it pops up on screen  - it was a fun lil window into the goth kids’ shenanigans and their thought process of the rejection of the mainstream and it reflected how two people deal with heartbreak differently and explored the notion of style changing with what goes on in your life - but beyond that i don’t have any thoughts on stan as a solo character, this isn’t to say he isn’t a good character, he  absolutely is,  but ...  i just don’t care about him in that way..
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starkwlkr · 3 months
Hi Jen!!!❤️❤️❤️
I saw your requests were open so possibly, social media au or not, Cillian Murphy’s or Christopher Nolan’s daughter (either one would be fine, but I saw your imagine about Nolan!reader x Cillian so maybe Cillian would be better, either one is fine though) dating Charles Leclerc or lando Norris
(I don’t know if this has been done yet but it feels very random, but it I saw you wrote for F1 and Cillian so I just thought of that crossover. Couldn’t decide which driver I wanted to request for so I’ll leave it up to you between Charles and lando)
But if you do, then thank you!!!
my favorite nepo baby | lando norris
faceclaim saorsie ronan (don’t hate me, yes ik there’s more irish actresses but i love saoirse) also i love this request, mixing random fandoms is my favorite thing ever
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liked by maxverstappen1, ynfans and 56,377 others
danielricciardo happy birthday, lady bird
mclarentears WHAT
dannyric333 does daniel know everyone??
bottaszz you don’t understand THIS IS IMPORTANT TO ME
landonorris my favorite nepo baby
danielricciardo the nepo baby says thank you
landonorris tell the nepo baby to make an account
danielricciardo no - the nepo baby
landonorris i tried
vettelsbees this is my roman empire
view all 23,477 comments
summer break
Y/n Murphy only knew Daniel Ricciardo because he had friends everywhere. It was only a matter of time before the Irish actress met the famous honey badger. Soon, his friends became her friends and the whole friend group was hanging out everywhere.
One of their hang out spots was the F1 paddock. Daniel insisted for Y/n to come to his favorite race, the Austin Grand Prix. It was no secret that Daniel is secretly a Texan so he wanted his new friend to experience the Texas atmosphere.
“We need to get you some boots and maybe a longhorns jersey. You’ll look so cool, trust me.” Daniel said as him, Heidi and Y/n walked into the AlphaTauri garage.
“He’s going to convert you into a Texan.” Heidi whispered to Y/n.
“Can you imagine me going home to my father speaking with a texas accent? He’ll have a stroke!” Y/n laughed.
“I bet that by the end of the day, you’ll love texas as much as I do.” Daniel smirked. “Maybe you’ll find a country boy you can take home to your old man.”
“Oh god, he’s going to have more strokes, die then come back and have more strokes.”
“Well then I can get you a British boy that won’t make your old man die.”
Y/n knew who Daniel was referring to. On the day of her birthday, which was a few days ago, Daniel showed her the comments that Lando had left on his post.
‘my favorite nepo baby’
While she told everyone she didn’t have an Instagram account, she had a secret one that only had about twenty followers which were close family and friends. She used that account to look at Lando’s account. She was going to lie, he was attractive.
“Just make an instagram! That boy keeps messaging me about you.” Daniel pleaded.
“I don’t use social media, I tried and I didn’t like it.” What a lie.
“Okay well can you at least talk to him? Wait, I should go with you, he might be the one having a stroke.”
So while Heidi stayed back in the garage, Daniel accompanied Y/n to the Mclaren garage so Lando could finally meet his favorite nepo baby. Y/n started to feel nervous, why? She didn’t know, she hardly knew Lando apart from his instagram posts.
“Hey Landoooooo!” Daniel dragged out the o.
“Is that Daniel Ric—” Lando’s voice stopped when he noticed who was standing beside Daniel.
“Is he having a stroke? I can’t tell.” Daniel whispered to Y/n.
“Hi . . . You’re y/n. Wow.” Lando tried to play it cool. “I’m Lando, but I’m guessing you already knew that because of the giant Australian yelling my name. Thank you Daniel.”
“Glad I could be of service. I have to go get ready, but you two go ahead and talk. Y/n, I’ve been told the Mclaren garage is the best spot to watch a race so . . bye!”
And all thanks to Daniel Ricciardo and his match making skills, your dad, Cillian, didn’t have a stroke when he finally met Lando.
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Man After Midnight Ch. 5
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Rich Mans World Series | Chapter 4 | Donations | Thoughts & Feelings
(Suprise! Our Reader is our Gif for this chapter!!!)
Chris stood in the kitchen enjoying a cup of coffee. Thinking of the day ahead, he wanted to make sure you were going to be fine here at the house while he went and handled business, but he wasn’t sure how you’d be feeling. He turned, hearing you walking through the house, the clank of your cane making your presence known before you could speak. “Good morning,” he grinned, walking over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he kissed your head. “How’d you sleep?” he asked as you shrugged. 
“Fine, just ready to be off this cane and out of my cast,” you said looking down at them both.
 “I know but, you'll be back stronger and better than ever.” he leaned down and captured your lips in a tender kiss, which had you melting in his arms. Until someone cleared their throat. 
“Mr. Evans, you have a visitor,” Nicholas, your newest butler announced. 
You looked up at him, “I’ll need to steal Anthony today, I have physical therapy,” you said carefully moving toward the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee. Ms. Heidi was already there, a fresh cup of coffee ready for you to enjoy. She helped set you up at the island and smiled sweetly at you. 
“What would you like for breakfast dear?” she asked, but you shrugged. 
“I'm not very hungry this morning, I'll just have some coffee.” you said, smiling back at her. “I have to have Anthony with me today, honey. I’m sorry, I want you to stay home. Do not leave this house, do you understand me?” Chris said coming into the kitchen with his men following him. “Is everything okay?” you asked as he sighed. 
“No, but it will be. You don't answer the door for anyone or anything okay?” he kissed your temple and looked at you. “I’ll be in touch okay?” he asked as you nodded.
 “Alright,” you whispered and watched as everyone left. 
You spent the better part of the morning, playing on your laptop, watching a movie and just relaxing in the living room. But you were getting antsy. You wanted to leave the house already, but Chris was never one to just bark orders at you. There had to be a good reason why you were told to stay home and not open the door. Sighing softly, you moved around the house slowly, the cane making it a bit harder. 
You’d finally pushed the staff to leave for the afternoon and once left alone you decided to fix a small lunch before settling in to watch a movie in the living room. You sent Chris a text, something the two of you rarely ever did. ‘Hey, wanted to check in. Hope everything is okay. Not gonna lie, kinda miss you being here with me all the time. Lol.’ 
You laid your phone down on the table, not exiting the conversation, and settled back on the couch. You felt your eyes get heavy and as you started to drift off while watching some housewives show you heard a soft knock on the front door. Frowning, you sat up and looked toward the foyer before you looked around at the windows to see if you could see anything, when another more urgent sounding knock came at the door. You slowly stood and walked over to the door trying to look out before just opening it. 
“Hello?” you asked before opening the door. 
“I have a delivery for Mr. Christopher Evans,” a deep voice called out. You stared at the door suspiciously. Before you could finish processing the thought that this probably wasn’t legit, the door was kicked in, forcing you to fall back in the foyer. 
You groaned, looking up to see a tall man with long dark hair towering over you. He went to reach for a pistol and you kicked him as hard as you could in his knee. As he fell, you tried to crawl away, but he grabbed your ankle in an attempt to pull you back to him. You kicked at him again and again until you broke free. You got up and moved as quickly as you could to the living room. Once you’d made it, you grabbed your phone and had meant to text Chris again, but in the haste of moving around and trying to hide, you ended up calling him. 
“Come out you little bitch! You’re gonna pay for that shit,” the intruder screamed out breaking things in the house as he walked through. You cowered down in the closet, trying to not make a sound. As you sat there, you frowned; This wasn't you. You don't cower when someone breaks into your home. You fought back, you didn’t need to text a man to come save you. You slowly stood up, grabbing your cane, you opened the closet door, letting it open wide and hit the wall. 
You stepped out and looked around for the intruder. You spotted him in the dining room, standing on the other side of the table. He was about twice the size of you, but that would be fine. You may have been healing from practically being blown up, but that wasn't going to stop you from protecting your home and yourself. He turned and stared at you. As you stared back at him you asked with a smirk, “I suppose you’re here to kill me?” 
“I'm supposed to, but I might have some fun with your body ‘fore I do that,” he grinned a wicked, gut-wrenching grin as he eyed you up and down. 
“Aye, didn’t realize you were Irish. I knew an Irish fella once. Had fun guttin’ him too,” you said in a fake Irish accent as you grinned back at him watching him lose his smile. 
“You fuckin bitch! HE WAS MY BROTHER!” He flipped the dining room table over, breaking the glass as it crashed into the ground. 
You laughed “Your brother is in pieces!” you grabbed the vase on a table closest to you and flung it at him as he got closer. It hit him in the head, cutting his skull slightly. 
You took off as fast as you could; If you could keep him on the main level, that was a less likely chance of you falling over a railing or down a flight of stairs. You made it into the kitchen, where you ducked down behind the island and waited. You made sure to have some of your cane sticking out. You knew he wasn’t as smart as he acted. The man came into the kitchen and grinned when he saw the end of your cane sticking out from behind the island. You would be expecting him to come from the sides, but you would never expect him to crawl onto the island. He quietly got up on the island, and carefully slid over to attack you from above. When he reached the corner you were hiding behind, he looked down to see you grinning up at him. You stabbed him as hard as you could in the eye with a knife, and slowly stood up looking at the tip of it poking out of the back of his head. 
“I fuckin hate the Irish,” you mumbled leaning back against the other counter exhausted.
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woozapooza · 6 months
Kennedy and Heidi
Well. I am absolutely reeling from this episode. When it was over, I said "What the fuck" out loud.
The crazy thing is, I already knew what happened to Christopher, because, just as it is within Tony’s power to be less selfish and violent and controlling but he’s simply not going to do that, it is within my power to steer clear of spoilers but I’m simply not going to do that. So I knew that Tony killed him, I was pretty sure he suffocated him, I knew there was a car involved, I had even seen glimpses of the actual scene in YouTube thumbnails. I thought that when it came, it wouldn't be shocking, but it shocked me even more than many TV character deaths that I wasn't spoiled for. I had built up this expectation of how it would all go down: I thought Chris would spiral out of control and that he'd die as the culmination of some really intense episode in which he and Tony would have some massive falling-out. But he didn't spiral out of control like I expected, aside from the end of the previous episode (and his death had nothing to do with that, anyway). [EDIT: Okay that's not really true, since it was the fact that Chris was using again that sealed his fate, but it was just the nail in his coffin.] And what actually happened to him was so unceremonious. That's the word that keeps coming to mind. His actual death was unceremonious—so sudden, semi-accidental, and within the first ten minutes of the episode—and so was the rest of the episode (though I can't really articulate how). I kept thinking "no, this can't be it, it can't happen like this" until Tony actually put his hand over Chris's nose and mouth.
I'm not sure how I feel about this episode. On a meta level, I mean. On an in-universe level obviously I feel devastated. On one hand, Christopher is such an important and complicated character, it feels unfair for him to have such an unceremonious sendoff, especially given that other major characters (Pussy, Adriana, Tony B.) got the kind of death I would expect. On the other hand, you can't really write a show based what's "fair" to the characters, and anyway, I'm sure the unceremoniousness of it all was an intentional creative choice. It's an extremely unsatisfying end for my second favorite character, but maybe that was the point. But also, I think the main reason it feels so unsatisfying is that I just didn't quite buy Tony's journey from loving Christopher to killing him. That doesn't mean it was poorly done. There have been other times when I thought some development in a show was unearned, but when I rewatched it, I was like, oh, actually that was completely earned, I just didn't notice the buildup to it. Right now, however, this death just feels unreal in a way that all the other main character deaths have not felt unreal.
Man, I'm gonna be processing this forever 😭 Rest in peace, Christopher "That's The Flying Ointment" Moltisanti. I will always keep my eye on the tiger in your honor.
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sunnyie-eve · 10 months
Devastated || 14. Influenced
Paring: (Christopher "Sully" Sullivan x Original Female Character Mance!)
Word Count: 1905
Warnings: creep, trauma, language, death
Last: Unfortunate
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"Guess who I saw earlier?" Luke unlocks the bedroom door to give Jennifer her food.
"Your therapist, hopefully." She sits in the corner of the exact same room Henry locked her in a year ago. "How did you know about Henry taking us here?"
"Abby mentioned it in an interrogation, so it was in an article. I just had to buy this place." He tells her, "But it was Jimmy that I saw. He's looking for you."
"Can you explain why you kidnapped me? Other than you slipped, you killed someone and liked it." She asks him.
"I don't know. It seemed like the right thing with how Henry and Wakefield inspired me. Did you know I was adopted too? My mom was 16 when she had me, so she got rid of me. Ha, I found her and killed her, my dad, and their two kids. That's why I was in jail. I was a suspect for just being seen near him, but they didn't have evidence it was me."
"God, I hate this island." Jennifer sighs, "You do know Henry and Wakefield weren't going to kill me, right, and Henry killed Wakefield?"
"Yeah, it's helpful. I always kinda had a thing for you. Especially when you were with Shane. What did you even see in him?" Luke chuckles.
"Something you didn't have." She gets sassy, so he throws the plate of food at her. "Just like Henry with his little snaps towards us." She says, so he leaves, locking the door behind him.
Jennifer hides her face in her hands, wondering what the hell did she do to deserve all of this.
Meanwhile, with Sully, he was heading to the island to help find his pregnant wife. He even called Abby to let her know want was going on, and she said Jimmy lied about where he was going too. Abby didn't want to go back to the island, but she said she would be there to help and to give Jimmy a word for lying to her.
The entire day, Jimmy went around looking for Jennifer and couldn't find her anywhere. He retraced every step from last year, and nothing.
"Last fucking place." Jimmy looks at the house Luke bought.
Knocking on the door, he could hear someone coming and was kinda shocked to see Luke open it, "Hey, you find your sister yet?"
