#good luck on your search!!!
i-drop-level-one-loot · 8 months
I haven't interacted in a while (apartment and job hunting are a special layer of hell) but congratulations on the 200! You deserve each one, you're one of my favorite writers on here. Delivering the unhinged content we all crave. Again, congrats!
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(I know you already commented on this but it's so funny)
And I feel ya, also looking to move to another city and trying to find a job as well 😞
I've put out more applications than I can count, had one interview, and despite being praised the entire time because I was extremely over qualified, they decided to "go in a different direction"...
I wish you luck on your search 🤝
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columboscreens · 3 months
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offonaherosjourney · 1 year
Yet another PSA for Reddit Refugees
How to use the Search bar to find old Tumblr posts
Ok, but really, how can I track that one post that a friend showed me seven years ago?
By being VERY LUCKY and willing to invest A LOT OF TIME. If there's something you really want to find, here are your best bets, in no particular order:
If you remember specific keywords, try a google search. However, even if you get a hit, the link won't take you to the post, it will take you to the main page of the blog. Have fun dumpster diving (affectionate) in their Archive tab.
If the post belonged to a specific fandom, try finding blogs that only reblog stuff about that fandom and have fun dumpster diving (affectionate) in their Archive tab.
Plead to the void and hope the void answers. Make a post giving as much info as you can about the post you are trying to find and hope someone else remembers it and knows where to find it or has better luck than you tracking it down.
Go to r/tumblr or r/curatedtumblr while you still can and try asking there if anyone remembers the post and has a link.
Learn how to code. Get hired by Tumblr. Fix the Search engine. Submit your resignation.
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localratwithcowboyhat · 6 months
Do you, as a Will Wood fan, also remember that clip of him where’s he’s talking about drugs and says like “I HAVENT FELT AN EMOTION IN WEEKS” or am I the only one
I do not.
It appears Will wood has used his psychic powers to plant a memory in your head my dear anno
he chose you
Do with that what you will
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merakiui · 2 years
cannot stop thinking about enemies to lovers with rollo, but you’re each other’s secret santa.
Your plan is to get Rollo something he’ll never need or use (a really petty revenge on your part, but you don’t like him and in the midst of your hatred it sounds reasonable), while Rollo genuinely wants to get you something meaningful. Putting differences aside, he realizes he doesn’t know much about your preferences, so he tries to ask around without seeming too suspicious. As troublesome of a disruption as you are, everyone deserves a lovely gift for the holidays. You’ve given Rollo nothing but headaches and irritation, but since it’s the festive season he can be softer and forgive past disagreements. Anything after the holiday break is fair game, though, so it’s best to cause mischief while the holidays are in full swing because he’s prone to be only slightly less overbearing (depending on his mood as the festivities become more apparent).
Somehow, with all of his asking around, rumor spreads throughout Noble Bell that President Rollo is planning to ask you out on the eve of the holidays at exactly midnight under the bell tower. How such an absurd rumor started is beyond him, and Rollo is fully ready to refute every gossiping comment that’s boldly thrown his way, both in passing conversations and from his fellow Vice President and student aide. He cannot believe the school assumes he would even think of asking you—Noble Bell’s most notorious troublemaker—out! And during the holidays, too! He’d much rather burn to death than do something like that. He can’t stand you. How anyone thinks he’d like you enough to want to pursue romance with you is absolutely ridiculous. 
But then the idea suddenly becomes less ridiculous and more advantageous when his Vice President suggests he go on an actual date (or friendly outing; Rollo’s expression is sharp enough to kill when he hears the word ‘date’) in order to learn about what it is you like. Word of mouth isn’t as reliable as hearing it from the source. Rollo, after much consideration, supposes it isn’t terrible, but (once again) he’d rather do anything else than punish himself with a date with you, of all students. He’s so stubborn when he claims he’ll find another way, and his Vice President can only utter a soft sigh. 
As the deadline for Secret Santa approaches and Rollo overhears how the others around him have all found perfect presents, he begins to fear that he won’t ever find a gift that’s good enough for you. But why is he even trying so hard? It’s not as if he looks forward to seeing your bright smile when you unwrap it. It’s not as if he’s doing this to make you happy. This is just common courtesy. An act of goodwill from student to student, if you will. Or, in less sweet terms, an obligation he must fulfill due to the misfortune of a lottery draw. 
