#have i read some bad omegaverse fics? of course! but we need them
big-urchin-energy · 1 month
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truly we could not rid the world of any au, the fandom ecosystem must have balance, and so, as much as it pains me to admit, much like the humble mosquito, or the wasp i fucking guess, we have to keep soulmate aus
(but they should go on a high shelf until alloros learn how to behave)
(if you said omegaverse aus, grow up. stop being a baby. they're not for you, they are for the furries, the touch starved, and those with breeding kinks, and where would we be without them?)
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f1crecs · 5 months
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'Megaverse Monday - Week Three
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did you know that this fandom has one of the highest percentages of a/b/o content? join us as we celebrate the fandom’s incredible omegaverse works every ’megaverse monday. 🤍
nsfw: Strange River by @love-leah | E | 2.8k
George and Alex are two alpha friends who share a flat. George sees Alex naked one day, and becomes consumed by want. The longing in this fic is palpable. George's sensory experience of Alex, especially that of his scent, is described so evocatively and clearly you feel like you could almost be in the room, drowning in the sweet buttery smell George is smelling. And when George needs him most, Alex is there, treating him with love and care.
The first thing Alex does, after George tries and he thinks succeeds in locking up his muscles enough to hide a helpless, humiliating little rut orgasm against his sheets, is make George eat a roll of soft, sweet bread spread with butter. "Why do you have so much oil everywhere?" he asks after that, untangling George's quilt from around one of his calves, one hand deft and warm where it's cupped around George's knee, holding him still. George doesn't answer. What's he going to say, I wanted to feel like an omega ? He can't focus anyway, because then Alex is undressing, George's eyes catching on the scar, the dark, sparse hair on Alex's chest, the plane of his stomach.
nsfw: closest i get by @nyoomfruits | E | 4.8k Charles smells Max in pre-rut without scent blockers for the first time at a party and immediately knows he wants to have sex with him. And of course there are absolutely no feelings involved from either side. A/B/O is all about the scents and this fic has a way of describing scents that almost makes you smell them yourself, beautiful descriptions that truly paint a picture. I loved Charles as the omega being very forward and suggesting that they spend Max rut together while Max is the voice of reason trying to argue that its a bad idea, but not wanting to explain why. The sexual tension and desperation is through the roof but these boys have absolutely no feelings for each other - right? Highly recommend going straight on to the sequel (heart held close) after finishing this!
'“Charles, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Max says, and he’s frowning now, even though his nose twitches again. And it’s that little gesture, that small hint that Max might be into this too, that has Charles push. “You don’t have to like, protect my innocence or whatever. I’ve spent ruts with Alphas before, I know the deal.” For some reason, Max’s eye twitches. “It doesn’t have to be a big deal or anything, right? It can be just about the sex, nothing else.” He steps forward, into Max’s space. Reaches out a hand, lets it run over Max’s cheek, leans a little closer. “Just sex,” he whispers, in the ever diminishing space between them as Max leans into his touch. “Fuck,” Max whispers, screwing his eyes shut, breathing deeply through his mouth. “I shouldn’t, I really shouldn’t-“'
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takearisk-x · 9 months
This is a little embarrassing but what does a/b/o mean? I’m so confused lol
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i’m sorry i’m so so sorry i’m not laughing at you! i swear! it’s just hilarious that my entire adult life i’ve thought omegaverse (a/b/o) is a massively popular fanfic trope that is commonly consumed and has widely accepted word building and yet i bring it over here and everyone is like “hannah…...what the actual fuck”
okay, crash course in omegaverse (alpha/beta/omega dynamics) under the cut because very much nsfw
omegaverse is essentially an au premise where instead of evolving into similar social structures as primates, the human race evolved socially and biologically similar to canids.
now, stick with me here, this gives society a sort of hierarchy. you've got the dominant alphas, the neutral betas, and the submissive omegas. this is very broad and not at all true for every fic obviously, i feel like each writer puts their own spin on the universe, but it is the basic essential.
now, unlike wolves, where alphas mate alphas and omegas never get to mate at all, the au premise for omegaverse (humans/werewolves/etc.) is that alpha and omegas are a mated pair. think MFEO type mating. TYPICALLY we see a male alpha mating either a male or a female omega. there is a subset of the genre that is highly interested in mpreg and heterogamy and gender-fluidity. which is all valid and interesting and wildly creative especially when it comes to mlm pairings.
but i'm getting off track.
anyways. the other premise of the au is ruts and heats. all designations (alpha, beta, & omega) can have normal, regular, completely lucid sex.... except when an omega goes into heat, things get a little... dubious
the whole idea of a heat is when an omega is most fertile. typically this is a female with female sexual organs and/or a male with both sexual organs. when a heat starts, their bodies send out all types of pheromones and things to attract a mate, typically an alpha, and they also get real real sick if they don't ... uh ... copulate nonstop during the heats. so one half of the trope is the submissive character literally writhing and shivering in pain because they need the D that bad.
all of this then comes together and triggers an alpha's rut. rut is when the alpha, having chosen/won/claimed their omega mate, get's real protective, horny, and sometimes even violent in a primal urge to give their mate the D. so the other half of the trope is making sure no one hurts their babygirl and/or tries to steal them.
when an alpha ruts, they also are capable of knotting. which genuinely is exactly what you are thinking it is. there is a little ball/bulge/knot of flesh that expands at the base of an alpha's erection and slots itself into a soft, malleable cavity in an omega vagina and keeps them linked for a span of time until the knot recedes (think until the erection softens post climax).
forced proximity at it's finest amirite?
there is also the biological response of an omega to an alpha's pheromones after the alpha has claimed them, this is usually called slick. and it's essentially vaginal secretion because of arousal but lots and lots and lots of it.
it's all very animalistic and carnal and loads of fun.
moving on
for me personally, i have read some a/b/o that i've enjoyed but i really didn't get *into* it until i read some genderswapped omegaverse with the #nontraditional a/b/o tag. this when the set rules of the universe are bent heavily. for example if spring fever was set in a traditional omegaverse, ginny would have her female reproductive organs as well as retractable penis. harry would have his penis but also he would have a vagina, cervix, uterus, etc. and then ginny would get him pregnant... which isn't bad or wrong or anything but just felt extra complicated for the story i was trying to tell, especially since i knew i wanted the a/b/o stuff to be practically evolved out and relatively rare... it seemed a little too much for the story if they were to grow new reproductive organs as well as experience fully fledged ruts and heats for the first times in their lives.
there is also the idea of gender roles within a hierarchy like this and since i knew i wanted this society to mirror a modern au, i elected to make ginny an alpha (a traditionally masculine role) and harry an omega (the traditionally feminine role) to play on the idea of patriarchy and equality. which honestly will probably end up being a throw away line in the actual story but it's what i've enjoyed most about omegaverse fics that ended up in my bookmarks so i'm using it as a foundation for mine too.
in conclusion, i would say my particular story is about as vanilla as you can get and still have it be omegaverse, but that's okay, because the smut as character development is really what i was striving for anyway... not necessarily the au procreation aspect.
plus harry as a true submissive omega never felt accurate, just like ginny as a possessive, violent alpha would feel a touch over the top if i am trying to stay true to them as characters.
HOWEVER, harry begging for literally any affection from her felt too good to pass up, which is why i chose to designate them like i did.
i hope this answered your question, sorry if i got a little to in depth with it all <3
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bnhasimpgirltm · 4 years
Salted Udon (Alpha!Bakugo x Omega!Reader)
Pairings: Bakugo x fem!Reader
Warnings: language
Type: Oneshot
Genre: angst to fluff
Word Count: 999
A/N: I have never written and omegaverse fic before, so it might not be all that great (I had to read omegaverse fics to like get the “feel” of the omegaverse).As always, enjoy! (occ bakuhoe)
A/N pt.2: I went back to read the request after I finished writing this and realized oh crap I kinda can’t read, so I hope it’s okay?
You slide the bowl of udon noodles over to your mate, Katsuki, and he scowls at it.
“I can make my own food,” he frowns and looks at the udon with obvious distaste.
You roll your eyes and start to eat your bowl.
“Yeah? Well you didn’t make your own food. I made this, so please eat it.” You grab his hand and smile at him. He scowls back.
“Fine,” he says, then rolls his eyes. Katsuki picks up a pair of chopsticks and a spoon, then he starts to eat.
“How is it?” You ask, hoping for a positive response.
“Fucking sucks,” he glares at you. Oh how the tables have turned.
You’re too shocked to say anything. Did your alpha just say your udon “fucking sucks”?
“Excuse me?” You ask, eyebrow raised. No one had ever called your cooking bad because you were just that good at it.
“I said it sucks,” he repeats. Putting down his chopsticks he pushes the bowl back to you and gets up. “Like I said, I’ll make my own damn food.”
“I tasted it before I gave it to you, because I know how picky you are.” You push the bowl back to him. “Eat you stubborn ass.”
“I’m not going to eat that! It’s too salty.” He picks up the salt shaker and takes the cap off. “Do you want to know what this tastes like?”
“Enlighten me,” you say sarcastically.
“This!” He pours all of the salt from the salt shaker and lets it dissolve in the soup.
“You just wasted a perfectly good bowl of udon!” You scream at him, obviouslly upset.
“Perfectly good?” He laughs. “This,” Katsuki gestures to the bowl, “is not good in any way.”
You were so fed up with your alpha right now.
“How are you my alpha? You’re such a jerk!” You spit out, obviously hurt. “Maybe I’ll just head over to Kirishima’s house and make him some udon.”
“Go ahead!” Katsuki screams, still not leaving the table.
Maybe you needed to motivate him a little more.
“Or better yet, I can invite Kirishima, Midoriya, and Todoroki over! I’ll make udon for all four of us and you can sit in he corner and watch us enjoy my food!” You pick up your phone and send texts out to Midoriya, Todoroki, and Kirishima. “See? I just invited them over for dinner. I hope you’re happy with yourself.” You start to stomp up the stairs.
“Wait don’t go I’m hungry,” Katsuki screams up the stairs.
You scream loudly and start to cry.
“Make your own damn food if you’re so good at it!” You scream again and continue crying. It’s silent in your home for a few minutes, then you hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Stop crying,” he tells you.
Of course, this only makes you cry more.
“You do realize I only said it sucks because I was pissed that you didn’t let me cook right?” He explains.
“What?” You yell, looking up at him and glaring.
“Yeah, you overreacted,” he says with a signature smug Katsuki look on his face.
“I overreacted?” You shriek. How was this your fault? You were getting angry all over again. Getting up, you shoot one last glare at Katsuki and slam the door of your shared room. Opening the closet, you take one of his sweaters and put it on. It wasn’t cold, but you were too angry to cuddle with Katsuki.
Katsuki opens the door and sits on the side of the bed that you were turned to. You turn to the other side, not wanting to look at him.
“Why wear my sweatshirt when you can have the real thing?” He asks.
You don’t respond.
“Stop being dumb dumbass,” he says, grabbing you in his arms. You try to slip out, but he’s holding you close to him and there’s no escape.
“Let me go!” You yell. “I’m being kidnapped help!” You’re just trying to get him to let you go, screaming loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
“We live together! How can I kidnap you?” Katsuki turns you towards him and says something you don’t expect. “I’m sorry.”
“What?” You ask, a look of shock adorning your face.
“Don’t make me repeat it dumbass,” He rolls his eyes before taking the sweatshirt off of you. You roll away from him.
“Come here,” he tells you, and you turn towards him.
“What about you apologize one more time, and I’ll cuddle with you for the rest of the night.” This time, it was your turn to have a smug smile.
“Fine.” Katsuki pauses. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles.
“Why don’t you say it in a big boy voi-” You’re cut off.
“That’s more like it.” You move yourself back into his arms and smile. “See? I knew you could do it!”
“If anyone asks, I never apologized,” Katsuki says into your hair.
“Whatever you say,” you smile and wrap your arms around Katsuki, feeling the heat from his face as he blushes.
The doorbell rang multiple times, but you and Katsuki didn’t hear. You were already asleep in each other’s arms.
“(Y/N)! Let us in!” Kirishima impatiently rings the doorbell thirty more times.
“What if somethings wrong?” Midoriya says nervously. “We have to get in!”
“It’s okay guys! I got this!” Kirishima hardens his arms and screams “FOR UDON!”
