#hanazawa needs someone
grimalkinmessor · 1 month
Yes Reigen becoming Hanazawa's new parental figure and essentially adopting him but only post-s3 finale to make it clear that he's filling a Mob-shaped hole and only if Mob gets super jealous and guilty and weird about it 🥰
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nothingbizzare · 4 months
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Three tipes of people on valentine's day
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etherealflickering · 1 year
Hey reminder not to portray or call Japanese or Asian characters in general rats, it's extremely racist and links back to World War 2's anti-Japanese propaganda designed to promote racism and discrimination. A quick google search brings up a lot of old racist caricatures. As animalified art rises from the new official merch I'm seeing this become a bigger problem again and although it's most likely not on purpose, it's absolutely something you should know and refrain from doing. It's disturbing to see on my dash. Thanks.
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cowardlybean · 4 months
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y’all know what time it is
horrendous bonus :
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terukinie · 2 years
for those who have nothing;
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a false idol emerges;
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an empty faith;
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a confession;
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a sinner repents;
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not through worship-
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but through strong emotions
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people need other people
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babovens · 2 years
The scene where Teru and Mob talk is absolutely fantastic and had me sobbing.
It starts out with Teru and Mob just walking together, Mob asking for advice on how to ask out a girl. That’s when Mob stops at the bottom of the stairs, Teru above him, and says:
“It must be nice being you, Hanazawa-kun, since you’re so popular.”
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He is both figuratively, and physically looking up to him. Teru is practically on a pedestal at this point, with Mob looking up to him for guidance.
And then he says this:
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A very different take from when they first met, when instead Mob emphasized that they were the same.
He’s not very confident about asking Tsubomi out, and it shows. After all, Mob is the one who walked down the stairs, basically beating himself up a little bit at the fact that he isn’t popular, that he’s out of his element.
And then Teru does this:
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He walks down to his level.
Doesn’t even hesitate.
Putting himself at the same level as another person is not something pre-Mob Teru would even consider doing. Especially, in his eyes, someone like Mob.
But he does now.
Because they are the same.
Teru isn’t inherently better than Mob because he’s popular, and Mob isn’t inherently worse because he isn’t.
“What are you talking about? You’re the one who said we’re alike in the first place.”
Teru would know better than anyone after what Mob taught him, after Mob became friends with him.
And friends help each other. Friends put themselves at the others level. Friends pick each other up when the other is down.
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Because people need other people.
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funnywormz · 2 years
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edit: image description written by @princess-of-purple-prose ! thank you!
[ID: An in-character interview with Dimple from Mob Psycho 100 on 4chan. It reads:
>Interview with Dimple
>Q1. What kind of person were you when you were alive?
A. I forgot... But since its me, I'm sure it was a hella sexy dude.
>Q2. It seems you can communicate with Reigen when you're possessing him. How is that different from others?
A. Who knows. It's probably because we have a shared purpose. Even when you're both sitting in a car, only one of you can use the steering wheel, right? So unless two people agree exactly on which direction they're going, the car's not going to move in the right direction with two people behind the steering wheel. Ordinary people aren't usually conscious when I'm possessing them. It's different for espers, though. Especially strong ones, who can't even possess.
>Q3. What do you feel like?
A. Wet, smooth, slippery. A bit cold, but that can be adjusted. But it's not like ordinary people can touch me to begin with.
>Q4. Why did you stay in the world after giving up on becoming a god?
A. I'm not sure either... Spirits are born from a purpose, like resentment or obsession. Only with strong desire can the spirit body be maintained. But maybe it's like what Mob said. People are just people. You don't have to exist for a reason, and it doesn't matter if you care about it or not. Why does that kid occasionally say something profound when he's dealing with something besides himself?
>Q5. Is there anyone you particularly enjoyed possessing? Anyone you want to try?
A. That old lady or whatever guarding Claw. People who have very little spiritual resistance will do whatever you want, so that feels nice. Being the cult leader of LOL was especially fun! One person that surprised me was the leader of the Body Improvement Club. It was like manipulating a giant robot! Someone I'd want to try... probably Hanazawa. If you give him to me, I'm sure I can take him from being the school idol to the least popular guy in school in a day.
>Q6. What do you do when Mob's at school?
A. I've been going to Spirits and Such more often because interesting things occasionally happen there. Besides that, sometimes I take a walk, watch TV, or I check out your house. (evil laughter) I'm kidding, of course.
A. He's always trying to play pranks and thinks he's got Mob fooled, which is pretty funny to watch. Or at least that's what I thought, but it turns out Mob is really just that gullible. Reigen's like that guy who keeps building shaky towers out of building blocks, and it should come as no surprise when they collapse. He's always using some weird and question means of maintaining it all, and sometimes I just want to poke him a little bit and make him fall. ...I have to repress that desire.