So he thinks nothing of it when his Vice President and student aide invite him to a café off campus as a final outing before everyone goes home for the holidays. When he walks through the door, the bell welcoming him with a cheery jingle, and he sees you sitting there he promptly turns and is ready to walk out. But you call out to him, wave with that pretty hand of yours, and he can’t stop himself from sighing. His peers lied to him; this is not an outing to celebrate the end of the semester. It’s the date he was dreading. He only stays because it’s the polite thing to do—because you’re whining about how he lacks manners and has the gall to leave a dear friend all alone after he had invited them out. 
Rollo really can’t stand you, but he must for the time being. So he slides into the chair across from you, where you’ve already ordered his favorites (he’s certain his troublesome Vice President arranged this, too). If he has to stomach an entire afternoon with you, he might as well get something out of it, so he uses the time he spends with you to learn about your preferences in hopes of getting inspiration for a gift.
Things are awkward in the beginning. Both of you are so accustomed to bickering over rules and Noble Bell’s student code of conduct that civil conversation is actually much harder to fall into. You broach the subject of that rumor that’s been going around and that’s what gets him talking. Rollo scoffs around a bite of croissant, muttering about how it’s nonsensical rubbish and that people will believe anything nowadays so long as it’s interesting. When you laugh out of relief and tell him you’re glad he doesn’t like you because that would’ve made things awkward, he feels an odd sting. Your feelings have never mattered to him, so why does he hate those words?
And why, while he talks of holiday plans with you, does he find himself smiling? Thankfully he’s brought his handkerchief along to hide his pleased expression. He’s not sure what he’d say if you were to make note of his obvious enjoyment, for even he wouldn’t be able to explain it. 
By the end of it, Rollo feels as though he’s gleaned a better understanding of you. When you aren’t actively causing a ruckus, you’re actually quite pleasant to be around. Who would have thought? Despite this, he’s still ready to head back to campus with you after a draining afternoon. But you point to a sweets shop on the way and ask if he’s ever had their winter-themed treats before. He narrows his eyes at you, as if to say, “What are you playing at?” You’re seizing his wrist and dragging him in the direction of the confectionery before he can say anything.
It feels like he’s in a cheesy holiday film, what with how you energetically peer into the jars of candies and sweets, all arranged neatly on the shelves, and the soundtrack in the shop plays festive tunes on repeat. Rollo tries to hurry you along; if anyone from school sees him with you, they’ll think the rumors are true and it’ll cause even more trouble. You yank on his scarf to keep him close, and he’s so tempted to yank you in return. But he finds that you don’t have a scarf for him to tug, and so he has to fester in his displeasure with a scowl. 
The two of you walk out with snowflake-shaped marshmallows, bell-shaped cookies, and candy canes of all flavors and colors. Rollo supposes he’s earned a sweet after dealing with your spontaneity, but then you insist on getting hot chocolate to go along with the marshmallows and now he’s being dragged to a little shop nearby. On the way there, the two of you pass a craft store and something catches his eye. He tells you to go ahead while he steps inside. You raise your brow at him but continue along, and when the two of you meet up he’s holding a bag. You question it, and he tells you to stop being so nosy. Your curiosity is quickly snuffed when you spy another storefront with windows decorated so adorably. 
At some point, in the midst of popping in and out of stores—where he continues to remind you that the both of you ought to be getting back—it begins to snow. Tiny flakes flutter to the ground, and you stick your tongue out to catch a few. They melt immediately upon contact. Rollo doesn’t realize he’s not hiding his expression until you’re gaping at him.
“What?” he asks slowly, dubiously, his eyes narrowing once more. 
“You’re smiling,” you say in awe. “I’ve never seen you smile before...”
“This smile is not for you,” he assures you with a scoff. “Stop ogling. It’s rude.”
“But you look so nice and approachable when you smile like that.”
He glares at you and the smile vanishes behind an irritated countenance and that trademark handkerchief of his. 
“I suppose,” he admits after a moment of awkward silence, “you aren’t so terrible to be around when you aren’t acting like a menace to the entirety of the student body.”