“KIrish-” Todoroki’s voice is drowned out by the sound of Kirishima breaking through the door.
When they look through the hole in the door, they see you and Bakugo at the foot of the stairs.
“We can explain,” Todoroki tries to defuse the situation since he can tell that you’re mad. Very, very mad. Bakugo, on the other hand, is laughing so hard he’s doubled over.
The only thing that comes out of your mouth is a gutteral screech, and then you say, “WE JUST HAD OUR DOORS REPLACED!”
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deripmaver · 3 years
4 5 6 for ALL OF THE CaPri FANFICS
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? 5: What part was hardest to write? 6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
Ink On Paper (tongue fic) 4. lmfaoooooooo there isn't a whole lot of dialogue in this one oop-
Laurent nodded. The wax softened as he pressed his hand into it, erasing his previous message. Soft, warm, melting under his touch. He wrote again, I need someone who is not afraid to read out the insults I make towards the idiots at court. You have been fired, Damianos.
i guess it technically counts lmfao. i just wanted to show laurent post-trauma still able to make jokes and snipe at his husband so it wasnt all doom and gloom 5. i'm not sure exactly what "hardest to write" here means because like... a lot of these fic have serious gore or otherwise upsetting content, but both emotionally and actually writing wise i find that kind of thing actually pretty easy to write hahahaha. i think i got stuck with the chronology and the decision to make it non-linear made it flow a lot better. for the record writing laurent getting raped and then having his tongue cut out was actually very easy to write, i think i got it out in basically one go. #cancelme the more fucked up and intense the easier i find to nyoom through it 6. my first ever fic in the capri fandom!!!! hehehehhehehe <333333 Level Of Concern (plan B fic) 4.
Before Nicaise could say anything, Laurent spat, “Does he know you had your first heat?”
SURPRISE nic was the one who was pregnant the whole time!!!!!!! 5. this one i banged out REALLY quickly so i cant think of anything here 6. capri omegaverse!!!!!!! i wish there was more of this 🥺🥺🥺 Like Me (what if Auguste was also abused fic) 4. ******CW INCEST MENTION CW ABUSE MENTION******
“Your brother’s stuck his dick in every single member of your family,” Auguste spat out, laughing, crying, and so miserable he thought his heart would stop. His voice rose again, and he felt something burst from him as he screamed for the whole world to hear, “Did you know that? Did you, huh papa? Did he fuck you too?”
dude this line is so fucked up lmfao but i enjoyed writing it so much. actually this entire scene where auguste is having his breakdown was really intense to write and im really pleased with how it came out OR
Auguste grabbed him suddenly, looking up into his grief-stricken face desperately. “Please, Laurent,” he pleaded, voice breaking. “Please. Don’t let him end up like me.”
i felt entirely too clever with this line lmfao. i was like ~ooooohhhhh title drop~ im so dumb 5. i just remember this one like. dragged on for some time. i couldnt figure out what to do with it, how to get everything to coalesce around the final reveal about auguste 6. plot twist!!!!!!! plus auguste angst. i really enjoyed this one, i wrote it after watching the movie Spotlight which is one of my all time faves Softly, Gently 4.
“My King has been overexerting himself again, I presume?” Paschal sighed, shaking his head with a fond smile. “When have I ever done that?” Laurent cocked his head to the side, a wry smile on his face.
hehehehe sassy laurent my beloved <33333 5. honestly im just going to skip this one from now on lskjghmvlksjhglkvsjhdl i just get "stuck" sometimes without rhyme or reason and its usually on boring stuff, but then i cant remember later. the hardest part for me is when my dumb fucking adhd brain wont let me focus on writing but once i overcome that its usually pretty smooth sailing 6. horny omegaverse.................... my beloved............... giving men vaginas for horny reasons my beloved......................... Water of Life (birth fic)
“Do you want to hold him?” Erasmus breathed, eyes glassy. The baby cried, Erasmus bouncing him tenderly in those sunkissed arms. He looked apologetic. “Only for a moment, it’s not quite over yet.” A playful smile danced on Erasmus’ lips, and he brushed away a slick, damp curl from the wailing baby’s head. “A head this big, he certainly takes after Exalted.”
a cute, fun lil line in the sea of horrible angst lmfao ORRRRRR
Erasmus knelt before Damen, before Laurent. He said, “Exalted… Can you command his Highness to push?” Damen froze. “Do you mean…?” Erasmus nodded. “Alpha command.” Damen’s expression crumpled. He said, in a voice that shattered Erasmus’ heart, “I can’t. I can’t do that to him.” Erasmus licked his lips. “Exalted, in this state, he can’t push. His contractions are weaker. He’ll-” “I can’t,” Damen cried, clinging to Laurent’s limp body like a lifeline. “He’d… He’d never forgive me.”
damen is so sweet........ he loves laurent so much...... ORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
He stopped at the doorframe, turning to face Laurent with tears in his eyes, and whispered, “How long does it take, your Highness?” Laurent, shocked enough to respond, hissed, “What?” “I still wake up in the middle of the night thinking of it,” Erasmus said, voice thick in his throat, tears burning at his eyes. “How long until it’s over?”
real sad hours if u up click like. i love erasmus and laurent bonding over their shared trauma <33333333333333333333 laurent and erasmus friendship propaganda 24-fucking-7 bay bee!!!!! 6. unironically this is one of my fav fic ive ever written skdljmfhgvlksjdhflmgkvjshldkjfghvmls call the midwife is one of my favorite shows and writing this made me look at birth as something visceral and possibly horrible and traumatic. i wanna write more fucked up birth scenes, SO MANY MORE. ridley scott knew what he was doing Sandalwood (erasmus/kallias my sweet boys i love u so much) 4.
“I do,” Erasmus breathes, ducking his head, flushed as though embarrassed. “In the gardens, the perfume from the orange trees all around us on those summer nights.” Kallias smiles behind him – Erasmus knows his body so intimately he can feel it in how Kallias’ posture changes, though he can’t see the soft turn of his lips. “The scent was so cloying I thought it would drive me mad. It made me want to kiss you senseless.” Erasmus laughs, breathlessly, imagining the warm heat of Kallias’ mouth against his. “Don’t blame that on the orange trees, dear one.”
beloved..................... im weeping.......... 6. these two make me fuckign CRY ON THE REG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH MY SWEET BOYS YOU DESERVE THE WORLD- Wisps of Smoke******************* (lauguste fic) 4. ***CW EXPLICIT INCEST*** (i mean....... obviously lmfao)
“Call me what I like,” Auguste growled against his ear. “You know what I like.” He did. Laurent did. He knew everything Auguste liked – the slow flick of Laurent’s tongue on the underside of his cock, that tender spot behind his earlobe, the way Laurent’s thighs looked straddled atop him like his horse – and this. “Brother,” Laurent gasped, desperate, “Brother, please, harder. Harder.”
i wanted the incest to be explicitly part of the kink here lmfaoooooo 6. hehehehehehehhehehehhehe lauguste................... i need to write more of u But I Love It (laurent is allergic to latex fic) 4.
“Laurent,” Auguste said, voice high in warning. Laurent braced himself, stiffening visibly. With what seemed to be monumental effort, Auguste continued, “You know, Laurent. I’m proud of you.”
IM A SOFT BITCH OK???????????????? auguste is PROUD of his baby bro for overcoming his sexual trauma and getting that fat dick 6. SLJHVDLMKJDHGVLK PEOPLE FUCKING LOVED THIS FIC i tried to be funny and i think it worked. plus some softe bits thrown in. i also kind of see lots of humor fic where its a no abuse au, but i wanted to write something comedic where the regent still. existed u kno????? anyways hahahahha i dont think i can write anything like this again but im glad y'all liked it Is It Cold In The Water (slice of life fic) 4.
Laurent opens his mouth to say something cheeky, but instead, what comes out is: “Do you think Aimeric had the right idea?” Damen is quiet for so long, gaze serious and framed with his long, dark lashes, that Laurent wonders if he’d spoken aloud at all – and when he’s sure he had, he realizes Damen had remembered Aimeric after all. When he speaks again, the sleep is gone from his voice. “Laurent,” Damen says carefully, as though approaching a spooked horse, “Is something wrong?”
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 soft,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6. ruby likes this fic lskjdvhmflgksfjdhmvglkjsdhflkvgmjhlekjfhdvlgskjfhv im a SIMP- The Devil's Got Nothing On Me (AIMERIC FIC LEGGOOOO) 4. there are lots of lil nuggets in here!!!!
Aimeric blinks, and all he can think is, you knew? He says, "I – I just." "I am a patient man," Guion breathes, "I support everyone in my household. Everyone. But Aimeric, you are truly testing my patience. Your mother came to me in tears, begging me to find you. Look at what you did to her! There was nothing I could say until we found you!" "I'm sorry," Aimeric whispers, looking at Loyse, "I'm-" "Look at me," Guion roars.
this conversation was inspired by a very miserable encounter with my boss lmfao. fuck that guy and fuck guion
The regent, blue eyes sparkling - and Aimeric has never thought eyes could look just like a summer sky until now - says to Guion but really to Aimeric, "I was thinking I could take little Aimeric riding tomorrow. Just the two of us." Loyse says, before Guion can speak, voice trembling with relief, "I think that's a wonderful idea, your Highness."
~dramatic irony~ lmfaoooooooooo. WE know of course that this is a bad thing, but it's always fun to have characters make bad choices that they have no idea are bad. i also did this briefly in "Like Me" with auguste's ex wife taking nicaise to church because she was so overwhelmed at home and he offered to help. of course, the regent is always happy to help out. evil evil evil
"-was worried it might be difficult for him." A soft, lilting laugh. The guards had said the regent was in the library, and then there is Guion, right there with him. Aimeric is suddenly angry, not sure why his father is with the regent, who is his and no one else's. The regent responds, "I daresay it's been perfectly easy. It seems you've done most of the work already."
i wanted to highlight the fact that it was aimeric's neglect that lead him to the regent in the first place. hence "youve done most of the work already" - guion by ignoring and neglecting aimeric created the perfect environment for the regent to sweep in and take advantage. like leaving food out btwn 40-140 F is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria LOL. the books touch on that but i wanted to make it explicit
He is so, so ashamed. It's unbearable, the thought of her kind eyes, the way she cried for him, the way he pushed her away. Before he'd left to join the prince's guard, she had taken his hand, kissed it, and said in a voice fragile as glass, "It's been such a long time since I've seen you smile like that," but in that moment he could think only of the regent's letter warm in his pocket.
6. honestly i know ive sounded super conceited this whole time but i kind of tear up whenever i read through the end of the fic lmfao. aimeric is just so fucking depressing as a character and i love that i really got to explore that in this fic. he really didnt have anyone, did he????? he's like a tragic greek character where you just watch him stumbling towards his inevitable end and it hurts the whole time. its even worse on the reread ANYWAYYYYYYY thats it. thanks so much for the ask anon!!!!!!! feel free to send me more!!!
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underworldobsessed · 3 years
Lose Control ll An Obitine Fic
Title: Lose Control Rating: T Ship: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Padme Amidala Series: ABO Obitine (Part 6 out of ???), TAS Week (Omegaverse week) (Part 3 out of 7) Summary: When Satine is shot in front of Obi-Wan, he learns about a darker part of his nature as he makes the decision to hunt for Satine's attacker. Satine, far before she recovers, decides she needs to find him before he does something she knows he'll regret. ll Temples and Sabers Day 3: Feral Omegas Author’s Note: I always have fun writing characters going feral. Typically it's not in this sense, but it was absolutely fun to write.I hope you guys enjoy!!
Read here or under the cut
Obi-Wan should have sensed the attacker in the force but he had been distracted. The dress Satine had been wearing was tantalizing, her mating mark was for once on full display. He could hear the whispers of those around him, asking questions on who her mysterious mate was. Everyone had known Satine as the ever elusive duchess, never taking a mate, but now, she had been displaying her mark proudly. He just wished he could do the same…
He thought that maybe it would be soon, until the shot had come through the window, and Satine fell.
He was torn between being the loyal Omega and her jedi knight in shining armor. He knew what he had to do, though, and chased after the attacker. Of course, they had vanished into the darkness of the night. He looked, trying to reach out into the force to sense where they had gone. But he could sense nothing. Perhaps it was his warring emotions that left him unable to find the source.
