#heaven official's blessing headcanon
frogizzhc · 1 year
TGCF Headcanons: Xianle Trio Edition!
[Around when Xie Lian was like 14 or 15, so happy times :) ! Also, if this is out of character, sorry, I'm no character analyzer. ]
When Mu Qing first met Xie Lian, he thought he was probably some snooty prince, so he was very cautious to say or do anything out of line around him.
Xie Lian would sometimes act spoiled without realizing it when he was younger. He wasn't a brat, but he was very priveleged and Mu Qing and Feng Xin kept him in check.
Feng Xin already had a bad impression on Mu Qing when they first met but would "try" to put things aside and cooperate when around Xie Lian.
Xie Lian would often find Qi Rong annoying when he'd follow him around so he found a way to signal to Feng Xin to get him away.
Mu Qing felt really out of place when he started to work beside Xie Lian, feeling super shy and awkward.
Xie Lian would smack-talk, or at the very least use his authority as prince in a kind way, to anyone who messed with Mu Qing (ok, yeah I know this is canon but like, imagine him yelling at someone because they were bullying Mu Qing).
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eyes-of-nine · 4 months
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do I ship them? not really???maybe idk but 1) I needed someone for this to work 2) I do enjoy making LQQ suffer 3) it would be kinda funny ngl
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huaenrose · 1 month
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“If I had always been by your side, the world would never have been cruel to you.”
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“If I had always been by your side, the world would have always been kind to you.”
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ivoryrisuet · 3 months
I feel like Xie Lian eventually would start adding more colours to his clothes. In the beginning it's gonna be just to make Hua Cheng happy but after a while Xie Lian will realise that he doesn't feel wrong wearing bright things. His key colour is still white, he's still mourning. But it doesn't cancel out his right to be happy and feel beautiful.
Just imagine being able to wear something that reminds you of the most hurtful episodes of your life and smile, because you don't have to bear this pain alone. Guilt will never go away, just as sorrow. But now Xie Lian has a special someone who can not only ease this pain, but also remind him that there were many beautiful things too. And that Xie Lian deserves beautiful things like no one else.
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biboomerangboi · 3 months
I do actually believe Yin Yu is probably paid pretty well by Hua Cheng but I also believe that whatever he gets paid to deal with Simplord Hua Cheng will never be enough.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
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diversity win! your doomed greek tragedy ship is genderfluid!
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emotionaldisaster909 · 6 months
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xielianlover2 · 1 month
So funny to me that all things considered, Hua Cheng's spiritual power would probably be talked about even more scandalously now. It used to be out of fear and full of baseless rumors. Now that Xie Lian is in the picture, however...
Things that probably would have been said:
"His Highness and Crimson Rain Sought Flower exchange spiritual powers through passionate kisses." "What!? No way!" "It’s true- I was there."
"Only His Highness can get close to Hua Chengzhu formidable scimitar." "The other day, I saw Hua Chengzhu's spiritual weapon rolling on the floor like an excitable puppy waiting for Granduncle to give it belly pats."
"That spiritual device- the silver butterflies are always flying around His Highness. They're literally attached to his body at all times!"
Heaven's Eye, *cutting in out of nowhere*: "Not only that, but there’s evil qi inside his body. It's like internal and especially around-"
Xie Lian: *splutters and dissolves into mumbles*
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hualianschild · 3 months
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rejectedfables · 4 months
t4t hualian where Xie Lian actually did sleep with that soldier in the fuck-or-die cave, and then also Wu Ming. Has not figured out they're all the same person. Finally gets into Hua Cheng's pants to find yet another pussy and is like "I am no longer convinced penises are real. I have never seen one. I think they are a myth."
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darlingpwease · 11 months
𝐥𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
𔓘 unhealthy behaviour (obsessiveness, possessiveness, clinginess, kidnapping, dependence), dommale elements, pet names ("gege"), dark au, mention of nesting & heat, mention of sex (heavy petting), mention of killing; reader x xie lian, omega!xie lian
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ᥫ᭡ You didn't know how long you had been living in this small, cute house with Gege — and where you lived before you met your Gege, who loved white clothes, cooked poorly, smiled like the midday sun, never cried and was not at all the omega who could have anyone but you. Not only because he said that he didn't even have plans to have anyone other than you in his life, but because you saw that Gege wasn't looking for anyone, didn't hold his eyes on anyone; even if he was gentle to children and if he ever wanted to have a puppy, it was clearly that he wasn't going to get an alpha for this — you understood perfectly well why.