>Q8. If you could become a human and become Mob's friend, what would you do?
A. Become a human... Make friends... Travel, eat food, play sports. Anything would be good, but I'd just like to pass the time as usual. That's enough to make good memories. ...or actually, I think I'd like to do sumo! Even if I can't beat him in powers, I want to use my bodily strength and muscles to toss Mob around. Let him see how that feels like.
>Q9. What was your first impression of Mob? How about now?
A. I thought he was just a kid so I underestimated him. But instead he was scary as fuck. I pissed my pants, okay? I don't think I understand him as much now since he's grown up a lot. I wonder how he'll end up.
>Q10. How can someone see you? A. You need to think that seeing me is something completely natural. Once you can fool your brain, your perspective changes. This is something that you can train, but maybe something completely unexpected will happen. So it's dangerous and not recommended. The easy way is to just let me possess you. The important thing is just to break the common sense that forms your vision.
Q11. Can you eat ordinary food? Please tell me your favorite food!
A. I can still eat and drink, and I'll absorb the energy in the food. My favorite food? Beans and peanuts. That's cute? Yeah, that's right. Also alcohol. Beer has the best alcohol fragrance. You say I sound like your dad? Hmph, shut up.
>Q12. What's the first thing you remember?
A. The memory of my life is entirely gone... I can't remember at all. I feel like it should be like it is now. I stare at the sky a lot. There's some old memories from right after I became a spirit, probably in a cemetery. But I don't know if I have a tomb somewhere. It's all like a prior life to me, anyways. One day, will I forget about what's happening now, too...? Ugh, that sounds like something an ordinary living person would be worried about. Forget about it. End ID]
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mero7t · 1 year
i am SO fucking upset about teruki hanazawa look at me. tiny 9 year old teru alone in a big empty house. waking up ALONE and making himself breakfast and lunch and having to make sure by himself that his bag is packed. teeny tot walking by himself on the street and when he gets home nobody is there to make him snackies or help him with his homework or anything. playing soccer afterschool but no one shows up to his games and earning trophies to fill the shelves but no one is there to be proud of him. maybe sometimes he goes into his parents' bedroom and looks at the bed that no one sleeps in, that no one's touched in a long while. maybe one time he had a nightmare and went to their room and crawled under the sheets and pretended it was warm and familiar and smelled like home but it just smells like dust and laundry done a long time ago and he never does it again. the years go by and teru is so lonely in his empty house that used to have people in it and he gets so tired of seeing doors to bedrooms that arent his, a constant reminder that once upon a time he had people at home. he is so so tired that he calls the people he hasnt seen in years and then he's really, truly alone in his own tiny apartment but at least there aren't any signs that someone used to be here then left. now he can pretend that maybe, nobody left, that he chose to be alone. Look at me are you hearing me you need to pay attention
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ecargmura · 2 months
A Condition Called Love Episode 1 Review - The Girl Who Doesn't Know Love And The Boy Who Loves Too Much
A Condition Called Love gets the platinum trophy for achieving the confession-to-dating transition in world record speed in shoujo manga land. They managed to beat My Love Story!! in terms of confession-to-dating speed. I’m amazed. The first episode is just confession and dating from beginning to end. That means the rest of the story is just them trying to gather genuine feelings for love as they date, even if it’s just trial.
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The story is about Hotaru Hinase, an ordinary high school girl who has never experienced love, witnessing the popular boy from the class next door, Hananoi, getting rejected by his girlfriend. After giving him her umbrella to shield him from the snow one day, Hananoi believes she is fated for him and confesses to her. While Hotaru isn’t too keen on how fast he’s going in terms of confessing, as she spends some time with him, she starts getting curious about him. After seeing how much he dedicates himself to someone he likes, she decides to try dating him to see if she will develop feelings for him.
Hotaru as a character is quite a relatable one. She has no interest in love and never fell in love. Instead, she loves food more than the idea of love. However, seeing the kind of person Hananoi is around her gives her a lot of emotions she never expected to have. She got angry when he looked for her hairpin in the snow as he could’ve gotten frostbite. She feels like an aromantic person, but that doesn’t mean aromantic people can’t fall in love; she wants to know what it feels like too. I do like that while she is curious about Hananoi, she does call him out on his rather pushy behavior, from cutting his hair, losing his earring to searching for her hairpin in the snow. I do hope that Hotaru continues to be able to step her foot out when it’s necessary.
People say that Hananoi feels like a red flag. Like, I can see it from how unnecessarily devoted he is to Hotaru after she helped him out. He can be a bit pushy too. From how I see it, he has his issues. I’m surprised that while a lot is given out for him, there’s still a lot not known about him. I’m predicting that his odd way of loving someone stems from trauma from his younger days or the lack of affection from his family. Right now, I’m going to be neutral on Hananoi’s character as it is the first episode and I don’t want to rush on waving a flag this early. Also, I’ve seen people saying that Hananoi looks better with long hair, but I honestly have no inherent attachment to the long hair because it has less screen time than Hotaru’s hairpin and the pork bun combined. To me, he’s just Hananoi with or without long hair.
