#harwin & headcanon
blakeswritingimagines · 6 months
Kissing over their scars
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Aegon: The touch of your lips on his scars is one that gives him chills each time. It not only feels physically good to have your attention on those marks on his body but also emotionally. It makes him feel loved and desired, even with such imperfections.
Aemond: He appreciates that you are not repulsed by his scars. He is thankful for your acceptance and appreciates your desire to caress the area surrounding them. While he feels uncomfortable discussing the details of the injury itself, he is not opposed to the showing of affection to that specific part of his body.
Jacaerys: As Jacaerys felt the touch of his partner's lips upon his scars, the sensations stirred beneath his skin. The memories and pain that were once associated with those scars turned to comfort and warmth. He knew that you understood his past and accepted him for who he was. As you continued to kiss, he let go of the pain and embraced your love.
Lucerys: He would blush madly, feeling a rush of both happiness and embarrassment. His scars represent a dark, painful chapter of his life, and he wouldn't want anyone to know the full truth. But the feeling of someone close to him kissing them would be so sweet and intimate that he would find it hard to look away. He might even move around slightly to give you better access to his scars.
Rhaenyra: If you were to kiss her scars, she would likely react by being both surprised and touched. She may pull away at first out of surprise, but if she felt a deep connection with you, she would likely lean into your affection and allow you to continue. This would be a deeply intimate and meaningful moment for her, as it would show her that you are accepting and supportive of all parts of her and your relationship. She may also feel a sense of vulnerability in allowing someone else to see her scars, which could further strengthen your bond.
Daemon: As the warm caress of your lips lingered on each scar, he couldn't help but close his eyes and revel in the sensations. The comfort and connection of your touch were more potent than any pain or fear he had before. Time seemed to stand still as you slowly embraced him with an intimate kiss. He leaned into you, feeling a deep sense of vulnerability but also trust. Your mouth, warm and supple, teased a deep and primal desire within. His entire frame was awash with pleasure until you pulled back, and he opened his eyes slowly looking at you with a smile on his face.
Alicent: Her face reddens at the boldness of the action, the surprise and pleasure from the kiss combined. She moves slightly closer to you, wanting more contact and intimacy. She can feel her face heat up, and she closes her eyes for a moment when the kisses end, to savor the sensation for a little longer. She wants you to keep kissing them, wanting to keep feeling your soft lips on her scars. The sensation is so powerful that it makes her forget her previous shyness and pulls you closer.
Helena: As you kiss her scars, she'll close her eyes and allow herself to be vulnerable and feel the moment. The light caress of your lips awakens something deep within her soul. She longs for the intimacy of your connection. Her body reacts to the touch of your lips, and she knows you feel it, too. She opened her eyes slowly and met your gaze, your faces so close to each other that you could kiss. It is only a matter of time, she thinks to herself. She leans in and...
Harwin: The first time he was kissed on his scars, he felt a mixture of emotions. On one hand, he was happy to be loved and accepted for his flaws. But on the other hand, he felt very vulnerable and exposed. The kiss reminded him that even though he had overcome difficult times in his life, the scars were still visible, and it was still a part of his past. He was also reminded that someone else knew the pain he had endured and that someone else's lips could heal what once had cut deep and wounded him.
Cregan: Kisses on his scars bring a warm and intimate feeling, as if you doing it is showing your affection and appreciation for him and his past. Each scar marks a unique experience, and it brings him joy to know that you appreciate and value these experiences as much as he does. He is always reminded of your care and attention towards him whenever you kiss or touch his scars, and it brings him deep satisfaction to know that he is being loved and accepted despite the physical flaws and imperfections.
Criston: He is taken aback by the sudden contact, but slowly begins to relax once he realizes the care and love underlying the act. He may blush at the unexpected attention, and his heartbeat quickens out of anticipation. The sensation of your soft lips on his damaged flesh sends tingles throughout his body, and he'll find himself longing for more.
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fanfictionroxs · 8 months
(Custody) Battle of for the Bastards!
Can y'all imagine the custody battle over Jace, Luke & Joffrey aka the 'bastards'?
Rhaenyra: Strongest claim because she's the mommy who doesn't give a single shit about the bastard nonsense of their society and protects her kids like a dragon protecting its hoard. Screw everyone. SHE is the queen and her firstborn WILL be her heir and the rest WILL be well settled!
The judge loves her!
Harwin Mr. literal heart eyes at his babies: STRONGest claim lmao. He is fine with standing by the sidelines and watching his sons call others 'father', but he WILL commit murder and breakbones if you try to steal them. Nurturing comes very naturally to him and he is super sweet with his kids!
The judge loves him too!
The judge loves him three!
The judge is terrified, "sir put your sword away this is a legal proceeding" bangs gavel "order order" daemon cuts the gavel with his sword and gets thrown out of court!
Incoming Aegon ii, Aemond and Daeron with 'Uncle rights' custody papers to lay claim on their handsome, wise, strong nephews they 'hate' so much.
The judge wants to go home because he married these kids with their nephews (?!@#$) yesterday sweet home westeros!
Alicent behind them: Bastard 1 & I have the same bad posture; bastard 2 & I take the same anxiety meds; I am the father AND the evil step-mother, your honour *Larys trying to stab Harwin in the background*.
The judge sets the courtroom on fire!
Jace: Wins the custody battle because eldest daughter syndrome rights :)
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idreamofmagik · 2 years
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Rhaenyra Targaryen
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝑾𝒉𝒐 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒔𝒆? 
