#gonna be fine...) and at this point we are left thinking that william is a normal healthy msr love child so the pregnancy arc is ok too
samanthamulder · 10 months
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018)
SEASON EIGHT — I will go on record to say this: that I have seen things that I cannot explain. I have observed phenomena that I cannot deny. And that as a scientist and a serious person it is a badge of honor not to dismiss these things because someone thinks they're BS.
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evera-era · 9 months
heal me.
there’s a new medic in town, and ellie williams is about to find out who she is.
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ellie williams x fem!reader, pt 2 here
warnings: fluff, mention of cuts/wounds, medical setting, suggestive themes. wc 1.3k
a/n: first time writing an ellie fic! if this does well i might post a second + third part <3
Ellie hated anything to do with doctors. She could take care of herself perfectly fine, she swears. But Dina witnessed her earning a nasty gash during a patrol, and wouldn’t shut up about it unless she got it checked out.
Word was that there was a new medic in town. Ellie’s pretty sure she’s seen you around Jackson. Walking around in those dumb white clothes, tending to everyone who needed you.
You’ve seen her too. Sneaking glances anytime you could. I mean, Ellie was pretty, and it was no big deal, right?
That is, until a flash of auburn hair ducks into the med clinic, and you nearly jump out of your skin.
Ellie clears her throat. “Uh… you guys are pretty much done for the night, right?”
She’s hoping you would say yes so she could just go back home and rest. Watch a movie, maybe. Have everyone fuck off and leave her alone.
You nod, clicking your pen, when you notice her clutching her side. “But I’ve got time for one more.”
You were on call, anyway, so your shift was never really over.
Fuck, she thinks. Ellie has always had trouble asking for help. She could take care of herself just fine. It didn’t help that you were so nice — nauseatingly so — but she figures that’s why you’re the town medic and she’s not.
“Follow me,” You add, motioning her over to the first room on the left. Even though meds were hard to come by, bandages were plentiful, and you weren’t gonna pass up the opportunity to tend to your crush.
Totally innocent crush.
“So, what was it?” You ask, eyes scanning over the girl as she takes a place on the edge of the hospital bed.
“Some fuckers we ran into, lone group. Nothing too serious... think they were looking to steal shit.” Ellie mutters. “But one took a swing at me and I fell on something sharp. My friend’s been bugging me to come here, get it checked out.”
Your conversation pauses as you take her vitals. Everything is in a normal range.
“The group…” You break the silence, looking down. “Are they a concern?”
“They’re gone, if that’s what you’re asking.”
You felt a light blush rise on your cheeks. Ellie was so strong, and brave. It showed, even in the way she just talks about her patrols.
You flit your eyes back up, trying to refocus. “So can I see? The wound?”
“Oh. Right.” Ellie’s fingers dip down to grab the hem of her shirt, and pull up. For a moment, you only see her toned stomach. You try not to get distracted.
Then you see the bandage under her ribcage.
Your fingers are gentle when they graze over the gauze. It’s a barrier, but Ellie swears it’s like you’re touching her directly. You move to peel it off of her.
Ellie absentmindedly sucks her breath in through her teeth. You whisper a small apology.
“It’s not… bad right?” She says after a moment. “I mean, I’ve had worse.”
She made a mental note to get onto Dina. This whole thing made her look like a fucking pussy.
“I’m sure you have,” You smile meekly, examining the cut. “No… not bad.”
After washing off your hands, you pull up a chair in front of Ellie. She watches you carefully as you sigh.
“Won’t need stitches, and no signs of infection.” You add. “But I can at least disinfect it and send you off with some new dressing.”
“I mean, it’s fine, I can—“
“No, let me.” You say quickly, cutting off her retort. “You’re already here, right?”
Ellie opens her mouth, then closes it. You had a point. She merely nods instead.
You reach down for the bucket of clean water. When you come back up, you notice Ellie has removed her shirt completely. The only thing clinging to her upper body is a flimsy sports bra.
“Oh,” You all but whisper accidentally.
The rag becomes stained as you wipe the area. A few swishes, and the water in the bucket has turned a cloudy mahogany.
“So… your friend,” You add. “Was it Dina?”
Ellie raises her eyebrows slightly. “Uh, yeah. Yeah.”
“She must really care about you.” You say quietly. It takes Ellie a moment to realize what you’re implying. She’s quick to answer.
“Oh, yeah. Not like that anymore, though. It’s… just friends now.”
You take that as confirmation that their relationship ended. And even though in a way you were happy to find out Ellie is now single, it would be rude not to apologize.
“Oh.” You mumble. “Sorry.”
She looks down. “It’s cool.”
You disinfect the wound with some alcohol before applying new dressing with gentle fingertips. You smile up at the brunette.
“Good as new.”
She feels herself smiling back. She wants to kick herself; she didn’t even wanna be here in the first place. But now it doesn’t feel like a mistake after all.
“Thanks,” She says. Her gaze has softened.
You grab something out of the cabinet. Ellie realizes it’s fresh bandages when you outstretch your hand to her.
“So, just… use these. Every couple hours, change it out, till it scabs over. If you ever need more you know where to get it.”
Ellie knows this. But she realizes that she likes hearing you talk, so she thinks of something else to ask.
“Uh, and how do I know what to look for? If I have an infection?”
“Oh,” You say. “Here, lay back. I’ll show you.”
Something about the way you’re hovering over Ellie has her stomach fluttering. You were so tentative. Why hadn’t she tried to talk to you sooner?
“Gotta check it everytime you change your dressing. If it smells weird, or feels hot…”
Your fingers trace over her body yet again. Her eyes are stuck on you, the way your hair falls into your face. The way your lips move to explain everything. Not to mention how soft your skin felt on hers.
She thought the whole “hot nurse” trope was something that only happened in movies. It was pretty clear now that she was wrong.
“Got it?”
Shit. She wasn’t listening.
“Do you get it now?” You repeat, looking down at Ellie.
She blinks before propping herself up with her elbows. “Uh… yeah. Think so.”
You smile again, leaning back so you’re no longer positioned over her. You take your place against the counter.
Ellie didn’t hear a word. But she’ll make the effort now to be extra gentle with herself, because of you. If that’s worth anything.
Silence fills the room once again as Ellie pulls her shirt back over her head. You sneak in one last glimpse before she’s fully clothed.
“If something changes you can always come back and see me.” You add with a breathy laugh. “I’m in here, like, all the time.”
“Oh yeah?” She asks, looking up at you. “I’ll have to stop by again sometime, then.”
Your heart skips a beat. Is she trying to flirt with you? No, it’s probably nothing.
You clear your throat. “Hopefully not under these circumstances.”
“Right,” She says. Her eyes widen as she realized she’s extended her stay. “I’ll, um… I’ll go. Get out of your hair.”
Ellie’s never used that expression before. She nearly facepalms. So stupid.
But then you laugh a little, and it’s such a beautiful sound when it hits her ears.
“I don’t mind.” You add bashfully. “But… you need to rest and get better. Go back to kicking ass, all that stuff.”
Ellie feels her face wanting to turn red again. You were so sappy, and shameless with it. She wasn’t used to this kind of attention, really. She didn’t think people like you even existed at all anymore.
She merely hums, unable to find the right words to say. If she sticks around any longer, she might actually develop feelings for you as if she hasn’t already. So she opts to bid you goodbye.
“Well… see you around.”
You nod, watching her head for the door. You hold the clipboard to your chest in an effort to soften your heartbeat.
“Night, Ellie.”
— part two
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
Ellie with a gf who has baby fever? she likes to visit Dina and Jesse to see JJ and maybe one day r finds a baby outside of Jackson and r is like “it’s fate were keeping her”????
Baby Momma
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Pairings: Ellie Williams x Reader, Jesse x Dina
Pronouns used: None mentioned but reader is female!!!
Word Count: 1,487
Warnings: Joel never went to play golf in this!! Jesse is also alive :)
A/N: No one proofread this so if it’s completely shit please don’t blame me 🙏
Part 2 | Rest of series here
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“Oh you’re just the cutest, aren’t you?” You coo at JJ, bouncing him on your knee.
“Don’t let him fool you, he’s the antichrist.” Dina says with a groan. You shake your head.
“How could someone so cute be the antichrist? Doesn’t work like that.” You make a face at JJ causing him to giggle.
“It definitely works like that.” Jesse argues as he struts into his living room. He places a kiss on top of Dina’s head. “Look who’s here!” You pry your eyes off of the baby to see your girlfriend, Ellie, walking in. You grin. She was visiting Maria and Tommy.
“Hi babe!”
“Hey sweetheart, Dina.” Ellie walks over to you and sits down besides you. JJ immediately reaches his arms out for Ellie. “Hey little man!” She takes him from your arms and you frown, already missing the baby.
“How was seeing Maria?” Dina wonders. Jesse sits down besides Dina.
“It was fine, she tried to convince us to come back, all the usual. We have to head out in a few, it’s movie night at Joel’s and we already have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.” You nod sadly.
“I’m gonna miss you guys.”
“We miss you too! Hey next time we’ll come visit you, about time we see this farmhouse.” You nod.
“There's an extra room so you guys are welcome any time.” You reach over and grab JJ. “Only if you bring this one though.” You smile at the baby and bounce him up and down causing him to giggle. You sigh and stand up, gently handing JJ over to Dina. “We’ll see you guys soon I guess.” Ellie stands up too and says her goodbyes, soon you and her are walking hand in hand to Joel’s house.
“How was your day with Dina?” Ellie asks as she raises your hand to her mouth and presses a kiss on it.
“It was great, I really enjoyed seeing her and JJ.” Ellie laughs.
“Yeah it looked like you did.” You furrow your brows and glance at her.
“What do you mean?” She shrugs.
“Just that you seemed more happy to see JJ than Dina.” You sigh.
“Cut me some slack, I’ve always loved babies.”
“I know, never said it was a bad thing. It’s kinda hot.” You give her a pointed look. “What? I’m just saying, you’d make a great mom.” You smile.
“I always wanted to be one.” You mumble.
“Maybe we could take in one of the parentless children here one day.” You raise your eyebrows and look at your girlfriend.
“Els, that’s a big responsibility, I don’t want for us to adopt some child just because I want to. I want you to want it as well.” She stops walking and grabs your other hand.
“I want everything with you.” Your heart swarms and you avert your eyes, suddenly feeling nervous.
“I want everything with you too.” She places her hand on your cheek and kisses your forehead.
“Then we can work on childproofing the house when we get home and maybe next time we visit Jackson, we can talk to Maria.” You beam at her.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” You peck her lips.
You and Ellie left the following morning, although your house wasn’t far from Jackson, it was still a few hours drive. You had made the drive many times before without a problem, but for whatever reason, your truck decided to break down halfway to the house.
“Dammit.” Ellie groans as she pulls away from the smoking engine. “It’s out of coolant, no way it’ll make it two hours in this heat.” You put your head in your hands as you try to think of a solution.
“There’s that gas station off of the highway, maybe we could stop there to see if there’s any coolant? Shouldn’t be too far.”
“Yeah, that’s probably the best idea. Grab your stuff, don’t leave anything valuable.” She instructs. God she was hot when she took charge. You grab your things and then take the time to admire her as she shut the hood and brushed off her hands. “What?” She asks when she catches you staring. You shrug.
“You’re hot.” She walks over to you and places her hands on your hips.
“You’re hotter.” She dips down and kisses you passionately before abruptly pulling away. “We have to get going.”
“You’re finishing that when we get home.” You say, pointing at her.
You were on high alert as soon as you were near the gas station. It was evident that the reason you had never gotten out of the truck around here was because of the sheer amount of clickers around. You and Ellie had at least killed five each already, and you could still hear the sound of some coming, along with a cry coming from the gas station that you couldn’t quite decipher.
