#h3apy angst πŸ˜©πŸ˜”
h3apm3ch4n151m Β· 1 year
Meeting their child in the future except you're afraid/hateful of children Or you don't wanna have children in general lmao
I just had this idea bc I've read those "When twst boys meet their children from the future" except I'm trying to insert myself but I'm the kind of person who would not like to puke children, I'd be shocked as hell when I meet my future children knowing damn well I hate them. Basically, me inserting how I'd react in a way that it's so angsty LMAOOO
Dorm: Octavinelle Character: Floyd This is might be part 1, just ask if ya'll want a 2nd and 3rd part for Azul or Jade lol
Fluff with angst, with a side of crackfic MY FIRST EVER ANGST YAY Warnings: If you feel sensitive about topics of family/abuse and stuff, pls read with caution. Also children menaces. "------" Means can be either mama or papa lmao
Shoes quietly walk towards the door of the VIP room in Mostro Lounge. That was where you'd usually meet them. A surprise was what you were about to give them, however, a surprise is also awaiting you.
Floyd's route
Once you enter the room, you were met with an Azul who is slowly going insane, a smiling Jade by his side, and two people running around, more like Floyd and a kid.
"Oh, they're here." Azul slams his head on the table, great. Jade just calmly smiles at you, waiting for things to unfold. The two stop running and look at you with a huge grin.
"AAAHHH!!!" The child lounges at you with a big smile that you think it will rip apart his face. It was about to hug you, but you quickly avoided it. However, the kid was persistent and kept chasing you to hug you. "----- Are we playing tag?" The kid giggles, as well as Floyd who is watching the both of you.
Your face was scrunched up into... disgust? Like you were seeing someone being murdered in front of you.
"Who is this kid? Why is he calling me like that?" You turn to Floyd first, then the two who are watching. You were jolted backward when something latched onto you. "I caught you ----!" The kid was playful.
"What the hell kid, get off me." You state coldly as you pushed the kid off of you without a second thought. The kid moves back, completely off guard by what you've done. The kid was quite shaken, moving back with his hands to his chest while he looks at you with teary eyes and trembling lips.
"Shrimpy, that's not nice!" You look at Floyd who was approaching you and the kid. "Why? Is that your cousin?" You look back at notice the boy's features. He had Floyd's hair color though something else doesn't add up... You squint your eyes, but nothing clicks.
Just what is the meaning of this? Floyd picks up the kid and walks to you. "This is Alex!" "Oh, ok- "Our child"
wgat Floyb what do you mena chilf
nithign seemed righr, everything wa wrong.
"What, Floyd, have you gone insane?" You laugh. It started as a normal laugh until it died down into a concerned one. "What do you mean..." You narrow your eyes at him and the kid.
"Well, this happened at Alchemy class, we made a portal, then this dude came out of it. Prof said he'll be gone naturally, cuz he doesn't exist in this timeline."
"So he's from the future..."
"Okay, as long as that kid stays away from me, I'm fine with it." "But you're the other parent!" "Then I don't wanna take responsibility for it." You cross your arms.
Floyd stares at you, then looks at Alex, who he's carrying.
"Do you wanna go to -----?" He smiles. "Yes please, papa!" The two looks at you with a smile. Except Floyd has ill intent and the kid is pure joy.
"Oh no. Oh NO, YOU DON'T." You quickly move back, to behind one of the couches. You hold the armrest of the sofa. Floyd and the kid are on the opposite side.
Azul and Jade look at you with interest. "Oh? What is this, not willing to hold your child?" Azul asks with a smirk. "AZUL SHUT UP RIGHT NOW." You stare at the kid, concentrating on getting out of here without the kid.
"Shrimpy, this could be much easier if you take Alex." "HEEL NAH." Without warning, Floyd lounges to chase you, but your senses warned you of impending danger, so you move away to the other side of the sofa, but Floyd quickly changed directions. Now he was gaining on you.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" "NOT UNTIL YOU TAKE ALEX, SHRIMPY." "AAAAAAAAHHH" You didn't know what was scarier, Floyd chasing you or a child about to hog all your time.