                                        ⸻ ✶ ⸻
Arriving at court, your father sent you with clear instructions: marry and fortify your house, or you will bring destruction to the family name. 
But what happens when the Prince of the realm, the King’s brother, and could-be heir to the Iron Throne, has decided that he wants you as his bride? Despite your attraction, you know this union will bring unseeable dangers to both Daemon, your family, and yourself.   But one thing is for certain, a piece of knowledge that is known widely throughout the realm. And that is when Daemon wants something, he will not stop until he gets it. 
The situation worsens when Ser Harwin Strong, the firstborn son of the King’s advisor, arrives at court. He is the perfect suitor. One that would strengthen your house and bring your family prosperity. 
    However, it isn’t that easy. And Daemon will do all he can, to have his bride. 
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲? 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭, 𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝?  𝘐𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘺 𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦?  𝐄𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐲, 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 
                                                ⸻ ✶ ⸻
                                                 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗦𝗢𝗢𝗡 
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missglaskin · 2 years
Yan!Harwin, Yan!Jacaerys, Yan!Criston (Romantic) hcs
Note: Reader is female 
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Tags: Possessive behavior, mentions of violence, delusion, toxic behavior/mindset 
Harwin Strong 
Even in the absence of his tendencies, Harwin has a fierce, protective nature toward the people he loves and cares about. He is the kind of man who, if his darling were to receive any unwanted remarks; he won't put up with it and would retaliate impulsively.
His jealousy goes hand in hand with his protectiveness. Harwin has nothing but the highest regard for you; it’s those around you he doesn’t trust. He views himself as your protector; protecting you from men who only wish to use you for their own gain.
For a time, nothing much about Harwin makes you suspect his character. As he approaches you, he maintains a respectful distance and listens intently to what you say. It’s not uncommon for Harwin to offer you a bouquet he picked up along the way, smiling when you thank him.
Though one thing you take notice of with Harwin is the way he looks at you. It's a look filled with love. The intensity of his gaze causes you to turn away, feeling your face warm up; not noticing his frown when you do.
Harwin will never put his hand on you, regardless of what you do. In your presence, he also refrains from raising his voice. It doesn't matter how hard you scream at him, how many things you throw at him, or how hard you punch him in the chest; he still treats you gently. Holding you close and pleading for you to calm down.
Harwin thinks the world of you, as evidenced by the way he treats you. He has often pondered how he managed to go so long without having you in his life, but once you did, he vowed to keep you there forever.
He will be your most loving husband. Those at the court watch with envy as your husband pampers you. Such as keeping his hand on your back while walking alongside one another. Rubbing your hands with his when you’re feeling cold. Pressing a soft kiss to your lips when it’s time to leave.
Harwin desires to have children with you. He doesn’t wish to pressure you and will give you the space and time you need to feel ready. Any children you have with Harwin will be given the same protectiveness and devotion.
Jacaerys Velaryon 
Jace initially comes across as a gentleman, sweet and well-mannered, but as time goes on, he starts to exhibit the same twisted tendencies as most of his family. With his darling, Jace's protectiveness and possessiveness really shine. 
Jace is known for his impulsiveness. When someone makes even the slightest comment about you, Jace is ready to pounce and beat the shit out of them, but he resists the urge not wanting you to fear him. 
At any ball or feast, Jace approaches you, requesting a dance. And while you can feel how intimately his hand is placed on your waist and how close his face is to yours, you try not to pay much mind to it. You don’t, however, take notice of his glare when another requests a dance.
Jace told his mother how he feels about you and resisted her attempts to persuade him that there are better ladies for him to court. Jace asserts it is his responsibility as the future king to choose a wife who will make a good queen, which he believes you will be. Rheanyra, caring for her son’s happiness, will give him her blessing.
He’ll introduce you to Vermax. When you express concern that the dragon might harm you. Jace assures you that Vermax will never do you any harm because Jace never will. As the dragon approaches you both-you cling to Jace and he finds himself smiling. He reaches for your hand, and when you give it to him, he puts his hand over yours and places it on Vermax's head.
Speaking of his dragon, it is said that dragons take after their owners. Jace can't openly show his possessiveness, but his dragon can. If anyone other than Jace touches you, the dragon will roar in a warning. 
When your marriage takes place, it happens in dragonstone; Jace claims it’s your home as much as it’s his. His smile widens as you exchange your vows, and no one objects when he pledges his love with a passionate kiss that lasts much longer than it ought to. Throughout the entire ceremony, Jace has never left your side. 
Before letting his feelings known, Jace would try to find any chance to touch you. Now that he is your husband, he is free to express his love and desire however he pleases. Greeting and leaving you with a kiss. His hand often discovered entwined with yours beneath the table. And even in the early mornings, your name is the first word he utters.
Criston Cole 
He’s entirely devoted to his darling. Besides being extremely possessive, Criston is also fiercely protective of his darling. No matter how irredeemable the act is, Criston justifies many of the things he does, believing he is looking out for the darling’s safety and well-being.
Criston refuses to acknowledge any of the flaws you have. In his mind, you’re the most perfect being that graced this Earth. He’ll blame others for the way you act or for the things you say. Even if you were to carry out the most heinous of crimes, Criston would still defend your supposed innocence.