“Stay close.” Ellie whispers before walking into the gas station. As you follow her inside, you can hear the cry louder, you quickly realize it was a baby. Ellie seemed to come to this conclusion too and she followed the sound to the backroom.
“S-Stay back!” A woman yells as you open the door to the backroom. She’s disheveled, and her side is bleeding. She’s bouncing the baby in her arms trying to get it to stop crying.
“Woah hey, we aren’t gonna hurt you.” You say, putting your gun down. “Watch out for clickers.” You tell Ellie she nods and leaves the room. “How were you hurt?” You take off your backpack and fish through it for your first aid kit.
“It’s no use. I was bit.” She murmurs. You frown and put it back in your bag. “Who are you?”
“I’m Y/N.” You sit down in front of her. “Are you alone? Is there anyone I could find for you?” She shakes her head.
“Everyone’s dead.” She looks down at the baby who stopped crying. “I’m Alice. This is Sarah.” You smile.
“Nice to meet you. I wish we would have found you before, we could have taken you to a safe spot.” A tear slips down Alice’s face.
“Will you take Sarah?” She asks abruptly. You furrow your brows. “Get her to that safe spot?”
“Of course.” You reach out and put your hand on her arm.
“I have a journal in my bag. It’s over there. Give it to Sarah when she’s older, please?” You nod. “There’s some pictures of me and her Dad, Cole. Give those to her. Please.”
“Of course.” Tears well up in your eyes as you agree to the requests the weeping lady gives you.
“Y/N, I have the coolant, you ready?” Ellie says, waving the coolant at you. Alice hands you the baby. You stand up.
“Yeah, we have an extra passenger.” She nods after a second. “Where’s your bag?” Alice points at a tattered bag in the corner. Ellie goes and grabs it.
“Go wait in the other room, I’ll take care of.. her.” Your girlfriend whispers to you. You frown more but nod. As much as you wished the woman could live, it wasn’t possible. She was already infected. You cooed at the baby in your arms. She couldn’t be that old, maybe a couple months.
“Hey sweetheart.” You stroke the baby’s face. You hear a gasp from the other room and after a moment, Ellie walks out with blood covering her shirt.
“What’s the baby’s name?”
“Sarah.” Ellie’s eyes snap to yours and she nods.
“That was Joel’s daughter’s name.” Your eyes widen. Ellie walks over to you and smiles at her. “She’s cute.”
You and Ellie— and Sarah— make your way to the truck and make it there just a little after noon. Ellie adds the coolant and turns on the truck, thankfully, it turns on.
When you get back to the farmhouse, you hand Sarah off to Ellie, your arms aching from carrying her the entire walk and drive.
“So.. should we bring her to Jackson?” You ask Ellie quietly as you sit down on the couch beside her. She was making faces at the baby who was smiling. You feared her answer, you were already so attached to the baby, and her mom had entrusted her with you.
“We could.. or.. we could keep her here.” You glance at the girl. She’s smiling softly at you. “We’d have to go get some supplies for her first thing tomorrow, but.. we could make it work.” You lean over and kiss her softly.
“We will make it work.” You move the hair out of her face. “I love you.”
“I love you too, momma.” You grin and kiss her again before leaning your head on her shoulder and staring at the baby.
“She’s so damn cute.” You and Ellie giggle.
“She really is.”
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If you liked this please leave a comment/reblog!! It helps motivate me and it gives me more reach <3
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abarbaricyalp · 2 months
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Short little fluffer-nutter-nothingness-sandwich because the first few lines were so clear in my mind
Written for the @sambuckylibrary Anniversary Event!
"Hypothetically," Bucky says in the middle of the afternoon while Sam is half asleep against him on the couch.
"No," Sam answers without opening his eyes.
"No," Sam repeats more firmly.
"Sammy," Bucky whines, squirms beneath him. "Babydoll. Sweetheart. Love of my life. Sunshine of my world."
"Absolutely not," Sam decides. He sits up, using Bucky's chest as leverage so he has an excuse to touch him, and fixes an unamused stare on him.
"You don't even know what I'm going to say." He's back to fake pouting because that gives him an excuse to spring the puppy dog eyes on Sam.
"Your hypotheticals usually end in us jumping off a bridge into water to escape a bunch of guys dressed like bears."
"That was one time," Bucky objects. He's running his fingers over the back of Sam's head, even while Sam's sitting further back. It does its job of keeping Sam close. Every time his fingers dip to the back of Sam's neck, it sends a shiver through him. "Hypothetically," he continues, "if we left Torres in charge, we could take a honeymoon."
"Oh?" Sam says. "Suddenly Joaquin's qualified to be left alone?"
"He's always qualified to be left alone. Left alone is my favorite version of him."
Sam rolls his eyes. "You wanna leave all the fighting and protecting to Jay, so that we can go hang out on a beach somewhere?"
"Hypothetically," Bucky corrects.
"Four years after we got married," Sam confirms.
"Well, no time like the present. We're never gonna get closer to that date again."
Sam lays down against Bucky's chest again and closes his eyes. "Hypothetically, he'd be the only one we'd tell. No one else is gonna give us permission."
"Well, that's never stopped us before."
"Encouraged us, even," Sam points out.
"Exactly," Bucky agrees. "So let's do it. Let's disappear for a little while. Doesn't have to be a beach. Could go camping or something."
"We got enough camping the last time you 'hypothetically' wanted to hunt down that monster-alien lead."
"Again, not my fault," Bucky defends. "There was a monster-alien in the woods."
"It wasn't doing anything to anyone. You just wanted a picture."
Bucky's massaging Sam's neck now and Sam's falling even further asleep. The argument is about to peter into nothing and Bucky would think he's won.
"What if the world tries to end again?" Sam asks. "What if Captain America needs to save the day?"
"Well, Elijah can stop pretending like he isn't secretly training with all the other kids," Bucky suggests. "He can use that fancy shield Riri Williams definitely didn't make him."
Sam snorts softly. "Good kid. Dunno if he's ready for it yet."
"For the hypothetical end of the world while we're on a beach?"
"Yeah, that." Sam ducks his face under Bucky's jaw and takes a deep breath of his scent. It's the last nail in the coffin. He's got no hold left on his consciousness.
"It'll be fine, Sammy," Bucky promises softly. "Hypothetically."
"Hypothetically," Sam agrees. "Hypothetically, I'd say yes to that. Hypothetically."
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bewareofdarkness · 21 days
FOUR IN HAND by John Lennon
I never see anyone mention this, and honestly, we should talk about it more. John wrote this short play for the show Oh Calcutta! in 1969, a comedy revue organised by Ken Tynan. The skit is most likely inspired on The Beatles group wanks, which we all know about. Four In Hand is under the cut:
(Four chairs, backs to the audience. Facing them, a large projection screen divided into four sections, one for each chair. Three men impatiently waiting. A doorbell rings.)
1: There he is now. I told you he’d make it. (He opens the door.)
(George enters: he wears a fedora.)
1: If you’re going to join the group, George, you have to remember we always start on time.
George: Sorry I’m late, fellas.
2: We don’t like people breakin’ the rules, George.
George: I already said I’m sorry.
3: Look--We gonna talk, or we gonna jerk off?
1: Ok, let’s get started. This is your seat, George. Now this (pointing to screen) is a new kind of machine--a telepathic thought transmitter. Whatever you think about flashes on the screen. Now the rules of the game are this: all of us think of things to jerk off to--until somebody comes--and the first guy who comes has to stop everybody else from coming. Got it?
George: Got it.
1: All right. Let’s give it a try. Whatever comes to mind, George.
(1 goes to his seat. George sits between 2 and 3. Rhythmic music starts. Images start to flash rhythmically on the screens. The men’s arms start to move rhythmically in front of them. The screens facing 1, 2 and 3 show Hollywood and Playboy-type pinups. George’s screen remains blank. The rhythm builds up while screens 1, 2 and 3 are all pulsating with glamorous women. Suddenly, we hear the strains of the William Tell Overture, and during a crash of cymbals, a picture of the Lone Ranger flashes on George’s screen. All screens go blank and all four men stop masturbating.)
3: What the fuck was that?
1: What are ya tryin’ to do, George?
2 (rises, adjusting his pants): I told you not to invite outsiders.
George: I’m sorry, fellas, it’s just the first thing that came into my mind.
2: We haven’t had a vacancy in six months, George! Harvey only left because he got a divorce.
3: How’d you like a silver bullet up your ass?
1 (walking to George): You sure you’re all right, George?
George: I’m fine, thanks.
1: All right, let’s try it again.
(They all sit down again.)
1: And cut the horseshit, George.
(The music starts again and the images start to flash. They are slightly more nude than before--close shots of breasts and bottoms. By trial and error, the four screens begin to form a composite picture. George is dutifully collaborating. Finally, at the height of the rhythm, screen facing 1 shows a nude model’s head, screen facing 2 shows her breasts, screen facing 3, her legs. Pause. The recumbent image of the model is almost complete. Suddenly the strains of the William Tell Overture are heard again with another image of the Lone Ranger on George’s screen.)
George (exultantly): Aha! A-a-a-a-ah!
(He rises. His screen continues to flash the Lone Ranger. With one jabbing sweep of his arm, he flashes Lone Ranger pictures on the other screens as the music builds. As each image flashes, 1, 2 and 3 lose their concentration completely and give up the contest.)
George (turns as he goes to exit): See you next week, fellas.
1: Get the fuck outta here!!!
(Sound of four “whistling” gunshots as each remaining screen blacks out.)
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camillesblogsposts · 1 year
Say yes to me - one
@pinkazelma @lostcasefile @kyleeservopoulos @cursedpixie @ellieinmybed
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You were fourteen when you decided you wanted Ellie Williams to be yours. You hadn’t been in Jackson long, neither had she. Your hair was long and always plaited; you had a bit of a reputation for being miss perfect. Ellie incessantly picked on you and rejected your advances for a friendship- this only spurred you on, naive and sweet. You didn’t understand the feelings she gave you from being close but you understood the need for her to be yours.
At eighteen, this dynamic hadn't shifted much.
You were on patrols today- 8am, partnered with Ellie. You had managed to convince Maria to partner you together again despite Ellie's displays of aversion to your presence. This is what motivated you to get out of bed, quickly getting dressed and braiding your hair, dabbing on a bit of berry stain onto your cheeks and lips. You grabbed your backpack and the sandwiches you had prepared the evening before from the fridge in your shared kitchen with Cat. "You're awful peppy for eight am." Her voice was gravely with sleep, wiping her eyes. "Morning! Did you sleep well?" You smiled at her, noticing that she was wearing one of Ellie's old shirts. Your stomach tensed a little. She shook her head, "Na, couldn't stop thinking about today." She grabbed a pint of your home made ice cream from the freezer and a spoon. "You'll be fine, Cat! Your tattoos are amazing." You put your hand onto her arm to comfort her. She shook her head, taking a mouthful. "Not that, bout' you being with El."
"Oh, why?"
"She's gonna be pissy with everyone all day."
You sighed and nodded, still smiling. "Maybe today she'll realise how funny and sweet and amazing I am." Cat didn't respond to this, rolling her eyes and walking back towards her bedroom. You liked living with your friend. But the fact that your friend was also absolutely obsessed with Ellie sort of tainted that fact.
You left, secretly a little hopeful that today would be the day. You said the sentences on repeat in your head- Ellie will be happy to see me today. Ellie will be nice to me today. I'll show Ellie how strong I can be today. Things like that, the normal chants of your routine. When you got to the gate, Ellie was already there on Shimmer. She glanced at you and quickly snapped her head away in dramatics. Your horse, Cupcake, was being petted by Jesse beside her. He smiled at you a little nervously.