He had to get back to Satine.
Running back into the building, he saw that a small crowd had surrounded his mate, and he fell by her side. He moved to put pressure on her wound, hearing her hiss in pain. Thank the force, she was alive.
“Satine, I lost your attacker, I’m sorry.” He moved to brush the hair from her face, and knew now that the others around them were staring at the caring gesture. Of course, he couldn’t bring himself to care, not when Satine was this severely injured and he had failed her in trying to protect her.
“It’s alright, my dear Obi-Wan.” She flinched as she shifted, the wound bleeding more.
“Make room,” He heard the medics call, and he shifted, going to hold her hand rather than stand over her and the medical staff and droids started to put bacta on the wound so they could move her. “Sir, you need to move, we need to get the Duchess to the medical ward, now!”
One of the medics pushed him out of the way as they lifted her up and carried her out of the ballroom.
“Satine!” He called, but his voice got lost in the crowd. He wanted to be there behind her, stand next to her as they worked on her, but there was a voice in his head. There was anger and a desire for revenge that he had never felt before. This wasn’t the dark side either, no… this was something more primal. Something linked to a part of him that was long denied, one of the reasons that the Jedi Order didn’t allow for mated pairs.
Darkness clouded his mind, and he knew that he needed to go. He had someone to track down and make sure they suffered like Satine did….
Satine had lost consciousness in the time that it took to get her to the medcenter, and she didn’t wake for hours. When she did eventually wake up, the first thing she saw was the blinding lights of the medcenter and her friend Padmé by her side. She tried to recall what happened. She was at a ball on Mandalore, talking with some of her trusted officials when… that was right, a blaster shot hit her. She looked around, behind Padmé, to try and see if Obi-Wan was there. He was her mate, he should be by her side.
“Looking for Master Kenobi?” Padmé’s voice tried to tease, but in truth, the relief of seeing her friend open her eyes after some time caused her voice to crack.
“No I…” She sighed, knowing it was pointless to try and lie to Padmé. “I was. Where is he?” She tried to make her desire to see him not appear in the light she knew it would appear, but in truth, she hurt and all she wanted was the comfort of her omega by her side.
“Nobody’s seen him since you were taken to the medcenter. I tried to reach out to Ani… I mean, General Skywalker, but he hasn’t seen him either.” She frowned, the concern from all of this now coming through a little bit more. “I know he’s worried about him, but also knew that if Master Kenobi knew you had been left alone after all of this, he would be upset. So I volunteered to stay by your side while you healed.” Her eyes were kind, and Satine felt blessed to have a friend like Padmé in her life.
“I’m fine,” A lie, but she knew she couldn’t sit around while her Omega was missing. “What I need to be concerned with is the fact that a Jedi master has gone missing while on Mandalore. The Jedi Council will start to assume I did something to him, held him for ransom, and use it as an excuse to invade.” A flimsy excuse at best, but she also knew that there was nothing else she could say that would make it seem less suspicious. She needed to find Obi-Wan. She didn’t want him blaming himself for this for too long. Having him lost in his mind would be a bad thing for sure.
“I had a feeling you might, and while I should be encouraging you to stay in bed and allow yourself to heal, I know the desire to make sure your omega is okay.” Padmé gave her a knowing grin, and Satine couldn’t bring herself to care that Padmé knew her secret. “We’re just going to take everything slowly, and you will not overdo it, because I don’t want him turning on me because I let you get out of your hospital bed while you need to heal.”
Satine nodded and Padmé helped her get out of bed, keeping her upright as the pain caused spots in her vision, and she almost fell over. She allowed for Padmé to help her, and then they started to slip out from the medical center.
It was a miracle they got out without being spotted. Her guards were likely out searching for the one who did this, and trusted that Padmé would watch over her. Of course, none of them really knew the two of them. They wouldn’t stay in one spot for too long, and when Obi-Wan was truly at risk like this, Satine wouldn’t just sit and let others look for him. She needed to be part of that search too.
If something happened to Obi-Wan because of her, because she wasn’t there to talk him down, she would never forgive herself.
The search for Obi-Wan took two days. In that time, her guard did discover her absence and tried to get her to stop, but she refused. Her guards were the only ones who were in the know of her relationship with Obi-Wan and they knew better to stop an alpha that was trying to protect her mate. She may be a pacifist, but if she was honest, she would tear this world apart to keep Obi-Wan safe.
The thought terrified her.
She found him, finally, two days after her injury. He had been hiding out in the worse parts of town, in the shadows and away from most others. She almost didn’t recognize him at first. His gaze was not the usual loving one that she had grown to associate with her beloved. It was hard, and cruel, a tint of gold in the glimmering blue she had fallen in love with. His nails were longer, like claws and his teeth almost seemed sharper, but she thought that it might be a trick of the light.
“Everyone stand down.” She commanded as her guard lifted their weapons to aim at him. They did not come this far to end up putting his life at risk or their own because they were foolish enough to lift a weapon to a truly feral omega.
She had read about this in stories, but never thought it was real. If an Omega’s alpha becomes seriously hurt and the Omega couldn’t do anything, they would revert to a more feral state. They would not be able to be consoled or brought back to themselves, unless they were able to get revenge or if they were brought back down by their Alpha, but even that had to be done carefully.
“Leave us,” She commanded again, and there was absolutely hesitation there. “He’s not going to hurt me, please.”
“Satine,” Padmé spoke quietly, not wanting to leave her friend alone when she wouldn’t defend herself.
“I promise I’ll be fine, Padmé. You don’t have to worry about me. Obi would never lay a hand on me.” She gave her a smile, and finally Padmé relented. She led the royal guards out of the alleyway they had found themselves in. Finally, she and Obi-Wan were alone.
“Obi, it’s me.” She tried to get through to him, but saw that he was looking at her skeptically, like he didn’t really believe she was there. “It’s really me, come on. It’s okay. You know I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Alpha?” The omega in him was what took over. This wasn’t truly Obi-Wan, not yet. He was under the influence of his inner Omega, which had grown feral knowing there was nothing he could do to help Satine. “Alpha safe?”
“Yes, my darling, I’m safe.” Her injury burned, and she was still struggling to keep herself standing at this time. But at the same time, she knew that she absolutely needed to stay upright. She needed him to see that she was safe and alright. She didn’t want him thinking that he had failed her. If he saw her okay, maybe he would return to normal. “I wasn’t that seriously hurt, Obi. The bacta did wonders and I’m good as new.”
His whimper rang in her ears and it broke her heart. He truly felt like he had failed her, and she could tell. She didn’t need to be a force user to sense that in him. She reached out and held her hand out for him. “Come on, Ben, it’s time to come home. Come back to me, my dear.”
She could see the war waging between the more rational side of Obi-Wan and his feral nature at that moment and she was afraid that he wasn’t going to come out of this. But she felt a hand take hers and she looked, seeing that the claws that were there moments ago were gone, and his eyes were fully back to that kind and loving gaze she knew all too well.
“Satine I,” His voice fell quiet, and she knew he was trying to apologize for everything that happened, but then his gaze fell down to where she knew that her injury was and his eyes widened. “Satine, you’re bleeding.”
If she didn’t know that the moment had passed, she would worry that he would return to that feral mindset he had just recovered from, but she also knew that it wasn’t possible. He was back to the man she loved, and the moment was long gone.
“Don’t worry about it, Obi. I’m alive.” She reassured him, pressing her palm to his cheek to try and keep his attention on her. “I’ll be okay. Come on, let’s go back to the palace.”
The two of them stood from where they were crouched, and she swayed briefly. The black dots returned to her vision and unlike last night, Obi-Wan was there to catch her. He slipped his arm under her legs and lifted her up so she didn’t have to walk. She wanted to fight him, but she rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady thrum of his heartbeat in her ears. She felt safe now, knowing that he was back to his normal self and by her side once again. This was when she felt at her safest, not when he was feral but when he was at her side, protecting her like this.
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ltleflrt · 4 years
So I was having a conversation on Discord about omegaverse tonight, and my brain won’t shut up about it, because as usual I come up with my arguments after the discussion is over.  I should have been asleep 3 hours ago, but it’s hot and I can’t unwind, so I’m going to stay up EVEN LATER while the a/c brings things down a few degrees, and I try to get these thoughts out of my head.
I was pro-omegaverse, and trying to explain why *I personally* like the genre, and why I think even with it’s problematic origins and frequently used elements, it’s still a cool genre.  I was essentially having 2 discussions, but they were both using my answers to their questions, even though I was usually addressing them 1 at a time.  That happens when you’re in a Discord chat, and I wasn’t @ing my answers to them, since we were all in the room together.  And I think that cunfuddled the discussion and my thoughts.  So here’s a breakdown.
Issue 1. Biological Essentialism is gross and rapey.
Answer:  Yes, it is.  But so what?  Some people like pure rape-fantasy.  Is it healthy?  That can be argued either way, and it definitely depends on the person writing, or the person reading.  People like gross and rapey stories to get their rocks off.  Whether we like non-con or not, rape fics should be allowed to exist because some people like it.  It doesn’t matter if I think their reasons are valid.  As long as they’re not actively trying to harm someone, let people get down and dirty with their rapey fantasies.
Also, the whole biological imperative to mate isn’t that far off from Soulmate AUs.  Truemates = Soulmates.  Whether we like Soulmate AUs or not, are we also arguing that they shouldn’t exist because they’re problematic?  No, we’re not.  Soulmate AUs are romantic for a lot of people.  Let people have their uncomplicated, fluffy, 1 Destined Love stories.
Something to keep in mind though, is that not all omegaverse fics use the true mate trope.  And quite a lot of fics have characters with a lot more self control during their mating cycles than what you’d find in the short smutty one shots.  It’s common for them to avoid each other during heats, and only share their mating cycle as an act of love, trust, and devotion.  After they’ve been dating for a while.  (I love it when the alpha brings over snacks and water for the omega, and immediately hightails it out of there once they get a whiff of their sexy love interest.  “Take care of yourself, text me when you feel better, loveyoubye! *nyoooom*”)
Issue 2. It’s transphobic.
Answer:  This one is harder to argue, because yeah.  It can be.  But so can non-omegaverse.  Transphobia is, unfortunately, everywhere.  Exploring human gender through non-human gendered beings isn’t a bad thing though.  Cis people should be allowed to explore those things too.  This is step 1 to fighting the Patriarchy.  Questioning it.  Someone may come out of the experience still cis, but they’re going to be more open minded to trans people.  Not to mention, all the trans and enby folks who probably figured themselves out through the gender exploration to be found in omegaverse.
Now, if someone’s into omegaverse and they tell you they won’t read a story about a trans character?  Red flag.
Personally, I like the gender exploration in omegaverse.  Not just in the hormonal stuff, although I do kinda love the idea of seeing cis male characters suffer cramps once a month lol... but I like the stuff about social inequality that women have to go through mapped onto a male character.
I brought this up in the chat, and my use of the term “women’s issues” raised a terfy flag I think, which upset me and made it harder to make my point.  Cuz if there’s one thing I’m not, it’s terfy.  But I do see women’s issues as also trans issues.  Trans Men are treated differently after they start to present as male.  There’s a marked difference between their treatment as a woman pre-transition, and as a man afterwards.  And they still have to be really careful about accidental pregnancy.  I cannot fathom how awful the dysphoria would be for them if they get pregnant.  Trans Women are treated horribly pre-transition if they give any hint of feminine interests.  There’s a reason “girly” is an insult, and it’s because Toxic Masculinity Is The Worst.  And then when they transition?  Hooooboy, gods bless those ladies because Trans Women are treated worse than Cis Women on the social pyramid.  And Enbies?  Oh you sweet things, how the hell do you deal with the rest of us bastards? 
When I say that I am interested in seeing the characters I like deal with women’s issues, I am talking about social inequality, not just periods and cramps (although that a little bit too, because I wish a cis man could just fucking UNDERSTAND why I need a goddamn nap okay? lol), but also sexual health rights, including birth control, including the right to choose whether or not to take hormones, the right to equal pay, the right to equal education.  Feminism, for me, includes trans and enby folks at the table. 