"No, you live here?"
"Yeah, got some money, so I bought this place. Nice, huh?" Luke chuckles.
"Where Henry kidnapped Abby and Jenny. I was just checking here to see if maybe she came by because since that day, she's had unnecessary guilt about Henry." Jimmy explains.
"Have you checked the bluffs where the final event took place?"
"Yeah, and nothing." Jimmy sighs.
"Maybe she went back to the house while you were busy looking for her. Phone's dead maybe?" Luke says as Jennifer's phone goes off inside. "That's important. Hope she's okay." Luke closes the door on him, but Jimmy stops it with his foot.
"That's Abby's ringtone for when she calls Jen. She made it personalized herself." Jimmy birthday eyes him.
"Do you really have to ruin this for me?" Luke groans pulling a pocket knife out of his back pocket stabbing Jimmy in the stomach. Jimmy groans in pain, trying to fight back as Luke twisted the blade, "I'm gonna have fun with this like they did." He drags Jimmy to the shed, tying him up. "You and Jen both get betrayed by friends." Luke bends down to Jimmy cutting his cheek before stomping on his leg, breaking it. "Thought you'd be tougher to get." Luke leaves him alone.
"Well, I was blindsided." Jimmy groans in pain alone.
When Sully arrives, he goes straight to the Cannery to ask about Jennifer. Heidi, the new person in charge of the bar, tells him the last time she saw Jennifer was when she walked in with Luke and left quickly.
"Luke?" Sully asks, not remembering him.
"5'11, blue eyes... Oh, I have a picture of him on my phone." She pulls it out, showing him.
"One of Jimmy and Shane's friends. Do you know where he lives?"
"Nope, he works at the Candlewick, but he's off now." She goes back to work.
"Oh, do you know where Jimmy's place is?" He asks so she tells him and he walks there just to not find him there.
He calls Jimmy but gets nothing making him just think his phone died trying to call Jennifer all day while he was out and about. As the day went on, Sully didn't like how Jimmy hadn't been back home yet.
Before it got dark out, Sully went to the sheriff's station to say they were missing. As he walked in, he started to feel bad, remembering this was where Danny was killed while helping Shea and Madison escape.
"How can I help you?" A deputy asks him.
"I want to report a missing's person. Jimmy Mance and Jennifer. She's been missing for two days, and he went looking for her and hasn't been back either. I thought you would care since what happened last year with us." Sully tells him.
"Oh, umm." The guy looks around, not knowing what to do.
"Umm? Really?" He gets loud, so the new Sherriff comes out saying they will search the island for them, and that's the best they can do right now. "This island fucking sucks." He leaves, going back to Jimmy's.
The next morning Sully is awakened by knocking at the door and sees Abby, "I stole a boat to get here faster. Is Jimmy out looking?"
"He went AWOL on me. I told the new sheriff, and they said they would go look for them." Sully catches her up.
"What? He's missing now too?"
"Yes, yesterday someone said they last saw Jen with Luke. Jimmy and Shane's friends. I wanted to go see him, but they don't know where he lives." He lets her know, "Just that he works at the Candlewick. I was gonna go by there today." He says, getting dressed.
"Well, let's go. The faster we find them, we can leave." Abby heads out do Sully rushes.
Arriving at the Candlewick, it seemed like no one was there, so they looked around, and Sully saw Muffin in the office, "There you are." He chuckles, going through drawers hoping to find something.
As Abby was walking around, she bumped into Luke as he showed up, "Abby Mills." He smiles.
"Hey, Luke. I'm looking for Jimmy and Jenny. Have you seen them? Heidi said she saw you last with Jen." She asks him.
"I haven't seen her since then. I saw Jimmy yesterday looking for her, and that was it too." He lies.
"I just don't understand where they could be." She says as Sully rushes over then looks at Luke.
"See you found Muffin."
"Jen said the same thing. So I can't help with where they are." Luke sighs so Sully grabs Abby's arm walking out.
"What?" She asks, confused.
"He bought the house... miles away from everyone."
"He also lied about when he saw Jen last. How would she knew he as Muffin." They rush off to the station to get help.
At that moment, Jen took a drawer out of a dresser to throw at the window, breaking it after a few times. Crawling out of the broken window, she cuts herself up some but she ignores it. Finding a safe way down, she still hurt her ankle but fights through the pain running to the shed, hoping to find a weapon.
"Jimmy!" She rushes over to see him passed out but still has a heartbeat. "I'll come back for you." She looks around, sees a fishing knife and takes it.
Heading out into the woods, she tries not to be seen by Luke on the road so she goes off the paths. As she limps around, she comes across a new little grave with 25 homemade headstones. From the first killed Ben Wellington to the last killed Henry Dunn.
"Like it?" Luke scares her, "All but four have nothing to them."
"Four?" She looks at him keeping her distance.
"Lucy, Booth, Malcolm, and Beth. Yeah, I came across Booth one day just digging at random spots. Half of Beth in the tunnels, Malcolm's skull was left behind, and Lucy's bones were in a hole." He chuckles. "By the way, it seemed like Abby and Sully figured out where you were. Police where at the house. Jimmy will be okay but you?" He narrows his eyes on her.
Jennifer takes off running with a limp, with Luke following her. She realizes she was where Henry almost killed Sully so she stops running just for Luke to catch up, grabbing her and causing them to tumble down where her and Sully did.
Laying on the ground, she brings her hand to her belly, praying the baby was okay as she tries to drag herself away from Luke. He grabbed her ankle, dragging her back towards him as she lays on her back in pain, "Henry was too weak to kill you and Abby." He pulls out his knife, moving the blade across her skin as she hisses at the feeling.
"No, he wasn't... He had a well-thought-out long plan and would have gotten away with it while you're just a pathetic wanna-be." She glares at him, "And you're forgetting one thing about Henry."
"What's that?"
"I fucking killed him." She stabs him in the side with the knife she took out of the shed.
Luke shouts in serious pain, stabbing her in the shoulder as he rolls off of her, "Fucking bitch!" He coughs up blood as she turns her head to look at him.
"Never fuck with the daughter of a serial killer." She leans over, stabbing him over and over, getting on top of him with his knife still in her shoulder. "And yeah, it felt nice." She points the knife at his throat before hitting the end of it. She just watches him choke on his own blood till he stops suffering.
Jennifer looks at her shoulder before pulling out the blade cursing at the pain before getting up and looking down at Luke's body, "Piece of shit." She kicks him, "Have fun meeting your idols in hell." She walks away from him.
She doesn't know why, but she ends up going to where she killed Henry taking a seat on the ground and looking out at the water, "Thank you for inspiring me, Henry. Some people just have to go, like you did. I'm not sorry for killing you and I can finally say that and not feel bad. I don't care if you were hurt by my actions and that I broke your heart because you did it to me first. The only good thing to come out of what you did was helping set me up with Sully for the rest of our lives. Thank you for that. I have a lovely husband and a baby on the way." Jennifer closes her eyes, lying back till she hears people yelling her name.
"JENNIFER!" Sully shouts, seeing her from up high before finding his way down to her, "You okay? Is the baby okay?" He holds her face.
"Might need to be checked out. Took a tumble the got stabbed in the shoulder." She looks at the blood stain on her shirt.
"Why are you down here?"
"Putting things to rest." She smiles up at him, giving him a kiss, "I just wanna go home, man. Fuck this island." She giggles, resting her head on his chest so he kisses the top of her head, agreeing as help comes down.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
It Takes Two
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Pairing: Soft Dark!Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings:  18+, Minors DNI. Curate your own experience. Cursing, drinking, cheating, breakups, rehab, recovery, deception, lies, celibacy, manipulation, wedding planning, semi-public explicit, rough, sex, oral sex (m receiving), degradation kink, breeding kink, choking, dubiuous con (b/c of deception). Darkish! Scott Evans. This is not proofread!
A/N: @lovebittenbyevans gave me a great idea about still dealing with Chris when commenting on The One.  I thought that the Chris in that fic could really go left and get pretty Dark and dirty. And then.... 
Anonymous asked:
Imagine Chris cheating on Y/N …
That made me think up this fic. It is a sequel to The One. I hope you like it!
You left him.
You flew to Montreal to surprise him on set, trench coat and lingerie and everything, and when you opened the door to his trailer, you saw Heidi on her knees giving Chris a blowjob.
You cussed him out, threw the ring back in his face and turned around and left. 
You blocked his number, moved out of his house and cut off all contact.  You were done.
The audacity of Chris being indignant about your warnings about Heidi when he was boning her all along.
You loved Scott, but you had to cut him off too after he tried to explain that Chris was drunk when you found him, and was going to rehab to deal with his issues. 
 It was classic celebrity bullshit and you didn’t have time for it.
You decided to center yourself, and swear off all relationships and sex. You wanted to purge your mind of all that weighed you down. 
You concluded that love, sex, and Chris Evans made you feel heavy as fuck. 
You moved to New York City. It was far enough away from Chris and your folks in Houston to give you some peace. 
You could still run your business and even think about a storefront.  It was the perfect location to live your best life, eat healthy, exercise, socialize and network. 
You fell in love with yourself, and you didn’t think much about Christopher Robert Evans at all.
Only every time you went on IG or Twitter, even though you blocked him and his hashtags.  And every time you went to Target, because his fucking movies and merchandise were everywhere. 
But you were cool, because you were doing you. You weren’t looking for love.
Of course, that’s when it found you.
Six months after you left Boston, you were at a natural beauty products expo in Brooklyn hawking your wares.  
Your business had taken off, with almost a half million dollars in sales, and you were being interviewed by a major news outlet of color when one of the correspondents caught your eye. 
You flirted, exchanged numbers and ended up going on a date. In another three months you were engaged to him.  
Kevin Watts made you feel safe, protected and loved. And he wasn’t just after sex. He was well off, and secure in himself and you.  It just felt right. 
When Kevin proposed, it was just you and him at your favorite restaurant. So romantic. 
Not like the rowdy family 4th of July party at which Chris asked you to marry him last year, in front of both your parents.
The laughter and the joy was just a little much. 
This was perfect. You didn’t miss Chris at all. You set about planning your wedding with a profound sense of peace and safety.  
You and Kevin were meant to be.
Chris was nothing without you.
Nothing but an award winning actor and producer, a multi-millionaire and founder of a major organization dedicated to bringing opposing political viewpoints together. 
All of that was cool, and it kept him going, but when he lost you, he lost his motivation.
Chris didn’t take any more roles after the sequel with Heidi, and he dumped her post haste. He did enter rehab and realized that he depended way too much on alcohol to dull his emotions. 
He got drunk off his ass when he was away from you because he missed you so much, and that led to him letting Heidi think that she could have him.
She’d had him physically, but never his heart. Or his mind. You owned those.
Chris followed your business closely, and was proud of your success. 
Of course he followed your social media on burner accounts and saw that you were doing well. 
You looked like you enjoyed being single and seemed healthy and happy.
He couldn’t ask for anything more for you.
Except to be his again. 
Chris was just biding his time for your reunion, deciding to give you a year before he made his move. 
Now he felt every emotion, and he knew that you must still love him too.
You just needed to realize that your life would be even better with him back in it.
The year apart would be just punishment for what he’d done to you, and when you came back together, it would be better than before.
Everyone speculated on his bachelorhood, wondering if he would settle down, speculating and gossiping about who he was with, but he just played coy and kept quiet.
No one would know that he was yours and yours alone, and that you were still his.  
You just didn’t know it.
But you weren’t going along with the plan that you didn’t know about. 
About seven months into his self-imposed purgatory, a complication started popping up on Chris’s feed. 
And a couple of months after that, a post of a proposal, in a restaurant.
The asshole probably didn’t even ask or involve your folks.  Chris was in a rage for a week. 
He almost started drinking again, but as he got ready to drive to the liquor store, Kevin’s face flashed on his screen doing a report on the election.
Instead of making him even more angry, he smiled, elated at the thought that came to him.
Chris had a new plan, and it was going to be even better than before.
The last three months had been a whirlwind, and you never thought it would turn out this way.  
You were planning your wedding with your mother, discussing the seating at the reception, and you deciding where Chris Evans and his date would sit.
What a time to be alive.
Your mother only let it slip a couple of times that you should be marrying Chris, but for the most part, she kept it cute.
You explained to her that everything was squashed between you and Chris, and that he and Kevin had a great relationship, were friends, even.  
They’d bonded over politics when Kevin interviewed him, and became buds before Chris even realized that you and he were together.
Kevin knew, but he wasn’t the jealous type, and he didn’t want to make things awkward. Surprisingly, Kevin insisted that he be at the wedding. 
You thought about it and decided it would be the ultimate closure for Chris to watch you marry someone else. 
You were pleasantly surprised at Chris. He was handling this very well. He never tried to contact you, and according to Kevin, never even mentioned you. That was growth. 
Maybe you too could be friends. 
You felt good about it. So much so that you unblocked him and started a dialogue.
Chris saw your number come across his apple watch and he practically did a dance. It was 9:24 pm.  He picked up his phone and stared at the word, forcing himself to wait and not respond.  He went to work out.
47 minutes later, he responded.
This time, he sat and waited for your response, which came 7 minutes later. 
I just wanted to say, I appreciate the way you're handling this.
Chris bit his lip, imagining you sitting there, thinking of what to say and staring down at your phone.
I’m sorry, I don't know who this is. You may have reached a wrong number?
He grinned at the play. 
Your heart dropped. Did he no longer have your contact?  
Why would he do that?
You don’t know why you felt some kinda way; you’d blocked him. 
Maybe he had changed his number and this was no longer his. Your heart was beating fast when you texted back.
Is this Chris?  This is Y/N.  I was just texting about Kevin Watts.
You anxiously watched the thought bubbles on imessage.
Even though you’d texted back almost immediately, Chris kept you hanging for just a couple of minutes. His dick was hard at the thought of communicating with you. 
Fuck, you were such an aphrodesiac.
Oh shit! Y/N I’m sorry.  I got a new phone.. You know how it is…
He knew you wouldn’t believe that. That’s why he said it.
