#hahaha I'm a clown :))))
bucci-bombon · 6 months
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"wanna see what else i can do"
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cephalog0d · 7 months
Batfic - "Relation"
Category: Gen Rating: General Audiences Characters/Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd Additional Tags: Humor, Banter, Secret Identity Shenanigans, Batkids using humor to deflect from serious situations, Jason Todd is a Troll, Dick Grayson Loves His Family, But also wants to smother them with a pillow sometimes
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jason said in a voice that clearly said “no he wasn’t”, flashing the reporter his best charming-the-civilians smile. Dick was pretty sure she was less “charmed” and more “about to start asking invasive questions”. “And you are…?” she prompted, and Dick, in a split second of premonition, saw exactly how this went off the rails.
Only a lifetime of training as a performer kept Dick’s press-ready smile on his face when he heard Jason, of all people, call his name.
Jason who was definitely not supposed to be here, and probably wouldn’t be if something catastrophic wasn’t happening, which meant Dick was immediately on edge for whatever that was going to be. Jason slipped neatly through the crowd to join Dick, making apparently very little effort to moderate his expression into something other than an intense scowl. He was, at least, in fairly nondescript non-vigilante clothing, albeit wildly underdressed for the event, and Dick could feel the curiosity of the reporter he had been talking to, but he was a little distracted by wondering what disaster he was about to have to deal with.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Jason said in a voice that clearly said “no he wasn’t”, flashing the reporter his best charming-the-civilians smile. Dick was pretty sure she was less “charmed” and more “about to start asking invasive questions”.
“And you are…?” she prompted, and Dick, in a split second of premonition, saw exactly how this went off the rails between her bright, curious eyes and the way Jason’s smile had shifted just slightly into a smirk. Jason’s idea of “expeditiously leaving a conversation” was going to be throwing a verbal grenade (angry boyfriend? Loan shark after repayment? Dick was probably safe from a fake pregnancy scare, considering, but “jilted ex-lover” was absolutely not off the table depending on how obnoxious Jason was feeling and exactly how much melodramatic 19th century literature he had been reading lately) and letting in blow up in Dick’s (and only Dick’s) face.
(Cont. on AO3)
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overnightheartbeats · 1 month
And in a blink of a crinklin' eye I'm sinkin', our fingers entwined Cheeks pink in the twinklin' lights Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me I'll drink what you think and I'm high From smokin' your jokes all damn night The brink of a wrinkle in time Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
I'm watchin' American Pie with you on a Saturday night Your friends are around, so be quiet I'm tryin' to stifle my sighs 'Cause I feel so high school every time I look at you But look at you
Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me? It's just a game, but really I'm bettin' on all three for us two Get my car door, isn't that sweet? Then pull me to thе backseat No onе's ever had me, not like you
Truth, dare, spin bottles You know how to ball, I know Aristotle Brand-new, full throttle Touch me while your bros play Grand Theft Auto It's true, swear, scout's honor You knew what you wanted and, boy, you got her Brand-new, full throttle You already know, babe
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cursivebloodlines · 4 months
☕️  - for dougie :)
🍎 。:*• ─ IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME !     ›    ( a symbol meme for muses who want to do something special and fun together this christmas / holiday season.) | @overnightheartbeats
send a symbol for our muses to: ☕️   ─  drink something warm and/or festive ( either at home, at a coffeeshop, christmas market, etc… )
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Christmas had been Dougie’s favourite time of the year ever since he was a little boy. He loved it all: the bustling markets packed with treats and trinkets, sampling the drinks and delicacies said markets had to offer, watching the glimmering Christmas lights as they brighten the neighbourhoods, wrapping up warm in cosy jumpers, watching Christmas movies, the music (yes, he was one of those people who would declare it being Christmas as soon as Halloween finishes and immediately blast Christmas songs - he was like this from childhood, before it became The Thing), buying gifts for the people he loved and just the atmosphere. How magical it all felt, even when life itself could feel like a downer or a drag. It never failed to lift his spirits up especially when he needed it most. To quote that one famous song: he wished it could be Christmas everyday.
