#he is the bebeh
vigilant-insomniac · 1 month
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One piece Meme redraw #2!
Why does it feel like they are co-parenting
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klirk-hammurton · 2 years
Why is he such a precious bean??!! Just look at him!!!! He was such such precious bean then puberty hit him like a freight train
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
I was watching Poirot (David Suchet of course), and don’t kill me. But Poirot reminds me of Valtteri. And then Captain Hastings walks in and I’m like “oh my god, it’s George!”
Boirott and Russtings, on the case to find “who touched Lewis wing?”
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.... oh my world. you. may actually be right. 😳
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darkparablesthorst · 1 year
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More practice! An hour and something painting practice with a simple Parn profile. 
He’s bebeh!
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o-wise-corvid · 2 years
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pixlokita · 5 months
I honest to god need more drawing of Evan with his tiny baby wings please. Y’know when you have the time :3 BEBEH FLUFF SO CUTE AAAA *has a heart attack in your askbox*
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Oh my goshhh almost forgot he fluffs up when he gets startled aaaaa here you go thank you for reminding me 💖💖💖🫶
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punkpandapatrixk · 9 months
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Full Blue Moon in Pisces ♦︎ Moon Magick Pick A Card
A Super Blue Moon such as this occurs once every decade, sometimes every couple of decades, according to NASA🪐huehue
Finally, with this Super Blue Moon in Pisces many kinds of generational curses and negatively-polarised karmic bonds CAN and WILL be dissolved. Weirdly persistent patterns of misery and misfortune will be broken and you will gain a renewed sense of being alive. This is an amazing period of massive emotional baggage cleansing.
Those who are especially spiritually inclined, some of you have dealt with ancient curses that either you have carried from hundreds—if not thousands—of past incarnations whilst some others have been transmuting those negative patterns in the bloodline you chose to be born into. For many people, this kind of scenario has caused a great deal of traumatic experiences repeating themselves within the interface of Reality they are viewing in this incarnation.
Fear nomo, bebeh~ That’s all done and paid for. You are now free. You are now safe to experiment with whatever Reality you deem fit for the Goddess/God that you know you are🌸
You are your own person now. Go live your Life. Make your dreams come true. Each one of us deserves to see a world of our dreams turn into Reality. Claim that, Honey. Manifest your own versions of paradise on Earth!💫You are protected by Divine forces~😉
[Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – The Brazen One
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c o s m i c – V The Hierophant
Cosmically, you are being freed from the bondage of time. You were born into this world carrying a sacred mission. So strong is this sense of purpose that you grew up feeling constricted by time. You feel like, you’ve got to achieve some great things rather quickly—before reaching a certain age. You’ve always wanted to become a success—whatever that means to you or your society—at a young age. This fear of running out of time, or generally, this rushed necessity to scurry, is very debilitating to you on a psychological level.
I feel like, if you’ve indeed achieved some great things at a relatively young age, still quite none of it feels enough. You still feel lacking, like some grandiose things larger than life must occur. You’re haunted by some kind of potential you still can’t grasp yourself. The simplest doodle of an explanation to that, actually, is that you’re meant to be of great, great service to Mankind, with whatever talents you naturally possess since you were a child.
Some of you reading this may not want to believe this, but this Pile is for the Ascended Masters. Your Soul is either an Ascended Master or you are working down here closely supervised by a very high-ranking Ascended Master. The former scenario is more prominent for many of you tapping into this reading. You are literally a Bodhisattva reincarnated for a great purpose of healing Mankind. If you feel the latter scenario is more resonant for you, you are a sacred medium for the Ascended Master who couldn’t risk being reborn lest she or he loses themselves in this mortal world.
l o g i c – XI Justice
As you can see (if you could view the card on Patreon), Justice on this deck is quite different from its traditional depiction. There is an oracle who mediates the wisdom and impartiality of the Brazen Head as guide for Mankind.
And like the picture you’ve chosen, you have a mind that’s quite well-rounded. You have an innate ability to perceive the wholeness of an issue and provide insights or solutions that would be fair to most everyone involved. You are a peacemaker; a problem solver. And I think, this of you may not have been seen by a lot of people. Worry not, you’ve only been in an initiation phase. Your Light of Wisdom is about ready to be seen by everyone.
