#harry styls
braverytattoos · 1 year
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his need to double fist bump every person in sight 
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hsgucci94 · 2 years
One day maybe
Summary: The one where Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L/N are dating off the spotlight and he gets jealous when he sees someone else (Tom Hiddleston) flirting with his girl.  
Content warnings: jealousy, fluff.
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: this is my first post on this account, a bit weird and nerve-raking but I’m excited :´) I usually post all this on my instagram: @hsgucci94, feel free to come say hi over there! alright, bye. hope you like this! x
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Harry Styles was playing a show in Los Angeles that night and, like anyone would have imagined, a bunch of famous and very well-known people came to see him, including Y/N Y/L/N. She was the moment, a celebrity whose face was currently everywhere, and her status was the one that helped her meet Harry a few months back.
Both of them got invited to the same Gucci event and after some talking, a lot of wine and giggles, they hit it off. They exchanged numbers, texted for a while and, when they both happened to be in the same city a couple of weeks later, they went on their first date. After that one came many more, until they made it official: Harry Styles and Y/N Y/N/L were now a couple, but that was a secret only their families and close friends knew about.
Neither of them wanted the public to know, at least not yet. They were well aware of the media attention they would start getting if that happened, and neither of them were very into that anyway. So for the public, they were just two successful and talented people who occasionally were seen hanging out together with the same group of friends.
They even had to pretend that night, when her and some other celebrities were backstage with Harry as he greeted them and got ready to perform in a few minutes. Although, to be fair, neither Y/N nor Harry had to try hard to ignore each: just a couple of hours before, they had got into an argument they hadn't been able to solve just yet.
The tension between them was palpable to those who knew them; for the rest of the world it seemed like they just didn't have much in common to talk about now that they were in the same room together, which was definitely far from true.
Harry's jaw immediately clenched the moment he saw him, out of all people, entering the room and approaching her, his hand in her back as he leaned in to kiss her cheeks.
"This has to be a fucking joke," Harry groaned to himself, deadly staring at Tom Hiddleston for the way he was talking, smiling and touching Y/N.
The main reason of their argument was now in the same room as they were, and Harry had to pretend to be fixing his outfit to try detach his gaze off of them both and keep his fists busy; he wanted to clench them so bad from the anger he was feeling.
Y/N was about to start filming a new movie and Tom was her co-star. Harry had seen the way he looked at her and shamelessly flirted with her every time she and Tom were together; he could sense his intentions even from afar. Hiddleston wanted his girl, and even if Y/N denied it, Harry knew he was right.
Of course he wanted her, she was just something else. Definitely out of this world, and he was scared anyone could come into her life and take her from him. Not that she was his property, but he was very into her and couldn't imagine losing her.
When the argument started just a few minutes before people started coming into the backstage, Y/N was talking about how excited she was for filming to start and how incredibly unbelievable was that she was starring in a movie alongside Tom Hiddleston. Harry started getting grumpy and didn't match her energy at all, which caused her to get pissed at him and accused him of not being supportive of her and her work, specially since she had been thrilled for all his success from the moment he released his third album and the trailers of his upcoming movies came out.
Harry wanted to show such excitement because she deserved nothing less than that, but whenever he thought of who her co-star was, he instantly felt sick to his stomach.
His last straw was the moment Tom passed an arm around her shoulders right in front of his eyes. She couldn't be that oblivious, could she? She had to be doing that on purpose.
Harry loudly cleared his throat, which made Y/N look in his direction right away. She frowned, and when Harry didn't move his gaze away from her, she caught on what was happening. She then subtly slipped off Tom's grasp and bit the inside of her cheek. Maybe Harry was right and she had just not been noticing his intentions.
Harry shook his head; his eyes showed how hurt and betrayed he felt. Y/N cursed herself, before dismissing herself to go to the toilet, wishing she could just grab Harry's hand and drag him with her to put an end to their quarrel now that she had finally understood the reasons behind it: Tom, Harry's jealousy, and how she hadn't really realised her co-star had been slowly getting closer to her until her and Harry got into an argument because of it.
“Fuck, fuck. fuck.  I’m sorry about everything I said earlier, Harry. I managed to sneak into your dressing room. Can you come, please? I really want us to solve this. I shouldn’t have said those things... I’m so fucking sorry,” she texted him. 
Y/N nervously bit her nails, walking from one side of the room to the other, mentally slapping herself for not having been aware of the situation sooner.
She was impatiently waiting for Harry, her eyes constantly checking her phone to see if he had replied to any of her messages. But it seemed like he hadn't read them yet, and she wasn't sure if it was because he didn't have his phone on him or because he was ignoring her, which, being completely honest, he had every right to do.
How could she had been so blind to not even sense Tom's intentions? Probably because she had been so starstruck by the thought of making a film with him, an actor she had admired for so long, to even think he wanted something more than just co-work with her.
She was about to text Harry again when the door opened and he appeared through it.
"Harry...," she started saying, but stopped right away because she didn't know what to say or how to commence.
He looked directly at her; his face and body muscles were not longer tensed, at least not as much as a few minutes back. As soon as Y/N got away from Tom he didn't feel so threatened anymore. Instead, other emotions had taken over him.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she quickly spoke, shaking her head as she squinted her eyes closed.
She could only imagine the things that ran through Harry's head every time he saw them together. Had she been in her boyfriend's position, she would have probably lost her mind. Another woman trying to flirt with him? Yeah, no, thank you.