He’ll be quick to pull out his sword if anyone were to even make the slightest remark on your character. He’ll see that they are to treat you with the utmost respect. Only when you beg him to put down the sword does he calm down, but he'll never forget the person and forever harbor animosity towards them.
No matter where you go, Criston is always there. Even when you can't see him, you can still feel his eyes watching your every move. Criston doesn't avert his gaze when your eyes finally lock, and you can tell that he is staring at you with great intensity.
If you were to ask Criston to run away with you, he would do so without hesitation. As a knight, he takes no wife and fathers no children, but with you in his life, he wants to do all of those things. He wants to experience what it's like to wake up next to you every morning, for your face to be the first thing he sees. 
He’ll go to any lengths to protect you, as has been repeatedly stated, and he keeps to his word. He has made you the center of his universe, and the idea of you possibly being gone is too painful for him to contemplate. Criston would defend you even if it were against a dragon. 
Along with his refusal to acknowledge your flaws, he also forms an idea of you in his mind. You sometimes question whether Criston truly loves you, the real you or the one he imagined, the one who is so perfect, good, and pure. 
He stands so close to you but doesn't directly touch you. As he hears whatever offer or order you give him with his face so close to yours. One day Criston couldn't help but close the gap, pressing a soft kiss to your lip, glad when you returned his kiss eagerly.
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Can you write for yandere Criston Cole and yandere Harwin Strong ?
❝🐉 lady l: of course, anon! I'm really in love with these two characters and since it wasn't specified, I decided to make a short and quick hc of them as a romantic!yandere, I hope it's ok! If you want to request something else, feel free!! Sorry for any mistakes I missed :)
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, mention of murder, a little of fluffly too 'cause i want to.
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Ser Criston Cole
Criston Cole is the very definition of the word loyal, like a loyal dog that will follow you around like a loving and well-mannered puppy. He is very loving towards his darling, he wants to make you feel like the most sublime being that ever existed. Because to him, you are that and much more and he will make you love every part of yourself, even the ones you don't like.
He is a natural stalker, wherever you are he will be there. It's a little scary honestly how much this man knows about you, even the things you don't remember from your own childhood Criston somehow knows. There's nothing about you he doesn't know, Cole can find out all of your secrets and he might get upset if you try to keep something from him.
You are soulmates, right? There's no reason for you to try to hide anything from him. There are no secrets between you, you never need to feel embarrassed in front of him, he is a very understanding lover and will try to help you in any way he can. Just say their name and they won't bother you anymore. Do you need comfort in the middle of the night? Criston will be holding you in his arms and trying to comfort you. Weird cravings? He will fulfill them. Anything you ask is yours. Just ask and Criston will get it for you.
One of his favorite couple activities is the simplest of all: you lying naked on top of him while you talk about something. It may sound strange, but Criston loves the feel of your bare chest against his. He likes it because you are vulnerable and on trusting him and completely oblivious to the dark truth about your lover, you don't know what's going on in his head and he's grateful for that. Criston doesn't want you to be afraid of him, in fact that is his biggest fear. He must love and protect you at all times, you need never fear him.
You never have to be afraid of him, Criston would rather kill himself than allow himself to harm you. He would never, under any circumstances, be able to lift a finger to hurt you. Hurting you would be the same as hurting himself, you are everything to him, his life, the reason for his entire existence and he can't live without you anymore. If anything were to happen to you, Criston will be even more ruthless and violent, than he already is, in getting his revenge, and after getting it, he would kill himself. Not even death can separate you.
He is very jealous, getting to be possessive many times and he doesn't even feel guilty about it. And why should he? You belong to each other, he should not hesitate to defend your love. He will be violent and not discreet at all, showing jealousy of you and it is very possible that it will end in someone's death. He just wants you all to himself. Is that too much to ask? Criston wants so badly to be the only one to be able to look at you, see your beautiful smile and be gifted with your presence. You have no idea how much he wants to steal you.
There are many flaws in him that make him a complicated person to deal with, but if there's one thing that makes him literally docile and controlled, it's you. He will get into fights and kill many, but if you ask him not to, Criston will be on his knees in a matter of seconds, asking your forgiveness for going too far. Please don't hate him, he just can't control his yandere impulses for you. Every bit of common sense he has left is thrown to the side when you are in danger or are being harassed by someone and he is lost in his withering rage. But you need to know one thing about him, Criston will never hurt or harm you. He will only be happy if you are happy and, as his loyal knight, Criston Cole will make sure you are happy with him.
''You and I belong together. We were always meant to be together and we will be together forever and ever. You have no choice.''
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Ser Harwin Strong
Harwin Strong is a perfect lover, he is everything you dream of in a loving relationship. He has his soft side that is only shown to you, he is so gentle when he touches you and loves to shower you with kisses and caresses all over your body. He worships you, idolizes you like a goddess/god and he is your most faithful follower, everything about you must be worshipped, from the ground you walk on to the roots of your hair. You are so perfect for him.
He is overprotective of you and your relationship, no one else is allowed in and he will get quite irritated if anyone tries to ''warn you about him''. As if Harwin could hurt you, you know you can trust him blindly, he would never do anything to harm or hurt you, he'd rather die than do something like this to you. Nothing and no one can hurt you as long as he's by your side. He promises you that.