The animation is rather nice. It’s a shoujo manga anime adaptation, so the colors are pretty. I do like how everything and everyone moves. Nothing feels too choppy or stiff. East Fish Studio was the animation studio that was animating the Ten Count anime before it got cancelled. I honestly never seen their stuff until now, but it’s not bad.
The opening song is a rather bizarre choice for a shoujo manga song. I didn’t expect them to go all J-pop boy band with this shoujo love story. It’s not a bad song, but I need to get some time to get used to it. The opening song is sung by Sexy Zone. The ending song was very jazzy and I loved it! It’s sung by Mina Okabe. I love her vocal tone! It’s husky, but trendy too!
The voice acting is really good, though. Kana Hanazawa voices the protagonist Hotaru Hinase! A rather unusual choice given that shoujo manga prefers rising stars, but it’s HanaKana. She does an amazing job whatever she does! The last time I heard her in a shoujo anime was in Orange where she voiced Naho. I think Hanazawa does a great job showing off Hinase’s kindness but also her nonchalance when it comes to the topic of love. Chiaki Kobayashi voices Hananoi. Given that I’ve heard him in three different animes last season, hearing him as a rather obsessive love-stuck boy is rather new on my part, but given that he is talented, I think he can do well. Two voice actors shocked me in this episode. First is Maaya Sakamoto voicing a side character in Hotaru’s friend Shibamu. I didn’t expect to hear Maaya Sakamoto as a gal pal as she normally voices hot older women, tomboyish girls, complex women or young boys, but I don’t mind because it’s Maaya Sakamoto. The second voice actor that shocked me is Mikako Komatsu voicing Hotaru’s mom? Sister? That’s a rather crazy choice given the already stacked voice actor list. I didn’t expect to see her name on the credits list at all. Dang.
There are two paths this story can take and I just hope it doesn’t crash and burn in whatever route it takes. If you have read the manga of this, please let me know if there is anything I need to keep an eye out without spoiling too much. If you have watched this episode or are a fan of the manga, please let me know your thoughts!
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russenoire · 27 days
For the fruit emoji ask game, please! 🍈 and or 🍇
🍈 who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
kageyama shigeo. i... identify with him a normal amount. (on the surface, i actually have more in common with his brother! the former 'gifted' kid struggle is real)
he has genetic anemia (thalassemia minor). shigeo keeps up his strength with weightlifting at home and night jogs around his neighborhood on a regular basis, in addition to a balanced diet. he can't work out fasted; he'll pass out. he's also frequently cold, though all the muscle he's built up over time helps some.
i don't think he'd be a stress eater. his appetite would be the first thing to go under duress... except for milk, hot or cold. if he's really stressed out? a cigarette, more for the smell than the taste (he thinks they taste awful; this is why they're a last resort).
he's a salaryman who works for his city government in the urban planning department. his specialty? traffic accident prevention.
i think shigeo is actually a pretty sharp guy when he applies himself, or when an issue is particularly meaningful for him, hence his life's work. he also has a sizable amount of emotional intelligence. since The Incident™ he's gained a reputation for working harmoniously with 'difficult' people. though his current kōhai (subordinate) is testing his limits a bit...
he's got a bit of a prankster streak, though not on the level of someone like his confidant hanazawa teruki. his is more understated: a deadpan, a snarky quip, a seized opportunity to rattle someone's nerves on the spot. as you can imagine, that and the above bullet point are not infrequently at odds.
he still wrestles with big emotions. sometimes they overwhelm him. over the years, he's come up with a few ways to deal: cloudsitting; jogging; cooking or eating a good meal; silent moments with his own thoughts, often sitting upside-down in midair, or upside-down sprawled over the back of his sofa; cuddling with teruki, with or without conversation; deep chats with loved ones in general; getting a good massage from his old shishou on occasion; earplugs or a blindfold or soft, wispy textures on his skin.
i see him as a fastidious minimalist, almost to the point of asceticism. he owns only what he needs and uses and no more. i think over time he'd either make adjustments to help others feel more comfortable in his home... or refuse to change anything at all. perhaps both at different times in his life.
while he and teruki do share a fairly deep and cuddly intimacy, at this point in his life he's single and content with that.
most of these show up in my post-canon mp100 fics on ao3. i have more in the works, i promise.
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grimalkinmessor · 4 months
MP100 Characters Ranked on How Likely I Think They Would Be To Use The Death Note:
(because I like combining my hyperfixations ✨)
Mogami. I don't think I have to explain this one.
