#good luck my friend!!
bitchybylershipper · 10 months
I've been staring at a writing assignment for like 20 minutes 😭 it doesn't even have to be serious or anything I just have to make the bare bones for a short story to show my understanding of the structure but I'm overthinking sm
Bro I feel you in math yesterday we did a check up quiz just to see what we remembered from last year and it didn't count for anything at all in the grade book and I was overthinking this one problem so so much and my friend had to like hit my arm and tell me to stop overthinking it. Then I just shook out my hands and took a breath and it was much easier to do the problem. Maybe the same could work for you?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 18 days
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The squad of all time has arrived on scene.
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iiping · 1 year
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sumeru boys’ get-together!
(feat. kaveh’s best dish) 🍽🏡✨
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kimquatz · 1 month
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doodled a quick sea goat jishen for mermay teehee 🎣 ^_^
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mathildejr · 1 year
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Oiseaux de l’Orage, more research! Been drawing birbs all week, that’s been nice. Next I got to do studies of - the rain - donkeys - stone towers - do characters sheet (in colour) and then i can move on to comic pages
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hitwiththetmnt · 3 months
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moot @beannary! some au comp support from the sidelines
->Based on this post<-
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ibrithir-was-here · 6 months
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Seasoning's Greetings!
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anemonet · 1 year
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Uh...We win these?
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nikoisme · 6 months
My personal take on Patrochilles is that they are both lovers AND friends. You know how a relationship often starts with a friendship first??? Well they never grew out of the friendship part of their relationship. But their relationship is neither romantic nor platonic. They just,,, are. There was never strictly a time where they stopped being platonic and started being romantic - the lines of the nature of their relationship are really blurry - as they grew older they just started displaying affection in different ways. There was never a need to put a label on their relationship. Because like,, why have Achilles lose just a friend or just a lover - when he could lose a lover, a friend, a best friend, a brother, a comrade, a partner-in-crime ALL in one??? Really drives home the idea of Achilles' grief and rage - he literally lost the man who was everything to him.
Long story short: qpp patrochilles (in a way)
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yeahbumbleby · 2 years
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Warrior Nun (2020—) 
season 1, episode 2 / season 2, episode 8
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mintjeru · 8 months
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duke of the north the fortress of meropide
open for better quality | no reposts
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bi-hop · 1 month
crawling out of the 'university AU' dungeon, drenched in blood, to bring you all new shit
toshiro, laios, and namari, sitting in a circle and drinking beer:
namari: sooo how's things with that tall-man? the uh... I don't know how old he is. that one guy.
toshiro: kabru?
namari: yeah!
laios, slumping over: marcille says i'm in the talking stage with him. i don't even know what that is
namari, under her breath: you're going to marcille for love advice?
toshiro (he didn't hear her): I think a talking stage is a 'friendship'
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disabledpirate · 9 days
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erisenyo · 2 years
The Year Wrapped: Artist's Edition
Because @ash-and-starlight is right why can't we find one for artists, hugely inspired by the AO3 wrapped ask meme from @floydsin
How many works of art have you made this year?
How many works of art have you shared?
How long did you spend creating in an average month this year? Was any month more or less creative?
How many different styles/medium (e.g., digital art, traditional art, comics, sculpture, paper craft, etc.) did you try this year?
What work are you most proud of (regardless of likes/reblogs)?
What work of yours has the most likes/reblogs/notes this year?
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
How many total reblogs/likes/kudos did you get this year?
What's your favorite set of tags/comments you received this year?
What inspired/motivated you this year?
What pairing/character/subject did you create the most for this year?
Favorite pairing/character/subject you created art of this year?
What pairing/character/subject/body part/object gave you the most trouble this year?
What's one pairing/character/subject/body part/object you want to explore next year?
Is there any new style/technique/medium you want to explore next year?
What piece was the quickest to create?
What piece took the longest to create?
What work of yours do you go back to admire again the most?
Did you do any collaborative works this year?