There is nothing in this world that can hurt you and get away with it. Harwin isn't known as Breakbones for no reason, although he may be all love and affection towards you, he still has a murderous and dangerous side on him that kicks in when you're involved. All threats to your life will be quickly dealt with, he wants you to be able to sleep well at night without you feeling scared, and even if you still do, don't worry, Harwin will be there to comfort you. He will always be by your side, hugging you tightly, stroking your hair gently and drying any tears that come up. He will never leave you alone.
He absolutely loves holding you in his arms like you're a helpless princess, it's so adorable to see you curled up against his chest. Any chance to hug you that comes on his way he will take the chance. Some might consider it silly, but having you in his strong arms calms him down, you can calm his nerves and make him so vulnerable, his guard down as he allows himself to be wrapped up in the embrace, and he knows you will be safe while you're with him. If you and him are both naked that's even better, but in this case, it won't just end in a hug.
You can trust him with anything, literally anything, there are no limits to Harwin's obsession with you. Ask him anything, please ask, and he will be more than happy to comply with your wishes and demands. Strong wants to be your confidant, the only person you can trust, and he is your confidant, best friend and lover. He would gladly sacrifice himself for you, nothing matters more than your genuine happiness and although it will hurt him if the only way you can be happy is without him by your side then he will have to accept it. Even if it destroys him from the inside, you continuing to smile is the only thing he hopes and wants. He will still take care of you and protect you from a distance, so please keep smiling at him.
Harwin is jealous and possessive, many times when he gets jealous he becomes violent, but not with you, but with whoever made him jealous. He won't regret beating someone to death, they deserved it, but he will feel bad if you're upset that he killed someone, in which case Strong will apologize and try to make amends with you. He won't feel any kind of guilt, but he will be upset and even irritated if you fight him over an asshole which just makes him sure they deserved the death they got. Harwin gets jealous so easily it's ridiculous but he can't help it, he hates seeing someone too close to you. Why do others not understand that you are his? Can't you see he's furious about these interactions? Well, maybe he has to be tougher on marking you as his.
It can be quite complicated and even problematic to get involved with someone like Harwin Strong because of his violent and jealous nature, but his strengths are greater than his faults. His fierce loyalty to you and the way he cares for and protects the ones he loves, you. He would never cheat on you or purposefully hurt you, he is wholly yours and always has been, everything about him belongs to just you and no one else. He tries to control himself with his murderous impulses and he succeeds most of the time, but if he's provoked he won't have any control because that's just the way he is. Strong wants to be the best for you and he is always trying to impress you in every way and all he wants in return is your love. Harwin Strong will love you in the most intense and dangerous way, but it's a sincere and deep love that can never be erased.
''I just want to see you happy, make you happy. I want to be the best for you. I want to love you until the day I die. I swear never to hurt you.''
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derangedthots · 6 months
mindlessly scrolled through tiktok today and saw a rhaewin edit of harwin saving rhaenyra during her and laenor's wedding feast + harwin beating up criston (set to the 'i need a big boy' sound) anyway my thoughts immediately turned to jace's kingship and i went
"jace enters a room but the first thing ppl see is joffrey's shadow and the first thing they hear is the sound of aegon iii's armor"
basically joffrey most closely inherits harwin's sheer mass+height meanwhile aeggie grew up to be part of jace's kingsguard (also #justiceforjoffreyvelaryoncommanderofthecitywatch)
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simpingland · 6 months
SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK!!! Something that's been plaguing my mind is harwin x male!targ!reader (viserys and daemon's younger brother)
Maybe some headcanons for these two? With some smutty smut with harwin on the receiving end of it please?👉🏻👈🏻
Maybe even them doing the deed on nana vhagar's back...
- 🐉
Harwin Strong being your secret lover- headcannons. // Male!reader.
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A/N: NSFW, kind of short. You find out who's the buttom, hihi. Btw! I have missed you 🐉, there will be a 3rd part of Zālagon and Vaghar👀
Being a little younger than Harwin and let him use that excuse to watch your back all day.
Make up any excuse to keep your brother Viserys from sending you out of the capital. You could have arduous tasks like listening to the king's dull council meetings, the endless petitions of the people, or the repetitive visits of other lords to the court. It was all worth it when you turned your eyes to the corner where Harwin stood, and back he looked at you.
You met him the first time his father Lyonel brought him to the castle to take his place at court. You were still a teenager when he dismounted his horse with his charming smile. He took no notice of you, but you wandered the castle, hoping to catch even a glimpse of him.
It didn't take him long to challenge your brother Daemon's prowess. And out of respect, he let him win, but it hurt Daemon's ego quite a bit and cut a wound on his hand out of anger.
You offered to heal his cut, and there he finally saw you.
Sitting inside the armoury, in the dim light from the window, you heard him speak in his deep, gravelly voice.
"You are a gentle man."
Those words made you blush, and his look of affection brought a smile so genuine that it changed something in Harwin's heart.
He stopped to talk to you at every crossroads where he met you. He didn't care if he was accompanied by anyone or if you were accompanied.
The shame drained from you, and though your heart throbbed hard at the sight of him, it was routine to make him smile, to treat his wounds, and to let him speak tender words to you.
He taught you how to handle a sword.
You taught him to speak to a dragon.
Viserys was totally blind to your love for him, so any excuse to be with him seemed harmless, pure brotherhood, and he liked knowing you wanted to learn from a great knight like Harwin.
Daemon was fully aware of your love for him, so any excuse to be with him seemed like fun. It brought out your Targaryen side and he helped you create situations to end up alone with Harwin.