But anyway, the characters I like right now just happen to be men.  I see Dean as a man.  That could mean he’s a trans man too, because trans men are men, yo.  Castiel I see either as a man or non-binary.  So if I want to put them through “women’s issues”, I have to plunk them in a special universe for that.  No one is writing Matriarchy AUs, so Omegaverse it is!
(Side note: If my OTP were f/f, I’d still like omegaverse.  And I could see lots of interesting ways to use all those same tropes for 2 female presenting characters.  So it has nothing to do with genitalia.  Unless it’s smut.  But I swing all the ways, so still not an issue for me lol)
(Side note part deux: I like to read trans stories too.  They have unique things about them that cannot be found in stories about cis characters, even in omegaverse.  And when I see Dean and Cas as men or enby, I’m not putting down people who like them gender flipped.  I just see myself enjoying Trans Woman Claire dating Enby Kaia, more than I’d like to see Dean or Cas written as cis/trans-women.)
Issue 3.  Internalized misogyny!
Answer: This is an argument used against women shipping m/m in general, and has nothing to do with omegaverse.  It just so happens that omegaverse was created for m/m pairings.  But there are TONS of reasons we ship more m/m than any other pairings, ranging from those are the most interesting characters presented to us, to--yes--internalized misogyny.  But I’m tired of that one.  Internalized misogyny is rampant, and telling women that their fantasies are problematic isn’t going to cure them.  There’s better ways to go about it. 
Omegaverse now covers m/f and f/f pairings as well, sooooo... yeah, this one just doesn’t hold water like it used to.  We just need to yoink the media out of the hands of the cis-men who are mostly in charge, and make them give us more compelling women to ship.
Issue 4: That’s not how human bodies work.
Answer: They’re not human lol!  Okay but real talk here.  This issue actually sounds transphobic to me, because it strikes very close to the XX vs XY chromosomes argument.  Omegaverse characters have intersex variations.  Alpha females and Omega males can have both a penis and a vagina in some fics.  It depends on how the author wants to write it, of course.  I usually go with the (horrifying) cloaca for omega males, and the (hyena inspired) psueudo-penis for alpha females instead, but to each writer their own lol
But again... not human.  Let wet buttholes be a thing, lube is expensive and sometimes the bottle gets tangled in the sheets, and you have to stop what you’re doing to find it and... anyway, convenience in fantasy sex is nice lol
In Conclusion: 
Personally, I only like non-traditional omegaverse.  The stuff that subverts the “problematic” tropes.  I was asked what I liked about the genre, and when I explained, it devolved into discussion of the topics above.  But I think what was forgotten in that discussion, was that I kept saying I don’t like the “problematic” things.  I like flipping the tropes.  Which I like in general, when I’m looking for things to read.  I mean, how many Castiel Thinks He’s Straight fics are there?  Not many!  So I wrote one!  Because flipping tropes is my jam! 
I don’t like Soulmate AUs, but with the proper twist I can still enjoy it.  I don’t like Highschool AUs, but I’ve read some that touched me so deeply I still think of them years later.  There’s always someone subverting the tropes I don’t like and turning them into something I do like.
And yet even though I kept saying I liked the subversion of the genre, the discussion kept coming back around to the parts of omegaverse that I *don’t* like.  I will still defend anyone’s right to like the parts of it that aren’t for me though, so I argued away XD
And? Sometimes I like the dark problematic stuff when I’m in the mood to get my rocks off.  Don’t judge, you’re all a little weird in some way or another ;D
Anywho, now that I got this stuff off my chest, hopefully I can sleep.  It has also cooled down by like 4 degrees, and I no longer feel like I’m going to melt in my sleep.  Tomorrow is going to suck, because I have to get up in 5 hours.  Yay!
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nuclidic · 4 years
Given that a lot of us are stuck inside with all this COVID-19 stuff, do you have any good TimKon fic recommendations to keep us more happily occupied?
Haha yes! I have this list from years ago but it is way past time for an update.
Disclaimer: these are just things I like, please heed all tags and warnings etc. I'm also not reccing any WIPs because unfinished fics kill me every time.
Crystal Clear by Merit andAnd I'll Tell You No Lies by caecily
Two short takes on soulmate tropes that have to go first because I love them so much, I love soulmate aus, Tim and Kon are soulmates, the end.
Where There's a Wish by LeeayreBeing Robin’s vessel is hard enough: the exhaustion, the life-threatening late night activities, the bruises and bullet holes and broken bones. Trying to hide all that from his incredibly suspicious, incredibly hot new roommate while maintaining his studies and placating his parents? Tim has never had it so hard. Especially since said roommate doesn’t actually know he’s Superboy.
So the setup for this is unusual, I'm not sure if it's based on anything but: superhero identities are Personas, independent (basically magical) personalities created by the wishes of a person or groups of people who act through hosts that have the will to manifest whatever that persona does. Basically: Robin is an independent persona, Tim shares his body with him and when Robin manifests the costume and all the gadgets appear. It's explained throughout the story, but just in case you start it and are like wtf is happening. This possibly should go in the thirds section because the actual pairings in this are: Robin/Tim, Red Robin/Tim, Tim/Kon, Red Robin/Tim/Kon, Red Robin/Superboy, and Red Robin/Superboy/Tim. Red Robin can also be kind of dubconny so watch out for that if it's a concern.
Wing Beats in Reverse by firefrightJason Todd is the third Robin, not the second, growing up in shadow of Tim Drake's death. Despite this, he still manages to form strong bonds with his new family. Especially Damian, who wishes to atone for his past mistakes with Jason's predecessor. But when he's fifteen, a mysterious red hooded figure kidnaps Jason from the rooftops of Gotham, and after that his life will never be the same again.
A Robin reversal AU (ie Damian is the eldest, Dick the youngest) that's Jason-centric but of course that doesn't lessen the Tim angst. Or the Kon angst when he finds out Tim is alive. Hopeful ending, but it doesn't fix everything.Other pairings: JayRoy, StephCass (barely)
Time Flies by by LaroyenaJon Kent is Superboy. Tim's gut instinct tells him that's wrong.(Timkon fix-it where reboot!Tim misses Kon like a phantom limb. And then he gets him back.)
Sometimes you just need to cry over the lack of Kon in your life and this fic provides the PERFECT excuse. Heartbreaking and then happy. (Also brings Colin back UNLIKE DC.)Other pairings: implied Clex
Not Completely Powerless After All by ChimaeraKittenNobody was quite prepared for the kid who runs the company to visit, but they manage, in fact, they might be pleasantly surprised; they weren't expecting him to be nice. Of course, they weren't expecting him to be a possible ninja either, but you gotta take the good with the bad.
Outsider POV!!! I have never watched Powerless so you definitely don't need to be familiar with it, this is just a glorious casefic told by someone who doesn’t know it’s a case.
Matters of the Heart by DMWith Clark off-world as an ambassador to Earth, Conner has to watch over Metropolis. Though it should be straightforward, there appears to be something amiss with seemingly random crimes happening around the city. Conner has a hunch that they’re connected and calls in his best friend to help. But as the two of them spend time together working the case, Conner realizes that his feelings for Tim might not be what he had thought.
A long casefic with feelings, basically everything I ever want.
Stumbling Home by bewaretheboojumIn his mid-twenties, Tim moves back to Gotham City after several years living abroad. He's feeling adrift, unfocused and a little off balance as he tries to re-establish a life in his home town.Kon is a fireman by day and superhero by night. When mysterious fires start cropping up in Metropolis, all signs point to arson. Who better to help him get to the bottom of this arson case than Tim? And really, it seems like Tim could use the distraction...
Another casefic with older TimKon. I didn't like the initial setup with Tim having abandoned his friends for years but it won me over in the end.
the honesty in your body by LaroyenaLuthor's tech saved Kon's life at the cost of his mind. Tim must take a feral Kon across space to restore his humanity... which is just as difficult as one may think.(Batman Omegaverse AU: unabashed TimKon porn detailing their original get-together in their early teens to their definite get-together in their late teens. But mostly porn.)
Yep, this is mostly omegaverse porn and it's excellent and I love it, I really don't know what else to tell you.Other pairings: BruDick
I'm Alone Here, I Think by unluckylokiSuperboy is fighting robots in San Francisco and remembers something that wasn't.There's a new priest in the Naxos temple appointed by Dream of the Endless.Kon is missing something. Tim is missing everything.One day Krypto practically drags Superboy to a remote island in Europe and there's a dark haired guy smiling at Kon like he knows him.Maybe he does.
Sandman crossover but I haven't read Sandman in 500 years so you don't need to know most of it. Kind of identity porn, but more...fraught. Excellent Tim angst (there...might be a pattern here) and I'll be honest I'm not very into all the witches and stuff but overall very enjoyable.
Nowhere But Forward by MishaBerryIt shouldn't have happened the way it did.When Kon finds Tim in Paris, it leads to a night that neither of them will ever forget, for better or for worse. Tim is then forced to confront something he's been denying about himself for a very long time, and Kon begins to question some things about himself. The road ahead is full of twists and turns, but there's nowhere to go but forward.
I really love long fics, but tbh I found this started to drag a little towards the end. I still enjoy it overall with delicious Tim angst.
Plus One SectionSometimes when pickings are slim we can try food we wouldn't normally eat, and sometimes it's delicious. Which is to say these are fics with Tim/Kon/Another Person. Don't go any further if this upsets your OTP soul, I completely understand.
TimKonBartTroika by glitterandlubeThis is kind of written like crack and definitely won't appeal to everyone, but it's a fix-it of preboot where instead of living with the Kents in Smallville and becoming the country boy of Teen Titans (2003) Kon moves to Gotham and then scores with Tim and eventually Bart. Follows the previous canon's timeline almost to the start of Red Robin. Some (honestly warranted) bashing of Steph but also of Lois Lane (???).Also contains explicit Tim/Dick.Other pairings: Clex, JayDick
TimKonCassieTrymmetry by glymrWhy do they feel like something's missing?
Set in a universe where Kryptonians form triad soulbonds. Kon and Cassie have both always been thinking about Tim when they're together, and after Kon comes back they can no longer deny it. They have to find Tim. I wish this was ten times longer.
Heart of the Hoard by firefrightJason is a knight on a mission to save a captive young woman from a cruel and vicious dragon. However, when Jason reaches the keep the girl is kept in, it quickly becomes clear that not all is as it seems with his quest. For starters, Lady Timothea is actually Lord Timothy, and - as Jason soon discovers - he's hardly a prisoner in his tower.
Perfect because Kon is an ACTUAL DRAGON though it does lean on his YJ cartoon characterization.
I (Don't) Want to Believe by chibinightowl and strikeyourcolors
FBI agents Tim Drake and Conner Kent are sent to Arkham Heights High School to investigate a series of unexplainable incidents that have both staff and students on edge. Tim's firmly of the opinion the school is haunted while Kon is positive the occurrences can be explained in a more reasonable manner. After all, he doesn't believe in ghosts.Right? Right?
Horror casefic where Tim had a previous thing with Jason but also a thing with Kon so sharing is the way to go, especially when you're more (or maybe just equally) concerned about being murdered by ghosts in a haunted former asylum.
Okay I am stopping now because otherwise I will continue forever. I hope this satisfies some hunger.
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earlgreytea68 · 5 years
The Omegaverse Lawsuit
Everyone's been talking about the Omegaverse lawsuit recently, which is a little odd, since it was filed in September, but hey, sometimes that's how it goes!
It literally took me a little while to figure out that the names of the book series at issue here are Myth of Omega and Alpha's Claim. Like, I know this is meant to clearly signal they're Omegaverse books, but it just amused me to be talking about Omegaverse and not have it be a ficcy title. It really drove home to me how very, very different fic is as a genre from commercial original fiction, even when they're hitting the same tropes. 
The first thing to note is that the complaint is not a copyright infringement claim. Instead, the plaintiff, basically a writer named Zoey Ellis, is making allegations stemming from a copyright infringement claim against *her.*
The whole thing starts with a DMCA notice. Under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, it's really easy for copyright holders to get allegedly infringing activity taken down: they file a notice. The website hosting the allegedly infringing activity is required by the DMCA to remove the allegedly infringing activity basically immediately. The person whose material has been removed is permitted to fight against the notice, but of course many people don't do that. It takes time, effort, and a knowledge of the law. For a lot of busy, sensible people, it's often not worth it. What this means is that DMCA notices are massively abused. We know they are. Theoretically they can only be advanced in good faith, however. So, if you can prove you've got a DMCA notice that was issued in bad faith, well, that could be a thing. 