You just stared at the phone. That was bullshit. You can easily port your contacts into a new phone.  You just never believed that Chris would really move on.  And you didn’t know why. 
You had.
You took a deep breath and continued.
Lol, No worries!  Just wanna say thank you for being cool with my Boo. I’m gonna turn in now. Check you later.
You tried to keep it light.
Chris ignored the ‘my Boo’ comment and focused on the thought of you in bed. 
You usually slept in a tank top or t-shirt and panties, and the top would invariably come off because you got hot. 
And then things would invariably get hotter if he was in bed with you….
Cool! Sweet dreams. Check you later. 😉
Chris made sure to exit your message thread and come back so that you wouldn’t see the thought bubbles that he saw when you kept staring at the text.
You  were lost in the times that Chris always used to say that to you, and when he whispered “Sweet Dreams” in your ear when he was far away, you always had wet dreams about him. 
And that wink. 
How could a fucking yellow emoji turn you the fuck on?
You reached for your bullet vibrator as you continued to stare at the interaction.
Chis had already started stroking himself when you told him you were going to bed. 
Knowing that you were thinking exactly what he wanted you to got him close, and he didn’t even have to pull up your old videos to get off. 
Not tonight.
Over the next few weeks. you’d texted a few times, Chris ‘made amends’ and you accepted his apology. 
Then, you started texting more regularly, mainly joking around about sports, your Celtics/Rockets rivalry ever raging. 
From your perspective, Chris was always appropriate and respected your relationship with Kevin.  You were glad because you’d missed your friendship with him.
You felt giddy that your life was working out so well, and you traveled to your weekend getaway in the mountains for your bridal shower with a light heart.
Chris attended Kevin’s bachelor festivities with only a week to go until the wedding.
From Chris’s perspective, things were working out better than he’d hoped. 
Scoring an invite to the wedding was more than he’d imagined, and Kevin inviting him out to his Bachelor party was just icing on the cake.  
Maybe he could make Kevin slip up enough so that you would dump him before the wedding. Chris was hopeful.
If not, Plan B was the nuclear option. 
Kevin was following the stripper’s ass like a puppy. He was lit on booze and pills (that Chris provided) and his guard was down.
Kevin considered Chris a friend. 
Chris just wanted to keep Kevin close because he was the enemy.
They were talking about you.
“She’s so fucking innocent. A sweeter angel there never was. I’ll have to teach her how to fuck.”
Chris almost choked on his water.
“I'm sorry. What now?”
Kevin just barreled on, ignoring the question.
“That's how I know I need to wife her.” He was talking to Chris, but still staring at the stripper.
“She would never chase the D. Hell, she won’t even touch mine. You know, her being celibate and all.”
Chris raised his eyebrow and smiled, which Kevin never noticed. Chris shook his head at your antics.  His little beautiful love.
“That’s why I was never pressed that you are her ex. I mean, I’m impressed you were with her as long as you were.”  
Chris just smiled and nodded, curious as to where this was leading.
“A man like you don’t have to put up with that. You must have punani lined up for days, bro.”
Chris’s heart lept. This dullard did not have access to your pussy. HIS pussy.  Never has.
Chris could fuck a lot of people a million ways from Sunday with one text. Except for you. And you were all that mattered. 
“I don’t know about all that.” Chris put on his best, ‘aw shucks’ act.
Chris was over the moon. You were still his. In every way.
Kevin kept tipping the stripper and was trying to call her over. He asked her about a private lap dance.  Chris’s eyes lit up. This asshole was making it too easy.
The stripper nodded and went back to finish up her set.  Chris walked over to the bar.
“Aye!” Chris summoned tha bartender over. 
“What can I get you, Sir.” 
“I don’t need a drink.  I wanna take care of my friend over there. He’s gonna have a lap dance with Star. It’s his bachelor party.  I need it to be extra special.”  
Chris started peeling off hundreds so the barkeep could see. 
“And I need him to have some keepsakes, so he’ll remember it always.” 
More hundreds came off. The bartender’s eyes got bigger and bigger. “That’s no problem.”
Chris flashed his famous smile.  
“Great, let me tell you where to send them. Wanna make them a wedding present.” He wrote down an address on a napkin. 
He was now on Plan C. And it was perfect.
A week later and the rehearsal at the church was more fun than you thought it would be.  You weren’t allowed to participate, just watch, as the result of an old wives tale.
The church secretary found you in the pews. She handed you a manila envelope.
“This was mailed here yesterday, probably an invoice of something for the wedding, I put it aside for you, sweetie.”
You smiled back at her and tucked it into your purse, not wanting to distract yourself with more wedding bills. 
Later, when you and Kevin were in the back of the car to the restaurant for the Rehearsal Dinner, you pulled it out and opened it. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
You threw the pictures of him fucking a stripper in his face, startling him out of staring at his phone.
He picked one up, his mouth dropped open and started talking. 
“Look, Baby, Baby! I can explain!...”
Kevin was on his knees in the back of the suburban. 
“Listen to me.. Listen.  I’m a man. I have needs…”
“Kevin, I swear to god….”
“Okay, okay… I admit it…”
You listened to him and your heart went silent.  You couldn’t even absorb what he said.
When you pulled up to the restaurant, you straightened your dress and looked at him coolly.
“I am NOT going to deal with this tonight. Tonight was supposed to be a fun celebration of our wedding. I will decide later if it's still going to happen.”
Kevin was terrified.
“Right now, you and I will go into this place, greet our friends arm in arm and pretend that you are not a fucking narcissitic asshole who just ripped my heart to shreds. Got it?”
“Yes, but I-”
“Do NOT speak to me unless I speak to you first. Or it's automatically off.”
Kevin just nodded and cleared his throat.
You raised your chin and said, “Let’s go.”
Two hours later, dinner was over, and you were lit on your way to TURNT.
Chris observed you, from the moment you entered holding hands with Kevin to the second you dropped his hand in disgust, to the way you held yourself away from him at dinner, but then put on a sweet face when everyone spoke, to Kevin, who was an absolute mess.
He figured you got the pictures. He suppressed the glee that was coursing through him.
But he couldn’t figure out why you were still going on with the charade.
Chris didn’t make a beeline for you like he wanted to, he just let the natural flow of the party lead you to him.  He was talking to your cousin when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around.
“Hey you.”  
You cocked your head at him in that way and looked up at him, your smile brightening your face.  Damn, he had to plant his feet. You smiling at him like that made him feel faint.
You both heard your cousin say something, but you didn’t pay attention, caught up in your own orbit.
Chris crossed his arms, and you swore that he was recalling the time when you told him your forearms made you horny. Fuck. Chris made you wet and you were fresh out of fucks tonight.
“So, I can’t have a hug?”  
Chris shook his head at your line and opened his arms to embrace you, keeping a respectable pressure and distance until you hugged him tight and pressed close.  
He couldn’t help but pick you up, but he put you down immediately, cleared his throat and backed up, looking uncomfortable.
That wouldn’t do. You wanted more of his scent, his warmth, his HIM. You pouted unconsciously in your buzzed state.
Chris’s cock stirred.  That fucking mouth had haunted his dreams for almost a year. He was pleased that you were flirting, but he had to work the plan.  Couldn’t go too fast.
“You look… great.  I can’t wait to see you tomorrow in your wedding dress. You will be a beautiful bride.”  
Chris broke his voice in just the right place to convey a wistfulness, making you think that he thought he lost you.
You felt bad.  Chris was so sweet.  You thought about him and you thought about Kevin. 
What was the difference between what Chris did and what Kevin did?  
And who did you have more chemistry with? Chris.  
Why were you even marrying Kevin?
You looked over at him looking at you and Chris like a lost dog.
You had no idea why you were marrying him.
“You look… Like Chris fucking Evans.” You two laughed.  
“I bet you’re fighting them off with a stick.”  You sideyed him.
Chris reveled in your interest in his sex life.
“Well, you know. After rehab, I’ve laid off the... physical part of my life. It only brought chaos, you know. I’m trying to be more… zen. Haven’t really had… that  for the better part of a year.”
He watched your eyes get big.  
“Word?”  You smirked. “So you…”
Chris held up his hand.  The one you knew he jacked off with.  You grabbed it and started drawing on his palm.  Chis pulled it back and cleared his throat again. 
You pouted again. Him being hard to get made you wet.
And Chris knew that.
“So… you ready to marry the love of your life?”
 Chris’s sea blues looked you deep into your cocoa browns. You were transported back in time.
 Then you snapped out of it.  
“I mean… the church is set up, the dress is bought, everyone’s here. I guess so.”
Chris laughed as if you were telling a joke.  
“I miss your sense of humor.”
You all made small talk and you caught up a little before you asked what you wanted to know.
“So what are you up to tonight?”
Chris looked at his watch.
“I’m actually about to go to my condo an turn in. I get up early to work out.” He felt your eyes sweep up and down his body, and he flexed even though he was fully dressed. It was true. Working out was a regimen. He wanted you drooling for him. 
“It’s the Marvel condo in Brooklyn?”
You nodded, remembering good times.
“So you have a car picking you up?”  Your mind was whirring.
“I actually have a rental.” 
You gulped your drink down, not daring to look in his eyes. Now, not only was your pussy wet, your nipples were hard as hell. 
“It’s in the parking garage down the block.”
“Well, I need to clear my head. I’ll walk you there, and you can drop me back?”
Chris looked down at your cute face, and then around the room, spotted Kevin and gave him a nod.
“You sure that’s a good idea?”  
You looked at Kevin, too.  You wanted to stick your tongue out, but you just took Chris by the arm and headed toward the door.
“I’m a big girl. Nobody owns me.” 
You looked up into Chris’s eyes and instantly regretted that statement. You played it off and pulled him through the door.
You didn’t talk at all the entire way, both of your heads deep in the clouds of you and him.  The chemistry was crackling the air between you.
You held on to his arm, and he let you, reveling in your touch.
When you reached the parking garage, Chris pressed the button with his knuckle and you got in, headed for the top deck.
You just stared at each other, both thinking the same thing. Chris chuckled.
“You’re dangerous, night before your wedding, you probably have cold feet, I’m here. Maybe you want to be sure that you’re sure…”
You cocked your head. “Who said I wanted to fuck you, Chris Evans?”
Chris cocked his head too, mirroring you.  “Who said ‘fuck?’ I was thinking you wanted to talk.”
He smirked and you scowled as the door opened.
Chris left you in the elevator stewing as he walked over to the black Tesla he’d rented. There was no other car on the deck.
You scoffed, and followed him out.
He was about to walk around to the driver's side door when you grabbed his arm before he made it. He stopped directly in front of the car.
“Do you mean to tell me that you don’t want me?”  You were hot, in more ways than one.
Chris leaned back against the hood.
“That’s not what we’re talking about, y/n. You’re getting married tomorrow. To someone else.”
You smiled and reached up, fingers grazing his neck and playing with the hair at his nape. You ran your fingers through his beard.  Kevin’s couldn’t compare.
“That’s tomorrow. Tonight I’m single as fuck.” 
You stood on your tip toes and brushed your lips against his, reveling in the moan that came from his throat.
Chris fought to control his urge and continued with his act. His fingers tightened around your waist and you thought this was it.  He turned you around in front of the car and then let you go, stepping back to pace back and forth.
“What? What is this? You’ve had almost a year. Kevin’s my friend. What do you want from me?”  
He advanced on you, and you had to remember to breathe.  He knew what you wanted.
“You. I want you, Chris.”
Chris attacked your lips with his own.  He took two seconds to savor them before he ravaged your mouth with his tongue.  You moaned and he broke from your mouth to re-discover your face, your neck, your cleavage.  He had to control himself not to rip the bodice of your blush pink chiffon dress.
He had a raging hard on, which you were feeling up, remembering how you always struggled to take him.  You wanted him to hurt you with it now.
“Give me this Chris… please…”
You were reaching into his pants, thumb caressing his wet, thick tip. He was leaking for you.
“Remember when you told me that I would meet you in a parking lot, and let you fuck me over the hood of your rental car? Even if I was with someone else?”  
You pulled your hand out and started sucking your thumb, closing your eyes at the taste of Chris after so long.  You pulled it out with a pop.  
“You were so right.”
Chris practically growled, grabbed your arm and spun you, pushing your back until your chest hit the hood of the Model X.  He leaned over you, pushing his covered crotch into the back of your dress, you moaned, wanting more.  His mouth was at your ear.
“Oh, so you want to be my cock whore on the eve of your wedding to someone else.”  You moaned because it was true.
“It’s been so long, Chris…”
He reached down in between you and flipped the flouncy skirt of your dress up, exposing you to the wind of New York City.  He looked at it for a minute, your ass always his favorite.
He caressed it with both hands, pressing into you with his thumbs.  
“So you want me to feel you up?”  He pulled his hand back and sucked one of them, practically jumping for joy when he tasted you. 
“You want me to pull your panties to the side….” and he did so, seeing your slick shine in the moonlight, and playing in it for a minute, tracing your lips and making you quiver around nothing.
The way you were moaning his name was everything right now.
Your face was pressed against the cool metal of the car, and it was the only thing tying you to the earth.
“Oh yes, Chris…. Please please yesss...fuck me… damn...stretch me out…”
Chris’s dick pulsed and he needed you around him. He moved close again and unzipped his pants, the sound making your knees weak.
He teased your cunt with his tip, collecting your arousal and smearing it not only around your pussy, but around your asshole.
“I know you’ve fucked him, but have you let him have your ass?  Am I still the only one…?”
Chris was still playing the game. 
“No, no, no… I haven’t let him… I haven’t given him anything. I’ve been celibate, too.  It’s still yours Chris. All of me is still yours.”
Chris almost came just hearing you say it out loud. He already knew, but hearing you say it was the shit.
He pushed into you with a grunt, and it was difficult.  He didn’t make it. Your cunt squeezed him out.
“Ffffuck, y/n. You’re practically closed down.  Is it true?”  
He started rocking his tip into your pussy slowly, both regretting and reveling in the fact that he didn’t stretch you out with his fingers beforehand.  Then he decided that he wanted you to feel this fully.