Ser Lyonel was aware as soon as he saw the two of you together. Never before had he seen his eldest son so happy with another... friend.
Larys was the first to tell Harwin. He heard the rumours of your pining for the knight, and in an attempt to separate you, he sought to make him uncomfortable, telling him of the times you'd wandered the castle in search of him, the times you'd mentioned your love to Daemon or...the times the maids had changed your sheets because you'd spent the night thinking of him, whispering his name.
Nothing and at the same time everything changed for Harwin. He became more aware of you if that was even possible.
It was he who kissed you first. In the same place where you had healed his wound the first time he came across you.
He couldn't go a day without giving you a kiss since then.
He loves the back of your neck, where he always has easy access during training.
You kissed his chin, where you can reach him most easily, and watch from there as he blushes, trying to hold back the urge to lower his face to kiss you one more time.
You had to show him the secret way to your room.
He learned it on the third try.
You had to rescue him the first and second time you agreed to meet.
Those two times, you almost slept in the recesses of the castle, for there was so little sense of privacy that you could not tear yourselves away from each other.
The smell of your bed always cheered the Bonebreaker's heart.
You preferred the smell of his sweat, so masculine and warm.
Everyone watched from the sidelines as the two of you sparred in training, the great Harwin against the gentlest of the Targaryen brothers. In private, there were never weapons, only affection and caresses.
Harwin would let you braid his hair in little disguised plaits.
He'd deposit hickeys on your neck, knowing you were used to wearing collars and shirts.
His attempt at Valyrian made you laugh.
Your attempt with the sword made him laugh.
Watching him fight someone, with those grunts and the little smile of victory made you burn inside, you felt yourself grow and you couldn't wait to have him all to yourself again.
When you spoke to your dragon Vhagar, with that deep Valyrian tone, your calmness and control in the face of that huge creature and soaring through the air always made Harwin sweat. More than once, he had cornered you in the Dragon Pit itself to kiss you in the darkness of the cave.
He loved to stroke your silver hair when he had you on his knees. Your pleasure as you sucked his cock also came from his caresses and moans.
His back looked like a map of star-spangled muscles when he lay in bed as he let you make him yours at night.
When he asked you to sit on his face, he never joked. And you soon learned that it was never a joke.
When he was feeling especially brave, Harwin would agree to fly with you over Vaghar.
Never at high altitude, the dragon would take you far away, and right there, you would let the adrenaline and freedom take you both away. Standing behind you, Harwin would slip his hand down your trousers, his bare hand, big and strong, stroking you until you shivered, resting you on his chest as you cum.
Then, in bed, you would return the favour, letting him enter you so you could feel him inside, and he would release all the pleasure your tightness gave him.
Sleeping on his chest was better than any cotton and silk pillow.
You would never be king or heir.
He would never be a great lord or a great advisor.
And neither of you ever needed anything else. You had enough of the secret corridor leading to your room.
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-catelynstark · 2 years
H/C’s on how Harwin reacts when you’re pregnant and after the birth.
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So I’m still simping for Harwin Strong and feeling emotional about what happened, even though I knew it was coming. Of course, the show gives us some wonderful moments of him being loving and fatherly and as it’s Nanowrimo this month I wanted to write something sweet about him.
So below are some head canons on how he’d react when you tell him you’re pregnant, how he looks after you, how he is during the birth and afterwards as a father. It’s longer than I intended so I apologise! These headcanons are set in an a/u where he doesn’t sleep/have children with Rhaenyra and I’m writing it like the reader is someone somewhat important/high up in court. 
No real warning aside from the subject of pregnancy and birth and a few mentions of sex/kinks - but nothing explicit. 
His nickname may be break bones, you’re not naïve, you know of his reputation and where this comes from, but to you his nickname should be ‘honourable’ or ‘loyal’.
When Harwin finds out you’re carrying his child he is absolutely over the moon and will shower you with kisses, holding you tight and making it very clear just how excited he is to be a father, especially to your child.
He’s quick to let everyone know, as long as you’re happy with the announcement and other people knowing.
He is that guy that will have his hand on your bump, hold your hand and always walk close to protect you.
Is great at giving foot rubs and helping you to relax in bed – giving you space if you need it, extra blankets if needed, or forsaking them if you’re too hot – even if it leaves him cold.
Harwin will have a discussion with you, the one that no one wants to have, the one that no one ever wants to have to face. But he feels it’s important to know what you want should there be complications during the birth, and he’s put in the position of making a heart-breaking decision. Whatever your wishes are, Harwin would follow them, he would make this sacred vow to you for all the love he holds and wants you to know this is a promise he will break for no one, no matter how much it may hurt.
When you’re 6-7 months into the pregnancy he will briefly try to stop you from doing things (chores, fighting, training – whatever your job/passions are). Instead trying to do it all himself for you or hire someone to help. But once you remind him you’re pregnant, not helpless, he will back down and stop trying to take over what you’re doing. It makes him proud to still see you at work despite the changes your body is going through.
Turns out Harwin has a little bit of a kink for you being pregnant, the fact that he was the one who did that to you gets him off a little. Though he feels guilty for it so won’t say anything out loud, but it becomes apparent, especially in the evenings when you’re taking a bath or wearing little clothing.
He also likes to be called Daddy in bed, just occasionally when the mood calls for it. It’s not because you’re pregnant that he likes it, it’s just one of those things that once you’re pregnant it slips out during sex and the mischievous look on his face when he hears it and sees your cheeks going red is too much for him. He finds it both incredibly sexy and cute at the same time.