So naturally, it was his idea to suggest venturing to one of the many Christmas markets and explore what they had to offer this year. Perhaps going out and doing festive activities with his ex-girlfriend wasn’t the brightest of ideas but he didn’t care - there was nobody else he would rather do these things with. Besides, how else were they going to try and navigate this tricky part of their relationship, being friends and starting over, if they didn’t actively hang out and do things together? His feelings for her were all over the place but the more he thought about it, the more he realised he would rather have her in his life than not at all. Dougie already lost her once; he didn’t want to lose her again. There’s a part of him unsure whether he could survive losing her all over again. Despite this, trust was a vital necessity needed to rebuilt for them to have any kind of relationship. Romantic or platonic, and honestly…the line between the two could be a struggle at times.  But there was a time and place where he could dwell on them. And being here, spending time with Laurel was no place he would rather be. 
They idly chit-chatted as the meandered throughout the hustle and bustle, buying random little trinkets from the stalls, or taking photos of each other or selfies together whenever an opportunity presented itself, taking it all in as the sight of something caught Dougie’s attention: a couple walking past, hot chocolate filled to the brim of their cups, topped with plenty of whipped cream and sprinkles. His eyes lit up like a little kid, and he turned to face Laurel, a twinkle in his eye that made it very clear on their next plans. Before she had the chance to potentially object, he took her hand in his and followed the pair with the lovely drink in each of their hands. “Hi, excuse me? Excuse me please - er, sorry… Sorry…hi,” Doug uttered sheepishly as he raced to stand in front of them before they could walk off. The cold could be to blame, but his cheeks burned red, like it was embarrassing to randomly approach a couple of strangers all just to discover where they could get their hands on the mouthwatering delight in front of them. “So sorry to bother you,” he once again couldn’t help but apologise (some things never change), fingertips unintentionally squeezing Laurel’s hand gently. The action feeling like the most natural thing ever, just like old times. When he looked at her, amusement twinkled in her eyes, probably at the way he was starting to babble word vomit. Despite this, the smile she was trying to hide, he didn’t feel like quite the idiot he must’ve looked at. In fact, for some reason or another, he felt more assured. Like it sent a flicker of encouragement, like her mere presence offered him comfort in a time where he’d be feeling really silly or probably wouldn’t have even approached these random people to ask about their hot chocolate in the first place. Maybe she was just rubbing off on him, he liked the thought of that, it brought a smile upon his own lips. Momentarily getting distracted by being too busy admiring his ex-girlfriend, he cleared his throat to break his own thoughts as he glanced to the people in front of him, a timid, awkward smile gracing his lips. “I’m sorry to bother you but those hot choccies just looked too tempting and I had to ask - would you mind telling me… us um,” Doug paused to clear his throat before trying to finish his question. “Could you tell us or point us in the right direction so we can get one of our own? Please?” Was it possible to get redder and redder as his rambling continued? He could blame the cold but all of them probably knew otherwise. Getting flustered was his biggest talent. However, the people were lovely and helpful, advising where to go. With this newfound knowledge in tow, he thanked them profusely, wished them a very Merry Christmas and continued their quest to find the hot chocolate stand!
A few minutes later, lo and behold, they finally reached it. If it hadn’t been for Laurel pointing it out to him, he probably would have walked straight past it. Approaching the stand, he bought them both a hot chocolate each, customised to their contentment. Dougie, being Dougie, when posed with the difficult choice of deciding, he was stumped. Looking blankly from all the choices and endless combinations…To save time, he opted for everything. Which didn’t save time at all, considering that it took time for them to add all the toppings. They even asked him if he was sure which made him a tad uncertain, but with a bashful smile and an affirmed nod of his head, they obliged. His hot chocolate looked like a colourful, eclectic bundle of chaos. So much whipped cream, sauces of different flavours, ones he had no idea of what they were, topped with marshmallows and sprinkles and who knows what else. What can he say? He always had a sweet tooth. Besides, it was Christmas - there were no limitations at the most wonderful time of the year! There was probably more ‘everything else’ and probably less hot chocolate. To put it simply, his definitely looked more appealing in his head than in reality, and if he put a side by side view of expectations versus reality there probably would’ve been a biiiiiit of a difference, maybe he went a bit too far with everything else but he didn’t mind. Lesson learned, and he was going to drink his bloody hot chocolate! Paying for the drinks and offering a polite thanks, Dougie passed Laurel her hot chocolate with gleaming eyes and a bright smile and they found the perfect spot to sit and enjoy their drinks. Away from the hustle and bustle of it all but still in the vicinity, beautifully decorated with pretty lights and a massive, decorated outdoor Christmas tree in the centre of it all. A perfect view for them to sip away at. “Thanks for coming here with me, doing all… well, uh, this. It’s been great. Really lovely, and I’m hoping you had fun too,” he said, his eyes unable to contain the amount of love he still had for her. Lifting his cup up slightly, he added, “Cheers,” with a warm, lighthearted laugh, before clinking his cup against hers. Like the Cheshire cat, he could not wipe the smile off of his face if he tried. In an imperfect world and situation, this moment felt like the most perfect thing he’d experienced in years. He raised the cup to his lips, briefly blowing on it to cool it down - albeit what good would that do since the drink itself was covered by the various toppings - as he took a sip of his drink. A thoughtful hum left his lips.