You couldn’t answer, only responding with moans has he painfully breached you. You welcomed it, though.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah… yes Chris.  Only you.. Since you and I….”  Talking about it and the fact that you were taking him again made you wetter, and eased Chris’s way, although your pussy was already stinging with his girth. Your eyes rolled back in your head.
You would never get over this and were so grateful for the feeling again.  
Chris watched you and had to grit his teeth to hold back from the reality that he was taking you again. 
He leaned over you, hot breath huffing in your ear, puffing and groaning as he fucked you slowly.  He was trying to feel every sensation. He wanted you to know that each and every millimeter of your glorious wet, tight pussy was his.
‘Ohhhh. Fuck Chris… YESSSS!”  Your voice echoed off the concrete walls, and Chris wanted you louder.
“This what you wanted?  You wanted your thick cock inside you again. Hunh?  You wanted me to stretch your walls and fuck you raw, hunh?”  He started speeding up in time with your moans.
“Such a fucking filthy cockslut for me, baby.”  Chris grabbed your neck from the back. “Why didn’t you let Kevin hit, hunh?”  
You didn’t answer, you just moaned and Chris smacked your ass, hard.
“Chris! Fuck!”  
You screamed. You missed his ruthlessness when you fucked, you missed him making sure that you knew that he knew that you knew. You belonged to him. 
“I know why.” 
Chris stopped fucking you and pressed down harder on your back, reaching around to find your clit.  He swirled around it once, then started to press down slowly. 
“Because you would never beg him for that subpar dick that he has. You’re MY whore. You belong to me.”
He pressed down roughly, and you detonated around his dick.  He didn’t have to move.  Chris pulled out, leaving you cold and bereft.
You turned around and leaned up against the hood, panting and still desperate for him.  He stood there in front of you, dick sticking out of his pants, which were ruined, and still rock hard and ready. He was in a quiet rage.
“Why did you leave me?” 
You searched his face.  He sounded like he was about to cry.  You couldn’t quite see his entire face, but his eyes shone, bright with liquid.  You went toward him.
“You hurt me Chris.  I couldn’t stay. But let me take care of you now.”
You got on your knees in front of him, the hard concrete of the parking structure digging into your knees.  
Again, you welcomed the physical pain, distracting you from what you were doing to Kevin, to Chris, and to yourself.
Chris felt like he could fly.  You on your knees for him again was a dream. 
He took his cock in his hand, stroking it, while moving close to you. In no time, the back of your head was in his palm, and you opened wide to accept him, hand coming up to stroke what you couldn’t fit.
“Ah, ah. Let me.”  
You looked up at him to see an evil grin shine down on you. 
Chris looked down on an angel trying to swallow him whole. He brushed the tears away from your eyes as you struggled to breathe. You were perfection.
Moaning around him, you relaxed your mouth and throat and let him use you.  It was difficult, because you were out of practice, but you welcomed the letting go of all thought. 
You dripped down your thighs as Chris pumped into you, ready to accept what he had to give. 
After a few minutes, he stopped, and pulled out, grabbing you up to your feet. 
Then he bent down and grabbed you by the back of your thighs and you wrapped your legs around his waist, kissing him and trying to grind down on his still-erect cock as he backed you to the car.
Your ass hit the hood, and Chris reached between you to first tear your panties off. He put them in his pocket as he swiped his dick up and down your dripping wet folds.  
He looked back up to watch your face as he pushed inside you, now, an easier path to nirvana.
He pulsed as he watched the pleasure take over your face, with your mouth slack and your eyes glassed over. This was his main purpose in life and he almost lost it.
He brought his hand up to bring you closer, breathed into your mouth as he squeezed your throat. You were high instantly, and clamped down on his cock as your body was wracked with waves of pleasure.
Chris let your body descend back down to the car as he pumped his seed into you, his mind fantasizing that he was impregnating you. 
He shook your body as the last ropes of cum spurted out of him. He ran his hand down your body as he pulled out, zipping up his pants as you came back to your senses on the hood of the car.
You stared at the stars as you realized what you had done.  You sat up and adjusted your dress, gingerly climbing back down to the ground.  
Chris kissed you on the forehead, and this time you let him get into the driver’s seat. You got in the passenger side and Chris reached into the glovebox and handed you some wet wipes.
“Fix your face. And your knees.” 
He nodded down to your legs, which were dirty from the parking structure floor.  He watched you wipe your knees off, but stopped you as you went higher.
“No. I want you to feel me all night long.”  
You wanted to be a brat, but you didn’t feel like sass right about now. You felt kinda terrible.
You got another wet wipe and fixed your makeup as best you could as Chris drove you back to the restaurant.
“Chris, I…”
“I know.  None of that meant that we’re back together.  That was for some kind of something, I dunno, something Kevin might have done?” 
You looked down, ashamed. Chris lifted your chin up with his hand.
“I want you to come to me on your own.  You’ve gotten that out of your system, and I’m glad to be of service.”  You looked up into his eyes and at his wry smile.
“But remember, you still have a choice. I’m here if you choose me.”  
He leaned over and gave you a tender kiss in front of the restaurant.
You smiled at him and climbed out of the car, watching as he drove off.
Chris’s heart was beating out of his chest as he watched you turn and go back inside. He fought the urge to turn around. It was better this way.
You walked in the restaurant, and pulled Kevin over to the side of the restaurant in dark alcove. 
“Listen. Do you still want to marry me?”
He looked you up and down, taking in your state, from the faint marks on your neck to your scuffed knees.  He knew exactly what was up.
You raised an eyebrow at him.  
Three hours later, a sleepy Chris answered the doorbell in Brooklyn.
He smiled at you, in the Captain America t-shirt and jeans that you’d stolen from him after a photoshoot, looking like his favorite Disney princess. You.
You took him in, clad in grey sweatpants that hung off his magnificently cut body.  He blinked at you sleepily.
“The wedding is off. Chris, I….”
He reached out and grabbed you, pulling you in the brownstone and shutting the door behind you.  He had you pinned up against the wall as you tried to speak.
“Shut up and let me taste you.”  
You grinned and wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you upstairs.
The next morning, Chris was on the phone with Scott.
“Yes, tell the workers at the warehouse to dump all the products….I don’t care, the river, the landfill…. Y/N can’t find out that I bought up all her stock…. We’re going to be married..... I know what the fuck I’m doing Scott. We leave for Aruba this afternoon. Listen, I’ll call you later.”
Chris hung up and turned to find you in the doorway, frowning and rubbing your eyes.  
“We’re going to Aruba?”  
You smiled and yawned, sleepily stretching.  That was all that you’d heard of the conversation.
Chris gave you his stunner smile.  
“Yes. It was going to be a surprise.” 
He reached down and swung you up in his arms, carrying you into the bathroom bridal style.
“Now let’s get in the shower.  You’ve been very naughty, gotta get you clean for your wedding day.”
You giggled as you relaxed in Chris’s arms. “It takes two to be naughty, Chris.”
He winked at you as he turned on the shower. “Don’t I know it.”
I know it’s different. Let me know if you like it. Like, comment, reblog! 
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alister312 · 2 years
fuck it. SP characters as Penelope Scott songs/lyrics
Born2Run: Bebe
“Are you really gonna save the world like that/with your tits half out on Instagram? I mean/yeah motherfucker that was always the plan/I’m gonna wear this shit to Congress man”
Sweet Hibiscus Tea: Kyle
“My wet heart catches on every thorn/You’re already halfway out the door/And I’m so tiny and so old/and god it’s never been so cold”
American Healthcare: Tolkien
“I went to school I got good grades/I don’t know what you want me to say/but tell me faster/because you’re running out of time”
Lavender: Wendy
“But maybe I don’t/yelling at the world/Am I really gonna be just someone’s girl?/Best, giving my all/and yeah turns out that’s not very much at all”
Baxter 3rd is Under Fucking Siege: Tweek
“I couldn’t wrap my head around it/how such a nightmare could be real/and despite all my bullshit nothing could stop it/not God not sex not white hot fear”
Mommy Fwiend: Heidi
“I’m not your therapist/I’m not trained for this/and I don’t wanna be forced to listen/under coercion/under the threat of your blood on my hands”
You Should Know: Cartman
“It’s not a very big deal I just thought Heaven would glow/I lost my life to get here and now I’m so fucking bored”
Hammerhead: Stan
“I’ll go to Mexico/I’ll go to Canada/I’ll mail myself to New York City in a box/You’ll never hear from me again/save for an envelope I’ll send/containing 50 billion dollars/and some photographs of dogs”
Lukewarm: Kenny
“Can’t remember anything that you say/Slit your throat and die and wake up the next day/I wanna scream, I wanna run/I’d die at 22 to feel alive at 21”
Montreal: Craig
“I wanted everything/the coffee shop the weather the apartment/but I don’t want anything anymore/I don’t know I guess I just got bored”
Cigarette Ahegao: Clyde
“I haven’t had another episode/since last night when it was touch and go/(no need to cry about it)/hey incels, just have sex!/(duh)
Lotta True Crime: Nichole
“And I hope this doesn’t sound impolite/but Ted Bundy was just never that fucking bright/He was just sorta charismatic and white, alright?/And he was so fucking sure he had the right”
American Healthcare (Glitzy): Gregory
“There’s just one more thing I gotta do/‘cause with God as my witness/you corporate fucking prick/I did not become a doctor just to suck the devil’s dick”
Feel Better: Damien
“Of course I don’t wanna feel better/Can you fucking imagine?!/No one’s ever gonna love me like that again/I don’t wanna get over it/I wanna rip the stars to shreds”
Moonsickness: Christophe
“I’ve got 100 hours to rearrange the stars/and I’m the worst mistake your God has ever made/You seem to integrate so fucking well/but I make lemons out of lemonade”
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batboyblog · 3 years
SUPER! Gay/Queer YA Reading List!
Are you looking for some great Gay/Queer YA books?! Well I have a list for you!  if you need help picking out a book my ask box is always open drop me a line! or just stop by to tell me what you thought of one of the books! I always want to know! 
