☆ my 2023 vision board ☆
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marlonbr02 · 8 days
No dejes para mañana el viaje que puede hacer hoy.
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elliotdoi · 2 months
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La duda mata más sueños que el...
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always-invisible · 4 months
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Sólo necesito un gymbro/gymsis!
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mias-butterfly · 6 months
♡ - sobre mim:
- podem me chamar de mikha
- ela/dela
- 1,62 de altura
- gymsis / 16,1% de BF
- pi: 77 / pa: 69 / mf: até eu me sentir bem cmg msm
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prettydirtygameboy · 1 year
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need a fat ass gymsis/bro 😵‍💫
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Opinions on Exulansic?
TLDR: Terf Tucker Carlson who's only talent and income is cyberharrasing and cyberstalking trans people, misgendering them, calling their bodies mutilated, nitpicking and weaponizing the downsides of trans medicine, and all of this in the most boring and falsely empathetic evangelicalist saviour way. Her most famous target and who has gave her a fanbase in GC/Alt-rigth circles is "criticizing" Jazz Jennings
She's also a KJK supporter, pretends to be of ethnic groups she can colonize and Larp™ as (e.i. Indigenous, jewish) when convenient, she has proposend as the true or better solution for "transgenderism" literal convertion therapy through untested medicine, she's a lokey fatphobe/"gymsis" and she has also "justified"/whitexplained that there's no reason or sense for cops to be killing that much black people because "they better off keeping them alive since black people offer a cheaper workhand for the state" 💀
I was not aware of her but everything you’ve said about her? Seems pretty legit for a terf tbqh 💀 they’re disgusting.
(Just to clarify: I don’t think the person this anon is talking about is on tumblr. I could only find a transphobe under that name on Twitter. I don’t know if the blog exulansic on here has any connection to her.)
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memnochfer · 20 days
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Cosas por las que mi gymsis es la mejor ❤️ Siempre me avisa de mi crush🤭
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trandnews · 5 months
BMW of North America, LLC 300 Chestnut Ridge Road. Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677-7731 United States of America Dear Winner, This is to inform you that you have been selected for a prize of a brand new Model BMW X7 Series Car and a Check of $1,500,000.00 USD from the international balloting programs held on the 2nd section in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Description of prize vehicle; Model: 750li Color (exterior): Metallic Silver Mileage: 5 Transmission: Automatic 6 Speed more check and get up : https://tinyurl.com/Gymsi
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vagallume · 10 months
Today i might make a gymsis
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elliotdoi · 2 months
💼 El Remedio Contra el Trasero Plano
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aimeeiscrying · 2 years
Okay, tudo que me aconteceu desde que eu perdi minha conta em março.
Cheguei aos 54, batendo meu recorde de perder 3kg em uma semana;
Fui diagnosticada com depressão severa, transtorno alimentar e anemia (ora ora);
Tive uma crise enorme que me fez querer tentar recovery... não durou 5 dias pq meu peso subiu um pouco, mesmo sendo inchaço eu surtei;
Fui parar no hospital após tentar a dieta da pena;
Estou tendo acompanhamento de nutricionista mas não sigo nem metade, apenas não quero minha família no meu pé;
Resolvi que quero chegar na mf de 49kg e depois ganhar 4kg de músculos pq quero ser gymsis agora hehe
É isso, ando bem perdida e preciso colocar minha cabeça em ordem pra ter ânimo de levantar da cama.
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sorrowfulghosty · 2 years
fuck everything, im gonna be gymsis
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viejospellejos · 3 years
Típico del gym
Si él puede yo más
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redux-pain · 5 years
ITEM collection
[note: as with the character names in the profiles, I haven’t been able to find where the item names are located in the script files. Since I’m in the end game and only have a few items left in the inventory, I’ll just be giving them my own labels in {brackets} for now; labels in those may not reflect the original Japanese text. And I don’t know if it’s mentioned in-game, but the voice on these indicates that Nola is the one cataloging them.
EDIT: located the item names in the bindt/gymsys file!]
Takuya’s Notebook
A notebook full of bad things about students. It’s Takuya’s Shinen. He’s creepy.
A notebook found in the courtyard. Seemingly an ordinary notebook, but scrawled inside is a terrifying amount of insults about people around the school. Judging from the Thoughts clinging to it, it must be Inoue Takuya’s. He’s a seriously gloomy guy...
Kongou Ao-Oni Water
Yuzi’s holy water. Strange, sticky and very blue. Who dares to drink this?
A bottle from Ookura Yuuji, full of Kongou Ao-oni water. Looks pretty dodgy. Within a truly suspicious bottle, a risky proposition no matter how you look at it, is a gooey, deep blue liquid waiting for its next challenger (read: victim)...
