#guess who learned how to use coloured text!!!
mukuberry · 2 years
An overview of my votes/theories for each prisoner and what I'll probably vote this round before the first second trial video comes out
Haruka: Forgiven->Forgiven
Honestly right now I'm not entirely sure on what he's done, I'm 99% sure he killed his childhood friend and dog but there's gotta be something else right? He killed them as a kid I'm pretty sure yet he's 17, but every other prisoner was taken into Milgram almost straight after their murders, why would there be such a large time gap? I don't believe the brother theory and I don't think he killed his mother. And who noticed him in the end? At first I thought it was referencing Milgram taking him but none of the other characters have refrences to Milgram itself in their first so I have my doubts. He doesn't seem to understand the full extent of what he's done and why it's wrong, and I doubt Milgram forgiving him is helping that but I think he needs safety and love more than he needs to get tortured by some girl with a bat. I am however worried for Mu's safety considering what happened to his childhood friend :(
Yuno: Forgiven->Forgiven
Overall, he confuses me alot but until I get more info I'll vote him forgiven ♡
EDIT: ignore the majority of this and go read my other Haruka post pleasy
Gonna go againt the popular theories here and say her 'sin' wasn't abortion but purposely inducing a miscarriage (potentially multiple) considering how difficult it seems to get an abortion in Japan and her constant stair imagery (her entire first trial video, the picture of her standing atop stairs in Undercover and the stairs in her placard (think that's the right word)). Honestly she just seems depressed and apathetic towards others, hope she gets out of Milgram soon it's bad for her :((((( there's very little I can think of that could be shown in her next video that'd make me unforgive her aswell as make sense so for now it's a very easy forgive ♡
Futa: Unforgiven->Forgiven
His video seems pretty straight forward, harrassing and doxxing ppl online in the name of justice and making himself feel like a hero, until it cost someone their life. It's important to note that in Undercover his victim is depicted still wearing their shoes, unlike the other suicide victims in Milgram who have them off, as in Japan it's common for suicide victims to take their shoes off before committing suicide. There's quite a few reasons they do this, one that stood out to me was to show that they did actually choose to commit suicide and they weren't just murdered or did it accidentally or something. It could be that the victim did it very impulsively, not even thinking of taking their shoes off. It could be a way of them communicating in death that while they did kill themselves, it was more that they were murdered by the people harrassing them (aka Futa). Or it could be that the doxxing led to someone coming to their house and killing them. Could be anything rlly I'm just spitting out ideas! Despite the fact he's a terrible person, he is a good guy. He does all this out of a belief that it's the right thing to do, that by hunting these people online he's making the world a better place and helping the innocent, and I'm pretty sure he never thought it'd get someone killed. I also have my suspicious that he's neglected at home and was bullied in the past, but that's a post for another day
Overall, as disgusting as what he did was, he definitely isn't deserving of what's happening to him now and I love him ♡
Mu: Forgiven->Forgiven
Not much to say here honestly :D no matter how manipulative and annoying she is, no one deserves to be abused to the point of believing their only options are suicide or murder, she did what she had to do ^_^
Shidou: Forgiven->Forgiven
Wow lots of forgiving huh! I have too many thoughts about him that if I tried to write them down it would probably give both of us a migraine. Just know he is a pathetic terrible man that I believe can be redeemed if we just keep forgiving him!!!! Maybe;;
Mahiru: Forgiven->?????
She's like the only character I don't have clear thoughts on. I can't fault her for feeling things so strongly and having an extremely unrealistic view on how love is, but on the other hand I can't forgive her for forcing those feelings and views onto another that they killed themselves after 14 days of knowing her. I'm very worried for her safety, she's clearly physically weak and can't defend herself well at all, and she keeps talking about how she sees no reason in living if her love is denied, and she's no longer wearing shoes (going back to my previous thing about taking shoes off before suicide). We can't let ourselves be guilt tripped into forgiving her however, and the fact that instead of questioning her ideals she's went straight to the extreme makes me question her redeemability
Overall, I'm leaning towards unforgiven but again she just can't understand why what she did is wrong and it's hard for me to condemn someone like that. Love isn't a crime but abuse and stalking sure is
Kazui: Forgiven->Forgiven
Hello! I have been following your project for the past two years, and have come to the conclusion you do not deserve to have Kazui in your prison. He is my boyfriend and seeing him in an environment not meant for him brings me anxiety, so I will be expecting a reply to this post when you have him forgiven and ready to relinquish him to someone who will treasure him like he deserves.
Amane: Forgiven->Unforgiven
So if we forgive her, her belief in her cult is affirmed. If we don't forgive her, she doubles down on her belief in her cult. There's no winning orz. I think from the end of her first video, deep down she knows something is wrong even if she doesn't realise it yet, maybe if we keep pushing she'll start to wake up? If not, well there's no winning either way. Praying for Shidou's safety 🙏 maybe 'praying' isn't the right word but still- she questioned her beliefs in her video afterall, going against what she was told to help that 'cat', maybe she can do it again!
Overall, she's just a kid who was tortured into her murder, but eventually she'll grow up into an adult that'll torture other kids into murder. I'll keep unforgiving her from this point onward, there's very little that'll change that.
Mikoto: Unforgiven->Forgiven
(I'll refer to our mystery alter as 09 in this) So what do we know about 09 so far? Well for starters he's like super depressed! The lyrics in MeMe are very clear about this, showing him asking if it's okay for him to keep on living, saying that he gave up trying to change ect, but he also seems to care deeply about Mikoto, saying he will save him, that he'll do whatever he can to protect him and asking him to rely on him. I'm not entirely convinced that he's saying these things out of genuine concern but instead out of a need to have a purpose but still! We're not given a reason as to why killing is going to help (yet) but I doubt he'd put himself and Mikoto in unnecessary danger and I'm certain we'll understand more soon. As for Mikoto himself, he's a designer 🤢 but he does share a body with this KING so I guess I'll have to forgive him for it
Overall, I'm pretty sure 09 is doing all this with good reason, or atleast good intentions. If murder protects these guys then so be it! ♡
Kotoko: Forgiven->?????
Her video was pretty straight forward, though I can hardly call her a vigilante anymore. How can she say she's defending the weak when she's torturing people with no knowledge of what they've done? Not that torture would be okay if she did but if she's just gonna trust the word of the only authority figure in this prison and nothing else, she's more of a cop than a vigilante. In her video she had an entire board dedicated to hunting down criminals who took advantage of innocents, spending her every minute researching, when she said she was "dedicating her life" she wasn't joking. How can she go from that to beliving the judgment of some random 15 year old in a goofy hat;; I know she bases her entire self worth of being able to bring justice so she's probably been extremely restless in Milgram but still... everyone I've seen talk about her recently has said they can't forgive her anymore, the only reason I'm not 100% unforgiven is because whatever they're gonna show in her second video has to be BIG or there's like no chance of her being forgiven.
Overall, basically unforgiven but I don't think I can make a judgement just yet, I feel something big coming...
I don't think there's any right answers in Milgram, we're really just given 2 bad options (either a character thinks murder is perfectly fine or they get tortured and think they're terrible people who deserve it) and we've gotta pick what we think is better. My opinions change constantly and definitely will as new videos come out so I'm writing them before first second trial song comes out so I can reread it later 👍if you disagree with me then feel free to debate me (please please debate me i will love you forever)
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orikiys · 6 months
✿ ✿ falling out of love with skz ( first pov version )
✰ pairings: ot8!skz x fem!reader
✰ genre: angst, romance, heartbreak
✰ warnings: heartbreak, guilt, falling out of love, sad, unedited ( i wrote this before i go to sleep ), based on real life events.
✰ word count: 1.8k + words
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౨₊ৎ chan
falling out of love, but why is it? is it because i don’t read your texts no longer? or is it because that the mere sight of you no longer has been jumping on my feet? like that heart that used to skip a beat, tell me baby, did we not love each other? you were the muse to each of my poetries, you were the lover but i’m still disheartened by the fact that i couldn’t be. i made it out. i removed you from my life, to those little gifts you gave from your clothes that i had— all of them. and maybe, just maybe a part of me did get removed as well. snatched away and lost in the process. but i don’t need your help in getting it back. because i know that if i do, history would repeat itself. i would fall for you over and over. but… you wouldn’t. it’s been a hard month to try not to look at your socials, to see if you’re just as miserable as me or not. it’s been hard to try not to unblock you and keep re-reading our texts all day long. it’s been hard to not think of you. because my love i hate the fact that i still want you after all that happened, but you don’t. but i can’t love you like this, not anymore. i keep picking myself apart and framing together the left fragments of us. but there’s no us anymore, is there? i don’t want to pretend any longer. i missed you. i loved you. but i keep forgetting the fact that maybe i no longer do. or maybe i’m just getting better at pretending? all i do know is, i don’t think i know how to love you anymore.
౨₊ৎ minho
i may have forgotten the reason, but i loved you once. i truly did with all of my heart. falling in love was hard. it felt restricted, constrained and suffocating. but falling out of love? that was even harder. with each sun rise, i feel myself drifting apart from you. it’s like i don’t even know you anymore! i wish i could go back to the time where i asked you about your favourite colours or maybe your favourite movies or your favourite songs, but i can’t. we are no longer lovers. nor are we friends. we are strangers with memories. strangers who once crossed paths. we walk past each other and it’s like i don’t even know you, like i’ve never met you. i’ve seen our pictures on my phone and i question what went wrong? but maybe we were just habits and we thought we’d always have it? guess not. it’s the way i know you’re no longer around, but everything reminds me of you. is it the scent of your lingering perfume on the pillow covers? or maybe it’s your half-empty coffee mix? if promises were meant to be broken, i accomplished them. i am sorry for all the late nights that i whispered to you telling you that i’ll always love you. i’m sorry for all the times i couldn’t be there when you wanted me to. i’m sorry for all the times that i failed to understand you when you were just trying to protect me. i’m sorry for learning how to unlove you. i’m sorry min. i truly am.
౨₊ৎ changbin
remember when you said that we have forever? then why does it feel like our time’s already over? it started not so long ago, then why? was it written in fate already? or did we make it happen? i remember the time we held hands and shared umbrellas. i remember the time where we’d talk for hours. i remember the time when you first kissed me, then why am i still waiting for a proper goodbye? i wish you would break me at once, so i wouldn’t have to feel guilty for loving you a little lesser everyday. i wish you weren’t so perfect that i didn’t have to find excuses to avoid you. i wish you would snap my heart in half, crumble to pieces and throw away the broken fragments, so i don’t have to feel like i’m in the wrong. for once, just let me escape the reality. for once, please don’t love me. for once, please forget me. for once, let me go. for once and for all, forgive me for not trying to love you harder. i don’t know where it all went wrong. i wish i could turn back the time and erase myself from your memories, so you won’t even think of me or the pain that i caused you. i may be the villain of your story, but i too was once the protagonist.
౨₊ৎ hyunjin
i wonder if you ever noticed when i stopped telling you my secrets. i wonder if you ever noticed that i stopped bringing home your favourite packet of chips. i wonder if you noticed that i began tensing up whenever you hugged me. i wonder if you ever even noticed the way my soul began detangling from you. and when you tucked my hair behind my ear, it didn’t leave a trail of fire like it did before. my body— it stopped reacting to you the way it did before. and i wonder, why you never said anything. because you noticed it. you noticed every single thing yet you stayed quiet right by my side. it’s the way i began hating you for making me feel guilty. but it always did feel better to blame others, didn’t it? would you mind if i sat next to you but didn’t smile? would you mind if i ask you what you liked once again? because i didn’t want it to end. you were the most beautiful dream that i ever experienced, yet now i can’t even recognise the beat of your heart. i realized that i fell out of love when i could no longer guess what you wanted. or maybe that time when i couldn’t bring myself to even kiss you. baby, where did it go? help me. help me get it back. falling out of love with you is a nightmare and i wish i could wake up.
౨₊ৎ han
i had all that i wanted, and then none. from the perfect life, to a fallen apart one. nothing stays for too long. and i wish i let go of everything a bit sooner. so it would hurt me less whenever i see you. it would hurt me less whenever i hear someone mention you. your letters, they still rest in my drawers. your rings, they still fit on me. except they feel too cold. i no longer wear them for an entire day without feeling the urge to throw it. but i don’t want that to happen, so instead i keep it locked away in a box. but the key, it’s with you. so i can’t bring myself to open it. many people told me that i have changed. but i truly wonder, have i? or is it just the fact they can’t fathom that i no longer love you like i did before? it may be my fault for it all, i’m the one to blame. but i tried my best to stop myself, to stop these unwanted feelings and in the end i broke your heart. i still remember that look on your face when you held me tight for one last time. goodbyes weren’t the best, but i wish it was. so i didn’t have to live everyday thinking that i killed your spark from the inside.