Harry stared at her a few seconds, before taking the steps that separated them and grabbing her by her waist.
His lips furiously pressed against hers without a warning, making her eyes go wide the moment she felt them. His free hand rested on her cheek as the kiss only intensified and his tongue asked to slip inside her mouth, the kiss soon turning into a makeout session. Their tongues fought each other as their hands ran up and down their bodies, somehow making sure the other knew who they belonged to. When it ended, Harry rested his forehead against hers and momentarily clenched his jaw, pulling her closer to him as they both caught their breaths.
"Why didn't you tell me?," she mumbled, and moved her face up just enough to properly make eye contact with him.
He closed his eyes and sighed, before passing a hand through his hair and tucking at it. Y/N took that sign as the cue to grab his hands between hers as she pleadingly looked at him.
"Fuck, I don't know," he frustratedly admitted, "I guess I didn't want you to think I was overreacting or trying to sabotage you."
She quietly nodded, and sweetly squeezed his hands before entwining her fingers with his and lifting their hands to his chest. In other circumstances Harry would have just kissed her in front of everybody or wrap his arm around her to let them know she was actually taken.
But that was the thing: they weren't able to prove it unless they wanted the secret to be out.
They were together, yes, but nobody really knew that. In everybody's eyes Y/N was single, meaning men and women had a chance to hit on her, which made Harry uneasy every time he thought of it.
"How come you didn't notice?," Harry mumbled, frowning his eyebrows and lips, "He has clearly been trying to steal you from me."
"Hey," she quickly replied, a couple of wrinkles forming on her forehead due to the way she was frowning it, "No one's gonna take me from you, okay? We're together, and whether they know it or not it doesn't matter. You know why? Because at the end of the day I'm the person you kiss good night. Only I get to taste those lips of yours, and same goes to mine, Styles."
She softly smiled at him, showing him how hard she actually meant those words.
He nodded, biting his upper lip, before sighing again, "Sometimes I think it's better if we make it official, just to avoid these situations."
She nodded, understanding what he meant. However, deep down they both knew the cons were actually longer and heavier on the long run than the pros.
"I only have eyes for you, though," she assured him, "I don't ever wanna hurt you, you know that, right? I would never ever put myself in a position to lose you. I'd be damned if I did."
"I know you wouldn't, baby," he caressed her cheek with both his index finger and thumb, "It's them I don't trust."
He then pecked her lips, and for a moment they both dreamt of an alternative universe where they were able to show their love to the public without being judged, stalked or criticised for it.
One day, maybe one day.
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1d1195 · 2 years
Boyfriends II
Part I
“Hey, kitten,” he smiled. Oh. Her stomach flipped at the name. Her smile brightened at the sight of him, and she really wished it wouldn’t.
Weakened / When you get deep in / He starts secretly drinking / It gets hard to know what he’s thinking / You love a fool who knows just how to get under your skin / You still open the door
Harry didn’t know she had a boyfriend. He never saw her with one. Granted, he only ever saw her when the sun was practically rising it that horrible morning class, so his eyes were barely open so maybe he physically didn’t see a boyfriend. It was horrible, except for the fact he got to see her do her best and be adorably smart and cute every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Moreover, he was certain if he did see her with a guy, he would have died already. She was utterly perfect.
He was taking his sweet time walking the sidewalks on his way back from class when his phone vibrated in his pocket. His heart raced to see the unknown number alerted on his screen. He took a deep breath hoping for good news since he bravely walked up to that sweet girl and her friend at dinner the night before. He waited anxiously for her message. He was praying she was single.
Hi Harry; I’m so flattered, however, I have a boyfriend. She texted.
The air left his lungs and his heart felt just as deflated. But he answered, nonetheless out of politeness and he didn’t want her to think badly of him only wanting to date (and probably marry, if he was honest with himself) her . Course you do. M’a proper idiot. Sorry for bothering you.
She answered almost immediately. Those three little dots only there for but a moment. No need to make him wait and worry about what she could say. You’re not an idiot, lol. I honestly can’t believe I have one...but that’s for another day...You’re not a bother at all! S’nice to have a friend in a class...how are you studying for the final?
Poorly. He smirked at his own message as he pressed send. He chose not to remark on the boyfriend subject. It didn’t feel right to do over text messages.
Lol, can I help at all?
Harry wouldn’t mind being friends with her. It was better than not knowing her at all.
It was at a frat party—one on the weekend so it wouldn’t interfere with studying for finals. It was the only way she would go during this time of year. She had just one year left and a perfect GPA to protect. She did her best to mind the beverage station and kept an eye on the unattended drinks because while she didn’t want to believe her boyfriend’s fraternity brothers would never do something so heinous, she wasn’t an idiot.
“Hey, kitten,” a voice said as she pulled a bag of ice from the large cooler. She startled however and dropped it on the floor.
“Shit,” she hissed as she bent to grab it quickly before it created an aggressive mess that would injure an unknowing person from being slippery.
“Oooh...sorry,” he chuckled. Harry knelt beside her. “Didn’t mean to spook you,” he had to nearly shout to be heard over the music so it was honestly a wonder how he startled her in the first place. There was cheering across the room and she glanced at the beer pong table smirking and rolling her eyes at her boyfriend teammate chugging his drink—even though he didn’t need to.