Although you haven't self-presented yet and weren't going to guess what your role in gender society would be, you understood that he would only be with you. That you will definitely grow up, get married and will have a lot of happy and married days.
You can't not. He's your Gege, after all.
ᥫ᭡ Your Gege smelled richly tender and a little like blood, a completely incongruous fragrance, — but you've never smelled anyone expect him for more than five minutes, so you didn't know how normal it was. Something in your head is throbbing with the obsessive thought that he smells wrong, he should smell wrong, he smelled completely different before, but you have nothing to oppose — you don't remember that his smell was different, but you know it.
According to Gege, you smelled like milk and his favorite food "even when he was like you," but you always brushed him off; even with your little socialization, you know that people can't smell like a 'specific food', and he only teases you without malice, as he loves to do, affectionately saying that you look 'like a little steamed bun' or peeking at what you're cooking, purring and squinting when you tell him to leave the kitchen.
You know that he can — is able — to cook well (after all, you somehow survived before you were old enough to cook yourself), but for some reason his food looks terrible all the time, and you can't name the reason, but can feel it in your heart. At least he can do physical work like fixing a house or a fence — and you want to say that you didn't decide to live with him just to be a servant, but you can't say this with certainty. You don't remember why you decided to live with Gege — it seems you've always lived with him.
Maybe you were with Gege from the very beginning?
ᥫ᭡ Your Gege is tall, flexible as a vine and his hair is so long that you could get tangled in it. His skin is soft and pleasant, even if his palms are slightly rough, and his pretty, scarlet lips, like cherry blossoms or drops of blood (maybe that's why he smells like blood?), look like a brushstroke that was left because of how adorable he looked on a beautiful, handsome face. Your Gege looked the way anyone would want to look, no matter if it's omega, beta or alpha. Your Gege has slender long legs, moderately broad shoulders, black peach eyes and a thin waist, and even if he gently teases that you will grow up to be even more rare magnificent, you know that the charm of your Gege makes even flowers be ashamed of their imperfections. If Gege wanted to, he could ascend and become the god of flowers — you are not sure if this is how it works, but if heaven did not give such beauty to someone great, then they are definitely blind. Your Gege laughs gently and says that 'Heaven has already given him the best gift', and if it were necessary, he would give everything, but not this "jewel", — and you understand who he means, but pretend that you don't. In the end, you know that you have no one but him, just as he has no one but you.
But he doesn't need to say it — even if he looks like a bunny, you know he's a cunning predator, like a weasel or a ferret. However, even in spite of his nature, you know that he cares about you, and probably cared even before you came, when you remember how you first saw your house — a memory from which your memory begins.
Everything around is like a perfectly modeled paradise for you — living in a comfortable, small house, with a beloved, gentle Gege, with trips to the city from time to time and the opportunity to do anything, since people don't go that far, while if you want to see more, then your Gege is always ready to get up and to follow you. It's like a flower garden in which you were the most luxurious and beloved, the only flower, while your Gege was a gardener who adored you to such an extent that he would do anything to make you bloom.
You want to tell Gege that he is the most charming for you, but he already knows it. After all, you haven't seen anyone for so long and often to tell if there is someone better. But something tells you that this is absolutely impossible — as if he was an absolute that others dare only look up to. If he called himself beauty number two, no one would be able to call themselves beauty number one. Gege says — with complete confidence, almost doom, with a sparkle in his matte black eyes, — that if he calls himself "handsome", then his face will burn with shame of brazen falsehood at the sight of you.
That is why, — he whispers, kissing the top of your head, as if cradling when you hide face in his chest, — the most beautiful things should be hidden.
You don't quite understand "why", but react to gentle purring, letting yourself be hidden in his clothes, smelling of him. even if the sleeping place is hard, Hege is soft and a little warm, and when you are in his hands, you feel as if the whole world is holding you, although he only gently purrs that you are his "whole world".
Just in case, you whisper that he is also your jewel and prettiest flower.
ᥫ᭡ Gege smells sticky, sweet, tender; his hair is wet and tangled, and even his scarlet lips look even brighter and more beautiful, as if soaked in blood, with a slight mist of blush on his cheeks, while his peach black eyes are like an abyss into which no one can help falling, seeing him so tender, so sensual, so... tempting. You can't — at least not now — be able to respond to courtship, not when the smell of milk is still subtly enveloping your body, but Gege doesn't mind at all, hoarsely whispering in the semi-darkness of the small, sweet house that everything is fine as long as you are around, don't go anywhere without him.