With this awakened sense of purpose, I’m pretty sure you will naturally, or maybe ever so suddenly, cease feeling bound by the constraints of time. Suddenly, you’re a new person without fear of limitations. You now understand that everything has its own time to be seen, received, and applauded. Even by logic you know it’s all gonna be yours eventually. I think you’ve fixed your relationship with the God of Time HA The clock doesn’t scare you anymore.
Justice will be served, my dear. If you’ve resonated this much, know that you’re about to get really busy in the coming months and years. Ascended Masters being born on Earth is no small matter. You will be seen. You will be heard. You will serve your purpose. You have no idea how many higher beings are working behind the scenes to make this happen. This is a group project; you just think you’re doing everything alone but that’s the farthest thing from the Truth.
m a g i c – King of Wands
Now, with all of your cards upright, I’d like to convince you that you’ve done the best you could with what you knew. To be honest, there is no more work to be done. You’ve worked so hard on yourself, your spirituality and psychology. You deserve to enjoy Life now. You could say, Life finally begins now—no matter what your age is. You are your own big girl/boy now. You can do whatever you want with a calm heart. You’ve literally set everything in motion in ways that may not be apparent (yet) in the physical world.
Have courage for your Destiny is meeting you halfway. In the meantime, eat your cake, paint your clouds, colour your hair, burn your candles, and continue to believe in your wildest dreams. You, have, a fuckton, of motherfuckers, to prove wrong, baby. Put them to shame. Your weirdest manifestations are yours to claim. You are meant to leave a legacy of awesome and nothing in this mortal world can stop a Bodhisattva such as yourself.
To help ease your heartaches, you might wanna Google what a Bodhisattva is if you’re unfamiliar with that term. Light will be shed upon why you’ve had to endure so much hardships—even if, say, only psychologically—just to feel like you have a place in this murderously chaotic world of nonsensical stupidity.
Much like the roundness of the jelly (pic) you’ve chosen, you’ve rounded up your tenure on Earth. This is very likely your last incarnation on 3D Earth. I don’t think many of you would still want to come back around again LMAO But if you ever change your mind, know with confidence the next time you’re incarnated on Earth again it will be 5D Earth (or 4D, at least, if you feel like it).
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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Pile 2 – Charting New Territories
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c o s m i c – XVI The Tower
You’ve been through a number of experiences that would’ve given other people a major mental breakdown. But you, you were always able to maintain a positive attitude. Somehow, more than most other people, you’re blessed with an ability to maintain a strong faith in the higher powers. You’re not shaken by the unknown. You embrace cycles of transformation, like a snake shedding its old skin. Parasites are left with the old skin. You’re so amazing.
With this Full Blue Moon in Pisces, you’re building a new Tower of your own. A shiner Tower, strong enough to stand for another 10,000 years or so. This is the Life you’ve always wanted for yourself. This basically could translate into your starting up your new business, moving to another country to start a new Life, or even just starting the preparations for this new paradigm of your ideals. Basically, the chess pieces are moving now.
You’re just about to have a great time seeing every single one of your dreams and visions manifest step by step as you continue to live in your authenticity. Your decisions may not always be easily understood by everyone but you don’t care anymore. You’re done caring—carrying other people’s negativity and small worldviews. You’re done with the past. You can feel all your bones rattling—your clarion call is calling, babe~ Tlulululu~📞HELLO!🎆
l o g i c – Queen of Cups Rx
Up until recently, you’ve been deep in an alchemical process of knowing the inner workings of your emotions. You’ve recently come to fully understand how the way you care too much about the people around you has become a disadvantage. You are really kind, you know, very caring, and I hope you don’t see this as a weakness. You weren’t weak at all; you’d just been giving to the wrong bunch of people. These takers are major losers who don’t have it in them to know how to be kind, caring, or generous to other people. It’s alright, this was just your learning process to know how the Devil ticks.
With this, I’m seeing you’ve made a strong resolve to first and foremost prioritise your mental health. Your emotional wellbeing comes first because you’re literally the main character of your own Life. If that should make you step on a few toes, you’re not gonna fret. Their fault for being in your way.