“Why, thank you, President Flamm! That’s high praise coming from you.” You lower into a dramatic bow. He rolls his eyes, but his heart skips a beat. “And you aren’t so bad either. To be honest, I thought I was done for when your VP told me you wanted to meet at the café. I thought you’d chew me out or hex me or...something.”
The mere notion that he’d do such things to you is irksome. He isn’t entirely bad or frightening. You just seem to bring those sides out when you run through the halls, pick fights, and cause disorder amongst the students. 
“Is that right?” He lowers the handkerchief, smirking. His fingers find your chin and he tilts your head to meet his stare. “Maybe you should try being less of a pain. I might show you some mercy the next time we cross paths.”
He pulls away, leaving you stunned, and turns on his heel. “Now then, we should return to campus. It’s getting late and cold, and I’d rather not get stuck in the snow.” 
Rollo doesn’t realize what he did until hours later, when he’s sitting at his desk knitting snowflake patterns into a scarf from the yarn he purchased at the craft shop. The memory has his face gradually heating up, so red and hot you could mistake it for a wavering flame. 
He can’t stand you, or so he once thought.
The gift bag sits innocently in front of your dorm door. There’s a card attached, but the sender’s true name isn’t written. Rather, a lovely message has been penned in curling script: Happy holidays. Do take care to bundle up. It gets rather cold around this time of year. I would hate to see you frostbitten and ill the next time we meet. Sincerely, your Secret Santa. Inside the bag are a scarf, a bag of assorted candies from a confectionery in the city, hot chocolate mix, and a mug with moon and star patterns. It’s a very comfortable gift, and you can’t help but admire the handmade scarf’s quality. 
You have your suspicions, but there’s no way such a kind gift could come from Rollo. He’s made it quite clear that he dislikes you, and you feel the same way. It’s probably from his VP, right? He did ask you a few questions about gift preferences, so it’s quite plausible that he’s your Secret Santa.
Rollo is in the middle of penning his thoughts in his diary when there’s a sharp knock at his door. And then frantic footsteps echo down the hall. He opens the door in hopes of catching the culprit, but he finds emptiness instead. His gaze travels down to the gift box that rests at his feet. It’s been wrapped in blue and white paper and has been taped rather sloppily. With raised brows, he gathers the gift in his arms and shuts the door, curiosity mounting. 
The card taped to it is the first thing he opens. It reads: I really don’t know you that well and I have no idea what you like or what you do in your free time, so if you ever learn my identity please don’t give me another detention for this gift. I tried my best! In any case, happy holidays, Rollo. You deserve a break. See you next year! From, your super cool and super secretive secret santa!!! When he unwraps the gift and peels the lid back, an amused smile pulls at his lips. Inside the box is a croissant plush with beady, little eyes and a cute smile. There’s also a sugar cookie-scented candle and an astronomy-themed stationery kit.  
Rollo sets the gifts on his desk, lowers into his chair, and flips to a new page in his diary. His heart feels oddly light as he scribbles a fresh entry.
I think I’m falling in love, are the first words that stain the page. And it isn’t a terrible feeling.
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hella1975 · 1 year
me: yeah i didn't project too badly onto taob haha *sees a quote from taob randomly on a tiktok webweave about girlhood*
#HELLO?????? yeah zuko they girlhooded you. yeah no they transed your gender#idk if this makes sense but ur coping mechanisms are just sooo she/her#like do you have any idea how baffling this was like no tags no search no nothing it was just there by sheer luck#i saw it was a webweave about girlhood and i was like ohoughhee this will be good#got a few slides in. hello i recognise thAT FUCKING QUOTE WHAT IS HAPPENING#like it's such a niche quote and out of context like it was it could have been from ANYTHING#AND it wasn't credited which i'll get to in a second#but honestly i felt like a mother identifying her child through something incredibly niche like a single freckle or some shit#bc i was like 'this is such a nondescript quote and isnt a big enough moment for me to remember vividly and yet somehow i Just Know'#and low and behold i double checked with a cheeky ctrl+f on taob AND I WAS FUCKING RIGHT#WHAT THE FUCK#im a tad fuming there was no credit like the person used like 12 images and only 3 of them are Non-Tumblr Writing Quotes#and NONE got credited#like i get it's hard enough to get art credited but i feel with artists there's still a general conensus that you're SUPPOSED to tag them#but with writing people honestly just treat it like it's free real estate and the thing is it kinda IS especially if it's fanfic#but also..... why would you not just say who wrote that? like you clearly like it enough to put in ur little slideshow#so why not give credit where credit is due. annoying. bc now im like if this happened by pure fucking chance#then how many times has this happened when ive literally been totally unaware of it?#how many times have MY WORDS just been flung about tiktok without any acknowledgement that i wrote them?#idkkkk just how writing especially amongst tiktokers is treated as a lesser or watered down artform#that doesn't require the decency given to 'actual' art. i might just be being cynical bc i dont like tiktok tho lol#like girl (taob) what the hell are you doing at the devil's sacrament#taob