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Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Social Skills by Sara Alva
Silent by Sara Alva
One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva
Hold My Hand by Michael Barakiva
Wonders of the Invisible World by Christopher Barzak
Alan Cole Is Not a Coward by Eric Bell
Alan Cole Doesn't Dance by Eric Bell
Queeroes by Steven Bereznai
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon
Felix Yz by Lisa Bunker
Exit Plans for Teenage Freaks by 'Nathan Burgoine
Last Bus to Everland by Sophie Cameron
The House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara
Peter Darling by Austin Chant
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Gives Light by Rose Christo
Stranger Than Fanfiction by Chris Colfer
Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullinan
The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich
There Goes Sunday School by Alexander C. Eberhart
Lock & West by Alexander C. Eberhart
The Screwed Up Life of Charlie the Second by Drew Ferguson
Love & Other Curses by Michael Thomas Ford
Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales
Tales from Foster High by John Goode
How Not to Ask a Boy to Prom by S.J. Goslee
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan
Half Bad by Sally Green
Half Wild by Sally Green
Half Lost by Sally Green
Heartbreak Boys by Simon James Green
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Geography Club by Brent Hartinger
We Contain Multitudes by Sarah Henstra
Middle School's a Drag, You Better Werk by Greg Howard
Social Intercourse by Greg Howard
Totally Joe by James Howe 
After School Activities by Dirk Hunter 
At the Edge of the Universe by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Past and Other Things That Should Stay Buried by Shaun David Hutchinson
We Are the Ants by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Five Stages of Andrew Brawley by Shaun David Hutchinson
The Boy Who Couldn't Fly Straight by Jeff Jacobson
Haffling by Caleb James
The Red Sheet by Mia Kerick
The Lightning-Struck Heart by T.J. Klune
A Destiny of Dragons by T.J. Klune
The Consumption of Magic by T.J. Klune
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A Wish Upon the Stars by T.J. Klune
The Extraordinaries by T.J. Klune
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg
Autoboyography by Christina Lauren
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
Every Day by David Levithan
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan
How to Repair a Mechanical Heart by J.C. Lillis
When Ryan Came Back by Devon McCormack
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Vivaldi in the Dark by Matthew J. Metzger
Life as a Teenage Vampire by Amanda Meuwissen
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller
Hero by Perry Moore
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Marco Impossible by Hannah Moskowitz
Like a Love Story by Abdi Nazemian
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
More Than This by Patrick Ness
Earth to Charlie by Justin Olson
Play Me, I'm Yours by Madison Parker
Here's to You, Zeb Pike by Johanna Parkhurst
Junior Hero Blues by J.K. Pendragon
When Everything Feels Like the Movies by Raziel Reid
Jack of Hearts by Lev A.C. Rosen
Camp by Lev A.C. Rosen
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
My Awesome/Awful Popularity Plan by Seth Rudetsky
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Rainbow Boys by Alex Sanchez
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Rainbow High by Alex Sanchez
Rainbow Road by Alex Sanchez
So Hard to Say by Alex Sanchez
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
Grasshopper Jungle by Andrew Smith
Freak Show by James St. James
Ray of Sunlight by Brynn Stein
Imaginary by Jamie Sullivan
(In)visible by Anyta Sunday
The Dangerous Art of Blending In by Angelo Surmelis
366 Days by Kiyoshi Tanaka
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Wild and Crooked by Leah Thomas
Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas
Fan Art by Sarah Tregay
Suicide Watch by Kelley York
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Special thanks to Trace for the header and subheads
the Header is Red White & Royal Blue and Carry On, Red is Jack of Hearts, Orange is Alan Cole is Not a Coward, Yellow is Heartbreak Boys, Green is The Lightening Struck-Heart, Blue is Boy Meets Boy, and Purple is Cemetery Boys
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, November 16
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jeffrey Epstein’s madam Ghislaine Maxwell’s nights with Prince Andrew and teen Virginia Roberts Giuffre
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Page 2: Brad Pitt kicked married galpal Nicole Poturalski to the curb after getting flak from his ex Angelina Jolie -- Brad’s relationship with Nicole hit the skids after Brad decided he needed to shore up his image during his ongoing custody battle with Angie and his focus right now is to get his dad image back on track and give Angie no more ammo to fling back at him
Page 3: Tiger Woods’ romance with Erica Herman has gone off course over legal troubles and wedding pressure and bickering over where to live and Tiger is so fed up he’s considering ditching his nagging girlfriend in Florida and moving back to his native California -- Erica’s been pressuring him to put a ring on it ever since she moved into his Jupiter Island mansion and that’s something he just won’t do and she’s already taken over his household buying new furniture and remodeling the master bath and building a new closet and hiring a gourmet chef -- California is looking better and better to Tiger who only moved to Florida to play on its tough Bermuda grass which helped improve his swing but now Tiger’s ex Elin lives in Florida with their two kids 
Page 4: Miranda Lambert is scoffing at ex Blake Shelton’s newly announced engagement to Gwen Stefani and she’s convinced Blake’s third walk down the aisle has failure written all over it because she thinks Blake’s bad to the bone and this marriage will wind up being a total disaster and after the hell Blake put her through Miranda can’t imagine his life with Gwen would be any different, lifelong bachelor Simon Cowell has had a change of heart since his horrific August accident and he’s finally ready to tie the knot with baby mama Lauren Silverman -- after spinal surgery to repair his broken back the entertainment mogul feels lucky to be alive and walking and the one constant in his difficult rehab after surgery has been Lauren and he wants to pay her back with a ring 
Page 5: Train-wreck Wendy Williams’ wacky behavior has TV producers scrambling behind the scenes to find her replacement after her unhinged performance on a recent episode of her talk show where she slurred her words and rambled incoherently -- there had been a hope a chatfest helmed by Nick Cannon could be a safety net should the daytime diva who spent a stint in a sober living house last year not be able to continue hosting but plans for that were pushed back after the comic made anti-Semitic rants in a podcast -- they also tried Jerry O’Connell when Wendy was out for three weeks last year but he tanked with viewers -- Wendy’s a mess and it remains to be seen how long producers will be able to put up with her problems before they decide to pull the plug 
Page 6: Grey’s Anatomy star Ellen Pompeo hinted that she may be making her final rounds -- Ellen who has starred on the show since 2005 and makes $20 million a year admitted she’s considering slipping out of her scrubs after the current season 17 but her departure could spell the end of the beloved series and show creator Shonda Rhimes has said it’s unlikely the show could continue without her but Ellen has also expressed her desire to spend more time with her husband and their three children
Page 7: Mariah Carey’s brother Morgan blasted her memoir as filled with lies and distortions and he’s considering legal action -- the book called Morgan and sister Alison her ex-brother and ex-sister and Mariah wrote Morgan had a long history of violence and when she was six he slammed their mother into a wall -- Mariah also wrote her siblings and mother were heartless in terms of dealing with her as a human being and once she got famous they started treating her like an ATM with a wig on but Morgan is fighting back and looking to hire a lawyer
Page 8: Reese Witherspoon’s marriage to Jim Toth is in the muck after the stunning collapse of his new business venture and tensions are mounting in the Hollywood power couple’s already troubled union now that the streaming service Quibi crumbled after less than six months leaving content acquisition president Jim out of work while Reese’s star continues to rise and there’s a real balance of power that’s been building up and that’s put a serious strain on the relationship -- living in quarantine added to the stress between them as Reese has been holed up with her two kids with ex Ryan Phillippe Ava and Deacon and her son Tennessee with Jim at the family’s ranch in Malibu
Page 9: Dementia patient Kenny Rogers cut his three adult children out of his $250 million will and now sources fear the late country legend could have been tricked into signing the document -- Kenny left everything to his 16-year-old twins sons with fifth wife Wanda and the will also stated it was his intent to specifically exclude his daughter Carole with his first wife and son Kenny Jr. with third wife and son Christopher with fourth wife and their issue as beneficiaries of his estate -- Kenny Sr. would never disown his own children according to the source especially since the singer’s son Kenny Jr. is incorrectly referred to Kenny Rogers III throughout the will -- the wording is not like Kenny Sr. and something is not right and his older kids are thinking about contesting the will 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Kate McKinnon shot a Saturday Night live skit in NYC, Sophia Bush hit the road in L.A. with her co-pilot pup Maggie, pregnant Jinger Duggar Vuolo in Venice with daughter Felicity, Heidi Klum walking the streets in her native Germany, Snoop Dogg saluted young rappers as he accepted BET’s I Am Hip Hop award 
Page 11: Unwitting Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler once dabbled in the secret sex cult NXIVM -- the organization masqueraded as a self-help group but in 2017 it was exposed as a pyramid scheme for founder Keith Raniere who forced high-ranking female recruits to become his sex slaves -- in 2010 Jen and Gerry who were dating at the time wound up at one of the introductory seminars but they were turned off by the level of commitment expected and never returned -- they thought it was just a networking opportunity and had no idea what they were getting themselves into, cash-crunched Gwyneth Paltrow is facing hard times like everyone else and is looking to change her free-spending ways -- the belt-tightening caused by the coronavirus pandemic has even hit her lifestyle empire Goop causing her to shut down the London branch and make hard choices for the future -- Gwyneth may be worth $100 million but she and husband Brad Falchuk spend money like it’s going out of style on private jets they use on a whim and they own a fleet of fancy cars and pay steep salaries for staff who are at their beck and call 24/7 and it’s all draining their bank accounts -- they’re looking at making cuts across the board from personal trainers and chefs and drivers to the masseurs and beauticians who come to their house several times a week -- plus the couple believe it’s a bad look for them to be living so high on the hog when the rest of the world is suffering during the pandemic
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Angelina Jolie spent years developing her own version of the Hollywood classic Cleopatra and now she’s livid that Gal Gadot has stolen the Egyptian queen -- Angie’s dream was to play Cleopatra the role that made Elizabeth Taylor an icon and it was to be the part that won Angie an Academy Award for Best Actress and now that’s over thanks to Gal who will be playing the Queen of the Nile instead, after ABC scrapped plans to honor Regis Philbin with a prime-time tribute Jimmy Kimmel insisted on honoring Regis on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, MSNBC talking head Rachel Maddow is fleeing New York for her Massachusetts farm after hanging a $2.3 million price tag on her NYC pad but Rachel didn’t want potential buyers looking through all the personal stuff at her apartment so all the personal pictures and books and clothing and everything else was shipped out and replaced with staged furniture, Ariel Winter and her dog (picture) 
Page 13: Ailing Joni Mitchell opened up about how she’s still struggling to get back to her old self five years after a debilitating brain bleed -- after Joni was found unresponsive in her Bel-Air home in 2015 she said she was forced to relearn everyday tasks because the aneurysm took away her speech and her ability to walk and although she’s showing slow improvement she hasn’t been writing or playing the guitar or the piano, Randy Travis is defying all the odds as he plans the greatest comeback in country music history as he is making amazing progress after suffering a massive 2013 stroke that most believed would end his career forever and he was given just 1% chance of survival and even after he pulled through doctors believed he would be bedridden and unable to speak -- instead his grueling rehab efforts have miraculously put him on the road to realizing his dream of returning to the spotlight -- some of his motivation is financial; last year he sold his Nashville home and released his memoir which was fueled by his need to pay medical expenses after years of not being able to perform
Page 14: Hollywood Hookups -- Channing Tatum and Jessie J have split again, Cole Sprouse and Reina Silva dating, Kate Beckinsale and Goody Grace split 
Page 15: Ariana Grande is raising eyebrows with her raunchy new record Positions -- the former squeaky-clean Nickelodeon star who has been dating real estate agent Dalton Gomez spouted off X-rated odes to an unnamed lover on the LP, six months after sidelining her marriage to former quarterback Jay Cutler Kristin Cavallari admitted there are good days and bad days but insisted it’s been nice to be able to focus on herself and figure out who she is now and what she ultimately wants out of life, hotel heiress Kathy Hilton is joining The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills as a friend of the main cast which includes her half-sister Kyle Richards
Page 16: Crime 
Page 17: On Drew Barrymore’s talk show a psychic guest channeled the spirit of one of the host’s former in-laws but the man in question is very much alive -- medium Anna Raimondi told Drew she sensed the aura of a judge causing Drew to burst into tears and named David a relative of her ex-husband Will Kopelman claiming he’d passed but Judge David Kopelman is alive and still going strong -- Will slammed Anna was a submental hack and said he was surprised that Drew chose to give oxygen to someone like that
Page 18: American Life 
Page 20: Cover Story -- Prince Andrew is desperate to quash explosive testimony by his pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein’s accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell but the socialite’s second secret deposition is torpedoing his return from royal exile -- after Ghislaine danced around details of her relationship with the disgraced Duke of York in testimony released a few weeks ago Andrew is sweating bullets about her second grilling under oath which contains details of their intimate friendship and nights with Epstein’s teen sex slave Virginia Roberts Giuffre 
Page 22: Don McLean viciously slammed ex-wife Patrisha Shnier as the worst person her ever knew but in their ongoing war of words she maintains he was abusive to her -- Don is still bitter over a 2016 domestic incident at their home in Maine that landed him behind bars and led to divorce after 30 years of marriage
Page 26: Matthew McConaughey confessed he nearly turned his back on Tinseltown to be a wildlife guide like late Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin -- he made a splash in a string of blockbuster rom-coms in the ‘90s and ‘00s but he was eager to move on to meatier movies and even passed on a $14.5 million paycheck in 2010 to seek more substantial roles and the struggle left him considering other careers such as a wildlife guide, Jamie Foxx has been crushed by the death of his beloved sister DeOndra Dixon who was born with Down syndrome
Page 28: Good Catch -- Bachelor stars who are still up for grabs -- Jon Hamm, Owen Wilson, Drew Carey
Page 29: Benicio Del Toro, Ryan Seacrest, Matthew Perry, some stars seem to say I do at the drop of the hat -- Larry King, Jerry Lee Lewis, Billy Bob Thornton 
Page 32: Olivia Munn was caught on camera flashing what looked like engagement bling on her left ring finger as she exited a gym following a morning workout in Los Angeles but she reportedly broke up with boyfriend Tucker Roberts last year leaving fans wondering who bought the stunning sparkler 
Page 36: Health Watch 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Michelle Pfeiffer 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Allison Janney on Mom 
Page 47: Odd List 
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kachinnate · 5 years
DEH on tour! 9/17/19
HI so i said i was gonna make a post describing my experience watching DEH last night so B^) if that’s a thing u sorta care abt i dropped it under the cut 
would like to start off that i had no idea that they were introducing a new touring evan and?? he’s fucking FANTASTIC ???? aH ,, but at first glance at the cast list, the only names i recognized were maggie and marrick’s.. and even then i only knew their names, i had no idea what they sounded like or even looked like tbh. if ur curious; 
evan: stephen christopher anthony jared: jared goldsmith larry: john hemphill alana: phoebe koyabe zoe: maggie mckenna cynthia: christiane noll heidi: jane pfitsch connor: marrick smith 
honestly........ i wasn’t displeased w/ a single one of these actors, holy FUCK they were so good?? i love obc w/ my entire heart, and i never thought i’d ever say this, but this cast is a CLOSE fuckin second dude. aahH. and not even because they sounded like the obc, like they all sounded completely different and brought a pretty different take to their characters and it was so..... good??? 
one specific thing that i noticed that happened in this performance compared to all the ones i’d seen before (broadway, two or three boots, two audios for arena stage) throughout was that there was a lot more.... crying? and like, just hearing that you’re probably like,, ‘oh, that’s annoying they probably made it a lot more extra :///’ but!! really i just think there was a different sort of depth that these actors took on in certain moments that made them like.... justifiable for crying when you’ve seen these scenes before and the mood was different and there weren’t tears... 
like, example: the beginning of the computer lab scene, when evan is writing his letter to himself, every evan that i’ve seen before this one read the letter out as he typed it in an almost defeated manner. like, he’s sad, obviously, how can u not be sad writing ‘maybe no one would notice if i disappeared’, but it sounds like he had long resigned to the fact that this was how things were. although it wasn’t super over the top or anything, stephen’s evan .. cried a little, like fully had some tears running down his face and was choked up as he got to the end of the letter, and i was like “!?!?!” cause it immediately gave off the sense that.. fuck, shit, evan really, really wanted his mom to be right, he genuinely had hope that today was going to be good, but.. it really wasn’t, and that kinda fuckin hurts?? like i think especially w/ us fans who know the show so well, we forget how legitimately dismal this letter is that he’s writing dsjkaefg like the murphy’s thought it was a suicide note bc it sounded like that and this might’ve been the first time i like.. didn’t question the confusion they had over it for a second, like of course you thought it was a suicide note , w/ the way evan wrote it it might as well have been 
another specifically notable moment was that alana cried throughout that scene following good for you?? like holy shit was i not prepared for that?? but she played it in a way that made so much sense, like she was so hurt that evan hadn’t cared about the project and maybe the stress of it’s weighed on her a lot because she’s just trying to do this good thing but like always everyone’s just left her to it and maybe she thought it’d be different w/ evan..... like there was a lot of pent up frustration and hurt in every word she said when i’m so used to hearing that scene delivered in a monotone, deadset, cold hurt sort of way. “i’ve moved on. obviously you don’t care.”, not “you know what?! i DON’T have time for this, I have to raise SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!” while choking up on tears like holy fuck alana did u really have to come for all of us like that 
(honestly in general phoebe played the best alana i’ve ever seen, hands down, period point blank, i fucking loved what she did w/ her character.... i’m not sure if she’s been alana for a while or if she’s new too, but oh my god????)