౨₊ৎ felix
i wish i could go back to the time where i didn’t have to think thrice before waking you when you couldn’t sleep. i hoped that i could’ve told it all to you sooner, but how could i have predicted that unfortunate ending? loving you was beautiful, delicate and everlasting. until it wasn’t. falling out of love was harsh but slow. the flowers have begun withering, i noticed. do you not water them? or is it because they remind you of me? i know what you’re trying to do. i’ve tried it as well. but it didn’t work. i tried erasing you and everything related to you. but at the end of the day it’s the way my phone’s lock screen still has your face. your number, it’s untouched. and perhaps if someone were to ask me about my favourite movie, without hesitation i would reply with the texts we sent, the little date vlogs we made. call it guilt or call it lost love. the time spent with you gave me happiness, and i called that love.
౨₊ৎ seungmin
i knew you were hurting. so maybe i should’ve applied bandages to your aching heart. i knew you were hurting when i began replacing our memories. was there something that i could’ve done to make your heart heal faster? but i knew it couldn’t replace the pain i’ve caused you. i used to tell the moon about you, now the stars await to hear my stories. i used to have that stupid grin on my face whenever you called me, now we stopped meeting. and it kills me to know how you’ve been living all this long after knowing that the one who you loved broke your heart. it hurts me too when you agree to everything and anything i say. is that how much you love me? that you’re even willing to be vulnerable in front of me? if given another chance i would fall in love with you over and again till i can’t escape it. i want to trapped, engulfed in your love just like you are in mine.
౨₊ৎ jeongin
my heart breaks at all the possibilities we could have been. it breaks even more every time i remember you wanting to start a family with me in future. i ended it all at once, didn’t i? i wonder how i could be lifeless that now a single tear falls while you cry for me. i wonder how i could be so lifeless that i forgot you’re my other half. i want to experience that spark of sleeping and waking to your texts once more. i want to experience being called ‘my princess’ for the rest of life. but it’s the way that we don’t even talk. we blocked each other from our lives, it was for the good. then why am i having sleepless nights filled with remorse? is this the part of moving on? or is it the part of moving back? because my ship seems to be sailing in the wrong direction. so my love, don’t pray for me anymore. the moon won’t listen.
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Family Secrets
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Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: dad!Charles, dad!Carlos and dad!Pierre all in one!!, mentions of pregnancy, the Leclerc children are a headache and a half, alcohol and the consumption of, a singular mention of drugs, a very old fashioned way of thinking from Charles’ end, a few swear words, one big happy family. 
Word Count: 3.9k
Author’s Note: thank you to the anons that sent in these asks, this one is for you guys!! thank you to @timetoracewrites for letting me use sofia in here!! 
Daddy & Me + Three Masterlist // based on these asks -- one // two // three // four // five 
You two had been incredibly blessed your entire lives; you had fallen in love at a young age and got married, you had been fortunate enough to be able to travel the world with your husband, Charles, watching him do what he loved and you were still were able to keep up with your writing, number one seller after the other. 
The first time you got pregnant, it wasn’t planned. Twins in the first go. Your family of two quickly became a family of 4; the two boys making their appearance after a long yet short nine months. 
Gabriel Hervé Leclerc was the older of the boys, born a whopping 12 minutes before his twin, Christopher Jules Leclerc. 
They were troublemakers from the day they were born; they had their father’s eyes, his dimples and smile. 
The family of 4 remained 4 for another 2 years before you found out you were pregnant again. This time you had a baby girl; Eloise Marie Leclerc. 
She too bared great resemblance to her father; the only thing was she has your eyes but his dimples prominent on her little cheeks, her fair skin identical to her father's. As she got older, you quickly learned that she turned tomato red in the sun like her daddy. 
Even though she was the youngest of the 3 children, she had her brothers (and her father) wrapped around her little finger from day one.  
The kids didn’t stay little forever, you basked in the memories but now they were all grown up. The boys were 19 and your baby girl turned 17 last month. 
You and Eloise were at the nail salon, a regular Friday for the Leclerc women. Pascale usually joins you two, the gossip overflowing between you 3 but she wasn’t able to join you guys today. 
Charles was taking you to an event tonight, some F1 gala that required his presence for a few hours to give out an award. 
You were showing your daughter a colour, asking her which one she liked between but she waved you off, “blue, mom.” She answers, her eyes glued to the phone sitting on her thigh as the woman worked on her left hand. 
“Who’s texting you that you’re so busy you can’t even look up?” 
Eloise looks over at you, her cheeks red. “Anthony.” 
You racked your brain -- Anthony ? Who the hell was Anthony? It was like the light bulb turned on when you looked over at her again, a smile on your own face. 
“Anthony as in, Anthony Gasly ?” 
Anthony was Pierre’s son; named Anthony in honour of Anthonie. 
He was a year older than Eloise and he was his father’s twin. The carbon copy of Pierre down to the facial structure and piercing blue eyes, deviously handsome and a troublemaker in his own right. He reminded you so much of Pierre when he was younger, you can see why Eloise fell for him. 
She nodded, looking away sheepishly as the woman filed her nail down. “Are you two.. seeing each other?” You ask, finally settling on the darker shade of the blue. 
“I mean.. I guess ? It’s not official or anything, but please don’t tell dad. He’d freak, you know how he is.” She looks over at you, seriousness all over her face. 
“You think I'm crazy ? Your secret is safe with me.” You tell her with a smile. 
At home, the Leclerc men were tasked with building a bookshelf for you. The shelf was in pieces on the floor, 3 beers sat between the pieces. “We're never going to finish this before mama comes home.” Christopher lays back flat on the floor. 
“You’ve got no faith,” Gabriel tells his brother, sipping on his beer. Charles nods in agreement with his son, clinking his bottle against his. 
Charles’ bottle was empty, he gets up to go throw it out in the kitchen when the phone on the counter starts to ring. He turns it over to see it’s Sofia, a little red heart next to her name and a photo of Christopher and Sofia in his Ferrari. He answers the call. 
“Hi baby!” She beams, expecting Christopher. 
“Hi sweetheart,” Charles answers, she gasps. “Uncle Charles! I’m so sorry,” she giggled, making him smile. 
Charles has known Sofia since she was a baby. She was born the same year as the boys, Carlos beyond proud of his baby girl.  Carlos didn’t care about the titles or the wins, she was his greatest accomplishment and he told anybody who would listen. 
“It's okay, Christopher is trying to build a bookshelf and he left his phone in the kitchen.” 
“Oh, could I speak to him if he's not too busy ? He can call me back in a bit if that's better.” 
“No, no. I’ll take the phone to him, hold on darling.” Charles tells the girl, walking back to the living room to hand the phone to Christopher. “It’s Sof,” he watches his son get up and take the phone, walking out the room. 
Your heels clicked on the stairs, Charles was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for you. It reminded you of when he took you to prom. 
The two of you were all but 18 years old, of course Charles was already in F2 and wasn't really set up for the prom thing but he was there, waiting at the bottom of the stairs in your parents’ house for you. 
“Tu es magnifique, mon amour.” He smiled, his hand out for you. (you are beautiful, my love.)
“Merci,” you kissed his cheek when you stepped down the final step. 
The 3 kids were in the kitchen, the two of you walking in hand in hand. A round of cheers and whistles from your sons when they see you. 
“Go mama!” Christopher shouts, “Give us a twirl,” Gabriel says, and you do. They grinned at you. “You look nice,” Christopher tells you. 
“Thank you baby.” 
Eloise was bickering with her father about how, at his grown age, does he not know how to tie a tie. She fixed the tie and straightened it, brushing off his blazer. 
“You three, behave. No parties, no drinking and no fires.” Charles warns the kids. 
“What about-” Gabriel starts but you cut him off. “No drugs either.” You smile at him, making him laugh. He has a talent for finding a loophole and then telling you didn’t specify it. The kids agree to the terms, bidding you farewell and shutting the door behind you. 
The two of you get into the Ferrari, Charles’s prized possession. 
No matter how much time passes, the rumble of the engine was one of your favourite sounds in the world. Charles glances over at you, smiling as his hand cups your cheek. 
“Always does it hm?” 
“Always.” You kiss the palm of his hand. 
The driveway was dark, 2 of 3 of the cars are still parked in the driveway. 
You see Eloise’s car which is enough for you because the boys were old enough to be wandering the streets after midnight but you knew even if you were okay with it, Charles was not okay with his baby girl being out so late. 
Charles’s hand is in yours when you two step into the house. The entry way was long, so the kids probably hadn’t heard you two come in. You slip your heels off, sighing at the relief. Your husband hangs his blazer on the coat rack as he unbuttons the sleeves and rolls them up. 
Your eyes fixed on him, unconsciously biting down on your bottom lip. 
“You okay baby?” Charles asks, the smirk playing on his lips tells you he’s got a wicked idea tumbling around that brain of his. 
“Hm yeah,” you smile, resting a hand on his chest as you kiss him. The two of you walk down the long hallway to the living room where you come to a halt when Charles spots the two people on the couch. 
Your daughter - his baby girl - sat on the lap of some guy, his hands on her ass as they made out. 
Now you knew who this mystery guy was but Charles didn’t. Before you could pull him away, Charles starts shouting, startling the two of them. Eloise gets off the guy’s lap, her eyes wide and the guy doesn’t turn but he keeps looking at the young girl, too scared to turn. 
You watch the scene unfold, your husband rounding the couch only for his eyes to look like they’re going to fall out of his head. 
“Anthony ?! What the fuck is going on here?!” He looks between the two of them. 
Charles never swore around the kids, at least he tried his best not too. Frankly, he barely swore as is; he often blamed you for the kids and their filthy language. 
Your lips pull together, trying not to laugh at the look on Charles’ face. “Honey, please calm down.” You call to him, rounding the couch to grab his hand and pull him further away from Anthony. “Remember, we were young once too.” You whisper to him. 
“That’s different, that's my daughter, amour.” Charles grumbles, looking at you. 
“Double standard baby, I’m someone’s daughter too.” You remind him- his mind running back to the time your father walked in on you two in bed, you both got the lecture of your lifetime from your father and his. 
“Sorry,” Anthony stands, “I’ll just-” he points to the door and goes to move but Charles glares at him. 
“Sit.” and now he's sat. 
“Papa, come on,” Eloise pleads to her father, grabbing his arm. “Don’t freak out on him, it was my idea.” She tries to pass the blame off her boyfriend but it wasn't working. 
“Hard to believe that, baby girl.” His hand cupped the young girl’s face. 
Even in moments of anger, she was still his precious baby girl. Her pretty eyes staring back at him, reminding him so much of you and then he remembers why you’re all standing there.
Charles reaches for his phone, holding it to his ear after dialling someone. “Who’re you calling ?” You ask him.
Anthony’s face drops, the poor boy looked like he was going to be sick. You leave them in the living room, getting a glass of water for the boy before returning. 
Sat on the couch next to Anthony, you rub his back as he sips the water nervously. You had watched Anthony grow up, he was harmless. It was hard for your motherly intuition not to kick in when he looked so worried. Eloise was pleading to her father all while he was on the phone with Pierre, all 3 of them speaking in French at the moment. 
Eloise is still clinging to her father’s arm, he's by the stairs shouting for the two older boys. 
You turn to Anthony, “are you alright ?” you whisper to him. He nods, “dad’s going to kill me.” 
“Please, your father is harmless. Trust me,” you smile at the boy, settling his nerves just a touch. 
You get up when you hear the footsteps on the stairs, expecting Christopher and Gabriel but you were met with Christopher and Sofia. You pry Eloise from Charles’ arm, sending her to go sit with Anthony as you watch the two kids come down from what you can assume was Christopher’s bedroom. 
“Hi auntie y/n, Hi uncle Charles!” Sofia stepped past Christopher to hug you and then Charles. 
“Hi Sof, I didn’t know you were here.” Charles smiles at the girl and she smiles back at him. 
She had her father’s smile and Carlos’s big brown eyes to match hers. She was similar to her father in so many ways; she wore her heart on her sleeve as he did but if you upset her, you'd be the first to know unlike Carlos who kept quiet, you always thought she took that part from her mother. She stood tall, her tan skin glowing under the white lights in the house. 
“Are you staying over?” Charles asks her as she returns to Christopher, the boy wrapping his arm around her. It was beyond clear that they were dating and Charles knew. 
Oh, you two were going to go up the road for that one. 
“Oh no, dad is coming to get me. My grandparents are coming over for lunch tomorrow.” 
You watch them, your brows furrowed. Sofia and Christopher had always been close and everyone teased them about how they'd fall in love, it was basically destiny. 
You never actually thought it would happen. 
“Mom,” Christopher called for you, “Sofia and I are-” “Dating, clearly.” You hum, smiling. “Welcome to the madness, darling.” You smiled at the girl. 
“If you two are home, that means Gabriel is out, no?” You ask Christopher who nods. 
On cue, as if you summoned him, Gabriel walked down the hallway. “Oh Chris, mate!” Your oldest laughed to himself, calling for his brother as he twirled his car keys on his fingers. “Date was smokin’ hot- hi mom.” The boy stops, smiling sheepishly at you. 
“No, go on,” you waited, arms folded. “Tell me about this date.” You ask, eyeing the faint red lipstick on his lips, jaw and neck. 
“Lovely girl,” he smiles, “very respectable.” 
“Respectable enough to let you fuck her on the first date ?” You ask and Charles’s head whipped around so fast he definitely gave himself whiplash. 