"Hey, c'mon, time to get going." He spoke, helping you up onto Cupcake gently. He patted your thigh as if to say good luck. Ellie didn't say a word until you were outside of Jackson's gates. You were to be going to the library and back, generally an easy route.
"This is the last time you're partnered with me." The sound of her voice made your throat clench. She made a point to always be ahead of you, never beside. "I made you food for lunch, egg mayo sandwiches." You tried to ignore her comment, ambitious to change her mind. She didn't say anything in return, having Shimmer speed up a bit. You were glad for the absolute lack of infected along the trail to the library. It was uncomfortably silent, you occupied yourself with daydreams of Ellie, watching as she moved her hands on Shimmer's reigns, how her head turned to look left and right, the way her hair moved in the wind.
"What are you doing later?" Your voice was a little high, obvious to Ellie that you were nervous to speak again. "Can you stay focused for more than five fucking minutes? We have a job to do, we're not hanging out." She didn't look back at you, continuing forwards. You didn't try to speak again until you got to the library, tying the horses reigns to a nearby tree.
"You got a gun?" She asked. You nodded, looking up at her in a way to make yourself look as sweet as possible, a little pouty and wide eyed. She grimaced slightly, looking away. Ellie seemed to struggle with looking at you for more than a few seconds. You held your little pistol timidly, it always felt a bit wrong. If it wasn't for Ellie you would have opted out of patrols completely. You weren't completely incapable but you weren't necessarily skilled. Ellie was a complete natural, weapons seemed to fit her hands like a glove. You always felt most safe with her despite her contempt.
"Do you have.. a plan?" You spoke meekly, Ellie already walking ahead towards the entrance. "If there's infected, we kill them, if not then we log that it was clear, as always." She deadpanned you. You smiled a little, trying to make it so that you were in on the joke.
"Just stay behind me." She said as she opened the door, shining her flashlight into the entranceway. It was clear, seemingly. You entered behind. You scoped out the area briefly and didn't come across anything unusual, Ellie stood over the log book about to write this down. "Did you check in that back room?" You asked, noticing a door somewhat hidden behind a pile of boxes. She shook her head, looking in the direction. "I'll do it." You began walking to the door, she watched.
You opened it gently as to not make noise, immediately noticing a clicker- hunched over in the far end of the room. You could shoot it from here. You aimed your pistol at its head, a brief thought of Ellie telling you that you did a good job popping into your head.
You missed. The bullet hit the wall beside it and it immediately turned, running and lunging for you- you stumbled back, tripping over yourself and falling. Ellie shot it. If she had been a second slower you would have been a goner. Its body fell, slumping over you. You shuffled away, breathing unsteady as you couldn't control your panic. "You killed it," You managed to get out, Ellie grabbing you by the back of your shirt and pulling you up from the ground. "Jesus, how the fuck did you miss that?" Her voice was loud, ringing against your ear. Her face was stern. "M' sorry, I tried, really." You were quiet, stepping from foot to foot nervously, eyes on the floor.
Ellie moved past you into the back room, walking around a corner where you hadn't noticed another doorway. You heard three gunshots in quick succession, then she reappeared to exit the room and seal the door. "Four. Must've wandered in here during a storm." She mumbled mostly to herself as she walked to fill out the log book. You walked to her, a little shaky and unsure. "Are we all done?" You asked, she nodded. "Keep an eye out for any on the way back." She was walking ahead of you again back to the horses.
Her eyebrows were furrowed, lines on her forehead from tension as she got up onto Shimmer. You were still breathing fast, the edges of your vision growing darkened. You felt faint. Sloppily, you tried to get onto Cupcake. You slipped, nearly falling completely over. Without a word Ellie grabbed your waist with both hands, holstering you up onto your horse. It happened within a second or two but your heart pounded. Her hands had been around your waist. You imagined it again, but this time you were bent over, Ellie pulling you back onto her strap. You cringed, embarrassed to be thinking something so perverted right beside her a matter of minutes after she saved your life.
On the way back, you noticed that Ellie had taken a book from the library, the cover poking out from her backpack. You didn't see any more infected and not a word was exchanged between the two of you. When inside Jackson, Ellie stood for a moment to tend to Shimmer. You took your opportunity and snatched the book from her backpack.
Good girl gone bad it was titled, the cover picture depicting two girls. If you squinted they kinda resembled you and Ellie. The thought made you blush. Surely, she hadn't thought that herself. You turned the book over in your hands to read the summary- it was obscene. Your stomach flipped.
Good girl Amanda meets Bad girl Laura, Laura teaches Amanda how to let go of the stresses that come with being a top student by meeting to fuck her to sleep in her dorm room every night. When Amanda catches feelings, will Laura reciprocate them?
You had never seen anything like that before. Sure, you knew what girls did together. You'd listened to Cat and Dina's stories, you'd made jokes, you thought about it constantly but seeing it depicted in such a way felt so much more intimate. Especially considering Ellie had chosen it specifically.
"W-What the fuck," Ellie's voice startled you, she snatched the book from you sharply. You looked up at her with wide eyes, stepping away quickly. Your face felt so hot it could produce steam. "Sorry! I was just curious and I-" You rambled quickly shaking your hands. "What so you could take the piss out of me?" She looked furious, and for the first time clearly you understood that she was embarrassed. She seemed to pull that expression frequently but you could never prior place the emotion.
"What? No, I wouldn't ever make fun of you Ellie." Your voice was gentle. She grimaced and turned on her heel, shoving the book back into her bag and leaving the stables. You followed after her after a moment, she was speaking to Maria, voice loud and thick with irritation.
"She cannot be on patrols again, she's going to get whoever she's partnered with and herself killed."
You lingered outside, listening. She was right. You felt so ashamed.
"All I've been asking is that you make an effort to be kind to her. She wants to be friends with you, she has always wanted that, why is that so hard for you?" Maria spoke, authoritative.
"Because I don't want to be her friend, I cant stand being anywhere fucking near her, it makes my skin itch."
You felt her words hit your chest, harsh and cold.
"Ellie, you're being unreasonable. What does she do wrong?"
"I'm not talking to you about this, I came to talk to you so that you'll take her off patrols." She was quieter. Your vision was blurred.
"Okay, she won't be partnered with you again."
"No, she cant be on fucking patrols at all Maria, she's useless."
Maria didn't respond. You assumed she gave a nod, the type she does when she feels defeated. It's infrequent but solemn. Ellie came storming out before you had a chance to scurry away. You didn't look directly at her, handing out the sandwich you'd made for her.
"What's this?" She asked, voice sharp. "The sandwich I made for you." You tried your hardest to speak in a normal tone. Ellie paused, taking it from your hand after a moment of silence. "Are you... crying?" She lowered her voice slightly. You chocked a little on your words but before you managed to reply she had sort of stiffened up turned and left, sandwich in hand.
Maria came soon after, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You shouldn't let her treat you like this." She said. You shook your head, "It's my fault Maria, I nearly got us both killed, she's right." Maria sighed. Since you were little it had been impossible for others to deter you from going after Ellie. You remembered being younger, fifteen or so, Joel comforting you stiffly as you sobbed because Ellie had shoved you off and swore at you after you had tried to hug her. "Its not you kiddo, it's just hard for her."
You just wanted to make it easier for her.
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ikn0wtheend · 1 year
thoroughfare - modern!ellie x reader
summary: you knew ellie once and a road trip back home together complicates things more than it should. 
pairing: modern!ellie williams x reader
word count: ~4.5k
c/w: angst, fluff, mutual pining, language, implied sex, hopeful ending? loser lesbians as always.
a/n: um I do not know where this came from seeing as this is quite the diversion from ‘the record’ but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. I was just listening to ethel cain’s ‘thoroughfare’ (as a girlie does) and I blacked out and apparently wrote 4k words of whatever this is. spoiler alert: they don’t even make it back home, they drive for like 5 hours. as always let me know what you think and if you’d like me to make this a series (I'm currently on the fence about it). <3
main masterlist & thoroughfare [2]
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It was hot. The kind of hot that doesn’t give you a reprieve no matter how many layers you take off or how hard you fan yourself with your hand. It was sticky and miserable. You want to claw at your skin. 
Sitting on the sidewalk you waited for Dina to arrive, you hadn’t really gotten the full details from her. All she had said was “meet outside your apartment” giving you a specific day at a specific time. But you couldn’t complain, you were the one that had called her in distress, forgetting about timezones when she answered the phone half-awake.
Someone eclipses the sun from their spot next to you. You turn with your hand above your brow to get a better look at them and when you do your face automatically scrunches up. 
“Why the fuck are you here?”
“Why the fuck are you sitting on the sidewalk?” 
You stand up, brushing your pants off. “Oh fuck you, Ellie.” 
“No fuck you.” She retorts.
You were going to punch her. Right here. Right on this very sidewalk. You were going to draw your fist back and punch the freckles on her left cheek off of her face. You clench your fists. “I’m not gonna stand here and argue with you.” 
“You started it.” 
“You’re really gonna play the blame game?”
“Who the fuck calls it a ‘blame game’?”
“Literally everybody you fuckwad.”
“So we’re calling each other names now?” She places both hands on her hips. “You’re such an asshole.”
“I see you’ve lost your touch.” You mirrored her stance. “Asshole isn’t very creative.”
“Neither is fuckwad, you fuckwad.”
You throw your hands up. “Jesus Christ, you’re impossible.”
“No you’re imposs-”
Your phone rang interrupting Ellie from finishing, what you were sure was a very clever rebuttal, Dina’s name flashing on the screen. You quickly turn your back to Ellie and answer.
Dina cuts you off. “Has she shown up yet?”
You sucked in a breath and pinch between your eyes. “Dina, please don’t tell me my ride across the country is Ellie.” You chanced a look at the girl in question, painfully aware of the way she raised her eyebrows to remind you she could still hear you. 
“Um yeah? You said you need a ride and that it was urgent and Ellie was closest.” Dina stated simply. As though she didn’t know that this was bound to create a mess, one you might not recover from. 
“Okay maybe I exaggerated when I said ‘urgent’, I would’ve happily of waited for you or Jesse.” The words rush out of you, eager to get her to understand and to undo this mess. 
“You were literally in tears when you called and like I said Ellie was closest. You’ll be fine.” She said flippantly. As though she wasn’t a first-hand witness to the shit-storm that had happened two years ago. 
“I don’t think we share the same definition of ‘fine’, Dina.” Her name comes out with a bite. 
You hear a long sigh. “Look just trust me on this. And hey maybe this will be good for the both of you, you’ll finally be able to talk about it.” 
“Did it even occur to you that I left because I didn’t want to talk about it?” 
“Fair point.” She concedes. “But listen I can’t come get you until next week, and that's being generous, so just suck it up and come home. I miss you.”
Fuck, you thought. You couldn’t stay here, not for another week, and hearing Dina say she missed you made you press the heel of you palm into your chest to try and calm the ache. It wasn’t the first time she had told you she missed you since you left, you heard it everytime you called. Sometimes when the time stretched thin between the two of you she would send you a text reminding you she was thinking of you. That she hadn’t forgotten. 
“Yeah?” You can hear the concern in her voice now. 
“Yeah. Thank you.” You clear your throat. “I miss you too.” You really did.
She throws out a number of goodbyes and ‘I love you’s’, words you return, before she hangs up. You take a deep breath before turning to look at Ellie again who was standing there with your bags in her arms. She looked silly, you thought. Adorable. You scowl.
“I can carry my own things you know?” 
“Just get your arse across the road and into the car.”
“Sir yes sir.” 
You think you hear a huff of laughter escape her, you think the heat is making you imagine things.
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You’re avoiding looking at Ellie, instead you’re focused on the stretch of road laid out in front of you. The two of you had been stuck at a stand-still for the last couple of hours, neither wanting to be the one to break the silence. Maybe it had less to do with not wanting to and more to do with not knowing what to say. 