“S’okay! I startle easy,” she said. “Nice to see you outside of class and studying,” she said kindly. Harry smiled back at her.
“M’roommate is Niall,” he explained.
“Oh, I love Niall,” she cooed. “He’s the best,” she smiled. She reached for the bag of ice to lift it into the bucket now that all the stray pieces were melting in the sink.
“Allow me,” Harry said and carefully nudged her out of the way so he could lift the bag without spilling it everywhere and so she wouldn’t have to lift the twenty-pound bag. She felt taken aback by Harry offering to help. She had probably done this task once a week at these parties where the boys paid no mind to how much they drank—especially her guy. Her throat tightened just a bit and she considered herself too much of a lightweight and her one drink causing emotional distress by Harry lifting a bag of ice for her. “Where d’you want it?” He asked holding it awkwardly.
“Oh...um...just dump it in that bucket,” she said shaking her head. She grabbed paper towels while Harry took care of the ice. As she wiped the floor down, she assumed Harry would have walked away but he was again, startling her, beside her body helping wipe the floor clean. “Thank you.”
Harry smirked. “M’pleasure, kitten.”
They cleaned in silence—well, not talking to each other. There was the sound of the pong game behind them and the bass of the music sounding loudly in their ears and vibrating the floor they cleaned. Once she was sure no one would drunkenly slip she finally got a good look at Harry. He looked good—he always did. It was a casual party, so the majority of people were in jeans and t-shirts with no real dress code or theme for the day. The girls wore shorts that showed off a lot of skin and crop tops to show off even more. Many of the boys were shirtless too with too many bodies and too much alcohol clouding the space.
Harry was the exception. He wore jeans, yes, but his Rolling Stones T-shirt stayed on. He cuffed the sleeves showing off some of his tattoos and some muscles that she couldn’t help but notice. She wondered if he knew she was staring.
He was praying that she really was staring at him. Since she texted him, they started sitting next to each other during class. They texted a bit more—just about where to meet for studying. Harry suggested the coffee shop just outside campus—unbeknownst to him, it was one of her favorites.
I LOVE coffee. She told him.
Noted, lol. Harry responded. He paid special attention to her order that first day they studied and then he brought her the same drink to class the following morning. “S’on my way from my apartment,” he told her. It wasn’t...but it wasn’t out of his way either. He shouldn’t be doing something like that...not when he knew she was taken. But he couldn’t help it. She was lovely and she deserved coffee during this godforsaken class.
“Harry, that’s...so sweet. Thank you. You—wow,” she seemed speechless, and Harry didn’t really understand why. He would have asked, but their professor was starting. He was confused by her sudden emotion about a caffeinated beverage as he started scribbling down the lecture notes. She was staring at it for the better part of the first five minutes.
She hadn’t taken any of the notes and while Harry had only sat next to her for one class, he knew she wasn’t one to miss a word that fell from her professor’s mouth. After almost half the board was taken up by a math problem that their professor was going over, he leaned toward her so he could chat in her ear quietly, undetected by anyone in the class. “Y’drink it,” he whispered with a smile. She shook her head with a smile and covered her mouth and coughed to hide her laugh.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” Harry asked. He wondered if he knew him from Niall’s stories or some of the other gatherings he’d been to since Niall joined the frat.
“Uh...” she sighed turning to the pong table. “He’s...the one—that one with the t-shirt tied around his head,” she blew a breath through her lips and she seemed exhausted. And Harry glanced at him a moment before he looked at her carefully and realized that she was exhausted. He didn’t remember anything horrible about the guy she pointed out but he would remember to follow up with Niall tomorrow.
“Hey...kitten? Y’okay?” He wondered.
She blinked. “Is...this kitten thing...for everyone?” She wondered avoiding his actual question. She felt her throat tighten around a lump of emotion and didn’t want to have a meltdown here...not without her best friend to talk her through it, not in front of all these people...especially Harry.
He decided telling her he only felt the desperate need to call her kitten to himself and told himself that the little fib wouldn’t hurt anyone. “S’everyone,” he shrugged. He would have to remember to call Niall kitten in her presence at some point. He would never let him live it down.
Harry’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “I hope acting s’not part of your future plans,” he smirked.
She snorted and Harry felt like it was a win but still so sad. “He...he just drinks a lot at these things. Forgets about me. Has a bad hangover in the morning...kinda...” she sighed heavily and looked up swallowing against the lump in her throat. “Kinda...ruins our Sundays,” she managed to get out before she looked away.
Harry felt like an ass for pressing. He hardly knew her, and he shouldn’t have made her express all this at a frat party no less.
“M’sorry kitten,” he said gently. “Forget I mentioned it...d’you wanna go outside?” He asked. “I saw a cornhole game and m’shit. Might be fun to beat me,” he encouraged.
She glanced at the pong table one more time and then nodded. “Sure, Harry.”
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Her friend asked as she taped a box shut.
She nodded solemnly and glanced at her friend shyly. She felt like she was in trouble. “M’just...friends with Harry.”
“Yeah, okay, sure... But I’m pretty sure you love him,” she said knowingly with a shrug.
She flushed. “No...” she shook her head rapidly. She couldn’t be. She was in a relationship with someone else. Being in love with Harry was out of the question. But she had been spending so much more time with him. And he was utterly perfect. But she couldn’t think like that. Because her boyfriend was utterly perfect. He was the perfect boyfriend.