other notable cry things:
- connor was VERY audibly on the verge of tears on his “what are you laughing at?” line - when heidi and alana were singing at evan in good for you, jared was standing off to the side and was glaring daggers @ evan but was also.. crying a little and that fucking hurt  - ev was still croaky and teary from so big/so small into the scene before the finale, and zoe’s voice started catching a little halfway into their conversation and she had to stop a couple times to compose herself  - and then of course tears in the spots that usually have tears like words fail and so big so small and w/e but like. it hurt more i can’t describe it these actors personally Hurt My Feelings
all in all a lot more tears from both the characters and myself 
and just from all of THAT it goes without saying that there was a different, like... sort of depth that these characters brought to the table. stephen’s evan screamed desperate for a friend. i empathized with him immensely because literally every time he talked about fake!connor he sang so longingly and it was obvious that he needed needed needed this lie for himself too, like he wasn’t just telling it to the murphy’s to comfort them, he wanted so badly for this to be the truth for himself. the pull of the murphy’s caring about him and zoe was obviously there, but i truly didn’t think that was even a factor of this whole thing until into act 2. and even then... while it’s obvious that he’s in the wrong and his intentions get a bit more clouded, to me it feels like the general feel was “this has all gotten to out of hand, i can’t back out now, so i might as well just go along with all of this” instead of “oh hey this started as me trying to help the murphy’s but now my life is better? cool” 
his Evan Hansen Nervous Tick (tm) was wiping compulsively at his eyes (which, given how often they all cried is very valid but also kinda funny dsjgn) and his presence in general was very........... good. like, if you mix ben platt and taylor trensch’s energies, i think you’d get stephen’s evan’s stage presence, and really that’s the only way i can describe it djslgnsdg.. like he wasn’t Stoic and Awkward like ben was but he wasn’t as bouncy and quirky as taylor was, he was placed almost in the middle of those two and it... worked, i liked it a lot. it looked like he sort of hated being in his skin and sort of wanted to run away but he Won’t because he knows he needs to Try if he wants to be seen and that’s *chef’s kiss* a good energy that i can appreciate 
 jared goldsmith played his jared similarly to the way that will roland played his jared, but instead of being Blant about his love for evan he gave off a little bit more of a “haah yeh bro >B^)” energy... but still obviously gay because he’s jared, i don’t think u are legally allowed to play ur jared as a straight boy (source: will roland himself, and also the author of the deh book). something i REALLY loved specifically about his singing was that whenever they sing in a harmony, jared gets the top note, and ..... omg there was something about his voice that made the chord sound so fucking PRETTY like there’s no reason for me to be star eyed @ that ending note in sincerely, me, but here i am!!! also, jared was. tiny. SO small. how can so much chaos fit into such a small lad. 
 also i can’t remember when but there was a point where he said a line that was funny and he laughed at himself, and then the audience laughed, and then he continued to giggle and waited a few extra seconds to say his next line and it was the cutest thing i’ve ever seen 
extremely bitter at “look at you, helping the murphy’s”, he cried during good for you, and at the finale he is BEAMING at evan, like he is smiling SO BIG AT HIM, LIKE JARED GOLDSMITH PERSONALLY DECIDED “you know what, in my heart evan and jared did reconcile before the events of this moment and i’m going to make sure the audience knows because i’m going to look at him with an immeasurable amount of love in my eyes” and that was so fucking brave of him
maggie mckenna... maggie mckenna!! she was a wonderful zoe, i think she’s like my favorite zoe high key because oh my GOD? requiem fucking destroyed me... and like, i’m the odd one out because although that song is gorgeous, minus the first time i ever listened to it i never really was deeply deeply moved by it, like i understand the meaning of it and i know why it’s an extremely important song and i appreciate the amount of emotion that is portrayed within it, but to me it’s not really the Highlight of the show....... maggie’s voice was so beautiful, like soft and pretty during the beginning and powerful as FUCK on the bridge and!!!!! i wept for the first time during that song ever and i’m still shook abt it 
in general, maggie’s zoe was really balanced and well played and, like... real?? like, she was adorably hanging onto every word evan said as he stammered through their first interaction, albeit a little confused, when he’s over for dinner to talk about connor she’s indifferent and sort of aloof but it’s obvious that it’s from a place of like.. misplaced Hurt, even without knowing the plot already like it’s sort of obvious.... like maggie made it clear to the audience that zoe wasn’t supposed to be coldhearted or bitchy, she was a kid who’s been hurt by her brother and has every reason to not forgive him for it just because he’s gone and is now rightfully confused because now she has to try and cope with the fact that he might’ve been a good person even though every thing he’s ever done prior went against it, and.... ughsGDJ she was just!!! so good!!!!!! also, her chemistry that she had with evan was really real too and like.. i could believe that she actually fell for him, i could believe that she genuinely did like him for more reasons than a plot device, which is really refreshing bc i can’t rlly say that i saw that same level of like.. genuine chemistry between the evan and zoe i saw when we saw deh on broadway (it was still good, don’t get me wrong, but there was just something missing that i really only noticed by watching this performance). she’s kind of quirky and weird at some points too, which again is another thing that made her feel more real to me??? when evan was like “thank you” and touched her arms after she told him that she wasn’t breaking up with him, she fully reached out to touch his arms and fully bent her entire body in half, like her face was facing the ground and i audibly choked,, also she super gently like smacked his face at one point during only us and i heard it in his mic and he inhaled a lil sharply bc he was trying not to giggle and i. cri 
ngl, i’ve really only seen alana being played in one way up until now.... like, obviously every actor is going to play their character differently, and even from performance to performance there might be some change, but at least for the MOST part every alana i’ve seen has been straightforward: i’m chatty, i’m bright, i’m kind of lonely but i mean well and i REALLY care about this thing that we’re doing. there isn’t a lot of room for her to emote until, like... the whole good for you fiasco happens, the scene before it and after it, when she’s upset with evan for not helping, but even then there’s usually a trend with how she’s played. phoebe played her with SO much emotion and made her SO much more than what i expected to see??? like she cared... so much, but it was obvious that she was maybe not going about it in the right way. she seemed more like an awkward kid just like the rest of them, it was a bit more obvious that she didn’t think of herself as perfect, and it seemed a lot more clear that her intentions for helping out with the connor project were never about herself or making herself look good - it was because it genuinely meant something to her. yes, she was still a lot at times, but when evan accuses her of only being in it to help herself, it’s so like... evidently not true. like u don’t even have to see alana’s expression at all or hear how she responds, ur just immediately like “oh, so evan’s gonna be a dick now” because it’s just so obvious that it’s not like that at all, y’know?? alana had... big feelings, and she was more than the smart girl that drove the plot forward at points and gets screwed over by evan. also, her voice was extremely pretty as well *heart eyes emoji* 
both of the moms brought something similar to this show: it was obvious that while they started their characterization with what obc brought, they made it their own. they brought new mannerisms and choices up and they were both so??? fucking cute????? like they had extreme mom energy, at points it felt so real, like something about the whole scene with them talking together in the murphy house b4 good for you felt..... so so so real and it was disorienting. they both made me cry so like they definitely did their job 
ALSO the fucking way that heidi was looking at evan in the finale like. was one of the things that made me weep the hardest, like holy shit. she loves her son so much!!!!!! and i am CRYING !!!!!!!!! but anyway
*CLAPPING HANDS EMOJI* LARRY. FUCKING. MURPHY. oh my GOD he was an amazing larry !!!!!! like i know the fandom likes to demonize larry murphy but watching this man, i couldn’t think for a single second that this man was a bad father. he was trying so hard and just went about it in the wrong ways, and ... ghh... to break in a glove isn’t supposed to make you tear up but guess what (also this might be a personal problem but seeing him interact w/ evan gave me surges of feelings that reminded me that i have daddy issues ajdnGS like he was so. sweet. all the time, i want to throw a baseball around with this man and have him explain football to me even though i know i won’t understand it). his singing was rlly good too... like hearing it, i was like “ah. i can hear it in ur voice that when u were younger u were a bright tenor lad, but a bright tenor lad in the way that was good and not terribly nasally”  
marrick was really good, but i’m like 85% sure that he was sick :’( his voice caught and he had to clear his throat a few times during sincerely, me, and he had a break on a certain note and couldn’t go higher than that, which.... is rough because although connor isn’t super tenor-y all the time he definitely ... doesn’t sing just low (but when he did sing low? *chefs kiss*) but other than that? v good acting, like evan this connor just... rlly wanted a friend. he almost cried when evan started laughing at him, and he sounded extremely devastated when he read the note... as evan’s OC, he played it very Defeated(tm) instead of confrontational, which obvs Hurt bc evan was fully like “no!!!! i fell!!” while connor was just “ did u. or did u let go.” u don’t gotta be confrontational when u are the inner demons of a boy and aren’t actually a person yaknow >B’’’’^) nevertheless i am crying xoxo!!!!!!!
all in all?? fucking incredible, i can’t believe i had the opportunity to see this cast and i’m going to hold them in a v special place in my heart :’) 
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junietuesday · 5 years
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Act 1
In Sincerely Me it looked kinda like Jared was trying to find like any excuse to touch Evan, it was adorable, like he was draping his arm around Evan’s shoulders whenever he could and pushing his shoulders into Evan’s while he squatted down to write some emails, and then when he jumped into the dancing at the end he was slightly behind Evan and Connor onstage like he was trying to shove himself in and failing, and I also loved that Evan was mimicking Connor’s movements to show that he was really “Connor”
Before Anybody Have A Map:
Heidi: *growly-enthusiastic* Seize the day!
Evan: *same tone* I guess!
Before For Forever:
Evan: we went to the...apples. The apple place
Cynthia: ...the orchard?
In Disappear it was like Jared was trying to hide how enthusiastic he was to join the Connor Project and his “sarcastic” “well, shit!” when Alana said “you can be secretary or treasurer, sorry, co-president is taken” was like he actually was a little disappointed, and also before that he was like “soon this whole thing with Connor will be done with when there’s some third-degree tsunami we have to raise money for!” like he’s excited for when everything goes back to normal and he can be Evan’s only friend
Before Requiem Cynthia told Zoe “we’re all grieving in our own way, I know you truly miss him deep down” and Zoe opened her mouth angrily like she was gonna deny it then just shook her head and looked away and rolled her eyes
Zoe is no way straight with the way she was sitting on that couch in Requiem
During the climax of You Will Be Found with the projections of Evan’s speech all over, Heidi was wandering around the stage looking up at the videos confusedly, while Evan went up to Cynthia and hugged her for the longest time
Before Sincerely Me Jared was talking about how the secret email account and not talking to each other in school was the formula for gay lovers and I was like “you’d know about that huh”
I really loved the staging in Waving Through a Window where Evan’s classmates line up in a row and then every time he steps in front of them trying to get their attention, they flip and look away, by the end Evan is looking almost desperate
In Sincerely Me during the chorus Connor punched Evan’s shoulders on each side like really hard, then later Evan punched Connor back trying to like awkwardly mimic him but it was super weak like Connor barely even reacted
Before If I Could Tell Her the part where the music was already playing in the soundtrack passed by without anything from the band so I got scared they like, forgot to play or something but I guess they start the music later than they do in the recording
Zoe was like a ton more cynical than I thought she’d be, I really love it though it works well
When Jared Alana and Evan propose the Connor Project to the Murphys, after Evan invites Zoe and the jazz band to do something for the presentation and Cynthia says “oh Evan this is wonderful” while Zoe watches and Evan looks nervous under her gaze, Jared says pointedly, “no sweat! right, Evan?” and Evan stutters out an affirmative
There was so much startled laughter when Alana said “you broke your arm? oh my grandma broke her hip. the doctors said that was the beginning of the end. she died”
Evan takes Jared’s advice to nod and confirm super literally, during the scene before For Forever he nods super forced and fake-enthusiastically and says “mhm” or “yeah” again, super forced
Before Requiem (or maybe For Forever idk):
Cynthia: why was Connor embarrassed of you?
Evan: well, I mean, I think he didn’t want people to know he was friends with a—
Zoe: Nerd?
Evan: I was gonna say “loser” but that works too—better than works actually—
In If I Could Tell Her Zoe’s “no, nevermind, I don’t really care” was a lot more trying to sound aloof than in the recording, she’s pretending she’s just like “whatever” and pulls it off a lot better than Laura Dreyfuss’s Zoe
And then after If I Could Tell Her when Evan tells Jared about trying to kiss her on her brother’s bed, Jared’s like “oh she’ll hate you forever might as well just give up on her now” in a way that really came off to me as “yes now that she’s out of the picture maybe I have a chance?”
