#headcanon finch
nosignalformiles · 2 years
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Finch looks
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everchased · 8 months
HELLO I LOVE YOUR HALF ORC TAV, I havent seen many fellow half-orc tavs!! Tusk gang high five!!
Very important question: how do you think Aatarion and a Half-Orc Tav would kiss? 🤔 it be a very teethy situation with so many fangs and tusks
ahaha thank you!! <3
to me, they have a fine time with it as long as their mouths stay closed. astarion's fangs probably aren't any more in the way for a half-orc than they are for other races. they're not too big, and he's practiced.
i think deeper open-mouth kissing is the real danger because that's when the risk of catching lips and knocking teeth really happens and boy those tusks sure are. just in the way.
imo a little bit of teeth bumping if they forget themselves is cute, it's untapped potential to get teased by the vampire for being too eager. but i also think it's possible to avoid IF they pay attention. :)c
here i have an example of a successful smooch excuse the blood
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trashgoblin7 · 1 month
Charles wanted to be called Dead Dude Detectives, but Edwin didn’t understand.
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zestoflemon · 7 months
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vulcan au eugene bc ive been spinning a drawtectives star trek au in my head for a while
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shaylogic · 4 days
Some fanfic brainstorming ideas:
they all go to London in season 2 and Jenny sets herself up anew. the squad visits her
Crystal: uh... Jenny where'd you get that bird?
Jenny: weird right? This crow followed me all the way from the States. I tried to swat it out over and over but it started bringing me little trinkets and staying away from the shop area so it's not a health hazard. I think I'm domesticating it. Crows fit my style, I guess, so I let it stay
Like, what if Monty can't find the ghost detective agency and is trying to contact Edwin through Jenny? She's oblivious, and it's awkward for everyone else
One of the agencies first new cases is trying to help Monty become a human again without Esther
He tries to communicate with chalk on a board in the meat shop at first but is tapping without success (would Edwin know morse code? Monty probably wouldn't) and having trouble writing/drawing
Crystal: oh let me just do it *uses her psychic powers*
And who knows what she'd see in Monty's bird brain? Comedic generic bird imagery? Would she hear his sweet twink voice?
Would there be freaky Sandman comic crossover images of Dream and Charles' dream of the bird bone snow? (if you know you know)
That could lead nicely into them returning to St. Hilarion's (there's no chance in hell they're not doing that part in season 2)
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 2 months
Albert, who's absolutely terrified of losing his friends. He acts around the Newsies like he really doesn't care, but he truly does.
After the fight, nobody could find him for hours. They last saw him running away after Splasher was knocked out, dashing from the scene.
Finch ended up finding him hidden behind Jacobi’s, curled in on himself, and trying to shield himself from the world. He had to practically drag him back to the Lodge House cause of how scared he was to see the aftermath of the fight and what ended up happening to everybody.
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tsisisail · 7 months
Okay drawtectives sleepy head canons lets go.
Rosé sleeps with a fan on. She can’t be in complete silence, it’s distracting to her. I also feel like she’d watch BouTube until she fell asleep. Honestly she seems like she’d listen to boyfriends/girlfriend asmr.
She’d definitely have a body pillow (whether or not it has a character on it is her secret.). She sleeps with entirely too many blankets, she needs the weight to fall asleep but doesn’t own a weighted blanket for some reason. She tends to overheat, another reason she keeps her fan on. She’d also sleep with a lot of pillows but that’s just because she’s lonely (before the drawtectives move together.)
She sleeps in a big T-shirt and shorts instead of proper pajamas.
Grandma can only fall asleep in complete darkness. As such they’d either have blackout curtains or sleep with a face mask. I feel like he’d have a pretty strict routine of making tea before she goes to sleep.
Grenda would have the most “normal” sleeping setup I imagine. A comforter, maybe a thinner blanket too during colder seasons. For some reason they don’t make their bed as soon as she wakes up though, so he just has to make his bed while she’s already tired.
They would sleep in a nightgown.
York is a super heavy sleeper. He’ll fall asleep under any circumstances, he isn’t really picky. Floor? Why not. Standing up? Sure. In the middle of an active volcano? Easy. Unfortunately this means that he’s very difficult to wake up.
He sleeps on mattress. It has. Some blankets and… an amount of pillows. He’s pretty sure there was a sheet on the mattress at one point? It’s been so long since he’s made his bed, he isn’t really sure. But it doesn’t matter to York. He just collapses atop this amorphous pile in what looks like the worlds most uncomfortable position.
York either sleeps in whatever clothes he’s already wearing or he sleeps naked. No in between.
Jancy is almost the opposite of York, she’s a very light sleeper. She requires both complete silence and complete darkness in order to fall asleep, otherwise it just isn’t happening. She also needs things to be cold, so she’ll just turn off her cochlear and have a fan going so the humming doesn’t bother her.