You will never you dare, of course, but when you bring him jugs of water, feeling the heat of his flexible soft body, you feel at home. His nest is elegant, not very full of soft things, but it "always has the most necessary" — you.
Even when his skin is so hot, like an oven, you feel so calm and good in his arms, burying your nose, as if hiding from the whole world. Gege's hands are gentle, with palms slightly roughened from frequent work, and you only purr that you have the best Gege in the world, your omega is the best, while he buries his nose in your hair, cooing inaudibly, pressing you to his flexible, wet body, but not at all to the "thirsty" or "in need of an alpha", as you have sometimes heard about omega leaks somewhere on the street — Gege is ruddy, bright-smelling, beautiful, but so homely and... ordinary, only becoming even more clingy and unwilling to leave the nest, and this is the only time when you do not go and leave offerings in front of a small temple for the "dear deity who guards this place."
You hope that the deity will not be too offended, looking at how your usually gentle and calm Gege whines that "you are too cruel" when you have to come out of his nest and bring water and light snacks, because you are an ordinary person and because everything inside the nest smells so much of him that you are afraid not to will he die of dehydration. You don't know how to handle omegas, but you are sure that "as long as Gege is good, everything is right". Gege only purrs that he only needs you to make him feel good when his long, elegant, eternally cold fingers cling to your clothes, looking at you with the gaze of a sad bunny, but your decision is unchanged.
You still bring some gifts to the deity, fearing that your Gege has messed up something again and you should at least remind from time to time that you are grateful to this deity and appreciate their protection.
And when you leave, you definitely feel better.
ᥫ᭡ The smell of Gege is thicker, richer, brighter, bloodily bright when blood flows from his elegant, white, long fingers — fortunately, not his, but even if it were his, you would take care of the wound and would stay on his chest before he wakes up.
You would a little like it to be his blood, because sometimes your Gege is so perfect that you want a little more human qualities from him,
especially when he gives you a gentle, adoring smile again, and his lips are even brighter than even the blood of the body lying on the rain-smelling, dark grass someone. This happens sometimes — even though you live in the forest, it only means that there are even more predators here. Gege gently purrs that you both should not go to the city for perhaps another month — who knows where else these creatures are hiding? it's not safe — and it's not that you're disappointed, having already bought everything you need... but you know that your Gege is doing it for you.
Every year there are more and more of them, like weeds in the garden, but Gege only gently tells you not to think about it, although you more than clearly see that the older you get and more often appears in cities and villages, the more of them. Gege sometimes allows you to go for things yourself to the nearest village, where not only passing merchants often stop, since the village is conveniently located with a road leading to the center, but also other rabble, and you can more than connect the point "they see me" and the point "they began to appear more often in our part of the forest." However, Gege, although omega, is not like ordinary omega at all — he always hides the bodies himself, although never comes back full or with meat, so you prefer to think that he feeds other beasts or does something else. You don't really want to know.
In the village, you heard about a case where omega endured violence from his spouse for a long time and eventually scratched out their eyes and chewed their throats, and whatever Gege did with the body, you just hope that it won't affect you. Of course, you do not commit violence against him, but your future spouse is not an "ordinary" omega, who can only endure until he explodes. Of course, you have never seen him explode, but you are sure that this will not be normal, and he will certainly commit one or two particularly serious crimes, which are whispered about from time to time in cities — you do not quite understand what it is, but you are sure that it will not be very good. Just in case, you regularly bring him flowers and cook food much better — Gege seems to think it's a little silly, but very cute, and hides head in your neck, purring that whoever you turn out to be, he will become your omega husband.
You are not self-presented in any way, although you no longer smell of milk and have definitely grown up, even matured rather, and Gege now puts his head on your chest, unlike how he hid you on his chest, like a parent hides his cub from danger. However, he continues to bring crowns of flowers and gently pulls your name, depending on how you take care of the household, still much better than him. Of course, he also contributes to your small household with a vegetable garden and a plan to build at least a chicken coop, but still prefers to spread out on the wooden hem, looking on how you work, and you can't blame him, seeing his happy face, like he's a pet that's been petted and is now resting.