“What ?” All three of the Leclerc boys asked at the same time. 
“What, what ? The boys can sneak their girlfriends in,” you look at Christopher, “come home covered in lipstick,” you glance at Gabriel, “but Eloise can’t have a boyfriend ?” You look over at your husband. 
“Honey, it's not the same.” 
“Not the same how? Because she’s your daughter ?” 
“Exactly.” Charles nods. 
You groan, “that's such a fucking double standard, Charles!” you stormed off to the kitchen, the man following after you. 
Gabriel looks away from his parents’ direction to his brother on the step. “Eloise  has a boyfriend ?” he asks, shocked. 
Christopher nods towards the couch, their little sister resting her head on Anthony’s shoulder. “Huh.” Gabriel says. 
“I think they’re cute, if I do say so.” Sofia butts in, making the twin boys chuckle. 
Pierre comes walking down the hallway, the 3 older kids sitting on the staircase and he stops to say hello to them. He can hear you and Charles screaming at each other in the kitchen. 
“Do I want to know?” And all 3 of them shake their heads. Pierre hums, walking to the living room to see the two younger kids.
Eloise and Anthony both stand when they see him. They both look so worried and he musters up the most stern face he can, trying not to laugh. 
“Uncle Pierre,” Eloise starts, she looks like she was about to cry. 
She had never been in father’s bad graces nor had she ever been the reason for her parents to fight so she was clearly distraught. 
Pierre pulls the girl into a hug, kissing the top of her head. “It’s okay.” He turns to Anthony next, smacking his arm. 
“Comment t'es-tu fait prendre ?” he asks his son who shrugs. (how did you get caught?)
“Nous ne les avons pas entendus entrer.” He answers his father, sighing. (we didn't hear them come in.)
Pierre leaves the kids in the living room and joins you two in the kitchen. He knocks on the wall, making his presence known. 
“Pierre, fucking finally. Tell him he’s being irrational about this,” you looked between your husband and his best friend. 
Pierre stands there quietly, Charles’s eyes fixed on the man. “You knew. Oh my god, you fucking knew.” he blurts, glaring at his friend. “You knew they were dating and you didn’t tell me?” He says. 
“How’d you think he got here?” Pierre chuckles, him being the only one. “They’d tell you in their own time, mate.” He says in all seriousness. 
There’s another arrival while Charles spirals in the kitchen. 
Carlos walks into the house, “do you guys know your front door is unlocked? That’s so unsafe.” He tells Christopher and Gabriel. 
“Porque están gritando mija?” He looks at Sofia. (why are they yelling mija ?)
“Eloise tiene novio y el tío Charles no está contento con eso,” She fills him in, Carlos nodding. He, too, makes his way to the kitchen. (Eloise has a boyfriend and uncle Charles is not happy about it.)
“Hola,” he sits beside Pierre at the counter. 
The two men watched as you and Charles shouted at each other, the anger clear as the conversation switched between English, French and Italian. 
“Eloise is 17 bloody years old! She can have a boyfriend, just be glad she didn’t pick up some loser off the street!” 
“I don’t care who she picks, she’s not dating him!” 
“She can date whoever she pleases!” You shout back at him. “Frankly, they can all date who they want, they’re grown up now, Charles. You need to learn to fucking let go.” You walk out the kitchen, past the children and up the stairs to your bedroom. 
The 3 men were left in the kitchen. Charles runs a hand over his face, propping his elbows on the counter. 
“Am I wrong? Like really.” He looks to his two friends for advice. 
“Yes,” they both answer, glancing at each other but Carlos speaks first. 
“Do you think I was happy when Sofia told me she was dating Christoper ? Ai no,” he chuckles, “all I could think was he's going to break my baby’s heart and then I'd have to kill him; there goes years of friendship with you.” He looks over at Charles who gives him a weak smile. 
“I learned to trust her, she’s a good girl and by extension, I trusted Christopher too. Eloise is the same way, mate. You know she’s a good kid.” 
“I’m sure you’d rather her date Anthony than some stranger, at least you know him.” Pierre adds, “they’re both good, smart and with us around, they won’t make the wrong choices. They’ll do it if you keep freaking out for no reason.” 
Charles sighs, nodding. “Excuse me,” he walks out the kitchen and to the stairs. All three kids point up and he heads up to find you struggling to undo the zipper of your dress.He quietly walks over and undoes it. He watches you step out of the dress and set it on the bed as you change into sweatpants and a tank top. Charles sits on the edge of the bed, sighing as he passes a hand through his hair, undoing his tie.
“You’re right.” 
“I know I am.” You quipped before he continued. 
“Sometimes I forget she’s not a baby anymore. She’s my little girl, y/n, it’s harder to let go of her than it is with the boys.” He looks over at you. 
You sigh, walking over to your husband. “I know, but you have to trust her.” 
“Please spare me, those two gave me the same lecture.” He sighs, laying back on the bed. “I just- how do you do it ?” 
“They’re grown, Charles. We have to let them live and learn; making mistakes is part of the process, dating is part of it too. As their parents, we have to sit back and stand by to pick up the pieces.” You tell him, passing a hand through his hair. 
“I know,” Your husband grumbles. 
“Okay so go get your ass up and apologize to them.” You push him, causing him to stand. “To Eloise, sure.” 
“And Anthony. You nearly gave the poor boy a heart attack.” The two of you step out of the bedroom, walking down the stairs to find it empty. 
Christopher, Sofia and Gabriel have all congregated in the kitchen with Pierre and Carlos. The living room was empty too, Eloise and Anthony in the kitchen as well. 
Carlos was cutting some veggies at the counter, the stove on and something sizzling in the pan, chicken by the looks of it. “They were hungry, hope you don’t mind.” 
“No, not at all. Gala food is so shit, I’m starving too.” You tell him, chuckling. “What can I help with?” You ask him, moving to grab what he asked for. 
Charles calls for Eloise and Anthony, asking them to step outside with him. The kitchen led into the backyard, big glass doors made it easy for you to see outside even with the doors shut. The 3 of them standing outside, all eyes on them; The twins and Sofia sat at the breakfast nook, Pierre at the counter while you and Carlos prepped a whole fest at 1:30 in the morning. 
You can see Charles’ lips moving but you can’t tell what he’s saying. 
“I’m sorry, both of you.” He starts, “I'm sorry for yelling and freaking out. That wasn't the right approach. I have to let go, or at least that’s what your mama says,” he glances at his daughter. “I’m not totally at terms with this but I’m willing to try. Obviously we’ll need rules and I definitely do not want to see that again.. ever.” He looks over at Anthony, referring to what he walked into. 
“Yes sir.” Anthony answers. 
“Good,” he nods, stretching his arms out for them to come closer. Eloise wraps her arms around her father, snuggling into his side. 
She’s always been a daddy’s girl, and to this day, she’s still got that man wrapped around her finger. 
“You too,” he calls Anthony who hugs him too. 
Charles lets go of the kids, stepping inside first. Anthony and Eloise are holding hands when they step back inside, visibly more relaxed. Charles makes his way over to you, hugging you from behind as you mixed the sauce into the pasta. 
“Did you say sorry ?” 
“Yes,” he pulls you a little closer. “Do I get rewarded ?” 
“Ew,” Pierre groans, Carlos fake gagging at the two of you. 
“Shut up,” Charles called to his friends, making the 4 of you laugh. 
There you stood, your husband hugging you as his two friends, Carlos and Pierre, sat at the counter both nursing a beer. You glance over at the breakfast nook, all 5 kids squished in together, chatting and laughing. Gabriel was getting poked by Sofia, the girl squished between the twin boys. Christopher has both of his arms on the ledge behind them, one arm over Sofia and the other over his sister. Anthony was whispering something to Eloise, her cheeks bright red. 
Your hand rests on top of Charles as you lean against his chest. 
“This is it.” You tell him. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, his cheek pressed to yours. 
“This is what our life is gonna be like,” you look back over at the kids, “loud and messy, house full of kids.” 
He smiles, kissing you when you lean your head back. “It always was and it always will be.” 
taglist: @diorleclerc @lickmeleclerc @timetoracewrites @halsteadssneakylink @dragon-of-winterfell @benedictscanvas @elisaa-shelby @hnmaga-blog @czechoslovakiandisco @dr3lover @troybolton14-blog-blog​ @lovingroscoee @compulsiveshit​ @somanyfandomsbruh​ @damnyoulifee​ @lovelytsunoda​
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nerdylittleguy · 1 year
Transformers Earthspark theory - how Knockout could actually be Mr Smelt
....or ideas about it, anyway. Enjoy my observations!
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So uhh here's where the neurodivergent urge to consume media and hyperfixate on it has lead me! Please, feast your eyes on my flow chart/ mind map of madness™.
I know the text is really small, if you click and zoom it could be easier to read. I did try to split the original image into quarters, hope that makes it a little easier to read. However, if anyone needs a transcript I'll do my best to sort it out, my only concern is that I have no clue how to link ideas if they're just bullet points (the idea of having a way to link ideas is what lead me to make this in this format :) )
Perhaps a bit of an explanation as to what lead to this?
A few weeks ago, I saw the Earthspark season 1 part 2 trailer and hey... Who's that?? Breakdown?? Of course, I immediately wanted to watch what existed of the series so far, and imagine my pleasant surprise when I heard Knock Out's (tfp) VA voiced a side character!
Anyway, I started watching the series, finished it in 3 days, cried tears of happiness over Nightshade's pronouns (for those of you who say representation doesn't matter, it does. You probably just feel represented), fell in love with Megatron, etc etc. But imagine my absolute, brain-rotting madness when I couldn't find episode 7 on youtube!
Meh, like that would stop my theory brain. Using various episode summaries I found on youtube (first and foremost this one, as it was short and had good attention to detail! But if anyone has any recommendations for other good summaries feel free to let me know), I started to slowly make a mindmap. That evening I found @transformers-earthspark's blog and the where-to-watch resources... Firefly I cannot thank you enough!!! You're literally amazing!! You have no idea how happy I was to find ep 7!! You do so much, give yourself a pat on the back and a nice snack :))
Anyways, armed with my new access to ALL the earthspark episodes (1 - 10, anyway, as only they are available atm), I remade some of my mindmap, added to it, made more points. Over the last few weeks (aka less than two) I polished my mindmap, did some colour-coding, added images, links, details etc until it could apparently fit on an A3 sheet?? What??? So many ideas from silly old me??
Obviously, I don't think I'm completely right. As a matter of fact, I think I made many assumptions and links that were a very big stretch (blame this overactive imagination of mine. I keep thinking of potential plot lines and then forgetting that actually, I made them up and they're not canon). However, I hope I made a few points that will inspire someone to make their own theories, or just have fun thinking!
Apologies if this all sounds garbled or if it's difficult to understand, I am tired and I have two languages running around in my head (that I'm fluent in, I've also tried to learn 5 others. Lingual hell!!!)
Have a good day/ night and enjoy the theories!
Also a quick note and thing to add: I wrote this on Monday the 27th (I draft just about everything in my notes ok), before I woke up on Tuesday and saw the new images from the episodes, including the one with Breakdown!! AHHH!! /pos So I guess I was right about something? And I mean... Breakdown and a theme of racing in one episode? If this is a coincidence and Knockout is not chilling somewhere in the background then I don't know what to say.
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deepfivetraveller · 17 days
Moriarty the Patriot x sick!child! reader (Platonic)
Chapter 3
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So sorry for not uploading earlier! I had a lot of things going on in my life and I wasn't in the mood to write and when I was in the mood all I wrote was just trash D: But anyways here is the next chapter! btw the coloured texts indicate that those are the readers notes/cards
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“You’re awfully quiet today. Is something bothering you?” William  passes back your plate after chopping up the steak into small bite sized pieces. “Maybe it’s because I literally can’t?” You remind him.
“True.” Albert places his fork back on the table. “But you tend to exceed your limits in order to convey your thoughts. “What happened?”
You finish your meal instantly  and wipe your mouth with a napkin. It’s been almost three weeks since you moved in here and things were going splendidly.  Two entire library’s were at your disposal along with William, who taught you mathematics and science whenever he was free Albert too doubled as a maths teacher since he showed you ways to handle paperwork, how to levy taxes on the estates citizens and how to even calculate your own taxes. Louis did an excellent job teaching you etiquette for  all forms of formal functions. But what’s the point of learning that if you never have the opportunity to use them? It started to get boring, seeing the same faces over and over again. But oh got you do not have a single bit of courage to tell these men that. They have been nothing but kind to you ever since they took you in and you feel a pang of guilt for even thinking of saying it’s getting boring.
 Louis cuts off your train of thought. “It’s alright y/n. If you never open up, how will we solve the problem? We are family now, so do not fret. We shall try to keep an open mind.”
You nod to his advice and pick up your pen to write. Albert and William are relieved (and maybe a little jealous) that you have already established a bond with Louis. They pestered you continuously and yet you only answered him.
It makes sense why though. Both of you know well what it feels like to have a disease that dictates the entire course of your life. You see some parts of you in him and he sees some parts of him in you.
‘It’s getting boring here. I want a friend.’