“Look, I’m not judging. Harry’s a hundred times better than that thing you call a boyfriend,” she said wrinkling her nose as she was slid another box to tape up.
“Hey!” She said defensively
“Seriously, I’m not judging. I just know you...you should just break up with him before you deal with Harry.”
“M’not...” she sighed. “I can’t break up with him,” she mumbled after a moment.
“Respectfully, why the fuck not?”
“I don’t know how.”
She stared at her friend for a long moment. The silence drew on and on as they put the stuff away in boxes that didn’t belong to them. She had cleaned the mess of the previous weekend earlier in the week and he was out “studying” with friends. Here she was packing. Her best friend hadn’t seen her throughout the all their separate working and studying schedules. If this was the only way to hang out, then she would do it. But to hear her say that she didn’t know how to break up with someone that was killing her, broke her heart. “That literally shouldn’t stop you at all...”
She sighed again. “S’jus...it’s barely been a year...and...Harry...he’s too good. He wouldn’t want to date me after—”
“After what? After how unfairly you’ve been treated? How toxic he is? After you have been trying to find reasons to stay and you’re coming up short?” She was quiet for a long moment. The pair sat in front of the boxes they were packing while he was out doing who knows what. “Do you realize how ridiculous it is that you’re packing his shit up and I’m helping you?” She flushed again her friend was kind enough to help and it wasn’t her responsibility. “I’ve met Harry a total of ten minutes and I know he wouldn’t let you lift a finger while packing.”
She knew she was right. In fact, Harry had all but volunteered to help as well while they were studying yesterday. He had asked of her plans for the weekend, and she explained the situation. Harry was quiet for a long moment before he said, “He shouldn’t make you do that.”
“I offered.”
Harry stared at her for a long moment. “Kitten, I don’t know how to say this kindly. If you volunteered to help, he should be doing most of the work and you should be helping not doing.”
She shrugged and decided maybe she shouldn’t talk about it with Harry.
“Yeah...” she sighed and looked at the boxes. “Are you going to the party?” She asked tentatively after a few moments of silent packing. It was a strategy to avoid that her friend hoped she didn’t notice.
She did. But she let it slide. “Not immediately, I got to get some of the things in my dorm squared away, but I’ll be there,” she promised.
She took a deep breath. “I...I never thought I would have one boyfriend. I don’t want to lose the one I have,” she whispered.
“Oh, honey,” she said gently.
She let the frustrated tears fall down her cheeks and fall onto the box labeled kitchen. “S’hard...it’s...it’s so hard,” she cried.
“I know,” she said and pushed the box out of the way to put her arm around her. “Boys suck,” she said.
She laughed through her teary eyes. “Yeah...most of ��em,” she amended and thought about the green eyes and Rolling Stone t-shirt that haunted all her thoughts.
The party was to start in less than an hour. It was at Niall’s house that he shared with Harry, and she knew that most stuff would be put away, but it was cool to see his space. She made herself at home in the kitchen and helping Niall with whatever he needed to get set up.
“Hey, kitten,” he chuckled when she entered with a bag of ice. It was the first thing she learned about these parties. You never had enough ice. She smirked.
“You, too?” She wondered.
“Oh, yes. It’s a theme around here,” he smirked but it felt like she was missing out on half the joke. “Harry will be attending,” he said. “He wanted me to let you know, but not in a weird way. He just has work until eleven,” he explained. “His words not mine.”
“Oh,” she said simply and fortunately her boyfriend appeared.
“Hi, babe,” he grinned. “See you’ve made yourself at home,” he chuckled and kissed the side of her face. “If you need her to do anything, Ni, don’t be shy. She loves helping.”
“Hmm,” Niall hummed with a grin. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She flushed brightly because she knew that Niall had obviously talked with Harry and there had clearly been a decisive input on how they felt about her boyfriend. Several people were arriving which saved her some of the embarrassment of having to explain herself to Niall.
By 11:19 she realized she was anxiously waiting for Harry’s arrival. She was sipping on a hard seltzer and keeping an eye on the drinks as she always did. “Hey!” She realized it was pathetic how she wished for a kitten to be attached to that hey. But she would settle for her best friend. She handed her a seltzer she was sure hadn’t been broken or tainted in any way. “Where’s Harry?” She asked. It felt like a punch to her stomach knowing that she asked about Harry before her boyfriend.
“Um...Niall said he worked until eleven,” she tried to not answer so eagerly. Or check her watch again to see that he was now creeping up on 11:25.
“Bet it’s parking that’s fucking him over. S’a zoo out there,” she said. “I walked from our dorm.”
She knew this party was a full-on end of the year bash that was accumulating more people than normal, but the dorm was nearly a mile and a half away. “Shit,” she said. “M’sorry, you didn’t need to come!” She felt bad for the long walk and all but a seltzer to give her.
“S’all good...as much as I don’t want to, I do need to hit up the bathroom,” she said handing her the can back to keep a close eye on. “Tiny bladder,” she rolled her eyes.
“Good luck,” she laughed and took another sip of her drink. It was as if the crowd sucked her in at once and she was gone. But it was all but a minute and Harry had reappeared in her place.
