#greedfall romance
blackstaff-blast · 4 months
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My De Sardet boy as portrait practice <3 he's actually so similar to Constantin i am losing my mind
let's scream greedfall together
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rpgchoices · 5 months
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Post for female characters and tag for female characters tournament is here.
Because I saw that a lot of votes for female characters happened, this one will be with 1 day polls instead of 7 days!
This round is the round zero, to select the characters (32 characters) that will go in the tournament!
For each post the top 5 characters will be chosen for the tournament (a part from the last post that only has 9 options, so 4 characters will be chosen).
All parts can be found at this tag or at these links:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Here are the videogames I used characters from: Dragon Age series, Pillars of Eternity, Neverwinter Nights games, Baldur's Gate games, Rogue Trader, Pathfinder games, Mass Effect trilogy and Andromeda, Expeditions: Rome and Viking, Planescape Torment, Divinity Original Sin 2, Enderal, The Witcher, Faery Legends of Avalon, Greedfall, Jade Empire, Cyberpunk 2077, Mars: Wars and The Technomancer.
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yesiplaygamez · 2 years
When you play a game and the love interest kisses you're oc:
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greenedera · 1 year
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Kurt - GreedFall fan art (low resolution)
HD is going to be available on my PATREON soon
Kurt, (character of the videogame GreedFall ) portrayed as a warrior standing between light and shadow. Is a sword meant to protect or kill? He can be your best friend, or he can be a traitor, devoured by guilt and darkness. (Low resolution) 🖥 Digital painting, handmade with love with Photoshop & wacom cintiq | #NoAI This piece, started in March 2022, was finished in november 2022. I did almost no personal  work this year, even tho I love making paintings for external projects,  as long as I like the context. #captainkurt is from #greedfallthegame by Spiders and @focus_entmt #GreedFall #greedfallgame #kurt #kurtgreedfall
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shewithoutrain · 2 months
I have just discovered, in the following order:
1. Greedfall (don’t come at me, I know I’m late to it, I’m a busy woman okay?)
2. CAPTAIN VASCO (my feet? Knocked off. My romance? Locked in.)
3. “It’s a ship. Not a boat.” “…Apologies.” (Tell me why female De Sardet says that with such sass but I headcanon male De Sardet being flushed embarrassed floundering in front of this perfect human specimen of a Naut.)
5. MALE DE SARDET CAN HAVE HIS HEART BROKEN BY CAPTAIN KURT ON DAY ONE (or so this one fanfic I read said but I pray that it is canon)
I feel a repressed sadboi mage De Sardet mesmerised by the free-spirited, sea-lead Vasco fanfic coming on and I will NOT apologise for it.
(Vasco is equally enchanted in return by the handsome, stammering noble with the exquisite blush and clumsy handling of weapons and such little regard for his own talents (and looks) and he hungers to draw the tempest he can sense confined beneath the trappings of nobility to the surface.)
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
*crawls out of the woodwork* hi hi! Just wanted to say your vesper x kurt fics are amazing and thank you for sharing content. Have been back to this Fandom in the year of our lord 2024 lol. And I just wanted to scream about the de vespe DLC with a kurt fan and....
It's everything I hope for and more!! Would love to hear about your initial thoughts especially the dialog with kurt!
HI! Always nice to meet another Kurt fan! :D You're very welcome for sharing content, thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed them bc I do love writing about them.
OH LORD, the de Vespe DLC, I was excited for more content when that came out and it delivered. Especially for Kurt and his romance, holy cow. (In other words I WOULD LOVE TO TALK ABOUT IT THANKS FOR GIVING ME AN EXCUSE) I have multiple posts from various playthroughs in my Greedfall gaming tag about the Kurt stuff, from how protective and supportive he is, to him being all "Don't believe the nonsense in Aurelia's files on us" when his is just that he cares too much about the recruits and is too loyal to be bribed and I'm just like. Dude. I knew these things already. Neither one is nonsense, sorry I know you're actually a gigantic softie, in my defense you DIDN'T HIDE IT VERY WELL but his romance dialogue
I also have several posts joking about Kurt's VA owing me compensation for emotional damage with how well he does a lot of personal quest/romance scenes, but the KURT ROMANCE DIALOGUE IN THE DLC OH MY GODDDDDD. OH MY GOD. I have a save right before that conversation and I redid it about five times on the initial run, at least three on each replay, and will occasionally load that save JUST TO HEAR IT AGAIN bc it's so GOOD. He worries about you but knows you can handle yourself, no what's bugging him(and I love that DS is so gentle about the "you know you can talk to me right?") is the arranged marriage thing bc OFC you deserve "better"(/eyeroll) and he's being all doubting his worth again and YOU CAN ASK HIM TO MARRY YOU (THE WAY I WHOOPED first time through, seeing that option) before your uncle can go arranging anything and HIS VOICE. That quiet little "do you really mean what you just said?" is permanently etched into my brain partly bc I've heard eighteen times but whatever. He can't believe it, he has to be dreaming, and then you confirm and his only hesitation is worrying what will happen to you(bc he doesn't matter, he's an insignificant mercenary and Kurt buddy you MATTER TO HER we gotta work on that). And I gotta say that I love your response boiling down to "what's my uncle gonna do about it, he's halfway around the world and he needs me here😎" BAD.ASS. And once he's sure you're sure he's 100% in favor and you exchange I love yous and I melted into an extremely happy puddle.