Which is what this complaint builds around. It doesn't happen often, challenging a DMCA notice on bad faith grounds, but this complaint goes for it, which is impressive. And they allege a decent case because they allege a DMCA notice was issued for a book that hadn't even been published yet. Knowing an unpublished book is going to be copyright infringement before you've even seen it is a talent that you'd be smart to utilize on winning the lottery (if that’s what happened, of course). 
The plaintiff here did what you're supposed to do under the DMCA if you believe your work is fine and provided counter-notices. However, unlike in the case of the original notice, counter-notices can take months to process and resolve to get the works back up. 
As anyone familiar with fandom can tell you, rumors spread quickly. Once the word was out there that a DMCA notice had caused a takedown based on plagiarism, the allegations say that forums picked up on it, defaming the plaintiff's reputation. 
The complaint goes on to allege a pattern of the defendant Addison Cain manipulating social media for stars and reviews. I know we theoretically have standards for how stars and reviews happen, but, really, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there in book marketing. These are the examples in the complaint: 
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Idk, if the DMCA notice claims are true, they seem sketchy, but these communications don't strike me as that bad. The truth is, it's hard to know as an author when you're going "too far." You need to educate people as to what's helpful algorithmically, and upvoting five stars and downvoting one stars is helpful. That sounds like what she's doing, providing information so people know how they can help a writer they love. Presumably anyone doing this would seem to care enough about Addison Cain's books to spend time doing this. It doesn't seem from these excerpts like she's bribing people in any way. The second example seems especially bland to me, like, the reader seems to ask if it would be helpful to mark it "not helpful," so the reader brings it up, and then in response to Addison Cain they seem to say that they're shocked anyone would find the review helpful, which seems to me to imply that their "not helpful" designation was a true reflection of how they feel. Surely encouraging truthful and honest behavior on the part of your readers isn't a bad thing, and surely we would not ask authors to explain to readers how to be mean to them, instead of how to help them. So, I don't know, this part of the complaint strikes me as a little weak. I just don't think asking for people who liked your book to review it as scandalous as they seem to think. Like, their exhibit is titled "Review Manipulation," and it includes things like this: 
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(which, btw, afa I can tell, is her encouraging people to leave good review on *someone else's* book)
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Idk, what do you think? Are you outraged by those? 
Moving on: 
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This does seem ridiculous to me. She does seem to think that she was the first to ever write a M/F Omegaverse (which the complaint alleges is provably untrue), but also seems to think that she therefore influenced the entire genre to be exactly like her. Idk. This just makes me think, like, ::raised eyebrow:: Who goes around saying "Oh, you know why that's like that? They're all copying ME!" Idk.
(Incidentally, it's interesting that she's claiming to own the straight version of the trope, that the straight version of the trope is the unusual version, because romance is in the mainstream culture dominated so much by straight love stories, and indeed every love-story example in the complaint is a het example. They use "The Runaway Bride" as an example of an enemies-to-lovers trope, which was SO WEIRD to me, I stared at it and was like, ....but all of Harry/Draco exists???? lol)
Asserting that on its own, though, would just make me roll my eyes a bit and move on. Coupled with the DMCA notice allegations, however, it does make it seem like she's trying to claim ownership over the entire M/F Omegaverse genre.
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The similarities listed in the DMCA notice do seem like pretty basic aspects of the trope that I don't think anyone can own. 
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(There are more alleged. This is just the first few.)
But the DMCA notice does purport to contain reviews that say the two books are very similar. 
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(Again, there are more, this is just a selection.) Part of me feels like maybe these people just haven't read much Omegaverse? Or haven't read fic, so they're not used to how tropes work? Idk. Without having read the books myself, it's hard for me to make this call. (And that's honestly how copyright infringement gets decided. You just have to read the books and decide if they're substantially similar in something copyrightable. Which apparently somebody did because the books were eventually reinstated as not infringing, it just didn't happen in a court of law. If this case goes on, eventually some judge is just going to have to sit down and read these.)
And of course the DMCA notice obviously chooses the most favorable to their cause, because there's also this: 
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If the only similarities are the rules...that just sounds like the Omegaverse trope. 
The claims itself in this case are really interesting. It's not a copyright infringement case, because the plaintiff is specifically saying they are NOT infringing. Instead, the first claim is a copyright misuse claim (that you're using the monopoly granted to you by the government in an improper way, usually understood to be anticompetitive in a way that the government didn't contemplate as being part of the copyright grant). These are relatively rare but I think it's the right call, that using your copyright to send false DMCA notices would be copyright misuse. 
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The defendant has now answered the complaint denying the allegations. Indeed, the defendant asserts that the complaint is defamatory because it alleges Addison Cain has only filed one other DMCA notice in ten years of being a published author and thus she has not repeatedly manipulated the system to shame other authors. It also includes a counterclaim that alleges basically that this lawsuit has been brought for harassment purposes because it’s expensive to defend a lawsuit and they alleged that online sales metrics tell them that at most Zoey Ellis has lost about $2000 worth of sales.
So that’s where the case stands now.
Other miscellaneous observations:
--The complaint has spoilers for the end of Alpha's Claim which tell me I would never read that book. 
--This is what the complaint lists as the common markers of the Omegaverse trope: 
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You know, people in Omegaverse fics often grapple really hard with consent issues, and I love when that happens, and I'm sad that's obscured in this paragraph. I mean, I know the point of the complaint isn't to talk about the ways in which the trope can be subverted, but anyway.
I'm not a huge Omegaverse person, but one thing I do often enjoy about it is how stark it makes the sexism of our patriarchal society, that the gender that breeds is so devalued and treated as dangerous and cordoned off and loses agency, etc. And then how straightforwardly it often has to deal with that. And I know M/M Omegaverse often skimps on female characters but I also like how much it drives that point home, that it's not a man/woman thing, it's literally just that as soon as someone has to bear the children, that comes attached with all sorts of burdens and expectations. 
And I'm also not saying that every Omegaverse author sits down to grapple with those issues, or should be, or has to be. Just that Omegaverse can reveal so much about how we structure societies. And I'm sad that this complaint is just furthering this idea that fic doesn't really do anything profound or interesting or necessary and is just: 
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It's cool, not all fic/writing/creativity needs to serve GREAT INTERESTS, nor should it, but also I think a lot of fic/writing/creativity does, and that gets ignored in favor of dismissing it as frivolous. Idk. Obviously this complaint is not about solving that issue, but it made me think about it. 
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OR. Hear me out. They could get together and just cuddle for 100,000 words and banter and stuff. Just sayin'. Just throwing it out there. 
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I'm honestly really annoyed by this paragraph's wording. It sounds so condescending. "Employed a degree of creativity consisted with other 'fan fictions.'" I hate those quotation marks around "fan fictions," like they're not sure those are a real thing. So-called "fan fictions" (which, who calls them fan fictions anyway? who are they quoting there lol). But also, like, what's the "degree of creativity consistent" language. Like, the standard for copyrightability is that it possesses a modicum of creativity. That's it. It's a low bar. We know the phone book doesn't have a modicum of creativity but almost everything else has SOMETHING. So this strikes me as a little...sneering and dismissive, like, "Well, it's just as creative as other 'fan fictions.'" No. It's creative. Fic is creative. This is creative. It's an entire BOOK, that no one is alleging copies anything other than tropes (AS ALL PIECES OF FICTION DO, THIS IS NOT A FIC THING). It's got plot, characters, setting, dialogue -- none of which are alleged to be copied. So, like, just say it. It's creative. It possesses a modicum of creativity. Move on. I have no idea why that weird "fan fictions" reference is in there, Idk. 
--They've got an exhibit that they claim is Addison Cain online statements about the plaintiff, but I can't make heads or tails of them. They're weirdness about how she's wrote the original M/F Omegaverse, but I don't see any references to the plaintiff author Zoey Ellis, other than very vague references like this: 
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I'm a little bewildered by this exhibit. I think maybe they might be alleging that Addison Cain set up fake accounts to badmouth Zoey Ellis but if that's the case it's not clear to me, especially since they've blacked out the account name: 
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--This complaint has an exhibit that's basically an expert witness on Omegaverse. I love this so much. :-)
--Let's just enjoy this being in a legal filing: 
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--This isn't part of the main allegations. This is apparently, though, the kind of thing that Addison Cain has in the past considered plagiarism. Just a small selection, again, there are more. But:
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I have long said that writing a sex scene is like writing a cover letter: You’re trying to convey a very narrow series of events, over and over, and there’s only so many words you can use to do it. So comparing sex scenes like this just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. Sex scenes will mostly inevitably sound similar in isolated sentences like this. It’s so funny, I was just saying to Aja about a gif, “He’s arching his neck to give him access like every heroine in every romance novel.” Because that’s a line we’ve all read in every romance novel.
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Honestly, honestly, literally every single Omegaverse fic I’ve ever read has this exact moment. (And many of them do it better.)
--This complaint has taught me a lot about how much of a kink some people have for being covered in days’ worth of caked-on semen, rubbed into their bodies and massaged into their hair. Really, the complaint is kink-instructive, I recommend it.
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--Honestly to me the most damning thing about this is this exhibit where Addison took matters into her own hands to post the similarities between her book and another book, because I’m just not convinced by any of these, and if this is what she thinks copyright infringement is, then I doubt she understands what it is. Bull all these BTBB/TMO comparisons have been her making her case that these two books are similar, and I’m just dubious. And then stuff like this comes up:
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Omegas being tired after a heat, yup.
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They…both came up with a futuristic device that has a…screen?
She does end with this:
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But I just don’t see what she’s claiming ownership of *other than* these really common Omegaverse tropes that I’ve read a million times. (Which isn’t to say that’s a bad thing. I’m a fic person at heart; I adore tropes.)
Anyway. That’s it. That’s the case so far. Let me know if you have questions, because lawyers can be bad at remembering what non-lawyers might be confused about.
In the meantime, I’m going to dig up some Omegaverse.
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texanredrose · 4 years
Since it was the first of your stories I found, I would love to see the director's commentary on "Omega's Strength" if you're willing.
Yo, Omega’s Strength is definitely a passion project (that’s nearing completion!) that I love with all my heart. I’m almost to the scene that sparked the whole story and I genuinely can’t wait, the anticipation is killing me!
Aside from being extremely self indulgent, Omega’s Strength is the first time I’ve actively re-written the rules of something established. Sure, I love my AUs, but when it’s an AU of my own design, I can make my own rules. Omegaverse AUs, on the other hand, are almost defined by the fact they all use the same rules. Most of which, I hate, because they’re stupid. So, I decided to make my own AU of an AU to incorporate elements I actually wanted to see- using heat and scent marking and such in a positive, conscious way rather than... well... the borderline-not-consent way most stories use them.
This is arguably one of the stories I put Yang through the most shit. It focuses heavily on Yang’s poor state of mind and self image following the amputation of her arm and really dwells on it, for the purpose of showing how to overcome it. That’s the main thing about Omega’s Strength that I don’t think gets mentioned enough; yeah, I put Yang through shit, and her bad headspace allows her to make some bad decisions, and she hurts herself almost as much as the events she goes through hurt her. However, through the course of the story, she gets stronger. She picks herself up, puts herself back together- and that’s a big thing for me. It’s not someone else fixing her. It’s not someone else making everything okay. It’s Yang reaching her lowest, realizing it, and saying ‘fuck this’, and then clawing her way out. She has her friends and family for support, sure. She can lean on them when she needs to, even when she’s being too stubborn to ask for help. But, she’s the one being proactive and taking the steps she needs to heal. Confronting herself, her situation, her reality. Gritting her teeth and doing the work to get back to a better state of mind. Rediscovering her confidence.