“Hey, kitten,” he smiled. Oh. Her stomach flipped at the name. Her smile brightened at the sight of him, and she really wished it wouldn’t. The summer apart would help, she decided. She would have space from a boy that wasn’t hers and couldn’t be hers. Harry wouldn’t see her as much...wouldn’t be able to call her kitten. They wouldn’t have the class tethering them together. But neither would her boyfriend now that he was graduating. The plan was still unclear, but she was hopeful the new chapter would be good for them. With a chunk of the frat graduating, there wouldn’t be the guys here all summer for him to party with and he would be able to spend more time with her. She could address their issues and not think about the way Harry’s eyes looked so green and beautiful.
She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts. “How’s it going?” He asked.
“S’good, I think,” she repeated. “How was work?” She wondered politely. Harry reached for a beer and popped the cap off.
“It was fine,” he shrugged. “Long night,” he chuckled.
“Did you have trouble parking? My friend—”
“WHAT THE FUCK!” Sounded from the stairwell. Harry turned to the sound, and she glanced as well. Seeing nothing she shrugged and focused on Harry.
“—Had to walk from the dorm,” she finished her thought.
“Uh...yeah. I just walked to work,” he smiled. “S’always crazy for things like this. S’okay though. I just used the parking garage—”
The crowd all but parted before her. “Hey, hey, hey!” Her boyfriend was racing downstairs and following the crowd being parted. She shook her head in confusion. Her eyebrows pinched together, and she looked at him with alarm as she worried about what the problem could have arisen.
Her friend reappeared and she looked...well...the word outraged didn’t describe it. It was something she had never seen anyone look before. It needed a whole new word. Her body was probably hot to the touch. She thought about how hot this room was and yet it cooled in comparison to her best friend’s expression. “We’re leaving,” she said definitively and grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her back the way through the crowd. “Harry,” she nodded at him in greeting and goodbye over her shoulder.
“Hey!” She yelped and glanced back at Harry who was surprised by the sudden departure. He gave a half wave and glanced at the stairwell before turning his attention back to the sweet girl he was itching to see after a long shift. It didn’t seem fair she would be leaving immediately after he got there.
The two girls had barely cleared the foot of the stairs on the way to the door when her boyfriend finally caught up to stop them. “Stop!” Her boyfriend said grabbing hold of her other hand. She glanced at him and his half-drunk stupor, but he managed to keep a tight grip of her other hand.
“Don’t. Touch her,” her friend snarled immediately at the resistance of her friend being tugged the other way. She couldn’t believe the expression she was seeing. She’d never seen anything like it, certainly not on her friend.
Her heart was thudding in her chest as she looked at her two hands literally being pulled in either direction. “What—?”
“If you want to keep all of your appendages—and I mean all of them—you will let go of her, now,” she repeated.
“What the fuck?” she hissed at her friend in utter confusion.
“Babe, I just—give me...five minutes!”
“You get no minutes. We’re leaving. Goodbye,” and she pulled hard on her friend toward the door yanking her as hard as she could causing pain in her shoulder, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t have time to explain but needed to get her out of here sooner rather than later.
“Ow! Do you mind?!” She shouted.
“Kitten,” she heard it clear as day despite the music, despite the chaos of the scene, and everyone shouting and staring. She turned to his voice and hated herself as she did because she was so used to it and comforted by the name. He had his lower lip between his teeth and his gaze flicked to the stairs again before he looked at her with...
Her stomach rolled at the sight of pity in his eyes. She saw Niall on the stairs in the next moment and it was clear that he had given Harry a signal of sorts. Pity was there in his eyes too. The pieces all spun rapidly together in her brain, and she knew. She knew. It was not good. It was arguably the worst thing that could have happened, and she was... heartbroken.
“No...” she shook her head in disbelief. “No,” she felt sick as she groaned. “No, no, no,” she whispered. Tears filled her eyes and she looked from Harry to Niall to the perfect first boyfriend she ever could have asked for...right?
“Babe,” he whispered. His lips were moving but she couldn’t hear anything. His hand still wrapped around her forearm tugging her toward him. It was starting to hurt...not because it was too tight but because it burned. He burned too much. This room was spinning.
“Let go of me,” she whispered. She didn’t need to see the scene to know what happened. Her friend’s loud what the fuck was all she needed. It was something she didn’t want to picture. Something she knows her friend committed to memory, so she didn’t have to. She was so stupid. How could she not know? How long had...?
The party was too hot.
“Babe, I...I can explain. I promise it’s—”
“Please let go of me,” she whispered again but she couldn’t be any louder. The party was too loud, the air was too thick, and the attention was too much. His mouth was still moving in protest against her friend’s yelling and tugging. She was stretched too much. The two of them pulling her and pulling her and shouting and yet she couldn’t hear a sound. Her head started to ache as much as her arm and chest.
“It’s—” He started.
“I’ll kill you,” her friend threatened darkly.
“LET GO!” She screamed.
Harry took that as his cue, finally, to intervene.
Her scream garnered the last of the attention from anyone that wasn’t already looking at her. Her friend was so shaken, she let go of her instinctively. Harry shoved him abruptly and roughly out of the way and away from her body. He shoved him a second time for good measure knocking his drunken self unsteadily off his feet. He gently ushered the two girls out the door. He would touch base with Niall later.
She was confused in that moment, but she and her friend were literally being pushed out the door. She heard more shouts and yelling but was too confused to understand fully what was happening. Tears clouded her vision, and her feet weren’t her own. She was trying to keep it together. Her stomach was churning violently, and she wanted to just stop and cry.