(I did write a Ves/Kurt wedding fic and it's one of the most breathlessly joyful pieces I've made in my life, both of them were practically vibrating they were so happy)
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So, new poll bracket idea.
Who is the most datable UNdatable character?
A datable undatable character must abide by the following guidelines:
Must be undatable (no ambiguously datable characters, like Reyes from ME:A. You can't kiss them. You can't take them on a date. They are 100% UNDATABLE)
Must be from a game WITH datable characters. If you can't romance anyone in the game, it doesn't count. They must have been excluded when dating them is theoretically possible.
For the purposes of this poll, NO minors!
Some classic characters that fall into this category: Varric Tethras, Scout Lace Harding, Dammon bg3, and Rolan bg3.
Polls will begin when I have 100 valid submissions.
Let the games begin.
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vilcade · 1 year
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Heyo, Kurt x Vasco shippers?
Night terrors for Kurt time — but no matter the topic (his past, De Sardet's endgame choice, or both), Vasco is there, it's going to be fine~
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sugarbubbleslove · 8 months
Do I have a type or what?
(Games where I can choose my romance. These are my main romance, as in i always go for them).
Dragon Age: Alistair, Sebastian, Fenris, Cullen. Leliana, Isabela, and Josephine.
Mass Effect: Kaidan and Thane, Ashley and Miranda.
Mass Effect Andromeda: Liam, Gil and Suvi.
Trails of Cold Steel: Emma (i would have romanced Crow and Machias had they been available).
Baulder gate 3: Astarion, Shadowheart and Karlach
Persona 3: Aikihio (i would have romanced Rio had she been available).
Persona 5: Makoto (i would have romanced Ryuji had he been available).
Greedfall: Kurt and Aphra
Dragon Star Varnir: Karikaro
Fire emblem awakening: Chrom and Sumia
Fire emblem Fates: Silas
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Dimitri and Hilda.
Do i have a type or do i just think i have a type?
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steppingvistas · 8 months
Finished Greedfall (Fem!De Sardet, Siora Romance, Anticolonialist Decisions, Kill Constantin) and all I can think about is this:
Petrus "The-Dad-Who-Stepped-Up" seeing De Sardet falling hard for a beautiful Doneigad (just like he fell for her mother all those years ago) and going "Oh Illuminated, no! She is as dumb as me!"
I actually ran most of the game with the "Found Family Squad" of De Sardet - Siora - Petrus. While supporting the native uprising for the entire time. It was great ❤️
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jeannedesardet · 1 year
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Does the pupil surpass the master?
--“I'm not going to let you leave me without fighting, first," Jeanne said, her eyes alight with anger. "Defeat me, if you can. Or maybe, the pupil will surpass the master and this time I am going to win, this time." -- Chapter 24
The Diaries of Jeanne De Sardet by
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magerightsyeah · 1 year
I just finished Greedfall but now I have to start over because I missed one dialog option that locked me out of a romance storyline and a achievement ༼;´༎ຶ.̸̸̸.̸̸̨۝ ༎ຶ༽
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rpgchoices · 5 months
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The top 4 characters will get into the tournament!
Post 1 here for more explanation and info.
all parts at this tag
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bl00dflower924 · 2 years
My first ever fanfiction is online! Please, any feedback would be much appreciated ❤️
Title: When a soldier meet a noble
Ratings: Explicit
Fandom: Greedfall
Pairings: Kurt/De Sardet (and some Constantin/De Sardet)
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greenedera · 2 years
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Greedfall fanart - Night festival for Vasco and De Sardet
GreedFall videogame fanart - Captain Vasco of the Nauts and Lady Pheobe De Sardet are in Hikmet, enjoying a night festival. Vendors, street artists, and much more. Commission for @merruschka. @pheobedesardet Wips on my artstation
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nightingaletrash · 1 month
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