He loves to touch your belly gently, looking at his large hands on your skin makes you feel safe. Whenever he kisses you he’ll also kiss your belly.
Talks to your unborn child and tells them stories, saying he cannot wait to meet them and hold them in his arms. To see them grow, teach them to fight and go on adventures.
He feels for you though that you cannot drink, so despite how much he may want wine he won’t drink around you and when drinking with other soldiers will try not to get (too) drunk out of respect.
But it’s Harwin and you know you can trust him; you also know him better than anyone else and know this is how he is.
Although it isn’t always the done thing, Harwin would want to be in the room with you when you’re giving birth, holding your hand, moping your forehead and potentially getting in the way a bit. But it’s a relief to have him there. He’d want constant updates from the nurses and doctors, want to know every time something changes or any sign of something not going as planned.
He’ll let you know how well you’re doing and how proud of you he is. Even if you swear at him and shout in the heat of the moment, he won’t take it to heart. And if you squeeze his hand too tightly, he can take it and will never mention it or anything that happens in the room that may be considered embarrassing for you. 
After the baby is born Harwin is a very proud baby daddy who loves showing off his kid. He doesn’t mind whether it’s a boy or a girl, that sort of thing has never bothered him. Regardless of gender Harwin is completely in love with his child and will do anything for them.
Harwin has a toy that was his as a child, passed down through generations. He never shows it to you or mentions it until the day your child is born when he passes it to them.
The first time he holds the child he’s a little afraid and scared he’ll drop them or hurt them. Watching how gentle and tender he is, there is no way he could ever hurt your child not even by accident. The expression on his face during that first cuddle is priceless and will be etched on your memory forever, it’s the look of pure unconditional love.
He will be very involved with looking after the baby, he cares not if any soldiers mock him for it. This is his child too and he will be there for them and for you.
If you want to feed the child yourself, he will not push you to have a wet nurse. Regardless of any rumours or nasty things people may say, it’s your child and the two of you will raise them as you see fit.
You’ll take it in turns to get up in the middle of the night if your child is crying and if you’re very tired and having a difficult day, Harwin is always happy to cover a shift. He’ll rock your child gently and sing to them lullabies his mother sang to him. If you’re awake the sound of his voice will help also to lull you into sleep.
If anything, he’s a little too soft as they grow, but if they do something really bad he will not hesitate to scold them appropriately but in a way which is still respectful and fair.
Your child, regardless of gender, will receive both an education and learn to fight. You’ll find the money between you or help teach yourselves, life is tough and Harwin wants to give them the best start in life.
And Harwin continues to be the most supportive partner and utterly in love with you. It doesn’t matter if you have stretch marks or scars, it doesn’t matter your size (before or after pregnancy) you are beautiful to him just as you are, and he makes no demands of you.
Harwin views your relationship as equal, there is an abundance of respect and trust. He sees you as a team, an award-winning partnership, your family is perfect to him. He is under no illusions with the time you live in or who he is and what he does, he’s aware that life is not forever and that death walks beside you all. But he makes damn sure that the time you have together is the most blessed and beautiful, full of happy memories and joy.
And when you or your child are sad, Harwin is there to wipe away the tears, to hold you and reassure you that things will be okay.
If you want more than one child, Harwin is happy to provide – after-all the trying to get pregnant is incredibly fun for the both of you. However, if you’re happy with the one child he would never pressure you to have more or make you feel guilty. He needs nothing more.
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blakeswritingimagines · 10 months
sitting in their lap
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Aegon: He is pleased that you are showing affection towards him by sitting down on his lap. He would likely put his arms around you and hold you close, maybe even kiss you. He would also take note of how you were dressed, if you are wearing something revealing then he might even try to peek down your clothes.
Aemond: If you seated yourself upon his lap, it would no doubt bring forth a sense of warmth within his heart. The feeling of your weight, of your closeness, would bring him immeasurable joy. And as you shifted about on his lap, he would not hesitate to take an opportunity to wrap his arms around you, to bury his face into the crook of your neck, to nuzzle your cheek and nibble your ear.
Jacaerys: "Ahem." He cleared his throat, feeling the weight of you on his lap. Slowly, he'd wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer. His eyes linger on your face, a small smile creeping up his lips. He can't help the wave of affection that ripples through him. After all, he'd been longing for your touch.
Lucerys: His reaction to you sitting in his lap would depend greatly on the context of the situation and your level of commitment to each other. In general, he would welcome the physical closeness and intimacy, and be open to any type of affectionate physical interaction that you desire. However, if he felt that the intention of you sitting in his lap was more about control and dominance rather than love and affection, then he would likely respond in a more reserved and guarded manner. Overall, he would aim to communicate clearly with you and be receptive to whatever feelings you might be expressing through your actions.
Rhaenyra: In truth, she finds it quite pleasant. She enjoys the warmth of the contact, as it makes her feel connected to you. There is also something intoxicating about feeling the weight of her partner in her lap. The feeling of your curves against her is exhilarating. She has also quite enjoyed having her lap used as a pillow by you after a long day.
Daemon: To set the scene, he would find it most stimulating if his partner were of his choosing, preferably a beautiful person such as yourself. If you were to sit on his lap, he would gently caress your hips and thighs while his other hand found its way to somewhere more private.