“Are we not your friends?” William replies.
‘I was thinking of someone closer to my age.’ 
Both Louis and Albert look at William with a smile, taken aback by your remark.
Two nights ago
“Y/n needs to spend more time with girls her age, or any women so to speak.” William argues. “She is a growing child and needs to socialise. It’s a normal want for any human really.”
“I know, I know.” Albert agrees hastily. “It’s just that-” He sighs and rubs his palm over his face. Louis takes this as his sign to  continue his elder brother's sentence. “How are we going to find a long term friend for her without interfering with our plans dear brother? No noble would allow their child to play with her since she’s adopted.”
“And no commoner would even come near her because she isn’t ‘One of them.’ ” Albert finishes. William understands their reluctance very much. “I understand your worries and I’ve come up with a temporary solution. Why not let Y/n play with helena?” He proposes. “The daughter of the department store owner?” Albert sits on top of the table while Louis sits down on the couch.
“Yes I think she’ll work for now.” Albert calms down a little. “It’s good you came up with a solution brother. Although Fred is closer to her age, even he cannot handle her bursts of energy.” Louis smiles 
William turns towards him. “You introduced them to each other?” Albert too joins Louis on the couch and leans onto his back “Yes, We both did in fact, but although he wasn’t wary of her he never spoke a word! He only kept nodding his head for a yes or no. Even Y/n who doesn’t talk found it weird.”
“Was he shy? Why would he be?” Louis is confused while  Albert chuckles. “No, no It’s for a different reason.’’  
Guess that planning paid off. William was able to exactly predict your need which surprised both of them. A child is very unpredictable in nature and all three of them were inexperienced in taking care of one. Although this is nothing compared to plans usually William creates, it still deserves a round of applause. Louis made a note to make William favourite dessert for tomorrow night as thank you for this.
“We were actually planning on telling this later but we were going to take up to a friend's home.” Louis reassures. “They have a child who's your age.”
“Oh really? I'm glad.” You sigh.
 The men awkwardly chuckle, ending lunch.
 And with that, evening arrived quickly, so Louis and moneypenny accompanied you to her home.“How do you feel?” She asks you while you look outside the carriage.   
‘A little nervous.’
“That's alright. I'm sure you'll like her and she'll reciprocate it too.” Louis gently strokes your hair and reminds you “Like I said, she can perceive sounds in the form of colours due to her colour synesthesia, and she seems to be insecure about it too. You may use this as an opening for a conversation but make sure not to offend her.” Naturally you nod to his advice.
What kind of person is she? From Williams perspective she seems to be a ‘unique’ and ‘intelligent’ individual but those descriptions seem to be vague. But one thing is obvious. She is just like you, a child who lost her parents. Maybe it would be a topic you could talk about if you grow close. 
At last you arrived there.  Both adults help you get off the carriage. You approach the two people in front of you and the father comes close to you.
“Good afternoon miss Y/n.” Normally in high society, miss and mister are only used with people who are close like friends are. Although this doesn't apply to them since they are of a normal background, Louis noticed this minute detail, a desperate indicator that he wanted Y/n and his daughter to interlink. You however payed no heed to this and simply offered a handshake with a smile. You looked next to him and saw Helena.
“Hello, I'm Helena Curtis. Nice to meet you. What's your name?”
‘Y/n’ you show her your card.
‘I heard that you can see people's personalities in the form of colors. Can you tell me what color I am?’
“Hmm…” She looked at you sharply. “I would be able to tell more clearly if you talked…”
“Helena!” Her father looked at her with wide eyes. You patted his forearm to signal its alright. It's nothing to take offence about. She just wants to hear your voice.
“How about now?” Your voice came out much raspier than expected.
“Oh….OH…” she looked at you with wonder. You cleared your throat and apologized. “I'm sorry about that. It happens when I go long periods of time without talking.”
“No not that. You. You are a balance.” She answers
‘A balance?’ You frown. That's a neutral reply.
“Yes a balance, like the Chinese concept of yin and yang.  Both your positive and negative traits cancel out, making you a perfect shade of gray.. or maybe nothing. I would go as far as saying you're… the perfect human being.” 
‘Nobody's perfect.’ 
“And yet you are.” She finally smiles back. “Come inside. I want to show you something.”  Helena runs off inside and you try to catch up to her. 
“It looks like they’ll get along well. I’ll come to pick her up at sundown. Farewell Mr Curtis” Louis tips off his hat.
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“And then we both realised it was pointless and went back to play with the ships.” You took a deep breath after your summary. All Louis asked was if you had fun there.
Look like both of you hit off. A good portion of his worries has been lifted off from his body.
“That sounds lovely Y/n. Now get ready for dinner.”
‘What about both of your brothers? I didn’t even see them when I arrived back. Where are they?’
“Oh they went out for some work related stuff. You shall meet them at dinner.” Strange. Overtime such as this  is understandable for a military officer but not a university professor. You wanted to ask more so you started writing rapidly, to ask further questions and while Louis was reading your card, a blond man with a blindfold barged in making both of you scramble in shock.
“Hey did you see William’s cane? I swear I put it somewhere over here.” He looks around. 
“You can see through the blindfold?!?” 
He sheepishly replies “yes and no.”
“How many fingers am I holding?” You hold 4 fingers.
“Negative 3.5.” He looks around hastily. “The point is, where is his cane? I put it right here.” He shows us a side of the drawer facing the wall. 
“Maybe it is there.” He patiently inserts his fingers between the gap of the drawer and the wall to miraculously pull out the missing cane. “Ah there it is! I’ve been looking for it for such a long time!” He snatches it from Louis, who in return only frowns. You on the other hand roll your eyes and write a note, showing Louis to tell him. Herder instantly recognises the pen you’re using by the sound of its scratches.
“You’re using the pen that I made.” his expression goes blank.
‘You made this?’
“Yea!” He lights up. “I didn’t quite understand why William wanted me to make a pen but he told me it was for a person who writes a lot, which honestly wasn’t a satisfactory explanation. How is it?” You look at him in the face and the man seems to be expecting approval. It’s honestly kind of endearing. Such a genius like him wanting the approval of a child so desperately. And of course you lie.
“It’s…okay I guess?” Herder’s expression drops. “W-What do you mean it’s just okay?! I personally sat down, chose the materials to make that! It took me 10 hours to make a single pen!” He screams. Louis seems very displeased by his attitude hence he strikes him at the back of his head.
“OW OW! Sorry!” He backs away. Maybe you shouldn't be here for long. “W-Wait child I have something to show you.” He pulls out an object that seems to be a pen and hands it towards you. When you open its cap, you notice the tip of the object has a pencil-like barrel but there is a small ball at its very tip. “Go on. Write with it”
With his permission you begin to write with that pen on your card. The pen glided smoothly on the paper. Its ink was unlike any of the inks you have used before, forcing you to write faster.
‘This pen is amazing! What do you call it?’
Herder finally seemed satisfied. “Thank you! I plan on giving it a simple name. Since it has a tiny ball at its tip, why not call it a ball pen?” 
‘That’s a great idea! From the looks of it you seem to be some sort of engineer. Do you have any other inventions?’
“Oh yes I do, Come with me.” He grabs hold of your hand. “My lab is just nearby if you wa-” “That’s enough Herder. She’s only a child.” Louis interjects. “But, Bu-” “No buts, no ifs, nothing! If you have any safer invention already present inside the house, you may show it to her.” You can almost see his face droop to disappointment. Louis cuts the tension. “It’s almost dinner time, we should head out now. Mr Q, would you be joining us? I’ve prepared extra food just in case for moments like these.”
“No thanks Louis.” He declines. “However I really enjoyed seeing a new face, even though I actually can’t see you.” His voice trailed off after that. “Well anyway goodnight!” And with that he finally left the room. For some reason you think this encounter is comical and will serve you a greater purpose in the future. But that aside, it’s dinner time! You ran towards the dining room even though Louis was warning you not to and plopped yourself onto the chair, eagerly awaiting dinner.
A few minutes go by but you didn’t care much about it. Rather, you were wondering what the dinner will be. But those few minutes turned into half an hour making you rather worried. Although Louis was just behind you, he took another route since he wanted to inspect the food and serve it himself. 
Your patience ran thin. Naturally you got irritated and left your seat. Where is everyone?! Using your ears you were able to find a mix of voices from the entrance of the manor. This mix contained the voice of Albert, William, Louis, Moran, James, Fred and of some random lady. Considering the volume it seems that they were yelling or atleast one of them was.
Out of curiosity, you hid behind the main door and saw all the men gathered around the lady just near the gates. Moreover Moran and James were holding the ladys arms!
Albert flat out tells her. “I’m sorry mam but we can’t let you see her no matter how big the reason is.”The lady seems to not like his response considering the fact that she started to get even more aggressive. “We cannot allow you to meet her however if you want we can convey a message to her” James proposes this idea in the hopes of calming her down.
“I have no intention of seeing her. That girl is a monster!” She booms her voice.
Wait a minute. You knew that voice, She wasn't a stranger, she-
James chuckles.“Mam I would highly disagree on that part. Y/n is a sweet young girl who just wants to-”
Everyone looks at the woman in shock
“I AM…her mother.” Her voice faints down. “Trust me…that girl is a MONSTER.”
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istherewifiinhell · 4 days
well here we go folks
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[ID: Close on 80s comic Megatron, black helm, large yellow optics. his excessive diaglogue: Indeed, Ravage. We have lived peacefully with the Autobots for eons slowly secretly gathering our strength and pursuing our technology, now we shall strike at those who have brought the stagnation of peace and plenty to cybertron. They shall learn the way of conflict... The way of war... The way of Megatron. END]
oh boy.... marvel transformers no. 1 (or 1-2 in tfuk...) published 1984.
normally id put my credits ABOVE the cut... but um...
plot: Bill Mantlo script: Ralph Macchio pencils: Frank Springer inks: Kim Demulder lettering: Michael Higgins, Rick Parker colour: Nelson Yomtov editor: Bob Buduansky EiC: jim shooter digital re-master by digikore studios limited. collection edits by Justin Eisinger and Alonzo Simon. editorial notes and assistance by Mark. W. Bellomo
jeez.... it takes a fucking village i guess. if youve seen my previous comics blogging, you might know digital remasters arent my fav... but. the amount of READING. in tiny tiny text. in this childrens toy comic. have any of u seen ennervated used in a comic before?? and speaking of reading...
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[Caption box: But the Decepticons were fresh, fully fueled for the battle... the word fueled written strangely. END]
does. does that say fubleo?
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[ID: 1. same captioned from the uk printing, saying fueled with two L's. 2. from an older US printing, much lower res and smudged, but the E and D still look correct with the rest of the type used. END]
So ADDING text errors. thats a new one.
anyway i couldnt begin to nor would i subject you to a comprehensive summary post. robot shit happens. the comic script seems to be fully printed into the book, even tho... surely the pictures are communicating... some of it. anyway. what are we here for.
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[ID: Panel of Megatron walking towards the camera, menacing, canon raised saying "Strike! Strike! With all the might at our command! Death to the autobots and the decay they stand for!" END]
why he kinda...
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[ID: Small drawing of Optimus walking, in a awkward maybe hurried way. END]
bigfooting it up here.
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[ID: 1. small drawing with huffer doing repairs, hes faced away with his butt kind of popped out. 2. cartoon huffer drawn with really curvy portions at the chest and hips. END]
im not sure why 'huffer baby girl' is a thing but. you know. two nickles
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[ID: Starscream and Thundercracker talking in jet mode. S: I told Megatron this frontal assault tactic he's so fond of is foolish, Thundercracker. Guile and stealth are far more effective than missiles in he long run. T: We have to follow Megatron's way, Starscream, It's been successful up to now. I don't think we should openly defy him as you've been known to do. END]
well least thats still the same
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[ID: Tall narrow panel of a castle thats more gothic than scifi. "Meanwhile, inside the foreboding Castle Decepticon that was home to Megatron" END]
SORRY? he was just? draculaing it up on cybertron?? okay.
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[ID: Panel showing a young man, buster, looking under Bumblebee's hood. Caption box: And. Not far away... Buster's thinking "The noises coming from this car are really weird! Almost like… Crying! It's been badly damaged-- leaking something that looks like… but isn't… oil!" END]
BUMBLEBEE CRYING??? HELLO??? what are you doing to my boy. (also yes. its not spike the ambiguously aged tradesman teen, son of a mechanic... but, Buster, bookish nerd who's father is disappointed in him reading to much trying to get a scholarship... [Chanel boots voice] okay... i see your foppish intellectualism and pink shirt buster.
finally. finally. IS THERE A SCRIPT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE. fellas. this is not how a comic layout goes
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[ID: Panel of Megatron in front of his assembled troops asking "... Are well all account for on this brave new world?" The panel is absolutely crammed with text, as all NINE of them sound off with a whole unnaturally phrased character bio paragraph, and Megatron concludes. END]
Im not sure that was.... the best way to do that.... but okay
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[ID: Panel of Optimus and his Autobots just kinda standing around very 3/4 model sheet style, as Optimus says "Now let me insure that our people have each survived intact," followed by SEVEN autobot intros. END]
guys...... this is painful. WHAT is ironhide gonna do with his liquids?!?! what are bumblebees LITTLE LEVERS? altho... cute that he likes to swim?? at least there was less of them then the--
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[ID: A full PAGE of 10 additional autobot intros. END]
Head in hands.... why............... are they getting weirder as it goes or, am i just in increasing amounts of pain?