[note: I started this playthrough some years ago, so it’s been *quite* a while since I played the scene where he gives you this. I can tell they changed a fair amount in the localization, so this is a translation lacking some important context.
Kongou: refers to a vajra or other indestructible substance
Ao oni: the blue type of traditional Japanese ogres. Think the guys who Goku meets in ‘HFIL’.
I can’t tell without seeing the scene whether these need to be translated, or whether it’s a brand name or something. ...And, to top all that off, the clauses in that second sentence are *really* something, so I tried to separate them out as accurately as possible.
Note from the future: “Vajra-Wielding Blue Ogre Water” is just fine as a translation.]
アーサーのナイフ Arthur’s Knife
Arthur Mays’ bloody knife & death Shinen Liu Yee stopped him but he cut himself. He shouldn’t have...
A knife stained with Arthur Mays’ blood and Thoughts, vividly reminiscent of death. Apparently this is what he was using to wound his own body when Liu Yee stopped him. What a shame to [cut/scar] that beautiful skin...
殺人犯のナイフ Murderer’s Knife
Soejima’s knife. The Shinen shows it was used to kill. The blade is clean but slightly rusted.
A murderer’s knife, hidden in the grass in front of Soejima Mansion. The Thoughts clinging to it reveal that it was used for a killer’s crime. The blood has been wiped clean with something, but a slightly unpleasant coating of rust remains.
銀行強盗の銃 Bank Robber’s Gun
AMS銀行で起こった銀行強盗に使用された銃。犯人である警官のまがまがしい思念が付着している。犯人が逃走する際に投げ捨てたと思われる。手入れが行き届いてたのだろうか? 汚れもなく、黒く輝いている。
AMS bank robber’s  gun. He was a cop. He dumped the gun and ran. He cleaned it very well. It is black and shiny.
A gun used in a bank robbery at AMS Bank. Clinging to it are the ominous Thoughts of the police officer who was the culprit. It seems the culprit threw it away while he was escaping. I wonder if it was well-looked after? It shines black, with not a speck of dirt in sight.
[note: This is lost a little in translation, but to a Japanese audience, the mere fact that the culprit had a gun is a strong indicator that he was a cop using the weapon he was issued for his work. In America you might acquire a second gun to avoid suspicion when it goes missing at work, but Japanese gun laws would make that more trouble than it’s worth.]
スポーツドリンク Sports Drink
Akira gave Atsuki his sports drink already opened, but that’s ok. He was late. Akira loves sports so it’s a good drink for him.
A sports drink that Midou Akira gave to Atsuki. He started drinking it, but must have handed it over out of concern for Atsuki, who was late. Although he did drink part of it... They’re both men, so I guess it’s okay. This is just the right beverage for the sports-loving Akira.
[note: Nola seems to be concerned about indirect kisses here.]
ルイのストラップ Rui’s phone strap
ルイの退院祝いにプレゼントしたストラップ ミカがアツキから渡すようにと、事前に用意してくれていた。もの凄くセンスを疑いたくなる代物。他にもピンク色の物もあるとか。一部の女性に高い人気を得ている謎のお守り
Rui’s cell phone  strap Mika bought for  Atsuki to give her after she was in the hospital. Strange design but a lucky charm for girls.
A phone strap given to Rui to celebrate her leaving the hospital. Mika had this ready beforehand so Atsuki could give it to her. An object that inspires a deep mistrust in her sense of aesthetics. It also comes in pink. A mysterious charm that’s quite popular with a certain kind of girl.
バンソウコウ Bandage
ミントの血痕が付いたバンソウコウ。 ナミがミントを看病した際に貼ってあげた物。ナミを訪れて来た時、何かに引っ掛けて落として行ったのだと思われる[ 。  ]ミントのナミに会いたいという気持ちがたくさん込もっている。
Bandage with Mint’s blood. Nami put it on Mint when Mint was hurt. While visiting Nami, it came off Mint. Mint misses Nami very much.
A bandage stained with Mint’s blood. Nami put it on while she was nursing Mint. It must have gotten caught on something and come off when Mint came to visit Nami. It’s filled with Mint’s desire to see Nami.
Hidaka’s Note 日高のメモ
The  memo from  Naoto’s pocket, that says ”I am the faceless spy.” Naoto’s dead. Who wrote the memo?
A strange note [found] in the deceased Hidaka Naoto’s pocket. It bears the intriguing message, “I am the spy with no face”. It’s unknown whether this is something Hidaka wrote himself, or whether it was written by someone else.
[note: The message as described here uses “watashi” instead of the “boku” you see when Aya relays it to you in the game. I can’t say if the game is going for something here, or if it’s just a mistake.]