Alicent: A surprise to be sure. A welcome one. A fine way to pass to the afternoon, mayhaps with you leaning back against her. And she does hope you don't get up anytime soon so that she might have the opportunity to nibble your neck and plant a few light kisses on your soft skin.
Helena: She'd be shocked at first. She's not used to such boldness, as many would be. After a moment to recompose herself, she'd run her hands up your arms and pull you close to her if you were receptive. She'd run her fingers through your hair and give you a long, sweet kiss. Then she'd whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
Harwin: He would react with a small smile and a light chuckle. He would be happy to have you so close to him, and the physical contact would feel like a warm embrace. It would be a small, intimate moment between the two of you, and it would likely be an indication that you feel comfortable and secure with him.
Cregan: With a sly, smug smile, Cregan slowly wraps his muscular arms around your waist, drawing you closer. He'll pull your body tight against his, letting you feel the warmth and subtle power of his body. He'll slowly tilt his head so that your foreheads are touching, looking directly into your eyes with a sly smirk. He'll gently nibble and kiss your neck, while teasingly whispering in his charming voice: "Why so eager, my love?"
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fanfictionroxs · 8 months
I just want one scene where despite all the civil war going on and Rhaenyra and Alicent being on opposite sides, Rhaenyra comes and beheads Larys because she finds out he's been practically assaulting Alicent all along. The fact that it's revenge for Harwin, for the father of her dead children is the cherry on top. Maybe she knows he killed Harwin, maybe she doesn't, but Alicent tells her later on when Rahenyra pulls the shaken woman into her lap that she didn't do it, never meant it, never intended it. Gently, she rocks her back and forth, breathing calm words into Alicent's ears who insists that she didn't kill Harwin and Rhaenyra knows because she told Daemon years ago that this woman wasn't capable of cold murder. Maybe things have changed now, but despite all the hatred and the suppressed wants, Rhaenyra knows her best friend inside out. And they will both probably met the stranger soon because there's still so much hate, hate that now perhaps exceeds the love that still burns, hate fueled from the pyres of dead sons and dead grandsons and chairs of torment that tear apart families and friends and love that could have been. They will meet the stranger who might look like their mothers or their sons or each other, and maybe then they will have their happy ending.
That's how Aegon and Aemond find their mother, wrapped in the arms of their half-sister with the separated head of Larys Strong bleeding on the sheets, his body thrown aside carelessly to make space for the two women. And for a minute they get a glimpse of the could have beens, where these women would have been their mothers, where their mother might have looked happy like she actually had a partner and not a prison guard in the form of Otto and Viserys, where they weren't torn apart from their nephews by hatred and ambitions that they wanted no part in. Where friendships and love might have been allowed to flourish, nurtured by the hands of these women. And then Rhaenyra looks up and there's an ugly fire burning in her eyes as she tightens her grip on Alicent, a look like that of a jealous dragon protecting its hoard and they attack because this woman has taken enough from them and it wasn't enough that she took the affections of their father, but now she comes to steal their mother.
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ignitedminds27 · 2 years
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚, 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
⭑ There was too much passion, too much desire, for the four of you to be separate.
⭑ You moved to Dragonstone, where the chambers were much larger than the ones at King’s Landing.
⭑ And although you do have a shared room, you have chambers of your own. Where you can store your belongings and hide away if you wish it.
⭑ Harwin rarely uses his rooms, and is usually in someone else’s.
⭑ Rhaenyra’s is closest to yours and you often find yourselves snuggle at night.
⭑ You’re all equally in love with each other. And I mean everyone is. Even Harwin and Daemon. That might be inconceivable, but sexuality is a spectrum and cannot be defined all the time.
⭑ Daemon loves Harwin’s intensity and his passion. He finds it invigorating, blood-boiling and exciting.
⭑ Harwin loves the way Daemon’s mind works and he is constantly asking what he’s thinking.
⭑ Rhaenyra and Daemon are married, while you and Harwin married four years ago.
⭑ You had this arangement for two and a half years at King’s Landing. You all tried to keep it a secret. But ever since moving to Dragonstone, you all feel like you can be your true selves.
⭑ Rhaenyra still has Jace, Luke and Joffrey from Harwin, and she is now pregnant with her first child from Daemon.
⭑ Laenor is still ‘dead’ to the world. But Harwin was practically saved from his fate by his marriage to you. It took him out of the spotlight with the allegations that Laenor wasn’t the children’s father.  
⭑ You and Harwin haven’t been trying for children yet - you still take contraceptives. You haven’t yearned for motherhood quite yet.
⭑ And Harwin does not mind that in the least. He’s just happy with his family already - there’s nothing missing. Nothing that he pushes for you to do.
⭑ Daemon is an enigma to you -
⭑ He’s not like many men, not many at all.
⭑ You fell in love with him when you were younger. And yes you have admitted that to him - it was during a night that you were all drinking. Someone came up with the idea to tell secrets to each other. And you told that one.
⭑ No one shamed you for it though.
⭑ Rhaenyra has loved you ever since you came to court at age 10. She didn’t know it was love. She thought it was friendship.
⭑ You, her and Alicent were a threesome. A group of best friends who loved one another dearly.
⭑ But Alicent chose to betray both of you, by marrying Viserys.
⭑ She hadn’t even told you that was her plans.
⭑ Alicent became very jealous of how close you and Rhaenyra became after that.