Ritsu. He is going on a killing spree IMMEDIATELY the boy practically IS Light Yagami, his name is literally spelled with the kanji for justice and he already went on one power-hungry crusade, he is RIPE on the Kira tree og
Dimple. He already has the god complex down, he just has to get on board with the whole killing people thing—considering he's already an evil spirit, it wouldn't take much convincing tbh
Shou. He would cause SO much havoc with it but only for fun. For the meme. For the vine. He kills the Queen of England with it and cackles as he watches the ensuing flood of Megamind memes. He would also threaten his dad into compliance with it because the Death Note isn't Battle Based, it's Instadeath. "Ever go on TV and embarrass me like that again and you're going out by dysentery."
Takenaka. He's not a bad kid, but being telepathic would make him incredibly susceptible to wanting to take bad people out before they did anything wrong. Plus just getting them to shut up. That idiot that keeps having vivid erotic fantasy in the middle of science class has ONE more again before Takenaka would embrace his villain arc whole-heartedly. The only reason he's this far down is because I think he'd hesitate.
Tsubomi. I think she'd kill someone just to see if she could get away with it. Then she'd put it away and only bring it out when certain situations arose that needed a Quick Solution™. That girl knows what needs to be done and she does it—she decisive. Anything like Suzuki happens again and she just drops them dead on live television Lind L. Tailor style and then goes on about her day like nothing happened. All heroes wear pretty hair clips 🙏
Tome. I don't know how to explain this one. Vibes. She feels like she'd be gripped by the powerful urge to kill someone but it would take her a lot to go through with actually writing someone's name down. She'd want to test the Death Note first to see if it worked, so that's one person down, but anyone else would need to have either hurt her or her friends irreversibly, and even then it would probably be a one time thing. She'd use it far less than Tsubomi—two people might actually be her max.
Serizawa. I hc that people with psychic powers can see the Death Note's bad jujus or whatever, so he wouldn't have to test it to know it would work, but I still think he'd use it. If he found it while he was still with Claw, he'd use it because it was easier to kill someone that way than with his psychic powers. Even if it he found it after Claw, it'd be the same reasoning. He's definitely killed people in the past and if someone hurt his friends or his mother he'd very much take the easy out of simply writing down a name rather than going for a fight. He'd still feel really bad about it though, so it'd probably only happen once.
Minori. She uses it to see if it's real, finds that it very much is, and then locks it away in her room. She won't use it, but it'll be a constant thought in her mind. A very real temptation.
Emi. She uses it once out of curiosity to see if it's real, then buries it in the woods where no one will ever find it...but she can go back for it if she ever needs it.
Hanazawa. He's reformed but his temper is still something to behold. He's only this far down the list because he's got that "I could kill you with my powers why would I need a book to do it for me" swag ✨
Shimazaki. Similar to Teru but less reformed. "I would just kill you with my powers why would I need a notebook" two electric boogaloo. Plus he's blind and idk if the Death Note takes braille or morse code.
Toichiro. The ULTIMATE "I'll just kill you with my powers I don't fucking need that thing"
Shinra. He wouldn't use it, but he'd absolutely make the mistake of picking it up and handing it over to someone that WOULD use it (cough rising sun psychic division cOugh)
Onigawara. Talks big shit about using it, but would never. Likes to think he COULD use it though, even though he's too upright for it.
Reigen. Picks it up out of curiosity and gets a laugh out of it, but doesn't test it. He's seen enough shit to be cautious though, so he has Mob look it over and then burns it once Mob confirms it's got bad vibes.
Mob. Sees bad vibes. Doesn't even pick it up. Blasts it into ash and goes home without thinking about it again. Buys milk on the way there.