She sleeps with a singular, thin blanket, and her pillow. Somehow she never messes them up when she sleeps, but she nonetheless insists upon diligently making her bed every morning.
She sleeps in a normal pajama set.
Eugene, in a similar manner to Rosé, can’t sleep when it’s totally silent. He has a white noise machine to combat this. He’s a very light sleeper, and extremely nightmare prone. I imagine he still sleeps with a nightlight, or maybe those glowy ceiling stars.
He makes his bed with two comforters and a weighted blanket. He has four pillows, two on each side of his bed with one stacked on top of each. I also think he’d sleep with stuffed animals just because he feels too guilty to get rid of them.
Eugene sleeps in a pajama set as well, and definitely owns one of those overdramatic robes with the fluff.
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fart-boys-blog · 8 months
newsies designs and hcs!! :3
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Hihihi it's me Ash (not revealing my tumblr account here yet bc teehee)
If the Dreamswap cast had to sing a song during karaoke night what song would they sing?
(Not naming actual songs bc I don’t want my bad music tastes to become apparent)
Dream would probably refuse to sing, but would end up being roped into it by Nightmare (In a best outcome scenario) so he would probably end up, singing something completely out of character for him.
Ink would half-ass a popular pop song, so he can go sit in a corner and draw on a shitty drawing app on his phone
Blue would sing his heart out to Taylor Swift and you can’t tell me I’m wrong.
Cross would sing show tunes, something like Noel’s Lament (from Ride the Cyclone) or alternatively: he would sing something 2018 Gacha Fandom.
Nightmare would sing a country song bc he thinks it’s funny and fumble over the lyrics all while trying to do a really shitty southern accent.
Error would probably just sing a random song Nightmare asks to duet with him (He’d refuse to do another forsaken country song)
Finch would just watch and refuse to join
Bobby would pout in a corner and refuse to participate
Randy would be too concerned with Bobby
Hacker would “sing” that Tequila song and then dip (yk the one)
And Ani’s dead
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rosefinch07 · 8 months
Humbly asking if you have any Jason/Jaime hcs because they've been rotting my brain semi-frequently and I'd love to hear them 🙏
-they cook together, mostly dinner and breakfast and they are so used to it that they anticipate what the other needs and just hands it over, and of course they can never go wrong with some domestic dancing in the kitchen
- jason and Jaime read together sometimes, and trade books
- they DEFINITELY are little shits to eachother and give eachother heart attacks
- jaime is a light sleeper by nature and jason is a deep sleeper by nature (light sleeper by bat training)
- jaime runs cold and jason runs hot so cuddling thermal equilibrium my beloved
Since i am in the pre blue beetle college au kick
- jaime as a civilian and adjusting into a civilian gothamite is more terrifying than blue beetle since he takes after his nana during college
- jaime makes jason feel normal, or as normal as a gothamite can be
- they study together and when Jaime or Jason are too mentally tired to continue they cuddle to recharge
- i have a height chart ive been using so behold my height headcanons
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Jaime is very chin restable and jay is a tank in comparison
- i very much focus on martha wayne's pearl collection when it comes to batkids bc i am THAT martha guy so i feel like jason would try to give jaime a peice from her collection like a small bracelet or earrings and jaime would go "do not put me in HEIRLOOMS" and then another bat upon accepting jaime would do it and jaime just sags bc oh okay this is a wayne thing to induct people into the family alr
- they're both such romantics and it drives everyone else up the wall bc they've been like this since before they were dating bc they're both pro kissing the homies goodnight and it's NORMAL to them so them dating kinda clicks into place with not a whole lot of fanfare
- before jaime finds out abt jason being red hood jaime just thinks that it must be a coincedence that whenever he texts jason an update abt him being caught up in a rogue scheme or a hostage situation red hood always arrives to the scene first and it is hilarious
Honestly i could go on and on but then we would be here for decades!
Thank you for your ask!!
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yourfaveisafearavatar · 2 months
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Calvin Finch from What Remains of Edith Finch is an avatar of the Vast.
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nosignalformiles · 2 years
Muses and kids / the do they want them question
Cyren - he’s had kids. He doesn’t want more, doesn’t even think he could have more. Is surprisingly great with kids.
Aster - Hasn’t thought about it, nowhere near ready enough to stop and think about it.
Nish - No. Thinks it would be unethical to bring more life into the world in the state its in. Loves his nephew, and is pretty good with kids, but doesn’t ever want his own.
Issa - They want kids, but, they’re terrified about it. About hurting them or what they’ll be if they’re biologically his. So, they just, don’t let themself think about it at all.
Wynn - Is not in a place to even consider it.
Finch - someday. Nowhere near it yet, but yes. Finch knows he wants kids.
Valentine - Yep. Absolutely. Is determined to do better, to be a kind and loving father, to break that cycle.