You’re becoming more logical in the way you view how the world works. Things and situations are not always fair, and sometimes, the right thing to do may not always seem the best. But you’re done being a sacrifice to unideal situations at all times. Nomo. You’re choosing not to let your emotions override your sense of deservingness and respect.
m a g i c – 9 of Cups
You’ve raised your vibrations, and now you’re becoming a match to a lot of high-vibe treasures. A lot of them. You’re going to see first hand how your Reality shifts, continuously, to find the right bearing before some things can be decided and become permanent. Your realities are going to keep shifting like that at least until the next Full Moon. In the coming month, you’re going to feel very blessed and glad that you’ve decided to take control of your Life. You’re going to be so proud of yourself, if you aren’t already.
When you’re, let’s say, out and about, you might encounter people or situations that feel rather magical. Like, there’s so much good luck surrounding you and you may be like, ‘OMG, how did that just happen?’ There’s so much Love and positivity surrounding you that you also feel charitable—with your energy, attention, resources. There seems to be this equal give and take between you and the world outside.
I think it’s possible you’re gonna be meeting Soul Mates as well. Or, you could be entering this phase of your Life where you’re meeting what in Buddhism is termed brothers and sisters in dharma. People with whom you share a similar vision to be of service to the world, in a similar fashion. I think you’re going to feel so excited and motivated about the purpose of your Life and how you’re gonna go about it going forward. Tlulululu~📞HELLO!🎆
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 3 – Future Builder
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c o s m i c – King of Pentacles
On a cosmic scale, you’re being led to become a leader of the New Age of Aquarius. For some, this means you will have a public platform to speak for your causes. It’s not so difficult to wave influence over a group of people nowadays when you have social media, right? For some, this could mean that you will have a new role that will have you seen as an authoritative figure in your field, or immediate home/work/school environment.
For some others, you could get promoted to a new position at your workplace, or get a new work opportunity that is more in alignment with your spiritual values as a human being. Some kind of change that will make you feel greatly proud of yourself, in a grateful manner😊Money and other forms of abundance are coming in steadily, although for some may not be too quickly.
Some of the changes that are happening to you, you may not think that these are spiritual in nature, but they are, and you will gradually understand the meaning of these shifts in your Reality as you go along. The tiny truth of the matter is, you are finally receiving a lot of material abundance because you’ve literally embraced the idea that you deserve to take up space🎉
l o g i c – XII The Hanged Man Rx
I feel very strongly you’ve been having these inner works revolving knowing how to strike a balance between being selfless and selfish. You may have come from a background in which people are expected to always be humble and stupidly selflessly giving, no matter the cost. I know an Asian background or a Christian one could mess up with a lot of people’s psychology. Especially East Asian, I guess? You’re expected to just mingle in the background and flexing your accomplishments is literally considered a severe social misconduct *bleh* something like that
You’ve had to learn the hardest way not to give in to that notion of putting yourself last. The group is always more important than the individual? Fuck that. I come first. Every individual deserves to come first especially when the group setting is not even that altruistic. Especially when the group’s importance is literally serving the blatant selfishness of some of the top/key figures in the group. Nomo. Fuck this and fuck that. I blast open my own pathway. Even if nobody will like me for that, I come first. I take care of me first. How can I be a genuinely kind person when I can’t even be kind to myself?
That’s sort of the learning process you’ve had to go through until you reached this plateau of clarity on how an individual can maintain personal autonomy even when you’re still a part of the group. In spite of your age and how much you’ve experienced in Life, I don’t think you’re anywhere near finishing learning hahah Wise people never stop learning anyway. But for now, I think you’ve graduated some level of a meaningful spiritual masterclass with flying colours~!🌈
m a g i c – XIII Death Rx
You have been reborn, baby~ Out of the old cycle into a new phase of AWESOME. Something about the way you look, I’m sure has changed, too. You’re a much happier person now, you’re more confident. I think your facial expression is different. Your posture is better. Your steps are surer. Your skin cleared up. You’ve got an entirely new wardrobe. Your social media is going through a renaissance. You have a new circle of friends or a new boyfriend even. Everything, is just, different, in ways you can’t really explain.
Your aenergy has affected your physical Reality to morph itself in accordance with your ideals. You’re literally living in your desired reality and it can only get better form here. Need I say more? Just ENJOY~ You’ve worked hard to maintain your authenticity in a world that delights in seeing people kill themselves emotionally and spiritually just to fit in the group.