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cloudsandwichsoup · 1 year
general mp100 char headcanons,,(this’ll probably change in the future maybe,, i’ll update as i think of new ones)
shigeo “mob” kageyama
bi 100%
he’s quiet in most spaces and likes to listen but he rambles a lot when given the opportunity
he’s more talkative in general post canon but usually needs someone to start the conversation
he feels a little uncomfortable in fem clothes (because of the school break in incident) but would wear a skirt if asked (depends on who’s asking, will say no to reigen)
will wear anything teru buys for him
always the first player when playing video games
goes to s&s at least once a week to visit
teases his brother sometimes (but is the one mostly being teased)
the most normal little guy you’ve ever seen /j
arataka reigen
(disaster) gay
single father of 3 (tome, teru, shou)
married to serizawa
has a decent fashion taste when recommending things to others (but not himself all his clothes are ugly)
unofficially adopted teru and let him live in his apartment; serizawa (didn’t live with him at the time) convinced him into getting a bigger one because teru and reigen were super cramped
very proud of mob (cries when he graduates middle school)
slowly and painfully tries to be more honest (and causes more problems in the process)
can cook is just too lazy to do so
sings pretty well
doesn’t pay his rent on time
salt everywhere
ritsu kageyama
achillean (men liker syndrome)
“romance ew” but is also a hopeless romantic (shouromantic /hj)
homophobic but only towards reigen (and teru for liking his brother)
emo and listens to mcr and p!atd /hj
he talks about his fixations with mob
it’s hard for him to open up even post canon,, he still has the tendency to bottle up his feelings
he gets to 100% much easier then mob does since he has less patience
it isn’t as bad though
had a fursona (his drawing of it is crumpled up in his closet)
shou drew it for him once when he found a drawing of it lying around (ritsu wanted to die)
katsuya serizawa
he/him trans (im not projecting you are)
goes to therapy (and forces reigen to go eventually)
tries to give helpful advice… to varying degrees of success
he’s shou’s better dad
sensitive to louder noises (like houses burning)
aware he’s severely underpaid but stays at s&s because of reigen (and the fact that he genuinely likes the job) they end up sharing finances so they should be fine… hopefully
he works multiple jobs (online and otherwise) to keep himself afloat before he gets married cause he really REALLY wants to stay at s&s
he gets a degree in psychology and expands s&s with counseling services
can be sarcastic when he wants to be
still anxious though he’s gotten a lot better (he’s learned how to look more put together and instead panics more internally)
the nerd ever
he rambles about his favorite games and shows to anyone that will listen
teruki hanazawa
he/they (hetheycore)
gay i don’t make the rules
his hair is naturally blond and his blue eyes are not contacts (i’m specifying this cause some people say otherwise) his parents are some european + japanese
he’s fem but in a masc way if that makes sense
hopelessly in love with kageyama shigeo,, he isn’t subtle about it at all (mob has his suspicions but doesn’t want to get carried away)
literally realized he didn’t like women after he met mob (more like after he realized liking boys was a thing after looking it up)💀
has one sided beef with tsubomi over mob’s affection, they became friends later I just think it’s funny if teru is jealous
has a hobby in fashion
reigen is his dad and they move in together post canon cause i said so
shou suzuki
animal lover; hampter
art kid 💀
has ocs probably
he gets scared easily and is also sensitive to louder noises
serizawa straightened his hair as a kid (still does his hair just gives him his curly hair products now that shou wants to go natural)
got a buzz cut cause he absolutely ruined his hair after ironing it every day
honorary child of the arataka family
he visits people by breaking in through their windows
wants to kiss ritsu on the lips but he burned his house down so (he might burn it again if they kiss)
aroace king
“i am a male. i am a man. i’m a ‘he’. I don’t get into that… mentally ill shiz.” /hj
besties with reigen (but won’t admit it)
strange uncle to shigeo and ritsu
wants to attack teru for all of the atrocious outfit recs he gives mob
he tries to pick a fight with mob about his outfit when it looks horrendous (mob always wins)
babies ritsu a lot
follows tome to make sure she doesn’t get hurt and ends up enjoying traveling to weird places in search of spirits
tome kurata
never stops loving aliens
becomes interested in figuring out how espers work
hates momo /hj
runs a spirit blog + a cringe yt channel with dimple
calls dimple “dimps”
crashes at reigen’s place cause she can
she pretty much lives there so she’s technically wawa and taka’s kid
her grandparents raised her… her parents exist lol
her grandpa was a conspiracy theorist and that’s why she got into aliens idk
probably takes over s&s when she’s an adult (kicks reigen out)
momozou takenaka
he/him swag
says he's straight only cause it's funny 💀💀
he had a crush on tsubomi but now likes tome against his will,, he thinks her passion is admirable and she didn’t treat him differently because of his abilities so… crush?
good friends with tsubomi, they complain about life together
actually really likes tennis
expresses his affection through subtle ways and tries everything he can to divert attention from said affection
hates tome /j
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liarian · 6 months
Closing his eyes, Teru leaned back against the back of the chair and wiped the smirk off his face, letting the makeup artist get on with her work. It wasn't the first time he'd been called vain, but looks were important when you were a star. And it wasn't as if it could be considered vanity when there were few ESPers more powerful than him in the whole world.
But none of them had his charisma and sex appeal.
Maybe Shige could have overshadowed him if things had gone differently. It was hard to think that there was anyone more powerful than him. They would have been an unbeatable couple, Teru and Shigeo, with the world at their feet. Teru had tried in every way, but Shige's problems were too many and too big for anyone to really help him.
Teru knew this better than anyone.
For years, Teru had believed with almost religious fervor that they were in love. To see Shige succeed and prove to everyone who had ever treated him as a freak that he was better than all of them would have been Teru's greatest accomplishment. Maybe Teru was no saint, but no one was going to be able to throw it in his face that he hadn't tried.
"Hanazawa-san, I would need you to relax your face." The makeup artist's voice snapped him out of his reverie.