The crisp spring air enveloped her immediately making her body cooler for which she was so grateful. She was still being pushed toward the stream of parked cars on the road. “Stop,” she begged. Harry had a hand on the small of her back but dropped his hand immediately at her plead.
“Honey,” her friend whispered when they did stop. She broke. The most horrific sobs escaped her throat. She didn’t care who heard and she fell to her knees sobbing into her hands. “Not here,” her friend said crouching beside her. She pressed a hand to her back as she cried. “He...doesn’t deserve...he doesn’t...”
“Kitten,” Harry whispered gently. “C’mon,” he said beside her ear. She finally put together that Harry was there. He was the one pushing her out the door and away from everyone. “Don’t...don’t give him the satisfaction,” he whispered. She wanted to die knowing Harry was watching her sob hysterically.
“M’sorry,” she sniveled wiping her arm across her face and she covered her eyes with her hands. Harry winced at her apology. He felt it sting all over his body to watch this lovely girl break so terribly over someone that didn’t appreciate her the way she deserved. Harry exchanged a look with her friend while his blood boiled. He wanted to kill him. The anguish this poor girl was facing. The idiot. The fool. He was so sad by her sadness he could have cried himself.
“Don’t...don’t apologize,” he said gently shaking his head. “You...” Harry sighed. “Kitten, m’so sorry,” he said softly. It hurt to hear almost as much as why she was hearing it. She hated Harry seeing her like this.
“How...How could he?” she gasped. She was practically hyperventilating. Harry wanted to cup her face and kiss all the tears away. He wanted to hold her in his arms and never let go. He wanted to squeeze her together so all the pieces of her beautiful broken heart would mend back together.
Her friend took charge as she scanned the scene behind her as people eyed the three of them from the door and windows while others openly gawked from the front lawn. “Can...can you carry her or something?” She asked eagerly. “She’ll die if someone sees her like this...especially him...She’s probably going to want to die for letting you see her like this,” she said softly.
“Uh...” Harry cleared his throat. “Um...” He looked at the poor girl sniveling and crying hysterically.
“Just do it,” she said and started marching in front of the pair. Harry didn’t need to be told twice. He scooped her up and cradled her against his chest. He wished with everything in him he could enjoy the feel of her warm body pressed to his. He wanted to kiss her forehead.
“Kitten, m’so sorry,” he repeated gently as he followed her best friend all one and a half miles from his house. She sniveled and wiped her eyes.
“I-I can’t believe I didn’t know,” she whispered. Harry wanted to say more; he wanted to promise he would never hurt her ever, but he didn’t know how and didn’t think it was the right time. So, he just stayed silent.
Harry set her on her own feet about halfway back when she insisted. Being the gentleman that he was, he refused to let the two girls walk back alone at midnight. Once they reached their dorm, she wiped her nose with the back of her hand once more before her friend got them all signed in, and they walked up to their room. She opened the door, and she felt a new wave of sobs take the forefront of her brain and eyes. “Thanks,” she sniveled out the broken word to Harry. He grabbed a water bottle from their communal fridge and sat her and himself on the couch in the living area of their room.
There was a knock on the door. “Babe, please,” he begged. She shivered and winced at his pet name and voice. She wanted to die again and cry some more. Harry put the water in her hands and started for the door.
“I got it,” her friend said eagerly stilling Harry and going for the door. She was ready to battle.
“She’s okay,” she whispered to Harry who was eyeing her with worry. “He’d be better off facing a rabid racoon trapped in a trash bag,” she muttered.
Despite how tragically sad she was he couldn’t help but smile at her joke. “Should be a crime t’be s’funny when s’sad,” he smirked at her.
“Well, now I’ll be able to go on tour with all this material,” she flipped her hair with a sarcastic smile through her tears. He chuckled at her.
“Drink,” he said gently.
“Please don’t pity me,” she whispered when she finished her drink. “I’m...an idiot for not knowing.”
She could hear yelling just outside the door but couldn’t make out the words. “Kitten,” Harry whispered. “He’s the idiot,” he promised.
She looked away. “He’s m’first boyfriend.”
“Was,” Harry said before he could stop himself.
She snorted. “Good point.”
Harry smiled shyly at her. “M’sorry. I shouldn’t...”
“I wish you were,” she said quietly.
His heart soared. It wasn’t the right time, and he was horrible for being so happy at the idea of her being single and it was for all the wrong reasons but...nonetheless he was so hopeful. Like when he awaited her text message in hopes that she would love to go out with him.
Fortunately, he had enough sense to keep himself from saying “but kitten, I’ll be your last one.”
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musicalchaos07 · 8 months
Modern AU pop concert boyfriend Jonathan Byers. Like he knows none of the lyrics, doesn't want his picture taken and hates the crowd. But he also drove Nancy there, is gonna fight his way through the merch line, and do it all again for the next show
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mulderscully · 3 months
Sorry to unload on you but it’s still so annoying seeing Nick fans hate on Taylor or even those who claim they love both but hardly talk about Taylor. Like not even mentioning him at the oscars(???) and then basically saying negative things about him acting with Nick again.
i mean, if they have a preference for nick it's okay imo. unfortunately nick just does have more to talk about right now while taylor doesn't (yet) but i haven't really seen much of that specifc behavior, what i got was like actual virtriol against taylor in my ask which is where the genuine racism comes in and for me the most hurtful part of having shit like that said to me is how it's not even about taylor himself but abt how certain people talk about latinos as a whole and use him as an excuse to do so.
at the end of the day nick has only ever said positive things about taylor and working with him and if they want to make nick look bad that just reflects on who they are and i know that there is no way nick approves of it especially with how much he talks about how special working together was.