Your originality is what will ensure your future successes like nobody in your family has ever seen. Trust that, babe—this is New Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is all about being original and eccentric. It’s not like you’re hurting anybody, right? Your level of happiness is going to make everybody regret that they didn’t believe enough in you. They’d wish they coulda treated you better. But do you give a damn? Maybe you shouldn’t. Leave them at the bottom of the grave they dug for you. You go shine your Light for those who resonate with you, you beautiful Angel Goddess Fairy Mermaid Nymph Siren~🌞
full moon self-care🔻🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘
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blessedjael · 2 years
Leon Kennedy: Papa Leon!
Okay I haven’t drawn a self insert in a very long time (it scares me 💀) BUT AFTER SEEING CUTE LEON Y/N AND BBY ART I JOINED IN. This is my little self insert family with Leon so I hope you guys like it!
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Also thank @judas-draws @cilantro24 and @citrusdoll for both inspiration (and help) with this chaotic drawing 💀. Check out their works theyre truly fantastic!
Y/N: Jael Kennedy (totally not me 👁👁)
Bebeh: Elianna Kennedy
And ofc, specifically Vendetta Leon cuz hes the love of my life smh💀
Blessed (and or cursed) People:
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you ROLL knuckles? you roll his body like the bowling ball? oh! oh! jail for Wade! jail for Wade for One Thousand Years!!!! lol this popped into my head after you suggested knuckles was the ball
Never hire Uncle Wade to babysit. Ever.😂
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c0derra4lyfe · 1 month
guys.... im so #worried about mai bebeh codykins... i #need advice guys... 
warning for those with a WEAK MIND AND STOMACH.. BECUZ ITS SO SAD..
i think.. cody may have hemerroids.. IM SO SAD ABOUT THIS PLEASE DONT BE TRUE... i suspect this because his poor little bum is always sore...😢😭 SHOULDF I TELL HIS MUM??? ;-;
also.... i suspect alejandro may be bullying him.. 😢... every time he comes back from "hanging our" with alejandro...... his poor legs are always so weak sore... i have to carry him everywhere... ;-; mai poor bebeh... 
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siamesenekouwu · 1 year
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A little update on my bebeh boy before I can take him home! Do you think he is big for being only 6/7 weeks old?
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bobvelseboncrack · 7 months
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Billie has arrived..
Wait, Is that a bebeh?
Billie hug da baby bobba and gibs him a light cream colored soft teddy bear.
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he thanks you!
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
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azulathetrashyler · 2 years
Tickle hc’s for the T-S&MS gang👍 (Sun&moon show)  hope this reaches the right people- 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀                                             
Sun: definitely a ler-leaning!switch~
100% tries to get moon but gets wrecked instead Bc he’s not the sneakiest of Ler’s.
death-spots: Rays, hips, knee’s (front and behind) and sides👍 has thought about using tickling as a way to keep eclipse under control but scrapped it (like staff did eclipse- ✨AU reference✨) bc he started thinking it might affect him aswell.
A/N: (I’m bad at HC’s -) Whenever he DOES get moon, it’s usually bc he’s (Moons) stressing out and distracted Over a bunch of shit👍 (That’s all I can think of off the top of my mind bout sun- we shall move onto.....)
moon: mainly a ler. But is fine with lee’s retaliating.
most common lee is sun, but has tickled Freddy. (We all know where I got that one)
death-spots: sides, hips, elbow-joints and knee’s. (Same as sun)
100% after an episode where sun was being a gremlin, moon wrecked him. (And stressful ones👍)
(annnnd I’m out- ONTO ECLIPSE >:3) eclipse: doesn’t tickle people often, but is surprisingly a lee-leaning switch?
has thought of tickling someone when he’s in control of sun’s body, just to fuck with people. him and lunar 100% have tickle fights (bc COME ON- LUNAR SAID THE FUCKING T-WORD. T W I C E ) death-spots (if someone manages to get him-): rays, elbow joints, hips, neck, sides and knee’s. (Again same as sun&moon.)
Onto the brand new BEBEH💙
lunar: lee-leaning switch, like eclipse.