Act 2:
At one point—I think it was a bit before Good For You?—with projections of Evan’s letters all over the stage, there were bolded words “maybe better disappeared”
Before Words Fail Cynthia was like brokenly “no, no, no” when Evan said Connor didn’t write the letters
Before Only Us Zoe said “let’s have a kegger” and Evan repeated it in a sillier voice and then they went back and forth a couple more times then they started doing this little leg-bouncy dance that holy shit kinda echoed the Sincerely Me leg bouncing
Zoe was perched on the arm of the couch really weirdly during the scene where the Murphys and Hansens meet and drink wine, again, totally not straight
Zoe went to hold Evan’s hands during Only Us, Evan really quickly wiped his hand on his jeans before holding her hands back
The part where Evan and Jared fought was really painful, when Jared said “fuck you, Evan! Asshole!” and ran off, and I’m also still not over how he was the only one to talk about “someone” hurting “whoever” in the third person during Good For You
Alana!!! Deserved!!! Better!!! She was practically crying during Good For You and those scenes where she tells Evan that the emails don’t line up, she didn’t even get a proper resolution, not even in the book (at least in the book Jared did)
When recording a video for the Connor Project, Alana was speaking clearly and well while Evan was just rambling really fast, sometimes he’d just echo what Alana said but quicker and quieter, for the closing sentence they started to say it together, Alana and Evan visibly—painfully—trying to match each other’s speed and tone, before Alana finally gave up and took over
As the play went on Evan started dressing like Connor, he was wearing Connor’s sweater by the end until he changed back for the finale
Jared looked so hurt when Zoe came up and kissed Evan on the cheek while Jared was talking about how much of a ~better life~ Evan was having now that Connor was dead, Jared was like “yeah. you’re really helping the Murphys” like he was trying hard not to sound like he cared *cough* KLEINSEN ALL THE WAY
In Only Us when Evan was saying “I love you” the first part was still facing the audience, then for the rest of the “I love you”s he turned to Zoe and got closer and closer to her, directing them at her instead of just saying “Connor didn’t know how to say this”
The Sincerely Me reprise was great, so like Jared and Connor were dancing together and Connor was saying “let’s have the Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman join this rad friendship!” and then just record scratch, freeze frame, Evan snaps “you can’t just make stuff up” and Jared looks into the camera like in the Office, and then when Jared like, what was it, invited Evan to his house or something idk, Evan was like “I can’t, I’m busy I have important things to do”, Jared’s visibly hurt when he says “oh yeah Connor’s the only important thing now”
During So Big/So Small, halfway through Evan just latches onto his mom and cries while she sings, I am not okay
Before Only Us Zoe’s like “can we talk” and Evan goes panicky “please don’t break up with me!” and then Zoe half-laughs “I’m not breaking up with you”, Evan awkwardly really slowly leans forward to touch Zoe’s hands and sighs in relief, “thank you”, Zoe mimicks him, “you’re welcome”, Evan looks kinda mortified
The You Will Be Found reprise literally felt like a panic attack/sensory overload it was intense and I loved it, also there was a loud whooshing sound before it cut to the Murphy’s living room and I literally jumped lmao
Evan was pretty much sobbing during the part where Connor said “did you fall? Or did you let go?”, I was almost in tears too
When Evan spit out “he didn’t write it!” even though I knew what was gonna happen I still gasped inside, and then afterward Zoe whispered “how could you do this?” in a total 180 from her earlier tougher cynical attitude
When Alana shares the “suicide note”, she’s beside Evan on the other side of the stage, the note pops up all over the projections and recordings start reposting and sharing it, Evan is literally brokenly begging “don’t show anyone, take it down, please”
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multimusesblog · 5 years
South Park Characters Answer 18 Questions
1. Are you happy? [Jenny Simons] “Yes.” 2. Do you listen to rap music? [Stan Marsh (Mystic AU)] “Sometimes.” 3. Do you watch Bob’s Burgers? [Kenny McCormick Age 13] “Yes.” 4. What is the worst thing you think could happen to you? [Sharon Marsh (Phone Destroyer AU)] “Losing my son or his tribe.” 5. Do you believe in witches? [Bebe Stevens] “Yes.” 6. Have you ever been hurt by someone you thought loved you? [Heidi Turner] “Yeah.” She directed a glare towards Eric. 7. What planet are you from? [Kyle Broflovski Age 18 (Fractured but Whole AU)] “Kitropolis.” 8. Board games or video games? [Craig Tucker (Circus AU)] “Video games.” 9. Do you have any pets? [Millie Larssen] “No.” 10. Epic Rap Battles of History or Dan Bull?  [Alex Anderson (OC)] “Epic Rap Battles.” 11. Do you know you’re in a cartoon? [Alex Glick] “Yeah.” 12. Have you played Danganronpa before? [Mickey Mouse] “No, I only acknowledge franchises I own. Haha” 13. Thoughts on mobile games? [Stan Marsh] “They’re nothing but addiction traps.” 14. Would you rather work on a farm or in the city? [Stan Marsh Age 10] “As long as it wasn’t another fucking weed farm.”  15. What sport can no one beat you at? [Tammy Warner] “Volleyball.”  16. Can you speak languages other than English? [Christophe DeLorne] “Oui. My native tongue, French.” 17. What school did you go to? [Gregory] “Yardale.” 18. Do you miss anyone right now? [Stan Marsh] “Chef.”
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the-spectatre · 5 years
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Alright, here we go: here are my honorable mentions from the CFDA red carpet, starting with numbers 21 through 30:
21. Mia Moretti in Alice + Olivia - I know this look seems simple, but there’s really not much you can argue with. I, for one, was taken in by the pleating on the skirt and how the combination of her red lip and big earrings gave her an extra pop.
22. Diane Kruger in Jason Wu - Another “can’t argue with it” look. She’s stunning, the dress is pretty, she’s not doing anything outrageous with her accessories. Can’t knock it.
23. Grace Elizabeth in Brandon Maxwell - See above description, because it also applies to this look.
24. Laura Harrier in Khaite - I definitely thought this was Rodarte on first glance--red, fluffy, polka dots, etc.--but I should have realized it wasn’t because it didn’t quite go over the top. And honestly, I think it could have gone a little farther; tier the hem, or make it more sheer. It’s a cool look overall, but the brown belt grates on my nerves because you could literally pull that out of almost any closet in the country.
25. Lili Reinhart in Carolina Herrera - When I first saw this I really liked it, but after awhile I noticed some fit and styling elements that let the look down a bit. The neckline’s just a bit too deep/wide, and the flare of the skirt is a tad too big as well. Black pumps were probably a better bet than sandals, too. Nonetheless, she still looks good. It’s hard to go wrong with black and white.
26. Riley Montana in Azeeza - It’s not reinventing the wheel, but this is about as “classic model look” as it gets. White dress, plunging neckline, Jolie leg, blowout, diamonds. Generic but still stunning.
27. Lauren Santo Domingo in Brandon Maxwell - Obviously, Brandon Maxwell had a great night, and it was reflected in the selection of his dresses that walked the red carpet. Lauren Santo Domingo’s was probably the least flashy, but it proves that Brandon Maxwell dresses can work for so many levels of dressing/occasions.
28. Heidi Gardner in Badgley Mischka - Okay, I was so excited to see Heidi at the CFDAs (she took the kids to her sister’s) that I probably am praising this look more than it deserves. I don’t think the illusion netting down her arms was necessary, and her hair is a little bit messy looking; still, it’s a lovely gown with impeccable embroidery. Good for her!
29. Ayesha Sesay in Christopher John Rogers - This dress really intrigued me despite having a lot going on, which I’m not often a fan of. In the end, I think it needed one element removed, whether it be the long ties on the straps or the ruffled mini skirt or the high-low hem of the main skirt. Take one of those out and this would really sing.
30. Jennifer Lopez in Ralph Lauren -  I was kind of disappointed in this look, not so much because of anything J Lo did but more because of how it fits. It looks kind of unfinished; the crop top looks like she rolled up the bottom to make it that way, and the drawstring on the skirt waist brings the look down. The color is great, and her body is ridiculous, but the outfit didn’t live up to her, in my opinion.
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newagesispage · 5 years
                                                          FEBRUARY           2019
***** I am over the moon at the suggestion of a biopic of Dave Letterman starring Michael Shannon. Will somebody think about really putting this into production??? Please??
***** Criminal Minds will wrap it up after this next and 15th season. The season 14 finale on Feb.6 will have Rossi’s wedding. They will spend the last season chasing after ‘a worthy adversary’ rumored to be played by Harold Perrineau as they jump ahead in time.
***** I am so touched by shows like Grace and Frankie and Schitt’s Creek that look right past the usually discussed issues for interracial and same sex couples .  Gee, just think, it’s like we are all the same.
***** If you haven’t seen Michael Bennet and his senate floor speech about Ted Cruz, government shutdowns and Trump, run to C-span and catch it. These things make me proud to be in a DEMOCRACY!
***** Can this be true?? The constitution of Texas states that one can’t hold public office unless they believe in a supreme being??
***** Julian Castro is running for President.
***** Kamala Harris is running for President.
***** Cory Booker is running for President.
***** HGTV is apparently working on a huge publicity stunt and ratings grabber. They have purchased the home whose exterior was used in the Brady Bunch. A show will reunite the cast, bring in some famous fane and remodel the inside to look like the Brady set. At the end they may give the house away.
***** Michael Shannon and Audra McDonald will team up to revive Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune on Broadway.
***** Rashida Jones and Bill Murray will star in Sofia Coppola’s’ On the Rocks.’
***** Why isn’t extreme ironing a bigger sport by now??** And can we make Petanque a bigger thing while we’re at it?
***** Craig Ferguson is selling his LA compound.
***** China has landed on the far side of the moon!!!
***** NASA’s New Horizons has went further than anyone has gone before for our first image of Ultima Thule.
***** Kentucky has introduced a bill to ban abortion in the state.
***** Told to a reporter: “It’s your job to speak truthfully and precisely, not mine.” –Kellyanne Conway** The new book, Team of Vipers, suggests that The Conways are working in concert.  It is thought that she is valuable to Trump because she has no qualms about saying anything.
***** Super bowl LIII will host Maroon 5, Travis Scott and Big Boi. They will have no pre- concert interview. It is said that many artists turned down the gig because of the controversy. Maroon 5 has gotten some shit for performing but they caution us to just watch.** Roger Waters has asked Maroon 5 to take a knee during the show.
***** Natasha Lyonne is getting raves for her new show, Russian Doll.
***** Tom Sizemore was arrested for drug possession.
***** 6 NFL coaches were fired in one week!!!
***** Pentagon chief of staff, rear admiral Kevin Sweeney is out.
***** Rod Rosenstein is on the way out.
***** Jaymo’s, a Peoria company is suing Wendy’s over the use of their S’Awesome sauce.
***** We should enact the stop the stupidity act.
***** Why does it seem every other show on the air is sort of an entire season of a Twilight Zone episode?
***** There are more people in the Kremlin than in Washington who know what Trump said to Putin. – Tom Nichols
***** Members of congress can retire at full pay after 1 term. Children of congress members don’t have to pay back student loans. Is that true?? Can this be right??
***** Dupont is laying off workers.
***** Check out love your brain.com.
***** The Golden Globes were held and were hosted by Andy Samberg and Sandra Oh.  My best dressed was Isla Fisher, Elizabeth Moss. Danai Gurira, Julia Roberts, Carol Burnett, Emily Blunt, Lupita Nyong’o, Patricia Clarkson, Jamie Lee Curtis, Jameela Jamil, Rosamund Pike, Jim Carrey, Alison Brie, Gemma Chan and Bradley Cooper. Worst dressed goes to Rachel Weisz, Julianne Moore, Layra Dern, Anne Hathaway, Maya Rudolph, Rami Mlek, Molly Sims and Heidi Klum. I was so happy for winners like The Americans (highlight of the evening!!!), Regina King, Lady Gaga, Mahershala Ali, Patricia Clarkson, Darren Criss, Bohemian Rhapsody, Rami Malek, Olivia Colman and Green Book.  The Cecil B. DeMille award went to Jeff Bridges. The new Carol Burnett award started off with Carol herself. I was saddened that Bill Hader, Henry Winkler, Kieran Culkin, Keri Russell and Sacha Baron Cohen went home empty handed. The Fiji water girl got most of the press and gave much free advertising to her product.  Some of the stars did not like her getting in their shots to push a product without their knowledge, both a clever and sad state of affairs.
***** The Kominsky Method will be back for season 2.
***** The Sag awards had their big night and gave the lifetime achievement to Alan Alda. Winners included Emily Blunt, Darren Criss, Black Panther, Rami Malek and Glenn Close. I was especially thrilled with some love goingto Jason Bateman and Patricia Arquette. Best dressed were Amy Adams, Yara Shahidi, Brian Tyree Henry, Sydelle Noel, Eddie Griffin, Holly Taylor, Sofia Hubitz, Emma Stone, Emily Blunt, Darren Criss, Laverne Cox, Timothee Chalamet, Robin Wright, Lily Tomlin, Chadwick Boseman, Matthew Rhys, Keri Russell, and Catherine Zeta Jones. The WTF award goes to Alison Brie.
***** The Oscar race is on. Best picture could go to Blank Panther, Blackkklansman, Roma, The Favourite, Green Book, Vice, Bohemian Rhapsody and A Star is born. Black Panther also got some love for music and costume design.  Fingers crossed for Isle of Dogs in the animated category. Actor nods had a few surprises. Willem Dafoe and Rami Malek , Lady Gaga and Melissa McCarthy are up for leads and supporting mentions are for Mahershala Ali, Regina King, Adam Driver and Sam Elliott. I am so hopeful for Spike Lee and I want to hear that speech.
***** If you haven’t seen Trigger Warning with Killer Mike, you gotta check it out. He and Sarah Silverman should go on a tour of teaching acceptance for their fellow man.
***** So.. Fox news said that Ruth Bader Ginsberg was dead??
***** In sexual harassment news: Harvey Weinstein is hiring new lawyers.** Les Moonves is seeking arbitration with CBS.
***** Cher has sold her Beverly Hills cottage.
***** Cindy Crawford and Randy Gerber’s daughter, Presley was arrested for DUI.
***** CBS news has named its first female President, Susan Zirinsky.
***** What is happening to the butterflies?
***** Illinois has refused a concert permit to R Kelly and Sony has dropped him. The pressure is finally starting to pay off??
***** Get ready for biopics about Harriet Tubman, Elton John and Ted Bundy.
*****  NY mayor Bill De Blasio has given healthcare to every resident of NY city.
***** 25% of Russians do not have indoor toilets. Putin and his buddies have about $1trillion tucked away from London to Miami.
***** Days alert: I wonder if Leo’s real name ‘Matthew Cooper’ is a nod to out actor Chad Allen from Dr. Quinn??!! It is also fun to see Judith Chapman take on the role of Leo’s Mama, Diana. The pair played Mother and son previously on The Young and the Restless. Is she really Diana Colville from John’s past??** So Stefan has been played by Tyler Christopher who asked for some time off and a sub was put in place who will take over in March. Since Christopher left, he has since decided that he will leave permanently so things are up in the air. Will Stefan and Gabi hook up? Days has been renewed for season 55. HOORAY!!!! Ratings are up 4%. **Loved the line when Chloe told Rex he should wear a cup. **Leo and Xander’s playful “lust” was so sassy!!
***** Happy Valentine’s Day!
***** Steve Buscemi will play God on tv’s Miracle Workers.
***** So, the new Conan format has ups and downs. I miss the band and the desk but I am Loving the fade in and fade out at commercials. I have always hated the, “We’ll be right back “ nonsense. I was sad to lose a half hour at first but Conan and Andy do seem refreshed.