⭑  You were the white-haired heir’s solace. A shoulder to cry on. A person she knew she could always go to. 
⭑ When everyone is home, there aren’t any visitors and the children are in bed, the four of you will sit in front of the warm fire. Daemon sitting on the couch, a book in his hand. Harwin on the opposite side of the lounge, with Rhaenyra on the floor between his legs. You’re laying directly on the floor, your back to the fire while you watch your partners. 
⭑ Daemon usually pats the spot beside him, without looking up from his book. 
⭑ Everyone is content. 
Theme Song:
‘The Devil & The Daughter’ by Daniel Pemberton
Relationship Tropes:
Touch ANY Of My Partners, And You Die (that goes for all of you, you little fiesty things)
Idiot (Harwin and You) x Loves Their Idiot (Rhaenyra and Daemon)
Murderous Intent (Daemon) x Chill (Rhaenyra) x Chaotic Dumbass (Harwin) x Psycho But Not Insane (You)
Mama Bear (Rhaenyra) x Papa Bear (Harwin) x Wine Uncle (Daemon) x Vodka Aunt (You)
NSFW🔞 minors dni!
⭑ Sex is actually very fun, and no, it isn’t always the four of you every single time.
⭑ Usually, it’s a free for all; no one gets jealous that the other has had sex with someone else because they know that in time it will happen to them
⭑ However, when you all first agreed to be a part of this relationship, the sex was out of this world.
⭑ All four of you were a tangled mess of arms, legs, mouths, and teeth.
⭑ You didn’t know whose fingers were inside of you, but they felt good. And then at one point all of your holes were full, two cocks and slender fingers were inside you. Thrusting and pumping. The feeling was indescribable. Like there wasn’t a part of you missing. You were whole.
⭑ Sometimes you off with partners, while still keeping everyone involved. A good example of this is mirrored spooning; Harwin is behind you, while Daemon is behind Rhaenyra. They thrust into you from behind, with you stare at the opposite person. 
⭑ Daemon likes to fuck you while you’re in the air on Caraxes. His cock is buried deep inside you, and he thrusts deeper on while Caraxes’ descends. Gravity pushes you down farther onto him. 
⭑ Rhaenyra likes to fuck on the bed, or while bathing. Usually, her fingers find their way inside of you. She’s usually a gentle lover, but on the days that she feels extra needy, she’ll rip your clothes off and pleasure you until she hears you orgasm. Then she keeps going until you plead for a break. 
⭑ Harwin likes to fuck you on the training grounds. Especially on the ground. Your dress over your waist, while he thrusts deeper inside you. The dirt embeds itself in your knees. 
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slvtforlizzie · 2 months
the way I know Jace, Luke, and joffery ABSOLUTELY BODY BACHATA!!! they got it from good ole daddy Harwin. no one else, daemon, Aemond, Aegon, helaena, alicent, or even rhaenyra can get the bachata moves down like the three boys. baela and Rhaena try to but they get aggravated. Rhaenyra likes watching her son's dance bachata bc it reminds her of when Harwin tried teaching her. I just know Jace and Luke dance to Propuesta Indecente by Romeo Santos in the middle of the night bc it always leads to sex.
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stargirlfics · 2 years
ok being harwin's smol wife is on the brain like holy fuck. imagine when you do get to trusting him/ the two of you make your marriage 'official' and the size kink just L E A P S out talking about how sweet and tiny and brave you are for taking him help
No cause knowing Ryan Corr is tall and with just..how broad and big he looked as Harwin especially in his Kingsguard armor…help! Even if you weren’t a tiny/smol person, his physique and the way he carries himself makes you feel small compared to him, like he surrounds you and your space when he’s next to you in the best way
And you just know he’s strong as hell I’m gonna scream thinking about him calling you brave for taking all of him when you’ve never been so full before goodbyeeee I want that man so bad!!!
Ser Breakbones is the most gentle and passionate lover I can’t be convinced otherwise!
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chasingthedragons · 2 years
Headcanons on the pregnancies of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
From the first instant princess Rhaenyra learned that she was pregnant with Jacaerys, an irrational fear gripped her and did not disappear until Jace was cradled in her arms.
Rhaenyra believed she had overcome the trauma of her mother's death, but this was not the case, the princess hid all her discomfort and physical pain, isolating herself when she did not feel well and even having panic attacks that she also hid.
When the contractions began, the princess hurried to hide in the castle passages, disappearing for hours, convinced that she would be safer giving birth alone, terrified by the idea of losing control of the situation, her body and her life.
She heard many voices coming into her room and calling her name, but she only responded to Harwin, writhing in pain she came out of hiding, Harwin pounced on her to take her to the Maester and Rhaenyra with a broken voice begs him not to do it, she feels the baby is going to kill her and she doesn't want to die.
Harwin consoles her and gives her strength, he swears to her that he will be with her to the end and that he will not allow anyone to decide anything for her. Rhaenyra finally bursts into tears when she agrees to be taken to the Maester to give birth, Harwin stays with her during the delivery and oddly enough the Commander of the city guard attends the princess' delivery, those present attribute it to Rhaenyra's terror.
From then on, Harwin Strong was much more attentive to the princess during her next pregnancy, almost never separating from her, helping her to build the strength she needed to overcome her trauma, to the point that for Joffrey's birth it was Rhaenyra herself who assured Harwin that she and the baby would be fine and that it was best that he stay with Jace and Luke.
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