There’s a companion piece to Omega’s Strength that I’m working on as well, told from Winter’s POV, which is something I generally don’t do for my fics. Offhand, I’ve only done this one other time with Monochrome, and fairly recently; once I’ve told a story from one perspective, I typically don’t revisit the same events. For this one, though, I feel like I have to, because Omega’s Strength, for all the angst, only tells a small fraction of the story. It’s taking a world spanning trek to save the people of Remnant and giving the reader only one set of eyes to see it through. It’s limiting- which works, in some respects, to amplify the drama, because all the events are only examined in how they affect Yang- but it leaves a lot unsaid. We see how Yang interprets Winter’s actions and intentions, but not how Winter intended them to be taken, so I look forward to finishing the story, and then releasing Winter’s side of things. I’ve often said that, for all that Yang suffers through the story, Winter suffers just as much, it’s just not shown. While the saying goes “show, don’t tell” sometimes not showing everything and not telling everything ends up painting a much more interesting picture in the long run. Stories like Omega’s Strength are more akin to puzzles, each piece of which an agonizing journey to find and fit together, but when you step back and see the whole picture... it’s something else.
This is also one of the few fics where I incorporate a ton of OCs. Amusingly enough, Terry Cotta (the first of their name) and their team was designed back in V2 as a direct response to someone else claiming there was only one way to make an OC team in RWBY. Long story short, the person claimed that the team ‘motif’ shouldn’t be decided until the end, after character creation. So I said ‘fuck that’, picked two motifs to blend together, and created the characters that way. Terry Cotta, Dal Semper, Aegean Forecastle, Rudy Cirrus, and one as of yet unintroduced character draw their inspiration from the five branches of the American Military (also, fuck, now I have to make a sixth for the dumbass space forces, good grief) and five branches of emergency services. Terry Cotta, of course, represent the Army and Police, that’s where they get their name, and why they’re both Winter’s best friend and her worst enemy, depending on the AU (I might fall into both categories myself but I’m also highly critical of my chosen professions). Dal Semper represents the Marines and Firefighters, which is why she’s characterized as being stubborn, direct, and hotheaded. Aegean Forecastle is the Navy and EMTs/Paramedics, which is why he’s the polar opposite to Dal and often watching her back. Rudy represents the Air Force and Search and Rescue, specifically mountain rescues, which informs his quiet but dependable nature. The last member of the team represent the Coast Guard and Dispatchers and as the Coast Guard is often neglected when talking about the branches of the military while Dispatchers are often forgotten in terms of emergency services, she’s often in the background getting shit done rather than on the front lines with the others. Together, they form Team TARDIs (which I admittedly offered as a cheeky joke to piss off the person mentioned earlier) but formally named the Atlas Rapid Response Team, or ARRT for short, keeping the color themed naming convention intact. Because of what they represent, I’ve always headcanoned that ARRT would be opposing Team RWBY in some way, because they represent organizations that should benefit the public, but can be misused to the public’s detriment, and I always wanted that to be a recurring theme with the characters. It’s why Terry’s such a little shit in almost every incarnation, whether they’re allied with Winter or not. Terry- and the rest of their team- ultimately has the best of intentions but not so great execution, and it entirely depends on who they’re following. When they follow Ironwood, they get used to devastating results, but when they follow Winter/Team RWBY, they’re much more helpful.
On the other hand, there’s Team SNOW. They are as much a result of me being cheeky as me interpreting the color rule to its logical extreme. Stryker, for instance, has a predominantly predominantly black and white color scheme. This isn’t because she’s from Atlas; it’s because she’s a soccer ball. Her name makes me think of soccer (football, for you non-American folks), and that makes me think of the black and white balls used for matches. Nigel? Makes me think of Nigel Thornberry and his ridiculous orange mustache, which is why he’s Inexplicably British(tm). Oswald? Makes me think of that one otter Pokemon, which is predominantly blue. Wisteria? A running joke in some of my other Elderburn fics, a rejected name for Winter and Yang’s kids because Yang wants to follow the ‘W’ naming rule but Winter doesn’t. Ergo, makes me think of white and yellow and blue and purple and all the other colors associated with Winter and Yang. There’s a lot of ways to read ‘evocative of color’, and I took it to its furthest possible conclusion, not just literal translations but more of a word association exercise.
Also, yes, I hate Stryker with a passion. Is it because I used to be a goalie? Possibly.
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omegaverse-seeker · 5 years
I hope you’re not getting mobbed with asks on this, but wouldn’t the argument that abo is transphobic make more sense if only m/m abo fics were written? I’m straight so I usually only read male/female abo fics and usually only with female alphas. Wouldn’t it make more sense to say it can have transphobic elements rather than to say the entire concept is bad?
Not at all getting mobbed. It’s okay friend.
That’s the thing though. It’s not just the fact that it’s because of m/m fics. There’s more to it. In different AUs the biology is different, dynamics have specific genitalia. This is why a lot of people have a problem with Omegaverse, a lot of us put dicks on female Alphas or vaginas on male Omegas. Of course, it’s not everyone. Then there’s mpreg. A lot of people find that transphobic too, I don’t know specifically why it is. Please tell me if you know!
It’s easier for people to label the entire concept bad. That’s their right, but it is also our right to explain why it isn’t. It’s an equal right to not force a person to change their minds though. Let them believe what they want to believe, just do no harm.
I do personal believe in some tropes are transphobic. Should they change? Maybe. Does everyone need to change their AUs? I don’t know. Are they hurtful? Probably if you are triggered/made uncomfortable by it. I think that a lot of people just need to acknowledge the problematic themes A/B/O we have and try to better them or explain why it is.
There are people who are always going to feel that Omegaverse is transphobic, and that’s fine. Respect that because that’s what they feel. We have to be more inclusive and hear people out.
Also it’s a/b/o.
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llawlietofficial · 5 years
What type of characterisation do u like for fics? I do find that fic from back in the day is mostly 1 dimensional but I was curious what ur issues w it where?
I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to answer this but I’m gonna be real my opinions on stuff like this have led to me being labeled toxic to the point where people have literally implied they want me and people who share similar opinions with me to leave the fandom, so I’ve been kind of hesitant to answer something like this bashing some recent characterization again. So if you’re one of those people I’m sorry and you should probably stop reading now.
opinions under the cut with some lawlight characterization stuff I don’t like + some stuff I do like:
Honestly? I try and read at least the first chapter or so of every new lawlight fic in the tag and recently it’s been impossible for me to enjoy a lot of it because when I read it it just doesn’t feel like L and Light to me at all? Like it feels like someone at some point wrote a big fic with strong characterization and interesting characters, except they weren’t much like L and Light and they acted in ways L and Light wouldn’t act. And a lot of fics now are based off that same characterization, which in turn inspires fics with that characterization, rinse and repeat. And that’s just not enjoyable to me when I’m looking to read lawlight fanfiction.
Obviously old lawlight fanfiction wasn’t all 100% perfect and there were a lot of doozies in that mix too but it felt like there were more really solid multichapter fics that might have been messy and toxic in ways but they made sense with the canon characters. And fics that did have a happy ending and some fluff thrown in were still written using circumstances that could be believable, even if it took a long time or a slow burn to get there.
To answer your question more specifically, here’s some common tropes that feel out of character to me (and I’m not calling out any specific author or saying fics that do any of these things are poorly written because they’re not and we have a lot of talented and dedicated people here):
Either one of them changing their principles and switching sides within the first 20k words and without a LOT of persuading. IMO “we’re two sides of the same coin and not that different despite both being hugely stubborn” is shit I love, “actually I’ve sided with you secretly the whole time/your magical dick has cured me of disagreeing with you/I’m willing to sacrifice the principles I literally died for in canon easily because I want to be with you” is shit I don’t love.
“We suddenly agree and work super well together as partners now that we’re in an AU and there’s no death note” doesn’t feel authentic to me because death note or no death note their entire outlook on the world is different. Light would think L’s methods are disgusting. L would think Light’s initial idealism is naive. Light believes mankind is inherently good and once you get rid of the bad that can shine, L…doesn’t seem to share that. That’s not to say they can never work together but the good shit is when it’s a long journey into understanding each other and where they’re coming from and slowly making compromises and falling in love.
L being a naive uwu tries his best baby who’s being taken advantage of by Light. Light being a misguided uwu baby who tries his best and is being taken advantage of the whole time by L. They’re more complex than that and they’re both bad people but they also both have good sides so any sort of simplification of the characters into one being a villain and one being a victim is uninteresting to me. 
They shouldn’t work but somehow despite everything they do, because they’re alone and because despite disagreeing and being enemies by circumstance and by beliefs, they know without the other they’d never really be challenged or fulfilled. That’s neat. I like that. It’s messy. They’re drawn to each other even as they’re disgusted with each other.
It’s more interesting when they are their own conflict rather than the conflict solely coming from outside sources.
The 500000 fics where Light is a rebellious and progressive omega who actually secretly wants to be protected by L and feels grateful that they’ve found each other? don’t love that. I dislike omega fics in general even if there’s a couple I’ve thought were pretty alright so that doesn’t help either. It is kind of interesting that despite their differences this could be an in-universe reason to force them together. It just seems like omegafic is the lawlight default right now. Like even fics where the plot doesn’t revolve around omegaverse stuff is sometimes omegaverse and that’s ? hard for me to wrap my brain around? that’s not just a lawlight problem though that seems to be happening in a lot of fandoms
Similarly to point one, either of them being okay with losing like lol what. 
yotsuba can be difficult to tackle because there’s so much going on there with the characters, but there’s so many interesting layers to explore and dive into that sometimes get ignored in favor of fluffy hijinks and that’s boring to me. from Light’s perspective L took everything from him and has made his life pretty miserable because of this whole Kira thing and catching the real Kira is the only real thing that could totally clear Light’s name and L just sort of….gives up, for a lot of it. mopes about and acts unmotivated and uninterested because Light isn’t Kira. that’s probably very frustrating for light! and fun wacky fluff or hijinks can happen, but I love when it happens in the “we got so distracted being the smartest people in the room we forgot we’re supposed to be enemies” way because that’s juicy to me
sometimes it’s the little things, too, that bother me. stuff that’ll happen and it’ll completely pull me out of the story. like L Lawliet made Naomi Misora destroy her whole damn computer after he slid into her DMs and you really think there’s any way in hell he’d have any sort of google home or siri or alexa? or casual social media, even under fake names? facebook knows everything. or light saying something or making a joke that i could never in a million years see him saying in canon because the author thought it would be funny or cute. 
anytime Light is suddenly some kind of beacon of goodness champion of justice just because he didn’t find the death note. the death note didn’t make him a completely different person, he’s bitter and jaded and thinks some people would be better off dead even before getting the death note. self righteous yeah totally but actually righteous? nah man
or Light just being a fucking awful person who kidnaps and r*pes L because he lusts after him but it’s okay because somehow in the end they end up together ? i’ve seen that trope a few times and i know it existed in 2007 too i just avoided it like the plague then also. 
I see a lot of AUs that are less “what would L and Light legitimately do if this was the situation or universe they were placed in” and more “i want to write this situation happening like this and i want to make it lawlight because that’s my main ship” 
like, the characters that are being written are fine but if you want to write OCs right OCs. I know all of this seems really harsh which is why I put a warning about it at the beginning, and of course I know some of these problems were also prevalent between 2013-2017 and there’s tropes here that have been happening like this since the dawn of lawlight fanfiction, but since it’s happening now and now is when i’m frustrated by it now is what i’m complaining about, it could be the reason i go back to older fanfiction so much is because i had lower standards back then and it was easier for me to wade through the ones i hated to get to ones i liked and now it’s easy for me to find those again. who knows. Also I agree most fanfiction from 2007-2009 were pretty 1 dimensional. 
And like, fuck me I guess but I actually like the canon characters and I joined the fandom to experience more of them and apparently that makes other people feel unsafe.
I’m not saying people aren’t allowed to express opinions that are different than me or that I Know Better Than Everyone Else or that I don’t like people posting their own headcanons or ideas or things they wish were different about the series, it’s just not my cup of tea and it’s a little frustrating that fanon is mostly all I get in fics now and that people are allowed to express opinions but only if those opinions are “people who stick too close to canon are elitist and should die and are sticks in the mud and need to leave the fandom to stop ruining things for everyone else” because like, we’re people too?
Anyway sorry this veered in a bit of a different direction and I hope I don’t lose followers over this because it’s sad to see people go but I’ve been blogging here for over 5 years and I’m not going to stop anytime soon. I also wrote most of this while having bad anxiety at like 3am last night so it’s all over the place and i’m probably going to think of like eight things in the shower later I forgot to mention because i’ve been thinking over this ask for like two weeks now. 