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vidoeslot · 7 months
Hey! So I'm a silly objectum person on the hunt for a post I saw on Tumblr? This might be really weird to ask so if it is feel free to ignore this haha
Anyway there's a clip of a little machine, I can't remember what it was exactly but it was a white/beige-ish box that looked like it could be a TV or a microwave or something, and in the video someone poured coffee near it and it stood up by itself to avoid the spilled liquid as in it grew legs from beneath it
I was wondering if you saw that post or know what I'm talking about, I've asked around and I'm really hoping it wasn't just my imagination
If you do have an idea or find the clip, please tag @sagestone-loveletter (my side acc since I can't make asks with my main)
Thanks so much I hope you have a great day OP :>
oh I know EXACTLY what gif this is, I could have sworn I reblogged it here but couldn't find it. anyone reading this if you have it around you know what to do
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thyllly · 2 months
I think if one of my moots was covered in blood they’d calm down
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faffreux · 7 months
i wanna order some tasty coffee online. do you buy coffee online? if so, what are some good ones i should try?
HI! I'm a big fan of Copper Cow Coffee if you enjoy flavored coffee esp!! They use beans from Vietnam which is a part of the world that a lot of us in the west don't get to taste coffee from often enough (I say "often enough" because it's quite delicious!) Their 'churro' blend is drop dead amazing if you like cinnamon. I love how their flavors are more natural and subtle vs the the tendency to overpower the beans that over brands tend to do. Raven's Brew is another really good one that offers a lot of bundle deals and they're Alaskan based! ALSO BLACK CUP COFFEE. LOOK THEM UP if you want more of a wider choice of different single origin beans! They can get FANCY.
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crj-200 · 7 months
whats a good gift for a dad who likes planes?
you can never go wrong with a model aircraft 🫡 i'd get an avgeek a plane model super relevant to their favorite things in aviation (like a specific livery/aircraft type/airline/etc), Gemini Jets makes some really nice metal ones. another idea would be Plane Tags, they take retired aircraft skin and turn them into keychains!! they come with metal cables so they stay attached to stuff well and they have information about the specific aircraft etched into the front. i linked some sites for models and the tags below!!!
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sucha-coolcat · 2 days
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Yes google, my favorite artists favorite artist.
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steppedoffaflight · 22 days
Hi! Here’s some information:
https://pitchfork.com/thepitch/chappell-roans-gloriously-unserious-pop/ | August 2, 2023
Twenty minutes into Hilton’s set, Roan is ready to leave—she would really like to find a real restroom—but not before surveying the sea of men in front of her and barking, “Where are the lesbians?”
During that time, she also came to terms with her own queerness. She had never encountered any gay girls growing up, so she thought seeking validation from boys was the only option; after going out with a few, she slowly realized it was not. “I’m never dating a man again,” she tells me bluntly. “I’m not attracted to them, I don’t like having sex with them, I don’t think they understand me, I don’t think they make good art.”
https://x.com/hiitschappell/status/1763625151630098588?s=46 | On Ashley Gavin’s podcast
I guess just in the past six months, I’ve just realised I’m gay, I’m gay, I’m gay. ‘Cause previously I dated men, and did date a woman for a couple months, I don’t know, I think I’m like, for real, gay.
https://x.com/hiitschappell/status/1763626737030832190?s=46 | December 7, 2023
And she said, “you know, at least wait until the third date to sleep with him”, and I was like, I don’t think you know how lesbians work first of all. We sleep with each other before we kiss, y’all, be easy!
https://www.billboard.com/culture/pride/chappell-roan-pride-month-love-letter-1235335682/ | June 1, 2023
“Thank God I’m gay” is a sentence I thought I’d never say, but it’s true. Thank God I love women. Thank God you taught me to accept myself, inspired me to dress loud, and and dance the way I have dreamt of since I was nine. Thank God you support me and I have the privilege to watch you from the stage radiating freedom and beaming with smiles. Thank God for drag performers. Thank God for strap-ons. Thank God for you.
https://youtu.be/6Qv8MySbN-o?si=Cx0-XkEIefOMz0u- | March 1, 2024
WeeWorld, got bullied, got called a lesbian. They weren’t wrong, but I wasn’t ready to hear that.
