Tell me some fun facts about humans
The human body has about 1,000 bones. The bones are called bones.
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lelelego · 7 months
so i very recently bought nv (for the silliest reason, saw a short video analysis on the bandaged up zealous bloke, thought oh fuck my balls i'm in love and impulse bought it), right, splendid game, the writing more than makes up for the playdoh gameplay, and ever since then i've inhabiting in the fnv tag, laying my peepers on all the art of all the brilliant folks in this fandom.
HOWEVER! your stuff stands out and it is ACE! that's some good fucking food right there, and it's bloody everything about it, your knowledge of anatomy, the colour palette design. definitely my favourite part would be how dynamic it all looks despite the fact that you use a lot of straight lines, your characters are never stiff. i myself have always been arse at lineart, so to my virgin eyes your lines are fantastic. thank you for the contribution to the fandom, and please do continue delivering absolutely smashing art while i unhinge my jaw and eat that shit right up 😮‍💨
(also, massive fan of the broody sniper lad, i can see why you like him so much. he's so fun to have around, and the quests he gives you are so sad. i know there are endings to fnv, and i know that characters you interact with get their own little endings, haven't not spoiled any to myself, but i really hope he gets his life together after my courier goes to fuckofflandia at the end of the game)
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aughhhhh this is so kind of you to say, thank you so so so so much!! words can't express how alskdadjawa your words make me feel! i do carry some pride with my linework so i'm very glad it comes through to people! :")
also YES i'm also glad you decided to get FNV!! the playdoh gameplay sure is. something. but definitely agree that the writing more than makes up for it (the mods too in some cases!!). like in fo4 i honestly was kind of zzz about reading the terminals but in fnv the terminals are like half the game for me.
here is a boone sketch/wip from a while ago, hope it makes up for his sad as hell quests!! hope you enjoy the rest of fnv and the dlcs!!!!
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azhdakha · 10 months
We with @grozen are opening a club for gender-neutral хайваннар [khaivannar].
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29121996 · 6 days
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dominaecaede · 1 year
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@grozen haha it's a mod for just the robes, I just dressed it on Lucien. I don't think I saw a mod for Khadgar when I looked :>
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bellecesca · 2 years
Kombuča -
Kombuča je znana že vrsto let, v zadnjem času pa postaja čedalje bolj priljubljena. Tukaj je nekaj razlogov, zakaj se Kombucha širi kot požar: ➨ Kombuča je odličnega okusa. Veliko ljudi meni, da ima Kombuča grozen okus, in ne morejo razumeti, kako lahko kdo uživa v njenem pitju, vendar smo se zahvaljujoč nekaterim nedavnim študijam naučili, da naše brbončice niso sposobne zaznati vseh okusov, ki so dejansko prisotni v Kombuči. Obstaja več kot 200 kemičnih spojin, ki dajejo kombuči poseben okus. To pomeni, da ne glede na to, kaj okušate ali vonjate, obstaja verjetno spojina, ki to povzroča. Med najpogostejšimi so acetat, ocetna kislina, etanol, mlečna kislina, etil laktat, glicerol, metanol, propanol, piruvična kislina, jantarna kislina, vinska kislina in druge. Te kemikalije ustvarijo edinstven okus, zaradi katerega je kombučo prijetno piti.
Pomaga pri hujšanju. O tem smo že govorili, vendar kombuča vsebuje bakterije, ki pomagajo pri prebavi in povečujejo raven presnove. Poleg tega vsebuje tudi probiotike, ki pomagajo ohranjati zdrav prebavni sistem.
 Nikoli več ne boste žejni. Ne glede na to, kje na svetu živite, boste našli veliko krajev, kjer vode primanjkuje in je draga. S kombučo vam nikoli več ne bo zmanjkalo osvežilnih pijač.
Vaša koža vam bo hvaležna. Ko redno pijete kombučo, svoje telo oskrbite s hranilnimi snovmi, zaradi katerih je vaša koža videti mlajša in bolj zdrava, kot bi bila sicer.
Njene prednosti so neskončne. Čeprav smo se pri prednostih kombuče le dotaknili, obstaja dobesedno na stotine znanstvenih študij, ki nam kažejo, kako neverjetna je ta pijača v resnici.