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Fem! Soukoku A/B/O
I am just sadpacito because of EU copyright law so allow me to shower you in some beautiful soft soft omegaverse hc that I had been talking about with @no-longer-tainted​ for days now uwu 
Please also read this beautiful fic by her as well for a better overview of what tf I am talking about! Its a piece of god damn art that even Van Gogh cries over! 
Also we decided to change some of the things within fem! A/B/O, for example instead of female alphas growing a dick, they have saliva that contains the fertilizer...thingy...yeah so oral sex and tongue does the deal here uwu
Like any other female alphas, Chuuya has a cup of b while Dazai is a cup d, thanks to omegas having curvy natural figures.
Female Alpha’s can increase their body heat to make their omega’s feel safe and sound. 
Some Omega’s can have extremely irregular heats as well. 
So female alphas and Omegas have their first heat later than the males, around 18 or 19. While Chuuya’s heat at 18 was pretty ok and Dazai helping her through, Dazai’s heat came later than any other omega girls. It was at her 22.  
Chuuya had her first heat after a week of her birthday. Dazai was just lucky enough to be in her apartment to get her through. (NSFW will be soon under the cut) 
Dazai didn’t mind being Chuuya’s mate once they had their feelings and emotions sorted out and had contently start dating. 
 So on Dazai’s 18th birthday, Chuuya was ready, so was Dazai. Blankets, boxs of chocolate and protein bars, canned crabs, energy drinks and chocolate milk, ready to go. But no, the heat didn’t come. Not even the following week, or the week after. 
They weren’t surprised when the heat didn’t come after 9 months. However, they were ready again when she had turned 19 but no, not this year. Similarly, not even next year when she was 20 or the next next year when Dazai was 21 or 22. 
At one point Dazai thought, perhaps it was because of her unhealthy eating habits, while Chuuya started to blame her own heats affecting Dazai’s (which is not possible but she was just worried for her girl uwu). 
Things started to calm down, untill during the winter, they decide to go to a ski resort to spend their holiday. 
It was cool and all till Dazai began to act weirdly once they had came in the hotel room after the second day of skiing. When Chuuya pressed her hands on Dazai’s forehead, her temperature was rising yet the thermometer said otherwise. 
Soon Dazai started to blabber shits and lose her mind. Panicking, Chuuya decided to ring Kouyou.
When the older woman had picked her phone up, Dazai was already moaning for Chuuya and their entire hotel room was filled with Dazai’s soft rose like scent. 
Chuuya can’t even breath in the room, its just so stiffy with Dazai’s scent. The shorter girl just whispers, “Ane- san..” To which Kouyou replies without a hesitant, “Dazai is on heat?” 
Chuuya’s stomach is feeling Dazai’s heat too but she has no idea what to do. Kouyou asks how Dazai is doing. 
“Heat? more like dying if anything fucking heck.” “Chuuya! Language! and if you say that does that mean its all good?” 
Chuuya groans and Kouyou doesn’t tease her anymore. The older woman then instructs her to carry out everything as usual bedroom time but then also reminds her to take extra care when she does oral and reminds her to be gentler and softer since it’s Dazai first heat. 
Chuuya almost throws the phone when she finds Dazai nearly biting her arm’s scent glands off when she started to become even more restless. 
She quickly grabs all of the extra blanket in the hotel cabinet and just throws them randomly everywhere to somewhat make it look like a nest. Also throwing some of hers and Dazai’s stuff in the nest too. 
With shaky fingers, she struggled to unbutton Dazai’s tops but as soon as it was gone, she began to kiss every inch of Dazai and bite her scent glands on her neck to sooth her down. 
Whispering soft words, Chuuya kissed and licked every inch of Dazai. Biting on her scent glands and marking her with her scent so that other alphas can’t lay a single finger on her. 
Dazai seemed to calm down but for Chuuya it felt like Dazai had gone totally crazy over the heat. Not wanting to risk, Chuuya runs her hand down Dazai’s panties and isn’t surprised when she finds it merely wet and slick. Chuuya sighs and kisses Dazai’s forehead, coaxing her with soft murmurs of encouragement that made no sense to Dazai in her dazed mind. 
Chuuya isn’t surprised when two of her fingers went inside in one go. Though it’s a bit too wild since it take a bit time for Dazai to take more than one finger in sometimes. Dazai moans aloud when she slides in a third finger and presses it just right. She clenches up and before Chuuya can even give some pump, Dazai cums. 
At first Chuuya thought if it was just this then it would be ok since sure she can finger her all night along and shouldn’t be a much of a problem. But soon after 6th time of fingering, Dazai began to whine and she knew she would have to give her the oral that Dazai needed. 
So she then threw some of her jeans at Dazai that she can inhale into while she does her job down there. Chuuya kissed the inside of her thighs that earned her a soft hiss as if Dazai was trying to tell her to hurry up. Chuuya smiled softly, Dazai still being adorable even if she was out of her mind now. She ran her tongue up and down her clit and that seemed to do the trick, Dazai was arching her back for more stimulation. 
Once her tongue made Dazai cum, Chuuya had the urge to just spit on her fingers and press it on Dazai’s entrance to see what actually happens, so she does and as if Dazai’s body could tell what was happening, it had both calmed her down and made her more turned on than before. 
After lord knows how many orgasms, Chuuya decided to take a break and use the washroom, only to come back to a silent Dazai staring blankly at the hotel’s ceiling. Chuuya just had opened a bar of protein when she realized Dazai was almost freezing. And that’s when it hit her that Dazai also needed Chuuya’s constant body heat. Chuuya then immediately puts a blanket over them and stats to rub on her inner thighs to get Dazai’s own body heat back on place. When that didn’t work, Chuuya just drapes herself over Dazai to sooth her freezing body.  
Dazai just stares blankly at Chuuya and yes, Chuuya had to went down for the 100th time again. 
That night Chuuya couldn’t even bring herself to sleep no matter how tired she was after THAT many rounds, because she knew the moment her eyes would close, Dazai would either get extremely cold or just lose her mind again (as if she didn’t already thanks to the heat) 
And of course, Chuuya fell asleep on Dazai’s chest but woke up gagging to the smell of millions of roses in their hotel room. She hurriedly gets off the bed and opens another window and comes back to see Dazai with her brows furrowed in her sleep. 
Chuuya shakes Dazai awake. Her eyes glistening and glassy under the dim lighting of the room. Chuuya cups Dazai’s cheek gently while Dazai leans onto the touch more. 
“Shit! Dazai! Wake up, Osamu!” Chuuya tries her best not to scream. When Dazai finches Chuuya panics, “Fuck fuck, is there anything I can do Osamu!” Dazai just smiles tiredly and mumbles, “Just chibi..Just chibi...” 
Chuuya panics again for how long has it even been since Dazai had been like this but starts to kiss her all over again like the previous evening. 
So then Dazai’s heat goes on for 5 more days till the day before they leave the ski resort. That morning, Chuuya was snoring softly after their last round of sex and Dazai finally had finished her heat. Dazai woke up, rather fresh and had began to wake Chuuya up. Calling her slug and hatracks but when nothing worked she knew it was probably best for Chuuya to rest after that many days of making love.
The she gets up and takes a shower, her stomach growling, she gets the room service to bring them some food and such. When Chuuya wakes up Dazai is cleaning up their room and preparing for them to leave early morning the following day. Chuuya doesn’t say much except she just grabs Dazai by her neck and kisses her softly. 
The last few hours in the ski resort, they spent going around and taking a small walk down the town and eating at the local restaurant. 
The next morning they left as planned, taking the train back home. The train ride is 9 hours, but its ok since Dazai had her heat done and if anything bad happened Chuuya can use her martial art skills. Except, at 5 pm when she fell asleep on Dazai’s shoulder, she woke up to the same rose scent. 
Chuuya thought it was her dream but fuck sadly it wasn’t. When she opened her eyes, she found Dazai again suckling on the glands on hand. 
Chuuya almost screeched, they were  in public and even if Dazai was her mated omega, if a group of alpha attacked them, lord knows what would happen. 
Luckily, they arrived in their hometown within in a short amount of time and called a taxi back to their apartment, hoping that nothing would happen and Dazai can hold back. Dazai was about to lose her mind again if Chuuya didn’t bite her scent glands on the neck at the back of the cab and she would have fling herself out of the taxi window. Fortunately, the taxi driver was an elderly beta woman who knew the situation for them and drove them home on a safer route. 
And when they came home, they went on it again for 8 more days. 
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dantesilvadraws · 6 years
So imagine this; baku gets into a really intense fight with a villain, and it's so bad that he's presumed dead and has temporary memory loss. Little did baku know kiri was waiting at home with news: he's pregnant. Baku obviously isn't dead, and he comes back once he gets better, surprised to find out he's a father. Whether he comes back at the end of kiri's pregnancy, a few months after the baby's born, or even a few years after he's born, cue a touching reunion between the little family ❤❤❤❤❤
So, I did imagine your little scenario, and came up with a fic for you!! :D Sorry this took so long – I hope the wait wasn’t to bad!! 
Anyway, thank you so much for reading, and enjoying my work!! It really means a lot, and I hope this piece is to your liking!! Enjoy~!!
[CofffeeeCat works 55 hours a week and still has trouble paying rent, if you can spare a donation, please do]
[bakushima tag] [bnha omegaverse]
Bakugou stood outside the airport, staring at a city he had forgotten for years. He had been sent overseas to battle a villain who possessed a few dangerous quirks. One of which was the ability to inflict amnesia, which Bakugou had suffered from. It wasn’t until the defeat of that villian about a week ago, did his memories return.
After the initial attack, Bakugou had been admitted to a hospital which basically became his home. If the attack had happened in Japan, then, it would have been easy to identify who Bakugou was, but this happened elsewhere where there was a language barrier. Despite a few rough first weeks, Bakugou became accustomed to life at the hospital for years. For years he had no idea who he was, until in the middle of one night he shot up in bed from a sudden blaring headache.
He stumbled into the hallway and made his way into the bathroom. One of the nurses saw him and cautiously followed him. She lingered in the hallway until she heard him vomiting in the toilet.
“Do – do you need help?”
Breathing heavily Bakugou stepped out of the hall, he saw the nurse, shook his head but passed out.
When he woke up in the morning, he remembered everything.
Although, he no longer had a phone with any of the numbers of his friends and family he was going to do everything he could to get back to them. He had no choice but to rely on his memories, despite it being recently absent.
To his surprise, nothing had really changed while he was gone, but that was a good thing. It’d make it easier for him to find everyone – well, the first person he wanted to find was Kirishima.
Before the incident, him and Kirishima were in a dedicated relationship. They hadn’t bonded just yet, but were planning to. They already shared every heat and rut together, sometimes they used protection, sometimes they didn’t. Bakugou could only imagine how painful these past few years might have been for Kirishima.
As he stepped deeper into the city, the more he felt his heart beginning to tremor in search for a love he hoped did not forget him or moved on. He sniffed the air, the scent of his beloved omega had to be somewhere in this city. Against desperation, he decided to take his journey within the city slow. Although he wanted to see Kirishima as soon as he possibly could, he also wanted to observe his city. It might be interesting to see how things had changed since he’d disappeared. Not to mention he didn’t have much money for a taxi or to ride the subway.
He began to notice different posters and advertisements of heroes he instantly recognized. There was plenty of posters of Midoriya and Todoroki – and Kirishima.
There was one poster in particular that caught Bakugou’s attention. It was hanging on a large glass window of a coffee shop that he was walking by.  He remembered that him and Kirishima had frequented that shop quite a few times, and even though Kirishima wasn’t there in person just seeing an image of him was enough to send his heart pumping.
He wanted to breathe in his sweet scent.
And hold him in his arms.
But after all these years – what, what if he had someone else?
He felt like smashing the window, but before he could he caught a scent. It was Kirishima’s scent, but, but not? The smell of home, but altered in some way that made him feel like he, like he was drawn to the smell. He instinctively wanted to protect whoever it was behind that scent and so, he needed to investigate.
As he reached out to open the door, someone on the other side pushed it out.
It was Midoriya and in his arms was a little boy with black hair and red eyes. Midoriya was smiling at the boy, saying something about his Dad being home soon.
And the kid was the source of the scent.
Fearing the worst, Bakugou frowned.
“Deku.” Bakugou called out, only to see Midoriya freeze in front of him.