It’s disappointing to see lesbian erasure in action, Wikipedia is very strict in mentioning details of people’s personal lives unless they’ve explicitly stated such information, and by searching her name or her sexuality, she is still labelled as queer. She has stated explicitly that she isn’t attracted to men, but it’s hard to find a direct source of her being a lesbian online, especially with discourse surrounding “gold star” lesbians and how society refused to acknowledge lesbians who do have a history with men. I I can see how someone would think she’s bisexual if they’ve only listened to her music and aren’t super in the fandom, but as someone who is, she just… is a lesbian. I hope this helps!
+ Some people aren’t aware, but Good Luck, Babe as a song, despite how some may interpret it, is about a comphet lesbian, not being a bisexual woman.
Wow this is so thorough!!! Thank you for this! The obsession with “gold star” lesbians is very annoying, I agree. I’m glad she’s found the right label for her!!
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lexicals · 1 month
Did you get the full color edition of house of leaves?? (If so can you tell me where you ordered it from because I’ve been trying to purchase one as well)
Honestly this ask was how I found out it was available in colour I just thought people were being creative about their formatting with the house jokes 😭 My copy is in b&w I just picked it up from a local bookshop on a whim a few months ago However I had a quick look on the site my sister used to source some more obscure books for her uni degree and found this listing that appears to be in colour? Idk if they deliver outside of the uk but even if not you might have some luck trying this ISBN number elsewhere o:
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greensaplinggrace · 10 months
Hey love how are you? Do you have any darklina fanfic recs where they're both equally obsessed/in love with each other, I read a lot of the ship's fanfic and it's always Aleksander who's more in love who seems more invested even if most of them are in Alina's pov and it's very confusing to me tbh,I read fics for a lot of different ships but this is the only fandom where this is to be a ln almost constant thing even in modern aus which?? I like my ships and my fanfic to be ride or die where there's a balance, I'm reading about Alina and Aleksander I'm not self inserting myself and imagining it's me in her place ( not that there's anything wrong with that it's just not how I consume fiction) especially when canon is so unsatisfactory where the writing on the show/books are very lacking and I want to read about these people falling madly in love with each other in endless different universes.
I got this ask a while back and never got around to answering it, plus since I have been writing darklina fic I have not been reading it as much lately.
so I'm tossing this out there for anybody to answer: if anybody wants to make a list please do! I'd love to know about any fics like this as well honestly.
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ekbelsher · 11 months
Do all you know any series/authors that are as great as ipb? I'm 20 books away from being done with all of Ruby Dixon's work that might seem like a lot but it's really not lol
Not having read any of the Ice Planet Barbarians books, I can't confidently recommend something similar. The only author whose work I've read exhaustively is Terry Pratchett, and like many Pratchett fans, I can be a little unhinged about my love for his books and will seize any opportunity to encourage people to read him (but don't start with The Colour of Magic!). But he was (mayherestinpeace) the master of satire-fantasy, a far cry from the fantasy-romance/erotica that Dixon is known for. Once you're done with the hot blue aliens, you could give Finley Fenn's hot green orcs a try :)
Or if you just want recs for straight-up fantasy by authors who are still alive and publishing books, my favourites are Leigh Bardugo, Naomi Novik, Holly Black and Neil Gaiman.
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tfw you find a breeding project component with the exact colours you've been trying for for 4 years now (but on the wrong gender) almost immediately after having just hit the button to breed your two current components for that project.................
on the plus side, because this new component is a G1 and has no lineage, they're breedable with my pair's offspring!! so I can FINALLY get this damn thing over with quicker if I get a female hatchling with closer colours..... murk/bronze/peach ♀ you shall elude me no longeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer /shakes fist
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