Kako doma pripraviti čaj kombuča?
Priprava kombuše je zelo enostaven postopek, ki ga lahko opravi vsakdo. Slediti morate le mojim korakom.
Prvi korak - kupite vse sestavine, kot so sladkor, voda, kis itd. 
Drugi korak je, da zavrete vodo, vanjo dodate sladkor in pustite, da se ohladi do mlačnega. 
Zdaj vzemite srobot iz steklenice in ga dajte v steklen kozarec z mešanico. Ustje steklenice dobro pokrijte s plastično folijo ali aluminijasto folijo, saj je za fermentacijo potreben kisik. Na vrh postavite pokrov, vendar pustite majhno odprtino za vstop zraka. 
Pustite na toplem in temnem mestu. Čez 2-3 dni bi morali opaziti mehurčke, ki se pojavljajo iz skobija. To pomeni, da je vaša kombucha pripravljena.
Zdaj lahko uživate v domačem čaju kombucha kadar koli in kjer koli!
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slugza · 9 months
I'm actually really struggling to tell what's a clip or if Phil's really there because.my screen has been grozen- oh wait we're back idk whats happening
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I be imagin eatin grozen grapes out ur ass
you like what you like
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444names · 2 years
german towns and forenames + common bird names + dutch cities + herbs common names + animal onomatopoeic sounds
Abeisch Achel Ailsen Alchemar Aldedburg Aldokzinge Alken Alteina Alwalieim Amminbeim Anadt Andanftadt Andelshau Angen Angenstade Anich Anidern Ankirch Anneck Anzena Arbile Arealburg Arich Arylln Asend Aspazowl Asseeda Asseld Aubacelen Aveling Axels Bachen Barial Barry Basigs Basilviant Basseek Berden Bersthel Binsten Blachherl Blenbendes Blenthen Blich Bliez Bliger Blineve Bluecke Bogerg Boster Bothurg Bradmird Bradt Brandall Brandeger Broadt Brunderg Burtlen Burtmein Buscolteak Bärkker Böniesen Büthau Calda Calmeren Cardern Carloud Celln Ceppinn Chauf Chheinge Chten Chwer Cober Cocken Colßenau Connicheim Copfray Cortang Crauppent Crebhal Creselk Cryburg Cuchal Dagen Darhein Daspar Debearkunn Deltert Diedwitz Diell Disfenden Disteimd Dollburg Domsebian Dormonin Dorsdorde Doveld Drisel Drummen Döbach Dömhim Dürenzlin Elfgammerg Emper Emster Endevolden Enfleutee Erabla Erberg Erbieukaus Eskyreen Eukircuck Eußen Falkau Fanden Fletzaal Flohau Flokkum Floweim Flugsfel Foesward Fratten Fredbert Freuet Fricka Frikald Frunrefeld Garke Gauben Geeselke Genben Genfen Genweim Gibsteißen Gifel Glarjon Glier Gnoran Gonnen Goossing Goshein Gradt Grallerg Grech Greibber Grensen Greyerg Grocher Gromarkin Grona Gronattena Grozburg Grozen Grückphium Gumünden Günzigen Haarry Hafisch Haglabern Hallis Hamarding Hanerafeld Harlow Harnausach Hauenben Hauenve Haungen Haurg Hausen Haveess Havorf Heesenhau Heimmen Henburg Henericuck Henstedel Henve Hermarber Hettleyer Hillds Hitch Hofhau Hofswar Hoham Hohna Holph Huiden Hömine Höver Hütterg Hüttlin Hüttom Ijlsher Impelde Inemmorf Inice Jarailoss Jersteim Joheim Johndrel Johrden Johrodpe Jorstadt Jöhrich Jördold Karasburg Kasse Kelsteim Kershen Kingoldia Kirde Kirsdornth Kolich Krasmark Kraven Krona Kyriegsfen Köblen Köneberg Könieden Künchem Ladtlen Lafis Lafow Laindory Lannst Lapperom Lausee Leachwadt Lehumber Lemeln Lemuth Leuelemer Leyburg Liamefel Linda Lippsolsta Loherferum Lombau Loughalk Luchemmard Lumbeck Lückammen Lüttenburt Macch Magenben Mahnde Maintreson Maisenbut Manda Maraus Massau Massen Meingen Micharnsta Milbateim Mingen Mirsburg Monstenben Mooderborf Moosenadt Mouchr Muidiam Munbrüch Mörlinburg Mülherg Mündorf Nacheim Naiedor Neburg Neekelter Neerd Neflow Nenstadil Nettent Nigen Nigenberf Nigengena Nigslunsny Niker Ningen Nitzeber Nugsfel