#heat tolerant
heartmomsen · 10 months
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a picture of a sizable, full-sun, rock, and gravel front yard in the spring.
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deadmomjokes · 2 years
PSA: tomatoes are not spicy. Tomatoes and tomato products should not be spicy. Pizza sauce isn't inherently spicy. Tomato-based pasta sauce is not spicy. Ketchup is NOT spicy.
If tomatoes are spicy, you have an allergy to tomatoes.
This announcement brought to you by my almost 29-year-old husband learning for the first time in his 2.8 decades of putting food products into his mouth that spaghetti and saucy pizza aren't spicy foods
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wolverwhore · 1 year
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Traditional Landscape in Dallas Summertime photograph of a medium-sized, traditional backyard water feature.
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caughtonsamsung · 1 year
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Landscape San Francisco Design ideas for a large drought-tolerant, rock and full sun front yard gravel landscaping in spring.
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pagesforposey · 1 year
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Traditional Landscape
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
Hi everyone,
It’s been extremely hot this month, so I wanted to share some information about autism and heat intolerances. Here’s an excerpt from one article:
Beyond common medical conditions caused by extreme heat (e.g., exhaustion and heatstroke), individuals with autism often have sensory sensitivities affecting their ability to regulate temperature; their heat intolerance may be part of sensory difficulties. Our recent interviews with parents and professional care providers suggest, after exposure to high temperatures, children with autism are significantly more likely to have rapid and unstable mood shifts and present strong behavioural, emotional, and communication challenges. In addition, limited outdoor opportunities greatly affect children’s routines and space for daily activities, further intensifying their stress and anxiety.
The full article will be down below if you’d like to read more:
I found another article talking about heat tolerance. Here’s an excerpt from that article:
Autistic people face multiple challenges during heat waves. They may have difficulty understanding why they need to wear a hat, coat, or sunscreen. They may struggle with finding comfortable places to sit or lie down, and they may find it difficult to keep themselves cool and safe. 
Some autistic people suffer from hyperthermia (overheating) and hypothermia (underheating). This means they don’t always respond well to changes in temperature. For example, some autistic people may become agitated when they get too warm. Others may become anxious when they get cold. If this happens, it could lead to sensory overload and an outburst.
Also, children on the autism spectrum are more easily triggered when dealing with hot weather. They may become very upset by the increased body temperature, which makes them less able to control their emotions. An autistic child may also be at greater risk of overheating because he has trouble regulating his own body temperature.
(I know this refers to children, but I think this could be applied to teenagers and adults).
This article from this excerpt will also be below if anyone wants to read through it:
I hope many of you find this helpful. Stay cool, hydrated, and safe.
Heat Tolerance
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hussyknee · 1 month
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That's 91.4F and real feel 105.8F to you godless USAmerican heathens.
I'm too fat for this. I'm going to die. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Edit: this is about Sri Lanka btw. Shit's unliveable even for a tropical island on the equator.
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tea-time-terrier · 5 months
So, I think we’ve all seen Cat’s post, but how is Pichael taking her role as older sister?
Pichael loved the baby when she was too sweet to body slam her (yesterday) but today is a different story and pichaels are a highly protected species <3
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saturnvs · 1 month
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spring is here!!
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yki-dolls · 10 months
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It is hot I am overheating it is now the turtle's problem
Pixel art Commissions
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the-heaminator · 1 year
toxic british trait that I love the sun but also hate the heat, so I'm just sitting here in 20 degree weather sweating my ass off.
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ametistapp · 6 months
OK, so, I've heard many autists mention that they have abnormal levels of heat tolerance or, in other words, don't feel heat and cold with the same ease and intensity allistics do.
But I was wondering if anyone else is just specifically sensitive to either cold or heat.
Like, I feel cold very easily, but can wear a hoodie during summer with no problems and a friend of mine is the exact opposite.
Is this an autism thing or are we just weird?
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lemongrablothbrok · 4 months
Hehe hey remember that brief period in time when Mike Nesmith (The Monkees' lead guitarist and resident asshole) looked almost identical to Jimmy Page (who was not yet but would be Led Zeppelin's lead guitarist and resident asshole. I mean, a bigger asshole than the other members. Which I can't really say for The Yardbirds which was his band at the time, lest we forget Eric Clapton, who is/was at least as much of an asshole as Page, is also an alumnus of The Yardbirds. Anyway)? Pepperidge Farm remembers...
