#guillelmina galochio
the-family-fortune · 1 year
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Hey, man, we all can't be like you I wish we were all rose-colored too My rose-colored boy
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I listened to this song upwards of seventy times today.
It's definitely a vibe for the ever optimistic Raz and his glass-half-empty cousin - especially for any verse in which they meet as adults, after Mina's already thoroughly disillusioned after twenty-odd years with the Galochios.
Featuring @2hoothoots FSAU Raz because God threatened to strike me down if I didn't use the design that came with rose-colored glasses pre-installed.
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razzzar · 3 years
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This au has been stewing in my head for the past few weeks and is heavily inspired by “The Song of the Sea” and @the-family-fortune and @razputinrp ‘s Sea Life story.
As for the family background: The Galochio’s are a cruel family of magical owl folk who prey on other fairy creatures to use in their magical rituals, these rituals can show the future, heal the sick, open portals or even place a bad omen on people or families. At one point the Galochio’s attempted to create a giant tsunami to destroy a town on the shore for discovering and killing Zalto’s wife Maligula, the family were cooped up on the deck of an old boat in desperate need of repairs. The Aquato’s, a family of selkies noticed the ritual happening nearby and had to put a stop to it. It would draw too much attention to the other magical creatures and plus it was the Galochios. Nobody liked them.
The ensuing battle was difficult but the owls were out of their element and most of them either fell into the ocean or were knocked out of the sky by the selkie’s magic into the merciless waves, few were able escape onto dry land. And those who did would would spend the next month working on a ritual to bring true suffering unto the Aquatos. The ritual would force them to stay on land no matter how much their heart longed for the sea, for if they dared to touch the seawater they would find themselves dissipating into sea foam. The aquatos were lucky to be out of the water after the curse had taken its full effect. But one by one they gave in to the siren like call of the sea and turned to foam, Augustus was the only one able to stay strong enough to resist its call. He would later fall in love with a travelling merchant and have five kids with her. Still, no matter how far they travelled all but Donatella’s hearts would ache to go back to the sea, their true home.
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razputinrp · 3 years
a summary of flash flood and max's secret plz
Flash Flood: Guillelmina Galochio flees to the Psychonauts in a desperate attempt to figure out what's "wrong" with her Future Sight, about ten years after the events of Psychonauts 2. She and Razputin meet, with the latter completely unaware that the feud between the Galochios and the Aquatos is actually a real thing. Heartache ensues.
Max's Secret: Raz wasn't the only kid to sneak into Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp; he's joined by an unusual boy named Maximoff who's harboring a few secrets even he isn't aware of.
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Hi just dropping in to say you're absolutely my favorite artist in the psy fandom and you made Loboto one of my fave characters with this blog. I hope you're doing well and just!! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!!
Thank you so muuuch!!!  That means alot aaaaaa ;;v;;  And DUDE, I love your blog too!!! (it was one of the first Psychonaut blogs I started following when I got into the fandom ;w;  Guillelmina rocks and I love her story! ^o^)  I made this quick panel of Loboto meeting the youngest Galochio xDD:
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(Hahah!  In all seriousness though, thank you!  This message made my day ;w;)
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adivinoperdido · 2 years
Hi there! Would you be interested in writing with a Psychonauts OC, Guillelmina Galochio, who hails from a LONG line of ill-tempered fortune tellers? Unfortunately for her, she's the first in her family unable to see the future. Her primary power is Hydrokinesis, but later in life - after escaping her family - she learns the reason she could never master precognition like her family is because she has the power of retrocognition. Hope you're well. Happy new year!
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Hello! I'm posting this just to give myself a lasting reference to your oc's info :D
I would absolutely love to write with these characters! I don't know a thing about Psychonauts, so you will have to be patient with me, LOL. Would you like for Bruno to meet Guillelmina before or after she discovers her true powers? (We can continue to plot in PM's, if you like!)
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the-family-fortune · 2 years
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Water Witch.
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the-family-fortune · 1 year
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The Hierophant and The High Priestess.
My art program kept crashing for Bruno’s. I’m sure it could be improved but I cannot take the entire program freezing for a solid minute between every single action.
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the-family-fortune · 6 months
“Mina, you know you can tell me anything.” Raz said, a worried look on his face “I’m family. That’s what we’re here for.” (@circusxpsychic)
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Mina looks at him, a little caught off guard. That is most definitely not what Family was there for. Family was there to make sure you make something of yourself; to tell you how to grow up and be a successful fortune teller. Family was there to keep you from making the rest of them look bad.
But he was to earnest - dead serious, that she could tell him anything, for real. And in that moment, she knew there was only one thing she wanted to say.
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"Razputin," she started, her voice hesitant. She could tell him anything, right?? She dragged in a deep breath, and braced herself.
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"The Devil's Firehose is a stupid trick."
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the-family-fortune · 1 year
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Abre Los Ojos
The first and last time Mina ever saw the future.
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the-family-fortune · 2 years
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Oh, listen to the crystal ball's command Endless hourglass of sand Fortune Teller, 𝓽𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭.
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Palmistry, tasseomancy, and tarot are all she's capable of, but it's nice to take a break from precognitive visions once in a while.
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the-family-fortune · 2 years
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Stoooop you’re embarrassing her!!!
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the-family-fortune · 1 year
Looking for a Bruno Madrigal to RP with.
Guillelmina Galochio - Mina, to most - is a Psychonauts OC who comes from a long line of fortune tellers; the only catch is that she's the first Galochio in countless generations completely unable to see the future, and she's desperate to find a way to unlock a power that she thinks will finally make her family accept her.
Knowledge of the Psychonauts franchise is not required, as Mina works as a standalone story divorced from the game canon (It is, however, the most excellent game and I highly recommend it).
DM me for more information or if interested, I'd really love to build an emotional relationship between these two characters given their individual circumstances.
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the-family-fortune · 2 years
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mortal enemies to bffs speedrun 💖😊
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the-family-fortune · 3 years
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If you find the right memory vault, you might learn a little more about the youngest Galochio. Mina always had trouble telling the future, like the rest of her family, but when she showed her great-grandfather a pamphlet for Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, he forbade her from going. After all, the Galochios were a family of powerful psychics. What could those government types at Whispering Rock teach her that her own family could not? 
To discourage her fanciful daydreams about this ridiculous camp, he takes the pamphlet from her. She doesn’t need these silly distractions - and besides, the circus just rolled into town, and Zalto knows of a young psychic boy who might do well to be thinking about where he’ll spend his summer... 
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the-family-fortune · 3 years
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So that Galochio power, huh!!
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the-family-fortune · 3 years
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Your honor I love her 🥺
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