The two stared at each other for a moment, when the little boy broke the silence, “Uncle, what wrong? Who is dat?”
Midoriya tightened his hold on the child, and glared at Bakugou, “Who are you?” he growled cautiously.
“Bakugou Katsuki.”
“You can’t be.”
Bakugou shook his head, he took his hospital identification card out of his pocket and gave it to Midoriya.
“I’ve been living in a hospital for the past few years,” he explained, “But as soon as that villain was defeated, all of my memories came back.”
The card stated Bakugou’s admission date as the same date he went missing, Midoriya then read out loud, “Quirk induced amnesia.” he peered up from the card, with tears in his eyes, “It’s you?’
“Of course it is.” Bakugou returned the card to his pocket and was about to ask for Kirishima when Midoriya spoke.
“You need to see Eijirou!” Midoriya said, “He should be home shortly, so we’re headed that way!”
Bakugou nodded and followed Midoriya down the opposite way of where he used to live. He was quiet as they walked, taking everything in around him – and that child. The kid peeked at him from over Midoriya’s shoulders with his familiar red eyes. He – he looked like – and he smelled like – no no no NO!
“Deku, who’s kid is that?”
“Um,” Midoriya paused for a second, and to Bakugou it looked like he was afraid to answer, instead he pointed at an apartment building, “Eijirou lives right up there, we should hurry, I think he’s home.”
“Don’t avoid the question!” Bakugou growled.
“Let’s just get into the apartment first.”
“No, why don’t –,” Annoyed, sparks began to shoot out from Bakugou’s hands and he was prepared to give Midoriya a good slap.
The kid interrupted him with a laugh and declared, “Me too! Me too!” he patted Midoriya on the shoulder to put him down, which he did.
“Look look!” the kid ran toward Bakugou, he held out his hands in front of him and little sparks ignited.
“Izuku, are you letting Katsu talk to strangers?”
“I’m not, look who it is!”
Bakugou, reacting to the voice and his instincts, lifted up the pup and sat him on his hip, and called a name that was almost erased completely from his mind, “Eijirou?”
Kirishima stared at Bakugou, his eyes wide with tears, “Izuku, is – is this real?”
“Yeah, turns out he’s been alive.”
“Dad, we have the same quirk!” the little pup said proudly, then frowned, confused, “Are you sad?”
“No.” Kirishima sniffed, “No, I just – I didn’t, I didn’t think he’d…”
Bakugou took a few steps toward Kirishima and settled a hand on his shoulders, smiling, “I’m sorry I was gone.”
Kirishima wrapped his arms around Bakugou and kissed him on the cheek, “I’m so happy you’re back!” he sobbed.
“Dad, what’s wrong?” the kid asked, still confused and worried for his father.
Kirishima beamed at his son and Bakugou wiped his tears away with his free hand, the omega then stated, “Can you tell him who you’re named after?”
“Yeah, my name is Katsu Bakugou and I named after my other dad who died!”
“Your other dad?” Bakugou repeated, putting together the puzzle in his mind.
“What’s your name?” the pup asked.
“You’re not going to believe this, but your other dad isn’t dead.” Bakugou explained, as the child smiled widely, “He was gone for a really long time, and everyone just thought he was dead.”
“How do you know?”
“Because my name is Katsuki Bakugou.”
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 21, 23, 28, 29, 30 :), 31, 37
1 - Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic. Fluffy, somewhere between 700 to 1K, probably part of a series but not necessarily, inspired by a prompt someone sent me.
2 - Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to? Not really? I've been writing for almost 21 years, I think I've hit most of them at least once in some way or another.
3 - Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole? Omegaverse. I have no interest in that.
4 - How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them? Oooooh, boy. So many. So so many. Like, I have fic title memes I still haven't answered that I have ideas for, scraps and bits of stuff saved, future chapters of fics I haven't updated in ages...there's so much rattling in my head and I seem to be writing a ton more lately so who knows? Maybe this year I'll clear out at least one inbox full of prompts or something and finish 45 more WIPs without starting any more to cut them in half.
5 - Share one of your strengths. Prolificness. The more you write the better you get, and I write a lot.
7 - Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. Oh boy. I've written over two or three thousand fics over the years, do you know how hard questions like this are? But I'll pick something recent. I like this music of Molly’s from “Life And Death Is Of No Importance To Us,” which should be available to read again at some point on the 15th and be finished (hopefully).
She was lonely in the Underworld.
But Goddesses weren’t supposed to get lonely, of course. No, they were supposed to pine away after Gods or humans and take lovers and...no, that didn’t really appeal to her. Her heart was cold, most likely not even capable of romantic yearnings, much less romantic love, and after all, wasn’t any companionship fraught with complications? That was certainly something she didn’t need. While she was only a minor Goddess in the scheme of things, handling only one portion of the world to bring souls to their judgment, complications were something she certainly did not need. Especially complications of the romantic nature.
But friendship...perhaps that might not be too bad.
8 - Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it. This is just a bit that makes me laugh every time I reread it, to be honest. From “The Head Knows What The Heart Wants”:
“I have no idea what she sees in you,” Sherlock said, tossing a ball up and down as he lounged in Seb’s only decent seat. They were supposed to be having a meeting about what plans that Eurus might make next, a meeting Mycroft was conspicuously absent from and as far as Seb knew was intending to stay far away from, but if he was going to be in charge of keeping Molly safe, he set the terms of the meetings. And if he couldn’t be arsed to leave his flat? The Holmes brothers could come to him.
“Honestly, Holmes? I don’t either,” Seb said. “But I’m grateful she sees something in me.” Seb kicked Sherlock’s legs out of the way so he could get to the other chair. Sherlock was in what had basically become Molly’s chair because it was the most comfortable, but this one he was in had been one of the few pieces of furniture that had gone from the pits of poverty with him to the jewel that was his flat when he lived with Jim and then back to this, somewhere in between. It was a piece of history he could touch after he had tried to shed or shred so much of his past.
“But really. What is it?”
“My big cock is probably a help,” he said, getting annoyed with the conversation. Holmes made a face and missed the ball, and Seb was amused watching it hit him in the face and then fall to the floor and roll away. “You don’t want the blunt, honest truth, don’t ask.”
10 - Which fic has been the easiest to write? Any number of my one-shots. It's so much easier to write a one-shot than a WIP or a fic that's part of a series.
13 - What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across? Don't edit as you write.
15 - If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose? Most definitely "The Art Of Love Is Largely The Art Of Persistence" as an alternate series 4/5 for Sherlock.
16 - If you only could write one pairing for the rest of your life, which pairing would it be? Such a hard question. Maybe McMolly, since it's one I helped create and write most of the content for?
21 - How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting? 0. Unless it's for a big bang or a fic exchange, I generally post as soon as I finish and just use the Grammerly plugin on AO3 to edit grammar.
23 - If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why? Oh, so many of my Buffyverse fics because they just are not as good as the stuff I write now.
28 - Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. I...actually don't read a ton of fic authors specifically? It's more like whatever crosses my dash and catches my interest, I reblog, so generally let's say for choice #1 it's the Sherlolly fandom as a whole. Like damn, we got really lucky with our fic writers. Almost everyone I've come across is brilliant (and not just at Sherlolly in some cases but Sherlock fics in general). #2 would have to be @thequeenofhades , who, while we don't have a ton of intersecting fandoms that she writes fic for, she just is really really good. But my #3 (though not because I love her less) is @strangelock221b , who I pretty much devour anything she writes in multiple fandoms. She's brilliant. She's also a horrible enabler so watch out for that.
29 - If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose? Hmm... There’s this great fic I got for the Phryne Ficathon called “Collingwood Debutantes” that’s a Miss Fisher’s Murder Mystery I’d love to write a prequel too, but I don’t think I could do it justice.
30 - Do you accept prompts? Always, but I currently have over 500 of them to answer so I may not get to them for a while.
31 - Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant? I take so many liberties it's not funny. If my stuff isn't an AU it's probably UA.
37 - Talk about your current wips. I have 89 of them. You need to be more specific.
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ingthing · 7 years
In light of this YOI “shit list” drama:
(This is copied from my own tweet thread on this subject. My personal thoughts on being blacklisted are at the very bottom. )
Something like this happened at my high school, and I'll tell you what it did.
Some seniors in the two graduating classes before mine kept something called the "Senior Hit List." Sounds horrible, right? It was a google doc full of people's names. I never had access or had this list explained to me, but it was there and it existed.
Apparently it was just full of people these seniors didn't like, for really any reason. Those people were ignored and occasionally bullied (on a minor scale, nothing huge. Rich people school.)
Obviously the school administration caught wind of this and shut it down. By then, people were already hurt and this didn’t stop people from getting hurt, nor did it serve any positive purpose. There was no rhyme or reason to why people were added.
So in that scenario, there was a body of power that could tackle that... but even without the presence of the list, people could get hurt.
Generally? People don't keep lists of who they find problematic. It's more of a memory bank that's kept individual and private.
This isn't to say that there aren't people who are seen as problematic by a large number of people, but it's individual nonetheless.
Now, what do you think this senior hit list did? All these seniors, adding the people they individually find problematic- doesn't that make for a lot of influencing of others' opinions? Person A finds Jay mean, and Person B doesn't know Jay but thinks they are b/c of the list.
It's a domino effect. Instead of forming their own judgement, Person B (and C, D, E, etc,) all take on person A's opinion and end up thinking Jay is mean.
Lists are inherently opinionated, no matter the criteria.
It feels objective to say creators who make content in certain themes are on the whatever list, but themes are broad categories and each person's interpretation of any theme differs.
The assumption these black/shit lists make is that one problematic work disqualifies a creator's entire body of work, and that's just a terrible assumption. Time changes content. Knowledge improves content. Changes in interest change content.
That one "problematic" work renders a creator invalid as a progressive/good human being is outrageous, because making them problematic this way means the opinion multiplies. 
Like I said, Person A, Person B.
Because of my HS administration, that behavior stopped. On the internet, there is no "police."
Regardless of intention, these kinds of lists divide people and cause unwanted consequences, such as anon hate, follower loss, etc.
No matter how much you tell people to not send anon hate, there WILL be people who do.
I received similar hate in March for the same reason, and though I haven't, this kind of hate seriously makes creators lose their drive.
Fan creators make because they enjoy the things they make. It's not paid for. Telling someone they suck deprives them of that enjoyment. That goes for people who try to make blacklists, too. I'm not saying they shouldn't- but the effect your work has is yours to bear.
If you get heat for making divisive lists, think about why. You can have the best intentions in the world, but that won't change the outcome.
After what happened to me in March, I still hesitate to create certain content. But I know I'm not doing wrong, because it hurts no one.
The elitism it takes to create a comprehensive list of bad content-makers is astounding- but remember that no one is 100% unproblematic.
Creators, it's unlikely 100% of people will like your content.
You'll never know the breakdown- could be a very high ratio, could be low.
People who voice their negative opinion always appear, but it's important to remind yourself and reread the positive feedback you get.
It's hard to get up after being targeted on a list. It doesn't put a good feeling in anybody- but you CAN prove them wrong.
This goes for viewers, too- comments are the best way to let creators know you like their work, and it's important for creators to know they're appreciated. When times like these hit, comments help remind us where we stand and that the negativity is a minor ripple in a sea.
A list is a list, and people will appreciate you regardless of what others think.
I just ask that you look at your own practice and see if it's hurting anyone. And you'll need to look outside your immediate circle. Like I said, unintended consequences hurt most of all. Thinking about whether you share opinions in public or in private is key.
(End of rant.)
My personal thoughts: 
Of course it’s upsetting to find out I’ve literally been put on a list of problematic YOI fan-creators. That’s the last thing I want to happen to anyone, let alone myself. 
But this raises the question of why fanwork should be “safe.” Tag filtering already helps cut away whatever you don’t want to see, so there shouldn’t be the need to have a whole list of people whose works (most likely not their entire body of work) may contain “problematic” content. 
Fiction has always been a space for diversity and exploration, regardless of the theme. 
I also just don’t get why a creator is suddenly bad or shit once they publish a work that contains x, y, or z themes. 
I try all the time to write healthy realistic stuff, and hearing that a single work (presumably, my one omegaverse/aboverse fic is what landed me on this list) instantly renders the other 96% of my work unsafe to read is ridiculous.
That’s just my take on this situation.
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