OKAY. thats post theres no more editorial beyond this point. but.... ocr'd these so..... if anyone is crazy enough want to peruse these ENTIRE BIOS. but needs some plaintext aid... (and re/unfixing the remaster errors lol) this ones for you. dont start of frenzy and rumble.....
Skywarp's up for raiding sir. And my teleportational power'll pop me right into their midst to make mischief. As ever, your cause is Thundercracker's great Megatron. Our land-bound enemy will be picked off at will as I soar over them, striking with rockets and sonic booms. As the fastest most maneuverable of Decepticon jet flyers, I, Starscream, shall continue to accumulate Autobot body-counts that enhance the reputation of our leader. Can the speeches, huh, Star? Rumble's back in town and I'm gonna shake the place up with some low frequency ground-waves. You hit em from up top and I'll do the job down here. And I, Frenzy, will shatter our opponents' equilibrium,using high- pitched soundwaves. I will not cease until every Autobot is slain, and you, Soundwave? I will monitor transmissions and read Autobot electrical impulses to learn their plans even my photographic memory serves as a defensive weapon. Does even that compare with Ravages power to slip undetected anywhere? And my own monitoring devices in my nose module allow me to smell, hear and detect electromagnetic radiation beyond that of any decepticon It all pales next to the artistry of Buzzsaw. I can pinpoint a hexnut at twenty miles with my optical sensors. And my beak has carved many an Autobot warrior into a masterpiece of scrap metal. Just leave some for Laserbeak, comrades allow me a few struggling survivors of our battle and I'm certain till pry some useful information from them with my optical lasers… Even if they die in the telling. Come. Our time to strike is later. The ship's brain has placed into our circuits the knowledge that this world possesses enormous untapped fuel resources resources we can exploit in our struggle against the Autobots.
Ironhide's ready to roll, Optimus, I may be old and ornery, but my steel-alloy skin hasn't been dented yet in battle. And I've got a bunch of new liquids I want to test out in my water gun, yessiree. Oh, I say we leave right now and forget about traipsing after the stupid decepticons, I'll use my stress testing sensors and mathematical skill to rebuild the ark and get us back to Cybertron where we belong. C'mon, Huffer, get with it! I only require a drop of fuel to run, so I'm going to explore this whole planet- especially since The Ark said so much of it is water, and Bumblebee's little levers love a good swim. Well, Sunstreaker isn't leaving until the rest of this world gets a look at the sleekest Autobot in the bunch. And if any Decepticon dares to mess with the finish-- he'll get two ground-to-air missiles stuffed where he won't want them. If you were as fast as Cliffjumper is, Sunstreaker, you wouldn't worry about your finish, and while I'm dodging fire my "Glass gas" can make any Decepticon brittle as ice. Hun, Brawn don't need any gas to rip things up, nobody's stronger'n me. One punch and yer buildin'-- or decepticon--goes bye bye. Sideswipe's right up there with you, Brawn, because I use my arms as Piledrivers. I admit, it's a little rash to rush headlong at Decepticon fortifications, but not one of them's stopped me yet.
Frankly, I'd rather be elsewhere hunting turbofoxes than with you roughnecks, but, while we're here, my electro-disrupter is charged up. It not only interferes with decepticon circuitry, it also makes me appear to be where I'm not that's why I'm called Mirage. Nice to hear how you got your name, Mirage. Now, I got mine, Bluestreak by being as fast as a blue streak.. Whatever that is. Some wise guys even said I talk a blue streak--whatever that is. Anyway, here I am. Listening to you, Bluestreak, taxes even the endless patience of Prowl. I have little to say, but my logic center dictates the most advantageous course of action in any situation. Well, that is neat-o, Prowl. But me, Jazz, I'd like to just cruise around and take in the sights. And if I've got to fight well my photon rifle and overhead flamethrowers can make things hot for the big nasties. You burn them, Jazz, but let Hound sniff, them out for you. My infra-red radiation collector makes me the best tracker on or off cybertron, and if I ever get lost, my hologram gun projects terrain maps to get me back on track. Just let Windcharger zoom ahead and scrap a Decept between my magnetic arms. I'll take in this planet's scenery later. The only thing Gears wants to learn about this planet is how to get off it. I hate this place already, I just know you're going to use me as a mobile transport unit again once we have to set up. Nuts. Let's go home Well, at least you don't have to patch Autobots up like old Ratchet does, when one of us busts himself up playing hero, but I've got the tools to fix anything-- even though I'd rather be partying than tinkering. And Wheeljack is the guy you've had to patch up most. I can't help it. I love to mess with gadgets -- especially our weaponry, like my shoulder cannons. I try to be careful, but sometimes it doesn't work. Thanks for being around, Ratchet, old buddy. I don't know how many times I, Trailbreaker had to use my force-field projector and hide behind my own barrier when you're experimenting with those shrapnel shells. You're worse than a wild Decepticon, Wheeljack.
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Being a total bird nerd, I had to do a little dive into this somewhat bird-themed chapter of Les Mis.
What is an “alouette”? Many have heard this bird’s name through the children’s song “Alouette, gentille alouette” which is popular even in non-French speaking countries. An “alouette” is a “lark”, the common name for the avian family Alaudidae (which contains 100 species).
What type of lark is Hugo referring to in 1.4.3? It is almost certainly the Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) or “Alouette des champs” in French.
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[Image ID: A small brown and white bird (Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis)) on a wooden fence post.] [Credit: Natural England/Allan Drewitt, 2015. https://flic.kr/p/vDvojm]
This species has been referenced in literature throughout history, likely due to its proximity to humans and its distinctive song. The Eurasian Skylark lives in open habitats such as fields and pastures and has an incredibly long song which it sings persistently while in flight.
So why did the townspeople choose to call Cosette an alouette? The text tells us that Cosette is a:
“...trembling, frightened, and shivering little creature, no bigger than a bird, who was awake every morning before any one else in the house or the village, and was always in the street or the fields before daybreak.” (Hapgood translation)
The Eurasian Skylark is a relatively small bird around the size of a sparrow (17.5-19.0 cm). They forage on the ground where their plumage can make them nearly invisible. They are also said to be the first bird to sing in the morning. I couldn’t find any scientific evidence that this is true, besides learning that their “ground song” (sung by both males and females from the ground) is mostly sung in the morning. However, I did find some cultural allusions to this idea.
“Au chant de l’alouette” (literally translated as “at the singing of the lark”) means “very early in the morning” or “at the crack of dawn” [wiktionnaire]. (Though I don’t know anything about the usage of this phrase, i.e. how much it’s used or when it’s from.) From wikipedia: “Ethnomusicologist Conrad LaForte points out that, in song, the lark (l'alouette) is the bird of the morning, and that it is the first bird to sing in the morning, hence waking up lovers and causing them to part, and waking up others as well, something that is not always appreciated.”
My guess is that since the skylark is a small, drab bird that is often found flittering on the ground and is generally considered to be the first bird to sing in the morning, Cosette was dubbed “l’alouette” by the neighbors.
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[Image ID: A color drawing of a small brown and white bird (Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis)) on a background of yellowed paper.] [Plate XCIV Skylark Alauda arvensis. Coloured illustrations of British birds, and their eggs. London: G.W. Nickisson,1842-1850. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/40246756]
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nellimeow · 2 months
⋆ ❱ ✧˖°hello!°˖✧ ❰ ⋆
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this is just some shit about me
read or don’t I really don’t care lol
homophobes (transphobes, biphobes, lesbophobes, etc.)
bad people
haters in general <3
things I like
favourite food:
whip cream
favourite snack:
those crackers with peanut butter in between
favourite song:
Diet Mountain Dew (demo) - Lana Del Ray
favourite colour:
#49412A (hex code)
favourite show:
murder drones (hazbin’s up there too though, so is helluva boss)
favourite ship:
n x uzi, onewaybroadcast
favourite height:
anything under 5’8’’
favourite movie:
monty python and the holy grail
favourite drink:
Mountain Dew
favourite shape:
heart (the anatomically correct one)
favourite character:
Adam and Fizzarolli (alex brightman is literally the best omg)
favourite line from a show:
“choke on a sandpaper cock” -verosika
favourite quote ever:
“jokes on you, short people are just fun-sized” -me 2014
pronouns n stuff
any, they/them or it/it’s preferred though
AFAB, agender
asexual (sex repulsed but I make jokes about it)
guidelines for commenting or asks or anything
um just try to be respectful? obviously I can’t control what you do but no racial slurs either (they make me uncomfortable)
yeah just go crazy though
call me whatever idc
lil bit o’ extra stuff
feb 14th (usually celebrate on the 20th tho)
favourite aesthetic:
weirdcore weirdcore weirdcore weirdcore
fashion aesthetic:
goth(?), indie(?), or just whatever I have in my closet
dream job:
artist or neurosurgeon
writing (fanfics), reading (fanfics), thinking about meaningless philosophical questions
my ‘dictionary’:
n: and, an
b: bitch
assume everything i post is /lh unless I say otherwise
ok thanks for reading, buh-bye! ✨💖
(I mean there’s more stuff but it’s not really useful)
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me vibes:
I've got a gambling addiction
And I confuse love with attention
So I keep betting everything that I have on people who don't stay
I've got a gambling addiction
But I don't raise, I don't call I go all in, all of the time
On people who don't feel the same
So, I keep losing to the house
I'll never learn my lesson
Losing to the house, because it's just a guessing game
I haven't figured out how to play in moderation
But with all of my losses someday, I'm probably gonna win
I've got a gambling addiction
And I place bets based off affection
But I never stay when I should so I always catch 22
I've got a gambling addiction
But I'm bad at bluffing and making predictions
So love is a lottery where I always lose
I keep losing to the house
I'll never learn my lesson
Losing to the house, because it's just a guessing game
I haven't figured out how to play in moderation
But with all of my losses someday, I'm probably gonna win
I wanna be: pulling lucky numbers and praying to lucky stars
Finding four-leaf clovers and counting all of my cards
But I'm walking under ladders
Seeing black cats
Spilling table salt and stepping on every crack
And yet I'm still trying to turn my thirteens into sevens
So I'm crossing all my fingers and I'm pressing all my luck
Cos I know misfortune just won't be enough
To keep me from betting it all on love, again
That's why I keep losing to the house
I'll never learn my lesson
Losing to the house, because it's just a guessing game
I haven't figured out how to play in moderation
But with all of my loses someday
I'm probably gonna win, right?
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Sometimes I shouldn't text you
You act just like my ex do
You know I try my best to catch you
She wanna be so perfect, so it's silicone
For the last two years, I've been all alone
For my last few peers, I hope you fucking choke
I'm on the brink of insanity inside my own home
I wanna slam my head against the wall 'til I cannot feel at all
She doesn't really like me, she likes alcohol
I watched my idols fall, I might just end it all
I wanna slam my head against the wall 'til I cannot feel at all
She doesn't really like me, she likes alcohol
I watched my idols fall, I might just end it all
Serotonin, I need you bad, you know it
I know you mad, I'm glowing
I know you mad, I know you mad (and I know)
Sometimes I shouldn't text you
You act just like my ex do
You know I try my best to catch you
And he has a wife but he love his mistress
Blink twice and you might just miss it
So much jealousy, it's vindictive
I'm worthless, a pot to piss in
I wanna slam my head against the wall 'til I cannot feel at all
She doesn't really like me, she likes alcohol
I watched my idols fall, I might just end it all
I wanna slam my head against the wall 'til I cannot feel at all
She doesn't really like me, she likes alcohol
I watched my idols fall, I might just end it all
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Dun, dun dun, dun, dun dun (alright)
Got a lot of friends that I can't escape
Sleepin' in my head like a Motel 6
Hold it all together with a little duct tape
It bends, it breaks
Got a lot of dreams but I let them die
Ping pong, drip drop, oh my my
The TV's on but the noise is white (what am I doing now?)
God, can't I catch my breath?
Not even for a second
Chasin' Santa Ana winds
And I obsess, I slow dance with the tension
Can you taste it on my lips?