(purrs plaintively when your hands slide over his chest, but you only coo him to relax when another flower appears on delicate neck, too contrasting with the color of his skin, just like the one that appears a little lower, then to the right, a small inflorescence on stomach, small bouquets on sides, scarlet spots on wet slippery trembling thighs, an ecstatic squeak when your lips descend lower, and his legs try to hide, but you only squeeze his knee tightly — and let him squirm while his legs wrap around your head, draining him even before the start to ease his desperate need and hunger.)
Perhaps you spoil omega too much, who has not even become your husband yet, but for some reason you always want to pamper him, as long as you remember yourself.
Perhaps you are just a good spouse from birth, huh?
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cw blood, amnesia, poly relationship
ᥫ᭡ Red flowers always grow around little house. You often bring them to the deity, thanking for protection; the deity never responds, but you are still calmer and happier, as if the very knowledge that someone is guarding you inspires you — just like the sight of red flowers, almost as scarlet as the lips of Xie Lian, your mate, who picks up garbage, likes to dig in the garden and builds a chicken coop where you can then put the chicks, and also repairs the fence and the house, purring that he should prepare if you turn out to be a non-beta. You don't think that you will turn out to be a non-beta, but don't say anything, gently rubbing Xie Lian's back and not resisting when he offers to massage your, enveloping you with a gentle, slightly mettalic scent that has already become your favorite and so native that you can't imagine that there was a more attractive fragrance in the world.
The stranger in red smells of sweet datura — a fragrance that is so rich and bright that it could be used for demonic dual cultivation, but it envelops you so naturally, as if it is focused only on you. He has shiny black eyes, as if absorbing any sunlight that gets into them, and a carelessly woven black braid with a thin scarlet ribbon, the look of which is too familiar, but you don't understand why — and you haven't been so stupid and naive for a long time to say things like "I probably saw it somewhere on the market", because the way it is cut and decorated is too reminiscent of your way. His skin is white, too white for a person in any state of health except death, but his lips are peach-colored, curved in a mischievous smile with a hint of tenderness.
You don't see the point in asking if you know each other when the cheekily sweet fragrance becomes brighter at his playful approach, although you see how his body trembles slightly.
San Lang. My name, — if Xie Lian's smile is like the sun, then he rather resembles the devil, with this gentle youthful aura and the sparkles of the imp in his eyes, — but I'm much more interested in yours.
And before you have time to answer, he continues, trembling slightly, with pent-up delight, looking at you as a deity, although a devilish smile does not leave his thin, gently peach lips:
Let me guess, though.
Xie Lian, your sweet, gentle omega, has always told you that no one but him knows about you, — jewelry should be kept from others, — but in San Lang's eyes, a veil of pure adoration shimmers like black pearls in the light, especially when he tilts his head, and the familiar-looking earring gently follows this movement, caressing unnaturally white skin, like a drop of blood — the same as Xie Lian's bright scarlet lips.
I'm sorry; did I scare you? I just live in the city, — the son of a merchant family, — so I often saw you. Don't you remember me? You often come to our store.
Do you?
We could take a walk before my family starts looking for me, right? After all, I don't bite, so you have nothing to be afraid of, right?
Despite all the playfulness, you hear nervousness, and you can't find the strength to refuse, knowing that Xie Lian knows about your possible long absence and is probably busy outside the house right now. Maybe you just inhaled too much of its smell, leaving a taste in your mouth, and maybe it just seems to you when you feel the familiar bloody notes of fragrance through the sweet dope. Maybe it just seems to you that omega is too passionate about you and trusting even for someone who left the city for the first time and ended up in the forest, and is too playful, even if unmarried and not marked by anyone. You're not sure how normal it is when an omega tries so desperately to snuggle up and purrs something, more just keeping up a conversation than trying to develop it, enjoying your company the way a fish inhales oxygen in water after a long stay on land.
You're not stupid, though. Perhaps you are not very experienced, but you are not stupid, especially when he looks at you as a deity, and his gaze is too reminiscent of Xie Lian's gaze when he thinks that you do not see, not taking his unblinking eyes off you, as if afraid that if he does not see you and you do not give voice then you will disappear, go away like the morning mist.
And the fact that Xie Lian does not grow up; and the fact that you do not remember anything before coming to your "home"; and how you and he bring offerings to an unknown deity; and how white San Lang's skin is, but his gaze burns harder than a burnt hand that you have never burned in your memories.
