#goth people of color
nugothrhythms · 11 months
July 18th is Desi and Arab Goth Representation Day and, in celebration, Uttar Pradesh, India-based darkwave act Willow Scarlet released a video for "Pishach," the first part of their new dark South Asian folklore and mythology-inspired release Veeran, which celebrates by featuring clips of various Desi and Arab goth influencers. A pishacha, the subject of the song, is a flesh-eating and blood-drinking demon in Hindu lore.
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lovelesslittleloser · 17 days
I had a realization that everyone else has probably already had but I need to say it
Robin = Danny
Raven = Sam
Cyborg = Tucker
Starfire = Valerie, maybe??
Beast Boy = Cujo?????
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katabay · 7 months
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unofficially, a follow up to this!
after all, what's the point of doing a story that's as much about the actors and the stage as the story that they're acting out if you can't draw up alternative castings and explore messier different dynamics!!!
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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tj-crochets · 4 months
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The staggered rainbow baby quilt is done! This was made using scraps from my first rainbow quilt paired with black jelly roll strips, and I absolutely love the contrast. It’s so vibrant it almost looks like it’s glowing! And the backing print is metallic so it’s got a little bit of shine to it too
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r34p · 5 months
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Adult Swim
Source: @ctrlzora on insta
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shopwitchvamp · 7 months
What I looked like when GTAV came out vs now, AKA 2013 vs 2023:
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plus an alternative long-haired version:
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fan-mans · 4 months
Dreamland rush moodboard for @wierdlesbian!!
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Art by @wierdlesbian and @stevyguts
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garaviel · 10 months
. . . Dress code color requirement . . . For your guests . . . At your wedding . . . What
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kawaiibabeshop · 1 year
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🌸 Fur Trim Cardigan 🌸
Use code "KAWAII" for 20% off
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nugothrhythms · 8 months
Happy Indigenous People's Day!
For those of you who use Spotify, DJ Mystic of Two Broke Goths made this playlist of indigenous goth/goth-adjacent bands from the US and Canada, starting the playlist with the episode of the Cemetery Confessions episode on indigenous goths.
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irenekohstudio · 2 years
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Start your Thursday with the new Transgender Kitty Art from our creepy Cute collection. Featuring a mischievous Cat and skulls with pastel blue, pink and white color
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Bow is short for Rainbow 🌈
(Yes I'm wearing shorts)
Socks from Luna River Boutique on Etsy
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arctic-hands · 10 months
I was lumped in with the goths during my school years*, and for sure I was horrifically depressed when I wasn't psychotically manic and had common interests like graveyards and depressing poetry and gory imagery and other morbid fascinations, but whenever I did hang out with the Goths (we weren't super super tight like BFFs or something but we got along when we hanged) I was a ridiculous contrast in fashion lol.
Standing in with a group of teenagers who for whatever quirk were all taller than me despite being around the same ages, who were wearing all black or the occasional blood red, in various states of the entirely casual-suitable for the opera fashion spectrum of fashion, often with multiple piercings and eyeliner at the very least,
was this barefaced and metal-less scrawny and smol being in a bright yellow graphic t with some stupid slogan of a meme that was outdated even by then, or a tie-dyed shirt with the Joe's Crabshack logo on it, and incredible baggy jeans that were held up by variously colored scarves because my body shape even while rail thin was awkward with regular belts and my pants would still slide down unless I tight laced a chiffon scarf as uncomfortably tight as I could around my waist, sludge gray Velcro shoes because my inconsistent growth spurts meant I had awkwardly sized feet and for whatever reason the only suitable shoes I could find in my size at the time were Velcro, occasionally a faux gold vaguely intricate Walmart bracelet around my upper arm because it made me feel Ancient Grecian, and the peace day resist ants was, because I was also in a M*A*S*H phase since I was completely fixated on the equally bipolar and similarly undiagnosed Hawkeye, I went to the army surplus store and bought an olive green boonie hat that might have come from the Korean war era but might have been from 'nam I don't remember and I was constantly wearing that everywhere.
Anyway there's no real point to this and I regret to inform you that I never took a photo when hanging out with the goths and it's not like smartphones were mainstream enough that any of us could afford one yet, but I'm just picturing this group hangout from the outside and how it must have looked lol
*(for all that meant in the high school era, cliques weren't really a thing by then and if you had friends you prolly had multiple groups of friends based on whatever specific common interest or just what class/lunch you were in, we were all impoverished as fuck so like. Elitism was never really a thing with some notable exceptions *cough*ableism*cough*)
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rancid-yogurt · 10 months
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Commission for my friend Holden, of their partner! They asked for them to be themed like a Sailor Scout, and if I could turn their nebulizer into a magical girl wand/weapon. It's definitely giving Cardcaptor Sakura meets Sailor Moon, but they said it's perfect!
I hope their partner is just as excited about it as they were! It was really fun to stream while I worked on this~
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
aro culture is telling most people you're in a monogamous relationship so people don't try to ask you out or set you up on dates
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glass-clown · 1 year
i fucking hate when websites have plus size clothing but its modeled by skinny people. not only is that super unhelpful understanding how its designed for fat body types, but it tells me that u didnt bother to hire fat people to model ur clothes made for that body type. is it really that hard to hire fat people? they dont even have to be a model they can be anyone willing to do it, i dont care i just want to wear clothes that fit me!!!
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