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Anyway, a few key differences between these two control freak stick figures of undeniable talent but dubious likeability: Mike Nesmith could actually drive (and with proficiency) a car as well as a motorcycle (as well as -- I believe -- an airplane?) and punch a hole clear through drywall (true story), whereas Mister Black Magick on the other hand didn't (and still doesn't? Not sure?) have a driver's license, was not reasonably safe on a motorcycle even as a passenger (true story), and any attempt to do bare-knuckled physical damage to the structural integrity of a building would probably result in Jimmy looking like this:
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Thank you for coming to my "How to Tell the Difference Between the Lanky Raven Haired Lead Guitarist Douchebags in lemongrablothbrok's Favorite Late '60s/early '70s Pop/Rock Quartets Where There's Two Capricorns and One is Some Cute Lil Guy Named Jones and the Other One is This Bitch Right Here" TED Talk. I forget why I did it in the first place, I think I was bored. And because comparing and contrasting arbitrary shit is my jam.
Also a couple months ago I had this dream that Led Zeppelin had their own TV show like The Monkees except it was them. Which would have been fucking wild. I blame those charmingly domestic indoor shots from the Chateau Marmont photoshoot for planting such zany ideas in my subconscious.
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daily-hanamura · 7 months
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homeofhousechickens · 2 years
The Mediterranean chicken breeds, champions of egg laying and heat tolerance
In general chickens who are lightweight and tightly feathered are considered some of the most heat tolerant chicken breeds, you also want chickens who have a decent sized comb and wattle because the vascularized tissue helps chickens cool down. Any chicken who fits this criteria is likely going to be more heat tolerant then heavy breeds which are built for the cold regardless if its a mixed breed chicken or not..
That being said there is a group of chickens who ALL fit the above criteria and they are known as The Mediterranean breeds/class, they are called this because most of these chicken breeds have close ties to Italy and Spain which explains their heat tolerance as both of these countries can get very hot during the summer (115 degrees Fahrenheit). Some of these breeds are more rare then others and therefore don't have the same hardiness you might expect but if your able to establish your own line and select for heat tolerance and hardiness these breeds would likely be some of the easiest chickens to use. Some of breeds that fall under this label are the Leghorn, Andalusian, Ancona, Minorca, Sicilian Buttercup, and The White Faced Black Spanish (there are others but im going with these). There are plenty of other chicken breeds who are heat tolerant but i wanted to focus on these guys because they tend to be less desirable compared to popular American and Asiatic breeds.
Non-industrial type Leghorn (The Egg Laying champion)
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Pros- Leghorns are prolific layers of white eggs and known for their high strung and independent personalities. These are a highly intelligent and active chicken breed that does well in confined or free range environments. Their large comb helps them thermoregulate in extreme heat and also looks quite silly. Industrial type leghorns tend to be more fragile and less weather tolerant then their heritage counterparts so when looking for a good heat tolerant egg layer try to look for the heritage varieties as they are resistant to extreme heat. Leghorns come in multiple colors with brown and white being the most popular. Leghorns feather in and reach sexual maturity very quickly and have some of the best food to egg conversion rates out of any chicken breed. Heritage Leghorns will still outperform most chicken breeds with their egg laying capabilities.
Cons- It can be difficult to source leghorns not selected for extreme egg production, leghorns selected for this extreme production suffer health consequences and the strain of egg laying makes them less tolerant to extreme temperatures. Their oversized combs make them easy victims of frostbite but this can be mitigated by well ventilated coops during the winter. Leghorns are also known for being trouble makers due to their intelligence and they love to escape their coops and runs, this paired with their high strung nature means that they can be skittish if not properly socialized. Their active nature and small size means this breed is not good for meat production.
The Andalusian (The Blue beauty)
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Pros- Andalusian are a very beautiful chicken breed that comes in three colors Black, Blue, and Splash with only the Blue really being recognized for showing. They are a graceful chicken breed that thrives in a free range environment. Like the Leghorn they are prolific layers of white eggs and they reach maturity very quickly. Andalusians are very heat tolerant and cold tolerant and they are known for being great winter layers but like the leghorn their large comb must be managed in cold temperatures. They are a lot less vocal and nervy then the other breeds on this list and depending on the line can have very brave friendly personalities. They are a good all around chicken breed that is flashy and nice to look at.
Cons- This breed really loves to have its space, birds who are kept in small spaces tend to turn towards feather picking and bullying their flock mates. This breed can be very aggressive and assertive towards more docile breeds so its important to make sure your birds have plenty of space and entertainment if you are not able to free range. Some hatchery lines of this breed tend to have poor feather quality and some of the same health problems production leghorns suffer from so as always its important to be mindful of where you are sourcing your birds from. This is a threatened breed.