You knew her once, could tell anyone that would listen how loud she liked her music, the way she took her tea. You knew which side of the bed she preferred despite her protests that it was childish to have a favourite - it was the left. 
You knew her. You knew her. You knew her. 
You’re not sure if you still do. Her hair is different and her shoes look new - you don’t recognise the brand of air freshener hanging from the mirror. This time when you feel an ache in your chest it feels like something akin to grief. But she still looks like your life two years ago and the thought that you might not look the same makes you slump in your chair. 
It’s another silent hour before you make your first stop at the gas station, even so Ellie still gets out of the car without saying a word. You watch her for a second, eyeing the way she leaned back against the car with her arms crossed over her chest, before unbuckling your seatbelt and heading inside to grab some snacks. 
You take your time browsing down the aisles, glad for the chance to stretch your legs for a bit. There was something about gas stations that made you nostalgic, something about you and Ellie at a gas station that made you nostalgic even though she was outside pumping the gas. There were too many times to count when the two of you would make your way to the closest one at all hours of the night to stockpile on chips and candy for movie nights. You would walk through every single aisle and she would follow, not once complaining over the fact that you got the same things everytime and they were two aisles over. She would hold out a hand to carry the food and you would pay, swatting at her whenever she tried to sneak her card to the cashier who looked far too tired to even act amused. Ellie would say ‘thank you’ and you would tell her that it was on her next time although you both knew that was a lie. 
So you allow your mind to wander and your feet to carry you aimlessly. You rely on muscle memory to take you where you need to go because all these gas stations are built the same. You pay and try to leave the memories at the automatic doors.
Ellie is still standing outside the car when you exit with a full bag, arms still crossed. You call her name and chuck a chocolate bar at her a bit more aggressively than you originally planned, because it hits her square in the chest and falls to the ground with a sad splat. Ellie looks at you irritated. 
“What the fuck?” 
You wince, shoulders up by your ears. “Sorry.” You say sheepishly. 
She rolls her eyes as she bends down to grab the bar off of the ground, you see the moment her harden gaze softens and as quick as it was there it was gone again. She rises slowly, flipping the bar around in her hands. 
“I hope they’re still your favourite.” You wring your hands together.
She nods. “Get in the car, we gotta go.” Before you can respond she turns her back to you and retreats to the car. 
You puff out your cheeks before blowing the air out and make your way back to the passenger side, dumping your bag of snacks onto the floor in front of you. You buckle your seatbelt and lift your head to see Ellie already looking at you, she raises an eyebrow in lieu of asking if you’re ready. You nod.
The two of you drive in silence for roughly another 30 minutes before the urge to speak hits you. The last time you were in this car, you and Ellie talked until you couldn’t breathe, saying whatever was on your mind and taking breaks to sing whatever song was playing. You fear that if you don’t say something now you might choke. 
“Do you remember the time Dina was learning to drive and she hit the curb so hard she started crying?” You don’t know why this is the thing your brain conjured up, maybe the combination of recycled air and the smell of Ellie’s cologne was getting to you. 
Ellie snorts in surprise and looks between you and road. “How could I forget. We had to drive home with a flat tire.”
You’re laughing now, “And you had to bribe her back into the car with the promise of burgers.” You throw your head back. 
Ellie’s laughing now too, a far away look on her face. “Yeah I did, didn’t I? Jesus Christ I thought she was gonna stand in the middle of the street all night and someone was gonna run her over, honestly I wouldn’t of blamed them.” One of her hands was off the wheel and gesturing wildly. “I don’t even know why she was standing on the road, the car was halfway up the sidewalk she should’ve stood there.”
Your laughter tapers off but a wistful smile remains on your face, you see Ellie look at you funny out of the corner of your eye. “What?” You ask softly, your eyes now on her profile. Pretty, you think.
“Nothing. Your laugh sounds the same.”
You struggle to maintain your composure. “Is that a bad thing?”
She shakes her head. “No. Just makes me remember.”
You don’t ask what exactly it was she remembers, because you think that it doesn’t really matter. She remembers your laugh and that's enough for you. It has to be, because you know you weren’t in the position to ask for more. 
 Ellie hesitantly calls out your name this time. 
“Why did you leave?”
The question was sobering, you were expecting it the moment you saw her yet it still made you flinch. “I couldn’t stay.” You say. 
You don’t elaborate.
She furrows her brow and you have the urge to smooth it out gently with your thumb and apologise for being the reason that its there. “Why didn’t you come back?” She tries again, voice strained like it hurt her to ask. Maybe it did.
You give her a smile. “I am now aren’t I?” 
“I don’t know, are you?”
Your smile falters. 
“Fuck you.” You snap, smile fully gone and replaced with something harsh. You quickly try and backtrack. “I’m sorry-”
“No it’s okay.” You both know it’s not okay. “I shouldn’t of asked.”
“Do you want to listen to something?” She interjects as she reaches over you to open the glovebox and pull out a stack of CD’s with one hand, you remember buying her some of them, she plops them down in your lap. “Take your pick. That Fleetwood Mac one is in there somewhere if that’s still your thing.” It was still your thing. 
You grab something different instead, something that you couldn’t immediately attach a memory to and put it in the slot and press play. 
You had swapped out the CD playing twice before you finally gathered the courage to speak to Ellie again, still embarrassed you had thrown your words at her face. 
“How have you been?” You wince at your own words.
She turns to look at you incredulously. “Is that really what you’re going with?” 
You huff even though you knew that it was a dumb question. “Fine. Why did you say yes to driving me home?” 
“Dina forced me.” She was quick with her response.
You let the words sink in before asking another question. “You still could’ve said no.” The Ellie you knew was much more stubborn than Dina, could often outlast any insisting from her.
You watch as she shuffles in her seat and sighs. “Yeah I could’ve but then she would’ve annoyed me about it for forever, so it was easier to just say yes right off the bat.”
Silence fills the air once more as you think about it. Something wasn’t right and perhaps the stifling air in the car was making you agitated or perhaps Ellie wasn’t telling you the truth. The sky was so blue out here, you think.
“Not everything has to mean something.” She blurts out in irritation.
You turn your head to find her already looking at you. “What?”
“I can tell you’re sitting there trying to pick apart what I just said.” She bites at you like you did her, eyes darting between you and the road rapidly as her knuckles grow white from where she clenches the steering wheel. “You do it so fucking much that you forget to fucking listen. Not everyone is trying to speak to you in fucking riddles you know? Maybe, just maybe, when someone tells you their favourite colour’s blue they just really fucking love the colour blue. It has nothing to do with the ocean or the sky, it’s just something that is.”
There was a version of you that she knew and probably was expecting, the same version of you that had snapped at her earlier. That was a small lapse, one apparently Ellie managed to bring out of you. But that part of you that resides somewhere in your chest wanted to yell at her, deny everything she had just said and say something back that would hurt her - hurt you too when you see the look on her face. But nowadays you’re mostly just tired. Besides, she wasn’t exactly wrong.
You click your tongue and hold her stare when she looks back at you. “You done?”
Her chest heaves. “Yes.”
“Good.” You look away. “Focus on the road.”
You hum along to the song playing over the sound of her deep breathing as she tries to calm herself down. When some time passes you open up a bag of what used to be her favourite chips, you were unsure if she still liked them, but you still offer them to her first. You hold the bag steady when she huffs and sticks a hand into the bag to grab some. You’re still mad at her and you’re sure that she’s still mad at you, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care when she continues to crunch on the chips like her life depended on them. It was all so familiar.
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Your anger had settled into quiet exhaustion when Ellie pulls into a 24-hour diner. It was iffy-looking but there was something oddly charming about it. You follow her inside and take note of the outdated furniture and the weird smell permeating throughout the room, you like it, you think. 
Ellie slides into a booth and sitting across from her you see her under the fluorescent lights. She looked more gaunt here, eye bags prominent. You still thought she looked good. You pretend to look at the menu when its placed in front of you by a young teenage girl, knowing what you’ll get but wanting to look busy. The waitress, Betty her name tag says, comes by with a pot of coffee in her hand, she fills up your mug first and goes to fill up Ellie’s when you quickly cover the cup with your hand. Betty’s look of initial confusion is replaced with a big grin. 
“So, what can I get ya?” Her voice is chipper. 
You open your mouth the speak but Ellie beats you to the punch.
“She’ll get the pancakes, extra strawberries, and I’ll just get some bacon and eggs please.” Her eyes widen. “Sorry-”
“-No, it’s okay.”
“I must be tired from driving. I wasn’t really thinking-”
“-No really it’s okay.”
The sound of both your voices overlap as Ellie tries to apologise and as you try to tell her that it’s okay. It’s okay that she still knows you. You see Betty out of the corner of your eye watching in amusement, but to be fair the diner was empty so this was probably the most entertainment the place had been in awhile. 
“Is that all?” Betty asks, grin still taking over her face. 
“She’ll get a diet coke.” You say nodding your head in Ellie’s direction. She looks away with rosy cheeks.
“Y’all are cute. I’ll be right back.” You watch as Betty practically skips away. This diner was oddly charming indeed. 
You’re fiddling with the handle of your coffee cup when Ellie’s drink is deposited in front of her. There was an outrageous curly straw swirling from the tall glass and the sheer disbelief on Ellie’s face made you want to laugh. You lift your mug to hide your face behind it. It was decided then that you and Betty would make great friends.
“You think this is funny don’t you?” The defeat in Ellie’s face is endearing. 
You take a loud sip of your coffee, eyes meeting hers over your cup. “I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
She sighs. 
“It’s a straw Ellie.” You say, unable to hide the teasing in your tone. “If you don’t want to drink from it just drink straight from the glass.”
Ellie looks you dead in the eyes when she takes her first sip and you try to look anywhere but her mouth around that damn straw. She sucks the drink up and you watch the liquid travel around in its various loop-de-loops, Ellie releases the straw between her lips with an exaggerated lip smack. “Refreshing.”
You snort. “You’re making me jealous.”
She takes the opportunity. “Of the straw?” A single eyebrow lifts in question. 
“No you bitch.” You feel yourself begin to fluster. “I obviously meant of you. Because you got a cool straw and I got this chipped mug. I mean look at it-” you gesture wildly towards it, “-its bright pink and has like a million swirly things.” Swirly things? Really? Maybe Betty is better off remaining your waitress and not your best friend. It wouldn’t be too big of a loss, you didn’t know her that well anyway.
Ellie was laughing, very clearly proud of herself. “I’m just fucking with you.” She says. “You know that right?”
You avoid her eyes that were looking for yours, cheeks still warm. “Of course, no harm done.”
There’s a stretch of silence before you hesitantly break it. “Ellie?”
You pointedly make eye contact with her hoping that she sees if for what it is, an apology or an admission, either way you hoped she saw it. “I meant it when I said I couldn’t of stayed. Back in the car.” You hold up a hand to stop her from interrupting. “I know you’re gonna ask me why, but I don’t know if I can you reason.” 
She reaches across the table to grab your hand that had abandoned your mug. She looked feral in a way, eyes wild. “Try.” She begs. “Please.”
You nod and try to clear the lump forming in your throat. “I think I always wanted to leave, think you knew that too, but I wasn’t gonna leave without you and you weren’t gonna stay without me.” Ellie nods and you continue. “And I would’ve been happy, more than happy to continuing the life that I was living with you. You were my best friend. But do you remember when we got into the argument? The one right before I left?”
You watch as Ellie looks down at your intertwined hands and gulps. “Yeah. Yeah I do.”
“Yeah I remember it too.” You give her hand a squeeze. “I called you every name in the book and you told me that it was suffocating being my friend.” 