***** Still waiting for the release of Apple Seed which is written, directed and starring Michael Worth. It is one of the final films of Rance Howard who stars with his son, Clint, Adrienne Barbeau and the other Father and son team of Robby and Zephyr Benson.
***** The January Bob Segar concert in Illinois at the Peoria Civic Center is the top selling concert ever at this venue. Old rock acts take note.
***** Bob Costas is out at NBC after 40 years.
***** Trial and Error has been cancelled. BOO!!!
***** Steve Carell will star in Space Force which he is co-creating with The Office showrunner Greg Daniels.
***** Despite some people I admire that are giving Alexandria Ocasio Cortez a talking to like she’s a child, I say ‘Give ‘em Hell!’  She could well be President so fight girl!!
***** Word is that Karen Pence is now teaching at the Immanuel School in Virginia. The school refuses admission to students who participate in or condone homosexual activity. The application for the school states that misconduct includes heterosexual activity outside of marriage, homosexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity and use of pornographic websites. The application goes on to state that ‘a wife must submit to her husband’ and a pledge must be signed to that effect.
***** There is controversy over the bill to give people a day off for Election Day. Many people will still have to work, the country never completely shuts down. How many fucking times do I have to say it: VOTE BY MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!
***** So, Scary clown told us Mexico would pay for ‘the wall’. During the campaign he gave actual ideas for that like Mexico giving us a one time payout or else he would not allow Mexican immigrants to western union money back to Mexico. Another idea was that there would be a great ta on that Western union money. It does not seem like they tried any of that and just decided we would pay for the stupid ‘wall.’ How about the money he makes off Trump merch which his website and hotels still sell to pay for it?? How about the $35 million that Trump sold in real estate in 2018? The ‘Wall’ go fund me did not reach its $1billion goal so the $20 million they did collect is being offered for refunds. Some of those people still want that money to go for its purpose so Trump is creating a non- profit. Can’t we use that money to help the border patrol agents and get the backlog in immigration court moving?? That we are still talking about this ridiculous wall and that it had a go fund me page is enough to boggle the normal brain.** I think Kimmel said it best when he suggested that Trump just tell the red hats that the wall has been built.  They believe everything he says so why wouldn’t they believe that??  It would save the country a lot of headaches. ** What the Hell is with his new “wheels and walls” mantra??** Russia caused Brexit too? Putin is a menace.** Another sink hole appeared the White House. WTF?
***** The congressional budget office says the shut down cost the U.S. 11 billion
***** Trump is talking to Herman Cain about a job on the Federal Reserve Board.
***** The GOP is selling fake bricks that cost about 50 cents for $20 each to send to Senate Dems. Some have said that the Dems should sign them and sell them and give the money to government workers. ** Why are Russian jets fucking around on the North American coastline??
***** Roger Stone has been indicted on 5 counts of false statements, 1 count of obstruction and 1 count of witness tampering. The FBI officers who arrested him were part of the shut down and they still did their job!!  He publically and privately claimed to have communicated with Russia. Predictions are that many more indictments are coming down the pike that involve many familiar faces.** Roger Stone has a Nixon tattoo on his back. I feel sorry for his cell mate.-Bill Maher
***** Bill Maher got some flak for comments after Stan Lee died. He wasn’t slamming Lee, but wondered about comic book fans putting away childish things. I suppose that could include weed but point taken.
***** Jared Kushner along with 30 other White House staff was denied top secret clearance but Trump advisor Carl Kline overruled that decision and gave it to them anyway. This has never been done before, this is a job for intelligent agencies.
***** Empire star Jussie Smollett was attacked in Chicago in what cops are saying was a possible hate crime. The attackers were yelling that this was MAGA country, poured bleach on him and put a rope around his neck.  The actor was previously sent a letter full of homophobic and racist slurs which he FBI had been looking into.
***** Ellen page gave us some memorable, powerful words to chew on with her appearance on Stephen Colbert. I am sure she gave courage to many who suffer because of our hate filled administration.
***** Gwyneth Paltrow is being sued from a 2016 ski incident for 3 mil.
***** I gain more and more respect for Seth Meyers. I did not really understand the choice of him as host in the beginning. His notice of local stations, choice of guests and revolving drummers makes for a great show.
***** A Dutch company may have invented a small device that converts heat into cold and Forbes is saying, ‘it could save the planet.’
***** So looking forward to Ryan Murphy’s The Politician which will star Jessica Lange, Gwyneth Paltrow and January Jones.
***** I know that is has happened little by little and we go thru times in our history when things get worse and then things get better but… When did this country get so fucking corrupt?? I mean seriously.. Why is Brendan Dassey still in prison and why is there no real justice for Teresa Halbach? ** Why is Trump still in the White House?**Why are government workers being told to work for nothing?? Why is R Kelly still living it up?? Why are some states going backward in time when it comes to women’s health?? Why do many corporations care more about their own pockets than the children of their employees or the environment around them??** Why does our justice system so often punish big for small infractions and allow the powerful to do anything they want?? **Why is a wall a better idea than infrastructure or warm beds for the homeless or food for our children and why are so many children in cages??
***** How can it be that we are still in a world where people are not allowed to reach their full potential?? Why do so many selfish humans actually fight to live in a world where they actively hold others back? Shouldn’t we all be concerned about the greater good?  We should all be allowed to see a Doctor when we are ill. We should all be able to excel in education if we choose .We should all be able to get a job to fit our skills and work ethic.  Opportunities and the pursuit of happiness should be available to all. Why is this so fucking hard for so many to grasp in this world? Imagine!
***** Sundance premiered the new flick, Big time adolescence with Griffin Gluck and Pete Davidson. Pete has since made no bones about filming in Syracuse. He hated it.
***** Jeff Flake will join CBS news as a contributor.
***** Tom Brokaw is in a bit of trouble for saying Hispanics should work harder at assimilation.
***** The Tom Hanks/ Matthew Rhys film, A beautiful day in the neighborhood has pushed back its release date to Nov. 22.
***** People are illogical and self- centered. Love them anyway. -Hedy Lemarr
*****R.I.P. Bob Einstein, Millie Wiesehan, victims of the Torrance. Ca. bowling alley shooting, Captain Darryl Dragon, Jo Andres, Lamin Sanneh, Carol Channing, Sandra Harmon, Bradley Bolke, the victims of Mediterranean shipwreck, Lorna Doom, victims of the Florida bank shooting, Kaye Ballard, Willie York , Barbara Claman , victims of the mining dam collapse in Brazil and James Frawley.
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Dear Evan Hansen 26-7-2018: Thoughts part 2
All main cast apart from Evan who was played by Stephen Christopher Anthony (It's been a few days now so I remember less, also I was crying though a lot of it)
Act 2
-At the end of Sincerely Me reprise Jared pushes Connor offstage and it's really funny
-I just love Sincerely Me Reprise
-I noticed that Sincerely Me reprise and You Will Be Found reprise are both in the playbill, but Waving Through A Window reprise isn't which is weird
-When Evan and Heidi argue for the first time it's already so intense omg you could feel everyone in the audience holding their breath
-In To Break in a Glove Evan spends like the whole song just rubbing shaving cream into the glove, they must get through a lot of shaving cream and have to clean a lot of gloves
-Also when Zoe asks Evan if Larry is torturing him, her and Larry actually got a little forceful, while I remember the bootleg being more playful
-When Evan and Zoe are in his room before Only Us, they were talking about throwing a kegger and they did rock hands and emo voices and it was really cute and funny
-When Zoe comes in while Evan and Jared are talking she kisses Evan on the cheek, they're just so cute ok
-Also she has her guitar on her back and I like that they show her with her guitar instead of just talking about it, it makes the musical feel more real
-The Heidi Murphy scene I felt so tense the whole time omg
-Right before Evan and Zoe walk in Heidi and the murphys are talking about wine which I don't remember being in the libretto (I might be wrong though)
-And when the Murphy's talked about Evan being like a son to them you could just tell that Heidi was so hurt but trying to hide it and be polite
-And Evan is just hunched up on the chair the whole time
-When the Good For You theme came on me and my cousin clutched eachother in excitement, but then there was another scene before the actual sing
-Evan and Heidi arguing was so intense they were just shouting at eachother and then it just fell silent
-When Evan said "Well it's not my fault somebody else can" I heard a few gasps in the audience
-I think Rachel Bay Jones was losing her voice, because she sounded quite raspy, but it actually really fits Good For You
-When Sky said "Fuck you, Evan" he said it quite quietly and it was much more subtle then in the bootleg which I liked
-The projections make Good For You so much more powerful, you feel the chaos in Evan's mind
-At the end of good for you Jared Alana and Heidi are surrounding him and he's trying to get out but they keep blocking him and he just seems so helpless
-Alex's voice is so beautiful omg
-And then You Will Be Found Reprise was so threatening
-All the things everyone is saying about the Murphys really shows the toxic side of the Internet, cause those are types of things that people actually say on social media which is really scary
-Words Fail was so emotional I can't remember much of it cause I was crying so much
-I just know Stephen was crying you could hear his sniffles
-And then the scene after it is one of my favourites
-In so Big So Small my mum hugged me and I was shaking with sobs
-Then all the screens went away and orchard was revealed and it was so freeing
-The way Evan walks and talks in the Orchard scene you can just see he's more at peace with himself
-I cried again at the end cause it was over and the harmonies in For Forever reprise (the end one) is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard
I'll make a 3rd post talking about the stagedoor, cause that was amazing. My cousin also filmed it (the stagedoor) so I might post that as well.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Nova Scotia Mounties should be compelled to testify at mass shooting inquiry: experts
Public trust in the inquiry investigating the mass shooting in Nova Scotia almost two years ago would be undermined if the RCMP officers involved are not compelled to testify, legal experts say.
Last week, the commission of inquiry came under intense scrutiny when the RCMP's union argued the 18 officers would be "re-traumatized" if they are forced to relive April 18-19, 2020, when a man disguised as a Mountie fatally shot 22 people during a 13-hour rampage.
Police officers routinely give evidence under oath at trials and public inquiries, even when the subject matter is profoundly disturbing and graphic. But the federal-provincial inquiry in Halifax, which started hearings last month, has adopted a novel, "trauma-informed" approach.
Last Thursday, federal lawyer Lori Ward -- who represents the RCMP -- said the inquiry had entered a "brave new world," where the traditional trial-style approach had to make way for a new approach of gathering evidence.
The RCMP's union -- the National Police Federation -- argued that the Mounties in question have already provided detailed statements to police and the commission, which it said should be good enough for the inquiry.
Christopher Schneider, a sociology professor at Brandon University in Manitoba, said the inquiry must be careful not to cause more trauma, given the horrific nature of Canada's worst mass shooting. But that priority must be balanced with the public's right to know what happened.
"The officers' testimony is integral to having a complete picture of what happened so that we can make sure that this never happens again," said Schneider, author of the book "Policing and Social Media."
"That's really important to restore public confidence and trust the RCMP should be compelled to provide testimony."
Schneider said he doesn't buy the union's argument that previously provided unsworn statements should be good enough for the inquiry.
"We could surmise that maybe there's something that the RCMP don't want the public to know," he said. "Maybe they're trying to conceal something. We don't know."
Tamara Cherry, a communications specialist who works with trauma survivors and the media, said she can understand why some survivors of the shootings and victims' relatives believe the RCMP are trying to hide something. She agreed that the officers should testify, but she insisted that their participation must be handled in a trauma-informed way. And the key to accomplishing this is advance preparation, she said.
"We need to be having thoughtful, meaningful conversations along every step of the way, thinking about how every action, every decision, every question could potentially be harmful to anybody in the room," she said, noting that an RCMP officer -- Const. Heidi Stevenson -- was among those killed.
That's why the lawyers and others involved in the inquiry should have received training on how to handle a trauma-informed proceeding, she said.
"We wouldn't have these sorts of arguments coming forward if this inquiry made a commitment ahead of time to ensure that all the questioning would be done in the trauma-informed way," Cherry said.
Part of that process would be preparing witnesses to ensure they aren't triggered and that potential harm is mitigated through the use of supports and accommodations, she said.
In sexual assault cases, for example, complainants are given the option of testifying from another room, rather than facing the alleged perpetrator. During public inquiries, graphic crime scene and autopsy photos are no longer shown.
Meanwhile, the rancour over the direction of the inquiry is probably causing further trauma for the victims' families and survivors, she said.
"Right now, I can see how the (RCMP union) could say, `Oh well, this system isn't set up to properly take care of the (officers),"' she said. "It is absolutely a valid argument, and one that should be opening up the broader conversation."
Wayne MacKay, a professor emeritus of law at Dalhousie University in Halifax, said it's clear that the investigating officers should not be treated in a way that triggers more trauma.
"There must be creative and innovative ways or even traditional ways in which you can deal with witnesses, both on examination and cross-examination, that would allow that to happen," he said.
"However, not having people testify at all is a very extreme way to achieve a trauma-informed approach. While it might not produce trauma, it could possibly call into question people's trust in the commission."
The RCMP's role in trying to stop the unfolding tragedy is central to the work of the inquiry, MacKay said.
"There is no real way to deal with this horrific matter without causing some discomfort for a wide range of people," he said.
On another front, MacKay said he agreed with speculation that the Mounties may be trying to avoid testimony and cross-examination in anticipation of two civil lawsuits that have been filed against the police force by some victims' families.
MacKay said if the RCMP continue to push for an exemption, the commission should issue subpoenas to compel their testimony. And he stressed that all testimony should be subject to cross-examination, which will allow lawyers for the victims' families to test the validity of each officer's statement.
"That is the best way to get to the truth," MacKay said, adding that rumours and conspiracy theories about the RCMP proliferated as the inquiry completed a 15-month investigation behind closed doors.
"So in a case like this, to have evidence which is not tested evidence puts the whole inquiry under a cloud from which it may never escape."
Brandon Trask, an assistant professor of law at the University of Manitoba, said the RCMP's union could not direct members to ignore a subpoena.
"If there is a subpoena issued, it's not an invitation, it's an order," he said. "If a subpoena is issued, you know that that would certainly be a game changer."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 6, 2022.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/gfrOz0b
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