metamatar · 15 days
saying 'usamericans' is like referring to congolese ppl as 'democongolese'. we know what u mean when u say american its okay
last i checked there was a pair of continents called the americas and not even one called congo. what do you think should be the name of the people living in them? should that demonym get to belong to the worlds most annoying and self involved local hegemon? latinoamericans speak and write about why they do this, which also functions as a response to us hegemony in the region. i do it to annoy tedious people and you have made my day by telling me you exist.
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"I WOULD RATHER FANTASIZE ABOUT RAPE THAN TELL A REAL LIFE PERSON TO HARM THEMSELF" says a lot when you break dni boundaries blatantly! because if you can't follow a single dni request who knows what else you're willing to try and bypass with real people you sick fuck
Don't care. You want somebody to not interact with you? Then block them instead of engaging with them. Curate your own experience. It's not my business whether my presence makes you uncomfortable or not. Welcome to the internet.
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euniexenoblade · 2 months
Trans women are not male? Look up the definitions to male and female and see for yourself which one they fit. Stop denying biology and common sense.
babygirl, Im sorry I'm on an advanced level of politics while you're stuck on junior high science, it doesn't work how you think it does and you don't even understand why I say what I do.
Trans women are biologically female, end of story.
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They seem nice
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(Watch my Defcon talk)
(Donate to EFF)
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thegimmickblog · 8 days
Eat shit and die faggot gimmick blogs suck
The awaited anon hate. Good job, buddy! Glad you got that out of your system. *Pats you on the head.*
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tsukaproshp · 3 months
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mate really though 'uhm yes let's call this person a slur !' and 'a subhuman' and tell them they should 'die' or 'be thrown in jail'
but also ... how tf spoke about 'real kids' ? i for sure did not but i am guessing you ( anon ) is the kind of person to see fictional kids as 'real' kids
genuinely still lost about the 'predatory, revolting hands' and the 'enjoy what you like, just be normal about real kids' because ?? i will gladly enjoy what i like but i never spoke about real kids or anything that could lead you to think i'm predatory and have 'revolting hands'
like ... it just doesn't make sense babe !
but anywho - the most illegal shit i ever did was smoke weed and steal a tennis ball from decathlon and i will continue being a big mean proshipper shotacon, you are getting reported !! :3
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moorishflower · 11 months
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Okay, so I told myself I wasn't gonna dwell on this and I really am trying not to, but I figure this is a good opportunity for people who are newer to this site (hi reddit!) and newer to transformative works (hi again reddit!) to see what's absolutely not appropriate behavior in a fandom space.
And this is it. Rest below the line, for brief suicidal ideation mention (in the far past I am fine!!!!)
So, I'm mostly glad that I'm the one who got this anon, and not someone else. I'm fairly emotionally stable, I'm an adult, I have a full time job, I don't rely on tumblr to feel like I'm worth something. I've got other things in my life going on, and the reason that I write isn't for clout or for comments, but because a. it genuinely pleases me to do so because it's MY hobby, and b. I have a few close friends who enjoy my writing and if they like it, then I'm happy. Everyone else is amazing! The comments, the fanart, the kudos, the likes, all of it! You are all amazing! But at the end of the day, writing is, again, MY HOBBY. I don't do it because I want to make a living off of it! It doesn't matter to me, ultimately, if I get better or not!
But if you say shit like this to someone younger? Less stable? Someone having a hard time? Someone whose sense of validation comes ONLY from online spaces like tumblr? You're going to hurt someone. When I was in the worst depressive swing of my life, when I was 15-16, a comment like this would have been enough to make me want to kill myself. Not because the comment is true! But because my brain would've PERCEIVED it as true. I am very, very lucky that I had the chance to put in the work to get where I am today. Other people aren't as lucky. There are other people who would put far, far more stock in a message like this.
I've already blocked this anon (it was an empty tumblr, so like...you made a tumblr just to send a mean message???), but if this person somehow sees this post, I guess my question is, what were you hoping to achieve here? What was your goal? Did you want me to...stop writing? Because you continuing to read someone's writing past what you consider their "good period" is on you, bud. Did you want me to feel bad? Why? What does making a person feel bad do for you? Does it make you feel better? And if it makes YOU feel better to make another person feel bad, a person who is putting their work out on the internet for free for others to enjoy with no expectation of reciprocity...consider, anon, do you maybe need someone to talk to? Are you okay? How are YOU feeling about YOURself?
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elierlick · 9 months
Thank you to everyone who's been sending me hate mail, you're making some great content for my "love letters" series. Love and hate are only an atom apart.
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lorephobic · 4 months
Because i don't want your inane rambles on my blog I'm just gonna reply in an ask- hi, user gogystyle here, i appreciate that u went to the effort to stalk my blog to figure out i liked dream at one point, very clever of you. Moving on, i see you're really attached to the director of saltburn- we love some personality worship💀💀. I'm not going to look at what she said about the movie, the damn thing is long enough as it is and should stand on its own. And i put it in the tag to piss you off and because the tag is already rancid enough. You're good at stalking, scroll down some more and you should see some more detailed takes i had about the film. But as i see you only have the opinion the director has, which has been spoonfed to you, it's probably best you don't bother. Really nice talking to you, and congrats on being the first lobotomy patient with a tumblr blog!😄😄
baby ur name is gogystyle, i didn't have to do any stalking to know that ur a dream stan. it's okay, we all make mistakes <3
"personality worship" is rich considering i don't know shit about emerald fennell, i just watch and appreciate what she has to say about Her Movie. that she Wrote and Directed. lmao.
the movie absolutely stands on it's own, i was just suggesting supplemental material for those of us who struggle with keeping up. if that's too much homework for u, that's okay. i've found manhunt to be much more accessible to ppl who aren't ready for high school yet. hope u get help!