“Huh. Better than I thought actually, bit sweet but not overly sweet, considering…” he mused before offering the drink to her whilst Laurel was in the middle of drinking hers. “Do you want to try? Go onnnnn, you know you wanna,” he persuaded, wiggling the cup in front of her face as if it would tempt her some more. Doug’s grin widened as she passed her cup to hold in the mean time, and he swapped it for his for her to try. He was transfixed on her, his eyes full of love and adoration. It was the happiest he’d been in a long time, and it felt relief knowing how they could simply…be. How despite their situation, this was the most normal he’d felt in a long while. Normal, but also not normal. It was too odd to explain, but either way. Here? Now? This moment? This moment was everything. “How was it? That taste alright?” Dougie laughed as Laurel returned his drink to him, handing over her drink back. She was just perfect. The smile she gave him, the sound of her laugh. She was truly mesmerising, he’d never been so in love. His gaze travelled down to her lips as he realised some of the cream had stuck to her. Chuckling softly, he gestured to his own face as an indicator. “You’ve got um,” he said, the doting smile etched across his face growing wider as she seemed to miss the spot every time. “It’s okay. Here, um, let me,” his voice was soft, gentle. Like part of him was unsure but he went anyway, leaning in a little closer to make sure he got it. His thumb gently swiping against her lips, his tongue darting out to wet his own lips as he resisted the temptation to replace his thumb with his mouth. Swallowing thickly, as if that would eliminate all thoughts he had, it only made the urge stronger. Dougie considered it as he retracted his thumb, his eyes meeting her then glancing down once again. If only, if only. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t kissed her before. But this was different, they were different. And they were doing good. This was going well. He was too much of a coward, but it was hard to think straight when his heart was pounding in his chest, his stomach filled with the flapping wings of butterflies driving him crazy. How was he able to focus on anything when she was so close to him? When his thoughts were suddenly swimming and his stomach doing flips? Why did it feel like falling in love with Laurel for the first time all over again? 
“Got it,” he simply said, trying to steady his breathing pattern, trying to conceal the fact that every thought swirling around in his mind was just about her. Only her. “All better.”
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deanwwinchester · 1 year
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Get you a girl that can do both!
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astroboots · 10 months
hiiii I was wondering if you knew how TWP is doing on her hiatus? I remember seeing the announcement last month and hope she's well 💕
(also hoping you're well too, you're such a joy)
Hello lovely nonny! thank you so much for checking in on my bestie @thirstworldproblemss.
She's doing well! Summer season is a very busy time for her with school holidays and a bunch of festive activities going on, so her short hiatus had to get a bit extended to a longer one!
But rest assured like Arnold in Terminator, SHE WILL BE BACK!
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
look what I found at a local thrift store yesterday!!
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Little guy!!!
He oughtta be more careful with that hammer :( <3 good thing he had a band-aid!!
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rascheln · 2 years
sdfgh i shouldn’t have read old blog posts from like 2018, but to this day it feels like a massive reach to extrapolate from one very bad fight and one offhand comment that kent must have been abusing jack the entire time they were friends. it just feels like such a bad faith read of their relationship, like surely there can’t have been anything positive between them, surely kent was the abuser and jack was the victim, regardless of what a massive asshole jack himself was at the beginning of the comic. 
if nothing else, kent’s attitude can be read just as much as a reflection of how jack used to treat him and how their dynamic has shifted so much precisely because jack isn’t such an asshole anymore. 