The small child who fell from the wall; royal colors, like a kaleidoscope, with a sunny smile and a sword made of peach wood; clothes so bright that it's almost uncomfortable, but as long as he's around, everything is fine. Two faces, like a blurred image in a puddle. You don't remember anything before you were brought in and told that he's your family now, and you're not sure you want to know. Maybe there are things you don't need to know.
A small child. Red eye. Blood. A lot of blood.
The little lump on your chest, not understanding what's wrong with you, but trying to do everything.
When blood flows from your body, it doesn't hurt that much.
San Lang's lips taste like ripe cherries.
I don't think Xie Lian will mind.
You think that the omega story may have been more true and probable than you thought.
Perhaps you should find more flowers.
Oh, are you picking flowers for him again? Can I help?
For some reason, now you understand where the bodies went, who defended territory and why scarlet flowers bloomed around everything.
I don't know what you're talking about, my darling.
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frogizzhc · 2 years
TGCF Headcanons: "Who'll Eat the Last Piece?" Edition!
[Everyone is out at dinner and there is, idk bread rolls or pizza, whatever comes in a huge quantity for a whole table.]
Xie Lian: "I'm fine, I am already full, San Lang, you can have it,"
Hua Cheng: "No, I don't want any more, someone else can have it."
Feng Xin: Eyeing everyone to see if they're actually going to take it or not so he can sneak the last piece.
Mu Qing: Mostly eyeing at Feng Xin to race him to snatch the last piece, "I mean, I might take it."
Shi Qingxuan: "I can buy some more for us if anyone wants? Or, we can play eenie-meenie-minie-mo to see who gets it?"
He Xuan: Silent.
Pei Ming: "Come on, someone just take the stupid thing already, it's getting cold!"
Ling Wen: Sitting there, silent, just wishing she could go home soon.
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muqingapologist · 5 months
rambling about fengqing
something about mu qing and feng xin seeing hua cheng and xie lian happy together and feeling as if they’re seeing their failure personified because they were never devoted enough in the end
something about mu qing’s lasting regret being not so much about the wrongs he’s done to xie lian (leaving him, not standing up for him, etc) so much as about the way he’s spent his whole life pushing everyone away
something about mu qing realizing that he has spent 800 years with so little to show for it beyond his achievements as a god…but personally, all was lost with the death of his mother…until xie lian ascends again, but well, though they can be friends now, xie lian has a life separate from him now
and then something about how feng xin begins to give mu qing the benefit of the doubt. at first for xie lian’s sake, he’ll try to be his friend. but this person actually isn’t so bad. in fact, isn’t this the person that can understand him best in this world.
feng xin showing mu qing kindness, allowing mq to realize that maybe he hasn’t ruined everything for himself. realizing that feng xin isn’t actually so much of an idiot. letting his defenses fall away bit by bit.
the realization that even after 800 years, people are capable of change. feng xin is capable of considering mu qing in a totally different light. mu qing is capable of forgiving himself and letting himself be vulnerable.
mu qing finding one day that he’s in love and it’s terrifying because feng xin hates him still, right? he’s just being nice for xie lian’s sake.
feng xin not having any qualms about loving mu qing. at first, he’s surprised himself, but he considers how happy he is these days with him.
feng xin and mu qing understanding each other better than anyone else and falling in love because of it!! growing independently and together at the same time!!
not instant love, not 800 years of pining, but slow, patient changes that lead to a deep trust and affection and understanding between the two that they both thought was impossible just a few years ago.
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huaenrose · 3 months
Hua Cheng clearly warned, “You’re always below my god, do you understand? So if you’re standing, kneel before him. But if he happens to be kneeling, then you should lie down.”
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ivoryrisuet · 3 months
I really love to think that the demons of the Ghost city admire Xie Lian not only as Hua Chengzhu's husband, but also as a person. Like, they don't tend to hide their emotions when it comes to such things and I feel like most of them truly love and respect their kings(even Qi Rong), because ghosts value actions more than words. And Xie Lian... is a perfect idol. He truly cares for the demons and they can't help but respond with the same warmth and respect.
In the beginning they were too afraid to say a word against Crimson Rain's spouse, but eventually they got to know Xie Lian better and realised that he doesn't care about their past and just does nice things without even manifesting it.
So yeah, when a heavenly official shows up in disguise they mostly hear praise towards a wacky but kind grand uncle.
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kaorinatsumikana · 19 days
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Внезапно вспомнила что их так и не выложила никуда... Я увидела именно их в этом образе и не смогла пройти мимо ><
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