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metamatar · 1 month
Why do you always defend China like that? I mean I get the the world tries to do the red scare, but aren't you defending a nation state when you brush off every criticism? Or does the criticism like target things that hamper capitalists and the actual criticisms regarding China lie elsewhere?
"Always?" All I said India is worse than China on a reblog about censorship on the Monkey Man lmao. There's stuff on my blog this year critiquing: Chinese uselessness on Palestine, involvement in Congo and critiquing workers rights in China through the lens of Foxconn factories trying to replicate their model in India.
I'm getting accused of campism for saying that India's blood and soil fascism is way worse, more dangerous than Chinese high surveillance 'socialism with Chinese characteristics.' India is formenting religious pogroms. The average Chinese citizen is not lynching their neighbours and burning down their homes on suspicion of eating the wrong thing. For Netflix to distort and kowtow to rabid fascists when the United States is strengthening ties with India (for anti China reasons) is really dangerous, given how much influence organisations like the Hindu American Foundation have in US politics. The average Westerner hates China plenty. Liberals do however cluelessly support Indian origin politicians who are funded by the Sangh.
Look man. I'm Indian. India has, since the BJP came to power gotten worse on hunger indexes every year. For countries not at war, we have the highest rate of child hunger in the world: 1 in 5 children are wasting despite the economy growing 6% every year. Journalists are routinely jailed and die in there. Kashmir is still under curfew and internet blackouts. Whatever hysterical story you want to tell about China is reality in India too. Without any kind of economic prosperity.
Why do these lives not matter to you? Why does the fact that Indian govt is passing laws that would enable India to strip muslims of citizenship not seem urgent to you? Is it because you maybe only think that the lives of people only matter in so far as they can be weaponised in some kind of story aligning with american state department?
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openedmaw · 5 months
Lycans aren't real.
You don't have Ehlers-danlos syndrome.
You are delusional, ableist, and if I saw you in real life, I would beat you with my cane and mace you.
Stop mocking people with real disabilities just because you don't want to admit that you're literally PSYCHOTIC.
I hope you get shot like a coyote since you want to pretend that you're an animal. FUCK OFF AND LEAVE US WITH EDS ALONE YOU RACIST ABLEIST PIECE OF SHIT.
lycans aren't real
to you. i experience a delusion of being one, so they are to me. this blog is for me to express my non-humanity and talk about it and how it affects me. i know that they are not considered a part of the shared reality, which is why those posts are tagged with "unreality".
you dont have EDS
i do, actually. thats not a delusion or a conclusion ive come to by myself. i have been diagnosed with it by a medical professional based off of my physical symptoms and family history.
you are delusional, ableist, and if i saw you in real life i would beat you with my cane
cool does that mean we can have a cane fight? bc i also use a cane, as well as a walker depending on what my body can take that day.
stop mocking people with real disabilities just bc you dont want to admit youre literally psychotic
for one, psychotic disorders can constitute a disability. mental disorders arent any less of a "real disability" than physical ones. for two, i openly admit to and talk about being psychotic. im schizophrenic. i experience pretty much 24/7 psychosis. i have no idea where youre thinking that i dont admit to being delusional.
as for the last bit. like. i am one of you. my schizophrenia doesnt negate my physical disabilities. im a schizophrenic with hypermobile ehlers danlos syndrome. none of that is delusion. also idk where you pulled racist from besides your ass, it just kind of makes it sound like you wanted to throw buzzwords at the wall and hoped they'd stick.
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[image id: anon ask reading "you are a dick to people with disabilities. follow your own DNI and go kill yourself before i do it for you". end id]
i know this was you too.
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euniexenoblade · 3 months
to the post about "takeing phrases from trans people and twisting them to be about transmisogany" wernt you one of the people trying to take issue with the solidarity post FROM trans people of "why are we fighting with each other when we could be fucking each other" so i cant seem to see how that isnt just as uncharitable so do you care about trans unity and trans lives or do you just want endless infighting until the cons kill us while our back is turned from the real enemy
"trans unity" is a dog whistle for transmisogyny
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my stance is i want you to get crushed under rubble in an earthquake
If you want me dead, do it yourself, pussycat.
Or are you too afraid of doing anything more than cry behind a keyboard?
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Don't you think that your complains about Basque people's struggles are a bit 1st world problems right now with everything that's happening in Palestine and Ukraine? There are currently bigger problems to post petty whining
I'll answer before I block you,
My blog, my petty whining, my first world problems. Block and DNI if you can't handle it.
Luckily my people aren't suffering an ethnic cleansing, but I guess that for people like you I can only complain about mistreat or disrespect if we're being bombed non-stop. That's your minimum to start saying something, I see.
I've never said that Basque people's problems are bigger than any other struggling people's. Of course I'm not obtuse enough to see other people have it much worse than us. But this blog is about our culture, life, history, and problems. Them being much less serious than other people's suffering don't make them invalid. It's like saying you don't have a right to complain about your pain if you're assaulted and beaten and get out with just an arm and a leg broken, when other people are assaulted and beaten to death. Yes, comparison serves as a perspective and a recognition of privilege, but you're still in pain no matter what, right?
Sending this to try to make me feel bad about posting what I've always posted on my own blog - no matter what other more worrying issues were happening in the world btw - is just useless and low. You feel better now?
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rayclubs · 4 months
Sasha is girls name. Get over it.
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girlboyzone · 1 month
i'm not up to date on asmp and every thing i see devastates me
dude the horrors…. the horrorsthe Time loop…
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