Oriol - No.
Tadhg - Wants to be a dad. Most likely does NOT want to physically carry kids, but that would depend on a bunch of factors.
Jay - Honestly? Yes. Jay is a pure love character who’d want nothing more than to take care of a family. But yall know damn well he’s not in that place or letting himself be aware of that. Losing his own dad, and never knowing his mom, he has HangUps around parents.
Felix - Were it not for the fact he’d likely be painfully punished by the Waystones, he would’ve absolutely had kids already. Comes from a big family, cannot ignore the part of him that wants one, too. Even if he tries to pretend otherwise.
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Hiyaaaa!!! I’m on like some search for Atticus finch fics bc they are so rare and i am HUNGRY for some.
May i request an Atticus x baker + babysitter reader? Like his kids have been visiting this little bakery in town and Atticus decides to swing by to see if his kids ran off down there and meets reader?
I'm so full of love I could barely eat.
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Atticus Finch x Gender neutral! Baker! Reader Summary: basic romantic headcanons of Atticus falling for baker! Reader Warnings: mention of violence (not put in detail, just the actions Mr. Ewell does after the trial) Word count: 1.2k A/N: I made the reader a baker only since it felt more in line with your request. And you're so real for searching for fics. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Love isn’t a common thing for Atticus to pay attention to, especially since he’s so busy and a bit older. He’s got kids and their friends, work, and making sure everyone in his home is happy. There’s so much going on romantic love barely seeps in. It also was because he didn’t know how his kids would react to getting another partner, Jem didn’t need to think he moved on too fast from his mother or Scout persecuting the person he could have possibly brought home.
Every couple days he would walk home when he saw Scout and Jem running and begging him to take them to a bakery in town. It was quite odd that they would willingly go into stores without having reason. They always groaned when he brought them shopping, so it must have been a big deal for them to beg to go somewhere. He never took them on his own time since he saw it as no big deal, wanted to go home, and knew the prices were a bit high for the time.
It was one day that Calpurnia had stopped in his office to tell him she couldn’t find the kids and neither could Alexandra. He assured her that he would find them and told her to go back home, still shaken from not finding them. After work, he went around Maycomb searching for the kids before he stopped at the town’s bakery. He hadn’t been in it many times since the recession, and he didn’t feel the need to go into a store just for one thing.
When Atticus finally found Jem, Scout, and Dill, they were sitting at one of the tables, eating away at pieces of blueberry bread. He would go off on them the best he could and ask them how they got the money to even afford getting food from the place. Naturally, you would say you fed them since they asked so nicely.
Just the sight of you would cause him to hesitate to speak again. You’d go on about how sweet they were and how you gave them the food since the bakery couldn’t sell it but it was good enough to eat. Atticus would smile a little wider than Scout and Jem have seen in a long while, thanking you for not charging them. He’d get the two to leave, grabbing the bread and leaving with a small smile.
“Why are you smiling so much?” Scout would ask as they walked home, holding the bread in her hands. Atticus would shake off the question.
“I can’t smile?” He’d remark, patting her head softly as they continued down the road.
It would become more common for Atticus to go to the bakery after work, just going off to talk to you. Each day that Scout and Jem would wait for Atticus, they would look at the corner, waiting for him. And he comes from the other end of the road. Sometimes he would wait until he’s close enough to pipe up, giving them a spook sometimes.
Once the summer comes, they would try finding why he comes from a different area after work and would watch as he walks from the bakery. He’d be questioned an insane amount, specifically from Scout. Atticus would brush them off the best he could, telling them he was talking to a friend.
The romance would be gradual, he would come in to find Jem and Scout to get them home, jokingly telling you off for feeding them pastries before dinner. Of course, it wouldn't be the best joke since he isn’t very good with satire. Either way, he’d thank you for not charging them for the food and be off… even if he wanted to stay longer.
Atticus would stop by more often, simply talking to you about business, the normal old people talk. He would try keeping it casual enough to not make you uncomfortable since he isn’t too good with flirting, so even if he tried it would come off as awkward. Scout said it herself; the kind of humor Atticus tries to have can only truly be done well by a lady Finch.
You would naturally give Atticus the test pastries for him and his kids to try. You’d give him the job of tester since he’d come by so often.
It was most obvious to Jem and Scout as time goes on, they both knew it was because of you. Atticus’s gaze would linger on you, and he would hesitate to say they needed to leave.
One night when the bakery had closed, Atticus stayed back with you to make sure you could close the shop safely (at least that was his reasoning for it). He’d sit at the counter and watch you quietly go on about your day, the new pastries sold, and how things were doing back at your home.
When you had fully closed the shop, he would stop before you could turn away to go home and finally work up the nerve to ask you out. Even if Atticus had more experiences in life than he would prefer bragging about, he still falters with asking a woman out.