ケイの手紙 Kei’s Letter
遠野ケイ が 山瀬ルイに残した手紙。ルイと一緒に過ごして楽しかった日々のことを書いているようだ。一緒にご飯食べたこと。出かけたこと。本当にありがとうと感謝の気持ちがいっぱいに込められている。
A  letter from Kei to  Rui He wrote about happy days together shopping and eating. It’s full of appreciation.
A letter left by Tohno Kei for Yamase Rui. Apparently he wrote about the happy days they spent together. About eating together, about going on outings. It’s filled to the brim with feelings of gratitude.
東方堂のカギ Touhou-dou Key
The  key  Ryo dropped a year ago in the trash. The locks changed so This key is useless. He needs to be more careful taking out trash.
The key Unami Ryou dropped a year ago while putting out the trash. The locks have been changed, so it’s useless now. Also, locking yourself out every time you take out the trash? Please work on your ability to learn from mistakes.
パンダ人形 Panda Doll
Pumpkin Witch mascot doll, a  panda. It’s Meilin’s gift for  Atsuki. A reminder of Meilin.
A panda doll. It’s one of Pumpkin Witch’s mascot characters. Hu Meiling left it behind as prove of her love for Atsuki. It’s full of her passionate feelings.
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topicprinter · 4 years
Hey guys! I originally wrote this up over at r/dropservicing but I feel like a lot of newer guys on this sub can get some help with it. This definitely is not an all encompassing guide; rather it's a look at how my thought process is when I am selecting a niche (and particularly a microniche) when I am starting a new service. Let me know what you think!--Hey everyone! Figured I would help some people out with a brief talk through about how you can begin to explore the idea of niching down and why it matters.Everyone understands the concept of "serving everyone means serving no one" - if you don't, now you do. It's vital to niche down, especially when you are just beginning, because it allows you to gain authority in a smaller market. For this example, I am going to use Facebook ads as our service.Service: Facebook AdsStart broad and then niche down. I always like to start with a niche that I know something about because it allows me to build a better offer through experience. In this example I am going to use fitness gyms for two reasons: I have worked in fitness gyms before so I understand some of their pain points and the end of year means that gyms are pushing a lot of money into marketing to bring in clients for the new year.Service: Facebook Ads, Market: Fitness GymsI search for fitness gyms in my local area on Facebook and I notice that there are a few different types of fitness gyms: boutique fitness gyms, regular fitness gyms, yoga facilities, rock wall climbing gyms, and Crossfit boxes are all on the first page or two of my facebook search.Service: Facebook Ads, Market: Fitness Gyms, Niche: Boutique Fitness GymsI scroll through and collect the contact information for every boutique fitness gym in my area and realize that even those have some different twists. Some are marketed only towards women, some are marketed towards a bootcamp centered around a WOD, some are marketed towards athletic training, etc.Service: Facebook Ads, Market: Fitness Gyms, Niche: Boutique Fitness Gyms, Micro Niche: Boutique Fitness Gyms with a focus on Bootcamp ClassesBy niching down repeatedly, you are finding micro markets where you can easily become an authority in the subject and offer your services to a very target market. You can build your offer around ONLY servicing boutique fitness gyms /w a focus on bootcamp classes which more than likely have very unique pain points (as opposed to the fitness gym market in general). Your brand, your message and your service will 100% revolve around solving their specific and unique problems. I guarantee you that you will be converting your sales at a higher % than if you took a broader approach. Let's look at an example of some basic copy:Service: Facebook Ads, Market: Fitness Gyms"Grow your fitness gym's membership rates by 10x in 2020 by generating leads and closing sales all through Facebook!"Service: Facebook Ads, Market: Fitness Gyms, Niche: Boutique Fitness Gyms"Grow your boutique fitness gym's membership rates by 10x in 2020 by generating leads and closing sales all through Facebook!Service: Facebook Ads, Market: Fitness Gyms, Niche: Boutique Fitness Gyms, Micro Niche: Boutique Fitness Gyms with a focus on Bootcamp Classes"Grow your daily bootcamp classes membership rates by 10x in 2020 by generating leads and closing sales all through Facebook!If you were the owner of a boutique fitness gym specializing in bootcamp classes, which of the three headlines would catch your attention the most?Establish your authority within a microniche and service those companies first. You will have less competition and be able to charge higher prices. Once you feel like you have tapped your micro market, move into another.Remember.. offer unique solutions to a very specific type of business and you can make a lot of money.Hope you guys enjoyed this! Feel free to join our discussion in real-time by joining the Discord server we have at the top of the sub!Let me know what you guys think about niching and how you go about selecting yours!
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