I'm so scatterbrain
But when you touch me, it all goes away
For a second I don't feel insane
Come medicate me
I don't sleep at all, yeah, I've been counting sheep
I look perfect on the surface but a nightmare underneath
I've got anger problems, I say things that I don't mean
Some people pay for therapy, I find it in the sheets (hey)
Catch my breath
Not even for a second
Chasin' Santa Ana winds
I'm so scatterbrain
But when you touch me, it all goes away
For a second I don't feel insane
Come medicate me (scatterbrain)
I need you baby (goes away)
I need it daily (scatterbrain)
I need you baby (feel insane)
Come medicate me
Come medicate me
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Dude, she's just not into you
Gotta move on, move on
She's just not into you
Gotta move on, move on
She's just not-
You're sitting, waiting beside your phone
The apple of your eye
The one you love is awake, you're alone
And you can't help but realize
That you waste your time
Tell yourself a lie
That you waste your time
Dude, she's just not into you
Gotta move on, move on
She's just not into you
Gotta move on, move on
She's just not-
I love ya
(And I) can't stop thinking of ya
(Oh, and I) love you
I can't stop thinking of ya, of ya
Dude, she's just not into you
Gotta move on, move on
She's just not into you
Gotta move on, move on
She's just not into you
Gotta move on, move on
She's just not into you
Gotta move on, move on
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Nice to meet you
I'm a cryptid
I don't scare off many children
They just laugh it makes me livid
I'm not scary
Like I should be
Play with dolls when
No one's looking
Dad is Bigfoot
Mom is Nessie
Can't just say "I tried my best, " see
They're expecting so much more I
Couldn't care less, but I still try
I'll go hairless
Grow some more eyes
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you
They see right through me
Can I blame them?
Till I scare 'em, I stay nameless
Movies set the bar too high
I need a win before I die
I can't begin to want to try
Yet I still do
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you
Nice to meet you
At the naming ceremony
Everyone else, their lives were all forming
But maybe I'll earn it
At the naming ceremony
(I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm...)
What if my parents loathe me? Disown me?
(Who am I? Oh, who do I think I am? Think I am?)
If I don't earn it
At the naming ceremony
(I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm...)
Should've been gifted, should've been perfect
(What's my name?)
But I couldn't even learn it
At the naming ceremony
Nobody told me congratulations
I didn't earn it
I don't deserve it
Nice to meet you
I'm a cryptid
Chose my own name
Now I'm Mildred
It's no "Mothman"
But it's mine and
I deserve it
It's my name and
I deserve it
It's my own and
I deserve it
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Six legs, tippy tappy toes
Climbing to the podium on Sunday
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
Struck a nerve
That's absurd
I remember when I felt my house was made of sandpaper
That's enough living rough for a lifetime
Looking back for a pass
Take it from me
I've lost my mind
Six legs, tippy tappy toes
Climbing to the podium on Sunday
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
Six legs, tippy tappy toes
Climbing to the podium on Sunday
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
Let me lay it down for you
It seems so simple
I'm happy that I'm just under six feet, not six feet under
Where are your hands? No wonder
Take it from me
I've lost my mind
Take it from me
I've lost my mind
Six legs, tippy tappy toes
Climbing to the podium on Sunday
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
I feel stuck in a memory
Scratching my itch, who would I be?
I feel stuck in a memory
Scratching my itch, who would I be?
Six legs, running down the stairs
None of them prepared for what they might see
Now there's another face, another name to sing
I hope they're happy
Six legs, tippy tappy toes
Climbing to the podium on Sunday
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
Now, it remains a dream, a distant memory
That itches my brain
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When you're gone I feel alone again
The voices cannot hold my hand
They keep me company at very best
Distract me from my loneliness
Maybe I'm just an anomaly
Even my demons have their families
Truly something must be wrong with me
To need you as much as I do
I was never meant to win
I was never meant to win
I was never meant to win
(Shut up)
Here's the reigns
Take ahold of me
Please don't let me go
You do the talking
Sew up my mouth if I can't keep it closed
There's a dog barking right around the block
And a big ol' whistle blow
Run for it
I'll keep them occupied
'Cause I love you, I love you so
Left me hanging at the station
But you'll be back for me soon
I'm 'bout to die
Yet the only thing I find I'm worried about is you
Something tells me you aren't coming
Guess that I'm truly doomed
I'm 'bout to die
Yet the only thing I find I'm worried about is you
I'm 'bout to die
Yet the thing on my mind seems to nearly be nothing but you
I overhear your brain when it's close to mine
Oh, I know that we're not the same
My heart's on the line
I'm just a pawn in your game
Not your partner in crime
And you're slowly killing me
Taking your time
You're slowly killing me
Taking your time
You're slowly killing me
Taking your- (I was never meant to win)
You're slowly killing me
Taking your- (I was never meant to win)
You're slowly killing me
And yet I don't mind (You were never meant to win)
You're slowly killing me
But please take your time
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I don't feel a single thing
Have the pills done too much
Haven't caught up with my friends in weeks
And now we're outta touch
I've been driving in L.A.
And the world it feels too big
Like a floating ball that's bound to break
Snap my psyche like a twig
And I just wanna see if you feel the same as me
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Like your body's in the room but you're not really there
Like you have empathy inside but you don't really care
Like you're fresh outta love but it's been in the air
Am I past repair
A little bit tired of tryin' to care when I don't
A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope
A little bit tired of sinkin'
There's water in my boat
I'm barely breathin'
Tryna stay afloat
So I got these quick repairs to cope
Guess I'm just broken and broke
The prescriptions on its way
With a name I can't pronounce
And the dose I gotta take
Boy, I wish that I could count
'Cause I just wanna see if this could make me happy
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
Like your body's in the room but you're not really there
Like you have empathy inside but you don't really care
Like you're fresh outta love but it's been in the air
Am I past repair
A little bit tired of tryin' to care when I don't
A little bit tired of quick repairs to cope
A little bit tired of sinking
There's water in my boat
I'm barely breathin'
Tryna stay afloat
So I got these quick repairs to cope
Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like a numb little bug that's gotta survive
That's gotta survive
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You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Can we hit it now low down and gritty?
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Baby, put on heart shaped sunglasses
'Cause we gonna take a ride
I'm not gonna listen to what the past says
I've been waiting up all night
Take another drag turn me to ashes
Ready for another lie?
Says he's gonna teach me just what fast is
Say it's gonna be alright
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Can we hit it now low down and gritty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Let's take Jesus off the dashboard
Got enough on his mindㅤ
We both know just what we're here for
Saved too many times
Maybe I like this roller coaster
Maybe it keeps me high
Maybe the speed it brings me closer
I could sparkle up your eye
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Can we hit it now low down and gritty?
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want you
You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want you, I want you
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Baby, stoppin' at 7-Eleven
There in his white Pontiac heaven
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
Diet mountain dew, baby, New York City
Can we hit it now low down and gritty?
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?
You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want
You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want
You're no good for me
Baby, you're no good for me
You're no good for me
But baby, I want you, I want
(all lyrics copy n pasted from google)
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stargazer-sims · 8 months
Haru + Notebook
@dandylion240 can you believe I managed to keep this one short?
A notebook, Haru thinks, is an odd gift for someone who can barely read or write.
Part of him wants to be annoyed because Eden should really know better than to give him something he can't use, but he can't bring himself to be upset. Eden sent this to him all the way from Canada after all, and that on its own means something.
The notebook is bigger than normal. It's at least twice the size of the ones Ryu and Senjirō like to write their lyrics in, and maybe three times the size of Taiji's journal. It's bound on the edge with a thin metal coil. The front cover has a picture of chrysanthemums, Haru's favourite flower. He smiles when he realizes Eden obviously remembered that.
He's still contemplating what he's meant to do with the large notebook when Taiji strolls into their room. Taiji glances over at him, where he's sprawled on his bed with the book in front of him.
"Nice scrapbook," Taiji comments.
Haru scrunches up his face in confusion. "Nice... what?"
"Scrapbook," Taiji repeats. "Where'd you get it?"
"Eden sent it to me in the mail," Haru tells him. "Scrapbook?"
"Yeah, you know," says Taiji. "You put your memories in it. Photos, old movie tickets, birthday cards... stuff like that. Or you can draw pictures in it."
"So, it's not for writing?"
"Well, you could write stuff in it if you wanted to, I guess, but there probably aren't any lines on the pages."
Haru flips up the cover of the scrapbook and discovers that Taiji is correct. There are no lines. The pages are a rich ivory colour, edged with a border of delicate pink in the same shade as the flowers on the front.
He looks up at Taiji, intrigued. "How did you know?"
"Uh... because it says 'scrapbook' on the cover," Taiji says.
Haru closes it and studies the cover again. There's text in fancy white letters at the top. The font is pretty, but Haru has no hope of decoding it, and decides he'll just have to take his friend's word that it says 'scrapbook'. He can barely read Japanese, his first language, at the best of times. Unless he's feeling particularly mentally sharp, he doesn't even try to tackle English, and even then he needs it to be written in nice big unambiguous fonts.
"Did Eden send you anything else?" Taiji asks.
"Yeah. He sent me a card with a note."
"Want me to read it to you?"
Haru nods. He picks up the card that was in the package with the scrapbook, and passes it to Taiji.
Eden has figured out by now that unless he sends an email or text which Haru can have his iPad's screen reader speak aloud to him, any written correspondence will have to be read to him by an actual person. He's learned to keep handwritten notes polite and clean, so as not to embarrass Haru or make things awkward for his designated reader.
In the note, Eden explained all about the purpose of the scrapbook, and said that he's started compiling some memories in one of his own.
"At the end he says 'I love you'." Taiji concludes.
Taiji hands the card back to him. He runs his fingertips over the image on the front, and smiles when he recognizes it as one of the note cards Eden had bought in Harajuku that summer when they'd visited Tokyo together. He loved showing Eden all around his home city, and he can hardly wait for the opportunity to travel to Canada, so Eden can show him around his own hometown.
A book to put your memories in. That's what Taiji had said.
Haru opens the card and gazes at Eden's painstakingly precise handwriting. He can decipher some of the words, and could probably read them all if he put the time and effort in. He's not too worried, though. The important ones, he knows immediately on sight; the kanji for his own name, the one for love, and Eden's name printed neatly in English letters.
He doesn't have to think too hard to decide what the first page of his new scrapbook will contain.
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romaine2424 · 9 months
Weekly Blog August 30, 2023
Let me say upfront that my personal world is quite small, but that doesn't stop random lightning strikes of 'Oh shit' hitting my household. Yikes. I think things have calmed down once again so I can get back to escapism. LOL
I have been writing and updating. The Azkaban Letters Chapter 12 was posted yesterday. I update every Tuesday. The response has been 'meh' kudos wise, but I have some lovely lovely commenters, which inspires me to push ahead. For anyone who's posted a chapter fic, you know what it means to have a few folks comment on each chapter.
What I've been reading:
I've been reading a lot! Mostly very long fics, but then I hit upon a fest I hadn't heard of before that just ended. @ladiesofhpfest! 16 weeks of themed fics! The theme range goes from Vilenous Vixens to Hedwig's Circle of Divas. Most of the fics are less than 5K. Here's the link to the Master List by Weeks/Themes. The final two weeks have to be added to the list. I know one of them is Week 15: Girly Girls.
I have two three recs from this fest, mind you, I've just started reading the stories.
The first is Sparkling Cyanide (1.4K) by @saintsenara.
Summary: Tom Riddle had nothing to do with the death of Hepzibah Smith. Hokey had just had enough of being a slave.
I have no idea how the author fits so much into 1.4k words. But we learn who Hokey is and how she and those who came before her were mistreated by Hepzibah Smith. That wizards and witches have no idea and don't care to know the rich history of house-elves. And they are oh so clever! Cheer Hokey on as she works around the law that house-elves cannot use their magic to hurt their masters.
The second is Look Like the Innocent Flowers (4.8K) by @midnightstargazer.
Summary: Daphne is silly and superficial, the sort who obsesses over makeup and fashion and knows all the latest gossip. Astoria is fragile and soft-spoken, a delicate flower of a girl. When the Carrows take over Hogwarts, the two sisters appear to be unaffected, indifferent to changes that have little impact on pure-blood Slytherins like themselves. But as the Sorting Hat said, "those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends" - including allowing themselves to be grossly underestimated.
This is a great canon missing moments fic for 7th year. Daphne is very much a Slytherin (as is Astoria). She's made a decision to protect her sister and those that the dark side wants to hurt. We're treated to the beginnings of Astoria/Draco, the subtle communication between Slytherin women, including Narcissa, and how such a beautiful witch can use her wiles and magical powers to help bring down the Dark Lord that most of her house admires.
Oh, and this author also wrote Lily's Cat (sniffle) for the fest. Really sweet.
One more rec, and it's Drarry, and it's a Series, and it's long. I'm guessing that many of you have read the Blood Magic (340K) series by Houseofhebrideanblacks(AO3) and Thestralsofspinnersend(AO3). The series is made up of 3 distinct fics in feel though definitely intertwined. The first fic, A Half-Life, A Cursed-Life (49K) is very tough to read. It takes place quite a few years after the war, and Auror Harry is so so broken. At the very end, though, there is a spark of hope as Healer Draco takes action.
The second fic, The Forest (88K), is my fav. Definitely the balm to ease the pain of the first one. And the third, Misunderstood Creatures (198K) is amazing in love, action, and lore. Truly a great Drarry series that should be on every Drarry fan's list to read.
One note of interest is that the Authors wrote for their character, and it's seamless.
Please remember to give love to these stories! Comments are always appreciated.
Today's resource came from @maesterchill on the Main Drarry discord server. The Fic Writer's Guide to Formatting (An AO3 Repository) by @anisaanisa. I cannot tell you how excited I was to finally learn how to do coloured text in AO3 and so many other things! Geez just so happy for this resource.