She grips you tighter as though she was scared you’ll pull away. “I didn’t mean it-”
“I know.” At the time you wished you had read between the lines to find the something in her words, in the same way she had berated you over in the car. Because she did mean it when she said it and you had felt the same way back but hadn’t put it into words. The two of you were suffocated by the love you had for each other that was disguised as being merely platonic. “But Ellie, I left because I was suffocating me too.” 
It seemed as though Betty had impeccable timing because there she was happy as a clam with your two plates of food. You look at Ellie looking at your hands still holding each other and you think Betty was either your saviour or your worst enemy. 
“Here you two go!” You and Ellie break apart. “And here’s your extra strawberries.” Betty gives you a wink and skips back to wherever she appeared from. 
Ellie looks between you and the food. You give her a smile. “Eat. I’ll still be here to talk about it later.” The words you said sounded awfully like a promise.
Betty comes back to grab your empty plates, coffee in hand as she pours you another. “Can I get you another diet coke?” She tempts.
“No I’m okay. Thank you.” Ellie says.
“No problem, holler if you need anything.” There she goes again.
Ellie calls your name this time, you leave your mug untouched. “What did you mean when you said that you were suffocating yourself too?”
“Everytime I looked at you I felt like I was dying.” It wasn’t a full answer, but you weren’t ready to give so much of yourself away. You feel the same way you did two years ago before you left. “Do you understand?” Please understand, you think.
She looks at you with something in her stare that feels holy, like a revelation. “Yeah I think I do.” 
The period of time between you meeting Ellie and now is often remembered in differing stages of hurt. The hurt in your hands when you clenched your fists too tightly that time in class when you saw her staring at a girl you couldn’t even name. The hurt on your hip when the two of you got matching tattoos. The hurt in your heart when you went away and stayed away. 
The waiting hurt and so did the leaving.
And the realisation that it didn’t need to hurt, especially for as long as you did, left you feeling unsettled. The hurt was familiar, almost as familiar as Ellie, and you didn’t know if you could leave it behind too. Didn’t know if you would survive it. But surviving wasn’t living and this hurt could feel different. Because maybe, finally, all this love will have a place to go. 
You stand up to go pay and Ellie doesn’t try to stop you like she used to. You leave Betty a big tip and she gives you a cheesy grin in return with her thanks. Ellie is waiting by the front door with her shoulders slumped and hands fiddling when you turn around. You walk towards her. 
“Let’s stop somewhere for the night, yeah?”
“Yeah-” her voice cracks and she clears her throat, “-yeah sounds good.”
When you arrive to the closest motel it wasn’t nearly half as charming as the diner you had just eaten in. There was also no Betty to greet you at the front desk, instead a ragged man who was staring a bit too hard at you told you there was only one room left available. He looked far too happy when he sensed your discomfort. 
Ellie places a foot right in front of where you’re standing and steps forward, obstructing your view. “We’ll take it.” She pays this time.
The man throws the keys on top of the counter and grumbles to himself. Ellie places a hand on the small of your back when you turn to walk away and you subconsciously lean into it before you feel her nudge you along. The two of you made the walk to your room in silence but you can still feel the heat from her hand radiating up your spine. You shiver.
Ellie taps your hip, a gesture you remember, to get you to move aside. She swings both bags she was carrying on her shoulder higher so she can open the door and you’re immediately met with the sight of a bed, there was other furniture in the room but the bed really stood out. 
There was one bed. 
It’s okay, you thought. You had shared a bed with Ellie multiple times, you practically lived at her house that one summer and all the summers following. 
“Are you coming?”
You don’t trust your words so you nod and step inside. You didn’t realise closing the door would make the room seem infinitely smaller otherwise you might’ve left it open and just dealt with whatever the consequences were. Because there was still only one bed inside of a really small room. You try and play it cool. 
“You’re taking the left.” Smooth.
Ellie agrees easily. “Fine by me.”
You watch as she throws the bags onto the bed and begin rooting through hers, pulling out an old t-shirt that you recognised and a pair of sweatpants. She makes her way to the bathroom without once looking at you. You huff and grab your pyjamas too, changing into them hurriedly and lying down on the right side.
Ellie turns off the light and joins you in bed, the two of you staring at the ceiling. You hear her breathing and it sounds like your childhood. It sounds like your future too, the one you dream but never talk about. 
You both lay there under the covers on your backs and you think about how close she is to you. You didn’t know how to tell her you missed her, there simply weren’t enough words in the English language to express it, so you remained quiet. You think a lifetime has past when she decides to speak. In a way it had because you feel a new you being created in this dirty motel room. 
“I hate you for leaving.” Without me. You hear the unspoken words this time.
“I know.” 
“I hate you.” She states, stance firm.
“No you don’t.”
“No I don’t.”
You don’t know who reaches for who first, all you know is that you turn over and there she was, consuming your senses in a way only she knows how. You think about her lips on yours and the way her tongue traces your bottom lip. You think about her hands gripping your waist tight and the way she sighs into your mouth, you think that you want her to do it again. You think that everything about this road trip was doomed from the start. You think that it’s a problem for tomorrow’s version of you to deal with. 
You stop thinking when she pulls you on top of her and tugs at your shirt. You sigh into her mouth this time. 
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vinziel · 2 months
He's still got it.....I'm not Jealous
John Dory x Male Reader x Hickory
While on the way to vacay island, you couldn't help but overhear Hickory and John Dory's conversation, they were talking like some cute couple....you and John used to be a cute couple...ugh you tried to not think about it, why are you feeling like this. Why? Is it because you still love him?! No! You should hate him....right? He left you! Abandoned you like some trash. Even if, he's got someone else now.
Once you all arrived at vacay island there was Spruce, surfboarding to a restaurant, you all immediately followed him inside, you come to the realization Spruce actually owns this place. John Dory tries to get his attention, but Spruce just throws a menu on his face, not knowing who's calling him "Spruce it's us! You're brothers!" John Dory says, Spruce then gasp, turns around yelling "Woah! Bitty B!" Proceeding to throw Bitty B around, John letting out a faint "What?" Hickory then just lightly patted him on the back.
Spruce says "Wet Willy!" As he gave Branch a wet willy, Branch then stopped Spruce, saying "Stop! I am a grown up!" He says in frustration "Oh sorry a wet william" Spruce jokes, which makes you laugh "It's been a while Spruce!" You say, giving Spruce a hug, which he reciprocated "It's been a while too Y/N!" He then breaks the hug saying "Also it's Bruce now" "Woah a name change. Cool" You answer.
Bruce sees Hickory and Poppy and asks "Who are they?" "Oh he's/she's my partner" Branch and John Dory say in unison, Bruce hums and jokes "Wow Bitty B got some game" nudging Branch, which Branch just sighs frustratingly. John Dory then interrupts the conversation saying "Spruce!" "Bruce" Bruce corrects John Dory
He responds with "Oh right. Well we're actually here to-" "Wait let me introduce you all to the fam!" Bruce says, leading you all to the counter "This is my wife and business partner Brandy!" He says, as Brandy gives him a kiss on the cheeks "Honey these are my brothers! Unexpectedly" "Oh hello! It's nice to finally meet you all!" Brandy says. You were all a bit confused on how their relationship worked but supported none the less
John Dory then takes Bruce closer to the group and says "Bruce it's an emergency, it's Floyd he's been captured!" "What?! We need to call the police!" Bruce says, John responds "No no! We need to hit the family Harmony. It's the only way to break the bottle Floyd's trapped in. The police won't help because these guys that got Floyd are famous! And we don't even have proof!" "Good point" Bruce says, nodding in agreement "So how about we practice!" John Dory says, waving his arms, a big smile on his face.
Hickory chuckles at his boyfriends childish actions "I agree, practicing will do ya good" "I don't know" Bruce says, then one of his kids says "See guys! I told you dad wasn't in a band" Bruce gets offended and responds "I was! Ask your mother" "He was in a band alright" Brandy says, Bruce and John Dory go to the stage, Poppy asks "Aren't you gonna join your brothers?" "what no" Branch answers "Oh ok, it's alright if you can't handle it Branch" Poppy responds "Yup, we don't wanna force you if you're not up to the challenge" You add
"I can handle it! I'm just saving my voice for Floyd" Branch retorts, offended, you and Poppy smirk before chanting with Bruce's kids "Prove it! Prove it! Do it!" "ugh fine" Branch finally gives in. They finally perform and you just watch from the sidelines. Hickory and Poppy got invited to dance as well by John and Branch. You can't help but feel even the tiniest bit of jealousy, and you're not sure why.
Is it because you still love John? Is it because he just abandoned you out of nowhere along with Branch then just appears decades later with someone else? Maybe, you can't help but look in awe as they perform, you remember the days of Brozone, when you would watch their performances in awe, and when you actually started dating the leader, it was unbelievable for you.
You snapped out of it, noticing you've been staring at John and his new boyfriend for a while. You sigh, just trying to focus on something else, just kinda, trying not to think about it. It's hard. Real hard. So you went to the beach, and just sat on the sand, focusing on the ocean, your mind starts to wander as your eyes stare into the waves. You were in a trance-like state.
You didn't even notice how much time had gone by until Branch had to snap you out of it with Poppy "Hm?" You hum, snapping back to reality "Finally, why were you just staring into the ocean?" Branch asks "Oh it's nothing, don't worry too much" You assure Branch "If you say so, come on we're leaving" Branch responds, you three go back inside Rhonda, as John starts driving away.
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Valentine's Day with Vergil
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You were dating the elder son on Sparda for a year now and thought it was time that you took him to your local amusement park. You knew your boyfriend didn't have much of a childhood so you thought this might be fun for him. "Where are we going? Can I take off this ridiculous blindfold now?" You stopped the car. "Alright, we're here." you said and the dark slayer soon had his vision back. "What is this!?"
"What's wrong Vergil?" He looked utterly disgusted. "You know what I mean. This clearly a place for children and I will have no part in these festivities." Before he could walk away you grabbed him by his tail coat. "Wait! I'm sorry. I just wanted to do something special and I figured that you probably haven't been to one of these places. We can leave if you'd like."
Before he could respond, a strange man in a suit approached them. "What are you doing!? It's about time you got here!" Before Vergil could question what was going on, the man had dragged him into the park by his ear while you followed. You then reached a small backroom and soon Vergil had a small bag flung at his chest. "Now go get ready, we don't have all day!" After the man left you looked in the bag. "He thinks you work here? Why would he think that?" Vergil tossed the uniform into the trash. "I have no idea and it matters not. If he crosses my path again I shall slash him. A son of Sparda is too proud to wear such a lowly garment."
You exited the building and were now free to roam around the park. You saw some swan boats and decided that would be a nice place to start. You held each others hands and gazed into each others eyes as he recited William Blake's poetry. Everything was lovely until the lights were suddenly gone. You had just entered the tunnel of love but your boyfriend was now reminded of his decent into hell. "Vergil, everything okay?" It was too quiet. Suddenly a ear piercing scream was making your ears bleed and you said "Shit, not again!"
You reached into your purse and pulled out a bottle of diazepam and shoved the whole thing into his mouth. His canines chomped them down like he was eating wonka nerds and you helped massaged his throat so it all went down. He gasped and you patted him on the back. Damn PTSD. "Thanks." he said. You decide the two of you try something else.
"Look, they have stuffed animals! Let's check it out." You went up to the vendor. "Game cost three tickets to play. You get two rounds and you have to knock down the targets with the ball." Vergil flipped his hand through his hair and laughed. Seems simple enough.
It was two hours later and Vergil was losing it. "BLAST! WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING!?" He was seconds away from devil triggering and laying waste to everything in his path. "Look... My shifts over so I'm just gonna let the new guy take over." He walked away and you could hear a faint "Good luck!" Vergil become more agitated and said "I don't care which fool it is, just someone hand me a damn ball!"