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shitpostblogwahoo · 2 years
idk why some people are like "not liking lmm as hermes is toxic" . one. what. two. i literally cannot see that man as anything other than lmm. idk whether that's a side effect of hamilton and in the heights or what but in his roles like mary poppins and his dark materials he's been good but i've also just gone "that's lmm." instead of thinking that's the character.
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I have actually never been a Harry fan, I was always a Louis girl. It’s probably because I loved his energy and sass. I never related to Harry probably because of his womaniser image. I didn’t like how interviewers always focused on him even though most of his answers used to be “I don’t know” or something weird. He always seemed to be bigger than the band. I still don’t understand why teenagers relate to him. He doesn’t talk about anything that would be of interest to me if I were a teenager today. He seems to spend most of his days walking around streets with big huge bags or hanging out with people 20 years older than him at posh parties. I guess his appeal always just passed me by.
If you look at many of the teenage Harrie accounts today, you’ll notice that the attraction isn’t exactly intellectual.🙄🙄🙄
Actually, this goes for most of the adult Harries as well.
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belastan · 1 year
Look at this... 👀 https://pin.it/4WUdVSp
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stumbleonhometomycats · 6 months
This year in swiftieland hasn’t even been real
April 8–Joever
May 5–cardincident
June 6— Rattyover
July 8–Taylor Lautner backflip
August 9–it’s blue
Sept 24– go team
October 27–Harry styl— *gun shots*
November 29– a second plane has hit you’re losing me
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
i love what you do with the babysitter series. i can’t wait to see more
ITS NANNY TIMEEEEEE !! i really really hope you like this part bc ooohhh lord what’s coming next. SEND ME FEEDBACK !!!
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated ! | support me
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liked by yrrahselyts, pillowpersonpp and 387 others
yourinstagram first day of the nyc residencies and i’m feeling icky :// and yes i’m aware that i’m in my underwear and no bra in this pic but i’ve been throwing up all morning so don’t give me shit for it
view all 85 comments
yourbff oi, whatever you say, princess
↳ yourinstagram why are you talking so loudly
pillowpersonpp And yet you still look beautiful 💖
↳ yourinstagram i LOVE you
kidharpoon Are you hungover? Did you convince your old man to go out for drinks ?
↳ yourinstagram not hungover just with a stomach bug 🤧🤧
yrrahselyts Awee poor thing, let me cuddle you x
↳ yourinstagram please do🥺
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 4,937 others
harryupdates Harry out in NYC today !
view all 965 comments
harryfan1 BABYYY
harryfan2 he looks like a dilf
harryfan4 husband material
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liked by jefezoff, yourinstagram and 41 others
yrrahselyts A sick Nanny on film because she’s excited about her modeling debut. I love you @yourinstagram x
view all 15 comments
jefezoff And you’re back to being a fan account
↳ yrrahselyts I’m an in love man and that makes you jealous
↳ jefezoff I’m literally married..
yourinstagram IM SO NERVOUS 😭😭😭😭
↳ pillowpersonpp Pleasing girl, you did amazing
↳ yourinstagram my biggest hyper 💖
↳ yrrahselyts Excuse me, I’m your biggest hyper, have you seen this account?
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 583,836 others
pleasing Pleasing x Marco Ribeiro has arrived. Explore your creativity with our latest collection, where under Ribeiro’s lead, shades and tones take an expressive turn to act as a call to arms for creativity and experimentation.
YN, photographed by Anthony Pham, for Pleasing.
Find your Pleasing.
view all 9,927 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGG
harryfan2 she’s absolutely stunning wow
harryfan3 she’s getting modeling gigs just because she’s dating harry? i smell a famewhore
↳ harryfan4 come on now, you can’t be calling her an attention seeker when she’s not even public on instagram and besides the leak their relationship has been so private
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liked by yourinstagram, hshq and 2,093,836 others
harrystyles Pleasing x Marco Ribeiro. YN, 2022. Find your Pleasing.