(c’mon- HE SAID THE WORD.) 100% (heavily inspired by a certain comic) tickles eclipse when he’s being an ass.
death-spots: basically everywhere- aside from feet. None of em are ticklish there bc as moon once said, their shoes are glued on👍 if you boop him, it tickles more than you’d expect. Same with poking him in the cheeks -w- pinching his cheeks will cause a giggle-fit 👍
he’s ticklish on his palms bc it’s underrated 🤩
main lee’s: eclipse, and on rare occasion, Freddy. (We all know why~)
Bloodmoon(my AU): we don’t know much about him, but I’d say a ler who’s alright with someone retaliating👍 in my AU, he’s Like a more deranged & feral spinel who thinks hurting children is immoral, & since lunar is basically still a child (he ain’t even 2 months old yet as of typing this I think-) he refuses to hurt him, so whenever lunar is being a little shit, blood will often just- tickle-punish lunar👍 So yeah
main lee: Lunar (and eachother back when they could split into two beings)
deathspots: neck, hips, knee’s & palms (bc it’s underrated ✨)
absolute kill-spot: Under their left arm! But be very careful when tickling here, as this spot could also potentially kill them- damn you Ruin💢
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paperstorm · 1 year
A week later and I am still unwell every time I think about Carlos’s voice when he says baby. I get chills for both times but the first time especially has me in a chokehold. I don’t know if we’ve EVER heard his voice softer or more loving. Like he was trying to infuse all of his love into that one word. And Rafa’s pronunciation of it has me sweating 🥵
What is it about the way he pronounced it??? I can’t even figure that out but it’s ruined me. TK says it in a way that’s more sort of casual and affectionate. Bebeh. it rolls off his tongue, so natural. When Carlos said it there was something so soft but so intentional about it. Almost over enunciated. BayBee. I don’t know!!! I cannot make sense of this I just know I am unwell.
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punkpandapatrixk · 10 months
🔻Tier 3 Patron-exclusive PAC at the end🔻
☆°・. Hustlin’ a la Goddess .・°☆ | Punk Girl Culture
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A while back on Pinterest I saw a really cool quote like this: ‘I hustle like a man because I was raised not to depend on one.’ I understood what it’s trying to say and where it’s coming from; and above all, it really is an empowering idea considering how many women in this world are totally loser-like because their willpower is weak HA But the thing about that quote is…
It got me reminiscing about how I used to be a terrible, terrible workaholic caused by a toxic childhood that had been the complete opposite of that. In my past reality, I hustled like a man exactly because I had been groomed to depend on one. KABOOM!
In a toxic household was a psychopath that worked devilishly hard at having little girls believe that a woman is inherently—by nature—dependent on men. That our survival is at the mercy of men’s charity. Thus a woman must seek to marry a rich man if she wishes to live a happy life. Mind you, this wasn’t a simple case of a shallow Boomer who had grown up in a different era; this really was a psychopath who delighted in creating false realities for little girls to grow up and become absolute losers, in the hope that they never would surpass—never would become better than her.
I was only seven when I began to give that narrative a fuckton of thought. I loathed the idea that a woman is this kind of a helpless creature only because she was born with a vagina; that a woman would never survive without a man’s protection or provision; that a woman’s highest priority in life is to be attractive enough (whatever that means) to seduce a rich man so he wants to marry her. I LOATHED IT. I fucking despised it. What an insult to Love!
At any rate, by age seven, I had come to notice the bullshit that was often spewed by that psychopath. I refused to accept that degrading idea so I began to think and behave differently. I thought to myself one afternoon in the shower:
‘So a marriage is only necessary because of the money, right? But that’s an old people thing. This is a different era—I will make my own money when I grow up. So then, that means I don’t need to get married. I won’t allow myself to become dependent on a man. I don’t want it.’
And so it was that I grew up to become a hustler more resilient than most men because I wanted to rebel against the grooming of the psychopath. It was like a weird coping mechanism or overcompensation or something—not sure which term is more correct LMAO I grew up wanting to be seen as tough and not needing a man’s gentlemanly assistance. I hated being helped by men like, what, you think I can’t help myself? I was always able to help myself.
The problem is… I became way too tough. Waaay too tough for one short girl. I had come to hold myself to impossible standards. I thought that if a man could manage to do this or that, I should be able to do and achieve just the same. My brain is very capable! What’s stopping me?!