"Maki-san, always so attentive to detail." Teru opened one of his eyes and looked at the girl, shooting her his most charming smile before letting his mind go completely blank.
A shiver ran through Teru's body and ruffled the hair on the back of his neck. Teru sat up with a start. The smell of ozone tickled against his nose and a choking sensation seemed to be crushing his lungs.
His makeup artist stared at him, incomprehension etched on her face. In his haste, Teru tipped over some of the jars of creams and other concoctions onto the vanity. Even before he could think to keep them from falling to the floor, a faint golden aura enveloped them, returning them to their place, as if nothing had ever happened.
"Shige" Teru muttered.
It had been years since he had felt that ominous creepiness that heralded that something terrible was about to unfold. His mind kept going over and over what could have happened.
Shige seemed better the last time they had seen each other. Things were starting to go his way. And as much as Teru hated to admit it, that parasite that had taken up residence in Spirits and such seemed to be doing him more good than harm.
"I have to go." Teru didn't bother to explain further.
His footsteps began to rush until, before he knew it, he was running. The hallway seemed to stretch on forever, the walls closing in on him.
Where were the windows when someone needed them?
Not bothering to take the elevator, he kept running, down stairs and more stairs until he was out of the broadcast studios. Just a couple of hours ago, the late spring sun was shining brightly. In the pocket of his red sequined blazer, his cell phone began to buzz insistently. Teru looked up at the cloudy gray sky before pulling out his phone and answering it.
"Ritsu, you don't need to say anything" Teru didn't even bother to say hello, "you've felt it too, haven't you?"
"It's that thing." Ritsu's words seemed to ooze hatred. "If anything happens to my brother-"
"And what do you think you'll be able to do?" Teru gripped the phone so tightly he could barely feel his fingers.
"I don't know! But somebody's going to have to do something! We're not talking about just anybody! Nii-san isn't-"
Last time, Teru had been delusional enough to believe that thing was Shigeo. To believe that if he tried hard enough, its words would get through to him. Shige was not spiteful, nor someone who wanted to hurt anyone. All that anger and violence, it was impossible... That mistake had cost Ritsu months in the hospital.
Teru had believed that that moment was the most terrifying of his life, and the power that radiated from the scrawny body had nothing to do with what he was feeling at that very moment.
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athycore · 2 years
Mob psycho characters with a kuudere!Reader!
Shiego kageyama:
When he first meet you he didnt mind that you were quiet most of the time. In fact, he enjoyed it. He likes to stay in quiet comfortable places where he can speak his mind.
He feels like he can trust your aloof personality. He finds comfort in their personality. He swears its like a soft cloud that he can reach too and cry immediately.
Ritsu Kageyama:
He’s like shiego except he actively looks for your comfort. One where he isnt judged nor looked up upon, one where you see him as him, not some member of the student council. When he first meet you he just started middle school. you happen to be at the art room talking to the teacher about something of an assignment. He was simply walking by but noticed how your voice was soft. He made it his goal to try to talk to you more often.
He adores the fact you dont lie. He feels like he can open up to you and not be ashmed of it. Its a trustworthy feeling he gets whenever hes with you. He’s constantly asking for you with your friends and everything. He simply just cares for you.
Sho suzuki:
Star eyes. He needs someone with patience. He needs someone’s reassurance. He’s glad you dont hate him. He just wants a friend afterall. He met you during he was hanging out with ritsu. He somehow spot you in a crowd and he felt like he had to get to know you.
He always felt like you never get along. But thats because he starts and ends most if the conversations. Although you think otherwise, he still thinks its a whole enemies to friends type stuff. Dont worry, he is protective over you. Whenever you leave for a few days he makes sure you safe. From afar ofc.
Teruki Hanazawa:
Teruki relates…somewhat. He thinks its all a facade. Cause he was just like that too. He learns later on that you are simply just like that. Nothing changes ofc but he feels like hes gotten a little close to you now. He meet you when he was shopping. You caught his eye. He probably thought you were attractive ofc. So he went up to talk to you..turns out you both go to the same school.
He is like the sun to your moon. He lights up your eyes and it hurts. He knows when and when not to crack jokes. you are always to one to remind him to do his homework. He brings you along when hanging out with shigeo.
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goldenkamuyhunting · 9 months
It interesting to read your analysis or meta ( even though I read it 2 am while being stress ). I want to ask since I do remember you didnt really like how the story ended Ogata, so how do you think that it might be better ? The way it end he think that he always blessed feel weird for me but I do kinda like that what he do all those time it's just that he's thinking what broken person would do. Though this might contract about my first point about he always blessed, in the end what you become is always the choice is yours not always because the aspect from other people (I do found interesting fan comic what if Yuusaku and Ogata swap place). Sorry if it's going random or you actually the answer already in one of your post. Thank you once again 💖
Sorry for the late reply, I'm glad you enjoy my meta!
