#i cant believe i cant find it searching ive seen that post dozens of times
vidoeslot · 7 months
Hey! So I'm a silly objectum person on the hunt for a post I saw on Tumblr? This might be really weird to ask so if it is feel free to ignore this haha
Anyway there's a clip of a little machine, I can't remember what it was exactly but it was a white/beige-ish box that looked like it could be a TV or a microwave or something, and in the video someone poured coffee near it and it stood up by itself to avoid the spilled liquid as in it grew legs from beneath it
I was wondering if you saw that post or know what I'm talking about, I've asked around and I'm really hoping it wasn't just my imagination
If you do have an idea or find the clip, please tag @sagestone-loveletter (my side acc since I can't make asks with my main)
Thanks so much I hope you have a great day OP :>
oh I know EXACTLY what gif this is, I could have sworn I reblogged it here but couldn't find it. anyone reading this if you have it around you know what to do
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