The reality of the limits of my physiology (tiny!🤪) as well as my psychology as an autistic girl had not become clear to me at this point. But as the wheel of fortune would have it, at some point in Life my eyes were opened to the very idea of my girlhood and I woke up to the realisation that a woman shouldn’t have to work so hard in Life. DIVINE FEMININE, BEBEH!
One cold and rainy October evening I was lying on my bed, broke as fuck, single as a stick, hungrier and lonelier than a stray cat, feeling all defeated in Life I thought about all of this and repeated to myself quite amusingly miserably:
‘I’m a girl. I’m just a girl. And a really tiny one at that. I shouldn’t have to work so hard. I don’t wanna have to work so hard. I shouldn’t be made to work SO hard. I wanna be someone’s baby girl!’
And I cried and I cried about the fact that I had been so unkind to myself as a girl. That I had allowed society to convince me that it was okay to be so impatient with myself in the name of professionalism! And I cried and I cried because now I was realising I’m really such a soft lovely polite girl who had been forced to fight for I didn’t even know what for the longest time trying to just meet the expectations of a batshit crazy world full of terribly gaslighty psychopaths…
I cried for three days straight, no cap. My youth… My entire Life… For what… And where did that lead me? It’s given me nothing. NOTHING.
By the end of the third day, I made a resolve to treat myself more kindly, more gently because girls are meant to be held with tender care and Love♥︎For the first time in my Life I was able to wholeheartedly accept that I was a girl LMAO That sounds funny but I wasn’t struggling with gender dysphoria—no, I don’t think that ever was the case but… umm… though I always liked the fact that I was a girl, somehow, there was also a part of me that used to view myself as just-a-14-year-old-boy-who-likes-to-play-video-games. I couldn’t even comprehend why I had an appearance that would be considered attractive by men💩
At any rate, so it was that I had held myself captive to impossibly stupid standards of conducts because I wasn’t aware enough of my biology, physiology, as well as psychology as a Goddess! Thinking about it now, it’s so bizarre I lived like that and even managed to survive pushing myself so hard even on those motherfucking days of murderous cramps *wink wink* One time I shed tears feeling so sorry to my younger self because I wasn’t gentle or patient enough with her.
I think the feminine force is supposed to be the embodiment of love and comfort. I think being a girl means I am deserving of an effortless existence. Say what you want if you’re a feminazi, but I want to live enveloped in lightness and ease. I think a girl deserves to be taken care of unconditionally because she’s so complexly fragile and delicate. No, it’s not a weakness. A flower’s delicateness is not a failure. Nor is a butterfly’s fragility useless.
We, are creatures of beauty. And when I was awakened to that reality, I learnt that the first thing I needed to do was stop being an enemy to my fragile beauty. I resolved to hold my femininity in highest regard and not continue to hurt myself with unrealistic expectations based on the male standards of conduct. It had to start with myself because the brainwashed world outside of me was never going to give this to me.
‘I simply do not want to hustle like a man anymore. I don’t think it suits me at all. More important, I don’t think the way men hustle is the standard of a good character! I don’t think they know what they’re doing.’
I, am a feminine force, baby—I don’t chase; I attract. When I hustle, I’m gonna hustle a la Goddess because that’s what I AM. The feminine, the yin, the abstract, holds the magick of the creation of the Universe. Literally I can manifest all I need effortlessly by just breathing calmly and being pretty—in harmony with the melodies of the Cosmic Vibrations💗
Gosh, why didn’t I figure this out earlier?!
I think I’ve now made peace with the homme and femme within though. I think, I’ve pretty much stopped being angry about the ways I used to hustle like a man—posing numerous dangers to myself both physically and spiritually. Ecologically, bish, that wouldn’t have been sustainable in the grander scheme of things!
I still have alternating days I feel more like an homme and a femme every so often but I’ve got to say I like me best on the days I feel most indulgently girly👗On such days, I feel the world is so fine because I’m a woman👒I feel everything is just gonna fall into place eventually because my Goddess Magick is taking care of my Reality. All is well in Divine Timing, my baby girl🎀
And god forbid—I don’t need no man to give that to me either!😉
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🔻Tier 3 Patron-exclusive PAC🔻
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[Breaking Conventions with Determined Softness]
your glamorous talent
empowering the soft girl
hustlin' a la Goddess
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