As usual WARNING as this is not a Noda praising fest.
Yes, I've ranted in the past about how I didn't like how Noda handled Ogata in his last 11 volumes but I don't mind repeating it.
The whole 'Ogata was ALWAYS blessed because maybe for a moment Hanazawa loved his mother' felt like very poorly constructed.
The ability to feel guilt isn't tied to your parents loving each other or not, but to plenty of other factors... and anyway it's pretty difficult to prove Hanazawa ever loved his mother and it wasn't just in Tome's head and he merely wanted her for sex.
We heard how Hanazawa spoke of her, without a shred of love.
I don't know if this is due to something in Japanese culture but to me, tying Ogata's ability to feel guilt to Hanazawa loving his mother feels like tying two completely unrelated things together, a leap in logic I can't follow.
I'm not sure how, at this point, the story could have handled Ogata. He was left useless for 10 volumes and then the last gave contraddicting info on his past and, basically, ends with a repeated the situation on Vol 19 only to have Ogata kill himself. At this point it was better to murder him on Vol 19 because... beyond the fact he was a popular character, the story had no need for him to survive (same as Vasily, really).
It's something I stated back then in Vol 19, I was interested in Ogata, I liked him as a character, because he was interesting. The moment Noda made him uninteresting because he gives 0 contribute in carrying on the plot, I see no point in having him in the story.
Not even his death affects the plot because in the end he murders himself on his own so the guilt for his death doesn't truly befall on Asirpa and whatever wound he gave to Sugimoto is of no consequence to the battle nor is his stalling them.
The most he did was to cause the drivers of the train to die (in the magazine version)/to escape (in the volume version).
Both moves feel stupid as he ends up on a train no one is driving when he could have just said he was one of Tsurumi's men and went aboard just the same (he's wearing an army uniform).
But Noda needed the drivers to get off so he used him to do so, though everything else would have been fine. They could have been distracted by the explosion and this would have allowed the bear to end up on the train and the bear could have caused them to escape.
It would have made more sense.
So my options to make the whole thing better are two: either write him off in Vol 19/20 or rewrite the last 11 volumes to give him a role in them. As the second option is way too complex and would end up creating a different GK I think the first one is the best one.
Let Ogata die in Vol 19/20, the story doesn't need him anymore and his faceoff with Asirpa back then had more impact than the last one.
His death could be used to push forward the discussion if it's all right to kill or not instead than... just happening.
And if Asirpa really need to show she's willing to kill someone to save Sugimoto she can shoot/try to shoot a arrow at Tsurumi instead than just aim at him and not shoot.
On a final note... GK wasn't a story about the importance of your choices but since this is still very discussed in the fandom, I want to toss in that the idea that we become what we chose is an over simplification.
What we become is the result of a combination of genetic, education, opportunities and personal choices.
We can make our choices solely among the opportunities we're offered, which might be plenty or just few or none at all, and we decide according to our physical/mental abilities and knowledge and understanding of the world.
Ogata had clearly a flawed understanding of the world due to the way he'd been raised, and a very limited number of choices due to his social and economical background.
His chances of becoming a second lieutenant like Yuusaku are so low they can as well not exist, his chances to get Hanazawa to love him are even less.
Ogata couldn't choose to become (someone like) Yuusaku, even if he wanted to. That choice was never on the table.
And, since his understanding of the world was flawed and he never managed to correct it, he took some objectively VERY BAD decisions to try to become someone he would never be allowed to become and, without even realizing, made his situation even worse instead than improving it.
GK though, wasn't the sort of story that was interested in this kind of aspect so, if you like stories that instead dig more into personal choices and their consequences, I recommend reading "Umineko no naku koro ni" (the manga as the anime is SO HORRIBLE they never finished it and the last chapter of the visual novel was poorly handled and Ryukishi basically rewrote it for the manga version).
Just keep in mind it's a mystery horror with some gruesome scenes... though since there are gruesome scenes in GK too, those might be not a problem.
Thank you for your ask and sorry again for the late reply!
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animebw · 9 months
Short Reflection: Princess Jellyfish
Let's be honest: we're all a little weird. Nobody fits perfectly into the role society expects from them, and pursuing that ideal is often a losing game for a booby prize. As a certified genderfluid Aspergers' gremlin, I've been painfully aware all my life of how impossible "fitting in" can be when society's view of normal is far out of reach. But I've also been aware of how rewarding it can be to find your own version of normal out on the margins, finding a happiness all your own that doesn't need anyone else's approval to be real. And above all else, Princess Jellyfish is a celebration of exactly that kind of next-to-normalcy. It's a love letter to all of us who fell short of the scripts we were given but found something far more worthwhile along the way, all the freaks and weirdos and washouts who came into our own by leaven the beaten trail behind and charting our own quirky course through this wonderfully strange world we call home.