"Is that anyway to talk to your little bro?" No, it couldn't be. Slowly Vergil looked up to see an employee that had white hair just like him.. "DANTE, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE!?" Dante jumped back a bit. Even though he was behind the counter he still couldn't predict if his brother would attack him in public or not. "Hey, I'm the one who should be asking you that. And who's this?" Dante winked and Vergil started to growl. "Okay, fine. You didn't ask but I'm here so I can pay off some debt I owe to Lady. Anyway I assume you know the game rules?"
He gave his elder brother a smug look and handed him a ball. Vergil was thankful for all the benzos he had earlier or he would have murdered Dante on the spot. Another ten minutes passed. "What.. is it.. that you.. even want..." he panted. You pointed to the oversized minion plush. He was officially done at this point and summoned a group of mirage blades to break all the targets. Dante went to protest but he just flung the baseball into his brothers skull and took the toy when no one was looking.
Dante woke up in the dark and noticed the park was closed. "I hope this doesn't come out of my salary or I'm going to have to start selling my kidneys again."
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transgender-craze · 1 year
When will wood said "they say grow up be a mam cause until then you're nothing but a short haired girl"
When will wood said "i was nothing before, so i couldn't have asked to be born"
When will wood said "never learned how I should feel, instincts somehow stunted, just seem haunted by my stupid urge to protect"
When will wood said "dandelion seeds yet to ride on the breeze, you make a wish upon the dead but turn and call it a weed. Only plastic never die"
When will wood said "you fill your head with thoughts you find you can't even feel. Try to make room in your skull but it's full of them. All of the things that you think and think about thinking. I know it's hard, but they’re not who you are. They're white noise"
When will wood said "and a little conformity never hurt nobody, but lately I’ve been worried that you’re losing yourself. So how many milligrams of you are still left in there?"
When will wood said "baby could you play along with me? Baby would that be alright with you? And when we find out what's wrong with me, could you tell me jow could you tell me how and if i'm still pretty?"
When will wood said "it's lonely out here socrates"
When will wood said "but i'll tell you what i'm not afraid to die, i'm more afraid of what might happen first. Either way it's not like we'll get out alive. I can't say that i know which one is wrose"
When will wood said "everybody knows that, nobody knows that, everybody's in on my motherfucking business"
When will wood said "so come on, William, grow up, be a man, ‘cause until then they’re gonna treat you like you’re just a little girl"
When will wood said "everything's useless especially songs, it think the truth is that everyone's wrong. Still sing along, still sing a long long time. I might keep looking for nothing to find, they say "keep tracking it's all in your mind, jimmy you're fine," end of the line, gaining speed, wrapping trees"
When will wood said "oh are you at all like me? Do you know what i mean, or am i too close to see? Someone, anyone!"
When will wood said "why to thine own self be true when it is you who are the problem, not the things you do but something deep inside."
When will wood said "I might be a saint worth steeple, i might be the brain of evil. Bad things happen to good people, good things happen to me."
When will wood said "Although my eyes face forward, climb up on my shoulder. sure you'll see my point of view, I'd bring you with me to the office in my pocket, but the world would put us down. Lock me up and toss the key. You might seem behind bars but friend this cage is inside out.."
When will wood said "Is there cheese in the great beyond? Rinds of parmesan, wine to water, night from dawn. Life gets shorter, teeth grow long. Mind me not and I’ll mind my own and my mind’s not one bite smaller or lesser than yours. Do I belong in right and wrong? Nature, I guess."
When will wood said "Thursday traction, Tuesday titration. My hope is to assess through my objective report of your subjective conjecture whether this proprietary blend of expertise and seasoning works as well as this transorbital ice pick. Holistic ballistics, you got a better idea? It’s about the best we could come up with. What, you think ideas spread because they’re good? No, they spread because people like them. So here we are once again. Holding, as it were, a mirror up to your mirror. I guess it’s just something people do."
When will wood said "Ain’t your you-dentity at stake? Does aspirin kill you with the pain?You’re not your thoughts, you’re not your brain, you’re just the character you’ve made. Up in your head, down in your heart, what seem like separate body parts come together to believe they’re you, and not just chemistry"
When will wood said-
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multicolorlou · 7 months
Author's Note: This is from the perspective of my self insert, Kellen, but I thought I'd share it so you all can enjoy!! This involves some inappropriate workplace relationship dynamic so be warned of that, but its Matthew Lillard!William, what do you expect?
Also @truecobblepot boo boo pls enjoy 💋 I love you
"Is that a rabbits foot?"
William looked up from his desk in surprise, honestly, he thought Kellen had left already, after dropping some papers off at his desk.
"Huh?" He asked.
She pointed to his keys that lay on the desk, her purple nail polish glinting in his desk lamp's light. "Your keychain, it's a lucky rabbits foot, isn't it?"
She couldn't help but feel the soft fur of the keychain, she had always loved natural animal fur, it was comforting and mysterious, rugged and yet soft.
William was shocked whe noticed, he didn't think she paid attention to such little things, especially about him. What else had she noticed in his office? The stupid participation award he hung up to seem more credible? He was flustered and nervous at the same time, either she'd think he was a loser- or she'd figure out something was up- either was the end of the world to him.
He swallowed his anxiety and replied curtly, "Yes."
She smiled as she fiddled with it a little, "I never took you for a superstitious guy." She chuckled. "They had these everywhere back home, though."
His eyes lit with curiousity, "Back home?" She nodded, smiling. "Where are you from originally?"
"South Dakota, you know, we try to make as much money from souvenirs and tourist traps, so you see these kinds of things a lot."
He chuckled, "I suppose you're pretty used to smaller towns."
She shrugged, "My hometown was about the same size as Hurricane, just different stuff." She looked at him, "You ever been?"
His eyes widened, but when he realized she meant nothing by it, he chuckled, "South Dakota? No, no, but I've been to Nebraska."
"Not too different then," she smiled, putting the keychain down. "Well, Mr. Raglan, I'll leave you be-"
"No, wait-" He interrupted, standing up from his desk suddenly. She gave him a curious look, stopping. "Why don't you stay and chat? I finished up my work early and need to pass the time anyhow."
Kellen smirked at him, "You're not gonna tell the boss I was lounging around?"
He shrugged smugly, "Well, if he asks, you were helping me with something." They both laughed as she sat down across from him, crossing her legs as she sat back.
He couldn't help but eye her gorgeous legs, the dark nylons she wore accentuated the curvature of her calves. He was praying to god she didn't notice him looking.
"So- rabbits are your thing, then?" She said suddenly, pointing to his rabbit-shaped mail holder.
He scoffed, "Yeah, had one when I was little, they're cute little things."
Kellen smiled back, "Im a cat person myself, never had a rabbit, but my friend had both and they got along fine."
"Well, I think we get along just as fine, don't you think?" He suggested slightly flirtatiously, easing his way out of professionalism slowly.
She batted her eyelashes at him, "Well, thank you, Mr. Raglan-"
"Oh, call me Steve."
"Steve…" She repeated back, letting the name sit on her tongue for a moment. He found it irresistibly sexy how she rolled it around in her mouth. He wanted her to say it over and over again, but he had to keep his cool.
"I mean, if I get to call you by your first name, it's only fair."
She smiled, leaning back and unbuttoning a button on her blazer. "I wasn't aware a secretary had such privileges"
He hummed thoughtfully, "Well, I like you more than most of the people who work here."
She giggled, "You're very kind. I try not to be a nuisance."
"You never are… in fact, I wish you'd stop by more often…" His voice trailed off, his intentions were clear at this point.
She blushed at this, "Mr. Raglan… that's highly inappropriate." She teased him, not giving any signal she truly disliked this.
"What did I say?"
"Steve, say Steve."
"Steve." She replied softly, looking at him with a sweet little bit of sass.
"Good girl."
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grendelsmilf · 11 months
the amphibia girlies for the send a character thing 🐸
First impression: oohhh she's kind of mean. i like that
Impression now: literally one of the greatest most lovable interesting protagonists of a kids' show of all time i love her so much it's unreal
Favorite moment: god that's so hard there are so many great moments to choose from. i guess my ultimate favorite moment is seeing her working at the aquarium. and yes i know that's like the last two minutes of the entire show, but it made me cry so hard ngl
Idea for a story: i'm really interested in how she and sasha grew apart in high school. i think they dated after marcy left, and by the time marcy came back to visit they had already broken up and didn't even tell her, and then sasha got a boyfriend in high school and that was really weird for anne, but she acted like everything was fine bc she didn't wanna seem biphobic lmfao. but they still hung out occasionally. so like, them navigating that kind of awkward dynamic as exes who used to be extremely codependent and are now trying not to be.
Unpopular opinion: i guess my unpopular opinion about anne is that her flaws are important to loving her character and they are what make her so lovable, so trying to erase them or victimize her is missing the point entirely. i guess all of my opinions about anne are unpopular since no one understands her, but still. mainly that.
Favorite relationship: i love all her relationships, but like. sashanne. come on. and her mom <3
Favorite headcanon: i have a lot but here are a few: she minored in film studies. serena williams was her first crush. as she gets older, at least a third of her wardrobe are things that used to belong to her dad.
First impression: i guess this wasn't my first impression but pretty immediately i was like "wow her parents must be really terrible."
Impression now: white girl of all time <3
Favorite moment: all of her nervous breakdowns, especially in "barrel's warhammer." she was rly going thru it
Idea for a story: see above, also more about her home life, since we know relatively very little, but i have ideas...
Unpopular opinion: she never did anything truly wrong and even if she did all of her actions are excusable because she is a scared thirteen year old who has never had a positive role model in her life
Favorite relationship: anne duh. she is so obsessed w that girl.
Favorite headcanon: she gets a boyfriend in high school and anne can't stand his ass even tho he is literally so inoffensive and nice to her. she finally understands how sasha felt about sprig.
First impression: i would've been such good friends w her as a kid
Impression now: truly my best friend my silly rabbit
Favorite moment: when she's like "of course i remember your names, spring, molly" she's so funny (that was a deliberate joke on her part to be clear. she absolutely knows their names)
Idea for a story: i feel like i kind of know everything about marcy i would like to know, since we do get insight into her adventures in newtopia from her journal. something i think could be nice is just a story about her first week of highschool, how she's afraid that she's not gonna make any friends, and immediately finds a group of likeminded nerds who share her interests and validate her way of thinking about the world. i actually think she'd be really popular in high school, at least among her friend group. not a very good story since there's no real conflict, but yknow. it would be nice
Unpopular opinion: marcy is a character who is best utilized in small doses. she is not the main character, nor should she be. i also wish people would acknowledge her arrogance more, since it's a great character trait but i feel like people don't wanna admit that she has flaws that aren't cute or palatable. even though it's what makes her character good. lol
Favorite relationship: anne!! their friendship reminds me so much of my best friendships from childhood. they're so sweet together :')
Favorite headcanon: her parents made her do so many after school activities. kumon, violin lessons, etc. she was good at them, but she hated it because she knew that anne and sasha were hanging out without her while she was stuck in a little room, practicing.
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hitchell-mope · 16 days
(The Long Awaited Death Of The Other Most Hated Villain Lex Luthor)
Lex: Samantha, my dear sister, what do you think you are doing?
Mon El: stopping you
(Samantha’s transferring her magic to Kara. And both of them are screaming in pain in the process)
Nyxly: no. No that isn’t how this is supposed to work. You cannot transfer magic from one person to another.
Mon El: maybe in the fifth dimension. But my wife and Sovereign are kryptonian. The rules are different for them
Nyxly: NO! I will not let this happen!