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haaland ‘nepo baby’ discourse is so incredibly foolish i’m about to start sending C&D letters
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
I check the word count and then I
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dreams-void · 1 year
The plan was to save for grass TIDDIES man since 3.1 and only for him.
I am delighted to say that the plan has failed miserably so far as I went balls deep into trying to get cyno and got shit and then pulled for radish and got radish.
Then I decided that that was it and MOOCHIE would be an easy skip. And then I did the quest.
So, so far,
All according to keikaku.
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i-left-my-room-tidy · 2 years
Not related to shifting but:
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wait . 'thinking i was someone else' ??? HELP 😭😭😭
this is slightly one of the randomest things I've ever received in my inbox and I'm sorry i giggled a bit-
lmao if i was told my meeting with someone was fate, i would laugh. maybe it's cruel, but I'm honestly cynical about it.
one reason for that being the question of, what're the chances of fate actually being applied to the situation?
and the other reason being the thought of, i can shift realities just to reverse that fate if i wanted— [lmao and that, in itself, fills me with indignation on your behalf]
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xarva · 2 years
Ich finde es vernünftig , dass vor die alten TKKG Folgen jetzt ein Disclaimer gepackt wird, aber es ist irgendwie unintentionally lustig, wie der Disclaimer in relativ normaler Lautstärke ernst vorgetragen wird und danach unnormal laut das Intro losscheppert haha
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overnightheartbeats · 4 months
♡ - Aaron :))
send me a ♡ for my muse asking yours to be their valentine // @cursivebloodlines
His plans for Valentine's Day were quickly being met with his own doubts. It seemed Aaron had seen it all - grand gestures filled the filming set all day. He watched as couriers filed in to drop off extravagant bouquets, stuffed animals, and the occasional jewelry box. Suddenly, the dozen roses and box of chocolates he ordered didn't seem like enough for her. Now, they both knew that he was rusty at this. When he was ordering, the gift made sense. It wasn't the only thing he had planned for the day. He had already made dinner plans for them and had been looking forward to it for weeks. The mid-day gift was a reminder, a 'be my valentine? Can't wait to see you later' Aaron was just less sure of the delivery portion, he hoped she didn't feel embarrassed by the gesture.
He received confirmation it was delivered, and he wanted to call, but the day just got away from him. The day was too quiet, and by the time he was rehearsing the last scene, he began wondering if he didn't hear from her because the gift just...sucked. It'd be a fair response. Aaron practically sped off the lot the moment he was cleared to leave. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but he needed to know. What did she think? Loved it? Hated it? He'll take any response over radio silence. Aaron went through the routine of greeting everyone at the front before speed walking past them to Lydia's office, of course no one was surprised he was here. He practically burst through the door, "so?!" the breathy word left his lips. "Okay, lay...it on me...just tell me what you thought, I can't take the silence anymore. Was that the wrong way to ask you to be my valentine? I just...I thought that I'd send a reminder that I miss you, and I'm thinking of you...but I get it. Chocolates and flowers are kind of a cliché." Catching his breath was a bit of a mission, but once he had it. He could only follow up with a question. "We're still on for dinner though, right?"
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animalcuckllective · 8 months
Sometimes I wonder which country I should move to if I could afford it. I don't like America lol
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heartfullofleeches · 7 months
Creep Yan: My parents say they love me, but I see the relief on their face everytime I walk out the door. I've tried so hard to fit in with society, but the second I mention my personal interests and likes everyone says I'm the freak. So what if i like collecting animal bones - its a common hobby. I'm more normal than any of you bastards because I'm real to myself! Ha...hahaha! Maybe I should just kill everyone like they always said I would- I'd like to see you all laugh as you fucking rot
Clown Reader, kissing their forehead and fixing the blanket draped over their shoulders: You're not moving from this spot until you finish your milk, Silly. You want another PB&J?
Creep Yan: .... will you still use the heart cookie cutter this time?
Clown Reader: For you - always :)
Creep Yan, tears pouring out of their eyes: I have never known real love until I met you. My entire family could be trapped in a burning building and I'd leave them all to roast as tribute to you...
Clown Reader: How about we don't think thoughts like that and you show me some of the bones from your collection after you finish
Creep Yan: marry me....
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