#he is a purse dog to me. he is.
brightlydust · 1 year
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Daughters of Chaos: modern au
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yuki119 · 1 year
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roman girlies how we feeling??
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tolbyccia · 1 year
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rootworks · 2 months
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my designs for toby and natalie, changed lottt to fit my own tastes 🌱
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two tickets to oppenheimer please!!!
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tabooiart · 1 year
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little attempt at a justinjuice since i see beetlejuice in (checks phone) TWO WEEKS?????
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
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His ass is NOT escaping the babygirl allegations
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help this post has infected my brain i can't stop thinking about some journalist ex-colleague of trent's just watching the entirety of richmond's football team + several members of the staff (including ted lasso) scoop him up and sprint across the pitch holding him aloft. this has so much comedic potential. im just picturing so many different like. tableaus. jan maas giving an absolutely stoic trent crimm a piggyback ride. exact same position but it's jamie tartt and trent crimm appears to be pointing directly ahead as tartt cackles and charges. they topple over. dani rojas has elected to carry him bridal style for some reason. sam obinsanya, who was supposed to be one of the reasonable ones, follows his example. one of the players has trent fully sitting on his shoulders somehow and somehow they don't fall. both the participating coaches (ted and beard) simply throw him over their shoulder and book it. for one of them he appears to be laughing loudly for the other his arms are crossed and he is making such a pointed expression of grumpy tolerance (like a cat who has been picked up and is resigned to it but he's not gonna like it!) that it is clearly exaggerated. trent makes exactly one (1) attempt to carry someone else (it's roy) and he actually does fairly well considering but they do end up sprawled on the grass and just. roy flat on his back staring at the sky, trent having half pushed himself up on his elbows, hair a complete mess, laughing. they're all arguing about times. there are fans sitting in on practice who can Just See All This. like. you know how there's like bullshit nothing articles about dumb shit? just. some "article" that's like "richmond appear to be doing wife-carrying races as training for some reason, and even more bafflingly, trent crimm appears to be the wife in question. anyway here's our top twenty photos of this because it is funny and weirdly wholesome." and then it's all over twitter for like three days. trent's ex-wife is texting him like "babe why are you a meme now". keeleys like "good news this is great pr! bad news [sends trent a candid shot of ted scooping him up unexpectedly and trent very obviously blushing]" and trents like "ah." some of the photos are hilariously blurred in motion. they're pretty much all smiling. forget about the realistic "but would they get criticism for not taking practice seriously" shhhh. everyone is enjoying this. it's about the wholesome nature of the whole team playing around and genuinely having fun together and also trent is too. formerly feared respected scary journalist cackling like a little kid while balanced precariously on the shoulders of a premiere league footballer. it's cute. it's also extremely funny. how did anyone find this dork scary
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pcktknife · 1 year
I know the ace attorney ppl say edgeworth has had dogs but I simply cannot see him as anything other than a cat person
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loola-a · 5 months
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evil 6’4 35 year old lady…. save me…… evil 6’4 35 year old lady ……… save me evil 6’4 35 year old lady
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ofallthingsnasty · 5 months
Crocodile in Impel Down:
*deep sigh* I miss my wife, Mr. 1, I miss her a lot. I’ll be back
lmaoo omg
"... Then why didn't you escape when Miss Goldenweek gave you the chance?"
"You don't know what it's like to be married, do you?'
All ball and chain jokes aside, our man must be irritated to hell and back while in Impel Down. He keeps up his usual facade but he's boiling underneath. Imagine losing years and years of work and careful plotting, a whole crime syndicate, your lavish life AND your soggy little basement wife. Just because of some weird-ass teenager. In the end, it's probably for the best that he's in prison for a while - he can stew in his anger a little and cool off to be on his 'best behavior' for you again.
Also, I think it would be worse if you got locked up as well - simply because he'd be so offended? How dare they put his precious spouse into such a brutish place, can't they see that you couldn't even hurt a fly if you wanted to? Just think about all the work he has in front of him when he gets out of here again, it's going to be just like back in the day when you were over-the-top skittish and feisty because you hadn't acclimatized to your shiny new role yet. Even more years of meticulous work destroyed, just wonderful.
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dayurno · 3 months
jean moreau saddest meanest little puppy dog in the whole world…….. he just wants Friends he just wants something to hold onto!
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leadpoisoningprincess · 3 months
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son1c · 30 days
Who’s your favorite sonic character?
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thetardigrape · 2 years
What's Wrong with Izzy Hands?
There's so much Discourse™️ lately about Izzy and damn, battle lines have really been drawn. No matter which side of which line you stand on, though, one thing is clear: there's something wrong with Izzy.
This is clear because he spends the entirety of S1 furious and struggling, when no one else does. Everyone else has moments of struggle, sure, but they also have moments of other things, like love or friendship or success. Not Izzy. Izzy never wins.
The Doylist reason, I suspect, is that Izzy is Ed's antagonist and they need him to run counter to Ed at all times in order to move the story forward. But to do that, he needs a Watsonian reason to be failing all the damn time. And I think I've maybe figured it out?
He boils people down to archetypes, then treats them that way regardless of what they do.
Ed is not a man who can both love a good maim and fancy a fine fabric, he's Blackbeard, a legend and a monster. Stede is not a starry-eyed rich man who is catching on in How To Be A Pirate 101 surprisingly quickly, he's a namby-pamby who has seduced Blackbeard and ruined him. Lucius is not a scribe hired for his artistic and calligraphic skills who is also so charming he's gotten it on with half the crew, he's a work-averse slut who can't do a single job right. Ivan and Fang aren't emotionally rich crew members who support Izzy and each other, they're henchmen who ask too many questions.
Izzy never once treats anyone else as a whole person. He never sees nuance or subtlety, never accepts that a person can contain contradictions or hold conflicting desires, never believes that there's anything more than what there appears to be on the surface. So when the people around him do recognize those subtleties, when they treat each other as whole people in ways that don't agree with Izzy's stereotypes of them, he becomes outraged. Which is like, all the time, because all of those people are people and none of them will ever consistently be a single archetype.
And that, I think, is where his redemption will lie, if it happens. I think it will have to start with himself, because I think he sees himself the same way—first mate to Blackbeard and god as far as the crew are concerned. He thinks he has no purpose or desire outside of that box, even though we the audience (and many people on the ship) can see it very clearly. Once he sees that there's more to himself than a single archetype, he'll be forced to recognize that there's more to everyone else as well. Then and only then will he be able to start building actual relationships with people.
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klanced · 11 months
“Keith is like a little purse dog to lesbians” where do these thoughts in your head come from? I’d give me heart, body and soul, to one day perhaps understand even a sliver of your operation.
there's just something about voltron specifically that gives me access to the sublime
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