Mon El (slowly walking towards her): it’s already happening Nyxly. Supergirl is getting the power upgrade needed to beat you and Lex. And I will have her back every, single, step of the way.
(Nyxly screams in fury and sends multiple blasts of her Allstone powered magic at Mon El’s chest. He’s not even remotely affected by any of it)
Nyxly (terrified): why?!?! WHY WON’T YOU DIE?!?!
Mon El: I’m a Daxamite “your highness”. You people always get us two mixed up. Oh. And before I forget. Dreamer, Manhunter, Guardian, Querl. Could you please provide cover for Supergirl and Sovereign while I take out the trash.
Nia: on it!
Nyxly: what do you mean traAAAAHHHH!!!!
(Mon El’s grabbed her by the shoulders and flown up onto the top of a building with Nyxly in tow)
Mon El: what I should have done back in the Phantom Zone.
(He unceremoniously drops her off the building, lets her fall for a little while before flying down to catch her and dragging her back down to the ground)
Mon El (in awe): oh my god
(The power transference has been completed. Kara’s supersuit has brightened in saturation to a dazzling sky blue and her eyes are glowing purest gold. But Samantha’s been depowered and she laying unconscious on the ground in her civilian clothes)
Kara (her voice reverberating off of every surface): Valor, get Esme and Sovereign back to the tower. I’ll take it from here
Mon El: on it
(He flies Samantha and Esme back to the tower)
Ruby: what happened to her?
Mon El: the transference had a bit of an unforeseen consequence.
Carter: Kira and Ethan never passed out.
Mon El: well they weren’t kryptonian. The rules are different.
Carter: good point.
Alex: is Esme okay?
Mon El: tell her yourself
(He let’s Esme off his back and she runs up to her mothers for a tearful reunion)
Kelly: thank you.
Mon El: I’m Uncle Mon-Mike. It’s what I’m here for.
Alex (through happy years): we really need to get you a better name.
Mon El: nah. I like it. Where’s the luthor.
William (still comforting Andrea): dead. Lillian killed herself to stop Lena hurting Ruby and your boys.
Mon El: oh my god. And Eddie and Tony okay?
Cat: they’re fine. Kryptonite didn’t touch them. But we put them under the sun lamps just to make sure.
Mon El (hugging her in gratitude): thank you.
Carter: this means that Lex is the only luthor left.
Lucy: yeah. Yeah it does. Why?
Carter: you might be able to use it to your advantage.
Mon El: ooooh I love a Carter Grant Plan. Whatcha got kiddo?
Winn (still at the computer): hey Mon. I think you’re probably going to want to see this.
Mon El: yeah? Oh fuck.
(On the screen Kara’s fighting Lex and Nyxly with her enhanced powers. She’s winning with help from James, Nia, Brainy and J’onn. But she appears to be glitching slightly)
Carter: what’s wrong with her?
Mon El (extremely worried): I don’t know.
Winn: I think I do.
Kelly: what?
Winn: she’s not used to using kryptonian magic. She’s not had any time to practice with them. So
Mon El: they’re chipping away at her.
Winn: and then some.
Alex: excuse me?
Winn: it’s power incontinence. You had to learn how to use Hand Of The Soldier. Kara, Mon El, Samantha, Nia et al had to learn how to use their powers. No one is a master right off the cuff. Humans, aliens, we all need to learn so-
Alex: they’re working against her just as much as they’re working for her.
Winn: exactly
Andrea: so what? We’re gonna lose? After all of this we’re going to lose?
Morgan: well that was a wash out.
Mon El: not now Morgan! I’m trying to think.
J’onn (over the comms): we’ve got them on the ropes but something’s wrong with Supergirl.
Winn: she isn’t accustomed to using magic. She’s going to need all the cover you can give.
Brainy (over the comms): that is statistically impossible Agent Schott.
Winn (stressed out): we’ll figure it out Brainy! You’re the twelfth level intellect here not me. Schott out.
(He rubs his face wearily and leaves the computers)
Alex: where are you going?
Winn: to see my girlfriend. You’re not the only ones who had a loved one on the battlefield. Ruby, come with me. Your mom’ll be happy to see you when she wakes up.
James (over the comms): Winn? Are you there?
Kelly (taking Winn’s place at the computers): James. It’s Kelly. Winn couldn’t-Winn had to take a break.
James: understandable. Supergirl’s getting shaky. What do we do Valor?
Mon El: why are you asking me?
Lucy: you’re second in command.
Mon El: ah fuck I forgot about that. Okay, okay. Kelly could you put Kara’s vitals up please? Thanks. Ah shit. Samantha didn’t give her enough magic.
Carter: why is smoke coming off of Kara’s head?
Lucy: and making it’s why towards us.
Mon El: oh crap. I think the magic’s leaving her system.
(They’re right. Just then Samantha coughs herself awake and Kara passes out on the ground)
Mon El (panicking): Dreamer put a barrier around supergirl NOW! Lucy, I need your gun.
(He flies back down and shoots at Lex’s feet to get his attention)
Mon El: Alexander Lionel Luthor! Your mother and half sister are dead! You are the last one left! You still have time to surrender! It doesn’t need to end this way!
Lex: my mother and Lena are dead!
Mon El: yes.
Lex: of course you know what this means don’t you?
Mon El: what?
Lex (a shit eating grin spreading over his face): I win. Don’t you see Mr Danvers? I always wi-urk
(Mon El shoots Lex point blank between the eyes, killing him instantly, mid sentence)
Mon El: alright now. Let’s see if I remember how to do this....
(He expertly empties and dismantles the gun)
Mon El: that’s how you do it right?
Lucy (over the comms): yeah. Perfect. No notes.
Mon El: well I’ve got a good teacher.
Nyxly: you know, you Daxamites have always been exceedingly primitive but this really does take the ca-ark
(Mon El just snapped Nyxly’s neck with his bare hands in one swift motion)
Nia: holy shit.
Brainy: now why didn’t I think of that?
Mon El: you would have if Nia had been in danger.
Nia: oh let’s not get into that kind of hypothetical please.
Mon El: sorry. Uh. Can I?
Nia: sure.
(She lets down the barrier, Mon El pulls Kara towards him and gently shakes her awake)
Mon El: hey, honey, wake up, we’ve won.
(End of Part two)
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sassyshin · 10 months
Okay about the 8th reinforcement in the anni. i’m sorry if I get any card wrong though  sometimes I do mix those
4* Saber. God I really hope its Gawain. There are pretty good chances of being him considering he’s gonna be an event servant. If they do a rank up quest for him because of the event later I wont mind tho but I’m not counting with that so I really hope its Gawain. This man deserves it at this point
3* Lancer: God theres so many possibilities here to me. Like I dont think any AOE 3* Laner is doing very hot atm. I would really like Taiga to get something this time though. She’s still got a 10t skill cooldown that isnt really worth it. I wouldnt mind another buff for Diarmuid tho
And here’s probably one that might be even controversial but Hozouin because his skills do very very little to him. I think he could use some help
5* Lancer: Karna. Yeah this is me being bias. Give it to my boy. Thats all
3* Archer: Oh please buff Billy. Like if its William Tell its fine to me because I feel theres so little reason to use him over Robin but Billy is so... Outdated. He doesnt even have an atk up or np up for fuck sake
5* Berserker: Xiang Yu. Like straight up. He’s not even bad but out of all the 5* Zerks he’s the one that could use something more the most
5* Lancer. Lartoria. Thats all again lmao. I know I said the same to Karna but yeah. I want both of them buffed. Her last buff was so meh
4* Assassin:  May i have another Yan Qing buff pls, mistah shroom? :3
Uhhh i’d like Carmilla to get a buff. All the Lizzies got one so why was he left aside. I know she’s not bad but yeah
Kerry too though. If this buff is for Kerry I’m gonna be happy
5* Caster: God... Is this a Tam or Merlin buff............ Please tell me its not. I mean if its a Tam buff its whatever... But godd they might be going for Merlin here
Oh my godd
In a good timeline it would be Anastasia... But is this a good timeline?
We will see
4* Lancer: I have no idea. Would they be blasphemous enough to Buff Summer Kiyohime before the berserk one? Idk. Qiang Lyu could still something more tho i guess
5* Foreigner. This is gonna be Summer Abby wont it. Like people already thought it would be her last time. Whatever bruh
3* Rider. Hopefully it is Red Hare. I feel like he’s the one that needs it the most. However I wouldnt complain if it was Rick because its not like he was ever buffed
5* Archer: This probably should be Artemis tbh. However just like Rick if they wanted to give a np upgrade to Moriarty I would be like “sure why not”
4* Saber: Saber Alter. I want both Gawain and Saber Alter to get something
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esherdemo · 1 year
Four in Hand
Four in Hand by John Lennon 1969
(Four chairs, backs to the audience. Facing them, a large projection screen divided into four sections, one for each chair. Three men impatiently waiting. A doorbell rings.)
1: There he is now. I told you he’d make it. (He opens the door.)
(George enters: he wears a fedora.)
1: If you’re going to join the group, George, you have to remember we always start on time.
George: Sorry I’m late, fellas.
2: We don’t like people breakin’ the rules, George.
George: I already said I’m sorry.
3: Look–We gonna talk, or we gonna jerk off?
1: Ok, let’s get started. This is your seat, George. Now this (pointing to screen) is a new kind of machine–a telepathic thought transmitter. Whatever you think about flashes on the screen. Now the rules of the game are this: all of us think of things to jerk off to–until somebody comes–and the first guy who comes has to stop everybody else from coming. Got it?
George: Got it.
1: All right. Let’s give it a try. Whatever comes to mind, George.
(1 goes to his seat. George sits between 2 and 3. Rhythmic music starts. Images start to flash rhythmically on the screens. The men’s arms start to move rhythmically in front of them. The screens facing 1, 2 and 3 show Hollywood and Playboy-type pinups. George’s screen remains blank. The rhythm builds up while screens 1, 2 and 3 are all pulsating with glamorous women. Suddenly, we hear the strains of the William Tell Overture, and during a crash of cymbals, a picture of the Lone Ranger flashes on George’s screen. All screens go blank and all four men stop masturbating.)
3: What the fuck was that?
1: What are ya tryin’ to do, George?
2 (rises, adjusting his pants): I told you not to invite outsiders.
George: I’m sorry, fellas, it’s just the first thing that came into my mind.
2: We haven’t had a vacancy in six months, George! Harvey only left because he got a divorce.
3: How’d you like a silver bullet up your ass?
1 (walking to George): You sure you’re all right, George?
George: I’m fine, thanks.
1: All right, let’s try it again.
(They all sit down again.)
1: And cut the horseshit, George.
(The music starts again and the images start to flash. They are slightly more nude than before–close shots of breasts and bottoms. By trial and error, the four screens begin to form a composite picture. George is dutifully collaborating. Finally, at the height of the rhythm, screen facing 1 shows a nude model’s head, screen facing 2 shows her breasts, screen facing 3, her legs. Pause. The recumbent image of the model is almost complete. Suddenly the strains of the William Tell Overture are heard again with another image of the Lone Ranger on George’s screen.)
George (exultantly): Aha! A-a-a-a-ah!
(He rises. His screen continues to flash the Lone Ranger. With one jabbing sweep of his arm, he flashes Lone Ranger pictures on the other screens as the music builds. As each image flashes, 1, 2 and 3 lose their concentration completely and give up the contest.)
George (turns as he goes to exit): See you next week, fellas.
1: Get the fuck outta here!!!
(Sound of four “whistling” gunshots as each remaining screen blacks out.)
John’s 1969 skit for “Oh! Calcutta!”.
I thought it was funny cause it’s a circle jerk.. And well The Beatles also had circle jerks.