UpComing Fests of Interest (okay to me):
H/D Kidfic Fest: Prompting is Sept 16th-29th.
H/D Owlpost 2023: Sign-ups Aug 18th - Sept 8th.
Harry Potter Rare Pair Fest IV (@hprarepairfest): Claiming now open!
Oh wow, I think I'm done! Have a great week and remember to have some fun in our lovely fandom!
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links-in-time · 4 months
Link Fanfic - The Beginning of Something
Part 2
The next part or chapter of my Link Fanfic. Please enjoy and don't tag as Linked Universe.
Maari stayed awake all night, observing the boys as they changed watch shifts through the darkness. Each taking turns to tend the fire and keep a look out for monsters in the woods.
Dawn was just becoming visible in the inky sky and Maari sat up and stretched. Link and the youngest member of the group (Link referred to him at Wind) were on watch together. Maari's movement caught Link's attention from where he sat near the fire.
"Morning," he said quietly, poking some of the flickering ashes with a stick.
"Good morning." Maari shuddered slightly at the feeling of the morning chill. The fire was beginning to die down and the last of the cold night had started to creep into the camp. Maari shuffled a little closer to the fire and warmed her hands over the flames. She glanced up at Link and cleared her throat.
"I feel I should apologise for last night, if I had known it was you guiding this group I wouldn't have been spying."
Link shook his head and gave Maari a half smile.
"No need. I should have guessed the portal would have drawn attention. But we were more concerned about monsters than possible friends."
"Maari nodded, that makes sense." She glanced around the camp at the sleeping forms on the ground. "Who are your companions? I don't recognise their faces."
"Dont you?" Link asked, in an almost playful way.
Maari considered what she had observed last night. She had to admit there were striking similarities between most of the young men and boys travelling with Link. She thought the young man who wore the scarf, the dark haired boy and the eldest shared many features. Again she wondered if they were relatives of Link.
"Are they relatives of yours? Cousins maybe?" Maari asked.
"You could say that. In fact, I'm fairly certain Twi and Time are directly related somehow. But the rest of us, our connection goes beyond blood."
"I think I am starting to understand," Maari said slowly, the cogs of her quick mind turning. Each if the boys were fighters, that much was obvious. And if they were following Link.
"They all share the Hero's spirit, don't they." she said, turning her gaze back at Link, who sat across from her. The fire crackled between them, sending sparks dancing up into the slowly brightening sky.
Link smiled warmly and the two passed the rest of his watch in silence as dawn broke around them.
Maari was surprised by how organised the boys were when time came to pack up their little camp. Bed rolls were packed away, the remains of the fire doused and biscuits passed around as a quick breakfast. They all travelled light, carrying small packs and their own range of weapons. Maari had nothing of her own to carry save for the clothes on her back and her own weapons. She kept her mask lowered as she was now in good company.
The boys introduced themselves to Maari one after the other as they broke camp, and started to make their way through the woods towards the Dueling Peaks. She was surprised to learn they were all called Link. Every one of them. However they had give each other nicknames. The youngest gave her a deep bow and said his nickname was Wind. He had a bright energetic way about him that Maari found endearing. But even though he was the smallest and clearly the youngest, he always insisted he carry his own weight and the others rarely offered to help him.
Then there was Legend, the boy who wore the scarlet tunic. Hyrule, who was sweet and a little shy. Sky, who wore a beautiful hand sewn cloak with the royal emblem emblazoned on the back. Four, whose tunic bore four different colours, and a face which always appeared inquisitive. Twilight, who Maari had had the pleasure of meeting in the woods in his other form. Warriors, the scarf wearer. And finally Time, the eldest. The marks on his face reminded Maari of an illustration she had seen in a very old text in the castle library. But she could not remember the legend that accompanied it. Time was the quietest of the group, besides Link (or Wild, as his companions called him) he looked out for the others and walked at the back of the group to guard against them being approached from behind.
They passed the Dueling Peaks and the stable without incident. However, once they crossed Kakariko bridge Warriors and Time appeared on edge. Maari guessed it was the lack of cover provided by the canyon walls which troubled them. Though she knew the path well, a few monsters still clung to the dark places of Hyrule. They were right to be on their guard, and she urged the others to keep their eyes open as well.
"You know," said Warriors as he fell into step with Maari. She noted how even though his sword was drawn, he seemed fairly relaxed. "In my time the Princess had a Sheikah protector named Impa. She bore the same insignia you have on your clothes. The red weeping eye."
"That does not surprise me. The Sheikah have always had ties to the crown and offen served as advisors or protectors of the royal family." Maari replied, wondering how far back in Hyrule's history Warrior's time was.
"She even trained the Princess in the ways of the Sheikah. She used to fight in disguise as a soldier called Sheik." Warriors continued.
"I would have loved to have met such a woman. Our Princess, Zelda, is more of a scientist than a warrior, but she holds the Sheikah in high regard." Maari explained. "She did much for the people of Hyrule after the upheaval. Helping to rebuild and educate people."
Warriors was fascinated by Maari's words and listened intently as she spoke of Wild's Zelda. He had mentioned her on a few occasions, however he always gave the distinct impression that their relationship was complicated. It was nice to get a different perspective. He was about to open his mouth to ask another question, when they all heard the scream.
Two bokoblins dropped down from a high ledge, their wailing screeches echoing off the canon walls. Time was the first to defend the group. His long sword cracked the head of the red bokoblin in one quick movement. Maari had just enough time to be impressed before two more appeared ahead of them, blocking their path. Wild and Legend, who had been at the front of the group, held them back with practiced ease.
Maari scanned around, quickly finding a route up a pile of fallen boulders. She moved with unearthly speed, sure footed, barely touching the ground as she skipped up the rockface.
"Typical Sheikah," Time muttered under his breath as he shook his head.
"She moves like an Ordonian Goat!" Twilight proclaimed, half watching Maari as he blocked the swing of a bokoblin club with his sword. The bokoblin roared in his face and Twilight growled back at it.
Maari gripped a ledge with her fingertips, looking down on the canyon from 12 feet in the air. The first two bokoblins were dead, the second two were being dealt with, but three more were approaching from the bottom of the path. She swung herself forwards, rolled in the air over the heads of the men below and landed on the path a little way ahead of the advancing bokoblins. She drew her daggers and replaced her mask.
The first monster had no time to react to her appearance and walked straight into the path of her twirling daggers. She stabbed it in the eye and the throat for good measure. The other two continued charging towards the group. One jumped on Time, the other began attacking Four and Wind. Maari threw her daggers one after the other. Both found their targets, lodging in the heads of both monsters. The first collapsed over Time's body and the second keeled over just as Four struck it in the side.
Quiet settled over the canyon once more and Maari sighed, recovering her stance and lowering her mask. As she walked past Time back towards the group she looked down. He pushed the dead bokoblin off his body with a heave and looked up.
"Typical Sheikah ey?" She said, raising an eyebrow.
Time chuckled and shook his head.
Maari checked on some of the others. Wild was going through the bokoblins pockets, Legend was nursing a bruise on his head, but the others appeared none the worse after the encounter.
"Everyone sound off!" Warriors called, though not so loud as to make an echo. The boys all called out their nicknames to Warrior's satisfaction.
"This region was cleared of monsters before I left this Hyrule," Wild said to Maari as they started to move along the road once more. "I made sure of that."
"I have seen a few here and there over the last few months. We believed they had all perished after the death of the Deamon King, but this proves otherwise. Impa has been concerned and after the portal appeared, she feared the worst." Maari explained, as she pulled her daggers out of the dead bokoblins." We should keep moving on towards the village. I'm sure the scouts have spotted us. Impa and Paya will be expecting us by now."
< Part 1 : Part 3 >
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mr-laveau · 1 year
Sadhil•Sweetheart Headcanons
(we're back at it again apparently, also I don't wanna shut up about Sadhil cuz he's my bbg)
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Sadhil Kapoor(he/they) is pan + poly.
As a kid, Sadhil used to watch a lot of detective media so they pretty much picked up how to speak like that and have never stopped since then. Their favourite was Columbo.
Sadhil smokes actually, Milo jokes that it's all a part of the brooding detective act but Sam can attest that the stealth used to be quite the smoker in DAMN.
Speaking of Sam and DAMN, as people who've read Ghost of the Past know, Sadhil and Sam were very close roommates way back when.
The discord can attest that Sweetheart is in fact a heartbreaker, a whore if you will, they've been around the block, especially during their time at DAMN
Sadhil, Cam and Morgan spend a lot of time together during their lunch breaks talking shit about everyone else at the department. They've got all the tea in everyone and spill it with each other.
Guy was their boyfriend in highschool before they realized they were better as friends. They still have each other's numbers and text a lot.
Sadhil's eyes are naturally lilac, I have a hc that stealths have naturally lighter eyes colours since they reflect light like cats in the dark.
Guess who's in the "I hate my mom" club? It's Sadhil. He doesn't have the best relationship with his mom and he doesn't have a relationship with his dad cuz 👻.
They are unofficially Vincent's parole officer. Vince used to get in trouble a lot, especially when Sadhil was a rookie and now it's just automatic for DUMP to direct Vince to Sadhil whenever he shows up on their radar.
Sadhil, my AuDHD child. I love him so.
Has every pack member's criminal records memorized and will use it as blackmail for their schemes if prompted.
Sadhil has two younger brothers who drop by his and Milo's place to hang out when they have the time.
In my head, they do eventually quit working with DUMP and join the pack in Shaw Security much like their imperium self.
Sadhil didn't learn how to cook much of their mom's recipes but they do know how to make a good ass guava cheese.
They have nicknames for their partners; they call Milo "boo", David is "Boss", Sam gets called "toots", Darren's nickname is "Sweetie", Vincent is "wise guy", they call Lasko "handsome" and Angel gets called "Doll".
Sadhil's voice, for anyone who's curious, is a soft, raspy Brooklyn accent. Yes, people ask if they're really from Dahlia, and yes, they're tired of being asked that.
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bloxbomber-guezz · 2 years
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name: Guezz
birthday: june 24 (as reference to account creation date)
pronouns: he / him
face style: kaomoji / emoticon, ( unknown font, black ink )
Guezz is, my first Roblox avatar, which I named this account after.
ironically for a guest impersonator, guezz is loud and expressive. guezz is also very reckless, loud, stubborn and energetic. he seems to be constantly going on adventures so he can spend as little time at his own home as possible.
some people may find guezz annoying due to his tendency just walk up to random people and infodump about his hobbies, or his tendencies to quickly pick petty fights and sometimes violent fights with anyone who dare insults or harrasses his friends.
guezz does not have many friends so he thinks his friends are the best things in the world, and he can be a bit too defensive of them, even when speaking up for his friends makes his friends uncomfortable.
however, guezz is slowly learning how to become a better friend over time.
He is learning how to improve on his manners and being more considerate as guezz hangs out with nubzie and their family more.
guezz loves to pretend to be things he is not, as he isn't a real wizard either. guezz explores caves and mountains. guezz enjoys collecting rocks, crafting bombs and decorating the bombs.
guezz's face is 2d and emoticon-bound. this means guezz's facial expressions are restricted to expressing in text based emoticon or kaomoji. guezz's spit, tears, blood and sweat share the same black, inky colour as the text on his face.
i like to think his name is a very poor spelling of the name "jess" but it can also be pronounced as "guess".
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hatless guezz.
guezz's hair is usually hidden completely when he is wearing his hat.
guezz's hair colour is a red, that matches the "ROBLOX" banner on his torso. his fluffy hair is usually tied up into a ponytail.
the shape of guezz's hair style is inspired by bomb fuses and cartoon explosion bubbles.
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stub limbed guezz
i often draw guezz's scarf at inconsistent sizes for fun.
the scarf is loose around the neck and rather large.
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ink drawing guezz.
i imagine the green "gem" on his hat functioning like a headlamp.
the wizard hat guezz wears is actually a mining helmet that he decorated.
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marker guezz holding a bomb.
guezz prefers to use lit fuse explosives as weapons.
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mspaint guezz with his best buddy, nubzie.
guezz always hangs out at nubzie's house and never the other way around.
nubzie's family are very happy and accepting of nubzie's new friend since they're normally afraid of strangers and rarely makes any new friends.
nubzie is a bit more quiet in comparison to guezz.
nubzie is respectful and naturally likes be very well behaved and polite on their own, but is very shy and clings towards their own family instead of try to make new friends.
like a younger sibling, nubzie looks up to guezz and can be influenced by guezz's reckless actions and can partake in them.
nubzie is trying to learn how to be more independent.
nubzie enjoys camping, carving, and tree climbing.
nubzie seems to attend some of outdoor program similar to kiss scouts and really believes in respecting their code of conduct.
they like to wear matching exploring outfits with guezz.
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mountain climbing
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nubzie and guezz ingame.
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pixel art of sticks, guezz and nubzie.
sticks is another friend of guezz. sticks is around the same age as guezz.
sticks is a frail, nervous half of a robloxian being held in place by a singular bandaid.
due to missing half of his original body, sticks is often seen by others as a zombie.
guezz and nubzie are glad to accept sticks despite his body being horribly mutilated from injury.
sticks is glad to stick by his friend's side despite not always agreeing with guezz's reckless behaviour.
sticks is the most cautious member of the friend trio and tries to keep his buddies out of danger.
sticks usually daydreams about pursuing random talents and hobbies, and shares what he's learned with his friends.