Our setting is Amamizuku, a boarding house for women who've slipped through the cracks of society. Chinese history nuts, train otaku, doll obsessives, women who've "failed" to live up to their expected role of finding a husband and becoming a doting wife. But that suits them all just fine: they've found their own kind of family among each other. A bizarre, constantly broke family prone to fits of geeky infodumping about their preferred hyperfixations, but a family nonetheless. All except for the youngest among them: Tsukimi, a girl still coping with the death of her mother and struggling with crippling self-doubt. Her mother always told her that all girls grow up to be princesses, but every time she sees her geeky, chubby, socially awkward uberdork self in the mirror, she sees the furthest thing from a princess she can imagine. And as happy as she is among her new friends, part of her still feels inadequate for not living up to the ideal of femininity she thinks she's supposed to fulfill.
That all changes when someone who does embody that ideal of femininity waltzes into her life. The only catch? It's actually a guy! Kuranosuke is a politician's son who's taken to cross-dressing as a way of distancing himself from his stifling family and social role, staking his own identity as a glorious drag queen in defiance of what someone like him is expected to be. And when he puts on the makeup and dresses and boob pads, he's a more womanly woman than most actual women around him. A chance encounter brings his life and Tsukimi's crashing together, and when it becomes clear that Amamizuku may be in jeapordy due to an urban development project his father is invested in, he decides to partner with her and all the boarding house girls to find some way to save it, preserving the community they've carved out for themselves in defiance of a world that wants to drag them back into "normal" society. Provided his little secret doesn't get out, of course.
It's a wonderfully quirky little show, bursting with the kind of lived-in detail that shoujo anime so often excel at. Amamizuku is a wonderfully realized community of oddball losers, and while some of the characters walk the line between amusing and annoying at times, you really come to adore all of them for their eccentricities. Tsukimi in particular is absolutely adorable, a perfect bundle of nerves and anxiety brought to life by Kana Hanazawa's stammering brilliance. She takes you through the whole gamut of emotions from quiet sadness to freaking out to hyperfixated intensity without ever missing a beat. And seeing her play off Kuranosuke as they help each other understand their own hang-ups a little better really put a smile on my face. Neither of them fit the image of what a man and woman are supposed to be, and in that mutual defiance (albeit far more purposeful on Kuranosuke's part), they're able to see the best in each other that they're not always able to see themselves.
But its in the moments where the woman of Amamizuku crash up against "normal" society that Princess Jellyfish really shines. This show is deeply interested in the connections between the marginal and the mainstream, what it means to be "normal" and what so-called normalcy takes for granted in trying to impose a universal standard. There's a great moment where Kuranosuke's giving the women glow-ups so they look trendy and fashionable in order to infiltrate a board meeting about the redevelopment, and she says, "I won't tell you to change your personal style or fit yourself into their boxes. But if you want to take on this shallow world, you have to fight on terms that shallow people understand." It's such a great summation of the pointlessness of our image-focused culture, how a little lip gloss and Coco Chanel can transform someone's perception from a layabout spinster to a glamorous socialite without changing the person at their core. And in playing with those expectations, Princess Jellyfish is able to draw out a much deeper, more honest beauty from its characters, a beauty that shines just as brightly in a pearl necklace or ratty tracksuit.
The one sour note throughout the show is a subplot involving Kuranosuke's older brother Shuu, a much more politically-minded and traditionally masculine man who gets involved with the woman in charge of pushing the landscape development. She drugs Shuu and takes pictures to make it look like they had sex when he was drunk, blackmailing him in order to get closer to his father and influence his support of her project. It's a deeply disturbing event, and it's really unclear whether or not Princess Jellyfish realizes how messed up it is. Like, this woman essentially makes Shuu think she assaulted him when he was blackout drunk, and it's clear he walks away from the encounter feeling violated (He even says out loud that he was taken advantage of!). But the show pretty much puts all that messiness aside for the sake of fast-tracking a romantic subplot between them that, I'm sorry, is just the most forced thing in the world even without the not-actually-rape hanging in the background. It feels grossly nonchalant about such a serious subject, and while it far from ruins the show, it makes every scene involving them a chore to sit through.
Perhaps that all comes to a much more satisfying conclusion later in the manga. Sadly, this eleven-episode adaptation comes nowhere near close to an ending for any of the threads it sets up, leaving a distinct sense of anticlimax when all is said and done. But hey, if Kimi ni Todoke can somehow wrangle a sequel over a decade later, perhaps there's still hope for a second season of Princess Jellyfish yet. Until then, though, we'll have to remain content with this unfinished but still incredibly enjoyable taste of life on the wrong (but actually right) side of the tracks. And I give it a score of:
And now to re-watch Kimi ni Todoke and continue reveling in the joys of 2010-era shoujo anime. See you next time!
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