The Ancona (The Lively and Loyal)
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Pros- Ancona chickens possess some of the most precise mottled markings out of any chicken breed, this makes them very beautiful and nice to look at. Anconas are a very busy, talkative, active, and playful chicken breed that loves to keep itself busy. They lay a nice amount of large white eggs and like the other breeds on this list rarely if ever go broody. The roosters are very showy and love to dance and crow. Like leghorns they have a fantastic feed conversion rate and are all around hardy happy birds. The reason i labeled them as the lively and loyal is because once you earn this birds trusts they are very friendly and loyal birds, i know plenty of people who have pet anconas who want nothing more then to follow their owner around all day happily chatting and digging. They also come in rose combed varieties which help with cold tolerance.
Cons- These birds are great flyers who love to travel long distances if given the chance, special care needs to be taken to keep birds contained to where they are supposed to me. Because these birds are used as exhibition birds inbreeding is common and this can negatively impact a birds hardiness. Their vocal tendencies can also make them problem if you have close neighbors. Like the Andalusian these birds tend to not deal with confinement well and can get stressed but thankfully they are not known to be aggressive.
Minorca (The Graceful and Reliable)
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Pros- Black Minorcas are thought to be the largest breed in the Mediterranean class though their other color varieties are known to be a bit smaller bodied, its easy for roosters to reach up to 8 pounds. They have slender bodies and a classy look about them. Some lines are more prolific layers then others usually ones with larger white earlobes lay less but both are known for being heat tolerant. In my opinion this is a tropical breed that does best in warm climates though some lines are cold tolerant. This breed is known for laying very large white eggs sometimes competing in size with industrial leghorns. Because of their large size these birds are classed as a dual purpose breed. They have a more serious demeanor then some of the other breeds mentioned but this is still a curious and intelligent breed.
Cons- They birds are known for being quite skittish and due to this some lines dont pay attention to their roosters personality which leads to some lines having human aggressive roosters. If aggression isnt a problem you can expect your birds to still be skittish but like with most chicken breeds they can be won over. They are very alert but not easily made irritable they do however tend to be clannish which means they like to stick with similar looking birds. Minorcas are a threatened chicken breed so they can be hard to source.
The Sicilian Buttercup (The Sassy and Silly)
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Pros- These birds are very unique with the hens beautiful plumage and their buttercup combs which are like two single combs but merged. This breed has had a lot of ups and downs with people becoming fascinated in them then losing interest over time thankfully this breed persevered and is still around today. This breed is known for having a goofy and personable personality the hens can sometimes grow spurs and in general are quite bossy to their owners and flock mates. Unlike some other breeds listed here this breed shows sexual dimorphism with the hens having a nice golden spangled colored while the roosters have a more solid red coloration. These birds were mostly selected for their beauty and combs so they wont beat some of the other birds here at egg laying or meat production but they make up for it in their personality.
Cons- while some lines are extremely friendly and calm other lines can be extremely reactive and terrified of humans. This breed isnt supposed to be prolific egg layers but some hatcheries and breeders focus very heavily on production over health which can lead to reproductive issues like EYP and cancer. Also due to poor breeding heart issues are also very common in this breed but if your able to source some high quality birds you should get some birds that are well mannered and hardy in both warm and cold climates but they prefer warmer weather. Their conservation status is critical and they desperately need more breeders to preserve this breed.
The White Faced Black Spanish Chicken (The Aristocrat)
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Pros- This is a very old chicken breed that has been around for a very long time. The White Faced Black Spanish chicken is also extremely unique in the chicken world with high quality birds possessing a white face and over sized earlobes which makes for a very stroking appearance. This breed is very heat tolerant but does poorly in colder temperatures. They lay a medium white egg and are decent non broody layers. They are an extremely important foundational fowl that's genetics have helped establish many chicken breeds. These birds are known for being aloof but they are not aggressive and are quite calm and curious as adults. They are good foragers and are quite predator savy.
Cons- This breed is known for being extremely fragile healthwise. Due to breeders focusing on bigger and bigger white faces and wattles they mistakenly didnt also select for health and unfortunately this breed has experienced some serious genetic bottle necks and breeder sabotage multiple times in the modern day. Current lines are still struggling to get back to hardiness and vigor Mediterranean breeds are known for. This breed is critically endangered but all it takes is a couple of passionate people to help turn it around.
Hopefully you enjoyed my little write up on some of these heat tolerant breeds. There is plenty of other birds in this class i could list and some birds outside of it but i chose these birds because i like them and a lot of them need more attention due to critical or endangered status
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usoppictures · 18 days
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