Nutianda Nüren Obbengende Obeld Oberf Oberg Oberlow Oberschen Obitz Oblucanden Oburt Oelbisteim Oershen Ohena Olberg Older Olloch Olsdorme Ooster Oster Ottin Owlen Parch Parrnorf Parzburg Penheing Pernde Petenatz Pfradbenn Pfurg Pichauck Pieshamitz Plastrin Pocker Poopau Precken Pricheille Rabil Rabride Rachen Ralammelm Randendorf Rangenway Remeon Rhaldien Rhelmburg Ricelver Riedreg Riern Roben Romelduch Rondorn Ronger Ronke Roßen Roßrönik Rudrald Rufeustlin Ruffelstar Salame Sande Sanden Sangbise Sanineber Sasluthen Saundena Schalle Scheim Scheischen Scherg Schersheid Schim Schlau Schle Schorf Schrien Schsee Schwammann Scord Screllieim Scretz Sleoneck Snallfil Sontzsch Spail Sparnaus Sparzel Sparzgen Starbausen Steichl Steim Steimege Stemarry Sterbladt Sterin Sthoya Sthummillm Sunkird Swiedt Syllang Sömhin Südijze Tenbee Thawk Tingel Tingert Tinsinow Trober Tutzschenn Twegevorg Tweim Ulminsbach Unahne Vagockauck Valde Visnorf Vlitzwiel Vohraf Waben Waillaug Walchturg Waldbern Walderon Wallevend Walln Waltouch Wandorg Wareim Warkrangen Warkum Warrichil Warten Wartro Weimburg Weinherd Weißbrandt Welde Wenheen Wheiller Whisattin Wieuen Wiffrake Wifsburg Wiftee Windoven Wingen Wisch Witch Witer Witto Wolzen Woomrow Woottadt Wülsanna Zenha Ziedreim Zinurg Zweidel Zwitz Übbern
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Frank, do a face reveal! Show us a photo of yourself
No, I hate you guys (I mean this sincerely, but not, I hope, in the mean spirited way you mean it).
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cacodaemonia · 3 years
I was looking through your blog, because your art is genuinely the most bizzarely fucking art I've seen, like it's so good I don't understand it, and then I noticed you reblogged one of my posts and that was a massive wtf moment 😭 Ily you're my newfound inspiration I gift you this small kiss as a token of my appreciation 🤲💋
d;ksahgd;asgh too kind!! T^T <3
Oh yeah, the bad ass Ahsoka and Rex images, and the 10,000%Done!Obi-Wan! XD I love those!
Thank you so much for the lovely message!
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onestarshining · 2 years
Ima send you a band! >:3 Or multiple! You probably never heard of those, but opinions on Kino (listen to their song Спокойная ночь if you've never heard them before) and Tinariwen (recommend Nànnuflày)? Thanks and have a good day <3
Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for the recs! Yes, I've never heard of this banda before but I really loved the songs you recommended me. Lovely lovely
Kino: I was immediately transported to another place the moment Спокойная ночь started, a place very far away, but it also felt like a déjà vu, like something I've always knew. I think their music can tell you lots of things by the atmosphere they create. And the lyrics are beautiful 🥺💜
Tinariwen: Melodies everywhere, melody genius. It's like every instrument is singing and not just doing rhythms, even percussions. Love the voices and the harmonies they create. And Nànnuflày's music video is amazing. Love animation music videos.
Thank you so much for the ask and recs!!! 💞💞💞💞💗💗💗
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classychassiss · 3 years
Your square dog pfp gives me life
THANK YOU I can never bring myself to change them bc every time I look I start laughing at minecraft dog
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best-quotes-top · 5 years
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arxile · 5 years
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WIP of a Pathfinder character.
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