Is there anyone you'd love to collaborate with next year?
Did you create any gifts this year?
Did you receive any gifts this year?
What WIP(s) are you taking into next year with you?
What did you listen to while creating this year?
What is your favorite work that you created this year?
What was your most-used pose/perspective/color this year?
Biggest surprise while creating art this year?
Did you learn anything about your art/process/style this year?
What are you excited for next year when it comes to your art?
Share a fun quick little sketch because why not!
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Modern ZoLu AU where Zoro and Sanji are initially closer friends with Ace & Sabo cos they are closer in age and don’t have much to do with their younger sister Luffy except that Sanji one called her cute for which Zoro called him a creep bc of age difference (Luffy still a minor).
Now Zoro was gone for two years to train sword fighting with Mihawk and reconnects with old friends when he’s back. He goes to a party at Ace’s place and meets a cute boy with messy hair and an energetic personality. Zoro’s automatically flirting with him. At first Zoro had no idea who he was but he had known Zoro and dragged him into conversations and around the party.
Sanji comes in later. Within the last two years he had a lot of realisations about himself and isn’t as straight as he used to be. (How much he changed is up to you)
Anyway, now he greets Zoro by calling him a creep in return. Zoro doesn’t understand why and Sanji has to explain to him that the boy he’s chatting up is Ace & Sabo’s now little brother Luffy who went from girl to boy by cutting his hair short, getting top surgery and somehow gain a scar under his left eye.
Zoro instantly panics about what Ace and Sabo are gonna do to him. But can’t find the self control not to flirt with Luffy. He’s irresistible. At least Luffy isn’t a minor anymore.
Help 😭 What do you mean age difference? It's only two years- But yeah, Zoro would use any opportunity to call Sanji a creep so I believe that would happen somehow.
No matter the universe, Zoro is down bad for Luffy. But I honestly think Luffy would be the one to approach him first because he finds Zoro interesting and he remembers him from when he used to come over two years ago. So they start talking but Luffy doesn't mention that they know each other already, and Zoro is instantly captivated by this guy's stupidity because that's what happens in every AU with these two. They're just equally dumb and in love. Soulmate type of thing. They're flirting or, you know, doing their version of flirting. In which 'Do you want to see my swords?' isn't a sexual innuendo but like, genuinely, Zoro is talking about swords the whole time and Luffy loves it.
Zoro doesn't find out that's Sabo and Ace's brother until Sanji tells him. Sanji won't stop laughing and saying he's completely fucked because his older brothers go feral whenever somebody tries to touch Luffy, but Zoro doesn't pay much attention to it. I think he wouldn't care, tbh. Luffy is independent and he can make his own decisions.
I personally think it'd be hilarious if Luffy and Zoro started dating or having something romantic going on and the only reason why Ace and Sabo don't like it is not because they're overprotective (they are not, actually, those are just rumors and actually the only one who acts kind of protective is Sabo) but because Zoro? Really? Zoro? He's such a gym-bro in every universe and he won't shut up about swords. The only thing he's good at is maths and he won't stop falling asleep everywhere. The guys love their friend, but Zoro???? Besides, Sabo is just worried this relationship might distract Luffy from studying (<- Older brother who raised Luffy like he was his own really doesn't want Luffy to stop studying like Ace did. There's a whole drama about it because Luffy doesn't want to study either but it's different with Ace and-- Yeah. You can tell where this is going).
I think Zoro wouldn't be scared at first, and when he is a bit concerned for his safety is only because Sabo has that "Hello :) What were you two doing so late at night together? :)" type of mom creepy energy.
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I’m going to dance to the entirety of the main story maps (starting with rock your body and ending with darkest hour) nonstop start to finish. May I have a meme to ease my suffering soon? And my suffering when I dance to all the main story maps again when JD25 (and I add all the main story maps from that into the nonstop dancing) releases?
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You want to tell me that this is not how you're supposed to make people play jd with you
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