“I would like to take you out this Saturday…,” Atticus would draw on his sentence, smiling slightly, his hat held on his chest, close to his heart. Though he held the top of his hat, he could feel his fast heartbeat. “If you’re alright with the idea.”
Naturally, you would accept, and he would go home with a small smile, knowing that he could take you out. Atticus would bring you a plan to bring you to a nice restaurant, get his best clothes for the date, and get Aunt Alexandra to take care of Jem and Scout. Atticus could only hope they didn’t press him too hard on what was going on.
The date would go well, the food being nice and the conversations being the same. As calm as Atticus made himself out to be, his heart was pounding. He almost forgot how nerve wracking it is taking someone out. He would try his best being smooth about how he feels to the best he could, buttering you up but not enough to come off too strong.
Hiding how the relationship from the children wouldn’t be that prominent after several dates. Atticus never hides anything else from them, how he feels about you is theirs to know about since you would be around more often. Of course, they knew to an extent. Jem would just say he knows, and Scout would ask if he was too old to do something like that.
The relationship would stay nearly exclusive to the family, more so since he didn’t want word getting out and possibly getting someone on you for being associated with him. Though, Atticus is beyond loving to you. He’d still stop by the bakery to talk to you when you were free.
After the trial and with the rampage Mr. Ewell was having on anyone associated with it, he’d target you too. It would lead to Atticus trying to escort you more often from work and home. If Mr. Ewell continued his mistreatment of you, Atticus would suggest you move in with him. It would not only be for your protection but also because he wants you to finally live with him. He’s old, he won’t live forever, and he’d prefer living with you in his arms at night.
My TKAM masterlist
My request list
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scottyzoomz · 1 month
Finch, definitely a bird lover.. like cmon his name is a name of a bird, and he and les probably go along well because they both like birds, he would also listen to what Les is saying about birds because it's not so common seeing another bird lover.
1992 Denton, he fancies Miss Medda and probably gets a bit red but still confident enough to talk to her, just like, a bit nervous ya know?? He also seems like the type of guy to write 2 cups of coffee. One around 7:35 in the morning and one 3:47 on a Saturday afternoon
1992 Jack kelly, he has reading glasses, like not those like glasses like those.. small square glasses, he's also bi, he's a Bi-king, honestly, I understand in the movie he likes Sarsh but have you seen how he pulled David by the tie?? That ain't straight. He uses water to keep his hair intact, like gel, he uses water as gel, or his saliva, but Medda would often give him hair gel if she has some.
Davey (broadway), he's just a know it all, all the newsies would ask him how to do this or how to do that, my favorite thought is him teaching the younger newsies how to write and spell correctly if he has some free time. Honestly, that would be adorable:]
Spot Conlon, he probably has those like.. sharp teeth, like those teeth that aren't straight but like kind of like sharp yknow?.. said this before and I'll say it again, he has a skin condition that makes him have hives because of some recessive genes from a family member, hence the nickname ' Spot ' because of his Hives. He also knows how to fish since he know like.. works near the ocean ( from memory I God goldfish memory ), and he and his newsboys probably got themselves some dinner, though there are days that he's unlucky.
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metallicmikus · 2 months
Silly Newsies Headcannons!!!
Most of these came from my current production of newsies! So most of them are about Finch and Mush.
- Modern Albert is either goth or punk, and he has a good amount of facial piercings
- Finch has ADHD (this is cannon cuz i’m playing finch and i have adhd)
- Finch has some sort of disorder that causes chronic pain in his joints (again this is cuz i’m playing finch and this is me fr)
- Finch and Mush are siblings (Finch is the older brother and Mush is the younger sister) and most of Mush’s clothes are Finch’s old clothes
- Specs can’t read (“I hope it’s real bloody with a nice clear picture” mf cannot read so he needs the picture)
- Mush is a lesbian and in love with Katherine (mush in my production says so herself)
- Morris is scared of Finch because Finch always shoots him with his slingshot
- Mush and Specs call Finch a thousand different nicknames that are close to finch but not finch. ex: fence, french, fench, fartch
- Crutchie and Finch are besties
- Finch is not so sure about Jack’s ability to lead a strike (this is pretty cannon based off of his dialogue)
- Finch got his nickname from birds always landing on his shoulder (he’s like a disney princess)
- Modern Race chews gum all the time instead of smoking cigars, it’s like a stim, and Albert carries around a pack of gum just in case Race forgets his
- Most of the newsies didn’t know Jack was an artist
- Jack mixes up the newsies names all the time
- Some of the newsies with a nickname (Finch, Specs, etc.) forgot their actual name
- Finch will pull a newsie’s hat over their eyes and/or knock it off their head
- Race chews on his cigar
- Modern Race wears lipgloss like chapstick
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parkeryangs · 4 months
hi i think we should talk more about cane user mike walters (please) (PLEASE)
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