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doodles of the trio.
guezz has a fear of drowning because in older versions of roblox, hats still affected player mass ingame.
player avatars with a heavier combination of hats sank like cement when trying to swim in water terrain. these avatars also struggled to surface and exit the water.
guezz was one of my avatars that had those issues.
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eiseryn · 7 months
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New OC :3 Her name is Artemis and her decker (hacker) name is Timberwolf as the text says. She is from/lives in Mertalline, the same city Lei is from/ lives in. She has a very black/white/silver (+grey) /blue palette and her fave colour is that bright blue you see! Personality-wise she is supposed to be cheeky and somewhat flirtatious (to certain people), quite self-confident and self-assured. She uses a laser bow (?) in battle and has a loyal battle hound (robotic wolf) with her which she has named "Orion". She really likes dogs (and wolves) because of how loyal they are :)
She likes to joke around and have as much fun as possible since life otherwise would suck! She has an older sister named Athena who is a runner (codename = Coyote), who is Artemis' first "hero". Artemis has a bit of a hero complex, believing in justice (or wanting to) and perhaps she wouldn't mind being someone's hero as well :3 She looked up to a decker named Tiger who was around the same age as her but unfortunately to her knowledge, Tiger was KIA around 8 years ago...
So yeah I'll be playing her in the next Mertalline campaign which may be a while from now.... (there are other cyberpunk COC campaigns lined up + my group has a DND campaign next) but I've been thinking about her for a while already ever since I learned I can play beastmaster in cyberpunk by playing a decker with bots. So here she is, my cyberpunk beastmaster XD I really like her design a lot -- I think she's super pretty 🥺🥺🥺
I have obtained permission from the DM that Lei and Vail's kids (those designs I made) can be canon if they live in the next Mertalline campaign which is probably the one I'll play her in. Like uhm what a minute 👁👄👁 WDYM they can be canon "if they live" like what is going to happen in Mertalline 👁👄👁 (apparently something super bad HUH) Anyways please pray for us that we play as well or better in this campaign as the last campaign I really want my babygirl Lei and her man to live 😭😭😭
Funny thing though I'm writing a prelude to Artemis' backstory and Lei appears and she might be Artemis' main doc LMAO like me not wanting my OC to die but also putting her into the plot kinda like haha oops :'D (Remember when Elise became plot relevant... yeah... Imagine if they have to save Lei the way Lei had to save Elise... wouldn't that sure be something... :') )
If she kinda resembles Nova it's cuz yes she is supposed to be "cyberpunk Nova" which means she shares similar features as Nova but I inverted some things! After all, fantasy and cyberpunk feel like polar opposites XD. The main design features is hair/eye colour -- Nova has white, Artemis has black. Nova's eyes are golden so Artemis has icy silver eyes :3 Also I totally stole Nova's Arknights outfit to kinda reuse partially for her XD work smart not hard~ They're also wolf girls in a way cuz I love wolves too much to give those up and of course the whole beastmaster aspect is a thing -- both of them having male wolf companions. They also both wield bows because I love archers. I just love them.
Another non important is that I want her to be charming and persuasive (and invest in those skills) because my former best boi (he's #2 now guess who took his place XD) Flash has been revealed to be a little suspicious. I want to know more about him and romance him using Artemis XD But it might not be possible if Flash is a corpo mole or someone more powerful/sinister 😔 I SURE CAN TRY THOUGH - THIS IS WHAT MY DM SAID TOO!
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madeofcc · 7 months
Time has come! Use the OC list you made earlier and answer the following:
1 and 3 are in charge of arranging a general house party. How does it go? 2 appears in the news broadcast. What has happened? 4 and 5 need to buy a birthday gift for 6. What do they get? 3 asks 6 to teach her/him/them something. What is it and how does it go? 1 finds a seemingly lost cat. What does she/he/they do? 5 has to buy a quick snack for her-/him-/themself, what is it? 6 uses a search engine (Google or similar) and searches their own name. What are the top results? 4 has to take one of the other numbers to a date. Who's the lucky(?) guy/gal/other? 2 invites all the other numbers to a party - except one. Who's left out? 3 learns a dirty secret about 5. What is it and does she/he/they keep it? 4 has lost a bet and must get a tattoo. What will she/he/they get? 1 and 3 are stuck in an elevator. What happens?
You can answer with simple text, or take a picture or write a short story if you feel more inspired.
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Thanks a lot for these amazing plots !!!
All the plots below the cut ♥
1 and 3 are in charge of arranging a general house party. How does it go? Destiny and Renji are both similar in their cultural tastes but pretty different when it comes to party. Ren usualy loves to hide themselves in big parties while Des prefers intimate ones with her close friends. So they would probably fight for the amount of guests but not the music !
2 appears in the news broadcast. What has happened? I guess you'll have to wait for the end of Melodia to find this out :)
4 and 5 need to buy a birthday gift for 6. What do they get? Aïssa would get Hiro a brand new Tshirt, not yellow because she's tired to see him wearing this colour (though she's wearing pink every day). Milo would get him some drawing stuff as he knows Hiro always needs some furnitures.
3 asks 6 to teach her/him/them something. What is it and how does it go? Ren would ask Hiro to teach them visual art I guess ... They need it for their work ... Hiro would totally accept but would be so complicated for nothing that he would end up making the visual art for Ren.
1 finds a seemingly lost cat. What does she/he/they do? When she was younger she used to asked all the time to her dad to keep the cat but he said no so now she just talks to it and would probably secretly feed it every day if it's near her house.
5 has to buy a quick snack for her-/him-/themself, what is it? Milo' secret favourite snack is a big kebab he can eat after a long night clubbing !
6 uses a search engine (Google or similar) and searches their own name. What are the top results? An old Pinterest account ...
4 has to take one of the other numbers to a date. Who's the lucky(?) guy/gal/other? 1 for sure ♥ These two are living pure love !
2 invites all the other numbers to a party - except one. Who's left out? That would be 6 ... Melodia again ...
3 learns a dirty secret about 5. What is it and does she/he/they keep it? As they'll be together, both of them will know and keep both secrets. Milo's one is probably his sex addiction that he fixed. He used to have a lot of relationship in order to find love and accept himself :(
4 has lost a bet and must get a tattoo. What will she/he/they get? Destiny would totally dare her to get a snake, referencing to Taylor Swift's Reputation, as Aïssa could be pretty mean when she wants and also because she'll never admit to love this album.
1 and 3 are stuck in an elevator. What happens? They didn't see eachother for a long time now and Renji turned into a vampire ... I've planned a similar scene in the two are kind of stuck together during DH3 so I guess you'll have to wait and see :p
Thanks a lot for this amazing ask Elsa :D You always find the great ideas !
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nokingsonlyfooles · 9 months
WTYP: The Shandor Building, Part 8
[Do you like the colour of the fanfic? This is long and if you expand it you're gonna get the whole thing, because Tumblr hates you. Don't say I didn't warn you!]
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Part 8: Disaster Roulette: Horse Viscera
[Beware of strong language, mention of all kinds of death, gore, and Lovecraftian horror.]
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[SLIDE: The Atmospheric Railway.]
D: Wow.
A: That smells amazing!
L: Is that pancakes? Is that pancakes or am I having a stroke?
R: It’s pancakes. On the little stove right here. Says it’s “The First Dining-Car-Powered Railway.”
D: So we have full access to any bullshit you made up during the episode?
R: Seems like it.
L: Is there syrup?
A: I don’t think we mentioned syrup…
D: Still! Pancakes and no imminent threat of death! Well done, lady and gents!
D [text over slide]: I FEEL LIKE SUCH A FOOL.
D: Pancakes all around and let’s have a chat about traaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIII — !
[sounds of WTYP inadvertently setting an 1884 land speed record, and 75 seconds of screams]
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[Postproduction image of blood-drenched Carrie at the prom.]
[more screaming, human language slowly becoming intelligible]
G: HA HA HA. DON’T YOU LIKE HORSIES, W’TYP [somehow pronouncing it like R’lyeh]?
R: Yeah, that shouldn’t have been like that.
A: Oh, my God, how did I ever think horse viscera was funny?
D: Then think of something else!
A: Nothing is ever going to be funny ever again, and I am going to die in a pocket dimension, covered in horse-and-rat smoothie.
L: And pancakes.
A: And pancakes. …Rocz, what?
R: You got a little piece of tail, right, right there…
A [exhausted]: Just kill us already.
L: Please.
D: Same.
R: Motion carries.
A: Right? So? Now what?
D [text over slide]: I LIVED, BITCH.
A: Oh, fuck off.
L: Boo! Weak!
R: Not happening.
D: Lazy cunt.
[sounds of WTYP throwing horse-viscera-soaked pancakes]
A: Oh, God, xe’s reading the comments!
D: No! Never read the comments!
L: Frig. Why did we start pinning the worst ones?
R: It was funny.
D: Xe could at least stick to the ones from the Atmospheric Railway.
R: They were largely positive, though.
A: Boys, I’m going to be really honest with you, I’ve been through some shit in my time, and this is all getting to be a bit much. It’s not so much the negative comments — although it stings a bit more to hear them out loud — it’s being trapped in an alternate hell dimension with no hope of escape. I mean, where does it all end? Just podcasting, negative comments and engineering disasters, for all eternity?
R: It’s been a pretty fun time, right up until just recently…
A: WE WEREN’T COVERED IN PURÉED HORSE UNTIL JUST RECENTLY! [sigh] If we can’t find a way out of this, it’s only a matter of time before I embrace that suction tube and give the horse-and-rat smoothie an Alice boost. Your thoughts?
R: I always figured a god would hafta come kill me to take me out, but I ain’t ready to give up yet.
D: But as it stands, we can only play to a stalemate, and then Gozer changes xyr form again. We need a means of attack. Can you think of an episode where you speculated about… about somehow wounding the disaster? Or… I don’t know, fixing it?
L: I dunno, Dev. They just always seemed so inevitable.
R: We’ve got slides of ‘em.
A: It’s always been more of a gallows humour kind of thing.
D: Superpowers? Did you ever give each other superpowers?
R: Other than the power of knowledge?
D: The power of knowledge isn’t going to dent a fucking god, Rocz! Gods do not work that way!
L: What about… The Frankford Junction Wreck?
A: [sigh] Sleep deprivation isn’t much of a superpower…
L: No, not that.
A: What? Rocz’s well-known love of trains, or… Oh. [laugh] Oh, yes. That might be of considerable assistance.
R: Something other than my well-known love of trains?
A: Shh! Don’t let on!
D: Whose pick is it? Alice had one, and Rocz had one, and we all said this one together.
L: It’s either you or me, buddy. So just don’t stop thinking about the Frankford Junction Wreck…
L: Fuck, that was all one comment, wasn’t it?
R: Yep, that was a longy.
A: With no line breaks.
R [to Gozer, flatly]: No.
D: I don’t think we’re getting out of this until Gozer gets tired of commenting or runs out of material…
A: Xe’s not going to run out of material, this is only from Episode Six!
D: Keep it together, Alice…
L: Don’t worry! I got your back, babygirl. HEY! GOZER! ANCIENT SUMERIAN GODS EAT SHIT!
G: L-O-L! UMAD [pronounced “oomad”] BRO?
D [text over slide]: I GOT YOUR BACK, BABYGIRL.
G [scandalized]: ELON MUSK?
L: Yeah!
L: You bet it was! And I got a lot more where that came from!
D: Oh, God.
R: Is that…?
A: It’s Liam’s dad!
A: Liam…? Are you okay…?
L [tearfully]: That was valid, sincere criticism from an honorable man — AND YOU ARE NONE OF THOSE THINGS, YOU PLAGIARIZING BITCH-BASTARD!
L: It was BEAUTIFULLY formatted! I JUST COME FROM A LONG LINE OF PASSIONATE MEN! And when I see my dad again — and I WILL, because you’re going DOWN IN FLAMES — I’m going to give him a BIG HUG!
[applause, cheering from the rest of WTYP]
VINZ CLORTHO (V): We are valid.
A: Fuck! Shit! Where did that come from?
R: They’re eating the pancakes.
ZUUL (Z): [hissing]
R: We’re eating the pancakes, sorry.
V: You have hurt our feelings.
L: You’re trying to kill us! [clearing throat] Alice, do you have a cough drop or something?
A: Eat this cigarette. They work for me.
V: You must die so the new world can be born.
Z: A new world with more tummy rubs.
L: What? I will rub your tummies right now!
Z: [hisses]
V: No. We do not like you anymore. [to Rocz] Die well, doughnut-giver.
R: No.
D: We’re fine.
A: No, this… This is great. We like this.
L: We eat horse and rat pancakes for breakfast!
V [faintly, mouth full]: We have much in common, you and us. It is a shame you must die!
WTYP, together: The Frankford Junction Wreck!
R: For some reason.
Part 9
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