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chidoroki · 1 year
Black Clover ch354
Fair warning that I am going to ramble on quite a bit this time and it’s all thanks to Lucius who decided to be the clever, little villain he is and conjure up a plan that I had very much feared for my own well being and the great turmoil it would inflict on some favorite characters of mine. That plan consisting of bringing even more powerful mages back to life, specifically those such as Morgen and Acier. (I also figured he’d revive people like Lumiere or Licita as well, but nope, not yet anyways. Or he might not at all, I dunno.) Now for Morgen, there’s no way I could’ve anticipated him in this first panel. Acier however? OH I noticed her INSTANTLY. All thanks to those Silva sandals of hers. We’ve seen Noelle so often throughout the story (and me personally rewatching/rereading many of Nozel’s moments too) that the family’s choice in footwear is just so noticeable. Chances are I might’ve recognized Morgen right away had I focused on his chapters more too, but I didn’t. My flimsy point here is my nerves were sent straight to the edge right from the beginning and it’s almost hilarious how quick a tiny shoe detail instilled so much fear and anticipation into my heart.
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As I hoped last chapter, we skip right to judgement day, which I’m sorta on the fence about now that I think about it? Yea I’m real glad we’re finally back in Clover, but still kinda wish we got to see how everyone else prepared for the fight, or their efforts to try and find Asta. We could very well get flashbacks to both later on so I’m not worried. And if we don’t, then whatever, it’s fine. I’m very excited to see Yuno fight alongside William, however where we’re all located right now is a tiny bit concerning? I understand they evacuated everyone into the noble realm for protection, which is great, but if y’all are gonna fight the big bad threat here, how safe can they truly be, ya know? Regardless of that, I noticed Yuno’s left arm is still bandaged up like it was in ch336 and I dunno if there was a reason for it that I most likely forgot about or what (but if we’re all clueless then oooh mystery~). Oh, and because the previously mentioned footwear got my nerves shot, I also took note of how a certain handsome captain wasn’t included in this rooftop lineup and it got me even more worried that he would indeed encounter the lovely lady in the Silva sandals on his own.
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Thankfully I didn’t have to fret much longer to finally see Nozel after patiently waiting for many months! Of course I’m relieved to see Mereoleona, Fuegoleon and Rill too, but also others that haven’t received nearly as much screentime. I genuinely want to see more of Randall and Fragil, and hell, all the Purple Orcas honestly. I feel like they get left out on so much, like we barely see Kaiser and he’s the captain. The only Orca we know a lot about is Zara and he’s..- oh my god, what if Lucius revives him too?? OH NO!.. Ah, I digress, but sure we’ve got glimpses of their magic once or twice before as they each had their brief spotlight, but I wanna see them all have a badass moment of some kind! If this is the final battle then we should see just how strong and capable everyone is, yeah? Also, just realized Dorothy ain’t around? Wonder where she might be.
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Keep in mind I’m still highly anticipating a certain steel princess to descend into battle but for now I can at least take a breath and appreciate this short YamiChar moment. Happy to see Charlotte apologizing for running away so much recently but feeling even more giddy at the fact Yami essentially set up a date for the two of them. AND how he remembered she and booze don’t mix well and offered tea instead, like how cute of him is that? Unexpected sweet side of him aside, this man looks so exhausted. Has he been worrying about Asta this whole time? Or judgement day? Or both. Possibly that.
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Now the calm before the storm is finally over, much to Jack’s impatient and soon-to-be-temporary relief, as Lucius and a newly revealed Morgen suddenly appear behind the rooftop crew. Yeah it would be easy to confuse Nacht and Morgen with that perpetual smile always on both their faces, but the robe here does sorta kinda resemble that of the Grey Deer of which Morgen was a member of. Jack’s comment does make me wonder where Nacht could be if he hasn’t been seen these past couple of days. No doubt with the other Bulls, possibly attempting to locate Asta or something.
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But oohh boy, not even ten seconds into the fight and we already got some serious damage on our side. Morgen straight up broke his blade, put a gashing hole right through his stomach and sliced his arm clean off, all in one move! For a dude who loves to cut things up, this is some horrible irony for Jack. For real I have no idea how he’ll recover from this. Granted, William is close by and could summon up a healing tree or whatever he calls it, but y’all gotta be quick about it! Like, super sonic speed fast considering Morgen has light magic and thanks to Patry we all know how much of a pain that could be.
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Silly me was so focused on the Silvas during the raw leaks that I barely even thought about the reunion between Yami and Morgen. Sure I was worried about Nacht seeing him again, if and whenever he does eventually show up, but him and Yami were real close friends too. Looking forward to see dark and light magic clash against each other this time. Ohh and our captain dropped his cig, so you know it’s about to get serious.
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Now, I dunno if there’s any relation to having Morris paired against the Crimson Lions, but if there is then it’s certainly not as soul shattering as who Morgen and Acier are set on fighting with. Always down to see our undefeated lioness go all out though. Oh, but in this moment I just realized something.. how would Mereo react knowing that Acier is back? Of course I want the Silva siblings to have their moment against their mother, but damn, I’d love to see both women actually battle for once too! Imagine if this was the one time Acier lost to her.. that’d be pretty sweet.
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Okay so now is the time I go full on Nozel fangirl and I won’t apologize for any of it, but y’all.. lemme tell you that this encounter has already got me so emotional (and not much has even happened yet!). Back during ch343, just the tiny possibility of Acier being revived entered my head and it struck me with so much worry, so the fact that it is actually happening right here and now is gonna give me several heart attacks. I was completely fine with the brief moment Nozel and Noelle had with Acier’s soul in 303. It was so touching and that entire chapter is what made me love Nozel so much, as it revealed a lot of his character and finally allowed him to own up to his mistakes, to see how strong and persistent he is and to finally be free. Even though we didn’t get to see anything of the recent year and a half timeskip after Spade, I’m sure he became much more relaxed, since he didn’t have to worry about the curse anymore, and possibly have a more meaningful bond with Noelle. Maybe the whole family is doing better now as a whole too, at least I’d like to hope so. I wanted to see this new, improved Nozel so badly (and I sincerely hope the anime expands on that timeskip one day, whenever it returns), but now I have to endure seeing my man stressed beyond belief because he has to fight the mother he loves and respects so much?? WHY?! I want him happy for once in his life and this is the furthest thing from it! In fact, he looks positively pissed off! I have no doubt his anger is more towards Lucius for pulling off this stunt rather than Acier herself. Not to mention that when Nozel last saw her soul in ch303 she was at peace and finally free in a sense, and now he has to watch her fight again against her own will. Sure he’s probably frightened too, I mean it’s not every day your mom comes back to life in front of your eyes (even in a world with magic), but I think his reaction is an interesting contrast compared to Nebra and Solid. The two of them are in complete shock and look far more upset, which is kinda reasonable since neither one has seen their mother since before her death when she was all frail and weak, so seeing her appear suddenly with all that power has got to be chilling.
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Now then, I could very well be in the minority for this, but whenever Noelle does join the battle (because she will, I’m certain), I sorta pray she doesn’t do too much? Of course I want her to finally see her mother since she died when Noelle was so very young, but you guys have no idea how badly I want this fight to center more around Nozel (and the other two siblings, sure). Lemme try and explain. As part of the main cast, we’ve seen Noelle level up and have these grand spotlight moments throughout the entire story. While she and Nozel both played a major part in defeating Megicula, due to their personal reasons of avenging Acier (both) and Lolopechka (Noelle), it was still our Bull who landed the final blow against that devil. At the end of the day I just want a big moment for Nozel okay? And I feel like him having the biggest role in this fight against Acier would be such a wonderful way to go about it. Not to mention that this man is in serious need of some kind of power up. Thankfully he’s been strong throughout the entire story, as is required of a squad captain, and he’s no doubt had fantastic displays of strength in both manga and anime, but we’ve seen him pull out the same spells time and time again. A handful of other captains have improved over the story, such as Yami and his different dark slashes, Mereoleona’s hellfire, Fuegoleon with Salamander, as well as Charlotte, Rill and Jack all stepping it up during the Spade invasion. Of course I enjoy the spells Nozel uses now, but he still deserves a bit of an upgrade. Way back in ch178/ep108, Acier expressed how excited she was to see what spells he’ll learn when he received his grimoire, but never got the chance to see any of it due to her untimely death, so I think now is the perfect moment for him to learn something new to spice things up! Like can we give my man some mercury armor please?? Imagine how damn proud Acier would be. And hell, if Noelle can figured out such a spell then it should be no problem for Nozel. I mean, the story praises his level of mana control all the time. Also think it would be pretty interesting to see similar magic such as steel and mercury fight against one another, even more so that they’re around the same age here, which is kinda funny to think about. At least I think so, right..? Acier was in her early thirties when she passed so Nozel has to be about the same age now with all the timeskips we’ve had since the very beginning. Anyways, I really dunno how well Nebra’s mist and Solid’s water will fair against Acier? I see the two of them providing more support than anything. Again, they also look a bit scared to even attack her. Nozel might not have zetten like the Ryuzen Seven or anti-magic like Asta (both methods that proved to defeat paladins), but I’m sure that he certainly has the resolve to fight back. The ch303 flashback showed us how badly he had wanted to save Acier from the curse and the regret of having failed and believing he “killed” her due to watching helplessly. He can certainly redeem himself (in his own mind, I personally have ages ago) during this fight and prove he did indeed become stronger than her by stopping Lucius’ control over her with little to no hesitation. Long ramble aside, I just think it would be far more impactful for Nozel to fight (& win) against Acier due to his magic, history and feelings revolving around Acier rather than Noelle coming in later and claiming another victory solely because it’s her mother she’s never seen or spent time with before.
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Oh, also wanted to mention this but the previous chunk of text was getting hella long already, but I wonder how Acier feels about all this? We know from Asta’s fight against paladin Lily that her feelings were still sorta buried deep within, so perhaps Acier won’t go too hard on her children? Or she totally could thrash them..if only to judge how strong they’ve all become. Anyways, do we know if paladins such as Acier and Morgen will die again once defeated? Lily was put into some kind of sleep til Lucius is defeated, but with Heath (who was also revived), it wasn’t really clear if he was killed again or just knocked out last chapter? I dunno. I don’t wanna get my hopes up at the slim possibility of Acier actually getting a second chance at life with her children but oh god, that would certainly warm my heart. And if not, I hope the four of them at least get the chance to say their goodbyes. Speaking of paladins, I don’t think we’ll only have these three to worry about. I’m not entirely sure what all those angel/bird things Lucius has flying around in the sky now, but it can’t be good news. I wouldn’t be surprised if he takes control over more people too, considering he took over Lily pretty effortlessly.
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I still have Lumiere and Licita as potential paladins; half because their magic would be very problematic, half because of the drama it would start with Secre and Asta. Yeah anti-magic and/or a real powerful hit like zetten can apparently cancel out Lucius’ control, but surely there has to be more solutions right? Asta is bound to show up eventually..somehow.. but I dunno if the whole Ryuzen Seven would accompany him to Clover as backup. Would be nice of course and I would accept it, if only to see Yami and Ichika meet up again. I do have a random thought that is sort of a longshot, but ya think the Witch Queen could assist at all? Maybe take control back from people with her blood magic or something? How cool would it be if she could flip the switch on the paladin’s minds and have them fight on our side? It would be precious to see Morgen and Nacht team up as well as Acier and all her children. Or queen could do literally anything else, whatever. We really dunno too much about her and it’s been ages since she’s appeared in the story.  I’d happily welcome her if she returned at Vanessa’s request. Imagine if she and the other Bulls went to the witches’ forest to inquire if the queen could see the future regarding Asta or judgement day. It’s a highly unlikely idea but hey if my hope of having Acier encounter her children was possible then I’m holding onto it! good lord i haven’t rambled on this much since tpn. i kinda miss it.
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