view all 98,376 comments
harryfan1 OH MY GOOOD
annetwist Gorgeous girl 🥰
↳ harryfan2 anne approves omfg
pillowpersonpp That’s my baby and I’m proud 💖
yourinstagram i love you 🥺
↳ harryfan2 sTOP
harryfan3 i still think she’s a famewhore 🤷‍♀️
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liked by yrrahselyts, mitchrowland and 402 others
yourinstagram good luck to my lovie tonight, baby jonesland and i will be cheering from backstage 🥰
view all 92 comments
jefezoff Firing Pham and hiring you
↳ yourinstagram babysitter, girlfriend and photographer?? i don’t know if i’ll manage
yrrahselyts I miss you already
yrrahselyts I love you
↳ yourinstagram get off your phone, you sap
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liked by yourinstagram, lizobeeating and 2,098,646 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. New York City VI. August, 2022
view all 54,987 comments
harryfan1 BEST SHOW EVER
harryfan2 dilf energy
yourinstagram looking good
↳ harrystyles Thanks, mate x
↳ harryfan3 attention seeker
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liked by yourinstagram, pillowpersonpp and 43 others
yrrahselyts Polaroids of the Pleasing girl x
view all 14 comments
pillowpersonpp Gorgeous gorgeous girl 💖
jefezoff WHIPPED
yourbff Milf
yourinstagram i love my fan account <3
yourinstagram i love you
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taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @vanteguccir r @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi i @msolbesg @tati813 @sad1esgf @ivegotparticulartaste @wobblymug @eviesaurusrex @olivialovesh @itsgabbysblog @theekyliepage @gumballavocadoharry @watermelonsugacry @be-with-me-so-happily @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @musicforcinemas @rafeyyyyy @tinydeskwriter @noooovaaaaa @tenaciousperfectionunknown @mxltifxnd0m @rach2602 @balletdancerry @b-reads-things
1K notes · View notes
Alright I’m gonna watch Don’t Worry, Darling
I really do think Florence Pugh was really good in this movie and I think Harry styl*s makes so much sense for a little fucking incel
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faithdeans · 9 months
i need to trim my hair lest i look like 2012 harry styls 😔✊
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wtffanfiction-de · 1 year
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Fandom: Crossover (Twilight/Harry Potter/Percy Jackson)
„Name: Dalia Riddel Volturi
Alter:528 (Sieht aus wie 16 oder 17 wie das möglich ist? Tom Riddels Schwester hat eine Zeitreise gemacht)
Wohnort: Volterra (Italien)
Gaben: Wenn man ihre Augen sieht, sieht man seinen persönlichen schlimmsten Albtraum(Wenn sie eine Sonnenbrille auf hat kann se die Ängste der anderen sehen),Sie kann andere Manipulieren und sie ist eine Art "Formwandler"
Aussehen: Weiß/Schwarze Haare, leuchtend rote Augen, schlank, blass, sadistisches Lächeln Charakter: Sadistisch, Stur, beschützerisch (Nur bei Familie und Freunden), sarkastisch, schlau, hinterlistig Styl: Immer schwarz/rot (später auch grün)“
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reasoningdaily · 10 months
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From Braids: Fingerwave Saint, based on halos in Renaissance paintings.Courtesy of Crowe
Forget Pinterest inspiration boards—there are some hairstyles that are so inventive, the Louvre would be lucky to have them. Exhibit A: the intricate, braid-centric masterpieces crafted by fine artist Shani Crowe. After receiving a grant from Chicago-based nonprofit 3Arts, Crowe launched Braids, a series of photographs capturing real women adorned with her elaborate hairstyles. Though she’s been commissioned by celebrities such as Solange to create custom works (you might have seen one on SNL), Crowe happily considers new models—who don’t pay for the service.
You’re trained in film, photography, painting, and pottery. Why choose braids as your medium?
I’m a very tactile person—I’m good with my hands. And I’ve been thinking of doing a project like this since I was a kid. I come from a large family, and we often did each other’s hair. I always saw having my hair braided as a privilege, and I wanted to share that.
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From Above All.Courtesy of Crowe
The pieces you make are so ornate.
Oh, man. They take hours and hours and hours. The crown I made for Solange took me fiftysomething because of all the individual Swarovski crystal beads and armature—and that’s just for the separate hairpiece attached to her braids. Usually, my looks average five or six hours. You really get to know someone.
How long do people wear them?
Typically, the styles are taken down right after I shoot, because they’re not really wearable. People have to go to work. But if you want a style to last, you should tie a satin scarf flat to your hair at night to keep the braids lying down, or wear a silk bonnet—it helps. Avoid cotton, because it takes moisture away from your hair.
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Crowe and Solange backstage at SNL.Courtesy of Crowe
How do you keep styles sharp and eliminate frizz?
I like braids to be very crisp and neat; it’s about the finish for me. You’ve got to pay special attention to the part. If your scalp is dry and an oil isn’t working, try witch hazel on a cotton pad, and gently rub—that’ll help with flakes without drying out the hair.
What’s your view on nonblack women wearing cornrows or dreadlocks?
American culture, in general, doesn’t do a good job of honoring indigenous art. There’s never a moment where it’s like, These braids are from.… People will just do it and say it’s just a hairstyle. Personally, I’m not here to tell people what they can and cannot do. I know what I’m going to do: I’m going to continue to create.
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To prep dry hair for styling, Crowe spritzes Vernon François Pure~Fro Moisture Spray (2) before a blow-dry: “It makes hair feel very soft, and it’s a way to help hair receive product a little better.” Harry Josh Pro Tools Pro Styling Clips (1) keep hair in controlled sections for manipulation over long periods of time. To create a perfect design with razor-sharp lines, Crowe saturates hair with Ampro Pro Styl Shine ’n Jam Conditioning Gel (4) before parting it with a heatproof Fromm Diane Ionic Anti-Static Comb (3). “This holds hair together on one side of the part, making it easier to keep flyaways in their position because they’re gelled down.”
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usually i'm a harry styl*s hater but sign of the times slaps so fucking hard it's SO trikey i love it
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bisexualhobi · 2 years
Taehyung is bisexual in the way that Harry Styles is bisexual. He isn't really, but would let a guy suck him off for the art. Jungkook, Namjoon, Jin = painfully straight. People thinking Hoseok is the straightest? Delusional. Jimin = not gay but bisexual and struggled with it for years. Yoongi - maybe bisexual but leans really strongly to women and will probably never sleep with a man. Thats the tea. BTS are a super straight group compared to like Shinee.
the paralles between taehyung and h*rry styl*s don't stop coming
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