"BANANA 😭😭😭😭" Out of desperation you just said some random words.
It was until you tripped, that both of them stopped running. "Hehehe" Floyd places Alex on top of you.
Everybody seemed to stare at you with weirded-out faces, no, not because of the child you're holding and an eel following you. It was because of the unusual scowl on your face that you rarely had. Ace and Deuce who went passed you didn't even say anything. Not Ace who usually would say something teasing about this exact scenario. But nothing. Nobody would really save you now, huh.
It was lucky how it was free time. So you went outside to get some fresh air. You sit down on a bench, ignoring the two.
"-----, I want a hug!" The kid opened his arms towards you and leaned in closer.
"No." As the kid leans in, you move away. But the kid doesn't seem to listen to you and hugs you by your shoulder.
"I SAID NO!" You harshly push him to Floyd who was sitting next to the kid. The kid tumbles back to Floyd, who grabbed him just in time.
You were clearly annoyed at this bratty child. While the child was clearly hurt, seeing how he wanted a hug from his parent.
"Oh, stop whining! I never asked for hugs when I was a child!" That was it. That's how Floyd knew. That was why you hated children in the first place. It was because you were never a child in the first place.
The kid started sniffling and covers his face. Floyd picked up the kid and shushed him, it was a... rare sight to see this.
Until the kid wandered off somewhere, running away.
"He'll be fine," Floyd said and looks at you. But you only rolled your eyes. "So, care to explain what ya did?"
"C'mon Shrimpy, is that why you never liked it when I hug you?" He teasingly smiled at you.
"Well, I dunno what happened to ya, but even I wouldn't do that" He laughs, leaning on the bench.
"Well, the kid was being noisy, I don't like it." You lean on the bench too.
"Were you close with your parents, shrimpy?" He suddenly asks.
"Well, no- but-"
"Oh, so that's why."
"The kid, ya threw him when he was asking for a hug." He looks at you, side-eyed.
"..." You couldn't say anything. You just realized that. All of the things that you did, were a reflection of how your parents treated you.
You put your knees near your chest and cover your face, muffling your voice. "What have I done."
You've been such a jerk to a kid who wanted affection from their parent. Then you remember why you didn't want kids. It was because you thought; that you might pass down the lack of love and affection.
"I've been a jerk."
"Yah, you kinda did."
"Well thanks anyways."
"What happened between you and ya parents anyways?"
"Well... Whenever I wanted affection from my parents, they'd always push me aside, if I wanted a hug, they'd tell me it was too hot. If I kept doing it again and again, they'd say that I was too old for hugs." You've realized how much you lacked it. A family's affection.
"This wasn-" Floyd hugs you from the side, but you didn't hear him move towards you. "This is what you needed the most."
Floyd's hugs were usually tight, but this one... this one was comfort. The comfort you needed as a child. Reassurance.
Floyd heard soft sniffles from you, but nevertheless, he never stopped.
"Let's go... find that kid." You perk up and gave him a closed-eyed smile, with tears on the side of your face.
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h3apm3ch4n151m Β· 1 year
I have this hc thing idk
Once you get home, suddenly you wonder, what were you doing again?
You were just standing there, a mirror behind you.
You were so confused. Well, if you can't remember, then it's nothing?
Everyone in NRC was questioning everything. What were they doing here?
Well, It's probably nothing.
When you get home, you forget your memories in NRC, it's because you never existed in that world in the first place. So the moment you step out, your existence gets erased.
Same as the people from NRC. Oh, the prefect from Ramshackle? Yeah, that cat that likes to cause chaos.
The three of them like to cause chaos, but three of them managed to defeat overblot attacks.
Who? Why, Ace, Deuce, and Grim! Nobody else, right?
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